NO, A Purported Violation of Law Such As The Anti-Wiretapping Law Will NOT Justify Straitjacketing The Exercise of Freedom of Speech and of The Press
NO, A Purported Violation of Law Such As The Anti-Wiretapping Law Will NOT Justify Straitjacketing The Exercise of Freedom of Speech and of The Press
NO, A Purported Violation of Law Such As The Anti-Wiretapping Law Will NOT Justify Straitjacketing The Exercise of Freedom of Speech and of The Press
Every person who shall utter seditious words or suggests or incites rebellious conspiracies or which
speeches, or who shall write, publish or circulate tends to stir up the people against the lawful
scurrilous libels against the Government of the authorities, or which tends to disturb the peace of
United States or against the Government of the the community or the safety or order of the
Philippine Islands, or who shall print, write, publish Government, or who shall knowingly conceal such
utter or make any statement, or speech, or do any evil practices from the constituted authorities, shall
act which tends to disturb or obstruct any lawful be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand
officer in executing his office or in performing his dollars United States currency or by imprisonment
duty, or which tends to instigate others to cabal or not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of
meet together for unlawful purposes, or which the court.
Primicias vs. Fugoso Court holds that there can be 2 interpretations
[L-18000. Jan 27, 1948] of Sec. 1119: 1) the Mayor of the City of
Manila is vested with unregulated discretion
Doctrine: to grant or refuse, to grant permit for the
Clear and Present Danger Test, Freedom of holding of a lawful assembly or meeting,
Assembly and Expression parade, or procession in the streets and other
public places of the City of Manila; and 2)
FACTS: The right of the Mayor is subject to
This case is an action of mandamus instituted reasonable discretion to determine or specify
by petitioner Cipriano Primicias, manager of the streets or public places to be used with the
the Coalesced Minority Parties, against view to prevent confusion by overlapping, to
respondent Manila City Mayor, Valeriano secure convenient use of the streets and
Fugoso, to compel the latter to issue a permit public places by others, and to provide
for the holding of a public meeting at the adequate and proper policing to minimize the
Plaza Miranda on Nov 16, 1947. The risk of disorder. The court favored the second
Petitioner requested for a permit to hold a construction since the first construction is
“peaceful public meeting”. However, the tantamount to authorizing the Mayor to
respondent refused to issue such permit prohibit the use of the streets. Under our
because he found “that there is a reasonable democratic system of government no such
ground to believe, basing upon previous unlimited power may be validly granted to
utterances and upon the fact that passions, any officer of the government, except
especially on the part of the losing groups, perhaps in cases of national emergency. It is
remains bitter and high, that similar speeches to be noted that the permit to be issued is for
will be delivered tending to undermine the the use of public places and not for the
faith and confidence of the people in their assembly itself. The Court holds that the
government, and in the duly peace and a assembly is lawful and thus cannot be struck
disruption of public order.” down. Fear of serious injury cannot alone
justify suppression of free speech and
Respondent based his refusal to the Revised assembly. It is the function of speech to free
Ordinances of 1927 prohibiting as an offense men from the bondage of irrational fears. To
against public peace, and penalizes as a justify suppression of free speech there must
misdemeanor, "any act, in any public place, be reasonable ground to fear that serious evil
meeting, or procession, tending to disturb the will result if free speech is practiced. There
peace or excite a riot; or collect with other must be reasonable ground to believe that the
persons in a body or crowd for any unlawful danger apprehended is imminent. There must
purpose; or disturb or disquiet any be reasonable ground to believe that the evil
congregation engaged in any lawful to be prevented is a serious one. The fact that
assembly." Included herein is Sec. 1119, speech is likely to result in some violence or
Free-use of Public Place. in destruction of property is not enough to
justify its suppression. There must be the
ISSUE: probability of serious injury to the state.
Whether or not the Mayor has the right to PETITION IS GRANTED.
refuse to issue permit hence violating
freedom of assembly.
The answer is negative. Supreme Court states
that the freedom of speech, and to peacefully
assemble and petition the government for
redress of grievances, are fundamental
personal rights of the people recognized and
guaranteed by the constitution. However,
these rights are not absolute. They can be
regulated under the state’s police power –
That they should not be injurious to the equal
enjoyment of others having equal rights, nor
to the rights of the community or society. The
NAVARRO V. VILLEGAS regulations to promote the health, morals,
peace, education, and good order, safety and
Sunken Gardens as alternative to Plaza general welfare of the people. While the
Miranda - The Mayor cannot be compelled to privilege of the citizen to use streets and
issue the permit. A permit should recognize parks for communication may be regulated in
the right of the applicants to hold their the interest of all, said privilege is not
assembly at a public place of their choice, absolute. It must be exercised
another place may be designated by the insubordination to the general comfort and
licensing convenience and in consonance with peace
authority if it be shown that a clear and and good order, but it must not guise of
present danger of a substantive evil if no regulation be abridged or denied.
change was made.
Philippine Blooming Mills Employment
Nelson Navarro vs. Mayor Antonio Organization V. Philippine Blooming
Villegas Mills Co. (1973)
• The Company filed for violation of the • The rights of free expression, free
CBA. PBMEO answered that there is no assembly and petition, are not only civil
violation since they gave prior rights but also political rights essential to
notice. Moreover, it was not a mass man's enjoyment of his life, to his happiness
demonstration for strike against and to his full and complete fulfillment. Thru
the company. these freedoms the citizens can participate
not merely in the periodic establishment of
the government through their suffrage but
• Judge Joaquin M. Salvador: PBMEO also in the administration of public affairs as
guilty of bargaining in bad faith and PBMEO well as in the discipline of abusive public
officers directly responsible for ULP losing officers. The citizen is accorded these rights
their status as employees so that he can appeal to the appropriate
governmental officers or agencies for redress
• September 29, 1969: PBMEO motion for and protection as well as for the imposition of
reconsideration – dismissed since 2 days late the lawful sanctions on erring public officers
and employees.
1. W/N to regard the demonstration against • While the Bill of Rights also protects
police officers, not against the employer, as property rights, the primacy of human rights
evidence of bad faith in collective bargaining over property rights is recognized.
and hence a violation of the collective
bargaining agreement and a cause for the o Property and property rights can be lost
dismissal from employment of the thru prescription; but human rights are
demonstrating employees, stretches unduly imprescriptible.
the compass of the collective bargaining
agreement, is an inhibition of the rights of
free expression, free assembly and petition o a constitutional or valid infringement of
human rights requires a more stringent
criterion, namely existence of a grave and
HELD: immediate danger of a substantive evil which
YES. Set aside as null and void the orders of the State has the right to prevent
CFI and reinstate the petitioners.
o Rationale: Material loss can be repaired
• In a democracy, the preservation and or adequately compensated. The debasement
enhancement of the dignity and worth of the of the human being broken in morale and
human personality is the central core as well brutalized in spirit-can never be fully
as the cardinal article of faith of our evaluated in monetary terms. The wounds
civilization. The inviolable character of man fester and the scars remain to humiliate him
as an individual must be "protected to the to his dying day, even as he cries in anguish
largest possible extent in his thoughts and in for retribution, denial of which is like rubbing
his beliefs as the citadel of his person salt on bruised tissues.
protecting the exercise by employees of their
o injunction would be trenching upon the right to self-organization for the purpose of
freedom expression of the workers, even if it collective bargaining and for the promotion
legally appears to be illegal picketing or of their moral, social and economic well-
strike being."
• The pretension of their employer that it • The respondent company is the one guilty
would suffer loss or damage by reason of the of unfair labor practice defined in Section
absence of its employees from 6 o'clock in the 4(a-1) in relation to Section 3 of Republic Act
morning to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, is a No. 875, otherwise known as the Industrial
plea for the preservation merely of their Peace Act. Section 3 of Republic Act No. 8
property rights. guarantees to the employees the right "to
engage in concert activities for ... mutual aid
or protection"; while Section 4(a-1) regards
o There was a lack of human understanding as an unfair labor practice for an employer
or compassion on the part of the firm in interfere with, restrain or coerce employees
rejecting the request of the Union for excuse in the exercise their rights guaranteed in
from work for the day shifts in order to carry Section Three."
out its mass demonstration. And to regard as
a ground for dismissal the mass
demonstration held against the Pasig police, • violation of a constitutional right divests
not against the company, is gross the court of jurisdiction. Relief from a
vindictiveness on the part of the employer, criminal conviction secured at the sacrifice of
which is as unchristian as it is constitutional liberties, may be obtained
unconstitutional. through habeas corpus proceedings even long
after the finality of the judgment. There is no
time limit to the exercise of the freedoms. The
o The most that could happen to them was right to enjoy them is not exhausted by the
to lose a day's wage by reason of their delivery of one speech, the printing of one
absence from work on the day of the article or the staging of one demonstration. It
demonstration. One day's pay means much to is a continuing immunity to be invoked and
a laborer, more especially if he has a family exercised when exigent and expedient
to support. Yet, they were willing to forego whenever there are errors to be rectified,
their one-day salary hoping that their abuses to be denounced, inhumanities to be
demonstration would bring about the desired condemned. Otherwise these guarantees in
relief from police abuses. But management the Bill of Rights would be vitiated by rule on
was adamant in refusing to recognize the procedure prescribing the period for appeal.
superior legitimacy of their right of free The battle then would be reduced to a race for
speech, free assembly and the right to petition time. And in such a contest between an
for redress. employer and its laborer, the latter eventually
loses because he cannot employ the best an
o the dismissal for proceeding with the dedicated counsel who can defend his interest
demonstration and consequently being absent with the required diligence and zeal, bereft as
from work, constitutes a denial of social he is of the financial resources with which to
justice likewise assured by the fundamental pay for competent legal services
law to these lowly employees. Section 5 of
Article II of the Constitution imposes upon • enforcement of the basic human freedoms
the State "the promotion of social justice to sheltered no less by the organic law, is a most
insure the well-being and economic security compelling reason to deny application of a
of all of the people," which guarantee is Court of Industrial Relations rule which
emphasized by the other directive in Section impinges on such human rights. It is an
6 of Article XIV of the Constitution that "the accepted principle that the Supreme Court
State shall afford protection to labor ...". has the inherent power to "suspend its own
Under the Industrial Peace Act, the Court of rules or to except a particular case from its
Industrial Relations is enjoined to effect the operation, whenever the purposes of justice
policy of the law "to eliminate the causes of require."
industrial unrest by encouraging and
JBL Reyes vs. Bagatsing Malabanan vs. Ramento
Retired Justice JBL Reyes in behalf of the FACTS:
members of the Anti-Bases Coalition sought Petitioners, all officers of the Supreme
a permit to rally from Luneta Park until the Student Council of the Gregorio Araneta
front gate of the US embassy which is less University Foundation, sought and were
than two blocks apart. The permit has been granted a permit to hold a meeting. At such
denied by then Manila mayor Ramon gathering they manifested their opposition to
Bagatsing. The mayor claimed that there the proposed merger of the Institute of
have been intelligence reports that indicated Animal Science with the Institute of
that the rally would be infiltrated by lawless Agriculture. They marched and demonstrated
elements. He also issued City Ordinance No. outside the place indicated in the permit,
7295 to prohibit the staging of rallies within disturbing the classes being held. They were
the 500 feet radius of the US embassy. later suspended for one academic year for
Bagatsing pointed out that it was his intention holding an illegal assembly.
to provide protection to the US embassy from
such lawless elements in pursuant to Art. 22 ISSUE(S):
of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Whether or not there was an infringement of
Relations. And that under our constitution we the right to peaceable assembly and its
“adhere to generally accepted principles of cognate right of free speech in the
international law”. disciplinary action and the penalty imposed.
Plus, super daming paid campaigns The prohibition unduly infringes on the
constitute invasion of privacy of the general citizen's fundamental right of free speech.
electorate. Kaya daw ok lang to control The preferred freedom of expression calls all
especially the rich who can afford to bombard the more for the utmost respect when what
the helpless electorate with paid may be curtailed is the dissemination of
advertisements. information to make more meaningful the
The right of the general listening and equally vital right of suffrage. The so-called
viewing public to be free form such balancing of interests — individual freedom
intrusions and their subliminal effects is at on one hand and substantial public interests
least as important as the right of the on the other — is made even more difficult in
candidates to advertise themselves. election campaign cases because the
Constitution also gives specific authority to
Held: Petitions DISMISSED for lack of the Commission on Elections to supervise the
merit. conduct of free, honest, and orderly elections.
When faced with border line situations where
freedom to speak by a candidate or party and
freedom to know on the part of the electorate
are invoked against actions intended for
maintaining clean and free elections, the
police, local officials and COMELEC, should
lean in favor of freedom. The regulation of
election campaign activity may not pass the
test of validity if it is too general in its terms
or not limited in time and scope in its
application, if it restricts one's expression of
belief in a candidate or one's opinion of his or
her qualifications, if it cuts off the flow of
media reporting, and if the regulatory
measure bears no clear and reasonable nexus
with the constitutionally sanctioned