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The article discusses various safety mechanisms like door interlocks, electrical interlocks, and personal protective equipment that are used when working with medium-voltage motor starters. It also discusses different types of motor protection relays and factors to consider when selecting an appropriate level of protection.

Door interlocks, keyed interlocks, and electrical interlocks are discussed as safety mechanisms that must be fully understood and never bypassed without proper skills and knowledge. Personal protective equipment like voltage-rated clothing is also mentioned.

Microprocessor-based relays, differential protection, and overcurrent relays for thermal overload protection are some of the types of motor protection relays discussed in the article.


by Mark Standifer, Shermco Industries

Medium-Voltage Motor Starters

and Protection

hat would industry do without motors? Can you imagine the energized. Door interlocks are used
processes and products that would not be available to us today if to insure that the starter is shutdown
and racked out from a live bus before
we did not utilize motors of all sizes and types? Of course there one can gain access to them.
must be some safe way of controlling and protecting the large investments and A modern day 5 kV medium-volt-
age starter as seen in Figure 1 shows
maintaining a safe environment. Medium-voltage (2.3 kV to 15 kV) starters have the current limiting fuses which are
been around for many years and we have very complex ways of controlling and bolted into place, the isolation switch,
protecting the circuits and the motors. The higher voltage presents higher levels the operation handle, and the vacuum
contactor. When the operation handle
of safety concern and manufacturers have incorporated interlocks designed to is placed in the off position, the in-
protect us. Those methods include both electrical and mechanical interlocks, all coming source supply is isolated from
of which an electrician or technician must have a full understanding of how they the starter by the isolation switch and
the components in the cubicle are
work and how to work safely. Medium-voltage motor starters have interlocks grounded for safety. The door inter-
and protection not usually found in low-voltage equipment. This article will lock releases the door to the power
components allowing access to the
concentrate on mechanical and electrical interlocks that all ANSI compliant fuses, current transformers, contac-
medium-voltage motor starting equipment must have as well as motor protection tor, and motor cable connections. The
that includes thermal algorithms, number-of-starts limitation, negative sequence motor control circuits and protection
are installed in a separate low-voltage
protection, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), and more. compartment above medium-voltage
Medium-voltage compartment. The control compart-
starters usually have ment allows safe troubleshooting
current limiting fuses of the circuits without exposing the
for motor protection technician to the higher voltages.
which respond ex- From a safety aspect, working
tremely fast to protect around medium-voltage equipment
the equipment from requires a greater knowledge base
large current levels of the switchgear and equipment
during faults on the and heightened awareness for safety.
system. The fuses are NFPA 70E places the typical job tasks
large in comparison to for medium-voltage motor switchgear
low-voltage fuses, and to be levels 3 to 4 which require FR
they must be installed rated clothing and arc-flash suits to
in such a manner as be worn during testing, racking, and
to keep the techni- troubleshooting. Door interlocks,
cian from obtaining keyed interlocks, electrical interlocks,
Figure 1 and more must be fully understood and
access when they are Fall 2010 NETA WORLD 1

Upper door interlocks prevent access to compart-
ments that are energized with higher voltages.

Figure 2

never bypassed without the required skills and knowledge

of their function and purpose and then only performed by
qualified personnel.
The use of appropriate test instruments designed for this
application cannot be overstressed. Shock hazards must be Figure 4
observed and proper voltage-rated PPE must be used.

Additional protection features include:

Start inhibit for number of starts
Start inhibit for available thermal capacity
RTD temperature protection

50 - Instantaneous overcurrent
51 – Time delayed overcurrent
27 – Undervoltage
59 – Overvoltage
67 – Directional overcurrent
46 – Negative sequence overcurrent
Figure 3
32 – Reverse Power
40 – Loss of Field
Medium-Voltage Starter Protection 49 – Thermal Capacity
Many different types of relays for motor and motor 60 – Voltage Balance
circuit protection are installed on medium-voltage starters
such as shown below. Microprocessor relays have provided 81 – Frequency
protection for motors at new levels that offer some 75 pro- 87 – Differential
tection function including motor starting limitation and 86 – Lockout Relay
temperature monitoring to name a few. Microprocessor
based relays can learn the normal starting parameters and The NEMA device function numbers listed above are
cooling times of the motor. All modern relays have computer only a few of the protection functions that can be used to
interface such as RS-232 and RS-485 communications that protect a motor.
allow users to set parameters, look at real time running data,
observe vectors of current and voltages, diagnose complex
problems by observing event records and sequence of events.

2 NETA WORLD Fall 2010

When applying protective relays to motors or any other Starting times depend on motor design and load torque
equipment, a question to be answered is “How much pro- characteristics and must be determined for each application.
tection is enough”? The answer may depend on rewind cost, Although starting times of 2 to 20 seconds are common,
loss of production, effect on downtime, the consequences high inertia loads may take several minutes to bring to full
of a motor failure on the electrical system and process and speed. Starting time is increased if bus voltage is less than
other considerations. nominal.
Differential protection is used on motors where the avail- The life of the motor is reduced if the winding tempera-
able short-circuit current is close to the value of locked-rotor tures are allowed to exceed their insulation class levels for
current. It is also frequently used because of the ability to a significant time. It is usually assumed that for every 10
provide extremely sensitive settings as compared to phase degrees C above the design temperature limit, the life of
overcurrent settings. Differential protection is always a pre- the motor is reduced by a factor of 2.6
ferred protection. However, it costs more than instantaneous When normal cooling conditions and ambient tempera-
overcurrent relaying because all six leads must be brought tures exist, the temperature of the stator winding is directly
out of the motor to the terminal box and additional current related to the stator current, and the running thermal over-
transformers are required. The selection of the protective load limit can be shown on a time-current plot as recom-
relays must include differential protection, which may add mended in IEEE STD 620. Running thermal overload can
to the cost. thus be provided by an overcurrent relay which has a time-
When a motor stator winding is energized with the rotor current characteristic similar to the thermal overload limit.
stationary, stator winding currents may range from three to The protection provided for any motor may be deter-
seven times rated full-load value depending on motor design mined by a mixture of things such as the motor cost, the
and supply system impedance. Actual values of locked-rotor motor application, the criticality of the load, repair costs,
current are part of the motor data supplied by the motor the process down time to repair or replace the motor, and
manufacturer. Heating in the stator winding, proportional many more!
to I2t, is 10 to 50 times rated conditions and the winding
is without benefit of the ventilation normally produced by
Mark S. Standifer is currently working as a Senior
rotation of the rotor. Training Specialist for Shermco Industries and
works out of Oklahoma City. Mark travels all over
the country teaching classes from electrical safety to
power generation to clients including large utilities
such as Exelon Corp., Dynegy, NY, Tractor Bell,
TX., PGE, PP&L and many others. He conducts
speaking engagements on electrical safety at safety
conferences, and is considered to be one of the most
knowledgeable trainers on NFPA70E and power
generation. Mark has traveled from the East Coast to the West and to
Canada, Hawaii and Alaska in conducting training for electricians.
U.S. Navy Class A and Class B Electricians School, , Nuclear Plant
Systems, Programmable Controllers, Circuit Breaker Maintenance,
Watthour Meter Maintenance, Electrical System Maintenance I &
II, Coordination, Utility Protective Relay Maintenance, DC Drives,
Applied Protective Relaying, Gas Turbines, Electrohydraulic Governor
Systems, Stationary Power, Nuclear Power Plant Operator Course, and
Thermographic Survey, Level One.
Associations: INPO Nuclear Instructor, American Society of Training
& Development, International Association of Electrical Inspectors, and
WISHA, Washington Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, and Alaska
State approved instructor.

Figure 5

Depending on the design, a motor may be thermally

limited by the stator or the rotor during locked-rotor con-
ditions. The motor manufacturer can furnish the allowable
locked-rotor time only after the motor design is completed.
This is given as time at rated locked-rotor current starting
from either rated ambient temperature or rated operating
temperature also referred to as cold stall time or hot stall
time. It also is given as part of the motor time-current curve
defined by IEEE Standard 620-1996. Fall 2010 NETA WORLD 3

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