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No. 5 (Mar. 2005)

High Performance Steel Plates

for Tank and Pressure Vessel Use
—High Strength Steel Plates
with Excellent Weldability and Superior Toughness
for the Energy Industry—†
HAYASHI Kenji*1 ARAKI Kiyomi*2 ABE Takashi*3

Abstract: accompanying the construction of large-scale facili-

JFE Steel has developed a series of high perfor- ties, more severe operating and service conditions, and
mance 610 MPa class HSLA steel plates with excellent high efficiency in welding, which contributes to reduced
weldability (consisting of JFE-HITEN610U2 with high construction costs, increasingly difficult performance
weldability, JFE-HITEN610U2L for low temperature requirements have also been placed on materials, such as
use, and JFE-HITEN610E for high heat input welding) improved weldability and enhanced reliability, including
for the energy industry. Excellent properties of the plates welded joints, where high strength, welded joint tough-
and their weldments are brought about by the microal- ness, and other features are demanded.
loying technology, and a direct-quenching and temper- To meet these requirements, JFE Steel has devel-
ing process using Super-OLAC (on-line accelerated oped a series of high performance 610 MPa class high
cooling) while including low C content, low weld crack- strength low alloy (HSLA) steel plates with excellent
ing parameter (PCM) value and free of B additive. JFE weldability (JFE-HITEN610U2, 620U2L, 610E) utiliz-
Steel has also developed a process for manufacturing ing advanced material design and manufacturing tech-
high reliability heavy section steel plates with excellent nologies1). These products have already been applied
internal quality by a combined forging and plate rolling in a large number of actual plants, including tanks,
process using high quality continuous casting slabs. penstocks, and other facilities, and achieve a broad
Excellent internal properties can be obtained in the improvement in welding efficiency by reducing the pre-
manufacture of heavy section SQV2B for pressure ves- heating temperature for welding and relaxing heat input
sels and 200 mm thickness class steel plates. All of these restrictions of welding, and simultaneously contribute
products have been applied in numerous plants. to enhanced reliability in welded structures by suppress-
ing hardening of weldments and improving heat affected
zone (HAZ) toughness.
1. Introduction
JFE Steel also possesses a manufacturing technology
Various types of steel plates are used in the energy for high quality heavy section steel plates, in which high
industry in energy storage tanks, chemical plants, reliability is required, by a combined forging and plate
power plants, and other applications. In recent years, rolling process using continuous casting slabs 2,3). The

Originally published in JFE GIHO No. 5 (Aug. 2004), p. 56–62 *2
Staff Deputy Manager,
Product Design & Quality Control for Steel Products
West Japan Works,
JFE Steel

*1 *3
Senior Researcher Deputy Manager, Dr. Eng.,
Plate & Shapes Res. Dept., Staff Deputy General Manager,
Steel Res. Lab., Plate Business Planning Dept.,
JFE Steel JFE Steel

High Performance Steel Plates for Tank and Pressure Vessel Use—High Strength Steel Plates with Excellent Weldability and Superior Toughness for the Energy Industry—

products manufacturing by this process are applied as rate / emperature controllability. In comparison with
plates for pressure vessels and similar applications. This the conventional steels, this technology realizes a
paper describes the features and properties of the series reduction in the preheating temperature (Fig. 2) and
of high performance 610 MPa class HSLA steel plates reduction in the maximum hardness of weldment
with excellent weldability (JFE-HITEN610U2, 620U2L, (Fig. 3), together with excellent welded joint perfor-
610E) and the manufacturing technology for high qual-
ity heavy section steel plates by the combined forging
and plate rolling process using continuous casting slabs. 100 JIS Z 3158 Developed steel
80 Conventional steel

Cracking ratio (%)

2. High Performance 60
610 MPa Class HSLA Steel Plate Series

2.1 Alloy Design Concept

and Manufacturing Technology
for High Performance 0
610 MPa Class HSLA Steel Plate Series 0 25 50 75 100
Preheat temperature (°C)
The features and alloy design concept of the high Fig. 2 Decrease of preheat temperature to avoid weld
performance 610 MPa class HSLA steel plate series are cracking of the developed steel by suppression
shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1, respectively. The devel- of C and PCM
oped steels all assume conformance with SPV490 of 350
Vickers hardness (98 N load), HV10
JIS G 3115, Steel plates for pressure vessel, as a precon- Developed steel
dition, and have the following features. 300 Conventional steel
(1) Reduction of C Content
and Weld Cracking Parameter (PCM)
and Free of B Additive Alloy Design 200
From the viewpoint of weldability, the chemical
composition adopted for these steels features a low 150
C content below 0.09 mass%, PCM limited below 2 mm from final side surface
0.20 mass%, and free of B additive alloy design. 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50
This was made possible by application of JFE Steel’s Distance from center of weld metal (mm)
advanced on-line accelerated cooling device, Super- Fig. 3 Improvement of HAZ hardening in hardness dis-
OLAC4), which has the world’s highest cooling tribution of the developed steel by suppression of
C content and PCM

Table 1 JFE Steel’s high performance 610 MPa class steel plate series for pressure vessel use
Grade Thickness, t (mm) Feature Typical application
Excellent weldability
JFE-HITEN610U2 6–75 Tank, Penstock
Superior toughness
Excellent weldability
JFE-HITEN610U2L 6–75 Spherical tank for low temperature use
Superior toughness at low temperature
Excellent weldability
JFE-HITEN610E 6–75 Oil storage tank
Superior properties for high heat input welding

Suppression of C and PCM Decrease of maximum Decrease of susceptibility

(C  0.09%, PCM  0.20%) hardness in HAZ to weld cracking JFE-HITEN610U2
with excellent weldability
Suppression of Ceq Controlling microstructure
of base metal
Improvement of toughness JFE-HITEN610U2L
Utilization of microalloying Controlling microstructure of base metal and weldment for low temperature use
and optimization of of CG-HAZ for high-heat
chemical composition input welding
Suppression of inclusions Improvement in toughness of JFE-HITEN610E
Suppression of impurities and purification of HAZ, strength of welded joint for high-heat input welding
base metal for high-heat input welding

Ceq  C  Si/24  Mn/6  Ni/40  Cr/5  Mo/4  V/14, PCM  C  Si/30  Mn/20  Cu/20  Ni/60  Cr/20  Mo/15  V/10  5B, CG-HAZ : Coarse grain HAZ

Fig. 1 Alloy design concept of JFE Steel’s high performance 610 MPa class steel plate series

High Performance Steel Plates for Tank and Pressure Vessel Use—High Strength Steel Plates with Excellent Weldability and Superior Toughness for the Energy Industry—

100 Conventional steel (Ceq  0.39%) JFE-HITEN610E (Ceq  0.32%)

1 350°C
t : 800–500°C  150 s Optical
T of CG-HAZ (°C)

50 Conventional steel
50 µm
206 HV10 189 HV10


610E SEM
High Ceq Low micrographs

50 5 µm
500 550 600 650
50% transformation temperature (°C)
LB : Lower bainite, UB : Upper bainite, F : Ferite
Photo 1 Microstructure of simulated CG-HAZ for high
heat input welding
Fig. 4 Influence of microstructure and its transforma-
tion temperature on toughness (VTS) of simulated
CG-HAZ for high heat input welding 300

Vickers hardness (98 N load),

(2) Optimum Use of Microalloying Elements
An excellent strength-toughness balance is realized

by controlling the microstructure and precipitation of
carbonitrides through transformation strengthening 150
and fine-precipitation strengthening during temper- Thickness 22 mm BM
Heat input : 8.0 kJ/mm (EGW) HAZ
ing, etc.5,6) by utilizing microalloying elements in 100
30 20 10 0 10 20 30
a direct-quenching and tempering (DQ-T) process Distance from the center of weld metal (mm)
using Super-OLAC.
Fig. 5 Improvement of HAZ softening in hardness distri-
JFE-HITEN610U2 secures high strength/toughness bution for high heat input welding by utilization of
in addition to greatly improved weldability in compari- micro-alloying
son with the conventional steel, and is applicable to a
wide range of applications such as tanks, penstocks, etc.
JFE-HITEN610U2L, which is based on 610U2, was JFE-HITEN610E
Design temperature (°C)

developed as a high toughness steel for low temperature 0 for high-heat input
use, which offers the features of 610U2 combined with 10
Improvement of
excellent low-temperature toughness at 50°C. Refine- 20 low temperature
ment of the microstructure is achieved by applying fur- toughness
30 Improvement of welded joint’s
ther ingenuity to the material design and controlling the JFE-HITEN610U2L
properties for high heat input welding
40 for low temperature
manufacturing conditions in the DQ-T process, satisfy- use
ing the requirements of both high weldability and guar-
anteed high toughness at 50°C. 60
2 5 10
JFE-HITEN610E with improved welded joint Heat input (kJ/mm)

strength and heat affected zone (HAZ) toughness for Fig. 6 Applicable design temperature and heat-input
high heat input welding was developed for use in the limits of the developed steels
shell plates of large oil storage tanks, in which high effi-
ciency high heat input electro gas arc welding (EGW) lutely minimizing deterioration of HAZ toughness,
is applied. In addition to the features of 610U2, this thereby enhancing welded joint strength without causing
steel has an alloy design (Fig. 4) which avoids the upper deterioration of HAZ toughness. As a result, both excel-
bainite (UB) microstructure that forms at a tempera- lent weldability and enough properties of weldment for
ture around 550–600°C and deteriorates HAZ tough- high heat input welding are obtained.
ness in the coarse grain HAZ (CG-HAZ) for high heat The applicable range of the developed steels judged
input welding. High HAZ toughness7) is achieved by from the viewpoints of the design temperature and heat
suppressing formation of the martensite-austenite con- input limits of welding is shown in Fig. 6.
stituent (M-A) (Photo 1). In order to secure welded joint
2.2 Properties of High Performance
strength above 610 MPa for high heat input welding, the
610 MPa Class HSLA Steel Plate Series
hardness of the HAZ softened region was increased and
the width of the softened region was reduced (Fig. 5) The chemical compositions of the developed steels
by optimum use of microalloying elements, while abso- are shown in Table 2. In all the steels, the C content

68 JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No. 5 (Mar. 2005)

High Performance Steel Plates for Tank and Pressure Vessel Use—High Strength Steel Plates with Excellent Weldability and Superior Toughness for the Energy Industry—

Table 2 Chemical compositions of the developed steels

Grade Thickness, t (mm) C Si Mn P S Others Ceq PCM
38 0.08 0.21 1.34 0.006 0.001 Mo, V, etc. 0.33 0.17
75 0.08 0.26 1.44 0.005 0.002 Mo, V, etc. 0.39 0.18
JFE-HITEN610U2L 50 0.07 0.20 1.32 0.007 0.001 Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, V, etc. 0.41 0.19
22 0.09 0.20 1.37 0.010 0.002 Mo, V, etc. 0.35 0.18
45 0.09 0.20 1.37 0.010 0.002 Mo, V, etc. 0.35 0.18
JFE Specification 0.09 0.15– 1.00– 0.020 0.010 Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo : 0.30 max., 0.44 0.20
610U2, U2L, E max. 0.55 1.60 max. max. V : 0.06 max., Nb : 0.03 max. max. max.

JIS G 3115 SPV490 0.18 0.15– 1.60 0.030 0.030 Alloying elements other than 0.45* 0.28*
6–75 max. 0.75 max. max. max. those listed may be added. max. max.
Ceq  C  Si/24  Mn/6  Ni/40  Cr/5  Mo/4  V/14
PCM  C  Si/30  Mn/20  Cu/20  Ni/60  Cr/20  Mo/15  V/10  5B
*50  t  75 mm : Ceq : 0.47 max., PCM : 0.30 max.

is 0.09 mass% or less, and PCM is controlled below of welds is reduced, and even better SSC resistance than
0.20 mass%. in the conventional steel is obtained. From the results of
a y-groove weld cracking test (SMAW, LB-62UL (4φ),
2.2.1 610 MPa class steel plate
1.7 kJ/mm, 20°C-60%), it can be understood that this
with excellent weldability
steel possesses extremely good low temperature crack-
for tanks and penstocks
ing resistance, showing no cracking under a 0°C plate
temperature condition in either 38 mm or 75 mm thick-
The mechanical properties of JFE-HITEN610U2 ness.
steel plates are shown in Table 3. Tensile strength and Table 4 shows the mechanical properties of welded
Charpy impact properties satisfying the JIS SPV490 joint by submerged arc welding (SAW) as a representa-
specification can be obtained. tive example of the welded joint performance of JFE-
As an example of weldability, the results of a maxi- HITEN610U2. As the welded joint has high strength,
mum hardness test are shown in Fig. 7. Under all weld- satisfying the specification for the base metal, combined
ing conditions, a low HAZ hardness of no more than with high HAZ toughness, it can be understood that the
300 points (HV10) is obtained as the Vickers hardness,
greatly reducing weld hardening in comparison with the
conventional steel. As a result of this hardness reduc- 38 t 75 t Preheat temperature (°C)
Maximum Vickers hardness (98 N load),

tion, low temperature weld cracking is suppressed, while 25

the sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSC) sensitivity 350
100 Conventional steels
(1.7 kJ/mm, 25°C)

Table 3 Mechanical properties of JFE-HITEN610U2 300

300 HV
Thick- Tensile properties Charpy impact properties
Posi- Direc-
ness, t YS TS El VE10°C VE25°C VTS 250
tion tion JIS Z 3101
(mm) (MPa) (MPa) (%) (J) (J) (°C)
L 541 633 32 332 344 67 (GMAW) (SMAW)
38 1/4t (SMAW)
C 547 637 31 318 326 63 200
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
L 531 621 33 313 334 64 Heat input (kJ/mm)
75 1/4t
C 531 624 31 267 237 57
Fig. 7 Maximum hardness of JFE-HITEN610U2
SPV490 Specification : YS  490, 610  TS  740 MPa, VE10°C  47 J (L)

Table 4 Mechanical properties of JFE-HITEN610U2’s SAW welded joints

Tensile properties Charpy impact properties
Thickness, t (mm) Welding condition VE15°C VTS
TS (MPa) Fracture position Position
(J) (°C)
Welding consumabl : US-40 (φ4.0)*/MF-38* 70° WM 68 32
Preheat : None 38
75 Inter pass temperature : 150°C 4 630 HAZ–BM 1 t
— FL 117 42
Heat input : 4.6 kJ/mm 33 4
PWHT : None 70° HAZ 225 59
* Supplied by Kobe Steel, Ltd.

JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No. 5 (Mar. 2005) 69

High Performance Steel Plates for Tank and Pressure Vessel Use—High Strength Steel Plates with Excellent Weldability and Superior Toughness for the Energy Industry—

developed steel provides excellent welded joint perfor- all cases, plate and welded joint strength which amply
mance. satisfied the JIS SPV490 specification was obtained.
Furthermore, in both the plate and the welded joint,
2.2.2 610 MPa class steel plate
sufficient absorbed energy at 50°C was obtained, indi-
with superior toughness
cating that the developed steel has satisfactory perfor-
for low temperature tank use
mance for use in low temperature tanks.
2.2.3 610 MPa class steel plate
The mechanical properties of JFE-HITEN610U2L
for high heat input welding
steel plate, which was developed for use in low tem-
perature applications, and its welded joint produced
by shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) are shown in The mechanical properties of JFE-HITEN610E for
Tables 5 and 6, respectively. No reduction in strength by high heat input welding, and high heat input electro gas
post weld heat treatment (PWHT) was observed, and in arc welding (EGW) welded joints are shown in Tables 7
and 8, respectively. Excellent performance of plate and
welded joint satisfying the JIS SPV490 specification
Table 5 Mechanical properties of JFE-HITEN610U2L
have been obtained. These EGW welded joint properties
Thick- Tensile properties Charpy impact properties
Direc- were obtained under high heat input welding conditions
ness, t PWHT YS TS El VE50°C VTS VTE
tion of 1-pass welding for 22 mm thick plate and 1-pass for
(MPa) (MPa) (%) (J) (°C) (°C)
both side welding for 45 mm thick plate. In both cases,
L 569 659 29 278 71 75
– welded joint strength satisfying the specification of the
C 567 660 28 238 67 72
50 plate and good Charpy impact properties at 15°C were
580°C L 558 652 30 243 65 71
2h2 C 569 660 28 198 55 68 obtained, showing satisfactory performance for use in
Position : 1/4t the shell plates of large oil storage tanks.

Table 6 Mechanical properties of JFE-HITEN610U2L’s SMAW welded joint

Tensile properties Charpy impact properties
Thickness, t (mm) Welding condition Fracture VE50°C VTS VTE
TS (MPa) Position
position (J) (°C) (°C)
LB-62L (φ5)* 60° WM 133 63 58
Heat input  2.3 kJ/mm 3
30 676 WM
50 Preheat : None FL 183 63 64
Inter pass temp : 150°C 681 WM
PWHT : 580°C  2 h  2 times 70° HAZ 208 62 74
* Supplied by Kobe Steel, Ltd.

Table 7 Mechanical properties of JFE-HITEN610E

Tensile properties Charpy impact properties
Thickness, t (mm) Position Direction
YS (MPa) TS (MPa) El (%) VE15°C (J) VE30°C (J) VTS (°C)
Full L 605 678 42 – – –
thickness C 605 677 40 358 350 48
Full L 539 638 55 – – –
thickness C 538 640 53 – – –
L 526 624 30 – – –
C 528 621 30 347 326 48

Table 8 Mechanical properties of JFE-HITEN610E’s EGW welded joints

Tensile properties Charpy impact properties
Thickness, t (mm) Welding condition
TS (MPa) Fracture position Position VE15°C(J)

DWS-60G (φ1.6)* 33° WM 69

Heat input  8.0 kJ/mm 620 HAZ
22 Built-up : 1 side 1 pass
FL 159
Gap  4 623 HAZ
Preheat : None HAZ 254
DWS-60G (φ1.6)* 40° (Final) WM 56
Heat input  9.3, 8.5 kJ/mm 22 639 HAZ
45 Built-up : Both side 1 pass 1 Gap  4 FL 129
Preheat : None 642 HAZ
22 (Back)
40° HAZ 248
* Supplied by Kobe Steel, Ltd.

70 JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No. 5 (Mar. 2005)

High Performance Steel Plates for Tank and Pressure Vessel Use—High Strength Steel Plates with Excellent Weldability and Superior Toughness for the Energy Industry—

2.3 Practical Application of High Performance

610 MPa Class HSLA Steel Plate Series
These developed steels have received Japan Welding
Engineering Society (JWES)’s quality certification under
the applicable standards specified in WES 3001-1996,
“Weldable High Strength Steel Plates,” WES 3009-1998,
“Supplementary Requirements for High Strength Steel
Plates with Low Susceptibility to Cold Cracking,” and
WES 3003-1995, “Evaluation Criterion of Rolled Steels
Photo 2 Forging reduction in widthwise of continuous
for Low Temperature Application.” These steels already casting slab
have a large record of application results in China, which
has achieved remarkable economic growth in recent
years and is actively constructing large-scale tanks and
penstocks, and JFE-HITEN610U2, 610U2L, and 610E
have all received general approval in material ratings by
the China Standardization Committee on Boilers and
Pressure Vessels.
JFE Steel began mass production of high perfor-
mance 610 MPa class steel plates in 1996, and since that
time, has developed a complete series of products by
expanding the available plate thickness range and further
improving performance, making it possible to meet the Photo 3 Forging reduction in thicknesswise of continu-
requirements of larger-scale tanks and more severe ser- ous casting slab
vice conditions. This product line is making an impor-
tant contribution to improved weldability and enhanced by annihilating center porosities, JFE Steel have newly
reliability in large-scale tanks, penstocks, and other developed the bi-directional forging reduction process
energy infrastructure, and has actual results exceeding a in which reduction is performed first in the slab width
cumulative total of 90 000 t since 2000. direction, followed by reduction in the slab thickness
direction. This forging reduction process has made it
possible to manufacture heavy section steel plates with
3. Combined Forging and Plate Rolling Process excellent internal qualities with product thicknesses as
Using Continuous Casting Slabs large as 240 mm using 310 mm thick continuous casting
slabs (reduction ratio of thickness from strand cast slab
3.1 Outline of Combined Forging and
to plate: 1.29).
Plate Rolling Process
3.2 Properties of
The purpose of this process, in which continu-
High Strength Heavy Section Steel Plates
ous casting slabs are forged before plate rolling when
by Conbined Forging
manufacture heavy section steel plates, is to increase the
and Plate Rolling Process
soundness of internal qualities and improve mechanical
properties at the plate center-of-thickness (1/2t) position With the production of larger-scale boilers and pres-
annihilating center porosities. Actual results of use in sure vessels, the thickness required in the steel products
various applications exceed 85 000 t. This process has for these applications has also increased. Consequently,
been formally approved as special practices mitigating the soundness of the internal properties of the steel
the reduction ratio limitation on the ASTM Standard A plates now has a large influence on the safety of the
20/A 20M-02 and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel plant itself. The following presents examples of applica-
Code 2002 Addenda SA-20/SA-20M (Standard Specifi- tion of products produced by this manufacturing process
cation for general requirements for pressure vessel steel as high strength heavy section plates.
3.2.1 Application to
The general outline of the forging reduction work
JIS G 3120 SQV2B steel plates
using continuous casting slabs is illustrated in Photos 2
and 3. In order to secure large plastic strain in the direc- The following presents the properties of
tion of compression at the slab center position with a JIS G 3120 SQV2B, which has excellent low tempera-
small reduction ratio in forging and improve properties ture toughness and is used in nuclear reactors and other

JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No. 5 (Mar. 2005) 71

High Performance Steel Plates for Tank and Pressure Vessel Use—High Strength Steel Plates with Excellent Weldability and Superior Toughness for the Energy Industry—

Table 10 Mechanical properties of SQV2B

Tensile properties Charpy impact properties
Thickness, t (mm) Position (1/4W)
YS (MPa) TS (MPa) El (%) RA (%) VE12°C (J) VE23°C (J) VTS (°C)
1/4t 533 664 26 80 266 265 62
1/2t 519 653 24 79 253 227 51
1/4t 547 678 27 81 260 237 67
1/2t 515 641 25 80 265 262 60
Specification (1/4t, C) 485 620–790 16 – Aiming : VE12°C  47 –
Plate size : 120  4 160  4 570, PWHT : 615°C  15 h, Direction : C

Table 11 Through-thickness tensile test results of SQV2B

Tensile properties
Thickness, t (mm) Position (1/4W) Direction PWHT
YS (MPa) TS (MPa) El (%) RA (%)
1/4t 520 647 22 69
120 Bottom Z 615°C  15 h
1/2t 524 651 22 69

Table 12 Impact and drop weight properties of SQV2B

Charpy impact properties DWT
Pre-strain (Direction) Aging Position (1/4W) Direction
VE12°C (J) VE23°C (J) VTS (°C) TNDT (°C)
1/4t 274 277 64 38
2.5% (L)
1/2t 276 267 60 33
250°C  1 h Top C
1/4t 269 259 70 33
2.5% (C)
1/2t 255 218 61 33
PWHT : 615°C  15 h

Table 9 Chemical compositions of SQV2B

T-RTNDT (RTNDT: reference temperature established by
drop-weight test and Charpy impact test) is shown for
C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Mo
0.17 0.25 1.44 0.005 0.001 0.66 0.13 0.55
pressure vessels. The chemical composition of a sample 500
steel plate is shown in Table 9. Tensile test and Charpy 1/2t
KIC (MPa · m1/2)

impact test results are shown in Table 10. These results
show no large differences in properties at any position
in the plate, including the longitudinal direction (top and 200
bottom sides) and plate thickness direction positions, 100 KIC curve :
and amply exceed the standard values. Table 11 shows ASME Sec. III Appendix G
the results of a through-thickness tensile test. As can 150 100 50 0 50 100
be understood from these results, properties which are
virtually identical with those at the 1/4t position can be Fig. 8 Static fracture toughness properties of SQV2B
obtained at the 1/2t position, demonstrating that sound-
ness at the plate center position and homogeneity in the 300
ASTM E1221-96
thickness direction have been secured. 250
Table 12 shows the results of Charpy impact test and 200
KIa (MPa · m1/2)

drop-weight test after pre-strain, aging, and PWHT. The

toughness level is sufficiently high, being similar to that
when no pre-strain was applied, as shown in Table 10, 100

and the nil-ductility transition temperature (NDT tem- 50 KIa curve :

perature) shows a satisfactory value of 33°C or less. ASME Sec. XI Appendix G
As evaluations of plant safety from the viewpoint 100 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100
of fracture toughness, a static fracture toughness (KIC) T-RTNDT (°C)

test and crack arrest fracture toughness (KIa) test were Fig. 9 Crack arrest fracture toughness properties of
performed. As examples of the results, the relationship SQV2B

72 JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No. 5 (Mar. 2005)

High Performance Steel Plates for Tank and Pressure Vessel Use—High Strength Steel Plates with Excellent Weldability and Superior Toughness for the Energy Industry—

Table 14 Mechanical properties of HT610moderate

Tensile properties Charpy impact properties
Thickness, t (mm) Position (1/2W) Direction
YS (MPa) TS (MPa) El (%) RA (%) VE0°C (J) VE20°C (J)
L 583 687 22 72 145 137
C 583 689 22 71 167 95
L 572 681 21 71 193 132
C 577 687 22 67 101 96
L 566 671 23 72 204 152
C 564 670 23 70 145 114
L 554 665 20 73 190 142
C 555 670 20 70 110 98
Aiming 530 640 16 – 30 –
PWHT : 560°C  8 h, G.L. of tensile test specimen : 5.65√

Table 13 Chemical composition of HT610modified

high reliability pressure vessels and a manufacturing
technology for high quality heavy section steel plates, as
C Si Mn P S Others
described in this report. These high performance plates
0.14 0.24 1.44 0.009 0.001 Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, V, Ca
were realized by a fusion of material design technology
using microalloying technology and advanced plate man-
Table 15 Through-thickness tensile test results of ufacturing technologies, including JFE Steel’s Super-
HT610modified OLAC, advanced on-line accelerated cooling technology
Thickness, TS RA and a conbined forging and plate rolling technology for
Position (1/2W) Direction PWHT
t (mm) (MPa) (%)
heavy section steel plates. In the future, JFE Steel will
1/4t 689 69
168 continue to respond to diverse needs and hopes that its
1/2t 560°C 675 64
Top Z customers will take advantage of these newly-developed
1/4t 8h 672 70
208 steels.
1/2t 672 68

the two tests in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. All of the References

obtained fracture toughness values exceed the values
obtained from the ASME’s KIC and KIa curves. 1) Yuga, M.; Hayashi, K.; Takahashi, K.; Suzuki, S.; Maeda, T.;
Murakami, Y.; Kojima, T. 610 N/mm2 class high performance
steel plates for pressure vessel. Yousetsu-Kozou Symp. 2002,
3.2.2 Application to 200 mm thickness class
p. 303.
heavy section steel plates 2) Araki, K.; Kohriyama, T.; Nakamura, M. Development of
heavy section steel plates with improved internal properties
An example of the manufacturing results of through forging and plate rolling process using continuous
200 mm thickness class heavy section steel plates is casting slabs. Kawasaki Steel Technical Report. no. 40, 1999,
presented in the following. Table 13 shows the chemi- p. 80.
3) Araki, K.; Deshimaru, S.; Kondou, H.; Kohriyama, T. Manu-
cal composition of sample plates, and Table 14 shows facture of heavy section steel plates with improved internal
tensile test and Charpy impact test results. The results of properties through combined forging and plate rolling process
a through-thickness tensile test are shown in Table 15. using continuous casting slabs. Atsuryoku-Gijutsu. vol. 41,
2003, p. 20.
The plates possess satisfactory properties in terms of 4) Omata, K.; Yoshimura, H.; Yamamoto, S. Leading high perfor-
soundness at the thickness center position and homoge- mance steel plate with advanced manufacturing technologies.
neity in the thickness direction. NKK Technical Review. no. 88, 2003, p. 73.
5) Kozasu, I. Controlled rolling and controlled cooling (ISIJ).
6) Maeda, T.; Omori, T. Study on transformation behavior of
4. Conclusion Nb bearing HSLA steels through DQ process. CAMP-ISIJ.
vol. 10, 1997, p. 1378.
JFE Steel has developed a series of high performance 7) Murakami, Y.; Takahashi, K.; Kojima, T. Yousetsu-Kozou
610 MPa class HSLA steel plate as steel products for Symp. 1996, p. 49.

JFE TECHNICAL REPORT No. 5 (Mar. 2005) 73

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