Axiom Aristos Dicom Vb20
Axiom Aristos Dicom Vb20
Axiom Aristos Dicom Vb20
© Siemens AG 2005
All rights reserved
Table of Contents
1 Introduction...............................................................................................5
1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................5
1.2 Scope and Field.........................................................................................................5
1.3 Audience ....................................................................................................................5
1.4 Remarks .....................................................................................................................5
1.5 Definitions, Terms and Abbreviations.....................................................................6
1.6 References .................................................................................................................6
1.7 Structure ....................................................................................................................6
2 Implementation Model Verification .........................................................7
2.1 Application Data Flow Diagram ...............................................................................7
Figure 1: Application Data Flow Diagram - Verification SCU / SCP ................................................ 7
2.2 Functional Definitions of Applications....................................................................7
2.3 Sequencing of Real-World Activities.......................................................................7
3 Application Entity Specification Verification..........................................8
3.1 Verification AE Specification ...................................................................................8
3.1.1 Association Establishment Policies ................................................................................... 8
3.1.2 Association Initiation Policy ............................................................................................... 8
3.1.3 Association Acceptance Policy .......................................................................................... 9
4 Implementation Model Storage..............................................................10
4.1 Application Data Flow Diagram .............................................................................10
Figure 2: Application Data Flow Diagram – Storage SCU ............................................................. 10
4.2 Functional Definitions of Application Entities......................................................10
4.3 Sequencing of Real-World Activities.....................................................................10
5 Application Entity Specification Storage..............................................11
5.1 Storage AEs Specification......................................................................................11
5.1.1 Association Establishment Policies ................................................................................. 11
5.1.2 Association Initiation Policy ............................................................................................. 12
5.1.3 Association Acceptance Policy ........................................................................................ 13
6 Implementation Model Storage Commitment.......................................14
6.1 Application Data Flow Diagram .............................................................................14
Figure 3: Application Data Flow Diagram – Storage Commitment SCU........................................ 14
6.2 Functional Definitions of Application Entities......................................................14
6.3 Sequencing of real World Activities ......................................................................15
7 AE Specification Storage Commitment ................................................16
7.1 Storage Commitment AE Specification.................................................................16
7.1.1 Association Establishment Policies ................................................................................. 16
1.1 Overview
The Conformance Statement describes the DICOM interface for the Siemens AXIOM Aristos® a
VB20 in terms of part 2 of [DICOM].
This introduction describes the application’s implemented DICOM functionality in general terms.
1.3 Audience
This document is intended for hospital staff, health system integrators, software designers or
implementers. It is assumed that the reader has a working understanding of DICOM.
1.4 Remarks
DICOM, by itself, does not guarantee interoperability. However, the Conformance Statement
facilitates a first-level validation for interoperability between different applications supporting the
same DICOM functionality as SCU and SCP, respectively.
This Conformance Statement is not intended to replace validation with other DICOM equipment
to ensure proper exchange of information intended.
The scope of this Conformance Statement is to facilitate communication with Siemens and other
vendors’ Medical equipment. The Conformance Statement should be read and understood in
conjunction with the DICOM 3.0 Standard [DICOM]. However, by itself it is not guaranteed to
ensure the desired interoperability and a successful interconnectivity.
• The comparison of different conformance statements is the first step towards assessing
interconnectivity between Siemens and non-Siemens equipment.
• Test procedures should be defined and tests should be performed by the user to validate
the connectivity desired. DICOM itself and the conformance parts do not specify this.
• The standard will evolve to meet the users’ future requirements. Siemens is actively
involved in developing the standard further and therefore reserves the right to make
changes to its products or to discontinue its delivery.
• Siemens reserves the right to modify the design and specifications contained herein
without prior notice. Please contact your local Siemens representative for the most recent
product information.
AXIOM Aristos is a registered trademark of Siemens AG
syngo is a registered trademark of Siemens AG
DICOM Conformance Statement
1.7 Structure
This Conformance Statement is subdivided into multiple Parts, which relate to individual
documents needed to declare Conformance according to the requirements of “Part 2 -
Conformance” of the DICOM Standard.
• A general Annex
Responding to Verification requests from remote nodes is handled by the AXIOM Aristos DICOM
network application.
Service C-ECHO
User Verification
Interface Verification SCU SCP
DICOM Application
Aristos Verification SCP SCU
DICOM Application General
The AXIOM Aristos DICOM Service Tool application attempts to open an association for
verification request whenever the “verification” function is activated during network configuration
of a remote DICOM application.
The AXIOM Aristos DICOM application will accept association requests for verification.
The AXIOM Aristos DICOM application is able to accept multiple associations at a time. It can
handle up to 10 associations in parallel.
service operations.
association. If the C-ECHO Response from the remote Application contains a status other than
“Success” this will be indicated in the service environment and the association is closed.
DICOM Application
SIEMENS AXIOM Aristos DICOM products provide Private Conformance to the following DICOM
conform private SOP Classes as an SCU: General
After starting a send job an association request is sent to the destination AE and upon successful
negotiation of a Presentation Context the transfer is started.
service operations.
Not all the listed transfer syntaxes will be proposed all the time. The contents of this list is
configurable, e.g. it could be configured to contain only Implicit Little Endian.
The compression type JPEG lossless can be set in the Application Entity Properties configuration
(storage checked). It can by reached via the Service-UI: Configuration / DICOM / Network nodes
For association and DIMSE level time-outs, please refer to Configuration section of this
The DICOM nodes are responsible for data consistency when modifying images. All unknown
private attributes have to be removed upon modification!
Please see “A.3 Registry of DICOM Data Elements” in the Annex for a Data Dictionary of applied
private IOD Attributes.
N-ACTION Storage
Commitment SCU Commit
Update DICOM Application
The commitment status derived from the related trigger response will be indicated in the Status
Flags of the related entity. It is possible to create triggers (“auto rules”) from this event.
The Transaction UIDs of the pending commitment request are kept “open” for a configurable
amount in time (default: 1h). If the “open time” for a pending commitment request has elapsed
w/o a related response from the provider, the Transaction UID is removed and the related entities
are indicated as “commit failed”.
In any case, commitment will only be requested for previously and successfully sent images. General
With a Send Job successfully completed, the DICOM application will generate a Storage
Commitment Action Information that references all Instances of the processed job. The Commit
Request is then sent over a single opened association. The AXIOM Aristos will wait for Status
responses of the Storage Commitment Request. If the Provider accepts the Storage Commitment
with Success Status, the generated Transaction UID, together with study identification data and a
time-stamp, is kept. Depending on configuration, the association is closed when the configured
time-out has elapsed or a response was received before. If the association is closed before a
response was received, the response is then expected on a different association. Multiple
Storage Commitment Requests can be pending.
• Storage Commitment Push Model Service Class (to request commitment for storage of
instances previously sent).
To do so, the AXIOM Aristos will issue a
Depending on a configuration value, the association will then be closed or kept open. In the first
case, there is another configurable timeout giving the number of hours (h) and minutes (m) (by
default 1h:00m) to wait for the corresponding commit response (N-EVENT-REPORT). In the
second case, this time is the (also configurable) time-out for the association. For both cases, if
the commit response (N-EVENT-REPORT) does not arrive during the configured time, the
transaction will be marked as failed. The AXIOM Aristos does not re-send objects from a failed
Storage Commitment result in any case.
If the commit response (N-EVENT-REPORT) received has the status of “complete - failure
exists”, the transaction is marked as failed, else the transaction is marked as “completed”; In both
cases, a message is shown to the user.
Storage Media File-Set ID and UID Attributes will not be supported in the commitment request (N-
ACTION primitive) invoked by the Storage Commitment SCU.
If the Notification is valid, the Notification Event Information is evaluated and the related Instances
marked with the related status. This status is propagated to the higher level information entities.
The Status Flags directly affected by Storage Commitment results and indicated in the different
entities of the Patient Browser list can be one of
The related status flags are set for the committed images in the local database.
The AXIOM Aristos DICOM application will NOT support the Storage Media File Set ID attributes.
HC User N-SET Print
Interface SCP
Print SCU
(Filming) N-CREATE
DICOM Application N-DELETE
SIEMENS syngo DICOM products provide Standard Conformance to the following DICOM Print
Management Meta SOP Classes as an SCU: General
Whenever a film is completely set up and printed by command or automatism, the job is prepared
for processing. As soon as the queue is ready to process the job is activated. The related Print
application will initiate an association to the print destination and process the printing of the
related information.
With no problem encountered with the N-CREATE/N-SET Services for the related Basic Print
SOP Classes the film sheet is set up for printing and the image(s) is(are) transferred to the printer
After the last film is printed from queue, the Print application will leave open the association for
another 60 seconds. If a new film job is ready for printing within this time limit, the job will be
immediately processed over the still open association. If there is no new job, the association is
closed if the time-out elapsed. This is done to optimize automated printing.
During the “idle-time” (no open association to printer) the Print application will issue a cyclic
camera status request (using N-GET of Printer SOP Class) every 5 minutes.
The film sheet is internally processed, converted to a Standard/1-1 page and then the page
image is sent. Status is controlled by awaiting any N-EVENT message all through the transfer
until the last image or film-sheet is sent.
If the response from the remote application contains a status other than Success or Warning the
association is aborted.
Basic Film Box SOP class 1.2.840.10008. Implicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
Explicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Explicit VR Big Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.2
Basic Grayscale Image 1.2.840.10008. Implicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
Box SOP class Explicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Explicit VR Big Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.2
Printer SOP class 1.2.840.10008. Implicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
Explicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Explicit VR Big Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.2
Print Job SOP class 1.2.840.10008. Implicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
Explicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Explicit VR Big Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.2
Presentation LUT SOP 1.2.840.10008. Implicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
class Explicit VR Little Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Explicit VR Big Endian 1.2.840.10008.1.2.2
The application uses a configuration platform to define the properties of the connected DICOM
SCP, e.g.:
The syngo DICOM print management SCU supports the following DIMSE Service elements for
the Basic Film Session SOP Class as SCU:
The Basic Film Session SOP Class N-CREATE-RQ (SCU) uses the following attributes:
The number of Copies sent to the DICOM Printer is always 1, the job is sent n times for n copies.
The affected SOP Instance UID received with N-CREATE-RSP message will be kept internally
and used for later requests (e.g. N-DELETE-RQ) on the Basic Film Session – see below:
The N-DELETE-RQ on the Basic Film Session SOP Class is used to remove the complete Basic
Film Session SOP Instance hierarchy.
The Basic Film Session SOP class interprets the following status codes (from N-CREATE-RSP,
N-DELETE-RSP messages):
The Basic Film Box SOP class N-CREATE-RQ message uses the following attributes (the actual
values for each attribute depend on DICOM printer configuration within the syngo DICOM print
management SCU):
The N-CREATE-RSP message from the Print SCP includes the Referenced Image Box
Sequence with SOP Class/Instance UID pairs that will be kept internally to be further used for the
subsequent Basic Image Box SOP Class N-SET-RQ messages.
When all Image Boxes (including parameters) for the film-sheet have been set, the syngo DICOM
print manager will issue a N-ACTION-RQ message with the SOP Instance UID of the Basic Film
Box and the Action Type ID of 1.
The affected SOP Instance UID received with N-CREATE-RSP message will be kept internally
and used for later requests (e.g. N-DELETE-RQ) on the Basic Film Box - see below:
The Basic Film Box SOP class interprets the following status codes:
The Grayscale Image Box SOP Class uses only the N-SET-RQ with the following attributes:
The Grayscale Image Box SOP class interprets the following status codes:
The output of the Presentation LUT is Presentation Values (P-Values). P-Values are
approximately related to human perceptual response. They are intended to facilitate common
input for hardcopy. P-Values are intended to be independent of the specific class or
characteristics of the hardcopy device.
The Presentation LUT SOP Class uses only the N-CREATE-RQ with the following attributes:
The affected SOP Instance UID received with N-CREATE-RSP message will be kept internally
and is used for later requests on the Basic Film Box (N-CREATE-RQ) and on the Presentation
LUT (N-DELETE-RQ) - see below:
The Presentation LUT SOP class interprets the following status codes:
The SCU uses the mandatory N-EVENT Report DIMSE service to monitor the changes of the
printer status in an asynchronous way.
It can directly ask the Printer (SCP) for its status or receive Events from the Printer
• N-GET as SCU
• N-EVENT-REPORT as SCU In both cases the following information is supported:
Used Printer N-EVENT Report attributes
Event-type Name Event Attributes Tag Usage SCU
Normal 1
Warning 2 Printer Status Info (2110,0020) U
Failure 3 Printer Status Info (2110,0020) U
The syngo DICOM Print Management application supports the optional N-EVENT-REPORT
DICMSE Service to receive the changes of the Print Job Status in an asynchronous way.
Note: syngo does not support receiving N-EVENT from camera during print sessions; normally
this is configurable in the camera.
C-FIND Basic
Basic Worklist Worklist
Worklist DICOM Application
The worklist SCP responses to the C-FIND query and scheduled imaging service requests
(scheduled procedure steps) and patient demographic information will be downloaded from the
information system to the AXIOM Aristos modality. All information retrieved will be hold in the
scheduling database for usage during Patient registration procedure.
Furthermore the patient based Query dialog from the patient browser allows to enter specific
matching criteria ("narrow query") for the issue worklist query. With the response data the Patient
Registration dialog can be populated according availability within the worklist response identifier.
The AXIOM Aristos DICOM network implementation acts as SCU for the Basic Worklist Service
using the Modality Worklist SOP Class: General
It is possible to configure a cyclic update of the modality scheduler database through a
background worklist request with date/time and modality information.
In addition the user can request worklist update with “Update Worklist”. No duplicate entries will
be added in the Scheduler DB. Entries are uniquely identified by the Study Instance UID
(0020,000D) for the Requested Procedure and the SPS ID (0040,0009) in the SPS Sequence
An interactive worklist query can be issued with search criteria entered in the patient based Query
dialog from the patient browser.
After each broad-query, all RP/SPS that were canceled or rescheduled to another modality at the
RIS will be automatically removed from the Scheduler DB if:
1. the Examination of this procedure has not been started or finished yet, and
No automatic clean up of the scheduler DB is performed after a Patient base Query since the
worklist received does not give the complete list of all currently scheduled procedures for the
The AXIOM Aristos DICOM application will propose Presentation Contexts as shown in the
following table:
Attribute Name Tag Query Value
Key Type
Scheduled Procedure Step
Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence (0040,0100) R
<own AET> or <zero-
>Scheduled Station AE Title (0040,0001) R a
<act. Date> or range from
>Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date (0040,0002) R b
>Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time (0040,0003) R 235959.000000" or range
from UI
<own Modality> or <zero-
>Modality (0008,0060) R a
An “x” in the UI column will indicate the attribute is visualized when browsing the Worklist results
with Patient Browser and/or during Patient Registration. The Patient Browser display is
additionally influenced by the related Browser configuration.
A DICOM attribute tag in the IOD column will indicate that the related attribute is included into the
SOP Instances of the IODs created during processing of this worklist request.
A DICOM attribute tag in the MPPS column will indicate that the related attribute is included into
the SOP Instances of the MPPS objects created during processing of this worklist request. ( See
also the tables “Attributes used for the Performed Procedure Step N-CREATE” and “Attributes
used for the Performed Procedure Step N-SET”.)
Attribute Name Tag Key UI IOD MPPS
SOP Common
Specific Character Set (0008,0005) 1C - (0008,0005) (0008,0005)
Scheduled Procedure Step
Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence (0040,0100) 1
>Modality (0008,0060) 1 x (0008,0060) (0008,0060)
>Requested Contrast Agent (0032,1070) 2C x
>Scheduled Station AE Title (0040,0001) 1 x
>Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date (0040,0002) 1 x
>Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time (0040,0003) 1 x
>Scheduled Procedure Step End Date (0040,0004) 3 -
>Scheduled Procedure Step End Time (0040,0005) 3 -
d d
>Scheduled Performing Physician’s Name (0040,0006) 1 x (0008,1050) (0008,1050)
It depends on user configuration (Options->Configuration->Patient Registration) if the "own AET" or
"Modality" is provided or not. Use the "HIS/RIS" tab card for configuration.
It depends on user configuration (Options->Configuration->Patient Registration) if the actual Date
with a full time range or an interactive input dialog for date/time specification is used.
"Modality" in IOD is taken from system configuration (CR or DX)
“Scheduled Performing Physician’s Name” is taken as default for “Performing Physician’s Name”
Attribute Name Tag Key UI IOD MPPS
(0040,0007) (0040,0007)
>Scheduled Procedure Step Description (0040,0007) 1C x a a
(0040,0254) (0040,0254)
b (0040,0008)
>Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence (0040,0008) 1C - (0040,0008) c
>>Code Value (0008,0100) 1C x
>>Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) 1C x
>>Coding Scheme Version (0008,0103) 3 x
>>Code Meaning (0008,0104) 3 x
(0040,0009) (0040,0009)
>Scheduled Procedure Step ID (0040,0009) 1 x d d
(0040,0253) (0040,0253)
>Scheduled Station Name (0040,0010) 2 x
>Scheduled Procedure Step Location (0040,0011) 2 x (0040,0243)
>Pre-Medication (0040,0012) 2C x
>Scheduled Procedure Step Status (0040,0020) 3 x
>Comments on the Scheduled Procedure Step (0040,0400) 3 -
Requested Procedure
Referenced Study Sequence (0008,1110) 2 - (0008,1110) (0008,1110)
>Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) 1C -
>Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) 1C -
Study Instance UID (0020,000D) 1 - (0020,000D) (0020,000D)
Requested Procedure Description (0032,1060) 1C x (0032,1060) (0032,1060)
f (0008,1032) g
Requested Procedure Code Sequence (0032,1064) 1C - (0008,1032)
>Code Value (0008,0100) 1C x
>Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) 1C x
>Coding Scheme Version (0008,0103) 3 x
>Code Meaning (0008,0104) 3 x
(0040,1001) (0040,1001)
Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001) 1 x h h
(0020,0010) (0020,0010)
Reason for the Requested Procedure (0040,1002) 3 -
Requested Procedure Priority (0040,1003) 2 x
Patient Transport Arrangements (0040,1004) 2 -
Requested Procedure Location (0040,1005) 3 -
Confidentiality Code (0040,1008) 3 -
Reporting Priority (0040,1009) 3 -
Names of intended Recipients of Results (0040,1010) 3 - (0008,1048)
Requested Procedure Comments (0040,1400) 3 x
Imaging Service Request
Accession Number (0008,0050) 2 x (0008,0050) (0008,0050)
Referring Physician’s Name (0008,0090) 2 x (0008,0090)
Requesting Physician (0032,1032) 2 x j
Requesting Service (0032,1033) 3 x (0032,1033)
Reason for the Imaging Service Request (0040,2001) 3 -
“Scheduled Procedure Step Description” is taken as default for “Performed Procedure Step
Uses universal sequence match
“Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence” is taken as default for “Performed Protocol Code Sequence”
“Scheduled Procedure Step ID” is taken as default for “Performed Procedure Step ID”
“Scheduled Procedure Step Location” is taken as default for “Performed Location”
Uses universal sequence match
“Requested Procedure Code Sequence” is taken as default for “Procedure Code Sequence”
“Requested Procedure ID” is taken as default for “Study ID”
"Names of intended Recipients of Results" are added to the list of "Physician(s) of Record"
"Requesting Physician" is added to the list of "Physician(s) of Record"
Attribute Name Tag Key UI IOD MPPS
Issuing Date of Imaging Service Request (0040,2004) 3 -
Issuing Time of Imaging Service Request (0040,2005) 3 -
Placer Order Number / Imaging Service Request (0040,2016) 3 - (0040,2016)
Filler Order Number / Imaging Service Request (0040,2017) 3 - (0040,2017)
Order entered by … (0040,2008) 3 -
Order Enterer’s location (0040,2009) 3 -
Order Callback Phone Number (0040,2010) 3 -
Imaging Service Request Comments (0040,2400) 3 x
Visit Identification
Institution Name (0008,0080) 3 x (0008,0080)
Institution Address (0008,0081) 3 - (0008,0081)
Admission ID (0038,0010) 2 x
Issuer of Admission ID (0038,0011) 3 -
Visit Status
Current Patient Location (0038,0300) 2 x
Visit Relationship
Referenced Study Sequence (0008,1110) 3 - (0008,1110) (0008,1110)
>Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) 1C -
>Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) 1C -
Referenced Patient Sequence (0008,1120) 2 - (0008,1120) (0008,1120)
>Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) 1C -
>Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) 1C -
Visit Admission
Referring Physician’s Name (0008,0090) 2 x (0008,0090)
Admitting Diagnoses Description (0008,1080) 3 x (0008,1080)
Patient Identification
Patient’s Name (0010,0010) 1 x (0010,0010) (0010,0010)
Patient ID (0010,0020) 1 x (0010,0020) (0010,0020)
Other Patient IDs (0010,1000) 3 x (0010,1000)
Other Patient Names (0010,1001) 3 x (0010,1001)
Patient Demographic
Patient’s Birth Date (0010,0030) 2 x (0010,0030) (0010,0030)
Patient’s Sex (0010,0040) 2 x (0010,0040) (0010,0040)
Patient’s Size (0010,1020) 3 x (0010,1020)
Patient’s Weight (0010,1030) 2 x (0010,1030)
Patient’s Address (0010,1040) 3 x (0010,1040)
Military Rank (0010,1080) 3 x (0010,1080)
Ethnic Group (0010,2160) 3 x (0010,2160)
Patient Comments (0010,4000) 3 x (0010,4000)
Patient Data Confidentiality Constraint Description (0040,3001) 2 - (0040,3001)
Patient Medical
Medical Alerts (0010,2000) 2 x (0010,2000)
Contrast Allergies (0010,2110) 2 x (0010,2110)
Pregnancy Status (0010,21C0) 2 x (0010,21C0)
Smoking Status (0010,21A0) 3 x (0010,21A0)
Last Menstrual Date (0010,21D0) 3 x (0010,21D0)
Additional Patient History (0010,21B0) 3 x (0010,21B0)
Special Needs (0038,0050) 2 x (0038,0050)
Old tag (0040,2006) is retired and not used.
Old tag (0040,2007) is retired and not used.
Uses universal sequence match
Attribute Name Tag Key UI IOD MPPS
Patient State (0038,0500) 2 x (0038,0500)
Patient Relationship
Referenced Study Sequence (0008,1110) 3 -
>Referenced SOP Class UID (0008,1150) 1C -
>Referenced SOP Instance UID (0008,1155) 1C -
Attribute Name Tag Query Value
Key Type
Scheduled Procedure Step
Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence (0040,0100) R
>Scheduled Performing Physician’s Name (0040,0006) R input from UI or <zero-length>
Requested Procedure
Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001) O input from UI or <zero-length>
Imaging Service Request
Accession Number (0008,0050) O input from UI or <zero-length>
Referring Physician’s Name (0008,0090) O input from UI or <zero-length>
Visit Status
Current Patient Location (0038,0300) O input from UI or <zero-length>
Patient Identification
Patient’s Name (0010,0010) R input from UI or <zero-length>
Patient ID (0010,0020) R input from UI or <zero-length>
It is configurable to use additionally the search keys from the broad query ("Modality", "Scheduled
Station AE Title", "Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date" and "Scheduled Procedure Step Start
Update DICOM Application
It is configurable to set the states of all related MPPS to "Completed" when a patient is closed.
Furthermore a manual update can be performed with the AXIOM Aristos MPPS user interface.
DICOM application will no longer allow updates on the related MPPS Instance when the state is
set to "Completed" or "Discontinued".
The AXIOM Aristos will support creation of “unscheduled cases” by allowing MPPS Instances to
be communicated for locally registered Patients.
13 AE Specification MPPS
SIEMENS AXIOM Aristos DICOM products provide Standard Conformance to the following
DICOM SOP Class as an SCU: General
The creation of MPPS Instance is done automatically by AXIOM Aristos whenever a patient is
registered for image acquisition through the Patient Registration dialog.
Further updates on the MPPS data can be done interactively from the related MPPS user
interface. The MPPS “Complete” or “Discontinued” states can only be set from user interface.
• Modality Performed Procedure Step Service Class (to notify a RIS about status of a
procedure while it is performed).
• N-CREATE DIMSE according to the CREATE Modality Performed Procedure Step SOP
Instance operation or a
• N-SET DIMSE to update the contents and state of the MPPS according to the SET
Modality Performed Procedure Step Information operation.
Error Codes
Service Status Meaning
Processing Failure 0110
No such attribute 0105
Invalid attribute value 0106
Duplicate SOP Instance 0111
No such SOP Instance 0112
No such SOP Class 0118
Class Instance conflict 0119
Missing attribute 0120
Missing attribute value 0121
Resource limitation 0213
Success MPPS Instance created 0000
Error Codes
Service Status Meaning
Processing Failure: Performed Procedure Step Object
may no longer be updated.
No such attribute 0105
Invalid attribute value 0106
No such SOP Instance 0112
Failure Invalid Object instance 0117
No such SOP Class 0118
Class Instance conflict 0119
Missing attribute value 0121
Resource limitation 0213
Success MPPS Instance set 0000
14 Communication Profiles API
The AXIOM Aristos DICOM application uses the MergeCOM library that is based on a TCP/IP
socket interface.
16 Configuration
Note: the current implementation of syngo does not support the full DICOM Standard. Spaces
and special characters (like &<> ") in the AE title string are not supported.
The own port number of the AXIOM Aristos is set to the fixed value of 104.
The AXIOM Aristos Service/Installation Tool can be used to configure whether the association will
be kept open to receive the Storage Commitment response or to close the association and be
prepared to receive the response on another association. A time-out can be configured that
defines how long the association of N-ACTION is kept to receive a N-EVENT-REPORT on the
same association. The same value is used to wait for a N-EVENT-REPORT on an other
association. (default 1 h)
The user can select the compression mode for each SCP separately.
16.2.2 Print
The AXIOM Aristos Service/Installation Tool can be used to configure the SCP (DICOM-Printer).
These parameters are mandatory to set:
• host-name
• IP-address
• Port-number
These parameters have defaults as per configuration file and can be changed:
• default camera (yes/no)
• pixel size
• additional or changed film sheet formats (e.g. inch 14x14, inch 14x17, ...)
• list with mapping pixel size to each film sheet format
• minimal density
• stored printed film jobs
• media type
• film destination
• Query Waiting time - the time to wait for the C-FIND-RSP after sending the C-FIND-RQ
(default 20 sec.)
• Max Query Match Number - the maximum number of entries accepted in one worklist
(default is 200, maximum is 999)
• Query Interval: the time between two C-FIND-RQ to the Hospital Information system
(default is 60 min., maximum is 1440 min.)
Broad Worklist Query behavior (two values are defined):
• Set the AE Title search attribute to the own AE Title, and the Modality search attribute to
• Set the Modality search attribute to the own modality and the AE Title search attribute to
Also the Japanese language character sets JIS X 0201 (ISO-IR 13 Japanese katakana and ISO-
IR 14 Japanese romaji), JIS X 0208 (ISO-IR 87 Japanese kanji) and JIS X 0212 (ISO-IR 159
Supplementary Japanese kanji) are supported.
The Siemens “Non-Image IOD” is identified by a private Non-Image Storage SOP Class UID of
1 1
includes 1
1 1-n
Comprised Comprised
of of
1-n 1-n
1 1 1 1-n
includes includes contains See Note
0-1 1-n
Frame of Spatially
Reference Defines
1 1-n
Equipment creates
0-1 0-n
Report Ammendment
Curve Image Non-Image
0-n 0-n 0-n
Radiotherapy Lookup
Objects Table
All SOP classes may contain additional type 3 attributes that DICOM standard defines in a
different DICOM IOD or DICOM SOP class (attributes from Normalized SOP classes). The
"Computed Radiography Image Storage SOP Class" contains attributes that the DICOM standard
defines in the "Digital X-Ray Image Storage - For Presentation SOP Class"
Value 1 shall identify the Pixel Data Characteristics; Enumerated Values for the Pixel Data
Characteristics are:
• ORIGINAL = identifies an Original Image
• DERIVED = identifies a Derived Image (e.g. flipped, rotated etc.)
Value 2 shall identify the Patient Examination Characteristics; Enumerated Values for the
Patient Examination Characteristics are:
• PRIMARY = identifies a Primary Image
• SECONDARY = identifies a Secondary Image (e.g. flipped, rotated etc.)
Value 3 shall identify any Image IOD specific specialization: not used
Value 4 that is implementation specific, the following terms are defined in addition to the DICOM
standard definitions:
• ORTHO = identifies images acquired during an ortho stepping acquisition
• TOMO = identifies images acquired during an tomography acquisition
• CSA RESAMPLED = identifies images that were flipped or rotated
Value 5 that is implementation specific, the following term is used in addition to the DICOM
standard definitions:
• EXAM PROTOCOL = identifies the Aristos Non-Image object
The Defined Terms for this value were extended for the AXIOM Aristos. Here there are additional
possibilities to position the patient towards the imaging equipment (i.e. detector).
It should be considered that "Pixel Spacing" is only defined for image IODs using the Image
Plane Module. When this tag is used within the AXIOM Aristos the user has to consider a
magnification factor due to the X-Ray projection.
• Interact: The user has to react in near future, but not immediately.
Example: A camera was low in 8x10 clear sheets: LOW 8x10 CLR was sent by n-event-
• Queue Stopped: The user has to react immediately. Either the camera needs immediate
interaction or a job has been aborted.
Example: A camera is out of 8x10 clear sheets, or camera is down, or a film job is aborted.
Note: different camera symbols are displayed according to the Printer Status Info.
The Printer Status (Success, Warning, Failure) is not evaluated, since the Printer Status Info is
much more detailed and allows a more appropriate reaction of the system.
Printer Status Info/ Message string visible Other action for UI/
Execution Status Info in ‘Status Bar’ ’camera symbol’
Queue stopped
The 8x10 inch film supply magazine is
EMPTY 8x10 8x10 film supply empty. <None>/interact
The 8x10 inch blue film supply 8x10 blue film supply
EMPTY 8x10 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 8x10 inch clear film supply 8x10 clear film supply
EMPTY 8x10 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 8x10 inch paper supply magazine
EMPTY 8x10 PAPR 8x10 paper supply empty. <None>/interact
is empty.
The 10x12 inch film supply magazine is
EMPTY 10x12 10x12 film supply empty. <None>/interact
The 10x12 inch blue film supply 10x12 blue film supply
EMPTY 10x12 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 10x12 inch clear film supply 10x12 clear film supply
EMPTY 10x12 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 10x12 inch paper supply magazine 10x12 paper supply
EMPTY 10x12 PAPR <None>/interact
is empty. empty.
The 10x14 inch film supply magazine is
EMPTY 10x14 10x14 film supply empty. <None>/interact
The 10x14 inch blue film supply 10x14 blue film supply
EMPTY 10x14 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 10x14 inch clear film supply 10x14 clear film supply
EMPTY 10x14 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 10x14 inch paper supply magazine 10x14 paper supply
EMPTY 10x14 PAPR <None>/interact
is empty. empty.
The 11x14 inch film supply magazine is
EMPTY 11x14 11x14 film supply empty. <None>/interact
The 11x14 inch blue film supply 11x14 blue film supply
EMPTY 11x14 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 11x14 inch clear film supply 11x14 clear film supply
EMPTY 11x14 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 11x14 inch paper supply magazine 11x14 paper supply
EMPTY 11x14 PAPR <None>/interact
is empty. empty.
The 14x14 inch film supply magazine is
EMPTY 14x14 14x14 film supply empty. <None>/interact
The 14x14 inch blue film supply 14x14 blue film supply
EMPTY 14x14 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 14x14 inch clear film supply 14x14 clear film supply
EMPTY 14x14 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 14x14 inch paper supply magazine 14x14 paper supply
EMPTY 14x14 PAPR <None>/interact
is empty. empty.
The 14x17 inch film supply magazine is
EMPTY 14x17 14x17 film supply empty. <None>/interact
The 14x17 inch blue film supply 14x17 blue film supply
EMPTY 14x17 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 14x17 inch clear film supply 14x17 clear film supply
EMPTY 14x17 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 14x17 inch paper supply magazine 14x17 paper supply
EMPTY 14x17 PAPR <None>/interact
is empty. empty.
The 24x24 inch film supply magazine is
EMPTY 24x24 24x24 film supply empty. <None>/interact
The 24x24 inch blue film supply 24x24 blue film supply
EMPTY 24x24 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 24x24 inch clear film supply 24x24 clear film supply
EMPTY 24x24 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 24x24 inch paper supply magazine 24x24 paper supply
EMPTY 24x24 PAPR <None>/interact
is empty. empty
The 24x30 inch film supply magazine is
EMPTY 24x30 24x30 film supply empty. <None>/interact
The 24x30 inch blue film supply 24x30 blue film supply
EMPTY 24x30 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 24x30 inch clear film supply 24x30 clear film supply
EMPTY 24x30 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is empty. empty.
The 24x30 inch paper supply magazine 24x30 paper supply
EMPTY 24x30 PAPR <None>/interact
is empty. empty.
The A4 paper supply magazine is
EMPTY A4 PAPR A4 paper supply empty <None>/interact
The A4 transparency supply magazine A4 transparency supply
EMPTY A4 TRANS <None>/interact
is empty. empty.
Printer Status Info/ Message string visible Other action for UI/
Execution Status Info in ‘Status Bar’ ’camera symbol’
The exposure device has failed due to Exposure device has
EXPOSURE FAILURE <None>/interact
some unspecified reason. failed.
A film transport error has occurred and
FILM JAM a film is jammed in the printer or Film jam. <None>/interact
There is a malfunction with the film
FILM TRANSP ERR transport, there may or may not be a Film transport problem. <None>/interact
film jam.
FINISHER EMPTY The finisher is empty. Finisher is empty. <None>/interact
The finisher is not operating due to
FINISHER ERROR Finisher problem. <None>/interact
some unspecified reason
FINISHER LOW The finisher is low on supplies. Finisher low. <None>/interact
The 8x10 inch film supply magazine is
LOW 8x10 8x10 film supply low. <None>/interact
The 8x10 inch blue film supply
LOW 8x10 BLUE 8x10 blue film supply low. <None>/interact
magazine is low.
The 8x10 inch clear film supply 8x10 clear film supply
LOW 8x10 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 8x10 inch paper supply magazine
LOW 8x10 PAPR 8x10 paper supply low. <None>/interact
is low.
The 10x12 inch film supply magazine is
LOW 10x12 10x12 film supply low. <None>/interact
The 10x12 inch blue film supply 10x12 blue film supply
LOW 10x12 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 10x12 inch clear film supply 10x12 clear film supply
LOW 10x12 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 10x12 inch paper supply magazine
LOW 10x12 PAPR 10x12 paper supply low. <None>/interact
is low.
The 10x14 inch film supply magazine is
LOW 10x14 10x14 film supply low. <None>/interact
The 10x14 inch blue film supply 10x14 blue film supply
LOW 10x14 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 10x14 inch clear film supply 10x14 clear film supply
LOW 10x14 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 10x14 inch paper supply magazine
LOW 10x14 PAPR 10x14 paper supply low. <None>/interact
is low.
The 11x14 inch film supply magazine is
LOW 11x14 11x14 film supply low. <None>/interact
The 11x14 inch blue film supply 11x14 blue film supply
LOW 11x14 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 11x14 inch clear film supply 11x14 clear film supply
LOW 11x14 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 11x14 inch paper supply magazine
LOW 11x14 PAPR 11x14 paper supply low. <None>/interact
is low.
The 14x14 inch film supply magazine is
LOW 14x14 14x14 film supply low. <None>/interact
The 14x14 inch blue film supply 14x14 blue film supply
LOW 14x14 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 14x14 inch clear film supply 14x14 clear film supply
LOW 14x14 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 14x14 inch paper supply magazine
LOW 14x14 PAPR 14x14 paper supply low. <None>/interact
is low.
The 14x17 inch film supply magazine is
LOW 14x17 14x17 film supply low. <None>/interact
The 14x17 inch blue film supply 14x17 blue film supply
LOW 14x17 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 14x17 inch clear film supply 14x17 clear film supply
LOW 14x17 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 14x17 inch paper supply magazine
LOW 14x17 PAPR 14x17 paper supply low. <None>/interact
is low.
The 24x24 inch film supply magazine is
LOW 24x24 24x24 film supply low. <None>/interact
The 24x24 inch blue film supply 24x24 blue film supply
LOW 24x24 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 24x24 inch clear film supply 24x24 clear film supply
LOW 24x24 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 24x24 inch paper supply magazine
LOW 24x24 PAPR 24x24 paper supply low. <None>/interact
is low.
LOW 24x30 The 24x30 inch film supply magazine is 24x30 film supply low. <None>/interact
Printer Status Info/ Message string visible Other action for UI/
Execution Status Info in ‘Status Bar’ ’camera symbol’
The 24x30 inch blue film supply 24x30 blue film supply
LOW 24x30 BLUE <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 24x30 inch clear film supply 24x30 clear film supply
LOW 24x30 CLR <None>/interact
magazine is low. low.
The 24x30 inch paper supply magazine
LOW 24x30 PAPR 24x30 paper supply low. <None>/interact
is low.
LOW A4 PAPR The A4 paper supply magazine is low. A4 paper supply low. <None>/interact
The A4 transparency supply magazine A4 transparency supply
LOW A4 TRANS <None>/interact
is low.. low.
The film receive magazine is not Film receiver not
NO RECEIVE MGZ <None>/interact
available. available.
The ribbon cartridge needs to be
NO RIBBON Replace ribbon cartridge. <None>/interact
The film supply magazine is not
NO SUPPLY MGZ Film supply not available. <None>/interact
The printer is not ready at this time,
CHECK PRINTER operator intervention is required to Check camera. <None>/interact
make the printer available.
The processor is not ready at this time,
CHECK PROC operator intervention is required to Check processor. <None>/interact
make the printer available.
The printer is not operating due to
PRINTER DOWN Camera down. <None>/interact
some unspecified reason.
The printer is not ready at this time, it is
expected to become available without
PRINTER INIT Camera initializing. <None>/Idle
intervention. For example, it may be in
a normal warm-up state.
The printer has been disabled by an
PRINTER OFFLINE Camera off-line. <None>/interact
operator or service person.
The processor is not operating due to
PROC DOWN Processor down. <None>/interact
some unspecified reason.
The processor is not ready at this time,
it is expected to become available
PROC INIT Processor initializing. <None>/Idle
without intervention. For example, it
may be in a normal warm-up state.
Processor chemicals are approaching Processor chemicals
PROC OVERFLOW FL <None>/interact
the overflow full mark. near overflow.
Processor chemicals have reached the Processor chemicals
PROC OVERFLOW HI <None>/interact
overflow full mark. overflow.
QUEUED Print job in Queue -- <None>/Idle
RECEIVER FULL The film receive magazine is full. Receiver full. <None>/interact
The requested film, paper, or other
media supply magazine is installed in
REQ MED NOT INST Install media supply. <None>/interact
the printer, but may be available with
operator intervention.
Media supply not Queue for this
The requested film, paper, or
available on this camera. camera will be
REQ MED NOT AVAI other media requested is not
Queue stopped. Change STOPPED/
available on this printer.
camera. Queue stopped
There is an unspecified problem with
RIBBON ERROR Error with print ribbon. <None>/interact
the print ribbon.
SUPPLY EMPTY The printer is out of film. Camera out of film. <None>/interact
SUPPLY LOW The film supply is low. Film supply low. <None>/interact
Unspecified problem with
UNKNOWN There is an unspecified problem. <None>/interact
Printer Status Info/ Message string visible Other action for UI/
Execution Status Info in ‘Status Bar’ ’camera symbol’
OFFLINE Printer is switched off-line.
Camera is switched off-
OFFLINE Spooling of print jobs to disk is still <None>/interact
General printer warning, no specific
NONE information is available. Spooling of -- <None>/idle
print jobs to disk is still possible.
Printer Status Info/ Message string visible Other action for UI/
Execution Status Info in ‘Status Bar’ ’camera symbol’
Load A4-Size black and
LOAD A4-DVPAPER Load A4-Size black and white paper. <None>/interact
white paper.
Load A4-Size color
LOAD A4-CVPAPER Load A4-Size color paper. <None>/interact
Load A4-Size
LOAD A4-CVTRANS Load A4-Size transparencies. <None>/interact
LOAD LA-SIZE Load LA-Size media. Load LA-Size media. <None>/interact
Load LA-Size black and
LOAD LA-DVPAPER Load LA-Size black and white paper. <None>/interact
white paper.
Load LA-Size color
LOAD LA-CVPAPER Load LA-Size color paper. <None>/interact
Load LA-Size
LOAD LA-CVTRANS Load LA-Size transparencies. <None>/interact
LOAD LA4-SIZE Load LA4-Size media. Load LA4-Size media. <None>/interact
Load LA4-Size black and
LOAD LA4-DVPAPER Load LA4-Size black and white paper. <None>/interact
white paper.
Load LA4-Size color
LOAD LA4-CVPAPER Load LA4-Size color paper. <None>/interact
Load LA4-Size
LOAD LA4-CVTRANS Load LA4-Size transparencies. <None>/interact
LOAD XLA-SIZE Load XLA-Size media. Load XLA-Size media. <None>/interact
Load XLA-Size black and
LOAD XLA-DVPAPER Load XLA-Size black and white paper. <None>/interact
white paper.
Load XLA-Size color
LOAD XLA-CVPAPER Load XLA-Size color paper. <None>/interact
Load XLA-Size
LOAD XLA-CVTRANS Load XLA-Size transparencies. <None>/interact
LOAD XLA4-SIZE Load XLA4-Size media. Load XLA4-Size media. <None>/interact
LOAD XLA4- Load XLA4-Size black
Load XLA4-Size black and white paper. <None>/interact
DVPAPER and white paper.
LOAD XLA4- Load XLA4-Size color
Load XLA4-Size color paper. <None>/interact
CVPAPER paper.
LOAD XLA4- Load XLA4-Size
Load XLA4-Size transparencies. <None>/interact
CVTRANS transparencies.
LOAD XLW-SIZE Load XLW-Size media. Load XLW-Size media. <None>/interact
Load XLW-Size black
LOAD XLW-DVPAPER Load XLW-Size black and white paper. <None>/interact
and white paper.
Load XLW-Size color
LOAD XLW-CVPAPER Load XLW-Size color paper. <None>/interact
LOAD 8X10-SIZE Load 8x10 media. Load 8x10 media. <None>/interact
Load XLW-Size black
LOAD 8X10-DVFILM Load XLW-Size black and white film. <None>/interact
and white film.
The film supply magazine specified for
SUPPLY MISSING Film supply not available. <None>/interact
this job is not available.
RIBBON MISSING Ribbon is missing. Ribbon is missing. <None>/interact
RIBBON EMPTY Ribbon is empty. Ribbon is empty. <None>/interact
Top cover of camera is
TOP COVER OPEN Top cover of printer is open. <None>/interact