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Lesson Plan - How To Make Chocolate Chip Cookies

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Subject/Class/Course ED3313 - Instructional and Learning Processes: Elementary

Topic How to Make Chocolate Chip Cookies - Lesson # 3 of 4 - Ingredients & Substitutions
Grade Level Grade 11 - Culinary Technology Duration 30 minutes

GCO: I can make chocolate chip cookies.
SCO/SFL: I can list the ingredients in a chocolate chip cookie, and explain why each ingredient listed is important.

Before class:
● Ingredients need to be set out prior to the start of class on the table at the front.
● Write the GCO and SCO on the right-hand board in student friendly language.
GCO : I can make chocolate chip cookies
SCO : I can list the ingredients in a chocolate chip cookie, and explain why each ingredient listed is important.
● Write the agenda on the main board at the front, as the students will want to know what we will be doing today.
#1. Review Agenda, GCO/SCO & Class Expectations
#2. Group Activity - Crossword Puzzle
#3. Discussing the Ingredients
#4. Video - How do you like your chocolate chip cookies?
#5. Closure - SO WHAT? Journal - Cookie Tasting
● Also, make sure today’s date (Thursday, December 7) is on the board, in the top, right-hand corner, because the
students will ask.
● Write the student expectations on the moveable board inside the classroom.
● Load up the powerpoint “HTMCCC Lesson 3” on the blue USB and check to make sure sound is on for the video.
● Load up the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCzVqaFMlIw
● Put at least 4 of the crossword puzzle sheets, face down on each table.
● Have enough cookies for each table (four tables of four) ready on plates to give each table. Each student will get three
cookies: 1 regular chocolate chip, 1 double chocolate with white chips, and a cookie dough ball to taste.

As students arrive:
● Stand outside the door, greeting the students as they come in, asking how they are doing.
● Remind the students that they are in Grade 11, and the unit we are studying is on Chocolate Chip Cookies, instructed in 4
Lessons. We are now on Lesson #3, towards the end of our unit.
● Let the students know they can sit wherever they would like.
● Tell them not to touch the sheets on the table, they are for an activity later.
● After the second bell, make sure you use the attention getter before starting the lesson.

Attention getter: Five, Four, Three, Two, One.

“Good morning class! How’s your day so far? Today we’re going to continue our lesson on how to make chocolate chip cookies.
We have already learned about Kitchen and Food Safety, and Nutrition. Today, we are learning about Ingredients and why they
are important.”

From there, Hassan will go over the agenda, GCO and SCO, and class expectations listed on the boards. He will check for
understanding as necessary, particularly regarding class expectations. (3 minutes)

After this, Bethany will have the students get their crosswords from the pile on their tables. Students will have four minutes to
read and fill out as many of the blanks as possible. They can work as a group. Remind them to put their names on the top right-
hand corner, along with the date. Let them know there could be spaces between the words. Hassan, Jessica, and Bethany will
circulate as students work on their crosswords to answer any questions and/or pose questions as students work (i.e.: Great job!
Why do you think ______ is important?”), particularly to students who are finished early. Hassan, Jessica and Bethany will also be
giving back their marked folders, which holds all of their classwork for the semester. After 4 minutes has passed, tell them we will
be moving on to the next activity, and it is okay if they are not finished, ask them to put their crosswords in their folders.


Formative :
● Crossword puzzles, the students will be able to identify the ingredients to their corresponding definition.
● Teacher will randomly select students to check for understanding of the ingredients and tasks being asked of them.
● Students will write in their journals and have a cookie tasting.

Summative :
● To be done next class when the students will be making chocolate chip cookies following a recipe.

*Sample questions are listed with the appropriate topics.

Develop the Instruction

Unit: Chocolate Chip Cookies, instructed in 4 Lessons.

Lesson Breakdown:
Lesson #1 - Review Kitchen & Food Safety
Lesson #2 - Nutrition
Lesson #3 - Ingredients & Substitutions (today’s class)
Lesson #4 - Making Chocolate Chip Cookies

Lesson Layout:
1. Review Agenda, GCO/SCO & Class Expectations 3 minutes (Hassan)
2. Group Activity - Crossword Puzzle 5 minutes (Bethany) (H & J - hand out folder)
3. Discussing the Ingredients 7 minutes (Jessica - Flour, Butter & Sugar - Brown & White)
(Hassan - Eggs, Vanilla & Milk)
(Bethany - Baking Soda/Powder, Salt & Chocolate
4. Video Review 5 minutes (Jessica)
5. Closure - SO WHAT? Journal - Cookie Tasting 5 minutes (Hassan) (B & J pass out cookies)

Optional: 6. Inside out Circle - Out of the 3 cookies you tasted, tell a friend which did you like the best and why? 5-20 minutes

Before Class:
● Ingredients need to be set out prior to the start of class on the table at the front.
● Write the GCO and SCO on the right-hand board in student friendly language.
● Write the agenda on the main board at the front, as the students will want to know what we will be doing today.
● Make sure today’s date is on the board, in the top, right-hand corner, because the students will ask.
● In case they start to misbehave, you can remind them that the student expectations are listed on the wall.
● Write the student expectations on the board inside the classroom.
● Load up the powerpoint “HTMCCC Lesson 3” on the blue USB and check to make sure sound is on for the video.
● Load up the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCzVqaFMlIw
● Put at least 4 of the crossword puzzle sheets, face down on each table.
● Have enough cookies for each table (four tables of four) ready on plates to give each table.

*Note: The seating chart is in a red binder in the top drawer of my desk, for reference.
As students arrive:
● Stand outside the door, greeting the students as they come in, asking how they are doing.
● Remind the students that they are in Grade 11, and the unit we are studying is on Chocolate Chip Cookies, instructed in 4
Lessons. We are now on Lesson #3 towards the end of our unit.
● Let the students know they can sit wherever they would like.
● Tell them not to touch the sheets on the table, they are for an activity later.
● After the second bell, make sure you use the attention getter before starting the lesson.

Attention getter: Five, Four, Three, Two, One

Lesson Development:
Use the attention getter to get students attention. “Good morning class! How’s your day so far? Today we’re going to continue
our lesson on how to make chocolate chip cookies. We have already learned about Kitchen and Food Safety, and Nutrition.
Today, we are learning about Ingredients and Substitutions.”

From there, Hassan will go over the agenda, GCO and SCO, and class expectations listed on the boards. He will check for
understanding as necessary, particularly regarding class expectations. (3 minutes)

After this, Bethany will have the students get their crosswords from the pile on their tables. Students will have four minutes to
read and fill out as many of the blanks as possible to access and assess their prior knowledge. Remind them to put their names on
the top right-hand corner, along with the date. Let them know there could be spaces between the words. Check for
understanding (C4U) using random selection. Hassan, Jessica, and Bethany will circulate as students work on their crosswords to
answer any questions and pose questions as students work (i.e.: Great job! So why do you think ______ is important?”). After 4
minutes has passed, tell them to place their crosswords in their folders which Hassan and Jessica will distribute. (5 minutes)

Jessica will use the attention getter (Five, Four, Three, Two, One) to bring attention back to the front. Have the students put their
crosswords in the folders that were distributed as they worked. Jessica will introduce the presentation on ingredients and why
they are important:

SLIDE ONE: How to Make a Chocolate Chip Cookie

* This side will be on the screen right up until the introduction of the presentation. Then it will switch to slide two.
SLIDE TWO: Ingredients. Why do we need them?
SLIDE THREE-FIVE: Jessica will present flour, butter, and sugar (white and brown). C4U.
SLIDE SIX-EIGHT: Hassan will present eggs, vanilla, and milk. C4U.
SLIDE NINE-ELEVEN: Bethany will present baking powder and soda, salt, and chocolate chips. C4U. (7 minutes)

Jessica will bring up SLIDE TWELVE and will explain that we will now be watching a video that shows how to make chocolate chip
cookies. Following the video, questions will be asked to C4U such as: Which spreads? Baking soda or powder? Answer: Soda. Why
do we cream the butter? Answer: fluffy and smooth. What would I use more of to get a crispy cookie? Butter. Etc. (5 minutes)

Hassan will bring up SLIDE THIRTEEN and have the students taste each of the three available cookies. One person from each table
will be asked to come get a platter with all three variations at a time. The cookie variations include: regular chocolate chip, cookie
dough variation, and double chocolate with white chocolate chips. After tasting each one, students will write in their So What?
Journal about the texture, taste, appearance, smell, etc. of each variation. Students are expected to write approximately 2 to 3
sentences about each one. Have them place their journals back into their folders when they are finished. C4U using random
selection. (5 minutes)

After the students are done writing, collect their folders and call attention back using today’s attention getter. Thank them for
their time and attention, and let them know that it is time to pack up and head to lunch.

**OPTIONAL: If students are finished early, have them stand up for an inside outside circle (the face partners, on the inside, one on
the outside of the circle) and tell their partners what their favourite cookie was. Have them repeat for as long as desired.

So What? Journal - 5 Minutes
Have the students taste each of the three available cookies: regular chocolate chip, cookie dough variation, and double chocolate
with white chocolate chips. After tasting each one, students will write in their So What? Journal about the texture, taste,
appearance, smell, etc. of each variation. Students are expected to write approximately 2 to 3 sentences about each one. Have
them place their journals back into their folders when they are finished.

After the students are done writing, collect their folders and call attention back using today’s attention getter. Thank them for
their time and attention, and let them know that it is time to pack up and head to lunch.

Materials, Technologies, Safety or Special Considerations

Materials and Technologies:

24 - Regular Chocolate Chip Cookies
24 - Cookie Dough Balls
24 - Double Chocolate Chip Cookies with White Chips
24 - Crosswords
Laptop with Projector, power cords, and Internet Access for Video
Audio jack for video
21 - Folders with Pieces of Loose Leaf for So What? Journals
Powerpoint on Blue USB
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCzVqaFMlIw

Special Considerations:
● Have a larger font crossword available for those with trouble reading small fonts.
● Gluten Free option for select students to taste.
*contains wheat, egg and soy; may contain milk ingredients.

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