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Assignment Brief

BTEC Level 4-5 HNC/HND Diploma (QCF)

To be filled by the Learner

Name of the Learner :

Edexcel No : Centre No : Batch:

Date of Submission :

Unit Assessment Information:

Qualification : Higher National Diploma in Computing and Systems Development

Unit Code & Title : J/601/0302 – Unit 08 – Management of Projects (No 1 of 1)
Assessment Title & No’s : Project documentary for a community development project

Learning outcomes and grading opportunities:

LO 01: Understand the principles of project management
Learning Outcomes LO1.1 LO1.2 LO1.3 LO1.4
LO 02: Be able to plan a project in terms of organization and people
Learning Outcomes LO2.1 LO2.2 LO2.3 LO2.4 LO2.5
LO 03: Be able to manage project processes and procedures
Learning Outcomes LO3.1 LO3.2 LO 3.3 LO3.4 LO3.5

Merit and Distinction Descriptor

M1.1 M2.2 M3.1 M3.3 D1.1 D1.4 D2.2 D2.5 D3.2

Assessor : Miss. Shahana N Internal Examiner (IE):

Date Reviewed : Date of IE :

Date Issued : Date Due :

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Statement of Originality and Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to
present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand
what it means to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of the
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will
be my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in
the correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding
agreement between myself and Edexcel UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is
not attached to the attached.

Student’s Signature: …………………………… Date: .………………

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Assignment Brief

Develop a project documentary for a small scale project in a nature of a fund raising event that
has been executed to solve an identified problem from the environment / community.

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Task 1 – Initiating a project

To initiate the project, you are required to prepare a project proposal with comprehensive
details of the below mentioned elements;

1.1 Principles of project management

Provide understanding of project management principles and its applicability for the
project you are supposed to undertake. (LO 1.1)
You are required to strongly justify the need of the project undertaken which includes
the aims and objectives clearly stated.
1.2 Viability of projects with particular emphasis on the criteria for success/failure
Critically evaluate the feasibility of the solution you forecast. (LO 1.2)
1.3 Principles of project management systems and procedures (LO 1.3)
1.4 Scope of the project
1.5 Resource requirements
You are supposed to forecast requirements for the project in terms of human resources,
finance, etc.
1.6 Key elements in terminating projects and conducting post-project appraisals (LO 1.4)

Task 2 – Planning a project

Upon receipt of approval for the project proposal, you are supposed to develop the project plan
which reflects the anticipated execution of the proposed project.
Your project plan should include the following elements,
2.1 Introduction to the Project Organization
You are required to propose and plan the most suitable organizational structure (OBS).
(LO 2.1)
2.2 Background of the project
2.3 Aims and objectives of the project
2.4 Resource planning
2.4.1 Scope

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Evidence: Product Breakdown Structure (PBS), Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
(LO 3.1).
2.4.2 Human Resources
Define the roles & responsibilities of individuals within the project.
Evidence: Task Responsibility Matrix (LO 2.2)
Statement of Work (SOW) (LO 2.5)
You are also expected to develop a communications plan that reflects your
project inclusive of project reporting and supervisory relationships.
2.4.3 Finance
Evidence: Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) (LO 3.2).
2.4.4 Schedule
Evidence: Network diagram, Gantt chart (LO 3.2).
2.5 Risk planning & Contingency
2.6 Other constraints

Task 3 – Executing and controlling a project

3.1 Carry out the control and co-ordination of a project
You are supposed measure actual project progress against planned project progress (LO
Provide understanding of change control procedures (LO 3.4) and cost performance
analysis (LO 3.3).
3.2 Project leadership
Document project leadership requirements and qualities (LO 2.4).
Provide evidence on use of relevant theories.

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Task 4 – Closing a project
Formally declare the closure of your project by providing appropriate evidences.

You are required to make a presentation (10 – 15 slides) that provides a brief overview on your
project, project outcomes and sets recommendations in terms of scope, specification, cost,
increased reliability, etc (LO 3.5).

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Outcomes/Criteria for PASS Page Feedback
LO 01:Understand the principles of project management

LO 1.1 Explain the principles of project management

LO 1.2 Discuss viability of projects with particular emphasis on the
criteria for success/failure
LO 1.3 Explore principles behind project management systems and Task 1
LO 1.4 Explain key elements involved in terminating projects and
conducting post-project appraisals

LO 02: Be able to plan a project in terms of organization and people

2.1 Plan the most appropriate organizational structure Task 2.1

2.2 Discuss roles and responsibilities of participants within a project Task 2.4.2
2.3 Carry out the control and co-ordination of a project Task 3.1
2.4 Document project leadership requirements and qualities Task 3.2
2.5 Plan specific human resources and requirements for a project Task 2.4.2
LO 03: Be able to manage project processes and procedures

3.1 Design the project organization with reference to prepared project Task 2.4.1
management plans
3.2 Use project scheduling and cost control techniques Task 2.4.3,
Task 2.4.4
3.3 Report the methods used to measure project performance Task 3.1
3.4 Report project change control procedures

3.5 Discuss the outcomes of the project and make recommendations. Task 4

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Grade Descriptor for MERIT Possible evidence Feedback
M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions
M1.1 Effective judgments have TASK 1
been made The project proposal has been
developed by making effective
judgments wherever needed

M2 Select / design appropriate methods / techniques

M2.2. A range of methods and TASK 2
techniques have been applied A range of methods and techniques
have been applied to plan the project

M2.4 The selection of methods and TASK 2

techniques/sources has been justified Different project analytical methods
and techniques/sources has been
justified quantitatively and

M3 M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings

M 3.1. the appropriate structure and TASK 1
approach has been used Given structure and approach has
been used
M3.3 A range of methods of Project documentation is well
presentation have been used structured adhering to the
and technical language has formatting guidelines with non-
been accurately used overlapping facts.
Data provided are accurate, reliable
and consistent

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Grade Descriptor for DISTINCTION Possible evidence Feedback
D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions

D1.1 Conclusions have been arrived at Task 2

through synthesis of ideas and have
been justified
D1.4 Realistic improvements have
been proposed against defined Task 4
characteristics for success

D2 Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities

D2.2 Substantial activities, Gantt chart

projects or investigations have been
planned, managed and organized

D2.5 The importance of This could be evidenced through

interdependence has been recognized learner’s ability to link all tasks
and achieved depending on the project.

D3 Demonstrate convergent / lateral / creative thinking

D3.2 Self-criticism of approach has Student has critically evaluated

taken place own work.

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Strengths: Weaknesses:

Future Improvements & Assessor Comment:

Assessor: Signature: Date: ____/____/______

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Internal Verifier: Signature: Date: ____/____/______

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