Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The vapor phase dimethyl ether (DME) synthesis is simulated by Hysys process simulation software
Received 25 April 2013 and relevant cost analysis is also conducted. Based on cost estimation results, it is found that capital
Received in revised form 3 August 2013 investment of the classic DME process is greatly influenced by the distillation towers and operating
Accepted 5 August 2013
costs. Accordingly, to solve these problems an innovative DME process based on a top-wall dividing-wall
Available online 12 September 2013
column (DWC) in vapor phase is proposed, in this work. It is shown that the novel proposed DWC process
leads to 44.53% reduction in operating costs compared to the conventional one, while both schemes
predict almost the same output specifications.
DME © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cost estimation
0255-2701/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
152 Y. Tavan, S.H. Hosseini / Chemical Engineering and Processing 73 (2013) 151–157
Fig. 1. Residue curve map and ternary diagram of the mixture DME–methanol–water at 10 bar pressure.
where MW is molecular weight of a mixture (g/mol), T is tempera- where Qreb (W) is the reboiler duty, Ureb is the overall heat-transfer
ture (K), P is pressure (kPa) and VNT is maximum vapor flow rate in coefficient and the temperature driving force T (K) in the reboiler
distillation column (mol/s). depends on the operating condition of steam. The heat transfer area
for the condensers is calculated by
Nt × 2 × 1.2
Ht = (3)
where Nt stands for the total number of stages. The heat transfer Scon (m2 ) = (5)
(Ucon × Tcon )
area for the reboilers is calculated by
Qreb where Qcon (W) is the condenser duty, Ucon is the overall heat-
Sreb (m2 ) = (4)
Ureb × Treb transfer coefficient and the log-mean temperature driving force
Table 2
The results of conventional vapor phase DME production and equipments costs.
Property Stream
Property Equipment
Tcond (K) depends on the dew and bubble points for a total con- where FC = Fm × Fp = 3.67 × 1
Tray cost ($) = (4.7D1.55 Ht FC ) (7)
M&S 280
Column cost ($) = (101.9D1.066 Ht 0.802 (2.18 + FC )) (6) where FC = Fs + Ft + Fm = 1 + 1.8 + 1.7
M & S 0.65
Heat exchanger cost ($) = (S (2.29 + FC )) (8)
where FC = (Fd + Fp ) × Fm = (1.35 + 0) × 3.75 for the reboiler,
FC = (Fd + Fp ) × Fm = (1 + 0) × 3.75 for the condenser and M & S
which is 1609.
The minimum volume of the reactor (9 m3 ) is determined based
on the optimum temperature progression chart [32]. Due to corro-
sivity of methanol, stainless steel material is chosen and the cost of
reactor is found to be 38,400$ using the online site [33].
Capital investment = column cost + tray cost
DWC and reactive DWC. More recently, the reactive DWC and CD
techniques for the DME synthesis are studied by Kiss and Suszwalak
[8] and Lei et al. [34], respectively. Hence, in the current research,
top-wall DWC utilization is evaluated by Hysys process simula-
tion software to reduce the energy requirements and number of
equipments in a novel DME process.
Fig. 5. Configuration of the DME production process via the DWC technique.
156 Y. Tavan, S.H. Hosseini / Chemical Engineering and Processing 73 (2013) 151–157
Fig. 6. The convergence of the SQP method for the DWC–DME unit.
Fig. 7. Component composition profile of the DWC–DME unit.
be found in Premkumar et al. work [10]. In order to optimize the duty of the DWC–DME system is significantly lower than the cor-
DWC system, it is assumed that energy optimization of a DWC with responding term in the conventional DME process. It is calculated
fixed number of trays is equivalent to the energy minimization of that the DWC–DME process leads to 44.53% reduction in operat-
the whole DWC process due to this fact that the energy require- ing costs, compared to the classic DME production unit. This saving
ment strongly depends on the interconnecting liquid and vapor is in a fair agreement with the researchers findings for the DWCs
flows [11]; therefore, it is very important to find the optimal val- schemes [9–15,25]. Fig. 7 shows the composition profiles in both
ues for thus flows to minimize the energy requirements and make sides of the wall. As can be seen in the figure, high purity products
a fair comparison. Moreover, it should be stated that location of are obtained in the DWC configuration. In the MC column, it is seen
side streams and number of stages have only a minor effect on the that the concentrations of methanol and water oppositely increase
system and these effects are then neglected [7–19]. Hence, design along the column that the same trend was observed in the sequence
results after optimization of the interconnecting liquid and vapor columns as shown in Fig. 3. It has been reported that the Petlyuk
flows leads to an optimal design. column is generally more efficient than the other thermally cou-
In this regards, for the search of the minimum energy pled schemes [17–19]. It is noteworthy that a DWC is practically
requirements of the whole DWC–DME unit, the method of SQP identical to a Petlyuk column, if the heat transfer across the col-
implemented as a part of Hysys is used. The target is minimization umn wall is neglected or the wall is insulated. In this study, Fig. 8
of energy demand using the interconnecting flows as search vari- shows the temperature difference between both sides of the wall
ables and by assuming the pure DME at the top of the column as and indicates that this difference is less than 20 ◦ C. Therefore, it can
constrain. During this method, the number of trays remains con- be assumed that there is no heat transfer between both sides of the
stant. Fig. 6 shows how the SQP method reaches to the minimum wall and the modeled system is thermodynamically equivalent to
value (658 kW) for total required duty of the DWC–DME unit. The the Petlyuk column. As a result, the use of a DWC in DME process
simulation results of the optimized DWC system are presented in leads to significant reduction in operating and equipment costs and
Table 3. From Tables 2 and 3, it is found that the required heat it can be a suitable choice for this process in industrial scale.
Table 3
The results of vapor phase DME production in the DWC process.
Property Stream
Property Equipment
PF MC Flow
Total trays 6 16 –
Condenser duty (kJ/h) 374,414 187,460 –
Reboiler duty (kJ/h) – 1,807,757 –
Operating pressure (kPa) 1000 1000 –
Reflux ratio 4.46 0.75 –
Interconnection liquid flow – – 0.85
Interconnection vapor flow – – 1.48
Solving method Modified Hysim inside-out –
Equipment type Refluxed absorber Ordinary column –
Y. Tavan, S.H. Hosseini / Chemical Engineering and Processing 73 (2013) 151–157 157