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Animal Reproduction Science 85 (2005) 61–70

Effects of prepartum lipid supplementation on FSH

superstimulation and transferable embryo recovery
in multiparous beef cows夽
J.F. Bader a , F.N. Kojima a , M.E. Wehrman b , B.R. Lindsey c ,
M.S. Kerley a , D.J. Patterson a,∗
a S132 Animal Science Research Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA
b Rocky Mountain Reproduction Services., Manhattan, MT 59714, USA
c Minitube of America, Verona, WI 53593, USA

Received 30 December 2003; received in revised form 12 April 2004; accepted 12 April 2004

The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of prepartum lipid supplementation
on the number and quality of embryos recovered following ovarian super-ovulation in postpartum
suckled beef cows. Mature cows (n = 40) were assigned to one of two treatments (lipid versus.
no lipid) and supplemented for approximately 40 days prior to calving. Supplements provided to
cows were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. The treatment group was fed 1.6 kg hd−1 per day of whole
soybeans (WSB; 19.8% ether extract, and 41.8% crude protein) and the control group received a sup-
plement consisting of 1.8 kg hd−1 day of a soybean meal and soy–hull combination (SBS; 2.15% EE
and 36.81% CP). Cows were synchronized using a GnRH [Cystorelin® 100 ␮g im]–GnRH–PGF2␣
[Lutalyse® 25 mg im] protocol. Cows were administered two injections of GnRH seven days apart
and PG seven days after the second GnRH injection. Twenty-eight cows (WSB, n = 15; SBS, n
= 13) responded to estrus synchronization and were superstimulated. Super-ovulation was initiated
on day 8–10 of the synchronized cycle by twice-daily injections of pFSH (Pluset® ) over four days in
decreasing doses using a total of 608.4 IU per cow. Prostaglandin F2␣ was administered 96 and 108 h
after super-stimulation was initiated with FSH. Days postpartum (WSB = 59 days; SBS = 57 days)
at initiation of FSH treatments were similar (P > 0.10) for both treatments. Cows were monitored
for estrus activity by the HeatWatch® Estrus Detection System. Twenty-seven cows (WSB, n = 15;
SBS, n = 12) exhibited estrus after FSH and inseminated at 0, 12, and 24 h after the onset of estrus
with 1, 2, and 1 units of semen, respectively. Embryos were recovered and evaluated 7–8 days later.
Only cows that responded to FSH and that were inseminated were used for statistical analysis. Data
were analyzed using the General Linear Models Procedure of SAS. Body condition scores did not
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 573 882 7519; fax: +1 573 882 4798.

E-mail address: [email protected] (D.J. Patterson).

夽 Contribution from the Missouri Agriculture Experiment Station

0378-4320/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
62 J.F. Bader et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 85 (2005) 61–70

differ (P > 0.10) between treatments when cows were evaluated at the initiation of the experiment,
two weeks prior to calving, and at initiation of superovulation with FSH. Estrous cyclicity prior
to the initiation of estrus synchronization did not differ (P > 0.10) between treatments. There was
no difference (P > 0.10) between treatments in recovery of total embryos (WSB, 14.7 ± 3.5; SBS,
17.5 ± 3.0), transferable embryos (WSB, 10.3 ± 2.5; SBS, 13.6 ± 2.6), degenerate embryos (WSB,
3.3 ± 1.1; SBS, 1.6 ± 1.7) or unfertilized ova (WSB, 1.1 ± 0.5; SBS, 2.3 ± 1.2). Cows that were
supplemented with whole soybeans prior to parturition failed to produce an increased total number
of ova or transferable embryos following super-ovulation.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Beef cows; Lipid supplementation; Super-ovulation; Embryo

1. Introduction

Meeting the nutrient requirements of beef cattle is critical in assuring optimal repro-
ductive performance. Lipid supplementation enhanced reproductive function in beef cows
independent of dietary energy intake (Wehrman et al., 1991). Supplemental fat may par-
tially alleviate negative energy balance during the early postpartum period in dairy cows,
although in many cases the positive influence of supplemental fat on reproductive traits
occur independently of the cow’s energy status (Staples et al., 1998). Changes in ovar-
ian function and metabolism can occur through intake of dietary fat (Hightshoe et al.,
1991; Williams, 1989). Thomas et al. (1997) reported that consumption of polyunsatu-
rated fatty acids stimulated a greater number of medium sized follicles in cattle com-
pared with intake of saturated and highly polyunsaturated fatty acids. Characteristics of
the intra-follicular environment to which the pre-ovulatory oocyte is exposed may be
a major factor influencing the variability in embryo recovery and viability (Espey,
The possibility that lipid supplementation would influence the number and quality of
embryos was first evaluated in beef cows that were supplemented with lipids during the
postpartum period (Ryan et al., 1992; Thomas and Williams, 1996). The hypothesis that
prepartum lipid supplementation could influence the number or quality of embryos recov-
ered from donor females following super-ovulation originates from previous research in our
laboratory. Graham et al. (2001) reported a 23% improvement in first service conception
rate among postpartum suckled beef cows that were fed 1.6 kg of whole soybeans for a
40-day-period that preceded parturition. This improvement in first service conception rate
occurred despite similarities between whole soybean supplemented and control groups in
prebreeding estrous cyclicity rates, body condition score (at calving or breeding), estrous
response during the synchronized period, and final pregnancy rate.
Based on the previous study from our laboratory we hypothesized that prepartum lipid
supplementation may potentiate increased numbers of transferable embryos among super-
ovulated donor females. The objective of this study was to compare recovery rates that in-
cluded the total number of ova and transferable embryos obtained following super-ovulation
of mature, suckled beef cows that were supplemented with a whole soybean or a soybean
meal and soybean hull supplement during the prepartum period.
J.F. Bader et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 85 (2005) 61–70 63

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Experimental supplements

Mature suckled beef cows (n = 40) were randomly assigned to receive either a sup-
plemental treatment consisting of whole soybeans (WSB) or a soybean meal and soybean
hull supplement (SBS; control supplement) Supplements were offered for approximately
40 days prior to parturition. Cows were acclimated to bunk feeding for two days with the
supplementation of soyhulls before treatments began. Supplements were formulated to be
isoenergetic and isonitrogenous. The experimental group received 1.6 kg hd−1 per day of
whole soybeans (19.8% ether extract, 41.8% crude protein) and the control group received
1.8 kg hd−1 per day of soybean meal and soybean hull supplement (2.15% EE and 36.81%
CP). All cows selected for this experiment conceived on the same day and were bred ar-
tificially to the same sire during the previous breeding season. Calf birth weights were
recorded at parturition to compare treatments and their effects on calf birth weight. Cows
were removed from supplemental treatments at calving and both groups were combined
to ensure similar intake of forage during the postpartum period. Body weight and body
condition score (BCS) were recorded before cows were allocated to treatments. Weight and
BCS were recorded again 10 days prior to calving and at the initiation of FSH treatment.

2.2. Supplement analysis

Supplement samples (Table 1) were dried in a 55 ◦ C forced air oven and ground (Wil-
ley Mill; Thomas Scientific, Swedensboro, NJ) to pass through a 2 mm screen. Nitrogen
analysis of feed was completed using thermoconductivity (LECO Corporation, St. Joseph,
MI) with crude protein being calculated by multiplying nitrogen by 6.25. Dry matter and
ether extract were determined by AOAC methods (1984). For total fatty acid determination
of supplements (Table 2), ether extract from supplements was evaporated under nitrogen
at 55 ◦ C to dryness (N-EVAP Analytical Evaporation; Organomation Assoc., Inc., Berlin,
MA) after filtering through granular anhydrous sodium sulfate. A small aliquot of remain-
ing oil was transferred to a clean 15 ml screw top glass culture tube and mixed with 0.5 ml

Table 1
Chemical composition of whole soybeans (WSB) and the control supplement (SBS) fed to cowsa
Supplement Dry matter (%) Organic matter (%) Ash (%) Ether extract (%) Crude protein (%)
WSB 90.3 93.6 6.4 19.8 41.8
SBS 90.8 93.8 6.2 2.2 35.9
a Determined by AOAC approved procedures.

Table 2
Fatty acid composition (%) of whole soybeans (WSB) and the control supplement (SBS)a
Supplement 16.0 (palmitic) 18.0 (stearic) 18.1 (oleic) 18.2 (linoleic) 18.3 (linolenic) Total 18:2 and 18:3
WSB 11.0 4.5 25.0 51.9 6.8 58.7
SBS 15.8 5.1 17.7 47.9 9.8 57.7
a Determined by acid methylation of ether extracted lipids.
64 J.F. Bader et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 85 (2005) 61–70

benzene containing trinonadecanoin (triglyceride 19:0; 2 mg/ml) as an internal standard.

Benzene was used as an aid in solublizing dietary triglycerides. Methyl esters of fatty acids
were formed by adding 4 ml of 4% sulfuric acid in anhydrous methanol to the culture tubes
containing samples and heating capped at 90 ◦ C for 60 min. After heating, reactions were
stopped by adding 3.0 ml double-distilled H2 O. Methyl esters were extracted by adding
8.0 ml of chloroform, vortexing and centrifuging at 900 × g to aid in phase separation. The
chloroform layer was transferred through a sodium sulfate filled glass Pasteur pipet into
15 ml glass screw-top conical bottom tubes and evaporated to dryness under nitrogen. Fatty
acid methyl esters were resuspended in heptane and determined using a gas chromatograph
equipped with a flame ionization detector and integrator (Varion Model 3400; Varian As-
sociates, Walnut Creek, CA). The column used was a fused silica capillary column with
helium as the carrier gas (30 m × 0.25 ␮m film thickness; Supelco SP 2380; Bellefonte,
PA). The initial oven temperature was 150 ◦ C, held for 7 min and increased at a rate of 2 ◦ C
per min until reaching a final temperature of 220 ◦ C. The injector and detector tempera-
tures were set at 250 and 240 ◦ C, respectively. A mixture of either plant or animal derived
fatty acid methyl esters were used as external standards for peak identification (PUFA I
and PUFA II; Supelco; Bellefonte, PA). Reported chemical analysis is the average nutrient
composition of batch and ingredient samples. All chemicals were purchased through either
Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh, PA) or Sigma (St. Louis, MO).

2.3. Estrus synchronization and superstimulation

Cows were synchronized using a GnRH (Cystorelin® , Merial, Athens, GA: 100 ␮g
im)–GnRH–PGF2␣ (PG: Lutalyse® Sterile Suspension, Pfizer Animal Health, New York,
NY: 25 mg im) protocol. Cows were administered two injections of GnRH 7 days apart and
PG 7 days after the second GnRH injection (DeJarnette et al., 2001; Kojima et al., 2000).
Estrus activity was monitored from 36 to 144 h after PG to determine response to estrus
synchronization (n = 28: WSB, n = 15; SBS, n = 13). Cows were observed three times
daily for estrus activity and K-mar® heatmount detectors (Kamar, Inc. Steamboat Springs,
CO) were used as an aid in estrous detection. Ovarian superstimulation was initiated on
days 8–10 of the synchronized estrous cycle by twice daily treatments of pFSH (Pluset® ,
Calier, Barcelona, Spain) over 4 days in decreasing doses (4, 4, 3, 3, 1.5, 1.5, 1 and 1 ml)
using a total of 608.4 IU per cow. Prostaglandin F2␣ was administered on AM and PM
(12 h apart) of the last day of FSH treatment. Cows were monitored for estrus continuously
after FSH by the HeatWatch® Estrus Detection System (DDx Inc., Denver, CO). Estrus was
defined by HeatWatch when cows exhibited three or more mounts, greater than or equal to
2 s in duration over a 4 h period. Cows detected in standing estrus (n = 28: WSB, n = 15;
SBS, n = 13) were artificially inseminated at 0, 12 and 24 h with 1, 2 and 1 units of semen,
respectively. Inseminations were performed by one experienced AI technician. One AI sire
was used for all cows and the semen used was collected from the same ejaculate.

2.4. Embryo recovery

Seven to eight days after insemination, embryos were non-surgically recovered using
ViGroTM Complete Flush Solution (AB Technology, Pullman, WA). Medium recovered
J.F. Bader et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 85 (2005) 61–70 65

from each uterine horn was passed through a 70 ␮m screen filter (Em-Con® , Veterinary
Concepts, Spring Valley, WI) to harvest embryos. Embryos were washed and graded in
ViGro® Holding Plus Media (AB Technology, Pullman, WA). Grading of embryos was per-
formed by one of the two qualified embryologists. Embryos were assigned a developmental
stage and quality grade according to standards set forth by the International Embryo Trans-
fer Society (Savoy, IL). Developmental stage codes were: 3 = early morula; 4 = compact
morula; 5 = early blastocyst; and 6 = blastocyst. Embryo quality codes ranged from 1 to
4. Embryos assigned a score of 1 were considered to be of excellent or good quality. The
spherical embryo mass was symmetrical with individual blastomeres that were uniform in
size, color, and density with at least 85% of the cellular material intact. Embryos assigned
a score of 2 were considered to be of fair quality. These embryos contained moderate irreg-
ularities in overall shape of the embryonic mass or in size, color, and density of individual
cells with at least 50% of the cellular material intact. Embryos that received a quality score
of 3 were considered to be of poor quality, and degenerate embryos were assigned a score
of 4.

2.5. Blood sampling and radioimmunoassay

Blood samples (10 ml) were collected by jugular venipuncture one week before initiation,
and at each time injections were administered during the estrus synchronization protocol.
Two blood samples obtained 10 days and one day prior to initiation of estrus synchronization
were used to confirm estrous cyclicity status of the cows. Cows were considered to be
estrous cycling if either one or both samples contained concentrations of progesterone
(P4 ) in serum ≥ 1 ng/ml. After centrifugation, serum was harvested and stored at −20 ◦ C.
Concentrations of P4 in serum were determined by a single radioimmunoassay (Kirby et al.,
1997; Coat-A-Count® , Diagnostic Products, Los Angeles, CA). The intra-assay coefficient
of variation was 4.9% and assay sensitivity was 0.05 ng/ml.

2.6. Statistical analysis

Age, days postpartum, body condition score, calf birth weight, days on feed, total number
of embryos, number of transferable embryos, number of degenerate embryos, and number
of unfertilized embryos were analyzed using the General Linear Models Procedure (GLM)
of SAS. Embryo quality grades were ranked among cows and between treatments using the
Rank Procedure of SAS and analyzed by GLM of SAS. Estrous cyclicity at the initiation of
estrus synchronization and subsequent comparisons of luteal tissue presence (determined by
P4 concentrations ≥ 1 ng/ml) between treatments were analyzed using Chi-square analysis
(StatView® soft-ware package, SAS Institute Inc., 1999).

3. Results

The mean number of days postpartum (WSB = 59 days; SBS = 57 days) at the initiation
of FSH super-ovulation was similar (P > 0.10) for both groups (Table 3). Body condition
scores did not differ (P > 0.10) between treatments at the initiation of the experiment,
66 J.F. Bader et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 85 (2005) 61–70

Table 3
The mean age, number of days postpartum (DPP), body condition score (BCS), calf birth weight (BW) and days
fed supplement for cows on the whole soybean (WSB) or control (SBS) treatmentsa
Treatment WSB SBS

Age (year)b 6.1 ± 0.8 6.6 ± 0.8

DPP (day)c 59 ± 0.9 57 ± 0.9
Initial BCSd 6.2 ± 0.1 6.1 ± 0.2
Intermediate BCSe 6.5 ± 0.1 6.6 ± 0.1
Final BCSf 5.2 ± 0.1 5.4 ± 0.1
Calf BW (kg)g 39.2 ± 1.9 38.8 ± 3.0
Days on feed (day) 38.1 ± 0.9 39.3 ± 0.9
a Data reported as means ± S.E.M.
b Determined at the initiation of supplementation.
c Determined at the initiation of FSH treatments.
d Scored at initiation of prepartum supplementation.
e Scored 10 days prior to calving.
f Scored at initiation of FSH treatment.
g Determined at the time of parturition.

Table 4
The recovery of embryos (total, transferable, and degenerate) and unfertilized ova from cows fed whole soybeans
(WSB) or a control (SBS) supplementa
Supplement Total number Number of Number of Number of
of ovab transferable embryosc degenerate embryos unfertilized ova
WSB 14.7 ± 3.0 10.3 ± 2.5 3.3 ± 1.1 1.1 ± 0.5
SBS 17.5 ± 3.5 13.6 ± 2.6 1.6 ± 0.5 2.3 ± 1.2
P-value 0.55 0.38 0.20 0.31
a Data reported as means ± S.E.M.
b Number includes all embryos Grades 1–4 (freezable, transferable, degenerate embryos and unfertilized ova).
c Number includes all embryos Grades 1–3 (freezable and transferable embryos).

two weeks prior to calving, and at initiation of FSH super-ovulation (Table 3). Estrous
cyclicity prior to the initiation of estrus synchronization did not differ (P > 0.10) between
treatments [determined by P4 concentrations; (WSB, 1/15; SBS, 1/13)]. Calf birth weights
and days of supplemental feed did not differ (P = 0.80 and 0.34, respectively) between
treatments (Table 3). There was no difference (P > 0.10) between treatments in number
of total embryos (Table 4; WSB, 15.0 ± 3.0; SBS, 18.0 ± 3.5), number of transferable
embryos (WSB, 10.0 ± 2.5; SBS, 14.0 ± 2.6), degenerate embryos (WSB, 3.0 ± 1.1; SBS,
2.0 ± 0.5) or unfertilized ova (WSB, 1.0 ± 0.5; SBS, 2.0 ± 1.2). Ranked embryo quality
grades did not differ (P > 0.10) between treatments (Table 5).

4. Discussion

Based on the previous study in our laboratory, we hypothesized that prepartum lipid
supplementation would influence the number or quality of embryos recovered from super-
ovulated donor females. Graham et al. (2001) reported a 23% improvement in first service
J.F. Bader et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 85 (2005) 61–70 67

Table 5
Ranked embryo quality grades from cows fed whole soybeans (WSB) or a control (SBS) supplementa
Quality grade Treatment

WSB SBS P-value

1 13.8 ± 7.8 14.3 ± 8.4 0.87
2 12.0 ± 7.0 16.5 ± 8.5 0.15
3 15.5 ± 7.0 12.1 ± 7.8 0.24
4 15.1 ± 8.5 12.7 ± 6.5 0.43
Unfertilized ova 13.5 ± 6.6 14.6 ± 7.9 0.69
Transferable embryos 12.4 ± 8.1 16.0 ± 7.5 0.25
Total ova 13.1 ± 8.4 15.2 ± 7.5 0.50
a Data reported as means ± S.E.M.

conception rate among postpartum suckled beef cows that were fed 1.6 kg of WSB for the
40-day-period that preceded parturition. This improvement occurred despite similarities
between WSB supplemented and control groups in prebreeding estrous cyclicity rate, BCS
at calving or breeding, estrous response during the synchronized period, and pregnancy
rate at the end of the breeding season. The basis for this hypothesis was also made from
reports that a period of approximately 40 days is required for bovine follicles to grow
from the primordial through the antral stage (Lussier et al., 1987). Furthermore, it is well
documented that environmental changes influence the quality of follicles over extended
periods of time (Howell et al., 1994; Wilson et al., 1998). Fat supplementation to beef cows
during late gestation alleviated the negative impacts of prepartum nutritional inadequacy
on reproduction; including postpartum return to estrus, conception, and maintenance of
pregnancy (Hess et al., 2002). Collectively, these reports support the concept that the effect(s)
of prepartum supplementation manifest their expression on reproductive endpoints that are
measured after parturitition.
The importance of prepartum nutrition on subsequent postpartum reproduction is well
established (Randel, 1990; Short et al., 1990; Dunn and Moss, 1992). Cows that received
a high energy ration prior to parturition returned to estrus sooner following calving than
cows that received supplementation after parturition (Wiltbank et al., 1962). Furthermore,
the response of cows to the level of energy provided during the postpartum period was more
highly influenced by the energy intake of the cows during the prepartum period. These
reports support more recent studies that point to the difficulty in effectively compensating for
and/or reversing the negative effects associated with inadequate nutrition prior to parturition
through nutritional inputs that are made during the postpartum period (Lalman et al., 2000).
Dietary lipid intake for the first 3 weeks postpartum was associated with an increase
in serum and follicular fluid lipoprotein–cholesterol, androstenedione biosynthesis, and
folliculogenesis (Wehrman et al., 1991). Changes that occurred as a result of lipid intake
were thought to be associated with enhanced thecal or granulosal cell development prior
to ovulation, or an increase in the pool of follicles from which a competent preovulatory
follicle is selected.
It is important at this point, to consider reports in the literature that involved prepartum
supplementation of fat and the associated effects that were seen at the time of calving or
that occurred subsequently following parturition. Bellows et al. (2001) reported an increase
68 J.F. Bader et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 85 (2005) 61–70

in calf birth weight and final pregnancy rate when cows were fed supplemental fat for the
last 65 days of gestation. These investigators suggested that there was a carry-over effect
of fat supplementation late in gestation that enhanced subsequent postpartum reproductive
performance. Lammoglia et al. (1999) demonstrated that prepartum supplementation with
safflower seed high in linoleic acid, improved calf survivability at parturition. The improve-
ment in calf survival was thought to occur as a result of an increase in activity of brown
adipose tissue that is essential for thermogenesis in the newborn calf. These results indicate
that metabolic pathways may be altered which may affect the ovarian and (or) uterine en-
vironments. Despite these reports, birth weights of calves in this study were not increased
among cows that received supplementation with fat prior to calving.
The mechanism(s) by which prepartum fat supplementation affects postpartum repro-
duction is not well understood. Mattos et al. (2000) describes several possible mechanisms
by which lipid supplementation affects reproduction including: synthesis and inhibition of
prostaglandins, LH secretion, corpus luteum function, steroidogenesis, and gene expression.
The influence of diet on phospholipid pools of fatty acids may lead to carry-over effects
(Staples et al., 1998) that subsequently influence reproduction in cows supplemented with
fat during late gestation. Change in endocrine profiles at critical times in the development
of follicles during the preantral stage potentially impacts future reproductive success or
This experiment was designed to determine whether the quality or quantity of embryos
recovered following super-ovulation was improved as a result of prepartum supplementation
with whole soybeans. We observed no improvement in embryo quality or quantity between
treated and control groups. It is possible that the benefits of prepartum fat supplementation,
if they indeed exist were not detected with the methods used to compare treatments, and
perhaps alternative methods may have detected differences. Direct measurement of embryo
fatty acid profiles or subsequent fertility of frozen/thawed embryos may have expressed such
benefits. The presence of a dominant follicle at the time FSH was administered may have
inhibited the growth of medium-size follicles and prevented differences between treatments
from occurring (Ryan et al., 1992). Administration of FSH was initiated on 8–10 days of the
synchronized cycle to avoid this problem. However, depending on the number of follicular
waves of individual cows, the suppressing effects of a dominant follicle on the development
of subordinate follicles is possible. Therefore, presence of a dominant follicle perhaps
masked potential benefit of fat supplementation on follicular recruitment and response
to gonadotropins (Ryan et al., 1992). Furthermore, the pool of follicles affected by lipid
supplementation may have been lost in the subsequent ovulations that occurred during the
presynchronization schedule.
The lack of difference between treatments may too, have been affected by the moderate
body condition of the cows (Initial BCS; WSB, 6.2; SBS, 6.1) that were used in this ex-
periment. Lipid supplementation to beef cows that were below average in body condition
at calving resulted in follicular development among those cows that was comparable to
cows with higher BCS (Ryan et al., 1994). The potential increase in follicular development
because of the fat supplementation may have been realized among cows in sub-optimal
body condition.
There is also the possibility that the balance between Omega 3 (n−3) fatty acids (alpha-
linolenic acid; 18:3n−3) and Omega 6 (n−6) fatty acids (linoleic acid; 18:2n−6) was not
J.F. Bader et al. / Animal Reproduction Science 85 (2005) 61–70 69

optimized to effect improvements in embryo quality. Increasing the availability of either n−6
or n−3 fatty acids or altering the ratio of n−6/n−3 fatty acids may alter specific reproductive
processes (Thatcher et al., 2004 ). These authors state that embryo-maternal interactions may
be influenced in a manner to improve conception rates and subsequent embryo survival.
Competence of the oocyte and embryo is related to fatty acid composition; specifically,
phospholipid content of the cellular membrane plays a vital role in development during
and after fertilization (McEvoy et al., 2000). The cows in this experiment were managed
on pasture, which precluded monitoring of daily feed intake. Hence, the actual balance of
n−3:n−6 fatty acids, was not determined for cows in this study. Because of the selectivity
and individual intake variation among cows on pasture, the possibility exists that total fatty
acid intake may have differed among cows and (or) between treatments.
The combined effects of fatty acid content and antioxidant potential (Vitamin A and E)
also contributes to differences in embryo quality (McEvoy et al., 2000). Embryo quality
was improved in super-ovulated beef cows that were injected with Vitamin A on the first
day of FSH administration (Shaw et al., 1995). In this experiment, the correct balance of the
Omega fatty acids and/or the combination of fatty acids and antioxidant potential contained
in various oilseeds perhaps were not achieved because of the differences in environment,
or forage quality and availability.
The results from this experiment indicate that prepartum supplementation of WSB failed
to influence quantity and quality of embryos recovered following super-stimulation in mul-
tiparous suckled beef cows.


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