Literature Review of Transportaion Problem

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The transportation problem (TP) is an important Linear Programming (LP)

model that arises in several contexts and has deservedly received much
attention in literature.

The transportation problem is probably the most important special linear

programming problem in terms of relative frequency with which it appears in
the applications and also in the simplicity of the procedure developed for its
solution. The following features of the transportation problem are considered
to be most important.

The TP were the earliest class of linear programs discovered to have totally uni-
modular matrices and integral extreme points resulting in considerable
simplification of the simplex method.

The study of the TP‟s laid the foundation for further theoretical and
algorithmic development of the minimal cost network flow problems.

The origin of transportation was first presented by

Hitchcock, (1941), also presented a study entitled “The Distribution of a
Product from Several sources to numerous Localities”. This presentation is
considered to be the first important contribution to the solution of
transportation problems. Koopmans, (1947), presented an independent study,
not related to Hitchcock’s, and called Optimum Utilization of the
Transportation System. These two contributions helped in the development of
transportation methods which involve a number of shipping sources and a
number of destinations.
However, it could be solved for optimally as an answer to complex business
problem only in 1951, when George B. Dantzig applied the concept of Linear
Programming in solving the Transportation models.

Dantizig, (1963), then uses the simplex method on transportation

problem as the primal simplex transportation method.

Stringer and Haley have developed a method of solution using a mechanical

analogue. May be the first algorithm to find an optimal solution for the
incapacitated transportation problem was that of Efroymson and Ray. They
assumed that each of the unit production cost functions has a fixed charge

Saumis et al. (1991) considered a problem of preparing a

minimum cost transportation plan by simultaneously solving following two
sub-problem: first the assignment of units available at a series of origins to
satisfy demand at a series of destinations and second, the design of vehicle
tours to transport these units, when the vehicles have to be brought back to
their departure point.

The cost minimization mathematical model was constructed, which is

converted into a relaxation total distance minimization, then finally
decomposed to network problems, a full vehicle problem, and an empty
vehicle problem. The problems were solved by tour construction and
improvement procedures. This approach allows large problems to be solved
quickly, and solutions to large problems to be solved quickly, and solutions to
large test problems have been shown to be 1% 0r 2% from the optimum.

This is a type of linear programming problem that may be solved using a

simplified version of the simplex technique called transportation method.
Because of its major application in solving problems involving several product
sources and several destinations of products, this type of problem is frequently
called the transportation problem.

In a transportation problem, we have certain origins, which may

represent factories where we produced items and supply a required quantity
of the products to a certain number of destinations.

This must be done in such a way as to maximize the profit or

minimize the cost. Thus we have the places of production as origins and the
places of supply as destinations. Sometimes the origins and destinations are
also termed as sources and sinks.

Transportation model is used in the following:

 To decide the transportation of new materials from various centres to

different manufacturing plants. In the case of multi-plant company this
is highly useful.
 To decide the transportation of finished goods from different
manufacturing plants to the different distribution centres. For a multi-
plant-multi-market company this is useful.
The main aim of the project is to study and compare the minimum
transportation costs from source to destination in theoretical manner
with the results obtained in the Operations Research software called as
Lingo. And also to find out the economical location for any kind of
To solve the real life problems under various probability conditions
and fuzzy uncertainities.

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