UNOPS ESourcing Vendor Guide v1.3 en
UNOPS ESourcing Vendor Guide v1.3 en
UNOPS ESourcing Vendor Guide v1.3 en
A guide for vendors to register on UNGM, and submit responses to UNOPS tenders in the
UNOPS eSourcing system
Version: 1.3
By: UNOPS Procurement Group
Date: 15 September 2016
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
1. Purpose of this guide................................................................................................ 3
What is UNGM? ................................................................................................................................... 3
What is UNOPS eSourcing? ................................................................................................................ 3
What is new in version 1.3 of this guide? ............................................................................................. 3
2. Register on the UNGM portal ................................................................................... 4
2.1 Register.................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Activate your UNGM account .................................................................................................. 7
2.3 Complete your registration ....................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Verify your UNOPS vendor registration status ........................................................................ 8
3. Search for a UNOPS tender notice, express interest and view tender details ...... 9
3.1 Search for a UNOPS tender notice ......................................................................................... 9
3.1.1 Open competition tenders .................................................................................................... 9
3.1.2 Limited competition tenders ............................................................................................... 11
3.2 Express interest in a tender ................................................................................................... 11
3.3 View full tender details by logging into the UNOPS eSourcing system ................................. 12
3.4 Navigate the UNOPS eSourcing system ............................................................................... 13
4. Submit a vendor response to a UNOPS tender ..................................................... 16
4.1 Inform UNOPS about your intention to submit or not a tender response .............................. 16
4.2 Request a clarification on a tender ........................................................................................ 16
4.3 Submit a response to a tender............................................................................................... 18
4.3.1 Questionnaires ................................................................................................................... 18
4.3.2 Document checklist ............................................................................................................ 19
4.3.3 Financial offer details ......................................................................................................... 19
4.3.4 Submit your vendor response ............................................................................................ 20
4.3.5 Submit a response for a tender with lots ........................................................................... 21
4.4 Submit an alternative offer to a tender .................................................................................. 22
4.5 View, edit and withdraw a vendor response to a tender ........................................................ 23
4.5.1 View and access your vendor responses .......................................................................... 23
4.5.2 Edit a vendor response ...................................................................................................... 24
4.5.3 Withdraw a vendor response ............................................................................................. 24
5. Respond to UNOPS evaluation clarifications ........................................................ 26
5.1 View evaluation clarifications ................................................................................................. 26
5.2 Respond to an evaluation clarification ................................................................................... 26
6. Check tender status and results ............................................................................ 27
6.1 Check tender status ............................................................................................................... 27
6.2 Check contract awards .......................................................................................................... 27
7. Contact and resources ........................................................................................... 28
7.1 UNGM .................................................................................................................................... 28
7.2 UNOPS eSourcing ................................................................................................................. 28
8. Glossary................................................................................................................... 29
9. Key recommendations for vendors using UNOPS eSourcing ............................. 30
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
This guide provides vendors with instructions on how to register on UNGM and how to access and submit
offers to UNOPS tenders in the UNOPS eSourcing system. In UNOPS eSourcing, vendors can view full
tender details, express interest in tenders, inform UNOPS about their intention to submit a tender, request
clarifications about tenders, submit responses to tenders, and respond to UNOPS evaluation clarifications.
UNOPS will periodically review and update this guide to reflect new system functionalities and user feedback.
What is UNGM?
UNGM ( is the common procurement portal of the United Nations system of organizations.
It brings together UN procurement staff and the vendor community. The United Nations represents a global
market of over USD 17.6 billion annually for all types of products and services.
The UNGM acts as a self-service portal where potential suppliers can register with one or more of the 26 UN
organizations using the UNGM as their vendor database and sourcing tool. These organizations account for
over 99% of the total UN procurement spent. The UNGM therefore provides an excellent way to introduce
your products and services to many UN organizations, countries and regions by completing only one
registration form. UNGM also provides an overview of procurement notices, such as tenders, published by
more than 40 UN organisations and other entities. There is no cost to register on UNGM or to view the
procurement notices on the website. Also, additional information about procurement practices can be found on
the UNGM website.
UNGM is the entry point for various UN agencies’ e-procurement systems which are integrated with the
UNGM website, such as the UNOPS eSourcing system.
UNOPS acknowledges the change this represents for vendors and appreciates their effort in using the system
and providing valuable feedback.
Please note that this guide is for UNOPS-related procurement tenders carried out with the UNOPS eSourcing
system, and does not cover other eTendering systems used by other UN Organizations. For help with tenders
posted by other UN Organizations using other eTendering systems, please contact the specific Organization.
Adjusted section 4.5.1 (Option 2) as per new tender statuses and color coding.
Created a new section 6, to explain the new functionality to check tender results and contract awards.
Other minor changes and adjustments.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Registration at basic level is sufficient, as UNOPS does not require level 1 and 2 registrations.
Please note that registration at UNGM is free of charge. In addition, UNGM enables vendors to keep informed
of upcoming tender notices through a paid service called Tender Alert Service. By subscribing to the Tender
Alert Service, vendors can receive relevant business opportunities directly by email.
2.1 Register
Go to
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Select the type of registration by clicking on the relevant box. If you represent a company, click on Company.
Enter the required information and tick the relevant box to confirm your acceptance of the UN Supplier Code
of Conduct, and click on the Register button.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Once you click on Register, you will receive an activation email including your user name and
UNGM number. Please note, however, that in order to respond to UNOPS tenders you must activate
your account and complete your registration. If you have not received the activation email, you can
resend it to yourself from your UNGM inbox. (If you do not see the activation email, check your
Spam Inbox. UNGM-related emails are sent through the email address [email protected]. We
recommend that you add this email address to your address book, and/or contact your IT
department to ask that emails sent from UNGM not be blocked by your organization’s email server.)
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Note: UNGM is available in 4 languages: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The default language is
English. If you want to change to another language, go the Settings by clicking on the icon in the top-right
corner and select your preferred language.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
In the UN Organizations tab (the right-most tab) please select UNOPS. You may also select other UN
Organizations which match your company’s profile. Please note that this guide is for UNOPS related
procurement activities, and does not describe or support other UN Organizations. For help with procurement
activities related to other UN Organizations, please contact the specific Organization.
To access UNOPS tender details and respond to a tender, you need to have the status Registered as a
UNOPS vendor on UNGM at the Basic registration level. The Basic registration level is sufficient to access
UNOPS tender information.
If UNOPS does not appear in your list of UN organizations, please ensure you complete your registration and
select UNOPS in the UN Organizations tab (see previous section in this guide).
If you need assistance to activate or complete your registration, please do not hesitate to contact the UNGM
help desk by clicking the Help tab at the right-hand side of the screen (see red arrow above).
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
UNOPS advertises both open competition and limited competition business opportunities through UNGM. For
the purpose of this guide, tender means any of the following procurement methods: Request for Quotation
(RFQ), Invitation to Bid (ITB), Request for Proposals (RFP), Request for Information (RFI), Request for
Expressions of Interest (EOI), and Prequalification (PQ). (See the Glossary at the end of this guide for a
definition of these procurement methods.)
Open competition refers to business opportunities accessible to all vendors. Vendors have to respond to these
tenders either through traditional methods (hard-copy submission or email) or through the UNOPS eSourcing
system as per instructions specified in the tender notice.
Limited competition refers to business opportunities accessible to select vendors through UNGM. The vendors
selected may respond to these tenders only through the UNOPS eSourcing system.
Go to
From the UNGM Home page, click the Business Opportunities box. If you are already past the Home page,
click the Tender notices link on the left hand menu.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Click on the UN organization column title to list the business opportunities by UN organization. Then, scroll
down to find the opportunities from UNOPS. Alternatively, click on the Show more criteria button and type
UNOPS in the UN Organization field. UNGM will automatically show all the active tender notices issued by
UNOPS. If you click on the title of a tender, UNGM will display information about the tender organized under
these tabs: General, Contacts, Links, Documents, UNSPSC (codes applicable to tender), and Revisions.
The list of UNOPS tender notices will include both tenders that vendors have to respond to through traditional
methods (hard-copy submission or email) or through the UNOPS eSourcing system. Tenders that must be
replied to through the UNOPS eSourcing system will display a green button to the left of the tender title.
You will only see these green buttons if you are logged in to UNGM (with your user name and password),
AND the tender has to be replied to using the UNOPS eSourcing system, AND you are already a registered
UNOPS vendor at UNGM. Please remember to log in to UNGM and complete your registration process as a
UNOPS vendor to be able to see the full details of the tender and respond to it.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
If you have been invited to a limited competition tender, you will receive an email notification
alerting you of this opportunity.
You will only see these green buttons if you are logged in to UNGM (with your user name and password),
AND the tender has to be replied to using the UNOPS eSourcing system, AND you are already a registered
UNOPS vendor at UNGM.
Click on the tender’s title to display information about the tender. If you are interested in this tender click on
the Express Interest button to notify UNOPS that you are interested in participating in this tender. After a few
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
seconds, the text in the green button will change to View Documents. Please note that for limited competition
tenders there is no need to express interest, as you will only see the View Documents button.
Note: expressing interest in a tender is an important step. All vendors who have expressed interest in a tender
will receive automatic notifications about the tender, such as when the deadline for submissions is
approaching, or when clarifications or amendments to the tender have been added by UNOPS. Once you
have expressed interest in a tender, that tender can be found by clicking My tenders in the left-hand menu.
3.3 View full tender details by logging into the UNOPS eSourcing system
Once you’ve clicked on Express interest, the green button will now say View documents. Click on the green
View Documents button for the tender. This will automatically transfer you from the UNGM portal to the
UNOPS eSourcing system.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
The following UNOPS eSourcing screen will appear. If this screen does not appear, please contact UNOPS
Helpdesk at: [email protected]
Insert your email address and password and click on the Log in button. Note that the email address and
password are the same of your UNGM account. UNOPS eSourcing system does not require a specific
(different) account, it is the same as UNGM. All account aspects (emails, passwords, etc.) are managed
directly in UNGM as per guidance in section 2 of this guide.
Please note that if you are responding to a tender from another UN organization, that tender will not be
accessible through the UNOPS eSourcing system. This guide is for UNOPS related procurement tenders
carried out with the UNOPS eSourcing system, and does not cover other eTendering systems used by other
UN Organizations. For help with tenders posted by other UN Organizations using other eTendering systems,
please contact the specific Organization.
Once you have logged in, you will have access to the tender on the UNOPS eSourcing system. You will see a
screen with the below information. Please see below a description of the key areas which you’ll see in the
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Select language of the eSourcing system. Note that at the date of issuing
Language this version of the guide, the system is available in English, Spanish and
Email address used to log into the UNOPS eSourcing system. This email
address is as per the vendor’s UNGM account. Note that a vendor can set
Email up more than one email address in UNGM and can access UNGM and
address UNOPS eSourcing through each of those addresses included in the
UNGM vendor profile.
You can also Log out of eSourcing here by clicking the small arrow.
Access user guides, FAQs, helpdesk contact details and other support
Actual time in UTC terms. UTC refers to the Coordinated Universal Time
which is a time standard commonly used across the world. UNOPS uses
Actual time
UTC as the standard for all its tenders published through the eSourcing
in UTC
system in order to avoid confusions regarding time zones and considering
that our offices and vendors are based across the world.
List of all tenders that you have expressed interest in. It shows a grid
My tenders showing the tender reference, title, date published, deadline date,
submission status and tender status.
Tender UNOPS tender reference. It shows the tender type / year / ID number, for
reference instance “RFP/2016/296”.
Countdown Countdown timer showing how much time remains until the tender
timer deadline.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Vendor Where vendors can inform UNOPS of their intention to submit or not a
confirmation vendor response to the tender.
Correspondence between UNOPS and the vendor at evaluation stage.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
To submit a request for clarification of a tender, click the Request a clarification tab (under the Tender
information tab) and then the Request a clarification button.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Enter your question(s) and click the Submit clarification request button. The requests for clarification that
you enter will only be visible to you and not any other vendor.
Please note that the system will only allow you to submit clarifications prior to the deadline for clarifications.
This deadline can be found in the General Information tab.
Once UNOPS responds to your request for clarification, it will be posted in the Revisions tab, under Tender
Information. Any responses to clarification requests will be visible to all vendors but they will not identify the
vendor that submitted such request to clarification.
All vendors who have expressed interest in a tender will receive an automatic email
notification each time UNOPS posts a response to a clarification, or an amendment to that
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Once all the required information has been uploaded, the display colour beside each tab will change colour,
from Red (0/5), to Green (5/5).
4.3.1 Questionnaires
As part of the tender process, UNOPS may require vendors to complete information in the form of on-line
Click on the Questionnaires tab to view the questions and enter your responses. When you have completed
the questionnaire(s), click on the Save button at the bottom of the page. Note that questions marked with an
asterisk (*) are mandatory.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Please note that if the tender is a Request for Proposals (RFP) there will not be a document checklist
requesting financial/price information. In an RFP you may only submit financial/price information through the
financial envelope section under the Financial offer details tab (see below section for more information).
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
If the tender is a Request for Proposals (RFP) there will be a Financial envelope documents section. You
can upload files either by clicking on the Choose Files button or by dragging them directly to the Or drop
files here section.
Then, click on the Submit tab. After that, click the Submit button to send your response to UNOPS.
Note: the system will not allow you to submit unless all required information has been completed or if it is past
the deadline for submission, which is specified in the General Information tab under Tender information. If
you have not completed all information and/or it is past the deadline you will not be able to see the Submit
Please therefore ensure you prepare your vendor response with sufficient time and care by progressively
adding responses to the questionnaires and uploading documents against document checklists once they are
ready. We suggest you allow plenty of time to complete all the information required. The system allows you to
save your draft responses to questionnaires, document checklists and financial offer details. Once your
response is complete and ready to send, you can click on Submit.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Once you have clicked on Submit, your submission status will change from Draft (blue colour) to Submitted
(green colour)
You will receive an automatic email notification once you have submitted your vendor
If the solicitation tender specifies that the evaluation will be done per lot (this would be explained in the
Tender information tab), the vendors will be able to make submissions per lot using the eSourcing
If the tender includes lots, go to the Vendor submission tab and then click on Lots. You will see a number of
rows showing the lot number, description and a section called Vendor submission.
Under Vendor submission, the default setting will be “Bid” (green colour) for all lots.
If you are not interested in bidding for a specific lot, then move the slider button for that lot to the right until it
shows “No bid” (red colour). This will automatically remove the information that you need to submit in your bid
related to your bid i.e. it will adjust the Questionnaires, Document checklist and Financial offer details
Once that you have decided which Lots to bid for, complete the required information under the Vendor
submission tab and submit the vendor response using the instructions in section 4.3 of this guide. Please
note that if you have selected more than one lot to bid for, you cannot submit the bid until you have completed
all the mandatory information for all the lots you have selected to bid for.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
After you have submitted a response to a tender and your status is Submitted (green color), you can submit
alternative offer(s) if so allowed for in that tender.
Go to the home tab of the tender submission and click on the Submit an alternative offer button.
A new Draft vendor submission will be created. Please complete the required information under the Vendor
submission tab and submit the vendor response using the instructions in section 4.3 of this guide.
Once you have submitted the alternative offer, you will be able to view both your Original submission and
the Alternative offer(s) submitted.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Once you have submitted a vendor response to a tender, you can perform the following actions: view, edit,
and withdraw your response(s). Note that you can only edit and withdraw before the deadline for submission
as specified in the General information tab under Tender information.
Once you have expressed interest in a tender in UNGM, you can access the tender details and your vendor
response in two ways:
Option 1 – through UNGM
Option 2 – through the UNOPS eSourcing system directly
Go to and log in with your UNGM user name and password.
Go to My Tenders on the left-hand menu and click on the View documents button next to the tender you
want to access.
You will be automatically transferred from the UNGM portal to the tender in the UNOPS eSourcing system.
Note that if you are not logged in to the UNOPS eSourcing system you will be prompted to log in using your
UNGM account details (email address and password). See section 3.3 of this guide for details.
This will display a list of all tenders that you have expressed interest in with the following information:
Reference: tender reference. To access the tender you are interested in, click on the hyperlink
showing the tender reference.
Title: tender title
Date published: date the tender was published by UNOPS
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Deadline: deadline to submit a vendor response to the tender, expressed in UTC terms
Your submission status. There are two possible submission status:
o Draft (blue colour): when you have not submitted yet a vendor response
o Submitted (green colour): once you submit a vendor response
Tender status. There are three possible tender status:
o Open (green colour): when the deadline has not passed yet.
o Evaluation (orange colour): when the deadline has passed and UNOPS is making an
evaluation of the vendor submissions received. You cannot submit a vendor response once
the tender status is on Evaluation.
o Finalized (grey colour): when UNOPS has already finalized the evaluation and determined the
You can also filter the results by clicking on the Filtering criteria section.
Note that if you are already in the UNOPS eSourcing system, you can access the My tenders link located at
the top left of the page.
You can sort the tenders according to their reference, title, date published and deadline by clicking on the
column heading.
You cannot edit a vendor response that has been submitted. In order to edit your response, you must first
withdraw your submission (see next section of this guide). Once your submission is withdrawn, the status will
change from Submitted (green colour) to Draft (blue colour), and you will be able to edit the content.
When you are finished editing your vendor response, remember to submit the response again (see
instructions in section 4.3 of this guide). All vendor responses must be submitted before the deadline for
submission, which is specified in the General Information tab under Tender information.
You will receive an automatic email notification every time you submit a vendor response.
At any time before the submission deadline you may withdraw a response that you have already submitted.
Select the tender you would like to withdraw your vendor response from. Then, go to the Vendor submission
tab, then Submit tab and click Withdraw submission.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
The status will change from Submitted (green colour) to Draft (blue colour).
If you have submitted alternative response(s) to the tender, you may also withdraw them. You may also
withdraw the original vendor response. Note that if the original response is withdrawn then all the alternative
responses will be withdrawn.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
You will receive an automatic email notification if UNOPS requests an evaluation clarification
from you. Please respond to any UNOPS requests for clarification in a promptly manner.
This will open a text box where you can type in your response. You can also upload documentation if
requested by clicking the Choose files button. Click the Submit button when you are done.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
If you would like to check the status of any of the eSourcing tenders that you expressed interest on, go to and log in using your UNGM account details and click on the View my tender
submissions button. Or if you are already logged in, go to My tenders.
The Tender status will show in the right column of the table. There are three possible tender statuses:
Open (green colour): when the deadline has not passed yet.
Evaluation (orange colour): when the deadline has passed and UNOPS is making an evaluation of the
vendor submissions received. You cannot submit a vendor response once the tender status is on
Finalized (grey colour): when UNOPS has finalized the evaluation and determined the results. If there
have been any contracts awarded as a result of this tender, the Finalized button will also have an
hyperlink to the UNGM contract awards page (see section 6.2 for details).
If you submitted a vendor submission for a tender using eSourcing, you will receive an
automatic email notification once UNOPS has finalized the tender evaluation. This email will
inform you on the outcome: whether you have been short listed or not (in EOI and PQ
tenders) or whether you have been awarded a contract or not (in solicitation tenders: RFQ,
ITB, RFP). These automatic emails will also include the contact details of the UNOPS
personnel responsible for the tender if you would like to seek further information. And in case
there have been any contracts awarded as a result of this tender it will also provide a link to
the UNGM contract awards page (see section 6.2 for details).
When UNOPS has finalized the evaluation of a tender using eSourcing and there have been any contract
awards made resulting from the tender, it will publicly publish the main details on the UNGM contract awards
Search the contract award you are looking for by either: title, description, reference, supplier, or award date.
You can also search by additional criteria (UN Organization, country/area, or UNSPSC codes) if you click on
the Show more criteria button.
Note: if you already know the eSourcing tender reference (e.g. RFP/2016/124) you can insert it in the
Reference field of the UNGM contract awards page. The eSourcing reference is the same as the contract
award reference to facilitate linkages amongst the two.
Once you have identified the contract award you are interested on, click on the hyperlink with the title. This
will open a new screen showing the following information distributed in four tabs:
General: shows general information about the contract award (title, UN Organization, reference,
award date, contract value in USD, description) and the beneficiary countries the award relates to.
Supplier: name of the awarded supplier. Note: in exceptional circumstances, UNOPS may decide to
withhold the name of the supplier for security reasons.
Contacts: contact details of UNOPS personnel in charge of the award.
UNSPSC: category code(s) related to the award.
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
Use the Help functionality available on the top left corner of the site. You can also access it directly on
this link:
Check the Guides, Videos and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) included in the Help functionality
Contact the UNOPS Helpdesk at: [email protected]. Please provide your UNGM user name, your
UNGM Registration Number and the tender reference (e.g. RFP/2016/296).
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
This glossary defines the important terminology used in this document.
For the purpose of this guide, tender means any of the following procurement
methods: Request for Quotation (RFQ), Invitation to Bid (ITB), Request for Proposals
(RFP), Request for Information (RFI), Request for Expressions of Interest (EOI), and
Prequalification (PQ)
United Nations Global Marketplace is the common procurement portal of the United
Nations system of organizations.
United Nations Office for Project Services is an operational arm of the United Nations
UNOPS supporting implementation of partners’ peacebuilding, humanitarian and
development projects around the world.
The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) is an open,
UNSPSC global, multi-sector standard for classification of products and services to aid in
procurement spend analysis and procurement optimization
UNOPS eSourcing vendor guide
2 Express
interest in a
receive automatic notifications about the tender, such as
when the deadline for submissions is approaching, or when
clarifications or amendments to the tender have been added
See section 3.1 and section 3.2 for full details
Remember to review all the details of a tender before
View tender responding to it. If you want to submit a response to a tender,
details, you must do so before the submission deadline. The
especially the Deadline is under the General information tab of the
submission tender.
See section 3.3 for full details.
Respond to all After the deadline for submission has passed, UNOPS may
UNOPS send you a request for clarification during the evaluation
evaluation process. Please response to these evaluation clarifications
clarifications in a promptly manner.
in a promptly
manner See section 5 for full details.