Congo Red
Congo Red
Congo Red
Research Paper
Adsorption of methylene blue, crystal violet and congo red from binary and MARK
ternary systems with natural clay: Kinetic, isotherm, and thermodynamic
Safae Bentahar , Abdellah Dbik, Mohammed El Khomri, Noureddine El Messaoudi,
Abdellah Lacherai
Ibn Zohr University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Applied Chemistry and Environment, BP 8106, 80000,Agadir, Morocco
Keywords: The adsorption of Methylene Blue (BM), Crystal Violet (CV) and Congo Red (CR) onto natural clay from Agadir
Clay region in the binary and ternary system was carried out. All the parameters influencing the adsorption of three
Adsorption dyes were studied namely effect of percentage, contact times (20–120 min), initial dye concentration
Isotherms (100–600 mg L−1), temperature (22–50 °C), and dye solution pH (2–12). The obtained results showed that the
adsorption of MB, CV, and CR is highly dependent on the initial dye concentration, the temperature, and the dye
Ternary system
solution pH. The kinetic study was performed by applying two kinetic models, the pseudo-first-order and the
pseudo second-order. According to the obtained results, the pseudo-second-order model is better described the
adsorption of dyes onto natural clay. The adsorption isotherms were studied such as Langmuir, Freundlich, the
obtained results indicate that the adsorption followed the Langmuir model with correlation coefficients which
are very close to 1. The maximum adsorption capacities for three dyes are 202.13 mg g−1 for MB (MB + CV),
289.59 mg g−1 for MB (MB + CR), 281.31 mg g−1 for MB (MB + CV + CR), 179.28 mg g−1 for CV (CV + MB),
289 mg g−1 for CV (CV + CR), 280.61 mg g−1 for CV (CV g MB + CR), 253.53 mg g−1 for CR (CR + MB),
240.06 mg g−1 for CR (CR + CV) and 264.54 mg g−1 for CR (CR + MB + CV). The thermodynamic study
showed that the adsorption of dyes in the binary and ternary system is spontaneous, physical and endothermic.
1. Introduction constraint in an efficient and economical manner. Clays are now con-
sidered as interesting adsorbent materials, due to their low-cost, their
The presence of dyes in textile effluents can pose a serious en- abundance in nature, their small size (less than 2 μm), their high spe-
vironmental menace when they are discharged into biosphere without cific surface area, high cation exchange capacity and high chemical
previous treatment or with an insufficient level of treatment [1–4]. stability [19,20]. Consequently, these minerals are considered as nat-
Treatment will therefore be essential to remove these dyes which are ural wells to be facing to organic and inorganic pollutants.
harmful to the environment [5–7]. Several techniques have been de- Our main objective is to apply our support as an effective adsorbent
veloped to remove dyes from wastewater such as coagulation/floccu- to treat textile effluents, which contains different types of dyes namely
lation [8,9], oxidation/ozonation [10], membrane separation [11,12], cationic, anionic, and neutral. In this context, we have tested the ef-
photodegradation [13] et biological process [14], but most of these fectiveness of our adsorbent which has several advantages such as its
conventional methods are beginning to prove insufficient for simple availability and low cost because it requires no treatment, in the mix-
and effective treatment, in addition they are very expensive [15]. It is ture of dyes in a binary and ternary system. In our work, we chose three
necessary to think about effective techniques and inexpensive. Ad- dyes, Methylene Blue, Crystal Violet (cationic type), and Congo Red
sorption onto activated carbon has been recognized as one of the best (anionic type) as model dyes (Fig. 1), because of their harmful effects
techniques for the treatment polluted water by organic and inorganic on health and the environment. Methylene Blue is much used in textile,
materials, because the activated carbon has a high adsorption capacity printing, dyeing wood and strainers for medicinal surgery [21–23].
due to its large surface area [16,17], but activated carbon remains very Crystal Violet dye is widely used in coloring paper, cotton and silk [24],
expensive and onerous [18]. Consequently, the treatment of water by it is also employed in animal and veterinary medicine as a biological
adsorption onto natural materials such as clays responds to this stain [25]. Congo Red is employed as colorants in textiles, printing,
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Bentahar), [email protected] (A. Dbik), [email protected] (M.E. Khomri),
[email protected] (N.E. Messaoudi), [email protected] (A. Lacherai).
Received 6 August 2017; Received in revised form 9 October 2017; Accepted 1 November 2017
2213-3437/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Bentahar et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (2017) 5921–5932
dyeing, paper, and plastic industries and also as the indicator of pH 2.2. Characterization
[26–28]. This dye can cause cancer, vomiting, jaundice, skin irritation,
diarrhea in human beings [29–35]. For this reason, we have carried out According to our previous study [36,37], the results of the analyzes
the adsorption of MB, CV, and CR onto the clay to evaluate the behavior are:
of these three dyes in binary and ternary mixtures. We studied all the The X-ray diffractogram shows that the natural clay is characterized
parameters influencing the adsorption of these dyes in the mixtures by the presence of the dolomite phase which is the majority. This phase
such as the percentage effect, the contact time, the initial dye con- is confirmed by the existence of intense peaks at 21.6°, 24.01°, 30.89°,
centration, the temperature and the initial dye solution pH. The ad- 33,46°, 37.3°, 41.11°, 43.77°, 44.85°, 49 0.21°, 50.5°, 51.06°, 58.92° (in
sorption isotherms, kinetic models and thermodynamic study were 2θ) which may be attributable to the Miller indices:(101) (012) (104)
performed to describe the mechanism involved in the adsorption pro- (006) (110) (113) (021) (202) (024) (018) (116) (211), by comparison
cess. with the standard JCPDS No. 36-0426 (corresponding to the dolomite).
In addition, this diffractogram also shows the existence of a minority
phase corresponding to silica, whose peaks 26.64°, 35.98°, 50.13°,
2. Materials and methods 56.80° (in 2θ) attributable to the Miller indices (101) (110) (112) (103)
which is in accordance with standards JCPDS No. 33–1161(Fig. 2) [36].
2.1. Materials The FTIR spectrum shows some characteristic bands of the silica in
the zone 1250–700 cm−1. Indeed, the bands appear at 1250 and
The natural clay was collected from Agadir region and was crushed 1000 cm −1 are due to the stretching mode of Si-O and Si-O-Si re-
to obtain clay with a diameter less than 50 μm [36]. Methylene Blue spectively. Silica is also justified by an intense peak at 1099 cm−1 due
(MB) is a cationic dye, the molecular formula C16H18ClN3S·3H2O, a to Si-O-Si stretching vibration. In addition, the bands appear at 791 and
molar mass of 373.90 g mol −1 and a maximum absorbance is equal 728 cm−1 and at 474 cm−1 are attributed to the Si-O stretching vi-
661 nm. Crystal Violet (CV) is a cationic dye, the chemical formula bration. It remains to be noted that the absorption spectra located at
C25H30ClN3, a molar mass 407.979 g mol−1, and a maximum absor- 3423 cm−1 (medium intensity) and 1638 cm−1 correspond to the hy-
bance is 589.5 nm. Congo Red (CR) is an anionic diazo dye, the che- droxyl group OH and the deformation of the H2O molecules respec-
mical formula C32H22N6Na2O6S2, a molar mass 696.66 g mol−1 and a tively (Fig. 2) [36].
maximum absorbance is 498 nm. These three dyes were purchased from SEM analysis shows that this sample is characterized by the pre-
Sigma-Aldrich and used without purification. sence of particles having different sizes and uniform morphology. The
S. Bentahar et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (2017) 5921–5932
Fig. 2. Characterization of natural clay, (a): the XRD patterns, (b): FTIR, and (c): SEM micrographs image [36,37].
shape of the sample is dispersed and characterized by grains whose size maxCV = 589.5 nm and λ maxCR = 498 nm) by UV–vis spectro-
is between 2 and 5 μm. These grains are characterized by the presence photometer (Techcomp UV2300). Dye concentrations were calculated
of different cavities and pores which are very important for adsorbing as follows:
dyes [37]. The local analysis carried out by EDXS is in relatively good For a binary mixture of components A and B, the optical densities d1
agreement with those of X-ray diffraction (Fig. 2) [37]. and d2 were measured at λ1 and λ2 [38]:
The specific surface area was determined by application of the BET
method which is equal to which is equal to 76.971 m2 g−1, and the pore CA =
kB2 d1 − kB1 d2
diameter was calculated by Dubinin Radushkevich equation amounts to kA1 kB2 − kA2 kB1 (1)
1.69 nm. In addition, the N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms of the
natural clay were of type IV according to the International Union of kA1 d2 − kA2 d1
CB =
Pure and kA1 kB2 − kA2 kB1 (2)
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) [36].
For a ternary mixture of components A, B and C, the optical den-
sities d1, d2 and d3 were measured at λ1, λ2 and λ3 respectively [39,40]:
2.3. Batch studies
d1 X + d2 Y + d3 Z
Cei =
The adsorption of Methylene Blue (MB), Cristal Violet (CV) and k i1 X + k i 2 Y + k i 3 Z (3)
Congo Red (CR) onto local clay in binary (BM + CV), (BM + RC) and
(CV + RC), and ternary mixture (BM + CV + RC) was carried out in a Where i = A, B or C
batch system. The adsorption of three dyes was carried out in a ther- For i = A, X = kB3kC2–kB2kC3; Y = kB1kC3–kB3kC1; Z = kB2kC1–kB1kC2
mostatic bath, by adding 0.1 g of our support into flask containing
50 mL of the mixture of two dyes (BM + CV), (BM + RC) and (CV
+ RC) or three dyes (BM + CV + RC), by varying the concentration For i = B, X = kA2kC3–kA3kC2; Y = kA3kC1–kA1kC3; Z = kA1kC2–kA2kC1
from 100 to 600 mg L−1 at different temperatures 22, 30, 40 and 50° C
in the pH range 2–12 for a time varying from 20 to 120 min. After a
For i = C, X = kA2kB3–kA3kB2; Y = kA3kB1–kA1kB3; Z = kA1kB2–kA2kB1
suitable time, the dye solution was separated from the adsorbent by
centrifugation for 15 min at 4000 rpm. The concentration of MB, CV,
and CR in binary and ternary mixtures was determined by measuring The adsorbed amounts of MB, CV, and CR were calculated by this
the absorbance at maximum wavelengths (λ maxMB = 661 nm, λ equation:
S. Bentahar et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (2017) 5921–5932
Fig. 3. Effect of percentage of dye on adsorption of MB, CV and CR in single (a), binary (b, c and d) and ternary system (e) systems onto natural clay (adsorbent dose = 2 gL−1, C0 (MB)
= C0 (CV) = C0 (CR) = 100 mg L−1, t = 60 min, T=22 °C, pH (MB + CV)=4.24, pH (MB + CR)=5.61, pH (CV + CR)=5.55, pH (MB+CV+ CR) = 5.5, pH (MB) = 3.48, pH (CV)
= 4.28 and pH (CR) = 6.51).
S. Bentahar et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (2017) 5921–5932
Fig. 4. Effect of contact time on adsorption of MB, CV and CR onto natural clay in binary and ternary mixture (C0 (MB) = (adsorbent dose = 2 g L−1, C0 (MB) = C0 (CV) = C0 (CR)
= 100 mgL−1, T = 22 °C, pH (MB + CV)=4.24, pH (MB + CR)=5.61, pH (CV + CR)=5.55, pH (MB+CV+ CR) = 5.5, pH (MB) = 3.48, pH (CV) = 4.28 and pH (CR) = 6.51).
(C0 − Ceq) This increase can be explained by the interactions of the CR with MB
qe = *V
m (4) and CV. In the case of mixing two cationic dyes, we observed that the
adsorbed amount of MB and CV is decreased comparing with MB and
where qe (mg g−1), C0 (mg L−1), Ce (mg L−1), V (L) et m (g) are the CV in the single system, this is due to the competition between MB and
adsorbed amount of dye on the absorbent, the initial dye concentration, CV to occupy the reaction sites on the clay surface.
the concentration of dye at equilibrium, volume of dye solution used In general, the two cationic dyes MB and CV are much adsorbed on
and mass of absorbent respectively. our support in the single system contrary to CR (Fig. 3a). When MB and
CV are mixed, they come in competition with a slight favor for the
3. Results and discussion minority, which is normal since the latter in low concentration, is in
front of an important free support surface.
3.1. Effect of composition dyes on adsorption In the case of a binary system consisting of a cationic dye (MB or
CV) and an anionic dye (CR), we observed that adsorption is selective.
Effect of percentage on the adsorption of MB, CV and CR dye onto Thus adsorption saturation is achieved for the dye cationic (MB or CV)
natural clay in binary (CV + MB, CV + CR and MB + CR) and ternary for the different compositions, which leads to an increase in the ad-
mixture (CV + MB + CR) comparing with the same dyes Taken in- sorbed amount of the dye anionic by decreasing its percentage. This can
dividually has been investigated by varying the percentage of MB, CV be explained by the interactions between the CR molecules which are
and CR in the binary and ternary mixture with the adsorbent dose, the accentuated by increasing the concentration of CR, by disadvantaging
initial dye concentration and the contact time have been fixed at 2 g L its adsorption.
, 100 mg L−1 and 60 min respectively, at the room temperature and
at the initial dye solution pH. The obtained results are illustrated in 3.2. Effect of contact time on adsorption
Fig. 3. These results show that in the case of a single system MB
(qe = 98.06 mg g−1) and CV (qe = 82.13 mg g−1) are better adsorbed Effect of the contact time on the adsorption of MB, CV and CR dye onto
than CR (qe = 23.52 mg g−1). Whereas in the binary (MB + CR) and clay in binary (MB + CV, CV + CR and CR + MB) and ternary mixture
the ternary system (MB + CV + CR), the adsorbed amount of CR in- (CV + MB + CR) has been studied by varying the contact time between 20
creased from 32.62 to 49.79 mg g−1 and from 32.25 to 49.7 mg g−1 and 120 min with 2 g L−1 at initial dye concentration of 100 mg L−1, at
respectively with increase in the percentage of MB and CV in the room temperature, at the initial dye solution pH and with percentages 50%
mixture of two dyes CR + MB and CR + CV respectively, and from MB + 50% CV, 50% MB + 50% CR, 50% CV + 50% CR, 33% MB + 33%
47.35 to 48.57 mg g −1 in the mixture of three dyes CV + MB + CR. CV + 34% CR (Fig. 4). As shown in Fig. 4, the adsorbed amount of all dyes
S. Bentahar et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (2017) 5921–5932
Fig. 5. Effect of initial concentration on adsorption of MB, CV and CR onto natural clay in binary and ternary mixture (adsorbent dose = 2 g L−1, T = 22 °C, t = 60 min, pH (MB + CV)
=4.24, pH (MB + CR)=5.61, pH (CV + CR)=5.55, pH (MB + CV + CR) = 5.5, pH (MB) = 3.48, pH (CV) = 4.28 and pH (CR) = 6.51).
in a binary and ternary mixture increases rapidly with the contact time mixing two cationic dyes MB (MB + CV) and CV (CV + MB), we no-
between the adsorbate and the adsorbent in the first stage, then it has ticed that the adsorbed amount increased from 49.97 to 193.13 mgg−1
slowed down in the second stage until equilibrium was reached and from 49.96 to 171.77 mg g−1 for MB and CV respectively. How-
after 60 min with adsorbed amounts which are equal to ever, these adsorbed quantities are lower than those in the binary
49.97 mg g−1, 49.98 mg g−1,49 0.64 mg g−1, 49.05 mg g−1, mixture MB (MB + CR), CV (CV + CR) and ternary MB (MB + CV
49.43 mg g , 49.02 mg g , 45.2 mg g , 42,99 mg g−1, and
−1 −1 −1
+ CR) and CV (MB + CV + CR). This probably is due to the compe-
48.22 mg g−1 respectively for MB (MB + CV), MB (MB + CR), MB (MB tition between CV and MB to occupy the vacant surface sites. In the case
+ CV + CR), CV (CV + MB), CV (CV + CR), CV (CV + MB + CR), CR of binary system of CR (MB + CR) and CR (CV + CR), we also observed
(CR + MB), CR (CR + CV) and CR (CR + MB + CV). The increase in the that the adsorbed amount of CR increases from 45.2 to 213.88 mg g−1
amount adsorbed in the first stage is due to the availability of the reaction and from 43.61 to 207. 59 mg g−1 for (MB + CR) and (CV + CR) re-
sites on the clay surface [41,42]. After a lapse of some time, all the re- spectively, saturation is reached after 500 mg L−1. Whereas in the
action sites progressively become occupied by the dyes and consequently, mixture of three dyes CR + MB + CV we found a strong increase in the
the surface of the clay has become saturated, which implies that the ad- adsorbed amounts of CR from 48.84 to 256.71 mg g−1 comparing with
sorption becomes less efficient during this second stage [43,44]. the binary mixture of CR (MB + CR) and CR (CV + CR). This can be
explained by the strong interaction of CR with CV and MB in the ternary
mixture. The increase in the adsorbed amount of all dyes in binary and
3.3. Effect of initial dye concentration on adsorption
ternary system with increased the concentration can be attributed to an
increase in motive force in the driving force to transfer dye molecules
Effect of initial dye concentration on the adsorption of MB, CV and
between the aqueous and solid phases [47–49].
CR dye onto natural clay in binary and ternary mixture was studied in
the concentration range 100–600 mg L−1, adsorbent dose 2 g L−1 at
22 °C and at initial dye solution pH for 60 min. The percentages used 3.4. Effect of temperature on adsorption
are 50% MB + 50% CV, 50% MB + 50% CR, 50% CV + 50% CR, 33%
MB + 33% CV + 34% CR (Fig. 5). According to Fig. 5, we have found The temperature effect on the adsorption of MB, CV and CR dye in
the amount of dye adsorbed increased as the initial dye concentration binary and ternary mixture was studied at different temperature 22, 30,
increased [45,46]. Indeed, at binary mixtures of MB (MB + CR) and CV 40 et 50 °C, with 2 g L −1, a constant initial dye concentration of
(CV + CR), we observed a strong increase in the adsorbed amount from 500 mg L−1 at initial dye solution pH for 60 min. The percentages used
49 0.97 to 289.59 mg g−1 and from 49.81 to 282.25 mg g−1 for MB and are 50% MB + 50% CV, 50% MB + 50% CR, 50% CV + 50% CR, 33%
CV respectively with increasing initial dye concentration from 100 to MB + 33% CV + 34% CR (Fig. 6). The obtained results indicate that
600 mg L−1. The same results were observed at ternary mixture of MB the temperature has a remarkable effect on the adsorption of MB and
(MB + CV + CR) and CV (MB + CV + CR). While in the case of CV in the mixture (CV + MB) and CR in the mixture of (CR + MB),
S. Bentahar et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (2017) 5921–5932
Fig. 6. Effect of temperature on adsorption of MB, CV and CR onto natural clay in binary and ternary mixture (adsorbent dose = 2 g L−1, C0 (MB) = C0 (CV) = C0 (CR) = 500 mg L−1,
t = 60 min, pH (MB + CV)=4.24, pH (MB + CR)=5.61, pH (CV + CR)=5.55, pH (MB + CV + CR) = 5.5, pH (MB) = 3.48, pH (CV) = 4.28 and pH (CR) = 6.51).
case of binary mixture of MB (MB + CR) and CV (CV + CR), and at the
ternary mixture MB (MB + CV + CR) and CV (MB + CV + CR), we
observed a slight increase in the adsorbed amount. The increase of
adsorbed amount with the rise in temperature [50] is due to the in-
crease of the mobility of the dye molecules with temperature which
ensures a better connection of the dye molecules with the active sites on
the surface of clay [32,51].
S. Bentahar et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (2017) 5921–5932
Fig. 8. (a) Pseudo- first-order model (b) Pseudo-second-order model for adsorption of MB, CV and CR onto natural clay in binary and ternary mixture.
Table 1
Characteristic parameters of kinetic models.
To understand the mechanism of adsorption of MB, CV and CR dye 3.7. Adsorption isotherms in binary and ternary systems
in binary and ternary mixtures, two kinetic models were used pseudo-
first-order [54] and pseudo-second-order kinetic models [55], at room The adsorption isotherms were used to describe the adsorption
S. Bentahar et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (2017) 5921–5932
Fig. 9. Equilibrium adsorption of MB, CV and CR in single, binary and ternary systems onto natural clay.
mechanism of MB, CV and CR dye onto natural clay in binary and obtained at 40° C), which implies that adsorption of MB, CV, and CR on
ternary mixture [58]. Three models including the Langmuir [59] and the natural clay in single system were well-fit to the Langmuir isotherm
Freundlich [60] models were studied by varying the concentration in a model and does not follow the Freundlich isotherms. And therefore the
range of 100–600 mg L−1, at different temperatures 22, 30, 40 and adsorption of three dyes occurs in monolayer coverage. In addition, the
50 °C, with 2 g L−1 at initial dye solution pH for 60 min at pH (MB maximum adsorption capacity calculated by the Langmuir isotherm is
+ CV)=4.24, pH (MB + CR)=5.61, pH (CV + CR)=5.55, pH (MB much closer to the experimental value of adsorption.
+ CV + CR) = 5.5, pH (MB) = 3.48, pH (CV) = 4.28 and pH (CR) According to Fig. 9, we noticed that the amount adsorbed increases
= 6.51). The percentages used are 50% MB + 50% CV, 50% MB with increasing concentration from 100 to 600 mg g−1 at 40 °C:
+ 50% CR, 50% CV + 50% CR, 33% MB + 33% CV + 34% CR. For the binary mixture of MB and CV: the adsorbed amount in-
The Langmuir isotherm is represented as: creased from 49.97 to 202.13 mg g−1 and from 49.98 to 179.28 mg g−1
qm KL Ce for MB and CV respectively.
qe = For the binary mixture of MB and CR: the adsorbed amount in-
1 + KL Ce (7)
creased from 49.78 to 289.59 mg g−1 and from 48.09 to 253.53 mg g−1
−1 −1 −1 −1
Where Ce (mg L ), qe (mg g ), qmax (mg g ) and KL (L mg ) for MB and CR respectively.
are the concentration of dyes at equilibrium, the amount adsorbed at For the binary mixture of CV and CR: the adsorbed amount increases
equilibrium, maximum adsorption capacity, and Langmuir constant from 49.85 to 289 mg g−1 and from 48.1 to 240.06 mg g−1 for CV and
respectively. CR respectively.
The Freundlich isotherm is represented as: For the ternary mixture of MB, CV, and CR: the adsorbed amount
1/ nf increased from 49.97 to 281.31 mg g−1, from 48.69 to 280.61 mg g−1
qe = KF Ce (8) and from 49.22 to 264.54 mg g−1 for MB, CV and CR respectively.
Where qe (mg g−1), Ce (mg L−1), 1/n and KF are the amount ad- Interactions between the three dyes in the binary and ternary mix-
sorbed at equilibrium, the equilibrium dye concentration in solution, ture were evaluated by the ratio Qm.mix/QS [61,62] (Qmmix is the
the adsorption intensity and the Freundlich constant respectively. maximum adsorption capacity in binary and ternary mixtures and QS is
The obtained results are listed in Table 2. the maximum adsorbed amount in the single system). If Qm.mix/QS < 1,
The non-linear Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models for MB, the presence of other dyes has an inhibitory effect on the adsorption, if
CV [36] and CR [37] dyes in the single system are shown in Fig. 9. Qm.mix/QS = 1 there are no interactions between the dyes and if
According to the obtained results, we found that the Langmuir corre- Qm.mix/QS > 1 the presence of other dyes has a positive effect on the
lation coefficients are higher than those of Freundlich (the best fit was adsorption. The maximum adsorption capacities of MB, CV and CR are
S. Bentahar et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (2017) 5921–5932
Fig. 10. The comparison between the experimental and calculated qeq values for MB, CV and CR in binary and ternary mixtures.
Table 3
Thermodynamic parameters of adsorption.
Dye ΔH° (kJ mol−1) ΔS° (J mol−1 K−1) ΔG° (kJ mol−1)
279.95 mg g−1, 231.74 mg g−1 [36] and 61.12 mg g−1 [37].In this qi, max K a, i Ceq, i
qeq, i = N
work, when mixed two cationic dye, the ratio Qm.mix/QS is less than 1, 1+ ∑j = 1 K a, j Ceq, j
which shows a great competition between the two dyes to occupy the
active sites (antagonism effect). Whereas in the case of mixing a ca- where qmax,i, and KL,i are physical parameters of single dyes.
tionic dye with an anionic dye or two cationic dye with an anionic dye, The comparison between the experimental equilibrium data and
the ratio Qm.mix/QS was greater than 1, this is due to the presence of calculated values (qeq,exp; qeq,calc) for binary and ternary mixtures are
strong interactions between the cationic and anionic dyes (synergism shown in Fig. 10. The analysis of the obtained results shows that the
effect). extended-Langmuir model represents the experimental adsorption data
The modified Langmuir model [63] has been applied to analyze of MB, CV, and CR in the binary and ternary mixture.
interference and competition phenomena between the MB, CV and CR
dyes in the binary and ternary mixture onto the natural clay. The 3.8. Adsorption thermodynamic
modified Langmuir isotherm model is given as:
The thermodynamic study was carried out to reveal the nature of
S. Bentahar et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5 (2017) 5921–5932
the adsorption of MB, CV and CR dye onto natural clay in binary and endothermic. Based on the obtained results in this work, we can con-
ternary mixtures. The thermodynamic parameters, such as the Gibbs clude that the natural clay from Agadir region can be considered as a
energy change (ΔG °) (J mol−1), the enthalpy change (ΔH °) (J mol−1) good material for the removal of MB, CV and CR dyes in binary and
and the entropy change (ΔS °) (J.K−1 mol−1) were determined by these ternary mixtures, due to their availability, their efficiency and also low
equations [56]: cost. All the results obtained are encouraging to use our support on an
industrial scale.
ΔG° = ΔH° − TΔS° (10)
Where Ka, T (K) et R(J.mol−1 K−1) are the thermodynamic equilibrium None declared.
constant without units, the absolute temperature and the universal gas
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