Dawson Week 13 1
Dawson Week 13 1
Dawson Week 13 1
Wednesday Thursday/Friday
Component Monday/Tuesday
TEKS (CONTENT OBJ.) 5(A) Analyze and discuss the purpose of non- 5(A) Analyze and discuss 5(A) Analyze and discuss the purpose
(Use the number & alpha of the TEK; linear plot development (e.g. flashbacks, the purpose of non-linear of non-linear plot development (e.g.
Use student-friendly language; Place on foreshadowing, subplots, parallel structures) plot development (e.g. flashbacks, foreshadowing, subplots,
the classroom board & review with and compare it to linear plot development flashbacks, foreshadowing, parallel structures) and compare it to
students; HIGHLIGHT any SPIRALED 5C Analyze the way in which a work of fiction is subplots, parallel structures) linear plot development
TEKS) shaped by the narrator’s point of view. and compare it to linear 5C Analyze the way in which a work of
Pre-Planning: Unpacking the Standards
5C Analyze the way in which a work of fiction is plot development fiction is shaped by the narrator’s point
shaped by the narrator’s point of view. 5C Analyze the way in of view.
Fig19B Make complex inferences about text which a work of fiction is 5C Analyze the way in which a work of
and use textual evidence to support shaped by the narrator’s fiction is shaped by the narrator’s point
understanding. point of view. of view.
5C Analyze the way in Fig19B Make complex inferences
which a work of fiction is about text and use textual evidence to
shaped by the narrator’s support understanding.
point of view.
Fig19B Make complex
inferences about text and
use textual evidence to
support understanding.
ELPS (LANGUAGE OBJ.) ELPS C.4j Demonstrate English comprehension ELPS C.4j Demonstrate ELPS C.4d Use prereading supports as
(Use the number & alpha of the ELPS; and expand reading skills by employing English comprehension and graphic organizers, illustrations, and
Use student-friendly language; Place on inferential skills such as predicting, making expand reading skills by pretaught topic-related vocabulary and
the classroom board & review with connections between ideas, drawing inferences employing inferential skills other prereading activities to enhance
students.) and conclusions from text and graphic sources, such as predicting, making comprehension of written text.
connections between ideas,
and finding supporting text evidence
drawing inferences and ELPS C.4f Use visual and contextual
commensurate with content area needs.
conclusions from text and support and support from peers and
graphic sources, and teachers to read grade-appropriate
Name: Dawson Date: 11/14/16 -11/18/16
Subject: English I Pre-AP Unit 3: Influence
ELPS C.4k Demonstrate English finding supporting text content area text, enhance and confirm
comprehension and expand reading skills by evidence commensurate understanding, and develop
employing analytical skills such as evaluating with content area needs. vocabulary, grasp of language
written information and performing critical structures, and background knowledge
analyses commensurate with content area and ELPS C.4k Demonstrate needed to comprehend increasingly
English comprehension and challenging language.
grade-level needs.
expand reading skills by
ELPS C.4d Use prereading supports as graphic employing analytical skills ELPS C.5e Employ increasingly
organizers, illustrations, and pretaught topic- such as evaluating written complex grammatical structures in
related vocabulary and other prereading information and performing content area writing commensurate
activities to enhance comprehension of written critical analyses with grade-level expectations, such as:
commensurate with content using correct verbs, tenses, and
area and grade-level needs. pronouns/antecedents
Mastery Awareness Speak pgs. 13-17 // 13-24 Speak pgs. 17-24 // 24-35 Speak pgs. 24-35 // 35-45
(I will know my students have mastered I will know students have mastered this I will know students have I will know students have mastered this
this standard when they can….) standard when they can understand how mastered this standard standard when they can understand
elements of plot and point of view contribute when they can understand how elements of plot and point of view
to character development, choices, and how elements of plot and contribute to character development,
motivation. I will know my students have point of view contribute to choices, and motivation. I will know
mastered this standard when they can analyze character development, my students have mastered this
and discuss how plot development is shaped choices, and motivation. I standard when they can analyze and
by the narrator’s point of view, and make will know my students have discuss how plot development is
complex inferences about text and use textual mastered this standard shaped by the narrator’s point of view,
evidence to support their understanding. when they can analyze and and make complex inferences about
discuss how plot text and use textual evidence to
development is shaped by support their understanding.
the narrator’s point of view,
and make complex
inferences about text and
use textual evidence to
support their
Name: Dawson Date: 11/14/16 -11/18/16
Subject: English I Pre-AP Unit 3: Influence
3rd Person
3rd Person
3rd Person Limited
Engage/Hook: Speak anticipation guide. Discuss anticipation guide Silent Sustained Reading.
(Warm-up/Do now) answers.
Modeled Direct Instruction: ___min Teacher will explain the difference between Teacher will review Teacher will give students a plot
(“I DO,” Introduce New Material/Review; linear versus nonlinear plot development. elements of plot, handout and review nonlinear and
Teacher models) emphasizing the linear plot development.
SAY: Today we will be discussing how authors importance of plot
reveal the sequence of events in a work of structure and its influence
fiction. Last week we focused on linear plot on the flow of a story.
development, when events take place in
chronological order. SAY: Today we will be
reading sections of Speak.
Lesson Cycle
Some short stories are told out of order, Let’s review the elements of
otherwise known as nonlinear. plot:
There are two ways to categorize plot: linear Plot is more than just a
vs. nonlinear. series of events. Authors
must arrange conflict,
LINEAR=When events take place in complications, and
chronological order resolutions to create a
logical cause and effect
ForeshadowingGiving clues or
ideas to make predictions or
inferences about what happens next
FlashbackWhen a character
references a past event and returns
to the present
Sub-plotMore than one event is
expressed in the story
Parallel plot structure
The intended effect of nonlinear plot
development is to provide more depth to the
reader. Complex plot structures require more
attention to details, events, and circumstances.
Guided Instruction/Practice: ___min Teacher and student will read pg. 13 of the Teacher reads pgs. 17. Teacher reads 24. Students will
(“WE DO,” Teacher & students work novel, Teacher will check for understanding Teacher will ask check for create 3 Level 2 questions and 3
together) using the following questions: understanding questions: Level 3 questions.
Name: Dawson Date: 11/14/16 -11/18/16
Subject: English I Pre-AP Unit 3: Influence
Enrichment Choose an activity to complete from the Choose an activity to Choose an activity to complete from
Instructional Support
Extension Activity Board: complete from the the Extension Activity Board:
-Vocabulary: Extension Activity Board: -Vocabulary:
www.vocabulary.com -Vocabulary: www.vocabulary.com
-Inferences: www.vocabulary.com -Inferences:
www.reading.ecb.org -Inferences: www.reading.ecb.org
-Grammar Bytes www.reading.ecb.org -Grammar Bytes
www.chompchomp.com -Grammar Bytes www.chompchomp.com
-English 1 Gateway www.chompchomp.com -English 1 Gateway
-Single SAR (NewsELA or -English 1 Gateway -Single SAR (NewsELA or
Tween Tribune) -Single SAR (NewsELA or Tween Tribune)
-Figurative Language Tween Tribune) -Figurative Language
www.ereadingworksheets.com -Figurative Language www.ereadingworksheets.com
Name: Dawson Date: 11/14/16 -11/18/16
Subject: English I Pre-AP Unit 3: Influence