Of Which Software Services Business Services Financial Services Communication Services
Of Which Software Services Business Services Financial Services Communication Services
Of Which Software Services Business Services Financial Services Communication Services
(US $ million)
Apr-June 2009 PR July-Sept 2009 PR Oct-Dec 2009 PR Jan-Mar 2010 P
Item Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
- -
- 29,12 31,07 -
I. MERCHANDISE 39,164 64,799 25,635 43,518 72,646 8 47,062 78,135 3 52,419 83,911 31,492
20,35 18,88
II.INVISIBLES (a+b+c) 37,616 16,435 21,181 40,303 19,948 5 40,481 21,595 6 42,845 24,351 18,494
a) Services 21,322 10,949 10,373 21,286 13,706 7,580 24,241 16,040 8,201 26,942 18,891 8,051
i) Travel 2,297 2,035 262 2,719 2,357 362 3,440 2,312 1,128 3,403 2,638 765
ii) Transportation 2,490 2,777 -287 2,566 2,221 345 2,991 3,366 -375 3,100 3,570 -470
iii) Insurance 387 314 73 384 341 43 408 305 103 421 326 95
iv) G.n.i.e. 100 103 -3 100 130 -30 124 134 -10 116 159 -43
v) Miscellaneous 16,048 5,720 10,328 15,517 8,657 6,860 17,278 9,923 7,355 19,901 12,199 7,702
of which
10,76 12,86
Software Services 11,004 391 10,613 11,207 438 9 13,197 333 4 14,297 307 13,990
Business Services 2,586 3,872 -1,286 2,504 4,612 -2,108 2,737 4,571 -1,834 3,818 5,571 -1,753
Financial Services 1,116 928 188 732 1,135 -403 785 1,156 -371 1,103 1,517 -414
Communication Services 418 312 106 307 313 -6 259 381 -122 245 383 -138
13,70 12,96
b) Transfers 13,344 470 12,874 14,268 568 0 13,604 638 6 13,216 642 12,574
i) Official 46 110 -64 51 108 -57 309 113 196 126 142 -16
13,75 12,77
ii) Private 13,298 360 12,938 14,217 460 7 13,295 525 0 13,090 500 12,590
c) Income 2,950 5,016 -2,066 4,749 5,674 -925 2,636 4,917 -2,281 2,686 4,818 -2,132
i) Investment Income 2,723 4,665 -1,942 4,544 5,332 -788 2,385 4,397 -2,012 2,455 4,326 -1,871
ii) Compensation of Employees 227 351 -124 205 342 -137 251 520 -269 231 492 -261
12,18 108,26 -
Total Current Account (I+II) 76,780 81,234 -4,454 83,821 92,594 -8,773 87,543 99,730 7 95,264 2 12,998
1. Foreign Investment (a+b) 48,422 34,033 14,389 55,791 39,619 2 44,561 34,955 9,606 49,315 37,357 11,958
a) Foreign Direct Investment (i+ii) 9,797 3,676 6,121 11,431 4,936 6,495 8,780 4,859 3,921 7,912 4,720 3,192
i. In India 9,672 926 8,746 11,336 632 4 8,586 1,469 7,117 7,588 2,473 5,115
Equity 7,290 900 6,390 8,547 597 7,950 5,959 1,233 4,726 5,353 1,512 3,841
Reinvested Earnings 2,020 - 2,020 2,020 - 2,020 2,020 - 2,020 2,020 - 2,020
Other Capital 362 26 336 769 35 734 607 236 371 215 961 -746
ii. Abroad 125 2,750 -2,625 95 4,304 -4,209 194 3,390 -3,196 324 2,247 -1,923
Equity 125 2,053 -1,928 95 2,614 -2,519 194 2,480 -2,286 324 910 -586
Reinvested Earnings - 271 -271 - 271 -271 - 271 -271 - 271 -271
Other Capital - 426 -426 - 1,419 -1,419 - 639 -639 - 1,066 -1,066
b) Portfolio Investment 38,625 30,357 8,268 44,360 34,683 9,677 35,781 30,096 5,685 41,403 32,637 8,766
i) In India 38,602 30,332 8,270 44,356 34,655 9,701 35,770 30,041 5,729 41,169 32,493 8,676
of which
FIIs 38,559 30,332 8,227 41,693 34,655 7,038 35,295 30,041 5,254 41,023 32,493 8,530
GDRs/ADRs 43 - 43 2,664 - 2,664 475 - 475 146 - 146
ii) Abroad 23 25 -2 4 28 -24 11 55 -44 234 144 90
2.Loans (a+b+c) 12,920 14,746 -1,826 16,024 13,491 2,533 19,820 14,268 5,552 24,440 18,477 5,963
a) External Assistance 821 725 96 1,237 738 499 1,329 712 617 1,578 742 836
i) By India 13 105 -92 13 105 -92 13 105 -92 13 105 -92
ii) To India 808 620 188 1,224 633 591 1,316 607 709 1,565 637 928
b) Commercial Borrowings (MT<) 1,973 2,432 -459 3,220 2,032 1,188 4,455 2,802 1,653 5,026 4,886 140
i) By India 244 333 -89 206 215 -9 227 570 -343 297 387 -90
ii) To India 1,729 2,099 -370 3,014 1,817 1,197 4,228 2,232 1,996 4,729 4,499 230
c) Short Term to India 10,126 11,589 -1,463 11,567 10,721 846 14,036 10,754 3,282 17,836 12,849 4,987
i) Supplier's Credit > 180days & Buyers' Credit 10,126 9,590 536 10,994 10,721 273 12,055 10,754 1,301 15,396 12,849 2,547
ii) Supplier's Credit upto 180 days - 1,999 -1,999 573 - 573 1,981 - 1,981 2,440 - 2,440
3. Banking Capital (a+b) 15,577 18,943 -3,366 16,543 12,132 4,411 15,172 13,232 1,940 14,207 15,108 -901
a) Commercial Banks 15,577 18,704 -3,127 16,543 11,989 4,554 14,578 13,165 1,413 14,195 15,108 -913
i) Assets 4,368 6,946 -2,578 6,131 1,730 4,401 3,067 1,874 1,193 3,531 4,709 -1,178
ii) Liabilities 11,209 11,758 -549 10,412 10,259 153 11,511 11,291 220 10,664 10,399 265
of which : Non-Resident Deposits 11,172 9,354 1,818 10,342 9,295 1,047 10,177 9,568 609 9,665 10,215 -550
b) Others - 239 -239 - 143 -143 594 67 527 12 - 12
4. Rupee Debt Service - 23 -23 - 1 -1 - - - - 73 -73
5. Other Capital 177 5,332 -5,155 7,054 11,371 -4,317 1,715 4,119 -2,404 2,263 3,119 -856
18,79 14,69
Total Capital Account (1to5) 77,096 73,077 4,019 95,412 76,614 8 81,268 66,574 4 90,225 74,134 16,091
C. Errors & Omissions 550 - 550 - 607 -607 - 740 -740 - 952 -952
154,42 154,31 179,23 169,81 168,81 167,04 185,48 183,34
D. Overall Balance 6 1 115 3 5 9,418 1 4 1,767 9 8 2,141
(Total Current Account, Capital Account
and Errors & Omissions (A+B+C))
E. Monetary Movements (i+ii) - 115 -115 - 9,418 -9,418 - 1767 -1767 - 2,141 -2,141
i) I.M.F. - - - - - - - - - - - -
ii) Foreign Exchange Reserves - 115 -115 - 9,418 -9,418 - 1767 -1767 - - -2,141
( Increase - / Decrease +)
Of which: SDR Allocation - - - - 5160 -5160 - - - - - -
P: Preliminary PR: Partially Revised