Bulletin APR 1 2018

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Sunday 1st April 2018 This Week’s Meetings...

Prayer Meeting: Tuesday 3rd April 2018 1. Ladies Meeting: On March 14th the ladies will have their
Call To Worship Leader: Richard Aching
Topic: Thanksgiving/evangelism
Sports and Fun Day hosted at the Chang's residence in St.
Augustine at 3:30pm. Come dressed in comfortable wear and
Prayer for the World: Bible translation and distribution be prepared for lots of fun! For catering purposes please sign
Richard Aching 6:00-7:00 p.m. up on the notice board.
Opening songs “When we pray, God works!” 2. Visionary Adults: Will be hiking to Salybia Falls on Saturday
Hymn 79 Christ arose 28th April. North crew will meet at Grace Chapel at 7:45am,
Consecutive scripture reading east crew will meet at Sis. Stella's residence at 8:15am.
Youth Group Please sign up on the notice board by Sunday 22nd April if you
Matthew 28 Friday 6th April @6:30pm wish to attend. Transport will be provided.
Welcome & Announcements 3. Dominica Collection: We are collecting non perishable food-
Elder Gerald Bernard Sunday Worship Service - Sunday 8th April stuff- rice, sugar, pasta, canned goods etc.- to forward to Domi-
Singspiration Leader: Bryan Chang nica via ITNAC (Is There Not A Cause).
Hymn 77 Christ the Lord is risen today Speaker: Pastor Walter Brian Rochester 4. VBS 2018: Dates 16th - 20th JULY, 2018. Celebrating 10 yrs.
Ushers: Danielle Budraj & Jaden Solomon VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED... Details to follow.
Celebrate Jesus, celebrate 5. Camp Trinawana 2018: 50th anniversary? from the evening
Your grace is enough Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip
Nursery: *Deanna Allum Poon & Danielle Nivet of Friday 17-AUG-2018 to the morning of Wednesday 22-AUG-
2018 and the venue is the Ridgewalk Campsite in Siparia.
Dance Sunday Worship Service - Sunday 15th April 4. Pastor Walter Brian Rochester: Cell 779-1150;
Giving Thanks (Offering) Leader: Marcus Ramdath Church 622-4118; Email: [email protected]
Baby dedication: Libby Charly Austin Speaker: Richard Aching
Ushers: Dominique Boodoo & Hannah-Marie Redman Prayer Corner...
Reprise (Nursery) Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip • Abroad
Nursery: *Gayle Solomon & Danielle Budraj Justin Richardson, Rhea Richardson, Wesley Solomon, Marie
Message Guiseppi, Natasha Forde, Christian Guiseppi & Lizanne Ach-
Pastor Walter Brian Rochester (Nursery age group is from 18 months to 8 years old) ing-Guiseppi, Kistian & Cassandra Flemming, Lyndon Guisep-
“Know your God! God is gracious” pi, Drs.Simone and Satish Maharaj, Elise Celestin, Damali
Ephesians 2:1-10 Nichols, Vernelle Hamblet.
Closing song
• Pray for healing and strength for brethren who are recov-
ering or not well
Hymn 83 Christ returneth Aminah Ramdath, Errol Vasquez , Suzanne Lue Qui, Mrs. Lue
Benediction Chee Kong, Cary Chan, Andrew Macintyre, Sylvia Fung.

General Reminders • Pastoral Team

• Kindly switch-off/ place on silent all cell- Walter Brian Rochester, William Allum Poon, Gerald Bernard,
phones during this morning’s service. Dave Chang, Anthony Macintyre
• Please refrain from eating and drinking in • Diaconate Leadership
the sanctuary before, during and after this Richard Aching, Dr. Terry Ali, Roger Chang, Florence Forde,
morning’s worship service. Andrew Macintyre, Jack Pan, Opal Thomas, Marcus Ramdath,
Ushers and Greeters for today Warren Thomas
Ushers: Jadyn Aching & Gianni Charles If you have any announcements to put into the bulletin, please
Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip • Youth Ministry Leadership Team
email them to Richard Aching at [email protected] Kareem Hernandez, Vernon Hamblet, Danielle Nivet, Daena
Nursery Roster for today
OR [email protected] Boodoo, Kelli Chang, Dr. Kaisha Rochester-Hamblet, Jeremy
Nursery: *Annette Singh & Chylana Rochester Macintyre, Lyndon Maynard II. Warren Thomas, Youth Direc-
Know Your God! God is Gracious
Prayer for the World
Question: How do we appreciate the Grace of God?
Bible translation and distribution
Answer: We appreciate the grace of God by focusing on God’s work not ours.
Christianity began in an environment of minority languages - Aramaic and Hebrew
- but spread into a world dominated by other languages such as Koine Greek. Often
Focus on God’s Gracious Work:
the Septuagint Greek version of the Old Testament was adopted over the original His work in,
Hebrew. Christianity has never adhered to the idea that the Scriptures should only
be read in the languages as originally written, like some other religious systems and 1. our state. (vs. 1-3, Col 2:13)
their sacred texts; as a result, translation into local languages for full comprehension
soon became an ongoing and praiseworthy preoccupation. By the 4th Century there
were Syriac, Coptic, Ethiopic, Gothic and Georgian translations, soon followed by
the Latin Vulgate.
2. our Savior. (4-7)
Major Bible publishers and distributors. Pray specifically for these ministries:

a) Gideons International, since 1899, has distributed copies of the Bible in over 80
languages, especially in hotel and motel rooms and to school children, the armed
forces, in hospitals and elsewhere. Nearly 76.9 million Gideon Scriptures were given
out in 2007. Close to 1.5 billion Scriptures have been distributed since 1908. 3. our Salvation. (8-10) (Chinese Christian Fellowship)
b) Trinitarian Bible Society distributed 11 million Scriptures in 2009.
c) Scripture Gift Mission (SGM International) is a Christian charity producing free
Bible resources for people all around the world. SGM works in partnership with
Christians and Christian agencies who share these booklets and leaflets with others 49 Long Circular Road
on a one-to-one basis. SGM has given away 22 million pieces of literature to people Beyond this,
in 190 countries in 450 languages through 35 centres worldwide. St. James
d) The Bible League provides Scriptures and trains people to use them for discipling 4. Offering Grace. (Matt 5:44-45)
seekers into church membership. In 2000, 18.5 million Scriptures were provided
and used to disciple 1.7 million people in Bible study, leading 181,090 people to
join local churches. In addition, 2,731 new churches were planted in 2000 through
the ministry of The Bible League. The Bible League is also one of the leading pro-
viders of Scriptures to the Persecuted Church.
e) The Pocket Testament League has a ministry of distributing Gospels and New
Testaments in 100 or more countries in many languages. These are compiled in a
manner to facilitate soulwinning and discipleship.
f) Bibles Unbound, in only 42 months of operation, sent one million New Testa- 5. Giving grace. (Gal 2:9, 2 Cor
ments to Christians in restricted nations. Voice of the Martyrs started the ministry in 12:9-10)
February of 2006 to get Bibles to Christians who cannot simply go to the bookstore
and pick up a Bible. Christians in countries like Colombia, China and Egypt gather
the names and addresses of people who would like to receive a Bible. Tens of thou-
sands are waiting to receive Bibles through this ministry.

Frontline Missionary Corner

 Creous and Elizabeth Ramdath—Serving in Peru
 Chris, Nicola, Joshua & Katie Hewitt—To serve in Germany
 Ronnie and Heather Yearwood A PLACE F O R E V E RYO N E
 Gilbert and Lydia Nigh— Serving in Canada
 Timothy and Fiona Fung—Serving in France
 Annie Chang—Serving in Rwanda Loving God . Loving People . Loving Life
 David Bernard & Elsa Hu—Serving on the Logos Hope
“The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of
the harvest, therefore to send out workers into His harvest field."
Matthew 9: 37,38 (NIV)

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