YPMT OPS PR 0027 - 旁路管理程序 OverrideBypass Management Procedure

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Override/Bypass Management Procedure

Document Number:



发起人: 姓名 Name: Yan Zelong 职位 Position : POM Manager

Document Originator:
签字 Signature: 日期 Date:

技术审核人: 职位 Position: Production Operations

姓名 Name: Carlos Sanitá
Technical Authority Start Up Manager

签字 Signature: 日期 Date:

批准人: 姓名 Name: Zhou Wei 职位 Position: Asset Manager

SCP Private. © Copyright 2016 SCP, Unpublished Work. All rights reserved. This work contains the confidential and
proprietary trade secrets of SCP and may not be copied or stored in an information retrieval system, transferred, used,
distributed, translated or retransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, in whole or in part, without
the express written permission of the copyright owner.
签字 Signature: 日期 Date:

SCP Private. © Copyright 2016 SCP, Unpublished Work. All rights reserved. This work contains the confidential and
proprietary trade secrets of SCP and may not be copied or stored in an information retrieval system, transferred, used,
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旁路管理程序 Override/Bypass Management Procedure YPMT-OPS-PR-007

修改汇总 Amendment Summary

版本号 日期 说明
Revision No Date Description
1.0 160913 First Issue

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旁路管理程序 Override/Bypass Management Procedure YPMT-OPS-PR-007

序言 Preface

文档目的 Purpose of Document

The objective of this document is to ensure that Operation of asset/project facilities are
carried out to a satisfactory standard, recognizing the fundamental principles of safety,
efficiency and cost- effectiveness. This document also provides guidance on operation of
facilities in order to minimize Health, Safety and Environmental risks and to be in full
compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

文档等级 Document Classification

This document is classified as SCP Private. It is available to anyone in SCP and authorized

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third parties. Unauthorized disclosure reported as a Light accident or Near miss.

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This document will be subject to annual review and update, when document holders will
have the opportunity to express opinions and suggest improvements.


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such, any user may at any time identify an error or suggest an improvement to the project
originator or the document controller.

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Users of this document may register for automatic updates via the SPM Document
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This document is uncontrolled when printed. A controlled version of this document is stored
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旁路管理程序 Override/Bypass Management Procedure YPMT-OPS-PR-007

分发清单 Distribution List

Zhou Wei [email protected]
Carlos Sanitá [email protected]
Yan Zelong [email protected]

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目录 Table of Contents

1 文档声明 Statement of document ............................................................. 1

2 文档目标 Objective of document ............................................................... 1

3 文档定义 Definition of document .............................................................. 1

4 职责 Responsibility .................................................................................... 2
4.1 控制和自动化工程师 Control &Automation Engineer .......................................... 2
4.2 PTW 申请人 PTW Applicant ................................................................................. 2
4.3 PTW 现场批准人 Site PTW Approver .................................................................... 3
4.4 批准人 PTW Authorizer ........................................................................................ 3

5 程序描述 Procedure Description ................................................................ 3

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5.1 旁路管理程序 Override/Bypass Management Procedure ..................................... 3
5.1.1 系统旁路类型 Types of System Override/Bypass 3
5.2 旁路流程 Override/Bypass Process ...................................................................... 6
5.3 超过 7 天的旁路 Override/Bypass exceeding 7 days ............................................. 7
5.4 旁 路 状 态 记 录 以 及 旁 路 检 查 确 认 Override/Bypass Status Records &
Verification of Override/Bypass ............................................................................ 8

6 培训 Training ............................................................................................. 8

7 培训 Training ............................................................................................. 9

8 评审和审计 Review and Audit ................................................................... 9

8.1 评审 Review ........................................................................................................ 9
8.2 审计 Audit ........................................................................................................... 9

9 参考文档 References ................................................................................10

10附件 Appendix ..........................................................................................10

10.1 安全系统旁路/跨越准工票 Safety System Bypass/Override Certificate .............. 10

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10.2 系统旁路记录表 Bypass/Override Log Sheet ........................................................ 1

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1 文档声明 Statement of document

本文件适用于延 113-133 天然气井区部门中的延北生产作业和维护(POM)小组运作的全

部设施和设备。 它也适用于资产单位的所有生产作业和维护组员工。

This document is applicable to all facilities and equipment for the operation and
maintenance (POM) of the Y113-133 gas field. It also applies to all production operations
and maintenance team staff.

2 文档目标 Objective of document



The purpose of this procedure is to manage operational Override/Bypass& safety critical

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equipment (SCE) Override/Bypass, and the management of SCE downgrade.

3 文档定义 Definition of document

PCS 集散控制系统 Distributed Control System

ESD 应急关断系统 Emergency Shutdown

FGS 火气系统 Fire and Gas System

SIS 安全仪表系统 Safety Instrument System

PTW 作业票 Permit To Work

MOC 变更管理 Manage of Change

CM 故障性维修 Corrective Maintenance

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旁路管理程序 Override/Bypass Management Procedure YPMT-OPS-PR-007

PM 预防性维修 Preventive Maintenance

SCE 安全关键要素 Safety Critical Elements

CPF 天然气处理厂 Central Process Facility

POM 生产操作维修团队 Production Operation & Maintenance Team

4 职责 Responsibility

4.1 控制和自动化工程师 Control &Automation Engineer

控制和自动化工程师是 SCADA/DCS/SIS/FGS 系统管理员。系统管理员通过工作许可证



SCP Private

Control &Automation Engineer is the administrator for SCADA/DCS/SIS/FGS system. The

administrator is responsible to implement the relevant work by himself or contractor,
including software updating, MOC, system maintenance, or control correcting. Others
cannot implement this kind of work without administrator supervision.

4.2 PTW 申请人 PTW Applicant

所有的旁路必须有正确的授权及 PTW。PTW 申请人负责旁路申请,附上相应的风险评

估及控制措施。PTW 申请人也负责旁路操作复位申请. 对于超过 7 天的旁路, 需要启

动 MOC 流程。

The Override/Bypass needs the PTW. The PTW applicant is responsible for initiating
Override/Bypass request including risk assessment& mitigation measure. The PTW applicant
is also responsible for initiate the reinstatement request. For the Override/Bypass is more
than 7 days, The PTW applicant is responsible for initiating the MOC process.

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4.3 PTW 现场批准人 Site PTW Approver

负责监督 PTW 申请人安全关键设备旁路执行和复位。

The Site PTW approver is responsible for supervising implement& reinstatement the

4.4 批准人 PTW Authorizer


PTW Authorizer is responsible for review and authorizes the Override/Bypass start up
including risk assessment & mitigation measure.

5 程序描述 Procedure Description

SCP Private
5.1 旁路管理程序 Override/Bypass Management Procedure

5.1.1 系统旁路类型 Types of System Override/Bypass ESD 系统旁路 ESD System Override/Bypass

生产运行过程中由于生产的运行的需要或者维护维修的需要对 ESD 系统进行旁路。比

如对某个工艺系统或设备进行预防性维护( PM)、 维修( CM)等等, 所有的旁路都

需要 PTW 授权并且需要风险评估使风险减小到可接受的范围内。

ESD system Override /Bypass is for operation or maintenance requirement. Such as PM, CM
for process equipment. All the Override/Bypass require PTW and should conduct risk
assessment and risk mitigation measure to reduce the risk to acceptable level.

160913–Issue 1.0 页 Page 3

旁路管理程序 Override/Bypass Management Procedure YPMT-OPS-PR-007 PCS 系统旁路 PCS System Override/Bypass


PTW 授权并且需要风险评估使风险减小到可接受的范围内。

PCS system Override /Bypass is for operation requirement. All the Override/Bypass except
start-up override need PTW and should conduct risk assessment and risk mitigation measure
to reduce the risk to acceptable level.

启动旁路是设备启动必须要有的, 已经默认在在操作启动程序中。启动旁路应尽快恢


A start-up override is a default that is identified within the operator’s start-up procedure,
which is required to enable the unit to be started. A start-up override must be removed as
soon as it is possible and it is preferred that this is done automatically.

SCP Private

Start-up overrides with automatic resets do not require to be controlled under this
procedure, as they have been specifically designed and reviewed during the design of the
unit and during development.



Start-up overrides with manual resets do not require any risk assessment but they do
require to be recorded in the override logbook. Unless the operator remains at the override
panel until the start-up override is removed. 火气系统旁路 FGS Override/Bypass

另外,在正常生产运行过程中还有一些 PM/CM 及需要操作维修人员介入的工作,

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例如气体/火焰探测器测试校验等。火气系统旁路需要 PTW 授权。所有的旁路都需要风


In addition, there are some PM/CM or Operator intervention activities such as gas/flame
detectors testing/calibration during normal operations. PTW is required for FGS
Override/Bypass. All the Override/Bypass should conduct risk assessment and risk mitigation
measure to reduce the risk to acceptable level 报警抑制 Alarm Off



(例如测量仪表超/低量程的 报警等)。 抑制这些报警的目的在于确保此类


SCP Private
旁路都需要 PTW 授权并且需要风险评估使风险减小到可接受的范围内。

Alarm Off is temporarily inhibit/suppress the repeated audible alarms coming from
malfunctioned devices of low risks (such as IOP alarms for over/under-range of instrument
measurement etc.) with mitigations in place or pending CM work to be carried out. The
purpose of the Alarm Off is to ensure these nuisance alarms would not adversely affect the
normal operations of the plant as well as alarm reading and treatment. All the
Override/Bypass requires PTW and should conduct risk assessment and risk mitigation
measure to reduce the risk to acceptable level. 现场安全关键设备旁路 Field Safety Critical Equipment (SCE) Override/Bypass

在现场,通过 PTW 系统控制,有可能需要对安全关键设备( SCE)上的安防设备在不

会引起其保护的设备或工艺流程停车的情况下进行测试、校验等 PM/CM 工作。

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此类安全关键设备上安防系统的旁路期间,必须有正确的授权及 PTW。所有的旁路都



A maintenance over-ride/bypass may be required in the field to allow PM/CM works of

testing or calibration of safe-guarding devices on Safety Critical Equipment (SCE) under
permit-to work (PTW) system , without shutting down the equipment/process it is
protecting. The Override/Bypass authorization plus a proper PTW shall be required when the
safe-guarding devices of the SCE equipment is on Override/Bypass. All the Override/Bypass
should conduct risk assessment and risk mitigation measure to reduce the risk to acceptable
level. Field Safety Critical Equipment (SCE) Override/Bypass may need Mechanical Isolation
/De-isolation Certificate

5.2 旁路流程 Override/Bypass Process

SCP Private
所有需要 PTW 的旁路由 PTW 申请人申请,获得生产总监的批准授权。生产总监不在现

场时,需要通过生产总监电话批准并且记录下来。 按照下面流程图进行签署,并按照


All the Override/Bypass with PTW request need raised by PTW applicant and get approval
for Production Superintendent. If the Production Superintendent is not on duty, need get
approval by telephone, and recorded. The Override/Bypass need following below process
and record as Override/Bypass list.

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生产旁通Start Up
工作小于 7天结束?Work
No 启动MOC Raise MOC
completed <7days?

启动正常后恢复 No
Override must be
removed after start up Yes

PTW 申请人提出申请 PTW

applicant initiates request PTW 申请人申请、现场批准人确认PTW
applicant to request &Site Approver confirm 工作完成 Task complete
to reinstatement override


Risk assessed?Mitigation in


PTW 批准人批准 PTW Authorizer

review & approve


PTW现场批准人监督PTW 申请 关闭PTW Close PTW

人执行旁通PTW Site approver
supervise PTW applicant to
implement Override

SCP Private
5.3 超过 7 天的旁路 Override/Bypass exceeding 7 days

为了工厂安全运行,对于任何需要超过 7 天的旁路或者其它处于旁路/隔离状态下的安

全系统,与操作界线图存在偏差,都需要通过 MOC 管理。这是用来确保这 些旁路都已


For any Override/Bypass or any other safety system under bypass/isolation that need to be
in place for more than 7 days in order to run the plant safely, deviating from the operating
envelope, an MOC needs to be raised. This is to ensure that these Override/Bypass can be
reviewed and in accordance with MOC procedure in Operations.

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5.4 旁路状态记录以及旁路检查确认 Override/Bypass Status Records &

Verification of Override/Bypass

旁路记录表显示了所有经过授权人批准的激活的旁路状态,且必须 保存在 CPF 中控室

和井区中空室。CPF 中控室和井区中空室操作员是这些记录表的管理员,并且有责任确


Override/Bypass list showing the current status of all Override/Bypass in place with
authorized signatory approved must be maintained in CPF CCR & Well pad/Hub CCR. The CPF
CCR& Well pad/Hub CCR operator is the custodian for all the logs and has the responsibility
to make sure all Override/Bypass must have proper application/approval documentation
and following the Override/Bypass Process.

所有的监督,工程师和操作工都可以通过中空 PTW/旁路展示板去审查设施旁路状态。

All supervisors, engineers, operators working can review the status of all Override/Bypass on

SCP Private
the facility at the PTW/Override/Bypass display board in CCR.


过 程中进行了沟通。

All the Override/Bypasss need to be communicated in the daily operation meeting and to
make sure all Override/Bypasss are documented and communicated in the handovers
between shifts.

所有的记录需要保存至少 2 年。

All override records are to be held for a minimum of two years.

6 关键指标 KPIs

项目 关键绩效指标(KPIs) KPIs 说明 Description 目标

Item Target
1 能力(%) 旁路培训中关键职位的百分比(%) 100%
Competency (%) % of Critical Positions trained in override

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procedure •

2 风险评估(%) 100%
Risk Assessment(%)
All Override need risk assessment
3 超过 7 天的旁路 100%
超过 7 天的旁路需要 MOC 管理
Override/Bypass exceeding 7
Override/Bypass exceeding 7 days need MOC
days management
4 紧急旁路(#) 紧急 Override 项目数量 Number of emergency 0
Emergency Override(#) Override items.
5 所有旁路 全部都需要完整的记录在记录表上。Totally and 100%
All Override fully record in Bypass/Override Log Sheet.

7 培训 Training


All the operation people need to attend this training. Process Safety Engineer is responsible
to conduct this training.

SCP Private
8 评审和审计 Review and Audit

8.1 评审 Review

这个程序需要每年评审一次, 如果有变动需要更新,更新完的部分需要通知相关人员


The procedure shall be reviewed every year. Any updated, the relevant person need attend
the updated information training.

8.2 审计 Audit

Regular procedural internal audit shall be implemented; the Gas Production Manager shall
organize relevant department representatives to execute internal audit for performance of
this document at least once a year.

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9 参考文档 References

SPM-PSIM-SOP-002 Risk Assessment 过程安全与一体化管理:风险管理

10 附件 Appendix

10.1 安全系统旁路/跨越准工票 Safety System Bypass/Override Certificate

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准工票 准工票编号:

1. 申请 (工作票申请人填写) Application (By Permit Applicant)

设备名称 Equipment Name _________ 设备编号 Equipment ID No. _________ 作业地点
Location of Worksite ___________承包商/部门 Contractor/Dept. __________ 工作票申请日期
Permit Application Date ______ 执行作业日期 Implementation Date:_____
姓名 Name ___________ 日期 Date __________ 签字 Signature _________
相关工作票编号 Permit No.__________ 变更管理号 MOC No.__________
2. 作业描述 Work Description

3. 安全系统旁路原因 Reason for Bypass 4. 安全系统旁路/跨越日期: Period of Bypass /

SCP Private
日期 Date:从 From _________ 到 to ________
时间 Time 从 From _________ 到 to ________

5. 旁路造成的影响 Effect of Bypass on the 6. 安全系统旁路/跨越的方法 Method of bypass/

System override

7. 作业安全措施(打勾) Precautions (Tick if applicable)

□安全系统旁路/跨越在作业现场已经充分识别 Bypass/ override activation is adequately
identified on site
□作业细节已经详细记录 Details have been entered in log
□提示信息在控制室已经粘贴 Reminder posted in the Control Center
□挂牌或是上锁已经完成 Locks and tags installed

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□额外附加安全措施到位 Additional Precautions

8. 批准 Approve

工作票申请人 Permit Applicant

我已经清楚所有的安全防护措施; 我保证在采用上述安全防护措施的情况下执行此作业。I
understand all the above safety precautions; I will ensure that work only takes place when all these
safety precautions are complied with.
签名 Name______日期 Date _____________

批准(工作票批准人填写)Permit Authorizer
在保证安全防护措施的情况下,我授权此安全系统旁路/跨越作业可以进行。I authorize the
Bypass/ override work to be carried out, subject to the nominated safety precautions and
conditions being maintained.

SCP Private
签名 Name______日期 Date _____________

作业现场批准人 Permit Site Approver

我宣布我已检查了作业现场, 并确认相关安全措施已到位,并同意开始执行本作业 I declare
that I have checked the worksite and all specified controls are in place, work can proceed.
签名 Sign: ___________________日期 Date: ___________

9.复原 Reinstatement
复原授权 Reinstatement Authorized by
姓名 Name ______(申请人 Applicant))
签字 Signed _____ 时间 Time _____日期 Date ______

复原不影响其它作业,并且已经完成和确认 Reinstatement does not affect other work and is

Completed and Proved.
姓名 Name _____(现场负责人 Site Approver)
签字 Signed _________ 日期 Date ______时间 Time _______

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工作许可号/准 现场批准人
工票编号: 变更管理
隔离设备 风险及措施 原因 号 复原 复原发起人
旁路描述 日期/时间 发起人 PTW 批准人 CRO 接受
PTW Site
Override/Bypass PTW No Approver
Description Date/Time Initiator Reinstatement
项 Item Tag No Risk& Mitigation Reason /Certificate No. MOC No Reinstatement Initiator
PTW Authorizer CRO Acceptance

Date: Date:
…………… ……………

Date: Date:
…………… ……………

Date: Date:
…………… ……………

Date: Date:
…………… ……………

Date: Date:
…………… ……………

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Date: Date:
…………… ……………

10.2 系统旁路记录表 Bypass/Override Log Sheet

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