Production Hydrogen Model
Production Hydrogen Model
Production Hydrogen Model
School of Chemistry, University of Science & Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China
Received 7 April 2005; received in revised form 18 May 2005; accepted 26 May 2005
Available online 1 August 2005
The kinetics of batch anaerobic hydrogen production by mixed anaerobic cultures was systemically investigated in this study.
Unstructured models were used to describe the substrate utilization, biomass growth and product formation in the hydrogen pro-
duction process. The relationship between the substrate, biomass and products were also evaluated. Experimental results show that
the Michaelis–Menten equation, Logistic model and modified Gompertz equation all could be adopted to respectively describe the
kinetics of substrate utilization, biomass growth and product formation. Furthermore, the relationship between the acidogenic prod-
ucts and biomass was simulated by Luedeking–Piret model very well. The experimental results suggest that the formation of hydro-
gen and the main aqueous products, i.e., butyrate and acetate, was all growth-associated.
2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0960-8524/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Mu et al. / Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) 1302–1307 1303
the unstructured kinetic models microorganisms are CaCl2 50; MgCl2 Æ 6H2O 100; FeCl2 25; NaCl 10; CoCl2 Æ
usually considered to be a component or reactant in 6H2O 5; MnCl2 Æ 4H2O 5; AlCl3 2.5; (NH4)6Mo7O24 15;
the system. The unstructured kinetic models are the H3BO4 5; NiCl2 Æ 6H2O 5; CuCl2 Æ 5H2O 5; ZnCl2 5. Prior
most frequently employed for modeling microbial sys- to operation, the fermentor was purged with nitrogen gas
tems because they are simple, but are good enough for for 10 min to ensure anaerobic condition.
technical purposes (Chen et al., 2001; Hu et al., 2002; The pH of the mixed liquor was kept at constant by
Fujikawa et al., 2004). feeding 4 M NaOH or 2 M HCl solutions via respective
During the anaerobic hydrogen production from or- peristaltic pumps. The agitation rate in the fermentor
ganic wastes, in addition to hydrogen, carbon dioxide, was kept at 120 rpm. A biogas sampling port was in-
various volatile fatty acids (VFA), and sometimes alco- stalled between the meter and the reactor to allow direct
hols, are simultaneously produced. Thus, this is a com- biogas sampling with a syringe. A 10-ml liquor sample
plex multiproduct process. Depending on operating was taken from reactor at each given interval and was
conditions, the distribution of the acidogenic prod- analyzed. In this trail, the pH was chosen as 5.5, which
ucts varies substantially. Furthermore, some acidogenic was optimum for hydrogen production by mixed an-
products, e.g., acetate, butyrate, hydrogen, carbon aerobic cultures obtained by many previous studies
dioxide, may form more complex long-chain fatty acids (van Ginkel et al., 2001; Fan et al., 2004). The tempera-
or alcohols as the hydrogen is consumed (Yu et al., ture and substrate concentration was 35.0 C and
2004). In this case, it is almost impossible to establish 30 g l1, respectively. Moreover, the trial was replicated
structured models to describe such a multiproduct pro- at least three times and results averaged.
cess, but unstructured models might be a better option.
However, few studies have been carried out on unstruc- 2.3. Analytical methods
tured models to describe the kinetics of biological
hydrogen production by mixed anaerobic cultures. The amount of biogas produced was recorded using
Therefore, in this study unstructured models were water-replace equipment. The biogas contents were ana-
used to describe the kinetics of biological hydrogen pro- lyzed by a gas chromatograph (Lunan, Model SP-
duction from sucrose by mixed anaerobic cultures in a 6800A) equipped with a thermal conductivity detector
batch mode, including substrate utilization, biomass and a 1.5 m stainless-steel column packed with 5 Å
growth and product formation. In addition, relationship molecular sieve. The temperatures of injector, detector
between substrate, biomass and products was also eval- and column were kept at 100 C, 105 C and 60 C,
uated. The results from this study were expected to be respectively. Argon was used as carrier gas at a flow rate
helpful for understanding the behavior of anaerobic of 30 ml min1. The concentrations of VFA, including
hydrogen production process. acetate, propionate, and butyrate in the effluent were
determined by second gas chromatograph (Agilent,
Model 6890NT) equipped with a flame ionization detec-
2. Methods tor and a 30 m · 0.25 mm · 0.25 lm fused-silica capil-
lary column (DB-FFAP). The liquor samples were
2.1. Hydrogen-producing sludge first centrifuged at 12000 rpm for 5 min, and were then
acidified by formic acid and filtrated through 0.2 lm
The anaerobic microflora used in this study was ob- membrane and finally measured for free acids. The
tained from a full-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket temperatures of the injector and detector were 250 C
reactor treating citrate-producing wastewater located and 300 C, respectively. The initial temperature of oven
Benpu, China. Prior to use, the seed sludge was heated was 70 C for 3 min followed with a ramp of
at 102 C for 90 min to inactivate the hydrogentrophic 20 C min1 for 5.5 min and to final temperature of
methanogens and to enrich the hydrogen-producing 180 C for 3 min. Nitrogen was used as carrier gas with
bacteria as described by van Ginkel et al. (2001). a flow rate of 2.6 ml min1. Sucrose concentration was
measured using enthrone–sulfuric acid method (Koeher,
2.2. Experiments 1952). VSS concentration was measured according to
the Standard Methods (APHA, 1995).
Hydrogen production experiments were carried out in
a 5-l fermentor (Baoxin Biotech Ltd., Shanghai). One
liter hydrogen-producing sludge with volatile suspended 3. Results and discussion
solids (VSS) of 15.2 g l1 and 3 ml of nutrients solution
were added to the fermentor. The working volume of 3.1. Kinetics of substrate utilization
the fermentor was adjusted to 3.0 l with distilled water.
The solution in the fermentor was composed as follows The Michaelis–Menten equation was used to model
(unit in mg l1): NH4HCO3 2025; K2HPO4 Æ 3H2O 800; the substrate degradation as follows (Wu et al., 2002):
1304 Y. Mu et al. / Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) 1302–1307
3.2. Kinetics of microbial growth In this study, the desirable gaseous product from the
acidogenesis of sucrose was hydrogen, whereas the main
The Logistic model (Eq. (3)) was adapted to describe aqueous products were butyrate and acetate. Therefore,
the kinetics of the microbial growth (Fujikawa et al., the formation kinetics of hydrogen, butyrate and acetate
2004): were focused. A modified Gompertz equation was em-
ployed to model the formation of product (van Ginkel
dX X
¼ kcX 1 ð3Þ et al., 2001; Lin and Lay, 2004):
dt X max
Rmax;i e
where kc (h1) is the apparent specific growth rate; X (g- P i ¼ P max;i exp exp ðki tÞ þ 1 ð5Þ
P max;i
VSS l1) is the microbial concentration; and Xmax (g l1)
is the maximum microbial concentration. Integration of where i represents hydrogen, butyrate and acetate
Eq. (3) gives the following equation for microbial respectively; Pi is the product i formed per liter of reac-
concentration: tor volume at fermentation time t; Pmax,i is the potential
maximum product formed per liter of reactor volume;
X 0 expðk c tÞ Rmax,i is the maximum rate of product formed; is the
X ¼ ð4Þ
1 ðX 0 =X max Þð1 expðk c tÞÞ lag time to exponential product formed.
24 10
Microbial concentration
1/v (g-VSS h g-1)
(g-VSS l-1)
12 2
7 R = 0.954
y = 48.3x+3.58
R = 0.963
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 20 40 60 80 100
1/S (l g-1) Fermentation time (h)
Fig. 1. Linearized Michaelis–Menten equation plot for the degrad- Fig. 2. Logistic model plot for the growth of hydrogen-producing
ation of sucrose. microorganisms.
Y. Mu et al. / Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) 1302–1307 1305
The fitted curves are shown in Fig. 3 and the param- 3.4. Relationship between biomass and products
eters estimated for the formation of various products
are summarized in Table 1. All correlation coefficients The relationship between biomass and the products
of non-linear analysis by Eq. (5) was over 0.990, sug- for the anaerobic hydrogen production by mixed anaer-
gesting that the modified Gompertz equation was able obic cultures could be simulated by the Luedeking–Piret
to adequately describe the formation of various prod- model:
ucts for anaerobic hydrogen production by mixed dP i dX
cultures. ¼ ai þ bi X ð6Þ
dt dt
where ai is the growth-associated formation coefficient
of product i; bi is non-growth-associated formation coef-
5000 ficient of product i.
Hydrogen This model was originally proposed for describing the
4000 lactic acid production by Lactobacillus delbrucckii
(Luedeking and Piret, 1959). The first term of Eq. (6),
P (ml l-1)
i.e., ai dX/dt, is referred as the growth-associated forma-
2000 tion rate of product i. This implies that the growing cells
produce the product in constant proportion of their
1000 P = 4335*exp{-exp[201*e/4335*(9.3-t)+1]}
growth. Non-growth associated product formation term
R = 0.999 (biX) shows that all the microorganisms produce the
product i in a constant proportion of their concentra-
tion, regardless of the growth phase. Eq. (6) could be
Butyrate changed into:
8 dP i dX
¼ ai þ bi
X dt X dt
P (mg l-1)
dP i
¼ ai l þ b i ð7Þ
2 P = 9.30*exp{-exp[0.51*e/9.30*(8.5-t)+1]} X dt
R = 0.997 where dPi/dt/X is the specific formation rate of product i;
and l is the specific growth rate of the microorganisms.
1.0 A straight line could be obtained with an intercept of
Acetate bi and a slope of ai, if plotting dPi/dt/X against l. The
0.8 fitted plots are shown in Fig. 4 for the three products
(hydrogen, butyrate and acetate). The high correlation
P (mg l-1)
coefficients indicate that the Luedeking–Piret model
0.4 could properly describe the relationship between bio-
mass and product in the anaerobic hydrogen production
0.2 P = 0.92*exp{-exp[0.043*e/0.92*(9.5-t)+1]} process. The estimated values of a and b, indicating the
R = 0.999 dependence of product formation and biomass concen-
0 20 40 60 80 100 tration, are shown in Table 2. These values could be
Fermentation time (h) used to predict the productivity in the bioreactor design.
Since all b values were zero in Table 2, the formation of
Fig. 3. Modified Gompertz equation plot for the formation of
acidogenic products.
hydrogen, butyrate and acetate in the anaerobic hydro-
gen production was associate-growth.
30 5000
Hydrogen Hydrogen
(ml g-VSS h )
-1 -1
P (ml l )
10 2000
y = 759x
R = 0.834 1000 y = 143x
0 R = 0.998
Butyrate 10
0.08 Butyrate
(g g-VSS h )
-1 -1
P (g l )
y = 2.45x
0.02 2
R = 0.890
y = 0.35x
0.00 2 2
R = 0.995
(g g-VSS h )
-1 -1
P (g l )
0.002 y = 0.15x
R = 0.964 0.4
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.2 y = 0.03x
-1 R = 0.999
µ (h ) 0.0
0 10 20 30
Fig. 4. Luedeking–Piret model plot for the relationship between the
products and microorganisms. S0-S (g l )
Fig. 5. Plot for the relationship between the products and sucrose.
Table 2
Calculated results using the Luedeking–Piret model for the relation-
ship between the acidogenic products and biomass
Product a (g g-VSS1) b (g g-VSS1 h1) R2
a b
Table 3
Hydrogen 759 0 0.834 Calculated results from Eq. (8) for the relationship between the
Butyrate 2.45 0 0.890 products and substrate
Acetate 0.15 0 0.964
Product YP (g g1) R2
Unit in ml g-VSS1.
Unit in ml g-VSS1 h1. Hydrogen 143a 0.998
Butyrate 0.35 0.995
Acetate 0.03 0.999
Unit in ml g1.
dP i ¼ Y P i dS
Z Pi Z S
dP i ¼ Y P i dS ð9Þ
0 S0
successfully. The yields of hydrogen, butyrate and
acetate were estimated as 143 ml g1, 0.35 g g1 and
P i ¼ Y P i ðS 0 SÞ
0.030 g g1, respectively.
where Y P i is the yield of product i.
Solution of Eq. (9) is plotted in Fig. 5 and the esti-
mated YP values for hydrogen, butyrate and acetate 4. Conclusions
are summarized in Table 3. The high correlation coeffi-
cients in Table 3 suggest that the relationship between With the experimental results of batch hydrogen pro-
products and substrate could be simulated by Eq. (8) duction by mixed anaerobic cultures, unstructured mod-
Y. Mu et al. / Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) 1302–1307 1307
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