Teacher: Catherine Ciucci Grade Level: 2 Unit: Fairytales Acquisition Stages of The Ells in My Class
Teacher: Catherine Ciucci Grade Level: 2 Unit: Fairytales Acquisition Stages of The Ells in My Class
Teacher: Catherine Ciucci Grade Level: 2 Unit: Fairytales Acquisition Stages of The Ells in My Class
Unit: Fairytales
Acquisition stages of the ELLs in my class:
● 1 EL at Starting (Level 1) language proficiency
● 2 ELs at Developing (Level 3) language proficiency
b. The students will be able to accurately identify the problem and solution in
a given fairytale when prompted by the teacher three out of four times.
i. Strategy- 38. Read, Pair, Share: Working with a Partner to
Negotiate Meaning
1. Justification- Since this unit focuses a lot on reading and
reading for understanding, I wanted to provide students the
opportunity to work together. Although problem and solution
seem like very simple ideas for students to understand, they
can be extremely complex. These ideas rely very heavily on
the students’ interpretation of the story. So rather than just
marking something wrong and moving on, I wanted students
to pair up to make sure they are understanding the story and
give them the chance to explain themselves.
4. List key terms, words, idioms, and phrases (TWIPs) to be pre-taught. Include
simple, student-friendly definitions. Identify words that are likely to be used
outside class as well as academic words that are content specific.
a. Fairytale- A traditional story that takes place in an imaginary land or
kingdom. These stories usually include magic, magical creatures, and
princes and princesses.
b. Folktale- Stories that have been passed down for many years. These
stories usually include a lesson.
c. Fiction- A story that is made up and not based on fact.
d. Problem- What goes wrong in the story
e. Solution- How the problem is solved
f. Main Idea- The purpose of the story
g. Characters- The people, animals, or creatures in a story
h. Setting- The setting is the time and place in which the story takes place.
i. Theme- The lesson in the story
j. Author- The person who writes the story
k. Illustrator- The person who draws the pictures in the story
5. Design one or more of the following activities for TWIP instruction: (please see
on page six)
✓ a. Matching vocabulary with definitions
✓ b. Drawing and labeling
c. Labeling maps
d. Filling out simple charts
✓ e. Sequencing activity
✓ f. Group vocabulary activities and games
g. Student-generated word walls
6. Check which of the following strategies you will use in class:
✓ 1. Buddies
✓ 2. Cooperative Groups
Both buddies and cooperative groups allow for social interaction and
collaborative learning. The students will use buddies during smaller
activities to aid comprehension. The students will use cooperative groups
during their final retellings of fairytales which will count as their culminating
✓ 3. Graphs, charts, photos, drawings
This will be done through the first whole-group lesson when we are initially
trying to define the term fairytale. A chart will be used to determine which
fairytale is the most well-know
✓ 4. Graphic organizers
Graphic organizers will be used to help students organize their thought
process and categorize different elements of the fairytales.
5. Hands on activities
6. Taping explanations and photocopying notes
7. Highlighting, sticky notes, Wikki Stix
✓ 8. Using body language, skits, storytelling, music, videos
Their final culminating event will be a retelling of a fairytale with the use of
props. The students will be tasked with demonstrating their understanding
by properly casting, outlining, and portraying their chosen story. The
students will work in cooperative groups for this project.
✓ 9. Vocabulary box wherever possible
There is a lot of vocabulary terms introduced during this unit. Students
should constantly be exposed to this vocabulary since it is vital for
Since students will engage in a lot of partner work during this unit, rather than having
students choose their own partners (a practice that can be very isolating for English
learners) the partners will be selected for them. Some of the selection will be random,
but some of the instruction will be strategic for students who need the most help. The
partners will come together by finding their “match”. One student will be given a
vocabulary word and the other will be given a definition. When the pair have found
each other, they may begin the assignment.
Vocabulary Word Definition
Sequencing Activity
After reading one of these fairytales with their partner, the students will be presented
with the following storyboard. With a partner, the students will be tasked to put the story
in the proper order. Once they have completed this, the students will find another set of
partners with a different story and retell their fairytale using the pictures. The stories will
be leveled so that they are appropriately challenging for the partners.