Research Proposal Topics QAU
Research Proposal Topics QAU
Research Proposal Topics QAU
PhD Theses
Show entries
313 Asma Shaheen Unangling Spatial Inequality Through 2015 Dr. M. Tariq Majeed
technology and governance: A Cross
Country Analysis
312 Amna Malik Exploring the Mechanisms that Intervene 2015 Dr. M. Tariq Majeed
the Effectiveness of E-Government on
Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis
311 Raja Hamad Aggregate Energy Consumption and 2014 Dr. Tahir Mahmood
Haider Sectoral Output in Pakistan
310 Muhammad Income inequality, Economic Growth and 2014 Dr. Abdul Jalil
Ishfaq Khan Political Instability: An Empirical
Evidence from Developing Countries
309 Tayyaba Haider Another bubble in US Stock Market and 2014 Dr. M. Mazhar Iqbal
possibility of stock market crash
308 Zobia Rani The impact of monetary policy on stock 2014 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
return: evidence from Pakistan
307 M. Rizwan Impact of FTA on total trade and trade 2014 Dr. M. Mazhar Iqbal
Manzoor balance of member countries: a case study
306 Mahrukh Fatima The types of Non-Linearity in Monetary 2014 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
policy reaction function
305 Faiza Kanwal Savings, Human Capital and Economic 2014 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
growth: the case of Pakistan
304 Hafiz Khuram Military expenditures and economic 2014 Dr. Abdul Jalil
Nadeem Abbasi growth: empirical evidence from Pakistan
and India
303 Shamrez Ali Linkage between economic growth and 2014 Dr. Abdul Jalil
performance of judicio-legal system:
evidences from cross country analysis
302 Asma Fiaz Role of family ties in influencing economic 2014 Dr. Abdul Jalil
behavior of households: a cross country
301 Iffat Rabab Interpersonal trust and macroeconomic 2014 Dr. Abdul Jalil
outcomes: a case study of selected
developing countries
300 Sundas Anis Determinants of Education Earning 2014 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
relationship: evidence from Pakistan
299 Nosheen Atta Law and Order and Economic activity: the 2014 Dr. M. Mazhar Iqbal
case study of Pakistan
297 M. Haider Raza The use and Extent of foreign currency 2014 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
derivatives in Pakistan: obstacles and
future prospects
296 Aman Khan Terrorism and the Economy: Impact of 2014 Dr. Abdul Jalil
media on financial markets of Pakistan
295 Waqas Ahmed Determinants of higher education choices: 2014 Dr. Aliya H. Khan
a sample study of Pakistan youth in
selected universities
294 Amjad Ali Nexus between education expenditures and 2014 Dr. Aliya H. Khan
economic growth: empirical evidence from
293 Adeeba Comparison of womens' education and 2014 Dr. Aliya H. Khan
Mushtaq employment decision over time: evidence
from Pakistan
292 Rabia Akram Economic growth and social cohesion: 2014 Dr. M. Tariq Majeed
evidence from developing countries
291 Shafqat Islam Monetary Transmission in Pakistan: 2013 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
evidence from micro data
290 Aneela Bibi Occupational safety and health as a 2013 Dr. Aliya H. Khan
measure of labor welfare: evidence from
Pakistan Labor Force Survey 2010-11
289 Javeria Shaukat Informal economy and its macroeconomic 2013 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
impacts: the case study of Pakistan
288 Henna Ahsan Impact of health on earnings: indvidual and 2013 Dr. Muhammad
district level analysis for Pakistan Idrees
287 Abiha Haider Price flexibility and Output variability: 2013 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
evidence from Pakistan Economy
286 Hafiz Hamid Zia The Risk return analysis of sukuk and 2013 Dr. Mazhar Iqbal
ul Habib bonds.
285 Muhammad Technological Spillovers and economic 2013 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
Iftikhar growth in developing countries
284 Fatima Bibi The effects of Inflation on Economic 2013 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
Growth: evidence from asian developing
283 Adeeba Ishaq Human capital distribution and earning 2013 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
inequality in Pakistan
282 Yasir Mahmood Fiscal plicy asymmetry in case of Pakistan 2013 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
281 Humera Akbar On the determinants of financial sector 2013 Dr. Abdul Jalil
development in Pakistan
280 Misbah Perveen Pricing decision of Pakistani firms 2013 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
279 Sundus Saleemi Demand for foreing exchange reserves 2013 Dr. Abdul Jalil
under alternative exchange rate regimes: a
cross country analysis
278 Ambreen Fatima Asymmetry in Debt-Growth Nexus 2013 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
277 Amina Qureshi Impact of corruption on foreign direct 2013 Dr. Abdul Jalil
investment: evidence from dynamic
heterogeneous panel data
276 Hina Shafiq Measuring credibility of central Banks 2013 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
274 Syeda Shahana An economic analysis of foreign inflows 2013 Dr. Muhammad
Bukhari with special Emphasis on Remittances Idrees
273 Khola Khan Trends, Inequalities and determinants of 2013 Dr. Muhammad
earnings: a district-wise mapping of Idrees
272 Lalarukh Zahoor Estimation of fiscal policy rules for 2013 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
271 Muhammad Energy Consumption, Trade and GDP: a 2013 Dr. M. Mazhar Iqbal
Shakeel case study of five south Asian Countries
270 M. Fahad Malik Comparison of permanent and transitory 2013 Dr. M. Mazhar Iqbal
components of GDP and financial wealth
in Pakistan and U.S. Economics
268 Abid Raza Determinants of Profitability of banking 2012 Dr. M. Mazhar Iqbal
sector in Pakistan
267 Aamir Nawaz Additive component analysis of inflation 2012 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
266 Zanab Khan Demographic transition and consumption 2012 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
patterns in Pakistan
265 Akseer Hussain Seignior age revenues and inflation: the 2012 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
case of Pakistan
264 Asad Mahmood Non-Linear Modeling of unemployment 2012 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
Bhatti rate: The case study of Pakistan
263 Shakira Ejaz Relationship between Human Capital and 2012 Dr. Mazhar Iqbal
Economic Development: A Case Study of
262 Maria Imtiaz An analysis of global income distribution 2012 Dr. Muhammad
261 Faryal Qayum Oil price fluctuation and the current 2012 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
account balance: the case of Pakistan
260 Javeria Ahmed Openness Economic Growth and Income 2012 Dr. Abdul Jalil
Inequality in Developing Countries
259 Nadia Zakir Asymmetric effects of monetary policy 2012 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
258 Muhammd Oil Shocks, Systematic Monetary Policy 2012 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
Zeshan and Economic Activity
257 Summia Impact of Fiscal Deficit on Interest Rate in 2012 Dr. Mazhar Iqbal
Yasmeen Pakistan
256 Zainab Iftikhar Is State-Contingent Response of State 2012 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
Bank of Pakistan Asymmetric?
255 Javed Rasool R & D, Intellectual property rights and 2012 Dr. Abdul Jalil
economic growth in developing countries
254 Tahir Mahmood Testing tourism Growth Nexus: a 2012 Dr. Abdul Jalil
cointegration analysis for Pakistan
253 Amna Afzal An empirical analysis of food demand in 2011 Dr. Muhammad
Pakistan Idrees
252 Nouman Badar Measuring Business Cycle: the case of 2011 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
250 Samina Mobeen Equity market integration in South Asia 2011 Dr. M. Tariq Javed
249 M. Naeem Tahir Spillover effect between stock and foreign 2011 Dr. M. Tariq Javed
exchange markets: Evidence from
developed and emerging economies
248 Haider Ali An Interrogation into the monetary policy 2011 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
targeting regimes
247 Sunila Jabeen Testing the Harrod Balassa Sameulson 2011 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
Hypothesis: the case of Pakistan
246 Rafat Mahmood Measuring of Import smuggling in Pakistan 2011 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
245 Ankasha Arif Dynamic analysis of growth and welfare 2011 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
effect of taxes and user fee
244 Kashif Raza Estimation of electricity demand function; 2011 Dr. Muhammad
Households analysis for Pakistan Idrees
243 Ahmed Waqar An empirical inflation and tax evasion: a 2011 Dr. Muhammad
Qasim case study of Pakistan Idrees
242 Naseem Akhtar Current Account Reversal Effects and The 2011 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
implications for pakistan monetary policy
241 Johar-i-Nayyara Economic status of Household: an inter 2011 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
District analysis for Pakistan
240 Rahman Allah Extent of Securitization and Severity of 2011 Dr. Mazhar Iqbal
Bukhsh Kanjoo Financial Distress: an analysis of ongoing
financial crisis
239 Asma Jabeen Measuring the Welfare Effects of Price 2010 Dr. Muhammad
Changes: a case study of Pakistan Idrees
238 Aysha Iftikhar Estimating output cost of inflation in 2010 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
237 Amina Response of exchange rate and trade 2010 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
Tabassum balance to macroeconomic policy shocks in
236 Ayesha Naz Measurement of Tax Progressivity in 2010 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
235 Hafiz Hanzla Urbanization and Crime: A Case Study of 2010 Dr. Mazhar Iqbal
jalil Pakistan
234 Fatima Bashir The Trade and Investment Effects of 2010 Dr. Mazhar Iqbal
Pakistan-China FTA
233 Nadeem Iqbal Budget Balance through revenue or 2010 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
Spending Adjustments: some historical
evidence for Pakistan
232 Assad Ullah Money, Economic Growth and Inflation 2010 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
Khan Empirical Evidence of Pakistan
231 Muhammad Optimal Monetary Policy Response to 2010 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
Nasir Supply Side Shocks
230 Faiz-ur-Rehman A Selected Analysis of Cost Channel of 2010 Dr. Wasim S. Malik
Monetary Policy in Pakistan
229 Said Zamin Structure and Sources of Inflation in 2010 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
Shah Pakistan
228 Zulaikha Bibi Human Resource Development and its 2010 Dr. Aliya H. Khan
Linkages with Employment: a case study
of District Ghizer and Gilgit
227 Tahseen Ajaz The Effect of Corruption on Tax Revenues 2009 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
226 Maryam Bashir Correlates of Income Inequality: a case 2009 Dr. Muhammad
study of Pakistan Idrees
225 Rehana Yasmin Economic Analysis of Income Polarization 2009 Dr. Muhammad
Khattak in Pakistan Idrees
223 Yasmin Abdul Gender Dimension of Trade Reforms: 2009 Dr. Aliya H. Khan
Wahab selected country evidence
222 Amna Noor Economic Analysis of Tourism Sector in 2009 Dr. Aliya H. Khan
221 Tayaba Batool An Empirical Analysis of Structural 2009 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
Reforms and Economic Growth in Asia
220 Humaira Farooq Impact of Fiscal Policy on Economic and 2009 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
Social indicators in Pakistan
219 Muhammad Stock Markets Integration and its impact 2009 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
Jamil on Economic Growth: a case country
218 Minhaj ud Din The Underground Economy in Pakistan: 2008 Dr. Mazhar Iqbal
assessment and trends
217 Samina Akhtar The Impact of Energy Variables on GDP 2008 Dr. M. Tariq Javed
Growth: A Case Study of Pakistan
216 Saira Tufail Fiscal Policy Dynamics in Pakistan 2008 Dr. Eatzaz Ahmad
215 Zubaria Andlib An investigation of the education and 2008 Dr. Aiya H. Khan
Labour Market Linkages in Pakistan
214 Muhammad Ali Wheat Production, Efficiency and 2008 Dr. M. Tariq Javed
Sustainability: a case study of faisalabad Co-supervisor Dr. M.
213 Anbreen Bibi Women’s rights to inheritance, beliefs and practices: a case study of 2008
district Lakki Marwat, NWFP
212 Rizwan Ahmed Gender Impact of micro finance on Poverty alleviation: A case study from 2008
Satti Pakistan
210 Jawad Ahmad Determinants of financial development and its impact on economic growth 2008
209 Mudassir-ul- Growth Effects of Government Expenditure and Taxation in Selected 2008
Zaman Asian developing Countries
208 Zahid Mahmood Trade Liberalization and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Pakistan 2008
206 Nazia Rehman Local Level Poverty Analysis: A Case study of Union council Tanda 2008
205 Javed Iqbal Analysis of Consumption pattern of Pakistan: A Regional Study 2008
204 Ghosia Ayaz Exchange rate Volatility, Exports and Economic Growth: a cross country 2008
Abbasi analysis
203 Rukhsana Naheed Determinants of Total Factor Productivity in South Asia 2007
202 Sadia Sarwar Foreign Aid, Governance, Absorptive Capacity and Economic Growth: an 2007
inter-country study
201 Nayab Akhtar The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Exports, Imports and Current 2007
Account of Balance of Payments in Pakistan
200 Madiha Riaz Assessing the trade arrangements of Pakistan: By Gravity Model 2007
199 Umaima Arif Pension system reforms for Pakistan: Current situation and future 2007
198 M. Usman Abbasi Testing of efficient stock market hypothesis in Pakistan 2007
197 M. Shahzad Rafiq Capital Account Liberalization, the cost of capital and economic growth 2007
195 Sajjad Hussain Income Inequality, Financial Development, and Macroeconomic 2007
193 Salma Shaheen The Impact of Agreement on Textiles and Clothing on Pakistan’s Textiles 2007
191 Ch. M. Yaser Performance of Alternative Price Forecast for Pakistan 2007
190 Zobia Bahatti Population Growth, Poverty and Environmental Nexus 2007
189 Khalid Javed Foreign Investment, Trade and Growth: A Comparison of Selected South 2007
Asian Countries
188 Saqib Jalil Malik Corporate Governance and Expected Returns of Firms 2007
187 Muhammad Akram The incidence of government expenditures on education and health: A case 2007
study of Pakistan
186 Nazam Maqbool Determinants of Debt Rescheduling: A cross country Analysis 2007
185 Robina Iqbal Corporate Ownership Structure and firm Performance: Evidence from 2006
Pakistan Listed companies
184 Muhammad Saim Estimating Degree of Sterilzation in Selected Sample of Countries 2006
183 Abdul sattar Effects of awareness on the demand and willingness to pay for sale 2006
drinking water
182 Haleema Sadia Real Exchange rate volatility and trade openness: Evidence from panel 2006
181 Sajeela Ghafoor Trade Liberalisation: Impact of alternative proposals on Pakistan 2006
180 Shazia Nawaz Debt Capacity and debt management in Pakistan 2006
179 Falak Naz Extent of Dollarization and its seigniorage Cost 2006
178 Muhammad Ilyas Textile Exports of Pakistan: Opportunities and Challenges 2006
177 Shabbir Ahmad Macroeconomic Policy, foreign aid and economic growth: the case of 2006
176 Bashir Ahmad Fida Trade Liberalization and Convergence: A Cross country Empirical 2006
175 Saqib Manzoor Chaotic Dynamics in Economics: A Survey and Experiments 2006
174 Muhammad Aman Corruption, Income Inequality and Economic Growth 2006
172 Syed Kashif Saeed Inflation and GDP Growth: An Empirical Analysis for Pakista 2006
169 Tahir Mukhtar Effects of Trade Liberalization on Agriculture in Pakistan: A case study of 2006
wheat and rice
168 Farooq Rasheed A Search for a Common Currency Area(s) for Pakistan 2005
167 Waqar-un-Nisa Trade Liberalization, Economic Growth and Poverty in Selected South 2005
Asian Countries
166 Muhammad Tahir Nexus Between Stock Market Performance And Macroeconomic 2005
Farooq Aggregates
165 Muhammad Jamil The Development of Small and Medium Enterprises Sector in Pakistan 2005
Issues and Contents.
164 Madiha Gohar Evidence on Democracy and Economic Growth: Inter-country Analysis 2005
163 Karim Khan Determination of the Level of Foreign Exchange Reserves (A Case Study 2005
of Pakistan)
162 Anwar Shah Economic Analysis of Philanthropic Contribution (A Case Study of Swat) 2005
161 Muhammad Zahid The Political Economy of Neoclassical and Islamic Economics 2005
159 M. Sadiq Ansari The Impact of Financial Sector Reforms upon Banking Efficiency in 2005
158 Saba Anwar Welfare Analysis of commodity Tax Reforms using Household Data for 2004
Rural and Urban
157 Adeel Faheem The Impact of Stock Market Development on the Performance of Firms 2004
156 Muhammad Ali Towards A Strategy of Social Risk Management (SRM) for Pakistan 2004
155 Aisha Malik Financial Sector Development and Economic Growth An Empirical 2004
Analyis for Less Developed Countries
154 Ali Shan Azhar Dynamics of the Poverty – Growth Nexus in Pakistan 2004
153 Azam Hussain Real Exchange Rate Misalignment and Economic Growth: A Case Study 2003
of Pakistan
152 Amanat Ali Exports and Misalignment of Real Exchange Rate: A Case Study of 2003
151 Syeda Nishat Raza Dynamics of International Debt and Economic Dependencies: A Case 2003
Study of Selected South Asian Countries
150 Zaheer Abbas The Effect of Financial Development on Economic Growth, Income 2003
Distribution and Poverty.
149 Saima Shafique Public Expenditure, Taxation and Economic Growth: An Inter Country 2003
Empirical Analysis.
147 Malik Mohammad Government Indebtedness and Debt Neutrality: A Case Study of Selected 2002
South Asian Countries
146 Samina Farooq The Real Effective Exchange Rate Determination and its Impact on Trade 2002
Flows: A Case Study of Pakistan
145 Safdar Ullah The Role of Financial Sector Development in Economic Growth: A Cross 2002
Country Analysis
144 Rubina Athar Understanding Tax Evasion in Pakistan: A Human Behavior Approach 2002
143 Omer Siddiqui The Role of Human and Non-Human Capital in Economic Growth: A 2002
Cross Country Analysis
142 Mahmood Khalid Estimation of Underground Economy Causality and Business Cycle 2002
Analysis of Pakistan
141 M. Arshad Bajwa The Effects of Changes in Household Income on Consumption Allocation 2002
Decision in Pakistan
140 M. Ali Kemal Impact of Exchange Rate Instability on Exports Cross Country Analysis 2002
139 Farah Hafeez Household and Community Level Factors Affecting Child Schooling: A 2002
Case Study of 2000-2001 Rural Daska
138 Abdul Jalil Estimates of Demand Functions for Composite Consumer Goods in 2002
136 Uzma Bibi Measuring Technical Efficiency of Department of Economics in Pakistani 2002
Universities: ADEA Approach
135 Saadiya Razzaq Measuring Efficiencies in Pakistan Commercial Banks: An Application to 2002
Data Envelopment Analysis
134 Asif Saeed An Economic Analysis of Productivity and Economics of Pakistan’s 2002
Commercial Banking Sectors
133 Shah Hussain Trade Liberalization and Exchange Rate Policy of Pakistan 2001
132 Muhammad Bilal Testing Money Demand Function Under Currency Substitution: A Case for 2001
131 Waheed Akram Trade Liberalization, Globalization and Economic Growth in the Selected 2001
Butt South Asian Countries
130 Hasan M. Mohsin Integration of Asian Markets: Some Empirical Evidence from Selected 2001
129 Ghulam Shabbir Macroeconomic Impacts of Budget Deficit and Monetary Variables on 2001
Foreign Sector of Pakistan
128 Amjad Naveed Patterns of Foreign Trade, Openness and Export Instability in South Asia: 2001
A cross-country Comparison
127 Tasneem Akhtar Empirical Analysis of Input Flexibly in Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan 2001
126 Shazia Kousar Impact of Migration on Child Education and Gender Disparity: A Case 2001
Study of Tehsil Daska
125 Shahbaz Nasir The Macroeconomic Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Pakistan’s 2001
124 Saeed Anwar The Analysis of Exchange Rates Movements: A cross-country Study 2001
123 Muhammad Munir An Optimal Revenue Extraction from Seignorage in Pakistan 2001
122 M. Tariq Majeed Determinants of FDI and Exports: A cross-sectional Study 2001
121 M. Ali Qasim Stock Market Volatility in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis 2001
120 Hajra Bibi Relationship of Economic and Financial Variables with the Stock Market 2001
119 Khalida Jamil Determinants of Female Labor Force Participation in Pakistan: Empirical 2001
Analysis of Input
117 Abdul Majeed Analysis of Telecommunication Sector: Efficiency and Regulatory 2001
116 Safana Shaheen Economics of Scale and Scope in Banking Sector of Pakistan 2001
115 Javed Anwar Capital Market Segmentation: A Case Study of Emerging Stock Markets 2000
114 Muhammad Pakistan’s Foreign Trade: Its Instability and Future Prospects 2000
113 Shabbir Ahmad Economic Analysis of Factor Productivity in Large scale manufacturing 2000
sector of Pakistan
112 M. Mahroof Khan Impact of Land Reforms on Technological Change and Substitution 2000
Possibilities in Pakistan.
111 Sohail Zafar Evidence on Economic Efficiency in the Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan: 2000
Qureshi A Comparison Across Alternative Ownership Status of Firms
110 S. Ali Tahir Raza Measuring the performance and Development of Emerging Stock Markets 2000
109 Dawood Mamoon An Analysis of Stock Market Return and Volatility at Karachi Stock 2000
108 Anser Sultan Dividend Policy and Stock Market Behavior of Firms in Pakistan 2000
107 Amtual Hafeez Determinants of Female Labor Force Participation Decision for Educated 2000
Married Women: A Case Study of the District Mandi Bahauddin
106 Shirin Aslam Digital Technology: Regulations and Diffusion of Mobile Telephony in 2000
Some Selected Asian Countries
105 Bushra Yasmin Estimating of Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Some Selected 2000
Developing Countries
104 Adiqa Kausar Measuring Technical Efficiency of Commercial Banks in Pakistan 2000
103 Nusrat Sultana Estimation of Allocative Efficiency in Pakistan’s Agricultural A Profit 1999
Chaudhary Function Approach
102 Sumbal Riaz Labour Market Participation of Men and Women in Pakistan 1999
101 Saba Jamal Differences in Earning Structures of Males and Females in Pakistan 1999
100 Rubina Hassan Cyclical Behavior of Macroeconomic Time Series in Pakistan 1999
99 Qazi Abdul Subhan Foreign Direct Investment, International Trade and Economic Growth in 1999
96 Farzana Naheed Real Exchange Rate and Purchasing Power Parity: The Asian Experience 1999
94 Azma Batool Household Consumption Behavior: Issues in Specification and Estimation 1999
of Engel Equation
93 Anis Haider The Effects of Foreign Investment on the Economy of Pakistan 1999
92 S. Khalid Zareef Substitutability, Allocative Efficiency and Technical Change in Pakistan’s 1999
91 M. Adnan Aziz Estimation of Consumer Demand Elasticities for Selected Non-food Items 1999
in Pakistan
90 Fatima Ambreen Estimating Consumer Demand of Selected Food Items in Pakistan 1999
88 Ayaz Ahmed Integration of Movements in Stock Market Returns in Emerging Markets 1998
86 Tazeen Fasih Determinants f Child Labor and their Earnings Profiles in Punjab, Pakistan 1998
84 Muhammad Akram Impact of Remittances on Consumption Patterns: Using Household Income 1997
and Expenditure Survey Data 1992-93: A Case Study of Pakistan
83 Abdul Majid Devaluation and Its Implications for Pakistan’s Economy 1997
82 Shoukat Ali Anwar Socio-Economic Conditions, constraint and Economic Behavior of 1997
Randhawa Household: A Case Study of Sahiwal District Punjab
81 Sabahat Anwar Foreign Debt of South Asia and its Economic Implications 1997
77 Muhammad Idrees The Production Relations in the Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan 1997
76 M. Badaruz Zaman Risk, Return and Stock Market Behavior: A Case Study of Karachi Stock 1997
75 Babar Aziz Estimating Consumer Demand System Using Time Series Data of Pakistan 1997
74 Raj Gul Development of Small Industries, their constraints and Employment 1997
Generation in Pakistan: a case study of Sahiwal district
73 Saeed Ahmed The Effects of Foreign Resource Inflows on Aggregate Expenditure in 1996
Sheikh Pakistan
71 M. Ali Bhatti Structural Adjustment and Poverty: A Sectoral Analysis for Pakistan 1996
69 Tariq Mahmood Dynamic Behavior of Investment Savings and Economic Growth in 1996
67 S. Nisar Hussain Technology Transfer and Re-employment Patterns of Return Migrants: A 1996
Shah Case Study of Azad Jammu & Kashmir
66 Muhammad Remittance and Poverty: A Case Study of Pakistan. 1996
65 M. Arshad Khan Balance of Payments Disequilibria Monetary Policy and its Economic 1996
64 Syed Salman Rizvi New Growth Theories: Tests for Developing Countries 1996
63 Sultan Mahmood Income Inequality and Impact of Macroeconomic Policies on Income 1996
Distribution in Pakistan.
62 Abdul Saboor Human Resource Development and Economic Growth: A Cross Country 1996
Sandhu Analysis
61 Nasir Ali Impacts of Dependency Burdens and Foreign Capital Inflows on National 1996
Savings Behavior in Pakistan
59 Ashfaq Ahmad Foreign Trade, Exports Instability and Economic Growth in Pakistan 1996
58 Fayyaz Ahmad Relationship Between Economics Growth and Environmental Quality: A 1996
Cross-Country Study.
57 Khalil Ahmad Informed Money Markets and their impact on financial policies in Pakistan 1995
56 Talat Yazdani Impact of Multi Fiber Arrangement on Pakistan’s Textiles and Clothing 1995
Industry with Special Reference to the United States
55 Syed M. Zia Foreign Trade and Industrialization: An Empirical Analysis for Pakistan 1995
54 M. Yasain Younis Business Fixed Investments: Role of Autonomous Shocks (A Stochastic 1995
Janjua Simulation Approach)
53 M. Safdar Sources of Economic Growth and Structural Changes in Pakistan: A Multi 1995
Sector Comparative Analysis
52 Badshah Nawab International Migration Remittances and Economic Growth: An Empirical 1995
Analysis for Pakistan
51 Aurangzaib Khan Monetary Aggregates, Role of Commercial Banks and Determinants of 1995
Money Supply in Pakistan
50 Ashfaq Ahmad Fiscal Behavior, Taxation Structure and Growth of Public Sector in 1995
Khan Pakistan
49 Abdul Hamid The Management of Human Resources, Unemployment and their 1995
Prospects in Pakistan
48 Sajid Shafiq Mufti Estimation of Translog Cost Function for the Agriculture Sector of 1995
47 Shahid Waseem Public Sector Deficit: Issues, Determinants Measurement and 1994
Anjum Macroeconomic Linkages: A Case Study of Pakistan
46 Rukhsana Parveen Technical Progress, Factors Contribution Substitution and Potential for 1994
Agricultural Growth in Pakistan
44 M. Javed Iqbal Dependent Growth, Foreign Borrowing and its Future Prospects: A. 1994
Comparative Analysis f Pakistan and India.
42 Kaukab Hassan Estimation of Profit Function and Relative Economic Efficiency 1994
41 Syed Sajid Ali Financial Liberalization, Money Demand and Monetary Policy in Pakistan 1994
40 Tahir Mahmood The Relative Usefulness of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Economic 1994
Stabilization of Pakistan’s Economy(1994)
39 M. Arif Sargana International Evidence on Economic Growth and Human Resources 1994
38 Khaula Faizi International Capital Mobility and Saving Investment Relationship: Some 1994
Evidence From South Asian Countries
35 Subhan Khatoon Employment Patterns of Urban Women: A Case Study of Karachi City 1993
32 Sheikh Shahbaz Debt Management, Dependency and Policy Alternatives for Pakistan 1993
31 Zafar Iqbal Zahid Comparison of Modern and Traditional Means of Transportation: A Case 1992
Study of Gujranwala City
30 Rawal Khan Impact of Relative Prices of Major Crops on Farmer’s Decision for 1992
Acreage Allocation: A Case Study of NWFP
29 Qaiser Abbas Some Tests for Differences in Socio-Economic Profile of Migrant Versus 1992
Non Migrant Households in Pakistan 1987-88
28 Nawazish Ali Khan The Impact of Human Capital Accumulation on Agricultural Productivity 1992
in Pakistan
27 Najam Altaf Agricultural Income Tax: Problems and Prospects: The Case of Pakistan 1992
26 Mohammad Ishfaq Traded Goods, Competitiveness and Aggregate Fluctuations in Pakistan’s 1992
25 Mazhar Hussain Income Sources of the Rural Poor: An Analysis of the Household Income 1992
and Expenditure Survey Data of Pakistan 1987-88
24 Manzoor Hussain Production Response in Agricultural: A Case Study of Major Crops in the 1992
Selected Districts of Pakistan
22 Irfan Saleem Some Tests for Differences of Savings Behavior in Pakistan: The Impact 1992
of Remittances
21 Ghulam Hassan The Production Structure in Pakistan Large Scale Manufacturing Industries 1992
Baig (1975-76) to (1986-87)
19 Naeem Sarwar Some Tests for Differences in Consumption Pattern: The Impact of the 1991
Remittances Using the Household Income and Expenditure Survey Data
18 Shehzad Mahmood Shifting of Comparative Advantage in Manufacturing Exports: Some 1991
Evidence from Pakistan
10 Ghulam Mustafa Inflationary Process and Fiscal Deficit in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis 1991
9 Naheed Sultana Returns to Education in the Informal Sector: A Case Study of Selected 1990
Cities of Pakistan
8 Said Ghulam An Inquiry into the use of Cycle rickshaw Vis-à-vis Auto Rickshaw as 1985
Means of Local Transportation in D.I.Khan and Bahawalpur
7 Israr-ul-Haq Prospects of Developing a Food Belt Around the Rapidly Developing 1983
Country of Islamabad
3 M. Ramzan Akhtar Customs Union of Muslim Countries: A Case Study Based on Trade 1982
Among Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Saudi Arabia