Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated From Poultry Farms
Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated From Poultry Farms
Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated From Poultry Farms
The group that includes the lactic acid bacteria is one of the most diverse groups of bacteria known and
these organisms have been characterized extensively by using different techniques. In this study, thirty
lactic acid bacterial strains were isolated from soils chicken faeces and feathers. A total of nineteen
isolates were obtained and by sequential screening for catalase activity and Gram-staining, eight were
determined to be LAB out of which six were established to be homofermentative by the gel plug test.
Five isolates were identified by use of the API 50CHL kit and four Lactobacilli strains and one
Lactococci strain were selected to study their growth and lactic acid production profiles in a time
course experiment. The Lactobacilli strains, both isolated from faeces, produced higher amounts of
cells and lactic acid from soils as compared to the lactococci strain isolated from feathers. L (+)-lactic
acid is the only optical isomer for use in pharmaceutical and food industries because is only adapted to
assimilate this form. The optical isomers of lactic acid were examined by L (+) and D (-) lactate
dehydrogenase kit. Lactobacilli strains produced combination of both optical isomers of lactic acid.
Among them, Lactobacillus casei subsp. casei produced the low amount of D (-)-lactic (2%). The
optimum rates of glucose for lactic acid production by Lactobacillus strains were 180 and 120 g/l for
Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus paraplantarum, respectively.
Key words: Characterization, lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus, L (+)-lactic acid, D (-)-lactic acid, optical
The isolation and screening of microorganisms from diverse bacterial group consisting of 11 genuses. These
natural sources has always been the most powerful bacteria are Gram-positive, non-spore-forming cocci or
means for obtaining useful and genetically stable strains rods which produce lactic acid as their main metabolic
for industrially important products. Lactic acid bacteria product. Lactobacilli are found in a variety of habitats,
(LAB) are important in the food and dairy industries also in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of human. Lactic acid
because the lactic acid and other organic acids produced bacteria have a long history as GRAS (generally regard-
by these bacteria act as natural preservatives as well as ed as safe) organisms and especially members of genus
flavour enhancers. LAB find increasing acceptance as Lactobacillus, Lactococcus and Streptococcus are widely
probiotics which aid in stimulating immune responses, used in fermentation industry. Several species of genus
preventing infection by enteropathogenic bacteria, and Lactobacillus have been used in food products as
treating and preventing diarrhoea (Reid, 1999). LAB is a probiotic organisms. Probiotic strains are selected for
potential application on the basis of particular physiolo-
gical and functional properties. Since generalizations
about the probiotic performance of species cannot be yet
made based on scientific evidence, it is more reliable to
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. assume that probiotic properties are strain-specific (San-
Ibourahema et al. 2007
ders et al., 1999). In non-food applications, lactic acid is farms in Dakar (Senegal, West Africa). Strains isolation was carried
the building blocks used in the chemical polymerisation of out according to Nakayama and Yanoshi (1967). Five grams of
sample were mixed with 100 ml of GYP medium contained 1%
poly lactic acid (PLA), a biodegradable and biocompatible glucose (w/v), 1% yeast and 1% peptone. The sample suspend-
material which is a good alternative to synthetic plastics. sion was heated for 10 min at 80°C and incubated anaerobically at
Lactic acid could be produced by chemical synthesis, 30°C. After 48 h of incubation, 100 µl of the mixture were spread
e.g., as a by-product in the petrochemical industries, or it onto the surface of GYP agar containing 1% CaCO3. The culture
could be made by microbial fermentation. The fermenta- was incubated anaerobically at 30°C. Acid producing bacteria were
tion process is becoming more relevant because the raw recognised by the clear zones around the colonies. Bacteria were
purified by several isolations and fresh cultures of these isolates
materials used in fermentation are renewable in contrast were conserved at -80°C with glycerol (30%) as cryoprotective
to petrochemicals (Kharras et al., 1993). Furthermore, the agents (Saw et al., 2004). Each of the isolates was first tested for
fermentation process could produce optically pure catalase by placing a drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution on the
isomers of lactic acid. Pure isomers, L (+) or D (-) - lactic cells. Immediate formation of bubbles indicated the presence of
acid, are more valuable than the racemic DL form catalase in the cells. Only those isolates which were catalase-
negative were Gram-stained, and only those which were Gram-
because each isomer has its own applications in the
positive were put through the gel plug test (Gibson and Abdel-
cosmetics and pharmaceuticals industries. In PLA, the Malek, 1945) to determine whether the isolate produced carbon
ratio of L (+) and D (-) - lactic acid influences the degra- dioxide during fermentation. An isolate was deemed to be a
dability of the polymers (Kharras et al., 1993); therefore it homofermentative lactic acid producer if no gas was produced.
is easier to manufacture PLA with specific properties, Based on the results, five homofermentative isolates were selected
e.g., degradability, if L (+) and D (-) - lactic acid are for further studies. These isolates were identified by the API 50CHL
identification kit (BioMérieux, Marcy-l’Etoile, France).
supplied separately. LAB that have industrial potential
should be homofermentative, i.e., they produce only lactic
acid. The lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are of major econo- Determination of lactic acid isomers
mic and nutritional importance because of their use in the
production and preservation of a many variety of fer- Bacterial cell concentration was determined at 610 nm and
mented products. In particular, species closely related to calibrated into colony forming units (CFU) by colony count method
the Lactobacillus group are increasingly used as adjunct and into dry mass weight (Siebold et al., 1995). Bacterial cell
cultures in milk fermentations (Mayra-Makinen et al., concentration was determined by dry mass weight (Vaccari et al.,
1993; Monteagudo et al., 1997). The dry mass weight of bacterial
and fungal cells was determined by centrifugation of the fermen-
Much current research is focused on characterizing tation broth and freeze-dried sediments (Monteagudo et al., 1997).
their industrially relevant traits and the opportunities for The concentration of lactic acid was measured based on colorime-
strain improvement by metabolic engineering (Gasson, tric determination by L (+) and D (-)-lactate dehydrogenase kit
1993; de Vos, 1997; Mollet, 1999). Lactic acid bacteria (Megazyme International Ireland Ltd., Co. Wicklow, IRELAND). In
are characterized as Gram-positive, usually non-motile, this method, known amounts of production medium were taken
during fermentation and centrifuged at 3000 × g for 10 min. The
non- sporulating bacteria that produce lactic acid as a supernatant was used directly for determination of lactic acid
major or sole product of fermentative metabolism. concentration. The assays are specific for either D-lactic acid or L-
Kandler and Weiss have classified Lactobacillus isolates lactic acid. In the assay of lithium D-lactate (MW = 96.0) results of
from temperate regions according to their morphology, approx. 96% (w/w) can be expected, while a value of 98% (w/w)
physiology and molecular characters (Kandler et al., should be obtained with lithium L-lactate. The smallest different-
1986). Schleifer classified LAB based on the molecular tiating absorbance for the assay is 0.005 absorbance units. This
corresponds to 0.107 mg/L of sample solution at the maximum
characteristics (Schleifer et al., 1987). LAB from food and sample volume of 1.50 mL (or to 1.60 mg/L with a sample volume of
their current taxonomical status have been described by 0.1 mL). The absorbance of the solutions (A1) was read against
many (Gonzalez et al., 2000; Ringoe and Gatesoupe, blank at 340 nm (Beckman Coulter, spectrometer AD 340s) after
1998; Schleifer, 1987; Stiles and Holzapfel, 1997). Taxo- approx. 3 min and the reactions were initiated by addition of 0.02 ml
nomic studies on LAB from African animals are rare. of (D-LDH)/(L-LDH) suspensions and then the second absorbances
Molecular methods are important for bacterial identification of the solutions (A2) were read at the end of the reaction (approx.
20 min). In situations where the reaction did not stop after 20 min,
(Drancourt et al., 2001; Greetham et al., 2003; Sghir et al., the absorbances were read at 5 min intervals until the absorbance
2000) and possibly more accurate for LAB than are conven- either remains the same, or increases constantly over 5 min. The D
tional phenotypic methods. The objective of this study was to (-) and L (+)-lactic acid were also determined by enzyme test kit
isolate lactic acid bacteria from chicken faeces and poultry according to the manufacturer’s instruction (Megazyme
soils and to screen these isolates for desirable traits such as International Ireland Ltd).
homofermentative ability, production of isomeric form lactic
acid, and tolerance to high concentration of lactic acid, low
pH and high temperature. Assay of residual glucose
Table 1. Some characteristics of the five homofermentative LAB, isolated from poultry farms in Senegal.
Isolate Origin from which Cell Identification by Identification Lactic acid isomer
name isolated morphology API 50CHL kit Probabilities (%) produced
Spo03 Fleachers Rod Lactobacillus casei 97,6 L(+)
Spo05 Fresh intestine Cocci Lactococcus lactis 98,5 L(+)
Spo11 soils Rod Lactobacillus plantarum 99,8 D/L
Spo04 soils Rod Lactobacillus plantarum 99,8 D/L
Spo20 Chicken faeces Rod Lactobacillus paraplantarum 99,9 D/L
YSI2700 SELECT (Yellow Springs Instrument Co., Inc.). the substrate used in the enrichment process (sugar),
cell morphology, and identification by the API 50CHL kit,
Effect of temperature, pH, lactic acid and sodium chloride
probability of fit to the closest species, and the type of
lactic acid isomer produced. The isolate from feathers
A basal MRS medium was used in these series of studies (de Man regardless of the sugar used in the enrichment medium,
et al., 1960) but without beef extract, and with 0.15 g/l bromocresol were identified as Lactobacillus casei, while the isolate
purple added as pH indicator (pH 7). A lowering of this pH would from soils was identified as Lactobacillus plantarum. The
change the medium from purple to yellow, and was taken to isolate obtained from fresh intestine was identified as
indicate cell growth because the production of lactic acid is growth-
related. No change in the colour of the medium was taken to
Lactobacillus lactis. Isolates identified as L. casei and L.
indicate no cell growth because no acids were released. Universal lactis produced only the L-form of the lactic acid while the
bottles with screw caps were each filled with 20 ml of the basal isolate identified as L. plantarum produced a mixture of D
MRS medium and autoclaved. An 18 h culture of each isolate was and L isomers of lactic acid. LAB strains that produce a
used as the inoculum whereby the cells were spun down, re- single isomeric form of lactic acid are more desirable as
suspended in 0.85% saline, and 100 µl of the suspension was
industrial strains compared to those strains that produce
inoculated into each test bottle. The temperatures tested were 15,
30, 37, 44 and 55°C, the concentrations of lactic acid tested were 3, a racemic mixture of lactic acid. This is because the
5, 7,5, 9 and 12% (w/v), and the concentrations of NaCl tested were material properties of poly (lactic acid) are governed by
1.5, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10% (w/v). Four pH were tested, i.e., 4, 5.5, 7 the ratio of L and D isomers in the polymer, so the
and 9. The basal MRS medium was adjusted with 1 M phosphoric polymerization process would be better controlled when
acid and 1 M NaOH to prepare this initial pH. The bottles were the lactic acid used as starting material is in single
placed in water baths with reciprocal shaking, set at the specific test
temperatures or at 37°C for the tests on pH and concentrations of
isomeric forms.
lactic acid and NaCl. At the end of 42 h, the colour changes and
turbidity of each bottle was noted as a simple indication of growth or
no-growth. Each treatment was tested with triplicate bottles. Tolerance to high temperatures, concentrations of
lactic acid and sodium chloride, and low pH
Determination of turbidity
Table 2 shows the tolerance of each of the five selected
The biomass evolution was followed by using the turbidimetrical isolates to the environmental conditions tested. Three
method (the optical density: OD) at 540 nm. Acidity of the culture strains of the Lactobacillus sp. grew at 15 to 44°C, while
media was measured by titration with 0.5 N NaOH using the isolated from feathers, Spo03, could not grow at
phenolphthalein as pH indicator. 15°C. The Lactococcus, Spo5, isolated from fresh
chiken’s intestine grew at higher temperatures ranging
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION from 30 to 44°C with no growth indicated at 15°C.
Wouters et al. (2000) noted reduced glycolytic activity
Screening of lactic acid bacteria leading to reduced production of lactic acid in L. lactis at
low temperature. The ability to grow at high temperature
Thirty bacterial isolates were obtained from the poultry is a desirable trait as it could translate to increased rate
farms in Senegal (Dakar) and glucose was used in the of growth and lactic acid production. At the same time, a
enrichment medium. Of these, 25 tested Gram-positive high fermentation temperature reduces contamination by
and catalase-negative, and all but one was rod-shaped. other microorganisms. Spo05, however, was the least
The one remaining LAB isolate was coccus-shaped. tolerant to high concentrations of lactic acid as growth
Fifteen of these isolates did not produce gas in the gel was indicated only at 2 and not at 5% and higher. The
plug test and were, therefore, deemed to be homo- two isolates from soils and chicken faeces, Spo4 and
fermenters. Based on the origin which the isolate was Spo20 respectively, were the most tolerant of high lactic
obtained, five of these 15 were selected for characte- acid concentrations as they were able to grow at 7.5%.
rization and the tolerance tests. Table 1 lists these five The other one isolate from soils Spo11 could tolerate up
isolates, giving details about the food origin, according to to 5% lactic acid concentration. None of the five isolates
Ibourahema et al. 2009
Table 2. Tolerance of the five LAB isolates to ranges of temperatures, lactic acid, NaCl concentra-
tions and pH.
Isolate name
Environmental conditions Spo03 Spo05 Spo11 Spo04 Spo20
15°C - - + + +
30°C + + + + +
37°C + + + + +
44°C + + + + +
55°C - - - - -
Lactic acid concentration (%, w/v)
3.0 + + + + +
5.0 + - + + +
7.5 - - - + +
9.0 - - - - -
12 - - - - -
NaCl concentration (%, w/v)
1.5 + + + + +
2.5 + + + + +
5.0 + + + + +
7.5 - + - - -
10 - - - - -
pH (End point)
4.0 + - + + +
5.5 + - + + +
7.0 + + + + +
9.0 + + + + -
+ Indicates colour change from purple to yellow, taken to equate growth; - indicates no colour change
from purple, taken to equate no growth.
grew at 9 and 12% lactic acid concentrations. A higher cells when they were grown in high NaCl concentration.
tolerance to lactic acid is a desirable trait for an industrial Liu et al. (1998) reported that the uptake of glycine
strain of LAB as it could produce more lactic acid in the betaine was induced in cells as an adaptive measure to
fermentation broth without prematurely affecting itself withstand increasing external osmotic pressure. The
adversely. In contrast to its low tolerance to lactic acid, lactococci isolate, Spo5, could be similarly protected to
Spo5 was the most tolerant to high NaCl concentration be able to grow at higher NaCl concentration compared
compared to the other isolates. Spo5 grew in con- to the other isolates which were lactobacilli. During
centrations up to 7.5% while the rest could grow up to industrial fermentation, as lactic acid is being produced
5%. None of the isolates could grow in 7.5% NaCl. This by the cells, alkali would be pumped into the broth to
test gave an indication of the osmotolerance level of a prevent excessive reduction in pH. Thus, the free acid
LAB strain. Bacterial cells cultivated in a high salt would be converted to its salt form which would in turn
concentration would experience a loss of turgor pressure, increase the osmotic pressure on the cells. Therefore, a
which would then affect the physiology, enzyme activity, LAB strain with high osmotolerance would be desirable
water activity and metabolism of the cells (Liu et al., as an industrial strain. All the isolates, except Spo5, could
1998). Some cells overcome this effect by regulating the grow at pH 5.5. The inability of Spo5 to grow at low pH
osmotic pressure between the inside and outside of the was consistent with its inability to grow at high lactic acid
cell (Kashket, 1987). There are reports describing strains concentration, and was attributed to the low tolerance of
of Lactococci (Uguen et al., 1999) and Lactobacilli L. lactis to free acid (H+) compared to Lactobacillus spp.
(Hutkins et al., 1987; Glaasker et al., 1998) showing (Kashket, 1987). LAB are acidophilic but while that
decreased growth rate with increasing osmolarity of the means a tolerance to low pH, the latter should be
medium. Uguen et al. (1999) also noted increased differentiated from a situation in which a high concen-
amount of glycine betaine, an osmolyte, in lactococci tration of free acids (H+) also exists because the free
2010 Afr. J. Biotechnol.
4 7.5
3.5 7
3 6.5
Cell Dry Weight (g/l).
End Point pH
1 4
0.5 3.5
0 3
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42
Time (hours)
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42
Time (hours)
Figure 1. Biomass produced by three strains of Lactobacilli: ( )
Spo05, ( ) Spo04 and ( ) Spo20 isolates over 42 h.
Figure 3. pH of the cultures of three strains of Lactobacilli: ( )
Spo05, ( ) Spo04 and ( ) Spo20 isolates over 42 h.
Lactic Acid Produced (mM)
80 60
Glucose consumption (mM)
30 30
10 20
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 10
Time (hours)
Figure 2. Lactic acid produced by three strains of Lactobacilli: ( ) 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42
Spo05, ( ) Spo04 and ( ) Spo20 isolates over 42 h. Time (hours)
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