Application For Scholarship - 2018: Need Based
Application For Scholarship - 2018: Need Based
Application For Scholarship - 2018: Need Based
1. Incomplete and/or late received applications will not be processed.
2. Students studying in lavish institution will not be entertained.
3. Application form to be filled in with black pointer.
4. Before filling the application, form student must read instruction given on page # 3.
✓ Need based
1. Applicant’s name:
INFORMATION Mashooque Ali 2. Father’s name: Abdul Majeed
3. Applicant’s CNIC No: 45208-8382614-1 4. Father’s CNIC No: 45208-6491601-5
5. Cell # (Student): +92-3033298180 6. Cell # (Father): +923351205660
7. Date of birth: _10/01/1998 8. Email: [email protected]
9. Present postal address: Dilshad Electric Store Near LCS office High School Road Ranipur District:
10. Permanent postal address: Dilshad Electric Store Near LCS office High School Road Ranipur District:
11. Class: _Bachelor of Science (BS) II Course of study: Sindhi Year/Semester: _2nd year 3rd Semester
8. Institution: Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur
9. Course start date: 03-01-2017 Course end date: _January 2020 Any distinction: __________________
10. Monthly fee: 600 rupees Hostel expenses: __________
17. If father/mother/guardian/brothers/sisters are serving then give details: (Please attach extra page if more than one
family members are serving)
a. Name: Abdul Majeed Cell #: +923351205660
b. Name of department /company/employer: Farmer
c. Address: Village Haji Shafi Muhammad Bhellar Taluka Sobhodero District Khairpur
d. Tel (Off): ________________________________ Cell #: (Employer)____________________________
e. Designation & grade: ______________________ Total monthly salary: 10,000/
(Attach the relevant proof i.e. pay slip, copy of pension book etc.)
18. Total members in the family: (Applicant, his parents, brothers and sisters will be considered as family) 06
19. Details of siblings studying including the applicant’s own detail: (In case you have more details to enter please use
extra page)
# Per Month
1 Mashooque Ali M 2nd year/ Sindhi 3rd Shah Abdul Latif Uni 600/
Khairpur month
20. Total fees & tuition charges of all siblings (Per month): 5,000/month
21. Details of any other supporting person who is giving you a helping hand in your education.
Name: N/A Relation: _____________ Cell #: ________________ Amount being paid: _______
22. If you or any other sibling is getting financial support from any other government or non-government organization
give its details:
23. Provide details of two persons as references to certify your given details. The said persons should be educated and
they should be well aware of your family circumstances:
24. Certification by the student and his/her father/guardian
It is certified that all particulars given above are correct.
This page is only for the guidance of applicants and not to be sent with the application form.