Speed, Time and Distance (WWW - Freeupscmaterials.wordpress - Com)
Speed, Time and Distance (WWW - Freeupscmaterials.wordpress - Com)
Speed, Time and Distance (WWW - Freeupscmaterials.wordpress - Com)
hours (hr) ax
Distance is usually measured in metres (m), distance ax km is hours.
kilometres (km), miles, yards or feet.
Speed is usually measured in metres per second Since both start at the same time and meet,
(mps), kilomet res per hour (kmph or those two times must be equal. Hence
km/hr) or miles per hour (mph).
ax by x2 b x b
Conversion of units y x y2 a y a
1 hour = 60 minutes = (60 × 60) seconds. For example, A man sets out to cycle f rom
1 kilometre = 1000 metres Bhiwani to Rohtak, and at the same time another
8 kilometres = 5 miles man starts from Rohtak to cycle to Bhiwani. After
1 yard = 3 feet passing each other they complete their journeys
1 kilometre 1 4
1 kilometre per hour = in 3 and 4 hours respectively. At what rate
1 hour 3 5
1000 metres 5 does the second man cycles if the first cycles 8
= (60 60) seconds 18 metre per second km per hour?
We proceed as follows:
18 kilometres per hour = 5 metres per second
[To convert kilometres per hour into metres 4
per second we multiply the given speed in First man' s rate 5 6
Second man' s rate 1 5
5 3
kilometres per hour with . And to convert 3
metres per second into kilometres per hour 8 6
we multiply the given speed in metres per or
Second man' s rate 5
second with .] 5 2
5 second man’s rate = 8 = 6 km per hour.
6 3
1 kilometre per hour = mile per hour.
1 mile per hour = feet per second.
Speed, Time and Distance 451
Solved Examples
Ex. 1: A man walks 22.5 km in 5 hours. How Now, 1 hour = 60 minutes
much he will walk in 4 hours? = (60 × 60) seconds
Soln: We have, distance covered = 22.5 km, = 3600 seconds
time taken = 5 hours. Distance covered by the goods train in
one hour = (Speed × Time)
Speed = = (4 × 3600) metres
22 .5 = 4 km
or, Speed = km/hr = 4.5 km/hr
Now, Distance = Speed × Time 72
=km = 14.4 km
or, Distance covered in 4 hours 5
= (4.5 × 4) km = 18 km. Thus, the distance covered by the goods
Hence, the man will walk 18 km in 4 train in 1 hour = 14.4 km.
hours. Hence, the speed of the t rain is 14.4
Ex. 2: A car travels at the speed of 72 km/hr. km/hr.
How many metres will it travel in one Ex. 4: A man travels some distance at a speed
second? of 12 km/hr and returns at 9 km/hr. If
Soln: We have, speed of the car = 72 km/hr the total time taken by him is 2 hours
20 minutes, find the distance.
Time = 1 sec = minute Soln: Let the distance be x km. Then,
time taken at 12 km/hr = hour
60 seconds 1minute 12
1 sec minute x
60 = 60 minutes = 5x minutes.
= hour
60 60
Time taken at 9 km/hr = hour
60 minutes 1 hour 1 minute 60 hour x 20x
= 60 minutes = minutes.
1 minute 1
hour 9 3
60 60 60 Since the total time taken is 2 hours 20
Now, Distance = Speed × Time minutes ie 140 minutes.
Distance covered in one second Now, according to the question,
= Speed × Time 20
5x x 140
1 3
= 72 km
15x 20x
or, 140
1 3
= 72 1000 m
3600 35 x
[ 1 km = 1000 m] or, 140
1 or, 35x = 3 × 140
= 72 10 m = 20 m.
36 3 410
Thus, the car will travel 20 metres in 1 or, x =
sec. x = 12
Ex. 3: The speed of a goods train is 4 m/sec. Hence, the distance is 12 km.
What is its speed in km/hr? Ex. 5: Walking at 4 km/hr, a person reaches
Soln: In order to find the speed of the goods his office 5 minutes late. If he walks
t r ain in km/hr , we hav e t o find t he at 5 km/hr, he will be 4 minutes too
distance travelled (in km) by it in one hour. early. Find the distance of his office
We have, from his residence.
Speed = 4 m/sec and Time = 1 hour.
452 Concept of Arithmetic
Soln: Let the required distance be x km. When the person walks at 5 km/hr, then
x x 4
Time taken at 4 km/hr = hours t
4 5 60
x x 1
= 60 minutes = 15x minutes or, t ....(ii)
4 5 15
Now, subt r act ing equat ion (ii) fr om
x equation (i), we have,
Time taken at 5 km/hr = hours
x x 1 1
= t t
4 5 12 15
= 60 minutes = 12x minutes
1 1 54 9
Since the diff er ence bet ween t he two = = =
times taken is (5 + 4) = 9 minutes. 12 15 60 60
15x - 12x = 9
5 x 4x 9
or, 3x = 9 or,
20 60
or, x = = 3. x 9
3 or,
Hence, the required distance is 3 km. 20 60
Alternative Method I: 9 20
Let the distance to the office be 1 km. x = = 3
Then, time taken to cover 1 km at the rate
of 4 km/hr Hence, the required distance is 3 km.
Ex. 6: A gun is fired at a distance of 3.32 km
Distance 1 away from Rohit. He hears the sound
= Speed 4 hour
10 seconds later. Find the speed of the
1 Soln: Since Rohit is at a distance of 3.32 km
= 60 = 15 minutes from the gun and he hears the sound 10
Time taken to cover 1 km at the rate of 5 seconds later. This means that in 10
km/hr seconds sound covers a distance of 3.32
Distance 1 Distance covered = 3.32 km
Speed 5 hour = (3.32 × 1000) metres
= 3320 metres
1 and, time taken = 10 seconds.
= 60 = 12 minutes
5 Distance
Difference in time taken Now, Speed =
= (15 – 12) = 3 minutes
But the actual difference in time 3320
= (5 + 4) = 9 minutes Speed = m/sec = 332 m/sec.
Thus, when the difference in time taken Ex. 7: A man travels a distance of 18 km from
is 3 minutes, the distance to office = 1 km his house to an exhibition by tanga at
If the difference in time is 9 minutes, 15 km/hr and returns back on cycle at
1 10 km/hr. Find his average speed for
the distance to office = 9 = 3 km
3 the whole journey.
Hence the distance to office = 3 km. Soln: Time taken by a man to reach exhibition
Alternative Method II: from his house
Let x km be the distance of office of the
Distance 18 6
person and t hours be the time required = = hours = hours
to reach the office by the person. Speed 15 5
When the person walks at 4 km/hr, then Time taken by a man to reach his house
x 5 from the exhibition
4 60 Distance 18 9
= Speed = hours = hours
10 5
x 1
or, t ....(i)
4 12
Speed, Time and Distance 453
36 16
= 32 hours.
=km/hr = 12 km/hr 1
Ex. 8: Two men A and B start from a place P
Ex. 9: A train travelling 25 km an hour leaves
1 Delhi at 9 am and anot her t rai n
walking at 3 km and 3 km an hour
2 travelling 35 km an hour starts at 2
respectively. How many km will they pm in the same direction. How many
km from Delhi will they be together?
1 Soln: Let the required distance be x km.
be apart at the end of 2 hours,
2 A train leaves Delhi at 9 am and another
(i) if they walk in opposite train leaves Delhi at 2 pm in the same
directions? direction.
( i i) if they walk in the same direction? ie difference of time = 5 hours.
What time will they take to be 16 Distance travelled by the first train in 5
km apart, hours = (25 × 5) = 125 km
( i ii ) if they walk in the opposite Now, according to the question,
directions? Time taken by the train to cover (x – 125)
( iv) if they walk in the same direction? km is equal to the time taken by the second
Soln: (i) When they walk in opposite directions, train to cover the distance of x km.
Their relative velocity will be
x x 125
1 1 35 25
3 3 6 km
2 2 or, 25x = 35x – 35 × 125
35 125 875 1
1 x= 437
ie, They will be 6 km apart in one hour. 10 2 2
The distance from Delhi after which
1 1
in 2 hour s t hey will be
2 they will be together = 437 km.
1 1 1 Alternative Method :
6 2 16 km apart. The first train has a start of 25 × 5 km
2 2 4
and the second train gains (35 – 25) or 10
(ii) When they walk in same direction, km per hour.
Their relative velocity will be the second train will gain 25 × 5 km in
1 1 25 5 1
3 3 km or 12 hours.
2 2 10 2
1 the required distance from Delhi
ie, They will be km apart in one hour.
2 1 1
= 12 35 = 437 km.
2 2
1 1 1 1
in 2 hours they will be 2 1 3
2 2 2 4 Ex. 10: Walking of his usual speed, a person
km apart.
(iii) From (i), discussed above, 1
is 1 hours late to his office. Find his
1 1 2
They will be 3 3 6 km apart in usual time to cover the distance.
2 2
Soln: It is easy to see that if the speed of a train
one hour. or man be changed in the ratio of a : b,
454 Concept of Arithmetic
then the time required to travel a certain Soln: Suppose I have to walk 1 km.
distance will be changed in the ratio of
b : a. To walk 1 km, I require hour in the
Since the man walks at of his usual 1
4 first case, and hour in the second case.
rate, the time that he takes is of his 1 1
Therefore, I save hour in the first
usual time. 3 4
4 1 1
of usual time = usual time + 1 hours. case, and hour in the second case.
3 2 4
1 1 1 1
of usual time = 1 hours. Thefore, I save hour or 5 minutes
3 2 3 4
in the second case. But , by the question,
1 1
usual time = 1 3 hours = 4 hours. I save (40 + 30) or 70 minutes.
2 2 Hence the required distance
Alternative Method : = (70 5 =) 14 km.
Let the usual speed of the person be x km/ Alternative Method :
hr and the distance of his office = D km. Let the required distance be D km.
His usual time to cover the distance Time taken to cover D km at 3 km/hr
= hours D
x = hour
Now, according to the question, 3
Time taken to cover D km at 4 km/hr
Speed = of his usual speed D
= hour
3 Total difference in time
= x km/hr
4 = 40 minutes late + 30 minutes early
Time taken to cover the distance D km
70 7
= 70 minutes = hours
60 6
D 4D
= hours Now, according to the question,
3x 3x
D D 7
3 4 6
4D D 1 3 1 1 7
1 hours = hours or, D
3x x 2 2 3 4 6
D4 3 D 7
1 or,
or, 12 6
x 3 2
D 1 3 7 12
or, D = = 14 km
x 3 2 6
Hence the required distance = 14 km.
D 9 Ex. 12: Two men A and B walk from P to Q a
x 2 distance of 21 km, at 3 and 4 km an
hour respectively. B reaches Q, returns
9 1 immediately and meets A at R. Find the
Usual time = = 4 hours.
2 2 distance from P to R.
Ex. 11: I have to be at a certain place at a Soln: When B meets A at R, B has walked the
certain time and find that I shall be distance PQ + QR and A the distance PR.
40 minutes too late, if I walk at 3 km That is both of them have together walked
an hour and 30 minutes too soon, if I twice the distance from P to Q, ie 42 km.
walk at 4 km an hour. How far have I
to walk?
Speed, Time and Distance 455
Now the rates of A and B are 3 : 4 and distance PQ (= 55 km) and when they meet
they have walked 42 km. at S for the second time, they have together
Hence the distance PR travelled by A covered three times the distance PQ or
165 km.
= of 42 km. = 18 km.
Alternative Method I: 3 32
Now PR = 55 km
1 of PQ = 11
= 30 km.
Let the required distance be x km. QP + PS is the distance covered by B when
Now, according to the question, he meets A for the second time.
A and B both walk for the same distance
Distance travelled by B 2
= (21 + 21 – x) = (42 – x) km 2
QP + PS = of 165 km = 75 km.
42 x 2
Time taken by B = hours
4 PS = 75 - QP = (75 - 55) km = 20 km.
Distance travelled by A = x km SR = PR - PS = (30 - 20) km = 10 km.
Ex. 14: Points A and B are 90 km apart from
Time taken by A = hours each other on a highway. A car starts
3 from A and another from B at the same
time. If they go in the same direction
x 42 x
they meet in 9 hours and if they go in
3 4
or, 4x = 126 – 3x 9
opposite directions they meet in
or, 7x = 126 7
hours. Find their speeds.
or, x = = 18 Soln: Let X and Y be two cars starting from
7 points A and B respectively. Let the speed
required distance = 18 km of car X be x km/hr and that of car Y be y
Alternative Method II: km/hr.
A’s speed = 3 km Case I: When two cars move in the same
B’s speed = 4 km direction:
Let us consider that A and B meets after t
Distance covered by A in t hours = 3t km
Distance covered by B in t hours = 4t km
Total distance covered by A and B
= 3t + 4t = 7t km Suppose two cars meet at point Q. Then,
But the total distance covered by A and B is distance travelled by car X = AQ,
twice the distance between P and Q. distance travelled by car Y = BQ.
So, 7t = 21 × 2 It is given that two cars meet in 9 hours.
Distance travelled by car X in 9 hours
21 = 9x km or AQ = 9x km
t = 2
7 Distance travelled by car y in 9 hours
t = 6 hours = 9y km
So, the distance between P and R = Distance BQ = 9y km
travelled by A = 3 × 6 = 18 km. Clearly, AQ - BQ = AB
Ex. 13: A and B start at the same time from P 9x - 9y = 90
and Q (55 km apart) to Q and P at 3 [ AB = 90 km]
or, x - y = 10 .... (i)
and 2 km an hour respectively, meet Case II: When two cars move in opposite
2 directions:
at R, reach Q and P, return immediately Suppose two cars meet at point P. Then,
and meet again at S. Find the distance distance travelled by car X = AP
from R to S. distance travelled by car Y = BP
Soln: When A and B meet at R for the first time,
they have together cov er ed the whole In this case, two cars meet in hours.
456 Concept of Arithmetic
Dist ance tr av elled by car X in Case II: When he travels 200 km by train
and the rest by car:
9 9 9
hours = x km or AP = x km If Ved travels 200 km by train, then
7 7 7 distance travelled by car is (600 - 200) km
= 400 km.
Distance travelled by car Y in hours Now, time taken to cover 200 km by train
9 9 = hours
= y km or BP = y km x
7 7 Time taken to cover 400 km by train
Clearly, AP + BP = AB
9 9 = y hours
x y 90
7 7
In this case the total time of journey is 8
9 hours 20 minutes
or, (x y ) 90
7 200 400
= 8 hours 20 minutes
or, x + y = 70 ... (ii) x y
Solving (i) and (ii), we get
x = 40 and y = 30. 200 400 1
Hence, speed of car X is 40 km/hr and x y 3
speed of car Y is 30 km/hr.
Ex. 15: Ved travels 600 km to his home partly [ 8 hours 20 minutes
by train and partly by car. He takes 8 20 1
hours if he travels 120 km by train and = 8 hours = 8 hours]
60 3
the rest by car. He takes 20 minutes
longer if he travels 200 km by train 200 400 25
and the rest by car. Find the speed of or,
x y 3
the train and the car.
Soln: Let the speed of the train be x km/hr and 8 16 25
the speed of the car be y km/hr. or, 25
Case I: When he travels 120 km by train and x y 3
the rest by car:
8 16 1
If Ved travels 120 km by train, then or, x y 3
distance covered by car is (600 - 120) km
= 480 km.
Now, time taken to cover 120 km by train 24 48
or, 1
x y
= hours
x 24 48
or, 1 0 .... (ii)
x y
speed 1 1
Putting u and v in (i) and (ii),
Time taken to cover 480 km by car x y
480 we get
= y hours 15u + 60v - 1 = 0 .... (iii)
It is given that the total time of the journey 24u + 48v - 1 = 0 .... (iv)
is 8 hours. On solving equations (iii) and (iv), we have
120 480 1 1
8 u = and v =
x y 60 80
15 60 1 1 1
or, 8 8 Now, u = x = 60,
x y x 60 x
15 60 1 1 1
or, x
1 and v = y 80 y y = 80.
30 1 1
= hours y 5 y = 5.
And, time taken by Y to cover 30 km
30 Hence, X’s speed = km/hr and
= y hours
Y’s speed = 5 km/hr.
By the given conditions, we have Ex. 17: After covering a distance of 30 km with
a uniform speed there is some defect
30 30 in a trai n engine and therefore, its
x y
speed is reduced to of its original
10 10 5
or, x y 1 .... (i) speed. Consequently, the train reaches
it s destinat ion late by 45 m inutes.
If X doubles his pace, then speed of X
Had it happened aft er cov er ing 18
= 2x km/hr
kilometres more, the train would have
Time taken by X to cover 30 km
reached 9 minutes earlier. Find the
30 speed of the train and the distance of
= hours journey.
Time taken by Y to cover 30 km Soln: Let the original speed of the train be x
km/hr and the distance of the journey be
= y
y hours y km. Then, time taken = hours.
According to the giv en conditions, we
Case I: When defect in the engine occurs
after covering 30 km.
30 30 1 Speed for first 30 km = x km/hr
1 and, speed for the remaining (y - 30) km
y 2x 2
30 30 3 = x km/hr
or, 5
y 2x 2
10 5 1 Time taken to cover 30 km = hours
or, y x 2 Time taken to cover (y - 30) km
10 20 y 30 5
or, x y 1 .... (ii) =
hours = (y - 30) hours
1 1
Putting u and v , equations (i) According to the given condition, we have
x y
30 5 y 45
and (ii) become: (y 30 )
10u – 10v = 1 .... (iii) x 4x x 60
–10u + 20v = 1 ... (iv) 30 5y 150 y 3
Adding (iii) and (iv), we get: x 4x x 4
10v – 2 = 0 v . 120 5y 150 4y 3x
5 or,
4x 4x
1 or, 5y – 30 = 4y + 3x
Putting v in (iii), we get:
5 or, 3x – y + 30 = 0
458 Concept of Arithmetic
Case II: When defect in the engine occurs Total time taken by the train if no accident
after covering 48 km.
Speed for first 48 km = x km/hr happens = hours
Speed for the remaining (y – 48) km x
Case I:
= km/hr Time taken by the train to cover the whole
5 length of the trip
Time taken to cover 48 km = hours
x (d 3x )
= 3 1 hours
Time taken to cover (y - 48) km 75
y 48 5(y 48 )
= hour = hour 4(d 3x )
4x 4x = 4 hours
Now, according to the question,
According to the given condition, the train
now reaches 9 minutes earlier ie it is 36 4(d 3x ) d
4 4
minutes late. 3x x
48 5(y 48) y 36 4d 12x d
x 4x x 60 3x x
or, 4d – 12x = 3d
48 5y 240 y 3
or, or, d = 12x .... (i)
x 4x x 5 Case II:
192 5y 240 5y 3x If the train had covered 150 km more
or, before the accident then the distance of
4x 5x
the accident = (3x + 150) km
5y 48 5y 3x Remaining distance
or, = (d – (3x + 15)) km
4 5
Time taken to cover the whole length of
or, 25y - 240 = 20y + 12x the trip
or, 12x - 5y + 240 = 0
Thus, we have the following system of 3x 150 d (3x 150 )
simultaneous equations: x 75
3x - y + 30 = 0 ... (i) 100
12x - 5y + 240 = 0 ... (ii)
Now, according to the question,
On solving equations (i) and (ii), we have,
x = 30 and y = 120 3x 150 d (3x 150 ) d 7
Hence, the original speed of the train is x 3x x 2
30 km/hr and the length of the journey 4
is 120 km.
Ex. 18: A train met with an accident 3 hours 3x 150 4d 12x 600 d 7
after starting, which detains it for one or, 1
x 3x x 2
hour, after which it proceed at 75% of
its original speed. It arriv es at the 3x 150 4 12x 12x 600
dest i nat i on 4 hours l at e. Had t he x 3x
accident taken place 150 km farther 12x 5
along the railway line, the train would
x 2
have arrived only 3
hours late. Find d 12x
the length of the trip and the original 9x 450 36x 600 29
speed of the train. 3x 2
Soln: Let the length of the trip be d km and the
original speed of the train be x km/hr. 3x 150 12x 200 29
As the accident takes place after 3 hours. x 2
distance covered in 3 hours by the train
= (3 × x) = 3x km 3x 150 12x 200 29
Remaining distance = (d - 3x) km x 2
Speed, Time and Distance 459
15 x 50 29 6D
or, or, V(V 6) 4
x 2
or, 30x - 100 = 29x
or, x = 100 4V(V 6)
D= ....(i)
Hence, speed = 100 km/hr and the length 6
of the trip (d) = 12x = 12 × 100 = 1200 km When the person moves 6 km/hr slower,
Ex. 19: A train covered a certain distance at a then
uniform speed. If the train would have
been 6 km/hr fast er, it would have D D
taken 4 hours less than the scheduled V6 V
time. And, if the train were slower by 6
km/hr, it would have taken 6 hours or, 6
more than the scheduled time. Find the V6 V
length of the journey. D(V V 6)
Soln: Let t he act ual speed of t he t rain be or, 6
x km/hr and the actual time taken be y V(V 6)
hours. Then, or, D = V(V – 6) ....(ii)
Distance = (xy) km ... (i) Combining equations (i) and (ii), we get
[ Distance = speed × time]
4V(V 6)
If the speed is increased by 6 km/hr, then V(V 6)
time of journey is reduced by 4 hours ie 6
when speed is (x + 6) km/hr, t ime of or, 4V + 24 = 6V – 36
journey is (y - 4) hours. or, 2V = 60
Distance = (x + 6) (y - 4) km
or, xy = (x + 6) (y – 4) [Using (i)] V = = 30
or, –4x + 6y – 24 = 0 2
or, –2x + 3y – 12 = 0 ... (ii) Hence original speed = 30 km/hr
When the speed is reduced by 6 km/hr, Putting the value of V in equation (ii), we
then the time of journey is increased by 6 have
hours ie when speed is (x - 6) km/hr, D = 30 (30 – 6) = (30 × 24) = 720 km
time of journey is (y + 6) hours Ex. 20: A hare sees a dog 100 metres away
Distance = (x – 6) (y + 6) from her and scuds off in the opposite
or, xy = (x – 6) (y + 6) [Using (i)] direction at a speed of 12 km an hour.
or, 6x – 6y – 36 = 0 A minute later the dog perceives her
or, x – y – 6 = 0 .... (iii) and gives chase at a speed of 16 km
On solving equations (ii) and (iii), we get per hour . How soon wi l l t he dog
x = 30 and y = 24. ov er t ake t he har e, and at what
Putting the values of x and y in (i), we distance from the spot whence the hare
obtain took flight?
Distance = (30 × 24) km = 720 km. Soln: Suppose the hare at H sees the dog at D.
Hence, the length of the journey is 720
Alternative Method: DH = 100 metres.
Let the original speed and distance be V Let K be the position of the hare where
km/hr and D km respectively. the dog sees her.
Time taken to complete the whole journey HK = the distance gone by the hare in 1
D minute.
= hours 12 1000
V = 1 m = 200 m.
When the train moves 6 km/hr faster, 60
DK = 100 m + 200 m = 300 m
The hare thus has a start of 300 m.
D D Now the dog gains (16 - 12) or 4 km in an
4 hour.
V6 V
D D 60 300
or, 4 the dog will gain 300 m in or
V 6 V 4 1000
D(V V 6) 1
or, 4 4 minutes.
V(V 6) 2
460 Concept of Arithmetic
= 1 min
3 175 200 metres is covered in time
Soln: 50 leaps of the hare = 50 1 m= m
4 2
1 3
= 200 = 3 min.
175 200
the grey-hound should gain m over
2 Hence, dog will catch hare in 3 minutes.
the hare. Ex. 23: Two guns were fir ed from the same
Now the grey-hound takes 3 leaps whilst place at an interval of 13 minutes but
the hare takes 4 leaps. a person in a train approaching the
the grey-hound takes 1 leap whilst the place hears t he second r epor t 12
minutes 30 seconds after the first. Find
4 the speed of the train, supposing that
hare takes leaps.
3 sound travels 330 metres per second.
Soln: It is easy to see that the distance travelled
3 by the train in 12 min 30 seconds could
the grey-hound goes 2 m whilst the
4 be travelled by sound in (13 min - 12 min
30 seconds) or 30 seconds.
4 3
hare goes 1 m the train travels 330 × 30 metres in
3 4
12 min.
3 4 3 2
the grey-hound gains 2 1 or
4 3 4 the speed of the train per hour
5 330 30 2 60
m in one leap. =
12 25 1000
175 1188 13
t he gr ey-hound gains m in = or 47 km per hour
2 25 25
Ex. 24: A carriage driving in a fog passed a
175 12 man who was walking at the rate of 3
210 leaps.
2 5 km an hour in the same direction. He
Ex. 22: A hare starts to run at 12 km per hour could see the carriage for 4 minutes
when a dog is 100 metres off. After and i t was v i si bl e t o hi m upt o a
half a minute the dog sees hare and distance of 100 m. What was the speed
pursues at 16 km per hour. How soon of the carriage?
will he catch hare? Soln: The dist ance t rav elled by man in 4
Soln: Suppose the hare H sees the dog at D. minutes
3 1000
= 4 metres = 200 metres.
Speed, Time and Distance 461
Let the train P starts from A and Q starts
from B and they meet at C. Ex. 27: A person walks from A to B at the rate
Let P’s speed be x km per hour and Q’s of 3 kmph and after transacting some
speed be y km per hour. business which occupies him an hour,
BC = 5x km; AC = 20y km returns to A by tramway at the rate of
Now time taken by P to travel a distance 5 kmph. He then finds that he has been
absent for 2 hours 20 minutes. Find
20y = hours the distnace from A to B.
x Soln: We have average speed
And time taken by Q to travel a distance
2 3 5
= 3.75 kmph
5x 35
5x = y hours
The time for which he travels
Since both start at the same time and meet,
1 1
those two times must be equal. = 2 1 1 hours
3 3
20y 5 x
x y 1 1
Distance = 3.75 1 = 2.5 km
or, 5x = 20y 2 2
Note: In calculating distance we have
or, 2 = 4 1 1
y multiplied 3.75 1 by . Because we
3 2
x 2 will get twice the distance otherwise.
y 1 Ex. 28: A person has to reach a place 40 km
away. He walks at the rate of 4 km/hr
Ex. 26: A can walk a certain distance in 50
for the first 16 km and then travels in a
days when he rests 9 hours each day,
scoot er for t he r est of t he j our ney.
how long it will take for him to walk
However, if he had travelled by scooter
twice as far if he walks twice as fast
for the 16 km and covered the remaining
and rests twice as long each day?
distance on foot at 4 km/hr, he would
Soln: Suppose initially he covers x km in 50
have taken an hour longer to complete
t he j our ney. Find the speed of t he
x scooter.
Distance covered in 1 day = km Soln: Total distance covered = 40 km
Since he rests for 9 hours, Distance covered on foot = 16 km
Distance covered in (24 – 9 =) 15 hours Distance covered in a scooter
= 40 km – 16 km = 24 km
x Suppose speed of the scooter
= km
50 = x km per hour
462 Concept of Arithmetic
x x in the alternate minute. If he continues
to ascend in this fashion, how long
8 does he take to reach the top?
or, 1
x Soln: In every 2 minutes he is able to ascend
(2 – 1 =) 1 metre. This way he ascends
or, =1 upto 12 metres because when he reaches
x at the top, he does not slip down. Thus,
or, x = 8 upt o 12 met res he takes 12 × 2 = 24
Hence, speed of the scooter minutes and for the last 2 metres he takes
= 8 km per hour. 1 minute. Therefore, he takes (24 + 1 =)
Ex. 29: A boy goes to school at a speed of 3 25 minutes to reach the top. That is, in
km/hr and returns to the village at a 26th minute he reaches the top.
speed of 2 km/hr. If he takes 5 hours Ex. 32: Two runners cover the same distance
in all, what is the distance between the at the rate of 15 km and 16 km per
village and the school? hour respectively. Find the distance
Soln: Let the required distance be x km. travelled when one takes 16 minutes
Then time taken during the first journey longer than the other.
Soln: Let the distance be x km.
= hour. x
Time taken by the first runner = hours
And time taken during the second journey 15
x Time taken by the second runner
= hour.
2 x
= hours
x x 16
3 2 Now, according to the question,
2x 3x x x 16
or, 15 16 60
or, 5x 30 x (16 15 ) 16
x = 6 15 16 60
required distance = 6 km
Ex. 30: A motor car does a journey in 10 hours, 16
x= 15 16 = 64 km.
the fi rst half at 21 km/hr and t he 60
second half at 24 km /hr . Fi nd t he Ex. 33: Without any stoppage a person travels
distance. a certain distance at an average speed
Soln: Let the distance be x km. of 80 km/hr and with stoppages he
x covers the same distance at an average
Then km is travelled at a speed of 21 speed of 60 km/hr. How many minutes
2 per hour does he stop?
Speed, Time and Distance 463
= hours = 15 minutes. Then time taken with V 1 and V 2 speeds
Ex. 34: A man rode out a certain distance by D D
train at the rate of 25 km an hour and are V hours and V hours respectively.
1 2
walked back at the rate of 4 km per
hour. The whole journey took 5 hours Total distance
and 48 minutes. What distance did he average speed =
Total time
Soln: Let the distance be x km. 2D 2V1V2
4 km/hr
Then time spent in journey by train D D V1 V2
x V1 V2
= hours.
25 In second case,
And time spent in journey by walking V1 V2
average speed = 4.5 km/hr
x 2
= hours.
4 or, V1 + V2 = 9 and V1 V2 = 18
and 1.5 times that of the steamer, find Ex. 40: A per son cov ers a di stance i n 40
the rate of horse, train and steamer minutes if he runs at a speed of 45 km
per hour. per hour on an average. Find the speed
Soln: Suppose the speed of horse = x km/hr. at which he must run to reduce the time
Then speed of the train = 3x km/hr of journey to 30 minutes.
and speed of the steamer = 2x km/hr Soln: Let the distance be D km.
Now, according to the question,
D 40 2
120 450 60 = 40 minutes =
13.5 hours 45 60 3
2x 3x x
(Since 13 hours 30 minutes = 13.5 hours) 2
D = 45 = 30 km
360 900 360 3
or, 13.5
6x Let the required speed be x km per hour.
Now, according to the question,
x 20
6 13.5 x = 30
Hence, speed of horse = 20 km/hr 2
Speed of train = 3x = 3 × 20
= 60 km/hr 1
Speed of steamer = 2x = 2 × 20 30 minutes 2 hour
= 40 km/hr x = 30 × 2 = 60 km/hr.
Ex. 39: A man covers a certain distance on Ex. 41: The distance between t wo st ati ons,
scooter. Had he moved 3 km/hr faster, Delhi and Amritsar, is 450 km. A train
he would have taken 40 minutes less. starts at 4 pm from Delhi and moves
If he had moved 2 km/hr slower, he towards Amritsar at an average speed
would have taken 40 minutes more. of 60 km/hr. Another train starts from
Find the distance (in km) and original Amr i t sar at 3.20 pm and m ov es
speed. towards Delhi at an average speed of
Soln: Suppose the distance is D km and the 80 km/hr. How far from Delhi will the
initial speed is x km/hr. two trains meet and at what time?
D D 40 Soln: Suppose the trains meet at a distance of x
Then, we have and km from Delhi. Let the trains from Delhi
x 3 x 60
and Amritsar be A and B respectively.
D D 40 Th en ,
x 2 x 60 [Time taken by B to cover (450 – x) km]
– [Time taken by A to cover x km]
D D 2
x x 3 3 40
= ..... (see note)
3D 2 60
or, x (x 3) 3 .... (1)
450 x x 40
D D 2 80 60 60
x 2 x 3 3(450 – x) – 4x = 160
or, 7x = 1190
2D 2 or, x = 170.
or, x (x 2) 3 .... (2) Thus, the trains meet at a distance of 170
km from Delhi.
From (1) and (2), we have
Time taken by A to cover 170 km
3D 2D
x (x 3) x ( x 2) = hours = 2 hours 50 min.
or, 3(x 2) 2(x 3)
So, the trains meet at 6.50 pm
or, 3x 6 2x 6 Note: RHS = 4 : 00 pm – 3.20 pm
x 12 km/hr 40
Now, if we put this value in (1), we get = 40 minutes = hour
2 12 15 LHS comes from the fact that the train
D = = 40 km.
3 3 from Amritsar took 40 minutes more to
Hence, the distance is 40 km and the travel up to the meeting point because it
original speed is 12 km/hr. had started its journey at 3.20 pm whereas
Speed, Time and Distance 465
Distance travelled by first man = km Time taken by the slow train to cover 600
They meet x hours after the first man 600
km = hours.
starts. The second man, as he starts 2 x
hours late, meets after (x - 2) hours from Time taken by the fast train to cover 600
his start. Therefore, the distance travelled
by the second man 600
km = hours.
x 10
A(x 2)
= km Now, according to the question,
600 600
Ax A(x 2) 3
Now, km = A x x 10
4 4
600( x 10 ) 600 x
or, 2x – 2 = 4 3
or, x (x 10 )
x = 3 hours.
They meet at 6 am + 3 hours = 9 am
Ex. 43: A train travels a distance of 300 km 6000
or, 3
at constant speed. If the speed of the x 2 10 x
train is increased by 5 km an hour,
the journey would have taken 2 hours or, 3(x 2 10 x ) 6000
less. Find the ori ginal speed of the
train. or, x 2 10x 2000 0
Soln: Let x km/hr be the constant speed of the
or, x 2 50x 40x 2000 0
Then, time taken to cover 300 km or, x x 50 40 x 50 0
300 or, (x + 50) (x - 40) = 0
= hours. or, x = –50 or x = 40
or, x = 40
Time taken to cover 300 km when the
[ x cannot be negative]
speed is increased by 5 km/hr
or, Hence, the speeds of two trains are 40
300 km/hr and 50 km/hr.
= hours. Ex. 45: A plane left 30 minutes later than the
x 5
It is given that the time to cover 300 km schedule time and in order to reach its
is reduced by 2 hours. destination 1500 km away in time it
has to increase its speed by 250 km/hr
300 300 from its usual speed. Find its usual
x x 5 speed.
Soln: Let t he usual speed of the plane be
300(x 5) 300 x x km/hr. Then,
or, 2
x (x 5 )
466 Concept of Arithmetic
or, x2 + 250x – 750000 = 0
or, x2 + 1000x – 750x – 750000 = 0 x km/hr. Then, the speed of the first train
or, x(x + 1000) - 750 (x + 1000) = 0 is (x + 5) km/hr.
or, (x + 1000) (x - 750) = 0 Let O be the position of the railway station
or, x = -1000 or x = 750 from which the two trains leave.
or, x = 750 Distance travelled by the first train in 2
[ speed cannot be negative]
= OA = speed × time = 2(x + 5) km
Hence, the usual speed of the plane is
Distance travelled by the second train in
750 km/hr.
2 hours
Ex. 46: In a flight of 600 km, an aircraft was
= OB = speed × time = 2x km
slowed down due to bad weather. Its
By Pythagoras Theorem,
average speed for the trip was reduced
AB2 = OA2 + OB2
by 200 km/hr and the time of flight
i ncr eased by 30 m inut es. Fi nd t he
duration of flight.
Soln: Let the original speed of the aircraft be x
Then, new speed = (x – 200) km/hr
Duration of flight at original speed
= hour
Duration of flight at reduced speed
= hour
x 200 or,502 = [2(x + 5)]2 + {2x}2
or,2500 = 4(x + 5)2 + 4x2
600 600 1
or,8x2 + 40x – 2400 = 0
x 200 x 2 or,x2 + 5x – 300 = 0
or,x2 + 20x – 15x – 300 = 0
600 x 600(x 200 ) 1
or, or,x(x + 20) – 15 (x + 20) = 0
x (x 200 ) 2 or,(x + 20) (x – 15) = 0
or,x = –20 or x = 15
120000 1
or, [ x cannot be negative]
x 2 200 x 2 Hence, the speed of the second train is
or, x2 – 200x – 240000 = 0 15 km/hr and the speed of the first train
or, x2 - 600x + 400x - 240000 = 0 is 20 km/hr.
or, x(x - 600) + 400 (x - 600) = 0 Ex. 48: A walks half a kmph faster than B and
or, (x - 600) (x + 400) = 0 three quarters of a kmph faster than
or, x - 600 = 0 or x + 400 = 0 C. To walk a certain distance C takes
Speed, Time and Distance 467
K For C, T + 2 =
or, T
and for B,
4y 1
5 d
4 y
4d 8y 2
4y 1
d 5
or, T y 4
4y 1
... (2)
Let A be the house and B be the workplace.
The workplace is 8 km away. Had he
walked all the way at 4 kmph he would
have t aken 2 hour s to r each his
workplace, which would be just in time.
Therefore, total time = 2 hours
Referring to the above diagram, the total
4d 54 time is made up
or, T 4y ... (3) (i) walking from A to C for 5 minutes
Ex. 50: Dinky is picked up by his father by car by travelling partly by foot and partly by
from school everyday and they reach car, he takes 45 minutes longer than if
home at 5.00 pm. One day, since school he would hav e t r avelled t he whole
got over an hour earlier than usual, he distance by car.
start ed walki ng towar ds home at 3 Therefore time taken to walk the distance
kmph. He met his father on the way BC
and t hey r eached home 15 mi nut es = tw = (7.5 + 45 =) 52.5 minutes.
earlier than their usual time. What is tw = 52.5 minutes
the speed of the car? But for a constant distance BC,
Soln: sd t
sw td
sd 52.5
3 7.5
s d = 21 kmph
Ex. 51: Two places P and Q are 162 km apart.
Let the speed of car be sd and the speed A train leaves P for Q and at the same
of Dinky be s w time another train leaves Q for P. Both
s w = 3 kmph the trains meet 6 hours after they start
Ref er ring t o the abov e diagr am, if A moving. If the train travelling from P
represents the home and B represents the to Q travels 8 km/hr faster than the
school, the father starts at his usual time other train, find the speed of the two
but meets his son on the way at C. So, in trains.
going from A to C and back to A he saves Soln: Suppose the speeds of the two trains are
the time he would have used commuting x km/hr and y km/hr respectively.
from C to B and back to C. Since they Now,
reach back 15 minutes earlier than usual, Total distance travelled by both the trains
ie the time saved = 15 minutes. Therefore in 6 hours = (6x + 6y) km
time taken to drive from C to B and back Now, according to the question,
is 15 minutes. Therefore time taken to (6x + 6y) = 162
15 162
drive the distance BC = td = or, x y 27 ....(i)
2 2
td = 7.5 minutes and x – y = 8 ....(ii)
Dinky starts 1 hour earlier than usual. Solving equations (i) and (ii), we have
Had he moved at driving speed, ie speed x = 17.5 km/hr and
of the car, he would have reached 1 hour y = 9.5 km/hr.
earlier. But he reaches only 15 minutes Hence, speed of the two trains are 17.5
earlier. Therefore he loses 45 minutes, ie km/hr and 9.5 km/hr.
Practice Exercise
faster, he would have taken 40 minutes less. station B meets with an accident one hour
Had he moved 2 km/hr slower, he would have after starting. After stopping there for 30
taken 40 minutes more. Find the distance 4
and original speed of the person. minutes, it proceeds at of its usual speed
7. Two places A and B are 80 km apart from and arrives at B 2 hours late. Had the train
each other on a highway. A car starts from A covered 80 km more before the accident, it
and another from B at the same time. If they would have been just one hour late. Determine
move in the same direction, they meet each the original speed of the train and the distance
other in 8 hours. If they move in opposite between A and B.
directions towards each other, they meet in 17. A train after travelling 50 km meets with an
1 hour 20 minutes. Determine the speeds of
the cars. accident and then proceeds at of its former
8. A train covers a distance between stations A 4
speed and ar r ives at it s dest inat ion 25
and B in 45 minutes. If the speed is reduced
minutes late. Had the accident occurred 24
by 5 km/hr, it will cover the same distance
km behind, it would hav e reached the
in 48 minutes. What is the distance between
destination only 35 minutes late. Find the
the two stations A and B (in km)? Also, find
speed of the train and the distance travelled
the speed of the train.
by the train.
9. A car covering half of a distance of 100 km
18. Ravi can walk a certain distance in 40 days,
develops some engine trouble and later travels
when he rests 9 hours a day. How long will
at half of its original speed. As a result, it
he take to walk twice the distance, twice as
arrives 2 hours later than its normal time.
fast and rest twice as long each day?
What was the original speed of the car?
19. Two men set out at the same time to walk
1 1 towards each other from two points A and B,
10. A train covers a distance of 193 km in 4 72 km apart. The first man walks at the rate
3 4
hours with one stoppage of 10 minutes, two of 4 km/hr. The second man walks 2 km in
of 5 minutes and one of 3 minutes on the 1
way. Find the average speed of the train. the first hour, 2 km in the second hour, 3
11. Distance between two places X and Y is 60
km in the third hour and so on. Find the
km. Two persons A and B start from X towards
time after which the two men will meet.
Y at the same time. Speed of B is 4 km/hr
20. Two trains start out towards each other from
less than the speed of A. A reaches Y, returns
points 650 km apart. If they start out at the
at once and meets B at a distance of 12 km
same time, they will meet in 10 hours, but if
from Y. What is the speed of B?
one of them starts out 4 hours and 20 minutes
12. An army bomb squad man set a fuse f or
after the other, they will pass each other 8
blasting a rock to take place after one minute.
hours following the departure of the latter.
He ran away from the site at the speed of 13
Determine the average speed of each other.
m/s. Sound travels at the speed of 325 m/s.
21. Distance between two stations X and Y is
Upto what distance could the army man run,
220 km. Trains P and Q leave station X at 8
before he heard the sound of blast?
am and 9.51 am respectively at the speed of
13. On a particular day a person starts walking
25 km/hr and 20 km/hr respectively f or
from a place X at 2 am and reaches place Y at
journey towards Y. A train R leaves station Y
5 am. A second person starts walking from a
at 11.30 am at a speed of 30 km/hr for journey
place Y at 4 am and reaches place X at 9 am
towards X. When and where will P be at equal
on the same day. At what time do they cross
distance from Q and R.
each other?
22. Two places P and Q are 336 km apart. A train
14. A covers some distance in 50 days when he
leaves P for Q and at the same time another
rests 9 hours a day. In how many days will
train leaves Q for P. Both trains meet at the
he cover the double distance by resting twice
end of the 6 hours. If one train travels 8 km/hr
as before?
faster than the other, find the speeds of the
15. A man travelled a total distance of 3990 km,
other trains.
part of it by air, part by water and the rest by
23. On a 2-km road, a total number of 201 trees
land. The time he spent in travelling by air,
are planted on each side of the road at equal
water and land was in rat io 1 : 16 : 2
distances. How many such trees in all will
respectively and the average speed of each
be planted on both sides of a 50-km road such
mode of travel was in the ratio 20 : 1 : 3
that the distance between two consecutive
respectively. If his overall average speed was
trees is the same as that of the consecutive
42 km/hr, find the distance covered by water.
trees on the 2-km road?
16. A goods train travelling from station A to
470 Concept of Arithmetic
6x x 60 6 60
D7 5 x 1
or, 1 or t ....(ii)
x 6 12 6 12
Subtracting equation (ii) from equation (i), we
D 5 5
or, 6 hours get
x 12 2
x x 7 1
t t
1 5 6 60 12
Usual time = 2 hours.
x 1 7 5 7 12 1
2. Let the distance from A and B is x km. or,
30 12 60 60 60 5
Time taken to cover the distance from A to
x x = = 6
B at 20 km/hr = hours. 5
20 Hence the required distance = 6 km
And time taken to cover the distance from B 4. Let the required distance be x km.
x Difference of time taken at different speeds
to A at 30 km/hr = hours. = (40 + 30) minutes = 70 minutes
Total time taken = 5 hours. (Given) 70 7
= hours = hours
60 6
x x
20 30 x
Time taken at 3 km/hr = hours
3x 2x 3
60 x
or, 5x = 60 × 5 = 300 Time taken at 4 km/hr = hours
300 According to the question,
or, x = = 60 km
x x 7
3. Let the required distance be x km.
3 4 6
Time taken to walk at 5 km/hr = hours 4x 3x 7
5 or,
12 6
= 60 minutes = 12x minutes x 7
12 6
Time taken to walk at 6 km/hr = hours
6 7
or, x = 12 = 14
x 6
= 60 minutes = 10x minutes Distance of the destination = 14 km
Speed, Time and Distance 471
V(V 2)
x 1 or, D ....(ii)
should be hours 3
6 12 Combining equations (i) and (ii), we get
From the above, we have
2V(V 3) V(V 2)
x 1 x 1 9 3
4 4 6 12 or, 2(V + 3) = 3(V – 2)
or, 2V + 6 = 3V – 6
x 1 2x 1
or, or, 3V – 2V = 6 + 6
4 12 or, V = 12 km/hr
or, 12x 12 8x 8 Putting the value of V in equation (ii),
or, 4x 20 12 10
we get D = = 40 km.
or, x = 5 km 3
The distance of the school be 5 km and 7. Case I: When the cars are moving in the same
(x 1) direction.
actual time to reach school in time =
= 1 hour
The required speed is 5 km/hr.
6. Let t he or iginal speed and distance be Let A and B be two places and C be the place
V km/hr and D km respectively. of meeting.
Time taken to complete the whole journey Let the speed of car starting from A be x km/hr
D and the car starting form B be y km/hr.
= hours. Relative speed = (x – y) km/hr
When the person moves 3 km/hr faster, then According to the question,
(x – y) × 8 = 80
D D 40 or, x – y = 10 ...(i)
V 3 V 60 Case II: When the cars are moving in the
opposite directions and they meet at point C.
D D 2
V3 V 3
Relative speed = (x + y) km/hr
D D 2 Time taken = 1 hour 20 minutes
V V3 3
1 4
DV 3D DV 2 = 1 hours
3 3
or, V V 3 3
Again, according to the question,
3D 2 4
or, V V 3 3 (x y ) 80
472 Concept of Arithmetic
or, x + y = 60 ...(ii)
Solving equations (i) and (ii), we have 580
x = 35 and y = 25 Average speed of the train = 3 km/hr
Speeds of the cars 58
= 35 km/hr and 25 km/hr. 15
8. Suppose the distance is x km and the speed 580 15
of the train is y km/hr. = = 50 km/hr
Thus we have two relationships: 58 3
x 45 3 3
(1) x y
y 60 4 4
x 48 4 4
(2) x (y 5)
y 5 60 5 5
From (1) and (2), we have
Let A and B meet after t hours.
3 4
y (y 5 ) Let the speed of B be x km/hr.
4 5 Speed of A = (x + 4) km/hr
Distance covered by A in t hours = 60 + 12
4 3
or, y 4
= 72 km
5 4 Distance covered by B in t hours = 60 – 12
= 48 km
4 20
or, y = = 80 km/hr Now, according to the question,
16 15 xt = 48 ....(i)
Therefore speed = 80 km/hr and distance (x + 4)t = 72 ....(ii)
3 On dividing equation (ii) by equation (i), we
x = 80 = 60 km have
9. Half of the original speed means double the x 4 72 3
normal time. It means that the car should x 48 2
have covered half of the distance of 100 km, or, 2x + 8 = 3x
ie 50 km, in 2 hours. or, x = 8
Hence, the original speed of the car Speed of A = 8 km/hr
50 12. Time after which the bomb is set to explode
= = 25 km/hr = 1 minute = 60 seconds
2 Speed of the man = 13 m/sec
10. Distance covered by train Distance covered by man in 60 sec
1 580 = 13 × 60 = 780 metres
= 193 km = km So, distance to be travelled by sound before it
3 3
catches up with army man = 780 metres
Time taken by the train to cover this distance Speed of the sound = 325 m/sec (given)
1 17 Since the man and sound are travelling in
= 4 hours = hours the same direction, the relative speed of sound
4 4
= (325 – 13 =) 312 m/sec
Total stoppage during the journey Time taken by sound to travel 780 metres
= 10 × 1 + 5 × 2 + 3 × 1
23 = = 2.5 sec
= 23 minutes = hours 312
Now, dur ing t his time man would hav e
Actual time taken by the train to cover the travelled further. So, distance covered by man
above distance in 2.5 seconds = 2.5 × 13 = 32.5 m
17 23 The total distance travelled by man
= = 780 + 32.5 = 812.5 metres.
4 60
13. X P Y
17 15 23 l l l
60 Let the speed of the person who starts from X
be x km/hr and speed of the person who starts
255 23 232 58 from Y be y km/hr.
= = hours
60 60 15 Time taken by the person who starts from X
= 5 am – 2 am = 3 hours
Speed, Time and Distance 473
Time taken by the person who starts from Y 14. Let the distance for A be x km
= 9 am – 4 am = 5 hours Number of hours A walks daily = (24 – 9 =) 15
Again, let the distance between X and Y be D hours
km. Number of days = 50 days
Now, according to the question,
D D Speed (in km/hr) = ..... (1)
50 15
x km/hr = and y km/hr =
3 5 In second situation
If the person starting from X reaches the Let the number of days be Y
meeting point after t hours, person starting Distance = 2x
from Y will reach the meeting point after Number of hours for which A walks daily = 6
(t – 2) hours. Since the person starting from hours
X starts moving at 2 am while the person Speed in second case (in km/hr)
starting from Y starts moving at 4 am. And
Distance 2x
the difference of time = (4 am – 2 am)= 2 hours = ..... (2)
Dist ance (XP) t r avelled by t he person Time Y6
In both the cases, the speed remains the same
starting from X = t km 2x 2x
and the distance (YP) travelled by the person Y 6 50 15
or, Y × 6 = 50 × 15
starting from Y = (t 2) km 50 15
5 or, Y = = 125 days
Total distance travelled by both before meeting
= Distance travelled by person from X + 15. Total distance travelled = 3990 km
Distance travelled by person from Y Ratio of time spent in travelling by air, water
and land = 1 : 16 : 2
D D Ratio of respective speeds = 20 : 1 : 3
= t (t 2) D
3 5 From the given fact, the ratio of respective
distances will be 20 : 16 : 6 = 10 : 8 : 3
t t 2 Sum of the ratios = 10 + 8 + 3 = 21
or, D D
3 5 Distance travelled by steamer will be
t t 2
or, 1 = 3990 = 1520 km
3 5 21
16. Let the distance between station A and station
5t 3t 6 B be d km.
or, 1
15 Again, let the initial speed of the goods train
or, 8t – 6 = 15 be x km/hr.
or, 8t = 15 + 6 = 21 As the accident takes place after 1 hour
distance covered in 1 hour by the goods
21 5 train = x km
or, t = 2 hours
8 8 Remaining distance = (d – x) km
Conv ert ing t his in hour s, minut es and Total time taken, if no accident happened
seconds, we get 2 hours 37 minutes and 30
seconds. = hours
5 5 Case I:
[2 hours = 2 hours + 60 minutes
8 8 Time taken by the goods train to cover the
75 1
= 2 hours + 37 minutes
2 2 30 d x
= 1
60 4x
1 5
= 2 hours + 37 minutes + minutes
1 5(d x )
= 1 hours
1 2 4x
= 2 hours + 37 minutes + 60 Now, according to the question,
30 seconds 1 5(d x ) d
1 2
= 2 hours 37 minutes and 30 seconds] 2 4x x
474 Concept of Arithmetic
Time taken to cover the whole of the distance x 3x 12x
78 4D 104 12D 7x
(x 80 ) or,
30 d (x 80 ) hours 3x 12x
x 60 4x 4D 26 12D 7x
5 3x 12x
According to the question, or, 4D 7x 104 .... (ii)
x 80 30 d (x 80 ) d Now, subtracting equation (ii) from equation
1 (i), we have
x 60 4x x
5 2x = 96
x = 48 km/hr
80 1 5[d (x 80] d Put the value of x in equation (i) and find the
or, 1 1 distance (D)
x 2 4x x
or, 4D – 5 × 48 = 200
80 1 5[d (x 80 )] d or, 4D = 200 + 240 = 440
x 2 4x x 440
D = = 110 km.
320 5d 5x 400 1 d 4
or, 18. Time for work per day in first condition
4x 2 x
= (24 – 9 =) 15 hours
5d 5x 80 1 d Time for work per day in second condition
4x 2 x = (24 – 9 × 2 =) 6 hours
Her e we hav e four quant it ies : Speed,
1 4d 5d 5x 80 Dist ance, Wor k and Days. W e hav e t o
2 4x calculate number of days. Hence, Days will
or, 2x = 5x – d + 80 be in t he last column. Here f ollowing
Putting the value of d from equation (i), we relationships exist:
have More speed, less days (Inverse)
2x = 5x – 7x + 80 More distance, more days (Direct)
or, 4x = 80 Less hours of work, more days (Inverse)
x = = 20
Hence original speed of the train Hence,
= 20 km/hr. 2 : 1
Distance between the stations A and B 1 : 2 :: 40 : x
= d = 7x (From i) 6 : 15
= (7 × 20) = 140 km. or, 2 × 1 × 6 : 1 × 2 × 15 :: 40 : x
(Compounding the ratios)
Speed, Time and Distance 475
or, 2 × 1 × 6 × x = 1 × 2 × 15 × 40
(Product of extreme terms = Distance covered by train A in hours
Product of mean terms) 3
1 2 15 40 13 13x
x = = 100 = AP = x × =
2 1 6 3 3
Hence the required time = 100 days. Both the trains meet 8 hours after train A
19. Let A starts from point X, B starts from point leaves P. Now if they meet at C1 then
Y and they meet after t hours. PC1 = 8 × x = 8x km
A B BC1 = 8 × y = 8y km
X Y According to the question,
XP = 4 × t = 4t km 8x + 8y = 650
YP = 2 + 2.5 + 3 + .... t terms 3
This is an AP. 13x
or, 8x y 650
n 3
Sum of an AP = 2a n 1d
where n = number of terms, a = first term or, 8 65 650
and d = common difference
t 1 t t 1 13x
2 2 (t 1) 4 or, 650 520 130
YP =
2 2 2 2 2 3
130 3
t2 t 7t t 2 7t t 2 or, x =
= 30 km/hr
= 2t
4 4 4 4 4
Speed of train A = 30 km/hr
But it is given that XY = 72 or XP + PY = 72 Speed of train B = (65 – 30) km/hr
= 35 km/hr
7t t 2
+ 4t = 72 21. As given, speed of the train P = 25 km/hr
4 Speed of the train Q = 20 km/hr
or, 7t + t + 16t = 288 Speed of the train R = 30 km/hr
or, t2 + 23 t - 288 = 0
or, t2 + 32 t – 9t - 288 = 0 Q 20 t
or, t (t + 32) – 9 (t + 32) = 0 P1
P B A Q1 R R
or, (t + 32) )(t – 9) = 0
t + 32 = 0 X 33 km 25 t 30 t Y
or, t = –32 (Not possible) 87.5 km
t – 9 = 0
or, t = 9 Distance travelled by train P between 8:00 to
They meet after 9 hours. 11: 30
2 0 . Let the trains A and B travel at speed of x and 1 7 175
y km/hr respectively and meets 10 hours after ie in 3 hours = 25 87.5 km
2 2 2
Distance travelled by train Q between 9 : 51
to 11 : 30 ie. in
From the figure it can be seen that 39 33
AC = (x × 10) km 1 hour 39 minutes = 1 20 20
60 20
BC = (y × 10) km = 33 km
AC + BC = x × 10 + y × 10 Assume that trains P and Q are at A and B
or, 650 = 10(x + y) respectively at 11 : 30 am. Also assume that t
or, x + y = 65 minut es aft er 11 : 30 am, t r ain P was
In the second situation when the other train equidistant from train Q and train R. At the
starts after 4 hours and 20 minutes equidistant position train P, Q and R were at
P1, Q1 and R1.
XP1 = XA + AP1 = (87.5 + 25 t) km
4 hours and 20 minutes XQ1 = XB + BQ1 = (33 + 20 t) km
20 1 13 P1 Q1 = XP1 – XQ1 = (87.5 + 25 t) - (33 + 20 t)
= 4 4 hours = (54.5 + 5 t) km
60 3 3
Distance RR1 = 30 t km
476 Concept of Arithmetic
P1R1 = Total distance - XP1 - RR1 Let the speed of train from P = x km/hr and
= 220 - (87.5 + 25 t) - 30 t that from Q = (x + 8) km/hr
= (132.5 - 55 t) km Both trains meet after 6 hours
P1Q1 = P1R 1 (x × 6) + (x + 8) × 6 = 336
5t + 54.5 = 132.5 - 55 t or, 6x + 6x + 48 = 336
78 or, 12x = 336 – 48 = 288
or, 60 t = 78 or t = 60 minutes
60 288
or, t = 78 minutes or, x = = 44
So 78 minutes after 11 : 30 am ie at 12 : 48
pm train P will be equidistant from train Q Speed of one train = 24 km/hr
and R. Speed of the other train = (24 + 8 =)32 km/hr
23. Distance between 2 trees on a 2-km road
XP1 = 87.5 + 25 t = 87.5 + 25 × 2 1000
= 87.5 + 32.5 = = 10 m
201 1
XP1 = 120 km
Number of trees planted on both sides of a
At 120 km away from station X, trains would
50-km road
be at equal distances.
50 1000
22. = 2 10
1 = 10002
Let R be the meeting point.