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Comp Predictor Quizlet Study Guide

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ATI RN Predictor Study

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1. Addison's Disease: - Is an endocrine disorder that occurs when 5. Teaching instructions for the use of a cane:: (1) The cane is
the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the hormone moved forward about 12 inches
cortisol and in some cases, the hormone aldosterone. (2) Then, the weak leg is moved even with the cane.
(3) Finally, the strong leg is brought forward and ahead of the
- The disease is characterized by weight loss, muscle cane and weak leg.
weakness, fatigue, low BP and hyperpigmentation (darkening)
of the skin in both exposed and non-exposed parts of the - Canes are held on the strong side
body. - The grip of the cane should be level with the trochanter of
2. Common symptoms of Addison's Disease: the femur
6. Veracity: - Is truthfulness. This is the value that requires the
nurse to tell the truth to every client and to make sure that the
client fully understands the message.
7. Autonomy: - Is the right to independence and personal
freedom, which leads to the primacy of self-determination
8. Fidelity: - Is the duty to keep promises. It refers to the
obligation to be faithful to agreements, commitments and
responsibilities that are made.
9. Nonmaleficence: - Is the obligation and duty to do no harm.
10. Meningococcal vaccine: - Recommended that this vaccine be
- Weight loss given to children who are 11 through 12 years of age and then
- Hyperpigmentation given a booster dose at age 16.
- Weakness/fatigue
11. When should the single dose of Herpes zoster vaccine be
- Low BP
given?: - To adults 60 years or older whether or not they
- Loss of Body hair
report a previous episode of herpes zoster.
3. Cushing's Disease:
12. Rotavirus should be given at what age?: - During the child's
first year of life.
13. Alendronate (Fosamax): - This medication is used to prevent
and treat postmenopausal osteoporosis and Paget's Disease.
- Alendronate must be taken first thing in the morning on an
empty stomach.
- The pt must be instructed to wait at least 30 minutes after
taking Alendronate before eating, drinking, or taking other
14. What to expect with a pt having a chest tube?: - Continuous
gentle bubbling in the suction control chamber
- S/S: Hirsutism (excessive hair), moon face, purple striatum
- Crepitus (with a pneumothorax, this will persist for several
(typically in the skin of the abdomen, thighs or breast), thin
hours depending)
extremities, buffalo hump
- Oscillations or also called tidaling in the water seal chamber
4. Testing for TB: - A Mantoux skin test is the most accurate and upon respiration are also expected.
valuable screening tool available for TB. A positive result
15. Symptoms of hypocalcemia: - Numbness and tingling in the
means only that the client has been exposed to TB; it does not
hands, soles of the feet and around the lips.
meant that the client has active TB.
- A sputum culture for acid fast bacillus (AFB) is used to
- A nurse would assess the client for a positive reaction by
confirm the diagnosis of pulmonary TB after a screening test
eliciting the Chvostek's sign.
and chest x-ray come back positive.
16. What is a potential complication of a thyroidectomy?: -
Hypocalcemia, which can include numbness and tingling in the
hands, soles of the feet and around the lips.
17. What assessment tool would a nurse use to determine
hypocalcemia?: - Chvostek's sign
18. What is Chvostek's sign? And how is it done?: 21. Babinski sign:

Tap on the pt's face at a point just anterior to the ear and just
below the zygomatic bone. A positive response would be
twitching of the ipsilateral (same side only) facial muscles,
- This is used to test for brain damage or upper motor neuron
suggestive of neuromuscular excitability caused by
damage. It is considered positive if the toes flare up upon
stroking the plantar aspect of the foot.
19. Brudzinski's sign:
22. Cataract surgery discharge instructions: - Do not lift anything
heavier than 10lbs for at least one week
- Sleep on your back or unaffected side to lessen the pressure.
- Need to report any pain, decrease in vision or increase in
discharge in the eye.
- It is normal to feel itching and mild discomfort after surgery,
but the pt should be instructed not to rub or place pressure
on the eye.
23. Exposure or possible exposure to anthrax: - Administer an
antibiotic prophylaxis to all pt's newly exposed

*Those exposed to anthrax do not require decontamination

and are not considered contagious*
24. Botulism treatment: - Give an antitoxin
- Is an indication of meningeal irritation, which may be positive
25. Why would lidocaine (Xylocaine) be given to someone
with pt's with meningitis.
following cardiac arrest?: - Lidocaine is an antiarrhythmic med
- To perform this, the client needs to be supine. The nurse
that is commonly used to restore a regular heartbeat in a
places one hand behind the pt's head and places the other
client who has arrhythmia. This effect is produced by delaying
hand on the clients chest. The nurse then raises the clients
abnormal nerve pulses to the heart and reducing irritability of
head (with the hand behind the head) while the hand on the
the heart tissue.
chest restrains the clients and prevents the client from rising.
Flexion of the clients lower extremities constitutes a positive 26. Factors that can trigger an exacerbation of SLE?: - Infection
sign. (especially a strep or viral infection. This can be a major
stressor and can trigger an exacerbation)
20. Kernig's sign:
- Pregnancy (due to hormonal changes. The pt should be
advised of the risks and must be monitored closely for effects
on the renal and cardiovascular system if she decides to get
- Sunlight (Exposure to sunlight and artificial UV light is the
leading cause of SLE exacerbation manifestations, especially
the characteristic skin manifestations of lesions and butterfly
27. Hemoptysis: Coughing up blood or bloody sputum
28. Normal BUN value: 7-20 mg/dL
29. Normal Hemoglobin levels: Male: 13-18 g/100mL
- Is an indication of meningeal irritation. The maneuver is Female: 12-16 g/100mL
usually performed with the client supine with hips and knees in 30. Normal Hematocrit levels: Male: 45%-52%
flexion. Extension of the knees is attempted and the inability to Female: 37-48%
extend the clients knee beyond 135 degrees w/out causing
31. Normal lactic acid levels: 0.5-1.5 mEq/L
pain constitutes a positive test.
32. Normal creatinine levels: 0.8-1.4 mg/dL 42. Cisplatin (Platinol): - Treatment for cancer.
33. Defense mechanism: Conversion: - Operating unconsciously, - If a client has reported fatigue it is important to check the pts
expresses emotional conflict via physical symptoms. most recent CBC. The client I likely to be anemic as a result of
myelosuppression (bone marrow suppression) from the chem.
EX: The pt converts repressed ideas or impulses into a variety The pt may require tx for the anemia (transfusion, medications)
of somatic (physical) symptoms that may include paralysis, pain and further chemo may be need to be delayed until the blood
or loss of sensory function. counts are higher.
34. Defense Mechanism: Projection: - In which the pt refused to 43. Jerking movements of the extremities: - Such as ataxia, may
acknowledge unacceptable personal characteristics and be seen with many neurologic conditions affecting the clients
transfer feelings, thoughts or traits onto another person. ability to produce a smooth movement.
44. Ataxia: Jerky movements of the extremities
EX: Projecting emotions about self onto something or 45. Spasm of the extremities: - Involuntary spasms may be found
someone else. with such conditions as cerebral palsy, trauma, cerebral
35. Defense Mechanism Undoing: - Is also known as reaction infection and certain degenerative disorders.
formation. It is a defense mechanism in which the pt, operating 46. Peripheral neuropathy:
unconsciously, acts out of behavior or attitude in opposition to
what he really believes.
36. Defense Mechanism Idealization: - Is when the positive
attributes of another person are exaggerated in an effort to
reduce related emotional conflicts.

EX: Someone that got into a horrible car accident and had to
go through rehab to walk again, now wants to be a physical
therapist for a career.
37. What diagnostic test would help the nurse monitor and
evaluate the effectiveness of the aspirin medication for an
Rhematoid arthritis patient?: - Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

* RA is a chronic inflammatory disease. ESR is useful in - Is a neurological disorder resulting from damage to the
detecting and monitoring tissue inflammation in clients with peripheral nerves. It may be caused by diseases of the nerves,
RA.* systemic illness or a side-effect from chemo. If sensory nerve
is damaged, the client is likely to experience pain, numbness,
38. Antinuclear antibody (ANA): - ANAs are frequently present in
tingling, burning or a loss of feeling in the extremities.
pts who have systemic lupus erythematosus and other
autoimmune disorders such as RA and scleroderma. 47. RAST testing: - Involves measuring the quantity of IgE present
in the serum after exposure to specific antigens that are
39. Rheumatoid factor (RF) diagnostic test: This is helpful in
selected based on the pts symptom hx. An elevated IgE
diagnosing RA, but the levels do not always correlate with the
indicates a positive response to RAST testing and is seen in pts
severity of the disease activity.
who have a hx of allergic manifestations, anaphylaxis and
40. Cheyne-Stokes Respirations: - Is characterized by a rhythmic asthma.
increase (to the point of hyperventilation) and decrease (to the
48. Immunoglobulin G (IgG): An elevation of this indicates the
point of apnea) in the rate and depth of respirations.
production of antibodies to all types of infections
- It is commonly seen in pts who are unconscious, comatose or
moribund (approaching death). 49. Immunoglobulin A (IgA): An elevation in this is associated with
several autoimmune diseases and chronic infections
41. Cryoprecipitate: - Clients with hemophilia (deficiency of
clotting factor), are given cryoprecipitate to replace the 50. Immunoglobulin M (IgM): IgM produces antibodies against the
deficient factor as a prophylactic measure before any invasive ABO blood groups and gram-negative.
procedure, surgery or when actively bleeding. 51. If clear drainage is coming out of a patient and you suspect
that it could be CSF, first action is to?: - Test it for glucose,
- Cryoprecipitate provides therapeutic amounts of Facto 8, then notify doctor
Factor 13, von Willebrand factor and fibrinogen. These
concentrates are made with recombinant DNA technology
and are the treatment of choice with hemophilic A and von
Willebrands disease.
52. What is a complication that you should frequently assess if a 57. Ulcerative Colitis: - Is a chronic, episodic, inflammatory disease
patient is suspected of having diabetes insipidus?: - of the large intestines and rectum characterized by bloody
Hypotension diarrhea.
- Maintaining fluids and electrolyte balance is one of the most
*A pt who has diabetes insipidus will continue to excrete important nursing goals.
urine even though there is no intake. Hypovolemia, with 58. To assess for cyanosis in a pt with dark skin where is the most
resulting hypotension is possible.* appropriate areas to assess for this?: - Examine body areas
53. Active TB treatment duration?: - Active TB is usually treated with the least melanin, such as the underarm, soles of the feet,
with the simultaneous administration of a combo of meds to conjunctiva and mucous membranes.
which the organisms are susceptible. Such therapy is continued 59. Panic level of anxiety: - Pt is highly disorganized and may
until the disease is controlled. A 6-9 month regimen consisting appear either paralyzed (unable to act) or hyperactive and
of two meds is frequently used. agitated because the client is not able to focus on anything
54. Chlorpromazine (Thorazine): - Chlorpromazine is used to treat except the anxiety itself.
psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia or manic- - Inability to concentrate and feelings of impending doom, as
depression, and severe behavioral problems in children ages 1 well as possible delusional statements such as "my dad can
through 12. Chlorpromazine is also used to treat nausea and read my thoughts".
vomiting, anxiety before surgery, chronic hiccups, acute 60. Sever anxiety: - Pt's perceptual field is scattered and the pt is
intermittent porphyria, and symptoms of tetanus. unable to focus on anything except relieving the anxiety.
61. Moderate anxiety: - The pt's perceptual field narrows, but with
- This medication can cause photophobic skin reactions and
assistance the pt is able to cope
damage to the retina of the eye if exposed to direct sunlight.
62. Mild: - Mild anxiety is associated with the stress of daily living,
PTs taking this should be reminded to wear protective
the client has a heightened sense of alertness and is able to
clothing, apply sunscreen and wear sunglasses when they are
concentrate closely on the task at hand.
63. Post operative tx of arthroscopy: - This is used to visualize,
55. Ileal conduit:
diagnose and treat problems inside a joint. Applying ice to the
affected area in the immediate postop period reduces pain
and swelling. Pt may be allowed to walk as tolerated, but joint
used should be minimizes for the first few days to reduces pain
and swelling.
64. Patient with Gout: - Gout is a painful and potentially disabling
form of arthritis that is caused by an excess of uric acid in the
- Pt should remain well hydrated (this will minimize uric acid
- Should avoid foods high in purines
- Should limit alcohol consumption (too much alcohol can
inhibit excretion of uric acid, leading to its build up and causes
an onset of gout.
- It is used to divert urine outside of the body when the urinary - Pt's should not take aspirin and/or salicylates (this can
bladder has been removed. The conduit cannot store urine the interfere with uric acid excretion and may precipitate an acute
way the bladder did; therefore, urine will be flowing onset
continuously and an appliance must be worn as a collection 65. Hyperthyroid s/s:: - Frequent mood changes
device. The bag should be emptied approx. every 2 hours to - Nervousness
prevent leakage, skin irritation and infection. - Hand tremors
56. Manifestations of tardive dyskinesia: - Rapid, pounding irregular heartbeat
- heat intolerance
- Diarrhea
- Weight loss
66. Colostrum: Colostrum is secreted from the mother's breasts
during postpartum days 1 to 3. It contains the IgA
immunoglobulin that provides passive immunity to the
- Tongue thrusting and lip smacking
- Facial grimacing and eye blinking
- Repetitive involuntary movements
67. Breastfeeding schedule: - Newborns should be breastfed 77. Pediculosis Capitis: - Head lice
every 2 to 3 hr. Parents should awaken the newborn to feed at
least every 3 hr during the day and at least every 4 hr during * Nits shed into the environment and are able to hatch up to
the night until the newborn is feeding well and gaining weight 7-10 days*
adequately. Breastfeeding should occur 8 to 12 times within a 78. Scabies:
24-hr window. Then, a feed-on-demand schedule may be

- Tell the mother how to tell if her newborn is receiving

adequate feeding (gaining weight, voiding 6 to 8 diapers a
day, and contentedness between feedings).
68. Two components of Advanced Directives: -Living will
- Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
69. Living Will: - A living will is a legal document that expresses
the client's wishes regarding medical treatment - Appear as grayish brown, threadlike burrows on the skin
in the event the client becomes incapacitated and is facing
79. Cocaine intoxication: - Dilated pupils
end-of-life issues. Types of treatments
that are often addressed in a living will are those that have the 80. EKG strip of hypokalemia:
capacity to prolong life. Examples
of treatments that are addressed are cardiopulmonary
resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, and
feeding by artificial means. Living wills are legal in all states.
70. Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care: - A durable
power of attorney for health care is a legal document that
designates a health care
- A prominent U wave
proxy, who is an individual authorized to make health care
- Prolonged P-R interval
decisions for a client who is unable.
- ST segment is depressed
The person who serves in the role of health care proxy to
- T wave is flattened
make decisions for the client should be
81. EKG strip of hyperkalemia:
very familiar with the client's wishes. Living wills may be
difficult to interpret, especially in the
face of unexpected circumstances. A durable power of
attorney for health care, as an adjunct to a
living will, may be a more effective way of ensuring that the
client's decisions about health care
are honored
71. Verapamil (Calan): - Calcium channel blocker
- Used to Tx angina, hypertension & arrhythmias
- Wide PQR
72. Left Hemisphere: - Dominant for language
82. Hemianopsia: Blindness in one half of the field, a functional
73. Left-sided CVA: - Could have some aphasia and would need
defect that can affect the right or left side.
speech therapy
- Will also demonstrate hemiplegia of the right side 83. Hypothyrdoism expected lab results: - Elevated TSH levels
- Decreased T4, T3 & free thyroxine
74. Right-sided Lesion (CVA): - Most likely to have impulsive like
behaviors 84. Specific & Sensitive indicator for renal function: - Creatnine
75. Late signs of ICP: - Alterations in VS (Including increased 85. Emphysema expected findings: - Dyspnea
systolic pressure) - Tachycardia
- Widening pulse pressures - Barrel chested
- Bradycardia - Clubbing of the fingers
- Shallow respirations
76. Early signs of ICP: - Lethargy
- Headache 86. Rescue breathing: - When someone is not breathing but has a
- Neck pain pulse
- Generalized muscle aches
*Deliver a breath every 5 seconds for a adult*
87. Addison's Disease Treatment:: - High protein, high carb diet 103. Isometrics: - Is a form of exercise involving static (no
- Weigh daily movement) contractions of a muscle w/out any movement of
- Injectable IV fast acting steroid may be ordered or indicated the joint. Isometrics may help to prevent muscle atrophy in pts
for a pt experiencing an Addisonian crisis until the pt is no who are on complete bedrest.
longer at risk for dehydration, hypotension and shock.
88. SSRIs: - Citalopram (Celexa) an example of an SSRI EX: Instruct the pt to hold a muscle tight for approx. 5 seconds
- Used to treat depression then relax
- Can take 3-4 weeks before pt starts to experience signs of 104. Clozapine can cause?: - Agranulocytosis, therefore WBC
improvement and in some cases up to 8 weeks. count of < 3000 is contraindicated.
89. Agoraphobia: - Fear of being in places in which help may not 105. Clang association: - Words that sound the same
be available 106. Echolalia: - Repeats back what others say
90. Pernicious anemia: - Caused by a lack of intrinsic factor, a
substance needed to absorb Vit B12 from the GI tract. *Think echo*
- Often has a red beefy looking tongue 107. Neologisms: - Made u words that have meaning to the patient
with schizo
- Vit B12 is needed for the formation of RBCs.
108. Word Salad: - Jumbles words, disorganized speech
91. Iron deficiency Anemia: - Is a condition in which RBCs contain
109. Hypoglycemia symptoms:
decreased level of hemoglobin
92. Aplastic Anemia: - Caused by a failure of the bone marrow to
produce sufficient number of RBC's.
93. Hemolytic Anemia: - Hemolytic anemia involves erythrocyte
destruction and maybe medication induced or caused by
sickle cell disease, transfusion reaction or kidney disease.

*Hematuria (blood in the urine) or hemoglobin present in the

urine may indicate hemolytic anemia*
94. Diphenhydramine's such as Benadryl can also be given to
treat what?: - They also have an anticholinergic effect that can
help control tremors in the early stages of Parkinson's.
95. Agranulocytosis: Is a rare adverse reaction to Clozapine
(Clozaril) in which WBC's drop causing pt to become
- Tachycardia
susceptible to acute infections.
- Moist clammy skin
96. Haloperidol (Haldol) can cause what?: - This med can cause - Vertigo (dizzy)
neuroleptic malignant syndrome which is a rare and potentially - Tremors
fatal adverse effect that requires emergency medical
110. Hyperglycemia Symptoms:

- Other manifestations associated with NMS are sudden onset

of rigidity, tremor, stupor, incontinence, elevated serum
enzymes, hyperkalemia, renal failure, elevated temp, BP & HR.
97. Haloperidol (Haldol) adverse effect?: Neuroleptic malignant
98. Clozapine (Clozaril) can cause?: Agranulocytosis
99. Utilitarianism: Refers to the actions that are right when they
contribute to the greatest good.
100. Malpractice: Negligence
101. Assault: - An intention tort

Ex: Is a threat to touch a person without consent - Polydipsia (excessive thirst)

102. Battery: - An intentional tort - Polyuria (excessive urination)
- Acetone breath
Ex: Touching someone without consent
111. Orlistat (Xenical): - Is prescribed to morbidly obese pts to lose 117. Estradiol: - Estradiol is used to treat symptoms of menopause
weight. It prevents absorption of some of the fat in the pts diet. such as hot flashes, and vaginal dryness, burning, and irritation.
Other uses include prevention of osteoporosis in
- The med should be taken 3 times/day within 1 hour of a meal postmenopausal women, and replacement of estrogen in
women with ovarian failure or other conditions that cause a
- Its a lipase inhibitor, not an appetite suppressor. lack of natural estrogen in the body.Estradiol is sometimes
112. Placenta previa: used as part of cancer treatment in women and men.

- Adverse effect of a headache needs to be reported as

medication can cause thromboembolism. Monitor for swelling
& tenderness of the calf, monitor for hypertension and report
as well.
118. Hemolytic transfusion reaction: - Back pain is an adverse
reaction, hypotension, tachycardia
119. Hypokalemia:

- Relaxed uterus
- Painless, vaginal bleeding
- Fundal height > expected gestation age
113. Pre-Eclampsia:

- Muscle weakness
- Decreased in deep tendon reflexes
- Decrease in bowel sounds

120. Hypocalcemia:
- Hyperactive deep-tendon reflexes
- Hypertension
114. Methycenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA): - Also referred
to as Molly or Ecstasy
- Should expect diaphoresis
- Also might experience increased tactile sensitivity, lowered
inhibition, chills, muscle cramping, teeth clenching & mild
115. Mechanical restraints: - Pt needs to be assessed q15-30
minutes and document findings, check for a new prescription
q4h for clients >18 years, q2h for children 9-17 & q1h for
children younger than 9 years.
116. Pulse paradoxus: - A finding in which systolic BP is 10 mmHg
or greater on expiration than inspiration. Pt also may present - Would expect numbness and tingling of the extremities and
with JVD, bradycardia & hypotension. around the mouth.
- Need to watch for tetany
*A symptom of cardiac tapenade* 121. Tetany symptom is linked to what?: Hypocalcemia
122. Tetany: - A condition marked by intermittent muscular spasms,
caused by malfunction of the parathyroid glands and a
consequent deficiency of calcium
123. Stages of Kawasakis Disease: - Acute
- Subacute
- Convalescent
124. Acute phase of Kawasakis: - Beginning stage 132. Rooting reflex:
- Starts with high fever uncontrolled by antipyretics
- Tachycardia
- Irritability
- Strawberry tongue
- Conjunctival redness
125. Sub-acute phase of Kawasakis: - Pain in childs weight bearing
- Peeling of soles of feet and hands
126. Post-op of Tonsillectomy: - Should position pt so that the
head is lower than the chest.
- Avoid having pt cough & clear throat, avoid using straw in the
first 24-48 hours.
- Administer analgesics q4hours for the first 24-48 hours.
- No red liquids (including red-popsicles)
-Stroke the infants check and the infant should turn to the side,
- No diary products
127. Abruptio placentae:
133. Lithium expected side/adverse effects (non-urgent): -
- Polyuria
- Hyperglycemia
134. Signs of lithium toxicity (Urgent): - Confusion
- Coarse hand tremors
- ECG change
- Sedation
135. Macular Degeneration:

- Persistent uterine contractions

- Painful
- Placenta separates from the uterus
- Bleeding inside the uterus
- Life-threatening to the fetus
128. Herbal supplement Saw Palmetto: - This can result in a false
low prostrate specific antigen level
129. Herbal supplement Valerian: - Can lower BP
130. Ginsing: - Used to stimulate mental activity and increase - Decrease in central vision
appetite 136. Double vision: - Can be a symptom of cataracts
- This can interact with caffeine and cause irritability
137. Floating dark spots: - Retinal detachment
131. Flaxseed: - This can be used for migraine prophylaxis can lead
138. Glaucoma: ICP
to GI symptoms such as bloating, abd pain and flatulence
139. Misoprostol: - This med reduces gastric acid secretions so that
ulcers can heal.
- Pt's taking this should avoid taking magnesium containing
antacids as this will increase the risk of diarrhea.
- Misoprostol tends to cause diarrhea.
- This can induce uterine contractions, so women of
childbearing age must r/o pregnancy.
140. Oxygen toxicity: - Bradypnea
- Crackels
141. Hypoxemia: - Restless
- Tachycardia
142. Want lots of Vit A: - 1 medium raw carrot
143. Early Decels: - Indicate progression of labor and are benign.
- Nurses should continue to observe FHR.
144. Prolapsed Cord: - Knee-chest position 159. Safety Teachings for parents: - No more than 120 degrees for
145. Late Decels: - Emergency cesarean water heater
- Crib slates should be no more than 2.25 in apart
146. Deficient Fluid Volume (DFV): - Not enough volume
- Car seat should face the rear until 2 years of age
- Ortho hypotension
- Newborn car seat should be at 45 degree angle.
- Increased BUN
160. Myasthenia gravis care (with attention to improving
147. Fluid Volume Excess (FVE): - Too much volume
nutrition): - Monitor weight each week
- Take your anticholinesterase medications 45-60 minutes
- Blurred vision
before meals to prevent aspiration
148. PACE: - program that provides adult daycare services along
- Cut food into small bites & eat slowly
with in home assessments and supportive services
- Choose snacks that are high in calorie
149. Chlorpromazine: - Schizophrenia medication
161. Acupressure band: - These bands can be worn on the wrists
- One of the greatest risks for a pt taking this is neuroleptic
and can help alleviate nausea and vomiting.
syndrome. It is a potentially life threatening adverse effect of
- An alternative therapy option for pregnancy n/v.
this medication, which can show symptoms of a high fever,
162. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): - Want to balance exercise/activity
dysrhymias, decreased LOC
and rest
and labile BP.
- Pain, stiffness and swelling are worse in the morning
- Headaches, constipation & vomiting are common side effects
of this medication. 163. BRAT diet: B = Bananas
R = Rice
150. Hemoptysis: - Coughing up blood
A = Applesauce
- If the amount is greater than 275 mL/24 hours this indicates a
T = Toast
risk for hemorrhage and needs to be reported.
151. Sickle cell anemia: - A common manifestation of a vaso-
occlusion in a sickle cell crisis can be hematuria (blood in the *This may be suggested if the child is having a hard time
urine) resulting from ischemia of the kidneys keeping things down from vomiting or GI upset. This is high
152. Autonomic dysreflexia: - Potentially life threatening in carbs but has little nutritional value*
emergency 164. Infectious Gastroenteritis (Diarrhea) rehydration: - Should
- Spinal cord injury @ T6 or higher initiate oral rehydration therapy that should contain sodium,
- Facial flushing, nasal congestion, severe headache potassium, chloride, citrate or bicarb and glucose.
165. With PTSD, type of alternative therapy: - Guided imagery
Tx: Elevate head of bed to 90 degrees, loosen constrictive
clothing, assess for bladder distention and bowel impaction, 166. Upper chest petechiae after a long bone fracture: -
administer antihypertensive meds (as this may cause stroke, MI, Purple/red small dots that are caused by minor bleeding from
seizures) capillary blood vessels.
- This indicates that the pt is at great risk for a fat emboli a life-
153. Obtaining temp or giving ear drops to a child: - Up & back
threatening complication of fractures.
154. True or False ? Methadone can be taken while pregnant?: -
167. Diabetes Insipidus: - A deficiency in antidiuretic hormone
True, it can be taken for opioid withdrawl
- Increase in urine output (polyuria)
155. Blood Transfusion: - Normal Saline ONLY!
168. If a pt has a hx of a stroke and we want to decrease risk of
- Only collect one unit of blood @ a time.
ICP while caring for them, what are some interventions to
- Want a 20 gauge needle or larger.
reduce the risk?: - Keep the bed no more than 25 degrees
- Initiate blood transfusion 30 minutes or less after obtaining
- Place pt in a quiet room
169. Fluoxetine: - This can cause serotonin syndrome within 2-72
156. Warfarin: - Daily blood draws are needed for the 1st 5 days of
hours of starting treatment.
starting this medication.
- Pt could experience tremors, agitation, confusion, anxiety
- Pt should not take calcium supplements
and hallucinations and need to be reported.
- Do not take acetaminophen for headaches (increases risk for
- Educate pt to monitor and report any black tarry stools.
- Weight gain is an adverse effect and can cause a rash.
157. Permanent Trach Care Steps: 1st: Remove inner cannula
170. Yellow tag: Major injury & should be given attention within 30
2nd: Remove soiled dressing
minutes to 2 hours.
3rd: Clean stoma
4th: Change collar 171. Red tag: Life-threatening and requires immediate attention
158. Newborn Care: - Pick dry newborn 1st unless suction mouth is 172. Pressure ulcer stage 2: - Partial thickness (some skin loss or
there as AIRWAY is most important, then dry! blistering)
173. Pressure ulcer stage 3: - Subcutaneous tissue visible
174. Pressure ulcer stage 4: - Muscle damage, tendon exposure 193. Acetazolamide: - This is a med used for open angle glaucoma
175. Antisocial personality Disorder: - Will show lack of remorse - Adverse effect of this med is tingling of fingers and
176. Narcissistic personality disorder: - Is more likely to show
sensitivity to rejection 194. Donepezil: - Used for Alzheimer's
- Side Effects: Dyspepsia, diarrhea, dizziness
177. Bipolar: Mood swings
- Adverse effect: Dyspnea (NEED TO REPORT TO PROVIDER)
178. Borderline personality disorder: Self-mutilation behaviors
195. Furosemide: - Puts pt at risk for hypokalemia, dizziness (can
179. True Labor signs & symptoms: - The cervix transitions to the
cause drop in BP which leads to the dizziness) & urinary
anterior position
- Contractions increase with ambulation
196. Decreased LOC signs: - Depressed deep tendon reflexes
- Contractions in true labor should be felt in the lower
- Decreased BP
abdomen and back
- Lethargy
- Cervix shortens and thins
197. Methotrexate: - This med is an immune suppressant and can
180. Amitriptyline: - Medication for tx of depression
cause bone marrow suppression. Should advised pt about
- Pts should watch out for reactions like dry mouth &
monitoring for fever or sore throat.
- Pts should avoid overheating because of the lack of an ability 198. Tetracycline: - Can cause GI upset, suggest to take with
to sweat while taking this med. applesauce.
- Should take at night before bedtime. - Should advise pt to take med in the morning to prevent
esophageal ulceration.
181. Ulcerative Colitis medications: - Pts with this should take
- Do not take with antacids, will alter absorption
glucocorticoids such as prednisone to decrease the
inflammation 199. Flumazenil: - Used for Benzo reversal (antidote)

182. Caution with a pt that has an ileostomy: - Should avoid taking 200. Albuterol: - Used for acute asthma attacks
enteric-coated medications 201. Long-term tx of asthma: - Montelukast (Leukotine)
183. RACE acronym for fire: R= Retreat pts and self - Beclomethasone (corticoseteriod)
A= Activate alarm - Nedocromil (Mast-cell)
C= Contain fire (turn off O2, close doors & windows) 202. Phenytoin: - Medication for seizures (anticonvulsant)
E= Extengish - Should not take with other calcium containing foods
184. Implementing an emergency preparedness plan, what do - Commonly causes gingival hyperplasia
you need to do FIRST?: - FIRST you want to notify the incident - Nystagmus us a serious reaction and should be reported
commander to initiate the command hierarchy and maintain - Levels less than 10 mcg/mL are sub therapeutic and can
order result in seizure activity. Levels more than 20 mcg/mL can
produce toxic effects.
185. Thrombocytopenia: - Decrease amt of platelets
203. Enalapril: (ACE Inhibitor)
186. Neutropenia: - Decreased amount of WBC's ( <4000)
- Initiate precaution for infection (wear masks when going in
- Should monitor for hyperkalemia (due to potassium retention
patients room, limit visitors, no flowers & no fresh veggies or
by the kidneys)
204. Insulin glargine: - This should NOT be mixed in a syringe with
187. Ice is contraindicated with what disease?: Type 1 DM
any other insulins
188. Signs of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: - A vesicular crusty rash
- This med should be injected once a day and does not cause
- This should be reported
peaks, instead it maintains a steady blood level for 24 hours,
- Sulfamethazazole can cause this as well as many others
which reduces the risk of hypoglycemia
189. Indomethacin: - Is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that
205. Salmeterol: - Bronchodilator that is used to tx exercise
reduces pain and inflammation
induced bronchospasm, prevention of asthma attacks, COPD
and chronic bronchitis & emphysema
- Adverse effects of this med: Dizziness, vertigo, muscle
weakness, n/v, anorexia that leads to weight loss
Helps improve breathing
190. OTC decongestants: - Can constrict blood vessels causing an 206. Oxybutynin: - Med is used for tx of urinary incontinence
increase in BP & HR, so want to caution anyone that has - Can expect these common side effects: Tachycardia,
hypertension or on cardiac meds constipation, dry mouth, blurred vision, photophobia
191. Clonidine may be prescribed for some experiencing?: -
Alcohol withdrawal, this will help diaphoresis
192. Chlordiazepoxide: - This med is used to prevent delirium
tremens for someone experiencing alcohol withdrawal
207. Common medication given for Graves Disease: - 224. Medications to fight bone marrow suppression (typically
Propylthiouracil due to cancer treatment): - Erthropoietin
- This medication increases the ability to focus which is a - Filgrastim
symptom of graves disease (inability to focus).
- An increase in ability to focus would indicate that this *Growth factors*
medication is working. 225. Atorvastatin: - Watch for muscle pain (stop med & contact
208. Propylthiouracil: - This medication is used to tx of Graves provider)
Disease (hyperthyroidism), but should not be of first choice - Watch liver enzymes
with this disease. (In patients with Graves' disease with 226. Digoxin: - Cardiac glycoside
hyperthyroidism or toxic multinodular goiter who are - Common side effect: Bradycardia
intolerant of methimazole and for whom surgery or radioactive - Watch Potassium levels (if too low=toxicity)
iodine therapy is not an appropriate treatment option) - Check HR & hold if under 60 bpm
- Toxicity symptoms: Anorexia, N/V, blurred/yellow haze vision
- Should not be used if pt has liver failure, or pregnant - Normal Dig levels: 0.5-0.8
227. Digoxin Toxicity manifestations: - Anorexia
- Watch out for and report : Black tarry stools, chills, chest
- N/V
pain, fever, cough, sore throat or SOB.
- Blurred vision
209. Medication used for Diabetes Insipidus: - Vasopression - Yellow haze
210. Rhogam is given when mom and baby are what?: - Mom is - Fatigue/weakness
negative and baby is positive
211. Medication to induce labor?: - Oxytocin - Normal Dig levels: 0.5-0.8
- Misoprostol suppositories 228. Reasons to hold BP meds: - HR <60 bpm
212. Used to stop labor: - Tocolytic medication = Terbutaline - Systolic BP <90

213. Med for osteoporosis: Alendondrate 229. Ace Inhibitors: - Watch for dry cough (discontinue and report)
- Hypotension
214. Antiepileptic (seizure) medications: - Phenobarbital
- Increased K+ levels (can cause hyperkalemia)
- Phenytoin
- Common meds: Captopril, Enalapril (Ends in "pril")
- Carbamazepine
- Valproic acid 230. Beta- Blockers: - End in "olol"
- Iamotrigine - Metoprolol, propranolol
- Gabapentin - Watch for bradycardia & hypotension
- Metroprolol can decrease cardiac output and needs to be
*For status epilepticus (Diazepam, Lorazepam)* cautioned with CHF. No grapefruit.
- Propranolol can cause bronchoconstriction (so don't want to
215. Rheumatoid arthritis meds: - Prednisone (Glucocorticoid)
give to someone with asthmatics)
- Adalimumab (DMARD)
231. Oprelevekin: - This med is used to tx adverse effect of chemo
216. Alzheimer meds: - Memantine
( low platelet count)
- Donazepril
- This med is a thrombopoletic growth factor and therefore a
217. Med to tx Mysathena gravis: - Neostigmine (its a platelet count within the expected range would mean it is
anticholinesterase) therapeutic
218. Liver failure medication (to eliminate ammonia levels): - 232. Carbamazepine: - This medication can be used to treat
Lactulose (causes diarrhea) bipolar as well as seizures
219. Medication specifically for migraines: Sumatriptan - This med can affect oral contraceptives
220. Antifungals: - End in "zole" 233. Neostigmine: - This medication is used to treat myasthenia
- Also nystatin (used for mouth) gravis
221. Azithromycin: - Antibiotic: Macrolide - An adverse effect of this med is nausea, bradycardia, and
- No cross allergy with penicillins salvation at the mouth.
222. Medication for UTI's that causes urine and contacts to turn 234. Valproic Acid: - Valproic acid is used to treat various types of
orange?: - Phenazopyridie seizure disorders. It is also used to treat manic episodes
223. Medications prescribed for UTI's:: - Sufamethoxazole- related to bipolar disorder (manic depression), and to prevent
trimethoprim migraine headaches.
- Ciprofloxacin
- Phenazopyridine - This medication can cause liver failure so watch for jaundice
235. Side effects of inhaled corticosteroids: - Dysphonia 248. Aminoglycosides (Gentamycin and Tobramycin): - Want to
- Oral candidiasis watch for nephron & Otto toxicities
- They also interfere with diuretics, skeletal muscle relaxants
*Pt will need spacer and need to rinse the mouth after and anticoagulant meds.
inhalation, this will help reduce the risk* 249. Amoxicillin: - Watch for renal insufficiency
236. Verapamil: - This is a calcium channel blocker used to - Decreases contraceptives, warfarin
decrease workload and lower BP. So changing positions 250. Better perfusion: EleVate: Veins
slowly will prevent orthostatic hypotension and dizziness.
251. Better perfusion: DAngle: Anteries
- Should take with food
252. Airborne Precaution: *Think MTV*
- Palpitations should be discussed with pcp but not stopped
w/out addressing with doc first
M= Measles
237. Metronidazole: - Metronidazole is used to treat bacterial
infections of the vagina, stomach, skin, joints, and respiratory
V= Varicella-Chicken pox/herpes Zoster-Shingles
tract. This medication will NOT treat a vaginal yeast infection.
253. Droplet Precautions: *Think SPIDERMAN*
- This should not be taken with alcohol
238. When a pt is taking epoetin alfa, what should you watch
S = Sepsis, scarlet fever, streptococcal pharyngitis
for?: - Increase in BP (if the pt hematocrit levels rise too
P = Parvovirus B19, pneumonia, pertussis
rapidly, hypertension and seizures could result
I = Influenza
239. Doxycycline: - An antibiotic D = Diptheria
- This should NOT be given to someone who is pregnant, due E = Epiglottitis
to the adverse effects on developing bones and teeth) R= Rubella
240. What is the greatest risk for someone receiving mannitol M = Mumps, meningitis, mycoplasma or meningeal pneu.
IV?: - Developing HF, so the nurse should watch for peripheral AN= Adenovirus (private room, mask)
edema and report any findings of this STAT!
241. Adverse effects of glucocorticoids are?: - Osteoporosis, *Droplet requires mask, gown, gloves, mask & goggles*
which needs to be monitored regularly w/bone density scans 254. Contact Precaution: *Think MRS.WEE*
242. Sucralfate: - It is a mucous protectant that forms a gel-like M= Multidrug resistant organism
substance coating the ulcer, creating a barrier. R= Respiratory infection
S= Skin infections
- It works mainly in the lining of the stomach by adhering to W= Wound infection
ulcer sites and protecting them from acids, enzymes, and bile E= Enteric infection (C.diff)
salts. E= Eye infection (conjunctivitis)

- Sucralfate is used to treat an active duodenal ulcer. *Gloves and gown*

Sucralfate can heal an active ulcer, but it will not prevent 255. Air/Pulmonary Embolism:
future ulcers from occurring.
243. Fluoxetine: - Is an SSRI and used to Tx depression
- This medication suppresses platelet aggregation which
increases risk for bleeding when used with NSAIDs &
anticoagulants. Want to advise pt to use Tylenol instead of
ibuprofen for headaches.
244. Ferrous sulfate: - Iron
- Want to take on an empty stomach
245. Metoclopramide: - This is a medication given for nausea
- It increases gastric motility and can cause sedation
246. Ergotamine: - Medication that should be taken on onset of a
- It should be taken upon aura of headache and a max of 3
tablets should be taken in a 24 hour period. S/S: Chest pain, difficulty breathing, tachycardia, pale/cyanotic,
247. Allupurinol: - Inhibits production of uric acid sense of impending doom, bloody sputum
- Used to treat gout and/or kidney stones of that nature
- Watch for kidney toxicity Tx: Heaprin, d-dimer lab, O2
- Contraindicated with Warfarin & oral hypoglycemic
(increases effects of meds)
256. Women in labor with un-reassuring FHR: - This would include 267. Hypermagnesmeia: - Depresses the CNS
late decels, decreased variability, fetal bradycardia. - Hypotension, facial flushing, muscle weakness, absent deep
tendon reflexes, shallow respirations
- Turn pt on left side, give O2, stop Pitocin (if running) and - Emergency
increase fluids 268. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS): - NMS is like S & M
257. Tube feedings with decreased LOC: - Position pt on right side - You get hot (hyperpyrexia)
(this promotes emptying of the stomach) and head of bed - stiff (increased muscle tone)
elevated (to prevent aspiration) - Sweaty (diaphoresis)
258. Myringotomy: - Myringotomy is a surgical procedure in which - BP, pulse and resp go up
a tiny incision is created in the eardrum to relieve pressure - Start to drool
caused by excessive buildup of fluid, or to drain pus from the 269. Rubella: - Dangerous when you are pregnant
middle ear. - German measles (rubella)....Never get pregnant with a
- Pt should be positioned on affected ear after surgery (this German (rubella)
allows drainage of secretions) 270. Tetralogy of fallot: *Think of DROP*
259. After cataract surgery: - Pt will sleep on UNAFFECTED side
with a night shield for 1-4 weeks D= Defect, septal
260. Positioning of a pt after total hip replacement: - Don't sleep R= Right ventricular hypertrophy
on operated side O= Overriding aorta
- Don't flex hip more than 45-60 degrees P= Pulmonary stenosis
- Don't elevate HOB more than 45 degrees 271. Amphojel: - Tx of GERD and kidney stones
- Maintain hip abduction by separating thighs with pillows. - Watch out for constipation
261. Prevention of dumping syndrome: - Eat in reclining position 272. Vistaril: - Tx of anxiety and also itching
- Lie down after meals for 20-30 minutes - Watch out for dry mouth, given preop commonly
- Restrict fluids during meals 273. PTU and Tapazole: Prevention of thyroid storm
- Low carb and fiber diet
274. Sinemet: - Used for tx of parkinsons
- Small frequent meals
- Sweat, saliva, urine may turn reddish brown occasionally
262. With peritoneal dialysis outflow is inadequate: - Turn pt from - Causes drowsiness
side to side BEFORE checking kinks in tubing (according to
275. Artane: - A med used for Prkinsons
- Sedative effect
263. Before a liver biopsy it is important to check what lab?: - Lab
276. Cogentin: - Tx of parkinsons and extrapyramidal effects of
results for prothrombin time
other drugs
264. Hypo-parathyroid: * Think CATS*
277. Timolol (Timoptic): Tx of glaucoma

C= Convulsions 278. Bactrim: - Antibiotic

A= Arrhythmias - Don't take if allergic to sulfas
T= Tetany - Diarrhea is a common side effect
S= Spasms, stridor - Drink plenty of fluids
279. Antidote for Tylenol: Mucomyst
- Decreased calcium 280. Librium: - Used for tx of alcohol w/d
- Want to have high Calcium, low phosphorus diet - Don't drink alcohol with this as very bad n/v can occur
265. Hyper-parathyroid: - Fatigue 281. Kwell: - This is used for the tx of scabies and lice
- Muscle weakness - For scabies: apply lotion once and leave on for 8-12 hours
- Renal calculi - For lice: Use the shampoo and leave on for 4 minutes with
- Back and joint pain hair uncovered, then rinse with warm water and comb with a
- High levels of calcium fine tooth comb.
282. OB Patterns: *Think VEAL CHOP*
- Want pt to have a diet high in phosphorus and low in Calcium
266. SIADH (Increased ADH): - Holding on to fluids and not V= Variable decels; C= Cord Compression
releasing (little output) E= Early decels; H= Head compression caused
- Change in LOC, decreased deep tendon reflexes, A= Accels; O= Okay, not a problem
tachycardia, n/v/a, headache L= Late decels; P= Placental insufficiency
- Administer Declomycin, diuretics
283. For cord compression: - Trendelenberg position (this removes 299. Cranial Nerves: Oh, Oh, Oh, To, Touch, And, Feel, A, Girls,
pressure off the cord) Vagina, And, Hymen

- If the cord is prolapsed, knee to chest, cover it with sterile Oh= Olfactory #1 (Smell)
saline gauze to prevent drying of the cord and to minimize Oh= Optic #2 (Vision)
infection. Oh= Oculomotor #3 (Motor control of some eye muscles and
284. To test lead poisoning in a child?: - Around 12 months of age eyelid)
To= Trochlear #4 (motor control of some eye muscles)
285. High in potassium: - Bananas
Touch= Trigeminal #5 (Chewing & facial sensation)
- Potatoes
And= Abducens #6 (Motor control of some eye muscles)
- Citrus fruits
Feel= Facial #7 ( Motor control of facial muscles, salivation,
286. Aspirin can cause what in children?: - Reye's Syndrome tastes and cutaneous sensations)
287. Morphine is contraindicated in what?: - Pancreatitis A= Auditory #8 (Hearing, equilibrium)
- It causes spasms of the sphincter of Oddi, therefore Demerol Girls= Glossopharyngeal #9 (Salivation, sensations of skin,
should be given taste)
288. Hodgkin's disease: - Cancer of the lymph and is very curable Vagina= Vagus #10 (Motor control of the heart, sensation from
in early stages the thorax)
289. Birth weight: - Doubles by 6 months And= Accessory #11 (Motor impulses to pharynx and shoulder)
- Triples by 1 year Hymen= Hypoglassal #12 (Motor control of the tongue, some
skeletal muscles, some viscera, sensation from skin and
290. First sign of cystic fibrosis: - May be meconium ileus at birth
- Baby is inconsolable, do not eat, not passing meconium
300. Glasgow Scale: -15 max points
291. Rheumatic fever: Can lead to cardiac valve lafunctions
- 8 and below you are in a coma
292. Hemophilia: - A blood disorder. Is x-linked. Mother passes
301. When taking Dig and k-supplements avoid this?: - Salt
disease onto son.
substitutes because many are potassium based
293. Eclampsia: Seizure
302. Addisons Disease: - Think of ADD as needs to add hormones
294. Fontanelle closure timeframe: - Anterior (front) fontanelle
303. Universal donor blood: Type O
closed by 18 months
- Posterior (back) close within 6-8 weeks. 304. Universal recipient: AB

295. Caput succedaneum: 305. Bronchodilator inhaler before glucocorticoid inhaler. True or
False?: True, you want to open up the alveoli to maximize the
306. Diaphragms must stay in place for how long after
intercourse?: - 6 hours
- In addition these contraceptive devices are also fitted so
must be refitted if you lose weight or gain a significant amount
of weight.
307. Murphys sign:

- Diffuse edema of the fetal scalp that crosses the suture lines.
Swelling reabsorbs within 1-3 days
296. Bethamethasone (Celestone): - Surfactant. Med for lung
297. Dystocia: Baby cannot make it down to canal
298. Magnesium sulfate: - Used to halt preterm labor
- Is contraindicated if deep tendon reflexes are ineffective
- If the pt experiences a seizure during Mg admission, get the
baby out STAT! It's an emergency! - Pain with palpation of gall bladder area. Seen with
308. Cullen's sign: 315. Tensilon: - This is used in myasthenia gravis to confirm the

*Myasthenia gravis is caused by a disorder in the

transmission of impulses from nerve to muscle cell*
316. Transesophageal Fistula (TEF): - Esophagus doesn't fully
develop and is a surgical emergency
- The 3 C's of TEF in the newborn are: Choking, Coughing,
317. MMR vaccines is given: - Subcut

*Also ask about anaphylactic reaction to eggs or neomycin

- Ecchymosis in umbilical area, seen with pancreatitis before MMR*
309. Turner's sign: 318. Strabismus:

- Botox may be given for this.

- Patch the GOOD eye so that the weaker eye can get
- Flank grayish blue (turn around to see your flanks) 319. A 12 month old infant recently had a fever, runny nose,
- Indicates pancreatitis cough and white spots in the mouth for 3 days. A rash
310. Shillings Test: - This is a test for pernicious anemia, to see how developed that started on the face and spread to the whole
well one absorbs Vit B12 body. What should you suspect that the child has?: - Rubeola
311. Guthrie Test: - This tests for PKU. The baby should have eaten (Measles)
source of protein first 320. Rubeola:
312. Diverticulitis:

- Measles is a highly contagious infection caused by the

measles virus. Initial signs and symptoms typically include
fever, often greater than 40 °C, cough, runny nose, and
inflamed eyes. Two or three days after the start of symptoms,
small white spots may form inside the mouth, known as Koplik's
spots. A red, flat rash which usually starts on the face and then
- Pockets within the intestine. Low residue, no seeds, nuts or spreads to the rest of the body typically begins three to five
peas days after the start of symptoms. Symptoms usually develop
313. Rhogam is given when?: - Given at weeks, & 72 hours post 10-12 days after exposure to an infected person and last 7-10
partum, IM. days.
- Only needs to be given to Rh NEGATIVE mother 321. Stranger anxiety: - Is greatest in ages 7-9 months
314. If someone has a latex allergy, you should also assess if the 322. Separation anxiety: - Peaks in toddlerhood
patient is allergic to what?: - Bananas, apricots, cherries,
grapes, kiwis, passion fruit, avocados, chestnuts, tomatoes and
323. Akathisia: 332. Zocor: - Tx of hyperlipidemia
- Should be taken on an empty stomach to enhance
absorption, report any unexplained muscle pain, especially
333. Decorticate:

- Motor restlessness, person needs to keep going

- Is pointing toward the "cord"
- Tx with antiparkinsons meds
- Can be mistaken for agitation 334. Decerebrit:
324. Before a Pulmonary Function Test (PFT): - A pt's
bronchodilator will be withheld
- And not allowed to smoke 4 hours before the test
325. EEG test:

- Hands are pointing out.

- To "celebrate"
335. Hirschsprungs:

- This is to assess a pt for seizure activity

- Need to hold meds for 24-48 hours
- No caffine or cigarettes for 24 hrs prior.
- Pt is able to eat
- Pt must stay awake the night before the exam, pt may be
asked to hyperventilate and watch a bright flashing light.
- After EEG, assess pt for seizures, pt will be at increased risk
326. Rifampin: - Is used to tx TB, dyes bodily fluids orange
327. INH: - Is used to treat and prevent TB
328. Antipsychotics are incompatible with: - Caffeine and apple - Ribbon like stools
juice - Enlarged colon

329. Extrapyramidal effects: - Adverse effects of anti-psychotic 336. IM administration site for an infant-6 months:
- Dystonia
- Tarditive dyskinesia
- Tightening of the jaw
- Stiff neck
- Swollen tongue
- Later on swollen airway
- Vastus lateralis
330. Risperdal: - Is an anti-psychotic med
- Doses over 6mg can cause tarditive dyskinesia
- This is the first line anti-psychotic for children
331. Hydroxyurea: - This is used for sickle cell
- Report GI symptoms immediately this could be a sign of
337. IM administration site for a toddler above 18 months of age?: 344. Hemovac: - Used after a mastectomy
- Empty when full or q8h, remove plug, empty contents, place
on flat surface, cleanse opening and plug with alcohol
- Compress evacuator completely to remove air, release plug,
check system for operation.
345. Downs syndrome: Protruding tongue
346. SLE:

- Ventrogluteal
338. IM site for children above 18 months: - Deltoid and gluteus
maximus are appropriate sites
339. Cane walking: * Think COAL*
- Butterfly rash
C= Cane
347. Pyloric stenosis:
O= Opposite
A= Affected
L= Leg
340. What is the max amount that can be taken out at one time
with a thoracentesis?: - 1000cc
341. Preparation for cardiac cath:: - NPO 8-12 hours (incase
surgery is needed)
- Empty bladder, pulses
- Tell pt that they may feel heat palpitations or desire to cough
with dye injection.
342. Post cardiac cath:: - Monitor vital signs, pulses distal to site
- Apply pressure to cath site for at least 15 minutes
- Keep leg straight, bedrest for 6-8 hrs.
343. Paracentesis: - Projectile vomiting
- Olive like mass
348. Hepatic Encephalopathy: - Flapping tremors of the hands
- Caused by an increased amount of toxins in the blood
stream (ammonia)
349. Lyme Disease: - Bulls eye rash
350. Iron elixir: - NEVER take with milk
- Take with juice or water
351. Kawasakis Disease: Leads to cardiac problems
352. Lithium levels: - 0.5-1.5

- Semi fowlers or upright on edge of bed

- Empty bladder
- Post procedure: VS, report elevated temp, observe for signs
of hypovolemia
353. Nephrotic syndrome: 357. Treatment for Cystic Fibrosis: - "CF cleanout" medications to
clean ducts, suction them out.
- Helrom vest: Shakes them to knock secretions loose
- Enzymes, insulin if glucose is high, antibiotics (antibiotics may
seem high, but this is typical for a child with CF)
- CF pt's don't absorb nutrients well, so they will be given
AQUADEX, fat soluble vitamins A,D,E, & K.
- Diet consists of high fats, high calorie/low sugar diet
358. Common symptoms of a cystic fibrosis pt:: - Large, bulky,
frothy, foul-smelling stools
- Barrel chest
- Life expectancy is 30-40's
- Cough
- Respiratory distress
- Edema (begins in the face) - Thick secretions
- Hypotension
359. Zoloft (Sertraline): - SSRI
- Fatigue/malaise
- Side effects are agitation, sleep disturbances and dry mouth,
- Weight gain, edema in the face and limbs
constipation, ortho hypotension, possible urinary retention,
- Foamy/frothy urine
blurred vision
- Protein in the urine
360. Clozapine (Clozaril): - Antipsychotic medication
- Hyperlipidemia
- Want to watch for tachycardia and seizures
354. Glomerulonephritis:
- May cause severe agranulocytosis (weekly blood draws)
361. Glucose Tolerance Test while pregnant: - A result of 140 or
higher needs further evaluation
362. When assessing extra ocular eye movement what cranial
nerves are you assessing?: - 3,4 &6
363. Tension pneumothorax: - Trachea shifts to opposite side
364. With Lithium: - Hydrate, drinking 2-3 L of water/day
- Maintain sodium intake of 2-3g/day
- Toxic level is 2-3 (n/v, diarrhea, tremors)
365. Burns:: 1st degree: Red and painful
- R/t recent strep infection 2nd degree: Blisters
- Headache 3rd degree: No pain because of blocked and burned nerves
- Elevated BP 366. After a shunt placement, what is the bed position?: - Flat (so
- Lethargic fluid doesn't reduce too rapidly)
- Preorbital edema - If you see signs of increasing ICP, then raise the HOB to 15-
- Decreased GFR 30 degrees.
- Protein & blood in urine (cola-colored urine) 367. Bence Jones: - Specific protein in the urine that confirms
- Painful (dysuria) & oliguria (little urine) multiple myeloma
355. DPT/MMR/OPV: - Vaccines needed for ages 4-5 years 368. Anectine: - Is used for short-term neuromuscular blocking
356. Cystic Fibrosis: - Is an inherited autosomal recessive trait that agents for procedures like intubation and ECT
involves exocrine (non hormonal) gland dysfunction. 369. Glucagon increases the effects of what?: - Oral
- Increased viscosity of secretions anticoagulants
- Increased electrolyte levels in sweat
370. Intussusception: - Common in kids with CF
- Lungs become filled with mucus that is thick like glue
- Obstruction may cause fecal emesis
- A sweat test is used to diagnose
- Currant jelly-like stools (blood and mucus)
- A barium enema may be used to hydrostatically reduce the
*It "gums up" the ducts: spleen, gall bladder and lungs*
- Resolution is obvious with onset of bowel movements.
371. Positive for PKU: - No phenylalanine (no meat, no diary, no
372. Antacids should be given ?: - When mechanically ventilated 382. Compensation : Defense Mechanism: - Covering up a real or
- With an NG tube if the pH of the aspirate is <5.0. Aspirate perceived weakness by emphasizing a trait one considers
should be checked every 12 hrs. more desirable.
373. Amniotic fluid is?: - Alkaline, it will turn nitrazine paper blue.
Urine and normal vaginal discharge are acidic and turn it pink. EX: A handicapped boy is unable to participate in football, so
he compensates by becoming a great scholar.
374. Nitrazine paper:
383. Denial: Defense Mechanism: - Refusing to acknowledge the
existence of a real situation or the feelings associated with it.

EX: A women drinks alcohol every day and cannot stop, failing
to acknowledge that she has a problem.

- Blue is positive for amniotic fluid 384. Displacement: Defense Mechanism: - The transfer of feelings
from one target to another that is considered less threatening
375. Using crutches while going up stairs: *GCB (Good leg,
or that is neutral.
crutches, Bad leg)*

EX: A client is angry at his doctor, does not express it, but
- Good leg goes up first
becomes verbally abusive with the nurse.
- Crutches next
- Bad leg 385. Rationalization: Defense Mechanism: - Attempting to make
excuses or formulate logical reasons to justifying
376. Using crutches going down stairs: * CGB (Crutches, Good
unacceptable feelings or behaviors.
leg, bad leg)*

EX: John tells the rehab nurse, "I drink because its the only way
- Crutches
I can deal with my bad marriage and awful job."
- Good leg
- Bad leg 386. Reaction Formation: Defense Mechanism: - Preventing
unacceptable thoughts or behaviors from being expressed by
377. Steroids such as Prednisone can increase what?: - Increase
exaggerating opposite thoughts or types of behaviors.
glucose, so monitor blood sugar levels
378. A big cue with lithium toxicity is what?: - If a pt complains of EX: Jane hates nursing. She attended nursing school to please
metallic taste in mouth. her parents. During career day, she speaks to prospective
379. Croup: - Barking cough students about the excellence of nursing as a career.
- Difficulty breathing, fast breathing, noisy breathing, SOB or 387. Regression: Defense Mechanism: - Responding to stress by
wheezing retreating to an earlier level of development and the comfort
- Fatigue or fever measures associated with that level of functioning.
- Hoarseness or impaired voice
380. Antidote for Magnesium Toxicity: - Calcium Gluconate EX: When 2 year old Jay is hospitalized for tonsillitis he will
381. Magnesium Sulfate Toxicity S/S:: drink only from a bottle, although his mother states he has
been drinking from a cup for over 6 months.
388. Identification: Defense Mechanism: - An attempt to increase
self worth by acquiring certain attributes and characteristics of
an individual one admires.
389. Repression: Defense Mechanism: - Involuntary blocking of
unpleasant feelings and experiences from ones awareness.

EX: An accident victim can remember nothing about the

390. Intellectualization Defense Mechanism: - An attempt to avoid
expressing actual emotions associated with a stressful situation
by using the intellectual process of logic, reasoning and
- Hyporefexia (absence of deep tendon reflexes) 391. Sublimation: Defense Mechanism: - Rechanneling of drives or
- Respiratory depression impulses that are personally or socially unacceptable into
- Decrease in LOC activities that are constructive.
- Hypotension
- Urine output is decreased EX: Mom of son killed by drunk driver, president of MADD.
392. Introjection: Defense Mechanism: - Integrating the beliefs and values of another individual into ones own ego structure.

EX: Children integrate their parents value system into the process of conscience formation.
393. Suppression: Defense Mechanism: - The voluntary blocking of unpleasant feelings and experiences from ones awareness.

EX: "I don't want to think about that now. I'll think about that tomorrow."
394. Isolation: Defense Mechanism: - Separate a thought or memory from the feeling tone or emotion associated with it.

EX: Without showing any emotion, a young women describes being attacked and raped.
395. Undoing: Defense Mechanism: - Symbolically negating or canceling out an experience that one finds intolerable.

EX: Joe is nervous about his new job and yells at his wife. On his way home he stops and buys her flowers.
396. Projection: Defense Mechanism: - Attributing feelings or impulses unacceptable to ones self to another person.

EX: Sue feels a strong sexual attraction to her track coach and tells her friend, "Hes coming on to me!"

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