4e D&D Dungeon Master's Guide 2
4e D&D Dungeon Master's Guide 2
4e D&D Dungeon Master's Guide 2
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u ggestions for campaigns set in the paragon tier, • Dun8eon magazine, which proVides three to five
,esents the city of Sigil as a home base for char- new adventures every month-something for each
_ ters' adventures through the paragon tier, and tier of play (heroic, paragon, and epic)-so you'll
, cludes a short adventure for 11th-level characters. always have a game that's ready to run. Whether ~
you run those adventures, or play your own home-
D&D INSIDER brewed adventures and campaigns, Dun8eon offers
a continuous source of articles, features, hints, and
hroughout this book, you'll find excerpts of material tips, to help make the job ofDMing even easier.
- m the pages ofDun8eonTM magazine, particularly • The D&D Character Builder, a stand-alone appli-
-ephen Radney-MacFarland's "Save My Game" cation that puts information from every printed
lumn and James Wyatt's "Dungeoncraft" column. book and online article at your fingertips as you
me other material in this book originally appeared build and level your character. In addition to pro-
the "Ruling Skill Challenges" column by Mike viding an updatable and easy-to-read character
earls or in feature articles in Dra80nTM magazine. sheet, the Character Builder generates power
These columns and features are part ofD&D cards for you to quickly reference and track your
.:iderTM, an online subscription-based service character's powers.
signed to bring new life and new ideas to your • The D&D Compendium, a searchable online data-
-D game. D&D Insider is a suite of content and base of the complete rules text for every race, class,
:.lIs for better gaming, including: paragon path, epic destiny, skill, feat, power, item,
• Dra80n magazine, which features new material and and ritual- from every D&D rulebook and online
expanded content to help make your characters magazine article.
and campaigns more fun and more compelling:
character options, powers, feats, magic items, para-
Wizards of the Coast is working constantly to expand
gon paths, epic destinies, monsters, campaign set-
and improve the tools and content available on D&D
ting source material, and more. Dra80n magazine
Insider, so be sure to check www.dndinsider.com for
also regularly features material slated for inclusion
the latest updates. And if you like the excerpts from
in future print products, giving you the opportu-
D&D Insider you find within these pages, become a
nity to share your feedback with the Wizards of the
subscriber and check out what you've been missing!
Coast design and development teams.
THE Dill game offers a Dungeon Master and
the other players the ability to craft a story out of each
session and each adventure. Sometimes a gaming
group creates a straightforward story, with sword-
and-sorcery action and little character development
or few plot twists. Other times, a group weaves a mag-
ical tale with dramatic layers of complex storytelling.
This chapter focuses on the narrative side of the
game from the DM's point of view, offering tech-
niques to encourage your group of players to help you
shape the story of the game.
This chapter includes the following topics .
.. Story Structure: The basic building blocks of nar-
rative storytelling.
.. Branching: Consider the narrative as a series of
choices leading to multiple possible destinations.
.. Cooperative Arcs: Consult with your players to
build a campaign from the ground up .
.. Your Cast of Characters: Help players work with
you and each other to create dynamic characters .
.. Cooperative World Building: The cooperative
storytelling approach builds a story through joint
improvisation. Players feel they have a stake in the
story when they participate in building the plot.
.. Roleplaying Hooks: Strong personality and plot
hooks established at the start keep the characters
involved throughout the life of the campaign.
.. Vignettes: Short, directed scenes allow players to
see events from a different point of view.
.. Drama Rewards: Significant, dedicated role-
playing deserves XP rewards .
.. What Your Players Want: Create surveys so
you can adapt the game to your players' -and their
characters' -requests .
.. Companion Characters: Your story might call
for an ally to join the PCs for a time, or maybe
they need help in overcoming a challenge you
want to use. These rules work independent of
the storytelling style you adopt for your game.
.. Making Things Level: Guidance for handling
the situation when a character of higher or lower
level joins the party.
To create any story-whether prepared in advance or Denouement: . br- p-up equence in \\ hich
improvised, whether for your D&D game or for a cre- the players glimp e t e _ ~in ~ con.equence of the
ative writing project-begin with the basic bUilding story's climactic eyem _
blocks that construct all narratives_
CLASSIC STORY STRUCTURE Every peak or valley in the rising action pivots around
Fantasy stories draw on the great myths of various a turning point. At the end of a turning point, player
world cultures and make heavy use of traditional feel the tension either increase or decrease. Turni ng
structures_ You can create strong effects by deviating points fall into two main categories: problem solving
from an expected structure, but doing so requires a and dramatic turns.
thorough knowledge of the subject.
The following elements comprise a traditional PROBLEM SOLVING
story. Problem-solving turning points make up the majorit]
Introduction: An opening sequence that identi- of an adventure story. A protagonist faces an external
fies the viewpoint characters, or protagonists, and obstacle, attempts to overcome it, and either passes or
the basic situation. The introduction also establishes fails the test. For this reason, the structure of adven -
the antagonists, the forces that impede the progress ture stories is sometimes referred to as "the pass/fail
of the protagonists. cycle." External obstacles that stand in the way of
Rising Action: A series of events that makes the pragmatic or tactical goals include:
characters' situation more complex and urgent. As
• a hidden item the characters must find.
these events progress, the consequences become
more significant. You can map the rising action as • a wall the characters must climb.
an upward-trending line with peaks and valleys. • a witness the characters must convince to talk.
Through a series of turning points, you create tension,
release it periodically, and then build it up again to a DRAMATIC TURNS
higher pitch. Tension also rises or falls when a protagonist pursues
The Climax: A pivotal moment of maximum ten- emotional goals through interaction with other char-
sion, in which the opposed forces driving the central acters. These turning points make up a large part
conflict of the story conclusively clash, resolving the of conventional dramas, from soap operas to classic
situation established in the introduction. plays. In adventure stories, dramatic turns most often
appear as interludes of emotional reaction interwo-
ven with active pass/fail obstacles.
STORY lSN'T EVER YTH1NG Dramatic scenes occur when outside characters
You can run a thrilling D&D campaign that keeps your such as the PCs' friends , family members, loved ones,
players coming back for more even if you don't give a rivals, and enemies hold emotional power over the
single thought to story structure, character motivations, player characters. These scenes offer a shift in power
cooperative world building, or any of the other concepts from one character to another. Tension decreases if
described in this chapter_ Using these ideas makes you the protagonist retains or increases his or her emo-
a better DM only if doing so enhances the collective fun tional power. If she loses it, tension increases.
of a receptive group. Before introducing the cooperative
techniques discussed in this chapter, poll your players and
confirm that they are interested. TENS10N AND RELEASE
Consider the types of players in your group (as discussed Maintain the tension and release of the pass/fail cycle
on pages 8-10 of the Dun8eon Master's Guide). Explorers, by adjusting DCs or encounter levels to reflect the
instigators, and storytellers thrive in a cooperative game. party's recent record of loss and gain. When a string of
Power gamers and slayers might approve, as long as the failures discourages players, adjust the numbers down -
focus on characterization doesn't cut into their fighting ward to make their subsequent success more likely.
time. Watchers remain content if they are allowed to shy If the PCs are cocky in the wake of successive wins,
from the creative spotlight. Thinkers might feel frustrated tighten the screws.
by a cooperative game's focus on drama and tension.
Some actors might love the cooperative style of dramatic
creation, but others could find it distracting.
=a..\NCH1NG ..-J
-D stories differ from other narrative Tension increases as they move toward a new turning
t major way: D&D stories don't follow a point-possibly one not of their choosing.
etermined storyline through a series of A null result-one that is not a success and does
' nt . Instead, each turning point presents not move the story forward-could frustrate players
nity for the story to branch in an unex- and create a negative play experience. If the pes
tion. By anticipating branches, you can fail to overcome the current obstacle, they must find
he story keeps moving in an exciting- another way to surmount it-and there should always
ted -direction. be another way.
branch point engages players and can To create a strong pass/fail branch point, build ten-
ry in two or more directions. sion by showing players the negative consequences
of failure. Even if the players see the negative conse-
: / FAIL BRANCHING quences already, increase the thrill level with vivid
description. Describe the yawning chasm the paladin
u call on a D&D mechanic to resolve
will fall into ifhe fails to clamber up onto the ledge.
and the result affects the story, you create a
Alternatively, tantalize your group with a tempting
nch point.
reward they will gain if they succeed.
a: 'ers successfully complete encounters
I enges or make successful skill checks,
a test and gain a benefit. Tension is AVOIDING DEAD BRANCHES
cess carries them to the next turn- When you look at the two possible outcomes of any
branch point, don't let either choice lead
, flee an encounter or you into a narrative dead end. This situ-
allenge or skill ation could occur when the pes can't
_ufTer devise a solution to a problem, or if a
n- sequence of dull, repetitive, or petty
obstacles hinders their progress.
Eventually, a dead branch
will stump you. You just can't
imagine a consequence of
failure that takes the story
anywhere fun or interesting.
In this case, allow the players
an automatic success. Either
secretly set the De of the check
to 1, or drop the pretense and
tell the players that they over-
come the obstacle without
resorting to a die roll. If this
easy success feels like a lapse in
story logic, describe a fortuitous
event that makes the obstacle
suddenly surmountable. The
pes locate a crack in a suppos-
edly impregnable wall, find the
guards asleep at their post, or
stumble upon the dragon after
ups out a D&D session's major events in a pass(fail cycle. The PCs first a wagonload of ale has left him
" ral pirate fleet threatens the friendly dominions. The characters success- in a magnanimous mood. Turn
:urran, an expert on the pirates, passin8 that obstacle (represented by an a dead branch into an opportu-
Durin8 the PCs' return from this journey, an astral kraken attacks them, nity to create a scene to move
defea t it before it shatters their ship. A downward arrow represents their the story forward.
:h ashore on Kalandurren. This event leads to a successful skill chal- Repeated null results are
demon chief (pass) and the capture of an astral skifffrom slaad 8uards a particularly difficult form of
• fa ll short on a skill challen8e to repair the skiff (fail), leadin8 them to dead branches. The story stalls,
• dia mond to power its en8ines, which they successfully locate (pass). and the players' frustration
builds with each failed attempt at the same task. Make sure to tailor the encounter for the additional
Before this type of dead branch spoils everyone's enjoy- goal the PCs must accomplish. Ease back on encoun-
ment of the game, drop the DCs in order to allow the ter difficulty if necessary by redUCing creature
characters to move on. Plan ahead to avoid the frustra- numbers or the overall encounter level. Consider
tion of repeated null results by devising obstacles that introdUcing a creature or two in the middle of a fight
create a new situation after a failure. if the PCs meet the secondary goal with anticlimac-
Sometimes story logic dictates a difficult challenge tic ease. You could also stage an encounter of higher
even though one ofits possible branches leads to a dead level than the level of the PCs. Build in a goal that,
end. In this case, focus the challenge on what the PCs' ifit is reached, removes some of the creatures from
necessary victory costs them, rather than on winning the fray, putting the encounter back into the group's
or losing. On either a success or a failure, the characters comfort zone.
will move on to the same obstacle. However, on a fail-
ure, they move on at a Significant disadvantage. DECISION BRANCHING
Strongly plotted adventures provide players with
ENCOUNTERS AS BRANCH POINTS multiple opportunities to make decisions that insert
The aftermath of a typical encounter has two or branch points into the story. These branches might
more branches. Lucky, smart PCs walk away from a lead to obstacles that don't involve the PCs defeating
fight haVing spent relatively few daily powers, action monsters or traps, such as:
points, and healing surges. Bad luck or poor tactics
+ Opening the door on the left instead of the one on
in the same encounter leaves the PCs in worse shape
the right.
and force them to rest to replenish their resources.
OccaSionally, a party member will die, exacting an + Choosing which witness to talk to next.
even higher cost in lost time and payment for a ritual + Deciding to go to the tavern in the dangerous part
to bring back the dead character. of town instead of the one that seems more safe.
You can turn encounters into genuine pass/fail + Going home to challenge your evil stepbrother for
turning points, with possible branches for both out- superior status in the family.
comes. One way to accomplish this is by staging a
+ Demanding that your father, the king, recognize
nonlethal fight against superior opponents. Pit the
you as a worthy heir.
group against more creatures than the standard
encounter rules call for, or increase the encounter
level by one or two notches. Success gives the group a
benefit and sends them to obstacle A, whereas failure
has a negative consequence and takes them to less
desirable obstacle B.
Another technique is to give the PCs a secondary
goal to fulfill during the encounter, in addition to
overcoming the traps and defeating the creatures. If
the PCs achieve the goal in a set number of rounds,
the plot takes a positive turn. If the PCs take longer or
fail, their next obstacle reflects a narrative setback. A
secondary goal might include a simple task, such as
reaching a specified square and then succeeding on
a skill check. Chapter 2 discusses encounter goals in
more depth, but simple objectives could include the
following accomplishments:
+ Capturing an enemy noncombatant.
+ Defeating a particular creature before dealing
with the rest of its comrades.
+ Destroying a magic device before it harms a dis-
tant person, place, or object.
+ Grabbing an artifact before it is somehow lost.
+ Hitting a button to keep a dimensional gate open.
+ Rescuing a hostage.
+ Stopping a sinister ritual.
en e of shared authorship between you and the and rank the possible choices. They might take ele-
players can begin before you start playing, when you ments of several pitches and combine them into a
create a campaign. Convene with your group and favorite pick. Cross-fertilization promotes engaging
a - them to help you create a campaign arc from the storylines. Aim for a concept open enough to allow
~ round up. Have each player bring a pitch, a basic variety while still revolVing around a distinct,
idea fo r the campaign, to this meeting. The pitch is a central idea.
imple sentence that describes how the player charac- HaVing hammered out the basic premise, expand
ter fit into their world. Here are a few examples. and refine it by establishing the basic arcs of the
• The resurrected heroes of a long-dead empire fight three tiers. (You can skip this step if you plan to run
to prevent the disaster that claimed their civiliza- a shorter campaign.) Use the examples beginning on
tion from destroying another. page 168 in Chapter 5 for inspiration and guidance
as you build the basic structure of your storyline.
• Outcasts and scavengers vow to gather a barbarian
Earthbound and practical, the heroic tier focuses
a rmy and conquer the world.
on the steady emergence of the characters from
• Bickering half-siblings set out to gather unique obscurity to fame. The paragon tier thrusts them
items for their father's magic item shop. into strange environments and raises the stakes to
• In a Roman-style empire, high-status slaves cap- national or global levels. In the epic tier, the stakes go
ture live monsters for combat in the coliseum run up yet again, with the cosmos possibly hanging in the
by their master, a senator. balance.
Don't worry if an obvious take on the later tiers
\ou erye as editor and mediator, gUiding the pro- fails to present itself You can schedule a new pitch
ce until you assemble a blueprint for the campaign. meeting later, as the new tier draws closer.
fte r each player makes a pitch, let the group discuss
toconfine the storytelling process to Devise adventure plot lines around character
een you and the players. Encourage motivations. Wherever possible, develop story ideas
rate with each other. to build rela- so that they advance the agendas of multiple PCs.
connections between their characters. This method divides attention between players more
h ends a greater sense of cohesion to evenly. It also covers you when a player whose moti- .J..
_ tory. Your campaign's memorable vation you planned as a story springboard can't play o
during a critical session or leaves the campaign. l-
ing moments of interaction likely V)
en player characters. Similar to the Over time, balance your use of motivations to <::
ters of an ensemble TV show, the PCs shine the spotlight on everyone. Make an exception u
. -pith one another to make dramatic for watchers, players who prefer having a secondary ::>
role in others' stories to taking center stage in their o
own. Some motivations can easily generate stories, >-
OTIVATIONS whereas others might require effort to incorporate.
If you consistently find it difficult to connect a PC's
_ er build strong ensembles. Compel-
motivation with the action in your game, revisit the
characters actively propel themselves
motivation. Work with the player to adjust the moti-
b_ pursuing powerful core motivations.
vation so that it inspires specific action.
r to spell out his or her reason for
_ 1 tivations can suggest what the char-
ountered before they meet each other, INTERRELATIONSHIPS
-ind of actions they might take during To create reasons for the PCs to spend all their time
e are a few examples to get your players together and entrust each other with their lives, ask
each player to specify a preexisting tie between his
. e curiosity about arcane secrets pro- character and at least one other Pc. The tie should
involve strong positive feelings toward the chosen Pc.
Both of the players must agree to the relationship;
- _-tion of my village drives me to ven-
negotiate the original suggestion until it makes sense
_~ n t bandits and anyone else who
for both. When a player's turn comes up, he or she
of them."
should specify a new tie, rather than repeating one
( the brother who died saving my life, I already established. However, the player might also
o spread the worship of Pel or."
-e my brilliant mind to solve mysteries,
old me 1'd learn the secret of my true After having gone to the trouble to create them, players
_ - mewhere deep in the Underdark" probably stick to their motivations. When a PC ignores
his motivation to gain a short-term advantage, or for other
a.-er ifhe or she creates a passive, reasons that seem out of character, declare him distracted.
onal motivation; help the player The stress of acting against his instincts costs him precious
gh'e it emotional weight. mental concentration. Until he reverts to his established
contain specifics. If the campaign motivation, he labors under some or all of the following
- the PCs' courses of action, help play- consequences.
iyations into the arc's main activity.
eptions of their characters might • Grants combat advantage.
e. especially after the first few ses- • Takes a -2 penalty to saving throws.
ign. Allow them to modify their core • loses one healing surge after each rest.
r yided that the new motivation also • Can't regain action points.
lling story hooks.
A player who wants to alter his character's motivation
to fit an evolVing conception of the character can do so
without penalty. A character who constantly shirks his
__ - adventures, use motivations to draw
motivation to suit momentary circumstances is a shifty
into encounters, skill challenges, and
opportunist, and his motives should reflect that. Work
-. \ lake sure characters can act on
with the player to recast his character's motivation to
. n in more than one way, so they don't
match his behavior.
Even though the first rule of improvisation is never to
In this example of an incidental reference, a player named E
negate someone else's idea, sometimes rules are meant
responds hau8htily on behalf of his character, Erekam, wh
to be broken.
challen8ed by sentinels at a city 8ate:
When you and your players brainstorm to design a
"I bang vigorously on my shield, showing them t
world, you can feel free to alter pure flavor elements of
emblem of my warrior order."
published 0&0 works. On the other hand, avoid sug-
Ed has never before referenced an emblem on f..
gestions that require you to alter game mechanics. "This
shield, but since it's his character, he can introduce
world contains no necrotic energy" might sound like the
without any adjustment by you.
seed for an interesting variant setting. However, many
"Do you not recognize this symbol?" Ed exclaims. -
creatures, powers, and magic items in the game rules
his deep Erekam voice. "It identifies me as a member
have necrotic attacks, resistances, and vulnerabilities
the Champions of Honor! Do you not know us?"
hardwired into them. RemOVing such elements changes
You've never heard of the Champions of Honor. Y
the game balance, making some game properties more
reach for your notepad, ready to scrawl the necessa ~
powerful than intended and other abilities useless.
Also, player suggestions must remain consistent with
In character as the indifferent guard, you scratch yo .
the world's previously established continuity. If players
head and say, "We don't receive visitors hereabou'
declared the Raven Queen to be the city's patron deity
last week, a new idea should usually not be allowed to
"Why, for a hundred years the Champions of Hor
override that fact. (You might make an exception for a
have protected the good folk of this region, driving off 0
truly compelling suggestion, provided that the player can
and bandits alike!"
conVincingly justify the inconsistency.) This stipulation
Through this exchange, Ed establishes that this orga n
applies only to facts about the world that have come up
zation exists as he has described and that Erekam belon-
in play. You can contradict a detail about your setting that,
to it. After brainstorming for a moment, you prepa ~
so far, appears only in your notes. If your players don't
a bandit encounter-now someone can spot Ereka rr
know about it, changing it won't impair their suspension
shield, tell him about a brigand problem, and motiva-
of disbelief.
the group's trip to the wilderness to engage them.
In this example of a direct assertion, the party has entered a her words and actions, as you normally would.
demon-occupied city.
"Do I see a watchtower?" Carlos asks you.
Before you can reply, Ben, feeling a creative surge, sup-
plies an answer of his own: "Look! Over there! That horrible DRAGONS LOVE ELVES
tower, rising from the central plateau! Oh, my goodness, its In this example, you turn around an abusive sU88estic
tiles writhe! And tentacles dangle from the spire'" intended only to Bfant an advanta8e to a player.
You might instinctively want to slap down this seizure The party finds itself in the treasure chamber of a-
of your narrative prerogative. Then you remember that ancient dragon. The characters have no hope of defea'
you encouraged the players to collaborate in building the ing the dragon in combat and must resort to persuasic-
world. You affirm Ben's idea by building on it. to avoid becoming its midday snack.
"Yep, those are tentacles, all right. A strange bird that "Luckily, dragons in this world famously love an
looks like a black-feathered albatross circles slowly near respect the elven people," says Paul. Not coincidental
the spire. Suddenly, a tentacle zaps out, like the tongue he plays an elf.
of a frog, and grabs the bird, pulling it into the tower. You In character as the dragon, you growl menacingly -
hear a chewing noise." Paul's direction. "The others I might forgive," you boof""
"You mean the tower is alive?" Deena exclaims. She "but to have my lair invaded by an elf, a member of
knows your DMing style includes vivid details to encour- people who allied with the dragons at the dawn of tim
age the PCs to move in closer to explore. "Thanks a lot, ... why, it is enough to rouse me to homicidal fury!"
Ben!" she jokes. "Whoops," says Paul.
-by Stephen Radney-MacFarland, figure out they can drive the story rather than ha\
from "Save My Game!" in Dunaeon # 155 it unfold around them. When players have more
investment in the storytelling and roleplaying par
The narrative part of roleplaying has a more free -form of the game, they focus on these parts rather tha n
nature than the game rules. This aspect of playing ignoring or avoiding them.
the game makes people nervous and self-conscious, I'll give you an example by briefly outlining wh"
especially if they prefer not to act. Sometimes you have I'm doing in my current campaign-my first, full -
to ease players into roleplaying by making it work like fledged levels 1-30 D&D 4E campaign-the Da)'h_
other game aspects. The following ideas show you how. Lona Shadows. When my players made their char-
acters, I gave them a list of seven backgrounds the)
CREATE HOOKS could choose from. I told them from the start that
choosing a background would ensure that their ch
A lot ofD&D games involve the bare-bones, smash-
acters had a stronger connection to the overall plo
and-grab model of roleplaying, filled with stats,
the campaign, but that they didn't need to take one
action , monster killing, and treasure. Players in these
I made these backgrounds simple, with few restric-
games need less story to gUide them. They don't care
tions. Two examples follow.
about the implausible. They have fun because they
The Hexed (Half-Elf, Human, or Tiefling): .
buy into the game. Why? Because the game and its
mysterious master cursed you; you don't know hi
design have built-in hooks.
identity. All you know is that his raspy voice occasi
What do I mean by hooks? The parts that grab
ally compels you to do as he bids. His commands
your audience, pull them in, and never let them go.
sometimes demand terrible deeds, but far worse c
D&D has them in spades. Classes and races both
sequences ensue when you refuse to obey.
function as hooks; their concepts, art, and application
The Orphan (Human): You're an orphan ofth
reach out and grab people. The "simple rules with
disappeared village of Fadail. A wandering oracle
exceptions" principle ofD&D offers another hook.
loun prophesized that only Fadail's last scion could
You have a firm idea of the general rules, and you can
find the village. Presumably, that person is you.
reference the speCific. A hook pokes its head up and
These raw hooks have a purpose. I combined the
says, "Hey, I'm here, and I think you'll like me." The
interesting themes I wanted to explore in the cam-
people who do like it, grab it and run. As a fantasy
paign into a form that might interest my players, an
game, D&D has its own hook, too.
made the themes available to my players.
DMs sometimes forget the general principle of
Allowing my players to pick their backgrounds
hooks when they make their campaigns. DMs might
achieved a couple of objectives. First, it gives them
create a place they believe could be real, not realiZing
a focused hook into one or more of the stories and
that few players care for the models of trade and agri -
themes of the campaign. Having a choice strength-
culture in the game world-since the game functions
ens their story investment, and it gives me a tool thy
as a power fantasy. Others fixate on their campaign's
simultaneously focuses their plot-seeking activity a.
overarching story and overlook that this form of
helps me create stories that speak to their character
storytelling already has an audience (and cast) of real
personally-even before the campaign begins.
people in the form of players and their characters. In
For instance, I had a specific player in mind wh
the end, these DMs might find themselves trapped
I wrote the hexed, and I was not surprised when th
when they create hooks interesting only to them. And
player took that background. He enjoys playing the
as the DM, if you interest only yourself, you don't have
mysterious, tormented characters that have a secre
an audience.
knew he would gravitate toward this background.
Use a sandbox approach to story and roleplaying.
As for the backgrounds not chosen (such as the
Throw out loose threads, see who bites, figure out
orphan above), I have a page of rough ideas I won't
why they bite, and react to the story rather than
use in this particular campaign. I can learn a lot fr
driving it autocratically from the start. You might
what my players didn't pick, such as what kind of
guide your players in class and race choices, but
game interests them.
don't make those decisions for them. Don't try to
More important, these backgrounds bridge the c
make roleplaying decisions for them, either. You can
between game and story. Since I made background
use an open approach in your details of your world
a character choice, the players feel a sense of owner
and story vision without lOSing it completely. Pick
ship. I created roleplaying and story hooks the same
up on good ideas and suggestions from your play-
way the rest of the game hooks worked-I let my pIa.
ers. As your players feel more attached to the story,
ers choose what they wanted.
their immersion levels rise, especially when they
Add moments of character interaction to your game
with vignettes- specially shaped scenes in which play-
Dream sequences allow you to portray a PC's inner
(urmoil with surreal imagery. The PC stands at one
point of the triangle while other players try to pull
him in opposite directions. They might play dream
-:ersions of themselves, figures from the PC's past, or
urreal personifications of abstract forces. For that
~atter, the other PCs can shift identities according to
he whims of dream logic.
Transitions acknowledge the progression of time in
,he campaign since the last session. They create the
ense that the character's life continues between
adventures. In campaigns that use them, transitions
can cover longjumps in time, taking the characters
hrough months or years of unseen action.
Transitions require open-ended framing led by
layer input. Ask the players to describe a conflict
that occupied them during the elapsed time period.
Together, choose a dramatic moment, and frame a
-ignette around it. You might construct one vignette
_er character, or cast vignettes together into a scene
f combined struggle.
cenes featuring a cast of player-controlled NPCs
~oreshadow events for their PCs. Third-person teasers
provide snappy openers to sessions that might other-
-'-ise begin with a gathering ofPCs in a tavern.
Dialogue might drive third-person teasers, but
'hey might depart from other vignettes by featuring
Jescriptions of physical action.
For inspiration, look at the opening credit
-equences of TV shows, especially openers that fea-
ure only members of that week's guest cast. Horror
Brom, who believes himself destined for greatness, ended
ast session with a craven surrender to the bandit queen,
solta. To explore the gap between his self-image and his
actions, you create a dream sequence in which Brom's
ero, the legendary warrior Ambek, calls him to account.
'ou assign Amy to play Ambek, who wishes to convince
Brom to follow in his footsteps. Deena also appears in his
dream, as Iso Ita, who argues that Brom, as an ordinary
'llan, took the only reasonable action when he bowed
and scraped before her.
You want this scene to pose a question, not to answer
one, so interrupt it as it reaches a crescendo. Brom, you
'larrate, jolts awake in his bedroll, drenched in icy sweat.
MA1NTA1N1NG Vignettes can unfold through dialogue alone, without
PLAYER AUTHOR1TY resorting to skill checks. When participants phYSically
~ --epa red to accept input from players when placing clash or otherwise engage in activities that game mechan-
r characters in vignettes. If your framing places the ics ordinarily resolve, you can break out the dice, allow a
<: 'n a situation they don't think they would have put directly concerned player to decide the outcome, or put
selves in, or assigns them a goal they don't agree it up to a group vote, with yourself as the tiebreaker.
revise the framing to meet their objections. Tell the Players whose pes appear in flashback sequences
rs what the scene is intended to accomplish and decide how past conflicts panned out. Use mechanics
their input to adjust the situation and goal to better only if different players' ideas conflict, and they can't
ect their characters' intentions. agree on what should have happened.
You'll find it easier to create adventures and encoun· as session length or location, new house rules, or
ters your players enjoy once you know what your game world changes with your group. Implement
players like about gaming. If you serve up game ses- changes one or two at a time, in trial periods. If
sions that cover exactly what the group enjoys, then someone expresses unhappiness with a change, roll
the players will have fun. Plus, you can prepare with it back. Set proper expectations and follow a pro·
more confidence and fewer contingencies because cess that respects individuals while trying to please
you know what material the players gravitate toward the group.
and what hooks and encounters they avoid, meaning To avoid overwhelming busy players, consider
faster and easier session preparation. spacing out your questions. Perhaps supply one or
To find out what the members of your group like two questions during sessions that players can think
and dislike, ask them. Player and character surveys about while their characters are idle. Post a question
allow you to discover this information. What would of the week on your gaming group website, or follow
you like to know about your players' gaming prefer- up every session with a short feedback form.
ences? Write down a wish list. If you knew whether Revisit your surveys. Sometimes player and
your group preferred city, wilderness, or urban character tastes change, and you want to keep your
settings, would that affect your campaign plans? information fresh. Administer the entire survey
What about favorite gaming moments, combats, and again, or just pick key questions. A healthy frequency
encounter setups? That information might give you for surveys might be every five character levels, ten
great ideas for future sessions that your players find sessions, or four months.
Once you compile a list of details you want to Example character survey questions:
know about your group, turn each item into a ques- • Describe yourself in ten words or fewer.
tion, and then compile your questions into surveys.
• What do you think is your greatest strength?
Use anything related to characters' wants, dreams,
and goals in a character survey. Ask each player to • What do you think is your biggest weakness?
answer this survey from his or her character's point • What is your most distinguishing feature?
of view. You could roleplay to make responses more • Why did you choose an adventuring life?
interesting, since players could consider question-
• Which family members or friends do you hold
naires a chore. Place questions related to player
most dear?
preferences and experiences in a separate player
survey. • What people, groups, or objects hold your greatest
Dividing your queries and the players' answers loyalty?
into character and player categories helps you plan • What career do you want to have one year from
better adventures. Take character answers and weave now? Five years?
those elements directly into encounters by way of • What place do you wish to visit?
monster, terrain, and treasure selection. Factor PC
• Consider your skills. How did you acquire them?
preferences into your plots, as well. Characters might
want to visit certain places, take certain actions, • What do you like to do when not adventuring or
and earn specific achievements. Modify your short- training?
and long-term plans, the setting, and the villains to • What magic items do you crave?
include character desires. You best serve a player • Where do you enjoy hanging out?
through his or her character. Fulfilling the PCs'
• How do you want people to remember you after
survey requests makes a group eager to play and
your death?
happy with your games.
The second part of the equation serves player-
Example player survey questions:
specific preferences. You can serve these inclinations
in the same way you serve character preferences- • What monsters do you like most?
with in-game content and deSign. However, you might • Rate your enjoyment of each of the following
serve your friends better through new house rules, environments from 1-10, 10 being best: a) wilder-
changes to the gaming environment or schedule, ses- ness encounters, b) city encounters, c) dungeons,
sion management, and other metagame issues. and d) unusual locations such as cloud homes or
When you read player survey responses, con- underwater.
sider how you can improve the game and campaign • Rate your enjoyment of each of the following types
based on player feedback. Discuss major items such of adventures from 1-10, 10 being best: a) long
rescues an imprisoned knight who swears one rule: Add an extra character only when it helps
er as a faithful companion for a year and a fill out a small party or an underserved role.
an tends to the wounds of a young black If fewer than five players participate in a game,
he friendly animal follows the shaman on your group probably struggles with standard encoun-
A "izard takes on an apprentice, a youthful ters designed for groups of five PCs. In addition, your
o learn the ways of magic and use them to group probably lacks one or more character roles.
Adding the right companion character can solve both
ng sidekick, the eager beast follower, and problems.
! henchman feature regularly in fantasy Even in full-size groups, having a few compan-
mics. and movies. Although adding an ion characters available for use helps you cope with
~acter to the adventuring group might make unexpected player absences. When the party's leader
e from a story point of view, instantly rec- misses a gaming session, that friendly local priest
pitfalls can make this decision a bad one: ofKord willing to adventure with you can keep the
- :night consider running a single charac- game on track.
be a full-time job; running two adds a lot of
nd slows down the game.
• g one player to run two characters dimin-
e participation of the other players in the VS. NPCS
hich can lead to frustration and disap- The rules for building companion characters are similar
ent from those players. to the "Creating NPCs" rules presented on page 186 of
the Dunyeon Master's Guide. However, these new rules are
, characters can dilute the individual
better at crafting an adventuring ally for the PCs, whereas
~-·Tl . "C of other party members by doubling (or
the NPC rules are better at helping you build enemies for
'pling) particular roles, which can lead to
your characters.
eeli ng as though his or her character isn't
These new rules are more abstract than the NPC rules:
They focus entirely on the companion character's role in
the party, rather than building the character through the
cope with these issues, adding an extra
filter of its class. That makes it simpler to create and use
Lan yield Significant benefits. No matter
the companion character.
:ling the story angle, however, remember
d10 Agenda
1 Wants revenge
2 Needs t he PCs' help on a quest
3 Needs money
4 Bored, seeks excitement
S Seeks magic
6 Seeks lost relative or friend
7 Seeks fame
8 looks up to PCs (hero worship)
9 Owes PCs a favor
10 Wants to chronicle PCs' adventures
--ercave is a gnome warrior, a knight, and
r his people.
big and tough for a gnome, and he walks
(the result of an old injury).
he wants to join the party to help protect
other friendly fey creatures. Or the pes
re cued him from captivity at the hands
rers, in which case Orryn swears to help
plete their current quest. In either case,
haracters in a couple adventures before
Even though the Dun8eon Master's Guide recommends Ability Checks: Increase all the character's abil-
that all characters gain levels at the same rate, you ity check modifiers by one-half the level difference
might have characters of different levels who want (round down).
to adventure together. Perhaps an old gaming buddy Hit Points: Increase the character's hit points by
drops in for a guest appearance and wants to play an amount equal to the level difference x the number
a character six months out of date, or a new player of hit points the character normally gains per level.
arrives with a character who doesn't measure up to Damage Rolls: The character gains a bonus to
the rest of the PCs. In such a circumstance, you might damage rolls with encounter and daily attack powers
intentionally set up a situation in which one PC acts equal to one-half the level difference (round down).
as a sidekick to a group of higher· level characters. If the party is 21st level or higher and the charac-
You can adjust a character to fit in with a group ter is not, treat the character's at-will attack powers as
of characters of significantly higher or lower level. if the character were 21st level.
Use the adjustments described in this section as a What the Character Doesn't Receive: New
temporary fix- if a character wants to join the group powers, new feats, ability score increases, improved
permanently, adjust the character's level according to class features, paragon path benefits, epic destiny
the parameters in the Player's Handbook. benefits, additional magic items, extra uses of daily
Use this approach for no more than one or two magic item powers, or any other benefits normally
characters in a party and only as a short-term solu- gained by a character of the new level.
tion. Although a sidekick of this nature can keep up Experience Points: The character gains the same
with higher-level comrades for a few encounters, he amount of experience from encounters as everyone
or she doesn't have a full range of powers and might else. This adjustment allows the character to rapidly
qUickly run out of options. Similarly, a character close the level gap with the rest of the party.
scaled down to adventure in a lower-level group still Example: A visiting player brings a 5th-level
has advantages over his or her allies; such a charac- fighter to your table, whereas the rest of the group
ter outshines the other characters ifhe or she hangs has 10th-level characters (a level difference of 5).
around for too long. You give the character a +5 bonus to attack rolls and
Don't use this system unless at least two levels defenses, a +2 bonus (one-half the level difference,
separate the characters. A difference ofjust one level rounded down) to skill checks and ability checks, and
between characters is not enough to worry about. 30 additional hit points (a level difference of 5 x 6 hit
points per level). The character receives a +2 bonus to
Up FROM A LOWER LEVEL damage rolls with encounter and daily attack powers.
If you need to temporarily boost a character's abilities When the party overcomes a 10th-level encounter,
and don't want to use the normal process, this section this 5th-level character gains 500 XP. The 10th-level
offers a simple system that keeps the lower-level char- characters need eleven of those encounters to reach
acter on par with the challenges in your adventure. 11th level, whereas five encounters bring the 5th-
These adjustments might represent a short-cut level fighter to 6th level. After those five encounters,
abstraction of the abilities possessed by higher-level start with the base character again, advance the char-
characters: "Garik is 12th level. His character sheet acter to 6th level normally, and repeat this process
lists him as 6th level because I haven't had time to (this time with a level difference of 4).
advance him yet." Alternatively, you might make the
boosts temporary: The character draws on the talents DOWN FROM A HIGHER LEVEL
and inSights of his higher-level allies to survive battles Although low-level characters more commonly tag
in which the challenges are over his head. along with high-level characters, the converse can
To adjust a character's statistics, use the following also occur. If you need to add one character to a party
guidelines. In each case, "level difference" is the dif- whose level is Significantly lower-perhaps a grand-
ference between the level of the character you want master joining the group for an adventure with his
to adjust and the level of the rest of the party. students-use the following guidelines to adjust statis-
Attacks: Increase the character's attack bonus by tics accordingly.
the level difference. Attacks: Reduce the character's attack bonus by
Defenses: Increase all the character's defenses by the level difference.
the level difference. Defenses: Reduce all the character's defenses by
Skill Checks: Increase all the character's skill the level difference.
check modifiers by one-half the level difference
(round down).
A well-crafted encounter is a key scene in the story fills your players with anticipation and tension as
of your adventure and in the overarching story of the your adventure progresses toward its climax.
characters in your campaign. If you build your adven-
ture like a structured fantasy story, sharing a similar SETTING ENCOUNTER
dramatic structure with novels, movies, and plays,
then an encounter equals a scene in that story. The OBJECTIVES
encounter acts as a discrete element in which ten- Players can quickly grasp the objective of an encoun-
sion builds in steady increments toward the climax of ter in which their characters face a horde of savage
the adventure. (See Chapter 1 for more discussion of orcs. The characters understand that they must fight
story structure.) for their lives, and they either try to kill all the orcs or
Viewed as part of a larger story, a great encounter escape from them. Other encounters have less obvi-
has three key ingredients. ous goals, such as finding an important clue, securing
History: It builds on what the characters have an alliance with a group ofNPCs, or defeating a mon-
learned in past encounters and previous game ster before it kills innocent bystanders or assassinates
sessions. the baron. Every encounter should have a specific
Clear Objective: The characters must try to objective, even ifit's straightforward. Ambiguous
accomplish a specific task. goals could leave your players frustrated or bored.
Significant Outcome: The characters might An encounter's objective also links the encounter
easily accomplish the objective, barely succeed, or into the adventure story. If the overall story of your
fail entirely. However the encounter resolves, the out- campaign involves a quest that the characters embark
come matters and relates to later encounters. on to deliver a precious relic to a remote monastery,
then each encounter in your campaign should have
BUILDING ON THE PAST an objective that moves that quest forward. For
example, during encounters along the way, the char-
A strong encounter builds on information the
acters might have to protect the relic from enemies
characters have acquired in the course of previous
who want to steal or destroy it. These encounters
encounters. You can create stronger encounters by
build toward a climactic showdown with the leader of
foreshadowing what lies ahead.
those evil forces.
Introducing information about an encounter
The use of a secondary objective can make
ahead of time builds anticipation or apprehension.
straightforward combat encounters more interest-
For example, if you know the climactic battle in an
ing. The secondary objective might force characters
orc-filled adventure features the brutal orc chieftain
to approach the encounter differently, using their
and his ogre bodyguard, orcs in earlier encounters
powers or strategizing in ways they normally
could name the chieftain and speak fearfully of the
wouldn't. A time limit is a simple example of a sec-
ogre. When one orc suggests running from the PCs'
ondary objective: Not only do the characters have to
onslaught, another says, "No! Angarr will feed us to
overcome a gang of bandits, they have to do so in a
the ogre if we flee!"
small number of rounds. If they don't beat the clock,
Laying the groundwork for future encounters can
the hostage awaiting rescue in the next room will
also help the players succeed. For example, the party
succumb to his wounds.
seeks an audience with a grand duke who has no tol-
erance for rudeness or insolence. When the duke is
introduced to the characters, tell the players that the THE OUTCOME MATTERS
duke frowns at them and acts condescending. This A clear objective can make it easy to determine the
information might keep the PCs on their toes par- consequences of success or failure in an encounter.
ticularly if you also tell them the grand duke recently If the characters' objective is to protect a relic from
imprisoned someone who was rude to him during shadar-kai that plan to steal it, then failure might
an audience. This setup builds the players' anticipa- mean the PCs must reclaim the item from the victori-
tion as they prepare for the audience and helps them ous thieves. Success, on the other hand, could mean
avoid imprisonment. that the players come across fewer shadar-kai in a
You can use the same technique to prepare the later encounter, or it could mean that the characters
characters for random wilderness encounters. Let must face the shadow dragon that commands the
players know what to expect if they wander off the shadar-kai. (See the discussion of branching in Chap-
beaten path or stray into the nearby forest: Perhaps ter 1 for more ideas about how to use the result of an
woods folk warn the PCs of deadly spiders or fey- encounter as a way of determining the characters'
haunted clearings. Foreshadowing what lies ahead next encounters.)
Different players have different motivations. Pages Add Roleplaying Elements to Combat: From
8-10 of the Dun8eon Master's Guide outline eight lowly kobolds to mighty dragons, the monsters the
archetypal player motivations you might find at characters face in combat can come alive if you
your game table. If you understand these motiva- imbue them with personality. Challenges, taunts, and
tions and know how to encourage your players, insults can be fun and particularly appropriate when
you can tailor the encounters in your adventures to a character marks a monster or vice versa. Monsters
better suit your players' tastes. The following pages might gloat or curse during the ebb and flow of
suggest speCific ways to make encounters appeal to battle. Describe the monsters' attacks the way actors
your players, helping each player have more fun at would describe their own actions, even when the
every session. monsters miss. Keep a list of taunts, curses, and dra-
These suggestions include seating arrangements, matic descriptions on hand in case inspiration fails.
based on the idea that adjacent players influence one You might let characters use Bluff, Diplomacy,
another. You might not want to assign seats to your or Intimidate checks to influence monster actions
group and might instead allow your players to choose during combat. This tactic allows players to trick ene-
their own seating arrangement. However, if you have mies into taking actions that benefit the characters.
trouble engaging the players in your group, review Characters might goad their foes into entering haz-
the seating suggestions and see if steering players to ards, draw enemies into positions that give characters
different seats helps. combat advantage, lure enemies away from a blood-
ied character, or convince a monster to attack the
THE ACTOR character who has the best defenses. Actor players
might want to try these tactics; you must determine
One actor at your table can inspire the rest of your
an appropriate skill check and assign a DC for the
group to roleplay, bringing all the player characters
to life. At their best, actors make the game feel like
Leverage Character Details: Make an effort to
more than a game- something more akin to a fantasy
include characters, locations, and events from the
novel or movie.
actor player's character background in encounters,
Seating: The best seat for an actor is directly
particularly in climactic fights against major villains.
opposite you, perhaps at the far end of a table. With
For example, if the actor PC's father died in a duel
all the other players between you and the actor, the
with a tie fling, you could choose that same murder-
actor's dramatics won't close you off from the other
ous tiefling darkblade as the adventure's villain.
players. A clear view of the actor's body language
When the characters confront this villain, the tiefling
might make you feel more engaged in roleplaying,
recognizes the daughter of the human he killed years
and the two of you can encourage the rest of the
ago and taunts her: "So you're Andrunn's brat? No
group to be more involved.
better at swordplay than your father, I see." The actor
An actor seated beside a shy player can help to
might find that villain more satisfying to defeat than
draw that player out over several game sessions.
just another tiefling darkblade, and you didn't need
Encounter Types: Actors thrive in skill chal-
to make a single change to the monster's statistics.
lenges of all sorts, and they especially flourish in
challenges that involve interaction with NPCs.
Combat doesn't necessarily leave the actor cold-vivid ACTORS IN KOBOLD HALL
descriptions of powers and other actions in combat
As written, Kobold Hall (in Chapter 11 of the Dun8eon
can engage the actor the same way dramatic interac-
Master's Guide) offers few opportunities for interaction
tion draws in other characters. encounters in which actors thrive. However, you could
Provide Vivid NPCs: QUirks and mannerisms
roleplay the kobolds before and during the combat
that bring NPCs to life (see page 186 of the Dun8eon
encounters-the kobolds in area 3, for example, could
Master's GUide) give the actor ideas for interacting
taunt the player characters and berate them for interrupt-
with the NPCs. With actors in your group, you can
ing a skull-skull game. You might also have the dragon talk
spend more time in the characters' home base with
before attacking, giving the characters a chance to plead
NPCs who offer the players adventure hooks or
for their lives and the actor players a chance to shine.
important clues, turning what might otherwise be a
-James Wyatt, from
bland information dump into a lively interaction. In a
Dun8eon Master 4th Edition for Dummies
straightforward dungeon crawl, detailed descriptions
of key monster opponents can immerse the actor in
the action.
Large groups can be fun to DM. Imagine a big bunch (hitting about 70%of the time) kill all the characters
of your friends gathered together around a table before taking serious damage.
determined to defeat monsters you conjure up, over· A better encounter for ten 5th-level characters is
come mighty challenges you set before them, and a collection of monsters that are all around 5th level.
roleplay through grand adventures. A game table Ten monsters could be challenging for you to manage,
with numerous players will test your skills differently so choose elite and solo monsters to reduce your
than a smaller group. To succeed, be organized and burden. Four dragonborn soldiers (level 5 soldier),
prepared, and don't be afraid to delegate. a goblin underboss (level 4 elite controller leader),
and a young green dragon (level 5 solo skirmisher)
MORE MONSTERS, NOT have nearly the same experience point total as the
monsters in the first example (2,150 XP rather than
TOUGHER ONES 2 ,000 XP). Because this encounter features mon-
According to the math of encounter building outlined sters that have attacks and defenses comparable to
in the Dun8eonMaster's Guide, four lOth·level mono the characters' capabilities, it's more balanced. And
sters are an appropriate encounter for ten 5th·level because the encounter includes elite and solo mono
characters. However, think twice before you throw sters, the number of monsters should be manageable.
such an encounter at your players. An encounter with
two minotaur warriors (level 10 soldiers), a gibber· LARGER ENCOUNTER AREAS
ing mouther (level 10 controller), and a wyvern (level
Design encounter areas that can accommodate a
10 skirmisher) adds up to the right experience point
large group of player characters as well as numer·
total. But because the minotaurs have AC 26, and the
ous monsters. Rather than using a Single open space,
player characters attack at about +11, the PCs would
create several rooms with multiple connections to
hit only 30% of the time. At best, the characters take
enable the monsters to attack the characters from
so long to kill the monsters that the fight drags on
different directions. This technique encourages char-
for hours of playing time. At worst, the minotaurs
acters to engage the monsters on multiple front lines.
Players can be a great help when you become overwhelmed effects, hazards, and combat props. This technique will
or when the game slows down because large groups take save you from having to deal with repeated questions
longer to cycle through encounters. Pick two experienced every combat.
players who know the rules, and ask them to take the seats Monster Managers: Have your lieutenants be your
on your left and right as your lieutenants. Having them hands and eyes on the battlefield. On each monster's turn,
nearby makes it easy to assign tasks and duties to them. have a lieutenant hold a finger on the monster's mini on
Minions: Have minions' stats and basic tactical advice the battle grid. This system shows you which enemy is
ready to hand out, so your lieutenants can manage these currently active, and it focuses the group's attention on
foes during combats. the game. Ask your aide to report ongoing damage at a
Battle Grid Setup: Sometimes just clearing the table turn's start and saving throws at turn's end. For movement,
to make way for maps and tiles takes time. Ask your lieu· tell your aide the foe's intended action, ask your aide to
tenants to layout your maps and arrange unconcealed choose optimal routes, and have him announce any oppor-
enemies according to the encounter diagram. Before tunityattacks.
everyone rolls initiative, briefly inspect the setup and Foe Wounds and Status Markers: Ask the lieuten-
tweak as desired. ants to track ongOing damage and effects on foes during
Initiative: Have a lieutenant handle initiative setup combat. Have your helpers report total damage to you as
and order, with you reporting to them on enemy results. it is dealt, so you can quickly check for bloodied status.
If possible, post the order in a visible place, such as on a Opportunity Attacks: As the PCs and their enemies
whiteboard. Have your aide keep the combat pace going move around the battle grid, ask one of your lieutenants
by prompting players for actions and nudging you when a to handle opportunity attacks for you. If a PC provokes an
foe's turn is next. opportunity attack, the lieutenant grabs the player's atten-
Battlefield Description: While one lieutenant gathers tion and informs you of attack and damage results. If a foe
initiative rolls, give your other lieutenant an overview of receives an opportunity attack, the lieutenant attracts your
all the unconcealed features on the battlefield, so he can attention so you can resolve the attack.
be the group's go-to person for questions about terrain - Johnn Four
When characters run out of daily powers or spend intense and life-threatening combat. If you use a
all their healing surges, after perhaps four or five mix of encounter difficulties as suggested on page
encounters, they probably stop for an extended rest. 104 of the Dun8eon Master's Guide, you can easily
You can manipulate the pacing of encounters in your fall into a rhythm of harder and easier encounters
game to change the pattern of the PCs' rests and alter to complement the alternation of exploration and
the buildup and release of tension in the game. encounter.
This model works effectively when you start and
PACING end each session (and each adventuring day) with an
exciting high note, such as a difficult encounter or a
Pacing is the rhythm of action and story progression
dramatic turning point. Grab your players' attention
that unfolds in encounters over the course of a game
at the outset, and then finish with a cliffhanger, leav-
ing them eager for your next session.
You can keep the tension building in your game
A smart party spends its resources slowly over a
sessions by pacing your encounters. Consider three
series of encounters that feature balanced pacing. If
different models of encounter pacing: a standard,
the characters use up their daily powers and spend
balanced model; one with a single, intense spike in
all their healing surges early in the session, they
the action; and one that features a slow escalation
might stop for an extended rest and disrupt your
of danger. This section discusses how to use these
pacing. Use easier encounters and slower periods to
models to plan encounters for a Single game session
ease up on the tension and encourage them to con-
or an in·game day of adventuring.
tinue adventuring.
When you offer choices to your players during
Balanced pacing is a versatile model that allows a
an adventure, they might tackle encounters in a
variety of different encounter types, including combat
sequence different from what you had planned. Be
and noncombat encounters, as well as exploration,
flexible , and be prepared to modify encounters to
interaction with NPCs, investigation, puzzles, and
fit with the pacing model you have in mind. For
administration. Give your players a variety of encoun-
example, you can take enemies from one encounter
ter types to hold their attention.
and add them to a later or earlier one if your sense of
dramatic pacing demands it. If you want to aim for a
balanced pace, and the characters just finished two THE SPIKE
easy encounters, you might add monsters to the next A spike is a Single encounter so difficult that the
fight if the PCs choose a path that leads to another characters need to use every power, spend every
easy encounter. action point, and utilize smart tactics to overcome
When setting a pace, consider these two time the challenge. The characters will likely face only one
scales: what happens in a Single game session and encounter of this type in a day of adventuring; if you
what happens in an adventuring day between play short sessions, it could be the only encounter.
extended rests. You'll find pacing easier to manage However, you can use minor build-up and aftermath
if you design those periods equivalently, meaning encounters to serve as rising action and ending for
that the characters start a new day at the beginning the story of the session (see "Classic Story Structure,"
of every session. You might not be able to utilize that page 8). Players enjoy the adrenaline rush and excite-
method, particularly if your sessions last only one ment of a Single battle in which their characters fight
or two hours. Conversely, long game sessions might for their lives, unleashing every resource at their
cover two in·game days, with characters taking an disposaL
extended rest in the middle of the session. A spike works most effectively when paired with a
dedicated build-up, especially if you foreshadow this
dramatic conflict over the course of days or weeks
BALANCED PACING of game time. Increase the players' fear, uncertainty,
In a balanced pacing model, aim for a balance of
and tension with clues about the opponents they face.
action, roleplaying, and storytelling-fast and furious
You want the characters to reach a spike fresh.
segments that alternate with slower, calmer periods.
They should have most of their daily powers, an
You don't need to strictly alternate between difficult
action point apiece to spend, and perhaps consum-
and easy encounters or scenes of high drama and
able magic items to use in the fight. For this reason,
slower exposition. Instead, watch the trends and aim
the spike model works well as the centerpiece of a
for a balance over the course of a session.
short adventure, or in an adventure when the char-
A straightforward dungeon-based adventure fol-
acters are in no particular rush, such as a long trek
lows this model, with slow, relatively calm periods
through the wilderness during which the characters
of exploration broken occasionally by scenes of
ake an extended rest before reaching the mon- curse that prevents them from gaining any benefit
. la ir at the end of the journey. from an extended rest. You want to motivate char-
u can present the characters with a few easy acters to proceed from one encounter to the next
unters after the spike as they deal with scattered without stopping for an extended rest (see the next
my forces or minor remaining threats, or let them section, "Drawing Characters Onward").
d the conclusion dealing with the consequences The escalation model works particularly well in
outcome, in interaction with NPCs, or in a game that has strong elements of horror or drama.
ration. Ideally, the characters don't realize what serious
trouble they face until it's too late. Then they have to
- ALATION PACING do battle with no daily powers at their disposal and
"!lodel of escalation pacing, you put the char- precious few healing surges remaining.
. (and players) on a steady upward ramp of The goal of escalation pacing is to build to a
a ingly difficult challenges until they reach the terrible climax in which the players fear for their
a huge dramatic climax featuring a major villain, characters' lives. It's not to wipe out the party or
-shattering revelations, or both. The key to this force them to flee in defeat. The climactic encounter
I is to deplete the characters' resources, so that should be big and scary, but it shouldn't be more than
the PCs reach the climax, they're exhausted a level or two above their level. With their resources
ace serious trouble. drained , the characters will have trouble enough with
cause the escalation model relies on depleting an encounter of around their level without trying to
aracters' resources, consider depriving the handle something far more powerful than they are.
cters of extended rests to ensure that they're
_ tapped out when they reach the final encoun-
I e characters could be on a tight deadline, they
. be racing across the countryside in pursuit
ing bandits, or they could be suffering from a
osely related to these methods for pacing encounters +- The PCs defeat one-half, one-third, or another desig-
tween extended rests is the question of how to handle nated fraction of the enemy forces.
rapid-fire encounters that don't allow characters to take +- The characters secure a solid defensive position on the
rt rests. How do you model the fights you see in movies, battlefield, allowing them to catch their breath.
here waves of enemies rush the characters without a
oment's pause? How do you make your characters hurry When the characters fulfill your predetermined require-
m one encounter to the next to stop an assassin from ments, you might give them one or more of the following
ing the high priest? benefits.
To create these long encounters, you can allow char- +- Each character can choose one expended encounter
acters to refresh themselves in the middle of the fight. power and regain its use.
evise specific objectives and turning points in the battle, +- Every character regains the use of his or her second wind
d give each one an associated refresh. These objectives or can spend a healing surge (even if unconscious).
ould include any of the follOWing examples. +- Each character gains an action pOint and can spend
.. Defeat a deSignated champion monster. One champion it later in the encounter, even if he or she has already
emerges from each wave of enemies, or one appears spent an action point in the encounter.
early in the running fight. +- Each character gains another use of a magic item daily
.. Reinforcements arrive to help the PCs and bolster their power as if he or she had reached a milestone.
courage. These reinforcements might be companion +- Each character can regain the use of an expended daily
characters (see Chapter 1) who help the PCs in the power. Save this benefit for a significant accomplish-
fight, or they could be part of a larger force if the PCs ment in the middle of a battle.
are fighting an enemy army.
.. The characters battle their way to an ancient altar and Terrain features, such as energy nodes (see page 59), which
complete a simple skill challenge during the encounter allow characters to recharge spent powers, also prove
to claim a bleSSing from a deity. useful in long fights.
-James Wyatt
Every class has attack powers and utility powers the characters in the middle, the room connected to
related to movement, such as powers that let charac· both of the other rooms. The map on page 77 shows
ters push and slide enemies, and powers that let them an example of an encounter area designed with circu-
shift or teleport themselves or their allies. Racial lar paths: The characters enter the area in the largest
features such as the eladrin's fey step and the elf's wild room, where three passages lead to smaller rooms
step make movement a significant tool for the player that form part of the same encounter area.
characters. Monsters also have numerous movement Don't stop at designing an encounter area around
powers, particularly skirmisher monsters. Racial abil- a circular path; take advantage of the looping corri-
ities, such as those possessed by goblins and kobolds, dors to encourage movement. If every monster in the
give them the potential to shift during combat. encounter area confronts the characters in the door-
Sometimes, no number of movement powers can way on the first round of combat and never leaves
convince characters to change position, especially the entry area, the pes might as well be fighting in a
ranged attackers such as wizards, invokers, warlocks, small room with one entrance.
archer rangers, and some clerics and bards. Even a
rogue-one of the most mobile melee characters in ATTRACTIVE TERRAIN
the game-might stand still for round after round if
Force PCs to move around by creating attractive
he or she has an enemy pinned in a flanked position.
locations within an encounter, such as advantageous
You'll find encounters more dynamic and exciting
terrain, a place behind cover, or some other sort of
when everyone changes position on their turn. The
defensive position. Desirable locations might also
folloWing section offers techniques you can use to
involve an objective of the encounter, such as an
keep characters and monsters moving.
object in the room that the characters need to reach
Circular Paths: The basic shape of your encoun-
(see "Encounter Objectives," below).
ter area is important.
An example of advantageous terrain is a bottle-
Attractive Terrain: Use terrain that gives charac-
neck location where outnumbered characters can
ters an advantage or offers other reasons for them to
limit the number of monsters that can attack them
reach speCific locations.
at one time. Five characters facing a horde of angry
Terrain to Avoid: Terrain, traps, and hazards
minions create an advantage by retreating into a
that the characters want to avoid can also encourage
lO-foot-wide corridor. This approach allows only two
movement, if you use them with care.
minions at a time to attack the party defenders while
Starting the Encounter: The first round of
the rest of the party makes ranged attacks or assists
combat can determine how much movement takes
the front-line defenders. Maneuvering into that posi-
place in the encounter.
tion can produce an interesting, dynamic couple of
Enemy Tactics: Monsters on the move can force
rounds. Once the characters settle into place, don't
characters to move as well, so keeping monsters
allow them dig in until all the minions are dead; put
mobile-even moving them into positions of disadvan-
the PCs on the move again by changing the enemies'
tage-can be worthwhile.
tactics (see "Enemy Tactics," below).
Encounter Objectives: Encounter objectives that
Some terrain features that give advantages to char-
discourage the characters from remaining stationary
acters can be found on pages 67-68 of the DunBeon
can make movement a more significant part of the
Master's Guide. These include blood rock, cloudspores,
a font of power, mirror crystal, a pillar oflife, and a
sacred circle. The folloWing section of this chapter
CIRCULAR PATHS describes more terrain features that can be used to
Your room layout can encourage movement in an add interest to encounters. Those that could be used
encounter. Create an area that suggests a continuous as attractive terrain include an e1dritch influx, an
path of movement: a pair of rooms connected by two energy node, and healing ground.
different hallways, a room split by a chasm spanned
by two bridges, or a twisting maze of interconnect- TERRAIN TO AVOID
ing goblin warrens. That type of circular path allows
Difficult or dangerous terrain, along with traps and
combat to unfold on multiple fronts. Once fighting
hazards, can hinder, discourage, or punish charac-
starts in one area, either side can gain an advantage
ters when they change position, so use these features
by circling around to approach from a different side.
carefully. You can also combine them with other
Create a more dynamic encounter area by using
methods of encouraging motion, or use them in con-
a more complex shape-three areas connected to the
junction with powers that push, pull, or slide. Both
others by multiple pathways. Start the encounter with
The Dun8eon Master's Guide presents a variety of ter- a fire, force, lightning, psychic, or thunder power
rain features to use when fleshing out your dungeons touches a square of blast cloud, the size of the burst or
and encounter areas. This section presents more blast is increased by 1.
examples of fantastic terrain, and also introduces the Usage: A blast cloud encourages the characters
concept of terrain powers. (and their opponents) to remain farther apart than
Terrain is more interesting if the player charac- normal to avoid the enlarged areas of effect. Use this
ters know that something will happen when they try terrain in encounters featuring monsters that can
to interact with it. Some terrain types have obvious take advantage ofit, or when it can allow player char-
cues that should tip the players off, such as a cloud acters who have attacks that might benefit from the
of magical energy or an ice-covered floor. For such blast cloud to take up an attractive combat position
terrain types, the players should at least be aware that utilizes the terrain's effect.
that those spaces aren't normal, and they should have
the opportunity to identify the terrain if they inter- BLOOD MIDGE CLOUD
act with it or if they observe its effects on another A swarm of biting insects fills the area.
creature. Effect: The squares occupied by the cloud are
If a monster uses terrain to its advantage, be sure lightly obscured, and the cloud is difficult terrain.
to describe to the players how the terrain affected If no creature is in the cloud when a creature starts
the monster's action. For instance, if a mind flayer its turn within 3 squares of a blood midge cloud, the
uses a blast cloud to increase the size of its mind blast, cloud moves 5 squares and attempts to cover as many
be sure to describe the amplifying effect of the blast living creatures as possible. If an area or close attack
cloud so the characters know they can use the terrain includes squares occupied by the cloud, the cloud is
in the same way. destroyed in those squares. If a cloud is broken into
In the absence of any clue the characters might get smaller pieces by an attack, each piece acts as a sepa-
from how a monster acts, the effects of fantastic terrain rate terrain feature.
are seldom obvious. However, you can allow charac- Usage: A blood midge cloud is interesting because
ters to attempt Dungeoneering, Nature, or Arcana it is mobile obscured terrain that can move to engulf
checks against a hard difficulty for their level. (See the the greatest number of creatures. The concealment
Difficulty Class and Damage by Level table on page granted by the cloud helps anyone in the cloud, and
65.) Choose a skill based on the environment where it's particularly beneficial to ranged attackers, who
the encounter takes place or the nature of the terrain. can fire out of it easily.
A successful check means the character has a general
idea of the terrain's effects and how to avoid them.
In some areas, lightning energy fuses with rock to
MORE FANTASTIC TERRAIN form a highly unstable, dangerous mixture. In vari-
The fantastic terrain types described on the following ous regions of the Elemental Chaos, and in dungeons
pages supplement the terrain types detailed on pages located near the conflux of different types of elemen-
64 - 69 of the Dun8eon Master's Guide. These entries tal energy, blue-tinged areas of bolt stone appear.
expand on what's presented there by giving advice on Effect: When a creature enters a square of bolt
how best to use the terrain in constructing your own stone, it takes 5 lightning damage per tier. Roll a
encounters. d20; on a 10 or higher, the bolt stone's energy is dis-
Tier and Skill Checks and Ability Checks: charged, and the stone becomes inert. Otherwise,
Throughout these examples, the term "per tier" is the lightning energy is transferred to all unoccupied
used to show how an effect should scale. Multiply the squares adjacent to the origin square, and those
per tier value by one for heroic tier, two for paragon, squares become bolt stone.
and three for epic. If a terrain feature grants a +1 Usage: Bolt stone works best when you scatter
bonus to attack rolls per tier, the bonus is +1 at heroic it across an encounter area. It offers some risk and
tier, +2 at paragon tier, and +3 at epic tier. reward. A player character might enter a square and
take the damage in the hope of creating a barrier to
BLAST CLOUD hold back monsters or eliminate minions.
Rust-hued dust hangs in the air. The dust particles
conduct and amplify certain types of energy and CREEPING ICE
elemental forces. In some areas infused with cold energy, particularly
Effect: The squares containing the cloud are where icy parts of the Elemental Chaos erupt into the
lightly obscured. When a burst or a blast created by world, a strange form of ice crawls toward any kind of
This expanse of black-veined crimson stone is infused
with the psychic residue of pitched battles and brutal
atrocities. A creature standing on a square of rage
stone feels itself consumed with negative and violent
emotions that it must unleash.
Effect: A creature that starts its turn in a square of
rage stone must make a melee attack on that turn or
takes 5 psychic damage per tier.
Usage: Creatures that are comfortable making
melee attacks suffer few ill effects from rage stone,
aside from lingering emotional turmoil that has no
game effect. Creatures that prefer to stay away from
melee combat (including most PC controllers, for
example) are the most likely to take damage from
rage stone. Putting rage stone at the periphery of an
encounter area can play havoc with PC controllers and
ranged strikers, as well as with artillery monsters.
These crystalline shards of solidified thunder energy
are both unstable and dangerous. They rumble
No dungeon is complete without a few devious interacting with traps of a given level. Perception is
devices. Sometimes, though, traps have a nasty habit typically used to detect a trap, though other skills
of reducing a dungeon run to a crawl. Take care to put might also come into play if thematically appropri-
traps in the right setting to make their inclusion fun ate. Such DCs typically start as moderate or hard,
and to keep them from dragging your game down. and in many cases progressively more difficult DCs
When setting out to design a trap for your game, might provide more information. If detecting a trap,
consider basing it on the traps you already have or some fact about a trap, needs to be more challeng-
available to you. If you're thinking about a gauntlet ing than hard difficulty, use a value no more than 5
of shuriken-spitting statues for an 8th-level party, greater than the hard DC.
you can probably use either the spear gauntlet or When setting the DCs for disabling or delaying a
poisoned dart wall from the Dungeon Master's Guide. trap using the Thievery skill, consider rudimentary
Replace the numbers for DCs, attack bonus, and traps, such as concealed pits or tripwire triggers, to
damage using the tables in this section. This method be of moderate difficulty, while a more complex trap
is a lot easier and faster than designing from scratch. should use DCs appropriate for a hard challenge.
You can also use the tables to increase or decrease Traps might have alternative ways of delaying or dis-
the level of a trap that you already have available. abling them, with varying DCs. For instance, a trap
Maybe you like one of the traps in this chapter, but its could have a moderate DC check that involves some
level is too high. Just consult the tables and adjust it. risk (such as requiring the PC to be attacked or to
If the existing trap doesn't match the numbers for its place himselfin a precarious situation), while also
level in the tables, compare the trap's numbers to the allowing a hard DC check with reduced or no risk.
table's numbers and then eyeball a proportional dif- In some cases, you might even allow a character who
ference based on the numbers for the level you want. accomplishes a difficult success to find an even easier
You can even take a trap and "reskin" it to your way to disable the trap. For example, a PC might suc-
needs without changing any numbers. Perhaps you ceed on a hard DC Perception check to notice the
want to fill an area with deadly but random arcs of panel that hides a trap's control mechanism, after
lightning. Take the pendulum scythes trap from the which an easy DC Thievery check allows her to use
Dungeon Master's Guide and have it deal lightning those controls to stop the trap.
damage instead of normal damage. Instead of slots, 2. Determine How the Trap Threatens the
hidden lightning generators create the effect. Your Characters: A trap that attacks once and is done
players have what feels like a new trap experience, should have different numbers from a trap of the
and you didn't have to do a lot of work. same level that attacks multiple times. Similarly,
If no existing trap serves your needs, you can a trap that attacks a large area or many characters
design one using the tables here with other traps as functions differently from a trap that endangers just
your gUide. When setting out to design a trap for an one character.
encounter, don't get hung up on whether it's a trap Single-Shot Traps: Single-shot traps attack once and
or a hazard, or if it qualifies as a blaster, a lurker, are done. A trap that resets might still be a Single-
an obstacle, or a warder. These terms exist to pro- shot trap if a character must choose to do something
vide mental cues that suggest the uses of traps. You active to set it off again. Being attacked every round
already know how you want to use your trap. as long as you stand in a square is not a Single-shot
1. Choose the Trap's Level: This is probably trap, because the character could be paralyzed in that
either the level of the player characters or the level location or forced to fight in that square, but getting
of the encounter in which the trap appears. The level shot every time you open a particular door qualifies
determines the trap's numbers as described in the as a Single-shot trap. The trap resets whenever the
tables below. You can deviate from these numbers, door is closed, but the character could leave the door
but you should have good reason to do so. Your play- open or not use it again.
ers aren't likely to realize small changes in difficulty A Single-shot trap uses the Limited Damage
(a point or two up or down), but noticeable changes in Expressions part of the table. For a single-shot trap
the numbers can cause the trap to become either too that affects a Single target, use the Medium damage
easy or too hard for the XP it provides, which likely column. For one that affects an area, use the Low
translates to less fun at the table. If you look at the damage column. For an elite trap, use the damage
numbers and want your trap to be more dangerous, column one step up (Low becomes Medium, Medium
consider making a higher-level trap. becomes High).
Trap Des: Use the Difficulty Class and Damage OngOing Attack Traps: These traps continually
by Level table to generate appropriate DCs for attack the targets while they are in the area.
level Easy Moderate Hard Low Medium High Low Medium High
st-3rd 5 10 15 1d6 + 3 1d10 + 3 2d6 + 3 3d6 + 3 2d10 + 3 3d8 + 3
• -6th 7 12 17 1d6 + 4 1d10 + 4 2d8 +4 3d6+4 3d8 +4 3d10 + 4
-9th 8 14 19 1d8 + 5 2d6 + 5 2d8 + 5 3d8 + 5 3d10 + 5 4d8 + 5
h-12th 10 16 21 1d8 + 5 2d6 + 5 3d6 + 5 3d8 + 5 4d8 + 5 4d10 + 5
3 h-15th 11 18 23 1d10 + 6 2d8 +6 3d6 + 6 3d10 + 6 4d8 + 6 4d10 + 6
-18th 13 20 25 1d10 + 7 2d8 + 7 3d8 + 7 3d10 + 6 4d10 + 7 4d12 + 7
14 22 27 2d6 + 7 3d6+ 8 3d8 + 7 4d8 + 7 4d10 + 7 4d12 + 7
16 24 29 2d6 + 8 3d6+ 8 4d6+ 8 4d8 + 8 4d12 + 8 5d10 + 8
-27th 17 26 31 2d8 + 9 3d8 + 9 4d6 +9 4d10 + 9 5d10 + 9 5d12 + 9
-30th 19 28 33 2d8 + 10 3d8 + 10 4d8 + 10 4d10 + 9 5d10 + 9 5d12 + 9
n ongoing attack trap uses the Normal Damage designing a no-damage trap, so don't be afraid to
ressions part of the table. For an ongoing-attack change the XP you give for it based on the difficulty
that affects a single target, use the Medium of the encounter when you play. A trap effect that
age column. For one that affects an area, use incorporates damage along with nondamaging effects
low damage column. For an elite trap, use the should have a lower damage number, reducing the
age column one step up (Low becomes Medium, damage to that of a lower-level trap.
ium becomes High). Stress Traps: A stress trap is like a no-damage trap
o-Damage Traps: Traps that deal no damage might except that it threatens damage and might eventu-
,therwise harm the characters (blocking their ally follow through on that threat if the characters
erne nt, making them weakened or slowed, and so fail to take the necessary actions. A room filling with
n a noncombat situation, a no-damage trap prob- water or one that has a slowly descending ceiling is a
i n't much of a threat, but in a combat encounter, stress trap. This kind of trap might work better as a
-ort of trap can be just as tough to deal with as skill challenge, but see the water-filling chamber and
nster. You're firmly in the realm of art when crushing walls room traps on the following pages.
C HA PT E R 2 I Advanced Encounters
They both use statistics appropriate for elite, ongoing SAMPLE TRAPS
attack, area traps of their level.
3. Assign XP for the Trap: When assigning Each of the trap descriptions below contains a Tactics
XP for a trap, you need to know its level and type section that provides some advice and suggestions on
(single-shot or ongoing, standard or elite). Single- using the trap, and many of the traps here also con-
shot traps should be considered minions. Ongoing, tain sample encounters.
no-damage, and stress traps should have the XP of
standards or elites. Kissing Maiden Level 4 Lurker
Trap XP 175
ELITE AND SOLO TRAPS When a square is entered, a section offloor slides aside and a
stone post levers up to hit the creature in the square, pushina it
You might want a trap to be elite so that it takes up back. The stone post then Slvinas back down to reset the trap as
more space or deals more damage than a standard lona as the square is empty.
version of the same trap, but it's often more fun just to Trap: A square hides a post that deals damage and pushes a
add another trap. Don't fall prey to thinking that elite creature. The post provides cover while the creature is in
equates to more fun or greater danger. It can mean the square.
those things, but a trap the characters fail to circum- Perception
vent and that deals a lot of damage to them could just +- DC 17: A panel in the floor ahead of you is loose,
suggesting that it slides to one side.
as easily be less fun than a standard trap. Similarly, if
you increase the level of an encounter by adding an
+- DC 22: Another portion of the floor gives in when pressed
down. It might be a trapdoor or a pressure plate.
elite trap, but then the characters don't trigger that Trigger
trap, the encounter becomes less of a challenge. The floor panel slides aside and the post swings up when a
Making a trap elite is similar in many respects to creature enters the square.
making a monster elite. Use the traps in this chap- Attack
ter and in the Dun8eon Master's Guide as examples. Opportunity Action Melee
Target: The creature that triggered the trap
Options include increasing a trap's attack bonus by
Attack: +7 vs. Fortitude
2, increasing its damage, increasing its number of Hit: 1 d1 0 + 4 damage, and the target is pushed 2 squares in
attacks, and increasing the space the trap occupies or the direction the trap is set to push.
the area it can affect. Countermeasures
As for solo traps, you might consider creating such +- A character standing in the square of a triggered kissing
a trap as a skill challenge, and you can also com- maiden that missed can keep it from resetting by jamming
bine different traps to make a solo encounter. The an object in the way of the post or the sliding section of
floor that hid the post, requiring a DC 12 Thievery check.
hallmark of a solo encounter is that it keeps all the
+- A character adjacent to the trap can delay or disable a
characters involved, so a solo trap needs to include kissing maiden with a DC 17 Thievery check.
ways for each character to contribute to either help
overcome the trap directly, or at least to mitigate the
damage or other effects the party is subject to during TACTICS
Use a kissing maiden with other traps or terrain
the encounter. Similarly, each character should be at
powers, so that a pushed PC lands in another dan-
risk during an encounter with a solo trap.
gerous square. Place the kissing maiden in a space
STANDARD AND ELITE TRAP STATISTICS* the PCs have to cross, so they need to disable it or
Standard Elite risk triggering it multiple times. An encounter could
Initiative bonus +2 +4 include multiple kissing maidens teamed with crea-
Attack vs. AC* * Level + 5 Level + 7 tures that fly or hover.
Attack vs. other defenses·· Level + 3 Level + 5
·If you want to derive statistics such as defenses and SAMPLE ENCOUNTER
AC, see "Damaging Objects" (Dunseon Master's Guide, A group of evil dwarves defends a fortified chamber
page 65). that is rife with traps. The dwarf hammerers use
•• Reduce the attack bonus by 2 for powers that affect their shield bash attacks to push enemies into kissing
multiple creatures. maidens, while the dwarf bolters position themselves
behind the traps.
rollers and soldiers typically guard a pain vault
e their control over movement makes the trap's
lirating blast hard to avoid.
'ndead use these hazards to obscure places of power
nd treasure troves because of the obstacle's ability to
eal damage to the living. A lich might hide its phy'
actery in a large field of these mists.
Perception Check
DC 16 You hear three other voices chantinB-one cominB
from each passaBeway leadinB out of this room.
DC 21 The smoke risinBfrom the brazier is dark way, but
it Blows with its own inner fire . It drifts in a coherent cloud,
thouBh no breeze stirs the air in the room.
C H A PT E R 2 I Advanced Encounters
Infernal Brazier Single-Use Terrain 0:::
These heavy brass braziers smoke with noxious fumes. What's :c
burnin8 in there, anyway? l-
Standard Action LJ
Requirement: You must be adjacent to the brazier.
Check: Athletics check (DC 23) to push over the brazier.
Success: The brazier spills its contents. ....J
Target: Each creature in a close blast 3 from the brazier
Attack: +1 6 vs_ Reflex
Hit: Ongoing 10 fire and poison damage (save ends).
When a loathsome chanter is killed, its brazier is Z
extinguished and the cloud ofinfernal fumes associ- ....J
ated with that brazier dissipates. :::J
Crushing Walls Room Trap: See page 68 for
details of this trap. When the loathsome chanter in
the small square room is killed, the trap is activated:
Iron doors slam down over all three exits from the
room, and the ceiling begins to descend. The room is
4 squares high, and the ceiling moves 1 square per
; poison damage per tier and is dazed until the With a few tweaks, you can turn this encounter into a
of its next turn. long encounter with multiple waves of enemies, using
he loathsome chanters are not affected by the some of the suggestions from the "Long Fights" side-
"TIage caused by the fumes, but they are dazed bar on page 55.
ng as the fumes remain in place around the Instead oflegion devil hellguards joining the
iers. However, as soon as more creatures enter encounter, add more bearded devils, chain devils,
room, the fumes begin to move. Each cloud or other devils (the erinyes, gorechain devil, and
ains a burst 1 (3 squares by 3 squares) as it drifts misfortune devil from Monster Manual 2 are all of an
- )ugh the area. The clouds stay within the confines appropriate level) with every four actions the chant-
hei r separate rooms. ers complete. Create a second encounter and add half
-\ character adjacent to a brazier can use it as a of it to the ongoing encounter for every four actions
pon, using an Athletics check to gain access to its completed. For example, two gorechain devils and
ai n power. (The chanters can't be damaged by a two erinyes together form a level 13 encounter (4,400
ed -over brazier, but the other devils can be.) XP). With every four actions the chanters complete,
then, one of each kind of devil appears in the room.
When all four loathsome chanters are killed, the
characters can all spend a healing surge and regain
the use of one expended encounter power, as a sign of
their gods' favor resting upon them.
addition to trying to make every encounter have some subtleties that characters can use to their advantage gives a
bit of story behind it, I'm also learning how to create more sense of satisfaction when a player picks up on that detail,
amic encounters. This is something I've observed from and it encourages all the players to pay closer attention to
way Chris Perkins runs his game. There's almost always what's going on. Maybe this isn't the best kind of encounter
"l"le kind of twist, surprise, or dynamic element of the for the hack-and-slash player, but even the hack-and-slash
ounter. Sometimes it's subtle-after all, if you introduce player can enjoy the encounter when he takes advantage of
su rprise every time, it makes each surprise less Significant. a giant chasm into which he pushes an enemy. These days,
could be a trap that springs mid-battle, or a creature that I'm thinking about upcoming battles weeks in advance,
:a s another creature to its aid, or the terrain could turn out brainstorming ideas when I'm driving my car or going to
- be a dangerous slime that grasps at your feet. bed, trying to think of the next best way to bring originality
Forcing the PCs to adapt to different situations and to an encounter.
rcu mstances encourages them to think outside the box, -Greg Bilsland, originally posted
ich in the end, makes the payoff much greater. Providing on Wizards.com staff blogs
The Dun8eon Master's Guide lays out the basic rules are trained in, and feature those skills heavily in the
for skill challenges. This page includes a quick-refer- challenge. If you use skills the pes aren't trained in,
ence summary of those rules, since they have been assign easy Des. See "Allow a Variety of Options" on
updated and clarified. page 85 for more about selecting skills.
Primary skills contribute directly to the charac-
THE SKILL CHALLENGE ters' count of successes in the challenge. They should
be the skills most directly and obviously related to
FRAMEWORK achieving the goal of the challenge. Secondary skills
To deal with a skill challenge, the player characters are useful in the challenge, but don't always count
make skill checks to accumulate a number of success- for successes. See "Primary and Secondary Skills" on
ful skill uses before they rack up 3 failures . page 85 for more information.
The complexity of a skill challenge determines A good skill challenge also allows for other actions
the number of successful checks the characters must outside the framework of the skill system to contrib-
accumulate before failing three checks. In combina- ute to the party's success. Spending money, using
tion with the challenge'S level, it also determines how powers or action points, combat encounters, rituals,
hard the challenge is for the characters to overcome and the simple passage of time can contribute suc-
and the XP award they receive for completing it. cesses or do any of the things that secondary skill
checks can accomplish.
Complexity Successes Failures
1 4 3
Whether characters succeed or fail at the skill chal-
2 6 3
lenge, the adventure must go on. Of course, there
3 8 3
4 10 3
should be consequences for failing the challenge, but
those consequences can't bring the adventure to a
5 12 3
halt. Penalties for failure in a skill challenge might
A skill challenge's level determines the De of the skill include the loss of healing surges or some other
checks involved. As a general rule, set the challenge'S lingering penalty, making a later encounter more dif-
level to the same level as the player characters, and ficult. See "Prepare for Failure" on page 86 for more
about the consequences of failure.
set most of the Des in the challenge to moderate dif-
When characters succeed on a skill challenge,
ficulty. If you use mostly easy Des, you're probably
they receive experience points as though they had
creating a lower-level challenge, and if you use mostly
defeated a number of monsters of the challenge's
hard Des, you're creating a higher-level challenge.
level equal to the challenge'S complexity. For exam-
SKILL CHECK DIFFICULTY CLASS BY LEVEL ple, if characters successfully complete a 7th-level
level Easy Moderate Hard challenge with a complexity of 1, they receive 300
1st-3rd 5 10 15 XP (the award for a Single 7th-level monster). If they
4th-6th 7 12 17 complete a 7th-level challenge with a complexity of
7th-9th 8 14 19 5, they receive 1,500 XP (the award for five such
10th-12th 10 16 21 monsters).
13th-15th 11 18 23 In addition to XP, characters might earn rewards
16th-18th 13 20 25 specific to the challenge (which might simply boil
19th-21st 14 22 27 down to the adventure continuing smoothly). They
22nd-24th 16 24 29 could also gain one or more treasure parcels, bonuses
25th-27th 17 26 31 or advantages in future encounters, or information
28th-30th 19 28 33 useful later in the campaign.
mire adventure. Rather than using a flowchart Of course, a skill isn't rare in your game if most W
ermine the course of events in an event-based of the characters in your party has it, and a common ~
nture (see the Dun8eon Master's Guide, page 115), skill isn't going to help your party if no one took train- W
can use a skill challenge in multiple stages, with ing in it. If every character in your group has a class ...J
uccesses and failures the characters accrue from Player's Handbook 2, you might have a lot of ~
rmining when events occur and what happens. PCs trained in Nature, but no one who can pull off a u
ith encounter challenges, the time frame of decent Streetwise check. Know what skills your play- ...J
cture challenge is up to you to determine. A er's characters are good at, and tailor your challenges ...J
.- might represent anything from a few minutes to those skills. ~
day or a week of activity. One way to help ensure that everyone in a party
ee "Moving through Suderham" on page 98 for has a way to get involved in a skill challenge is to
e.xample of a structure challenge. make sure you choose skills that are common to char-
acters of each of the four roles. The list below gives
the skills that are common to most of the classes that
LLOW A VARIETY share each role.
F OPTIONS Controller: Arcana, Diplomacy, History, InSight
ember ground rule 3: Just as a combat encounter Defender: Athletics, Endurance, Heal, Intimidate
a mix of monster roles is more interesting than Leader: Arcana, Diplomacy, Heal, History
ht against five of the same monster, a variety of Striker: Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance, Intimi-
• . a broad range of subchallenges and obstacles, date, Perception
a series of different, incremental tasks can make
-i ll challenge much more interesting. Even more PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SKILLS
rtant, this mix of skills and obstacles helps Once you have a list of the skills you want to be rele-
h player feel that his or her character has a lot vant for the challenge, break them down into primary
ptions and the possibility of making important and secondary skills. Aim for two or three second-
·sions. ary skills, with the rest primary. Primary skills give
\5 a starting point, build a long and diverse list the characters successes (and failures) toward the
relevant skills for the challenge. First (as men- ultimate goal of the challenge. Secondary skills don't
~ed earlier), aim for a number of skills equal to the always directly contribute to the group's success, but
mber of characters in the party plus two. If there they can have other important effects. For example,
~ more PCs than useful skills, you're potentially a successful check with a secondary skill can accom-
-ing a few characters without any way to make a plish one of the following effects:
aningful contribution outside of using aid another • Cancel out a failure with another skill.
• Give one or more characters a bonus to a check
Athletics is a great skill for challenges because of
with a primary skill.
nature-it can have an effect on almost any form
physical activity-and because twelve of the eigh- • Allow a character to reroll another skill check.
en classes in the game to date have it on their class • Open up the use of another skill in the challenge.
II lists. Nature and Perception seem like obvious • Increase the maximum number of successes that a
oices for many challenges, but far fewer classes primary skill can contribute to the party's total.
'e ready access to them (only six of the eighteen).
m for at least half of the relevant skills to come
- 1m the follOWing selection that six or more classes
One way to make sure every character is involved
ature on their class lists:
in a skill challenge is to require group checks. In a
Arcana History
group check, everyone makes a specified skill check,
Athletics InSight
and the group scores a success if at least a certain
Diplomacy Intimidate
number of characters beats the set DC. For example,
Dungeoneering Nature
you might call for a group Endurance check, with the
Endurance Perception
group succeeding if at least half the characters suc-
Heal Religion
ceed, figuring that those who succeed on their checks
can help out those who fail. Or you might call for a
rest of this chapter includes examples-mostly hydra, or use a group of demons of an appropriate
11 from published adventures-that illustrate the level. Each monster in the encounter gains this addi-
r techniques of skill challenge design. tional power:
Portal Energy
OSING THE PORTAL As long as the portal remains open, the monster deals 2 extra
awn Merwin, from Dunaeon Delve damage on each of its attacks.
YOU'RE SW1MM1NG? REALLY? After 3 successes, the characters enter a channel
This challenge assumes the characters are using the raft where imposing stone cliffs rise up on all sides, then
provided in the cave. If they don't, every character needs to come upon a twisting, rocky patch of rapids. Read:
make a DC 15 Athletics group check at the start of the chal-
lenge. If at least half the characters succeed, the party gets 1 All around you, the water be8ins to churn, becomin8 white
success. Otherwise, they get 1 failure. Give the characters a with foam. It comes out of nowhere: You couldn't even
chance to get a watercraft after stage 1, such as a canoe sit- see the rapids until they were ri8ht upon you. As waves
ting near the river they can steal. If they continue swimming, ofrou8h water crash a8ainst the ja88ed rocks all around
they make group checks to swim for each section; the DC you, ephemeral voices fill the air, screamin8 in ra8e. It's as
is 20 during stage 2 and stage 5. They can't gain any more thou8h the water itself wants to dra8 you to a watery 8rave.
successes for swimming, but can gain failures.
character might choose either side to receive the roll means the diplomats see through the character's
ess, or choose not to apply the success at all. actions.
Dun8eoneerin8 (moderate DC by level): One of Stealth (moderate DC by level): The character spends
lber's main arguments is that Parsain needs time eavesdropping on one side and shares that infor-
er defenses. The character can take the day to mation with the other side. A failed check indicates
out defenses and make a case that Hallber's that the character passed on misinformation.
.forcements are unnecessary, or use this study Secondary Skills: Endurance, Nature, Religion .
nderscore Hallber's arguments. A failed check Endurance (moderate DC by level): The stakes are
:IDS the character's disagreements with other high, and when matters are most heated, the negotia-
rts leaves the issue muddied and tempers frayed. tions stretch into the wee hours of the night. When
History (moderate DC by level): The character makes a day's negotiations end with the two parties either
. torical case for one side or the other. These argu- tied in successes or with 2 failures accumulated, the
~ts are well treaded, but a successful check brings characters must make a group Endurance check. If at
e fresh detail to light. A failed check means the least half the group succeeds, the characters' ability
racter's point does not hold up to examination and to stay in control of their faculties serves them well
ns the door to a more devastating counterpoint. as fatigue shortens tempers and frays nerves, and
h time this skill adds a success to one side or the the characters can negate 1 accrued failure. Ifless
_er, the History DC for adding another success to than half the party succeeds, someone has snapped,
side increases by 5. perhaps even one of the characters, and the side rep-
Intimidate (hard DC by level): Openly threaten- resented by most of the characters who failed their
the diplomats might not be the best approach, checks accrues another failure .
: there are more subtle ways to use this skill. The Nature (moderate DC by level): Haggling over dis-
.racter whispers in the ears of the diplomats of one crepancies in their respective maps, both parties
e. reminding them of the recent dangers facing agree on the third day of negotiations to send out
_ town and the likelihood that they'll return, per- a surveying team to iron things out. If a character
'"IS making it seem a less desirable prize. A failed who is trained in Nature has not antagonized either
Many of the iconic monsters ofD&D come in themed Some themes work better with particular kinds
groups or varieties, from packs of slavering gnolls to or roles of monsters, and within the theme each
the deceptive rakshasas. These creatures share not power describes the roles it fits best. For example, the
only physical traits, but also tactics and even powers. Demogorgon theme works well with brutes, because
Encounters with these creatures take on a distinctive many of the new powers described in that theme are
flavor because of these shared characteristics. designed to fit those monsters. You can choose to
Using the monster themes presented here, you modify a lurker or a soldier with one of these powers,
can add that same distinctive flavor to any array but keep in mind that the modified monster is going
of creatures. Each theme provides story-based and to end up feeling a bit like a brute. This doesn't
mechanical changes that modify existing monsters to change the monster so much that it can't fulfill its
better fit the flavor you've chosen. For example: original role, so you shouldn't change its role.
• A troglodyte curse chanter whispers a blasphe- One exception: If you give a monster a leader
mous prayer to Demogorgon and brings madness power, the monster gains the leader role.
to her enemies. Step 3. Choose Story Changes: A theme is more
than a menu of new powers. It also has a story tem-
• The proximity ofTelven Vale to the Feywild
plate that you can use to turn a mundane creature
imbues many of its denizens-including a tribe of
into a unique opponent.
ogres-with powers of stealth and trickery.
It's easy to forget about description and story ele-
• Kobolds dedicated to Tiamat ignore the streams ments when assembling a monster's statistics and
of acid that drip from the ceiling of their accursed powers, but story plays an important role in how a
temple ... and unleash their own acidic breath monster functions in a game. A monster without a
upon unwary intruders. good story is merely a pile of numbers, and that fre-
quently leads to forgettable encounters or adventures.
Each monster theme begins with an explanation When adding a theme to a monster, note how
of the theme, then presents a suite of options for its appearance or behavior changes. These changes
customizing your monsters. These options include should reflect not only the monster's altered powers,
story-based changes-such as alterations to a mon- but also its new allegiance to a specific deity, primor-
ster's appearance or behavior-as well as mechanical dial, or other villainous master.
adjustments in the form of new powers and skill This step could just as easily occur after chOOSing
modifications. Finally, each theme includes a sample the new powers. In fact, some powers might suggest
stat block showing how you can customize an exist- particular story alterations, and vice versa, so you
ing monster by using the theme. might jump back and forth between these two steps.
You can use these themes to modify existing crea- Step 4. Choose Powers: After selecting the
tures, to tweak your own creations, or to serve as theme, the monster, and any story-based changes, you
the nucleus of an entirely new monster. Most of the need to choose the powers to add.
advice here concerns modifying existing monsters. Choose one attack power and one utility power from
See the sidebar "Designing Your Own Themed Mon- the theme and add those to the monster's stat block.
sters" for how to use this concept in conjunction with You can also apply some or all of the skill modifications
creating your own monsters from scratch. in a theme description, though this isn't necessary.
. Attack Powers: Each theme includes a number of
different attack powers. Some are new at-will attack
USING THEMES -.J powers, while others are per-encounter or recharge-
based enhancements to the monster's existing basic
attacks. In some cases, powers in this category don't
Applying a monster theme is a straightforward pro-
include an attack, but instead enhance the monster's
cedure. You don't need to rebuild the monster's stat
offensive prowess in other ways.
block-you can run the monster with a few extra notes
Utility Powers: In addition to attack powers, each
jotted in the margin that detail its new powers.
theme also includes options that don't involve attack
Step 1. Choose a Theme: If you're thinking about
rolls or directly deal damage, such as beneficial
this idea, you've probably already picked out a theme
auras, healing powers, special movement options,
that works for your campaign. But if you don't see one
situational benefits, and so on.
that fits , you can craft one easily. See "Designing Your
In most cases, adding a utility power doesn't alter
Own Themes" for details.
a monster's core identity or tactics as drastically as
Step 2. Choose a Monster: After you've selected
adding a new attack power.
the theme, pick the monster you want to modify.
-hen first experimenting with themes, try to limit you detailing an organization, or are you positing a
urselfto no more than one or two themed mon- regional influence on the monsters?
_ers in any given group. This helps you deal with the How do the monsters visibly demonstrate the
ded complexity more gradually, and it also helps theme? These visible cues help players understand 2:
"Otlight these "new" monsters for your players. what they face. Do your themed monsters wear a U
For instance, debuting a full tribe of Demogorgon- different style of clothing? Are they physically mis- u..
emed troglodytes is exciting, but allowing the players shapen? What do their new powers look like in use? o
meet these new troglodytes gradually enhances the After you have the story basics, move to the
ique nature of the monsters. Players can become mechanical elements of attack and utility powers.
ured to special monsters if you overuse them, so In many cases, your story choices point toward par-
Ie them out with care ... that is, until you unleash a ticular powers. For example, if you intend to create
hole pack ofDemogorgon-themed zombies with lash- a monster theme based on the Prince of Frost and
9 tentacles and carna8e in a big, climactic encounter! his Winter Fey (see Manual of the Planes), you already
\ Vithin a themed group, strike a balance between know that cold-themed powers are a good choice.
niformity and variety. It's fine if all the themed Aim for two to five new powers in each new cat-
onsters in an encounter display the same "new" egory. If you use too small a range of powers, all your
-will power, but in that case their encounter and themed monsters start feeling the same. Use too
ility powers should have more variety. many, and it becomes hard for players to recognize
\Vhen themed monsters appear repeatedly in an the theme when they see it.
d\'enture-a good thing, by the way, since it draws Link the powers strongly to the theme, avoiding
'tention to the importance of the theme-use the generic effects that any monster could have. Ideally,
me combination of monster plus changes so that a player encountering one of these monsters should
ur players start learning the connections. identify it as belonging to the theme: "Hey, those zom-
For example, if the opening encounter of your bies have tentacles for arms ... keep your eyes open
d\'enture features a pair of Legion of Avernus dwarf for a priest of Demogorgon around here somewhere!"
ha mmerers with inspirin8 death, make sure the dwarf Also, as you can see from the themes presented
ha mmerers in the fourth encounter use the same here, it's fine to reuse (or adapt) existing monster
<)Ower. Players feel rewarded when they figure out powers. That's particularly true when the theme
e,-en the simplest of puzzles, and even though" dwarf you're creating is linked to or based on that monster.
ammerer plus inspirin8 death" doesn't seem like a Attack powers include anything that deals damage
uzzle to you, from the other side of the screen that or adds offensive punch to an attack. Damaging
realization can feel like an epiphany. auras, harmful conditions, and extra-damage condi-
tional effects all count as attack powers.
. --- . - . --.- . -- . - . -- . - . - . ~
Utility powers include anything that isn't an
DESIGNING THEMES -.J attack. Healing effects, ally boosts, special movement,
and defensive benefits are all examples.
When crafting a power, you might have to scale its
• f your campaign includes a particularly notable effect by level or tier. See the examples in this chapter
'llaster villain, cult, or thematic element, consider
for gUidance.
creating a monster theme tied to that story element.
Doing so is easier than crafting new monsters from
cratch, but it has a similar effect: enemies with a THEMES FOR MINIONS
unique feel that stand out from the everyday foes. Using a theme with a group of minions can be a great
A theme is composed of two main parts: the story way of showcasing the theme, since its effect is multi-
ele ments and the mechanical elements (the powers). plied over several monsters. However, when a theme
\ Vhen these two parts work well together, you and power mentions an amount of damage or an amount
your players will remember the encounters featuring of healing, halve that value (rounding down) when
the themed monsters. you give the power to a minion.
Start with the story of your theme to form an idea For dice of damage or healing, convert the value to
of where your theme is going. The answers to these half the average result. For example, a kobold minion
two questions can point you in the right direction. with dra80n breath would deal 2 damage to enemies in
What's the basic concept? This first step points the blast (rather than 4.5, which is the average result
the way for everything to come. For example, are of a Id8 roll).
you modeling monsters on your archvillain, are This method keeps a big group of minions from
having too great an impact on combat.
The denizens of the Feywild are known for their because they're supposed to be attacked. A specter
stealth and trickery. From the wily gnome to the that pops up in the middle of the party and unleashes
graceful eladrin, these creatures display abilities that its beguiling strike can cause a cascade of opportunity
allow them to elude attack and escape pursuit. attacks against the target.
The Feywild Denizen theme allows you to add
elements of these iconic creatures to other monsters. +Beguiling Strike (standard; encounter) .. Charm
Whether you want to craft the perfect pet for an This creature makes a melee basic attack. If the attack hits, the
target is beguiled (save ends). While the target is beguiled, it
eladrin hunting party or build a Singularly elusive
makes an opportunity attack against anyone of its allies that
squad of enemies to frustrate your characters, this attacks the creature that used be8uilin8 strike on it.
theme offers a variety of options to suit your tastes.
This theme appears commonly among fey and
natural creatures. Any type of creature might have DISTRACTING ILLUSION
the Feywild Denizen theme, from humanoids such An at-will attack that can slow multiple characters is
as elves or gnolls to animates such as a shambling great for any artillery or controller monster that favors
mound. Skirmisher, controller, and lurker abilities ranged and area attacks, because it keeps the char-
mesh well with the powers provided by this theme. acters at a distance. It also prevents characters from
You can add this theme to creatures that already breaking away from a combat to pursue another foe.
have fey-themed powers (such as eladrin or gnomes) A cyclops impaler that has distracting illusion uses it to
to enhance their fey nature, or layer it onto other prevent the PCs from evading its cyclops warrior allies.
creatures- deathjump spiders, vine horrors, or
~:-Distracting Illusion (standard; at-will) .. Illusion
Wights-to create a connection to the plane. Such Area burst 2 within 10; level + 5 vs. Will; the target is slowed
creatures might be natives unusual to the plane or and can't shift until the end of this creature's next turn.
might have taken on fey properties due to the Fey-
wild 's influence on their home region.
Creatures of the Feywild Denizen theme appear
Add this power to an artillery or a lurker that has a
more lithe and agile than their unmodified coun-
good Stealth modifier or an invisibility power. An elf
terparts. They might have luminous, pupilless eyes,
melodic voices, or faintly glowing auras.
Origin: The creature's origin becomes fey.
Skill Modifications: +2 bonus to Acrobatics,
Bluff, Nature, and Stealth checks.
Creatures that have the Feywild Denizen theme favor
attacks that harass and frustrate foes. The powers
available in this theme favor monsters that like to
keep enemies at bay or launch ambushes.
This power gives the allies of artillery, controller, or
lurker monsters combat advantage and the chance
to move away from the target without provoking
opportunity attacks. An ettercap webspinner can use
befuddling shot with its web net so that its fang guard
allies can deliver spider bites with combat advantage.
Controllers and lurkers like this power because they
have melee attacks but dislike being attacked in
return. Don't use this power for brutes or soldiers,
The prolific, ill-tempered creatures known as With its incite bravery power, it can even maneuver
goblins-including their hobgoblin and bugbear them into the ideal position.
cousins-live in nearly every corner of the world. By
extension, then, they live near almost every kind of Minion Sacrifice (standard; at-will)
creature in the world. From time to time, these tribes Area burst 1 within 10; targets one enemy adjacent to this
creature's minion ally; level + 7 vs. AC; the target is dazed until
adopt, enslave, or domesticate nongoblins. Some of
the end of this creature's next turn. One minion ally adjacent to
these creatures serve the goblins, while others live the target drops to 0 hit points.
alongside them or even lead them.
Whatever their place in the tribe, these creatures
inevitably learn new tricks from the goblins around PREDATORY EYE
them. Hobgoblins teach military tactics and disci- Give this power to a brute, a lurker, or a skirmisher
pline, while bugbears share their predatory, bullying that can achieve combat advantage easily. Some bug-
ways. And of course, you can't live in a goblin tribe bears teach this trick to their dire wolf pets.
without picking up basic methods of sneaky survival.
Predatory Eye (minor; encounter)
Common goblin-friends include pets such as This creature deals 1d6 extra damage on the next attack it
wolves, worgs, and drakes . Ogres, ettins, and other makes against a creature granting combat advantage to it. It
big humanoids find work as guards in goblin society. must apply this bonus before the end of its next turn.
Some hobgoblin tribes welcome devils in their midst, Level 11: ld6 extra damage.
and in rare instances a truce between goblins and a Level 21: 3d6 extra damage.
rival humanoid tribe (such as lizardfolk) might lead
to a sharing of traditions. Of course, goblins of all TACTICAL OPPORTUNITY
kinds also learn tricks from each other, so the sight This power draws melee attacks from adjacent goblin
of bugbears learning hobgoblin discipline or tough allies to this creature. Thus, a soldier monster that
goblins learning to bully the smaller among them are has this power pairs well with any goblin that doesn't
quite common. like to be attacked (which includes most goblins).
Although physical changes aren't common to With his reach, the human guard can make excellent
monsters that have this theme, such creatures bear use of this power (since he doesn't have to be adjacent
particular symbols of the tribe. These might take the to the triggering attacker).
form of crude icons painted onto armor, garish tat-
toos, or simple brands. Tactical Opportunity (immediate reaction, when an enemy misses
If your campaign features more than one notable an ally and that ally uses 80blin tactics; at-will)
goblin tribe, differentiate them by choosing dis- This creature makes a melee basic attack against the triggering
similar pets and allies (or powers) for each tribe. For
instance, if the mighty Red Hand tribe is known for
its drakes and ogres, perhaps the lowly Broken Spear TACTICAL ORDERS
clan favors wolves and enslaved kobolds. From sneaky goblins to tactical hobgoblins to preda-
Skill Modifications: +2 bonus to Athletics checks tory bugbears, virtually all goblin brutes, controllers,
or Stealth checks. The Athletics bonus represents and soldiers (leaders are best) benefit from good
hobgoblin-style military training, while the Stealth positioning. A hobgoblin commander who has tactical
bonus is picked up from hanging around with goblins orders can turn a rabble of goblin cutters, blackblades.
and bugbears. and sharpshooters into a deadly threat by enhanCing
their existing benefits from combat advantage.
ATTACK POWERS Tactical Orders aura 5; any bugbear, hobgoblin, or goblin ally
This selection includes options flavored for all three within the aura deals 1d6 extra damage to a creature granting
of the main kinds of goblins. combat advantage to it (or 1 extra damage if the ally is a
This power works best in the hands of an artillery
monster, a controller, or a lurker that leads minions
from a distance. Effectively, it turns each minion into
a one-use ranged attack. A goblin hexer feels little
remorse when ordering its goblin cutter minions to
throw themselves onto the swords of its enemies.
Of the many vast armies that have marched across Fire Shield (Fire) aura 1; each enemy that enters the aura or starts
the fiery plains of the Nine Hells, none is as well its turn there takes 1 fire damage.
Level 11: 5 fire damage.
known to mortals as the infamous Legion of Aver-
Level 21: 8 fire damage.
nus. Named for the uppermost layer of the Hells,
this army theoretically owes its allegiance to the pit
fiend Bel. In reality the legion has no one ruler, since INFERNAL WOUND
its teachings and influence have long since spread Give this power to a soldier that otherwise lacks the
beyond the astral dominion of the devils. ability to mark PCs. A squad of hobgoblin warriors
Today, splinter groups calling themselves the with irifernal wound keeps the PCs' attention away
Legion of Avernus exist across the world and even from the hobgoblins' leaders.
on other planes. These groups frequently serve as
Infernal Wound (standard; recharge ~[TI])
mercenaries for anyone willing to meet their high
This creature makes a melee basic attack. If the attack hits, the
price. They care little for the cause and are willing to target is marked and takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends both).
kill anyone, anywhere ... with one exception: Some
say that no legionnaire will ever knowingly battle
another, even if they belong to different platoons INSPIRING DEATH
bearing no alliance other than their shared origin. This power works best in the hands of any minion
Veterans of the legion invariably bear scars both or soldier likely to die before its comrades do. Legion
devils of any level are proud to offer their platoon an
physical and mental from their inhumanly intense
inspirin8 death.
training regimen. Their loyalty to one another bears
no question; to the last member, every unit lays down
Inspiring Death (when this creature drops to 0 hit points)
its life for the legion. One ally within 1 squares of this creature gains a +1 bonus to
Though the group was once entirely made up of the next attack roll and damage roll it makes before the end of
devils, humanoids now compose the largest section that ally's turn.
of the Legion of Avernus. Humans and hobgoblins
are common among the legion, but many tieflings, MINION SACRIFICE
dwarves, dragonborn, and half-orcs find the legion to A minion ordered by an artillery, a controller, or a
their liking as well. lurker monster to throw itself onto the blade of a PC
The legion trains mighty beasts such as rage is sure to call attention to itself, so make sure you
drakes, owlbears, and dire wolves to fight alongside have plenty oflegion devil minions of the appropriate
its soldiers. level. A tiefling darkblade with minion sacrifice can
Most members of the legion are (or soon become) throw minion after minion at the characters while
evil; it's just too hard to engage in emotionless slaugh- hidden, setting up its other allies to take advantage of
ter without turning dark inside, and the legion has no the dazed targets.
room for sensitive souls. However, chaotic evil crea-
tures lack the diScipline to survive long in the legion. Minion Sacrifice (standard; at-will)
Particularly infamous legion platoons include the Area burst 1 within 10; targets one enemy adjacent to this
Broken Fangs (a squadron of hobgoblins and low- creature's minion ally; level + 7 vs. AC; the target is dazed until
level devils, with several dire wolves and a young red the end of this creature's next turn. One minion ally adjacent to
dragon), and the Infernal Infantry (a group of azers the target drops to 0 hit points.
The vile and sinister drow serve their Spider Queen POISON WEAPON
with a mixture ofloyalty and fear. Priests rule with Encountering the drow's poison in the hands of
ruthless authority, and those who show promise another creature, such as a controller or lurker, is a
receive special blessings from their divine ruler. great way to foreshadow the appearance of drow later
Although drow, driders, and spiders are the most in an adventure. A squad of grim lock ambushers
common creatures to become Lolth's Chosen, the hints at the group's secret master's identity when their
Spider Queen's gifts can seem unexplainable to mor- poisoned weapons find the mark.
tals. Many monsters considered to be of the "servant
class" receive these gifts as well, from goblins and Poison Weapon (minor; recharge ! 0 .. Poison
ettercaps to grimlocks and rage drakes. Powerful The next time this creature hits a creature with a weapon
allies such as demons and vampires are also occa- attack, it makes a secondary attack against that creature.
Sionally chosen by the Spider Queen. Secondary Attack: +16 vs. Fortitude; the target takes a -2 penalty
Lolth has need of both foot soldiers and special- to attack rolls (save ends). First Failed Savin8 Throw: The target is
weakened (save ends). Second Failed Savin8 Throw: The target is
ists, so her chosen include creatures of all roles from
knocked unconscious (save ends; the target takes a -S penalty
minion to controller. Each one knows its place in the to this saving throw).
hierarchy, never daring to question those above it in
Chosen drow typically wear an ornate platinum VIRULENT POISON
spider embossed or embroidered on their clothing Give this power to a spider or similar creature that
as an emblem of their status. Lesser creatures of this has a poison attack to impart additional punch to that
theme instead bear tattoos or brands in the shape of attack. A squad of drow warriors with virulent poison
can open with a devastating volley of attacks.
a spider. Some also grow spidery limbs or fangs , and
compound eyes are a common mutation as well.
Virulent Poison (standard; encounter)
Skill Modifications: +2 bonus to Dungeoneering The creature makes a melee basic attack. The attack gains the
and Stealth checks. poison keyword, and ifthe attack hits, the target takes ongoing
5 poison damage (save ends). If the attack already deals ongoing
ATTACK POWERS poison damage, increase that value by S.
Mezzodemons that have the Lolth's Chosen theme
are special gifts from the Spider Queen to her most
trusted servants.
Known as the Demon Prince of the Undead, Orcus Monsters of all roles find service in the cults of
rules from the palace ofEverlost, deep within the Orcus, though the Prince of Undead favors brutes,
Abyss. From there, his influence spreads across his controllers, and lurkers.
realm of Thanatos and into the world in the form of Skill Modification: +2 bonus to Religion checks.
countless undead servants as well as scattered cults
that gather in graveyards and similar locations. ATTACK POWERS
Such cults invariably include undead among their
The attack powers detailed here run the gamut of
number, from the lowly skeleton or zombie to mum·
flavors of undeath, including both ranged and melee
mies and liches. Many of these creatures manifest
new powers as a mark of their allegiance to the Blood
Humanoids also serve Orcus, from death-crazed AURA OF IMPENDING DEATH
acolytes to dark hierophants. Cult leaders share the This power is great in the hands of an artillery
Demon Prince's corpulent physique, while rank-and· monster or a brute that has lots of hit points, but it
file members might be gaunt and skeletal, or they also helps keep characters away from more fragile
might even encourage rotting wounds to fester in monsters. An ogre warhulk with aura of impending
their flesh. The most "blessed" among them teeter on death draws a lot of attention , since characters must
the brink between life and undeath. struggle to defeat it before the aura kills them.
As one of the most powerful denizens of the Abyss,
Aura of Impending Death (Necrotic) aura 2; while this creature
Orcus also counts demons among his faithful. These
is bloodied, each enemy that enters the aura or starts its turn
demons take on aspects of undeath, and some bear there takes necrotic damage equal to one-half this creature's
ram's head brands deep in their flesh. level (minimum 1).
This power is appropriate for any brute, lurker, skir-
misher, or soldier, but it works best in the hands of a
monster that can easily maneuver to reach a chosen
target. A group of dark creepers with bloodstained
strike can quickly converge on a bloodied character.
Combine artillery, lurker, and soldier monsters (spe-
cifically leaders) that have this power with multiple
undead allies. A troglodyte impaler with penumbra
of doom can make an unfortunate character into an
excellent target for its honor guard of boneshard
Speed 4. fly 8 (hover)
power is good for discouraging ranged attacks. It CD Bite (standard; at·will)
protect fragile monsters from ranged attacks, or Reach 2; +15 vs. AC; 1 d8 + 7 damage.
n encourage characters to stay close to dangerous CD Claws (standard; usable only while flying; at·will)
+15 vs. AC; ld6 + 7 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
e monsters. Give this power to an entire group of
'etongues to protect them from being picked off
+ Sting (standard; at·will) • Poison
Reach 2; +15 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 damage, and the wyvern makes a
secondary attack against the same target. Secondary Attack: +13
vs. Fortitude; ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends).
eleon Defense + Flyby Attack (standard; at·will)
s creature has concealment against enemies that are more The wyvern flies 8 squares and makes one melee basic attack at
n 3 squares away. any point during that movement. The wyvern doesn 't provoke
opportunity attacks when moving away from the target.
Aerial Agility +2 (while mounted by a rider of 10th level or higher;
at·will) • Mount
- power is appropriate only for monsters of 5th While flying, the wyvern grants its rider a +2 bonus to all
. or higher. It can grant formidable melee capa· defenses .
. ·es. or provide a way to escape a fight. After Slither Away (while bloodied)
nding its encounter powers, a green scale marsh The wyvern gains a +2 bonus to speed and a +2 bonus to all
'ic transforms into a serpent to bring the battle defenses.
-tl)' to its enemies. Alignment Unaligned Languages-
Skills Stealth +10
Str 24 (+12) Dex 17 (+8) Wis 15 (+7)
nt Form (minor; at·will) • Polymorph
Con 18 (+9) Int2(+1) Cha 8 (+4)
e creature transforms into a death rattle viper. Any
ui pment the creature is carrying merges with the new form.
creature uses the deathrattle viper's statistics instead of its ENCOUNTER GROUP
n. except for hit points. Reverting to its true form is a minor
Some yuan-ti breed wyverns to display serpentine
_ e1 9: The creature becomes a crushgrip constrictor. characteristics. These foul beasts frequently guard
e1 16: The creature becomes a shadow snake. lairs of snaketongue cultists.
'e this power to artillery, lurker, or skirmisher
nsters that move around during combat to maxi-
ze its benefit. An iron gorgon's trample becomes
re dangerous when its speed and defenses
Strange, alien entities press at the boundaries of the aberrant creatures to their side. Foulspawn, gricks,
cosmos. Their horrid, unknowable forms burrow grells, and carrion crawlers serve the cultists as allies.
endlessly at the walls of creation, desperate to break Cultists range from unaligned to chaotic evil,
through the wards and barriers that keep them at moving more and more toward chaos and madness as
bay, eager to destroy all that lives as they turn the they delve into the cult's deepest mysteries.
planes into their feasting grounds. These beings are Skill Modifications: +2 bonus to Arcana, Endur-
the denizens of the Far Realm, a place beyond night- ance, and Perception checks.
mare and outside all mortal and divine reason. In the
Far Realm, the rules and laws that bind the cosmos ATTACK POWERS
together break down into utter chaos.
The attack powers of Those Who Hear allow them
The alien beings of the Far Realm press against
to subvert and control their enemies. Some of their
the borders of the cosmos and project their minds
abilities transform them into hideous beings of the
into the world to twist, subvert, and control the crea-
Far Realm for short periods of time.
tures that would be their prey. The entities of the Far
Realm use their powers to rend the minds of mortal
creatures. Their corrupted victims call themselves AURA OF MADNESS
Those Who Hear, because the entities of the Far This aura is great for sliding enemies into flanking
Realm appear within their minds first as helpful situations or moving allies into defensive positions.
voices that urge them toward achieving their personal Controllers or leaders can also push characters into
desires. Soon the voices change, pushing Those Who areas of difficult terrain in which they can't shift. A
Hear to engage in blasphemous rites that call forth foulspawn berserker's allies use this power to push
Far Realm entities. The voice's desires become the enemies into its berserker aura.
victim's, and in time the unfortunate soul is a puppet
Aura of Madness (opportunity, when a creature starts its turn
controlled by his or her Far Realm masters.
within 3 squares of this creature)
A creature contacted by a Far Realm being This creature slides the triggering creature 1 square.
becomes a member of a cult centered on the acquisi- Level 11: 2 squares.
tion of esoteric knowledge and forbidden lore. The Level 21: 3 squares.
first creature contacted by the Far Realm serves as the
cult's leader. The leader uses innate charm, promises FAR REALM MANIFESTATION
of power, and borrowed magical abilities to gather This power horrifies the players while keeping their
more cultists to him. Power-hungry mages might also characters rooted in place. Soldiers are great benefi·
join the cause, along with druids and heretical priests ciaries of the power. The dragonborn soldier loves the
who are disillusioned with the world and who seek ability to mark adjacent enemies. When this power is
new paths to power. Those Who Hear promise not combined with the dragonborn's impetuous spirit and
only power, but a fast, easy path to attaining it. This martial recovery, characters have a rough time disen-
pledge is a siren's lure to the young, ambitious, and gaging from it.
reckless. The greatest tragedy of these cults is that
many of their members realize the group's true nature Far Realm Manifestation (minor 1/round; usable only after this
only when it is too late to turn against it. creature is first bloodied; at·will)
Those Who Hear typically gather in cities and Close burst 1; targets enemies; level + 3 vs. Reflex; the target
towns, hiding in bastions of civilization. The secrets is slowed until the end of this creature's next turn. Effect: The
target is marked until the end of this creature's next turn.
they need rest in libraries and temples, while they
effectively recruit from among young and impression-
able apprentices, disaffected youth, and frustrated, MIND TWIST
petty nobles. Sometimes these cults gather in dun- This power works wellJor a creature that already ha
geons and other forgotten corners of the world, abilities that can manipulate its enemies' positions.
particularly if the dungeon hides some secret tied to A tiefling heretic can lure characters into melee, use
the Far Realm. cloak of escape to evade them, and then unleash this
Members of a Far Realm cult typically have a power on the closely grouped characters.
tattoo inscribed over their hearts to mark their mem-
bership, or they could have a glyph or other strange Mind Twist (standard; recharge [Z; [IT). Charm
Ranged 10; level + 3 vs. Will; the target makes an at-will attack
symbol hidden beneath their clothing. Although a
against one of its allies. The creature that uses mind twist
cult's membership consists primarily of humans,
chooses the attack and its target. In addition, the target makes
elves, tieflings, and dragonborn, its leaders also call opportunity attacks against its allies (save ends).
;e blast 5; targets enemies; level + 3 vs. Will; 1d8 + one-half Each enemy adjacent to one or more creatures that have psychic I-
- psych ic damage. The target is dazed and during its turn, feedback takes 2 psychic damage.
arget must attack the enemy nearest to it at the start of its
save ends). Crazed Human Rabble Level 2 Minion
Medium natural humanoid XP 31
ED OF MADNESS Initiative +1 Senses Perception +1
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
power transforms minions into walking land
AC 15; Fortitude 13, Reflex 11 , Will 11 ; see also mob rule
. Though it has a low attack bonus, each minion Speed 6
j is one more chance for the cultists to control a CD Club (standard; at-will) .. Weapon
~.lcte r. Mobs of human rabble that have this attack +6 vs. AC; 4 damage.
~ reat from a story perspective, since they repre- Aura of Madness (opportunity, when a creature starts its turn
he hapless victims recruited into the cult, and within 3 squares of the human rabble)
can serve as living shields that protect the cult's The human rabble slides the triggering creature 1 square.
Psychic Feedback (when the human rabble drops to 0 hit points)
.. Psychic
Each enemy adjacent to one or more human rabble takes 2
of Madness (when an enemy reduces this creature to 0 hit
psychic damage.
'm) " Charm
Mob Rule
s creature makes the following attack against the triggering
The human rabble gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while
emy: Ranged 20; level + 1 vs. Will; the target is dominated
at least two other human rabble are within 5 squares of it.
: the end of its next turn. The creature that used seed of
Alignment Unaligned languages Common
dness still chooses the dominated creature's action, even if it
Str14(+3) Oex10(+1) Wis10(+1)
ead or unconscious.
Con 12 (+2) Int 9 (+0) Cha 11 (+1)
Equipment club
e powers represent the ways that creatures are ENCOUNTER GROUP
formed by their exposure to Far Realm energy. A mob of cultists teaches the PCs that the press of
numbers sometimes outweighs their skill at arms,
-\R REALM ACTION particularly when they face the power of the Far
extra action point is insurance against a missed Realm. The gnome and the mage are the cult's
ck, allowing the creature to use an at-will power priests, the guards are bodyguards clad in ornate
in. It can also set up a combination attack with its armor, and the scout is a spy who works for the cult.
~ abilities. Any creature that deals extra damage
-h combat advantage, such as the foulspawn Level 4 Encounter (XP 967)
ngler, loves an action point It turns a round of .. 1 elf scout (level 2 skirmisher; Monster Manual,
erful attacks into a devastating flurry. page 106)
.. 1 gnome arcanist (level 3 controller; Monster
Realm Action Manual, page 134)
- is creature gains 1 action pOint. .. 2 human guards (level 3 soldier; Monster Manual,
page 162)
lIND OF MOVEMENT .. 1 human mage (level 4 artillery; Monster Manual ,
'"tillery, controller, and leader monsters can make page 163)
ellent use of this power. Pair them with minions .. 7 crazed human rabble (level 2 minion)
d creatures that gain benefits from flanking. For
ample, a gnome arcanist loves to use this ability to
II its allies into its aura of illusion.
Since ancient times, many cults dedicated to Tiamat Skill Modifications: +2 bonus to Intimidate
have borne the bloody insignia of the Red Hand. checks and Perception checks.
These cults typically arise behind a powerful, char·
ismatic leader; when the world is fortunate , they fall ATTACK POWERS
not long after at the hands of bold heroes. But the
These powers call to mind the most formidable weap '
influence of the Queen of Evil Dragonkind never dis·
ons of the dragon: fear and destruction.
appears from the world, and the cycle continues.
Tiamat's cults can include any sentient creatures
seeking wealth and power, from humans or lizard folk BLOODIED RECHARGE
to ogres or giants. Although one incarnation of the Red This power makes any creature feel like a dragon
Hand might be linked to a particular race- such as by allowing it to reuse a key power when it becomes
the hobgoblins ofKulkor Zuul who sought to establish bloodied. A bodak skulk with bloodied rechar8e can
a new empire in the smoking ruins ofElsir Vale some unleash an extra and unexpected death 8aze.
years ago-the next might include members of a dozen
Bloodied Recharge (free, when first bloodied; encounter)
races working side by side for the common cause.
One of this creature's encounter attack powers recharges, and
Whatever the primary membership of the Red this creature uses it.
Hand, it invariably includes creatures of draconic
descent. Dragons and evil dragonborn flock to Tia·
mat's banner, eager to serve their dark queen, and
A Single monster that has dra80n breath might not
dragonspawn and drakes walk alongside the armies
make much of an impression . . . but a horde of such
as well.
monsters does. Use this power with brutes, control-
Most creatures belonging to the Red Hand dis·
lers, skirmishers, and soldiers to achieve the best
play their loyalty with the group's symbol painted
result. Kobold dragonshields with dra80n breath keyed
on a tunic or shield: a crimson hand, its five fingers
to the dragon they serve can use this power without
pointed upward. Some also display draconic charac·
worrying about damaging each other.
teristics, such as scales, fangs , or claws.
<~ Dragon Breath (minor; encounter) • Varies
Close blast 3; level + 1 vs. Reflex; ld8 damage. Choose acid ,
cold, fire, lightning, or poison when a creature receives this
power. This power deals damage of that type.
Level 11: ld8 damage.
Levelll: 3d8 damage.
This is a great opening attack for controllers, lurkers.
and soldiers because it leaves characters reeling whik
the monster's allies pour in. Add this to a wyvern and
keep its enemies on their toes.
Dragons often keep a trusted servant (preferably a
leader) that has this power nearby, usually safely out
of melee. An elder red dragon might be accompanied
by a pair of fire giant forgecallers blessed with ria-
mat's will.
C H A P TE R 4 I Customizing Monst e rs
A template adds features to a monster, making it more .. Change the creature's type and origin, if appli-
powerful in a number of ways-it increases a mon- cable, and add any keywords specified in the
ster's hit points, its saving throws, and the number of keyword entry.
powers it has, its action points, and, in the case of a .. Go through the template line by line and add all
class-based template, its defenses. Frequently it grants the new features and powers given in the template
battlefield functionality and story considerations the entry.
monster didn't have before.
.. If a monster has a vulnerability and the template
Typically, you give a template to a monster when
grants a resistance of the same type, combine them
you want it to have a special impact in your game.
and apply the difference. For example, a creature
Monsters with templates can serve as elite guards,
that has vulnerability 5 fire and is granted resist 10
spies, favored beasts, chief lieutenants of major vil-
fire by a template would now have resist 5 fire.
lains, or just about anything out of the ordinary.
The two types of templates are functional templates .. If the template grants an encounter power the
and class templates. A functional template allows you monster has already, the monster gains two uses of
to customize a creature to fulfill a story or combat that encounter power.
role. Some functional templates allow you to change
some aspect of the creature's nature (for instance, the You can apply two templates to a standard monster,
terrifying haunt template transforms a living creature or apply a template to an elite monster and thereby
into an undead one) while others provide a number of make it a solo creature, but do so with care. In many
abilities that allow the creature to epitomize a certain cases, finding or designing a solo creature can serve
monster theme. A functional template can work well your purposes better than constructing one through
with a monster theme (discussed in the earlier part of a template. If working with a template (or two) is a
this chapter), and you can use one to create an elite or better option for the situation, apply the template or
a solo monster that serves as a "boss" monster or gen- templates, but do not change the monster's defenses,
erate a powerful creature within the theme. hit points, saving throws, and action points. Then
A class template grants a creature a limited make the follOWing adjustments.
number of feature and powers from a class, allowing .. Don't add the hit points that the template specifie
you to flavor the creature to that class without having to an elite creature to make it solo. Instead, double
to treat it like a player character. With the release the creature's hit points, or, if the elite creature is
of the FORGOTTEN REALM S® Player's Guide and Player's 11th level or higher, multiply its hit points by 2.5 .
Handbook 2 , nine new classes have been added to the .. Class templates also provide defense bonuses to
game. Toward the end of this section, you'll find tem- the creature. When applying a class template's
plates for the classes from these two books. bonuses to defenses to a creature that has two clas
templates, apply only the higher bonus to each
.--.--.-._.--.-.--.-._-.-'_'-- defense rather than stacking the bonuses.
APPLY1NG A TEMPLATE .~ .. A solo creature's bonus to saving throws becomes
+5 .
Full details for applying templates to creatures are .. Solo creatures have 2 action points.
provided starting on page 175 of the DunBeon
Master's Guide. The basic procedure is outlined
Templates work best when you apply them
to a creature that is not a minion, elite,
or solo creature. When you apply a tem-
plate to a standard creature, the template
upgrades the creature to elite. Follow
these steps when applying a template to
a standard creature.
.. Make sure the monster meets the
prerequisite of the template.
.. Change the creature's role to
the one specified in the template
Beast ojDemo8or8on
Mad alchemist
Alchemists can be a little off kilter by nature, but
years of pondering esoteric formulas and inhaling
or imbibing the results of one too many experiments
gone wrong can send even the sanest alchemist over
reason's edge. Though they are masters of their craft.
mad alchemists dabble in unstable and bizarre for-
mulas that explode with strange effects. Sometimes
even they are surprised by the mad effects they creatt:
with their admixtures, elixirs, and concoctions.
Prerequisites: Humanoid or magical beast, Intel-
ligence 12.
If you have access to Adventurer's Vault, you can custOrT'-
ize the mad alchemist by swapping out the alchemist fire
power with another volatile alchemical item of its leve
or near it. If you want a more complicated mad alchemist.
you could even give one two different types of volatile
alchemical items to throw during combat.
Hellbound soldier
SlitherinB idol
C H A PT E R 4 I Customizin8 Monsters
SPECTRAL ASSASSIN ~~ Poison Web of Lolth (standard; encounter) .. Poison
Area burst 2 within 10; level + 3 vs. Reflex; 3d1 0 +
Skillful killers move with the stealth of a ghost, Constitution modifier poison damage, and the target is
and the best take on the aspect of one. Through an grabbed. The target takes a -4 penalty to attempts to
ancient ritual, mystical training, or the bleSSing of a escape the grab.
dark power, spectral assassins gain the ability to walk Spider's Escape (immediate interrupt, when hit with a
through walls and avoid enemy attacks by turning melee attack; recharge IDJ)
into a whiff of insubstantial mist. Worse still, when The spiderblessed spinner shifts 4 squares and can move
through enemy spaces during the shift.
they manifest, their weapon's strike is murder.
Prerequisite: Humanoid.
Spectral Assassin Elite Lurker Ghosts can come in many forms. Some are cursed to
Humanoid XP Elite
roam until a past sin is righted, or a wrong undone.
Initiative +4 (or + 2 if the modified creature is a lurker) Others are merely the animus of hate, raging eternally
Hit Points +6 per level + Constitution score
in undying terror. A terrifying haunt is a particularly
Saving Throws + 2
Action Points 1
hateful and enduring form of ghost. These ghosts can
Assassin's Fading (immediate interrupt, when an enemy take any shape, but one thing is common to every
makes a melee or ranged attack against the spectral as- one of them-it hates the living and uses its powers to
sassin; recharge [ZJ IDJ) .. Illusion spread fear and death to any living creature that dares
The spectral assassin becomes invisible until the end of its cross its path.
next turn, and it can shift 1 square as a free action.
Combat Advantage Terrifying Haunt Elite Controller
A spectral assassin deals 2d6 extra damage against any (undead) XP Elite
target granting combat advantage to it.
Senses Darkvision
Level 21: 3d8 extra damage.
Terrifying Presence (Fear) aura 3; each enemy within the
Invisible Killer
aura takes a -2 penalty to saving throws and all defenses.
While invisible, a spectral assassin scores a critical hit
Hit Points +4 per level + Constitution score
on a roll of 19-20 and deals 1 d1 0 extra damage with a
Resist insubstantial
critical hit.
Saving Throws + 2; +4 against fear effects
Skills Stealth +4
Speed fly 6 (phaSing)
Action Points 1
SPIDERBLESSED SPINNER :rHaunting Gaze (minor 1 /round; at-will) .. Fear, Gaze
Ranged 5; level + 4 vs. Will; the target can make only one
Lolth, Queen of Spiders and Mistress ofIntrigue, is
saving throw at the end of its turn (save ends).
known for blessing those whom she finds worthy with
an aspect of the arachnids that she holds dear. Trans-
<..Howling Terror (standard; recharge IDJ) .. Fear, Psychic
Close burst 3; level + 2 vs. Will; 2d6 + Charisma modifier
formation into a drider is one such blessing typically psychic damage, and the terrifying haunt slides the target
reserved for her favored drow agents; the spiderblessed 4 squares. Miss: Half damage, and the terrifying haunt
spinner is another that Lolth applies more freely to slides the target 1 square.
those who follow her. In a painful transformation
process, the host grows extra eyes, six spiderlike
appendages, and spinnerets on another part of their Terrgyin8 haunt
body-usually the host's natural hands. The creature
uses these new tools to control and wreak havoc on
the battlefield, where it binds foes in webs and pushes
those who dare approach toward the sword point of
other agents of the Queen of Spiders.
Prerequisites: Humanoid or magical beast,
level 11.
additional encounter power. You can't take two Defenses + 1 Reflex, + 1 Will
Saving Throws +2
powers of the same level.
Action Points 1
• Daily Attack Powers: Choose one power of a Hit Points +8 per level + Constitution score
level equal to or lower than the monster's level. For Weapon Proficiency Simple melee, longsword, scimitar,
monsters of 21 st level or higher, choose one addi- short sword, simple ranged, military ranged
tional daily power. You can't take two powers of the Armor Proficiency Cloth, leather, hide, chain mail, light
same level.
Trained Skills Arcana, plus two other skills from the bard
• Utility Powers: Choose one power of a level equal class skills list
to or lower than the monster's level. For monsters Class Features Bardic Training, Bardic Virtue, majestic word,
of 11 th level or higher, choose one additional utility Skill Versatility, words offriendship
power. For monsters of 21 st level or higher, select Implements Wands
a third utility power. You can't have more than one
power of the same level.
MONSTER-MAK1NG T1PS Power Source: Arcane.
Creating new monsters brings risks. Look out for these
Swordmage Elite Soldier
pitfalls when creating monsters and encounters.
Defenses + 2 Will
Effects that Take Away Actions: The dazed and
Saving Throws + 2
stunned conditions (and to a lesser extent, immobilized Action Points 1
and restrained) should be used sparingly. Hit Points +8 per level + Constitution score
Effects that Reduce Damage Output: The weakened Weapon Proficiency Simple melee, military light blades,
condition and monsters with insubstantial or swarm traits military heavy blades, simple ranged
can be interesting problems for characters to deal with, Armor Proficiency Cloth, leather
but being weakened for the majority of a fight just isn't Trained Skills Arcana, plus one other skill from the
swordmage class skills list
fun! Make sure you use these abilities only in diverse mon-
Class Features Sword bond, Sword mage Aegis, Sword mage
ster groups, so the PCs aren't all dealing low damage. Warding
Too Much Healing: Monsters shouldn't have a strong Implements Any light blades or heavy blades
ability to heal themselves, especially not in large amounts
(such as a healing surge). It can make a fight drag, or even
turn it into a stalemate.
Repetitious Resistances: Remember what damage Power Source: Primal.
types your PCs use, and use a variety of resistances. If your Warden Elite Soldier
group has a fire wizard, don't throw the group against only Defenses +1 Fortitude, +1 Will
azers for several encounters in a row. Saving Throws + 2
Stealing Resources: Avoid monsters that take away Action Points 1
Hit Points +8 per level + Constitution score
or turn off the PCs' resources, such as healing surges,
Weapon Proficiency Simple melee, military melee, simple
limited-use powers, or magic items. ranged
- Logan Bonner Armor Proficiency Cloth, leather, hide, light shield, heavy
Trained Skills Nature, plus one other skill from the warden
class skills list
Class Features Font of life, Guardian Might, Nature's Wratf.
CHAPT ER 5 I Adventures
Brother Allwen pushed the oare's corpse from atop the altar rules for treasure, with a focus on more story-focused
to Kord. How could this chapel have remained hidden in rewards that can increase the sense of mystery and
the dun8eon depths for so lon8? As he pulled out his holy wonder in your game. Players might find it more
symbol to be8in the ceremony of consecration, a voice interesting if, instead of treasure, you hand out a boon
roared out, "Truly you are the worthiest of my clerics! from the gods or an offer of training from the world's
Accept this boon of stren8th and mi8ht!" greatest fencing master.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
3RANDMASTER TRAINING 2. Plant the (Story) Seeds: A reward works best ~
e absolute master of a craft, such as an archmage when it is woven seamlessly into the story, especially 0::
the greatest living sword master, can teach tech- if the characters have to work hard to gain it or make <t:
.:Jues and abilities that transcend a character's use of it. The characters might hear about the reward ~
rmallimits. and seek it out, or they might stumble across it and 0::
immediately realize its importance. You could craft UJ
the story and background of your campaign so that >
~OWREWARDSVVORK the characters know the importance and value of the <i
__ alternative reward works the same as a magic reward before they find out about its mechanics. Z
m. except it doesn't take up a item slot or require a 3. Choose Powers and Effects: You can create 0::
aracter to hold it, because it isn't a physical object. the powers and properties of a reward by borrowing ~
addition, characters can't buy, sell, or disenchant a the mechanics of a magic item of the same level. This <t:
.'·ard. (They might be able to "enchant" an alterna- advice comes with a caveat, though: Players who are
e reward using a ritual comparable to the Enchant familiar with the game and who know how items work
.agic Item ritual; see "A Reward-Based Game" on place extra pressure on the DM to use story and back-
oe 138 for more details.) ground elements to make the reward seem distinctive
_-\lternative rewards never grant enhancement and compelling. If the players figure out you simply
nuses. Characters must still rely on magic items used bracers of mi8hty strikin8 to define the property of
oain enhancement bonuses to attack rolls and the reward you call blessin8 of the Sword Lord, the reward
mage rolls, AC, and other defenses. An alternative might lose its mystery, wonder, and uniqueness .
.\,ard can replicate any other property or power Start by finding an item that has effects that con-
~ anted by a magic item, including item bonuses. nect with the flavor and story of the reward you want
_'ou use a magic item property that gives an item to create. If you know the level of the reward you
nus as an alternative reward, the bonus still counts want to create, you should limit your search to items
a n item bonus. Do not associate the alternative of that level; alternatively, you can find an appropriate
eward's bonus with a physical item, and don't stack item and use its level as the level of your reward.
e alternative reward's item bonus with other item If you find more than one appropriate item, you
nuses to the same statistic. could use a property from one item and a power from
Otherwise, treat a reward the same as you would another one. This approach helps to conceal your
n item. Using an alternative reward's daily power source when you draw on existing material. You must
orks the same as using a magic item's daily power, still ensure that the potency of the resulting reward
and it counts against a character's limit of item daily corresponds appropriately to its level.
wer uses between milestones. Since story plays an essential role in a reward's
design, concoct a basic description of how the reward
CREATING A REWARD manifests and what happens when a character uses
n alternative reward replaces a magic item the it. The blessing of a deity might cause an image of the
haracters would otherwise find. Pick the magic item deity's holy symbol to appear on the character's hand.
~rcel you want to replace, and use the item's level A specific description of how a character executes
the reward's level. Then follow these four steps to a special attack breathes life into a new technique a
reate an ideal reward for your characters and your character learned by training with a master.
1. Create the Story: Choose one of the types of
ewards detailed in this section and use the advice APPLY1NG BOONS TO lTEMS
included for it to create a story and other background For your own convenience, you can transform mundane
details for the reward. items, such as weapons or armor, into magic items by
Don't underestimate the importance of this step. A imbUing them with divine and legendary boons. When
reward shares the same basic mechanics as a magic Ivella the tiefling fighter pierces the dying dragon's heart
item. Without a good story to back it up, a reward with her broadsword, the fiery blood of the ancient
might seem like merely a magic item that the charac- wyrm transforms her sword into a jlamina weapon. When
ters can't sell or trade. Read over the advice given for Uldane the halfling paladin performs a great service for
each type of reward, and think about how to create a Avandra, she transforms his +5 maaie short sword into a
compelling experience for the players. holy aven8er.
Alternative rewards offer you a chance to bring Using boons in this manner offers you another way of
your world to life. They connect a player's desire for giving magic items as treasure. This approach has more
magic loot with your desire to create a vivid, enter- flavor than hiding an item under a monster's bunk or
taining story and game world. buying or creating the items, and it remains firmly in the
realm of the standard D&D reward system.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
4. Decide on Duration: A reward typically fades use future treasure parcels to increase the power of a
after the character gains about five levels. This rule type of grandmaster training instead of giving a new
exists to enforce the same sort of turnover that occurs item or reward, the benefit could be permanent and
with normal magic items. A paladin eventually replaces grow in power as the character gains levels.
his +2 plate armor with +3 armor. A casque of tactics (see Don't overload the characters with temporary
Adventurer's Vault) might give way to a clockwork cowl. rewards, and don't rob them of rewards they use fre -
You can design rewards with different durations. A quently unless you design the reward as a short-term
reward might last for as little as one level or as many enhancement.
as ten. A legendary boon might last until the charac- Weigh the duration of an alternative reward
ter takes an extended rest (useful if you want to draw against the normal useful life of a comparable item.
characters into more encounters between rests; see If you make the duration shorter, give more rewards
"Drawing Characters Onward" on page 54). A divine to compensate, or don't count the rewards against
boon might be equivalent to a consumable magic the treasure the party receives. If you make the dura-
item-Avandra grants a character the ability to reroll tion longer, use future rewards to improve the item,
three saving throws, and then the boon expires. If you instead of giving new rewards or items.
You can remove magic items from the game entirely and of crysteel armor (see Adventurer's Vault) has a minimum
replace them with alternative rewards. Doing so results enhancement bonus of +4. A suit of +4 ma8ic armor is a
in a game that feels different from traditional 0&0 and 16th-level magic item, so treat the masterwork armor as
might help you create a particular tone you want for your a 16th-level item as well.
campaign. Use Rewards: Replace the remaining magic item par-
In a campaign with no magic items, magic holds less cels with rewards designed using this section.
value. Your players might dislike the lack of variety, but it The rewards you use affect your campaign. Divine
allows you to create a story-driven campaign-rather than rewards reflect a world where the deities take an active
one driven by mechanics-that gives magic a rare and won- role in mortal affairs. If you create a world where people
drous feel. consider magic a scarce or dangerous tool, you should rely
Don't ditch magic items without thinking it over. Discuss on grandmaster training rewards. Legendary rewards fit
your decision with your players, so they understand what a campaign that features magical vistas and bizarre loca -
your campaign would entail. Players might appreciate the tions where people still view magic as a mysterious and
added layer of customization that items offer, and losing mistrusted source of power.
that feature could reduce their enjoyment of the game. Spending Money: In a standard 0&0 campaign, char-
More important, without magic items as an easy acters find heaps of gold partly so they can buy or enchant
reward, the pressure on you increases to proVide a compel- magic items they choose. If you eliminate magic items
ling story that propels the PCs forward. This option works from your campaign, think about what else characters can
best if you have experience as a OM and have already run do with their monetary treasure.
several successful campaigns. You can use the follOWing You could allow characters to spend their money on
suggestions to replace magic items in your campaign. rituals that grant them boons, effectively restoring an
AC, Defense, Attack, and Damage Bonuses: Without amount of player control over character customization.
magic items, the PCs' attacks, defenses, and damage lag Replace the Enchant Magic Item ritual with three distinct
behind. You can solve this problem by giving the PCs flat rituals: Implore Divine Boon, Invoke Legendary Boon, and
bonuses as they advance in level. These bonuses stack. Grandmaster Training. These rituals might have special
Attack and Dama8e: All characters gain a +1 bonus requirements beyond the Ritual Caster feat and the expen-
to attack rolls and damage rolls at 2nd, 7th, 12th, 17th, diture of gold-perhaps characters can perform Implore
22nd, and 27th level. Divine Boon only at a significant temple and must be in
Defenses: All PCs gain a +1 bonus to AC, Fortitude, Reflex, their deity's good graces. Otherwise, the rituals function
and Will at 4th, 9th, 14th, 19th, 24th, and 29th level. the same as Enchant Magic Item and allow characters to
Parcels: Remove the highest- and lowest-level magic acquire a boon of their choice of their level or lower.
item parcels from each level of treasure you hand out. You Allowing characters to buy alternative rewards ca n
can dole out fewer magic items because the PCs do not diminish the special ness ofthose rewards in players' eyes
need those items to boost their attacks and defenses. You could instead reduce monetary treasure drastically to
Masterwork Armor: Give characters masterwork armor account for the fact that characters no longer need to bu}
as treasure in addition to the rewards and monetary trea- as much stuff. If you cut monetary rewards in half, char-
sure you give. Treat masterwork armor as a magic item acters would still have enough money to purchase rituals
of a level equal to the lowest-level magic armor made and consumable items, as well as support their standard
from that type of masterwork armor. For example, a suit of living.
C HAPTER 5 I Adventures
A divine boon is a good reward for one of the fol- 1Il
lOWing activities:
.though the deities in the D&D world do not have
m niscient powers, they do take an active interest • Avenging the death of a deity's beloved servant. "«$
~ important events. A character might gain a divine • Rediscovering a long-lost temple. ....
on as a reward for doing something that directly
.ds a deity or harms a deity's enemies.
• FOiling a major plot by the deity's enemies.
Bahamut wants his boon to heroes who shield the weak from
loun rewards study and the relentless pursuit ofknowled8e.
the stron8. Tndividuals who fi8ht in Bahamut's name are bea-
Supporters who earn her favor 8ain the ability to master any
cons of hope and protection.
task, no matter how dauntin8.
Lvi 3 680 gp Lvl18 85,000 gp
Lvi 3 680 gp Lvi 18 85,000 gp
Lvi 8 3,400 gp Lvi 23 425,000 gp
Lvi 8 3,400 gp Lvi 23 425,000 gp
Lvi 13 17,000 gp Lvi 28 2,125,000 gp
Lvl13 17,000 gp Lvi 28 2,125,000 gp
Divine Boon
Divine Boon
Property: Gain a + 1 item bonus to opportunity attack rolls.
Property: Gain a + 2 item bonus to skill checks.
Level 13 or 18: + 2 item bonus.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of the encoun-
Level 23 or 28: + 3 item bonus.
ter, you and your allies gain a + 1 bonus to skill checks
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of your next
with a Single skill of your choice.
turn, enemies adjacent to you provoke opportunity
Level 8: + 2 bonus.
attacks from you if they make attacks that do not include
Level 13: +3 bonus.
you as a target.
Level 18: +4 bonus.
Level 8: Gain a + 1 bonus to these attacks.
Level 23: +5 bonus.
Level 13: Gain a + 2 bonus to these attacks. Level 28: +6 bonus.
Level 18: Gain a + 3 bonus to these attacks.
Level 23: Gain a +4 bonus to these attacks.
Level 28: Gain a +5 bonus to these attacks.
Kord lends his stren8th to followers who prove their mettle in
battle a8ainst his enemies.
Corellon brou8ht arcane ma8ic to the world. Mortals who please Lvi 3 680 gp Lvi 18 85,000 gp
him 8ain access to powers that otherwise take years of study to Lvi 8 3,400 gp Lvi 23 425,000 gp
master. Lvi 13 17,000 gp Lvi 28 2,125,000 gp
Divine Boon
Lvi 3 680gp Lvl18 85,000 gp
Property: Gain a + 2 item bonus to Athletics checks and a
Lvi 8 3,400 gp Lvi 23 425,000 gp
+5 item bonus to Strength checks made to break objects.
Lvl13 17,000 gp Lvi 28 2,125,000 gp
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Until the end of the encoun-
Divine Boon
ter, you gain a + 1 item bonus to melee damage rolls.
Property: Choose an at-will power from an arcane character
Level 8: + 2 item bonus.
class. You can use that power as an encounter power.
Level 13: +3 item bonus.
Power (Daily): Choose a 1 st-Ievel encounter power from
Level 18: +4 item bonus.
an arcane class. You can use that power as a daily power.
Level 23: +5 item bonus.
Level 8: Choose an encounter power of 3rd level or lower. Level 28: +6 item bonus.
Level 13: Choose an encounter power of 7th level or lower.
Level 18: Choose an encounter power of 13th level or lower.
Level 23: Choose an encounter power of 17th level or lower.
Level 28: Choose an encounter power of 23rd level or lower.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
Individuals who please Melora 8ain the ability to walk upon the
<lir, soarin8 over their enemies and obstacles placed before them
with ease.
Lvi 3 680 gp Lvl18 85,000 gp
Lvi 8 3,400 gp Lvi 23 425,000 gp
Lvl13 17,000 gp Lvi 28 2,125,000 gp
Divine Boon
Property: If an enemy uses a forced movement effect
against you, you can shift 1 square as a free action at the
end of the forced movement.
Power (Encounter): Move Action. You fly 5 squares.
Level 8: You fly 6 squares.
Level 13: You fly 7 squares.
Level 18: You fly 8 squares.
Level 23: You fly 9 squares.
Level 28: You fly 10 squares .
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
The Raven Queen cloaks her champions in a shroud of dark-
A character gains a benefit from a legendary boon
ness, a halo of divine maBic that aids them in eriforcinB the
dictates offate. when he or she completes a specific act, such as slay-
Lvi 3
ing a powerful beast or visiting a site of untold power.
680 gp Lvl18 85,000 gp
Lvi 8 3,400 gp Lvi 23 425,000 gp Legendary boons, like divine boons, fill a similar role
Lvl13 17,000 gp Lvi 28 2,125,000 gp to that of magic items.
Divine Boon You might need to sell the idea of a legendary boon
Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Choose a target within to your players. Use story and flavor elements to pre-
10 squares of you. That target gains the mark of the vent the boon's mechanical effects from seeming dull
Raven Queen until the end of the encounter. On your and rote.
turn, you can reroll the result of one damage die against
A legendary boon could kick off a quest or other-
that target. This reroll does not alter the damage for
other targets hit by an area or close attack. wise push the PCs to acquire the boon. The wizard
Power (Daily. Teleportation): Minor Action. You teleport in the party might hear about the library of a great
adjacent to the target that bears the mark of the Raven archmage hidden in a dungeon. If the wizard reaches
Queen. the library and studies its contents, he or she could
Level 8: You gain a + 1 power bonus to attack rolls against gain a greater mastery over magic. Of course, a fear-
the target until the end of your next turn. some lich (perhaps a continuing villain from your
Level 13: You gain a + 1 power bonus to attack rolls and a
campaign) guards the place. Even worse, the charac-
+2 power bonus to damage rolls against the target until
the end of your next turn. ters last saw the map to the library'S location in the
Level 18: You gain a + 1 power bonus to attack rolls and a hands of a cleric of Bane.
+4 power bonus to damage rolls against the target until Characters should have strong motivations to seek
the end of your next turn. out legendary boons. Dangle a boon in front of the
Level 23: You gain a + 2 power bonus to attack rolls and a PCs like a carrot, but guard it with powerful monsters
+4 power bonus to damage rolls against the target until and other obstacles that require planning and fight-
the end of your next turn.
ing to overcome. The word "legendary" holds critical
Level 28: You gain a + 2 power bonus to attack rolls and a
+6 power bonus to damage rolls against the target until importance here. You want your players to feel that
the end of your next turn. the mighty forces they confront have a strong root in
the campaign world and the story.
It doesn't hurt to lay the groundwork for a legend-
The priests of Sehanine speak of the dark moon, an invisible ary boon early in the campaign. Ask the PCs what
celestial object that casts protective shadows upon Sehanine's items they want, and turn those items into legendary
followers. As her favored one, you are shielded from harm by the boons.
dark moon. To make a legendary boon more interesting, you
Lvi 3 680 gp Lvi 18 85,000 gp can incorporate any of the following features.
Lvi 8 3,400 gp Lvi 23 425,000 gp • A Legendary Story: Drinking the waters from
Lvl13 17,000 gp Lvi 28 2,125,000 gp
the first spring to erupt after the deities created
Divine Boon
Property: If a creature cannot see you, you take half damage
the world grants untold power.
from its attacks that hit you and no damage from its • A Powerful Figure in Myth or Legend: Bath-
attacks that deal damage on a miss. ing in the blood of the dragon Festergrim, slayer
Power (Daily. Teleportation): Immediate Reaction. of King Algus and ravager of the forest of Lorem,
Tri8Ber: You take damage. Effect: You teleport 2 squares.
grants a character immunity to fire. The blood of
Level 8: You teleport 3 squares, and you can make a Stealth
check as a free action to hide if you end this teleport in
an unnamed dragon just stains a character's favor -
cover or with concealment. ite hauberk.
Level 13: You teleport 4 squares, become invisible until the • A Place in the Larger Story: Reading the Book
end of your next turn, and can make a Stealth check to of Five Truths gives a character a legendary boon
hide as a free action.
and provides a map showing the resting place of
Level 18: You teleport 6 squares, become invisible until the
end of your next turn, and can make a Stealth check to
the artifact the characters need to cure the deadly
hide as a free action. green plague.
Level 23: You teleport 8 squares, become invisible until the
end of your next turn, and can make a Stealth check to Similar to other alternative rewards, a legendary
hide as a free action. boon lasts about five levels. At higher levels, the char-
Level 28: Immediate Interrupt. Tri88er: You take damage. acters can seek more powerful versions of the boon,
Effect: You teleport 8 squares, become invisible until the
or you can tie them to the ongOing story of your cam-
end of your next turn, and can make a Stealth check to
hide as a free action. paign. For example, the wizard Fenstern gains the
silver hands of power at the pool ofRalyar. Later in the
campaign, when Fenstern and his companions defeat
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
the cambion mage Gallrak, the silver hands absorb The Third Truth Lvl18 85,000 gp
Gallrak's arcane power and grow even more potent. Property: When performing a ritual, roll twice and take the
In game terms, you just handed the PC a higher-level better result.
'-ersion of the boon, replacing a treasure parcel as
The Fourth Truth Lvi 23 425,000 gp
appropriate. In the story, Fenstern reclaims the power Property: Gain a +2 bonus to Will.
that Gallrak once stole from the pool. As an alterna- Property: Gain a +5 item bonus to initiative checks.
tive, perhaps Fenstern must return to the pool after
defeating Gallrak, and place the cambion's heart in The Fifth Truth Lvi 28 2,125,000 gp
the pool to improve the boon of the silver hands. Property: Gain darkvision and a +6 item bonus to InSight
checks and Perception checks.
Power (Daily): Minor Action. You can see invisible crea-
SAMPLE LEGENDARY BOONS tures as if they were visible. Sustain Minor: The power
remains in effect.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
Bathina in the blood of the slayer of Kina Alaus and ravaaer of Garras had traveled for weeks across the fire-blasted Plains
the forest of Lorem miaht not make you immune to fire, but it
of Iron to find this simple thatch hut that belonas to Davros
Elden, the finest swordfiahter the world has ever known.
Lvi 19 105,000 gp Lvi 29 2,625,000
Lvi 24 525,000 gp
Garras throws his cloak over his shoulder and adjusts his
Legendary Boon armor as he strides toward the door.
Property: Gain resist 10 fire. As Garras raises his hand to knock, a middle-aaed male
Level 24 or 29: Resist 15 fire. human wearina a frayed robe throws open the door. His
Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. Tri8aer: You are hit by aut hanas over his belt, and his riaht handarasps a tan-
a fire attack. Effect: You and each ally within 5 squares of kard of ale.
you gain resist 20 fire until the start of your next turn.
"First, you took too lona to arrive. Second, you have ter-
Level 24 or 29: Resist 30 fire.
rible balance, and I doubt I can teach you anythina. Third ,
that cloak is ualy. Return in a year, and show me you've
improved. Maybe then I'll take you in."
The fey sprina that feeds the aleamina Sehalandria River, which
The door slams shut. Garras turns, and his back stiffens
rushes from the Feywild to the world, wants preternatural speed
as shame, anaer, and defeat rush over him. He reaches
to anyone who drinks from it.
down to the flask at his belt, and the door flies open aaain.
Legendary Boon 325,000 gp
Property: Gain a +2 item bonus to speed.
"Do I smell Barovian whiskey? Maybe you're not as
Power (Daily): Minor Action. Take a move action. stupid as you look. Brina that flask over here, and let's talk."
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
Make your grandmaster more than a faceless The training provided by a grandmaster gives a PC
PC who bestows powers on characters who visit the equivalent benefit of a magic item. The PCs might
im or her. Why replace magic items with grand- find an item for the master or complete an aSSigned
",aster training if the net result in play remains the task to earn their training, which takes the place of
me? Build the grandmaster as a living, breath- an appropriate treasure parcel. It might take a few
ng. active NPC in the campaign. A character who days or a week for the master's training to sink in. u...
udies under a grandmaster equates to a novice Obviously, masters provide great ways to drive >
pprenticed to an expert artisan. The character can adventures. A master might require his paladin pupil ~
"pect the master to assign tasks that range from the to go on a quest to prove his dedication to the deity z
'riYial (cleaning the master's home) to the daunting they both worship_ A wizard's master could send her x:
enturing into the mountains and slaying the high into a dungeon to recover a set oflost books. And
riest ofBaphomet's cult). a master might betray her pupil or reveal that the
You might use the stereotypical grandmaster- party's sworn enemy was once her greatest student.
~. e elderly martial arts master who takes the young
· udent under his wing, interspersing the student's SAMPLE GRANDMASTER TRAINING
rai ning with menial jobs and verbal (and phYSical)
buse. The master has too little time and too much
alent to bother with a gentle approach. Either his The fencin8 master's first lesson adjusted Garms's pOSition in a
tudents learn, or they can seek out a lesser, easier duel. maximizin8 defense.
llaster. Grandmaster Training 2,600 gp
You might find the stereotype fun to play with, Property: When you shift, you gain a +1 item bonus to AC
r you could explore other options. A grandmaster and Reflex until the end of your next turn.
~ight be a stern parental figure who offers insight Power (Encounter): Minor Action. Shift 2 squares.
~nd advice to the characters and never seems satis-
ied with their work. She could be an old drunk who,
nknown to the characters, once held the title of When Garms returned for a second lesson, he learned to steady
reatest wizard in the city. If the characters sober her himself when an enemy wore him down.
;Ip. she recovers enough of her skills to impart them Grandmaster Training 4,200 gp
the characters. A grandmaster could be a deva on Power (Daily): Minor Action. Use this power when you are
· he brink of divine ascension, or a deity cloaked in bloodied to gain temporary hit points equal to your heal-
mortal form. ing surge value.
Most important, flavor a grandmaster NPC with
nteresting quirks, and have him or her partiCipate
ctively in the characters'lives. Again, this approach On GarTas's third visit, he learned the technique of makin8 two
aIls flat unless you instill the master NPC with inter- hasty strikes in blindin8 succession.
e ting details. You want your PCs to remain in the Grandmaster Training 9,000 gp
master's training despite the tasks he expects them Power (Daily): Standard Action. Make two melee basic
to perform, the complications he causes, or his med- attacks, each with a -2 penalty to the attack roll.
dling in their lives.
A grandmaster comes to life if you incorporate the
oIlowing features: When GarTaS returned a fourth time to the master's hut, he
learned that Davros Elden had more skill than he let on.
• A Vivid Personality: This key trait, played at
Grandmaster Training 17,000 gp
maximum volume, outperforms a number of
Property: You take no damage from a fall and always land
subtle traits. You want your players to associate the on your feet.
grandmaster's personality with his or her name. Power (Daily): Move Action. Fly a number of squares equal
• Goals and Desires: Grandmasters have their to your speed. At the end of your turn, you float down to
own objectives; they assign tasks that help their the ground if you aren't already there.
• A Place in the Larger Story: The characters'
enemies might kidnap the grandmaster, or the
grandmaster might playa direct and pivotal role in
developing the story of the campaign.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
.- ._._-._-.-.--.-.--.-. __ .--.-.-._-.-.--._.--.-._._-
Sometimes, you might want to strike a middle ground 3. Place the Components: Think of the compo-
between magic items and mechanics. The concept of nents as three miniature treasures. The PCs uncover
item components replaces the flavor of magic items the final piece at around the same time when they
but retain the mechanics, and components allow you would have found the treasure parcel you replaced.
to add more background to an item. You might include speCifics about what the PCs must
The idea behind item components is Simple. To do to create the item as part of the game's overall plot
ultimately obtain a magic item, the characters must or a secondary story that comes into play when the
find speCific objects or ingredients and perhaps gain PCs attempt to assemble or create the item.
the help of an NPC or access a magical location. The characters can learn of the components in a
Mechanically, an item component replaces a magic number of ways. Have them find the first component,
item treasure parcel with a number of elements that, as well as directions explaining the initial step to
when combined, form the item. making the item. The characters could also discover
For example, you could replace treasure parcel notes on creating the item in an old journal or learn
4 in a set of rewards for a 12th-level party with the of the process from a mentor. Or the components
components needed to create a level 13 magic item, might pose a mystery: The PCs know they can make
such as a +3 assassin's short sword (see Adventurer's an item by assembling the components, but they don't
Vault, page 63). In this case, the characters need to know what the item does.
collect a shard of obsidian from the grand altar to 4. Upgrade or Replace? An item created using
Bane, the poison gland from a venom-eye basilisk, these guidelines could replace an old item. Or the
and water drawn from a cistern in the black ore process could impart a new power to an existing
mines. The characters can make the sword when they item, upgrading it to a higher level. If the compo-
retrieve these components. nents improve an existing item, consider augmenting
To incorporate the idea ofitem components into another treasure parcel with gold equal to 20% of the
your game, use the following steps: older item's value. Because PCs likely sell older items
1. Pick a Parcel: Choose a magic item treasure when they receive upgrades, the extra gold makes up
parcel you want to divide into components and pick for the loss of those items to sell.
an item to fill it. 5. Decide How Characters Make the Item:
2. Determine the Components: Divide the Once the characters have the components, what do
selected item into three components. Such an they need to do to assemble or create the item? Do
arrangement gives the characters a sense of start- they have to follow a specific set of steps to complete
ing the process of gathering the item's parts, making the process? You might want to require the PCs to
progress, and then finishing it, without making the complete a ritual, but avoid requiring the PCs to
process either too simple (two parts) or too involved pay gold to do so. After all, the components fuel the
(four or more parts). making of the item.
The actual components you devise depend on your You might require a skill challenge, but if failure
campaign. Some or all of them might fit into one or means that the PCs ruin the item, you risk frustrating
more of the follOWing categories. the players. Instead, use a skill challenge to serve as
Help from an NPC: The characters might need help a backdrop during a battle or some other encounter
from an NPC to complete the item. Maybe a priest that occurs while the PCs make the item. The skill
must bless a sword to make it holy, or a character challenge might determine the number of undead
might need a dryad to kiss a staff to enhance its creatures the PCs awaken while they complete the
charm powers. The characters can gain a component item. If the characters fare poorly in the challenge,
of this sort by helping the NPC, by roleplaying the they have to fight their way past a deadly encounter to
interaction, or by succeeding on a skill challenge. escape, or maybe the party must divide, some fight-
Harvested Inaredients: Rare herbs, organs taken ing fight waves of undead while others finish making
from slain monsters, or metals or objects taken from the item. If the characters succeed on the skill chal-
special locations fall into this category. The characters lenge, the undead leave the PCs alone as they finish
might need to hunt down and defeat a certain kind of the item.
monster, or they could have to find a rare plant. In such a skill challenge, Arcana, Religion, and
Forbiddina Sites: Gaining an item component might Nature can reflect the knowledge needed to bind the
require the characters to travel to a distant location item's magic. Athletics and Endurance checks repre-
and use a magic forge, or perhaps they must craft a sent the phYSical labor of forging a weapon or some
portion of the item within a certain area of the Ele- other object. Fine detail work, such as runes etched
mental Chaos. into a stone, uses Thievery.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
-- . -- . --- . - . -- . - . -- . -- . - . - . -- . - . -- . - . -- . - . - . ~
t a fundamental level, artifacts are magic items and use artifacts even in your heroic tier game. Intro-
hose role in the game has far more to do with the ducing an artifact at low levels helps the players see
ory of your adventure or campaign than it does the grand scope of the story they're involved in.
ith the actual game effects of the item. Characters Tie Artifacts to Campaign Themes: Use artifacts
'n ight buy, sell, enchant, and disenchant any of the to reinforce the story you want to tell in your cam-
undreds of magic items found in the Player'S Hand- paign. If you want to explore themes of how power
10k and Adventurer's Vault volumes. They might corrupts those who wield it, introducing the Eye of
l,-en quest after those items. But when an artifact Vema into your campaign can help reinforce that story.
nters the characters' lives, the story of the campaign If your campaign involves fighting an oppressive ruler
revolves around the artifact for a time. or exploring the cost of freedom, then the Invulnerable
Artifacts are completely under your control. It's up to Coat ofArnd can help expound on those themes.
ou when you introduce an artifact to your game, and Recast Stories and Goals: Add details from
up to you when the artifact leaves the characters' your campaign to the origin story for an artifact, or
ands. Ownership of an artifact is the one element of a alter its goals to strengthen its ties to the themes of
haracter's capabilities that the character's player has your campaign. Does a powerful eladrin villain play
o control over-it rests entirely in your hands. Use that an important role in your campaign? Perhaps he is
""X)wer for good-the good of your campaign story. a descendant of Ossandrya, and knowledge of the
This section introduces seven new artifacts to sup- Emblem of Os san drya is part of his family'S lore.
lement the ones that appear in the DunBeon Master's Wait Until Players Have Bought In: Hold off on
J uide, and it leads off with some tips to help you incor- introducing an artifact into your campaign until after
""X)rate these special items into your game. the characters have completed an adventure or two
Use Artifacts at Any Level: An artifact's overall and the players are fully invested in the story of the
':lOwer level isn't what makes it special. Magic items campaign. They should already know what's at stake
appear at every level, and there's nothing inherently and have at least a hint of the nature of the major
!llore special about a level 30 item than there is about villain in the story. With that groundwork laid, an
a level 1 item. Artifacts are different. There are arti- artifact's arrival carries the appropriate weight. The
acts appropriate for heroic-level characters as well as players will appreciate the Invulnerable Coat ofArnd
epic-level characters, and even the lowliest artifacts all the more after they understand the nature of the
are significantly different from ordinary magic items tyrant they have to overthrow.
f roughly the same level-not necessarily more pow- Sometimes introducing an artifact can also serve
erful, but definitely more significant. So, go ahead to introduce the villain or theme of a campaign. If
you plan to take your campaign in a dramatic new
direction in the paragon tier as a major war breaks
"1 CHOSE YOU" out in your campaign world , for example, you could
You might decide to introduce an artifact into your cam· introduce the conflict by having the Standard ofEter-
paign in one of two basic ways: Either the characters seek nal Battle fall into the characters' hands.
out the artifact, or it falls into their hands-possibly even Allow for Conflict: Make sure there's potential
seeking the characters out. Which approach is better for for characters to come into conflict with the goals of
four campaign depends on the extent to which the play- an artifact. The Axe of the Dwarvish Lords seeks to be an
ers understand what's at stake in the campaign. inspiration to honorable people. What if the characters
If the players understand the stakes and are already discover that there's an easier way to achieve their
determined to pursue the story to its conclusion, then it's goals (and the Axe's goals) using deceit and dishonor?
fine to send them on a quest to find and acquire an arti· Do they take the easy route and displease the artifact,
fact that can help them achieve that goal. This approach or stick to the Axe's lofty principles and follow a harder
can also help you reinforce campaign themes of heroic road? A decision like this enriches your story and rein-
choice and consequences, particularly if deciding to use forces the idea that player choices matter in the game.
the artifact clearly helps the characters accomplish one Allow Time for Goodbye: When it's time for an
goal, but might prove a hindrance in other ways. artifact to move on, if the characters are in good stand-
On the other hand, if your campaign includes the idea ing with it, make the occasion appropriately solemn.
that characters are born to a heroic destiny, you can rein- Let the characters participate in the artifact's depar-
force that idea by haVing an artifact seek them out. Arthur ture, perhaps seeking out appropriate successors or
didn't go on a quest to find Excalibur so he could become returning it to a special location where it can be found
king; the fact that he was destined to be a great and heroic when it's needed again. Give the players a chance to
king led to the artifact coming into his possession. say goodbye to this member of your supporting cast.
C HAP T ER 5 I Adventures
ADAMANTINE HORSE aspects. Xarn disappeared from history after that
battle, but tales of great heroes who waged war
OF XARN against the Dragon Queen with the help of the arti-
The Adamantine Horse ofXarn is appropriate for mid- fact are scattered throughout history.
heroic-level characters_
• Serve as a mount for a hero devoted to the tenets of
Atfirstglance, this artifact appears as an adamantine plate-
law and good.
barded warhorse of particularly powerful build, but further
inspection reveals that the entire horse is made of metal and is • Protect the weak and uphold justice for the
powered by gears and hidden arcane devices. Due to the genius innocent.
of its craftsmanship, its noble form moves naturally despite its
unyielding material. • Fight against tyranny and greed, especially that
perpetrated by chromatic dragons.
Wondrous Item
Property: The Adamantine Horse ofXarn is a construct in the
form of a warhorse that serves as a mount for its owner. Its ROLEPLAYING THE
statistics depend upon its concordance with its owner. ADAMANTINE HORSE
Ifit is owned by a character who shares its philoso-
ADAMANTINE HORSE OF XARN LORE phy and helps it to achieve its goals, the Adamantine
Arcana or History DC 16: Unlike most other Horse ofXarn is a stalwart companion, providing
artifacts that are held, worn, or wielded, the Adaman- timely aid to its owner. The Adamantine Horse can be
tine Horse ofXarn is meant to be ridden. The artifact is extremely stubborn, however, with a character who is
coveted by warriors who serve the cause of good and less perfectly aligned with its goals. The Adamantine
who struggle against greed, injustice, and destruc- Horse can't communicate with its rider verbally, but it
tion , especially that caused by chromatic dragons. understands Draconic, Common, and Supernal, and
Arcana or History DC 21: Tales say that Baha- it makes its desires known with a gentle (or not so
mut gave the Adamantine Horse to the legendary gentle) nudge, a derisive whinny, or the placement of
dragonslayer Xarn, a champion of the young human its metal body to block or reroute passage.
race. Xarn had already proved his worth against
a champion ofTiamat, but he went on to ride the CONCORDANCE
Adamantine Horse into battle against one ofTiamat's Starting Score 5
Owner gains a level +1d10
Owner is lawful good +2
Owner is a paladin, warlord, or avenger +1
Owner has the Mounted Combat feat +1
Owner finishes a quest that fulfills
the Adamantine Horse's goals +1
Owner defeats an evil dragon (maximum 1/day) +1
Owner acts in a way contrary to the
Adamantine Horse's goals -2
Owner disregards the Adamantine Horse's desires -1
PLEASED (16-20)
"On the battlefield, we move and fi8ht as one."
The Adamantine Horse ofXarn is proud to serve
its owner as a steed and ally in battle, and it shares
its magical power with its owner's allies as well. The
Adamantine Horse's statistics reflect its pride and
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
Pleased Adamantine Horse of Xarn Level 10 Brute The Adamantine Horse ofXarn is content to allow its III
large animate beast (construct, mount) XP 500 1-
owner to use it as a mount. U
nitiative +6
HP 136; Bloodied 68
Senses Perception +12; low-light vision
Property: The Adamantine Horse becomes a 7th-level
C 22; Fortitude 24, Reflex 21, Will 22 creature with the following statistics:
Speed 10
Z Kick (standard; at-will) Adamantine Horse of Xarn Level 7 Brute
+13 vs. AC; 1d1 0 + 8 damage.
large animate beast (construct, mount) XP 300
- Trample (standard; at-will)
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +10; low-light vision
The Adamantine Horse ofXarn can move up to its speed and
HP 105; Bloodied 52
enter enemies' spaces. This movement provokes opportunity
AC 19; Fortitude 21, Reflex 18, Will 19
attacks, and the Adamantine Horse must end its move in an
Speed 8
unoccupied space. When it enters an enemy's space, the
Adamantine Horse makes a trample attack: +11 vs. Reflex; 1 d1 0
<D Kick (standard; at-will)
+10 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 damage.
- 8 damage, and the target is knocked prone.
'\damantine Charge (while mounted by a friendly rider of 7th
+ Trample (standard; at-will)
The Adamantine Horse ofXarn can move up to its speed and
level or higher; at-will) .. Mount
enter enemies' spaces. This movement provokes opportunity
The Adamantine Horse grants its rider 10 extra damage on
attacks, and the warhorse must end its move in an unoccupied
charge attacks.
space. When it enters an enemy's space, the warhorse makes a
Iignment Unaligned Languages Understands Common,
trample attack: +8 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 7 damage, and the target is
Draconic, and Supernal
knocked prone.
Str 24 (+12) Dex 12 (+6) Wis 14 (+7)
Adamantine Charge (while mounted by a friendly rider of 7th
Con 26 (+13) Int 4 (+2) Cha 10 (+5)
level or higher; at-will) .. Mount
The Adamantine Horse grants its rider 10 extra damage on
SATISFIED Cl2-15) charge attacks.
-Together, we shallfindglory through our actions!" Alignment Unaligned languages Understands Common,
Satisfied with its owner's deeds and devotion to Draconic, and Supernal
he ways of good, the Adamantine Horse ofXarn grants Str 23 (+9) Dex 12 (+4) Wis 14 (+5)
its owner and all mounted allies additional powers. Con 25 (+10) Int 3 (-1) Cha 10 (+3)
Property: While you are mounted on the Adamantine Horse, UNSATISFIED Cl-4)
any mounted ally within 20 squares of you gains a +S 'The horse has a mind of its own about our purpose_"
bonus to damage rolls with charge attacks. The Adamantine Horse ofXarn still accepts its owner
Property: The Adamantine Horse becomes an 8th-level as a rider, but it ignores its owner's commands unless
creature with the following statistics:
they directly serve the artifact's goals. The Adamantine
Horse holds back from granting its owner its full power.
Satisfied Adamantine Horse of Xarn Level 8 Brute
large animate beast (construct, mount) XP 350
Property: The Adamantine Horse becomes a 7th-level
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +11; low-light vision
creature with the statistics shown above, but it doesn't
HP 115; Bloodied 57
grant its adamantine char8e ability to its owner.
AC 20; Fortitude 22, Reflex 19, Will 20
Speed 9
::B Kick (standard; at-will) ANGERED (0 OR LOWER)
+11 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 damage. "1 am unworthy to ride this steed."
-I- Trample (standard; at-will)
The Adamantine Horse ofXarn can move up to its speed and Property: The Adamantine Horse ofXarn tries not to let its
enter enemies' spaces. This movement provokes opportunity owner mount it. If its owner does somehow mount it, the
attacks, and the warhorse must end its move in an unoccupied Horse doesn't move.
space. When it enters an enemy's space, the warhorse makes a
trample attack: +9 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 7 damage, and the target is MOVING ON
knocked prone.
"The steed has other fights to jOin."
Adamantine Charge (while mounted by a friendly rider of 7th
level or higher; at-will) .. Mount The Adamantine Horse ofXarn gallops off to other
The Adamantine Horse grants its rider 10 extra damage on adventures. Ifit has normal concordance with its
charge attacks. owner, it walks off into the sunset the next time the
Alignment Unaligned Languages Understands Common, character gains a level, never to be seen again. If it's
Draconic, and Supernal satisfied or pleased with its owner, it leaves behind
Str 23 (+10) Dex 12 (+5) Wis 14 (+6) a celestial charger (Monster Manual, page 159) that
Con 25 (+11) Int 3 (+0) Cha 10 (+4)
serves the Adamantine Horse's former owner faith-
fully. If the artifact is angered or unsatisfied, it leaves
NORMAL (5-11)
its owner at an inconvenient time to emphasize its
"This union has potentialfor greatness, but valor must be
disappointment and displeasure with the character's
C HAPTER 5 I Adventures
The Amulet of Pass aBe is appropriate for heroic-level
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
Starting Score 5 "Ifyou don't step over the mountain rid8e, the scenery U
Owner gains a level +1d10 never chan8es." «
Owner reaches three milestones in one day +2 The Amulet ofPassa8e is disappointed in its owner, I-
Owner completes a major quest (maximum 1/day) +1 who clearly lacks the drive or ability to accomplish 0:::
Owner's ally dies -1 great things. The character might experience the
Owner stays in the same region for 2 weeks Amulet's displeasure as a nagging feeling oflonging,
without reaching a milestone -1 or as thoughts of wanting something more out oflife
and the need for a change of scenery.
PLEASED (16-20)
-Soon we will accomplish the stuff ofle8end. Everythin8 The Amulet's enhancement bonus decreases to + 1.
I"e ·ve done so far is just a prelude to what lies ahead."
The Amulet ofPassa8e is pleased and impressed ANGERED (0 OR LOWER)
\°ith its owner, and it instills a sense of courage, "We are all lost, and so is this cause."
confidence, and destiny in that character. It urges its The Amulet ofPassa8e despairs of ever goading its
owner to ever greater achievements. owner to great deeds, and that despair rubs off on the
character. The owner feels as ifhe or she will never
Property: The Amulet's item bonus to Acrobatics and achieve great things or accomplish anything oflasting
Athletics checks to escape, and to Thievery checks to open
locks, increases to +5.
Power (Daily + Reliable, Teleportation): Standard Action.
The Amulet's enhancement bonus decreases to + 1. The
You or an attuned ally can use this power. Make an
owner can no longer use any of the Amulet's powers, and
attack: Close burst 10; targets one creature; Intelligence
all allies lose their attunement to the Amulet.
+3, Wisdom +3, or Charisma + 3 vs. Will; on a hit, the
Property: The Amulet's item bonus to Acrobatics and
target disappears from its location (save ends). While the
Athletics checks to escape, and to Thievery checks to open
target is gone from its location, it can't take actions and
locks, is negated.
can't be targeted. On a save, it reappears in the space it
last occupied (or in the nearest unoccupied space of its
choosing if that space is occupied). MOVING ON
"1 have shown you the path, but you must take the first
SATISFIED (12-15) steps on your own."
-Our destinies are intertwined as we walk t08ether on the After the Amulet ofPassa8e has guided its owner
Toad of adventure." and his or her allies onto the path of their destinies,
The Amulet ofPassa8e appreciates its owner's drive it moves on to find its next owner. Before it leaves, it
and encourages that character to achieve more. It provides the characters one last passage, typically a
instills a sense of restlessness, dissatisfaction, and teleportation of some great distance (perhaps even
urgency in its owner, trying to drive the character across worlds), to where their next great adventure
oward still greater actions. will begin.
-:-JORMAL (5-11)
-1 say we 80 that way."
The Amulet ofPassa8e is noncommittal when it
fi rst comes into its owner's possession, waiting to see
whether the character will live up to the artifact's
expectations. It does encourage the owner to be more
decisive, to keep on the move, and to seek adventure
and heroic deeds whenever an opportunity presents
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
CUP AND TALISMAN to mortals to help the world recover from a time of
terrible devastation.
OF AL'AKBAR Religion DC 27: After the artifacts were first
The Cup and Talisman of AI'Akbar are appropriate for used to care for the injured and sick, conflicts arose
paragon-level characters. over the ownership of the Cup and Talisman. Some
sought to use the items for good, while others wanted
to support armies of conquest, and skirmishes raged
This eiBht-pointed star of hammered platinum hanBs on a over their possession until the artifacts disappeared.
chain ofBold and pearls. Each point of the star is tipped with a
diamond, and elaborate patterns ofBold inlay cover its surface. GOALS OF THE CUP AND TALISMAN
The Talisman of AI'Akbar is a +3 maBie holy symbol with the
following properties and powers.
• Prevent death and eliminate disease.
Implement (Holy Symbol) • Avoid creating conflict because of the artifacts'
Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls allure.
Critical: +3 d6 damage per plus
Property: Whenever you make a Heal check, you can roll
• Atone for the past pain and bloodshed the artifact
twice and use either result. have caused.
Property: Whenever you use a healing power on an ally, that
ally regains 1 dl 0 additional hit points. ROLEPLAYING THE
Power (Daily. Healing): Free Action. TriBBer: You reduce
an enemy to 0 hit points with an attack power using this CUP AND TALISMAN
holy symbol. Effect: You or one ally within 5 squares of Though each item is a powerful artifact in its own
you gains regeneration 5 until the end of the encounter. right, the Cup and Talisman of AI'Akbar appear in
histories and lore only as a pair. Likewise, both items
think and speak as one entity when in close proxim-
Twelve &reat Bems form a rinB around the rim of this larBe Bold ity, echOing one another's words. When separated
chalice, which requires two hands to carry. The chalice Blows and in the hands of a good soul, each item comments
with a faint Bolden liBht. frequently that it must be reunited with its other hal(
Wondrous Item The items are altruistic and expect their owner
Power (Daily): Standard Action. You drink from the Cup of to be as well. They seek only owners who have good
AI'Akbar and make an Endurance check against a disease intentions and avoid anyone who pursues glory or
affecting you, using the disease's improve DC. If you suc- profit above good deeds. Any owner who uses the Cup
ceed, you're cured. If you fail, the disease doesn't get any
and Talisman directly for profit earns their distrust.
worse while it affects you.
Power (Daily. Healing): Using this power takes 10
A character using the artifacts can reap the normal
minutes. You create one potion of AI'Akbar (see below). If treasure-and even pay-from adventuring. Forcing
you use the Cup together with the Talisman of AI'Akbar, the sick or wounded to buy the Cup's healing is unac-
you can instead create up to three potions of AI'Akbar. A ceptable, as is raising someone from the dead because
potion created in this way reverts to plain water if it isn't that person is wealthy or powerful rather than worthy
consumed within 24 hours. or innocent.
Though they're great artifacts of healing, the Cup
When filled with water, the Cup of AI'Akbar can create and Talisman have also caused much bloodshed
a potion ofAI'Akbar. A creature that drinks one of among ambitious individuals who sought the items'
these potions gains a healing benefit. The potion can't power. The artifacts still fear their own power and try
be disenchanted. to escape notice.
This Bolden liquid contains &reat healinB maBie. The Cup and Talisman ofAl 'Akbar were created in a
Potion time of great need-some say it was a great plague
Power (Consumable. Healing): Minor Action. Drink
created by evil deities or demon lords, while others
this potion and spend a healing surge. Instead of the
hit points you would normally regain, you regain 30 hit
believe it was a war in which great heroes were griev-
points and make a saving throw. ously wounded and killed. Once that time had passed
If you have no healing surges when you drink this po- and the artifacts were no longer crucial to survival
tion, you instead gain 15 temporary hit points. and victory, their very presence led to hostilities. All
sought to own the artifacts, including their owners'
CUP AND TALISMAN LORE enemies, neutral parties who sought their power, and
Religion DC 22: The Cup and Talisman of even the owners' allies. At that point, the Cup and
AI'Akbar are divine relics with great healing powers. Talisman disappeared. Sil1ce that time, they have sur-
Legend says that they were gifts from Pelor, given faced when they were needed, but only long enough
to accomplish their goals before disappearing again
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
o avoid creating more conflict. The Cup and Talisman NORMAL (5-11) I.Il
sorry that they do more harm than good.
"So many call out in pain. We must heal their tortured u
The Cup and Talisman are supernaturally allur- bodies and ease their sufferina." «
ing and can cause even old allies to turn against one
another. The dangers of the artifacts' allure to the
Special: If you have only one of the artifacts, that artifact ex::
characters the longer they hold them should be fore- encourages you to find the other artifact and drops cryptic «
had owed. At first it could be petty rulers who seek to hints to lead you to it (or more explicit instructions once it
wn the artifacts, but later the situation could esca- trusts you).
Special: If you have both artifacts, they request that you find
ate to conflicts and dissension among the characters
and heal those in need. They also emphasize discretion,
hemselves. not wishing for their whereabouts to be discovered.
C HAPTER 5 I Adventures
The Emblem of Os san drya is appropriate for paragon· EMBLEM OF OSSANDRYA
level characters. • Nurture a group of heroes so that they can begin
their epic destiny.
• Spread the story of those heroes and help their
This medallion, shaped like a shield and 8lowin8 with 50ft
80lden li8ht, bears Corellon's star symbol in its center.
legend grow among the people of the world.
Wondrous Item • Encourage daring acts, bold action, and clever
Property: You gain resist 10 poison. stratagems.
Property: You gain a + 1 item bonus to saving throws.
Property: You gain a +2 item bonus to Acrobatics, Athletics, ROLEPLAYING THE
and Diplomacy checks.
Power (Encounter): Minor Action. You transfer the Emblem EMBLEM OF OSSANDRYA
of Os san drya to an ally within 5 squares of you. That ally When a character first touches the Emblem of Ossan·
gains the powers and properties of the artifact, using drya, it telepathically asks if the character and his or
your concordance to determine them. her allies seek glory for their heroic deeds. With an
Power (Daily): Free Action. Tri88er: You make an attack roll affirmative answer, the Emblem attaches itself to that
or skill check and dislike the result. Effect: You reroll the
character's armor or clothing, above and to the left
attack or check and must use the second result.
of the character's heart. The Emblem is friendly and
encouraging, but qUickly grows impatient with those
EMBLEM OF OSSANDRYA LORE who are slow to seek adventure.
History DC 22: The legendary eladrin Ossan· The Emblem can communicate telepathically and
drya wore this emblem during the Last Battle of the through speech. It speaks Common, Draconic, Dwar·
Spiral Tower, when forces loyal to Corellon drove ven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Supernal. The Emblem
the wicked drow from the Feywild. Since then, it has loves to relate the lore of other heroes to which it has
appeared in times of great crisis, when good must been attached. It eagerly listens to any tales told by
stand strong against the powers of treachery and evil. the heroes, and encourages them to tell such tales to
History DC 27: The Emblem of Ossandrya is far others.
more devoted to the cause ofjustice and good than
even Corellon.1t drives its owner to pursue the high· CONCORDANCE
est ideals of heroic valor. Starting Score 5
Owner gains a level +ldlO
Owner completes a major quest +2
Owner is trained in Diplomacy +1
Owner is an eladrin +1
Owner fails to complete a major quest -2
Owner or an ally attacks a good or lawful good
creature (maximum 1/encounter) -2
PLEASED el6-20)
"Friends, tales of our deeds shall find a fittina place amona
the leaends of our world."
The characters have proven their worth, and the
Emblem of Ossan drya accepts them as truly great
heroes of grand stature.
"Did you see the baron's face when we told him of our battle
at the chasm bridae? Truly, that will be a difficult tale for us
to top . .. but we will!"
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
The Emblem of Ossan drya appreciate the valor and
daring of its owner and hi or her allie . encouraging
Rash and Reckless are artifacts appropriate for a pair U
them to ever greater ad,-enture _
of paragon-level characters.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
They might suggest a certain course of action-always
one that is brash and unconventional. Even limited as
they are, the artifacts' communications advance their
goal of bringing more daring action and excitement
into the world.
Rash and Reckless share a friendly sense of com·
petition. Each pair of boots seeks to goad its owner
into the greatest, most flamboyant and foolhardy
deeds. This competitiveness rubs off on the owners
of the items, leading to characters who constantly
seek to outdo each other in performing outrageous
stunts. The artifacts reward this type of behavior with
increased concordance.
Each pair of boots has its own concordance with its
owner. Much of the artifacts' concordance depends
on the wearer accomplishing outrageous stunts.
Maneuvers that are daring but not quite brilliant can
increase the artifact's concordance with its owner by
1, while a truly legendary act (as determined by the
DM) might increase it by 3.
Starting Score 5
Owner gains a level +ld10
Owner is a rogue or a bard +2
Owner is trained in Acrobatics and Athletics +1
Owner pulls off a maneuver with great panache +2
Owner rushes into danger (maximum l / encounter) +1
Owner falls due to a failed Athletics check -1
Owner expresses caution -1
Owner flees from a combat encount er -2
PLEASED (16-20)
"I know! Let's sneak into the baron's keep to find out what
he's up to!"
''And we can steal his scepter while we're there!"
The artifact is delighted with its owner, who dis-
plays the kind of behavior that the boots approve of. It
encourages thoughts of daring adventures and reck-
less behavior, which it knows its owner will pursue.
"Caution be damned!"
"Twice damned, I say!"
The artifact sees encouraging signs that its owner
is capable of truly legendary acts and gently urges the
character to pursue a course of foolhardy action.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
Property: Whenever you shift, you can move into spaces
occupied by creatures, but you can't end your movement
in an occupied square. The renowned Rod of Seven Parts is appropriate for
characters of any level. Unlike most artifacts, it's ....
NORMAL (5-11) deSigned to come into play early in a character's 0-
-rfeel like doing something . .. crazy." career and play an important part in adventures ~
"Something wild!" through the epic tier.
The artifact initially stirs vague longings in its new The Rod consists of seven individual segments,
owner, trying to goad the character into more daring each one between 4 and 15 inches long. Reassembled
and extravagant behavior. into a whole, they form a slender rod 5 feet in length.
-r don't want to let my life be ruled by fear." This short seBment of lusterless black metal looks like a sinBle
The artifact is displeased with an owner who is part of a larBer whole.
either too cautious or too incompetent to accomplish A Single segment of the Rod of Seven Parts is a + 1 maBic
deeds worthy of its original owner. The character rod. Each additional segment joined to the first increases
fe els the artifact's dissatisfaction and longs to find the Rod's enhancement bonus by 1 to a maximum of +7.
The Rod's properties and powers depend on how many
an untapped reserve of bravery. Until the artifact's
segments are assembled together.
concordance improves, it grants no powers, but its Implement (Rod)
properties still apply. Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: + 1 d6 damage per segment, or +1 dl 0 damage per
ANGERED (0 OR LOWER) segment against elemental creatures
-These boots are slowing me down!" Property: Whenever you use a healing power, one target of
The artifact despises its owner, believing the char- the power can make a saving throw.
Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Diplomacy,
acter to be incapable of greatness and unworthy of its
Intimidate, and Religion checks per segment.
aid and attention. The artifact grants no powers, and
irs normal properties no longer apply.
If all seven segments of the Rod of Seven Parts are
Property: At the start of each encounter, you're slowed
assembled together, they gain the following addi-
(save ends). tional property:
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
• Be reunited into a whole item once again. "ThrouSh us, order will be restored to creation!"
The Rod of Seven Parts is mostly or entirely com-
• Establish the divine rule oflaw in the world and
plete, and it hums with life and excitement that rub
the cosmos, taming the Elemental Chaos and
off on its owner. The Rod is actively seeking Miska the
destroying the remaining primordials.
Wolf-Spider or another primordial to destroy, and its
• Seek out and destroy Miska the Wolf-Spider once owner knows the Rod's full purpose.
and for all.
Property: Whenever you use a healing power, each target of
ROLEPLAYING THE the power can make a saving throw.
Power (Daily. Fear, Psychic): Standard Action. You cloak
ROD OF SEVEN PARTS yourself in a fearsome aura of awe-inspiring divine pres-
It's best for the PCs to find the smallest part of the ence, which enables you to make the following attack:
Rod of Seven Parts first. Each individual segment of Close burst 3; targets enemies in the burst; Intelligence
the Rod is capable of guiding its owner toward the or Wisdom or Charisma vs. Will; on a hit, the attack
next larger segment. If a character holds any portion deals 2d1 0 + 5 psychic damage, pushes the target 3
squares, and immobilizes the target (save ends).
of the Rod and thinks of it as part of a larger item, the
character feels a vague sense of where the next larg-
est piece lies, getting a clear sense of direction, but no
"Fear me, spawn of Chaos-and fear the Rod I wield!"
indication of distance or circumstance.
With at least five segments assembled, the Rod of
As soon as two or more pieces of the Rod are joined
Seven Parts manifests potent powers in pursuit of its
together, the Rod's owner feels its urgent desire to be
goals. Its owner knows that the Rod seeks to destroy
reassembled. Without being consciously aware of the
primordials and punishes lawless behavior.
Rod's influence, its owner also becomes aware of its
goals. The character becomes inclined toward order
Power (Encounter): Move Action. You fly your speed.
and regulation, feeling a sense of revulsion when con- Power (Daily): Standard Action. You create a gust of
fronted by disorder, lawlessness, or anarchy. wind: Close blast 5; targets all creatures; Intelligence or
Wisdom vs. Fortitude; on a hit, the attack deals 2d1 0 + 5
CONCORDANCE damage and pushes the target 3 squares.
The primary way to increase the concordance of the
NORMAL (5-11)
Rod of Seven Parts, and through that its power, is to
seek out additional segments and join them to the "There is more to this Rod . .. 1 can feel it!"
first segment found. Regardless of other conditions, When a segment of the Rod of Seven Parts first
the number of segments jOined together determines comes into a character's possession, the artifact com-
the Rod's maximum concordance, as shown on the municates a vague sense of a greater purpose or
second table below. destiny, but little else. The character is aware of the
Rod's properties and knows that finding additional
CONCORDANCE segments of the Rod will increase its power.
Starting Score 5
Owner gains a level +1d10 UNSATISFIED (1-4)
Each segment of the rod joined to the first +2 "1 don't think this thins likes me."
Owner defeats an elemental (maximum 1/day) +1 The Rod's owner is either flaunting laws or waging
Owner defeats a primordial +4 war on angels or devils, and the Rod is displeased. It
Owner or an ally attacks an immortal makes its displeasure known, with subtle influence
(maximum 1/encounter) -1 and a vague sense of unease.
Owner flouts laws or codes of conduct -2
Property: The Rod's item bonus to Diplomacy, Intimidate,
and Religion checks is negated.
Number of Segments Maximum Concordance
Property: You take a -2 penalty to Bluff checks.
One 5 Property: You take a -1 penalty to attack rolls against
Two 7 immortal creatures.
Three 9
Five 14 "Why am 1 so tired all the time?"
Six 17 The Rod of Seven Parts is severely displeased and
Seven 20 punishes its owner until the character's behavior
improves or the artifact decides to move on.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
The Rod's enhancement bonus is reduced by 1, and its extra
damage on a critical hit is reduced by 1 die.
Property: The Rod's item bonus to Diplomacy, Intimidate,
and Religion checks is negated.
Property: You take a -5 penalty to Bluff checks.
The Standard of Eternal Battle is appropriate for para-
Property: You take a -2 penalty to attack rolls against gon-level characters.
immortal creatures. The Standard has no Single owner, but it considers
Property: After each extended rest, you lose one healing itself to belong to an entire party of heroes-as if they
surge. were a squad of soldiers. Any member of the char-
acters' party can use the powers and properties of
MOVING ON the Standard, and the actions of the group as a whole
"What happened to the Rod?" determine the artifact's concordance.
The Rod of Seven Parts shatters into its component
parts, and each segment teleports to a random loca-
tion across the planes. It might break apart and scatter This tattered standard bears the evidence of a dozen weat wars
after its owner uses a daily power from the Rod, or and a thousand battles. Dedicated to the spirit of warfare,
after slaying a powerful opponent. Ifit's displeased the banner patiently waits for worthy owners to carl)' it into
with its owner, it might shatter in the instant before combat.
the character tries to use it as a weapon or implement. Wondrous Item
If the Rod is pleased with its owner, it might grant a Power (At-Will): Minor Action. Any owner of the Standard
legendary boon (see page 142) in its place. of Eternal Battle can cause it to display any coloration,
crest, icon, emblem, or other mark. The chosen symbol
remains until an owner uses a minor action to change it.
Power (Encounter. Zone): Standard Action. When you
ADVENTURES W1TH plant the Standard in your space or an adjacent square, it
THE ROD OF SEVEN PARTS creates a zone in a close burst 5. While within the zone,
you and your allies gain a +1 power bonus to attack rolls
The Rod of Seven Parts was the focus of a super adventure and saving throws.
written in 1996 (for the 2nd Edition of the D&D game) by In addition, while the Standard is planted, any of its
Skip Williams. This truly epic campaign leads the charac- owners within 5 squares of it can use its powers.
ters on several shorter adventures in pursuit of individual These effects last until the end of the encounter or
segments of the Rod, while encounters with various min- until the Standard is removed from the ground.
ions of Miska and the Queen of Chaos, as well as agents The Standard can be set into any solid surface, even
rocky ground or a stone floor. It doesn't occupy the
of the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, occur at intervals over the
square. Once planted, it can be removed from the ground
course of many levels of play. as a standard action only by one of its owners or by a
A series of adventures involving the Rod of Seven Parts creature that has reduced one of its owners to 0 hit
could have the characters stumble upon one piece of the points or fewer.
Rod initially, and then seek out the other six of their own
volition. Complicating matters a bit, the characters might STANDARD OF
discover that forces of chaos also seek the Rod, hoping to
use it to find and restore Miska the Wolf-Spider to power. ETERNAL BATTLE LORE
The Rod of Seven Parts adventure took things one step History DC 22: A gift from the god Bane to an
further, introducing a Wind Duke who sought to restart ancient hobgoblin conqueror, the Standard ofEter-
the ancient war against Chaos by releasing Miska again. nal Battle has flown over countless battlefields in
If you introduce the Rod to your campaign at low every era of mortal history. It shares its creator's love
levels, you can include a short quest to find and attach a for war, regardless of the cause or purpose of the
new segment of the Rod once every five levels or so. That conflict.
way, its enhancement bonus keeps pace with its owner's History DC 27: According to legend, the Standard
level. Make sure the artifact stays important to the party can change hands only through violence-it must be
in between those adventures by featuring enemies and won and claimed as a prize in battle.
allies who have an interest in the Rod. As the characters
assemble more segments, they might get involved with GOALS OF THE STANDARD
the Wind Dukes, various demonic forces, and ultimately OF ETERNAL BATTLE
Miska itself.
• Aid those whose goal is conquest through war, sub-
You can also compress this campaign arc by introduc-
duing a rebellious people, or unseating a usurper.
ing the Rod when the characters are already epic level. Its
powers and properties might not be Significant to them • Be carried by worthy owners. Lesser owners must
until they get four or five segments assembled, but the improve or quickly be replaced or destroyed.
promise of having a +7 rod in hand by the campaign's
climax makes the effort worthwhile.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
The Standard of Eternal Battle is a manifestation of the
spirit of warfare and conquest. To that end, it's crafty
and suspicious, being a master and survivor of a hun-
dred betrayals.
Arrogant and completely unconcerned for the fates
of all who aren't accomplished warriors, the Standard
issues commands rather than conversing with its
owners. It communicates by speaking through nearby
characters, its gravelly voice emerging unexpectedly
whenever it wishes to make its point. It doesn't care
whether it speaks through one of its owners, a nearby
NPC , or even an enemy locked in battle with the
Starting Score 5
Owning group finds the Standard, rather than
taking it from previous owners -2
Each member of owning group gains a level +ld10
Owning group contributes to the success of a war
or major conquest +4
Member of owning group reduced to 0 hit points
or fewer by an enemy -1
Member of owning group surrenders to an enemy -2
Owning group participates in losing effort of a war
or major conquest -4
PLEASED (16-20)
"Even death cannot stay our hands! Fi8ht on!" The Standard of Eternal Battle is arrogant but vocally
The Standard of Eternal Battle delights in heroes supportive of its owners, even while it silently judges
who take part in glorious battle and refuse to bow the characters' worth in battle.
down to their foes. It grants its owners the power to
cheat death so they can fight longer. UNSATISFIED (1-4)
"We have failed. We must put ourselves back on the path
Power (Daily" Healing): Immediate Interrupt. Tr;88er: An to 810ry."
enemy reduces you to 0 hit points or fewer while you're The Standard of Eternal Battle's owners have fal-
within the zone. Effect: You regain all your hit points and tered in battle, and the artifact begins to throw
make a saving throw against each effect on you that a greater challenges in their way to test their mettle.
save can end.
Property: At the start of each encounter, if the level of the
SATISFIED (12-15) highest-level owner is equal to or lower than the level of
"We cannot be held back from Victory!" any enemy in the encounter, the owners of the Standard
The Standard of Eternal Battle enjoys the tastes of take a -5 penalty to initiative checks for that encounter.
glory it receives and hungers for more. Its owners are
filled with confidence as it orders them to seek out ANGERED (0 OR LOWER)
greater battles. "We have displeased the Standard. We must prove our
worth before we perish!"
Power (Encounter): Minor Action. You and each ally within The owners are failing to live up to the lofty expec-
the zone make a saving throw with a +5 bonus, and you tations of the Standard of Eternal Battle, and it actively
each gain combat advantage against the target of the next seeks their downfall at the hands of more accom-
attack roll you make before the end of your next turn. plished warriors.
NORMAL (5-llJ Property: At the start of each encounter, if the level of the
"Let us prove ourselves worthy of the banner we fi8ht highest-level owner is equal to or lower than the level of
under." any enemy in the encounter, the owners of the Standard
take a -10 penalty to initiative checks for that encounter.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
Property: If planted, the Standard can be removed from
the ground as a standard action by any creature in or ORGAN1ZAT10NS Z
adjacent to its square. o
Organized groups give your adventurers the chance
MOVING ON to interact and form relationships with set collections
"Our doom approaches." of enemies and allies throughout ongoing storylines.
The Standard of Eternal Battle balances its desire Villainous organizations connect the dots between
for worthy owners with its need to exercise control encounters. Virtuous groups provide the PCs with
over those individuals. Whether the owners prove support, a sense of belonging, and a reason to venture
unworthy or the artifact loses its absolute contro!' it forth and find trouble. Organizations between the
eventually seeks to divest itself of its current owners. poles of good and evil flesh out the politics of your
The Standard doesn't move on ofits own volition. setting.
It instead draws powerful adversaries to it and its
owners on a regular basis. These teams of enemies RECURRING VILLAINY
are often stronger than the current owners (2-5 levels Enemy organizations offer a sense of continuity in
higher) and are dedicated to wresting the artifact your story that solitary villains don't provide, because
from its inferior owners. They begin showing up you remove solitary villains from the game world
weekly or even daily, always at the most inopportune when they're defeated. Antagonists in roleplaying
moments, until the owners are defeated or surrender games are more fragile than villains in movies and
the artifact. comic books. An author can dictate that his villain
Some owners see this doom approaching and rid inconclusively engages with the heroes several times
themselves of the Standard before it's too late. Accord· before the final confrontation. In the game, though,
ing to legend, the Standard is often found in a forlorn any encounter between a set of player characters and
location, a lowly resting place for such a lofty artifact. a primary villain could end in the death of a carefully
nurtured antagonist.
When the characters struggle against a malevolent
DESTRO'Y1NG ART1FACTS organization, however, the storyline can continue
As mentioned in the Dun8eon Master's Guide, destroying despite a surprise victory. The defeated creature you
an artifact isn't as simple as using the rules for damag- intended as the main villain is revealed as a pawn
ing objects. Each artifact has a specific means by which of a larger group, allowing you to create another pri-
it Can be destroyed. The original Dun8eon Master's Guide mary villain for later encounters. During the search
(published in 1979) offered the following list of possible for the mastermind, the PCs engage in further fights
means to destroy an artifact: against other cells of the villainous group.
1. Melt it down in the fiery furnace, pit, mountain,
forge, crucible, or kiln in which it was created.
1. Drop it into or bury it beneath (1) the Well ofTime, CONNECTING THE DOTS
1) the Abyss, (3) the Earth Wound, (4) Adonais' Deep, (5)
In a political or city-based scenario, organizational
the Spring of Eternity, (6) Marion's Trench, (7) the living ties between sets of opponents can serve as the
Stone, (8) the Mountain of Thunder, (9) 100 adult red connecting tissue that links encounters. After the
dragon skulls, (1 0) the Tree of the Universe. characters overcome a combat encounter or a skill
3. Cause it to be broken against or crushed by (1) challenge, plant information that leads them to
Talos, a triple iron golem, (1) the Cates of Hell, (3) the another encounter or challenge to face a new branch
Cornerstone of the World, (4) Artur's Dolmen, (5) the of the organization, or give them a clue to the identity
Juggernaut of the Endless Labyrinth, (6) the heel of a god, of the lead villain.
7) the Clashing Rocks, (8) the foot of a humble ant. Just as dungeon room doors can lead to different
4. Expose it to the penetrating light and flame of (1) encounters, you can plant clues that lead in multiple
the Ray of Eternal Shrinking, (1) the Sun, (3) Truth: that directions, offering players an interesting choice of
which is pure will become light, that which is impure will next steps. Allow players to choose which opponents
surely wither. to tackle next, so they don't feel forced from one scene
5. Cause it to be seared by the odious flames of Cery- into another.
on's destroyed soul or diSintegrated in the putrid ichor of The path from one encounter to the next isn't
Juiblex's deliqueScing flesh. always straightforward. To keep the adventure on
6. Sprinkle it with/ baptize it in the (1) Well of life, (1) track, don't hide information that leads characters to
River Styx, (3) River of Flame, (4) River Lethe. the next encounter. If they fail on a Perception check
or a Streetwise check to glean necessary informa-
tion, don't leave players with no direction. Give them
the information they need, and then let them make
checks to uncover extra information that helps them
C HAPTER 5 I Adventures
Another set of plot options appears when characters
cannot fight their way from one enemy cell to another
because the enemy organization is too strong. This
strength might translate literally in terms oflevel and
enemy capability. Build the opposing group's leader-
ship from epic tier monsters when the characters
have just embarked on their paragon paths, making a
combat confrontation with the organization a deadly
If you want to create a politically untouchable
enemy organization, focus on intrigue and interac-
tion. For example, the enemy group advises the local
duke, enjoys the protection of an impulSive deity, or
secures the loyalty of the people by generously donat-
ing gold to favored causes. Although the characters
might occasionally spar with the enemy's minions
and lackeys, the PCs can't launch physical attacks
on the leaders. Instead, the characters embark on
a series of fights, skill challenges, and interactions
deSigned to reduce the enemy group's political influ-
ence. Characters might pursue the following tasks:
• Search for proof that the group secretly conspires
against its political protectors.
• Displace the villains in their patron's favor, either
through political intrigue or a series of battles.
• Use treasure liberated from dungeon delving to
purchase the goodwill of the populace. (Increase
the available treasure from each encounter. The
in other ways. For example, if characters succeed on a
players need the usual amount to enhance their
check with a high roll, they might find one or more of
characters, plus a budget for their political opera-
the following kinds of information.
tions. Turn off the gold spigot if the players start
• Tactical hints that grant an advantage in the raiding their political slush fund to buy magic
upcoming encounter. You could forewarn the items for themselves.)
party about traps, necessary equipment or ritual
components, or a way to surprise their enemies.
• Facts they can use to achieve personal goals. A
Organizations can stand in the party's way without
player character who swears to expose his evil
being villainous. Rival groups hinder the characters
uncle might find proof of his uncle's membership
and their goals by competing with them. The rivals'
in the outlaw band the group has been fight-
methods might be at least as ethical as the player
ing. Or, a character who has an established love
characters' methods. If the characters behave like a
interest could discover an enemy group's plans to
selfish pack ofirresponsible freebooters, members
kidnap and ransom him.
of a rival organization might annoy and frustrate the
• Clues leading to additional encounters. Give char- characters by acting with high-handed, self-righteous
acters an incentive to follow obvious links and virtue. A rival group that pursues disastrous ends
make dead-end paths less enticing. with the best of intentions offers its own tricky chal-
• Details about the inner workings of the villainous lenge. Give the players reasons to sympathize with
organization. This kind of information engages these troublemakers, even as the characters struggle
explorers and storytellers. The details don't have to to compensate for their rivals' actions.
relate directly to the goals of the characters or the Examine the characters' goals to determine a rival
adventure in order to be meaningful. organization's plans. Invent a reason why a different
group of characters wants to work against the PCs
without descending into villainy. Consider the follow-
ing challenges that a rival organization might pose to
your characters.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
+ The characters enjoy the patronage of a wealthy the characters act as powerful free agents. Avoid the
and powerful duke, and another group wishes to temptation to use their superiors in an organization
secure the duke's favor. Or, the rival adventurers to create dominance over the characters. Few play-
could seek to replace the duke with someone they ers want to belong to groups that abuse, punish, or
believe is the duke's older brother, and thus is the threaten their members. Although authoritarian
rightful claimant to the duke's title. organizations exist, reserve this type of behavior for
+ A particular temple advocates a rigidly moralistic enemies and rivals.
ideology that might, if it took hold among the pop· Players who prefer an open-ended approach to
ulace, put characters who use arcane power out of the game might avoid organizations that assign mis-
favor. sions or issue orders. An organization that has a loose
structure but clear goals can provide enough moti-
+ Another adventuring party explores the same vation to set the players on the road to self-defined
dungeon and searches for the same artifact or
missions. For example, the characters might be the
treasure that the characters are seeking. In addi-
only local representatives of a far-flung organization
tion to creating an interesting rivalry, this situation
dedicated to fighting cults of Those Who Hear (see
also encourages the characters to push through
page 120) and other people and creatures connected
encounters without stopping for an extended rest
to the Far Realm. The characters have a clear reason
(see "Drawing Characters Onward" on page 54).
to investigate when signs of cult activity surface in the
area. The characters might also sense that their local
Because the rules allow characters to fight rivals
problems are part of a larger story without needing to
without killing them (see "Knocking Creatures
have missions handed to them by an authority figure.
Unconscious" on page 295 of the Player's Handbook),
you can stage combat encounters with members
of rival organizations who impede the characters' SHIFTING RELATIONSHIPS
progress. The characters' relationships with an organization
Players might not expect their characters to face can shift, perhaps several times over the course of a
the logical results of antisocial behavior. Warn the long campaign. An organization might initially act as
players that if they use lethal force against legitimate a patron for the characters, hiring or rewarding them
organizations, they can expect punishment, which on an informal basis for performing particular tasks.
could include any or all the following consequences: As the characters complete missions for the patron
+ Trouble with the authorities. group, they might identify with the organization and
join as official members, or at least informal opera-
+ Revenge attacks by other members of the rival
tives. Alternatively, they might grow disenchanted
with the group, gradually learning that they do not
+ Withdrawal of support by friends, family, patrons, share or support its true agenda.
and community leaders. Shifting relationships can define a story arc for
+ Exile from good or unaligned communities. your campaign. These changes could occur gradually,
in response to player interaction, or suddenly, when
BELONGING TO you unveil a plot twist. Consider the following pos-
sible developments:
AN ORGANIZATION + The player characters disappoint the organiza-
You can build a campaign around the idea that the tion, and it finds a new group of adventurers to do
player characters belong to an organization rather its bidding. Or, maybe the characters decide they
than, or in addition to, having them fight against a vil- don't want to work for the organization anymore.
lainous or rival organization. The players might want Either way, the characters must now compete
their characters to join an established group in your against the organization's new representatives.
You can portray the characters'lives between mis-
+ A virtuous organization undergoes a factional
struggle that results in the ousting ofits benevolent
sions through an adventurer organization, if your
members. The new leadership begins advanc-
group enjoys this aspect of play. It allows you to sur-
ing an evil plot, and the characters must decide
round the party with a cast ofNPCs who can drive
whether to try to restore the group's original lead-
plots and subplots by providing information, requir-
ership from within the organization or leave the
ing rescue, or introducing romantic entanglements.
organization and fight it from outside.
If your group enjoys a DM-directed style of play,
the characters' superior or a contact within the + After a political change, a villainous organization
organization assigns the characters the next quest to that the characters previously couldn't touch is
undertake on the organization's behalf Don't make now fair game. Or, the opposite could be true: A
membership in an organization feel like a job; let well-intentioned group that an evil or misguided
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
.\ 163
ruler once outlawed comes into favor when the The characters need not playa central role in
rulership changes. struggles between groups. The warring organizations
.. A rival or villainous group encourages a partner· can serve as a background element that explains why
ship with the characters to combat a greater threat certain places are lawless or rich in adventuresome
to both groups. violence. In the city ofSigil, for example (see the next
chapter), player characters could either jump into its
.. The characters' patron (group or individual)
ongoing, multisided power struggles or keep their
betrays them at a pivotal moment. This scenario is
heads down and try to stay neutral.
a cliche in fiction and gaming, and as such players
might feel duped if you throw this sort of plot twist
at them. Use the cliche with caution, and try to DEFINING THE CONFLICT
make the players feel clever and triumphant when When you build power struggles between organi-
they turn the tables on their treacherous ex-allies. zations into your setting, define the nature of the
conflict as covert, peripheral, open, multisided, or
polarized (or some combination of these types).
POWER STRUGGLES Covert struggles occur beneath a society's seem-
Struggles between organizations proVide an end- ingly placid surface. Secretive organizations vie for
less supply of plot hooks. If characters belong to an control under the noses of an unsuspecting populace.
organization or have one as a client, they might find A clandestine struggle for political power ends when
themselves contending against its enemies. The PCs' one side wins. Fights over obscure or arcane goals
superiors might send them on missions to attack or could remain concealed, even when the ripple effects
subvert the opposing organization. Alternatively, transform the community.
agents of enemy organizations might try to neutralize Peripheral conflicts interest the participating
the characters or to thwart their assigned objectives. groups but exert little influence on anyone else. For
In an environment of clear morality, in which one example, two schools of wizards might vie for pos-
organization is good and the other evil, the characters session of an artifact. Although the competition
might gravitate to the side of virtue. Ifboth groups consumes the two groups, no one in the wider com-
operate in shades of gray, the characters might have munity notices it. Victory for one side changes the
to wrestle with moral issues when deciding which two groups forever but exerts no measurable impact
group to back. on a society.
When neither contending organization deserves Open struggles pit two or more groups against
sympathy, the adventurers could enjoy playing the one another in violent conflict. Two criminal gangs
groups against each other. Perhaps the characters are might fight for control of a specific territory, or two
amoral and self-serving, or they might slowly grind merchant houses might compete for dominance over
both groups down, pretending to maintain the bal- a specific market or trade route. A barony could erupt
ance of power between the two while they take power in civil war when the baron dies and rival groups
for themselves. support different heirs to the throne. Whatever the
conflict's nature, it affects everyday life, creating
FACT10NS AND SCH1SMS ongoing jeopardy for all. For the characters, any deci-
You can design a setting for players who thrive on politics sion they make could instigate a battle.
and intrigue by adding conflicts within organizations, as Multisided conflicts create a web of mutual depen-
well as conflicts between or among them. Multiple fac- dence and hostility as numerous groups pursue their
tions compose the average organization. Conflict might own agendas. The groups switch between rivalry
occur at the highest levels of the organization as differ- and alliance as circumstances change; sometimes
ent factions compete to direct the organization's agenda they cooperate on certain issues while opposing each
or philosophy. Alternatively, the opposing factions might other on others.
fully agree on the issues that drive the group but divide Polarized conflicts drive all comers into one of two
along lines of loyalty to rival personalities or the specifics opposing camps. Opposed beliefs and interests con-
of administrative detail. Faction leaders might also pay geal into mutual hatred. Each side regards associating
lip service to the philosophy and goals of the group while with the other as treachery. Even if conflict occurs on
pursuing prestige, authority, and control of the group's a political level, flaring tempers could lead to peri-
purse strings. odic explosions of violence.
When the player characters belong to a factionalized
organization, they have frequent opportunities for politi-
cal maneuvering and intrigue. When factional infighting
weakens a rival or villainous organization, the characters
could exploit that schism and find unlikely allies willing
to strike against mutual rivals within the organization.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
ORGANIZATION ELEMENTS Activities: The group's current actions to advance
its agenda.
Like any detail about your world, your description of
Enemies: Other groups that the organization
an organization might consist of an idea in your head,
openly or Violently conflicts with.
a few lines of scrawled notes, or large chunks of ele-
Rivals: Political opponents with whom the group
gantly written text. The following format can help you
engages in peaceful intrigue.
shape your ideas about the groups your PCs interact
Factions: Any notable factions within the group.
with. Not all of these elements are appropriate to all
Other Features: Any additional information on
kinds of organizations.
the group.
Goal: What the group hopes to accomplish in the
short or long term. The following six example organizations can serve as
Stated Goal: Groups with secret goals maintain models for the groups you want to develop for your
cover stories. The goal tells players what the organiza- campaign, or you can use them as presented here. A
tion claims to strive for, rather than its true intent. few of these examples have specific ties to the city of
Size: Rather than giving a specific number of Sigil, which is described in Chapter 6.
members, this entry describes the group's relative
size and scope. BANESONS
Alignment: The prevailing (though not necessar- Goal: A secret conspiracy of humans promotes
ily exclusive) alignment of the faction that drives the the worship of Bane, the deity of war and conquest.
group. In an organization that has a secret agenda, Based on the vision of its founder, the group schemes
this al ignment could be at odds with the alignment of toward a global apocalypse to transform the world
the majority of the unsuspecting members. into a mirror of the plane ofChernoggar, Bane's Iron
Philosophy: Why the organization acts as it Fortress (see Manual of the Planes, page 92), and the
does. In case of a secret agenda, include notes on the Banesons into mighty goblin warriors.
group's outward philosophy. Size: Small and local. The Banesons relies heavily
History: Additional information on the formation on the charisma and devotion of their leader, and the
and development of the organization. group holds little appeal beyond its leader's reach.
Leadership: The group's key leader or leaders, Alignment: Evil.
including any local leadership. Philosophy: "Life offers only misery and false-
Headquarters: The location where the group con- hood. We are strong, but this world of deception
ducts its business and protects its leaders. keeps us weak. It is better to be the masters of our
Membership Requirements: How player charac- own fates and bring on a catastrophe we choose, than
ters can join the organization, if possible. to toil and suffer in a world that places no value on
Structure: The group's organizational structure. our inexhaustible bloodlust."
History: The Banesons formed a generation ago
after its founder, Eliath Red-Dust, went to the moun-
tains to fast and received an ecstatic vision of blood.
Leadership: The blacksmith Derthad Red-Dust
acts meek and subservient, but secretly he burns with
the murderous certainty of his father's mission.
Headquarters: Derthad holds small meetings of
his inner circle at his forge.
Structure: The group consists of a dozen small
cells; each acts autonomously, occasionally taking
direct orders from Derthad. The leaders of the cells
knew Derthad's late father, and they meet regularly
with Derthad to plot global destruction.
Activities: The group raises funds through raids,
kidnappings, and highway robbery. It terrorizes the
area with murders and attacks on local authorities.
Members try to make these attacks resemble the
work of goblins.
Factions: Discontented advisors, led by Derthad's
uncle Shael, plan to take over the group if the group
doesn't make faster progress toward Bane's earthly
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
BLACKHELM )ANISSARIES leadership that recognizes the heroism of every
Goal: Defend Blackhelm, Sigil's outpost on member of the group and gives each member a voice
Chernoggar (see Manual of the Planes, page 92), from in the governance of Blackhelm.
invasion and conquest.
Size: Tiny. The majority of the group resides in THE GOLDEN ROPE
Blackhelm, and a small circle of auxiliaries and Goal: Increase prosperity for mercenaries, adven-
financial supporters aid the Janissaries' cause from turers, and explorers.
Sigil and elsewhere across the planes. Size: Moderate size, concentrated in a local region
Alignment: Unaligned. of a few nearby towns and cities.
Philosophy: "Without us, Blackhelm is nothing Alignment: Unaligned.
but a district ofZoronor, overrun by bladelings or Philosophy: "Only through exploration of wild
worse. And you can bet Sigil would fall next." places can we regain the knowledge to rebuild civi-
History: Unnamed Cagers founded the Janissaries lization. We kill monsters and redistribute their
between one and two hundred years ago. treasure as a public service, and we should be
Leadership: Watch Captain Barald the Bald, a rewarded as such."
humorless warlord, leads the Janissaries and brooks History: The dwarf dungeon delver Kelken Karu
no insubordination. Barald's lieutenants issue orders founded the Golden Rope ten years ago, shortly
to sergeants, who oversee the rank-and-file. Members before he was hanged for the murder of an earl.
who challenge a superior's orders are banished to cer- Leadership: Guildmaster Randaha Mohir, a
tain death outside Blackhelm's walls. fast-talking dragon born, currently leads the guild.
Headquarters: The Blackhelm Janissaries use the A six-member council advises the guild master and
outpost's central strongpoint, called the Dome, as a makes policy by majority vote. Council members are
headquarters. elected on a yearly basis, and the council appoints the
Membership Requirements: The Janissaries guild master. Guild members can attend the regular
greet travelers who enter Blackhelm from Sigil by meetings of the council and make suggestions for the
pressing them into service, ejecting them back to the guild leadership to consider.
City of Doors, or throwing them over the wall into the Headquarters: The guild council meets every two
dangerous streets of Zoronor (see Manual of the Planes, weeks at the Juggling Bear tavern.
page 93). Membership Requirements: Characters can join
Activities: Barald and his lieutenants assign the Golden Rope by demonstrating to the guild lead-
patrols to watch the borders of the outpost and rally er's satisfaction that they have explored at least one
the entire force to respond to any incursion. dungeon complex. The guild collects a "nomination
Enemies: The various denizens of Chernoggar, fee" of 15 gp and annual dues of lO gp per member.
including agents of Bane and Gruumsh, seek to con- Activities: The Golden Rope lobbies local gov-
quer Blackhelm and use it to secure power in Sigil. ernment on behalf of its members, encouraging
Factions: The rogue Amundini instigates dissat- the authorities to pay its members for services ren-
isfaction with Barald the Bald, arguing for a looser dered to help protect and defend communities from
I'm always tempted to design a campaign setting as a That setting works because I switched from the big map
world, or at least a continent, and fill in every square mile to a small spot on it. Once I start running that campaign,
with swamps and forests and nations divided by borders. the forest with the elves and the swamp with the mon-
I can look at such a map and say monsters live in the sters don't matter, at least not until the campaign grows
swamp, elves dwell in the forest, and this nation clashes and expands to include them. In the short term, fleshing
with that nation. TSR produced hefty campaign worlds- out the city on the border and its adventure possibilities
Wizards of the Coast still does-and I want to develop my serves my purposes better than planning what lies half a
worlds in the same rich detail. continent away.
However, when you work with such a large scale, all When you start with the small view, you create space
those details end up far away from the PCs. for adventure on that micro level. The campaign contains
If I dropped the PCs on a border between two nations more than the monsters that live in the swamp a hun -
simmering at the edge of all-out war, the characters might dred miles distant; it involves the PCs in the dangers that
find adventure. That campaign could be interesting. Maybe threaten their lives and homes. In 4th Edition, the PCs
a city lies on the border. Maybe its people don't consider find more danger than safe zones. Adventure is never
themselves members of either nation, and they resent far away.
being fought over. And immigrants from both nations live -James Wyatt, from
within its walls. That scenario could be a lot of fun . Dun8eoncraft Episode 1, Dun8eon 151
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
monsters and other threats. When its members find RAVEN'S WINGS III
themselves in legal trouble, the guild advocates for Z
them and attempts to secure a lenient sentence or dis-
Goal: Pay homage to the Raven Queen by laying o
the undead to their final rest.
missal of charges. Finally, the guild looks to expand Size: Large and Widespread.
its operations into new towns and cities. Alignment: Unaligned.
Enemies: The bandit gang Thordar's Hammers Philosophy: "We show our devotion to the Raven
preys on adventurers who travel between towns and Queen by taking up arms in her name."
the surrounding dungeons and ruins. The family History: A ruler of the tiefling empire of Bael
of the earl slain by Kelken Karu still holds a grudge Turath founded the order, where it operated as a sub-
against the guild, and it has enough influence to versive and secret organization. The small cells of its
make the guild's life difficult. membership have passed on traditions for hundreds
of years.
THE LEAGUE OF DUE HIERARCHY Leadership: Each cell governs itself, and the cell
Goal: Promote the legalization of slavery in places leaders try to maintain close communication with
that currently forbid it and protect the rights of slave- their nearest neighbors in the order.
holders in places that allow slavery. Headquarters: The order maintains hundreds of
Size: Small but widespread, the majority of its austere barracks spread throughout hostile, danger-
members can be found in towns and cities ruled by ous lands.
tyrants or dominated by evil races. Only nobles can Membership Requirements: Characters who
join, and in areas that permit slavery, one must own worship the Raven Queen can apply for admittance
slaves to be a member. as acolytes and accompany more experienced mem-
Alignment: Evil. bers on missions against the undead. An acolyte
Philosophy: "The great civilizations of the past earns full membership status after demonstrating
recognized that some people are born greater than courage and capability in combat against the undead.
others and allowed society's betters to sell the lowly Activities: The order launches missions to
into bondage. As the world rebuilds, mighty empires exterminate the undead and punishes anyone who
will emerge among nations that recognize the righ- desecrates cemeteries and monuments.
teousness and necessity of the fundamental social Enemies: The order opposes and seeks to elimi-
order." nate cults of Orcus.
History: The League (called the Shacklers by its Rivals: A mercenary organization called the
detractors) sprang up when the world began its slow Graveyard Guild suppresses the undead for fees and
recovery from the disasters of the past. treasure.
Leadership: The Shacklers' ideological leader is
the scholar-queen Fusane, monarch of a small, pros-
perous city-state located on a major trade route.
Headquarters: Ostentatious League halls appear
in numerous national capitals, situated near the local
palace or congress hall.
Activities: Members of the League appear at
governing institutions to lobby in favor of slavery
proclamations and decrees. Members also under-
mine attempts to establish egalitarian rule. The
League secretly funds harassment, sabotage, and
assassinations of prominent enemies.
Enemies: The Fellowship of Free Souls, a political
movement opposed to slavery and authoritarian rule,
swears to topple the League.
Factions: An increasingly vocal group of slave
traders and wealthy merchants argues for full mem-
bership regardless of birth status. These individuals
want the League to set aside its other political aims
and focus solely on promoting slavery.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
The following campaign arcs take PCs through PARAGON TIER: INTO THE BREACH
three full tiers of play. To illustrate general ideas that Now that the characters have increased in power,
are dealt with in the next chapter, the paragon tier they can venture into the breach. During the fight
receives more attention than the other two tiers. marking their shift to paragon tier, they discover a
doorway into Sigil (see Chapter 6). The PCs use the
BREACH SMASHERS City of Doors as their new home base. They wander
This arc highlights planar adventure, a signature ele- the planes, piecing together the information they
ment of paragon-level play. need to seal the Restharrow Breach.
The first few paragon levels are devoted to the
HEROIC TIER: OUT OF THE BREACH characters becoming familiar with Sigil and navigat-
The players create characters around a common ing its various conflicts. Past heroics come back to
theme: All PCs begin their careers as ordinary resi- haunt the PCs when comrades of dispatched enemies
dents of Restharrow. A peculiar kind of safety has pursue the characters, seeking vengeance.
blessed this tiny village, tucked away in a distant Early in their sojourn in SigH, the PCs clash with
corner of the world, for centuries. Bandits, monsters, the Red Marauders. The Red Marauders arrive in
wars, and kings have all passed it by. Sigil hoping to restore a dWindling planar breach.
The players envision their characters as humble Their village economically relies on its access to Sigil,
villagers and then create the 1st-level characters they which imports construction materials from them.
In fighting for their community, the Red Marauders
become in the course of the first adventure.
pursue an admirable goal, but they stoop to unscru-
In the middle of the night, Restharrow's preternat-
pulous methods to attain victory.
ural seclusion comes to an exploSive end. A gigantic
Each nemesis character serves as a foil to a par-
planar breach (see page 185) appears in a nearby
ticular PC. The counterparts exaggerate the worst
hillside, showering Restharrow with flaming debris.
traits of the corresponding PCs. The Red Marauder
Altered by arcane winds blown from the breach,
equivalent of a humble, stalwart paladin might be
the characters spontaneously develop their 1st-level
a domineering champion of a sinister deity. A mis-
powers. They rescue their surviving neighbors from
chievous rogue's opposite might engage in deadly
the wreckage and assist with rebuilding efforts.
practical jokes. Keep conflict with the Marauders
As time passes, creatures emerge from the breach
indirect, taking the form of skill challenges and char-
and disrupt these efforts. Invading monsters spread
acter interaction. When the two teams fight, give the
across the countryside, occupying caverns, ruins, and
PCs reasons not to slaughter their enemies.
ancient underground complexes.
Seeking information on the origin of planar
For the rest of the heroic tier, the characters pro-
breaches, the characters learn of a sage named Chi
tect Restharrow by hunting and destroying these
Machiku, who was investigating that topic when she
planar invaders. You can use the guidelines from
mysteriously disappeared. Following her trail leads
"Increasing or Decreasing Level" on page 174 of the
the PCs into adventures throughout the planes.
Dun8eon Master's Guide to create lower-level versions
Upheaval in Sigil provides material for occasional
of planar enemies, or use the themes in this book.
change-of-pace episodes. The group's trainees from
To maintain the planar flavor, use the monster
Restharrow could also show up in SigH sporadically,
creation rules to build toned-down versions of other-
leading to various side missions.
worldly planar entities the PCs can fight at low levels.
After laboriously reconstructing Machiku's
Rework standard stat blocks for low-level creatures
movements from plane to plane, the PCs find her
into planar enemies.
in a githyanki prison in the city ofTu'narath (see
Between encounters, the characters seal off crea-
Manual of the Planes, page 111). When they spirit
ture hideouts to prevent monsters from reoccupying
her back to safety after a series of tough encoun-
them and fortify Restharrow against direct attack.
ters, the characters find her to be a gibbering,
Late in the tier, the PCs learn they must close the
incoherent shadow of her former self. Machiku
breach from the inside. As they prepare for the para-
protected her mind from githyanki probing by
gon tier, they recruit and train replacements to guard
sending portions of her consciousness throughout
the village, so they can leave to take the necessary
the planes. To restore Machiku's sanity and coher-
next step.
ence, the PCs must embark on a series of quests
to gather objects containing pieces of Machiku's
CHAPTE R 5 I Adventures
During this phase, the PCs periodically notice devils are not battling each other, they raid other /I
the Red Marauders in pursuit. Later, the PCs learn planes, searching for artifacts that will give them an •
that an oracle warned the Marauders about the char- advantage. The relics the fiends deploy and the plane-
acters. The Red Marauders believe that if the PCs spanning modes of travel they use to retrieve the Z
succeed in their mission, they will destroy the pre- components leak a large amount of dangerous energy 1
cious planar breach. into the Astral Sea. Neither evidence nor persuasion
The Red Marauders retrieve the final piece of convinces either side to disarm, because both evil
Machiku's consciousness before the PCs do, bringing forces suspect they might come out on top if they are
on a final showdown that ends the Red Marauders' left to their own devices.
role in the storyline. This encounter launches the PCs To end the threat, the PCs must intervene in the
into their epic destinies. Blood War and deal enough damage on both sides to
Her mind intact again, Machiku lays out the mis- force the adversaries to back down. The characters
sion that defines the rest of the PCs' careers: The must inflict harm on both groups equally. Otherwise,
Restharrow Breach is a symptom of a bigger problem. one side could win the Blood War, an outcome nearly
as dire as mutual destruction.
The entire Astral Sea is undergoing a series ofturbu- PILLARS OF THE STATE
lent changes. If it is not stabilized, the whole plane This campaign puts the PCs, fated from birth to be
will implode, destroying the universe. Over the eons, kings and queens, in the center of a political saga.
excess magical energy has built up in the Astral Sea.
Every time a deity or an immortal works a mass-scale
ritual, the charge increases. Certain plane-spanning
Each PC begins as a likely heir to the throne in one
artifacts and vehicles also leak magical energy. The
of the Six Kingdoms. (You can adjust the number of
Astral Sea must discharge part of this energy before
kingdoms to the size of your player group.) The Six
anyone can work great magic safely.
Kingdoms have historical and cultural similarities
At the same time, conflict continues to escalate on
but act as politically independent nations that share
the planes: the Blood War (see Manual of the Planes,
a common coastline. Once great, each kingdom
page 89) has flared up again. When demons and
C HAPTER 5 I Adventures
now exists as a point of light separated from its Require negotiation between the players as the
fellow nations by swaths oflawless, monster-infested interests of their separate kingdoms conflict. Start
territory. with outwardly simple choices. Do they put down
Design a home kingdom for each character appro- goblin cattle raiders in the hinterlands of Mahin or
priate to his or her background. Each PC's race or take to the seas against the pirates threatening the
class should correspond to that of the royal family of Nizhian fleet?
his or her kingdom. For example: After the PCs master the basic affairs of state,
People know the nation ofNizh for its trading murkier questions arise. Murisovian miners seek per-
fleet and ambitious merchant culture. The mining mission to establish a guild. Nizhian traders advise
nation of Murisov boasts a long line of warrior-kings. against this development, claiming it will increase
Priests or paladins rule the land ofTarod, the home the price of iron. Do subversive tendencies drive the
of numerous universities, cathedrals, and architects. miners, or will granting their wishes avoid trouble
The eerie kingdom ofKarakho entrusts its throne and assure uninterrupted supplies for the kingdoms'
only to a master of the arcane. Rulers ofZvetisk swear forges?
to protect its ancient forests. The rolling hills of wheat If the sages ofKarakho predict an invasion from
and barley in Mahin Fields make up the breadbasket sinister Feywild creatures unless the characters
of the Six Kingdoms. destroy a sacred grove in Zvetisk, which nation has
The heroic tier trains the characters for the rigors its way?
of kingship. The regions' future rulers unite to rid Sometimes, the PCs can solve intractable prob-
their lands of monsters and brigands. In the Six King- lems by finding secret villains behind the scenes
doms, monarchs don't sit at home, issuing decrees and thrashing them. Further into the tier, the PCs
and eating sweetmeats. Instead, rulers use their find agitators from the Iron States stirring up more
mighty powers on behalf of the people. So the adven- trouble. This collection of city-states, huddled
turers might frequently come across their relatives, together on the other side of the sea, has never before
the current monarchs, while adventuring. posed a threat.
When they are not honing their abilities in the During this phase of the campaign, the time scale
field, the future monarchs reside in their homeland between levels expands. The rulers unite when major
capitals, where they participate in court intrigue. At crises strike, though years can separate the monarchs'
upper levels of the tier, the player characters detect on stage time. During transitions that feature heavy
a conspiracy of subversive courtiers and functionar- roleplaying, the rulers perform the personal duties
ies. After several adventures that nearly flush these every monarch faces. They marry, have children, and
shadowy figures into the open, catastrophe strikes. train their heirs as heroic tier adventurers to continue
Simultaneous coup attempts lead to the seizure of all the cycle.
six royal palaces and the deaths of the current rulers. At mid-tier, an invasion fleet from the Iron States
arrives to conquer the Six Kingdoms. United by a
PARAGON TIER: cruel and militaristic philosophy, the invaders have
transformed themselves into the Iron Empire. Under
LONG LIVE THE KINGS the pitiless Emperor Krek, the empire has already
The PCs kick off the paragon tier by destroying the
conquered and absorbed other nations on its side of
internal conspiracy. How the conspirators slew the
the sea. Now it intends to add the PCs' kingdoms to
elders remains something of a mystery because the
its collection of vassal states.
conspirators summoned creatures of unknown type
Conflicts between kingdoms, once merely a
and origin to do the dirty work.
challenge, now become a greater threat because dis-
The PCs have little time for mourning; they must
sension thwarts all attempts to muster against the
ascend to their respective thrones. No longer do they
Iron Empire. The rangers ofZvetisk resist efforts to
perform missions suggested by others. Now, the PCs
use wood from their forests to build a fleet. Rivalry
root out sources of trouble on their own. Skill chal-
between the priestly caste ofTarod and Karakho's
lenges and character interactions alert the PCs of the
wizard schools holds up the construction of magi-
various threats against their nations. These discov-
cal defenses. The PCs eventually realize they must
eries lead to encounters against monsters, internal
unify their people into a Single force in order to pre-
rebels, and external enemies. The PCs might have to
vail against the Iron Empire. The characters must
choose between two problems of apparently equal
also decide among themselves whom to appoint as
magnitude because they have the ability to address
emperor, leaving all the others as regional governors.
only one at a time. Encourage the PCs to develop
Finally, the characters must ensure that the virtues of
long-term agendas for their kingdoms-agendas that
the kingdoms remain untainted during the consolida-
suffer when the PCs leave to deal with a short-term
tion of power.
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
and looting their equipment. Occasionally, grateful III
townsfolk reward the militia with treasure and food. 0:::
Repelling the invasion is a prelude to a greater under-
taking_ The PCs learn that Krek is one incarnation
(Like the middle tier of "Pillars of the State," this «
phase unfolds on an extended time scale, with inter- Z
of a multidimensional entity planning similar inva-
ludes of months between levels.) lJ
sions on parallel worlds, throughout the planes_ Ifhis
As the characters progress through the tier, their
multiple selves succeed in conquering seven worlds
at once, he gains eternal dominion over all reality_
fame spreads. Now battle-hardened veterans, the PCs
attract a steady stream of volunteers anxious to fight
Every world and plane will mirror his tyrannical Iron
in the militia. Intersperse encounters against orcs,
goblins, and allied creatures with skill challenges
He already has six worlds or planes in his grip and
in which the PCs direct their private armies against
is close to conquering several others. The PCs must
massed forces. Other sequences require the PCs to
now export their combat expertise to these other
instilI discipline, supply their growing legion, and
dimensions and push back Krek's hold one world at a
prevent their own troops from exploiting the terrified
To propel the characters into the paragon tier,
BLOOD AND TREASURE create a final skilI challenge and encounter com-
In this military-themed campaign, the PCs rise from posed of a large engagement in which the characters
humble beginnings to become generals in a war must drive besieging forces away from the Veraturi
that begins in the world and extends to extraplanar capital.
The PCs begin as impoverished, rootless wanderers Certain that invaders would soon overrun his citadel,
in the vast nation ofVeratur. Marauding tribes of old Autarch hung himself. Atinar, Autarch 's inexpe-
orcs and goblins have plunged Veratur, once a great rienced , good-hearted son, appoints the PCs as the
civilization, into a dark age of barbarism_ The central generals of this shattered realm. He charges them
government is a shell of its former self The leader, with the mission of driving the barbarian hordes
Autarch Hius IV, cowers in his beSieged palace, wait- from Veraturi soil.
ing for the invading tribes to breach the walls. Cut As the PCs continue to fight barbarian leaders, ser-
off from the dying central government, the consuls of vitors, and summoned creatures, they must also build
Veratur's distant citadels must function as indepen- their private army into a new Veraturi force. Skill
dent commanders. challenges revolve around recruitment and training.
War drives the PCs from peaceful occupations into As the characters move from citadel to citadel, vic-
lives of adventure. If the characters desire a life of ser- tories allow them to absorb existing forces into their
vitude, they could sign up as soldiers at a citadel. Or, reconstructed national army.
they could form a free militia, a small band of heroes With the local economy devastated, the characters
that skirmishes against enemy forces, defeating them must figure out how to fund and equip their army.
According to long-standing tradition, OMs lose their pacing quickly abandoned for no good reason. If so, I bring that
control when the characters huddle together to make up again.
plans. I used to follow this unwritten rule, keeping largely The point is never to impose a solution. By nudging,
silent when the characters were planning_ Yes, the game I'm acting as a real-time scene editor, cutting through
would often bog down at these points, as players took the repetition to steer the group toward a fruitful-and
opposite sides of a moral or tactical issue and then dug in. mutual-solution.
Interactions between player characters can be enormously Sometimes the conversation stalls because the huddle
fun-provided that the scenes build and go somewhere. The was called prematurely, before gathering enough infor-
more they resemble the way we argue in real life, the less mation. Players might be leaping to false conclusions, or
engaging they become. Actual arguments are extremely trying to plan their way around too many possibilities.
repetitive, consisting mainly of points stated and restated. With more investigation, they could reduce the number
Eventually I learned to set tradition aside and gently of variables they need to take into account. I used to fret
intervene in player deliberations. If-and only if-the dis- when they didn't have any NPCs to prompt them when
cussion starts to circle in on itself, I take on the role of they needed information. Now, in OM voice, I suggest right
mediator. I restate the various positions and hint toward out that they need to go out and learn more.
solutions. Often a good answer is proposed early on, then -Robin Laws
C HAPT E R 5 I Adventures
This task provides motivation for change-of-pace albeit unknown, purpose. If the characters fail to
encounters, in which the group tackles various other complete this task, they cannot achieve their essential
creature threats to earn necessary treasure and destinies, and a disaster will unfold.
equipment. The group's heroic tier adventures revolve around
When the monetary reward from an encounter the quest for these parts. Creatures guard or control
dovetails with narrative events, create two sets of a majority of the pieces, and the PCs could earn a few
treasure. One set allows the PCs to find the magic components as rewards for tasks. A few individual
equipment they need for their characters, and parts have minor magical powers. Perhaps one or two
the larger set measures their success in the wider of the items are currently warding off a devastating
storyline. flood or preserving a farmland's fertility. In these
Throughout the tier, build up a mortal orc/goblin situations, the group might want to compensate for
hybrid named Tuszu for the villain role. the items' effects to claim them in good conscience.
In the upper half of the tier, the final earthly battle When the device is assembled, it looks like a vehicle.
for Veratur plays out. By now, each PC commands his During this tier, make associations between each
or her own army. PC and a major deity of your setting's pantheon. Cler-
As the war grows closer to a conclusion, the PCs ics and paladins have these parallels built in. For
notice that supernaturally powerful orc and goblin other characters, subtle thematic associations suffice.
champions lead more of the enemy forces. On the These chosen deities are referred to hereafter (in the
eve of the final battle for Veratur, the PCs learn that epic tier section) as the spotlight deities.
the deities of the plane of Chernoggar, Bane and
Gruumsh, have put aside their animosity in an attempt PARAGON TIER:
to invade and overrun the world. IfVeratur falls, the
PCs can expect a full-scale attack from Chernoggar.
The encounter that enables the group to enter the
paragon tier prOVides the final piece they need to con-
EPIC TIER: WAR AGAINST WAR struct the vehicle.
If the PCs defeat their enemies in the war for Vera- In this tier, the PCs embark on a time-hopping
tur, the characters earn epic status, and they have a journey. They can travel forward and backward in
chance to kill Tuszu. However, their victory will be time. Provide them with a history of your world and
short-lived unless they take the battle to Chernoggar let them choose their own missions as they travel
and defeat its leaders once and for all. through it. As the PCs explore the time stream, you
Although the characters' NPC comrades eagerly can introduce the following story elements that illus-
anticipate the battle, the ordinary soldiers ofVeratur trate the laws of time during this campaign.
want only to rebuild their mangled nation. The PCs
+ Actions the characters take in the past can alter
must then travel the planes to recruit heroes willing
the course of history (subject to the following
to invade Chernoggar. Gruumsh and Bane learn of
the PCs' efforts and send enemies to deter the char-
acters, which offers encounters to fill out the storyline + However, a law of conservation appears to be in
between skill challenges and narrative scenes. effect: For instance, if you try to eliminate a tyrant
Finally, the PCs begin a close-fought struggle from the time stream by killing his father before
to take and hold the entire plane. The campaign the tyrant is born, you find a similar cruel leader,
ends with climactic battles against Bane and then of different parentage, on the throne when you
Gruumsh. Upon the deities' defeat, Chernoggar trans- return to the present. The ruler looks different
forms into a peaceful land. A golden era of harmony from the dictator the group erased, but the overall
sweeps the mortal worlds- until your next campaign, historical situation remains essentially unaltered.
when bloody conflict again rears its head. + A barrier separates normal historical time from
the mythic realm of the deities. The time vehicle
THE MOBIUS TRIPPERS can't penetrate this barrier.
This campaign frame takes the PCs on a journey + Time travelers can't go to any time period when
through the time stream. they have already existed. Attempts to travel
to their own pasts, or to other times they have
already adventured in, fail.
Ever since the PCs can remember, they have had sim- + If the characters attempt to travel into the future,
ilar dreams. The characters meet up with each other they can do so. The players might deduce that their
and learn of their shared nighttime visions. These characters cease to exist in normal time soon after
dreams revolve around the search for components of what they consider the present day.
a disassembled machine. The PCs believe they must
reassemble the machine and use it for its intended,
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
Once the players figure out these precepts, and per- them to cross the barrier that separates ordinary and
haps tire of self-directed exploration, the adventurers mythic time. The changes wrought by the absence of
stumble across a rival group of time-trippers_ The the spotlight deities complicate the mission, which
God-Killers, a conspiracy of wild-eyed arcanists, seek extends through a series of adventures until they
to free the mortal races from the supposed tyranny of reach the upper reaches of the epic tier.
deities. The God-Killers have been wreaking havoc The climactic sequence of the campaign occurs
throughout the time stream in their quest to pen- when the pes reach the beginning of time and find
etrate the mythic realm of the deities. the spotlight deities still missing. The surviving dei-
The climactic battle that destroys the God-Killer ties cannot begin the myth of creation without the
leadership elevates the pes to epic tier. spotlight deities. The pes piece together the final
revelation: They must become the deities and take
EPIC TIER: ASCENSION part in the creation stories. And one pe must doom
Shortly after achieving this victory, the pes realize himself to eternal evil and torment by taking on the
the God-Killers partially succeeded at their plan. role of Asmodeus.
They erased the spotlight deities-and Asmodeus- As an epilogue, the players realize what they
from history. must do to ensure the integrity of the universe. They
Wherever the pes go in their time vehicle, they must disassemble the machine and scatter its pieces
find a crisis set off by the absence of a spotlight deity. throughout time, so their past selves can discover it,
The adventure allows them to solve the localized go back to the dawn of time, and become the found-
problem, but another disaster awaits them at each ing deities. All the pes' actions were predestined to
future destination. Eventually, the pes discover that bring about the creation of the universe.
the God-Killers' partial success rendered the time
stream unstable. If it is not eventually rectified, the
absence of the spotlight deities will unravel all exis-
tence. To prevent this catastrophe, the characters
must visit the mythic past by replicating the altera-
tions to the God-Killers' time vehicle that allowed
C HA PT E R 5 I Adventures
DUNGEON CRAFT: around the time they return to Greenbrier Chasm.
The organizations could send them back to the
THE CAMPAIGN ARC Chasm, or the PCs could learn about the organiza-
-James Wyatt, from tions as they explore the Chasm. Either way works.
Dun8eoncraft Episode 3, Dun8eon 153 Second, I want the characters to delve into Green-
brier Chasm a third time, probably at the high
When planning your campaign, you don't have to paragon or low epic levels. Aboleths occupy the high
come up with thirty levels worth of adventures before paragon levels, so they make an appropriate threat for
the PCs set foot in their first dungeon. You just need the deepest reaches of the Chasm.
to sketch out the general arc of the campaign. Where With these gaps tightened up, I have outlined a
does it start, what happens in the middle, and where grand story: Young characters from the backward
and how does it end? If you make that outline early village of Greenbrier face aberrations, seal the Vast
on, you might find it easier to plan adventures as Gate, shut off the Far Realm influence creeping
the campaign progresses and plant seeds for future through the gate, and defeat the aberration that
adventures as you go. escaped from Greenbrier Chasm.
The decision to start my campaign in the village
and dungeons of Greenbrier helped me figure out GETTING ORGANIZED
how to start my campaign, as well. I also figured out I sketch out a story that makes fighting aberrations
the theme and flavor elements I wanted to highlight a major part of the campaign. The organizations in
in the course of the campaign-specifically, aberra- Lords of Madness impressed me, so I want to use them
tions and the influence of the Far Realm. The origin in my game. The book features three main organiza-
of Greenbrier Chasm inspired me to consider that tions devoted to fighting aberrations, plus a fourth
the epic-level player characters in my game might tradition (the Keepers of the Cerulean Sign) that fills
someday fight a fiery entity that escaped from the a similar role. I adapt each one to my campaign. The
chasm. One day, they must either destroy it or return presence of aberrations profoundly influences this
it to its prison. I also considered having the characters region of the world, and these organizations formed
explore the chasm in the heroic tier and then return to protect civilization from the depredations of
when they reach an appropriate level to fight other aberrations. Because the player characters must ulti-
aberrations. mately protect civilization from the threats I have in
The following broad outline sketches out my cam- mind, I want these organizations to serve as resources
paign arc. for character development. I can create paragon
Levell: The characters make their first expedi- paths or feats for the characters in my campaign
tion into Greenbrier Chasm and fight warped goblins associated with these organizations. These paths and
and fell taints. Then the warped goblins raid the feats allow my players to build characters with traits
farms, and the characters return to stop the raids. that help them fight aberrations and immerse their
Level 10 (approximately): Back into Greenbrier characters in the ages-long struggle that defines the
Chasm to fight foulspawn. (The foulspawn in the history of this region.
Monster Manual range from levels 8 -12.) A level 14 The Circle of the True defends the world from the
mind flayer would be a good major villain at that point. aberrant forces that corrupt and destroy nature. Its
Paragon Tier: As the centerpiece of my cam- members sometimes have ties to the primal power
paign, I want to run the 1999 adventure The Gates source or the fey. I then merge the Gatekeepers from
of Fire storm Peak. The original adventure targets Eberron into the Circle of the True. The modern orga-
character levels 5 - 8, a range too low for the scope nization practices numerous Gatekeeper traditions,
of my adventure. Since I want to design all the and orcs in the wilds still preserve the pure Gate-
encounters anyway, I place this adventure in the keeper way. Gatekeeper orcs have the same negative
mid-paragon tier. disposition toward the PCs as other orcs. But this his-
Epic Climax: Characters must fight the fiery tory makes it possible for a player character belonging
aberrant creature that escaped from the chasm and to the Circle to strike an uneasy alliance with an ore
burned the forest. Gatekeeper to seal a Far Realm portal, such as the
That event starts a campaign arc heavily fla- one in Firestorm Peak.
vored with aberrations. I see two gaps in this layout. I convert the SOciety of the Sanctified Mind into a
First, I want to involve in the campaign at least one scholarly society removed from the front lines of the
aberration-hunting organization from the 3rd Edition battle against aberrations. However, this organization
supplement Lords of Madness. I can design paragon has an extensive collection oflore about aberrations.
paths associated with these organizations and present The group worships loun, who is also the deity of
them to my players as options, so I should probably prophecy. The Society's records could detail who
introduce the players to the organizations before they bound the aberration, as well as why and where. And
reach 11th level. I decide to place that encounter
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
the group might protect prophecies regarding the random encounters against aberrant monsters in
aberration's escape and eventual destruction. their first adventure.
A holy knightly order, the Topaz Order protects the Harrows Pass: I haven't placed this location on
civilized races from aberrant monster races. This reli- my map yet-I just like the name. I have vague notions
gious order venerates Bahamut, Moradin, and Pelor. of undead haunting this place. I could make this
Based on what I already know about Greenbrier, adventure an "on the way from here to there" encoun- -<
the Topaz Order influences the village and the sur- ter, something fun and different that happens to the C
rounding area, and the players likely encounter this characters on their journey to their next adventure. <'I"
organization first. In the Greenbrier area, the PCs learn about the weird
The Keepers of the Cerulean Sign are lone indi- occurrences near Firestorm Peak and decide to inves-
viduals who oppose the twisted cults that revere tigate. To reach Firestorm Peak, they must venture
aberrations in the shadows of civilized society. I don't through Harrows Pass. That plan could work, but the
want to make these individuals the focus of the cam- players might feel this adventure stands in the way of
paign. So maybe a cult of aberration worshipers lives what they want to do-investigate Firestorm Peak. I
in Lake Town, and the characters enlist a Keeper to want to give them another reason to go into the pass,
combat that threat in the city, or the Keeper could so I can use the adventure in Harrows Pass to plant
recruit them. I used a cabal of mad alienist sorcerers additional hooks for the Firestorm Peak adventure.
in my 3rd Edition adventure The Speaker in Dreams- Or the Harrows Pass adventure could foreshadow
maybe I can steal elements from that adventure when the weirdness arising in the mountains, meaning
the time comes. this adventure could serve as a prelude to the Gates
adventure at the beginning of the paragon tier.
FILLING THE HOLES Epic Levels: Looking at my sketch outline so far,
oW I want to add variety to the campaign outline. I see a big gap in what the characters do between
My players don't want to fight aberrations their entire the end of the Firestorm Peak adventure and the
adventuring careers, and I don't want to limit my campaign-ending battle with the epic aberration. I
adventure and encounter design. I have clear ideas could encourage the characters to make their third
for aberration-themed adventures along the way, foray into Greenbrier Chasm, to explore its deep-
and I want to combine those events with adventures est reaches and fight aboleths. I can extend this
unconnected to the main theme. adventure into a long Underdark foray. Maybe the
So next, I look at my campaign map and review my characters must travel underground from Firestorm
notes. When I sketch out the first circle around the Peak all the way back to Greenbrier Chasm. They
Village of Greenbrier, I generate a couple adventure emerge from the chasm to retrace the steps of the
ideas to fill out the first ten levels of my characters' ancient aberration, find its new lair, and confront
careers. it. Looking at the epic-level monsters in the Monster
Tower Watch: After their first forays into Green- Manual, I decide that aberrant monsters, such as
brier Chasm, I let the characters explore the ancient swordwings and gibbering orbs, could join the abo-
ruins in the south. I start with a straightforward dun- leths as enemies on this trek.
geon crawl in the ruins (inhabited by orcs), and then At this point, I want to leave those levels sketchy. A
I encourage the PCs to venture into the mysterious lot can happen between now and then, and I want to
tower these ruins are named for. stay open to possible new directions, subthemes, and
What if the top ofthe tower is an observatory? my players' desires. So I have the following outline of
It could plant the seeds for information about my campaign arc, filled out from where I started.
the comet that heralds the opening of the Gates Levels 1-3: Greenbrier Chasm (first forays).
ofFirestorm Peak. Or the orcs in the ruins could Levels 4-5: Tower Watch.
include a wise old Gatekeeper who passes on impor- Levels 6-8: Lake Town-Speaker in Dreams?
tant information to the characters that could lead Levels 9-11: Greenbrier Chasm (second foray,
them to future, more peaceful, interactions with fighting foulspawn and mind flayer boss)-introduce
Gatekeeper orcs. I want this adventure to vary from Lords of Madness organizations.
the main theme of my campaign arc, and I want to Levels 12-13: Harrows Pass (single adventure).
connect the two. The characters leave Greenbrier Levels 14-20: The Gates ofFirestorm Peak.
(the village and the chasm) and fight orcs and what- Levels 21-28: Greenbrier Chasm (third foray:
ever else I throw at them in the tower. Then, at or aboleths, swordwings, gibbering orb).
near the end of the adventure, the PCs receive a Levels 29-30: Fight the fiery creature that
foreshadowing of future events that ties back to the escaped from the chasm and burned the forest.
aberrations of the chasm. This glimpse offers the
characters their first chance to see a real campaign
forming. They have a purpose beyond fighting in
CHAPTER 5 I Adventures
If you or your group enjoys playing in multiple D&D
worlds, a world-hopping campaign means you no
longer have to choose between them. You can dip into
the epic sweep of a FORGOTTEN REALMS campaign for
one story arc and then switch to an EBERRON cam-
paign's pulp-noir fantasy for the next. You can build a
world-hopping campaign in an episodic structure or
connect the adventures in the various worlds with an
overarching continuity in the storyline.
In an episodic campaign, the adventurers move
between worlds like rootless wanderers. They might
travel a circuit between established worlds or visit
a new world with a new story every session, never
turning back. The second approach challenges you
to create increasingly extreme or distinctive worlds.
Don't worry about the depth of detail; focus on a
Single memorable world concept. Choose a theme for
the adventure, and then create a world that expresses
that theme in an exaggerated way. World creation
and adventure design involve the same process.
You might, for example, create an adventure about
the horrors of war. What would a world of incessant
warfare look like, and how would its cultures behave?
Next, consider what NPCs embody these attitudes.
Now, build your encounters from a set of visual
images associated with your world concept: a strong-
hold, a battlefield, and a landscape ravaged by past
The model of a new world for every adventure also
works well for improvised games, where you must
constantly create new encounters to suit your play-
ers. Improvisation frees you from tracking recurring
characters and plot lines, and it allows you a fresh
start every few sessions.
Conversely, the adventurers can follow a single
storyline as they hop from world to world. They might
try to prevent a catastrophe or an invasion that threat-
ens the known spheres of existence. This approach
allows your world-destroying villain to take out a few
realities and still face defeat in the end. Another take
on the concept sends the adventurers to gather pieces
of a device that enemies or ancients scattered across =
multiple realities.
MASTERS OF REALITY These slight changes generate your adventure
premises. In one reality, perhaps the heroes' nemesis
At the paragon tier, situations that embroil the adven-
changes into an ally. In the next, a human they know
turers take on a more fantastic nature. Some of these
as a benevolent baroness transforms into a cruel
situations present the possibility of extreme and exotic
journeys involving other planes or alternate realities.
tyrant or leads a resistance movement against the z
establishment, or maybe she suffers from a mind-sap- 0
ping curse. Each adventure requires that PCs resolve ~
PLANAR BREACHES a narrative involving these altered characters. t.
Denizens of the planes have colonized regions of the Another version of an alternate-worlds campaign ~
natural world in areas known as planar breaches. includes counterparts for the players' characters
These places have the physical properties of the inhab- whom the characters replace for the duration of the
itants' home planes. Characters might find adventuring adventure. The alternate-world heroes are signifi-
in a breach the same as exploring the related plane, cantly different from the PCs in each new world. As
with similar natural properties and similar creatures. part of the information -gathering phase of each adven-
When a breach manifests in the world, it pushes ture' the PCs must work out their context in this new
aside the space around it. A breach appearing in dimension. Do they behave like heroes, cowards, vil-
the main square of a ruined settlement might cut it lains, or something in between? Having learned about
in two. The west side of the old city remains intact their alternate selves, the PCs must impersonate them
on one side of the breach. The breach itself forms a in order to achieve the adventure's final objective.
newly created buffer between that portion of the city Once your players assimilate this formula, you can
and the rest of the city, which remains intact to the throw them a curve by sending them to an alternate
east. Some breaches create peculiar distortions on world in which they must face their alternate selves,
the borders of the territories surrounding them. possibly evil twins.
Sometimes a plane overlays the natural world
instead of pushing it aside, and the plane and the
world mix in strange and unpredictable ways.
Breaches occur in isolated regions. Sages theorize A typical fantasy world's history reaches back tens
that the psychic energy given offby large masses of of thousands of years. Allow the player characters to
intelligent minds acts as a barrier against the materi- interact directly with the great events of your setting's
alization of breaches in heavily populated areas. past by enabling time travel. Your adventurers can
Breaches can also be created by high-level magic. meet legendary figures, fight in classic battles, and
If a breach is created through magic, a focus object witness the birth of the deities. They can journey to
somewhere in the breach maintains a temporary bond the future , encounter their own descendants, marvel
between the two planes. Creatures loyal to a breach's at technological wonders, and flee from the death
creator tenaciously guard these focus objects. Destroy- of the world. The PCs might travel using a vehicle,
ing an object initiates the process of the breach's an artifact, or a consistently available ritual. Alter-
dissipation, giving adventurers just enough time to natively, you might make an adventure into the time
leap for the borderland before the breach closes. stream a special, one-time event.
Most planar breaches are fully contained by the Start by deciding how time travel works in your
world, but a few create connections between reali- game. Can characters alter the events of history? If
ties, existing in the natural world and in the breach's not, allow characters to take only actions that leave
home plane at the same time. Moving out of the area known history intact. You could choose a mechanism
of the breach could send PCs either back into the that protects the fixed nature of time, or you could
world or into the plane. employ powerful coincidences that prevent charac-
ters from affecting history.
You might instead decide to allow actions in the
past to change the present as the adventurers know
You might have your campaign shift between alter-
it. If, for example, the characters prevent the pivotal
nate versions of a Single reality in order to give
assassination that led to the fall of the great empires,
your players a change of pace. This approach works
they might return to an altered present day in which
best if you spent the heroic tier of your campaign
those empires cover the entire world.
establishing a solid sense of place and a large cast of
You can complicate adventures involving time
supporting NPCs.
travel by creating consequences for paradoxes. If a
When the adventurers reach paragon status, they
change in history prevents the birth of a time trav-
gain the ability to move between alternate worlds.
eler, does he or she disappear, or does he or she exist
Each new adventure takes them to a recognizable but
outside the time stream? Can time travelers meet
altered version of the baseline world you established
themselves, or do such encounters create a strain on
during play in the heroic tier. There, PCs encounter
reality of apocalyptic proportions?
refracted versions of the familiar cast of characters.
As adventurers approach the paragon tier of play, and turns ofSigil. Some see the City of Doors as the
new locations begin to appear on the horizon. These easiest, most direct way to get from here to there and
locations are larger than the villages and towns of the back again. And a select few see Sigil as the key to the
heroic tier, grander and more exotic-and often more ongoing battle for the hearts and souls of creation, the
dangerous. One such location exists at the crossroads place where the literal war of philosophies plays out
of all reality. It is a place of relative peace and rough for good or ill.
safety where all kinds of business can take place. This Whatever the truth ofit, you can find almost any-
is SigH, the City of Doors. thing in SigH, and almost everyone eventually passes
Numerous portals connect Sigil to the rest of the through its portals-either with Sigil as the destina-
multiverse. The planar metropolis exists outside the tion or on the way to someplace else.
ordered structure of existence, rising from the inte-
rior surface of an immense hollow ring that has no THE IMPOSSIBLE PLACE
outer side. The residents consider Sigil to be the true
The City of Doors, named for the many portals that
center of the multiverse, and visitors have few reasons
proVide the only methods of travel into and out of the
to contradict this belief
city, features impossible topography in an impossible
location. The city exists on the inside of a gigantic,
ORIGIN STORIES hollow ring that has no outer side. It stands apart
Every collection oflore that touches upon the exis- from the rest of existence. It connects to the Astral
tence of Sigil has its own unique view of the origin Sea and the Elemental Chaos, to the Feywild and the
and purpose of the city. Some claim that Sigil is the Shadowfell and the natural world, and to a multitude
linchpin that keeps all of existence from flying apart. of places beyond imagining, but it isn't a part of any
Many myths and writings from this school of thought of these. Sigil is. For most, that simple fact explains
associate the city with the legendary proto-entities everything.
of old-the predecessors of the gods and primordials. All the streets and buildings fill the curved inte-
Other scholars believe that the city is a map of all rior of the hollow ring. If you look up, and if your
creation, that all that one needs to do to understand view isn't obscured by the persistent rain or fog or
the secrets of the universe is to understand the twists smoke from countless chimneys, you can see the
Sigil is the bustling crossroads of the multiverse, full of Sigil AdVisory Council might have the city's best interests
portals leading to every known corner of existence. at heart, but the group lacks real political power.
Population: Approximately 50,000 permanent resi- Inns and Taverns: Sigil's inns and taverns cater to a
dents. Representatives of nearly every race and monstrous diverse clientele. Efreets from the City of Brass can find
kind can be found somewhere in the city. A host of tran- flaming halls of sumptuous luxury. Devils can enjoy a night
sients pass through the city daily, with the result that as spent in unthinkable debauchery. A traveler might lodge in
many as 250,000 individuals can be present in Sigil at any an inn whose interior is like a twilit fey grove or a sunless
given time. cavern, or eat in a place that's Virtually indistinguishable
Government and Defense: The only being in Sigil who from Fallcrest's Blue Moon Alehouse.
wields any real authority is the mysterious lady of Pain, Supplies: The Grand Bazaar, located in the city's Market
the enigmatic guardian and protector of the city. The Ward, is a huge square overflowing into side streets, alley-
touch of her gaze causes wounds that spout blood, and ways, and nearby taverns. It is filled with caravan tents and
her smallest gesture can banish someone or something market stalls. Other marketplaces spring up in many places
into an endless maze spawned in a pocket dimension. Her throughout the city. Most appear during the day, but some
presence is said to prevent gods, demon princes, primordi- surface only at night, such as the Hive's Night Market.
als, and beings of similar power from entering the City of Trade: Because Sigil sits astride all the planes of exis-
Doors, and the fear of her is sufficient to keep a modicum tence, it enjoys a flow of trade that most other cities would
of order in the streets. Crime is common, but rebellion is envy if they knew the true measure of its volume. Even
unthinkable. with the threat of the lady of Pain, various nefarious trade
The closest thing Sigil has to a police force is a citizen routes run through Sigil at any given time.
group called the Sons of Mercy. However, without any Temples: Temples to all the gods-including evil gods
official power to make arrests or carry out sentences whose shrines are rarely seen in civilized lands-can be
(though they try all the same), the Sons of Mercy aren't found in the streets of Sigil. Most of them are small, and
terribly effective in limiting crime. Similarly, the so-called few claim any significant power in the city's affairs.
Zadara and Estavan. Zadara, a reclusive storm giant look as capable of robbing you as prOViding safe pas-
entrepreneur, supplies funds to creative and daring sage, and the prices they charge for their services til
individuals in return for hefty returns on her invest- vary wildly as well. In general, you can hire a tout
ments as well as the promise of future favors. Estavan, for about 100 gp per day, though some offer their
meanwhile, is an extremely powerful oni mage who services for less and others put a higher premium on
serves as the face of the vast Planar Trade Consor- the use of their skills. Touts can routinely be hired in
tium. In addition, numerous less influential members markets, in taverns , near known portals, and around
have joined the Traders for the benefits the organiza- other places where newcomers congregate.
tion provides. Another common purveyor of service is the cou-
The Traders do not interfere with the day-to-day rier. A courier makes money by delivering items or
affairs of the individual businesses that make up messages in a timely fashion, so most of the people
the association. In most cases, they don't even share engaged in this service are trustworthy and reliable.
business-related information. They do, however, look Couriers can carry just about anything that a normal
for solutions to problems that plague all the members, individual can lug around; a letter, a small satchel, a
including crime waves, disrupted supply lines, taxes small box or crate, and so forth. Some employ magic
and tariffs, embattled trade routes, worker unrest, items, such as baas of hold ina, but these well-equipped
and other threats to profit and industry. Often, the couriers charge more for their services. For secret
Traders will enact solutions to problems affecting messages or other sensitive material, a few couri-
Sigillong before either the Sons of Mercy or the Sigil ers provide a special serVice-they perform a ritual
Advisory Council can get their acts together. As long upon a small trinket (usually an unadorned ring or a
as doing so helps business, then it's in the interest of carved wooden or stone tile with the courier's icon or
the Traders to get things done. crest upon it) that repeats the message stored within
it when the named recipient activates it. For the most
OTHER POWER PLAYERS important packages, a courier undergoes a special
Other groups trying to enforce some kind of order on ritual that magically binds the courier to the deliver-
the chaos ofSigil tend to be more low-key and usually able item. Ifthe courier loses the package or fails to
less civic-minded than the organizations discussed deliver it by the appointed hour, he or she begins to
above. Armed merchant auxiliaries, for example, wither and die. Such ensorcelled couriers work hard
protect trade routes and warehouses, target gangs to hang onto the items placed in their care and work
of robbers, and recover stolen goods. Neighborhood even harder to recover any items that are lost or stolen
gangs have formed to combat increasing crime and along the way. Prices range from 50 gp for a mundane
violence, though these groups can be as violent and delivery service to as much as 10,000 gp for magically
unpredictable as the ills they have been created to binding a package to a courier. Additional costs can be
rectify. Finally, wealthy patrons of all stripes have applied to deliveries to destinations outside Sigil.
taken to hiring bodyguards or putting militia units Taverns abound in the City of Doors. One common
and adventurers on retainer so that they can call saying is that there are as many taverns as portals in
upon them at a moment's notice to deal with trouble Sigil, and sometimes it seems like this remark isn't
that gets out of hand. that far off. There are taverns that cater to particular
tastes and clientele, fancy taverns, dives, holes in
the wall, and places where even adventurers should
feel afraid. Alehouses, wine cellars, pubs, and even
places that serve rarer, more exotic fare can be found
~\ 193 '.
in different parts of the city. In general, a tavern pro- appropriate to the light of day with goods and services
vides a good place to get a lay of the land, to hear the dedicated more to wants than to needs. Some find the
news of the street, and to uncover any rumors of jobs, night markets to be wild and unpredictable, but for
excitement, or patrons in need. others that's just what draws them out to shop as the
Inns tend to offer more services than the typical darker parts of the city come alive. You need to know
tavern, but there are exceptions to every rule. At an which market will best serve your needs for a particu-
inn, you can usually secure lodging while you're in lar desire; then you need to find the merchant you feel
Sigil, and inns tend to provide fewer options for imbib- most comfortable dealing with- no matter what time
ing and more options to get a meal than the average of day you decide to shop.
tavern. As with taverns, you can find inns that cater to
all tastes and needs, including those related to a cus- THE WARDS OF SIGIL
tomer's particular species. Oversized rooms for giants?
When you first arrive in Sigil, it's easy to become con-
Conveniences for the smaller races? Special dietary
fused and disoriented. To the uninitiated, Sigil's streets
requirements? Thanks to the wide range of visitors
appear to be a chaotic scramble laid out haphazardly.
that regularly pass through Sigil, all these options and
in every direction, with no apparent plan or purpose.
more are provided for somewhere in the city.
On the surface, this is true. But Sigil's citizens know
Markets spring up throughout the city. Some, such
that there are different parts to the city, and they know
as the Great Bazaar, are permanent affairs, while
that those parts make sense. The city is divided into
others appear and disappear with regularity. You can
wards, and each ward's name speaks to what you can
buy and sell all sorts of items at a variety oflocations,
expect to find in that section of the city.
from transitory stalls and tents, to brick-and-mortar
Where one ward starts and another ends isn't
shops, to folding tables set up in dark alleys or in
handled by official maps and property lines. You can
the backs of dimly lit taverns. Markets are classified
usually tell where you are by the crowding of the
as either" day" or "night" markets. At day markets,
buildings (or lack thereof), by the general upkeep
you're more likely to find food, supplies, and other
and ambience of a neighborhood, and by the types
necessities of daily life. Some of the items for sale are
of businesses found there. The poorer the ward, the
the usual fare; common meats, vegetables, and fruits,
more tightly packed and run-down the living condi-
for instance. Those who have a taste for the exotic
tions become.
can also find unusual food and drink from across
Generally, everyone agrees that Sigil has six distinct
the planes. Housewares, crafts, jewelry, clothing, and
wards, and these are spread out in a clockwise direc-
other basic necessities-from the common and mun-
tion around the hollow ring. The six wards are The
dane to the rare and unusual-also fill the stalls and
Lady's Ward, the Market Ward, the Guildhall Ward,
display tables of the day markets.
the Clerk's Ward, the Lower Ward, and the Hive.
The night markets are a different story. When
darkness fills Sigil's sky, those who sell entertainment
and pleasure appear to replace the daytime wares that THE LADY'S WARD
cater to more mundane needs. The night markets, at The most influential and powerful within Sigil soci-
once deadly and faScinating, cater to those seeking ety live and work in The Lady's Ward, the richest of
distraction, excitement, and a hint of danger. At the Sigil's sections. Within the unmarked boundaries of
night markets, one's misfortune can become another's The Lady's Ward, a visitor will find the City Barracks.
entertainment, especially when the shadows deepen. the Court, the Prison, and the Armory, as well as
Musicians and bards, prophets and bawds, spell- more than half of the city's temples. This ward tends
sellers and purveyors of previously owned materials to be the cleanest, quietest, and most upscale of all
emerge from the spreading darkness to replace goods the areas in the City of Doors.
Sigil's a major hub for planar trade, but it's not the biggest a githyanki searching for clues to a forgotten location in
one in existence; the City of Brass in the Elemental Chaos the Shadowfell, or an eladrin lord from the Feywild hoping
owns the title as the mercantile center of the universe. Sigil to find something lost in the Elemental Chaos. Sigil is the
does feature a staggering amount of trade in physical items, place to find and buy things that can't be held: secrets.
but that pales in comparison to the city's preeminent role gateways, passwords, the true names of dead gods, how
as the information capital at the center of all things. News, to wake a sleeping primordial, the answers to lost riddles.
rumors, gossip, and facts-collectively called "the chant" by Nearly everything known or imagined can be found here-
Cagers-find their way here to be bought and sold. for a price.
Sigil's chant-brokers proVide information to those who No matter how powerful or all-seeing a chant-broker
seek it, whether the seeker is an adventurer from the seems, though, one fact remains true: No one has all the
world looking for a map of a dominion in the Astral Sea, information, and anyone who claims otherwise is lying.
This ward overflows with monuments, fountains, Sons of Mercy Wizard Level 14 Artillery
and statuary of all descriptions. It is at once majestic Medium natural humanoid. human XP 1.000
and cold, full of life but ultimately lifeless thanks to Initiative +13 Senses Pe rception +15
HP 108; Bloodied 54 u.
the restrained (some would say absent) energy level
imposed upon the visible streets by the residents of
AC 16; Fortitude 25 , Reflex 17, Will 26
Speed 6
the neighborhood. Behind the gilded gates and white- CD Quarterstaff (standard; at-will) • Cold, Fire, Weapon Q
washed facades of the well-kept buildings, all manner
of revelries and plots unwind in secret. And that's the
+21 vs. AC; l dl0 + 6 cold and fire damage.
@ Magic Missile (standard; at-will) • Force
Ranged 20; +19 vs. Refl e x; 2d4 + 4 force damage.
truth ofThe Lady's Ward: The orderly streets hide a
secret turbulence that roils and seethes just out of sight. ~ Icy Rays (standard; recharge ~ IZl lID • Cold j.J
Ranged 10; two ray attack s on differe nt targets; +19 vs. Refl ex; J:
The rich and powerful aren't all charitable and
ldl0 + 4 cold damage, and the target is imm obilized unt il the
honorable, either. Behind the image of respectability end of th e wizard 's next turn.
might hide the secret face of a crime lord, or a tyran t, ~ Lightning Serpent (standard; recharge :.: ; 0 • Lightning,
or a dark wizard. Not that all the residents of The Poison
Lady's Ward are evil, but they certainly aren't all Ranged 10; +19 vs. Refl ex; 2d12 + 4 lightning damage, and t he
good and holy, either. target takes ongoing 5 poison damage and is slowed (save e nds
Street crime in the ward is kept to a minimum, both).
~~ Thunderlance (standard; encounter) • Thunder
thanks to both the proximity of the Prison and the
Close blast 5; +19 vs. Refl e x; 4d6 + 4 thunder damage, a nd t he
private militias employed by the great families and target is push ed 4 squares.
wealthiest individuals living in the neighborhood. Of Alignment Unaligned Languages Common , Elven
course, these private armies sometimes battle each Skills Arcana +16, Diplomacy +17
other in addition to keeping the ward safe, but that's Str 10 (+7) Dex 21 (+13) Wis 17 (+10)
just life in The Lady's Ward. Con 18 (+11) Int 18 (+11) Cha 10 (+11)
Equipment robes , quarte rstaff, wa nd
The Market Ward is a favorite destination for adventurers, of weapons in the marketplace. Dragonborn innkeeper
and many tend to stay here while they're in Sigil, patron- Zharam Yro permits entry to anyone, no matter how
izing the various inns catering to the trade. Inns popular infamous, but he always requires payment in advance.
with planar explorers cluster together on the edge of the .. The fortresslike Battlement charges premium prices for
Grand Bazaar, including such notable places as these. its well-secured rooms and access to its impregnable
.. The Golden Spout is celebrated for the softness of its vault, a pocket dimension unto itself. Owner-operator
bunks and the purity of its ale. The halfling proprietor, Udar Kraa, a taciturn orc, personally heads its impres-
Vala Pearlseeker, once served as a cleric of Melora. For Sively equipped private guard.
reasons she refuses to discuss, she now renounces the .. The Red Tabor (named after a handheld drum) suits
worship of all gods and instead caters to the needs of gold-pinching guests willing to skimp on amenities,
travelers. including cleanliness. The innkeeper, a touchy eladrin
.. The daringly named Hand ofVecna, known for the wild- named Ambriel, throws out anyone who complains -
ness of its clientele, can be found across from the stalls about the accommodations.
portion of the Hive houses the city's most repellent Close blast 2; +24 vs. AC; 2d6 + 7 fi re and lightni ng damage.
~ Tail Sweep (sta ndard; at-will) + Fire, Lightning
and antisocial entities. Inhabited by aberrations and
Close burst 2; +24 vs. Refl ex; 2d6 + 7 fi re and lightni ng da mage,
their depraved mortal allies, it is treated as anath- and the ta rget is pushed 1 sq uare.
ema by all but the bravest adventurers. The poorest .~ Dance of War (standard; at-Will ) + Fire, Lightning
of the poor dwell on the streets in this vicinity, their The war drake makes a cl aw swipe and a ta il sweep attack,
sleep bedeviled by the shrieks and rending noises shifting 2 sq uares before each attack.
accompanying the near-constant combat between its <~ Demonic Glare (mi nor 1/round ; at-will) + Fear
mutually hostile denizens. Close blast 5; +24 vs. Wi ll; t he target is dazed and takes ongoi ng
10 damage (save ends both).
It is said that the Slags are the result of a random
Bloodied Rage (while bloodied)
portal that deposited warring demons into the streets The war drake gains a +4 bon us to attack rolls and makes an
of the Hive. The portal has long since closed, and extra bite attack each round.
most of the demons have departed for other realms, Alignment Chaotic evil languages Abyssal, Common
but evidence of the destructive battle remains, as St r 26 (+18) Dex28 (+19) Wis24(+17)
well as lingering dangers that keep the Slags in Con 20 (+15) Int 18 (+14) Cha 15 (+12)
for knowledge on virtually any subject. If necessary, of spies. The raavasta's agents are everywhere, and LJ
his wererat servants search out and obtain particu- their presence ensures that the power players of the Vl
lar skulls that hold specific secrets_ Cagers say that city rely on Shemeshka for news on their enemies- u..
only Master Lothar truly knows where all the bones and fear her for what she may be revealing about
in Sigil are buried, and they groan at the pun-but them. The fiend holds the strings of powerful movers
remember the truth. such as Autochon the Bellringer and Ramander the )
Ramander the Wise: The "Master of Portals." Wise, having ensured their debt (and others') to her <C
Whenever this human mage's team of searchers locates through convoluted plans that always end with her
a new portal, Ramander tries to buy the land it sits granting a "favor"-one that binds them to her eter-
on and charges travelers a hefty fee for the use of the nally. Shemeshka has her hands in a great deal of the
portal. Ifhe cannot buy the land, he extorts the owner city's business, whether openly or through represen-
into paying him an even larger fee simply to retain tatives. All of these factors-spies , secrets, control, and
the portal site. If thwarted, he resorts to darker tactics. financial might-make Shemeshka the Marauder one
Ramander skates on the thin edge of the Lady's laws of the most feared, hated, and powerful creatures in
against tampering with the city's portals. The city's the City of Doors.
residents mostly leave him to his business because Tattershade, King of the Rats: This shadow
Ramander works for Shemeshka the Marauder, and fiend rules an underground wererat "kingdom" near
no one wants to threaten one of her favorite operatives. the Ditch. The wererats mostly act as thieves in the
But even Shemeshka cannot protect the mage from the Hive and in squalid parts of the Lower Ward, though
Lady's wrath, and everyone waits impatiently for the folks in these areas have lately reported an increase
Master of Portals to find his own private portal-one in the frequency of actual attacks. The wererat twins
that leads to an inescapable Maze. Trick and Track act as Tattershade's lieutenants.
Rhys: The lovely tiefling face of the Sigil AdviSory The Us: A pack of cranium rats whose combined
Council. A natural advisor and balancing factor for intelligence reaches godlike proportions. The Us
the council, Rhys relies on her instincts for snap judg- directs its mind-controlled servants to take actions
ments that-to Sigil's benefit-turn out to be accurate the pack thinks will help it grow and gain power.
more often than not. Vocar the Disobedient: A worn, wrinkled
Rule-of-Three: A wise man, a trickster, and a human named Vocar leads a fugitive existence in the
shrewd rogue. Appearing as a githzerai sage, Rule-of- Hive, hiding from the servants ofVecna. His empty
Three can often be found at the Styx Oarsman tavern eye socket and missing hand testify to his past as
in the Lower Ward, dispensing advice in triplicate an exarch of the maimed god. Occasionally lucid
riddles that often contradict each other_ His peculiar but often babblingly mad, Vocar trades the awful
rules of commerce require him to ask for payment truths he learned while serving the god of secrets for
in sets of three: for example, three coins of different momentary shelter from his wrath. Those bargaining
metals, or three pouches, each containing a separate for his revelations are left to sort out which are reli-
valuable spice. In response, he gives three answers able and which are figments of his shattered mind_
to every question. This practice relates to an abstruse Most residents ofSigil believe that Vocar is simply
philosophy claiming that everything in existence can mad. He wanders the Hive with a red cloth covering
be grouped into triads. his missing eye while whispering a constant stream
Some say this wrinkled, rail-thin sage is really the of strange utterances. People avoid him, and only the
son of a demon prince. He laughs off such suggestions desperate or the equally insane have anything to do
even as he reveals disturbingly reliable information with him.
about the Abyss. Zadara: Probably the wealthiest person in Sigil.
Rule-of-Three collects intelligence on political Though few know the extent of her operations,
events in Sigil and draws on extensive contacts in Zadara has a hand in a good many enterprises. The
other planes as well. He occaSionally acts as a media- storm giant has a talent for recognizing those whose
tor and broker for warring parties. As with anyone plans have the potential to increase her fortune,
who knows more than he's telling, others project a and she provides them with enough gold to put
grand agenda onto him. Surely a disheveled tavern rat their schemes into motion. She backs and funds the
couldn't really be planning to reignite the Blood War, various works of Lis sandra the Gate-Seeker, among
or to unite demons and devils for an apocalyptic final others. Her main rivals for financial control over
battle against the gods ... right? the Cage include her new "partners," Shemeshka
Shemeshka the Marauder: The selfproclaimed the Marauder and Estavan of the Planar Trade Con·
"King of the Cross-Trade." Few dare to argue with the sortium. Rarely seen on the streets ofSigil, Zadara
title; the raavasta's range of knowledge and secrets employs powerful door guards-two marut blade-
is matched only by her vicious temper. Shemeshka masters named Kubriel and Gog- to keep unwanted
attained her position as Sigil's most prominent and visitors out of her mansion.
5 Dwarf Thugs (D) Level 13 Minion
Medium natural humanoid XP 200 each
Initiative +10 Senses Perception +10; low· light vision Z
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. :J
AC 25; Fortitude 25, Reflex 23, Will 23 o
Saving Throws +5 against poison effects U
Speed 5 "Z
CD Warhammer (standard; at· will) • Weapon
+20 vs. AC; 9 damage. I-
::rCrossbow (standard; at·will) • Weapon LJ.J
Ranged 15/30; +20 vs. AC; 9 damage.
Aimed Shot
Sewer Fever level 13 Disease Endurance improve DC 23, maintain DC 18, worsen DC 17 or lower
The target tI Initial Effect: The target The target takes a -2 penalty to CI Final State: The target takes a -2 penalty
is cured. loses a healing surge. AC, Fortitude, and Reflex. to AC, Fortitude, and Reflex. The target
loses all healing surges and cannot regain
hit points.
The cranium rat arcanist swarms have a group
mind. Each swarm makes all of the other swarms
1'1 .........
To some, the planes are inaccessible and unknown. other side. The planar energy that leaks through
These people are locked to a particular reality, unable the portal causes this; the effect it has on the area
to walk from world to world for reasons that usually depends on where the portal leads.
involve ignorance or fear. There are those, however, The other aspect of a gate-town's portal is conve-
who understand the ways of planes and portals, and nience and reliability. It is always accessible (though it
for those select few (relatively speaking) the planes might have a cycle of times when it is open and times
provide a wide and varied vista for trade, exploration, when it is closed), and you don't usually need a gate
research, and adventure. key to cause it to function. Gate-town portals to Sigil
Whether they know the secrets of planar travel abide by all the known restrictions, however, includ-
or just have a strong sword and some spells to sell, ing the fact that gods and other extremely powerful
adventurers can make gold and find transport at any beings cannot use them.
of the gate-towns scattered across existence. Body- These conduits between realities are always
guards, couriers, and caravan guards hired to protect guarded and maintained by their communities, since
one of the constant trade caravans moving between they represent varying degrees of wealth and power
Sigil and the planes are always in high demand. to those that control them.
A gate-town is any settlement, in the natural
world or on the planes, built around a known portal TRADEGATE
to someplace else. Such portals are not the usual
The bustling town of Tradegate, situated at the cross-
permanent teleportation circles that you can find in
roads in the shadow of the Rumbling Hills, provides
most civilized towns and cities, but actual gateways
the natural world with a known and accessible gate
that open onto another plane of existence. The area
to Sigil. Merchants from across the land come to
around a gate-town takes on aspects of the plane on
sell local goods and buy exotic goods from across
the other end of its portal, giving visitors an idea of
the planes that move through Sigil to the market
what they can expect when they cross over to the
in Tradegate. Sigil's Planar Trade Consortium runs
Tradegate, using it as one ofits key distribution cen-
ters along the caravan routes it maintains. Master
Trader Duncam keeps a tight rein on access to the
gate, however. You can't just come to Tradegate, stroll
up to the ornate stone gate that stands like an arch
in the middle of the town square, and step through
it into Sigil. A special gate key is required to operate
this portal, and Duncam reveals the key only to those
he deems worthy of entering the City of Doors-and
who can afford the 1,000 gp fee.
The sleepy town of Slumber, resting in a quiet corner
of the Shadowfell, features a misshapen stone gate to
the Plane of Dreams. The land around Slumber fluc-
tuates between giving off visions of contented dreams
and terrible nightmares as the gate's cycle unfolds. It
opens twice each month, and the land reflects which
part of Dream the gate leads to when it activates. For
three days in the middle of the month, the gate opens
upon Dream's more fanciful and comforting regions,
and the land around Slumber grows lighter and more
vibrant in response. For three days at the end of the
month, when the gate opens into the regions of night-
mare, Slumber and the surrounding countryside take
on a darker, more dangerous tone. Monsters roam the
shadows, mostly out of Sight. The mood of the town
takes on a lunatic bent, and the usually sedate popu-
lation allows its darker instincts to rise to the surface.
A Conspiracy of Doors is a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS notice, and the most apparent perpetrators of the
adventure for five player characters of 11th level. trouble would be exiled to the Mazes-or worse.
It can serve as an introduction to Sigil, the City of Such a fate could be in Estavan's future unless he
Doors, as well as a group of adventurers' first taste of takes action now. The oni mage knows that punishment
action at the paragon tier. directed at him and the Consortium won't actually
solve the coming crisis. The riots will continue, food
INTRODUCTION and drink will grow more scarce, and people will begin
either dying or fleeing the city in droves.
The Festival of Doors, one of the most beloved
Estavan has come to the conclusion that these
and profitable holidays celebrated in Sigil, fast
attacks are coordinated and part of a larger plan to
approaches. Estavan, the Planar Trade Consortium's
disrupt and eventually destroy the City of Doors. If
representative in Sigil, is worried about some recent
that plan is allowed to reach fruition, Estavan believes
events. Individually, none of these events seems to be
that all of existence will be in danger. The oni mage
a cause for concern. However, Estavan has spotted a
follows the school of thought that places Sigil as the
pattern that has put him on edge. He believes that a
linchpin of all existence. Without the linchpin, the
secret attack has been launched against the Consor-
theory goes, the planes themselves will spread farther
tium, an attack associated with the upcoming holiday.
apart. If the chaos that follows is slow and steady, the
Now Estavan needs to find adventurers to uncover
multiverse will slowly fade away. If it's more violent,
the truth behind these attacks and reveal the con-
the planes will fly apart in an immediate explosion of
spiracy for all to see.
worlds-shattering destruction. Or so Estavan believes.
Ghost Spider (5) Level 11 Elite Lurker Battle Wight Commander (C) Level 12 Soldier (Leader)
large shadow beast (spider) XP 1.200 Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 700
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +7; tremorsense 10 Initiative +12 Senses Perception +12; darkvision
HP 129; Bloodied 64 HP 106; Bloodied 53
AC 25; Fortitude 25, Reflex 24, Will 22 AC 28; Fortitude 26, Reflex 23, Will 26
Resist insubstantial Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Saving Throws +2 Speed 5
Speed 6, climb 6 (spider climb), phasing CD Souldraining Longsword (standard; at-will) • Necrotic,
Action Points 1 Weapon
CD Ghost Claw (standard; at-will) • Necrotic +18 vs. AC; 1d8 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target loses a
+14 vs. Reflex; ld8 + 5 damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 healing surge and is immobilized and weakened (save ends both).
necrotic damage and is weakened (save ends both). ::r
Soul Harvest (standard; recharge ~ [;:; it) • Healing, Necrotic
+ Phasing Attack (standard; at-will) Ranged 5; affects an immobilized target only; +15 vs. Fortitude;
The ghost spider makes two ghost claw attacks. The ghost 2d8 + 7 necrotic damage, and the battle Wight commander and
spider can shift 6 squares between the attacks. all undead allies within 2 squares of it regain 10 hit points.
+ Phasing Web (move; recharge ~';:;.i1) Alignment Evil languages Common
The ghost spider shifts 6 squares, phasing through enemies. It Skills Intimidate +18
attacks each enemy it phases through; +14 vs. Fortitude; target Str24(+13) Oex 19 (+10) Wis 14 (+7)
is immobilized (save ends). Con 22 (+12) Int 15 (+7) Cha 24 (+13)
Alignment Unaligned Languages - Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, longsword
Skills Athletics +15, Stealth +14
Str 20 (+10) Dex 18 (+9) Wis lS (+7) 2 Battle Wights (B) Level 9 Soldier
Con 20 (+10) Int 1 (+0) Chal0(+5) Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 400 each
Initiative +7 Senses Perception +3; darkvision
Wight Life-Eater (W) Level 10 Skirmisher HP 98; Bloodied 49
Medium natural humanoid (undead) XP 500 AC 25; Fortitude 22, Reflex 18, Will 22
Initiative +9 Senses Perception +3; darkvision Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
HP 104; Bloodied 52 Speed 5
AC 24; Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 21 CD Souldraining Longsword (standard; at-will) • Necrotic,
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant Weapon
Speed 7 +15 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 necrotic damage, and the target loses a
CD Claw (standard; at-will) • Necrotic healing surge and is immobilized (save ends).
+15 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 necrotic damage, the target loses a healing ::rSoul Reaping (standard; recharge :.~ 1.£) • Healing, Necrotic
surge, and the Wight shifts 3 squares. Ranged 5; affects an immobilized target only; +12 vs. Fortitude;
Alignment Evil Languages Common 2d8 + 5 necrotic damage, and the battle Wight regains 10 hit
Skills Stealth +13 points.
Str 18 (+9) Dex 16 (+8) Wis 6 (+3) Alignment Evil Languages Common
Con 16 (+8) Int 10(+5) Cha 17 (+8) Skills Intimidate +14
Str 20 (+9) Dex 13 (+5) Wis9 (+3)
The ghost spider phases into and out of the tomb Con 18 (+8) Int 12 (+5) Cha 20 (+9)
to hunt, using part of the area as a lair. When living Equipment plate armor, heavy shield, longsword
creatures enter the tomb, it attacks and inadvertently
helps the Wights. Although the wights seek to end related to portals that lead to Sigil. The final entry
humanoid life, they have no interest in the fluids and reads as follows:
flesh that the ghost spider feasts upon.
If the ghost spider loses more than three-quarters ''A creature called Arthani seems to be the common factor,
of its hit points, it seeks to phase out of the tomb and thou8h she never appears in the same shape twice. Estavan
escape. must be warned that Trade8ate is the next tar8et!"
The Wights fight until they are destroyed.
DEVELOPMENT Illumination: Darkness.
The body in the northern side chamber is the real Body: The dead body of the real Fesdin CraIe. See
Fesdin CraIe. He has obviously been drained oflife "Development" for details.
by the wights. A character who makes a DC 16 Per- Cracked Ground: Any creature that enters a
ception check finds a copper coin in his pocket. One square of cracked ground stops moving and falls prone.
side shows the icon of the Planar Trade Consortium Fountain: The fountain is actually a portal. A gate
(a long caravan moving through a portal); the other is key is required to operate the portal.
engraved with the words "CraIe's Arcane Wonders." Webs: Any creature that enters a square of webs
A pouch on CraIe's belt holds a small journal in stops moving and is immobilized (save ends).
which the sage has kept a record of customers and Coffins: The coffins are used by the wights. The
transactions as well as other notes. The most recent battle wight commander's coffin contains a level 12
entries seem to be tracking a series of disturbances magic item.
Encounter Level 13 (4,300 XP) ARRIVING IN TRADEGATE
When the adventurers move through the pona
SETUP Tradegate, they discover that something isn't q
1 lamia devourer (L) right in the usually bustling town. Read:
2 mezzo demons (M)
6 cyclops guards (C) You step through the broken window of a deserted
into a quiet alley. The alley opens onto a wide stree
If the adventurers take the coin they found on the leads south toward the town square. You notice rha
dead merchant back to the shop, they find that the only is the alley unusually quiet, but the entire t01
pretender who sent them into the trap has vacated to be deserted. The only activity you immediatel)
the premises. In the back room, a door opens onto a in the town square, where glOWing lights and the cr
small, empty space. Anyone carrying the coin who strange energy indicate that something is happeni
opens the door activates the portal to Tradegate. the arched gate in the center of the square.
If the characters don't have the wizard's coin or
don't open the door in the back room, some other Perception Check
method of getting to Tradegate might be required. DC 18 You spot large humanoids moving around
Estavan has already left the town, but Nera is still arched gate, each silhouetted against the glOWing Ii
hanging out at the tavern, enjoying a short break DC 23 People throughout the town have slumped
from her regular duties for the Consortium. She can where they were standing or in the middle of some
inform the adventurers about the portal to Tradegate and now they lay here and there, apparently fast as t
in CraIe's shop and give them a key to use it. If the
6 Cyclops Guards (C) level 14 . . . . .
PCs ask about a way to get to Sigil, she says, "There's a Large fey humanoid XP 1 ~ __
portal to Sigil in Tradegate, of course." Initiative +10 Senses Perception +15; truesight 6
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
lamia Devourer (l) level 13 Elite Controller AC 27; Fortitude 26, Reflex 23 , Will 23
Medium fey ma ical beast (sha echan er) XP 1,600 Speed 6
Initiative +8 Senses Perception +13 <D Battleaxe (standard; at-will) • Weapon
Swarm's Embrace aura 1; an enemy that starts its turn in the aura Reach 2; +17 vs. AC; 7 damage.
takes 10 damage. -/- Evil Eye (immediate reaction, when a melee attack misses
HP 260; Bloodied 130 cyclops guard; at-will)
AC 27; Fortitude 25, Reflex 24, Will 26 The cyclops guard makes a melee basic attack agai nst
Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 10 attacker.
against close and area attacks. Alignment Unaligned languages Elven
Saving Throws +2 Str 22 (+13) Dex 16 (+10) Wis 17 (+10)
Speed 6, climb 6 Con 20 (+12) Int 11 (+7) Cha 11 (+7)
Action Points 1 Equipment hide armor, heavy shield, battleaxe
<D Cursed Touch (standard; at·will)
+17 vs. Fortitude; 1 d1 0 + 6 damage , and the target is dazed
(save ends). 2 Mezzodemons (M) level 11 SeWis
Medium elemental humanoid (demon) XP 600 ~
~ Devouring Swarm (standard; at·will)
Close blast 5; targets enemies only; +15 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 + 4 Initiative +9 Senses Perception +13; darkvision
damage. HP 113; Bloodied S6
, .. Swarm Burst (standard; recharge'::: liD AC 27; Fortitude 25, Reflex 22, Will 23
Close burst 5; targets enemies only; +15 vs. Will; the target is Resist 20 poison, 10 variable (2/encounter)
pushed 3 squares and immobilized (save ends). Speed 6
Change Shape (minor; at-will) • Polymorph <D Trident (standard; at·will) • Weapon
A lamia can alter its physical form to appear as an attractive Reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage.
Medium humanoid of any race or gender (see "Change Shape," -/- Skewering Tines (standard; at-will) • Weapon
Monster Manual 1, page 216). Requires trident; reach 2; +18 vs. AC; 1d8 + 5 damage, 0 ~
Squeezing Swarm damage, and the target is restrained (save ends both). Wh
By altering its shape, a lamia can squeeze through small target is restrained, the mezzodemon can't make trident a·
openings as if it were a Tiny creature (see "Squeeze," Player's , .. Poison Breath (standard; recharge [RITID. Poison
Handbook, page 292). Close blast 3; targets enemies; +16 vs. Fortitude; 2d6 - 3
Alignment Evil languages Common, Elven damage, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends).
Skills Arcana +14, Bluff +16, InSight +13 Alignment Chaotic evil languages Abyssal
Str 13 (+7) Dex 14 (+8) Wis 14(+8) Skills Intimidate +11
Con 18 (+10) Int 17 (+9) Cha 21 (+11) Str 20 (+10) Dex 15 (+7) Wis 16 (+8)
Con 17 (+8) Int 10(+5) Cha 13 (+6)
Equipment trident
The mezzodemons remain near Arthani to pro-
tect her. They try to use their poison breath attacks on
restrained foes. They fight to the death.
The cyclops guards seek to engage the adventurers
on the road, as they are reaching the square. If any
of the PCs attempt to disturb the glowing rods, the
guards move to attack them. They fight to the death.
Each round that Arthani achieves a success during
the performance of the ritual, roll a d6. The result
indicates which of the rods (numbered 1-6 on the
map) draws energy from the gate. That rod emits
energy in a close burst 2 that deals 5 damage to any
of the lamia's enemies within the burst.
A character adjacent to one of the rods can remove
it from the ground with a DC 18 Thievery check, a
DC 23 Arcana check, or a DC 20 Strength check. A
failed check deals 10 damage, pushes the character 2
squares, and knocks him prone.
If Arthani succeeds at the ritual, it doesn't destroy
the gate as she had hoped, but it does lock it so that it
no longer functions. Estavan will need to send power-
ful spellcasters at a later time to reverse the ritual and
reestablish the portal to Sigil.
If all of the rods are removed, or if Arthani gets
The lamia Arthani, who impersonated Fesdin CraIe three failures, or if the adventurers otherwise defeat
to send the adventurers into the crypt ambush, has the lamia, the ritual fails.
performed a ritual to put the residents of Tradegate
into a deep slumber. When the adventurers arrive, DEVELOPMENT
Arthani is in the process of completing a ritual to
destroy the gate to Sigil. If Arthani escapes through the gate, the adventurers
must find Master Trader Duncam, wait for the slum-
When the adventurers approach the town ber ritual to wear off in an hour, and then get a gate
square, read: key from him so they can follow the lamia to Sigil.
The arched 8ate is clearly the centerpiece of the town This gate key is a phrase, "the center of all things."
square. The icon of the Planar Trade Consortium is carved If Arthani is defeated, she collapses into a pile
into the arch's keystone, and ima8es of all kinds of doors of dead and dying beetles. In the belt pouch that
decorate the rest of the ancient stone. Six 810win8 rods, remains, the adventurers find three 1,000 gp gems
each about 5 feet tall, jut from the wound in a pattern and a flier for The House of Song, a festhall in the
around the square. A one-eyed 8iant stands 8uard at each infamous Gatehouse Night Market in the Hive. One
rod, and you also spot two insectlike demons wieldin8 tri- of the mezzodemons carries the same flier, though
dents hoverin8 protectively near a female eladrin in a red his has the name "Tarvas" scrawled upon it.
8own. She's readin8from a scroll as you approach.
TACTICS Illumination: Bright light.
The lamia devourer is on the verge of completing her Arch: This stone arch occupies a prominent place
ritual that will destroy the gate to SigiJ. Unless she is in the town square. With the proper gate key, it opens
in great danger, she uses a minor action each turn to a portal to Sigil.
make a DC 20 Arcana check and advance the ritual. Glowing Rods: These 5-foot-tall metal rods are
She needs to achieve six successful checks before inscribed with runes. They jut from the ground and
getting three failures. She uses swann burst to clear glow with arcane brilliance. See "The Ritual" for
enemies away from her, but prefers to use devourins additional details.
swarm from a distance. See "The Ritual" for more Wagons: The wagons are piled high with crates
details. If the ritual is disrupted and if six or more and barrels bound for Sigil, including such goods as
of the other monsters are defeated, Arthani flees ice apples, eladrin chocolate, and dwarven black ale.
through the gate to Sigil (she has a key).
- ->-.-.--.--.~--.-.--.-.--.---.- . --.-.-- . -.--- . -.--
Encounter Level 13 (4,100 XP) apprehensive about the holiday for some reason that
no one is willing to talk about.
SETUP Insight DC 18: The city seems to be in a state of
heightened tension, though you can't figure out what
Tarvas Demoncaller (T) is causing this condition through observation.
2 arctide rune spiral demons (A) Streetwise DC 18: Food, drink, and other
2 bloodcry barlguras (B) essentials have been becoming increasingly more
2 ogre bludgeoneers (0) expensive and harder to come by. Small riots have
broken out at a few market locations, and rumors
The adventurers follow Arthani or the clues the lamia abound that the citizens are becoming more restless
left behind to Sigil. They arrive during the day, so and reckless in light of these unusual shortages.
they have time to do a little research or investigation Streetwise DC 23: The best source for acquiring
before the Night Market opens. cavefire wine is a trader named Tos, who sets up a
stand in the Night Market when she's in Sigil.
The first thing the adventurers notice upon stepping THE NIGHT MARKET
through the portal is that Sigil is much more cosmo- When the adventurers head for the Gatehouse Night
politan and diverse than any other town or city they Market, whether to locate The House of Song or to
might have visited before. Not only do they see that look for the trader named Tos, they run into Tarvas
all the usual races are represented, they also run into Demoncaller and a few of his associates. If Arthani
demons, devils, monstrous races, and creatures they the lamia escaped after Encounter D2, she will also
have never encountered before. None of them act be on hand for this battle. Adjust the XP accordingly.
overtly hostile, but most carry themselves with confi- Tarvas Demoncaller is a wizard committed to
dence and bravado. spreading chaos and destruction. As a means to this
The second thing that the adventurers notice is end, he leads an effort to impede the flow of neces-
that the horizon, where it can be seen through the sary supplies to Sigil's population. He won't fight in
crowds and the close-stacked buildings, curves up this encounter, however, so his statistics are provided
instead of down. A soft but persistent rain falls from in a later encounter.
above, but every so often the mist lifts enough to
reveal a glimpse of the city hanging upside down 2 Arctide Runespiral Demons (A) Level 12 Artillery
above them. large elemental magical beast (demon) XP 700 each
As the adventurers explore the city, at some pOint Initiative +12 Senses Perception +10
call for a Perception check. HP 97; Bloodied 48; see also bloodied shock
AC 24; Fortitude 23, Reflex 25, Will 23
Perception Check Resist 15 variable (2/encounter)
DC 23 You notice a fi8ure, bundled in a hooded cloak to Speed 7
stave off the rain,followin8 you at a discreet distance.
CD Bite (standard; at-will)
+17 vs. AC; 1d6 + 5 damage.
+ Arcane Arc (immediate interrupt, when an enemy moves
This agent of Tar vas Demoncaller (see "The Night adjacent to the arctide runespiral demon; at-will) .. Lightning
Market," below, disappears into the crowd if the +17 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 5 lightning damage.
adventurers try to approach him. ~ Focused Strike (standard; at-will) .. Lightning
Ranged 10; +19 vs. Reflex; 2d8 + 5 lightning damage.
<~ Bloodied Shock (free, when first bloodied; encounter) ..
RESEARCH Lightning
Visiting various locations around the city and Close burst 1; +15 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 5 lightning damage, and the
asking the right questions accomplishes two things: target is dazed (save ends).
~:- Charged Lightning Burst (standard; at-will) .. Lightning
It provides the adventurers with information, and
Area burst 2 within 10; +15 vs. Reflex; 1 d8 + 5 lightning
it gets them noticed by all the wrong people. Here
damage. The attack deals 1 extra lightning damage for each
are some things the adventurers can learn around creature in the burst. Each ally damaged by the attack gains a
the city: +1 bonus to any recharge rolls at the start of its next turn.
Arcana DC 25: Arthani had been visiting Sigil Alignment Chaotic evil Languages Abyssal
for the last few weeks, purchasing rituals and ancient Str15 (+8) Oex23 (+12) Wis19(+10)
spellbooks of all descriptions. Con 19 (+10) Int 7 (+4) Cha 12 (+7)
Diplomacy DC 15: The Festival of Doors celebra-
tion is coming up, but most citizens appear to be
2 Bloodcry Barlguras (B) Level 14 Brute
Large elemental beast (demon) XP 1.000 eac h
Initiative +11 Senses Percept ion +16; low-light vision
HP 174; Bloodied 87; see also bloodcry
AC 26; Fortitude 27, Reflex 24, Will 24
Resist 10 variable (1/e ncounter; see Monster Manual page 282)
Speed 8 , climb 8
CD Slam (sta ndard; at-will)
Reach 2; +17 vs. AC; 2d8 + 6 da mage, or 3d8 + 6 damage if the z
ba rlgura is blood ied, and th e ta rget is pushed 1 square.
+ Double Attack (standa rd; at-will)
The barlgura makes two slam attacks.
<~ Bloodcry (free, when first bloodied; e ncounte r) M
Close burst 3; targets ene mies only; +15 vs. Will; 4d1 0 + 6 c:
damage, and th e barlgura and all allies within 5 sq uares of it gai n 0::
a +2 bonus to attack rolls until t he end of the barlgu ra's next turn. L.U
Alignment Chaotic evil languages Abyssa l I-
Skills Athletics +18
Str 22 (+13)
Con 24(+14)
Dex18 (+11 )
Int 6 (+5)
W is 19 (+11 )
Cha 12 (+8)
2 Ogre Bludgeoneers (0 ) Level 16 Minion
Large natural humanoid XP 350 each
Initiative +9 Senses Perce ption +9
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a min io n.
AC 28; Fortitude 30 , Reflex 24, Will 24
Speed 8
CD Greatclub (sta ndard; at·will) • Weapon
Reach 2; +19 vs. AC; 9 damage.
Alignment Chaotic evil languages Gia nt
Str 23 (+14) Dex 13 (+9) Wis 13 (+ 9) After the battle ends, the adventurers can ask
Con 25 (+15) Int 4 (+5) Cha 6 (+ 6) around and locate the trader named Tos. With a bit of
Equipment hide armo r, greatclub coaxing, and maybe a bit of gold to loosen her tongue
(say, 500 gp), she'll reveal that the source of the cavefire
TACTICS wine she sells to the Consortium is a cave in a remote
part of the Shadowfell. The adventurers must convince
Thanks to his agents spread out around the city,
Tos that they plan to reopen the trade corridors before
Tarvas has been keeping a watch on the adventur-
she tells them how to get to the cave, providing them
ers, and he is alerted when they approach the Night
with the location of an appropriate portal and a key.
Market from the street to the northeast. He directs
The House of Song festhall is located in the build-
his demons and hired thugs to attack the PCs, stick-
ing that Tarvas stood atop at the beginning of the
ing around long enough to be noticed by them and to
battle. Inside, the adventurers discover that a back
trade a jibe or two before disappearing into the night.
room in the festhall has been converted into a sum-
Ifthe lamia escaped in the previous encounter,
moner's laboratory, complete with magic circles
she starts out beside Tarvas and takes command of
and other paraphernalia. In his haste, Tarvas leaves
the situation after the wizard departs. This time, she
behind a level 13 magic item and notes concerning
battles to the death.
a demon summoning ritual. A DC 25 Arcana check
The barlguras wade in to make double attacks
reveals that it was used to send demons to Tos's cave.
each round, each demon concentrating on a Single
foe. They move to stay close enough to as many ene-
mies and allies as possible to take full advantage of FEATURES OF THE AREA
blood cry when they become bloodied the first time. Illumination: Dim light.
The ogres are hired thugs that attempt to set up Buildings: The flat-topped roofs are 10 feet above
flanks with the demons. the street, while the gabled roofs are 20 feet high. A
DC 15 Athletics check is needed to climb the walls.
DEVELOPMENT Razorvine: These sharp patches deal 20 damage
to any creature that enters a square occupied by the
Tarvas doesn't stick around for this battle. He has
plant or starts its turn in one.
places to be and things to do in order to cause the
Tables and Tents: These portable shops pop up
chaos he hopes to engender by the time the Festival
when night falls. When the battle begins, the mer-
of Doors begins. He hopes that his underlings can
chants scatter. Tables are difficult terrain, while tents
stop the adventurers.
are blocking terrain.
Encounter Level 11 (3,200 XP) When the adventurers enter the chamber, read:
The shadowy cave ahead is warm and moist. A central
SETUP column divides the chamber. Water drips down the column
to form a pool at its base. Deeper in the chamber, thick
1 pod demon (D)
patches of mushrooms 810w with a discernible li8ht, thou8h
4 podspawn (P)
the intensity seems to drop noticeably as you approach.
Falling rocks hazard
Perception Check
When the adventurers approach Tos's cave in the
DC 16 A body floats.Jace down, in the pool of water.
Shadowfell, they are greeted by a male who bears a
DC 21 A telltale amount of dust and pebbles sprinkles
striking resemblance to the independent merchant.
downfrom cracks in the cave's ceilin8.
It's her brother, Thorn, who handles the production of
DC 23 You notice faint sketches scrawled on the walls of
cavefire wine. He appears to be greatly agitated when
the cave's central column of rock. The sketches seem to form
the adventurers arrive. He asks who they are and why
some kind of symbols, but you have a hard time starin8 at
they are here. If the adventurers tell Thorn that Tos
them for too lon8.
sent them, he immediately relaxes and relates some
important information. Read:
Falling Rocks Level 13 Lurker
Hazard XP 800
"Tos told you that these caves are the source of our cavefire
wine? Well, that source isn't doin8 so 800d ri8ht about The caves rumble and shake, and suddenly rocks rain down
now," he informs you. ''The cavefire mushrooms we crush from the ceilin8 above.
and ferment to make the wine appear to be dyin8, and I Hazard: A shower of rocks comes down in certain parts of
the cave, as shown on the map.
think I know what's killin8 them. There's a terrible monster
in the caves, and I'm not able to chase it away. Perhaps you • DC 18: A telltale amount of dust and pebbles sprinkles
can take care of this for us." down from cracks in the cave's ceiling.
• DC 23: You notice faint sketches scrawled on the walls
QUESTIONING THOM of the cave's central column of rock. The sketches seem
to form some kind of symbols, but you have a hard time
Here are some questions the adventurers might ask, staring at them for too long.
and Thorn's responses to them. Additional Skill: Dungeoneering
What's a cavefire mushroom? "It's a rare fun8us • DC 18: You recognize the unstable nature of the cracked
that Wows within this network of caves. We've learned how and pitted ceiling, and you feel a slight shaking in the
to turn these mushrooms into cavefire wine. The taste is ground beneath your feet.
Initiative + 2
warm and soothin8, and it has become a central element of
Si8il's Festival of Doors." Standard Action Area special
Why would someone want to keep you from Target: Each creature in area
selling the wine? "Cavefire wine's purpose ran8es from Attack: +14 vs. Reflex
spiritual to celebratory, but it has become intertwined with Hit: 1 d1 0 + 6 damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
the celebration of the Festival of Doors. Without it, many Special: Each round, on the hazard's initiative count, roll a d6
people in Si8il will believe that the festival has been ruined to determine which zone or zones the rocks fall in during that
round. The rocks attack each creature in each affected zone.
and that bad luck and ill fortune will follow them throu8h-
out the comin8 year." • If a character spots the symbols on the central column, he
What kind of monster is in the cave? "It's a lar8e or she can attempt a skill challenge to identify them and
mass of dis8ustin8 800 that creates smaller versions of break the enchantment that has instigated this hazard.
itself. It told me to 8et out of the cave when it arrived, and I Each turn, if a character is adjacent to a symbol
haven't 80ne back in since." scrawled on the wall, that character can make a DC
18 Thievery check, a DC 18 Arcana check, or a DC 23
Religion check to disrupt the magiC imbued within the
ENTERING THE CAVE symbol. A failure on any check causes the hazard to
After the adventurers enter the cave, it takes them a immediately attack, as described above.
few minutes to follow the winding passages toward If the characters achieve 4 successes before they get 3
failures, the cave stops rumbling and the hazard no longer
the chamber where the cavefire mushrooms grow.
The path to the main chamber is marked with If the characters fail the skill challenge, the hazard
arrows, so it's easy to find. The pes approach the remains and the damage increases to 2d1 0 + 6. After an
main chamber (depicted on the map) from the west. hour, the characters can attempt to disrupt the magical
hazard again.
Pod Demon (D) Level 15 Elite Artillery
large elemental humanoid (demon) XP 2,400
Initiative +12 Senses Perception +10; darkvision
HP 176; Bloodied 88
AC 27; Fortitude 25, Reflex 27, Will 29
Resist 15 variable (2/encounter)
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8 ....
Action Points 1 ....
Every new monster in this book appears on the following list, which is sorted alphabetically by level and monster
role. Monster leaders are indicated with an (L).
Monster Level and Role Page Monster Level and Role Page
Crazed Human Rabble 2 Minion 121 Lamia Devourer 13 Elite Controller 2H
DwarfThug 13 Minion 205
Orryn Glittercave 4 Defender 33 Half-Elf Brigand Captain 13 Skirmisher 20-1
\Vererat Sewer Guard 13 Skirmisher 206
Hobgoblin Legionnaire of Avernus 5 Soldier (L) 113 Sons of Mercy Basher 13 Soldier 195
Young Blue Dragon Goblin Ally 6 Solo Artillery 111 Sons of Mercy Wizard 14 Artillery 195
Abyssal Eviscerator 14 Brute 20-1
Adamantine Horse ofXarn 7 Brute 149 Bloodcry Barlgura 14 Brute 217
Cranium Rat Arcanist Swarm 14 Controller 207
Satisfied Adamantine Horse ofXarn 8 Brute 149 Vrock Sword wing 14 Skirmisher 221
Zombie Hulk ofOrcus 8 Brute 117 Human Gladiator 14 Elite Soldier 205
Pleased Adamantine Horse ofXarn 10 Brute 149 Dabus Custodian 15 Artillery 191
Snaketongue Wyvern 10 Skirmisher 119 Immolith Deathrager 15 Brute 221
Wight Life-Eater 10 Skirmisher 213 Tarvas Demoncaller 15 Controller (L) 221
Dragonborn Gladiator ofTiamat 10 Soldier 123
Fey Bodak Skulk 16 Lurker 109
Ghost Spider 11 Elite Lurker 213
Loathsome Chanter 11 Minion 76 Dabus Enforcer 18 Controller 191
Chosen Mezzodemon 11 Soldier 115
The Kadyx, Demon War Drake 21 Solo Skirmisher 201
Elemental Ooze 12 Brute 207
Ettin Spirit-Talker of Demogorgon 12 Elite Controller (L) 107