2015 01263 PDF
2015 01263 PDF
2015 01263 PDF
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION • Hand Delivery: To the Docket B. Executive Order 12866, 13563, 13610,
Management System; Room W12–140 and DOT Regulatory Policies and
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials on the ground floor of the West Procedures
Safety Administration C. Executive Order 13132
Building, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE., D. Executive Order 13175
Washington, DC 20590, between 9 a.m. E. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive
49 CFR Parts 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, Order 13272, and DOT Procedures and
177, 178, and 180 except Federal holidays. Policies
Instructions: All submissions must F. Paperwork Reduction Act
[Docket No. PHMSA–2013–0042 (HM–233F)] include the agency name and docket G. Regulatory Identifier Number (RIN)
number for this notice at the beginning H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
RIN 2137–AF00 I. Executive Order 13609 and International
of the comment. To avoid duplication,
Trade Analysis
Hazardous Materials: Adoption of please use only one of these four J. Environmental Assessment and NEPA
Special Permits (MAP–21) (RRR) methods. All comments received will be Analysis
posted without change to http:// K. Privacy Act
AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous www.regulations.gov and will include L. National Technology Transfer and
Materials Safety Administration any personal information you provide. Advancement Act
(PHMSA), DOT. All comments received will be posted VI. List of Subjects
ACTION: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking without change to the Federal Docket I. Executive Summary
(NPRM) Management System (FDMS), including
any personal information. The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials
SUMMARY: As required by the Moving Docket: For access to the dockets to Safety Administration (PHMSA) is
Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century read background documents or proposing to amend the Hazardous
Act (MAP–21), the Pipeline and comments received, go to http:// Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR
Hazardous Materials Safety parts 171–180) by adopting
www.regulations.gov or DOT’s Docket
Administration is proposing to amend requirements contained in 98 existing
Operations Office (see ADDRESSES).
the Hazardous Materials Regulations to special permits (SP). This proposal is
Privacy Act: In accordance with 5
adopt provisions contained in certain based on our review of all active SPs as
U.S.C. 553(c), DOT solicits comments
widely-used or long-standing special of January 1, 2013, in which we
from the public to better inform its
permits that have an established safety identified 98 SPs containing
rulemaking process. DOT posts these
record. The proposed revisions are requirements which appear suitable for
comments, without edit, including any
intended to provide wider access to the adoption into the HMR as regulations of
personal information the commenter
regulatory flexibility offered in special general applicability. Other SPs are not
provides, to www.regulations.gov, as
permits and eliminate the need for being proposed for adoption into the
described in the system of records
numerous renewal requests, thus HMR because we concluded they
notice (DOT/ALL–14 FDMS), which can
reducing paperwork burdens and contain requirements which (1) would
be reviewed at www.dot.gov/privacy.
facilitating commerce while maintaining not have, or are being applied in a
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: manner which would not have, broad
an appropriate level of safety. PHMSA
Donald Burger, Office of Hazardous applicability; or (2) have already been
conducted an extensive analysis of all
Materials Safety, Approvals and Permits adopted into the HMR, are covered by
active special permits and, in this
Division, (202) 366–4535 or T. Glenn authorizations in the HMR, or are being
rulemaking, those special permits
Foster, Office of Hazardous Materials addressed in other rulemakings.
deemed suitable are being proposed for
Safety, Standards and Rulemaking We encourage all interested parties,
adoption. PHMSA is inviting all
Division, telephone (202) 366–8553, particularly the holders of currently
interested persons to provide comments
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety active SPs, to submit comments
on both those special permits deemed
Administration, U.S. Department of regarding the SPs we are proposing to
suitable and proposed to be adopted
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave. adopt into the HMR, the SPs we are not
into the HMR and those that are deemed
SE., Washington, DC 20590–0001. presently proposing to adopt into the
not suitable for adoption. In addition,
PHMSA is also requesting comments on SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: HMR, and our preliminary regulatory
a proposed requirement for special Table of Contents impact analysis.
permit applicants to include regulatory II. Background
text in their applications, when I. Executive Summary
II. Background PHMSA is proposing to amend the
appropriate. III. Overview Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR;
DATES: Comments must be received by A. Special Permits Program 49 CFR parts 171–180) to adopt certain
March 31, 2015. B. MAP–21 Legislation requirements based on existing SPs
C. SP Conversion Project Methodology
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
D. Petitions for Rulemaking
issued by PHMSA under 49 CFR part
identified by the docket number E. SPs Evaluation Results 107, subpart B (§§ 107.101 to 107.127).
PHMSA–2013–0042 (HM–233F) by any F. Request for Comments SPs set forth alternative requirements—
of the following methods: IV. Section-by-Section Review by Topic Area or a variance—to the requirements in
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// A. Cylinders—General the HMR in a way that achieves a safety
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
www.regulations.gov. Follow the B. Cylinders—Non-Destructive Testing/ level at least equal to the safety level
instructions for submitting comments. Aerosols required under the regulations, or when
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251. C. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/Portable Tanks the regulations do not establish a safety
• Mail: Docket Management System; D. Operational Air/Vessel level, that is consistent with the public
E. Operational Highway/Rail/Shipper/
U.S. Department of Transportation, Other
interest. Congress expressly authorized
West Building, Ground Floor, Room F. Non-Bulk Packaging Specifications/IBCs the Secretary of Transportation to issue
W12–140, Routing Symbol M–30, 1200 V. Regulatory Analyses and Notices these variances in the Hazardous
New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington, A. Statutory/Legal Authority for this Materials Transportation Act of 1975 (49
DC 20590. Rulemaking U.S.C. 5109) as amended.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5341
On July 6, 2013 President Obama deemed not suitable for adoption into strengthens our economy, and some
signed legislation entitled Moving the HMR along with the corresponding new technologies and operational
Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century reasoning, and proposes the adoption techniques may enhance safety. Thus,
Act (MAP–21). Section 33012 of this into the HMR of SPs that have been while not compromising safety, SPs
legislation required PHMSA to review deemed suitable through this review. provide a mechanism for testing new
and analyze SPs that have been in The proposals from all the SPs to be technologies, promoting increased
continuous effect for a 10-year period to adopted have broad applicability, fit transportation efficiency and
determine which ones may be converted into the scope of the HMR, will increase productivity, and ensuring global
into the HMR.1 The legislation also flexibility in transportation, and provide competitiveness. In addition, SPs enable
required PHMSA to issue regulations to an equivalent level of safety to the the hazardous materials industry to
adopt any SPs identified as appropriate current regulations. PHMSA is inviting safely, quickly, and effectively integrate
for adoption in a final rule by October comments from all interested parties, new products and technologies into
1, 2015. The legislation provides the particularly SP holders, on both those production and the transportation
following factors to consider during SPs deemed suitable and proposed to be stream.
review and analysis to determine adopted and those that are deemed not
suitable for adoption. PHMSA conducts ongoing reviews of
suitability for adoption into the HMR:
SPs to identify widely-used and long-
(1) The safety record of the hazardous III. Overview standing SPs with established safety
materials (hazmat) transported under
A. SPs Program records for conversion into regulations
the SP;
(2) The application of a SP; of broader applicability. Converting
PHMSA’s Approvals and Permits these SPs into regulations reduces
(3) The suitability of the provisions in Division 2 is responsible for the issuance
the SP for incorporation into the hazmat paperwork burdens for the government
of DOT SPs and Approvals. A SP sets and applicants and facilitates commerce
regulations; and forth alternative requirements, or
(4) Rulemaking activity in related while maintaining safety. Additionally,
variances, to the requirements in the adoption of SPs as rules of general
areas. HMR. Federal hazardous materials
Prior to the passing of the MAP–21 applicability provides wider access to
transportation law (49 U.S.C. 5101– the benefits and regulatory flexibility of
legislation, PHMSA had completed 5128) authorizes PHMSA to issue such
numerous rulemaking actions, through the provisions granted in the SPs.
variances in a way that achieves a safety Factors that influence whether or not a
an established and refined approach, to level that is at least equal to the safety
convert long-standing SPs with an specific SP is a candidate for regulatory
level required under Federal hazmat law action include: the safety record for
established safety record into the HMR. or is consistent with the public interest
Following the passage of the MAP–21 hazardous materials transported or
if a required safety level does not exist.
legislation, PHMSA modified its operations conducted under a SP;
SPs also address unique or infrequent
approach to align with the requirements potential for broad application of a SP;
transportation situations that would be
of this legislation. Specifically, PHMSA suitability of the provisions in the SP for
difficult to accommodate in regulations
established terms of reference and adoption into the HMR; rulemaking
intended for use by a wide range of
baseline criteria for the review of long- activity in related areas; and agency
shippers and carriers.
standing SPs, created tracking tools to SPs are issued by PHMSA under 49 priorities.
monitor progress, and adopted a CFR part 107, subpart B (§§ 107.101 to Since the inception of the SP
methodology and timeline to evaluate 107.127). The HMR are generally program, PHMSA has periodically
SPs. performance-oriented regulations, and reviewed SPs and under various
This Notice of Proposed Rulemaking as such, provide the regulated rulemaking actions certain widely-used
(NPRM) provides an overview of the SP community with some flexibility in or long-standing SPs that have an
Program to date, a detailed review of the meeting safety requirements. Even so, established safety record have been
requirements of MAP–21 with regard to not every transportation situation can be adopted or recently proposed for
this initiative, and a comprehensive anticipated and covered under the incorporation into the HMR. For
explanation of the rationale used to regulations. The hazardous materials example, PHMSA has adopted or
evaluate these SPs both prior to and community is at the cutting edge of proposed 94 SPs into the HMR since
after the implementation of MAP–21. developing new materials, new 2008. These 94 SPs represent a decrease
Furthermore, based on this rationale, technologies, and innovative ways of of 13,947 holders of SPs. These
this NPRM details the SPs that are moving hazardous materials. Innovation rulemakings are noted in Table 1.
Docket No. Miscellaneous Cargo Tank Amended the HMR to revise certain requirements appli- 2 15.
PHMSA–2006– Motor Vehicle and Cyl- cable to the manufacture, maintenance, and use of
25910 (HM– inder Issues; Petitions for DOT and MC specification cargo tank motor vehicles,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
1 Although MAP–21 only required PHMSA a 10-year period, PHMSA reviewed all active SPs 2 http://www.phmsa.dot.gov/hazmat/permits-
evaluate SPs that had been in continuous effect for as of January 1, 2013. approvals/special-permits
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5342 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
PHMSA–2008– Revision to Requirements Amended the HMR to maintain alignment with inter- 3 6.
0005 (HM– for the Transportation of national standards by adopting various amendments,
215J). Batteries and Battery- including changes to proper shipping names, hazard
Powered Devices; and classes, packing groups, special provisions, packaging
Harmonization with the authorizations, air transport quantity limitations, and
UN Recommendations, vessel stowage requirements.
IMDG Code, and ICAO
Technical Instructions.
Docket No. Miscellaneous Amendments Amended the HMR to make miscellaneous revisions to 1 1.
PHMSA–2009– update and clarify certain regulatory requirements.
0151 (HM–
PHMSA–2009– Incorporation of SPs into Amended the HMR to adopt provisions contained in cer- 44 510.
0289 (HM– Regulations. tain widely-used or long-standing SPs that have an es-
233A). tablished safety record.
PHMSA–2010– Incorporation of Cargo Tank Amended the HMR to adopt provisions contained in cer- 6 Over 10,000.
0017 (HM–245). SPs. tain widely-used or long-standing cargo tank SPs that
are granted to multiple parties and have established
safety records.
PHMSA–2010– Incorporating Rail SPs ......... Amended the HMR to adopt SPs which authorized an al- 7 250.
0018 (HM– ternative tank car qualification program, acceptance of
216B). shipping paper information by voice or electronic data
interchange, provide alternative rail car segregation re-
quirements for explosives, alternative tank car design
requirements, and alternative unloading provisions for
coupled tank cars.
PHMSA–2010– Approval and Communica- Amended the HMR applicable to airbag inflators, airbag 2 2,131.
0201 HM–254. tion Requirements for the modules and seat-belt pretensioners by authorizing an
Safe Transportation of Air- alternative review and verification process for these de-
bag Inflators, Airbag Mod- vices, and eliminating the current requirements to have
ules, and Seat-belt hundreds of these devices approved by PHMSA prior
Pretensioners. to shipment.
PHMSA 2011– Miscellaneous Amendments Amended the HMR by adopting SPs to authorize the 1 1.
0138 (HM (RRR). transportation by motor vehicle of certain regulated
218G). medical wastes, designated as sharps, in non-DOT
specification containers fitted into wheeled racks.
PHMSA–2011– Miscellaneous ...................... Amended the HMR to no longer require re-application for 1 1.
0142 (HM–219). Petitions for Rulemaking a SP to place the Dangerous Cargo Manifest in loca-
(RRR). tions designated by the master of the vessel besides
‘‘on or near the bridge’’ while the vessel is docked in a
United States port while cargo unloading, loading, or
handling operations are underway and the bridge is
PHMSA–2011– Incorporation of Certain SPs Amended the HMR to adopt provisions contained in sev- 18 466.
0158 (HM– and Competent Authorities eral SPs that provide greater regulatory flexibility. The
233C). into Regulations. SPs in this action addressed a variety of alternative
provisions, including alternative packaging authoriza-
tions for specific hazardous materials (HM), and would
eliminate approval requirements for variances in the
manufacture of fiberboard packagings.
PHMSA–2011– Requirements for the Safe Proposes to amend the HMR by establishing standards 9 566.
0345 (HM– Transportation of Bulk Ex- for the safe transportation of bulk explosives. This rule-
233D) (NPRM). plosives (RRR). making would also be responsive to two petitions (P–
1557, P–1583).
B. MAP–21 Legislation ‘‘(f) Incorporation into regulations. (2) FACTORS—In conducting the
review and analysis under paragraph
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Section 33012 of the MAP–21 (1) IN GENERAL—Not later than 1 (1), the Secretary may consider—
legislation modified § 5117 (f) of the year after the date on which a SP has
(A) the safety record for hazardous
Federal Hazardous Materials been in continuous effect for a 10-year
materials transported under the special
Transportation Law. Specifically, under period, the Secretary shall conduct a
the ‘‘SPs and exclusions’’ paragraph (f) review and analysis of that SP to
was revised to read as follows: determine whether it may be converted (B) the application of a special permit;
into the hazardous materials (C) the suitability of provisions in the
3 This table represents only published regulations. special permit for incorporation into the
rulemakings since January 1, 2008. hazardous materials regulations; and
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5343
(D) rulemaking activity in related This modification required PHMSA to and approvals regulations and program
areas. review and analyze SPs that have been processes. Specifically, PHMSA is
(3) RULEMAKING—After completing in effect for 10 years or more and required to issue regulations on
determine which should be converted standard operating procedures to
the review and analysis under
into regulations; set parameters for the support administration of the SP and
paragraph (1) and after providing notice
review; and issue regulations to adopt approval programs. This requirement is
and opportunity for public comment,
any SPs identified as appropriate for being addressed under Docket PHMSA
the Secretary shall either institute a adoption in a final rule by October 1, 2012–0260 (HM–233E) in a Notice of
rulemaking to incorporate the special 2015. Following the publication of the Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)
permit into the hazardous materials final rule, this process would be published on August 12, 2014 [79 FR
regulations or publish in the Federal completed annually to ensure 47047].
Register the Secretary’s justification for appropriate SPs are converted into the Table 2 summarizes all of the MAP–
why the special permit is not HMR on a consistent basis. 21 requirements related to the SP
appropriate for incorporation into the The legislation also required PHMSA program, the corresponding rulemaking
regulations.’’ to address other issues related to the SP actions, and required completions dates:
§ 33012
(a) ............. Rulemaking mandate. PHMSA shall issue regulations that PHMSA 2012–0260 (HM– Final rule due by 10/01/2014.
establish: 233E).
(1) Standard operating procedures to support administration
of the SP and approval programs; and
(2) Objective criteria to support the evaluation of SP and ap-
proval applications.
(b) ............. Initial review and analysis of SPs that have been in contin- PHMSA–2013–0042 (HM– Review and analysis due by
uous effect for a 10-year period to determine which ones 233F). 10/01/2013.
may be converted into the hazmat regulations. Factors to
(1) The safety record of hazmat transported under the SP;
(2) The application of a SP;
(3) The suitability of provisions in the SP for incorporation
into the hazmat regulations; and
(4) Rulemaking activity in related areas.
(b) ............. Rulemaking mandate. Issue regulations to incorporate into PHMSA–2013–0042 (HM– Final rule due by 10/01/2015.
the hazmat regulations any SPs identified in the initial re- 233F).
view and analysis that PHMSA determines are appropriate
for incorporation based on the review factors.
(c) .............. Ongoing review and analysis of SPs. Not later than 1 year Continuous future rulemaking Review and analysis due by
after the date on which a SP has been in continuous ef- actions on a yearly basis. 10/01/2015 and to be com-
fect for a 10-year period, PHMSA shall conduct a review pleted on an annual basis.
and analysis of that SP to determine whether it may be
converted into the hazmat regulations. Factors to con-
(1) The safety record of hazmat transported under the SP;
(2) The application of a SP;
(3) The suitability of provisions in the SP for incorporation
into the hazmat regulations; and
(4) Rulemaking activity in related areas
(d) ............. Rulemaking mandate. After completing the review and anal- Continuous future rulemaking Final rule or notice of no rule-
ysis of SPs that have been in continuous effect for a 10- actions on a yearly basis. making decision due by 10/
year period, PHMSA shall either institute a rulemaking to 01/2016.
incorporate the SP into the hazmat regulations or publish
in the FEDERAL REGISTER its justification for why the SP is
not appropriate for incorporation into the regulations.
C. SP Conversion Project Methodology modify and formalize this approach. the efforts of each phase and the
This section describes the SP timeframe in which it was completed.
As previously stated, in the past,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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5344 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Analysis ............ Phase 1: Development The SPCP Management team developed a methodology to consistently July 2012–January
of Methodology. evaluate SPs, a system to track this analysis, sub-teams and sub- 2013.
topic areas used to group similar SPs to be reviewed by the appro-
priate subject matter experts, and timelines and milestones.
Phase 2: Preliminary An initial review of all SPs was conducted. SPs were divided by topics January 2013–April
Analysis. and sub-topics and each transportation regulations specialist was as- 2013.
signed a grouping. These specialists reviewed each permit and made
a determination as to an SP’s suitability for adoption into the HMR
based on guidance provided by the SPCP Management team.
Phase 3: Mentor Re- The members of the SPCP Management were assigned topics and con- April 2013–May 2013.
view. ducted a second review of the SPs deemed either not suitable or
flagged for further review.
Phase 4: Team Analysis PHMSA then established rulemaking teams for each topic composed of June 2013–August
a team leader, mentor, and team members from each PHMSA Divi- 2013.
sion and our modal partners. These teams then conducted a second
review of those SPs deemed suitable and those flagged for follow-up.
Rulemaking ...... Phase 5: Drafting .......... For SPs deemed suitable, the team drafted regulatory text along with June 2013–September
preamble language justifying inclusion into the HMR. The finalized 2013.
draft of each topic was then submitted to the SPCP Management
team for final review.
Phase 6: Consolidate Following review by the SPCP Management team, the topic rulemakings September 2013–No-
Rulemaking. were then combined into a master draft along with additional preamble vember 2013.
language, regulatory analysis, and information collection activities.
Phase 7: Rulemaking The master draft created was then vetted throughout the agency and December 2013–Octo-
Coordination. with our modal partners. In addition, the rulemaking was coordinated ber 2014.
with the Office of the Secretary of Transportation and the Office of
Management and Budget.
Phase 8: Rulemaking Following concurrence from all entities, PHMSA submitted this rule- November 2014.
Publication. making to the Federal Register for publication.
Phase 1: Development of Methodology rulemaking. This method to adopt SPs, As MAP–21 included specific
however, was not conducted on a deadlines for the various aspects of the
As stated above, prior to the defined and predictable schedule. SPCP, PHMSA created an overall project
publication of MAP–21, PHMSA After President Obama signed the timeline. This timeline was established
conducted reviews of SPs to identify MAP–21 legislation, PHMSA modified by utilizing the Standards and
widely-used and long-standing SPs with its SP conversion practices and Rulemaking Division’s knowledge of the
an established safety record for developed an overall strategy to current rulemaking process and working
conversion into the HMR for broader specifically address the aspects of the backwards from the deadlines required
applicability. The SPs suitable for requirements of MAP–21 that were not
adoption were predominantly identified by MAP–21. The timeline was divided
reflected in current procedures. In an
by two methods: petitions for into two main parts; analysis (Phases 1–
effort to address the specific
rulemaking submitted in accordance requirements for SP conversion, 4) and rulemaking drafting and
with § 106.105; and through a review of PHMSA’s Standards and Rulemaking coordination (Phases 5–8). Each of these
the SP application by the Approvals and Division created a SPCP management portions of the timeline included
Permits Division staff at the time of team. This SPCP management team specific deliverables.
application. Specifically, during the developed a methodology to Each SP being analyzed was assigned
evaluation of a SP application, the consistently evaluate SPs, a system to to one of 6 topic areas. These topic areas
specialist reviewing the application track the analysis, created rulemaking were established to reflect the main
could ‘‘tag’’ a SP as a future candidate sub-teams, topics and sub-topic areas to utility and purpose of the SP. These
for adoption into the regulations. At a combine similar SPs to be reviewed by topic areas of the SPs, an overview of
later date after a positive safety record the appropriate subject matter experts each topic area, and the affected number
had been established, the SP would be (SME) and teams, and established of SP holders are displayed in Table 4.
proposed for adoption in a future timelines and milestones.
Cylinders—General ................................... The SPs pertaining to cylinders that are proposed to be adopted into the HMR in 721
this NPRM provide exceptions to existing general cylinder requirements.
Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols 4 ....................... The SPs pertaining to acoustic emission (AE) and ultrasonic examination (UE) test- 396
ing of cylinders and to aerosols that are proposed to be adopted into the HMR in
this NPRM provide exceptions to existing cylinder requirements specific to cyl-
inder non-destructive testing (NDT) and aerosols.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5345
Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/Portable Tanks .... The SPs pertaining to cargo tanks, rail cars, and portable tanks that are proposed 321
to be adopted into the HMR in this NPRM provide exceptions to existing cargo
tanks, rail cars, and portable tanks requirements.
Operational Air/Vessel .............................. The SPs pertaining to operational issues for aircraft or vessel transportation that 207
are proposed to be adopted into the HMR in this NPRM provide exceptions to
existing requirements for vessel and aircraft shipments.
Operational Highway/Rail/ ........................ The SPs pertaining to operational issues for highway or rail transport, shipper re- 1,226
Shipper/Other ............................................ quirements, and other general areas that are proposed to be adopted into the
HMR in this NPRM provide exceptions to existing highway and rail operations,
shipper, and other general requirements.
Non-Bulk Packaging Specifications/IBCs The SPs pertaining to non-bulk packagings, IBCs, and packaging specifications 820
that are proposed to be adopted into the HMR in this NPRM provide exceptions
to the packaging specification requirements.
These topic areas were then used to code 5 it was assigned following limit the number of SPs to be evaluated
develop teams to address each grouping completion of the review. This database in future reviews.
of SPs. Each topic area was further also tracked the completion of the In January 2013, PHMSA began a
broken down into sub-topic areas which drafting of regulatory text for any given systematic review of 1,168 existing SPs
reflected the specific area of SP and provided a brief summary of the utilizing the criteria required by the
transportation that the SP affected. SP. In addition, the SPCP Management MAP–21 legislation to determine
These sub-topic areas included team closely monitored timelines and suitability for adoption into the HMR.
manufacturing, retest, and use. Breaking milestones in a database specifically Transportation Regulations Specialists
down the SPs into topics and sub-topics tailored to the SPCP. within the Standards and Rulemaking
ensured that the appropriate SMEs Division were assigned groupings of
would be reviewing SPs and allowed for Phase 2: Preliminary Analysis
SPs. Each specialist was given
more efficient delegation of the instructions on how to uniformly and
workload. MAP–21 specifically mandated
PHMSA issue regulations to adopt into consistently review a SP. For the groups
As mentioned above, teams were of SPs assigned, each specialist was
established based on topic areas to the HMR any SPs that had been in
continuous effect for a 10-year period instructed to:
handle Phase 3 (Team Analysis) and
Phase 4 (Drafting) of the SPCP. Teams and that PHMSA determined through its • Provide a brief summary of each SP;
were comprised of the appropriate analysis are appropriate for adoption • Identify the key/other regulatory
SMEs from the Standards and based on the review factors. While sections of the HMR affected;
Rulemaking Division, the Engineering MAP–21 limited this analysis and • Make a determination on the
and Research Division, the Approvals review to SPs with a lifespan of greater suitability for adoption (Guidance was
and Permits Division, Field Operations, than 10 years, PHMSA decided that an provided on assigning each SP a code
the Program Development Division, the initial review of all active SPs would relating to its suitability. These codes
Office of Chief Counsel and our modal provide a greater benefit. A complete are discussed in further detail later in
partners, the Federal Aviation review of all SPs was conducted this document);
Administration (FAA), the United States because many of the SPs are
interconnected and interrelated. For • Assign the SP to a topic area;
Coast Guard (USCG), the Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA) and the example, some SPs are very similar with • Provide rationale for their findings;
Federal Motor Carrier Safety only minor differences between them and
Administration (FMCSA). In addition, and the inclusion of one SP may justify • Account for any recordkeeping
each team was assigned a team lead and the inclusion of other similar SPs. In issue that they faced.
a team mentor from the SPCP addition, PHMSA did not want to Specialists then reviewed the SPs
Management team. The teams met on a automatically disqualify a SP from and, based on the guidance developed
frequent basis throughout Phase 3 and consideration just because the SP was by the SPCP management team, they
Phase 4 to discuss progress on their not in effect for 10 years. A SP may be made a determination of which code the
assignments and to pinpoint and resolve extensively used and have an SP would be assigned (See Table 5). If
issues with the SP conversion. established history of safe use even if it specialists had doubts or concerns about
Throughout every phase of the SPCP, is less than 10 years old. As MAP–21 any particular SP, they would assign a
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
the status of all currently active SPs was also requires the periodic review of SPs proposed code and flag the SP in the
tracked in a database designed over 10 years of age, PHMSA tracking database for second level
specifically for this project. This rationalized that a larger initial review mentor review in Phase 3.
database detailed the specialist and would considerably streamline and In April 2013, the preliminary
team assigned to the review of the SP,
analysis was completed with roughly
the current status of the SP and the 5 Each SP was assigned a code that represented
300 SPs deemed suitable for adoption.
a rationale for the SP being suitable or not suitable
4 For the purposes of this rulemaking Non- for adoption into the HMR. These codes were based
In addition, approximately 185 SPs
Destructive Testing (NDT) includes Ultrasonic on PHMSA’s factors for suitability combined with were flagged for second level review by
Examination (UE) and Acoustic Emission (AE). the rationales provided in MAP–21. the SPCP management team in Phase 3.
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5346 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Phase 3: Mentor Review: Review of SPs Division assisted in the review of the Future Reviews
Flagged and Not Suitable incident data research of the SPs and As required by MAP–21, PHMSA
From April through May 2013, the the evaluation of the cost and benefit plans to conduct annual reviews of SPs
rulemaking mentors for each topic team data for the SPs that were deemed which have been in effect for more than
conducted a second review of all SPs suitable. Finally, the Office of Chief 10 years. These reviews and analysis of
deemed not suitable for adopting into Counsel primarily dealt with the editing SPs will use the same methodology and
the HMR (roughly 690 SPs) and those of regulatory text and rulemaking tools as those used in this rulemaking.
tagged for further review in the Phase 2 preamble language as well as providing PHMSA anticipates future analysis and
review (185 SPs). Specifically, the assistance in completing the regulatory review will be streamlined due to the
analysis. reduced number of SPs to be evaluated
mentors divided the SPs in need of
Each topic team tracked its status in and the experience gained through this
further review among themselves,
a database, specifically noting when evaluation.
evaluated each permit against the regulatory text was completed. The
requirements of MAP–21, and made a In addition, PHMSA is considering
teams also used this database to record modifications to the manner in which it
determination on the SP when possible. information to be included in the
If the mentors were unable to make a writes new SPs in order to more
preamble explanations for each SP. For accurately reflect how the HMR is
determination, the SP remained flagged the SPCP, all draft regulatory text was
and the SP topic team would make a written. In this NPRM, PHMSA is
completed in September 2013, at which requesting comments as it considers a
group determination in Phase 4. point the team mentors provided edits future proposal to require an applicant
Phase 4: Team Analysis and worked with each team to formulate to provide potential regulatory text
a final version of each topic. In addition, when submitting an application for a SP
PHMSA then utilized six rulemaking
each team provided a completed in order to facilitate adoption of SPs
teams, one for each topic area. As
document containing lists of all suitable into the HMR.
previously stated, each team was
SPs, all non-suitable SPs, and the
composed of a team leader, mentor, and D. Petitions for Rulemaking
assigned codes to explain why the non-
team members from each PHMSA suitable SPs would not be included.
Division and our modal partners (FAA, PHMSA also considered several
USCG, FRA and FMCSA). Team leaders Phase 5–8: Rulemaking: Drafting, petitions for rulemaking submitted in
were tasked with the overall completion Consolidation, Coordination, and accordance with § 106.105 that may
of the topic and the distribution of work Publication impact SPs reviewed in this rulemaking.
assignments. Mentors were charged These petitions are discussed below.
As the final phase, PHMSA
with reviewing the teams’ data, and consolidated its analyses and P–1607
providing edits to ensure the 6 topics conclusions, evaluated compliance with The Council on the Safe
were cohesive and would form a statutory requirements and Transportation of Hazardous Articles
complete and understandable NPRM. governmental policies and procedures (COSTHA) submitted a petition for
The team leaders and mentors of each applicable to the regulatory process, and rulemaking under P–1607 to adopt the
topic area were members of the prepared this NPRM to address each provisions of DOT SP–11458 that
Standards and Rulemaking Division. topic area. These requirements include authorizes display packs of consumer
Each topic area was handled as if it Executive Orders, Office of Management commodity packages that exceed the 30
were its own rulemaking project. and Budget (OMB) Bulletins, DOT kg gross weight limitation. This petition
While each team leader approached orders and procedures, the has been accepted by PHMSA and is
the team analysis phase in their own Administrative Procedures Act, and being proposed in this rulemaking. See
manner, the team members were others. PHMSA uses a common process the discussions in §§ 171.8 and 173.56
utilized consistently throughout the to identify, develop, track, prioritize, under the ‘‘Operational Highway/Rail/
SPCP, regardless of project. For and implement regulatory changes in Shipper/Other’’ heading of this
example, modal partners focused on line with applicable DOT and Federal rulemaking.
aspects of proposed SPs specific to their government policies and procedures.
mode of transportation or aspects of SPs The Standards and Rulemaking Division P–1608
that could have wider implications in has a Standard Operating Procedure The Truck Trailer Manufacturers
their mode. Team members from the (SOP) in place which is intended to Association (TTMA) submitted a
Standards and Rulemaking Division outline and serve as a reference for petition for rulemaking under P–1608 to
primarily drafted the regulatory text and persons engaged in the regulatory adopt the provisions of DOT SP–11903
rulemaking preamble language. The process and to ensure that all applicable into the HMR. This petition requests
Engineering and Research Division requirements are met. This rulemaking that PHMSA propose to adopt standards
focused primarily on the technical was completed, as with all rulemakings, for the construction and use of Fiber
aspects of each SP, the evaluation and using this SOP. Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Cargo Tanks.
development of regulatory text, and the For this rulemaking, due to the Currently, these tanks are constructed
technical implications of the comprehensive nature of the project, it under DOT–SP 11903 and used under
introduction of new technologies that a was broken down into topics with teams party status in DOT SP–9166. In
SP may provide. The Approvals and assigned to each topic. Each topic area addition to DOT SP–11903 and DOT
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Permits Division focused primarily on was then handled as if it were its own SP–9166, there are other SPs that
the history of each SP, the evaluation rulemaking project. While Phases 1–4 address these standards. PHMSA is not
and development of regulatory text and represented the analysis portion of this proposing to adopt these SPs at this
the suitability determinations of the project, Phases 5–8 encompassed the time as there is not a uniform standard
SPs. PHMSA Field Operations provided rulemaking portion. Following the for FRP Cargo Tanks ready for adoption.
a review of enforcement actions of the completion of the team analysis in However, PHMSA is working to develop
SPs that were deemed suitable and Phase 4, team mentors edited and a uniform standard for FRP cargo tanks
assisted in the incident data research of compiled the topics into one master and will address this issue in a future
each SP. The Program Development document. rulemaking.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5347
P–1610 provisions of DOT–SP 11470 into the tables throughout this rulemaking to
COSTHA submitted a petition for HMR. This SP authorizes the clearly identify SPs that are suitable for
rulemaking under P–1610 to adopt the transportation in commerce of shrink- adoption and those that have been
provisions of DOT–SP 11110 into the wrapped pallets containing boxes of deemed not suitable. As required by
HMR. This SP authorizes cargo aircraft waste ORM–D materials with the word MAP–21 the initial review and analysis
operators to load division 1.4S and ‘‘WASTE’’ marked on the outside of the of SPs considered the following factors:
Class 8, PG III materials in inaccessible pallet instead of the individual box.
• The safety record of hazardous
cargo locations in excess of the This petition has been accepted by
PHMSA and is being proposed in this materials transported under the SP;
limitations specified in § 175.75(c). This
petition has been accepted by PHMSA rulemaking. See the discussion in • The application of a SP;
for consideration in a future rulemaking. § 173.12 under the ‘‘Operational • The suitability of provisions in the
However, at this time PHMSA is not Highway/Rail/Shipper/Other’’ heading SP for adoption into the HMR; and
proposing to adopt this SP because of of this rulemaking.
• Rulemaking activity in related
concern that more time is needed to E. SP Evaluation Results areas.
research the potential impact of changes
to § 175.75 and to coordinate this review PHMSA is committed to the SP Based on these factors, the SPCP team
with the appropriate parties, including adoption process established by developed and assigned codes to each
our modal partners. Congress in MAP–21. To ensure that the SP being reviewed. These codes
changes made under this action are as represent the rationale for adopting or
P–1611 efficient and effective as possible, not adopting a SP into the regulations.
COSTHA submitted a petition for PHMSA solicits input from its Table 5 explains each code.
rulemaking under P–1611 to adopt the stakeholders. We have used several
Code 1 ...... Suitable for Adoption ......................................................... SPs suitable for adoption.
Code 2 ...... Not Suitable for Adoption: The application of the SP ....... SPs not suitable because of the manner in which applied. Because the
purpose of the MAP–21 directive was to reduce need for SPs where
widely-used, many of these SPs were not considered suitable for
adoption because of their application; i.e., they were not widely-used,
were too technical in nature, or were too specific to a SP holder.
This Code was applied to both single and multiple holders of SPs.
Code 3 ...... Not Suitable for Adoption: The suitability of the provision SPs not suitable for adoption because of the lack of broad applicability.
in the SP for adoption into the HMR. Similar to Code 2, many of these SPs were not considered suitable
for adoption because of the specificity of the SP. The terms of these
SPs often included an inability to provide the same exception in a
broad manner applicable to certain geographical locations or safety
controls. This Code was also applied to both single and multiple
holders of SPs.
Code 4 ...... Not Suitable for Adoption: Rulemaking activity in related SPs being addressed in other rulemakings.
Code 5 ...... Already adopted or otherwise covered under current reg- SPs already adopted or authorizations already specified in the current
ulations. HMR. For example, these SPs will be terminated as they are no
longer necessary since the provisions contained within have already
been adopted or have been covered under current regulations.
Evaluation Summary represented 3,691 holders of SPs that number of SPs and approximate 20%
were active on January 1, 2013. The reduction in the number of holders of
After completion of the evaluation adoption of these 98 SPs would impact SPs. PHMSA anticipates the final
segment of the SPCP, PHMSA identified 728 SP holders, as shown in Table 6. If number of SPs adopted in the final rule
98 currently-active SPs that were the SPs proposed for adoption into the may vary from this original number
suitable to be proposed for adoption in HMR in this rulemaking were to be based on input from public comments
this rulemaking action. The SPCP adopted in a final rule, there would be received in response to this rulemaking
evaluated 1,168 permits that an approximate 8% reduction in the and ongoing SP activity.
SPs Holders
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
When combined with previous HMR, the impact is increased to 192 14,675 holders of SPs, as shown in
regulatory efforts to adopt SPs into the total SPs adopted since 2008, affecting Table 7.
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5348 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
After this initial review of all SPs, analysis and review will be streamlined that were deemed suitable for adoption.
PHMSA plans to annually review SPs due to the reduced number of SPs to be Table 8 summarizes the SPs deemed
that have been in effect for more than evaluated and the experience gained suitable, their assigned topic area, a
10 years. PHMSA’s ongoing review and through this evaluation. summary of the permit, and the number
analysis of SPs will use the same Suitable for Adoption of holders of SPs. All suitable SPs were
methodology and tools as in this deemed to be Code 1.
rulemaking. PHMSA anticipates future The analysis phase of the SPCP
identified 98 SPs (728 holders of SPs)
Cylinders General
SP6530 ............. Cylinders General ................. Authorizes transportation in commerce of hydrogen and mixtures of hydrogen 26
with helium, argon or nitrogen, in certain cylinders filled to 110% of their
marked service pressures.
SP8074 ............. Cylinders General ................. Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain flammable and non-flam- 5
mable gases in DOT specification 3E cylinders measuring 2 inches in di-
ameter by 12 inches long without a safety relief device.
SP12084 ........... Cylinders General ................. Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 4B, 4BA, or 4BW cylinders, which 1
are protected externally by a suitable corrosion-resistant coating (such as
galvanizing or painting), for transportation in commerce of certain gases
when retested and marked in accordance with the requirements specified in
§ 180.209(e). In lieu of a 5 year periodic hydrostatic test, or testing in ac-
cordance with § 173.213(c)(2), the prescribed cylinders may be retested and
marked in accordance with § 180.209(e).
SP12301 ........... Cylinders General ................. Authorizes transportation in commerce of chloropicrin and methyl bromide mix- 8
tures in a DOT specification 4BW cylinder having a capacity greater than
that specified in § 173.193(b).
SP12782 ........... Cylinders General ................. Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification cylinders, 5
containing Divisions 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 materials, equipped with plastic valve
protection caps.
SP13318 ........... Cylinders General ................. Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification 39 cylinders of 75 2
cubic inches or less volume, except as specified, for transportation in com-
merce of certain hazardous materials.
SP13544 ........... Cylinders General ................. Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification 4BA240 cylinders 1
containing liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and/or residue of LPG without haz-
ard warning labels when transported in a closed transport vehicle that is
SP13599 ........... Cylinders General ................. Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.2 materials in cer- 1
tain DOT specification seamless steel cylinders.
SP14251 ........... Cylinders General ................. Authorizes transportation in commerce of overpacked cylinders containing 6
Class 2 materials with CGA C–7 neck ring labels in lieu of the standard
SP14419 ........... Cylinders General ................. Authorizes transportation in commerce of pyrophoric liquid n.o.s. in DOT speci- 3
fication 3AL cylinders that are not authorized for that material.
SP14937 ........... Cylinders General ................. Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain cylinders that have requali- 1
fication markings on a label embedded in epoxy in lieu of stamping for the
transportation of various refrigerant gases.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP7951 ............. Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain aerosols containing Division 5
2.2 materials, with a charge pressure not exceeding 150 psig at 75 °F when
shipped in a refrigerated state.
SP8786 ............. Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of limited quantities of compressed 6
gases, Division 2.2, in accumulators which deviate from the required retest
SP11296 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain waste aerosol cans con- 128
taining flammable gas propellants, including isobutane and propane, over-
packed in a UN1A2 steel drum or a UN1H2 plastic drum for disposal.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5349
SP12573 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-refillable, non-DOT 1
specification inside metal container conforming with regulations applicable to
DOT specification 2Q, for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous
SP12995 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT 2Q specification, non- 1
refillable containers containing polyurethane foam or foam components that
will be tested by other means in lieu of subjecting each container to a hot
water bath.
SP13581 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of insecticide aerosol fogger in non- 1
DOT specification non-refillable inside containers.
SP13601 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT specification con- 1
tainers for transportation in commerce of certain non-flammable aerosols
containing foodstuffs at pressures exceeding those authorized.
SP14429 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a DOT specification 2P non-refillable 2
aluminum in-side container which has been leakage tested by an automated
in-line pressure check in lieu of the hot water bath specified in the HMR.
SP14440 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of Division 2.1 aerosols in certain non- 1
refillable containers which have been tested by an alternative method in lieu
of the hot water bath test.
SP14503 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of aerosol foodstuffs in a non-refillable 1
metal container similar to DOT specification 2P and 2Q.
SP14544 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 hazardous ma- 1
terials in certain non-DOT specification and DOT specification non-refillable
aerosol containers which have been tested by an alternative method in lieu
of the hot water bath test.
SP14623 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of a bag-on-valve, non-refill- 1
able, aerosol container which has been tested by an alternative method in
lieu of the hot water bath test. In lieu of the hot water bath, each container
must be subject to an automated pressure test on the line.
SP14625 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of aerosols in certain non-refillable con- 1
tainers which have been tested by an alternative method in lieu of the hot
water bath test. In lieu of the hot water bath, each container will be subject
to an automated pressure test on the line.
SP14627 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of aerosols in certain non-refillable con- 1
tainers which have been tested by an alternative method in lieu of the hot
water bath test. In lieu of the hot water bath, each container must be subject
to an automated pressure test on the line.
SP14723 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of aerosols containing a Division 2.2 1
compressed gas in certain non-refillable aerosol containers which are not
subject to the hot water bath test.
SP14724 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of an aerosol in certain non-refillable 1
containers which have been tested by an alternative method in lieu of the
hot water bath test. In lieu of the hot water bath, each container will be sub-
ject to an automated in-line pressure test.
SP14786 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification 2P and 2Q alu- 1
minum non-refillable inside containers which are leak tested by an auto-
mated in-line pressure check in lieu of the hot water bath specified in the
SP14842 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of consumer commodity (pressurized 1
by nitrogen, compressed) and aerosols, non-flammable, (each not exceeding
1 L capacity) in DOT specification 2P non-refillable aluminum inside con-
tainers which have been tested by an alternative method in lieu of the hot
water bath test. In lieu of the hot water bath, each container will be subject
to an automated pressure test on the line.
SP14887 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation of aerosols and consumer commodities in commerce 2
of DOT specification 2P and 2Q metal non-refillable inside containers and
non-DOT specification metal inside containers which are leak tested by an
automated in-line pressure check in lieu of the hot water bath specified in
the HMR.
SP14953 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification 2Q non-refillable 1
aluminum inside containers which have been leakage tested by an 100%
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
automated in-line pressure check in lieu of the hot water bath test.
SP15135 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT 2P non-refillable metal 1
containers (containing a laminate bag on valve system) which are leak test-
ed by an automated in-line pressure check in lieu of the required hot water
bath test.
SP15265 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes manufacture, mark, sale and use of non-DOT specification bag-on- 1
valve spray packaging similar to an aerosol container without requiring the
hot water bath test conforming with all regulations applicable to a DOT spec-
ification 2P or 2Q, except as specified herein, for the transportation in com-
merce of certain hazardous materials.
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5350 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP15427 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes manufacture, mark, sale and use of non-refillable inside containers 2
which are leak tested by an automated in-line pressure check in lieu of the
hot water bath specified in the HMR.
SP15792 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols ..... Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification 2P non-refillable 1
aluminum inside containers which have been tested by an alternative meth-
od in lieu of the hot water bath test. In lieu of the hot water bath, each con-
tainer will be subject to an automated pressure test on the line.
SP12039 ........... Cargo Tanks/R Rail Cars/Port- Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT 113C120W tank cars con- 3
able Tanks. taining ethylene, refrigerated liquid, at an internal pressure of 20 psig in-
stead of the maximum 10 psig.
SP12576 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/Port- Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT specification tanks 1
able Tanks. conforming with all regulations applicable to a DOT specification MC 331
cargo tank, except as specified, for transportation in commerce of certain
hazardous materials.
Operational Air/Vessel
SP11150 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .......... Authorizes transportation in commerce of liquefied petroleum gas in DOT 1
specification cylinders, secured to transport vehicles on passenger ferry ves-
SP11691 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .......... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain flammable and corrosive liq- 10
uids, which are the ingredients of soft drinks (beverages), not subject to the
segregation requirements for vessel stowage when shipped in the same
transport unit.
SP13213 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .......... Authorizes stowage aboard passenger ferry vessels of private motor vehicles 1
such as recreational vehicles, with attached cylinders of liquefied petroleum
gas in addition to extra containers of gasoline (including camp stove or lan-
tern fuel) and portable cylinders of liquefied petroleum gas.
SP14458 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .......... Authorizes private motor vehicles such as recreational vehicles, with attached 1
cylinders of liquefied petroleum gas in addition to extra containers of gaso-
line (including camp stove or lantern fuel) and portable cylinders of liquefied
petroleum gas to be stowed aboard passenger ferry vessels.
Operational Highway/Rail/Shipper/Other
SP4850 ............. Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce by motor vehicle, rail freight, cargo ves- 7
Shipper/Other. sel, and cargo aircraft of limited quantities of certain approved explosive arti-
cles (UN0237, charges, shaped, flexible, linear; and UN0104, cord, deto-
nating, mild effect or fuse, detonating, mild effect metal clad) re-classed as
Division 1.4D in prescribed packagings, subject to certain special provisions.
SP7991 ............. Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of railroad flagging kits of specified 37
Shipper/Other. construction, containing certain Class 1.4 and 4.1 materials, not subject to
the HMR.
SP8006 ............. Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes certain articles, explosive, n.o.s., Division 1.4 (toy caps) to be of- 3
Shipper/Other. fered for transportation in commerce without labels.
SP9610 ............. Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain empty packagings containing 11
Shipper/Other. residues of Class 1 smokeless powders without complete shipping papers
and placarding.
SP9874 ............. Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes use of video cameras and monitors or instrumentation and sig- 1
Shipper/Other. naling systems such as sensors, alarms, and electronic surveillance equip-
ment, to observe the loading and/or unloading operations of hazardous ma-
terials from production control centers in lieu of personnel remaining within
25 feet of the cargo tanks.
SP10597 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes manufacture, marking and sale of temperature controlled equip- 1
Shipper/Other. ment for use in motor vehicles engaged in transportation in commerce of
Class 3 liquids or Division 2.1 gases.
SP10705 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of packages containing acrolein, sta- 2
Shipper/Other. bilized, Division 6.1, to be exempted from the segregation requirements,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5351
SP11055 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials that 8
Shipper/Other. meet the criteria for Division 6.1, PG I, Hazard Zone A in combination pack-
ages and provides relief from the segregation requirements.
SP11078 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain nickel-cadmium batteries 2
Shipper/Other. each containing no more than 10 ml of liquid potassium hydroxide, a Class
8 material, as not subject to the HMR.
SP11151 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of combination packages containing 1
Shipper/Other. hazardous wastes that are poisonous by inhalation, Division 6.1, PG I, Haz-
ard Zone A, in the same transport vehicle with packages containing haz-
ardous materials assigned to Class 3, Class 8 or Divisions 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1,
SP11197 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce by private carrier of restricted quantities 3
Shipper/Other. of hazardous materials that are authorized for exception in column 8A of the
HMT, excluding Class 1, Class 7 and Divisions 6.1 and 6.2.
SP11202 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials across a 1
Shipper/Other. public road, from one part of a plant to another, as essentially not subject to
parts 172 and 173.
SP11352 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 3, Class 8 and Class 9 3
Shipper/Other. hazardous materials across a public road, from one part of a plant to an-
other, as essentially not subject to the hazard communication requirements
of part 172.
SP11356 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes reassignment of certain high viscosity flammable liquids from Pack- 3
Shipper/Other. ing Group II to Packing Group III for packagings with a capacity greater than
SP11373 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of Division 4.2 (self-heating) materials 29
Shipper/Other. in packing group II or III on the same transport vehicle with Class 8 liquids
when the materials are appropriately separated.
SP11458 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of display packs of consumer com- 16
Shipper/Other. modity packages or limited quantities packages that exceed the 30 kg gross
weight limit.
SP11470 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of shrink wrapped pallets containing 34
Shipper/Other. boxes of waste ORM–D materials with the word ‘‘WASTE’’ marked on the
outside of the pallet instead of on each individual box.
SP11666 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of green graphite products on open flat- 13
Shipper/Other. bed truck trailers, rail flat cars, intermodal freight containers, and when unit-
ized by banding to wooden runners or pallets.
SP11811 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of various household wastes without 4
Shipper/Other. having the quantity and unit measurement shown on the shipping paper dur-
ing local pick-up operations.
SP11984 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain unapproved chemical oxygen 17
Shipper/Other. generators with only one positive means of preventing unintentional actu-
ation of the generator and without the required approval number marked on
the outside of the package.
SP12002 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes unloading of tank cars containing Class 3 materials utilizing an al- 1
Shipper/Other. ternate procedure to remove frozen liquid from bottom outlet valves.
SP12207 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials across a 1
Shipper/Other. public road, from one part of a plant to another.
SP12306 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials across a 1
Shipper/Other. public road, from a storage yard to a main plant, as not subject to the ship-
ping paper and placarding requirements of the HMR.
SP13165 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials across 1
Shipper/Other. public roads between company facilities, not subject to the shipping paper
requirements of the HMR.
SP13190 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes use of video cameras and monitors to observe the loading oper- 1
Shipper/Other. ations of anhydrous ammonia from a remote control station in place of per-
sonnel remaining within 7.62 meters (25 feet) of cargo tank motor vehicles.
SP13199 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of reconditioned (‘‘used’’) refrigeration 1
Shipper/Other. units under the provisions of § 173.306(e).
SP13343 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain wetted Division 1.1D explo- 1
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Shipper/Other. sive substances in heated cargo vehicles when they would likely freeze dur-
ing transport.
SP13424 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes use of video cameras and monitors to observe the loading and un- 2
Shipper/Other. loading operations of various hazardous materials from a remote control sta-
tion in place of personnel remaining within 7.62 meters (25 feet) of cargo
tank motor vehicles.
SP13484 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes DOT specification MC 330, MC 331 and MC 338 cargo tank motor 2
Shipper/Other. vehicles to be loaded with certain Division 2.2 liquefied gases using spe-
cially designed hoses in lieu of full time attendance by a qualified person
during loading operations.
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5352 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP13959 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes use of a video camera and monitor to observe the loading inci- 1
Shipper/Other. dental to movement or unloading incidental to movement of anhydrous am-
monia from a remote control room in place of personnel remaining within 25
feet of the cargo tank motor vehicle.
SP14141 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes use of video cameras and monitors to observe the loading inci- 1
Shipper/Other. dental to movement or unloading incidental to movement of certain Class 3,
8, and 9 materials in place of personnel remaining within 25 feet of a cargo
tank motor vehicle.
SP14150 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes use of video cameras and monitors to observe the loading and un- 1
Shipper/Other. loading operations of certain Class 3 and Class 8 hazardous materials from
a remote control station in place of personnel remaining within 7.62 meters
(25 feet) of cargo tank motor vehicles.
SP14335 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of Division 2.3 Zone A materials on the 3
Shipper/Other. same motor vehicle with DOT specification packagings containing the resi-
dues of Divisions 2.1, 2.3, 4.3, 5.1, and Classes 3 and 8 materials.
SP14447 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes DOT specification cargo tank motor vehicles containing certain Divi- 1
Shipper/Other. sion 2.2; 5.1; and 6.1; Class 3 and 8 hazardous materials to be loaded/un-
loaded using specially designed hoses in lieu being attended by a qualified
person during loading and unloading operations.
SP14525 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain used diatomaceus earth filter 2
Shipper/Other. material not subject to the HMR, except for shipping papers and certain
marking requirements.
SP14618 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of temperature controlled 1
Shipper/Other. equipment for use in motor vehicles engaged in the transportation in com-
merce of Class 3 liquids or Division 2.1 gases.
SP14680 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes use of video cameras and monitors to observe the loading inci- 2
Shipper/Other. dental to movement or unloading incidental to movement of spent sulfuric
acid in place of personnel remaining within 25 feet of a cargo tank motor ve-
SP14726 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of temperature controlled 1
Shipper/Other. equipment for use in motor vehicle transportation of Class 3 and Division 2.1
SP14822 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes use of video cameras and monitors or instrumentation and sig- 1
Shipper/Other. naling systems such as sensors, alarms, and electronic surveillance equip-
ment, to observe the loading and unloading operations of hazardous mate-
rials from production control centers in lieu of personnel remaining within 25
feet of the cargo tanks.
SP14827 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes use of video cameras and monitors to observe the loading inci- 1
Shipper/Other. dental to movement or unloading incidental to movement of certain corrosive
materials in place of personnel remaining within 25 feet of a cargo tank
motor vehicle.
SP14840 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes use of video cameras and monitors to observe the loading inci- 1
Shipper/Other. dental to movement or unloading incidental to movement of certain Class 8
materials in place of personnel remaining within 25 feet of a cargo tank
motor vehicle.
SP14945 ........... Operational Highway/Rail/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain diesel fuel and environ- 1
Shipper/Other. mentally hazardous substances, liquid, n.o.s. across a public road without
shipping papers, marking, labeling or placarding.
SP6614 ............. Non-Bulk Packaging Speci- Authorizes use of polyethylene bottles placed in a polyethylene crate for trans- 11
fications/IBCs. portation in commerce of certain Class 8 corrosive materials (NA1760,
UN3266, UN3264, UN3265, UN1791, UN1789, UN2796).
SP8230 ............. Non-Bulk Packaging Speci- Authorizes transportation in commerce of Packing Group I and II nitric acids in 4
fications/IBCs. certain combination packagings.
SP11602 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Speci- Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 4.3 materials con- 11
fications/IBCs. tained in sift-proof closed bulk packagings. Water reactive solid, n.o.s. (con-
tains magnesium, magnesium nitrides) 4.3, UN2813, PG II or III.
SP12030 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Speci- Authorizes transportation in commerce of battery fluid, acid, packaged with a 1
fications/IBCs. dry storage battery in a UN4G fiberboard box with a maximum gross weight
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5353
SP13796 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Speci- Authorizes transportation in commerce of phosphorus, yellow, under water in 1
fications/IBCs. alternate packaging.
SP14137 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Speci- Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hydrochloric acid solutions in 1
fications/IBCs. UN31H1 or UN31HH1 intermediate bulk containers (IBCs).
SP14213 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Speci- Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of UN1H1 plastic drums to be 1
fications/IBCs. used for transportation in commerce of nitric acid with not more than 40%
nitric acid.
SP15373 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Speci- Authorizes manufacture, mark, sale and use of the specially designed com- 1
fications/IBCs. bination packagings for transportation in commerce of certain Class 4.3 ma-
terials without hazard labels or placards, with quantity limits not exceeding
25 grams.
Not Suitable for Adoption not suitable for adoption. Table 9 summary of the permit, the number of
The analysis phase of the SPCP summarizes the SPs deemed not SP holders, and the corresponding
identified 1,070 SPs that were deemed suitable, their assigned topic area, a denial code.
Cylinders General
SP6626 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes a 10 year retest interval for certain DOT specification 3A 7 2
or 3AA cylinders and ICC–3, 3A, or 3AA cylinders manufactured
before December 31, 1945 for transportation in commerce of cer-
tain hazardous materials.
SP6691 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes 10 year requalification in accordance with§ 180.209(b) 16 2
for cylinders manufactured on or before December 31, 1945.
SP6946 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of DOT specification 3A or 3AA cylinders and ICC– 1 2
3, 3A, or 3AA cylinders manufactured before December 31, 1945
to be retested every 10 years instead of 5 years for transportation
in commerce of certain compressed gases.
SP970 ............... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of diborane in DOT speci- 3 3
fication 3AA cylinders overpacked in certain insulated drums or
wooden boxes as specified.
SP2787 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.2 gases 2 2
in a non-DOT specification pressure vessel. The packaging pre-
scribed is a non-DOT specification pressure vessel equipped with
a regulating valve, a pressure relief valve, and a squib actuated
valve. Accumulators must be packed in a strong wooden, metal,
or polystyrene container or installed in a certain missile body sec-
tion overpacked in a strong wooden, metal, or polystyrene con-
SP3004 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of prescribed non-DOT specification sampling cyl- 10 3
inders having a capacity not exceeding 373 cubic inches (6 Li-
ters). Each sampling cylinder must be equipped with a frangible
disc safety device. The sampling cylinders must be packed in
formed fiberglass cases, cushioned with resilient packing material
in strong outside boxes such as, but not limited to, wood, fiber-
board, plastic or aluminum.
SP3302 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-flammable 1 2
gases in non-DOT specification sampling bottles (cylinders).
SP4052 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of an aerosol formulation 1 4
pressurized with nitrogen in a DOT 39 specification cylinder.
SP4661 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 3
rials in 4BA240 and 4BW240 cylinders that have been tested and
inspected using alternative retest procedures instead of the inter-
nal visual inspection and pressure retest specified in § 180.205(f)
and (g) and the marking prescribed in § 180.213.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP4844 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of oxygen in foreign manu- 3 2
factured non-DOT specification steel cylinders which are to be
used as components in aircraft.
SP4884 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 8 and Divi- 1 3
sion 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 4.3 materials in non-DOT specification cyl-
SP5600 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of samples of certain haz- 3 2
ardous materials in non-DOT specification cylinders made to the
DOT 3A specification, except Monel metal may be used rather
than steel.
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5354 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP5967 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 2 2
fication cylinders conforming in part with DOT 3HT for shipment
of a Division 2.2 gas. The packaging is a ‘‘cool gas generator’’.
SP6071 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinder conforming to all regulations applicable to DOT
specification 4DA, except as specified.
SP6263 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-flammable 1 2
gases in a non-DOT specification pressure vessel designed and
constructed to the ASME Code.
SP6517 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication welded steel cylinders conforming with all regulations ap-
plicable to a DOT specification 4BW, except as specified, for
transportation in commerce of acetylene.
SP6557 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT-specification 27 3
cylinders, used in the transportation of carbon dioxide and
bromotrifluoromethane, to deviate from the requirements of the in-
spector’s report.
SP6686 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 gases 2 3
in non-refillable steel cylinders made in compliance with DOT
specification 39, except for the seams. Authorizes DOT 39 cyl-
inders with brazed alloy seams.
SP6805 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes UN1953 (a Division 2.3 material) in 3A, 3AA and 3AAX 4 3
manifolded cylinders.
SP6908 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 3
rials in non-DOT specification cylinders similar to DOT specifica-
tion 39 cylinders.
SP7026 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication welded stainless steel cylinders conforming with DOT
specification 4DS except for maximum charging pressure, mate-
rial of construction, testing requirements and marking.
SP7413 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3E cylinder except as specified.
SP7458 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinders conforming in part with DOT specification 3E for
shipment of certain hazardous materials (chlorine, UN1017; hy-
drogen chloride, UN1050; and those materials which are author-
ized for shipment in DOT specification 3E cylinders and that are
compatible with the cylinders material of construction).
SP7477 ............. Cylinders General ........... The prescribed packagings are certain non-DOT specification seam- 3 2
less aluminum cylinder in conformance with DOT-–3AL having a
marked service pressure of 1800 psi 2015 psi, modified by en-
larging the end opening.
SP7542 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 4BW cylinder, except as specified, for acety-
lene, dissolved, UN1001.
SP7607 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder for transportation in commerce of hydrogen, com-
pressed by passenger carrying aircraft. The packaging prescribed
is a non-DOT specification seamless stainless steel cylinder of
not more than 7.22 cubic inches water capacity and the cylinder
is a component of a portable gas chromatograph.
SP7657 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication stainless steel cylinders conforming with all regulations
applicable to a DOT specification 3E cylinder, except as specified.
SP7694 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.2 gases 2 3
in non-DOT specification cylinders made in compliance with DOT
39 with certain exceptions.
SP7708 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5355
SP7765 ............. Cylinders General ........... The packaging prescribed is a limited life, non-DOT specification 1 3
packaging, described as a missile gas storage system, consisting
of a welded steel sphere, and an electric squib containing a Divi-
sion 1.4 explosive.
SP7767 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification cylinder conforming with 1 3
all regulations applicable to a DOT specification 4DS cylinder, ex-
cept as specified, for transportation in commerce of compressed
gas, n.o.s. (mixture of bromotrifluoromethane and nitrogen).
SP7774 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of bromine trifluoride in cer- 3 3
tain non-DOT specification cylinders.
SP7823 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 5 2
rials in non-DOT specification cylinders conforming to DOT speci-
fication 4BW.
SP7879 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification cylinders similar to DOT 1 3
3E cylinders for transportation in commerce of bromine trifluoride.
SP7945 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification cylinder conforming to all 1 2
regulations applicable to DOT specification 4DS, except as speci-
fied, for transportation in commerce of compressed gas, n.o.s.
SP7954 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain compressed gases 9 3
in manifolded DOT specification cylinders.
SP7971 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification cylinders for transportation 1 2
in commerce of a Division 2.2 compressed gas.
SP8009 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a DOT 3AAX cylinder made of 4130X steel for 7 2
the transport of methane, compressed or natural gas, com-
pressed (with a high methane content).
SP8013 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of DOT specification 4E cylinders for transportation 3 3
in commerce of certain Division 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 gases.
SP8131 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication pressure vessels for the shipment of oxygen, com-
pressed, Division 2.2.
SP8156 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of DOT specification 39 cylinders up to 225 cubic 10 3
inches in volume for transportation in commerce of certain flam-
mable or non-flammable compresses gases and carbon disulfide.
SP8178 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification cylinders for transportation 1 3
in commerce of oxygen, compressed.
SP8220 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification cylinder conforming with all 1 3
regulations applicable to a DOT specification 3HT cylinder, except
as specified, for transportation in commerce of air, compressed
and nitrogen compressed.
SP8221 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification, high pressure cylinders of 1 2
welded construction for military missile systems use only for
transportation in commerce of air, compressed and nitrogen, com-
SP8239 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification containers for transpor- 1 2
tation in commerce of boron trifluoride, compressed.
SP8255 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-reusable (non-refillable) non-DOT specifica- 1 2
tion welded steel cylinder conforming with all regulations applica-
ble to a DOT specification 39 cylinder, except as specified, for
transportation in commerce of air, compressed; argon, com-
pressed; helium, compressed; and nitrogen, compressed.
SP8299 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification cylinder conforming to all 1 3
regulations applicable to a DOT specification 3HT for transpor-
tation in commerce of helium, compressed and nitrogen, com-
SP8439 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification cylinder conforming to all 1 3
regulations applicable to a DOT specification 4DS for transpor-
tation in commerce of UN1009, UN1956.
SP8495 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification cylinder conforming to all 1 2
regulations applicable to a DOT 4DS cylinder for transportation in
commerce of UN1044, UN1956, UN3163.
SP8561 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification cylinder conforming with 1 3
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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5356 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP8757 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification stainless steel cylinders 1 2
conforming with all regulations applicable to a DOT specification
3A cylinder except as specified, for transportation in commerce of
various Division 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 gases and Class 3 material.
SP8795 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification cylinder conforming with 1 3
all regulations applicable to a DOT specification 4B240ET, except
as specified for transportation in commerce of UN1009 and
SP8842 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification small, high pressure cyl- 1 3
inders of welded construction similar to DOT specification 3HT for
aircraft use or military weapons systems only, to be used for the
transportation in commerce of nitrogen, compressed.
SP8843 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of bromine trifluoride in non- 1 2
DOT specification cylinders.
SP8915 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain manifolded DOT 14 5
specification cylinders containing Division 2.1 and 2.2 gases.
SP8920 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification welded, high pressure non- 1 2
refillable cylinders in military weapons systems only for transpor-
tation in commerce of air, compressed; argon, compressed; he-
lium, compressed; and nitrogen, compressed.
SP8927 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of helium, compressed in 1 2
non-DOT specification, small, high pressure spheres of welded
construction, in full compliance with DOT specification 3HT, ex-
cept as specified, for military weapons use only.
SP8962 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification pressure vessels con- 1 3
forming to all regulations applicable to a DOT specification 3HT
except as specified for the transportation in commerce of nitro-
gen, compressed.
SP8971 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of bromine trifluoride in cer- 4 2
tain non-refillable, non-DOT specification cylinders of equal or
greater integrity than those currently authorized.
SP8990 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a non-DOT specification 1 2
cylinder containing certain Division 2.1 and 2.2 gases. The pre-
scribed packaging is a non-DOT specification non-refillable steel
inside cylinder and fabricated in conformance with DOT specifica-
tion 39 cylinder.
SP9001 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification cylinder conforming with 24 2
all regulations applicable to a DOT 3T specification cylinder, ex-
cept as specified, for transportation in commerce of UN1002,
UN1006, UN1008, UN1013, UN1962, UN1046, UN1971, UN1065,
UN1066, UN1070, and UN1072.
SP9034 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of DOT specification 3AL cylinders subject to certain 9 5
limitations and requirements for transportation in commerce of
certain gases or gas mixtures.
SP9036 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of billet pierced DOT 3AA cylinders that are made 1 2
from parted billets which are not inspected by an independent in-
spector after parting. The cylinders are authorized for transpor-
tation in commerce of compressed or liquefied gases in Division
2.1 and 2.2 (flammable and non-flammable) and poisonous gases
in Division 2.3 for which DOT 3AA cylinders are authorized in part
SP9221 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification stainless steel cylinders 1 2
which are part of a military weapons system to be used for trans-
portation in commerce of nitrogen, argon or helium.
SP9295 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification toroidal pressure vessel 1 3
conforming with all regulations applicable to a DOT 39 cylinder,
except as specified, for the transportation in commerce of air,
compressed; argon, compressed; nitrogen, compressed; and he-
lium, compressed.
SP9347 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification cylinder conforming with 1 3
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5357
SP9386 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification welded stainless steel cyl- 1 3
inder conforming with all regulations applicable to a DOT speci-
fication 3HT cylinder, except as specified, for transportation in
commerce of nitrogen, compressed.
SP9393 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification, non-refillable cylinder for 1 3
use in transporting certain Division 2.2 gases (UN1018, UN1956
and various 2.2 refrigerant gases).
SP9408 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of DOT 3AAX cylinders for transportation in com- 1 2
merce of silicon trifluoride. The packaging prescribed is a DOT
specification 3AAX cylinder manufactured from alloy steel with
minimum service pressure of 2200 psi. The cylinders arearranged
in ISO modules.
SP9421 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification cylinder conforming with 2 3
all regulations applicable to a DOT–3AA specification cylinder, ex-
cept as specified, for the transportation in commerce of gases or
mixtures of gases authorized in the HMR to be shipped in DOT–
3AA specification cylinders.
SP9450 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 4BW cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of Division 2.1 and Division 2.2 compressed
or liquefied gases authorized in DOT 4BW cylinders.
SP9478 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3AL cylinder for transportation in commerce of
fire extinguishers (with bromotrifluoromethane, 2.2, UN1044).
SP9491 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of 3AL cylinders for transportation in commerce of 2 5
UN1984 and UN2193. The liquid portion of trifluoromethane
(UN1984) may completely fill the cylinder at or below 130 °F, pro-
vided the pressure at the critical temperature does not exceed
one and one-fourth times the service pressure.
SP9508 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 4.3 mate- 3 2
rials in DOT specification 4BW240 cylinders that are visually in-
spected externally instead of the required hydrostatic retest.
SP9609 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain non-DOT 1 2
specification pressure vessel, conforming with all regulations ap-
plicable to DOT specification 39, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of air, compressed; argon, compressed, he-
lium, compressed; and nitrogen, compressed.
SP9706 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 2 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT–3AA specification cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain Division 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 materials
authorized to be shipped in a DOT 3AA specification cylinder.
SP9729 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain corrosive materials 2 3
(UN1732 and UN2495) in DOT specification 4BW cylinders manu-
factured with an alternative material of construction (stainless
SP9761 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of cylinders similar 1 3
to the DOT specification 4DS cylinder, except the material is con-
structed of an alternative stainless steel.
SP9778 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication packagings (a specification equivalent to the DOT 3A
seamless steel cylinder) containing the materials (sulfur
hexafluoride, UN1080; radioactive material, excepted package-ar-
ticles, UN2911; radioactive material, excepted package-articles,
UN2910) which also contain an electronic device containing a
small amount of radioactive material.
SP9790 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinders conforming with DOT 4L specification except
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
that the container is made of Type 316L stainless steel for trans-
portation of Class 2.2 gases (UN1877, nitrogen, refrigerated liq-
SP9791 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming in part with the DOT–3AA specifica-
tion, for use in transportation in commerce of certain non-flam-
mable, non-liquefied compressed gases.
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5358 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP9830 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 4BA cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 material authorized in
DOT 4BA cylinders, Class 3, Division 6.1 and Class 8 materials
authorized in DOT 4BA cylinders.
SP9880 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 5
fication containers described as hermetically-sealed electron tube
devices for the transportation in commerce of UN1006, UN1013,
UN1046, UN1056, UN1065, UN1066, UN1956, UN1982, and
SP9884 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with DOT specification 4L except as
specified, for transportation in commerce of oxygen, refrigerated
SP9909 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 3 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT–3AA specification cylinder, except as specified for transpor-
tation in commerce of gases or mixtures of gases authorized in
the HMR to be shipped in DOT–3AA specification cylinders.
SP9998 ............. Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of seamless steel hydraulic accumulators having a 1 3
capacity of not more than 15 gallons, with a design pressure not
exceeding 6,000 psig designed and fabricated in full compliance
with Section VIII of the ASME Code for transportation in com-
merce of compressed nitrogen, UN1066 a Division 2.2 material.
SP10047 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 2 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT–3AA specification cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of gases or mixtures of gases authorized in
the HMR to be shipped in DOT–3AA specification cylinders.
SP10064 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-refillable, 1 3
non-DOT specification cylinder for transportation in commerce of
air, compressed, UN1002; argon, compressed, UN1006; helium,
compressed, UN1046; and nitrogen, compressed, UN1066.
SP10066 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT Specification 39 cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of compressed gas, n.o.s. (carbon dioxide
with a helium gas mixture); and life-saving appliances, self-inflat-
The non-DOT specification cylinder may be transported by itself or
incorporated into a self-inflating life raft assembly.
SP10180 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of DOT specification 1 2
cylinders, except they are equipped with pressure relief device
systems other than as prescribed by the HMR, to be used for
transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.2 materials.
SP10184 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of specific gas mixtures that 4 2
are commercially free of corroding components in DOT specifica-
tion 4B, 4BA or 4BW cylinders that are retested in accordance
with § 180.209(e) and (g).
SP10232 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of a non-DOT 1 2
specification packaging conforming in part with the DOT specifica-
tion 2Q, except as specified, for transportation in commerce of
UN1078, refrigerant gases, n.o.s. and UN3159, 1,1,1,2-
SP10279 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication steel water pump system tank with an outside diameter
not exceeding 26 inches for the transportation of certain materials
(UN1002, air, compressed; UN1066, nitrogen, compressed).
SP10319 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
fication pressure vessels (water pump system tank) for use in the
transportation of certain Division 2.2 materials (UN1956, com-
pressed gas; UN1066, nitrogen compressed).
SP10320 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 4BW cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials. The packaging
as specified is comparable to DOT specification 8AL except for
the steel shell.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5359
SP10326 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3HT cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of helium, compressed, UN1046.
SP10370 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication aluminum cylinders conforming with all regulations appli-
cable to a DOT specification 3E cylinder, except as specified, for
transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP10395 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a DOT specifica- 1 2
tion 4L cylinder to be used for transportation in commerce of
methane, refrigerated liquid, Division 2.1.
SP10424 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a specific gas mixture in 3 2
DOT specification 4BA240 cylinders retested in accordance with
the provisions of § 180.209(e).
SP10440 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 4DS cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of various Division 2.2 gases.
SP10511 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 2 2
fication stainless steel cylinders containing sulfur hexafluoride
(SF6) classed as a Division 2.2 material.
SP10555 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 4B cylinder.
SP10590 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of a non-DOT 1 2
specification inside container, conforming with all regulations ap-
plicable to a DOT specification 2P, with the exception of the di-
ameter and capacity, to be used for transportation in commerce
of certain Division 2.1 gases.
SP10603 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a non-DOT specification 3 3
cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a DOT 3AA
specification cylinder, except as specified, for transportation in
commerce of certain non-liquefied compressed gases, or mixtures
of such compressed gases, which are authorized in the HMR to
be transported in DOT 3AA specification cylinders.
SP10646 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of flammable gases in a 1 2
non-DOT specification cylinder.
SP10677 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication non-refillable inside container conforming with all regula-
tions applicable to a DOT specification 2P inner non-refillable
metal receptacle, except as specified, for transportation in com-
merce of UN1075 and UN2037.
SP10698 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 4B, except as specified, for transportation in
commerce of a Division 2.2 gas.
SP10776 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3E cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP10785 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes the manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT 1 3
specification cylinders containing certain Divisions 2.2 and 2.3
gases to be transported in radiation detectors rather than in DOT
specification cylinders.
SP10788 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming to a DOT specification 39 cylinder,
except as specified, for transportation in commerce of Division 2.1
and Division 2.2 gases authorized in DOT 39 cylinders.
SP10802 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of carbon monoxide and gas 3 5
mixtures containing carbon monoxide in DOT specification 3AL
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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5360 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP10867 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinders conforming to all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3HT cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP10869 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of a non-DOT 1 2
specification cylinder which is constructed in conformance with all
regulations applicable to a DOT specification 3AA cylinder.
SP10898 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 2.2 material (ni- 13 3
trogen) in diaphragm, bladder and piston type accumulators.
SP10914 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3HT cylinder for transportation in commerce of
helium, compressed, UN1046.
SP10964 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 4DS cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of compressed gas, n.o.s.
(bromotrifluoromethane and nitrogen), UN1956.
SP11025 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3HT cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP11032 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication, non-refillable cylinder conforming with all regulations ap-
plicable to a DOT specification 39 cylinder, except as specified,
for transportation in commerce of oxygen, compressed, UN1072.
SP11044 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of up to 11.35 kg (25 1 2
pounds) of an organic phosphate compound (2,2 dichlorovinyl
dimethylphosphate) in a DOT specification 4BA240, 4BW240, 3A
and 3AA cylinder equipped with an eduction (dip) tube.
SP11054 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication stainless steel cylinders conforming with all regulations
applicable to a DOT specification 3A cylinder, except as specified.
SP11057 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification cylinder for transpor- 1 3
tation in commerce of UN1956, Helium.
SP11147 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of aircraft safety equipment 1 2
which utilizes non-DOT specification cylinders containing certain
compressed gases, Division 2.2.
SP11173 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 4 2
rials in non-DOT specification stainless steel cylinders con-
forming, in part, with the specifications for a DOT 4BW cylinder.
SP11262 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 4L cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of oxygen, refrigerated liquid.
SP11289 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of DOT specification 1 2
39 cylinders which deviate from the visual inspection require-
SP11323 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders for transportation in commerce of hazardous
materials authorized in DOT specification 39 cylinders.
SP11360 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 2 2
fication pressure vessels containing compressed hydrogen, which
are component parts of a nickel-hydrogen battery.
SP11378 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of stainless steel non-DOT specification cylinders 1 2
conforming to all regulations applicable to DOT specification
4BW, except as specified, for transportation in commerce of cer-
tain hazardous materials.
SP11379 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication pressure vessels for use as components of safety sys-
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5361
SP11394 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 4BA cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of the materials authorized for transportation
in DOT specification 4BA cylinders.
SP11447 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a gas purification appa- 3 2
ratus containing certain Division 4.1 (flammable solids) and Divi-
sion 4.2 (spontaneously combustible solids) in non-DOT specifica-
tion stainless steel pressure vessels.
SP11487 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain cylinder (bottle) 1 2
assemblies containing Division 2.1 and Division 2.2 materials.
SP11494 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication pressure vessels for use as components of automobile
vehicle safety systems (such as airbag inflators).
SP11506 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinders (pressure vessels) for use as components of
automobile vehicle safety systems. These pressure vessels may
be charged with non-toxic, non-liquefied gases, or mixtures there-
of and are authorized for transportation in commerce.
SP11536 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials in non-DOT specification packagings (spacecraft) and limited
quantities of Division 1.4S and 1.4C explosives secured within the
SP11548 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain solid polymer cata- 2 3
lysts classified as Class 8, Division 4.1, Division 4.2, Division 4.3,
and Division 6.1 in DOT specification cylinders except specifica-
tion 8 and 3HT.
SP11580 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication stainless steel cylinders conforming to all regulations ap-
plicable to DOT specification 4BW.
SP11592 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes the manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT 1 2
specification steel water pump system tank that exceeds the pre-
scribed maximum outside diameter and wall stress used for trans-
portation in commerce of compressed air or nitrogen.
SP11598 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of DOT specification 1 2
cylinders equipped with pressure relief device systems other than
as prescribed to be used for transportation in commerce of cer-
tain Division 2.2 materials.
SP11620 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain non-DOT 1 2
specification inside metal containers conforming with all regula-
tions applicable to a DOT specification 2Q inner non-refillable
metal receptacle, except as specified, for transportation in com-
merce of certain hazardous materials.
SP11644 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-refillable 1 2
non-DOT specification inside metal container conforming in part
with the DOT specification 2Q, for transportation in commerce of
certain refrigerant gases.
SP11650 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication pressure vessels for use as components of automobile
vehicle safety systems. The pressure vessels, charged with non-
toxic, non-liquefied gases, are authorized for transportation in
commerce subject to requirements and limitations specified.
SP11692 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming in part with DOT specification 3AA to
be used for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous ma-
SP11721 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of DOT specification 1 3
39 cylinders which deviate from the visual inspection require-
SP11722 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 2
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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5362 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP11770 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinders conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3E cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of those materials authorized in DOT speci-
fication 3E cylinders.
SP11777 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 4
fication pressure vessels for use as components of automobile
vehicle safety systems.
SP11780 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain x-ray sys- 1 2
tems containing sulfur hexafluoride for transportation in commerce.
SP11782 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication pressure vessel conforming to the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME) pressure vessel codes and stand-
ards, for transportation in commerce of a Division 4.2 material.
SP11791 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 2.1 material in 1 3
a DOT specification 2Q non-refillable inner container which ex-
ceeds the authorized maximum charging pressure.
SP11859 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a missile gas 1 2
storage system consisting of a non-DOT specification cylinder
equipped with a pyrotechnic pressure relief device for transpor-
tation in commerce of nitrogen.
SP11914 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 2.1 material in 1 3
a non-refillable, non-DOT specification inside container con-
forming in part with DOT specification 2P.
SP11917 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication, non-refillable, foam-filled cylinder conforming with all reg-
ulations applicable to a DOT specification 39 cylinder, except as
specified, for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous
materials. The prescribed packaging is a non-DOT specification,
non-refillable steel cylinder consisting of a seamless shell with the
bottom attached by a mechanical seam. The finished cylinder will
contain a block of reticulated polyurethane foam that approxi-
mately fills the inside void of the cylinder and absorbs the gas
into its cell structure.
SP11952 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain pressure metal 2 2
containers containing limited quantities of compressed nitrogen.
SP11990 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 2 3
fication oil well sampling cylinders conforming with all regulations
applicable to a DOT specification 3A cylinder, except as specified,
for the transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP11993 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinders (pressure vessels) for use as components for
safety systems and explosives articles.
SP12005 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of xenon gas in a non-DOT 1 2
specification composite cylinder which is part of the International
Space Station.
SP12007 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification cyl- 3 2
inders authorized for chloropicrin, for use by licensed fumigators,
with closures that deviate from that required by the HMR.
SP12009 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of anhydrous ammonia in 16 3
DOT specification cylinders being shipped to a disposal facility.
SP12014 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain reconditioned re- 1 2
frigeration units under the provisions of § 173.306(e).
SP12038 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 3
2Q containers containing liquefied petroleum gas.
SP12067 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of compressed gases, n.o.s., 1 3
Division 2.2 materials, in a non-DOT specification pressure vessel
used as a component in an aircraft evacuation slide.
SP12068 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 3
rials contained in a certain launch vehicle with and without a pay-
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP12079 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming in part with the DOT–3AA specifica-
tion, except as specified, for transportation in commerce of certain
hazardous he materials.
SP12087 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-refillable, 1 4
non-DOT specification cylinders for transportation in commerce of
boron trifluoride. The cylinders are described as electron tubes
that are part of radiation detectors.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5363
SP12092 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 4.3 mate- 1 2
rials in DOT specification 4BW cylinders which are visually in-
spected externally instead of the required hydrostatic retest.
SP12098 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a limited life, non- 1 3
DOT specification cylinder conforming with all regulations applica-
ble to a DOT specification 3HT cylinder for transportation in com-
merce of UN1072 and UN1980.
SP12112 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 3 2
fication cylinders which are used as components (fire extin-
guishers) in aircraft of foreign manufacture.
SP12116 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 2 2
rials, in non-DOT specification cylinders used for oil well sampling.
SP12122 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication pressure vessels for use as components of automobile
vehicle safety systems. The pressure vessels, charged with non-
toxic, non-liquefied gases, or mixtures thereof, are authorized for
transportation as specified.
SP12135 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinders (pressure vessels) for use as components of
automobile vehicle safety systems.
SP12155 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a non-DOT specification 1 3
pressure vessel containing sulfur hexafluoride which is a compo-
nent of an electric utility circuit interrupter unit.
SP12178 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 gases 1 3
in a DOT 2Q container.
SP12187 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 39 cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain refrigerant gases; UN1956.
SP12196 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication stainless steel alloy cylinder conforming with all regula-
tions applicable to a DOT specification 3AA cylinder, except as
specified. The packaging prescribed is a welded non-DOT speci-
fication cylinder having a maximum capacity of 50 cubic inches,
constructed of 15–5 precipitation hardened (PH) stainless steel.
SP12222 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a DOT specifica- 1 3
tion 39 cylinder for transporting carbon dioxide (Division 2.2) with
a maximum permitted filling density of 75 percent.
SP12274 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of Division 2.1 materials in a 1 3
non-refillable, non-DOT specification inside container conforming
in part with DOT specification 2P.
SP12297 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of eight (8) non- 1 3
DOT specification spherical pressure vessels conforming with all
regulations applicable to a DOT specification 4DS cylinder, except
as specified, for transportation in commerce of nitrogen, com-
pressed, Division 2.2 under the terms and conditions specified.
SP12303 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1, 2.2 1 2
and Class 3 materials in a non-DOT specification cylinder used
for oil well sampling.
SP12334 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication stainless steel cylinder conforming with all regulations ap-
plicable to a DOT specification 3A cylinder, except as specified,
for transportation in commerce of certain compressed gases.
SP12341 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a certain space satellite 1 2
assembly containing non-DOT specification pressure
vesselspressurized with certain Division 2.2 materials.
SP12384 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 2 3
fication hydraulic accumulators containing compressed nitrogen.
SP12391 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 7 2
2.2 gases, in ICC specification 3, 3A or 3AA cylinders manufac-
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
tured on or before December 31, 1945, and which have been re-
tested at least every 10 years.
SP12398 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 5
3A and 3AA cylinders equipped with alternative pressure relief
devices and containing at least 165 pounds of certain hazardous
SP12405 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 5 2
rials in certain DOT specification seamless steel cylinders.
UN1050, UN2193 and UN1080 is authorized for transportation in
liquid full DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX, or 3T cylinders.
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5364 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP12431 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of non-DOT specification cyl- 2 3
inders conforming with all regulations applicable to a DOT 4BA
specification, except as specified, for transportation in commerce
of certain Division 2.2 materials.
SP12448 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of anhydrous ammonia in 1 2
DOT specification cylinders which are not authorized by the HMR
for transportation of anhydrous ammonia..
The cylinders are being transported to a disposal facility ..................
SP12479 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication fiberglass hoop wrapped cylinders for transportation in
commerce of certain hazardous materials. The cylinders are au-
thorized for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus
(SCUBA) use.
SP12499 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes intrastate transportation in commerce of liquefied petro- 1 2
leum gas in certain non-DOT specification cargo tanks.
SP12506 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of fifteen non-DOT specifica- 1 2
tion cylinders conforming with all regulations applicable to a DOT
specification 4DS cylinder, except as specified, for transportation
in commerce of bromotrifluoromethane under the terms and con-
ditions specified.
SP12521 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 2
and cylinders manufactured to a foreign specification which are
charged for export only.
SP12526 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a gas purification 1 3
apparatus containing a non-DOT specification stainless steel
pressure vessel for transportation in commerce of certain haz-
ardous materials.
SP12531 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 4BW cylinder, except as specified for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP12532 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-refillable, 1 3
non-DOT specification cylinder conforming with all regulations ap-
plicable to a DOT specification 39 cylinder, except as specified,
for transportation in commerce of helium. Each cylinder is
equipped with a pyrotechnic relief device and is part of a gas
storage system.
SP12562 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication non-refillable inside container conforming with all regula-
tions applicable to a DOT specification 2P inner non-refillable
metal receptacle except for size, testing requirements, and mark-
ing as specified, for transportation in commerce of certain haz-
ardous materials.
SP12571 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of nitrogen trifluoride and ni- 5 2
trogen trifluoride mixtures in certain DOT specification cylinders
that are not equipped with pressure relief devices.
SP12580 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication foreign cylinders which are charged for export only.
SP12589 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of tungsten hexafluoride in 1 2
certain DOT 3BN specification cylinders that previously contained
hydrogen fluoride.
SP12599 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of silicon tetrafluoride, Divi- 1 3
sion 2.3, in certain manifolded DOT specification 3AA and 3AAX
SP12643 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication refrigeration systems described as pulse tube coolers
containing helium.
SP12679 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-refillable, 1 2
non-DOT specification steel cylinder conforming with all regula-
tions applicable to a DOT specification 39 cylinder, except as
specified, for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP12716 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 3
3AAX cylinders containing chlorine.
SP12726 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 18 2
fication and DOT-4DA and 4DS specification cylinders, used as
fire suppression systems in aircraft to be shipped, as fire extin-
SP12783 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication, non-refillable, containers containing certain Division 2.2
materials, classed as ORM–D.
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SP12818 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain foreign manufac- 5 3
tured non-DOT specification steel cylinders which are used as
components (fire extinguishers) in aircraft.
SP12855 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce by highway motor 1 3
vehicle of non-DOT specification pressure vessels (stainless steel
heat and/or carbon steel heat exchangers) containing the residue
of a Class 3 material.
SP12865 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 3
cylinders and cylinders manufactured to a foreign specification
which are charged for export only.
SP12866 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders containing a Division 2.2 material, manufactured
in accordance with DOT specification 3HT that have been marked
with a steel stamp other than the low stress stamp required by
the HMR.
SP12868 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 3
cylinders and cylinders manufactured to a foreign specification
which are charged for export only.
SP12869 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 3
cylinders and cylinders manufactured to a foreign specification
which are charged for export only.
SP12899 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3A cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP12929 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 6 3
cylinders manufactured to a foreign specification which are
charged for export only.
SP12955 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of non-DOT specification 8 3
fiber reinforced plastic (FRP), full composite (FC), compressed
gas cylinders which are used as components in aircraft.
SP12972 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 3
cylinders and non-DOT specification cylinders manufactured to a
foreign specification which are charged for export only.
SP12994 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 3 3
cylinders and non-DOT specification cylinders manufactured to a
foreign specification which are charged for export only.
SP13032 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication, non-refillable, composite pressure vessels for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP13036 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification 3E cyl- 1 3
inders containing hydrogen in metal hydride as an integral part of
a hydrogen maser (atomic clock).
SP13107 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 3
cylinders as part of a Portable Emission Measurement System,
that release a controlled amount of certain Division 2.1 materials
during transportation under the terms and conditions specified.
SP13112 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication, non-refillable pressure vessels for transportation in com-
merce of certain hazardous materials.
SP13135 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a certain space satellite 1 3
assembly containing non-DOT specification pressure vessels
pressurized with certain Division 2.2 materials up to 2,000 psig.
SP13163 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain infectious sub- 1 3
stances in special packagings.
SP13167 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of cylinders authorized under 2 3
SP 11725 which contain anhydrous ammonia and are installed in
a device as part of an environmental conditioning system.
SP13182 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of phosphine in certain DOT 3 3
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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5366 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP13230 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinders conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3AA or 3AAX cylinder except as specified, for
transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP13232 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of cylinders con- 1 3
forming with all regulations applicable to a DOT specification 3AA,
3AAX and DOT 3T cylinders except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP13249 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of sodium in DOT specifica- 1 2
tion 4BW240 or DOT-4BW260 cylinders that are visually in-
spected externally instead of the required hydrostatic requalifica-
SP13250 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication fully wrapped carbon fiber reinforced brass lined cylinders
for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP13259 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3E cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of those materials authorized in DOT speci-
fication 3E cylinders.
SP13269 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce of ammonia, anhy- 1 3
drous in a DOT specification cylinder that has developed a leak.
The cylinder is equipped with an emergency kit to prevent leak-
age during transportation.
SP13270 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication pressure vessels for use as components of safety sys-
tems. The pressure vessels, charged with non-toxic, non-liquefied
gases, are authorized for transportation in commerce as specified.
SP13312 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT–3, 3A, and 2 2
3AA cylinders in chlorine and silane service with a pressure relief
device that does not meet the requirements of § 173.301(f)(3).
SP13317 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 5 5
3AL cylinders, containing diborane and diborane mixtures.
SP13323 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders containing samples of methane hydrate (frozen
methane gas).
SP13325 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain compressed gases 4 3
in DOT 3A and 3AA specification cylinders which are equipped
with a CG–4 pressure relief device (PRD) set at 3,360 psig.
SP13330 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3A cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP13336 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3E cylinder, except as specified, for
transportationin commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP13359 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication spherical pressure vessels containing boron trifluoride.
SP13483 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming in part with DOT–3AA specification,
for use in transportation in commerce of certain non-flammable,
non-liquefied compressed gases.
SP13485 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 3 2
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT–3AA specification cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP13488 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinder conforming in part with the DOT–3AA specifica-
tion, for use in transportation in commerce of certain non-flam-
mable, non-liquefied compressed gases.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP13582 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 3
cylinders and cylinders manufactured to a foreign specification
which are charged for export only.
SP13598 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of hydrogen storage 1 3
systems for use in fuel cells to power portable devices. The hy-
drogen storage systems utilize non-DOT specification cylinders
containing hydrogen absorbed in metal hydride.
SP13616 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of helium, compressed in 1 2
DOT specification cylinders which are manifolded and perma-
nently mounted in a protective frame.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5367
SP13977 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a non-DOT specification 1 3
fiber reinforced plastic (FRP), full composite (FC), compressed
gas cylinder which are used as components in aircraft.
SP13999 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication fully-wrapped fiberglass composite cylinder with seamless,
non-load sharing blow-molded thermoplastic liner for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP14157 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders conforming in part to the DOT–3AA specifica-
tion, for use in transportation in commerce of certain non-flam-
mable, non-liquefied compressed gases.
SP14163 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.2 lique- 3 3
fied compressed gases in DOT specification cylinders that are not
equipped with an individual shutoff valve.
SP14171 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of nitrogen, compressed in 1 3
non-DOT specification fully wrapped carbon fiber reinforced alu-
minum lined cylinders that are an integral part of a pressure sys-
tem classified as a corrosive.
SP14209 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 2 3
fication fully wrapped carbon composite cylinder with seamless,
non-load sharing plastic liner for transportation in commerce of
the certain hazardous materials. The cylinders are authorized for
self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) or self-
contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) use.
SP14232 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinder conforming with ISO Standard 11119–2, except
as specified, for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous
SP14237 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 2 4
cylinders and non-DOT specification pressure vessels for Division
2.3 materials by motor vehicle, cargo vessel, and cargo aircraft.
SP14338 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 39 cylinder, for transportation in commerce of
certain hazardous materials. The cylinder is authorized for limited
SP14341 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of 4BW240 cyl- 2 3
inders for transportation of acrolein, Division 6.1 by motor vehicle
and cargo vessel.
SP14348 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.3 haz- 4 3
ardous materials in DOT specification cylinders that may not have
pressure relief devices.
SP14349 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a non-DOT specification 1 3
full opening head, steel salvage cylinder with a water capacity of
more than 450L (119 gallons) for use in transporting damaged,
leaking or improperly filled cylinders containing various hazardous
SP14356 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 4.2 1 3
organometallic liquids in a non-DOT specification pressure vessel
designed, constructed and ‘‘U’’ stamped in accordance with the
Section VIII, Div. 1 of the ASME Code.
SP14372 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain foreign manufac- 1 2
tured non-DOT specification steel cylinders which are used as
components (fire extinguishers) in aircraft.
SP14374 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 4.3 material in 4 2
a non-DOT specification pressure vessel.
SP14382 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 3 2
3BN nickel cylinders in dedicated, interchangeable tungsten
hexafluoride/hydrogen fluoride service that are requalified using
external visual inspection in lieu of hydrostatic pressure test and
internal visual inspection.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP14384 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of propylene in DOT 3AA or 4 3
3AL specification cylinders fitted with a CG–1 pressure relief de-
vice (rupture disk) in lieu of the required CG–7 pressure relief de-
SP14396 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce for export only of arsine in 1 3
certain DOT specification and non-DOT specification cylinders.
SP14399 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders conforming to all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 39 cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
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5368 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP14402 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes the manufacture, marking, sale, and use of a non-DOT 1 3
specification fully wrapped fiber reinforced composite gas cylinder
with a non-load sharing plastic liner that meets the ISO 11119–3
Standard except for the design water capacity and service pres-
SP14410 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 1 3
Class 3 materials in DOT specification 4BW cylinders that are pe-
riodically requalified using external visual inspection in lieu of the
required hydrostatic requalification.
SP14445 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-refillable, 1 3
non-DOT specification inside metal container conforming in part
with DOT specification 2Q, for transportation in commerce of cer-
tain refrigerant gases.
SP14457 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication fully-wrapped fiberglass composite cylinder with a welded
carbon steel liner for transportation in commerce of certain haz-
ardous materials.
SP14469 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of specific space satellites 1 2
containing non-DOT specification pressure vessels pressurized
with anhydrous ammonia with pressures up to 2,000 psig.
SP14476 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of non-DOT specification 1 3
pressure vessels (any combination of stainless steel, carbon
steel, brass, copper, or nickel heat exchangers or tubes bundles)
containing the residue of certain Class 3 or Class 8 materials by
motor vehicle.
SP14480 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 2
cylinders and non-DOT specification cylinders manufactured to a
foreign specification which are charged for export only.
SP14496 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 2 3
fication cylinder, used for oil well sampling, conforming with all
regulations applicable to a DOT specification 3A cylinder, except
as specified, for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous
SP14526 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 2.2 compressed 1 3
gas in non-refillable, non-DOT specification cylinders similar to
DOT–39 that are used as components in military vehicles.
SP14543 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a DOT specifica- 1 3
tion 39 cylinder for transporting carbon dioxide (Division 2.2) with
a maximum permitted filling density of 75 percent.
SP14550 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes filling, for export only, of non-DOT specification pressure 1 2
vessels containing a liquefied flammable gas, and the return of
the pressure vessels to the United States, for purposes of refilling
for export only, when containing a residue of the hazardous mate-
SP14591 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication insulated cryogenic cylinder conforming with all regula-
tions applicable to a DOT specification 4L cylinder for transpor-
tation in commerce of oxygen, refrigerated liquid.
SP14601 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication spherical pressure vessels for transportation in commerce
of boron trifluoride.
SP14602 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of anhydrous ammonia in 1 2
non-DOT specification packaging.
SP14624 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes foreign manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT 1 3
specification fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) full composite (FC) cyl-
inders for transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and
2.2 compressed gases.
SP14631 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders (pressure vessels) for use as components of
automobile vehicle safety systems.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP14636 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 2 2
3AA and 3T cylinders that are past the test date for requalifica-
tion. The prescribed packagings are tube trailers containing DOT
specification 3AA or 3T cylinders.
SP14638 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of up to two non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication pressure vessels containing magnesium or magnesium al-
loys under an argon gas blanket further packaged in a non-DOT
specification wooden box capable of meeting the performance re-
quirements for PG II.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5369
SP14651 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of silicon tetrafluoride, 2.3 1 2
Hazard Zone B, in bundles of manifolded DOT specification 3A
and 3AA cylinders.
SP14683 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication steel water pump system tanks that exceed the pre-
scribed maximum outside diameter and wall stress used for the
transportation in commerce of compressed air.
SP14700 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain fully wrapped fiber- 1 3
reinforced composite cylinders containing compressed air under
the exception provided for water pump system tanks in
§ 173.306(g).
SP14744 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of manifolded DOT and ICC 1 3
specification 3A, 3AA and 3AL cylinders containing nitrogen, com-
pressed without pressure relief devices and a non-DOT specifica-
tion refrigeration system described as pulse tube coolers con-
taining helium.
SP14763 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of a non-DOT 1 2
specification packaging conforming in part with the DOT specifica-
tion 3A, except as specified, for transportation in commerce of
certain hazardous materials.
SP14778 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication welded steel cylinders containing a Division 2.2 com-
pressed gas for export only.
SP14781 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of compressed hydrogen in 1 3
manifold and framed non-DOT specification seamless steel cyl-
inders originally certified as specification DOT–107A seamless
steel tank car tanks.
SP14782 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of sulfur hexafluoride in a 1 2
non-DOT specification pressure vessel which is a component of
an electric utility circuit interrupter unit.
SP14796 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of non-DOT specification cyl- 1 2
inders containing bromine trifluoride.
SP14799 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinder (pressure vessel) as a component of automobile
safety systems. The pressure vessel, charged with non-toxic,
non-liquefied gases, is authorized for transportation in commerce
subject to the requirements and limitations specified.
SP14803 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes foreign manufacture, marking, sale, and use of non-DOT 1 3
specification fully wrapped carbon-fiber reinforced aluminum lined
cylinders for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous ma-
SP14808 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 2 2
fication cylinders, similar to a DOT 4BA, except as specified, for
transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP14811 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of a DOT specifica- 1 2
tion 3AA cylinder manufactured using a bend test in lieu of a flat-
tening test.
SP14818 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of certain fully 1 3
wrapped fiber reinforced composite cylinders containing com-
pressed air under the exception provided for water pump system
tanks in 173.306(g).
SP14831 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of DOT specification 3A or 3AA cylinders for trans- 1 3
portation in commerce of certain compressed gases.
SP14833 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes foreign manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non- 1 3
DOT specification cylinder (pressure vessel) charged with a non-
toxic, non-liquefied gas and is used as a component of an auto-
mobile safety system and transported in commerce.
SP14839 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of air, compressed; argon, 1 2
compressed; helium, compressed; neon, compressed; nitrogen,
compressed; or oxygen, compressed in DOT specification 3A and
3AA cylinders with maximum water capacity of 125 pounds that
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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5370 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP14932 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes foreign manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT 1 2
specification fully wrapped carbon fiber reinforced aluminum lined
cylinders for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous ma-
SP14950 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes rebuilding or modification and sale of certain DOT speci- 1 3
fication 4B, 4BA, and 4BW cylinders, by replacing or adding
openings for outlet fittings on the upper head for use in transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP14951 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of a non-DOT 1 2
specification fully wrapped fiber reinforced composite gas cylinder
with a non-load sharing plastic liner that meets the ISO 11119–3
Standard except for the design water capacity and working pres-
sure for transportation in commerce of argon, compressed; he-
lium, compressed; hydrogen, compressed; neon, compressed; ni-
trogen, compressed; and methane, compressed or natural gas,
compressed (with high methane content).
SP14952 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of methyl bromide and 1 2
chloropicrin and methyl bromide mixtures in non-DOT specifica-
tion cylinders by motor vehicle and cargo vessel for export only.
SP14966 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 2 2
fication, pre-braided fully wrapped carbon composite (PBFWCC)
gas cylinder with a non-metallic and non-load sharing plastic liner
for transportation in commerce of air, compressed (containing up
to 39% by volume oxygen).
SP14971 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes controlled release of nitrogen and air from cylinders dur- 2 3
ing transportation to maintain an inert atmosphere in a shipping
container which is required to protect the specialized electronic
SP14977 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of silane in certain DOT 5 3
specification cylinders that are not equipped with pressure relief
SP14981 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders containing compressed gas n.o.s. (containing ni-
trogen and helium) and phosphorus tribromide for use as fire ex-
tinguishing canisters installed on aircraft.
SP14984 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification foreign cylinders containing 1 3
dichlorosilane for transportation in commerce by motor vehicle
and cargo vessel.
SP15002 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification cyl- 1 3
inders containing liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and/or residue of
LPG without hazard warning labels when transported in a trans-
port vehicle that is placarded.
SP15070 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication fully wrapped carbon-fiber reinforced brass lined cylinders
for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP15077 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain cylinders of com- 1 3
pressed gases with a subsidiary hazard of Division 5.1, when
other means of transportation are impracticable, without their
outer packaging being capable of passing the Flame Penetration
and Resistance Test and the Thermal Resistance Test.
SP15110 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinders (fire extinguishers) that are used as components
on military vehicles and commercial buses for transportation in
commerce of compressed gases.
SP15132 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification cylinders similar to DOT 1 2
specification 4D cylinders for transportation in commerce of cer-
tain Division 2.1 and 2.2 gases by motor vehicle.
SP15163 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain cylinders of com- 1 3
pressed gases with a subsidiary hazard of Division 5.1, when
other means of transportation are impracticable, without their
outer packaging being capable of passing the Flame Penetration
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5371
SP15237 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes certain non-DOT specification and DOT specification 1 2
4DA and 4DS cylinders, used as fire suppression systems in air-
craft to be shipped, as fire extinguishers. The cylinders must con-
tain bromotrifluoromethane or refrigerant gas, R 13B1, 2.2,
UN1009 used in dedicated service.
SP15277 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication and DOT–4DA and 4DS specification cylinders, used as
fire suppression systems in aircraft to be shipped as fire extin-
SP15347 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a compressed gas, n.o.s. 2 3
(tetrafluoromethane and argon), Division 2.2, in non-DOT speci-
fication packagings described as a coolant supply assembly.
SP15372 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication cylinders (pressure vessels) for use as components of
safety systems. The cylinders charged with non-toxic, non-lique-
fied gases are authorized for transportation in commerce of cer-
tain hazardous materials.
SP15389 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders conforming to all regulations applicable to DOT
specification 39 cylinders, except as specified, for transportation
in commerce of compressed oxygen and certain flammable or
non-flammable gases.
SP15404 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials in non-DOT specification cylinders used for oil well sampling.
SP15428 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a space capsule con- 1 2
taining non-DOT specification packagings of certain hazardous
SP15442 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of hydrogen fluoride, anhy- 1 3
drous in a non-DOT specification cylinder.
SP15458 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of specially designed non- 1 2
DOT specification pressure vessels containing compressed
sulfurhexafluoride. The pressure vessels are described as epoxy
interrupter housings, used in the electrical utility industry.
SP15461 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of non-DOT specification cyl- 1 2
inders containing certain Division 2.2 gases for the purpose of
conducting testing in the United States.
SP15466 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 2
fication and DOT specification 4DA and 4DS cylinders, used as
fire suppression systems in aircraft to be shipped, as fire extin-
SP15483 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.2 com- 1 2
pressed gases in non-DOT specification cylinders to support the
International Space Station.
SP15491 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders manufactured to a foreign specification which
are charged with a Division 2.2 gas for export only.
SP15493 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinder conforming to all regulations applicable to a DOT
specification 39, except as specified, for transportation in com-
merce of a Division 2.2 material.
SP15507 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes the manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-refill- 1 3
able, non-DOT specification inside metal container conforming
with all regulations applicable to a DOT specification 2Q, except
as specified, for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous
SP15509 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 2.2 compressed 1 2
gas in a non-DOT specification cylinder which is a component of
a pressurized flight vehicle.
SP15515 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes a specification carbon composite overwrapped pressure 1 3
vessel further packed in an ATA–300 Category-1 outer packaging.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP15531 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a small amount of pro- 1 3
pane gas (Division 2.1) in a non-DOT specification container.
SP15532 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes one-time, one-way transportation in commerce for dis- 1 2
posal of a non-DOT specification, irregularly shaped, sodium dis-
persion vessel in alternative outer packaging.
SP15536 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of DOT–107A tank car tanks (tubes) for transpor- 1 2
tation in commerce of certain gases.
SP15555 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication cylinders for use in oil well sampling.
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5372 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP15566 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain cylinders of com- 1 3
pressed oxygen, when ground and vessel transportation is un-
available and no other practical means of transportation exist,
without their outer packaging being capable of passing the Flame
Penetration and Resistance Test and the Thermal Resistance
SP15593 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
fication non-refillable inside containers to be used for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 gases.
SP15610 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain gases in DOT 3A, 1 2
3AA, 3AX, 3AAX and 3T cylinders.
SP15634 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes use of used DOT 3AL cylinders for transportation in 1 3
commerce of carbon dioxide.
SP15665 ........... Cylinders General ........... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a DOT specification 4AA 1 2
cylinder containing anhydrous ammonia that developed a leak
and is equipped with a Chlorine Institute Kit ‘‘A’’ to prevent leak-
age during transportation.
SP8944 ............. Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of AE/UE in place of the internal visual inspection 1 4
and hydrostatic retest required by § 180.205 for DOT 3A, 3AX,
3AA, 3AAX and 3T cylinders.
SP9758 ............. Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 2.1 material in 2 3
a non-refillable, non-DOT specification inside container con-
forming to DOT specification 2P except for size, testing require-
ments, wall thickness, marking and material requirements.
SP9847 ............. Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain gases in DOT 3A, 1 4
3AA, 3AX, 3AAX, 3T cylinders, non-DOT cylinders made under
SPs 13230, 13258 and UN cylinders made in accordance with
ISO 11120. The cylinders (tubes) are retested by AE/UE in place
of the internal visual inspection and the hydrostatic retest required
in § 180.205.
SP10704 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 13 3
2Q containers with Division 2.2 materials. Uses for the gas in-
clude but are not limited to: Calibration and functional checks of
environmental quality monitors, medical analyzers, or medical
SP10922 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX 1 4
and 3T cylinders or DOT UN refillable pressure receptacles for
transportation in commerce of certain compressed gases.
SP11516 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 30 3
2Q containers containing hazardous materials (i.e., UN1030,
UN1954, and UN1956).
SP11526 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3A, 3AA, cylinders and 3 4
cylinders manufactured under SPs 9370 and 9909 for transpor-
tation in commerce of liquefied or non-liquefied compressed
gases, or mixtures of such compressed gases when retested by a
100% UE of the sidewall in lieu of the internal visual and the hy-
drostatic retest.
SP11667 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain gases in DOT 1 4
3AX, 3AAX, 3T, 3AA and 3A cylinders. The cylinders (tubes) are
retested by AE/UE in place of the internal visual inspection and
the hydrostatic retest required in § 180.205.
SP11798 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes a 10-year retest interval for specification DOT 3A and 7 4
3AA cylinders used for transportation in commerce of certain Divi-
sion 2.1 and Division 2.2 gases.
SP11826 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes DOT specification 3AL cylinders, with specially treated 6 4
interiors to prevent chloride/aluminum interaction, to be used for
transportation in commerce of the compressed gas mixtures.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP12022 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3BN cylinders 2 4
and cylinders manufactured under SPs 9421, 9706, 9909 and
10047 for transportation in commerce of the compressed gases.
The cylinders are retested by a one hundred percent (100%) UE
in lieu of the internal visual and the hydrostatic retest required in
§ 180.205.
SP12184 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain gases in DOT 1 4
specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX, and 3T cylinders. The cyl-
inders (tubes) are retested by AE/UE in place of the internal vis-
ual inspection and the hydrostatic retest required in § 180.205.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5373
SP12247 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX, 1 4
3T cylinders and cylinders manufactured under SPs 9001, 9370,
9421, 9706, 9909, 9791, 10047, 10869 and 11692 for transpor-
tation in commerce of the compressed gases. The cylinders are
retested by a 100% UE in lieu of the internal visual and the hy-
drostatic retest required in § 180.205.
SP12399 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3AL cylinders and alu- 1 4
minum cylinders manufactured under SP 12440 used for trans-
portation in commerce of liquefied or non-liquefied compressed
gases, or mixtures of such compressed gases, classed as Divi-
sion 2.1, (flammable gas) Division 2.2, (non-flammable gas) or Di-
vision 2.3, (gases which are toxic by inhalation (TIH)) when re-
tested by a one hundred percent (100%) UE in lieu of the internal
visual and the hydrostatic retest required in § 180.205.
SP12552 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain DOT 1 3
specification 2Q, non-refillable, aerosol containers filled with a
propellant gas and a non-hazardous material as specified herein
for transportation in commerce.
SP12574 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain compressed gases 1 4
in manifolded and framed non-DOT specification seamless steel
cylinders. The cylinders are retested by AE and UE in place of
the internal visual inspection and the hydrostatic retest required in
§ 180.205.
SP12607 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3AL cylinders used for 1 4
transportation in commerce of the compressed gases, when re-
tested by a 100% UE in lieu of the internal visual and the hydro-
static retest required in § 180.209.
SP12629 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain gases in DOT 1 4
3AX, 3AAX, 3T, 3AA and 3A cylinders. The cylinders (tubes) are
retested using AE/UE in place of the internal visual inspection
and the hydrostatic retest required in § 180.205.
SP12690 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of chlorine in a DOT speci- 4 4
fication 3AA steel cylinder containing over 150 pounds of chlorine
gas and UE as an alternative method for requalification in lieu of
internal visual inspection and hydrostatic pressure testing in
§ 180.205.
SP12718 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3AL cylinders used for 1 4
transportation in commerce of the compressed gases, when re-
tested by a 100% UE in lieu of the internal visual and the hydro-
static retest.
SP12838 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain gases in DOT 1 4
3AX, 3AAX, 3T, 3AA and 3A cylinders. The cylinders (tubes) are
retested by AE/UE in place of the internal visual inspection and
the hydrostatic retest required in § 180.205.
SP13208 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 2 3
2Q containers containing only a Division 2.2 material for use in
medical treatment.
SP13292 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 1
fication, non-refillable plastic containers for transportation in com-
merce of a Division 2.2 gas and a non-hazardous material.
SP13961 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of DOT specification 3AL cylinders for transportation 1 4
in commerce of certain compressed gases, when retested by a
100% UE in lieu of the internal visual and the hydrostatic retest.
SP13998 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3BN cylinders 1 4
and cylinders manufactured under certain SPs for transportation
in commerce of the compressed gases, when retested by a one
hundred percent (100%) UE in lieu of the internal visual and the
hydrostatic retest.
SP14149 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of DOT specification 3AL cylinders and cylinders 1 4
manufactured under SP 12440 for transportation in commerce of
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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5374 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP14206 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3BN cylinders 1 4
and cylinders manufactured under SPs 9001, 9421, 9370, 9706,
9791, 9909, 10047, 10869 and 11692 for transportation in com-
merce of compressed gases, when retested by a one hundred
percent (100%) UE in lieu of the internal visual and the hydro-
static retest.
SP14239 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain gases in DOT 3A, 1 4
3AX, 3AAX, 3AA and 3T cylinders. The cylinders (tubes) are re-
tested by AE/UE in place of the internal visual inspection and the
hydrostatic retest required in § 180.205.
SP14254 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of aerosols with a capacity 1 5
of 50 ml (1.69 fluid ounces) or less containing Division 2.2 mate-
rial and no other hazardous materials as not subject to the HMR.
SP14289 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes a 10-year retest interval for certain DOT 3AX, 3AAX, 3T, 1 4
3AA and 3A cylinders (tubes) used for transportation in of certain
Division 2.1 and Division 2.2 gases. The cylinders are retested by
AE/UE in place of the hydrostatic retest required in § 180.205.
SP14298 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 1 4
2.2 materials in DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX and 3T
cylinders (tubes) having a water capacity over 125 lbs that are re-
qualified (using AE/UE or 100% UE methods in lieu of hydrostatic
testing and visual inspection) every 10 years rather than every 5
years. The 3AX, 3AAX, and 3T cylinders (tubes) must be mount-
ed in an ISO frame or on a trailer frame.
SP14313 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3A, 3AA, and 3AL cyl- 2 4
inders and cylinders manufactured under certain SPs for transpor-
tation in commerce of the compressed gases, when retested by a
one hundred percent (100%) UE in lieu of the internal visual and
the hydrostatic retest required in 49 CFR § 180.205.
SP14453 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 1 4
Division 2.2 materials in DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX
and 3T cylinders having a water capacity over 125 lbs that are re-
qualified every 10 years rather than every 5 years when requali-
fied by 100% UE.
SP14507 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3AL cylinders made of 1 4
aluminum alloy for transportation in commerce of the compressed
gases, when retested by a 100% UE in lieu of the internal visual
and the hydrostatic retest.
SP14508 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3BN cylinders 1 4
and cylinders manufactured under SPs 9001, 9370, 9421, 9706,
9791, 9909, 10047, 10869 and 11692 for transportation in com-
merce of the compressed gases, when retested by a one hundred
percent (100%) UE in lieu of the internal visual and the hydro-
static retest.
SP14546 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 2 4
rials in DOT specification 3AL cylinders manufactured from alu-
minum alloy that are requalified every 10 years rather than every
5 years using 100% UE.
SP14584 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain gases in DOT 3A, 1 4
3AA, 3AX, 3AAX and 3T cylinders that are retested by AE/UE in
lieu of the internal visual inspection and the hydrostatic retest re-
quired in § 180.205.
SP14617 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of DOT specification 3A, 3AA or 3AL cylinders for 1 4
transportation in commerce of certain compressed gases. The
cylinders are retested by utilizing the 100% UE procedures in
place of the internal visual inspection and the hydrostatic retest
required in § 180.205.
SP14661 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX and 3T 1 4
cylinders having a water capacity over 125 lbs. that are periodi-
cally requalified every 10 years rather than every 5 years for
transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 2.2 mate-
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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SP14784 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX and 3T 1 4
cylinders having a water capacity over 125 lbs. that are periodi-
cally requalified every 10 years rather than every 5 years for
transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 2.2 mate-
rials. AE/UE is authorized in lieu of hydrostatic testing and visual
SP14798 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3A or 3AA cylinders for 1 4
transportation in commerce of certain compressed gases when
retested by utilizing the one hundred percent (100%) UE proce-
dures described in paragraph 7, in lieu of the required internal
visual inspection and the hydrostatic retest.
SP14854 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 4
rials in DOT specification 3AL cylinders manufactured from alu-
minum alloy that are requalified every 10 years rather than every
5 years using 100% UE.
SP14855 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX and 3T 1 4
cylinders having a water capacity over 125 lbs. that are periodi-
cally requalified (using AE/UE or 100% UE methods in lieu of hy-
drostatic testing and visual inspection) every 10 years rather than
every 5 years for transportation in commerce of certain Division
2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14856 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX and 3T 1 4
cylinders having a water capacity over 125 lbs. that are periodi-
cally requalified (using AE/UE or 100% UE methods in lieu of hy-
drostatic testing and visual inspection) every 10 years rather than
every 5 years for transportation in commerce of certain Division
2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14857 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX and 3T 1 4
cylinders having a water capacity over 125 lbs. that are periodi-
cally requalified (using AE/UE or 100% UE methods in lieu of hy-
drostatic testing and visual inspection) every 10 years rather than
every 5 years for transportation in commerce of certain Division
2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14897 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX and 3T 1 4
cylinders having a water capacity over 125 lbs. that are periodi-
cally requalified (using AE/UE or 100% UE methods in lieu of hy-
drostatic testing and visual inspection) every 10 years rather than
every 5 years for transportation in commerce of certain Division
2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14920 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 3A, 3AA, 3AL, SP9001, 1 4
SP9370, SP9421, SP9706, SP9791, SP9909, SP10047,
SP10869, and SP11692 cylinders when retested by a 100% UE
in lieu of the internal visual and the hydrostatic retest required in
§ 180.205 for transportation in commerce of certain compressed
SP15096 ........... Cylinders–NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT–3AA, 3AAX 1 2
and 3T cylinders charged with a compressed gas. The cylinders
(tubes) are retested by AE/UE in place of the internal visual in-
spection and hydrostatic test required by § 180.205.
SP15258 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of use of certain DOT specification 3A, 3AA and 1 4
3AL cylinders for transportation in commerce of the compressed
gases. The cylinders are retested by utilizing the 100% UE in lieu
of the internal visual inspection and the hydrostatic retest as re-
quired in § 180.205.
SP15322 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain gases in DOT 1 4
3AX, 3AAX, 3T, 3AA and 3A cylinders. The cylinders (tubes) are
retested by using modal AE and follow-up AE/UE in place of the
internal visual inspection and the hydrostatic retest required in
§ 180.205.
SP15451 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 1 4
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
2.2 materials in DOT 3A, 3AA, 3AX, 3AAX and 3T cylinders hav-
ing a water capacity over 125 lbs to be periodically requalified
(using AE/UE or 100% UE methods in lieu of hydrostatic testing
and visual inspection) every 10 years instead of every 5 years.
SP15660 ........... Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols Authorizes use of DOT specification 3AL cylinders, manufactured 1 4
from aluminum alloy, that are requalified using 100% UE every 10
years rather than every 5 years for the dedicated service trans-
portation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
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5376 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP3121 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of specification MC 338 cargo tanks for transpor- 2 3
Portable Tanks. tation in commerce of certain poisonous hazardous materials.
SP3216 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification multi-unit tank car tanks to 7 3
Portable Tanks. transport certain hazardous materials.
SP5600 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes non-DOT-specification cylinders made to the DOT 3A 1 2
Portable Tanks. specification, except Monel metal may be used rather than steel..
SP5643 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of helium, refrigerated liquid, 1 2
Portable Tanks. in a non-DOT specification portable tank.
SP5749 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of an insulated nickel-steel DOT specification MC– 1 2
Portable Tanks. 331 cargo tank for transportation in commerce of 60% tetrafluoro-
ethylene/40% hydrogen chloride gas mixture classed as a Divi-
sion 2.3 material.
SP6016 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification portable tanks for transpor- 2 3
Portable Tanks. tation in commerce of certain Division 2.2 materials.
SP6349 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain refrigerated, lique- 1 2
Portable Tanks. fied gases (helium, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid), 2.2,
UN1963 and hydrogen, refrigerated liquid (cryogenic liquid), 2.1,
UN1966) in a non-DOT specification portable tank.
SP6443 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain MC 331 cargo tanks for transportation in 1 3
Portable Tanks. commerce of liquefied hydrogen sulfide, classed as Division 2.3
SP6610 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of DOT specification MC 312 or DOT 412 cargo 2 2
Portable Tanks. tank motor vehicles and DOT specification IM 101 portable tanks
with polyethylene saddles which are inspected at a frequency
other than as specified in the HMR for transportation in com-
merce of tertiary butyl hydroperoxide.
SP6611 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification portable tanks for transpor- 4 3
Portable Tanks. tation in commerce of certain non-flammable cryogenic liquids.
SP6765 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of insulated non-DOT specification portable tanks for 11 3
Portable Tanks. transportation in commerce of Divisions 2.1 and 2.2 cryogenic liq-
SP6769 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of DOT specification tank cars and cargo tanks for 1 2
Portable Tanks. transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 2.2 gases.
SP6922 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of DOT 106A500–X and DOT 110A800–W multi-unit 1 3
Portable Tanks. tank car tanks that are not equipped with safety relief devices for
transportation in commerce of a Division 2.3 material.
SP7041 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of prescribed non-DOT specification cargo tanks 1 3
Portable Tanks. with agitators for transportation in commerce of certain waste
organometallic compound dispersions and hydrocarbon solvent.
SP7073 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification portable tanks for transpor- 2 3
Portable Tanks. tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP7274 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain refrigerated gases 1 2
Portable Tanks. (argon UN1951; nitrogen, UN1977; oxygen, UN1073) in non-DOT
portable tanks.
SP7594 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of methyl bromide in a non- 1 2
Portable Tanks. DOT specification portable tank.
SP8125 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification IMO Type 5 portable tanks 3 3
Portable Tanks. for transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 (flammable)
and 2.2 (non-flammable) gases and a Class 3 material.
SP8196 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain non-DOT specification IMO Type 5 port- 1 3
Portable Tanks. able tanks, each mounted in an ISO frame, for transportation in
commerce of certain compressed gases in Division 2.1, 2.2 and
2.3 and Class 3 materials.
SP8232 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification portable tanks for transpor- 2 3
Portable Tanks. tation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and Division 2.2 mate-
rials and a Class 3 material.
SP8354 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification portable tanks for transpor- 1 3
Portable Tanks. tation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 gases.
SP8523 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification IMO Type 5 portable tanks 1 3
Portable Tanks. for transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP8556 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of super-insulated non-DOT specification portable 8 3
Portable Tanks. tanks for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate-
SP8627 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of multiple non-DOT specification portable tanks 10 3
Portable Tanks. manifolded together within a frame and securely mounted on a
truck chassis for transportation in commerce of Class 3, Division
6.1, and Class 8 materials.
SP8650 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification steel portable tanks for 2 3
Portable Tanks. transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
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SP8698 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Portable Tanks. fication vacuum insulated portable tanks for transportation in com-
merce of certain hazardous materials.
SP8939 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of six (6) non-DOT 1 3
Portable Tanks. specification portable tanks manifolded together within a frame
and securely mounted on a truck chassis for transportation in
commerce of certain flammable and corrosive liquids.
SP9023 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain non-DOT specification IMO Type 5 port- 1 3
Portable Tanks. able tanks for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous
SP9024 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification portable tanks for transpor- 2 3
Portable Tanks. tation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP9067 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of multiple non-DOT 1 3
Portable Tanks. specification portable tanks manifolded together within a frame
and securely mounted on a truck chassis to be used for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain Class 3 and Class 8 materials.
SP9166 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-specification glass fiber reinforced plastic 17 4
Portable Tanks. (GFRP) cargo tanks for the transportation in commerce of certain
hazardous materials.
SP9228 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification cargo tanks for transpor- 1 3
Portable Tanks. tation in commerce of certain Class 8 and 9 materials.
SP9266 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification IMO Type 5 portable tanks 5 3
Portable Tanks. for transportation in commerce of certain Division of 2.1, 2.2 and
2.3 gases.
SP9317 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification skid mounted portable 1 2
Portable Tanks. tanks for transportation in commerce of a non-flammable gas,
subject to the limitations and special requirements specified.
SP9401 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification IMO Type 5 portable tanks 1 2
Portable Tanks. for transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 2.2
SP9418 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Portable Tanks. fication portable tank assemblies manifolded together within a
frame and securely mounted on a truck chassis, to be used for
transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP9462 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Portable Tanks. fication portable tanks manifolded together within a frame and se-
curely mounted on a truck chassis for the transportation in com-
merce of certain Class 3 and Class 8 materials.
SP9490 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification IMO Type 5 portable tanks 1 3
Portable Tanks. for transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 2.2
SP9530 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification IMO Type 5 portable tanks 1 3
Portable Tanks. for transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 2.2
SP9548 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification IMO Type I portable tank 2 2
Portable Tanks. for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP9579 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification motor vehicles for trans- 1 3
Portable Tanks. portation in commerce of certain oxidizers.
SP9596 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification insulated portable tanks for 1 3
Portable Tanks. transportation in commerce of helium, refrigerated liquid.
SP9819 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification steel portable tanks com- 1 3
Portable Tanks. parable to a DOT specification 57, except for capacity for trans-
portation in commerce of certain Class 3 and 8 liquids to be dis-
charged without removing the tanks from the vehicle on which it
is transported.
SP9832 ............. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a vacuum insu- 1 3
Portable Tanks. lated, non-DOT specification portable tank to be used for trans-
portation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP10031 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification, insulated portable tanks 2 3
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5378 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP10480 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Portable Tanks. fication vacuum insulated portable tanks for transportation in com-
merce of helium, refrigerated liquid.
SP10481 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of a non-DOT 1 3
Portable Tanks. specification vacuum insulated portable tank in an ISO frame con-
forming with all regulations applicable to a DOT specification MC–
338 cargo tank motor vehicle, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP10517 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of those hazardous materials 1 5
Portable Tanks. authorized for transportation in DOT specification 57 portable
tanks and UN 31A intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) which are
retested at least once every 5 years.
SP10631 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 3 2
Portable Tanks. rials (dimethylhydrazine, unsymmetrical, 6.1, UN1163, I; hydra-
zine, anhydrous, 8, UN2029, I; methylhydrazine, 6.1, UN1244, I;
Toxic by Inhalation liquid, flammable, n.o.s., 6.1, UN3384, I, Haz-
ard Zone B) in DOT specification MC338 cargo tanks.
SP10709 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain materials (UN2920 1 2
Portable Tanks. and UN2924) in stainless steel DOT specification 57 portable
SP10756 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a vacuum insu- 1 2
Portable Tanks. lated, non-DOT specification portable tank in an ISO frame for
transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.2 materials.
SP10772 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, mark, sale and use of three cargo tank 1 3
Portable Tanks. motor vehicles with a sump location which does not meet the re-
quirements of § 178.338–4(c).
SP10878 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 4
Portable Tanks. fication fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) cargo tank motor vehi-
cles for transportation in commerce of certain Class 8 liquids.
SP10887 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of dinitrogen tetroxide in 1 3
Portable Tanks. specially designed DOT specification 51 portable tanks.
SP11073 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of chlorosulfonic acid in DOT 1 2
Portable Tanks. Class 112S tank cars constructed of ASTM 240–70, Type 304L
stainless steel, equipped with 1⁄2 inch thick full head shields.
SP11178 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of bromine, Class 8, Hazard 1 2
Portable Tanks. Zone A, in a non-DOT specification portable tank constructed of
1⁄4 inch thick mild steel with 1⁄4 inch lead lining.
SP11186 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
Portable Tanks. fication vacuum insulated portable tank conforming with all re-
quirements applicable to a DOT specification MC 338 cargo tank
motor vehicle for transportation in commerce of certain com-
pressed gases.
SP11253 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes continued transportation in commerce of sulfur dioxide in 5 3
Portable Tanks. certain DOT specification MC–331 cargo tanks.
SP11281 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of uninsulated DOT specification cargo tanks and 1 2
Portable Tanks. portable tanks for transportation in commerce of certain Class 8
and Division 6.1 materials, which are toxic by inhalation.
SP11318 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain un-insulated DOT specification 51 portable 1 2
Portable Tanks. tanks that are currently authorized for certain hazardous mate-
rials, except that the portable tanks do not meet the provisions of
§ 172.102 special provision B14 or TP38.
SP11321 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-insulated packagings for transportation in 1 2
Portable Tanks. commerce of titanium tetrachloride (PIH).
SP11388 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification 57 port- 1 2
Portable Tanks. able tanks made of stainless steel, containing certain dual hazard
liquids (UN2734, UN2920, UN2357, UN2924).
SP11517 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 3 and Class 1 3
Portable Tanks. 8 materials in multiple non-DOT specification portable tanks
manifolded together within a frame and securely mounted on a
truck chassis.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP11565 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
Portable Tanks. fication cargo tank motor vehicle for transportation in commerce
of certain Class 8 materials.
SP11596 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain non-DOT specification pressure vessels 1 2
Portable Tanks. (receptacles) without pressure relief devices, which have been
approved by the German Competent Authority and are similar in
design to a multi-unit tank car tank, containing hydrogen sulfide
for export only.
SP11660 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of two (2) non-DOT speci- 1 2
Portable Tanks. fication cargo tanks containing hydrochloric acid.
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SP11714 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 2
Portable Tanks. fication cargo tanks used for roadway striping.
SP11733 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of specially modified DOT specification cargo tank 1 2
Portable Tanks. motor vehicles for transportation in commerce of organic per-
oxide, type F.
SP11759 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of hydrogen fluoride, a Class 9 3
Portable Tanks. 8 material poisonous by inhalation in certain DOT specification
tank cars equipped with alternative pressure relief devices and
without metal jackets.
SP11808 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 2 2
Portable Tanks. fication cylinders (pressure vessels) for transportation in com-
merce of chlorine, as specified.
SP11860 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 3
Portable Tanks. rials, in certain DOT specification tank cars equipped with half
head shields instead of the required full head protection. The haz-
ardous materials authorized in the DOT specification
111A60ALW2,111A60ALW1 and 111A100ALW2 tank cars are
Class 5.1, 8 and 9 materials.
SP11880 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 4.2 mate- 1 2
Portable Tanks. rials in specially equipped, covered hopper railcars.
SP11903 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes the manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT 1 4
Portable Tanks. specification cargo tank motor vehicles constructed from glass
fiber reinforced plastics (GFRP) conforming with all regulations
applicable to a DOT 407 or DOT 412 cargo tank motor vehicle,
except as specified, for transportation in commerce of certain
hazardous materials.
SP11911 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Portable Tanks. fication metal refueling tanks containing certain Class 3 liquids.
The Class 3 liquids will be discharged from the refueling tanks
without removing the refueling tanks from the vehicle on which
they aretransported.
SP11966 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 5.1 material in 1 3
Portable Tanks. 19 DOT specification 111A60ALW2 tank cars equipped with half
head shields insteadof the required full head protection.
SP11970 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification portable tank com- 6 3
Portable Tanks. parable to a DOT specification 51 portable tank, except as speci-
fied, for transportation in commerce of certain pyrophoric solids.
SP12018 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
Portable Tanks. fication insulated portable tank conforming with all regulations ap-
plicable to a DOT specification MC–338 insulated cargo tank, ex-
cept as specified, for transportation in commerce of nitrogen,
argon or oxygen, refrigerated liquids.
SP12074 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain DOT 1 3
Portable Tanks. specification 51 steel portable tanks or UN steel portable tanks
conforming with requirements of special provision T50 for trans-
portation in commerce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP12124 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 4.2 and 2 3
Portable Tanks. Division 4.3 materials in a non-DOT specification portable tank
comparable to a DOT specification 51 portable tank.
SP12130 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
Portable Tanks. fication vacuum insulated portable tank conforming with all regu-
lations applicable to a DOT specification MC 338 cargo tank
motor vehicle, except as specified, for transportation in commerce
of certain hazardous materials.
SP12173 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification vacuum insulated portable 1 3
Portable Tanks. tanks manufactured under a current DOT SP for transportation in
commerce by cargo aircraft in Alaska, of nitrogen, refrigerated liq-
SP12211 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of liquid nitrogen, cryogenic 4 3
Portable Tanks. liquid, in non-DOT specification insulated portable tanks by cargo
vessel for delivery to oil and gas production facilities within the ju-
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5380 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP12295 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of DOT specification IM 101 portable tanks fitted 1 2
Portable Tanks. with bottom outlets for transportation in commerce of a toxic liq-
uid, flammable, organic, n.o.s.
SP12392 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain DOT specification 51 steel portable tanks 1 3
Portable Tanks. designed in accordance with Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME
Code instead of Section VIII, Division 1 for transportation in com-
merce of certain Division 2.1 and Division 2.2 materials.
SP12442 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
Portable Tanks. fication vacuum insulated portable tank, conforming with the regu-
lations applicable to a DOT specification MC 338 cargo tank, ex-
cept as specified, for transportation in commerce of nitrogen, re-
frigerated liquid.
SP12515 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
Portable Tanks. fication vacuum insulated portable tank conforming with all regu-
lations applicable to a DOT specification MC 338 cargo tank
motor vehicle, except as specified, for transportation in commerce
of certain hazardous materials.
SP12516 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 4
Portable Tanks. fication glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) cargo tank for trans-
portation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP12608 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of DOT specification IM 101 steel portable tanks for 1 3
Portable Tanks. transportation in commerce of hydrogen peroxide aqueous solu-
tions in concentrations exceeding 72% but not exceeding 92% by
SP12626 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
Portable Tanks. fication portable tank equipped with an external bottom discharge
valve conforming to all regulations applicable to a DOT specifica-
tion IM 101 portable tank, except as specified, for transportation
in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP12628 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain DOT 1 3
Portable Tanks. specification 51 and UN T50 steel portable tanks manufactured in
accordance with Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code, in-
cluding the 1999 Addenda which allows a design margin of 3.5.,
for transportation in commerce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP12630 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain DOT specification IM 101 portable tanks 1 2
Portable Tanks. with a minimum shell thickness less than required in the HMR for
transportation in commerce of lithium alkyls.
SP12637 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain cryogenic liquids in 2 2
Portable Tanks. certain non-DOT specification vacuum insulated portable tanks.
SP12724 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain DOT specification MC 312 cargo tank 1 3
Portable Tanks. motor vehicles equipped with a pressure relief device not in con-
formance with the HMR for transportation in commerce of hydro-
gen fluoride.
SP12779 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a non-DOT specification 1 3
Portable Tanks. vacuum insulated portable tank conforming with all regulations
applicable to a DOT specification MC 338 cargo tank motor vehi-
cle, except as specified, containing certain hazardous materials.
SP12841 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Portable Tanks. fication vacuum insulated portable tanks conforming with all regu-
lations applicable to a DOT specification MC 338 cargo tank
motor vehicle, except as specified, for transportation in commerce
of certain hazardous materials.
SP12905 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes tank car information to be stamped on permanent identi- 11 5
Portable Tanks. fication plates placed on opposite ends of the tank car instead of
stamped into the tank’s head.
SP12930 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of specific lined DOT specification MC312, DOT 1 2
Portable Tanks. specification 407, and DOT specification 412 cargo tank motor
vehicles which are not subject to the internal visual inspections
required by § 180.407(e) and (f) for transportation in commerce of
certain acids.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP12981 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification MC– 1 3
Portable Tanks. 330 and MC–331 cargo tankmotor vehicles containing nitrous
oxide, refrigerated liquid, with an alternate means to shut-down
the flow of product.
SP13020 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain non-DOT specification IMO Type 5 port- 1 3
Portable Tanks. able tanks for transportation in commerce of propane.
SP13046 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain UN portable tanks manufactured in ac- 3 3
Portable Tanks. cordance with Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME Code, instead
of Division 1 for transportation in commerce of Division 2.1 and
2.2 materials.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5381
SP13110 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of dry metal catalyst in a 1 3
Portable Tanks. non-DOT specification bulk packaging.
SP13207 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of ferric chloride solution and 1 3
Portable Tanks. sulfuric acid in certain DOT specification IM 101 and UN portable
tanks that do not conform with the filling density requirements
specified in § 173.32(f)(5).
SP13219 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 3 4
Portable Tanks. tank cars, containing Division 5.1 or 5.2 materials that have been
inspected under a modified inspection program prior to being of-
fered for transportation.
SP13258 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
Portable Tanks. fication cylinders conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3T cylinder except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP13264 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes limited transportation in commerce within the United 1 3
Portable Tanks. States of certain non-insulated, non-DOT specification steel port-
able tanks containing chloropicrin to facilitate international com-
SP13327 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of manway assem- 1 4
Portable Tanks. blies constructed from glass fiber reinforced plastics (GFRP) for
installation on certain DOT specification cargo tank motor vehicles
in transporting certain hazardous materials.
SP13385 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain UN portable tanks, 1 4
Portable Tanks. containing liquid helium, which have not been impact tested.
SP13402 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of sulfur hexafluoride in DOT 2 3
Portable Tanks. specification 110A1000W multi-unit tank car tanks with a higher
filling density than currently authorized by the HMR.
SP13421 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
Portable Tanks. fication portable tank equipped with an external bottom discharge
valve conforming to all regulations applicable to a UN portable
tank, except as specified, for transportation in commerce of cer-
tain hazardous materials.
SP13482 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of uninsulated UN portable tanks that are currently 1 2
Portable Tanks. authorized for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous
materials, except that the UN portable tanks do not meet the pro-
visions of § 172.101 special provisions B14 and TP38.
SP13958 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of low specific activity LSA–II 1 3
Portable Tanks. radioactive waste in non-specification packages consisting of ei-
ther gondola rail cars with an 18-mil high density polypropylene
(HDPP) liner or in tarpaulin-covered dump trucks with a 4 to 6-mil
high density polyethylene (HDPE) liner.
SP14038 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of DOT specification 111S100W6 tank cars having a 1 5
Portable Tanks. maximum gross weight on rail at 286,000 pounds for the trans-
portation of Class 8 materials.
SP14039 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain UN portable tanks conforming to the re- 1 2
Portable Tanks. quirements of § 172.102(c)(7) portable tank code T50 which are
designed and constructed in accordance with Section VIII, Divi-
sion 2 of the ASME Code instead of Section VIII, Division 1 for
transportation in commerce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14167 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of DOT specification 1 3
Portable Tanks. 105J600W tank cars having a protective housing welded to the
tank flange and having a maximum GWR (gross weight on rail) of
286,000 pounds for transportation in commerce of chlorine.
SP14173 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification 2 2
Portable Tanks. 105J400W tank cars having a maximum gross weight on rail at
286,000 pounds for transportation in commerce of certain haz-
ardous materials.
SP14186 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of DOT specification 1 5
Portable Tanks. 105J300W tank cars having a maximum gross weight on rail at
286,000 pounds for certain hazardous materials.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP14193 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of thirty five non-DOT speci- 1 2
Portable Tanks. fication IMO Type 5 portable tanks, each mounted in an ISO
frame, containing certain Division 2.2 and 2.3.compressed gases.
SP14210 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain UN portable tanks conforming to the re- 1 2
Portable Tanks. quirements of § 172.102(c)(7), T50 which are designed and con-
structed in accordance with Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME
Code instead of Section VIII, Division 1. The portable tanks,
mounted in ISO frames, are authorized for transportation in com-
merce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
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5382 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP14262 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes continued transportation in commerce of certain railroad 2 2
Portable Tanks. tank cars containing carbon dioxide with a tank head thickness
slightly below the minimum required.
SP14275 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 2 3
Portable Tanks. fication cargo tank motor vehicle conforming with all regulations
applicable to DOT specification 412/407 cargo tank motor vehi-
cles, except as specified, for transportation in commerce of cer-
tain hazardous materials.
SP14277 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 4
Portable Tanks. fication carbon glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) cargo tank
conforming with all regulations applicable to a DOT specification
407/412 cargo tank motor vehicle, except as specified, for trans-
portation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP14292 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transport of boron trifluoride in DOT specification 3AAX 2 2
Portable Tanks. and 3AA manifolded cylinders.
SP14296 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain UN Port- 2 3
Portable Tanks. able Tanks manufactured in accordance with Section VIII, Divi-
sion 2 of the ASME Code, instead of Division 1. The portable
tanks, mounted in ISO frames, are authorized for transportation in
commerce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14301 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain UN port- 2 2
Portable Tanks. able tanks conforming to the requirements of § 172.102(c)(7), T50
which are designed and constructed in accordance with Section
VIII, Division 2 of the ASME Code instead of Section VIII, Division
1. The portable tanks, mounted in ISO frames, are authorized for
the transportation in commerce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14317 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain UN port- 1 3
Portable Tanks. able tanks conforming to the requirements of § 172.102(c)(7) port-
able tank code T50 which are designed and constructed in ac-
cordance with Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME Code instead
of Section VIII, Division 1. The portable tanks, mounted in ISO
frames, are authorized for transportation in commerce of Division
2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14318 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.3, Divi- 2 4
Portable Tanks. sion 3, Division 6.1 and Class 8 materials in a non-DOT specifica-
tion portable tank conforming to the requirements specified in
§ 172.102(c)(7) portable tank code T50 (UN portable tank) which
are designed, constructed, certified and stamped in accordance
with Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code (2007 edition).
SP14398 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of DOT specification 105J600W tank cars having a 1 4
Portable Tanks. maximum gross weight on rail at 286,000 pounds for the trans-
portation of titanium tetrachloride.
SP14437 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
Portable Tanks. fication cylinder (pressure vessel) conforming with all require-
ments applicable to a DOT specification 106A500W multi-unit
tank car tank except as specified, for transportation in commerce
of certain hazardous materials.
SP14467 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of DOT 400 series 1 4
Portable Tanks. cargo tank motor vehicles fabricated using certain duplex stain-
less steels and other materials not authorized in § 178.345–2 as a
material of construction.
SP14483 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain UN port- 1 2
Portable Tanks. able tanks conforming to the requirements of § 172.102(c)(7) T50
which are designed and constructed in accordance with Section
VIII, Division 2 of the ASME Code instead of Section VIII, Division
1. The portable tanks, mounted in ISO frames, are authorized for
the transportation in commerce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14492 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of certain UN port- 1 2
Portable Tanks. able tanks conforming to the requirements of § 172.102(c)(7) port-
able tank code T50 which are designed and constructed in ac-
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SP14532 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 5.1 haz- 1 2
Portable Tanks. ardous materials in tank cars that have not had their rupture disk
removed for inspection.
SP14560 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of Division 4.2 hazardous 1 2
Portable Tanks. materials in tank cars fitted with an alternative means of fittings
SP14572 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain UN port- 1 2
Portable Tanks. able tanks conforming to the requirements of § 172.102(c)(7), T50
which are designed and constructed in accordance with Section
VIII, Division 2 of the ASME Code instead of Section VIII, Division
1. The portable tanks, mounted in ISO frames, are authorized for
transportation in commerce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14573 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of DOT 400 series 1 4
Portable Tanks. cargo tank motor vehicles fabricated using certain duplex stain-
less steels and other materials not authorized in § 178.345–2 as
materials of construction.
SP14574 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of specific lined DOT specification MC 312 and DOT 1 2
Portable Tanks. 412 cargo tanks which are not subject to the internal visual in-
spections and lining inspections required by § 180.407(c), (e) and
(f) for transportation in commerce of certain Class 8 and Division
6.1 materials.
SP14578 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of certain UN port- 1 2
Portable Tanks. able tanks conforming to the requirements of § 172.102(c)(7) T50
which are designed and constructed in accordance with Section
VIII, Division 2 of the ASME Code instead of Section VIII, Division
1. The portable tanks, mounted in ISO frames, are authorized for
transportation in commerce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14597 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of DOT specification 1 2
Portable Tanks. DOT 110AW multi-unit tank car tanks for transportation in com-
merce of anhydrous ammonia and chlorine.
SP14616 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of certain UN port- 1 3
Portable Tanks. able tanks conforming to the requirements of § 172.102(c)(7) port-
able tank code T50 which are designed and constructed in ac-
cordance with Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME Code instead
of Section VIII, Division 1 for transportation in commerce of Divi-
sion 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
SP14689 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 3
Portable Tanks. MC–331 cargo tank motor vehicles with a water capacity greater
than 3,500 gallons, manufactured to the DOT MC–331 specifica-
tion, constructed of quenched and tempered (‘‘QT’’) steel except
that the cargo tanks have baffle support clips welded directly to
the inside of the cargo tank wall without the use of pads.
SP14630 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of certain non-DOT specification cargo tanks (nurse 1 2
Portable Tanks. tanks) that are not authorized by the HMR for transportation in
commerce of certain Division 6.1 liquid soil pesticide fumigants.
SP14710 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of DOT 400 series 1 4
Portable Tanks. cargo tank motor vehicles constructed of titanium instead of the
materials authorized in § 178.345–2.
SP14734 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of DOT specification 111A100W5 tank cars having a 1 4
Portable Tanks. maximum gross weight on rail at 286,000 pounds for transpor-
tation in commerce of a Class 8 material.
SP14743 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes one-time, one-way transportation in commerce of ap- 1 2
Portable Tanks. proximately 2,020 lbs. of sodium in a non-DOT specification metal
bulk tank.
SP14751 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of an organometallic sub- 2 2
Portable Tanks. stance, solid, in a non-DOT specification portable tank which is
designed in accordance with the requirements for an UN portable
tank and portable tank instructions ‘‘T9’’ except it is equipped with
a bottom opening, or a DOT specification UN portable tank de-
signed to the meeting the requirements of portable tank instruc-
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
tion ‘‘T21’’.
SP14756 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 4.2 material in 1 3
Portable Tanks. 35 non-DOT specification portable tanks conforming to the re-
quirements of a UN T21 portable tank except for the thickness of
the bottom conical head.
SP14765 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of specific lined DOT specification MC 312 and DOT 1 3
Portable Tanks. 412 cargo tank motor vehicles which are not subject to the inter-
nal visual inspections required by 49 CFR 180.407(c), (e) and (f)
for transportation in commerce of certain acids.
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5384 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP14770 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of an organometallic sub- 2 2
Portable Tanks. stance, solid, water-reactive, flammable n.o.s in a non-DOT speci-
fication portable tank which is designed in accordance with the
provisions for an UN portable tank (portable tank instruction
‘‘T9’’), except it is equipped with a bottom opening.
SP14779 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 4
Portable Tanks. fication glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) cargo tank con-
forming with all regulations applicable to a DOT specification 412/
407, except as specified, for transportation in commerce of cer-
tain hazardous materials.
SP14815 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of fifteen vacuum insulated 1 3
Portable Tanks. UN portable tanks conforming to the requirements of
§ 72.102(c)(7) portable tank instruction ‘‘T75’’ which are designed
and constructed in accordance with the EN 13530 Standard in-
stead of the ASME Code Section VIII for export only of nitrous
oxide, refrigerated liquid.
SP14832 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of DOT 105 and 1 2
Portable Tanks. DOT 112 specification tank cars for use in transportation of haz-
ardous materials that are toxic by inhalation with a welded
manway protective housing, subject to certain limitations.
SP14889 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain UN portable tanks 1 3
Portable Tanks. that are waived from the requirement to perform an internal ex-
amination as part of the intermediate 2.5 year periodic inspection
when used exclusively for the transport of certain Class 4
organometallic substances.
SP14948 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of missile sustainer sections 2 2
Portable Tanks. containing a flammable liquid in non-DOT specification packaging
by motor vehicle and cargo vessel.
SP14980 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce of liquefied petro- 22 4
Portable Tanks. leum gas (LPG) in certain non-DOT specification storage tanks by
private carrier motor vehicle. The prescribed packagings are non-
DOT specification storage containers for liquefied petroleum gas,
designed for permanent installation on consumer premises. Each
container must conform to the following description: (1) Be ASME
Code ‘‘U’’ stamped; and (2) have a water capacity not exceeding
500 gallons.
SP15028 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes use of specific lined DOT specification MC 312, and 1 2
Portable Tanks. DOT specification 412 cargo tank motor vehicles which are not
subject to the internal visual inspections required by § 180.407(c),
(e) and (f) for transportation in commerce of certain acids.
SP15036 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
Portable Tanks. fication tank cars consisting of an inner pressure vessel and an
outer protective for use in transportation of hazardous materials
that are toxic by inhalation, subject to certain requirements and
SP15220 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of UN T75 Code 1 4
Portable Tanks. portable tanks that are designed, constructed, certified and
stamped in accordance with Section VIII Division 1, latest edition,
of ASME Code, except as specified, for transportation in com-
merce of certain hazardous materials.
SP15229 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of chlorine, Division 2.3 ma- 1 3
Portable Tanks. terial in DOT 106A500X and DOT 106A500W multi-unit tank car
tanks that are not equipped with a pressure relief device.
SP15267 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, and sale of non-DOT specification 1 3
Portable Tanks. portable tanks with a maximum capacity of 165 liters (43.6 U.S.
gallons) for transportation in commerce of liquid bromine.
SP15284 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of anhydrous hydrogen fluo- 4 2
Portable Tanks. ride in DOT 112S500I specification tank cars equipped with alter-
native pressure relief devices.
SP15326 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 4.2 and 1 2
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Portable Tanks. Division 4.3 materials in MC 331 cargo tank motor vehicles with
filling/discharge connections external to the tank and located in a
recessed well on the top of the cargo tank that does not have a
remote self-closing internal valve.
SP15384 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain gases in DOT 1 3
Portable Tanks. 107A tank car tanks (tubes). The tubes are retested by AE/UE in
place of the internal visual inspection and the hydrostatic retest
required in § 180.205.
SP15393 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of sulfuric acid in tanks cars 1 4
Portable Tanks. that have undergone an alternative pre-trip inspection procedure.
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SP15552 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 4
Portable Tanks. fication glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) cargo tank con-
forming with all regulations applicable to a DOT specification 407/
412 for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP15647 ........... Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/ Authorizes retesting of certain DOT specification and non-DOT 1 3
Portable Tanks. specification multi-unit tank car tanks without approval from the
Association of American Railroads (AAR).
Operational Air/Vessel
SP6543 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes use of non-DOT specification cylinders or containers for 2 2
transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP7060 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes carriage of radioactive materials aboard cargo aircraft 2 3
only, under any combination of the following conditions: When the
combined transport index exceeds the authorized limit of 200 per
aircraft (as specified in § 175.700(b)(2)(ii)), or the separation dis-
tance criteria of § 175.702(a)(2)(ii) cannot be met.
SP7280 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain motor vehicles, 1 3
fixed wing aircraft, helicopters, air cushioned vehicles/boats and
power boats with fuel tanks 3⁄4 full instead of 1⁄4 full. In addition,
the fueled vehicles are authorized to be transported with battery
cables connected if the holds or compartment of a vessel in
which vehicles are loaded are mechanically ventilated.
SP7465 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes stowage aboard passenger vessels of motor vehicles, 1 3
such as recreational vehicles, with attached cylinders of liquefied
petroleum gas, as well as extra containers of gasoline (including
camp stove or lantern fuel) and portable cylinders of liquefied pe-
troleum gas. (State of Alaska, Department of Transportation).
SP7605 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain explosives con- 2 2
tained in partially disassembled aircraft or sub-assemblies with
explosive components (ejection seat, fuselage and canopy related
devices) and aircraft canopy assemblies with explosive compo-
nents installed.
SP7648 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation of flares, aerial classed as Division 1.3G 1 2
in a small cargo aircraft only, for test purposes..
SP7891 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain specially designed 4 3
combination packagings containing certain hazardous materials
without hazard labels or placards, with quantity limits not exceed-
ing one liter for liquids or 2.85 kilograms for solids.
SP7928 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 3
rials using alternate stowage. (State of Alaska, Department of
SP8249 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of specially de- 1 3
signed combination packagings for transportation in commerce of
various hazardous materials without hazard labels or placards,
with quantity limits not exceeding one liter for liquids or 2.85 kilo-
grams for solids.
SP8307 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of packages described as 1 3
non-pyrotechnic smoke generators containing certain Class 8 ma-
terials that may have a subsidiary poison inhalation hazard and
also may contain nitrogen, compressed gas.
SP8697 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of liquefied petroleum gas in 1 3
amounts that exceed the quantity limitations for transportation by
cargo aircraft only in the State of Alaska.
SP8826 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 explosives which are forbidden or exceed
quantities authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP8914 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP9168 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes the manufacture, marking, sale and use of specially de- 2 3
signed combination packagings for transportation in commerce of
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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5386 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP9689 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain dense or heavy 1 3
materials such as toluene diisocyanate, and other hazardous ma-
terials not exceeding 12.09 pounds per gallon, to be secured
against movement in a freight container or transport vehicle by
the use of a fabric restraint dunnage system when shipped by
cargo vessel.
SP9735 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes certain Dangerous Cargo Manifests (DCMs) to be re- 1 5
tained in a location other than on or near the bridge of the cargo
vessel while the vessel is in port.
SP9856 ............. Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes use of either DOT specification or non-DOT specification 1 2
packaging and authorizes patient use of oxygen systems (Division
2.2) on board a passenger ship or cargo ship.
SP10298 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain liquid fuels, Class 1 3
3 materials, contained in non-DOT specification packaging seal
drums or rollagons of up to 500 gallon capacity by cargo aircraft
to remote locations within the State of Alaska and Bronson Creek,
British Columbia, Canada.
SP10648 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP10672 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of specially de- 1 3
signed combination packagings for transportation in commerce of
certain Division 4.3, 4.1, 5.1, 5.2, 4.2, 6.1, Class 8 and 3 mate-
rials without hazard labels or placards, with quantity limits not ex-
ceeding one liter for liquids or 2.85 kilograms for solids.
SP10688 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of gasoline in non-DOT 1 3
specification polyethylene containers, and overpacked on small,
passenger-carrying aircraft within the State of Alaska.
SP10790 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP10966 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce by helicopter of certain Class 1 2
3 materials and a Class 8 material in a UN31HA1 intermediate
bulk container (IBC).
SP11110 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of Division 1.4S and Class 8 1 3
PGIII materials in an inaccessible location aboard an aircraft in
quantities exceeding those authorized by § 175.75.
SP11136 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes the offering in air transportation of fireworks, Division 3 3
1.3G, UN0335 which are forbidden or exceed the quantity limita-
tions authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP11232 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of acetylene, dissolved, con- 1 2
tained in a DOT specification cylinder secured on a state-owned
maintenance motor vehicle while stowed on a protected vehicle
deck on board a passenger ferry vessel.
SP11248 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of specially de- 1 3
signed combination packagings for transportation in commerce of
various hazardous materials without hazard labels or placards,
with quantity limits not exceeding one liter for liquids or 2.85 kilo-
grams for solids per inner packaging.
SP11273 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 explosives which are forbidden or exceed
quantities authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP11328 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of an alternate stacking ar- 2 3
rangement for cylindrical shaped UN5H3 bags of explosive, blast-
ing type E, 1.5D, UN0332.
SP11386 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain liquefied petroleum 1 2
gases and acetylene contained in DOT specification cylinders on
board passenger ferry vessels which are carrying more than 25
SP11503 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain closed freight con- 1 3
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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SP11781 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP11844 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP11866 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of internal combustion-pow- 1 3
ered motor vehicles in freight containers in cargo vessel holds
that are not ventilated.
SP11881 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 (explosive) 2 3
materials of different compatibility groups in the same motor vehi-
cle in the vehicle spaces of a vessel under certain conditions.
SP11989 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes stowage of certain Division 1.1, 1.2 and 1.4 explosives, 1 2
in the same freight container with helium, compressed and nitro-
gen, compressed, Division 2.2, on board certain Department of
Defense vessels.
SP12054 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP12133 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP12283 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of batteries for disposal or 6 3
remanufacture, in non-DOT specification packagings, by cargo
aircraft only between remote places within the State of Alaska.
SP12339 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce by cargo vessel of DOT 8 2
specification 3AL aluminum cylinders containing various Division
2.1 and 2.3 gases that are currently permitted for transport in
such cylinders only by highway, rail and, in some cases, cargo-
only aircraft.
SP12362 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes limited maintenance and repair operations to vehicles 1 2
stowed below deck in the same cargo holds as Class 1 explo-
sives aboard certain vessels.
SP12382 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP12383 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes stowage of closed steel freight containers of certain 1 2
Class 1 explosives, in the cargo hold adjacent to the machinery
space, at a distance of less than three meters from the forward
bulkhead of the machinery space.
SP12401 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of specially de- 1 3
signed combination packagings for transportation in commerce of
various hazardous materials without hazard labels or placards,
with quantity limits not exceeding one liter for liquids or 2.85 kilo-
grams for solids.
SP12463 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of oxygen, refrigerated liquid, 1 2
UN1073 in insulated cylinders or insulated cargo tanks aboard a
passenger ferry vessel as prescribed.
SP12592 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of motor vehicles with fuel in 1 2
their tanks in a cargo hold of a certain vessel without full compli-
ance with § 176.905(h), which requires all electrical equipment in
the hold, other than fixed explosion-proof lighting, to be discon-
nected from its power source at a location outside the hold.
SP12674 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 2
cylinders containing propane, a Division 2.1 gas, which is forbid-
den for shipment aboard passenger carrying aircraft.
SP12708 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes the transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1 2
1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quan-
tities authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.The SP
authorizes transportation of certain hazardous materials in aircraft
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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5388 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP13169 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 3
UN31A intermediate bulk containers containing flammable liquid,
n.o.s. or combustible liquid, n.o.s., which exceed quantity limita-
tions when shipped by air during Alaska operations.
SP13200 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP13313 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce aboard passenger ferry ves- 1 2
sels of certain hazardous materials contained on roll-on, roll-off
transport vehicles subject to certain limitations and special re-
SP13736 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 2
UN31A intermediate bulk containers containing certain Class 3
materials which exceed quantity limitations when shipped by air.
SP13876 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes the City of Kotzebue to offer for transportation in com- 1 3
merce certain batteries for disposal or remanufacture in non-DOT
specification packagings exceeding the gross weight limitations
by cargo aircraft only within the State of Alaska.
SP13997 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP14145 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes the stowage of Class 1 (explosive) materials, in certain 2 3
locations of a cargo hold above, below and adjacent to specified
machinery spaces other than Category A. In addition, it author-
izes the handling of Class 1 materials in certain locations of a
cargo hold and on the transfer deck (main deck) while in transit
and loading and unloading while underway at sea.
SP14146 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of flammable liquid powered 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. internal combustion engines and marine propulsion equipment
containing internal combustion engines, with coolant and hydrau-
lic systems that have not been emptied.
SP14158 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a fuel cell power plant as- 1 2
sembly containing packaged Division 4.2, PG II, and Class 8, PG
II materials without meeting the segregation requirements.
SP14166 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 2 3
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP14201 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 3
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP14210 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP14327 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain compressed gas 1 3
fueled and liquid-fueled cigarette lighters in checked baggage of
passenger aircraft when packaged in a rigid, vapor-tight non-DOT
specification solid plastic packaging that prevents any movement
of the lighter during transport.
SP14392 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes stowage of Class 1 explosive materials below deck of a 2 2
cargo vessel with an alternative container stowage configuration.
SP14466 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 explosive 3 3
materials which are forbidden for transportation by air, to be
transported by cargo aircraft within and around the State of Alas-
ka when other means of transportation are impracticable or not
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP14516 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes a package of radioactive material that is labeled with the 1 3
Cargo Aircraft Only label and also a subsidiary hazard label to be
loaded in an inaccessible cargo location when transported by air-
SP14527 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes air transportation of hazardous materials without identi- 2 5
fying the packaging type on the Notification to Pilot in Command.
SP14531 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a breath tester in com- 1 2
pany owned aircraft as unregulated.
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SP14548 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation of wheelchairs or other battery-powered 3 5
mobility aids equipped with a non-spillable battery in checked
baggage of passenger aircraft without disconnecting the battery.
SP14554 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain forbidden explo- 1 3
sives by helicopter to various mountain sites in Antarctica as di-
rected by the National Science Foundation of the U.S. govern-
SP14569 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation of Class 1 (explosive) materials on un- 2 2
manned deck barges in an alternative stowage configuration.
SP14592 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of life-saving appliances, 1 5
self-inflating by air when identifying only the gross weight per
package on shipping papers.
SP14632 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2, 1 2
1.3 and 1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities
authorized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP14641 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce by air of certain hazardous 1 3
materials in packagings that exceed the quantity limit for cargo
carrying aircraft.
SP14644 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce by Part 133 Rotorcraft Exter- 1 2
nal Load Operations transporting certain hazardous materials at-
tached to or suspended from a cargo aircraft in remote areas of
the U.S. only, without being subject to certain hazard communica-
tion and packaging requirements.
SP14650 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1D and 1 2
1.4B explosives which are forbidden for transportation by cargo
aircraft only.
SP14791 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP14828 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.3, 1 2
1.4 explosives which are forbidden or exceed quantities author-
ized for transportation by cargo aircraft only.
SP14830 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by cargo aircraft and rotorcraft (external load operations sub-
ject to 14 CFR Part 133) in remote areas of the United States
only, without being subject to certain hazard communication re-
quirements, quantity limitations, and certain loading and stowage
SP14861 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by cargo aircraft in remote areas of the U.S. only, without
being subject to hazard communication requirements and quantity
SP14907 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce by air UN1268, petroleum 1 3
distillates, n.o.s. solution, PG III in packages that exceed the
quantity limit for cargo only aircraft.
SP14908 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes use of outer packaging not being capable of passing the 1 2
Flame Penetration and Resistance Test and the Thermal Resist-
ance Test for the transportation in commerce of certain cylinders
of compressed oxygen, when no other practical means of trans-
portation exists.
SP14921 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of compressed oxygen by 1 3
Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations attached to or sus-
pended from an aircraft only within the State of Alaska.
SP14924 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain explosives by ves- 1 3
sel in an alternative stowage configuration.
SP14927 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain cylinders of com- 1 2
pressed gases with a subsidiary hazard of Division 5.1, when
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5390 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP14995 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 explosive 1 3
materials which are forbidden for transportation by air or exceed
the quantity limits, to be transported by cargo aircraft in the State
of Alaska when other means of transportation are impracticable or
not available.
SP14996 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain forbidden explo- 1 2
sives by Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations trans-
porting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from an
aircraft, in remote areas of the United States only.
SP14999 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the United States only, without
being subject to hazard communication requirements, quantity
limitations and certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15005 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of propane Division 2.1 in 1 3
DOT specification 4B240, 4BA240, 4BW240 cylinders by Part 133
Rotorcraft External Load Operations transporting hazardous ma-
terials attached to or suspended from a cargo aircraft within the
State of Alaska without being subject to quantity limitations.
SP15006 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 hazardous 1 3
materials which are forbidden for transportation by air, to be
transported in Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations at-
tached to or suspended from an aircraft, in remote areas of the
State of Alaska only, without being subject to hazard communica-
tion requirements, quantity limitations and certain loading and
stowage requirements.
SP15014 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 hazardous 1 3
materials by Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations trans-
porting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from an
aircraft, in remote areas within the State of Alaska only, without
being subject to hazard communication requirements, quantity
limitations and certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15073 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the United States only, without
being subject to hazard communication requirements, quantity
limitations and certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15118 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of sodium cyanide in quan- 1 2
tities that exceed those authorized by cargo only aircraft.
SP15126 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations attached to
or suspended from a cargo aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S.
SP15129 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 explosive 1 3
materials which are forbidden for transportation by air, to be
transported by cargo aircraft within and around the State of Alas-
ka when other means of transportation are impracticable or not
SP15162 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain explosives that are 1 2
forbidden for transportation by cargo aircraft in alternative pack-
aging by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
attached to or suspended from an aircraft, in remote areas of the
U.S. only.
SP15182 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of an oxidizing solid, water- 1 3
reactive material as an excepted quantity on cargo aircraft.
SP15187 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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SP15227 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes carriage of radioactive materials aboard cargo aircraft 1 3
only, under any combination of the following conditions: When the
combined transport index exceeds the authorized limit of 200 per
aircraft (as specified in § 175.700(b)(2)(ii)), or the separation dis-
tance criteria of § 175.702(b) cannot be met.
SP15228 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes carriage of radioactive materials aboard cargo aircraft 1 3
only, under any combination of the following conditions: When the
combined transport index exceeds the authorized limit of 200 per
aircraft (as specified in § 175.700(b)(2)(ii)), or the separation dis-
tance criteria of § 175.702(b) cannot be met.
SP15238 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15240 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain flammable and 1 3
combustible liquids in alternative packaging having a capacity of
119 gallons or more by cargo aircraft.
SP15241 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 explosive 1 3
materials which are forbidden for transportation by air, to be
transported by cargo aircraft within the State of Alaska when
other means of transportation are impracticable or not available.
SP15243 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of gasoline in non-DOT 1 3
specification polyethylene containers, overpacked with plywood,
on small, passenger-carrying aircraft within the State of Alaska.
SP15251 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes carriage of radioactive materials aboard cargo aircraft 1 3
only, under any combination of the following conditions: When the
combined transport index exceeds the authorized limit of 200 per
aircraft (as specified in § 175.700(b)(2)(ii)), or the separation dis-
tance criteria of § 175.702(b) cannot be met.
SP15255 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes carriage of radioactive materials aboard cargo aircraft 1 3
only, under any combination of the following conditions: When the
combined transport index exceeds the authorized limit of 200 per
aircraft (as specified in § 175.700(b)(2)(ii)), or the separation dis-
tance criteria of § 175.702(b) cannot be met.
SP15274 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 explosive 1 3
materials which are forbidden for transportation by air, to be
transported by cargo aircraft including external load within the
State of Alaska when other means of transportation are impracti-
cable or not available.
SP15292 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain liquid fuels, Class 1 3
3 materials, contained in non-DOT specification packaging seal
drums or rollagons of up to 500 gallon capacity by cargo aircraft
to remote locations only within the State of Alaska.
SP15304 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15324 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain liquid fuels, Class 1 3
3 materials, contained in non-DOT specification packaging seal
drums or rollagons of up to 500 gallon capacity by cargo aircraft
to remote locations only within the State of Alaska.
SP15330 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 explosive 1 3
materials which are forbidden for transportation by air, to be
transported by cargo aircraft within the State of Alaska when
other means of transportation are impracticable or not available.
SP15343 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain liquid fuels, Class 1 3
3 materials, contained in non-DOT specification packaging seal
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5392 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP15370 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 explosive 1 2
materials which are forbidden for transportation by air, to be
transported by cargo aircraft within the State of Alaska when
other means of transportation are impracticable or not available.
SP15378 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes carriage of radioactive materials aboard cargo aircraft 1 3
only, under any combination of the following conditions: When the
combined transport index exceeds the authorized limit of 200 per
aircraft (as specified in § 175.700(b)(2)(ii)), or the separation dis-
tance criteria of § 175.702(b) cannot be met.
SP15388 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 3
rials which are forbidden for transportation by air or exceed quan-
tity limitations, to be transported by cargo aircraft within the State
of Alaska when other means of transportation are impracticable or
not available.
SP15392 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15397 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15408 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain liquid fuels, Class 1 3
3 materials, contained in non-DOT specification packaging seal
drums or rollagons of up to 500 gallon capacity by cargo aircraft
to remote locations within the State of Alaska.
SP15418 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of non-DOT specification 1 3
fiber reinforced plastic (FRP), full composite (FC), compressed
gas cylinders which are used as components in aircraft.
SP15420 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes carriage of radioactive materials aboard cargo aircraft 1 3
only, under any combination of the following conditions: When the
combined transport index exceeds the authorized limit of 200 per
aircraft (as specified in § 175.700(b)(2)(ii)), or the separation dis-
tance criteria of § 175.702(a)(2)(ii) cannot be met.
SP15440 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15443 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 hazardous 1 2
materials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Oper-
ations transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended
from an aircraft in remote areas of the U.S. without being subject
to quantity limitations where no other means of transportation is
SP15467 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 explosive 1 3
materials which are forbidden for transportation by air, to be
transported by cargo aircraft within the State of Alaska when
other means of transportation are impracticable or not available.
SP15468 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 explosive 1 2
materials which are forbidden for transportation by air, to be
transported by cargo aircraft, including 14 CFR Part 133 Rotor-
craft External Load Operations transporting hazardous materials
attached to or suspended from an aircraft, in remote areas of the
U.S. only, when other means of transportation are impracticable
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
or not available.
SP15470 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5393
SP15473 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15476 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15510 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of liquefied petroleum gas in 1 3
amounts that exceed the quantity limitations for transportation by
14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations trans-
porting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from an
aircraft only in the State of Alaska.
SP15517 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15535 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15537 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes offering in commerce of certain Class 1 explosive mate- 3 3
rials which are forbidden for transportation by air, to be trans-
ported by cargo aircraft within the State of Alaska when other
means of transportation are impracticable or not available.
SP15541 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15547 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15556 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15559 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
to hazard communication requirements, quantity limitations and
certain loading and stowage requirements.
SP15560 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations
transporting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from
an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S. only, without being subject
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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5394 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP15631 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of Division 1.1 explosives, 1 2
which are forbidden, by cargo-only aircraft. This permit will not be
SP15636 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 explosive 1 3
materials which are forbidden for transportation by air, to be
transported by cargo aircraft within the State of Alaska when
other means of transportation are impracticable or not available.
SP15637 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes offering in commerce of a Division 1.1D explosive mate- 1 2
rial which is forbidden for transportation by air, to be transported
by cargo aircraft.
SP15652 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by cargo aircraft, including 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft Ex-
ternal Load Operations transporting hazardous materials attached
to or suspended from an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S.
only, without being subject to hazard communication require-
ments, quantity limitations and certain loading and stowage re-
SP15654 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
rials by cargo aircraft, including 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft Ex-
ternal Load Operations transporting hazardous materials attached
to or suspended from an aircraft, in remote areas of the U.S.
only, without being subject to hazard communication require-
ments, quantity limitations and certain loading and stowage re-
SP15664 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of liquefied petroleum gas in 1 3
amounts that exceed the quantity limitations for transportation by
14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations trans-
porting hazardous materials attached to or suspended from an
aircraft only in the State of Alaska.
SP15710 ........... Operational Air/Vessel .... Authorizes transportation in commerce of a portable power source, 1 3
containing a non-spillable battery, by passenger aircraft.
Operational Highway/Rail/Shipper/Other
SP5493 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of hydrogen sulfide, lique- 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. fied, a Division 2.3 material, in certain DOT specification
105J600W single-unit tank cars.
SP1862 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes use of non-DOT specification hydraulic accumulators for 7 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. transportation in commerce of compressed nitrogen.
SP2709 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1C, 8 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. 1.1D and 1.3C liquid explosives and a Division 6.1 material in
both UN specification and non-specification packagings.
SP5022 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1, 1.2 9 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. and 1.3 explosives in specific temperature controlled equipment.
SP5951 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.3 mate- 4 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials in non-DOT specification tanks.
SP6293 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of spent mixed acid con- 3 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. taining not over 3% dissolved nitroglycerin, not over 16% nitric
acid, and at least 18% water by volume, in stainless steel DOT
specification cargo tanks.
SP6309 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification tank for transportation in 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. commerce of certain non-flammable compressed gases.
SP6743 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes use of DOT specification or non-specification portable 2 4
Rail/Shipper/Other. tanks and intermediate bulk containers for the transportation in
commerce of certain Division 1.5D explosives together on the
same vehicle with Division 5.1 oxidizers not otherwise authorized.
SP6810 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes use of manifolded and framed non-DOT specification 3 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. seamless steel cylinders for transportation in commerce of certain
Division 2.2 gases.
SP7835 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 34 3
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5395
SP7972 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of not more than 15 grams 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. of explosive or pyrotechnic material, including waste containing
explosives that have an energy density not significantly greater
than that of pentaerythritol tetranitrate, classed as Division 1.4E,
when packed in a special shipping container.
SP8308 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce and temporary storage inci- 5 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. dent to transportation of non-fissile or fissile exempt radioactive
materials packages aboard highway vehicles when their com-
bined transport indices exceed 50 or the separation distance cri-
teria cannot be met.
SP8520 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes use of an alternative test method in determining whether 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. a substance meets the definition of a Class 1.5D explosive, blast-
ing, type E. The ‘‘Vented Bomb Fire Test’’ may be used in place
of the External Fire Test prescribed in § 173.58(b).
SP8760 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes display of flammable and toxic placards, showing the UN 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. identification numbers 1993 and 2810, respectively, on a specific
company’s cargo tank motor vehicles having six or more compart-
ments, in which one or more of the compartments contain a Class
3 and/or Division 6.1 hazardous material.
SP8770 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain photographic proc- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. essing materials consisting of a corrosive liquid, basic, organic,
n.o.s.; corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s.; flammable solid,
toxic, organic, n.o.s.; sodium hydroxide solution, in the same out-
side package.
SP8815 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes bulk transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.5D 2 4
Rail/Shipper/Other. explosives in cement mixer type motor vehicles.
SP8995 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.2 mate- 2 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials in a non-DOT specification portable tank.
SP9157 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 3 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials in a non-DOT specification multi-unit tank car tank.
SP9193 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes use of transportation in commerce of a downhole logging 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. tool (sonde) that contains an accelerator housing, one section of
which is charged with sulfur hexafluoride to a pressure of 80 psig.
SP9233 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 5.1 (UN1563, 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. chromium trioxide, anhydrous) material in a non-DOT specifica-
tion, 900 cubic foot, two-compartment, sift-proof covered hopper
type tank motor vehicle.
SP9271 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes the deviation from rail car separation requirements for 5 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. transportation in commerce of packages of Division 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
and 1.4 explosives.
SP9346 ............. Operational Highway/ For rail operations, authorizes setting of the hand brake and block- 2 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. ing a wheel in both directions of the first and last cars of a series
of coupled tank cars prior to unloading.
SP9352 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes use of a non-DOT specification container for transpor- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. tation in commerce of certain petroleum distillate hazardous mate-
SP9617 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of Division 1.4D flexible det- 4 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. onating cords containing not more than 3 grains of explosive per
linear foot in the same motor vehicle or freight container with Divi-
sion 1.1B, Division 1.4B or Division 1.4S detonators, electric or
non-electric or Division 1.1B or Division 1.4B detonator assem-
blies, non-electric.
SP9649 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of munitions that contain 5 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. components manufactured of depleted uranium metal, classified
as Class 1 with a subsidiary hazard of Class 7. For munitions
packaged as prescribed and transported with the subsidiary haz-
ard of ‘‘Radioactive material, excepted package—articles manu-
factured from depleted uranium,’’ alternate radiation levels, mark-
ings, and sheathing is authorized.
SP9694 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of chlorine in MC 331 cargo 5 2
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Rail/Shipper/Other. tanks equipped with angle valves and pressure relief valves not
presently authorized by the HMR.
SP9965 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes marking and shipment by motor vehicle of electrical 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. transformers and/or capacitors containing bulk quantities of poly-
chlorinated biphenyl contaminated oil as non-bulk packagings.
SP9985 ............. Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a DOT specifica- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. tion 4L cylinder for transportation in commerce of carbon dioxide,
refrigerated liquid and provides for the filling and discharging of a
DOT specification 4L cylinder without removal from the vehicle.
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5396 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP10043 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes use of inner packagings having a maximum capacity of 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. five gallons, in non-DOT specification polyethylene bins of 30
cubic-foot capacity or UN31H1 intermediate bulk Containers
(IBCs) for transportation in commerce of the residue of certain
hazardous wastes classed as Class or Division 3, 5.1, 6.1, 8, or 9.
SP10045 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes highway transportation and temporary storage incident to 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. transportation of non-fissile or fissile-exempt radioactive materials
packages when their combined transport indices exceed 50 or the
separation distance criteria cannot be met.
SP10247 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain small quantities of 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. Divisions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 6.1.
SP10266 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 3 and Divi- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. sion 2.1 hazardous materials in non-DOT specification containers.
SP10427 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1D deto- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. nating cord, Division 1.3C rocket motors and Division 1.4C power
device cartridges with Division 2.2 compressed gases, Division
2.3 (PIH-Zone A) liquefied gases, Class 3 flammable liquids, Divi-
sion 6.1 (PIH-Zone A) poisonous liquids, Class 8 corrosive liq-
uids, and Class 9 lithium batteries together in the same motor ve-
SP10442 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain unapproved Divi- 11 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. sion 1.1A, 1.1D and 1.3C waste explosive substances on the
same motor vehicle with waste Division 4.1 flammable solids.
SP10458 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes use of DOT specification 111A100W2 tank car tanks 1 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. loaded with certain sulfuric acids or sulfur dioxide, to remain at-
tached to transfer connections when the unloading process is dis-
SP10497 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. fication stainless steel tanks containing dinitrogen tetroxide.
SP10656 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce by highway or rail 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. of shipments of radioactive scrap metal and related metal recy-
cled materials.
SP10695 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of ethylene oxide packaged 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. in aluminum cartridges within a UN4G fiberboard box. For domes-
tic transportation only, this SP also authorizes packages to be
transported with a flammable gas (Division 2.1) label instead of
both poison gas (Division 2.3) and flammable gas labels.
SP10753 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. fication packages for transportation of aluminum phosphide in pri-
vately owned pest control vehicles without placards.
SP10814 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of certain pack- 3 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. agings for use in the transportation of sulfur hexafluoride.
SP10832 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain scrap airbag infla- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. tors, seat belt pretensioners and/or airbag modules classed as Di-
vision 1.3C.
SP10904 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes use of a classification test method for the determination 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. of skin corrosivity as an alternative to a procedure specified in the
SP10921 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain flammable liquids, 3 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. which are packaged in combination packagings that are not sub-
ject to the HMR.
SP10949 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of lab pack quantities of 6 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. cyanides on the same motor vehicle with non-lab packed acidic
materials not to exceed 55 gallons per packaging.
SP10993 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain liquid fuels in non- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. DOT specification portable rubber containers of up to 500 gallon
capacity by helicopter within and to only remote areas of the
United States.
SP10996 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain rocket motors and 49 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. reloadable rocket motor kits as Division 1.4C articles, explosive,
n.o.s., when shipped in prescribed quantities and packagings. Ex-
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5397
SP11107 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.4 explo- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. sive devices which have not been examined and approved to be
shipped as Division 1.1 devices.
SP11180 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of metal tubing which con- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. tains certain hazardous materials and exempts the metal tubing
from the packaging, marking, labeling, and placarding require-
ments of the HMR.
SP11185 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of solid regulated medical 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. waste in a non-DOT specification packaging consisting of a bulk
outer packaging and non-bulk inner packagings.
SP11227 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain oil and gas well 2 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. tools classed as Division 1.4C cartridges, power devices in spe-
cially designed motor vehicles and offshore tool pallets.
SP11230 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1B and 2 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. 1.4B non-electric detonator assemblies without packagings in the
same motor vehicle with Division 1.1D and/or 1.5D explosives
and/or Division 5.1 oxidizers when those detonator assemblies
are placed within partitioned IME Safety Library Publication No.
22 containers or certain described compartments.
SP11265 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of ethylene oxide packaged 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. in aluminum cartridges within a UN 4G fiberboard box with a Divi-
sion 2.1 label instead of both Division 2.3 and 2.1 labels.
SP11274 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of fire extinguishers in pri- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. vately owned and military owned vehicles on cargo vessels, as
not subject to the requirements of the HRM for documentation,
marking, and that each fire extinguisher must be shipped as an
inner packaging.
SP11286 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of small quantities of haz- 2 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. ardous materials which are not authorized under § 173.4, specifi-
cally Division 2.3 materials.
SP11294 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain lab pack quantities 1 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. of hazardous materials with other materials in lab packs, with par-
tial relief from certain segregation requirements.
SP11329 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of aluminum phosphide, alu- 3 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. minum phosphide pesticides and magnesium phosphide in spe-
cially designed packages, by private motor vehicles without plac-
SP11348 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of Ammonium perrhenate 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. (solid), classed as Division 5.1 under the proper shipping name
oxidizing solid, n.o.s., UN1479 instead of classifying it as a Class
7 material.
SP11406 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce by highway or rail 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. of shipments of liquid or solid waste that has low levels of radi-
SP11432 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.4 ignit- 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. ers packed with certain Division 1.4 detonators. These materials
may be shipped on the same motor vehicle, cargo vessel or
cargo aircraft with Class 1 jet perforating guns, detonating cords,
commercial shaped charges or power device cartridges, subject
to certain packaging and safety measures.
SP11434 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes tank cars containing certain Class 3 and 6.1 hazardous 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. materials to remain standing with unloading connections attached
when no product is being transferred, provided that a minimal
level of monitoring, as specified, is maintained.
SP11440 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 6.1 mate- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials which are toxic by inhalation in polyethylene drums or com-
posite packagings which are stacked on a transport vehicle.
SP11481 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, mark, and sale of certain shock absorbers 1 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. and struts containing a non-flammable gas, for transportation in
commerce as accumulators.
SP11489 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain unapproved or un- 7 2
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Rail/Shipper/Other. identified as approved, air bag inflators or air bag modules or seat
belt pretensioners as Division 1.4C explosives articles.
SP11502 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce, by highway, of hazardous 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. materials prepared in accordance with 171.23 and the ICAO
Technical Instructions, regardless of whether any part of the
transportation is by aircraft.
SP11513 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain forbidden Division 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. 1.1A explosive substances, unapproved Division 1.1C waste ex-
plosive substances and unapproved Division 1.2G explosives arti-
cles with packaging and operational controls.
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5398 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP11583 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes, in the State of Alaska, transportation in commerce, of 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. Class/Division 2.1, 2.2, 3, combustible liquids, 6.1 PG II and III, 8
and/or 9 materials in mixed trains (cargo and passenger) trains.
SP11629 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain forbidden Division 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. 1.2G, 1.3G and 1.4G explosive articles which will likely cause a
dangerous evolution of heat, or flammable gases from moisture
exposure due to damage, improper storage or packaging failures.
SP11634 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce, by motor vehicle, of mate- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials classed as ORM–D consumer commodities without inner
packagings having to be packed, secured and cushioned within
the outer packaging as required by the HMR, subject to certain
conditions and limitations.
SP11646 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes discharge of certain Class 3, Division 6.1 and Class 8 7 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. and Class 9 liquids from a DOT specification drum without remov-
ing the drum from the vehicle on which it is transported.
SP11693 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of fish meal treated with 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. NATUROX(TM) or NATUROX(TM) premium liquid antioxidant in-
stead of ethoxyquin as required by § 173.218(c).
SP11771 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes the offering of tank cars, containing Class 3 materials 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. and combustible liquids, with no inspection of the top fittings and
appurtenances and the unloading of these materials without
opening and blocking the manway cover.
SP11789 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes tank cars, containing butyl acrylates, stabilized, 2 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. butadienes, stabilized, or styrene monomer, stabilized, to remain
standing with unloading connections attached when no product is
being transferred, provided that a minimal level of monitoring, as
specified is maintained.
SP11804 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a safety kit containing not 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. more than two highway fusees, with burning time not exceeding
15 minutes each, a tire inflator aerosol and a fire extinguisher as
a consumer commodity.
SP11809 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of consumer commodities or 6 4
Rail/Shipper/Other. waste consumer commodities from more than one offeror (e.g.,
manufacturer, distribution center, or retail outlet) to a ‘‘designated
facility’’ as defined in § 171.8.
SP11818 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of non-DOT specification 12 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. containers that are installed in spacecraft or components of
spacecraft and overpacked in a wood or metal box containing
certain hazardous materials.
SP11834 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 3 adhesives 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. with Division 5.2 liquid organic peroxides as part of a two-compo-
nent adhesive mixing apparatus, subject to certain prescribed
packaging and special provisions.
SP11839 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes attendants of a cargo tank loading facility to remain in a 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. warming shack during loading operations which is not within the
required 25 feet from the cargo tank.
SP11900 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of small quantities of a wood 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. preservative containing methyl isothiocyanate, a Division 6.1,
Packing Group I, Hazard Zone B material, to be shipped in ac-
cordance with the small quantity exceptions under § 173.4.
SP11967 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes tank cars, containing various Class 3, 8, and 9 haz- 2 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. ardous materials, to remain standing with unloading connections
attached when no product is being transferred, provided that a
minimal level of monitoring, as specified, is maintained.
SP12046 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of laboratory reagent chemi- 4 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. cals packaged in lab packs to facilitate relocation of laboratory fa-
SP12065 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of Class 3 flammable liquids 6 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. with flash points determined by an apparatus for flash point test-
ing not currently authorized in § 173.120(c)..
Flash points of volatile organic liquids may as an alternative be de-
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5399
SP12240 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of propane, Division 2.1, in 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. DOT specification cylinders aboard passenger-carrying aircraft,
when other means of transportation are impractical or not avail-
SP12241 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain wetted metal cata- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. lyst classed as Division 4.2 material in bulk containers.
SP12325 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes tank cars containing hazardous materials to remain 16 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. standing with unloading connections attached, provided that a
minimum level of monitoring is maintained and that specially de-
signed hoses, capable of preventing a catastrophic uncontrolled
release of product, are utilized.
SP12358 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes shipments of lighters to be transported in commerce 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. from the U.S. to a facility in Canada, without marking the SP
number on shipping papers and packagings, or applying labels,
as required by the HMR.
SP12379 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes certain unloading attachments to remain attached to tank 1 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. cars when no unloading of phosphoric acid is being conducted.
SP12396 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of low production lithium 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. metal batteries packed with equipment containing certain non-
DOT specification cylinders filled with compressed nitrogen gas.
SP12412 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes discharge of liquid hazardous materials from certain UN 204 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) and DOT specification 57
portable tanks without removing them from the vehicle on which
they are transported.
SP12443 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes tank cars, containing certain hazardous materials to re- 35 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. main standing with unloading connections attached when no
product is being transferred, provided that a minimal level of mon-
itoring is maintained.
SP12622 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials from one facility to another as not subject to the shipping
paper and placarding requirements in part 172.
SP12661 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes the return shipment by motor vehicle of hazardous mate- 1 4
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials that have been accepted for transportation, transported, and
subsequently determined to be non-compliant with the HMR.
SP12744 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of electric storage batteries 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. together with materials of trade (MOTs) and a cesium-containing
apparatus in the same motor vehicle as not subject to the require-
ments of the HMR.
SP12753 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of dichlorosilane in certain 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. DOT specification seamless steel cylinders that have a water ca-
pacity exceeding 1000 pounds.
SP13002 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of compressed nitrogen gas 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. in accumulators that are an integral part of a launcher assembly.
SP13034 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.4 explo- 3 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. sives (cap type small arms primers) in non-DOT specification
packagings in company owned and operated vehicles between
manufacturing facilities without labels or markings.
SP13078 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.2 gases 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. in approximately 198 DOT Class 112 and 114 tank cars without
the use of head shields or thermal protection.
SP13102 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 6 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. fication packagings, described as actuators, charged with limited
quantities of various hazardous materials. The actuators are
transported separately or as part of a valve assembly.
SP13179 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of approved cigarette lighters 55 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. which have been removed from their inner packaging and are
being sent for disposal.
SP13181 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of high voltage ac- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. celerators for transportation in commerce of sulfur hexafluoride.
SP13187 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. fication packaging described as a radiation detection survey
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5400 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP13301 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials for a distance of approximately 400 feet, not subject to the
shipping paper, marking and labeling requirements in part 172.
SP13322 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce for disposal purposes of cer- 1 4
Rail/Shipper/Other. tain Class 1 waste hazardous materials in non-bulk packagings,
by private vehicle in a specially designed bomb-disposal trailer as
the outer packaging.
SP13350 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of spacecraft auxiliary power 3 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. units containing the residue of hydrazine, anhydrous.
SP13355 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of specially de- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. signed combination packagings for transportation in commerce of
certain hazardous materials without hazard labels or placards.
SP13426 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. fication containers (metal, single trip, inside containers, described
as hermetically sealed electron tube radiation sensors) for trans-
portation in commerce of Division 2.2 materials (argon, com-
SP13487 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-time, one-way transportation in commerce of certain 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. infectious materials in special packagings transported by a con-
tract carrier.
SP13546 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials along a public road of not more than 50 yards without ship-
ping papers, marking, labeling, and emergency response informa-
tion on the transport vehicle.
SP13577 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 2.2 material as 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. a limited quantity in certain non-DOT specification inside metal
containers conforming with all requirements applicable to a DOT
specification 2Q inner non-refillable metal receptacle, except as
SP13963 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a specially de- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. signed device containing Class 7 radioactive materials. The de-
vice is a reactor head package to be used to transport commer-
cial nuclear power plants reactor vessel heads with or without the
control rod drive mechanisms attached.
SP13976 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain UN Standard com- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. bination packages which contain limited quantities of a wood pre-
server containing methyl isothiocyanate, a Division 6.1, Packing
Group I, Hazard Zone B material, in utility vehicles that are not
SP14183 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. fication packagings described as hermetically sealed electron
tube radiation sensors for use in the transportation in commerce
of Division 2.2 and Division 2.1 materials.
SP14187 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a certain space satellite 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. assembly containing non-DOT specification pressure vessels
pressurized with compressed hydrogen, which is a component
part of a nickel-hydrogen battery.
SP14188 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-refillable, 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. non-DOT specification inside metal container conforming with all
regulations applicable to a DOT specification 2Q, except as speci-
fied, for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate-
SP14205 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. fication, non-refillable plastic aerosol container of not more than
30 fluid ounces containing a Division 2.2 material consisting of a
non-toxic propellant gas and a non-hazardous material.
SP14227 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. fication metal refueling tanks containing certain Class 3 liquids.
The Class 3 liquids will be discharged from the refueling tanks
without removing the refueling tanks from the vehicle on which
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5401
SP14274 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. cylinders as part of a portable emission measurement system that
releases a controlled amount of certain Division 2.1 and Division
2.2 materials during transportation under certain specified terms
and conditions.
SP14281 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain scrap airbag infla- 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. tors, seat belt pretensioners and/or airbag modules classed as Di-
vision 1.3C, subject to certain packaging and special provisions.
SP14282 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain detonators, deto- 36 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. nator assemblies, detonators for ammunition, detonating fuses
and igniting fuses on the same motor vehicle with any other Class
1 explosives when they are in separate and isolated (i.e. not adja-
cent) cargo-carrying compartments powered by the same tractor.
SP14283 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of non-DOT specification 5 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. bulk packages containing uranium mill tailings and debris with low
levels of radioactivity between specified processing facilities and a
specified DOE owned disposal facility. Alternative requirements
for hazard communication and packaging are authorized.
SP14287 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-time transportation, for source disposal purposes 3 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. only, of certain portable nuclear gauges.
SP14315 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. fication metal refueling tanks containing certain Class 3 liquids.
The Class 3 liquids will be discharged from the refueling tanks
without removing the refueling tanks from the vehicle on which
they are transported.
SP14329 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-time transportation, for source disposal purposes 2 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. only, of certain portable nuclear gauges.
SP14373 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain compressed gas 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. fueled and liquid-fueled cigarette lighters in checked baggage of
passenger aircraft when packaged in a rigid, vapor-tight non-DOT
specification solid plastic packaging that prevents any movement
of the lighter during transport.
SP14375 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1A ex- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. plosives in a solution of ethanol and water when transported in a
specially designed packaging configuration by motor vehicle.
SP14385 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of placarded railroad tank 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. cars containing hazardous materials that are transiting the Inter-
national Bridge from Mexico to Laredo, TX prior to the mandated
safety inspections.
SP14388 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain desensitized ex- 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. plosives in bulk by motor vehicle.
SP14395 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 6.1 liquid soil 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. fumigant in a non-DOT specification bulk packaging mounted on
a farm tractor or wagon.
SP14414 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce of certain haz- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. ardous materials (articles, explosive, n.o.s., 1.3L, UN0356, and
lithium batteries, 9, UN3090) for a certain launch vehicle.
SP14415 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain gas and liquid 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. fueled lighters in checked baggage of passenger aircraft when
packaged in a rigid, vapor-tight non-DOT specification solid plas-
tic box that will prevent any movement of the lighter during trans-
SP14422 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of 4 ounces or less of ethyl 2 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. chloride packaged in a DOT–2P or DOT–2Q container, as a con-
sumer commodity.
SP14424 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a DOT specification 4L 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. cylinder containing carbon dioxide, refrigerated liquid which may
be filled and discharged without removal from the motor vehicle.
SP14436 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of hazardous materials that 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. are toxic by inhalation by rail without meeting the requirements of
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5402 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP14768 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation of certain materials (infectious substances 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. and biological substances) in alternative packaging (freezers)
transported in motor vehicles.
SP14772 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of specified type B and/or 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. fissile quantities of radioactive materials in designated U.S. Nu-
clear Regulatory Commission (NRC) authorized packages, after
October 1, 2008, in order to allow a transition period to perform-
ance oriented package use.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5403
SP14789 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1B and 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. 1.4B detonator assemblies with any other Class 1 explosives in
the same motor vehicle provided they are packaged in separate
and isolated cargo-carrying compartments.
SP14801 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials as materials of trade when transported by a dedicated con-
tract carrier and they comply with all the provisions of § 173.6.
SP14814 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.2 com- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. pressed gases in non-DOT specification cylinders to support an
International Space Station project.
SP14823 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes the return shipment by motor vehicle of hazardous mate- 1 4
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials that have been accepted for transportation, transported, and
subsequently determined to be non-compliant with the HMR.
SP14848 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain DOT specification 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. cylinders as part of a portable emission measurement system,
that release a controlled amount of certain Division 2.1 and 2.2
materials without removing the cylinder from the vehicle on which
it is transported.
SP14865 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of liquefied petroleum gas in 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. a specially designed vault when transported by railroad in Alaska.
SP14909 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of cylinders of compressed 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. oxygen solely and specifically intended for human health care and
veterinary services only, when no other practical means of trans-
portation exist, without their outer packaging being capable of
passing the Flame Penetration and Resistance Test and the
Thermal Resistance Test.
SP14915 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of UN1992, flammable liquid, 3 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. n.o.s., PG III and UN1219, isopropanol, PG II across a public
road, from one part of a plant to another, as essentially not sub-
ject to parts 172 and 173.
SP14933 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 6.2 infec- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. tious substances and biological substances in special packagings
in a dedicated truck by highway.
SP14957 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of approximately 80,000 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. packages under the terms of § 173.4 with alternative marking to
deplete carton stock.
SP14967 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-time transportation in commerce of certain haz- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. ardous materials to a new site approximately 5 miles away as ex-
empt from certain requirements of the HMR provided alternative
packaging and operational controls are met as specified.
SP14969 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce of certain Category 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. A infectious substances in special packagings in a dedicated
truck by highway via pre-determined routes.
SP14974 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of lead batteries from more 1 4
Rail/Shipper/Other. than one shipper without voiding the exception in § 173.159(e).
SP15001 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of cylinders transported by 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. private or contract motor carrier with alternative marking and ship-
ping paper documentation.
SP15059 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of helium, Division 2.2 in 2 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. non-DOT specification packaging.
SP15071 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a cartridge, power device 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. and air, compressed, article, n.o.s. (cartridges, power device in-
stalled on equipment and non-flammable, compressed gas) and
helium, compressed in non-DOT specification cylinders.
SP15097 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce of certain unap- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. proved toy caps or fireworks for testing.
SP15130 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations at-
tached to or suspended from an aircraft, in remote areas of the
U.S. only, without being subject to hazard communication require-
ments, quantity limitations and certain loading and stowage re-
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP15131 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of DOT specification 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. 113A90W tank cars for transportation in commerce of certain
non-flammable cryogenic liquids.
SP15161 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of lead batteries from more 21 4
Rail/Shipper/Other. than one shipper without voiding the exception in § 173.159(e).
SP15166 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. rials by 14 CFR Part 133 Rotorcraft External Load Operations at-
tached to or suspended from an aircraft, in remote areas of the
U.S. only, without being subject to quantity limitations.
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5404 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP15198 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of residues of titanium tetra- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. chloride contained in disassembled process equipment in non-
DOT specification packaging across public roads of not more than
seven tenths of a mile, from one part of a plant to another, with-
out shipping papers, marking, labeling, and placarding.
SP15206 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of electric double layer ca- 3 5
Rail/Shipper/Other. pacitors with an energy storable capacity of not more than 10Wh,
and the capacitors installed in equipment, in certain packagings,
without being subject to the HMR.
SP15250 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes the Department of Energy to examine, class, and ap- 2 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. prove new explosives that are tested to a newer revision of the
Department of Defense Ammunition and Explosive Hazard Classi-
fication Procedures (TB 700–2) that has not been incorporated by
SP15257 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation of certain hazardous materials, a short 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. distance from one facility to another, in intermediate bulk con-
tainers (IBC) not otherwise authorized.
SP15279 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-time transportation in commerce of Division 6.2 ma- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. terials in special packaging transported by a contract carrier for
short distances by motor vehicle (less than 2 miles).
SP15351 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of packages of thermom- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. eters containing certain Division 2.1 material as excepted quan-
tities by aircraft.
SP15364 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce of Division 1.4G 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. fireworks in non-DOT specification fiberboard non-bulk outer
packagings whentransported by private motor carrier or contract
motor carrier.
SP15368 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of flammable liquid, n.o.s., 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. containing methanol in soil samples as ‘‘Dangerous Goods in Ex-
cepted Quantities’’ when transported and packaged in accord-
ance with § 173.4a and as specified.
SP15386 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes one-time, one-way transportation in commerce of five (5) 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. 5-gallon buckets containing wetted waste primers and three (3) 5-
gallon buckets containing wetted waste propellant by a contract
carrier for disposal without an EX approval.
SP15425 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a certain family of hydra- 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. zine compounds with primary hazard classes of Class 8 and Divi-
sion 6.1 on the same motor vehicle without regard to segregation
SP15446 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of organic peroxides with 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. hazard warning labels that were authorized prior to the HM–215I
(PHMSA–2006–25476) compliance date of January 1, 2011.
SP15448 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Class 1 materials 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. under an Interim Hazard Classification (IHC).
SP15452 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of oxygen in certain DOT 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. specification 39 cylinders that have their pressure relief devices
set to an alternative burst pressure range.
SP15471 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of spacecraft subsystem fuel 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. propellant tanks containing the residue of hydrazine, anhydrous
which does not meet the requirements of § 173.172.
SP15516 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain waste hazardous 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. materials between plants for less than one half mile by private
motor vehicle without shipping paper documentation.
SP15577 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.4S small 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. arms cartridges in non-DOT specification bulk packagings without
labels and markings for a distance not to exceed 200 yards by
motor vehicle on a public road, subject to certain limitations and
SP15580 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes movement of freight trains utilizing a ‘‘light locomotive 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. consist’’ of two helper locomotives attached to the rear end of a
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5405
SP15655 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain waste pyrotechnic 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. material that has not been approved under 49 CFR 173.56(b) by
motor vehicle.
SP15666 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes transportation in commerce of a specific product con- 1 2
Rail/Shipper/Other. taining a marine pollutant (alcohol C–12—C–16 poly (1–6)
ethoxylate), as not meeting the § 171.8 definition of a marine pol-
SP15689 ........... Operational Highway/ Authorizes discharge of a Division 2.1 material from an authorized 1 3
Rail/Shipper/Other. DOT specification cylinder without removing the cylinder from the
vehicle on which it is transported.
SP9672 ............. Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 4.2 and 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. Division 4.3 materials in an MC 330 or MC 331 cargo tank with a
filling/discharge opening that does not have a remote self-closing
internal valve.
SP9722 ............. Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of UN1H1 plastic 2 3
Specifications/IBCs. drums to be used for transportation in commerce of nitric acid
with not more than 40% nitric acid.
SP10048 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes use of a UN 1A2 drum with inside non-DOT specification 7 3
Specifications/IBCs. metal containers for transportation in commerce of certain haz-
ardous materials.
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5406 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP10501 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes repair and reuse of a certain UN13L2 flexible inter- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. mediate bulk container (IBC) for transportation in commerce of
certain solid hazardous materials.
SP10529 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain non-DOT 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. specification packagings. The prescribed packagings are metal,
single trip, inside containers, described as hermetically sealed
electron tube radiation sensors containing certain Division 2.1 and
2.2 gases.
SP10880 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes the transportation in commerce of ammonium nitrate-fuel 11 2
Specifications/IBCs. oil mixture (ANFO), Division 1.5, in reusable, flexible intermediate
bulk containers (IBCs) type UN 13H3 or UN 13H4 conforming to
subpart N and O of part 178.
SP10984 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of specially designed UN 2 2
Specifications/IBCs. 1A1 steel drums for the shipment of dichlorosilane, subject to cer-
tain limitations and requirements.
SP11077 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 6.1 mate- 3 3
Specifications/IBCs. rials, as well as nitric acid, in a limited number of UN1A1 and
DOT 42B drums which do not meet all requirements of
§§ 173.226 and 173.227.
SP11156 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of NA0331, UN1942 and 57 2
Specifications/IBCs. UN0331 in non-DOT specification multi-wall plastic-lined paper
SP11167 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fication double containment packaging for transportation in com-
merce of various hazardous materials.
SP11215 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. rials, contained in a solid fuel rocket. The SP covers launch oper-
ations and non-launch operations associated with vehicle deploy-
ment with or without a spacecraft.
SP11220 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes the refilling and reuse of certain packagings, containing 4 3
Specifications/IBCs. liquid hazardous materials authorized by § 172.101 and part 173
to be shipped in composite packagings with a steel outer pack-
aging, which have not been subjected to the leakproofness test in
accordance with § 173.28(b)(2).
SP11401 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain cesium devices in 10 2
Specifications/IBCs. alternative packaging with no hazard labels.
SP11443 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain organic peroxides, 2 2
Specifications/IBCs. Division 5.2, in UN 31A intermediate bulk containers (IBCs).
SP11606 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 4 2
Specifications/IBCs. fication steel drums and certain UN1A1 and UN1A2 steel drums
without the marking of the symbol of the manufacturer and the ini-
tials ‘‘USA’’ to be shipped without leakproofness testing.
SP11624 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce by motor vehicle, rail freight 114 2
Specifications/IBCs. and cargo vessel of certain waste paints and paint related mate-
rials, Class 3, in metal or plastic pails, packed in cubic yard
boxes, dump trailers, and roll-off containers.
SP11647 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 2 3
Specifications/IBCs. fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3AA cylinder, without billets being inspected
after parting as specified, for transportation in commerce of cer-
tain hazardous materials.
SP11670 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. rials in a non-DOT specification cylinder used for oil well sampling.
SP11753 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce by motor vehicle of certain 2 2
Specifications/IBCs. UN1H1 drums containing ammonia solutions placed within tem-
perature-controlled vehicles.
SP11779 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of gasoline in non-bulk poly- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. ethylene jerricans, to remote areas in support of log-cutting oper-
ations. The jerricans are loaded on external cargo racks of heli-
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP11883 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fication volumetric meter provers, manufactured from steel, have
capacities ranging from 100 gallons to 1,500 gallons, and mount-
ed on motor vehicles for transportation in commerce of certain
Class 3 materials.
SP11892 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain DOT 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. specification 51 steel portable tanks manufactured in accordance
with Section VIII, Division 2 of the ASME Code instead of Division
1. The portable tanks, mounted in ISO frames, are authorized for
transportation in commerce of Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials.
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5407
SP11924 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of UN13H3 or 2 2
Specifications/IBCs. UN13H4 flexible intermediate bulk containers (IBCs), UN11HG2W
Composite IBCs, and UN6HH1 composite packagings for use as
the outer packaging for lab pack applications.
SP11932 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes motor vehicle transportation in commerce of oxygen gen- 3 2
Specifications/IBCs. erators in non-DOT specification packaging when installed in de-
ployment modules and personal service units.
SP11947 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of multiple non-DOT 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. specification containers, manifolded together within a frame and
securely mounted on a truck chassis, for transportation in com-
merce of certain hazardous materials.
SP11953 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. fication cylinder conforming to a DOT specification 4BW, except
for the maximum water capacity.
SP12162 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fication cylinders containing Division 2.2 materials for use by the
U.S. Department of Defense.
SP12195 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of metal inter- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. mediate bulk containers meeting UN design Type 31A as pre-
scribed in part 178, except for minimum thickness requirements,
for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP12268 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of the residue of certain 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. Class 8 materials in non-DOT specification stainless steel tanks
with capacities of 30, 75, or 105 gallons.
SP12338 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. fication cylinders described as high pressure purifiers containing a
Division 4.2 material.
SP12340 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes use of certain UN3H1 jerricans, containing ammonia so- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. lutions, which exceed the vapor pressure requirements.
SP12402 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 2 3
Specifications/IBCs. fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 3BN cylinder except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP12440 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-DOT speci- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fication cylinder conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT–3AL specification cylinder, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP12475 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce certain hazardous materials 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. in certain UN1A1 drums and the reuse of those UN1A1 drums
without leakproofness testing.
SP12481 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fication packagings, described as actuators, charged with limited
quantities of various hazardous materials.
SP12609 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation of a caustic alkali liquid (decontamination 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. solution) in packages filled prior to October 1, 1991 meeting the
HMR in effect on September 30, 1991.
SP12633 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of gasoline in a non-DOT 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. specification, non-bulk packaging (drum) mounted in a heli-torch
SP12675 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes use of non-specification, reusable high-strength plastic or 1 4
Specifications/IBCs. metal containers or other dedicated handling devices, for return
transportation of airbag modules and seat-belt pretensioners from
the assembly plant to the manufacturer.
SP12688 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of nitric acid in drums that 3 2
Specifications/IBCs. do not meet the minimum thickness requirements.
SP12705 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of nitric acid in drums that 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. do not meet the minimum thickness requirements.
SP12748 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain Division 1.1B, 2 2
Specifications/IBCs. 1.1D, and 1.4D materials in non-DOT specification packaging for
neutron radiography.
SP12750 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of certain UN13H4 1 2
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Specifications/IBCs. woven plastic, coated and with liner flexible intermediate bulk
containers (IBCs) for use as the outer packaging for lab pack ap-
plications in accordance with § 173.12(b)(2)(i).
SP12817 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes the reuse of specification UN 1H1 non-removable head 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. plastic drums for the transportation of certain Class 8 materials to
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) licensed treatment, stor-
age or disposal facilities.
SP12997 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes the transportation in commerce of a corrosive liquid, 2 5
Specifications/IBCs. basic, inorganic, n.o.s. in a vented intermediate bulk container
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5408 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
SP12998 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of lab packs containing ma- 30 2
Specifications/IBCs. terials that are not waste materials.
SP13027 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of multiple non-UN 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. Standard containers conforming with all regulations applicable to
a UN31A intermediate bulk container, except as provided. The
containers are manifolded together within a frame and securely
mounted on a truck chassis.
SP13052 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, mark, sale and use of UN11G intermediate 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. bulk containers (IBCs) for transportation in commerce of waste
paint and related materials.
SP13057 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of steel tubing which has an 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. inner core containing certain hazardous materials. The steel tub-
ing is exempted from the packaging, marking, labeling and
placarding requirements of the HMR.
SP13083 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes the transportation in commerce of a self-heating solid 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. material in UN13H2 or UN13H3 intermediate bulk containers
SP13161 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of small quantities of certain 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. hazardous materials in inner packages without cushioning or ab-
sorbent material around the inner packages, as not subject to the
HMR when transported by highway and packaged in accordance
with § 173.4 or transported by cargo aircraft and packaged in ac-
cordance with § 173.4a as specified.
SP13211 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain nitroglycerin solu- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. tions in alcohol in UN4GV certified combination packages.
SP13275 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of a Division 2.1 material in 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. certain DOT specification 2Q non-refillable containers.
SP13282 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of a DOT specification 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. UN1A1 steel drum or a UN1H1 plastic drum with a capacity of 55
U.S. gallons containing hypochlorite solutions, which exceed the
quantity limitations when shipped by air.
SP13306 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain organic peroxide, 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. type F, liquid in specially designed UN4G combination packages
that contain inner packagings having closures that are not in the
upright position.
SP13321 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain infectious sub- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. stances in specially designed, reusable textile bags.
SP13481 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of not more than 25 grams 13 2
Specifications/IBCs. of liquid explosive substances that have an energy density not
greater than pure nitroglycerin, classed as Division 1.4E when
packed in a special shipping container.
SP13552 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes the transportation in commerce of phosphorus, white dry 11 2
Specifications/IBCs. or phosphorus, white, under water or phosphorus white, in solu-
tion, or phosphorus, yellow dry or phosphorus, yellow, under
water or phosphorus, yellow, in solution in alternate packaging.
SP13756 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of water-tight seamed steel 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. tubing containing certain hazardous materials and exempts those
steel-clad hazardous materials from the packaging, marking, la-
beling, and placarding requirements of the HMR.
SP14152 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain dry metal catalyst 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. in UN4G combination packages or UN4D wooden boxes with
stainless steel inner receptacles.
SP14155 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes the one-way transportation in commerce of Division 1.4G 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fireworks in non-DOT specification fiberboard or plastic non-bulk
outer packagings when transported by private motor carrier.
SP14189 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of the residue of certain 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. paint and resin solutions for the purpose of cleaning in non-DOT
specification bulk and non-bulk packagings.
SP14204 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of bromine in a 10 gallon UN 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. 1N1 Monel drum that does not have a cap seal and is not over-
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5409
SP14314 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes domestic transportation in commerce of certain Class 9 3 4
Specifications/IBCs. seat belt pretensioners as not subject to the HMR when trans-
ported by motor vehicle or rail freight.
SP14376 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce by motor vehicle of 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. waste lighters containing a Division 2.1 flammable gas, not meet-
ing the definition of a lighter in § 171.8, for disposal only.
SP14418 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of water-reactive solids, 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. powder in special packaging without being labeled or marked with
the proper shipping name.
SP14427 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. fication, non-refillable plastic aerosol containers filled with a Divi-
sion 2.2 propellant gas and a non-hazardous material.
SP14441 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes the one-way transportation in commerce of Division 1.4G 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fireworks in non-DOT specification fiberboard non-bulk outer
packagings when transported by private motor carrier.
SP14475 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain packagings con- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. taining a consumer commodity, ORM–D, with closures that are
not oriented in the upward direction.
SP14485 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fication cylinders described as radiation detector chambers for
transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1 and 2.2 gases.
SP14488 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce of an influenza vac- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. cine in a custom stainless steel batch reactor at a constant pres-
sure of 1–5 psig by use of a cylinder feeding air into the reactor.
SP14493 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of non-DOT specification 4 2
Specifications/IBCs. containers (heat pipes) containing anhydrous ammonia for use in
specialty cooling applications such as satellites and military air-
SP14506 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of a methanol mixture as a 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. small quantity under the provisions of § 173.4 when the amount of
hazardous material in each inner receptacle exceeds 30 ml.
SP14513 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of lab packs of hazardous 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. waste materials with different hazard classes in the same outer
SP14523 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain infectious sub- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. stances in special packagings (freezers).
SP14524 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of a DOT specification 3AL 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. cylinder containing 90% oxygen and 10% nitrogen as consumer
commodity when the capacity does not exceed 5.2 ounces trans-
ported by motor vehicle.
SP14556 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes the transportation in commerce of certain PG III solid 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. hazardous materials in non-DOT specification bulk flexible pack-
SP14603 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a non-refillable, 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. non-DOT specification inside metal container conforming with all
regulations applicable to a DOT specification 2Q, except as speci-
fied, for transportation in commerce of certain hazardous mate-
SP14635 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of nitric acid, other than red 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. fuming, with more than 70% nitric acid in alternative packaging
when transported by motor vehicle.
SP14656 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. fication combination packaging for transportation in commerce of
certain hazardous materials.
SP14659 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of calcium carbide in water- 6 2
Specifications/IBCs. tight, sift-proof, closed top, metal, non-DOT specification cargo
tanks, portable tanks and bulk bins suitable for liquids.
SP14677 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of celluloid sheet in a non- 2 2
Specifications/IBCs. DOT specification regular slotted box, style RSC/0201 as de-
scribed in ASTM International Standard D5119.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
SP14690 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fication high voltage accelerators for transportation in commerce
of sulfur hexafluoride.
SP14694 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain unapproved equip- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. ment contaminated with explosives in non-DOT specification
SP14712 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale, and use UN11G fiberboard 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. and UN13H4 woven plastic, coated and with liner flexible inter-
mediate bulk containers (IBCs) for use as the outer packaging for
certain Class 3 waste paints.
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SP14741 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fication high voltage accelerators for transportation in commerce
of sulfur hexafluoride.
SP14754 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of approximately 72,000 1- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. gallon polyethylene bottles that are transported under the provi-
sions of SP 6614 except they have not been marked with the
name or symbol of the bottle producer.
SP14777 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce of Class 9 haz- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. ardous waste in alternative packaging for approximately 8 miles
by motor vehicle.
SP14838 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes the transportation of Class 1 explosives in a specially 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. designed outer packaging as Division 1.3C or 1.4C for materials
and devices respectively without being first examined as required
by § 173.56 for transportation by company owned motor vehicle
or private carriage between plants.
SP14843 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of a manufactured article (ro- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. tating electrical connector) containing gallium in alternative pack-
aging, and without shipping papers unless transported by air.
SP14849 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. fication fiberboard boxes for transportation in commerce of certain
batteries without shipping papers, marking of the proper shipping
name and identification number or labeling, when transported for
recycling or disposal.
SP14867 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fication hoop-wrapped fiber reinforced welded steel lined tubes
with water capacities of up to 2525 gallons (9560L), enclosed and
secured within an ISO freight container for transportation in com-
merce of certain Division 2.1 and 2.2 gases.
SP14871 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of lighters containing flam- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. mable gas in non-UN Standard specification packagings that are
capable of meeting UN performance standards at the PG II per-
formance level and are overpacked.
SP14912 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. fication containers conforming to all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification 2Q container, except as specified, for transpor-
tation in commerce of certain hazardous materials.
SP14935 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes one-time, one-way transportation in commerce of 250 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. gallon and 500 gallon capacity DOT specification 57 portable
tanks or UN31A intermediate bulk containers with visible indica-
tions of damage or wears containing the residue of a Class 3
hazardous material for cleaning.
SP14940 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. fication cans conforming with all regulations applicable to a DOT
specification 2P or 2Q inner metal receptacle except for wall
thickness, for transportation in commerce of certain Division 2.1
and 2.2 aerosols.
SP14947 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of used dry batteries with 2 2
Specifications/IBCs. voltages not exceeding 9 volts mixed with restricted amounts of
lithium batteries and wet, non-spillable batteries for recycling with-
out the effective insulation of exposed terminals when packaged
in plastic drums in dedicated county vehicles.
SP14973 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of anhydrous ammonia in 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. non-DOT specification packaging (heat pipes). The heat pipes are
fabricated from aluminum alloy welded tubing and do not include
valves or pressure relief.
SP14978 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of pyrophoric liquids in inner 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. metal containers (bubblers) with openings greater than 25mm (1
inch) which are engineered to specific electronics applications
that require a larger opening.
SP14992 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of Division 6.2 infectious 1 3
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SP15088 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of a DOT specifica- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. tion 4G combination packaging for transportation in commerce of
certain materials toxic by inhalation, Hazard Zone A and B, by
motor vehicle.
SP15136 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. fication fully-wrapped carbon fiber composite cylinder with a
seamless aluminum liner that meets all requirements of ISO
11119 Part 2, except as specified, for transportation in commerce
of certain Division 2.1 and 2.2 gases.
SP15141 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-refillable, 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. non-DOT specification cylinder containing boron trifluoride, for
transportation in commerce. The cylinders are described as elec-
tron tubes that are part of radiation detectors.
SP15146 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain refrigerant gases 9 3
Specifications/IBCs. in non-DOT specification, non-refillable, inside metal containers
conforming in part with DOT specification 2Q.
SP15156 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of non-DOT speci- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. fication packaging described as a radiation detection survey
meter containing a plastic ionization chamber for transportation in
commerce of certain Division 2.2 materials.
SP15191 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes use of UN1H1 drums as single package for certain toxic 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. by inhalation materials transported by a private motor carrier.
SP15235 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, mark, sale and use of UN 11G fiberboard 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) for use as the outer pack-
aging for certain Class 3 waste paints and waste paint related
SP15260 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use, in underwater appli- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. cations, of non-DOT specification composite cylinders, conforming
to all requirements of the DOT–CFFC (fully wrapped carbon-fiber
reinforced aluminum liner) cylinder, for transportation in com-
merce of certain hazardous materials.
SP15283 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of Class 3, PG II polyester 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. resin in UN31A intermediate bulk containers and Division 5.2, or-
ganic peroxide, type D, catalyst in a UN3H1/Y jerrican or drum.
The packagings are used as part of a concrete mixing/application
SP15335 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes the manufacture, mark, sale and use of a non-DOT 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. specification box conforming with all regulations applicable to a
DOT specification UN 4G fiberboard box, for the transportation in
commerce of nitric acid other than red fuming, with at least 65%,
but no more than 70% nitric acid.
SP15441 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes bulk transportation in commerce of certain desensitized 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. explosives classed as Class 3, by motor vehicle.
SP15519 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes relief from the requirement to replace the rigid plastic 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. inner receptacle in intermediate bulk containers (IBCs) used to
transport UN2031 with more than 55% nitric acid every 2 years.
SP15540 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of certain non-DOT speci- 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. fication bulk packages containing Class 3 material by cargo air-
craft where no other means of transportation is practicable.
SP15568 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes one-way transportation in commerce of certain desen- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. sitized explosive solids (UN3380) in sift-proof closed bulk bins for
a distance of not more than fifteen miles.
SP15615 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes transportation in commerce of UN0336 fireworks in 3 2
Specifications/IBCs. UN4G packaging with a capacity greater than 450 liters.
SP15617 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes one-way, one-time transportation in commerce of alter- 1 2
Specifications/IBCs. nate packaging for waste phosgene in glass breakseal bulbs. The
segregation requirements are waive for the transportation of this
Division 2.3 material to a disposal facility.
SP15623 ........... Non-Bulk Packaging Authorizes manufacture, marking, sale and use of multiple non-DOT 1 3
Specifications/IBCs. specification containers, manifolded together within a frame and
securely mounted on a truck chassis, for transportation in com-
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
F. Request for Comments SP holders (both those deemed suitable this rulemaking, commenters include
and those deemed not suitable for the SP Number and Topic area in the
PHMSA welcomes comments adoption) reviewed for this rulemaking. comment title and document name (e.g.
concerning the proposed amendments Due to the large scope of this SP12345/Cylinder—General).
in this rulemaking. Specifically, rulemaking, PHMSA asks that when For holders of SPs deemed suitable
PHMSA is interested in comments from submitting comments to the Docket for for adoption, PHMSA requests comment
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5412 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
on our determination. PHMSA is identification number and proper Labeling and Marking of Compressed
particularly interested in comments that shipping name, and bear labels Gas Containers, Appendix A, 8th
confirm or refute the suitability, safety, communicating the hazard of the Edition (2004) provides useful
and general applicability of the SPs. material contained in the package. information in a clear and consistent
PHMSA is also soliciting comments on DOT–SP 13544 authorizes the manner and its widespread use on
the regulatory text proposed in this transportation in commerce of cylinders over the course of several
rulemaking. Specifically, PHMSA is Department of Transportation (DOT) years has enhanced its recognition. The
interested in comments that address Specification 4BA240 cylinders adoption of DOT–SP 14251 and CGA’s
whether the proposed regulatory text containing liquefied petroleum gas proposed change would provide greater
accurately encompasses the (LPG) and propane and/or residue of flexibility for shipments of overpacked
requirements of the SP. LPG or propane without hazard cylinders while ensuring adequate
For holders of SPs deemed not warnings provided the materials are hazard communication. Therefore,
suitable for adoption, PHMSA requests transported in a closed and placarded PHMSA is proposing to revise this
comment on our determination. PHMSA transport vehicle. This SP supports the section to authorize the transportation
is particularly interested in comments propane cylinder exchange programs in commerce of overpacked cylinders,
that confirm or refute the suitability, that accept expended cylinders in containing Class 2 materials, with CGA
safety, and general applicability of the exchange for full cylinders. Cylinders C–7 neckring labels and to allow these
SPs. Please note that if you are a holder collected during the course of these cylinders to display the neckring
of a SP that was not proposed to be programs may not always bear the marking even when overpacked
adopted but believe it should be, appropriate hazard warning markings provided the overpacks are properly
PHMSA asks that you submit material to and labels as required by the HMR. labeled.
support such an argument. Specifically, DOT–SP 13544 imposes certain
PHMSA requests: operational controls to ensure Part 173
• Information and arguments that appropriate hazard communication, Section 173.181
support the proposed adoption driver training, and appropriate
including technical and scientific data; securement of the cylinder on the Section 173.181 specifies the
• The impact of the proposed transport vehicle. PHMSA proposes to authorized packagings for the shipment
adoption including cost and benefits; add a special provision, ‘‘N95’’ to allow of pyrophoric materials (liquids) in
• The frequency of shipments made non-bulk packagings containing transportation. DOT–SP 14419
under the SP; UN1075, Liquefied petroleum gas and authorizes the additional use of DOT
• The frequency of hazardous UN1978, Propane not to be marked with specification 3AL cylinders constructed
materials incidents (such as those the UN number and proper shipping from aluminum alloy 6061–T6 for the
described in 171.15 and 171.16) name or bear hazard labels provided shipment of pyrophoric liquids
occurring during shipments made under certain restrictions are met. provided the cylinders are constructed
the SP; and Section 172.400a of 6061–T6 aluminum, have a minimum
• Proposed regulatory text. marked service pressure of 1800 psig,
The HMR provide exceptions or have a maximum water capacity of 49
PHMSA asks that when submitting
alternatives to the labeling requirements liters, and any preheating or heating of
comments to the docket for this
under specific circumstances. One such the cylinders is limited to a maximum
rulemaking for SPs deemed not suitable,
alternative permits the use of a neckring
the SP Number, Topic area and the temperature of 175 °F. PHMSA proposes
marking, under certain conditions, in
letters ‘‘NS’’ indicating ‘‘Not suitable’’ to revise this section to allow for the use
accordance with the CGA publication
are reflected in the comment title and of DOT specification 3AL cylinders
C–7, Guide to Preparation of
document name (e.g. SP12345/ constructed from aluminum alloy 6061–
Precautionary Labeling and Marking of
Cylinder—Retest/NS). T6, with the same specified limitations
Compressed Gas Containers, Appendix
Finally, PHMSA requests comment as for the shipment of pyrophoric
A, 8th Edition (2004). Section 172.400a
it considers a future proposed materials.
permits the use a CGA Pamphlet C–7
requirement for a SP applicant to marking in lieu of the 100 mm x 100
provide potential regulatory text as part Section 173.193
mm square-on-point labels on a Dewar
of each SP application. Specifically, flask meeting the requirements in Section 173.193(b) states that
PHMSA requests comment on the § 173.320 and cylinders containing ‘‘Bromoacetone, methyl bromide,
impact this practice would have, such Division 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 materials that chloropicrin and methyl bromide
as benefits or drawbacks. are not overpacked. mixtures, chloropicrin and methyl
IV. Section-by-Section Review by Topic DOT–SP 14251 authorizes the chloride mixtures, and chloropicrin
Area transportation in commerce of mixtures charged with non-flammable,
overpacked cylinders, containing Class non-liquefied compressed gas must be
A. Cylinders—General 2 materials, with CGA C–7 neckring packed in Specification 3A, 3AA, 3B,
Part 172 labels provided the overpack is labeled 3C, 3E, 4A, 4B, 4BA, 4BW, or 4C
in accordance with § 172.400. cylinders having not over 113 kg (250
172.102 Special Provisions Additionally, the CGA petitioned pounds) water capacity (nominal).’’
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
Section 172.102 lists special PHMSA (P–1521) to allow cylinders to DOT–SP 12301 authorizes the
provisions applicable to the display the neckring marking even transportation in commerce of
transportation of specific hazardous when overpacked. The petition would Chloropicrin and methyl bromide
materials. Special provisions contain still require the overpack to display the mixtures in DOT4BW cylinders with
packaging requirements, prohibitions, 100 mm x 100 mm square-on-point water capacity (nominal) not over 454
and exceptions applicable to particular labels in accordance with 49 CFR part kg (1,000 pounds). PHMSA proposes to
quantities or forms of hazardous 172, subpart E. The marking prescribed revise § 173.193(b) to allow for a water
materials. Non-bulk packagings must be in Appendix A to CGA publication C– capacity of not over 454 kg (1,000
marked with the United Nations (UN) 7, Guide to Preparation of Precautionary pounds) for chloropicrin and methyl
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5413
bromide mixtures packed in DOT containing these gasses to be shipped Section 173.304a
specification 4BW cylinders. without a pressure relief device In § 173.304a(a)(2), a table provides
provided they are under the provided the maximum filling densities and
Section 173.301
maximum weight limits. permissible cylinder types for certain
This section outlines the general
Finally, PHMSA also proposes to named gases. Currently, § 173.304a(a)(2)
requirements for the use of cylinders
authorize the use of valve protection permits a maximum filling density of
including a list of authorized cylinders,
caps that are made from a material other 68% for carbon dioxide and nitrous
general filling requirements, valve
than metal. Compressed gas cylinders oxide in DOT 3, DOT 3HT2000 and
protection, and pressure relief device
must meet certain valve protection DOT 39 cylinders as well as DOT 3A,
requirements. In this NPRM, PHMSA
requirements outlined in §§ 173.40(d) 3AX, 3AA, 3AAX, 3E, 3T, and 3AL
proposes revisions that would amend
and 173.301(h). Each cylinder with a cylinders with a marked service
the pressure relief device requirements
valve must have a protective metal cap, pressure of 1800 psi. PHMSA proposes
and permit the use of valve caps made
other valve protection device, or an to modify the entries currently in the
from a material other than metal.
PHMSA proposes to authorize the overpack which is sufficient to protect table in § 173.304a(a)(2) to add
transportation in commerce of DOT the valve from damage during additional filling densities for carbon
specification 39 cylinders without a transportation. For Division 2.3 or 6.1 dioxide and nitrous oxide.
Hazard Zone A or B materials, the valve DOT–SP 13599 authorizes additional
pressure relief device valve being in
protection must be of sufficient strength maximum filling densities for carbon
communication with the vapor space.
to protect the valve from breakage and dioxide and nitrous oxide to include
With limited exceptions, § 173.301(f)
leakage resulting from a drop of 2.0 m 70.3%, 73.2%, and 74.5% in DOT 3A,
requires a cylinder filled with a
3AA, 3AX, 3AAX, 3AL, and 3T
compressed gas to be fitted with a (7 ft) or more onto a non-yielding
cylinders with marked service pressures
pressure relief device. Section surface at the orientation most likely to
of 2000, 2265, and 2400, psig
173.301(f)(2) states that ‘‘a pressure cause damage. DOT–SP 12782
respectively, subject to operational
relief device, when installed, must be in authorizes plastic valve protection caps
controls. Air Products and Chemicals
communication with the vapor space of for certain Division 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3
Inc. (Air Products) submitted a petition
a cylinder containing a Division 2.1 materials when the valve protection is
for rulemaking (P–1560) requesting
(flammable gas) material.’’ DOT–SP sufficient to prevent leakage when the PHMSA revise § 173.304a(a)(2) to adopt
13318 authorizes the transportation in cylinder, with the valve installed, is the provisions of DOT–SP 13599. Air
commerce of DOT specification 39 dropped from 2.0 m (7 ft) or more onto Products stated in its petition that the
cylinders of 75 cubic inches or less a non-yielding floor, impacting the
volume, without the PRD in direct proposed increase in the maximum
valve assembly or cap at the orientation permitted filling densities would yield
communication with the vapor space. most likely to cause damage. In this
PHMSA proposes to amend paragraph various benefits including increased
NPRM, PHMSA proposes to amend harmonization of compressed gas filling
(f)(2) to state that this provision does not §§ 173.40(d) and 173.301(h) to allow for
apply to cylinders of 75 cubic inches or requirements with the UN Model
the valve protection, including the valve Regulations, benefits to the carbonated
less in volume filled with a liquefied cap, to be made from plastic. PHMSA is
petroleum gas, methyl acetylene and beverage industry, decreased fuel costs
not proposing any changes to associated with the transportation and
propadiene mixtures, stabilized, § 173.301b(c) because ISO 11117
propylene, propane or butane. This SP delivery of carbon dioxide and nitrous
permits valve caps made of materials oxide, and reduced administrative costs
was originally issued in 2003 other than metal.
subsequent to the publication of HM– through the elimination of DOT–SP
220D [67 FR 51625; August 8, 2002] Section 173.302a 13599. PHMSA has a high degree of
which instituted the requirement that confidence that the increased filling
the PRD be in communication with the Sections 173.302, 173.302a, 173.304 densities for these gases will not
vapor space, and continues to allow a and 173.304a prescribe additional adversely impact safety. While
shipping practice that prior to 2003 has requirements for the transport of non- determining if DOT–SP 13599 was
been successfully used with an liquefied (permanent) and liquefied suitable for inclusion in this
acceptable safety record. compressed gases in DOT specification rulemaking, PHMSA’s technical
PHMSA proposes to create an cylinders. These requirements include evaluators confirmed that if the table in
additional exception to pressure relief authorized cylinders and filling limits. § 173.304a is revised to clearly link the
device requirements for DOT–3E Section 173.302a(b) states that a DOT maximum permitted filling density with
cylinders under certain limited 3A, 3AX, 3AA, 3AAX, and 3T cylinder the specific gas and the specific
circumstances. DOT–SP 8074 provides may be filled with a compressed gas, packaging, then the operational controls
an exception from the pressure relief other than a liquefied, dissolved, of DOT–SP 13599 would be met.
device requirements for a DOT Division 2.1, or Division 2.3 gas, to a Therefore, PHMSA proposes to modify
specification 3E cylinder up to 12 pressure 10% in excess of its marked the entries currently in the table in
inches long and 2 inches in diameter service pressure, subject to certain § 173.304a(a)(2) for carbon dioxide and
when filled with the following gases up safety criteria. DOT–SP 6530 authorizes nitrous oxide to include the maximum
to the specified limits: Carbon dioxide, the transport in commerce of hydrogen filling densities listed in P–1560 and
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
liquefied 0.24L (8 oz.), Ethane 0.12L and mixtures of hydrogen with helium, DOT–SP 13599.
(4oz.), Ethylene (4 oz.), Hydrogen argon, or nitrogen, in certain cylinders Part 180, Subpart C
chloride, anhydrous 0.24L (8 oz.), filled to 110% of their marked service
Nitrous oxide 0.24L (8 oz.), Vinyl pressure. PHMSA proposes to add a Qualification, Maintenance and Use of
fluoride, stabilized 0.24L (8 oz.) and new paragraph (c) to include this Cylinders
Monochlorotrifluoromethane 0.35L (12 exception and to remark the other The HMR prescribe requirements for
oz.). PHMSA proposes to add a new paragraphs in this section to reflect this the continuing qualification,
paragraph § 173.301(f)(7) to authorize addition. This SP was originally issued maintenance, and periodic
DOT 3E cylinders of this size and over 40 years ago. requalification of DOT specification
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5414 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
cylinders, DOT SP cylinders, and UN specification. The markings must be shipments of limited quantities of
pressure receptacles. These made by stamping, engraving, scribing compressed gas. In this NPRM, we are
requirements ensure that cylinders or other method that produces a legible, making several proposed changes to this
continue to conform to the appropriate durable mark.’’ DOT–SP 14937 allows section. The proposed changes are
specification and compromised the use of a label embedded in epoxy in discussed as follows:
cylinders are not filled with hazardous lieu of other methods described in Conforming revisions. Throughout
materials. The discussion of the § 180.213. PHMSA proposes to amend this section of the HMR and within
proposed amendments includes a paragraph (c) to allow the use of a label related SPs that provide exemptions
section-by-section review of the current embedded in epoxy in lieu of stamping from these regulations for gases,
requirements, and a discussion of SPs provided the marking is legible and pressure standards are indicated at
considered for adoption and proposed durable. This SP was originally issued either 130 °F or 131 °F. In the interest of
amendments. in 2008 and has an acceptable safety consistency and conformity with the
record. general requirements for compressed
Part 180 gases in §§ 173.301 and 173.301a, we
B. Cylinders—NDT/Aerosols are proposing to change all references of
Section 180.209
Part 173 54.4 °C (130 °F) to 55 °C (131 °F). We
Each DOT specification cylinder must
invite comment on whether there are
be given a complete external and Section 173.304
any potential negatives in making this
internal visual inspection and subjected Section 173.304 specifies the conforming change. We are also making
to a hydrostatic pressure test. This requirements for the filling of cylinders revisions to the construction and
combination of a visual examination with liquefied compressed gases. formatting of how this section is
and hydrostatic test is referred to as Paragraph (d) of this section provides presented (e.g., insertion of an ‘‘if, then’’
requalification. The time period for for authorized packagings for the filling table) in an effort to make the
periodic requalification is typically 5 of cylinders with refrigerant and requirements more reader-friendly.
years, but this period varies depending dispersant gases. The current
on the cylinder specification and the gas regulations authorize these materials in Authorized Metal Containers
service. The requalification period for a 2Q non-refillable container. DOT–SP DOT 2P inner nonrefillable metal
various DOT specification cylinders is 12573 authorizes a refrigerant gas (‘‘R containers. Under § 173.306, limited
shown in the § 180.209 table. 134a,’’ UN3159) in a non-DOT quantities of foodstuffs or soaps with
Paragraph (e) authorizes a proof specification container similar to a 2Q soluble or emulsified compressed gas
pressure test in lieu of the volumetric container at a maximum allowable are authorized in nonrefillable metal or
expansion test for 4B, 4BA, 4BW, or 4E pressure requirement for the contents of plastic containers. Paragraph (b)(1)
cylinders protected with a corrosion 198 psig at 54.4 °C (130 °F). introductory text authorizes these
resistant coating used exclusively for Based on our review of the permit and containers subject to a pressure
the gases specified in that paragraph. no discovery of compliance violations requirement not to exceed 140 psig at
DOT–SP 12084 expands on the list in or incidents associated with the 54.4 °C (130 °F). SPs 13601 and 14503
paragraph (e) to include additional transport history of the permit, we are authorize the transportation of
gases. These gases are refrigerated gases proposing to adopt the container found ‘‘UN1950, Aerosols, non-flammable
and liquefied gases similar to those in DOT–SP 12573 as an authorized (each not exceeding 1 L capacity), 2.2,’’
already permitted by § 180.209(e). This container. However, we are differing and 7951 authorizes the transportation
SP was originally granted in 1998 and marginally from the permit in that we of ‘‘UN1956, Compressed gas, n.o.s.,
has been revised several times to are adopting a maximum pressure 2.2,’’ in containers that conform to DOT
expand the list of gases authorized by threshold of 200 psig at 55 °C (131 °F) 2P or 2Q specifications except for some
the SP. Since 1998, thousands of for the contents. There is no safety basis minimal modifications. The containers
cylinders have been requalified in the for the 200 psig ceiling other than we must have maximum pressures for the
manner described by this SP without believe it is a cleaner cutoff point than contents of 160 psig at 54.4 °C (130 °F)
safety incident. In this NPRM, PHMSA the 198 psig maximum found in the SP. and 150 psig at 23.9 °C (75 °F),
proposes to adopt the provisions in In addition, as part of the variation on respectively. DOT–SP 7951 states that
DOT–SP 12084 by removing the list of the design of a DOT 2Q container, the the containers must be transported in
authorized gases and authorizing the modified container will be marked as the refrigerated state. PHMSA is seeking
use of the proof pressure test for DOT– ‘‘DOT 2Q1.’’ comments on whether refrigeration
4B, 4BA, 4BW, or 4E cylinders protected Finally, the current regulations should be a condition of the transport of
externally by a suitable corrosion require that the pressure of the contents these materials. As part of the variation
resistant coating and used exclusively of the metal containers not exceed 87 on the specification of these containers,
for non-corrosive gases. The authorized psig at 21 °C (70 °F). We invite comment the modified container will be marked
specifications limit the total pressure in on whether the requirement for a as ‘‘DOT 2P1’’ under the provisions of
the cylinder to 500 psi or less. It should maximum pressure should be specified new § 178.33c discussed separately in
be noted that because this SP does not at 21 °C (70 °F) for the 2Q1 container in this rulemaking.
include a 4E cylinder, PHMSA addition to the limit at 55 °C (131 °F). We are also proposing to include DOT
specifically requests comments on the If so, we invite comment on what 2P1 as an authorized metal aerosol
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
feasibility of its inclusion. should the limit be for typical container under § 173.306(a)(3)(iii). We
refrigerant or dispersant gas such as see no reason to limit this container to
Section 180.213 foodstuffs or soaps under paragraph
1,1,1,2 Tetrafluoroethane, R134a. See
Cylinders requalified in accordance the associated discussions for (b)(1) because the pressure limit for the
with the HMR must bear requalification §§ 173.306 and 178.33d. contents is the same as the current
markings in accordance with § 180.213. requirement for a DOT 2P container,
As provided in § 180.213(c), ‘‘The depth Section 173.306 and the safety factor of the minimum
of requalification markings may not be Section 173.306 provides general burst pressure under the SP is greater
greater than specified in the applicable requirements and exceptions for than that for a DOT 2P container (270
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psig vs. 240 psig). We are not proposing Alternatives to Testing of Metal Aerosol conditions in § 173.306(a)(3). Finally,
to adopt the burst pressure requirement Containers by a Hot Water Bath Test we vary from the permit with our
because the SP requirements are such As a condition of the use of a metal proposed language in that we require
that the pressure relief system of these aerosol container, each container, after maintenance and access to operating
containers must function at a pressure being filled, must be subjected to a hot procedures especially with regard to the
below the burst pressure. Also, the DOT water bath to raise the internal pressure weight test and specification in order to
2P1 would be authorized for both to such a degree that leakage or effect a broader application of this
Division 2.1 and 2.2 aerosols under permanent deformation, if any, can be alternative. Rather than specify
§ 173.306(a)(3)(iii). determined (see § 173.306(a)(3)(v)). The standards, we will allow persons to
DOT 2Q inner nonrefillable metal develop their own procedures that best
provision also provides for a testing
containers. Limited quantities of fit their product on the condition that
protocol for a container where the
compressed gas are authorized in metal DOT has access to these procedures. We
contents may be sensitive to heat.
aerosol containers (see § 171.8 of the invite comment on this approach and
Currently, this is the only method
HMR). Paragraph (a)(3) introductory text others. In our proposal, for purposes of
authorized for determining leakage or
of this section authorizes metal aerosol this alternative, we designate a lot as
permanent deformation and thus, fillers
containers under certain conditions 2,000 containers consistent with the SP.
including packaging types and pressure that have developed other protocols or
We invite comment on whether we
thresholds. The current regulations that do not want to subject their
should specify a lot size, allow persons
under § 173.306(a)(3)(iii) require use of products to a hot water bath test must
to determine the lot size, and if so, how
a DOT 2Q container for pressures obtain a SP. A number of SPs that
the testing procedures should be
exceeding 160 psig at 54.4 °C (130 °F) authorize the use of alternative methods
modified to accommodate larger lot
but not to exceed 180 psig. DOT–SP to determine leakage or permanent
12573 authorizes the transport of deformation are discussed as follows: (2) Automated in-line pressure test.
‘‘Aerosols, non-flammable,’’ UN1950 in (1) Alternate hot water bath test. DOT–SPs 14429, 14623, 14625, 14627,
non-DOT specification containers that DOT–SP 12995 authorizes a 14723, 14724, 14786, 14842, 14887,
conform to DOT 2Q specifications methodology that is a combination of a 14953, 15135, 15265, 15427, and 15972
except for some modifications. The hot water bath test, a weight test, and all authorize the use of an automated
containers must have maximum visual inspection. Rather than process to check the pressure of filled
pressures for the contents of 198 psig at subjecting each filled container to a hot containers (i.e., an ‘‘automated in-line
54.4 °C (130 °F). water bath test, only one container out pressure check’’) instead of subjecting
Based on review of the permit and no of each lot is subjected to the hot water the containers to a hot water bath. Based
discovery of compliance violations or bath test, a second is subjected to a on review of the SPs and no discovery
incidents associated with the transport weight test, the results of which must be of compliance violations or incidents
history of the permit, we are proposing compared to weight specification for the associated with the transport history of
to adopt the modified DOT 2Q as an container as outlined in quality control the permit, we are proposing to adopt
authorized metal aerosol container. procedures, and finally, the remainder the provisions of these SPs, specifically
However, we are differing marginally of the lot must be visually inspected by authorizing the use of an automated
from the permit in that we are adopting examining the valve, crimp, and seam process for pressure checks that does
a maximum pressure threshold of 200 areas for evidence of leakage. not involve a hot water bath. The safety
psig at 55 °C (131 °F). There is no safety Based on review of the permit and no control measures for the ‘‘automated in-
basis for the 200 psig ceiling other than discovery of compliance violations or line pressure check’’ vary greatly among
we believe it is a cleaner cutoff point incidents associated with the transport the SPs with regard to the criteria for
than the 198 psig maximum found in history of the permit, we are proposing rejection, limits on the filling of
the permit. As part of the variation of to adopt DOT–SP 12995. The permit contents, inspection, and corrective
the specification of a DOT 2Q container, authorizes only DOT 2Q containers but action. We are seeking comments on
the modified container will be marked we are applying it to all authorized whether the proposed +/¥0.5%
as ‘‘DOT 2Q1.’’ metal aerosol containers. While accuracy of the pressure measuring
This proposed rule would also determining if DOT–SP 12995 was instrument is appropriate for widely-
expand authorized materials to include suitable for inclusion in this used automated equipment for aerosols.
Division 2.1 aerosols. We see no reason rulemaking, PHMSA’s technical Rather than attempt to develop a
to limit the use of this container to non- evaluators confirmed that the standard that might not address all
flammable aerosols based on the record methodology that includes a possible variations on an automated
of use for this container and that DOT combination of hot water bath test, process, we have opted to propose a
2Q containers currently authorized in weight test, and visual inspection may performance-based requirement that
the HMR are allowed to be used for all be performed on a DOT 2P as well as a adopts parts of all of the SPs.
defined aerosol types, however, we DOT 2Q. Since these containers are Specifically, we propose to require the
invite comment on the suitability of the similar designs except in terms of development of operating procedures
container for all aerosol types. See the strength, this alternative to the hot water (which we believe most entities should
associated discussions for §§ 173.304 bath test is applicable to any metal already have as part of their processes),
and 178.33d. container. Previously, most applicants we provide for basic components that
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
DOT–SP 13581 is linked to the above of DOT–SP 12995 only requested 2Q the procedures must address (e.g.,
proposed provision in that it authorizes because that is what they needed for inclusion of rejection criteria), and we
the use of metal aerosol containers their particular hazmat, but that does require written record of the operating
manufactured, tested, and marked not mean that alternative testing is not procedures be made accessible to DOT
according to DOT–SP 12573. We believe good for similar containers. representatives. We invite comment on
with the adoption of the modified DOT Additionally, the permit applies to the merits of this approach.
2Q container (i.e., a DOT 2Q1 specific filling conditions but we will (3) Weight test. DOT–SP 14440
container), this SP will no longer be apply this testing method to containers authorizes the use of a process to check
needed. complying with the current filling the weight of filled containers (i.e., an
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5416 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
‘‘automated in-line pressure check’’) § 173.306(a)(5)(v), but including the for overpacking the defective cylinders
instead of subjecting the containers to a DOT–SP 14544 testing protocol for has been expanded to include other
hot water bath. Based on review of the empty containers as an alternative. We metal drums (i.e., 1B2 and 1N2); (2) a
permit and no discovery of compliance invite comment on our approach to condition for cushioning and absorbent
violations or incidents associated with adopt this SP. material, when necessary, has been
the transport history of the permit, we Accumulators. The HMR provides for added; and (3) an ‘‘aerosol salvage’’
are proposing to adopt the scope of this special considerations for limited drum marking has been adopted. We
SP, specifically authorizing the use of amounts of compressed gas in invite comment on several aspects of
weight checks as a means to determine accumulators. DOT–SP 8786 authorizes these proposed provisions including
compliance with pressure requirements. the transport of accumulators under an authorized aerosols, (e.g., are there
Comparison of the weight of a container alternative testing procedure from what concerns with allowing aerosols other
against the pre-determined target weight is outlined in paragraph (f)(2) and (f)(3) than flammable aerosols only in the
for the container provides an indication of this section. Instead of testing each drums?), authorized outer packaging,
of the filling of the container. For accumulator to three times (3x) the hazard communication, and authorized
example, a container with a weight charge pressure, the SP provides for transport modes.
greater than that of the target weight conditions to test one accumulator out
of each lot of 1,000 to the burst design Part 178
provides an indication of overfilling and
thus, would likely exceed the pressure, and two accumulators to two Section 178.33c
authorized pressure limit at 55 °C and a half times (2.5x) the charge
Under the HMR, certain DOT
(131 °F). We have opted to propose a pressure. Based on review of the permit,
specification containers with restricted
performance-based requirement that no discovery of compliance violations
capacity and commonly referred to as
adopts parts of all of the SPs. or incidents associated with the
‘‘aerosol containers’’ are authorized for
Specifically, we propose to require the transport history of the permit, and the
transport of compressed gases and for
development of operating procedures lengthy history of use of this SP, we are
proposing to adopt DOT–SP 8786 except liquefied compressed gases under
(which we believe most entities should limited situations. These containers
already have as part of their processes), for the specific conditions for the
preparation for testing of the include DOT 2P (inner non-refillable
we provide for basic components that metal) containers. The specification
the procedures must address (e.g., a accumulators.
Aerosol disposal. The general standards are outlined in § 178.33 of the
supplementary heat test for rejection of HMR, but the specification does not
a lot), and we require written record of packaging requirements of the HMR
forbid the transport of leaking or provide for variations on the standards.
the operating procedures accessible to Thus, technological advances or design
improperly-filled packages. This
DOT representatives. We invite changes to satisfy customer needs are
includes aerosol containers that are
comment on the merits of this approach. such that the resulting metal containers
found to be leaking or improperly filled
(4) Leakage test. DOT–SP 14544 as part of a combination packaging. would not comply with the standards
authorizes the use of a high pressure air Although the HMR provides for for a DOT 2P container, nor any other
test on empty containers combined with conditions to allow for the transport of container authorized under either
a leakage test for filled containers damaged, defective, or leaking packages §§ 173.304 or 173.306 of the HMR.
instead of subjecting the containers to a under salvage packaging provisions in DOT–SPs 13601 and 14503 (also 7951)
hot water bath. The testing protocol for § 173.3(c) and (d) for salvage drums and provide for a variation on the DOT 2P
filled containers found in this SP is salvage cylinders, respectively, these container specifications by authorizing
currently applied to plastic containers provisions do not apply to aerosol construction of the container according
under paragraph (a)(5) of this section in containers that are leaking or to modifications to the standards for
the HMR, however, the pressure and improperly filled. Thus, shippers manufacture and testing.
leakage test of the empty containers (fillers) with defective aerosol These variations on a 2P container are
differs in its application. Under DOT– containers (‘‘waste aerosols’’) are equipped with some manner of pressure
SP 14544, each empty container must be limited to onsite disposal of aerosol relief system (e.g., a rim-vent release
pressure tested at 120 psig instead of the containers that do not comply with the device or a dome expansion device) that
HMR requirement that each empty HMR. DOT–SP 11296 provides for an must function within a certain pressure
container must be subjected to a option to transport these containers to range, otherwise the container is
pressure equal to or in excess of the an offsite facility for disposal under rejected. In effect, these containers are
maximum expected in the filled certain conditions (e.g., overpacking in designed to buckle to relieve pressure
containers at 55 °C (131 °F), and that is DOT specification packagings, modal before bursting. For example, for a
at least two-thirds of the design pressure restrictions, etc.). container built to DOT–SP 13601, the
of the container. Under both tests, if Based on review of the permit, no pressure relief system must function
there is evidence of leakage, the discovery of compliance violations or between 175 psig and 210 psig or be
container must be rejected. Based on incidents associated with the transport rejected. However, we have no specific
review of the permit, no discovery of history of the permit, and that adoption information in the special permit(s) on
compliance violations or incidents would allow for the transport of these the relationship between the functional
associated with the transport history of aerosols for proper disposal, we are range and the tested burst pressure. The
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
the permit, and a similar requirement proposing to adopt the general scope of current requirements for a container for
currently under the HMR, we are DOT–SP 11296 but with some foodstuffs under § 173.306(b)(1) is that
proposing to adopt the scope of this SP, differences. The proposed language is the pressure of the contents cannot
specifically authorizing the use of a not limited to flammable aerosols such exceed 140 psig at 130 °F and the
leakage test as a means to determine as indicated in the language in DOT–SP container must be capable of
compliance with pressure requirements. 11296. Also, the proposed regulatory withstanding a pressure of 1.5x the
Our implementation will differ from the language is modeled after the salvage contents at 130 °F without bursting.
SP in that we are proposing to adopt the packaging requirements of § 173.3(c) in Thus, 140 psig of contents equates to a
leakage testing requirements under that: (1) The authorized outer packaging minimum burst pressure of 210 psig.
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Additionally, the current minimum except for the variations outlined in a pressure of contents is also greater than
burst pressure for a DOT 2P container is proposed new § 178.33c–2. the current required minimum burst
240 psig (§ 178.33–8). Using the DOT– pressure of 270 psig for a 2Q container.
Section 178.33d
SP 13601 requirements, the minimum Thus, it provides a greater margin of
burst pressure requirement is listed as Under the HMR, certain DOT safety than current required but also
270 psig (assumed at 130 °F) and the specification containers with restricted provides some opportunity for relief as
pressure of contents at 130 °F may not capacity and commonly referred to as a standard. We propose to adopt a 300
exceed 160 psig thus, equating to ‘‘aerosol containers’’ are authorized for psig minimum burst pressure for this
approximately 1.7x the contents at transport of compressed gases and for modified 2Q container. Also, we
130 °F without bursting (which is more liquefied compressed gases under propose to require buckling of the
stringent than for a 2P under the HMR). limited situations. These containers system at 75% of tested burst pressure
However, accounting for the pressure include DOT 2Q (inner nonrefillable (with a minimum burst test pressure of
range for operation of the relief system metal) containers. The specification 300 psig). We invite comment on these
at 175 psig to 210 psig, the multiplier standards are outlined in § 178.33a of approaches for adoption of the
based on the maximum pressure of the the HMR but the specification does not provisions for the modified 2Q
contents is approximately 1.1x to 1.3x provide for variations on the standards. container under DOT–SP 12573. Based
the contents. That is, the relief system Thus, technological advances or design on review of the permit and no
must function within 1.1x to 1.3x the changes to satisfy customer needs are discovery of incidents associated with
pressure of the contents at 130 °F. such that the resulting metal containers the transport history of the permit, we
would not comply with the standards are proposing to adopt the standards for
This is further complicated under
for a DOT 2Q container, nor any other the modified DOT 2Q container found
DOT–SP 14503 (and 7951) where the
container authorized under either in DOT–SP 12573 as a variation on the
standard for the pressure of the contents
§§ 173.304 or 173.306 of the HMR. DOT 2Q container design. This variation
is set at 75 °F for which we do not have
DOT–SP 12573 provides for a variation would be required to be marked as a
an equivalent requirement under the
on the DOT 2Q container specifications ‘‘DOT 2Q1.’’
HMR. Additionally, the ranges for
by authorizing construction of the The requirements under DOT–SP
functioning of the relief systems have a
container according to modifications to 14503 operate differently in that the
higher upper bound, 175 to 250 and 175
the standards for type and size, standard for the pressure of the contents
to 235, respectively. And, finally there manufacture, wall thickness, and is set at 75 °F to which we do not have
is no minimum burst pressure specified testing. DOT–SP 14503 also provides for an equivalent requirement under the
in DOT–SP 14503 (and 7951); therefore, a variation on the DOT 2Q container HMR. Additionally, the SP provides for
we must default to the DOT 2P specification by authorizing a range of pressure for functioning of the
minimum burst pressure of 240 psig. construction of the container according relief systems, specifically, 180 to 300
Again, the circumstances are unclear in to modifications to its manufacture and psig. And, finally there is no minimum
that the upper bounds for the functional testing. burst pressure specified in DOT–SP
ranges approach or exceed the 2P These variations on a 2P container are 14503 so we must default to the DOT 2Q
minimum burst pressure yet we do not equipped with some manner of pressure minimum burst pressure of 270 psig.
have information on the actual tested relief system (e.g., a rim-vent release The upper bound for the functional
burst pressure which could be much device or a dome expansion device) that range exceeds the 2Q minimum burst
larger. Therefore, based on the must function by a certain threshold pressure yet we do not have information
requirements of DOT–SP 13601, we level or within a certain pressure range, on the actual tested burst pressure
propose to implement a requirement otherwise the container is rejected. In which could be much larger. Therefore,
that for containers with pressure relief effect, these containers are designed to based on a similar proposal to
systems, the upper bound of the buckle to relieve pressure before implement provisions of DOT–SP 13601
functional range for a pressure relief bursting. For example, for a container for 2P containers (see the § 178.33c
system must be no greater than 80% of built to DOT–SP 12573, the minimum discussion), the upper bound of the
the minimum burst pressure or the pressure before the system buckles is functional range for a pressure relief
recorded test pressure. We invite 220 psig (and if not equipped with a system must be no greater than 80% of
comment on using this approach and pressure relief system, the container the test pressure. We invite comment on
whether it would be preferable to may not burst below 320 psig). The using this approach and whether it
implement a requirement for the upper maximum pressure of the contents would be preferable to implement a
bound of the range based on the authorized under this SP is 198 psig at requirement for the upper bound of the
pressure of the contents? 130 °F (we proposed at maximum level range based on the pressure of the
Overall, based on review of the permit of 200 psig based on this SP in the contents.
and no discovery of safety issues or § 173.306 discussion for 2Q containers). Based on review of the permit and no
incidents associated with the transport The current requirements for a 2Q discovery of incidents associated with
history of the permit, we are proposing container under § 173.306(a)(3)(ii) is the transport history of the permit, we
to incorporate the standards for the that the pressure of the contents cannot are proposing to adopt the standards for
modified DOT 2P container found in exceed 180 psig at 130 °F and the the modified DOT 2Q container found
DOT–SP 13601 (and likely 14503 container must be capable of in DOT–SP 14503 as a variation on the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(7951)) as a variation on the DOT 2P withstanding a pressure of 1.5x the DOT 2Q container design. This variation
container design. This variation would contents at 130 °F without bursting. would be required to be marked as a
be required to be marked as a ‘‘DOT Applying the same multiplier to 200 ‘‘DOT 2Q2.’’ Rather than repeat, in total,
2P1.’’ Rather than repeat in total the psig, the container must withstand 300 the DOT 2Q specification standards for
DOT 2P specification standards that psig without bursting. The DOT–SP each of these modified containers that
have remained the same for a DOT 2P1 12573 minimum burst pressure of 320 have remained the same, we propose to
container, we propose to instruct the psig is more stringent; however, the implement the proposals in this section
reader that all standards for a DOT 2P1 calculated burst pressure of 300 psig by instructing the reader that all
remain the same as those for a DOT 2P based on the proposed maximum standards for a DOT 2Q1 or a DOT 2Q2
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5418 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
remain as for a DOT 2Q except for the D. Operational Air/Vessel packages of other specifically
variations outlined in proposed new authorized flammable liquids. During
Part 172
§§ 178.33d–2 and 178.33d–3. We invite the review of this SP, PHMSA noted
comment on this method of Sections 172.101 (Hazardous Materials that the transport conditions found in
implementing these modified DOT 2Q Table) and 172.102 Special Provisions DOT–SP 11691 are different from the
specification containers. Section 172.101 provides instructions currently authorized segregation from
C. Cargo Tanks/Rail Cars/Portable for using the Hazardous Materials Table foodstuffs requirements found in the
Tanks (HMT) and the HMT itself. Column 7 of International Maritime Dangerous
the HMT specifies codes for special Goods (IMDG) Code sections
Part 173 provisions applicable to hazardous and, in that a segregation
Section 173.315 materials. Special provisions contain distance of 3 m (10 ft) from foodstuffs
packaging requirements, prohibitions, is required by the IMDG Code.
Section 173.315 specifies the bulk Based on our review, DOT–SP 11691
packaging provisions for liquefied and exceptions applicable to particular
quantities or forms of hazardous did not reveal safety incidents
compressed gases in UN and DOT associated with its transport history.
specification cargo tanks and portable materials. When Column 7 of the HMT
refers to a special provision for a Therefore, we are proposing to adopt
tanks. DOT–SP 12576 authorizes non- new special provision ‘‘W11’’ to adopt
DOT specification cargo tanks for the hazardous material, the meaning and
requirements of that special provision the operational control provisions of
transportation of UN1080, Sulfur DOT–SP 11691 as well as the additional
hexafluoride, that otherwise conform to are as set forth in § 172.102 (Special
provisions). requirement that packages requiring
the MC 331 specifications except for
design pressure, capacity, and marking. In this NPRM, PHMSA is proposing to Class 8 labels must be separated within
revise Column 7 for several entries to the transport unit by a distance of 3 m
The cargo tanks are designed and built
in conformance with Section VIII, add the vessel-specific special provision (10 ft) from foodstuffs and cargo of an
‘‘W11.’’ This special provision would organic nature. The SP includes specific
Division 1, of the ASME Code, and the
allow, when offered for transportation technical names that are authorized, but
design pressure may not exceed 600
psig. Additionally, the water capacity by vessel, certain materials to be offered to be more consistent with the IMDG
in the same transport unit with Code provisions, PHMSA is proposing
range for each tank ranges from a
foodstuffs and cargo of an organic to extend the exception to all packages
minimum of 15 gallons to a maximum
nature provided a distance of 3m (10 offered for transport under any of the
of 500 gallons. Based on our review of
feet) is maintained between the proper shipping names (and associated
the permit and no discovery of
hazardous materials and foodstuffs or packing group) to which this special
compliance violations or incidents
cargo of an organic nature. The affected provision is assigned. The proposed
associated with the transport history of
entries are as follows: special provision W11 would allow
the permit, we are proposing to revise
Section 172.102 lists special entries assigned this special provision,
the § 173.315(a)(2) Table by referring to
provisions applicable to the when offered for transportation by
a new Note 28 in the entry for ‘‘Division
transportation of specific hazardous vessel, to be offered in the same
2.2, materials not specifically provided
materials. transport unit with foodstuffs and cargo
for in this table’’ as Sulfur hexafluoride
• Benzaldehyde, UN1990 of an organic nature provided a distance
is not listed by name in the table. New
• Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic, of 3m (10 feet) is maintained between
note 28 codifies such tanks specified in
n.o.s, UN3264, PG II and III the hazardous materials and foodstuffs
DOT–SP12576 for the transportation of
• Corrosive liquid, acidic, organic, or cargo of an organic nature. Class 8
Sulfur hexafluoride. PHMSA is
n.o.s., UN3265, PG II and III (corrosive) materials assigned this
soliciting comment on whether this
amendment should include other • Extracts, flavoring, liquid, UN1197, special provision would also be allowed
PG II and III to be stowed over packages of
compressed gases and whether the
prescribed design pressure or capacity • Flammable liquids, corrosive, n.o.s., flammable liquids also assigned this
UN2924, PG III special provision.
should be revised in a final rule.
• Phosphoric acid solution, UN1805 Part 176
Section 173.319
Section 173.319 prescribes the Special Provision W11 Section 176.90
loading and packaging provisions for Currently, § 176.800(a) of the HMR Section 176.90 prescribes
cryogenic liquids transported in tank specifies that each package requiring a requirements for private automobiles
cars. Currently, the HMR authorizes a Class 8 (corrosive) label being carrying Class 1 hazardous materials on
maximum of 10 psig in a DOT transported by vessel must be stowed board ferry vessels. There are four SPs
113C120W tank car containing UN1038, clear from living quarters and away that provide relief for ferry transport of
Ethylene, refrigerated liquid, when from foodstuffs and cargo of an organic private automobiles carrying engines,
offered for transportation by rail. DOT– nature. In addition, § 176.800(b) gasoline, and propane. DOT–SP 7465,
SP 12039 authorizes the transportation prohibits packages requiring a Class 8 11150, 13213, and 14458 all contain
in commerce of DOT 113C120W tank (corrosive) label from being stowed over slightly different provisions to facilitate
cars containing Ethylene, refrigerated any readily combustible material. DOT– this process safely. Where differences
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
liquid, at an internal pressure of 20 psig SP 11691 authorizes deviation from the exist between these permits, PHMSA
instead of the maximum 10 psig. Based segregation requirements for vessel has attempted to choose the least
on our review of the permit and no stowage when shipped in the same restrictive provision for adoption.
discovery of compliance violations or transport unit of certain flammable, PHMSA specifically requests comments
incidents associated with the transport Class 9 (miscellaneous), and corrosive on this approach.
history of the permit, we are proposing liquids that are the ingredients of soft PHMSA is proposing to renumber the
to revise the paragraph (d)(2) Table by drinks (beverages). DOT–SP 11691 also existing lone paragraph as paragraph (a),
authorizing a maximum of 20 psig allows these packages of certain and to add a new paragraph (b) to adopt
consistent with DOT–SP 12039. corrosive liquids to be stowed over an exception for ‘‘Engines, internal
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5419
combustion, flammable gas powered or PHMSA is proposing to add the provides relief from the HMR for the
flammable liquid powered, including following definition based on the transportation of railroad flagging kits
when fitted in machinery or vehicles proposed adoption of DOT–SP 11458: by highway. See § 173.184 for a detailed
(i.e. motor vehicles, recreational Display pack: This term means a discussion of the proposed adoption of
vehicles, campers, trailers), vehicle package intended to be placed on the DOT–SP 7991. This Special Provision is
flammable liquid or flammable gas floor of retail stores which is designed assigned to the following HMT entries:
powered, gasoline, and petroleum gases, to provide direct customer access to Fusee (rail or highway) (NA1325,
liquefied or liquefied petroleum gas’’ consumer commodities contained Division 4.1, PG II; Articles, pyrotechnic
when included as part of a motor home, within the package when all or part of (UN0431, Division 1.4G, PG II); Signal
recreational vehicle, camper, or trailer the outer fiberboard packaging is Devices, hand (UN0373, Division 1.4S,
when carried on board ferry vessels removed. PG II); Signal Devices, hand (UN0191,
subject to certain operational controls. DOT–SP 11458 authorizes the Division 1.4G, PG II); and Signals,
In this NPRM, PHMSA is proposing to transportation in commerce of display railway track, explosive (UN0193,
revise this section to allow items packs of consumer commodity packages Division 1.4S, PG II).
normally offered as engines, vehicles, or limited quantity packages that exceed
gasoline, or propane in private the 30 kg gross weight limit. The Special Provision 382
automobiles aboard ferry vessels to provisions of DOT–SP 11458 are being PHMSA proposes to add Special
receive exceptions with certain proposed for adoption into § 173.156. Provision 382 to adopt SP 8006. This SP
restrictions. These restrictions include: However, the term ‘‘display pack’’ is not provides relief from the labeling
(1) Cylinders must be visually inspected currently defined in the HMR. requirements of § 172.400(a) for the
for defects, cracks, or leaks, and gasoline Therefore, in this NPRM we are transportation of toy plastic or paper
containers must show no signs of proposing to adopt the definition for caps for toy pistols by motor vehicle,
damage or leakage; (2) cylinders of ‘‘display pack’’ under § 171.8 based railcar, cargo vessel, and cargo aircraft.
liquefied petroleum gas must have the upon the definition found in DOT–SP See § 172.400a(a)(8) for a detailed
cylinders securely attached to 11458. discussion of the proposed adoption of
recreational vehicles; (3) extra DOT–SP 8006. This Special Provision is
Part 172
containers of gasoline (including camp assigned to the following HMT entries:
stove or lantern fuel) and portable Section 172.102 Articles, explosive, n.o.s. (UN0349) and
cylinders of liquefied petroleum gas Section 172.102 lists Special Toy caps (UN0337).
(including cylinders for camping Provisions applicable to the Special Provision 383
equipment) not securely attached to transportation of specific hazardous
recreational vehicles must be stowed in materials. Special Provisions contain PHMSA proposes to add Special
the vessel’s paint locker; (4) liquefied packaging requirements, prohibitions, Provision 383 to adopt SP 11356. This
petroleum gas cylinders must be and exceptions applicable to particular SP authorizes material meeting the
secured by closing the shut-off valves quantities or forms of hazardous conditions for high viscosity flammable
prior to the recreational vehicles being materials. PHMSA is proposing the liquids specified in § 173.121(b)(1)(i),
loaded on the vessel; (5) the owner or following revisions to the § 172.102, (b)(1)(ii), and (b)(1)(iv), to be re-classed
operator of each recreational vehicle Special Provisions: to Packing Group III for transportation
must be directed to close all operating by motor vehicle. The SP prescribes
valves within the vehicles, (6) ‘‘no Special Provision 380 packaging, capacity limitations, and
smoking’’ signs must be posted on the PHMSA proposes to add Special load securement requirements. Based on
vehicle decks and, if used for storage of Provision 380 to adopt SP 10705. This our review, the fact that transportation
hazardous materials in close proximity SP provides relief from the segregation conducted under this SP has an
to the vessel’s paint locker; (7) a requirements of § 177.848(d) for the acceptable safety record, and adopting it
continuous patrol of the vehicle decks transport of UN1092, Acrolein, would provide flexibility in the
must be made by a crewmember, and stabilized by private carrier in a motor transportation of these materials while
any unusual or dangerous situation vehicle. The SP prescribes the maintaining an equivalent level of
must be reported to the vessel’s master; packaging that must be used and the safety, we are proposing to adopt the
(8) passengers are allowed on the materials with which acrolien, provisions of the SP in its entirety in
vehicle decks, but are subject to the stabilized may be loaded. The SP further this Special Provision. This Special
control of the crew personnel specifies that the motor carrier must Provision is assigned to the following
conducting the continuous vehicle deck maintain a satisfactory safety rating as HMT entries: Coating solution (UN1139,
patrol; (9) vessel personnel responsible prescribed in part 385 of CFR Title 49. PG II) and paint (UN1263, PG II).
for performing any function in the Based on our review, the fact that
Special Provision 384
proposed section must be trained in transportation conducted under this SP
accordance with Subpart H of Part 172; has an acceptable safety record, and PHMSA proposes to add Special
and (10) shipments made under this adopting it would provide flexibility in Provision 384 to adopt SP 11666. This
section are subject to the Hazardous transportation while maintaining an SP authorizes the transportation of
Materials Incident Reporting equivalent level of safety, we are green graphite electrodes and shapes
proposing to adopt its provisions in its that are large single component solid
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
entirety in this Special Provision. The objects not subject to sifting, in open rail
E. Operational Highway/Rail/Shipper/ provisions of DOT–SP 10705 are flat cars, open bed motor vehicles, and
Other specific to UN1092, Acrolein, stabilized; intermodal containers. The SP
Part 171 therefore, this Special Provision is prescribes load securement
assigned exclusively to that HMT entry. requirements for the electrodes and
Section 171.8 shapes. Based on our review, the fact
Section 171.8 defines terms generally Special Provision 381 that transportation conducted under this
used throughout the HMR that have PHMSA proposes to add Special SP has an acceptable safety record, and
broad or multi-modal applicability. Provision 381 to adopt SP 7991. This SP adopting it would provide flexibility in
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5420 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
the transportation of these articles and this Special Provision is assigned caps for toy pistols described as
materials while maintaining an exclusively to that HMT entry. ‘‘UN0349, Articles, explosive, n.o.s.
equivalent level of safety, we are (Toy caps), 1.4S, PG II’’ or ‘‘NA0337,
Section 172.202
proposing to adopt the provisions of the Toy caps, 1.4S, PG II’’ when offered for
SP in its entirety in this Special Section 172.202 establishes transportation by motor vehicle, rail
Provision. This Special Provision is requirements for shipping descriptions freight, cargo vessel, and cargo aircraft.
assigned to the following HMT entries: on shipping papers. As part of these The toy plastic or paper caps must have
Other regulated substances, n.o.s. shipping paper requirements, in many been examined in conformance with
(NA3077, PG III) and Environmentally situations a net or gross quantity of the § 173.56 and approved by the Associate
hazardous substances, solid, n.o.s. hazardous materials must be included. Administrator for Hazardous Materials
(UN3077, PG III) SP 11811 provides relief from this Safety. The SP specifies that the toy
requirement for local collections plastic or paper caps must be in the
Special Provision 385 operations transporting hazardous form of sheets, strips, rolls, or
PHMSA proposes to add Special materials and hazardous substances by individual caps and further specifies the
Provision 385 to adopt SP 13343. This highway that are ‘‘household wastes’’ as maximum average explosive
SP authorizes the use of cargo heaters described in 40 CFR 261.4 and not composition of each cap. The SP also
when weather conditions are such that subject to the Environmental Protection prescribes quantity limitations and
the freezing of certain wetted explosive Agency’s hazardous waste regulations in packaging, segregation, and special
material is likely. Shipments must be 40 CFR, Parts 262 and 263. Based on our marking requirements. Based on our
made by private, leased or contract review, the fact that transportation review, the fact that transportation
carrier vehicles in exclusive use. Cargo conducted under this SP has an conducted under this SP has an
heaters must be reverse refrigeration acceptable safety record, and adopting it acceptable safety record, and adopting it
(heat pump) units. Shipments made in would provide flexibility to shippers would provide flexibility in
accordance with the SP are excepted while maintaining an equivalent level of transportation while maintaining an
from the anti-freeze requirements of safety, we are proposing to revise equivalent level of safety, we are
§ 173.60(b)(4). Based on our review, the paragraph (c) of § 172.202 to adopt the proposing to add a new paragraph (a)(8)
fact that transportation conducted under provisions of SP 11811 in its entirety. to § 172.400a to adopt the provisions of
this SP has an acceptable safety record, SP 8006 in its entirety.
Section 172.315
and adopting it would provide
flexibility to motor carriers engaged in Section 172.315 establishes Part 173
the transportation of these explosive requirements for the marking of
Section 173.12
materials while maintaining an packages containing limited quantities
equivalent level of safety, we are of hazardous materials. For Section 173.12 provides certain
proposing to adopt the provisions of the transportation by highway by private exceptions and authorizations for the
SP in its entirety in this Special carrier SP 11197 provides relief from the transportation of waste materials. SP
Provision. The provisions of DOT–SP requirement to display the limited 11470 authorizes transportation by
13343 are specific to Trinitroresorcinol, quantity marking on packages motor vehicle and cargo vessel of
wetted or Styphnic acid, wetted with not containing materials assigned to Packing shrink-wrapped pallets containing
less than 20% water, or mixture of Groups II and III prepared in accordance boxes of waste ORM–D or limited
alcohol and water by mass (UN0394); with the limited quantity requirements quantity materials when marked with
therefore this Special Provision is in Part 173. The relief offered by SP the word ‘‘WASTE’’ on the outside of
assigned exclusively to that HMT entry. 11197 does not include materials the pallet instead of each individual
assigned to Classes 1, and 7, and box. The SP prescribes packaging and
Special Provision B130 marking requirements for the waste
Division 6.1 and 6.2 materials. The SP
PHMSA proposes to add Special prescribes inner packaging and package materials. In addition, under a petition
Provision B130 to adopt SP 14525. This quantity limitations; the maximum gross for rulemaking under petition number
SP provides relief from the HMR except weight of packages that may be P–1611, COSTHA also requested that
for the shipping paper requirements of transported in one vehicle; and special PHMSA adopt this SP into the HMR.
Subpart C of Part 172, emergency package marking requirements. Based Based on our review, the fact that
response information as required by on our review, the fact that transportation conducted under this SP
§ 172.602, and the marking transportation conducted under this SP has an acceptable safety record, and
requirements of § 172.302,(a), (b), and has an acceptable safety record, and adopting it would provide flexibility in
(d) when transporting used adopting it would provide flexibility in transportation while maintaining an
diatomaceous earth filter material by transportation while maintaining an equivalent level of safety, we are
highway. The SP prescribes packaging, equivalent level of safety, we are proposing to add a new paragraph (h) to
quantity limitations, and the required proposing to add a new paragraph (a)(3) § 173.12 to adopt the provisions of SP
method of storing the packages within to § 172.315 to adopt the provisions of 11470 in its entirety.
the motor vehicle. Based on our review, SP 11197 in its entirety.
the fact that transportation conducted Section 173.29
under this SP has an acceptable safety Section 172.400a Section 173.29 prescribes certain
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
record, and adopting it would provide Section 172.400a provides exceptions requirements, exceptions, and
flexibility to private motor carriers from the § 172.400 general labeling authorizations for the transportation of
engaged in pest control operations while requirements for packages or empty packagings. SP 9610 provides
maintaining an equivalent level of containment devices containing relief from complete shipping papers
safety, we are proposing to adopt the hazardous materials and offered for and the placarding requirements of
provisions of the SP in its entirety in transportation or transported in subpart F of part 172 for smokeless
this Special Provision. The provisions of commerce. SP 8006 provides relief from powder residue when transported by
SP 14525 are specific to self-heating the § 172.400 general labeling motor vehicle or railcar in ‘‘Container-
solid, organic, n.o.s. (UN3088); therefore requirements for toy plastic or paper on-flat-car’’ (COCF) or ‘‘Trailer-on-flat-
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5421
car’’ (TOCF) service. The smokeless has an acceptable safety record, and owned motor vehicles under the direct
powder must be approved in adopting it would provide flexibility in control of on-duty railroad employees,
conformance with § 173.56 as a Class 1 transportation while maintaining an in conformance with SP 7991, are
explosive substance. The SP prescribes equivalent level of safety, we are excepted from the requirements of the
packaging requirements, quantity proposing to add a new paragraph (c) to HMR. Flagging kits can only contain
limitations, operational controls, and a § 173.156 to adopt the provisions of SP fusees and railroad torpedoes described
specific shipping description for the 11458 in its entirety. as; Fusee (rail or highway) (NA1325,
material. Based on our review, the fact The proposed adoption of SP 11470 Division 4.1, PG II); Articles,
that transportation conducted under this relating to exceptions for waste limited pyrotechnic (UN0431, Division 1.4G, PG
SP has an acceptable safety record, and quantity and ORM–D materials is II); Signal devices, hand (UN0373,
adopting it would provide flexibility in discussed in § 173.12. We are proposing Division 1.4S, PG II); Signal devices,
transportation while maintaining an to add a new paragraph (d) to § 173.156 hand (UN0191, Division 1.4G, PG II);
equivalent level of safety, we are to direct the reader to the proposed new and Signals, railway track, explosive
proposing to revise paragraph (f) of paragraph (h) of § 173.12 which adopts (UN0193, Division 1.4S, PG II). The SP
§ 173.29 to adopt the provisions of SP the provisions of SP 11470. prescribes packaging requirements,
9610 in its entirety. We invite specific Section 173.159 quantity limitations and operational
comment on the adoption of this SP controls. Based on our review, the fact
pertaining to hazard communication. Section 173.159 prescribes packaging that transportation conducted under this
requirements for wet batteries. For SP has an acceptable safety record, and
Section 173.63 transportation by motor vehicle, railcar, adopting it would provide flexibility in
Section 173.63 provides certain cargo vessel and passenger and cargo transportation while maintaining an
packaging exceptions for the aircraft, SP 11078 excepts the equivalent level of safety, we are
transportation of Class 1 (explosive) transportation of nickel cadmium proposing to add a new paragraph (c) to
materials. SP 4850 authorizes Cord, batteries containing potassium § 173.184 to adopt the provisions of SP
detonating, or Fuse detonating, metal hydroxide, a Class 8 material from the 7991 in its entirety.
clad (UN0290, Div. 1.1D) to be renamed other requirements of the HMR. The SP
and reclassed as Cord, detonating, mild prescribes packaging requirements and Section 173.226
effect, or Fuse, detonating, mild effect, quantity limitations. Based on our Section 173.226 prescribes specific
metal clad (UN0104, Div. 1.4D); and review, the fact that transportation packaging requirements for the
Charges, shaped, flexible, linear conducted under this SP has an transportation of Materials poisonous by
(UN0288, Div. 1.1D) to be renamed and acceptable safety record, and adopting it inhalation, Division 6.1, Packing Group
reclassed ‘‘Charges, shaped, flexible, would provide flexibility in I, Hazard Zone A. When transported as
linear (UN0237, Div. 1.4D) and transportation while maintaining an prescribed in SP 11055, liquid
transported by motor vehicle, railcar, equivalent level of safety, we are hazardous materials in Division 6.1
cargo vessel, and cargo aircraft. The SP proposing to add a new paragraph (j) to Packing Group I, Hazard Zone A are
prescribes packaging requirements and § 173.159 to adopt the provisions of SP excepted from the segregation
quantity limitations. Based on our 11078 in its entirety. requirements of §§ 174.81, 176.83, and
review, the fact that transportation 177.848(d). The SP prescribes packaging
conducted under this SP has an Section 173.168 and testing requirements, quantity
acceptable safety record, and adopting it Section 173.168 prescribes specific limitations, and cushioning and
would provide flexibility in approval, testing, protection, packaging, absorbent material requirements. Based
transportation while maintaining an and equipment marking requirements on our review, the fact that
equivalent level of safety, we are for chemical oxygen generators. SP transportation conducted under this SP
proposing to revise paragraph (a) of 11984 authorizes certain unapproved has an acceptable safety record, and
§ 173.63 to adopt the provisions of SP chemical oxygen generators with only adopting it would provide flexibility in
4850 in its entirety. one positive means of preventing transportation while maintaining an
unintentional actuation of the generator, equivalent level of safety, we are
Section 173.156
and without the required approval proposing to add a new paragraph (f) to
Section 173.156 provides certain number marked on the outside of the § 173.226 to adopt the provisions of SP
exceptions and authorizations for the package, to be transported by motor 11055 in its entirety.
transportation of limited quantities and vehicle, railcar, and cargo vessel. The
other regulated materials (ORM). For Section 173.306
SP prescribes packaging, testing and
transportation by railcar in trailer-on- marking requirements. Based on our Section 173.306 provides exceptions
flat-car (TOFC) or container-on-flat-car review, the fact that transportation for limited quantities of compressed gas.
(COFC) service, or roadrailer and/or conducted under this SP has an SP 13199 permits reconditioned (used)
railrunner trailers or by motor vehicle, acceptable safety record, and adopting it refrigerating machines (UN2857, Div.
or cargo vessel SP 11458 authorizes would provide flexibility in 2.2) to be transported under the
display packs of consumer commodity transportation while maintaining an requirements prescribed in § 173.306(e)
packages that exceed 30 kg gross weight. equivalent level of safety, we are and excepted from the marking
See § 171.8 for a discussion of the proposing to add a new paragraph (g) to requirements of § 172.302(c) when
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
proposed addition of the definition of § 173.168 to adopt the provisions of SP transported by motor vehicle, and
‘‘display pack.’’ The SP prescribes 11984 in its entirety. meeting certain structure and Class A
packaging and marking requirements refrigerant gas weight requirements. The
and quantity limitations. In addition, in Section 173.184 SP also prescribes operational controls
a petition for rulemaking under petition Section 173.184 prescribes specific and testing requirements. Section
number P–1607, COSTHA requested packaging requirements for the 173.306(e) currently permits only new
PHMSA adopt this SP into the HMR. transportation of highway or rail fusees. (unused) refrigerating machines to be
Based on our review, the fact that Flagging kits transported on railroad excepted from specification packaging,
transportation conducted under this SP motor vehicles including privately placarding, and certain rail and highway
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5422 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
modal requirements. Based on our operations while maintaining an § 177.834 to adopt the provisions of
review, the fact that transportation equivalent level of safety, we are these SPs in their entirety. In this
conducted under this SP has an proposing to add a new § 177.820 to NPRM, as the existing paragraph
acceptable safety record, and adopting it adopt the provisions of these SPs in (l)(2)(ii) of § 177.834 relating to the
would provide flexibility in their entirety. Effective date for combustion heater
transportation while maintaining an requirements is obsolete, we are
Section 177.834
equivalent level of safety, we are proposing its removal. In addition, we
proposing to a add new paragraph (e)(2) Section 177.834 establishes general are also proposing the redesignation of
to § 173.306 to adopt the provisions of operational requirements for paragraph (l)(2)(iii) of § 177.834 to
SP 13199 in its entirety. transportation by highway. SPs 9874, paragraph (l)(2)(ii).
13190, 13424, 13959, 14141, 14150,
Section 173.322 14680, 14822, 14827, and 14840 Section 177.838
Section 173.322 prescribes specific authorize ‘‘attendance’’ of the loading or Section 177.838 establishes specific
packaging requirements for the unloading of a cargo tank by a qualified operational requirements for the
transportation of ethyl chloride. SP person observing all loading or transportation of Class 4 (flammable
14422 authorizes transportation by unloading operations by means of a solid) materials, Class 5 (oxidizing)
motor vehicle, railcar, or cargo vessel of video monitor located at a remote materials, and Division 4.2 (self-heating
four ounces or less of ethyl chloride, control station. These SPs prescribe and pyrophoric liquid) materials.
packaged in a DOT–2P or DOT–2Q operational controls and specific Notwithstanding the segregation
container as a consumer commodity. requirements for the video monitoring requirements of § 177.848(d), SP 11373
The SP prescribes quantity limitations system. Based on our review, the fact authorizes the transport on the same
and packaging, testing and marking that transportation conducted under transport vehicle of Sodium
requirements. Based on our review, the these SPs have an acceptable safety hydrosulfite or sodium dithionite,
fact that transportation conducted under record, and adopting them would UN1384, in Packing Group II or III;
this SP has an acceptable safety record, provide flexibility in operations while Thiourea dioxide, UN33341, in Packing
and adopting it would provide maintaining an equivalent level of Group II or III; and Self-heating, solid,
flexibility in transportation while safety, we are proposing to revise organic, n.o.s., UN3088, in Packing
maintaining an equivalent level of paragraph (i)(3) and (i)(4) of § 177.834 to Group II or III, with Class 8 materials.
safety, we are proposing to and add a adopt the provisions of these SPs in The SP prescribes packaging and
new paragraph (f) to § 173.322 to adopt their entirety. separation requirements. Based on our
the provisions of SP 14422 in its SPs 13484 and 14447 authorize review, the fact that transportation
entirety. ‘‘attendance’’ of the loading or conducted under this SP has an
unloading of a cargo tank through the acceptable safety record, and adopting it
Part 174 use of hoses equipped with cable would provide flexibility in highway
Section 174.67 connected wedges, plungers, or flapper operations while maintaining an
valves located at each end of the hose, equivalent level of safety, we are
Section 174.67 establishes specific able to stop the flow of product from
operational requirements for railroad proposing to revise the title of § 177.838
both the source and the receiving tank and add a new paragraph (i) to § 177.838
tank car unloading. For combustible within one second without human
liquid or Class 3 liquid petroleum to adopt the provisions of SP 11373 in
intervention in the event of a hose its entirety.
distillate fuels, SP 12002 authorizes rupture, disconnection, or separation.
clearing frozen liquid blockages from The SPs prescribe inspection Section 177.840
the outlet by attaching a fitting to the requirements and operational controls Section 177.840 establishes specific
outlet line and applying nitrogen at a for use of the hoses. Based on our operational requirements for the
pressure of 50 to 100 psi. Based on our review, the fact that transportation transportation of Class 2 (gases)
review, the fact that transportation conducted under these SPs have an materials. Notwithstanding the
conducted under this SP has an acceptable safety record, and adopting segregation requirements of
acceptable safety record, and adopting it them would provide flexibility in § 177.848(d), SP 11043 authorizes the
would provide flexibility in rail operations while maintaining an transport on the same transport vehicle
operations while maintaining an equivalent level of safety, we are of Division 2.3, Hazard Zone A
equivalent level of safety, we are proposing to revise paragraphs (i)(3) and materials with materials classed as
proposing to revise paragraph (g) to (i)(4) of § 177.834 to adopt the Division 2.1, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5,
§ 174.67 to adopt the provisions of SP provisions of SPs 13484 and 14447 in and Class 8. The SP prescribes
12002 in its entirety. their entirety. packaging, marking, separation
Part 177 SPs 10597, 10803, 10882, 14618, and requirements.
14726 authorize the use of diesel or Notwithstanding the segregation
Section 177.820 propane fueled combustion cargo requirements of § 177.848(d), SP 14335
SPs 11352, 12207, 12306, 13165, and heaters in motor vehicles used to authorizes the transport on the same
14945 authorize the movement of transport Class 3 (flammable liquid) or transport vehicle of Division 2.3, Hazard
certain hazardous materials across Division 2.1 (flammable gas) materials. Zone A materials with specification
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
public roads. Such movements are not The SPs prescribe operational controls non-bulk packagings and IBCs
subject to Subparts C (Shipping Papers), for use of the heaters. Based on our containing only the residue of Division
D (Marking), E (Labeling), and F review, the fact that transportation 2.1, 4.3, 5.1, and Class 3 and 8 materials.
(Placarding) of Part 172. The SPs conducted under these SPs have an The SP prescribes separation and
prescribe operational controls. Based on acceptable safety record, and adopting securement requirements, operational
our review, the fact that transportation them would provide flexibility in controls, quantity limitations, and
conducted under this SP has an operations while maintaining an carrier safety rating requirements.
acceptable safety record, and adopting it equivalent level of safety, we are Based on our review, the fact that
would provide flexibility in rail proposing to revise paragraph (l)(2)(i) of transportation conducted under these
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5423
SPs have an acceptable safety record, add a reference to § 173.151 to provide proposing to adopt its provisions in its
and adopting them would provide packaging exceptions for relevant entirety in § 173.150.
flexibility in highway operations while Hazard Class 4 materials. These Section 173.151
maintaining an equivalent level of proposed revisions are discussed below.
safety, we are proposing to add a new Section 173.151 provides exceptions
paragraph (a)(3) to § 177.840 to adopt Part 173 for Class 4 materials. In this NPRM we
the provisions of SPs 11043 and 14335 Section 173.62 are proposing to add new paragraph (e)
in their entirety. that would except ‘‘Lithium, UN1415,’’
Section 173.62 provides specific ‘‘Potassium, UN2257,’’ and ‘‘Sodium,
Section 177.841 packaging requirements for explosives. UN1428,’’ with a net quantity of
Section 177.841 establishes specific DOT–SP 12335 authorizes the material per inner packaging not
operational requirements for the transportation in commerce by motor exceeding 25 grams, from the labeling
transportation of Division 6.1 and vehicle, cargo vessel, and cargo aircraft requirements of Part 172, Subpart E and
Division 2.3 materials. Notwithstanding when authorized in the HMT and the placarding requirements of Part 172
the segregation requirements of passenger-carrying aircraft, when Subpart F, if they are offered for
§ 177.848(d), SP 11151 authorizes authorized for carriage by hazmat table transportation or transported in the
transportation by highway by private or and used exclusively to transport packagings with conditions set forth in
contract motor carrier of Division 6.1 personnel to remote work sites of that paragraph. We are also establishing
Packing Group I, Hazard Zone A certain Division 1.1D and 1.4D new paragraph (f) to authorize shipment
materials meeting the definition of a detonating cords without the ends being of Self-heating solid, inorganic, n.o.s, in
hazardous waste as provided in § 171.8 sealed in alternative packaging, unlined, non-DOT specification multi-
on the same transport vehicle with provided that the inner packaging wall paper bags containing a maximum
materials classed as Class 3, Class 4, containing the detonating cord is made of 55 pounds (net) weight. We are
Class 5, and Class 8. The Division 6.1 of a static-resistant plastic bag of at least further adding new paragraph (g) to
Packing Group I, Hazard Zone A 3 mil thickness and the bag is securely authorize Water reactive solid, n.o.s.
materials must be loaded on pallets and closed for transportation. We have noted (contains magnesium, magnesium
separated from the Class 3, Class 4, nine violations related to shipments nitrides) in Packing Group II or III to be
Class 5, and Class 8 materials by a moving under DOT–SP 12335. However, contained in sift-proof bulk packagings.
minimum horizontal distance of 2.74 m the violations did not involve safety These revisions would adopt DOT–SP
(9 feet). Based on our review, the fact issues with the permit. Thus, we 11602, 13796, and 15373.
that transportation conducted under this propose to adopt the provisions of the DOT–SP 11602 authorizes the
SP has an acceptable safety record, and transportation in commerce of certain
SP in its entirety in § 173.62.
adopting it would provide flexibility in Division 4.3 materials contained in sift-
highway operations while maintaining Section 173.150 proof closed bulk packagings that
an equivalent level of safety, we are prevent that prevent water from
proposing to add a new paragraph (f) to Section 173.150 provides exceptions reaching the hazmat and have sufficient
§ 177.841 to adopt the provisions of SP from the HMR for certain Class 3 venting to preclude a dangerous
11151 in its entirety. flammable liquid material. This section accumulation of gaseous emissions.
includes exceptions for limited Based on our review, the fact the SP has
F. Non-Bulk Packaging Specifications/ quantities, consumer commodities, no violations or reported incidents, and
IBCs alcoholic beverages, aqueous solutions adopting it would expand the general
Part 172 of alcohol and combustible liquids. In applicability in a safe manner, we are
this NPRM, PHMSA is proposing to add proposing to adopt its provisions in its
Section 172.101 a paragraph (h) to include an exception entirety in § 173.151.
The § 172.101 HMT designates the that would permit Diesel fuel (UN1202 DOT–SP 13796 authorizes the
materials listed therein as hazardous or NA1993) and Gasoline (UN1203) to transportation in commerce of
materials for the purpose of be transported one way, by motor ‘‘UN1381, Phosphorus, yellow, under
transportation of those materials. For vehicle, directly from the loading water,’’ in a 30 gallon UN 1A2 steel
each listed material, the HMT identifies location to an equipment repair facility drum certified as a minimum to the PG
the hazard class or specifies that the in non-specification non-bulk I performance level for solids and the
material is forbidden in transportation, packaging, known as a gasoline PG II performance level for liquids and
and gives the proper shipping name or dispenser. Specifically, shipments as a minimum dual marked as a
directs the user to the preferred proper wishing to use this exception would be UN1A2/X400/S (for solid) and UN1A2
shipping name. In addition, the HMT required to transport the material in a Y/1.4/150 (for liquids). Based on our
specifies or references requirements in gasoline dispenser and prior to loading, review, the fact the SP has no violations
this subchapter pertaining to labeling, each dispenser must be capped or or reported incidents, and that its
packaging, quantity limits aboard plugged all product inlet and outlet adoption would expand the general
aircraft, and stowage of hazardous piping, so that no fluid may be released applicability in a safe manner, we are
materials aboard vessels. We are during transportation. Furthermore, no proposing to adopt its provisions in its
proposing to revise several entries in the dispenser may contain more than 2 entirety in § 173.151.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
HMT to adopt SPs relating to non-bulk gallons of gasoline, and each dispenser DOT–SP 15373 authorizes the
packagings and IBCs. Specifically, for must be blocked, braced or strapped to manufacture, mark, sale and use of the
‘‘UN1415, Lithium,’’ ‘‘UN2257, the motor vehicle to prevent movement specially designed combination
Potassium,’’ ‘‘UN3190, Self-heating during transportation. This revision is packagings described herein for
solid, inorganic, n.o.s.,’’ ‘‘UN1428, proposed to adopt DOT–SP 13217. transportation in commerce of
Sodium,’’ ‘‘UN1381, Phosphorus, Based on our review, the fact the SP has ‘‘UN1415, Lithium,’’ ‘‘UN2257,
yellow, under water’’ and ‘‘UN2813, no violations or reported incidents, and Potassium,’’ and ‘‘UN1428, Sodium8,’’
Water-reactive solid, n.o.s.’’ for Packing adopting it would expand the general without hazard labels or placards, with
Groups II and III, we are proposing to applicability in a safe manner, we are quantity limits not exceeding 25 grams.
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5424 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Based on our review, the fact the SP has the SP has no violations or reported safe manner, we are proposing to adopt
no violations or reported incidents, and incidents, and adopting it would its provisions in its entirety in
adopting it would expand the general expand the general applicability in a § 173.158.
applicability in a safe manner, we are safe manner, we are proposing to adopt
Section 173.159
proposing to adopt its provisions in its its provisions in its entirety in a new
entirety in § 173.151. paragraph (f) in § 173.154. Section 173.159 provides packaging
DOT–SP 14137 authorizes the and shipping specifications and
Section 173.154 transportation in commerce of certain exceptions for wet batteries. We are
Section 173.154 provides exceptions hydrochloric acid solutions in UN31H1 proposing to revise paragraph (e) to
for Class 8, corrosive materials. We are or UN31HH1 when loaded in include both shipments of electric
proposing to establish a new paragraph conformance with the requirements in storage batteries containing electrolyte
(b)(3) to authorize polyethylene bottles § 173.35(h) and the hydrochloric acid or corrosive battery fluid, and electric
with rated capacities of one gallon concentration does not exceed 38%. storage batteries and battery acid. This
(3.785 liters), packed inside an open- Based on our review, the fact the SP has change would adopt DOT–SP 13548.
top, heavy wall, high density no violations or reported incidents, and DOT–SP 13548 authorizes the
polyethylene box for shipping Packing adopting it would expand the general transportation in commerce of lead acid
Group II and III corrosives. We are also applicability in a safe manner, we are batteries and packages of battery acid
proposing to establish new paragraph (e) proposing to adopt its provisions in its with two different UN numbers on the
to authorize hydrochloric acid entirety in § 173.154. same motor vehicle with the packages
concentration not exceeding 38%, in secured against movement. Based on
Packing Group II to be contained in Section 173.158
our review, the fact the SP has no
UN31H1 or UN31HH1 intermediate Section 173.158 provides general violations or reported incidents, and
bulk containers when loaded in requirements and exceptions for adopting it would expand the general
accordance with the requirements of shipments and packagings of nitric acid. applicability in a safe manner, we are
§ 173.35(h). These revisions would In this NPRM, we are proposing to proposing to adopt its provisions in its
adopt DOT–SP 6614, 12030, and 14137. establish a new paragraph (i) to entirety in § 173.159.
DOT–SP 6614 authorizes the use of authorize ‘‘Nitric acid of up to 40%
polyethylene bottles placed in a concentration’’ in a UN1H1 non- Section 173.181
polyethylene crate for the transportation removable head plastic drums with Section 173.181 sets forth packaging
in commerce of ‘‘Compounds, cleaning certain conditions set forth in that and shipping requirements for
liquid (consisting of solutions paragraph and add new paragraph (j) for Pyrophoric materials (liquids). In this
containing potassium hydroxide, the transportation of ‘‘Nitric acid, other NPRM, we are proposing to add new
hydrochloric acid or phosphoric acid), than red fuming, with more than 70% paragraph (d) to authorize the
NA1760, PG II or III,’’ ‘‘Corrosive liquid, nitric acid’’ and ‘‘Nitric acid, other than transportation in commerce of certain
basic, inorganic, n.o.s. (Potassium red fuming, with not more than 70% pyrophoric materials in a combination
hydroxide), PG II, and Corrosive liquid, nitric acid’’ in a combination packaging package consisting of UN1A2 outer
basic, inorganic, n.o.s. (Sodium when offered for transportation or package and a UN1A1 inner package.
hydroxide), PG II, UN3266,’’ ‘‘Corrosive transported by rail, highway, or cargo This revision would adopt DOT–SP
liquid, acidic, inorganic, n.o.s. vessel. These proposed revisions would 12920.
(Phosphoric acid and Nitric acid), adopt DOT–SP 8230 and 14213. DOT–SP 12920 authorizes the
UN3264, PG II’’ ‘‘Corrosive liquid, DOT–SP 8230 authorizes the
transportation in commerce of certain
acidic, organic, n.o.s. (Glycolic acid), transportation in commerce of Packing
pyrophoric materials in a combination
UN3265, PG III’’ ‘‘Hypochlorite Groups I and II nitric acids in certain
package consisting of UN1A2 outer
solutions, UN1791, PG III,’’ combination packagings by motor
package and a UN1A1 inner package,
‘‘Hydrochloric acid solution (with not vehicle, rail freight, cargo vessel and
with no more than two (2) inner drums
over 32% strength), UN1789, PG II’’ and cargo-only aircraft. Specifically, ‘‘Nitric
placed inside the outer drum. PHMSA
‘‘Sulfuric acid (with not more than 51% acid, other than red fuming, with more
has on file six violations related to
acid), UN2796, PG II.’’ PHMSA has on than 70% nitric acid’’ and ‘‘Nitric acid,
shipments moving under DOT–SP
file sixty-seven violations related to other than red fuming, with not more
12920. However, the violations did not
shipments moving under DOT–SP 6614. than 70% nitric acid’’ is authorized to
involve safety issues with the permit;
However, the violations did not involve be transported in inner plastic bottles in
rather, they pertained to non-
safety issues with the permit. We are rigid foam plastic receptacles or plastic
compliance with the permit or the HMR.
proposing to adopt the permit, and bags lined absorbent material in outer
Based on our review, the fact the SP has
extend it to all corrosive materials of packagings. Based on our review, the
no violations involving safety issues
Packing Groups II or III based on the fact the SP has no violations or reported
with the permit and no reported
history of no violations involving safety incidents, and adopting it would
incidents, and adopting it would
issues and no reported incidents. expand the general applicability in a
DOT–SP 12030 authorizes the expand the general applicability in a
safe manner, we are proposing to adopt
transportation in commerce of a safe manner, we are proposing to adopt
its provisions in its entirety in
combination packaging with a its provisions in its entirety in
§ 173.158.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
maximum gross weight not over 37.0 kg, DOT–SP 14213 authorizes the § 173.181.
consisting of one UN6HG2 composite manufacture, marking, sale and use of V. Regulatory Analyses and Notices
packaging containing battery fluid and UN1H1 plastic drums to be used for the
one UN4G fiberboard box containing a transportation in commerce of nitric A. Statutory/Legal Authority for This
dry storage battery. The UN6HG2 acid with not more than 40% nitric Rulemaking
composite packaging has a maximum acid. Based on our review, the fact the This rulemaking is issued under the
capacity of 8.0 liters and is marked as SP has no violations or reported authority of the Federal hazardous
meeting the requirement for Packaging incidents, and adopting it would materials transportation law (49 U.S.C.
Group II. Based on our review, the fact expand the general applicability in a 5101 et seq.). Section 5103(b) authorizes
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5425
the Secretary of Transportation to to existing practice or behavior and marked, certified, or sold as qualified
prescribe regulations for the safe incremental compliance costs will thus for use in transporting hazardous
transportation, including security, of be close to zero. At the same time, the material.
hazardous materials in intrastate, potential for additional safety benefits is Federal hazardous materials
interstate, and foreign commerce. This also very limited in these cases, as transportation law provides at 49 U.S.C.
rulemaking proposes adoption of certain existing practice and operations are 5125(b)(2) that, if DOT issues a
special permits into the hazardous already minimizing the number of regulation concerning any of these
materials regulations. incidents. subjects, DOT must determine and
Estimated benefits associated with publish in the Federal Register the
B. Executive Order 12866, Executive effective date of Federal preemption.
this rule result from the regulated
Order 13563, Executive Order 13610, The effective date may not be earlier
community no longer being required to
and DOT Regulatory Policies and than the 90th day following the date of
apply for SP sand amount to
Procedures issuance of the final rule and not later
approximately $12,000 annually. Costs
This proposed rulemaking is not associated with the rule are estimated to than 2 years after the date of issuance.
considered a significant regulatory be negligible annually. Current SP This proposed rule would address
action under Executive Order 12866 holders are already complying with the subject areas (1), (2), (3), and (5) above
(‘‘Regulatory Planning and Review’’), as proposed requirements and, if adopted, and would preempt any state, local, or
supplemented and reaffirmed by these requirements would not impose Indian tribe requirements concerning
Executive Order 13563 (‘‘Improving new requirements on current non- these subjects unless the non-Federal
Regulation and Regulatory Review’’), holders of SPs. The overall costs and requirements are ‘‘substantively the
stressing that, to the extent permitted by benefits of the rule are dependent on the same’’ as the Federal requirements. The
law, an agency rulemaking action must level of pre-existing compliance and the effective date of Federal preemption is
be based on benefits that justify its overall effectiveness of the new April 30, 2015.
costs, impose the least burden, consider requirements specified in this
cumulative burdens, maximize benefits, D. Executive Order 13175
use performance objectives, and assess This notice of proposed rulemaking
available alternatives, and the C. Executive Order 13132 has been analyzed in accordance with
Regulatory Policies and Procedures of This notice of proposed rulemaking the principles and criteria contained in
the Department of Transportation (44 FR has been analyzed in accordance with Executive Order 13175 (‘‘Consultation
11034). Executive Orders 12866 and the principles and criteria contained in and Coordination with Indian Tribal
13563 require agencies to regulate in the Executive Order 13132 (‘‘Federalism’’), Governments’’). Because this NPRM
‘‘most cost-effective manner,’’ to make a 64 FR 43255 (Aug. 10, 1999) and the does not have tribal implications and
‘‘reasoned determination that the President’s May 20, 2009 memorandum does not impose substantial direct
benefits of the intended regulation (74 FR 24693 [May 22, 2009]). The compliance costs, the funding and
justify its costs,’’ and to develop requirements in this proposed rule consultation requirements of Executive
regulations that ‘‘impose the least would preempt state, local, and Indian Order 13175 do not apply.
burden on society.’’ tribe requirements but would not have
Executive Order 13610, issued May E. Regulatory Flexibility Act, Executive
substantial direct effects on the States, Order 13272, and DOT Procedures and
10, 2012, urges agencies to conduct the relationship between the national
retrospective analyses of existing rules Policies
government and the States, or the
to examine whether they remain distribution of power and The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
justified and whether they should be responsibilities among the various U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires an agency to
modified or streamlined in light of levels of government. Therefore, the review regulations to assess their impact
changed circumstances, including the consultation and funding requirements on small entities unless the agency
rise of new technologies. By building off of Executive Order 13132 do not apply. determines that a rule is not expected to
of each other, these three Executive The Federal hazardous materials have a significant impact on a
Orders require agencies to regulate in transportation law, 49 U.S.C. 5101 et substantial number of small entities.
the ‘‘most cost-effective manner,’’ to seq., contains an express preemption The primary costs to small entities
make a ‘‘reasoned determination that provision (49 U.S.C. 5125(b)) associated with this proposed rule
the benefits of the intended regulation preempting State, local, and Indian tribe include developing and updating a risk
justify its costs,’’ and to develop requirements on the following subjects: assessment, developing and updating
regulations that ‘‘impose the least (1) The designation, description, and operating procedures, and additional
burden on society.’’ classification of hazardous materials; training for hazmat employees who
In this notice of proposed rulemaking, (2) The packing, repacking, handling, perform loading and unloading
PHMSA is proposing to amend the HMR labeling, marking, and placarding of operations.
to adopt provisions contained in certain hazardous materials; PHMSA expects the impacts of this
widely-used or long-standing SPs that (3) The preparation, execution, and rule will be limited for many small
have an established safety record. The use of shipping documents related to entities due to their compliance with
proposed revisions are intended to hazardous materials and requirements other existing Federal regulations. In
provide wider access to the regulatory related to the number, contents, and this notice of proposed rulemaking,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
flexibility offered in SPs and eliminate placement of those documents; PHMSA also explicitly acknowledges
the need for numerous renewal requests, (4) The written notification, that many regulated entities are holders
thus reducing paperwork burdens and recording, and reporting of the of SPs or are part of industry
facilitating commerce while maintaining unintentional release in transportation associations with voluntary codes of
an appropriate level of safety. PHMSA of hazardous material; or safe practice, and that these may be
assumes that for most regulated entities (5) The design, manufacture, sufficient for compliance with the
in these categories, the revisions fabrication, marking, maintenance, proposed rule as long as all of the
proposed in this notice of proposed recondition, repair, or testing of a relevant safety areas are addressed and
rulemaking requires little or no change packaging or container represented, documented. For regulated entities in
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5426 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
these categories, the notice of proposed approximately $5.50/employee. Further, F. Paperwork Reduction Act
rulemaking requires little or no change PHMSA estimates that approximately PHMSA currently has an approved
to existing practices or behavior and 50% of small businesses are already information collection under OMB
incremental compliance costs will thus implementing procedures that would be Control No. 2137–0051, entitled
be close to zero. Therefore, the benefit compliant with this notice of proposed ‘‘Special Permits and Approvals,’’
and cost figures discussed below should rulemaking. Based upon the above expiring on May 31, 2015. Section
be viewed as upper bounds, both of estimates and assumptions, PHMSA 1320.8(d), Title 5, Code of Federal
which will be reduced by the extent of certifies that this notice of proposed Regulations, requires PHMSA to provide
current practice. rulemaking does not have a significant interested members of the public and
PHMSA estimates that there are 50 economic impact on a substantial affected agencies an opportunity to
potentially affected small entities. The number of small entities. Further comment on information collection and
annualized documentation cost for information on the estimates and recordkeeping requests. This
developing and updating the risk assumptions used to evaluate the rulemaking adds new exceptions to the
assessment and the operating potential impacts to small entities is HMR while eliminating the need for
procedures is estimated to be $375/ available in the Regulatory Impact persons to apply for a SP, resulting in
small entity. The annualized cost of Assessment that has been placed in the a decrease in burden. PHMSA estimates
additional training for affected public docket for this rulemaking. the reduction in information collection
employees is estimated to be burden as follows:
There are 728 grantees associated private sector, and thus does not require standards and, where appropriate, that
with the 98 special permits being an Unfunded Mandates Act analysis. they be the basis for U.S. standards.
proposed for adoption in this PHMSA participates in the
rulemaking. Over 10 years, a SP would I. Executive Order 13609 and
establishment of international standards
on average be renewed twice, resulting International Trade Analysis
in order to protect the safety of the
in 1,456 renewals (728 × 2). The average Under E.O. 13609, agencies must American public, and we have assessed
number of applications per year would consider whether the impacts associated the effects of the proposed rule to
be approximately 146 (1,456/10). The with significant variations between ensure that it does not cause
annual estimated cost savings would unnecessary obstacles to foreign trade.
domestic and international regulatory
total $12,337.00 (146 number of Accordingly, this rulemaking is
approaches are unnecessary or may
renewals per year × $39.50/hr. consistent with E.O. 13609 and
impair the ability of American business
preparation cost; 146 renewals per year PHMSA’s obligations under the Trade
× $45.00/hr compliance cost). to export and compete internationally.
In meeting shared challenges involving Agreement Act, as amended.
Please direct your requests for a copy
of this final information collection to health, safety, labor, security, J. Environmental Assessment
Steven Andrews or T. Glenn Foster, environmental, and other issues,
PHMSA proposes to adopt provisions
Office of Hazardous Materials Standards international regulatory cooperation can
contained in certain widely-used or
(PHH–12), Pipeline and Hazardous identify approaches that are at least as
long-standing SPs that have an
Materials Safety Administration, 1200 protective as those that are or would be
established safety record. The proposed
New Jersey Avenue SE., 2nd Floor, adopted in the absence of such
revisions are intended to provide wider
Washington, DC 20590–0001. cooperation. International regulatory
access to the regulatory flexibility
cooperation can also reduce, eliminate, offered in SPs and eliminate the need
G. Regulation Identifier Number (RIN) or prevent unnecessary differences in for numerous renewal requests, thus
A regulation identifier number (RIN) regulatory requirements.
is assigned to each regulatory action reducing paperwork burdens and
Similarly, the Trade Agreements Act facilitating commerce while maintaining
listed in the Unified Agenda of Federal
of 1979 (Pub. L. 96–39), as amended by an appropriate level of safety.
Regulations. The Regulatory Information
the Uruguay Round Agreements Act The National Environmental Policy
Service Center publishes the Unified
Agenda in April and October of each (Pub. L. 103–465), prohibits Federal Act (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4321–4375,
year. The RIN contained in the heading agencies from establishing any requires that federal agencies analyze
of this document can be used to cross- standards or engaging in related proposed actions to determine whether
reference this action with the Unified activities that create unnecessary the action will have a significant impact
obstacles to the foreign commerce of the on the human environment. The
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
United States. For purposes of these Council on Environmental Quality
H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act requirements, Federal agencies may (CEQ) regulations order federal agencies
This notice of proposed rulemaking participate in the establishment of to conduct an environmental review
does not impose unfunded mandates international standards, so long as the considering (1) the need for the
under the Unfunded Mandates Reform standards have a legitimate domestic proposed action (2) alternatives to the
Act of 1995. PHMSA has concluded that objective, such as providing for safety, proposed action (3) probable
the rule will not impose annual and do not operate to exclude imports environmental impacts of the proposed
expenditures of $141.3 million on State, that meet this objective. The statute also action and alternatives and (4) the
local, or tribal governments or the requires consideration of international agencies and persons consulted during
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5427
the consideration process. 40 CFR 49 CFR Part 172 PART 171—GENERAL INFORMATION,
1508.9(b). A detailed NEPA assessment REGULATIONS, AND DEFINITIONS
Education, Hazardous materials
has been placed in the docket for this
transportation, Hazardous waste,
rulemaking for public review. ■ 1. The authority citation for part 171
Labeling, Packaging and containers,
continues to read as follows:
K. Privacy Act Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements. Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128, 44701;
Anyone is able to search the 101, section 4 (28 U.S.C. 2461 note); Pub. L.
electronic form of any written 49 CFR Part 173 104–121, sections 212–213; Pub. L. 104–134,
communications and comments section 31001; 49 CFR 1.81 and 1.97.
Hazardous materials transportation,
received into any of our dockets by the
Packaging and containers, Radioactive ■ 2. In § 171.8, the definition of
name of the individual submitting the
materials, Reporting and recordkeeping ‘‘Display pack’’ is added in alphabetical
document (or signing the document, if
requirements, Uranium. sequence to read as follows:
submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may 49 CFR Part 174 § 171.8 Definitions and abbreviations.
review DOT’s complete Privacy Act Hazardous materials transportation, * * * * *
Statement in the Federal Register Incorporation, Radioactive materials, Display pack means a package
published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR and Railroad safety. intended to be placed at retail stores
19477) which may be viewed at:
which provides direct customer access
http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2000- 49 CFR Part 176
to consumer commodities contained
04-11/pdf/00-8505.pdf. Hazardous materials transportation, within the package when all or part of
L. National Technology Transfer and Maritime carriers, Radioactive materials, the outer fiberboard packaging is
Advancement Act Reporting and recordkeeping removed.
requirements. * * * * *
The National Technology Transfer
and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 49 CFR Part 177
U.S.C. 272 note) directs federal agencies Hazardous materials transportation, TABLE, SPECIAL PROVISIONS,
to use voluntary consensus standards in Motor carriers, Radioactive materials, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS
their regulatory activities unless doing Reporting and recordkeeping COMMUNICATIONS, EMERGENCY
so would be inconsistent with requirements. RESPONSE INFORMATION, TRAINING
applicable law or otherwise impractical.
Voluntary consensus standards are
technical standards (e.g. specification of Hazardous materials transportation,
materials, test methods, or performance Motor vehicle safety, Packaging and ■ 3. The authority citation for part 172
requirements) that are developed or containers, Reporting and recordkeeping continues to read as follows:
adopted by voluntary consensus requirements. Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128; 44701; 49
standard bodies. CFR 1.81, 1.96 and 1.97.
This proposed rulemaking does not 49 CFR Part 180
involve voluntary consensus standards. Hazardous materials transportation, ■ 4. In § 172.101, the Hazardous
Motor carriers, Motor vehicle safety, Materials Table is amended by revising
List of Subjects entries under ‘‘[REVISE]’’ in the
Packaging and containers, Railroad
49 CFR Part 171 safety, Reporting and recordkeeping appropriate alphabetical sequence to
requirements. read as follows:
Exports, Hazardous materials
transportation, Hazardous waste, In consideration of the foregoing, 49 § 172.101 Purpose and use of hazardous
Imports, Reporting and recordkeeping CFR Chapter I is proposed to be materials table.
requirements. amended as follows: * * * * *
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
VerDate Sep<11>2014
and proper (§ 172.102) Passenger Cargo air- Location Other
shipping names Exceptions Non-bulk Bulk aircraft/rail craft only
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
* * * * * * *
Acrolein, stabilized 6.1 UN1092 .... I ............................. 6.1, 3 ... 1, B9, B14, None ......... 226 ........... 244 ........... Forbidden Forbidden D ............... 40
Jkt 235001
PO 00000
* * * * * * *
G ............ Articles, explo- 1.4S UN3049 .... II ............................ 1.4S ..... 101, 382 ... None ......... 62 ............. None ......... 25 kg ........ 100 kg ...... 01 ............. 25
sives, n.o.s.
Frm 00090
* * * * * * *
Articles, pyro- 1.4G UN0431 .... II ............................ 1.4G .... 381 ........... None ......... 62 ............. None ......... Forbidden 75 kg ........ 02 ............. 25
technic for tech-
nical purposes.
Fmt 4701
* * * * * * *
+ ............ Benzaldehyde ....... 9 UN1990 .... III ........................... 9 .......... IB3, T2, 155 ........... 203 ........... 241 ........... 100 L ........ 220 L ........ A.
Sfmt 4702
* * * * * * *
Coating solution 3 UN1139 .... II ............................ 3 .......... 149, IB2, 150 ........... 202 ........... 242 ........... 5 L ............ 60 L .......... B
(includes surface T4, TP1,
treatments or TP8, 383.
coatings used for
industrial or
other purposes
such as vehicle
drum or barrel
* * * * * * *
G ............ Corrosive liquid, 8 UN3264 .... I ............................. 8 .......... A6, B10, None ......... 201 ........... 243 ........... 0.5 L ......... 2.5 L ......... B ............... 40
acidic, inorganic, T14,
n.o.s. TP2,
II ............................ 8 .......... B2, IB2, 154 ........... 202 ........... 242 ........... 1 L ............ 30 L .......... B ............... 40
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
III ........................... 8 .......... IB3, T7, 154 ........... 203 ........... 241 ........... 5 L ............ 60 L .......... A ............... 40
G ............ Corrosive liquid, 8 UN3265 .... I ............................. 8 .......... A6, B10, None ......... 201 ........... 243 ........... 0.5 L ......... 2.5 L ......... B ............... 40
acidic, organic, T14,
n.o.s. TP2,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
II ............................ 8 .......... B2, IB2, 154 ........... 202 ........... 242 ........... 1 L ............ 30 L .......... B ............... 40
VerDate Sep<11>2014
III ........................... 8 .......... IB3, T7, 154 ........... 203 ........... 241 ........... 5 L ............ 60 L .......... A ............... 40
* * * * * * *
G ............ Environmentally 9 UN3077 .... III ........................... 9 .......... 8, 146, 155 ........... 213 ........... 240 ........... No limit ..... No limit ..... A
hazardous sub- 335,
Jkt 235001
N91, T1,
PO 00000
* * * * * * *
Extracts, flavoring, 3 UN1197 .... II ............................ 3 .......... 149, IB2, 150 ........... 202 ........... 242 ........... 5 L ............ 60 L .......... B
liquid. T4, TP1,
Frm 00091
III ........................... 3 .......... B1, IB3, 150 ........... 203 ........... 242 ........... 60 L .......... 220 L ........ A
T2, TP1,
Fmt 4701
* * * * * * *
Fireworks .............. 1.4S UN0337 .... II ............................ 1.4S ..... 108, 382 ... None ......... 62 ............. None ......... 25 kg ........ 100 kg ...... 01 ............. 25
* * * * * * *
Sfmt 4702
G ............ Flammable liquids, 3 UN2924 .... I ............................. 3, 8 ...... T14, TP2 .. None ......... 201 ........... 243 ........... 0.5 L ......... 2.5 L ......... E ............... 40
corrosive, n.o.s.
II ............................ 3, 8 ...... IB2, T11, 150 ........... 202 ........... 243 ........... 1 L ............ 5 L ............ B ............... 40
III ........................... 3, 8 ...... B1, IB3, 150 ........... 203 ........... 242 ........... 5 L ............ 60 L .......... A ............... 40
T7, TP1,
* * * * * * *
D ............ Fusee (railway or 4.1 NA1325 .... II ............................ 4.1 ....... 381 ........... None ......... 184 ........... None ......... 15 kg ........ 50 kg ........ B
* * * * * * *
Lithium .................. 4.3 UN1415 .... I ............................. 4.3 ....... A7, A19, 151 ........... 211 ........... 244 ........... Forbidden 15 kg ........ E ............... 52
IB4, IP1,
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
* * * * * * *
D G ........ Other regulated 9 NA3077 .... III ........................... 9 .......... B54, IB8, 155 ........... 213 ........... 240 ........... No limit ..... No limit ..... A
substances, IP2, T1,
solid, n.o.s. TP33,
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
VerDate Sep<11>2014
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8A) (8B) (8C) (9A) (9B) (10A) (10B)
* * * * * * *
Paint including 3 UN1263 .... II ............................ 3 .......... 149, B52, 150 ........... 173 ........... 242 ........... 5 L ............ 60 L .......... B
paint, lacquer, IB2, T4,
enamel, stain, TP1,
shellac solutions, TP8,
varnish, polish, TP28,
* * * * * * *
Jkt 235001
Petroleum gases, 2.1 UN1075 .... ............................... 2.1 ....... T50, N95 .. 306 ........... 304 ........... 314, 315 ... Forbidden 150 kg ...... E ............... 40
liquefied or Liq-
uefied petroleum
PO 00000
* * * * * * *
Phosphoric acid 8 UN1805 .... III ........................... 8 .......... A7, IB3, 154 ........... 203 ........... 241 ........... 5 L ............ 60 L .......... A
solution. N34, T4,
Frm 00092
* * * * * * *
Phosphorus, white 4.2 UN1381 .... I ............................. 4.2, 6.1 B9, B26, 151 ........... 188 ........... 243 ........... Forbidden Forbidden E
Fmt 4701
dry or Phos- N34, T9,
phorus, white, TP3,
underwater or TP31.
white, in solution
Sfmt 4702
or Phosphorus,
yellow, dry or
Phosphorus, yel-
low, under water
or Phosphorus,
yellow, in solu-
* * * * * * *
Potassium ............. 4.3 UN2257 .... I ............................. 4.3 ....... A7, A19, 151 ........... 211 ........... 244 ........... Forbidden 15 kg ........ D ............... 52
B27, IB4,
IP1, N6,
N34, T9,
* * * * * * *
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
Propane, see also 2.1 UN1978 .... ............................... 2.1 ....... 19, T50, 306 ........... 304 ........... 314, 315 ... Forbidden 150 kg ...... E ............... 40
Petroleum N95.
gases, liquefied.
* * * * * * *
G ............ Self-heating solid, 4.2 UN3190 .... II ............................ 4.2 ....... IB6, IP2, 151 ........... 212 ........... 241 ........... 15 kg ........ 50 kg ........ C
inorganic, n.o.s. T3, TP33.
III ........................... 4.2 ....... IB8, IP3, 151 ........... 213 ........... 241 ........... 25 kg ........ 100 kg ...... C
T1, TP33.
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
* * * * * * *
G ............ Self-heating solid, 4.2 UN3088 .... III ........................... 4.2 ....... IB8, IP3, None ......... 213 ........... 241 ........... 25 kg ........ 100 kg ...... C
organic, n.o.s. T1,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
* * * * * * *
Signal devices, 1.4G UN0191 .... II ............................ 1.4G .... 381 ........... None ......... 62 ............. None ......... Forbidden 75 kg ........ 02 ............. 25
* * * * * * *
Signal devices, 1.4S UN0373 .... II ............................ 1.4S ..... 381 ........... None ......... 62 ............. None ......... 25 kg ........ 100 kg ...... 01 ............. 25
Jkt 235001
* * * * * * *
Sodium .................. 4.3 UN1428 .... I ............................. 4.3 ....... A7, A8, 151 ........... 211 ........... 244 ........... Forbidden 15 kg ........ D ............... 52
PO 00000
A20, B9,
B68, IB4,
IP1, N34,
T9, TP7,
Frm 00093
* * * * * * *
Fmt 4701
Trinitroresorcinol, 1.1D UN0394 .... II ............................ 1.1D ..... 385 ........... None ......... 62 ............. None ......... Forbidden Forbidden 04 ............. 25, 5E
wetted or
Styphnic acid,
wetted with not
less than 20 per-
Sfmt 4702
cent water, or
mixture of alco-
hol and water by
* * * * * * *
G ............ Water-reactive 4.3 UN2813 .... I ............................. 4.3 ....... IB4, N40, None ......... 211 ........... 242 ........... Forbidden 15 kg ........ E ............... 40
solid, n.o.s. T9, TP7,
II ............................ 4.3 ....... IB7, IP2, 151 ........... 212 ........... 242 ........... 15 kg ........ 50 kg ........ E ............... 40
T3, TP33.
III ........................... 4.3 ....... IB8, IP4, 151 ........... 213 ........... 241 ........... 25 kg ........ 100 kg ...... E ............... 40
T1, TP33.
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
5432 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
to wooden runners or pallets and the labels provided: (iii) No more than 2 L (0.6 gallons) or
units secured to the flat car, motor a. The cylinder must be transported in 2 kg (4.4 pounds) aggregate net quantity
vehicle, or freight container to prevent a closed motor vehicle with the of any one hazardous material may be
shifting and movement, including FLAMMABLE GAS placards. transported in one vehicle; and
relative motion between the objects, b. Shipping papers must reflect a (iv) The maximum gross weight of the
under conditions normally incident to correct current accounting of all packages must not exceed 60 kg (132
transportation. cylinders both full and expended. pounds) per vehicle.
385 Notwithstanding the provisions c. The cylinders are collected and (v) Each package is marked with the
of § 177.834(l) of this subchapter, cargo transported by a private or a contract name and address of the offeror, a 24-
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5433
hour emergency response phone (viii) Toy paper caps of any kind must § 173.29 Empty packagings.
number and the statement ‘‘Contains not be packed in the same packaging * * * * *
Chemicals’’ in letters at least one-inch with fireworks;
(ix) The outside of each package must (f) Smokeless powder residue when
high on a contrasting background.
be plainly marked ‘‘ARTICLES, transported by motor vehicle or railcar
* * * * * in COFC or TOFC service is excepted
■ 9. In § 172.400a, paragraph (a)(1) is EXPLOSIVES, N.O.S. (TOY CAPS)—
HANDLE CAREFULLY’’ OR ‘‘TOY from shipping papers and the
revised and paragraph (a)(8) is added to placarding requirements of subpart F of
read as follows: CAPS—HANDLE CAREFULLY’’; and
(x) Explosives shipped in part 172 of this subchapter when
§ 172.400a Exceptions from labeling. conformance with this paragraph must transported in conformance with the
(a) * * * have been examined in conformance following:
(1) A Dewar flask meeting the with § 173.56 and approved by the (1) The outer packaging is a UN
requirements in § 173.320 of this Associate Administrator for Hazardous specification 1G fiber drum or 1A2 steel
subchapter or a cylinder containing a Materials Safety. drum;
Division 2.1, 2.2, or 2.3 material that is * * * * * (2) The amount of smokeless powder
durably and legibly marked in per outer packaging does not exceed 5
accordance with CGA C–7, Appendix A PART 173—SHIPPERS—GENERAL grams;
(IBR; see § 171.7 of this subchapter). REQUIREMENTS FOR SHIPMENTS
* * * * * AND PACKAGINGS (3) The smokeless powder is approved
(8) Toy plastic or paper caps for toy in conformance with § 173.56 as a Class
■ 10. The authority citation for part 173 1 explosive substance;
pistols described as ‘‘UN0349, Articles, continues to read as follows:
explosive, n.o.s. (Toy caps), 1.4S, PG II’’ (4) Empty packages must be in a
or ‘‘NA0337, Toy caps, 1.4S, PG II’’ Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128, 44701; 49 closed transport vehicle;
offered for transportation by motor CFR 1.81, 1.96 and 1.97.
(5) Empty packages must be loaded by
vehicle, rail freight, cargo vessel, and ■ 11. In § 173.12, add paragraph (h) to the shipper and unloaded by the
cargo aircraft in conformance with the read as follows:
shipper or consignee; and
following conditions:
(i) The toy plastic or paper caps must § 173.12 Exceptions for shipment of waste (6) The proper shipping description of
materials. the material is ‘‘RESIDUE: Last
be in the form of sheets, strips, rolls, or
individual caps; * * * * * Contained Powder, smokeless, Hazard
(ii) The caps must not contain more (h) Shrink-wrapped pallets of limited Class N/A, Identification Number N/A,
than an average of twenty-five quantity waste. Shrink-wrapped pallets Packing Group N/A’’.
hundredths of a grain of explosive containing boxes of waste ORM–D or * * * * *
composition per cap; limited quantity materials may be
(iii) The caps must be packed inside transported by motor vehicle and cargo ■ 13. In § 173.40, revise paragraph (d) as
packagings constructed of cardboard not vessel when marked with the word follows:
less than 0.013-inch in thickness, metal ‘‘WASTE’’ on the outside of the pallet
§ 173.40 General packaging requirements
not less than 0.008-inch in thickness, instead of on each individual box under for toxic materials packaged in cylinders.
non-combustible plastic not less than the following conditions:
(1) Expired consumer commodities * * * * *
0.015-inch in thickness, or a composite
blister package consisting of cardboard must be in their original undamaged (d) * * *
not less than 0.013-inch in thickness packaging and marked with the (1) * * *
and non-combustible plastic not less ‘‘Consumer Commodity ORM–D’’
marking or ‘‘Limited Quantities Ltd- (ii) Each cylinder with a valve must
than 0.005-inch in thickness that
completely encloses the caps; Qty’’ marking, be equipped with a protective metal or
(iv) The minimum dimensions of each (2) Packages must be securely affixed plastic cap, other valve protection
side and each end of the cardboard to a pallet and shrink wrapped, device, or an overpack which is
packaging must be 1/8th inch in height (3) The outside of the shrink wrap sufficient to protect the valve from
or more; must be marked on opposite sides with: breakage or leakage resulting from a
(v) The number of caps inside each ‘‘Waste Consumer Commodity ORM–D’’ drop of 2.0 m (7 ft) onto a non-yielding
packaging must be limited so that not or ‘‘Waste Limited Quantities Ltd-Qty,’’ surface, such as concrete or steel.
more than 10 grains of explosives and Impact must be at an orientation most
composition may be packed into one (4) A packaging or shipping paper that likely to cause damage.
cubic inch of space, and not more than is permanently marked with a special ■ 14. In § 173.62, Packing Instruction
17.5 grains of the explosive composition permit number, ‘‘DOT–SP’’ or ‘‘DOT– 139 in the Table of Packing Methods,
of toy caps may be packed in any inner E,’’ for which the provisions of the paragraph (c)(5) is revised to read as
packaging; special permit have been adopted into follows:
(vi) Inner packagings must be packed this subchapter may continue to be used
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
in outer packagings meeting PG II for the life of the packaging without § 173.62 Specific packaging requirements
performance criteria; obliterating or otherwise removing the for explosives.
(vii) Toy caps may be packed with permanent marking. * * *
non-explosive or non-flammable articles * * * * *
provided the outer packagings are ■ 12. In § 173.29, paragraph (f) is
(c) * * *
marked as prescribed in this paragraph; revised to read as follows: (5) * * *
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5434 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
* * * * * * *
139 ............................................................................................... Bags .............................. Not necessary ............... Boxes.
1. For UN0065, 0102, 0104, 0289 and 0290, the ends of the
detonating cord must be sealed, for example, by a plug firm-
ly fixed so that the explosive cannot escape. The ends of
CORD DETONATING flexible must be fastened securely.
2. For UN0065, 0104, 0289, 0290 the ends of the detonating
cord are not required to be sealed provided the inner pack-
aging containing the detonating cord consists of a static-re-
sistant plastic bag of at least 3 mil thickness and the bag is
securely closed.
3. For UN0065 and UN0289, inner packagings are not required
when they are fastened securely in coils.
* * * * * * *
* * * * * exceed 30.5 meters (100 foot) in any one net quantity of material per inner
■ 15. In § 173.63, paragraph (a) is package; packaging not exceeding 25 grams, are
revised to read as follows: (ii) ‘‘Cord, detonating, mild effect,’’ excepted from the labeling requirements
must be packaged in conformance with of Part 172, Subpart E and the
§ 173.63 Packaging exceptions. § 173.62(c), Packing Instruction 139; and placarding requirements of Part 172
(a) Charges, and detonating cords and (iii) ‘‘Charges, shaped, flexible, Subpart F, when offered for
fuses. The following approved explosive linear,’’ must be packaged in transportation or transported in the
articles may be reclassed as certain conformance with § 173.62, Packing following packagings under the
Division 1.4 Compatibility Group D Instruction 138. following conditions:
(1.4D) explosives when prepared and * * * * *
offered for transportation under the (1) Packaging.
■ 16. In § 173.150, add paragraph (h) to
following conditions: read as follows: (i) The hazardous material is placed
(1) Cord, detonating (UN0065, Div. in a tightly closed plastic bottle after
1.1D), having an explosive content not § 173.150 Exceptions for Class 3 being submerged in mineral oil;
exceeding 6.5 g (0.23 ounces) per 30 (flammable and combustible liquids). (ii) The plastic bottle is placed inside
centimeter length (one linear foot) may * * * * * a plastic bag which must be securely
be reclassed as Cord, detonating (h) Diesel fuel (NA1993) and Gasoline closed to prevent leaks or punctures in
(UN0289, Div. 1.4D) and offered for (UN1203) may be transported one way, conformance with the instructions
transportation domestically if the by motor vehicle, directly from the provided by the packaging manufacturer
aggregate gross weight of all packages loading location to an equipment repair in accordance with § 178.2(c) of this
containing Cord, detonating (UN0065) facility, in a non-DOT specification, subchapter.
does not exceed 45 kg (99 pounds) per: non-bulk packaging, known as a (iii) The bagged bottle is then placed
(i) Transport vehicle, freight gasoline dispenser, which has been inside a metal can with all void spaces
container, or cargo-only aircraft; removed from service at gasoline
(ii) Off-shore down-hole tool pallet filled with an oil-absorbing material and
marketing outlets, without complying sealed tight; and
carried on an off-shore supply vessel; with the marking set forth in
(iii) Cargo compartment of a cargo § 172.301(c), under the following (iv) The can is then placed into a heat
vessel; or conditions: sealed barrier bag.
(iv) Passenger-carrying aircraft used to (i) Prior to loading, each dispenser (2) Marking. Each inner plastic bottle,
transport personnel to remote work must be prepared for transportation by outer metal can, and barrier bag must be
sites, such as offshore drilling units. capping or plugging all product inlet marked with: (A) chemical name; (B)
(2) Cord, detonating, or Fuse quantity; and (C) the name and address
and outlet piping, so that no fluid may
detonating, metal clad (UN 0290, Div. of the offeror.
be released during transportation;
1.1D) may be renamed and reclassed as (ii) No dispenser may contain more (3) Recordkeeping. (i) Records of the
Cord, detonating, mild effect, or Fuse, than 2 gallons of gasoline; and preparation, packaging, and marking of
detonating, mild effect, metal clad (UN (iii) Each dispenser must be blocked, each chemical must be documented and
0104, Div. 1.4D); and Charges, shaped, braced or strapped to the motor vehicle all components in each package must be
flexible, linear (UN 0288, Div. 1.1D) to prevent movement during noted; and
may be renamed and reclassed
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
‘‘Charges, shaped, flexible, linear (UN (ii) Records must be retained for a
* * * * * minimum of 5 years and be accessible
0237, Div. 1.4D) and transported by ■ 17. In § 173.151, add paragraphs (e),
motor vehicle, railcar, cargo vessel, and at or through the shipper’s principal
(f), (g), and (h) to read as follows:
cargo aircraft, under the following place of business and be made available,
conditions: § 173.151 Exceptions for Class 4. upon request, to the Associate
(i) The explosive substances in each * * * * * Administrator or designated official.
item must not exceed 10.7 grams per (e) Except for transportation by (f) Except for transportation by
meter (50 grains per foot) and the length aircraft, Lithium (UN1415), Potassium aircraft, Self-heating solid, inorganic,
of each cord, fuse, and charge must not (UN2257), and Sodium (UN1428) with a n.o.s. (UN3190) may by contained in:
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5435
(1) Unlined, non-DOT specification § 173.154 Exceptions for Class 8 Department of Transportation upon
multi-wall paper bags containing a (corrosive materials). request.
maximum of 55 pounds (net) of product * * * * * (iv) The name or symbol of the bottle
as follows. (b) * * * producer, and the month and year of
(A) Each bag must be capable of (3) When transported by private motor manufacture, must be marked by
passing the tests at the Packing Group carrier only, the following materials embossing, ink-jet printing of
II performance level specified in may be packaged in polyethylene bottles permanent ink, or other permanent
Subpart M of 49 CFR part 178 for paper with a capacity no greater than 3.785L means on the face or bottom of each
bags; (one gallon), packed inside an open-top, bottle, in letters and numbers at least 6
(B) All bags must be held a minimum heavy wall, high density polyethylene mm (0.2 inch) high. Symbols, if used,
of 24 hours after packaging and a box (i.e., crate) in a manner that the must be registered with the Associate
determination made that the material polyethylene bottles are not subjected to Administrator.
temperature does not exceed 100 °F any superimposed weight, and the (v) The box must be constructed from
prior to offering for shipment; and boxes must be reasonably secured high density polyethylene in the density
(C) Shipments must be made in closed against movement within the transport range 0.950–0.962, and be capable of
freight containers. vehicle and loaded so as to minimize holding liquid when in the upright
the possibility of coming in contact with position.
(g) Except for transportation by
aircraft, Water reactive solid, n.o.s. other lading: * * * * *
(contains magnesium, magnesium Compounds, cleaning liquid (e) Hydrochloric acid concentration
nitrides) in Packing Group II or III may (consisting of solutions containing not exceed 38%, in Packing Group II,
be contained in sift-proof bulk potassium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid may be contained in UN31H1 or
packagings that prevent liquid water or phosphoric acid), NA1760, PG II or UN31HH1 intermediate bulk containers
from reaching the hazardous material III; when loaded in accordance with the
with sufficient venting to preclude Corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, requirements of § 173.35(h).
dangerous accumulation of flammable, n.o.s. (Potassium hydroxide), PG II, and (f) Battery fluid, acid, packaged with
corrosive or toxic gaseous emissions Corrosive liquid, basic, inorganic, n.o.s. a dry storage battery in Packing Group
such as methane, hydrogen and (Sodium hydroxide), PG II, UN3266; II, may be packaged in a UN6HG2
ammonia. Corrosive liquid, acidic, inorganic, composite packaging containing battery
n.o.s. (Phosphoric acid and Nitric acid), fluid and a dry storage battery packed in
(h) Phosphorus, yellow, under water
UN3264, PG II; a UN4G fiberboard box. The UN6HG2
(UN1381) may be contained in the
Corrosive liquid, acidic, organic, composite packaging must have a
following packaging, subject to the
n.o.s. (Glycolic acid), UN 3265, PG III; maximum capacity of 8.0 liters and be
following conditions:
Hypochlorite solutions, UN1791, PG III; marked as meeting the requirement for
(1) Packaging. (i) A 30 gallon UN 1A2 Packaging Group II. The maximum
steel drum certified to the PG I Hydrochloric acid solution (with not
over 32% strength), UN 1789, PG II; and allowable gross weight for the
performance level for solids and the PG completed package is 37.0 kg.
I or PG II performance level for liquids Sulfuric acid (with not more than
51% acid), UN2796, PG II. ■ 19. In § 173.156, add paragraphs (c)
and dual marked as a UN1A2/X400/S and (d) to read as follows:
(for solid) and UN1A2 X(or Y)/1.4/150 (i) No more than four bottles, securely
(for liquids). closed with threaded caps, may be § 173.156 Exceptions for limited quantity
packed in each box. and ORM.
(ii) Sufficient water must be present
(ii) Each empty bottle must have a * * * * *
in each drum to ensure that the
minimum weight of not less than 140 (c) Display packs. Display packs, as
phosphorous is covered during
grams and a minimum wall thickness of defined in § 171.8 of this subchapter, of
transportation, in any orientation of the
not less than 0.020 inch (0.508 mm). consumer commodity packages that
(iii) The completed package must exceed 30 kg gross weight may be
(iii) Drums must be held and observed meet the Packing Group II performance
for a minimum of 24-hours before transported by railcar in trailer-on-
level, as applicable for combination flatcar (TOFC) or container-on-flat-car
transportation. Any leaking or otherwise packagings with a plastic box outer
unsuitable drums must be replaced (COFC) service, or roadrailer and/or
packaging, in accordance with Subpart railrunner trailers or by motor vehicle,
prior to transportation; M of Part 178.
(iv) Packages must be destroyed and or cargo vessel only under the following
(A) Tests must be performed on each conditions:
may not be reused; and type and size of bottle, for each (1) Packaging. Combination packages
(v) The net mass of the material and manufacturing location. Samples taken must conform to the packaging
water, in kilograms, must not exceed the at random must withstand the requirements of Subpart B of 49 CFR
mass that would be permitted by prescribed tests without breakage or part 173 and meet the following
calculating the volume of the packaging leakage. limitations:
in liters multiplied by the specific (B) One bottle for every two hours of (i) The inner containers must conform
gravity indicated on the package production, or for every 2500 bottles to the quantity limits for inner
certification. produced, must be tested by dropping a packagings prescribed in §§ 173.150(b),
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(2) Conditions. bottle filled to 98% capacity with water 173.152(b), 173.154(b), 173.155(b) and
(i) Transportation is by private or from a height of 1.2 meters (3.9 feet) 173.306(a) and (b), as appropriate;
contract motor carrier only; onto solid concrete directly on the (ii) The inner containers must be
(ii) Transportation is authorized from closure. packed into trays to secure individual
the generator site(s) of the material to a (C) A copy of the test results must be containers from movement inside the
facility where it must be unloaded by kept on file at each facility where completed combination package during
the consignee for reprocessing; packagings are offered for transportation;
■ 18. In § 173.154, add paragraphs transportation, and must be made (iii) The tray(s) must be placed into a
(b)(3), (e) and (f) to read as follows: available to a representative of the fiberboard box, and the fiberboard box
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5436 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
must be banded and secured to a pallet sealed with either plastic tape, a wire tie section below, an unapproved chemical
by metal, fabric, or plastic straps to form or a cable tie. oxygen generator, or unapproved
a single palletized unit; and ■ 21. In § 173.159, revise the first chemical oxygen generator installed in
(iv) The maximum net quantity of sentence in introductory paragraph (e) smaller size equipment such as a PBE
hazardous material permitted on one and add paragraph (j) to read as follows: shall be packaged in a combination
palletized unit is 550 kg (1,210 lbs.). packaging consisting of a non-
(2) Marking. The outside of each § 173.159 Batteries, wet. combustible inner packaging that fully
package must be plainly and durably * * * * * encloses the oxygen generator or piece
marked with either ‘‘Consumer (e) When transported by highway or of equipment inside an outer packaging
commodity, ORM–D’’ or ‘‘Limited rail, shipments of electric storage which meets the requirements in
Quantities, Ltd-Qty,’’ so that both labels batteries containing electrolyte or § 173.212 or ‘‘Packaging for Airline
will not be displayed at the same time corrosive battery fluid, and shipments of Supplies—ATA Specification No. 300,’’
in the surrounding rectangle as electric storage batteries and battery published by the Airlines for America.
prescribed in §§ 172.315 and 172.316. acid, are not subject to any other (iii) Impractical size packaging. If the
(d) Exceptions for waste limited requirements of this subchapter, if all of piece of equipment in which the
quantities and ORM–D materials. the following are met: * * * unapproved chemical oxygen generator
Certain exceptions for waste limited * * * * * is installed is so large (e.g., an aircraft
quantity and ORM–D materials are (j) Nickel cadmium batteries seat) as to not be practically able to be
prescribed in § 173.12(h). containing liquid potassium hydroxide. fully enclosed in the packaging
■ 20. In § 173.158, add paragraphs (i) Nickel-cadmium batteries that each prescribed in paragraphs (g)(1)(ii) of this
and (j) to read as follows: contain no more than 10 ml of liquid section, then a visible and durable
potassium hydroxide, a Class 8 material, warning tag must be securely attached
§ 173.158 Nitric acid.
are not subject to the requirements of to the piece of equipment stating ‘‘THIS
* * * * * this subchapter when transported by ITEM CONTAINS A CHEMICAL
(i) Nitric acid of up to 40% motor vehicle, railcar, cargo vessel, and OXYGEN GENERATOR.’’
concentration, when offered for passenger and cargo aircraft under the (2) Testing. Each unapproved
transportation or transported by rail, following conditions: chemical oxygen generator, without its
highway, or cargo vessel, may be (1) Each battery must be sealed in a packaging, must be capable of
contained in a UN1H1 non-removable heat sealed bag, packaged to prevent withstanding a 1.8 meter drop onto a
head plastic drum, tested and marked at short circuits, and placed in the center rigid, non-resilient, flat and horizontal
the PGII level for liquids with a specific of an outer plastic drum and surrounded surface, in the position most likely to
gravity of at least 1.8, and a hydrostatic with a foam-in-place packaging cause damage, with no actuation or loss
test pressure appropriate for the material; of contents.
hazardous material. (2) The outer plastic drum must meet (3) Marking. (i) If the unapproved
(1) Drums may only be used one time the UN 1H2 performance standard at the chemical oxygen generator is inside a
and must be destroyed after emptying. Packing Group II level; piece of equipment which is sealed or
(2) Drums must be permanently and (3) The gross weight of the package difficult to determine if an oxygen
legibly marked ‘‘Single Trip Only’’ and may not exceed 15.2 kg (33.4 pounds); generator is present, for example—a
‘‘Must be Destroyed When Empty.’’ and closed sealed passenger service unit,
(j) Nitric acid, other than red fuming, (4) The cumulative amount of then a visible and durable warning sign
with more than 70% nitric acid and potassium hydroxide solution in all of must be attached to the piece of
Nitric acid, other than red fuming, with the batteries in each package may not equipment stating: ‘‘THIS ITEM
not more than 70% nitric acid, when exceed 4 ounces (0.11 kg). CONTAINS A CHEMICAL OXYGEN
offered for transportation or transported ■ 22. In § 173.168, add paragraph (g) to GENERATOR’’; and
by rail, highway, or cargo vessel, may be read as follows: (ii) Each outer package, and overpack
packaged in a UN 4G performance if used, must be visibly and durably
standard packaging meeting the Packing § 173.168 Chemical oxygen generators.
marked with the following statement:
Group I or II performance level: * * * * * ‘‘THIS PACKAGE IS NOT
(1) Inner packaging: A plastic (g) Exceptions. An unapproved AUTHORIZED FOR
(‘‘fluorinated ethylene-propylene’’ [FEP] chemical oxygen generator with only TRANSPORTATION ABOARD
polymers, ‘‘perfluoroalkoxy’’ [PFA] one positive means of preventing AIRCRAFT’’.
polymers or similar materials) bottle unintentional actuation of the generator, ■ 23. In § 173.181, revise introductory
with lined screw closure meeting the and without the required approval paragraph (a) and add paragraph (d) to
compatibility requirements of number marked on the outside of the read as follows:
§ 173.24(e) of this section and having a package, may be transported by motor
net capacity not greater than 2.5 liters vehicle, railcar, and cargo vessel only § 173.181 Pyrophoric materials (liquids).
(0.66 gallon) each. The wall thickness of under the following conditions: * * * * *
the bottle must not be less than 0.020’’. (1) Packaging. (i) The one positive (a) Specification steel or nickel
(2) Intermediate packaging: (A) A means of preventing unintentional cylinders prescribed for any compressed
tightly closed rigid-foam plastic actuation of the generator shall be gas except acetylene having a minimum
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
receptacle each containing one inner installed in such a manner that the design pressure of 1206 kPa (175 psig).
packaging; or percussion primer is so completely DOT 3AL cylinders with a minimum
(B) A plastic bag containing one inner protected from its firing pin that it marked service pressure of 1,800 psig
packaging and placed inside a heavy- cannot be physically actuated or the and a maximum water capacity of 49
wall polypropylene bag lined with electric firing circuit is so completely liters (13 gal) are authorized only for
polypropylene absorbent material of isolated from the electric match that it UN3194, Pyrophoric liquid, inorganic,
sufficient capacity to completely absorb cannot be electrically actuated. n.o.s. Any preheating or heating of the
the liquid contents of each inner (ii) Inner packaging. Except as DOT 3AL cylinders must be limited to
package. Both bags must be tightly provided in paragraph (g)(1)(iii) of this a maximum temperature of 79.4 °C
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(175 °F). Cylinders with valves must be: (5) The fusees and railroad torpedoes absorbent material and packed in a leak-
*** must be kept in the closed flagging kits tight UN 1A2 steel drum or UN 1H2
* * * * * whenever they are not being used on the plastic drum, with a capacity of not less
(d) Packaging—A combination railroad right-of-way, while the motor than 19 liters (5 gallons).
packaging consisting of the following: vehicle is being driven, or whenever the (2) Outer packaging. The inner
(1) Outer packaging. A 208 liter motor vehicle is located on other than packaging system must be placed in a
capacity UN1A2 drum that has been railroad property. UN 1A2 steel drum or UN 1H2 plastic
certified to PG I. The drum has a (6) When left in unattended motor drum, with a capacity of not less than
minimum wall thickness of 1.0 mm and vehicles on non-railroad property, a 114 liters (30 gallons). The inner
the top head is closed with a steel flagging kit must be locked, locked packaging system must be securely
closing ring with a minimum thickness inside the motor vehicle, or stored in a cushioned with a non-reactive,
of 2.4 mm. locked compartment on the motor absorbent material. The total amount of
(2) Inner packaging. A 10 liter or 20 vehicle. liquid contained in the outer packaging
liter UN1A1 drum which has been ■ 25. In § 173.193, revise paragraph (b) may not exceed 1 liter (1 quart).
certified to PG I. The drums have a to read as follows: (3) Both the inner packaging system
minimum wall thickness of 1.9 mm. § 173.193 Bromoacetone, methyl bromide,
and the outer packaging must conform
Both drums have 4 NPT or VCR chloropicrin and methyl bromide or methyl to the performance test requirements of
openings, each with a diameter of 6.3 chloride mixtures, etc. Subpart M of part 178 of this subchapter
mm. The 10 liter or 20 liter drum must * * * * * at the Packing Group I performance
be fabricated from stainless steel. On the (b) Bromoacetone, methyl bromide, level. The inner packaging system must
upper head, both the 10 and 20 liter chloropicrin and methyl bromide meet these tests without benefit of the
drums are fitted with a center opening mixtures, chloropicrin and methyl outer packaging.
with a maximum diameter of 68.3 mm. chloride mixtures, and chloropicrin * * * * *
The opening is sealed with a threaded mixtures charged with non-flammable, ■ 27. In § 173.301, revise paragraphs
closure fabricated from 316 stainless non-liquefied compressed gas must be (f)(1) through (2), (h)(2)(i), and add
steel. No more than two (2) inner drums packed in Specification 3A, 3AA, 3B, paragraph (f)(7) to read as follows:
may be placed inside the outer drum. 3C, 3E, 4A, 4B, 4BA, 4BW, or 4C
■ 24. In § 173.184, add paragraph (c) to § 173.301 General requirements for
cylinders having not over 113 kg (250 shipment of compressed gases and other
read as follows: pounds) water capacity (nominal) hazardous materials in cylinders, UN
§ 173.184 Highway or rail fusees. except: pressure receptacles and spherical
(1) DOT specification 4BW cylinders pressure vessels.
* * * * * containing chloropicrin and methyl
(c) For transportation by highway, * * * * *
bromide mixtures may not exceed 453 (f) Pressure relief device systems. (1)
railroad flagging kits are not subject any kg (1000 pounds). This capacity limit
other requirements of this subchapter Except as provided in paragraphs (f)(5)
does not apply to shipments of methyl through (f)(7) or (j) of this section, a
when all of the following conditions are bromide; and
met: cylinder filled with a gas and offered for
(2) water capacity (nominal). transportation must be equipped with
(1) The flagging kits may only contain
fusees and railroad torpedoes as follows: * * * * * one or more pressure relief devices
■ 26. In § 173.226, add paragraph (f) to sized and selected as to type, location,
(i) Fusee (rail or highway) (NA1325,
Division 4.1, PG II). read as follows: and quantity, and tested in accordance
(ii) Articles, pyrotechnic (UN0431, § 173.226 Materials poisonous by
with CGA Pamphlet S–1.1 (compliance
Division 1.4G, PG II). inhalation, Division 6.1, Packing Group I, with paragraph is not required)
(iii) Signal devices, hand (UN0373, Hazard Zone A. and CGA Pamphlet S–7. The pressure
Division 1.4S, PG II). * * * * * relief device must be capable of
(iv) Signal devices, hand (UN0191, (f) Liquid hazardous materials in preventing rupture of the normally
Division 1.4G, PG II). Division 6.1 Packing Group I, Hazard filled cylinder when subjected to a fire
(v) Signals, railway track, explosive Zone A are excepted from the test conducted in accordance with CGA
(UN0193, Division 1.4S, PG II). segregation requirements of §§ 174.81, Pamphlet C–14 (IBR, see § 171.7 of this
(2) Fusees and railroad torpedoes 176.83, and 177.848(d) of this subchapter), or, in the case of an
must be transported in compartmented subchapter when packaged as follows: acetylene cylinder, CGA Pamphlet C–12
metal containers. Each compartment (1) Inner packaging system. The inner (IBR, see § 171.7 of this subchapter).
must have a cover with a latching packaging system must consist of three (2) A pressure relief device, when
device. Compartments for railroad packagings: (i): A glass, plastic or metal installed, must be in communication
torpedoes must be equipped with a receptacle, with a capacity of not more with the vapor space of a cylinder
spring loaded positive locking device. than 1 liter (1 quart), securely cushioned containing a Division 2.1 (flammable
Each compartment may only contain with a non-reactive, absorbent material. gas) material. This provision does not
one type of device. The receptacle must have a closure apply to DOT-specification 39 cylinders
(3) Each flagging kit may contain a which is held in place by any means of 1.2L (75 cubic inches) or less in
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
maximum of 36 fusees and 36 railroad capable of preventing back-off or volume filled with a liquefied
torpedoes. No more than 6 flagging kits loosening of the closure by impact or petroleum gas, methyl acetylene and
may be transported at one time on any vibration during transportation. propadiene mixtures, stabilized,
motor vehicle. (ii) The receptacle must be packed propylene, propane or butane.
(4) Flagging kits may only be within a leak-tight packaging of metal, * * * * *
transported on railroad motor vehicles with a capacity of not less than 4 liters (7) A pressure relief device is not
including privately owned motor (1 gallon); and required on a DOT Specification 3E
vehicles under the direct control of on- (iii) The metal packaging must be cylinder measuring up to 50mm (2
duty railroad employees. securely cushioned with a nonreactive inches) in diameter by 305mm (12
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5438 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
inches) in length for the following gases (c) Special filling limits for DOT 3A, of the diborane may not exceed 7%.
in the maximum weight limits specified: 3AX, 3AA, and 3AAX cylinders Diborane mixed with compatible
(i) Carbon Dioxide 0.24L (8 oz. limit) containing Division 2.1 gases. A DOT compressed gas may not have a pressure
(ii) Ethane 0.12L (4 oz. limit) specification 3A, 3AX, 3AA, and 3AAX exceeding the service pressure of the
(iii) Ethylene 0.12L (4 oz. limit) cylinder may be filled with hydrogen cylinder if complete decomposition of
(iv) Hydrogen Chloride, anhydrous and mixtures of hydrogen with helium, the diborane occurs. Cylinder valve
0.24L (8 oz. limit) argon or nitrogen, to a pressure 10% in assemblies must be protected in
(v) Monochlorotrifluoromethane excess of its marked service pressure, if accordance with § 173.301(h).
0.35L (12 oz. limit) the following requirements are met: (f) Fluorine. Fluorine must be shipped
(vi) Nitrous oxide, 0.24L (8 oz. limit) (1) The cylinder must confirm to all in specification 3A1000, 3AA1000, or
(vii) Vinyl fluoride, stabilized 0.24L (8 of the requirements of paragraph (b) of 3BN400 cylinders without pressure
oz. limit) this section; relief devices and equipped with valve
* * * * * (2) The cylinder was manufactured protection cap. The cylinder may not be
(h) * * * after December 31, 1945; charged to over 400 psig at 21 °C (70 °F)
(2) * * * (3) DOT specification 3A and 3AX
and may not contain over 2.7 kg (6 lbs)
(i) By equipping the cylinder with cylinders are limited to those having an
of gas.
securely attached metal or plastic caps intermediate manganese composition.
(i) Cylinders manufactured with ■ 30. In § 173.304, revise paragraph (d)
of sufficient strength to protect valves
from damage during transportation; intermediate manganese steel must have to read as follows:
* * * * * been normalized, not quench and § 173.304 Filling of cylinders with liquefied
■ 28. In § 173.302, revise paragraph tempered. Quench and temper treatment compressed gases.
(f)(1) to read as follows: of intermediate steel is not authorized.
* * * * *
(ii) Cylinders manufactured with
§ 173.302 Filling of cylinders with chrome moly steel must have been (d) Refrigerant and dispersant gases.
nonliquefied (permanent) compressed normalized, not quenched and Nontoxic and nonflammable refrigerant
gases or adsorbed gases. tempered, not normalized. or dispersant gases must be offered for
* * * * * (4) Cylinders must be equipped with transportation in cylinders prescribed in
(f) * * * safety relief devices as follows: § 173.304a of this subchapter, or in DOT
(1) Only DOT specification 3A, 3AA, (i) Cylinders less than 1.7 m (65 2P, 2Q, or 2Q1 containers (§§ 178.33,
3AL, 3E, 3HT, 39 cylinders, 4E (filled to inches) in length must be equipped with 178.33a, and 178.33d—2 of this
less than 200 psig at 21 °C (70 °F), and fusible metal backed frangible disc subchapter). DOT 2P, 2Q, and 2Q1 must
UN pressure receptacles ISO 9809–1, devices; be packaged in a strong outer packaging
ISO 9809–2, ISO 9809–3 and ISO 7866 (ii) Cylinders 1.7 m (65 inches) or of such design as to protect valves from
cylinders are authorized. greater in length and 24.5 cm (9.63 damage or accidental functioning under
* * * * * inches) in diameter or larger must be conditions incident to transportation.
■ 29. In § 173.302a: equipped with fusible metal backed For DOT 2P and 2Q containers, the
■ a. Revise paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(5); frangible disc devices or frangible disc pressure inside the containers may not
■ b. Add a new paragraph (a)(6); devices. Cylinders having diameter of exceed 87 psia at 21.1°C (70 °F). For
■ c. Redesignate paragraphs (c), (d) and .56 m (22 inches) or larger must be 2Q1 containers, the pressure inside the
(e) as paragraphs (d), (e), and (f); and equipped with frangible disc devices. container may not exceed 200 psig at 55
■ d. Add new paragraph (c). (d) Carbon monoxide. Carbon °C (131 °F). Each completed metal
The revisions and additons are to read monoxide must be offered in a DOT 3, container filled for shipment must be
as follows: 3A, 3AX, 3AA, 3AAX, 3AL, 3E, 3T or heated until its contents reach a
4E cylinder having a minimum service minimum temperature of 55 °C (131 °F)
§ 173.302a Additional requirements for pressure of 1800 psig. The pressure in without evidence of leakage, distortion,
shipment of nonliquefied (permanent) a steel cylinder may not exceed 1000 or other defect. Each outer package must
compressed gases in specification
psig at 21 °C (70 °F), except that if the be plainly marked ‘‘INSIDE
gas is dry and sulfur free, the cylinder CONTAINERS COMPLY WITH
(a) * * * may be filled to 5⁄6 of the cylinder’s PRESCRIBED SPECIFICATIONS’’.
(1) DOT 3, 3A, 3AA, 3AL, 3B, 3E, 4B, service pressure or 2000 psig, whichever
4BA, 4BW, and 4E cylinders. * * * * *
is less. A DOT 3AL cylinder may be
* * * * * ■ 31. In § 173.304a, revise in the table in
filled to its marked service pressure. A
(5) Aluminum cylinders paragraph (a)(2), the entries for:
DOT 4E cylinder must be rated at least
manufactured in conformance with 240 psig and be filled to no more than ■ a. Carbon dioxide; and
specifications DOT 39, 3AL and 4E are 200 psig at 21C (70F). A DOT 3AL or ■ b. Nitrous oxide.
authorized for oxygen only under the DOT 4E cylinder is authorized only
conditions specified in § 173.302(b). § 173.304a Additional requirements for
when transported by motor vehicle, rail shipment of liquefied compressed gases in
(6) DOT 4E cylinders- DOT 4E car, or cargo-only aircraft. specification cylinders.
cylinders with a maximum capacity of (e) Diborane and diborane mixtures.
43L (11 gal) must have a minimum Diborane and diborane mixed with (a) * * *
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
rating of 240 psig and be filled to no compatible compressed gas must be (2) For the gases named, the following
more than 200 psig at 21 °C (70 °F). offered in a DOT 3AL1800 or 3AA1800 requirements apply (for cryogenic
* * * * * cylinder. The maximum filling density liquids, see § 173.316):
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* * * * * * *
Carbon dioxide (see Notes 4, 7, and 8) ............................. 70.3 DOT–3A2000, DOT–3AA2000, DOT–3AX2000, DOT–
3AAX2000, DOT–3T2000.
Carbon dioxide (see Notes 4, 7, and 8) ............................. 73.2 DOT–3A2265, DOT–3AA2265, DOT–3AX2265, DOT–
3AAX2265, DOT–3T2265.
Carbon dioxide (see Notes 4, 7, and 8) ............................. 74.5 DOT–3A2400, DOT–3AA2400, DOT–3AX2400, DOT–
3AAX2400, DOT–3T2400.
* * * * * * *
Nitrous oxide (see Notes 7, 8, and 11) ............................... 70.3 DOT–3A2000, DOT–3AA2000, DOT–3AX2000, DOT–
3AAX2000, DOT–3T2000.
Nitrous oxide (see Notes 7, 8, and 11) ............................... 73.2 DOT–3A2265, DOT–3AA2265, DOT–3AX2265, DOT–
3AAX2265, DOT–3T2265.
Nitrous oxide ( see Notes 7, 8, and 11) ............................. 74.5 DOT–3A2400, DOT–3AA2400, DOT–3AX2400, DOT–
3AAX2400, DOT–3T2400.
* * * * * * *
* * * * * subchapter except § 174.24, and to part more than 75 psig (517.1 kPa) at 21.1 °C
■ 32. In § 173.306: 177 of this subchapter except § 177.817. (70 °F).
■ a. Revise paragraph (a) and (b); Each package may not exceed 30 kg (66
■ b. Add paragraph (e)(2) and (m); and (3) When in a metal aerosol (see
lbs.) gross weight. § 171.8 of this subchapter for a
■ c. Revise paragraphs (f) and (k). (1) When in containers of not more
The revisions and additions read as definition of aerosol) container of a non-
than 4 fluid ounces capacity (7.22 cubic
follows: DOT specification, a DOT 2P, a DOT 2Q,
inches or less) except cigarette lighters.
or a variation of a 2P or 2Q design,
§ 173.306 Limited quantities of Additional exceptions for certain
compressed gases in limited quantities provided all of the following conditions
compressed gases.
and the ORM–D hazard class are are met. Additional exceptions for
(a) Limited quantities of compressed
provided in paragraph (i) of this section. material in packaging conforming to this
gases for which exceptions are
(2) When in refillable metal paragraph (a)(3) are provided in
permitted as noted by reference to this
section in § 172.101 of this subchapter containers filled with a material that is paragraph (i) of this section.
are excepted from labeling, except when not classed as a hazardous material to (i) Capacity. The capacity of the
offered for transportation or transported not more than 90% of capacity at 21.1 container must not exceed 1 L (61.0
by air, and, unless required as a °C (70 °F) and then charged with cubic inches).
condition of the exception, specification nonflammable, nonliquefied gas. Each (ii) General pressure conditions. The
packaging requirements of this container must be tested to three times
authorized metal aerosol containers and
subchapter when packaged in the pressure at 21.1 °C (70 °F) and,
associated pressure limits are provided
accordance with the following when refilled, be retested to three times
the pressure of the gas at 21.1 °C (70 °F). in the following table. The pressure in
paragraphs. For transportation by
Also, one of the following conditions the container must not exceed 180 psig
aircraft, the package must conform to
the applicable requirements of § 173.27 must be met: at 55 °C (131 °F) except as may be
of this subchapter and only packages of (i) The container is not over 0.95 L (1 authorized for variations of a DOT
hazardous materials authorized aboard quart) capacity and charged to not more specification container type. In any
passenger-carrying aircraft may be than 170 psig (1172.1 kPa) at 21.1 °C event, the metal container must be
transported as a limited quantity. In (70 °F), and must be packed in a strong capable of withstanding without
addition, shipments are not subject to outer packaging; or bursting a pressure of at least one and
subpart F (Placarding) of part 172 of this (ii) The container is not over 114 L (30 one-half times the equilibrium pressure
subchapter, to part 174 of this gallons) capacity and charged to not of the contents at 55 °C (131 °F).
2Q ..................................................................................... Greater than 160 but not exceeding 180 ........................ § 178.33a
If the contents are placed in a variation of a 2P or 2Q Then, the gauge pressure (psi) at 55 °C (131 °F) must Specification citation . . .
specification in a . . . be . . .
2P1 .................................................................................... Greater than 140 but not exceeding 160 ........................ § 178.33c–2
2Q1 ................................................................................... Greater than 160 but not exceeding 200 ........................ § 178.33d–2
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5440 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
(iii) Liquid fill. The liquid content of (or an electronic file thereof) that is would be reached at 55 °C (131 °F). The
the material and gas must not accessible at, or through, its principal lot size should be no greater than 2,000.
completely fill the container at 55 °C place of business and must make the If the pressure in the container exceeds
(131 °F). procedures available upon request, at a the maximum pressure allowed for the
(iv) Outer packaging. The containers reasonable time and location, to an container type or if the container shows
must be packed in strong outer authorized official of the Department of signs of leakage or permanent
packagings. Transportation. The procedures must, at deformation, the lot must be rejected.
(v) Pressure testing. Each container, a minimum, include instruction on the Alternatively, five (5) additional
after it is filled, must be subjected to a following: randomly selected containers from the
test performed in a hot water bath; the (1) Pressure specifications. Each lot may be tested to qualify the lot but
temperature of the bath and the duration person must specify pressure if any of the five containers fail the test,
of the test must be such that the internal standard(s) (e.g. a pressure limit or the entire lot must be rejected;
pressure reaches that which would be range) for a container respective of the (3) Periodic inspection. At designated
reached at 55 °C (131 °F), or 50 °C design and/or contents. Each container, intervals, a randomly selected container
(122 °F) if the liquid phase does not after it is filled, must be pressure must be inspected for proper closure
exceed 95% of the capacity of the checked and compared to the standards. and verification of filling pressure. If a
container at 50 °C (122 °F)). If the For a pressure limit, any container container shows signs of improper
contents are sensitive to heat, the exceeding the pressure limit must be closure or over-filling, five (5)
temperature of the bath must be set at rejected. For a pressure range, any additional randomly selected containers
between 20 °C (68 °F) and 30 °C (86 °F) container outside of the set range must must be inspected. If any of the
but, in addition, one container in 2,000 be rejected. The instruments used to additional containers show signs of
must be tested at the higher determine the pressure must be properly improper closure or over-filling, all
temperature. No leakage or permanent calibrated before a production run to an containers produces since the last
deformation of a container may occur. accuracy of +/- or better; and inspection must be rejected; and
However, instead of this standard water (2) Periodic inspection. At designated (4) Visual inspection. Each container
bath test, container(s) may be tested intervals, a randomly selected container must be visually inspected prior to
using one of the following methods must be inspected for proper closure
being packaged. Any container showing
subject to certain conditions— and verification of filling pressure. If a
signs of leakage or permanent
(A) Alternative water bath test. (1) container shows signs of improper
deformation must be rejected.
One filled container in a lot of 2,000 closure or over-filling, five (5)
must be subjected to a test performed in (D) Leakage test. (1) Pressure and leak
additional randomly selected containers
a hot water bath; the temperature of the testing before filling. Each empty
must be inspected. If any of the
bath and the duration of the test must container must be subjected to a
additional containers show signs of
be such that the internal pressure improper closure or over-filling, all pressure equal to or in excess of the
reaches that which would be reached at containers produced since the last maximum expected in the filled
55 °C (131 °F). If the container shows inspection must be rejected. containers at 55 °C (131 °F) (or 50 °C
evidence of leakage or permanent (C) Weight test. Each person (122 °F) if the liquid phase does not
deformation, the lot of 2,000 containers employing a weight test of filled exceed 95% of the capacity of the
must be rejected; containers must develop procedures for container at 50 °C (122 °F)). This must
(2) A second filled container in the lot implementation of the test. Each person be at least two-thirds of the design
of 2,000 must be weighed and compared must maintain a copy of the procedures pressure of the container. If any
to the weight specification for the (or an electronic file thereof) that is container shows evidence of leakage at
containers as documented in the accessible at, or through, its principal a rate equal to or greater than 3.3 ×
operating procedures for the weight test. place of business and must make the 10¥2 mbar L/s at the test pressure,
Failure of the container to meet the procedures available upon request, at a distortion or other defect, it must be
weight specification is evidence of reasonable time and location, to an rejected; and
leakage or overfilling and the lot of authorized official of the Department of (2) Testing after filling. The person
2,000 must be rejected; Transportation. The procedures must, at filling each container must ensure that
(3) The remainder of the containers in a minimum, include instruction on the the crimping equipment is set
the lot of 2,000 must be visually following: appropriately and the specified
inspected (e.g, examination of the (1) Weight specifications. Each person propellant is used before filling a
seams). Containers showing evidence of must specify target weight specifications container. Once filled, each container
leakage or overfilling must not be for a particular container. Each must be weighed and leak tested. The
transported; and container, after it is filled, must be leak detection equipment must be
(4) Each person employing this test weighed and compared to the target sufficiently sensitive to detect at least a
must maintain a copy of the operating weight specification for the container. leak rate of 2.0 × 10¥3 mbar L/s at 20
procedures (or an electronic file thereof) Any container outside the target weight °C (68 °F). Any filled container which
that is accessible at, or through, its specification is an indication of leakage shows evidence of leakage, deformation,
principal place of business and must or overfilling and must be rejected. The or overfilling must be rejected.
make the procedures available upon instruments used to determine the (vi) Each outer packaging must be
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
request, at a reasonable time and weight must be properly calibrated marked ‘‘INSIDE CONTAINERS
location, to an authorized official of the before a testing run and be sufficiently COMPLY WITH PRESCRIBED
Department of Transportation. sensitive to measure within 0.10 g of the REGULATIONS.’’
(B) Automated pressure test. Each true weight of the container; (4) When in gas samples transported
person employing an automated process (2) Heat testing and pressure limits. under the following conditions:
for pressure testing of filled containers One container out of each lot of (i) A gas sample may only be
must develop procedures for successfully filled containers must be transported as non-pressurized gas
implementation of the test. Each person heat tested by raising the internal when its pressure corresponding to
must maintain a copy of the procedures pressure until it reaches that which ambient atmospheric pressure in the
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container is not more than 105 kPa (5) For limited quantities of Division (ii) General pressure conditions. The
absolute (15.22 psia). 2.2 gases with no subsidiary risk, when authorized plastic aerosol containers
(ii) Non-pressurized gases, toxic (or in a plastic aerosol (see § 171.8 of this and associated pressure limits are
toxic and flammable) must be packed in subchapter for a definition of aerosol) provided in the following table. The
hermetically sealed glass or metal inner container of a non-DOT specification or pressure in the container must not
a DOT 2S, provided all of the following exceed 160 psig at 55 °C (131 °F) except
packagings of not more than one L (0.3
conditions are met. Additional as may be authorized for variations, if
gallons) overpacked in a strong outer
exceptions for material in packaging any, of a DOT specification container
packaging. type. In any event, the metal container
conforming to this paragraph (a)(5) are
(iii) Non-pressurized gases, flammable must be capable of withstanding
provided in paragraph (i) of this section.
must be packed in hermetically sealed without bursting a pressure of at least
glass or metal inner packagings of not (i) Capacity. The capacity of the one and one-half times the equilibrium
more than 5 L (1.3 gallons) and container must not exceed 1 L (61.0 pressure of the contents at 55 °C
overpacked in a strong outer packaging. cubic inches). (131 °F).
(iii) Liquid fill. Liquid content of the °C (122 °F) if the liquid phase does not subchapter. For transportation by
material and gas must not completely exceed 95% of the capacity of the aircraft, the package must conform to
fill the container at 55 °C (131 °F). container at 50 °C (122 °F). This must be the applicable requirements of § 173.27
(iv) Outer packaging. The containers at least two-thirds of the design pressure of this subchapter and only packages of
must be packed in strong outer of the container. If any container shows hazardous materials authorized aboard
packagings. evidence of leakage at a rate equal to or passenger-carrying aircraft may be
(v) Pressure testing. Except as greater than 3.3 × 10¥2 mbar L/s at the transported as a limited quantity. In
provided in paragraph (a)(5)(vi) of this test pressure, distortion or other defect, addition, shipments are not subject to
section, each container must be it must be rejected; and subpart F (Placarding) of part 172 of this
subjected to a test performed in a hot (B) Testing after filling. Prior to
water bath; the temperature of the bath subchapter, to part 174 of this
filling, the filler must ensure that the
and the duration of the test must be subchapter, except § 174.24, and to part
crimping equipment is set appropriately
such that the internal pressure reaches and the specified propellant is used 177 of this subchapter, except § 177.817.
that which would be reached at 55 °C before filling the container. Once filled, Additional exceptions for certain
(131 °F) or 50 °C (122 °F) if the liquid each container must be weighed and compressed gases in limited quantities
phase does not exceed 95% of the leak tested. The leak detection and the ORM–D hazard class are
capacity of the container at 50 °C equipment must be sufficiently sensitive provided in paragraph (i) of this section.
(122 °F). If the contents are sensitive to to detect at least a leak rate of 2.0 × (1) Foodstuffs or soaps with soluble or
heat, or if the container is made of 10¥3 mbar L/s at 20 °C (68 °F). Any emulsified compressed gas are
plastic material which softens at this filled container which shows evidence authorized in non-refillable metal or
test temperature, the temperature of the of leakage, deformation, or excessive plastic containers not to exceed 1 L
bath must be set at between 20 °C weight must be rejected. (61.0 cubic inches) provided the
(68 °F) and 30 °C (86 °F) but, in (vii) Each outer packaging must be pressure does not exceed a pressure of
addition, one container in 2,000 must be marked ‘‘INSIDE CONTAINERS 140 psig at 55 °C (131 °F) except as may
tested at the higher temperature. No COMPLY WITH PRESCRIBED be authorized for variations DOT of a
leakage or permanent deformation of a REGULATIONS.’’
specification container type. For
container may occur except that a (b) Exceptions for foodstuffs, soap,
biologicals, electronic tubes, and pressure greater than 140 psig to 160
plastic container may be deformed
audible fire alarm systems. Limited psig, a 2P1 or 2Q2 may be used. In no
through softening provided that it does
not leak. quantities of compressed gases (except case may the pressure of the contents be
(vi) Leakage test. As an alternative to Division 2.3 gases) for which exceptions greater than 150 psig at 75 °F. Plastic
the hot water bath test in paragraph are provided as indicated by reference containers must only contain Division
(a)(5)(v) of this section, testing may be to this section in § 172.101 of this 2.2 non-flammable soluble or emulsified
performed as follows: subchapter, when in accordance with compressed gas. In any event, the metal
(A) Pressure and leak testing before one of the following paragraphs, are or plastic container must be capable of
filling. Each empty container must be excepted from labeling, except when withstanding, without bursting, a
subjected to a pressure equal to or in offered for transportation or transported pressure of at least one and one-half
excess of the maximum expected in the by aircraft, and the specification times the equilibrium pressure of the
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
filled containers at 55 °C (131 °F) (or 50 packaging requirements of this contents at 55 °C (131 °F).
non-DOT specification metal or plastic container ............. Up to but not exceeding 140 ..........................................
If the contents are placed in a variation of a 2P or 2Q Then, the gauge pressure (in psig) at 55 °C (131 °F) Specification citation . . .
specification in a . . . must be . . .
2P1 .................................................................................... Greater than 140 but not exceeding 160 ........................ § 178.33c–2
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2Q2 ................................................................................... Greater than 140 but not exceeding 160 ........................ § 178.33d–3
(i) Containers must be packed in (ii) Each inside container may not containing nonliquefied, nonflammable
strong outer packagings. have a capacity exceeding 35 cubic gas, and nonflammable liquids or
(ii) Liquid content of the material and inches (19.3 fluid ounces), pneumatic accumulators containing
the gas must not completely fill the (iii) Each inside container may not nonliquefied, nonflammable gas,
container at 55 °C (131 °F). have a pressure exceeding 70 psig at fabricated from materials which will not
(iii) Each outer packaging must be 21.1 °C (70 °F) and the liquid portion of fragment upon rupture.
marked ‘‘INSIDE CONTAINERS the gas may not completely fill the (1) Accumulators installed in motor
COMPLY WITH PRESCRIBED inside container at 55 °C (131 °F), and vehicles, construction equipment, and
REGULATIONS.’’ (iv) Each nonrefillable inside assembled machinery and designed and
(2) Cream in refillable metal or plastic container must be designed and fabricated with a burst pressure of not
containers with soluble or emulsified fabricated with a burst pressure of not less than five times their charged
compressed gas. Plastic containers must less than four times its charged pressure pressure at 70 °F, when shipped, are not
only contain Division 2.2 non- at 55 °C (131 °F). Each refillable inside subject to the requirements of this
flammable soluble or emulsified container must be designed and subchapter.
compressed gas. Containers must be of fabricated with a burst pressure of not (2) Accumulators charged with
such design that they will hold pressure less than five times its charged pressure limited quantities of compressed gas to
without permanent deformation up to at 55 °C (131 °F). not more than 200 psig at 70 °F are
375 psig and must be equipped with a * * * * * excepted from labeling (except when
device designed so as to release pressure (e) * * * offered for transportation by air) and the
without bursting of the container or (2) Used refrigerating machines. (i) specification packaging requirements of
dangerous projection of its parts at Packaging. Reconditioned (used) this subchapter when shipped under the
higher pressures. This exception applies refrigerating machines (UN 2857, Div. following conditions. In addition,
to shipments offered for transportation 2.2) may be excepted from the marking shipments are not subject to subpart F
by refrigerated motor vehicles only. requirements of § 172.302(c) and of part 172 of this subchapter, to part
(3) Nonrefillable metal or plastic transported by motor vehicle when they 174 of this subchapter except § 174.24
containers charged with a Division 6.1 conform to the requirements prescribed and to part 177 of this subchapter
Packing Group III or nonflammable in § 173.306(e)(1), are secured or except § 177.817.
solution containing biological products permanently attached to the motor (i) Each accumulator must be shipped
or a medical preparation which could be vehicle, and are: as an inside packaging;
deteriorated by heat, and compressed (A) Permanently affixed to a steel base (ii) Each accumulator may not have a
gas or gases. Plastic containers must structure, gas space exceeding 2,500 cubic inches
only contain 2.2 non-flammable soluble (B) Permanently affixed to a trailer, or under stored pressure; and
or emulsified compressed gas. The (C) Manufactured with a rigid internal (iii) Each accumulator must be tested,
capacity of each container may not structure designed for transportation without evidence of failure or damage,
exceed 35 cubic inches (19.3 fluid and stacking conditions such that they to at least three times its charged
ounces). The pressure in the container do not leak and do not deteriorate, pressure of 70 °F, but not less than 120
may not exceed 140 psig at 55 °C distort, or become damaged in a manner psi before initial shipment and before
(131 °F), and the liquid content of the that could adversely affect their safety each refilling and reshipment.
product and gas must not completely fill or reduce their strength in (3) Accumulators with a charging
the containers at 55 °C (131 °F). One transportation, cause instability in pressure exceeding 200 psig at 70 °F and
completed container out of each lot of stacks of refrigerating machines, or in compliance with the requirements
500 or less, filled for shipment, must be cause damage to these machines in a stated in paragraph (f)(2), (i), (ii), and
heated, until the pressure in the way that is likely to reduce safety in (iii) of this section, as applicable, are
container is equivalent to equilibrium transportation. excepted from labeling (except when
pressure of the contents at 55 °C (ii) Testing. Used refrigerating offered for transportation by air) and the
(131 °F). There must be no evidence of machines returned from their rental specification packaging requirements of
leakage, distortion, or other defect. The locations must be transported back to an this subchapter when shipped under the
container must be packed in strong authorized original equipment following conditions:
outer packagings. manufacturer service facility and (i) Each accumulator must be
(4) Electronic tubes, each having a undergo maintenance, repair and/or designed and fabricated with a burst
volume of not more than 30 cubic replacement that renders these pressure of not less than five (5) times
inches and charged with gas to a machines back to the same operational its charged pressure at 70 °F when
pressure of not more than 35 psig and level as that of new refrigerating shipped;
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
packed in strong outer packagings. machines, and must undergo a leak test (ii) For an accumulator with a gas
(5) Audible fire alarm systems by a certified technician, prior to re- space not to exceed 100 cubic inches, it
powered by a compressed gas contained shipment. must be designed and fabricated with a
in an inside metal container when * * * * * burst pressure of not less than five (5)
shipped under the following conditions: (f) Accumulators (Articles, times its charged pressure at 70 °F. Out
(i) Each inside container must have pressurized pneumatic or hydraulic of each lot not to exceed 1,000
contents which are not flammable, containing non-flammable gas). The successively produced accumulators per
poisonous, or corrosive as defined following applies to accumulators, day of the same type, accumulators
under this part, which are hydraulic accumulators must be tested, in lieu of the testing of
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paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of this section, as products not exceeding 0.5 L gas space exceptions provided in paragraphs (a)
follows: capacity and 5 times the charge pressure and (i) of this section except for subpart
(A) One (1) accumulator must be for products greater than 0.5 L gas space F (Placarding) of part 172 of this
tested to the minimum design burst capacity; subchapter.
pressure; (iii) Design type has been subjected to (i) Packaging. (A) The aerosols must
(B) Two (2) accumulators, one at the a fire test demonstrating that the article be packaged in a metal or plastic
beginning of production and one at the relieves its pressure by means of a fire removable head salvage drum that is a
end must be tested to at least two and degradable seal or other pressure relief UN 1A2, 1B2, 1N2 or 1H2 drum tested
a half times the charge pressure without device, such that the article will not and marked for at least the Packing
evidence of leakage or distortion; fragment and that the article does not Group II performance level for liquids;
(C) If accumulators fail either test, an rocket; and
additional four (4) sets of accumulators (B) Each drum shall be provided,
(iv) Accumulators must be when necessary, with sufficient
from the lot may be tested. If any manufactured under a written quality
additional accumulators fail, the lot cushioning and absorption material to
assurance program which monitors prevent excessive shifting of the
must be rejected; parameters controlling burst strength,
(D) Accumulators must be packaged aerosols and to eliminate the presence
burst mode and performance in a fire of any free liquid at the time the drum
in strong outer packaging. situation as specified in paragraphs
(iii) For an accumulator with a gas is closed. All cushioning and absorbent
(f)(4)(i) through (f)(4)(iii) of this section. material used in the drum must be
space not to exceed 30 cubic inches, it A copy of the quality assurance program
must be designed and fabricated with a compatible with the hazardous material;
must be maintained at each facility at and
burst pressure of not less than four (4) which the accumulators are
times its charged pressure at 70 °F. Out manufactured. (C) The pressure inside each
of each lot not to exceed 1,000 (5) Accumulators not conforming to completed drum, at any time during
successively produced accumulators per the provisions of paragraphs (f)(1) transportation, may not exceed the
day of the same type, accumulators through (f)(4) of this section, may only design test pressure marked on the
must be tested, in lieu of the testing of be transported subject to the approval of drum.
paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of this section, as the Associate Administrator. (ii) Hazard communication. (A)
follows: Instead of the marking requirements for
(A) One (1) accumulator must be * * * * *
(k) Aerosols for recycling or disposal. non-bulk packages in § 172.301 of this
tested to the minimum design burst subchapter, each drum must be marked
pressure; Aerosols (as defined in § 171.8 of the
subchapter) intended to be recycled or with either ‘‘AEROSOL SALVAGE’’ or
(B) Two (2) accumulators, one at the ‘‘AEROSOL SALVAGE DRUM’’ in
beginning of production and one at the for disposal may be transported only
under the following conditions: association with the required label(s);
end must be tested to at least two and and
a half times the charge pressure without (1) Used aerosols conforming to
paragraph (a)(3), (a)(5), (b)(1), (b)(2), or (B) The overpack marking
evidence of leakage or distortion;
(b)(3) of this section are not subject to requirements of § 173.25 of this
(C) If accumulators fail either test, an
the 30 kg (66 pounds) gross weight subchapter do not apply.
additional four (4) sets of accumulators
from the lot may be tested. If any limitation when transported by motor (3) Modal restrictions. The completed
additional accumulators fail, the lot vehicle for purposes of recycling or drums must be offered for transportation
must be rejected; disposal under the following conditions: or transported by private or contract
(D) Accumulators must be packaged (i) The strong outer packaging and its carrier going by highway or rail. Vessel
in strong outer packaging. contents must not exceed a gross weight or air transportation is not authorized.
(4) Accumulators intended to function of 500 kg (1,100 pounds); * * * * *
as shock absorbers, struts, gas springs, (ii) Each aerosol must be secured with
(m) For additional exceptions, see
pneumatic springs or other impact or a cap to protect the valve stem or the
§ 173.307 of this part.
energy-absorbing devices are not subject valve stem must be removed; and
(iii) The packaging must be offered for 33. In § 173.315, paragraph (a)(2)
to the requirements of this subchapter
provided each: transportation or transported by— table, the entry ‘‘Division 2.2 materials
(i) Has a gas space capacity not (A) Private or contract motor carrier; not specifically provided for in this
exceeding 1.6 L and a charge pressure or table’’ is revised, and a new Note 28 is
not exceeding 280 bar, where the (B) Common carrier in a motor vehicle added. The revision and addition read
product of the capacity expressed in under exclusive use for such service. as follows:
liters and charge pressure expressed in (2) Aerosols intended to conform to § 173.315 Compressed gases in cargo
bars does not exceed 80 (for example, (a)(3) or (a)(5) at the time of filling but tanks and portable tanks.
0.5 L gas space and 160 bar charge that are leaking or have been improperly
pressure); filled may be transported for disposal (a) * * *
(ii) Has a minimum burst pressure of under the conditions provided below. (1) * * *
4 times the charge pressure at 20 °C for
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
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* * * * * * *
Division 2.2, materials not specifically pro- See par. (c) of this See Note 7 ................ DOT–51, MC–330, See Notes 19 and 28.
vided for in this table. section. MC–331.
* * * * * * *
* * * * * authorized. Design pressure may not § 173.319 Cryogenic liquids in tank cars.
Note 28: For UN1080, Sulfur exceed 600 psig. The water capacity * * * * *
hexafluoride, a non-specification cargo range for each tank is 15 to 500 gallons. (d) * * *
tank that otherwise conforms to a DOT * * * * *
Specification MC 331 cargo tank except ■ 34. In § 173.319, revise paragraph (2) * * *
for design pressure and capacity is (d)(2) table to read as follows:
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■ 39. Revise § 176.90 to read as follows: The owner or operator of each (3) A qualified person ‘‘attends’’ the
recreational vehicle must be directed to loading or unloading of a cargo tank
§ 176.90 Private Automobiles.
close all operating valves within the only if, throughout the process:
(a) Class 1 (explosive) material. A vehicles. (i) Except for unloading operations
private automobile which is carrying (5) ‘‘No smoking’’ signs must be subject to §§ 177.837(d), 177.840(p), and
any Class 1 (explosive) material (except posted on the vehicle decks and, if used 177.840(q), the qualified person is
permitted fireworks or small arms for storage of hazardous materials; in within 7.62 m (25 feet) of the cargo tank.
ammunition) may not be transported on close proximity to the vessel’s paint The qualified person attending the
a passenger-carrying ferry vessel unless locker. unloading of a cargo tank must be alert
the Class 1 (explosive) material is in (6) An hourly patrol of the vehicle and have an unobstructed view of the
compliance with packaging, labeling, decks must be made by a crewmember. cargo tank and delivery hose to the
marking, and certification requirements Any unusual or dangerous situation maximum extent practicable during the
of this subchapter. Permitted fireworks must be reported to the vessel’s master. unloading operation; or
and small arms ammunition may be (ii) The qualified person observes all
(7) Passengers may be allowed on the
carried without the required packaging, loading or unloading operations by
vehicle decks during the voyage and are
labeling, marking, or certification if they means of a video monitor located at a
subject to the control of the crew
are in tight containers. remote control station, and the loading
(b) Engines, gasoline, or liquefied personnel conducting the continuous
vehicle deck patrol. or unloading system is equipped as
petroleum gas. Engines, internal
(8) Each person responsible for follows:
combustion, flammable gas powered or
performing a function authorized by this (A) The video monitoring system
flammable liquid powered, including
section must be trained in accordance must have a motorized zoom lens, and
when fitted in machinery or vehicles
with subpart H of part 172 of this must be capable of panning and
(i.e. motor vehicles, recreational
subchapter and on the requirements of zooming from the remote control
vehicles, campers, trailers), vehicle
this section. station. The camera must be mounted so
flammable liquid or flammable gas
(9) Shipments made under this as to provide an unobstructed view of
powered, gasoline, and petroleum gases,
paragraph are subject to the Hazardous all equipment involved in the loading or
liquefied or liquefied petroleum gas
Materials Incident Reporting unloading operations, including all
when included as part of a motor home,
requirements specified in §§ 171.15 and valves, hoses, domes, and safety relief
recreational vehicle, camper, or trailer;
171.16 of this subchapter. devices. In addition, the view capability
are excepted from the requirements of
must include the entire containment
this subchapter if the following PART 177—CARRIAGE BY PUBLIC area.
conditions are met: HIGHWAY
(1) Any container showing (B) Upon loss of video, loading or
deterioration which might affect its unloading operations must be
■ 40. The authority citation for part 177
integrity must not be allowed on board immediately terminated.
continues to read as follows:
the vessel. A visual inspection by a (C) Shut-off valves operable from the
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128; sec. 112 remote control station must be
responsible member of the crew must be of Pub. L. 103–311, 108 Stat. 1673, 1676
made of each cylinder of liquefied provided.
(1994); sec. 32509 of Pub. L. 112–141, 126
petroleum gas before it may be allowed Stat. 405, 805 (2012); 49 CFR 1.81 and 1.97.
(D) In the event of a remote system
aboard the vessel. A cylinder that has a failure, a qualified person must
■ 41. Section 177.820 is added to read
crack or leak, is bulged, has a defective immediately resume attending the
as follows:
valve or a leaking or defective pressure loading or unloading of the cargo tank
relief device, or bears evidence of § 177.820 Movement of motor vehicles as provided in paragraph (i)(3)(i).
physical abuse, fire or heat damage, or across highways. (E) A containment area must be
detrimental rusting or corrosion, may Materials in Class 2, Class 3, Class 4, provided capable of holding the
not offered for transportation on board Class 5, Class 6, Class 8, and Class 9; contents of as many cargo tank motor
the vessel. Leaking or damaged Class 7 Radioactive material, excepted vehicles as might be loaded at any
containers of gasoline may not be packages (UN 2908, UN 2909, UN 2910, single time.
offered for transportation on board the and UN 2911); and Combustible liquids (F) A qualified person must
vessel. are not subject to 49 CFR, Part 172 personally conduct a visual inspection
(2) Motor vehicles may be stowed in Subparts C (Shipping Papers), D of each cargo tank motor vehicle after it
the same hold or compartment or on the (Marking), E (Labeling), and F is loaded, prior to departure, for any
vehicle deck of passenger vessels with (Placarding) of part 172 when moved damage that may have occurred during
cylinders of liquefied petroleum gas directly across a public road provided: loading; or
when the cylinders are securely (a) The movement is from one part of (iii) Hoses used in the loading or
attached to recreational vehicles, such a facility to another; unloading operations are equipped with
as campers or trailers. (b) The public road is not more than cable connected wedges, plungers or
(3) Extra containers of gasoline a two lane single roadway; and flapper valves located at each end of the
(including camp stove or lantern fuel) (c) Access to the public road must be hose, able to stop the flow of product
and portable cylinders of liquefied restricted by signals, lights, gates, or from both the source and the receiving
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
petroleum gas (including cylinders for similar controls. tank within one second without human
camping equipment) not securely ■ 42. In § 177.834, revise paragraphs intervention in the event of a hose
attached to recreational vehicles must (i)(3), (i)(4), and (l)(2)(i) remove and rupture, disconnection or separation.
be stowed in the vessel’s paint locker. reserve paragraph (l)(2)(ii) to read as (A) Prior to each use, each hose must
Containers must be securely closed. follows: be inspected to ensure that it is of sound
(4) All liquefied petroleum gas quality, without defects detectable
cylinders must be secured by closing the § 177.834 General Requirements. through visual observation; and
shut-off valves prior to the recreational * * * * * (B) The loading or unloading
vehicles being loaded on the vessels. (i) * * * operations must be physically inspected
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by a qualified person at least once every under paragraph (l)(2)(i)(B) of this and Class 8 if all of the following
sixty (60) minutes. section by permanently marking the requirements are met:
(4) A person is ‘‘qualified’’ if he has heater ‘‘MEETS DOT REQUIREMENTS (A) The Division 2.3, Hazard Zone A
been made aware of the nature of the FOR CATALYTIC HEATERS USED material must be packaged as authorized
hazardous material which is to be WITH FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND by this subchapter. In addition, each
loaded or unloaded, has been instructed GAS.’’ package must be must be placed in a
on the procedures to be followed in (5) The heater is also marked ‘‘DO plastic bag which is taped closed and
emergencies, and except for persons NOT LOAD INTO OR USE IN CARGO then overpacked in a UN 1A2 steel
observing loading or unloading COMPARTMENTS CONTAINING drum tested and marked for a Packing
operations by means of a video monitor FLAMMABLE LIQUID OR GAS IF Group II or higher performance level
and persons inspecting hoses in FLAME IS VISIBLE ON CATALYST OR with insulation material inside to
accordance with paragraph (3)(iii)(B), is IN HEATER.’’ protect the cylinders from fire. The
authorized to move the cargo tank, and \(ii) [Reserved] outside of the overpack must be marked
has the means to do so. * * * * * with an indication that the inner
* * * * * ■ 43. In § 177.838, the title of the section packagings conform to the prescribed
(l) * * * is revised and paragraph (i) is added to specifications.
(2) * * * read as follows: (B) A Division 2.1 material requiring
(i) Use of combustion cargo heaters. A strong non-bulk outer packagings in
§ 177.838 Class 4 (flammable solid)
motor vehicle equipped with a accordance with § 173.301(a)(9) of this
materials, Class 5 (oxidizing) materials, and
combustion cargo heater may be used to Division 4.2 (self-heating and pyroforic subchapter must be overpacked in a UN
transport Class 3 (flammable liquid) or liquid) materials. 1A2 steel or 1H2 plastic drum tested
Division 2.1 (flammable gas) materials and marked for a Packing Group II or
* * * * *
only if the following requirements in (i) Division 4.2 (self-heating) higher performance level. The outside of
paragraph (A) or (B) are met: materials. Notwithstanding the the overpack must be marked with an
(A) The combustion cargo heater is segregation requirements of § 177.848(d) indication that the inner packagings
powered by diesel fuel or propane and of this part, the following Division 4.2 conform to the prescribed
each of the following requirements are (self-heating) materials may be specifications.
met: transported on the same transport (C) Packages containing Division 2.3
(1) Electrical apparatus in the cargo vehicle with Class 8 (corrosive) Hazard Zone A material must be
compartment is non-sparking or materials. The hazardous materials must separated within the transport vehicle
explosion proof. be palletized with a minimum height of from packages containing Division 2.1,
(2) There is no combustion apparatus 100 mm (4 inches) off the floor of the Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, and Class 8
in the cargo compartment. vehicle, and the Division 4.2 (self- materials by a minimum horizontal
(3) There is no connection for return heating) material is separated from the distance of 1.5 m (5 feet). In addition,
of air from the cargo compartment to the corrosive material by a minimum all steel or plastic overpacks containing
combustion apparatus. horizontal distance of 1.2 m (4 feet). packages of Division 2.3, Hazard Zone A
(4) The heating system will not heat (1) Sodium hydrosulfite or sodium or Division 2.1 material must be placed
any part of the cargo to more than 54 °C dithionite, UN1384, in Packing Group II on pallets within the transport vehicle.
(130 °F). or III packaged in UN 1A2 steel drums (ii) Notwithstanding the segregation
(5) Heater requirements under that meet the Packing Group II requirements of § 177.848(d) of this part,
§ 393.77 of this title are complied with. performance requirements of subpart M Division 2.3, Hazard Zone A materials
(6) The heater unit and its fuel supply of part 178 of this title. may be transported on the same
must be externally mounted on the (2) Thiourea dioxide, UN3341, in transport vehicle with non-bulk
truck or trailer. Packing Group II or III packaged in UN packagings and IBCs meeting a UN
(7) The heater unit must retain 1G fiber drums meeting packing group performance standard containing only
combustion in a sealed combustion II performance requirements of subpart the residue of Division 2.1, 4.3, 5.1, and
chamber. M of part 178 of this title. Class 3 and 8 materials if all of the
(8) The heater unit must utilize (3) Self-heating, solid, organic, n.o.s., following requirements are met:
outside air for combustion (air from the UN3088, in Packing Group II or III (A) The materials are transported in
cargo space cannot be used for packaged in UN 1G fiber drums meeting enclosed trailers equipped with inlet
combustion). packing group II performance and outlet vent openings with a
(9) Heater unit combustion gases must requirements of subpart M of part 178 minimum total area of one square foot
be exhausted to the outside of the truck of this title. per 1,000 cubic feet of trailer volume.
or trailer. * * * * * Electrical systems within the trailer’s
(B) It is a catalytic heater and each of ■ 44. In § 177.840, add paragraph (a)(3) interior must be non-sparking or
the following requirements are met: to read as follows: explosion proof.
(1) The heater’s surface temperature (B) Cylinders must be transported in
cannot exceed 54 °C (130 °F)—either on § 177.840 Class 2 (gases) materials. an upright position and securely
a thermostatically controlled heater or (a) * * * restrained within the trailer, or loaded
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
on a heater without thermostatic control (3) Cylinders containing material into racks, secured to pallets, or packed
when the outside or ambient classed as Division 2.3, Hazard Zone A. in wooden or fiberboard boxes or crates
temperature is 16 °C (61 °F) or less. (i) Notwithstanding the segregation to prevent the cylinders from shifting or
(2) The heater is not ignited in a requirements of § 177.848(d) of this part, overturning within the motor vehicle
loaded vehicle. a cylinder containing a Division 2.3, under normal transportation conditions.
(3) There is no flame, either on the Hazard Zone A materials may be If cylinders are secured to a pallet, the
catalyst or anywhere in the heater. transported on the same transport pallet must be designed to transport
(4) The manufacturer has certified vehicle with materials classed as 1,590 kg (3,500 lbs.) per pallet and the
that the heater meets the requirements Division 2.1, Class 3, Class 4, Class 5, cylinders must be secured within the
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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules 5447
pallet by a web strap rated at 4,545 kg PART 178—SPECIFICATIONS FOR material, size, design construction,
(10,000 lbs.). PACKAGINGS finish, and quality.
(C) A cylinder containing Division 2.3 (c) Each container must be marked to
Hazard Zone A materials must be ■ 46. The authority citation for part 178 show: DOT–2P1.
separated from non-bulk packagings and continues to read as follows: ■ 48. Section 178.33d is added to read
IBCs meeting a UN performance Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128; 49 CFR as follows:
standard containing the residue of 1.81 and 1.97. Sec.
materials in Division 2.1, 4.3, or 5.1, or 178.33d Specification 2Q; inner
■ 47. Section 178.33c is added to read nonrefillable metal receptacle variations.
Class 3 or 8 by a minimum horizontal as follows: 178.33d–1 Compliance.
distance of 3 m (10 feet). The maximum Sec. 178.33d–2 Variation 1.
gross weight of Division 2.3 Hazard 178.33c Specification 2P; inner 178.33d–3 Variation 2.
Zone A material carried on one vehicle nonrefillable metal receptacle variations.
must not exceed 3,636 kg (8,000 lbs.). 178.33c–1 Compliance. § 178.33d Specification 2Q; inner
(D) Motor carriers must have a 178.33c–2 Variation 1. nonrefillable metal receptacle variations.
‘‘satisfactory’’ safety rating as prescribed 178.33c–2 Variation 1.
§ 178.33d–1 Compliance.
in Part 385 of this Title. § 178.33c Specification 2P; inner Each container must continue to
* * * * * nonrefillable metal receptacle variations. comply with the details for a 2Q
■ 45. In § 177.841, add paragraph (f) to container in accordance with § 178.33a–
read as follows: § 178.33c–1 Compliance.
1 of this subpart except for the specific
Each container must continue to variations provided in this section.
§ 177.841 Division 6.1 and Division 2.3 comply with the details for a 2P
container in accordance with § 178.33– § 178.33d–2 Variation 1.
* * * * * 1 of this subpart except for the specific In accordance with § 178.33d–1, the
(f) Notwithstanding the segregation variations provided in this section. following modifications or additional
requirements of § 177.848(d) of this part, conditions apply under Variation 1—
when transported by highway by private § 178.33c–2 Variation 1.
(a) Type and size. The maximum
or contract motor carrier, Division 6.1 In accordance with § 178.33c–1, the capacity of containers in this class shall
Packing Group I, Hazard Zone A following modifications or additional not exceed 0.40 L (24.4 cubic inches).
materials meeting the definition of a conditions apply under Variation 1— The maximum inside diameter shall not
hazardous waste as provided in § 171.8 (a) Manufacture. Side seams: Not exceed 2.1 inches.
of this subchapter, may be transported permitted. Ends: The ends shall be (b) Manufacture. Ends: The top of the
on the same transport vehicle with designed to withstand pressure and be container must be designed with a
materials classed as Class 3, Class 4, equipped with a pressure relief system pressure relief system consisting of
Class 5, and Class 8. The Division 6.1 (e.g., rim-venting release or a dome radial scores on the top seam(s). The
Packing Group I, Hazard Zone A expansion device) designed to function bottom of the container must be
materials must be loaded on pallets and prior to bursting of the container. designed to buckle at a pressure greater
separated from the Class 3, Class 4, (b) Tests. (1) One out of each lot of than the pressure at which the top
Class 5, and Class 8 materials by a 25,000 containers or less, successively buckles and vents.
minimum horizontal distance of 2.74 m produced per day complete with ends (c) Wall thickness. The minimum wall
(9 feet) when in conformance with the assembled (and without a pressure relief thickness for any container shall be
following: system assembled) shall be pressure 0.0085 inches.
(1) These materials are placed in tested to destruction at gauge pressure (d) Tests. (1) Two containers (one
combination packagings as prescribed in and must not burst below 240 psig. For without a pressure relief system and one
§ 173.226(c). containers with a pressure relief system with) out of each lot of 2,500 or less,
(2) Combination packages containing as described in paragraph (a) of this successively produced per day shall be
materials poisonous by inhalation, section and assembled, it must function pressure tested to destruction at gauge
Division 6.1, Packing Group I, Hazard at not less than 175 psig and not greater pressure. The container without a
Zone A, must be: than 85% of the minimum design burst pressure relief system must not burst
(i) Filled and packed by employees; pressure for that container (minimum below 300 psig. The container
(ii) On pallets, when in a transport 240 psig). Failure at a location other assembled with a pressure relief system
vehicle; and than the pressure relief system will as described in paragraph (b) of this
(iii) Separated from hazardous reject the lot. section must be tested such that the top
materials assigned to Class 3, Class 8 or (2) Each such 25,000 containers or (dome) buckles at not less than 75% of
Divisions 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2 by a nine less, successively produced per day, the tested burst pressure (minimum 300
foot (minimum distance) buffer zone, shall constitute a lot and if the test psig).
when in a transport vehicle. The buffer container(s) shall fail, the lot shall be (2) Each such 2,500 containers or less,
zone may be established by: rejected. For containers with an end successively produced per day, shall
(A) A load lock; expansion device, the lot must be constitute a lot and if the test
(B) Empty drums; rejected if the container bursts prior to container(s) shall fail, the lot shall be
asabaliauskas on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with PROPOSALS
(C) Drums containing hazardous buckling of the device. Otherwise, ten rejected. Otherwise, five (5) additional
materials (e.g., Class 9) that are (10) additional containers of each pairs of containers may be selected at
compatible with materials in all other container design produced may be random and subjected to the test under
drums immediately around them; or selected at random and subjected to the which failure occurred. Should any of
(D) Drums containing non-hazardous test. These containers shall be complete the containers thus tested fail, the entire
materials that are compatible with with ends assembled. Should any of the lot must be rejected. All containers
materials in all other drums containers thus tested fail, the entire lot constituting a lot shall be of like
immediately around them. must be rejected. All containers material, size, design construction,
* * * * * constituting a lot shall be of like finish, and quality.
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5448 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 20 / Friday, January 30, 2015 / Proposed Rules
(e) Each container must be marked to and must not burst below 270 psig. For Authority: 49 U.S.C. 5101–5128; 49 CFR
show: DOT–2Q1. containers with a pressure relief system 1.81 and 1.97.
as described in paragraph (a) of this
§ 178.33d–3 Variation 2. section and assembled, it must function ■ 50. Section 180.209 is amended as
In accordance with § 178.33d–1, the at not less than 175 psig and not greater follows:
following modifications or additional than 85% of the minimum design burst ■ a. In paragraph (a), Table 1
conditions apply under Variation 2— pressure of that container (minimum ‘‘Requalification of Cylinders’’ is
(a) Manufacture. Ends: The ends shall 270 psig). Failure at a location other amended, and a footnote is added;
be designed to withstand pressure and than the pressure relief system will ■ b. Revise paragraph (e); and
the container equipped with a pressure reject the lot.
relief system (e.g., rim-venting release or (c) Each container must be marked to ■ c. Amend the Table in paragraph (g).
a dome expansion device) designed to show: DOT–2Q2. The revision and amendments read as
buckle prior to the burst of the follows.
container. PART 180—CONTINUING
QUALIFICATION AND MAINTENANCE § 180.209 Requirements for requalification
(b) Tests. One out of each lot of 10,000
OF PACKAGINGS of specification cylinders.
containers or less, successively
produced per day shall be pressure ■ 49. The authority citation for part 180 (a) * * *
tested to destruction at gauge pressure continues to read as follows:
* * * * * exclusively for non-corrosive gas that is proof pressure test, the cylinder must be
(e) Proof pressure test. A cylinder commercially free from corroding carefully examined under test pressure
made in conformance with components may be requalified by and removed from service if a leak or
specifications 4B, 4BA, 4BW, or 4E volumetric expansion testing or proof defect is found.
protected externally by a suitable pressure testing every 10 years instead * * * * *
corrosion-resistant coating and used of every 5 years. When subjected to a (g) * * *
* * * * * * *
DOT 4BW ................................................................................................. Alkali metal alloys, liquid, n.o.s., Alkali metal dispersions or Alkaline
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