Wet Cell Battery Vs
Wet Cell Battery Vs
Wet Cell Battery Vs
Batteries are defined as chemical energy supplies, capable of releasing electric current. While
wet cell batteries get their power from a liquid electrolyte, dry cell batteries generate power
from a slightly moist paste. Batteries can also be divided into two other classes: primary, or
single-use disposables, and secondary, or rechargeables.
The more visible of the two battery types, the dry cell battery, was first made from zinc and
carbon and was invented by Carl Gassner in 1887. All dry cell batteries have a metal
electrode or graphite rod encompassed by an electrolyte paste, all within in a metal container.
In an acidic dry cell, the electricity-generating reduction reaction typically takes place in a
paste comprised of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and manganese dioxide (MnO2). In a
longer-lasting alkaline dry cell, potassium hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydirxide (NaOH)
reacts with manganese dioxide. Other batteries might use silver oxide (Ag2O), mercury
Oxide (HgO) or nickel/cadmium. Dry cells can be either primary or secondary cells.
A well cell battery generates power from an electrode and a liquid electrolyte solution. Early
wet batteries consisted of solution-filled glass jars and with an electrode dropped into each
one. About the size of the average toaster, modern wet cells are used in the ignition system of
most cars and are comprised of lead and a solution of sulfuric acid. A sheet of insulation is
typically used to separate the anode from the cathode. Wet cells can be either primary or
secondary cells.
Wet cell batteries are typically used as secondary batteries and therefore can be recharged by
another power source. This makes them ideal of use in motor vehicles. For the amount of
power that they supply, and as long as they last, wet cell batteries are considered fairly
affordable. If properly maintained, wet cell batteries also have a high number of charge-
discharge cycles. They are also less likely than other batteries to be damaged by