The Combustion Characteristics of Residual Fuel Oil Blended With Fuel Additives

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Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety Research Paper

Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 554-563, August 31, 2016, ISSN 1229-3431(Print) / ISSN 2287-3341(Online)

The Combustion Characteristics of Residual Fuel oil Blended with

Fuel Additives

Se-Hyun Jang* Kyoung-Woo Lee** Jeong-Ryul Kim*** Jong-Ho Kim*** Seok-Hun Yoon***
Ik-Soon Cho**** Jae-Hyuk Choi***
* Graduate school of Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan 49112, Korea
** Team Solution Co., Ltd., Busan 49112, Korea
*** Division of Marine Engineering System of Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan 49112, Korea
**** Department of Ship Operation of Korea Maritime and Ocean University, Busan 49112, Korea

잔사유용 연료첨가제 함유 선박 연료유의 연소특성 연구

장세현 이경우 김정렬 김종호 윤석훈 조익순 최재혁

* 한국해양대학교 대학원, ** 팀솔루션, *** 한국해양대학교 기관시스템공학과, **** 한국해양대학교 선박운항과

Abstract : Ships are capable of operating on residual fuel oil. Recently, various attempts have been made to meet environmental regulations and
with ships operating on residual fuel oil. One way of fulfilling these requirements is by using fuel additives. Dispersants and fuel combustion
improvers will have a positive effect on improving the combustion characteristics of the residual fuel oil. As such, this study examines fuel oils
blended with additives by using fuel combustion analysis (FIA/FCA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The results of FIA/FCA focuse only on the
amount of work done by the fuel oil. Therefore, it is recommended in this study that a new method to evaluate the combustion efficiency via
FIA/FCA processes be developed. The analysis with ROHR curve gained by FIA/FCA brought similar results with pressure trace curve therefore it can
be said that new analysis method can be reliable. The TGA, analysis process is very sensitive to the evaporation of fuel, for example, which could be
addressed. In the performance-related findings of this study, blended samples with additives containing iron compounds showed a greater improvement
in early combustion characteristics than samples without additives.

Key Words : Fuel additive, Fuel combustion analysis, Thermogravimetric analysis, Residual fuel oil, Combustion characteristics

요 약 : 선박엔진은 잔사유를 에너지원으로 활용하여 운항할 수 있으며, 이를 활용한 선박에서 환경 규제와 경제성을 모두 만족시키
는 다양한 방안들이 모색되고 있다. 그 중에 한 방안으로 연료 첨가제를 활용하는 기술이 있을 수 있다. 분산제와 연소촉진제는 잔사유
활용 시 엔진의 연소특성 촉진에 기여할 것이라는 기대를 받고 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 연소성 분석 장비(FIA/FCA)와 열 중량 분
석 장비(TGA)를 활용하여 잔사유 연료첨가제가 혼합된 잔사유의 연소성을 분석하였다. 연소성 분석 장비(FIA/FCA)의 결과로는 연소에
의한 일의 총량을 분석하도록 분석법이 개발되었으며, 이 때문에 본 연구를 통하여 동일 장비를 활용하면서도 연소 효율을 간단하게
평가할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다. 연소성 분석 결과인 ROHR 곡선으로부터, 단순한 삼각함수를 활용하여 연소특성을 예측할 수 있는
방안을 제시하였으며, 이 기법을 활용하여 기존의 압력 곡선과 유사한 결론을 도출할 수 있었다. 열 중량 분석(TGA)의 경우 연료유의
증발 특성에 민감하게 반응함을 확인하였고, 첨가제가 연료유 증발에 효과적으로 작용함을 확인하였다.

핵심용어 : 연료첨가제, 연료유 연소성 분석법, 열 중량 분석법, 잔사유, 연소 특성

First Author : [email protected], 051-404-4258

Corresponding Author : [email protected], 051-410-4257
The Combustion Characteristics of Residual Fuel oil Blended with Fuel Additives

1. Introduction were studied by A. Atmanli. Addition of 2-Ethylhexyl nitrate

(2-EHN) cetane improver to the mixture increased the cetane

Ships can consume fuel oils of both different quality levels and number without having any effect on density, viscosity, cloud

different kinds, since the ship’s energy can be varied from residual point, cold filter plugging point, and flash point. According to

fuel oil to distillate fuel oil. engine test results, 2-EHN decreased the brake specific fuel

Newly built ships can actively consider adopting new consumption while increasing the emissions of NOx and CO

technologies which meet the requirements of maintaining ship (Atmanli, 2016).

stability and emission reduction such as vane wheel, PBCF, duct Unlike the automotive, boiler and bioenergy fields, research or
(Song et al., 2015) and microbubble system (Paik et al., 2015). study of additives on heavy fuel oil has been very limited in the
However, ships that have already been put into commercial maritime sector. The performance of fuel additives and their effect
operation, such as the 110,000 vessels currently in operation, on the engine has been rarely studied because recently developed
according to statistics from 2013 (Korea Maritime Institute, 2013), additives can be utilized to distillate fuel and additives for residual
cannot aggressively consider such measures due to a lack of fuel have just entered the market. Monique Vermeire studied the
capital. Apart from a major conversion of the main and auxiliary combustion characteristics and energy efficacy of marine fuel
engines, using fuel additives is the most realistic course of action. additives (Vermeire et al., 2010).
Fuel additive technologies have been derived from lubricant Therefore, this study could be a stepping stone to understanding
additives and the various kinds of fuel additives available on the the effects of fuel additives on the combustion characteristics and
market. Many varieties of fuel additives can be found in the any additive-bound effects for marine heavy fuel oil. This study
market, all of which have various applications and have been has compared three different kinds of fuel additives which are
developed with various purposes in mind. Fuel additives are a representative of marine fuel additives in the Korean market. This
particularly prominent subject of research for application in study also prepared samples via direct sampling on board the vessel,
automotive and industrial incinerators due to an increasing interest and Fuel combustion analysis (FIA/FCA) and Thermogravimetric
in bioenergy. analysis (TGA) were performed to study about the fuel additive
The chemical composition was studied to quantify the effects.
concentration of additives in diesel oil. Liquid chromatography,
followed by gas chromatography, can be used to identify the 1.1 Marine Residual Fuel Oil
additives containing aliphatic alcohols, which are common Residual fuel oil is created during the refining process and
components of diesel fuel cleaning additives. This second staged possesses a complex structure of hydrocarbons. The hydrocarbons
processes demonstrates the possibility of accurate determination of which make up residual fuel oils are paraffinic, aromatic,
the additive in diesel fuel (Boczkaj et al., 2013). The effects of naphthenic, and olefinic in nature. Among these, naphthenic
emulsions were investigated by using a 12 % emulsion on a heavy hydrocarbon (CnH2n-ring type) is commonly found in heavy marine
duty (HD) engine and 6 % emulsion on a light duty (LD) engine. fuel oils. Naphthenic hydrocarbons are extremely stable cyclical
Emission of particulate matter (PM) was reduced in both cases, by compounds and, in most cases, have greater stability than even
–32 % on LD and –59 % on HD. The reduction in emission of paraffinic hydrocarbons. The major constituent of residual fuel oil
other pollutants was changeable. Cerium additive was effective in is asphaltene (ABS, 1984). It can be defined as the portion of
reducing emission in the LD engine but not in HD engine. The crude oil insoluble in n-alkanes such as n-heptane or n-pentane, yet
possibility of reducing PM emissions was confirmed using a fuel soluble in benzene or toluene. The solubility class definition of
composition change (Farfaletti et al., 2005). Fuel additive effects asphaltenes generates a broad distribution of molecular structures
on a heavy fuel consuming boiler operating in real-time was that can vary greatly from one crude oil to another. In general,
investigated by Z. Prelec et al., and the study made the conclusion asphaltenes are characterized by fused-ring aromaticity, small
that fuel additives can have a positive effect on boiler combustion aliphatic side chains, and polar hetero atom-containing functional
(Prelec et al., 2013). Effects of cetane improver on fuel properties groups. It is common to characterize asphaltenes by their average
and engine characteristics on blended fuel oil mixed with biofuel properties as shown in Table 1 (Spiecker, 2003). Asphaltene has a
Se-Hyun Jang Kyoung-Woo Lee Jeong-Ryul Kim Jong-Ho Kim Seok-Hun Yoon Ik-Soon Cho Jae-Hyuk Choi

comparably low combustion speed and it also can create bigger additives on NOx reduction due to lack of experimental data (EPA,
droplets when fuel injected. Bigger droplets can create carbon 1977).
deposits after combustion finishes, thereby contributing to the Transition metals (Fe, Mn, Cu) and alkali earth metals (Ba, Ca)
creation of particulate matter (PM) (Kim et al., 2008). are representative constituents of a fuel combustion improver.
The various types of fuel oil additives and their major benefits Ferrocene, the major iron compound, is used to remove carbon
are mentioned in Table 2 (Stratas Advisors, 2013). Historical deposits from the combustion chamber of a diesel engine, and also
development of fuel oil additives had a tendency to focus on acts as a catalyst at the combustion surface as long as a high
improving fuel conversion efficiency, but trends tend to change concentration of 20~30 ppm is maintained. Hence, the field of
because of the adoption of emission regulations on maritime organometallic compound synthesis has various studies to create
engines. As a result, any kind of fuel additive can be effective in products with a high concentration of iron (Lissianski et al., 2001).
meeting recent emission requirements. In the future, the market The fuel combustion improver (FCI) can be directly used to
will demand fuel oil additives with the ability to reduce PM, NOx reduce pollutants and also effectively enhances combustion by
and greenhouse gasses. encouraging complete burning of fuel, thus reducing the emission
of PM which is mostly created because of incomplete combustion.
Table 1. Conventional values of elemental composition of asphaltene Hence, it is also known as a fuel combustion catalyst. Ba, Ca, Mn,
Ni, Co, Mg and Fe are well known for producing a higher degree
Element Concentration (wt.%)
of combustion enhancement. Ba, Ca and Mg are known as alkali
H/C atomic 1.0 ~ 1.2
earth metals which are known for decomposing water in heavy fuel
Nitrogen 1.0 ~ 1.2
oil, thereby reducing the concentration of unburnt carbon. Mn and
Sulfur 2.0 ~ 6.0
Fe are transition metals which catalyze oxygen from the air,
Oxygen 0.8 ~ 2.0
resulting in enhanced oxidation. Out of all the different kinds of
Vanadium (ppm) 100 ~ 300
active metals, Fe is the cheapest and most widely used element. In
the field of chemical engineering, an iron compound known as
Table 2. Types of fuel oil additives and their typical use ferrocene is most widely used because a high concentration of Fe
Type Benefit Typical use is directly proportional to improved combustion characteristics.
Meet cetane number spec in However, ferrocene tends to have poor solubility in organic
Ignition improver
Cetane refineries solvent, making it too expensive to manufacture.
Reduce vehicle
improver Improve engine performance via
exhaust emission
diesel detergency package
2. Experimental setup
In refineries to increase use of
Improve storage and
Stabilizer less stable, lower value
thermal stability
components This study aims to investigate the combustion characteristics of
Protect refinery and distribution marine residual fuel blended with additives. A well-known method
Protect metal parts
Corrosion component
against steel, copper was adopted to analyze the combustion of the given sample. The
inhibitor Give vehicle parts added corrosion
& silver corrosion details of the fuel sample, fuel combustion characteristics, and
protection via detergency packages
experimental conditions are given below.
Delay wax Meet winter cold flow spec limits
Cold flow formation in cold Improve cold storage and
improver weather handling via winter diesel 2.1 Specification of fuel oil
Improve fuel flow detergency packages
Table 3 provides the specifications of a sample of residual fuel
oil used in marine engines. The fuel oil viscosity is 357.4 mm2/s, a
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) sufficiently high value for this kind of oil. The density of the fuel
has investigated the effects of additives at power plants and oil is 989.5 kg/m3. The methods for analysis of fuel oil combustion
collected reliable information on PM reduction due to use of fuel characteristics explained hereafter utilized this fuel sample and
additives. However, the EPA put off the decision of effect of fuel another sample blended with fuel additive.
The Combustion Characteristics of Residual Fuel oil Blended with Fuel Additives

Table 3. Specifications of the sample residual fuel oil 2.3 Fuel Ignition Analysis-Fuel Combustion Analysis
The fuel combustion characteristics were confirmed via the IP
Parameters Values
541/06 standard. The IP 541/06 standard is used to study the
Kinematic viscosity at 50℃ 357.4 mm2/s
ignition and combustion characteristics of residual fuel oil used in
Density at 15℃ 989.5 kg/m3
reciprocating internal combustion (IC) engines. The standard can
Flash point at 100.2 kPa 85.5℃
also be used to determine fuel characteristics when the density of
Water content 0.1 % (V/V)
residual fuel oil is up to 2000 mm2/s@50℃, but the measurement
Carbon content 85.4 %
is only reliable when fuel density is in the range of 25~800
Hydrogen content 10.5 %
Sulfur content 3.2 %
The blended fuel sample is injected into a constant volume
Nitrogen content 0.2 %
combustion chamber (CVCC), which has been set to 500℃
Oxygen content 1%
temperature and 45 bar pressure, before commencing analysis. The
change in pressure during ignition and combustion is recorded
2.2 Specification of fuel oil additives
within a differentiated time frame, and the data is transferred to a
The exact specifications of the additives applied to this study
data acquisition system for additional calculation and reporting.
cannot be revealed as they are within the scope of marketing
The data in the present study is the average value calculated after
secrets. However, its purpose, major constituents, and rough
25 iterations of this process, and the FIA-100/FCA apparatus in
concentration are summarized in Table 4.
this study was taken from FUELTECH.
Blank refers to the residual fuel oil which is can be obtained on
The pressure trace curve and rate of heat release can be
board the ship. Sample A is specified as a dispersant and its
obtained via the FCA process. The detailed list of parameters of
manufacturer’s recommended dosage is in the ratio of 1:8000.
the FCA and their definition is displayed in Fig. 1.
Samples B and C are hybrid-type fuel oil additives. The term
Among the many different parameters measured in this study,
“hybrid-type” means that a single additive can serve two or more
functions to the fuel oil. In this case, the additives act as dispersant the most important ones are injection delay (ID), end of combustion

and combustion improvers. Sample B is a ferrocene-based (EC), and after burning period (ABP) as stated in Fig. 1.

combustion improver with a concentration of about 4.8 %. Sample

C is an iron based combustion improver and its composition is
about 25~30 %. The base material of samples B and C may be
similar (i.e. iron), but the difference between them is in their
concentration and their effect on improving combustion
characteristics. These combustion properties will be discussed later
in the study.

Table 4. Representative specifications of the samples of fuel oil


Blank Sample A Sample B Sample C

Dispersant + Dispersant +
Type Dispersant Combustion Combustion
fuel oil
improver improver
Dosage N/A 1:8,000 1:20,000 1:20,000
Major Fatty Nano particle of
N/A Ferrocene
constituent acid/Soap oxidized iron
Content Fig. 1. List and definition of parameters attainable via fuel
N/A 52.2 4.8 25~30
(wt.%) combustion analysis.
Se-Hyun Jang Kyoung-Woo Lee Jeong-Ryul Kim Jong-Ho Kim Seok-Hun Yoon Ik-Soon Cho Jae-Hyuk Choi

2.4 Thermo Gravimetric Analysis Table 5. Specification of thermo gravimetric analyzer

TGA measures the change in sample weight with a variation in
Temperature compensated
time and temperature. The principle of the analysis is based on Included
fuel oil weight loss under heating, with the ratio of weight loss
Maximum sample weight 1g
acting as one of the characteristics of fuel combustion. This study
Weighing precision +/- 0.01 %
utilized the Q500 system manufactured by TA Instruments, with its
Sensitivity 0.1
detailed specifications given in Table 5.
Baseline dynamic drift < 50
Thermogravimetric analysis heats up the sample cells to 900℃
in an environment of air or nitrogen. The specific temperature at Furnace heating Resistance wound

10 %, 50 % and 90 % weight loss can be measured, and the total Temperature range Ambient to 1000
weight loss ratio at 750℃ or 900℃ is used as the criteria for Isothermal temp. accuracy +/- 1
combustion characteristics in this analysis. During the process, Controlled heating rate 0.01 to 100 /min
combustion characteristics in different environments were not Furnace cooling [Forced air/N2] 1000 to 50 < 12 min
determined and hence, the test results with air alone are mentioned From 50 to 1000 at 20 /min using empty pans, no
in this paper. The measuring conditions of reaction temperature and baseline/blank subtraction.
volume were placed at 900℃ and 40℃/min, respectively, with the
rate of air purging set to 35 mL/min.
Fig. 2 represents schematic principle of FIA/FCA and TGA

3. Results and Discussion

3.1 Result of Pressure Trace Analysis

Monique Vermeire et al. (2007) studied the combustion
characteristics using simple analyzers. It was reported that ignition
delay (ID), end of combustion (EC) and after burning period
(ABP) are the major criteria of combustion characteristics. EC-ID
Fig. 2. Schematic of analyzers principle.
refers to the duration for which the complete flame lasts when the
fuel burns. Therefore, this period can be regarded as an important
criteria for combustion properties. The difference in time between
the end of main combustion and the end of combustion is
specified as ABP. The period is related to the creation of carbon
deposit, soot and PM after burning. While that study is
acknowledged to be correct, the change in energy magnitude
according to the time frame is an important parameter which can
also be regarded as a fuel combustion characteristic. It also means
that only the combustion characteristics verified by FIA/FCA can
be generated under CVCC conditions. Internal heat flow and
environmental conditions inside an actual engine are noticeably
different from CVCC and quite complex conditions. Hence, the
data given by FIA/FCA analysis shall only be limited to
understanding simple combustion in steady state.
The result of FIA/FCA analysis is given in on Fig. 3. ID is
5.97 ms for the blank and 6.11/6.04/5.91 for samples A/B/C Fig. 3. Comparison of pressure trace analysis parameters
respectively. ID for samples A and B has been extended compared obtained via FIA/FCA.
The Combustion Characteristics of Residual Fuel oil Blended with Fuel Additives

to the blank. Sample C recorded a shortened ID compared to blank.

The Ignition characteristics of a compression ignition engine are
indicated by its cetane number (Borman and Ragland, 2005). The
FIA/FCA analysis can expressed via a similar index known as the
Estimated Cetane Number [ECN] (CIMAC, 2011). Hence, the
present study compare ignition characteristics by using both ID and
ECN. The value of ECN is 19.4/18/19.4/19.74 as per the order on
the Fig. 3. Sample C recorded the shortest ID followed by blank.
Both samples recorded highest ECN.
Combustion characteristics were evaluated by calculating the
value of (EC-ID). This value refers to the entire flame propagating
period of the analysis and the result is 14.87/15.4/15.79/13.19.
Hence, as far as only time frame is concerned, Sample C finalize
the combustion at the earliest, implying that combustion happens
Fig. 4. Analysis result of the rate of heat release.
the fastest in Sample C. But the time frame alone cannot be a
criteria for fuel combustion characteristics. Hence, the rate of heat using the viscosity and density of fuel. Although it is widely used,
release, which will be explained in the next chapter, is also the deviated order cannot be easily compared with each sample,
considered at the same time to understand the amount of work and the FIA/FCA analysis gives more coherent information to
done by combustion of fuel. evaluate fuel ignition quality for the purpose of this study.
The end of main combustion (EMC) is defined as the period
between fuel injection and the time taken to reach 90 % of 3.2 Analysis of Rate of Heat Release
maximum combustion pressure. End of combustion is defined as FIA/FCA analysis also provides information about the rate of
period between fuel injection and time to reach maximum heat release. Maximum ROHR (M.ROHR), Position of ROHR
combustion pressure. After burning period is defined by (EC-EMC) (P.ROHR) and Accumulated ROHR (A.ROHR) are the parameters
and the analyzer manufacturer has specified that this value may be derived from this process. The result of ROHR analysis is shown
proportional to the emission of black smoke from residual fuel oil. in Fig. 4.
This implies that if the ABP is comparatively longer, the fuel oil According to given figure, M.ROHR is the highest for Sample
will have a greater tendency to emit black smoke in actual C at 2.16 bar/ms and the values for the other samples can be given
combustion. The present study anticipated above relation. ABP of by: Sample A > Blank > Sample B. However, the position of
Sample C is the shortest as 6.19 ms followed by blank and sample M.ROHR displays the time at which maximum ROHR was
A. Sample B recorded the longest ABP. Hence, the tendency to reached, indicating that the shortest position with a value of
emit black smoke can be given by Sample B > Sample A > Blank 8.16ms is found in Sample C. The order for the remaining samples
> Sample C. But this expectations is purely based on the test at is once again given by : Sample B > Blank > Sample A. The
CVCC and the result could be different if the fuel combustion take tendency of these values implies that the M.ROHR can be varied
place inside a real reciprocating engine. This is because the piston with different fuel oils and the P.ROHR, which is the index of
is continuously in motion inside the engine, keeping the combustion speed, can also be varied accordingly.
temperature high and creating various orders of vibrations. These Fig. 5 shows the graphs for ROHR and P.ROHR. Since the data
factors will affect the emission of black smoke, possibly causing for the samples are similar, the magnified graph can be added to
the actual result to deviated from expectations. easily evaluate the result.
CCAI refers to the ‘Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index’ which According to IP 541/06, accumulated ROHR [AR] is the area
is the representative index for ignition quality of residual fuel oil under the ROHR plot and can be an indicator of energy conversion
established by ISO since the 1970s. Result of CCAI for this study by fuel oil combustion. Based on IP 541/06, the AR of Sample B
is 851.08, 851.91, 851.78, 852.14 respectively in the order of is the highest at 7.45 and the order for the remaining sample is
Blank, Sample A, Sample B and Sample C. It can be calculated given as Sample A > Blank > Sample C with the values being 7.4,
Se-Hyun Jang Kyoung-Woo Lee Jeong-Ryul Kim Jong-Ho Kim Seok-Hun Yoon Ik-Soon Cho Jae-Hyuk Choi

Fig. 5. Curve of rate of heat release. Fig. 6. Simplified ROHR curve and suggestion of new
parameters for consideration.
7.38 and 7.32 respectively. These values are related to the energy
conversion of fuel oil and Sample C shows the least amount of of the value of (θ1 + θ2) can be evaluated by its proximity to
fuel-to-energy conversion. When it comes to other parameters, 180°. Calculating the angle θ3 can be an alternative measure
Sample C shows better results than the others but in the case of because of the simplified ROHR curved-shaped triangle.
AR the tendency is different. This simple method is derived from the concept that the ROHR
For this reason, the study assumes that the ROHR analysis does and the Position of ROHR shall simultaneously be considered.
not consider the combustion efficiency. The analysis is focused Therefore, it could be theorized that stronger combustion occurs at
solely on time and the amount of energy produced. The IP 541/06 larger angles of θ1 and θ2 than at smaller angles of θ1 and θ2.
standard and references only focus on the time up to P.ROHR. The In case of θ3, a smaller angle can be indicative of more active
actual combustion continues after P.ROHR and until EC. Hence, combustion.
combustion characteristics after P.ROHR should also be considered However, it is important to note that vigorous combustion is not
to determine the combustion efficiency. always good for the internal combustion engine. This is because
The iron acts as combustion catalyst which enhance combustion vigorous combustion will lead to high combustion temperature and
speed. The iron can be characterized to metalloid which is stable, subsequently higher emission of NOx.
easily maintainable and it has high reactivity. Precious metal has
good metalloid characteristics but the iron also has good reaction Table 6. Example of simplified calculations of relative combustion
and economically available. characteristics
This study investigates a simple method to evaluate combustion
Unit Blank Sample A Sample B Sample C
characteristics during the entire combustion period center around
Time after
P.ROHR. Pre-P.ROHR characteristics and Post-P.ROHR characteristics ms 12.41 12.95 13.49 10.94
could be evaluated individually and their average value calculated. Angle of
This simple consideration can be attained from Fig. 6. M.ROHR ° 87.43 87.47 87.35 87.84
The simple method involves the simplification of ROHR curve. (θ1, AMR)

Simplify the ROHR curve as shown in Fig. 6. The angle θ1 can Angle of Time
After ROHR ° 86.22 86.18 85.71 87.1
be obtained by using the information of P.ROHR, M.ROHR and a (θ2, ATR)
trigonometrical function. Time after P.ROHR [TPR] can be
Sum of Angles
calculated from EC-P.ROHR, and the result displayed in Table 6 ° 173.65 173.65 173.06 174.94
(θ1 + θ2)
as the parameter TPR. The angle θ2 can be attained by using Simple
6.35 6.35 6.94 5.06
TPR, M.ROHR and trigonometric function repeatedly. The sum up indication
The Combustion Characteristics of Residual Fuel oil Blended with Fuel Additives

The result of calculation, performed by utilizing the method 40

described above, is that Sample C is the closest to 180 ° with only Blank
35 A
5.06 ° remaining, blank and Sample A record a value of 6.35 ° B
and Sample B has recorded the lowest level at 6.94 °. Such a 30

trend was similar to the analysis trend of (EC-ID) value obtained 25

Mass [mg]
from the Pressure trace curve.

3.3 Thermogravimetric Analysis 15

Fig. 7 displays the result of TGA analysis on the fuel oil, with
mass reduction (mg) on the Y-axis. To perform this analysis, each
fuel oil sample was transferred into a sampler. The mass of the 5
injected fuel oil was differentiated for each sample due to a
measurement error, but the error itself is not significant since the 0 200 400 600 800 1000

data can be analyzed using the mass conservation ratio. The Temperature [deg.C]

process commenced with different masses of samples: 39.355 mg Fig. 7. TGA analysis of fuel mass reduction with respect to
of blank, 29.547 mg of sample A, 17.112 mg of sample B and temperature.
21.036 mg of sample C.
Fig. 7 indicates arch-shaped loss in mass from the beginning to
up to 500℃ for samples A, B and C. A remarkable mass loss in A
100 B
mass cannot be seen from 500℃ to 900℃. On the other hand, C
Mass Conservation Ratio [%]

Blank maintains an arch-shaped mass loss from the beginning to

the end of the analysis, I.e., up to 900℃.
Fig. 8 represents mass conservation ratio of Fig. 7 at the same 60
temperature scale.
Similarly, as observed on Fig. 7, the mass conservation ration 40
of samples A, B, C drop to 10 % up to 500℃ with an arched
shape. Even after 500℃, the mass conservation ratio has not 20

decreased noticeably. On the other hand, the mass conservation

ratio of Blank steadily arched down from the initial value until the 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
final value at 900℃. Finally, mass conservation ratio at 900℃ is Temperature [deg.C]
about 25 %.
Fig. 8. TGA analysis of mass conservation ratio with respect
In Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, the effects of additive can be clearly seen.
to temperature.
These phenomena can be explained by the fact that a common
effect of the constituents of the additive is to reduce the surface referred to along with TGA for development.
tension of the fuel oil. These phenomena can be caused by the fuel If the effects of the iron-based fuel additives were to be
additive which acts as a dispersant and combustion improver, discussed based on the result of Fig. 7 and Fig. 8, it could be said
because the ultimate purpose of both is to enhance the availability that, regardless of the various kinds of additives, there is still a
of residual fuel. They are also specifically designed to make the positive and clear effect on the more rapid reduction of fuel mass
fuel droplets smaller, and in order to achieve this, reduction of compared to the blank fuel oil.
surface tension takes priority. The surface tension in this study was Based on components stated on Table 4, iron-based fuel
calculated based on the sample fuel analysis. additives have a greater effect on reducing thermo gravimetric
However, if the additive manufacturer only concentrates on the characteristics. However, it is interesting to note that the
result of TGA, its actual effect on real engine combustion can be concentration of iron itself was not a criteria for the additive’s
in questioned. Therefore, other reliable analysis method shall be performance. Although the additive does not contain iron, the
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Received : 2016. 06. 14.

Revised : 2016. 07. 22.
Accepted : 2016. 08. 29.

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