Video Flame Detection Brochure
Video Flame Detection Brochure
Video Flame Detection Brochure
detection means cctv
visual flame
T r u e F l a m e D e t e c t i o n T e c h n o l o g y
Hazard detection solutions
for the oil industry.
Technologically advanced features,
unrivalled in the marketplace.
An informed approach to flame detection
The MICROPACK Visual Flame Detection System is a Flame Detector and a CCTV Camera
engineered together to provide precise flame detection, and CCTV surveillance. It is the
safest and most advanced flame detection system available, and is proven reliable and
robust, even in the harshest of environments.
Superior Immunity to False Alarms Video Storage for post incident analysis
Simply put, we see it. MICROPACK’s Visual Flame Video images can be recorded for post incident
Features and Benefits
Detectors discriminate between genuine fire analysis and used for investigation purposes, training,
conditions and other radiant sources that could and to assist with future accident prevention.
cause conventional detectors to produce unwanted
alarms, such as solar radiation, flare radiation, electric
arc welding, hot CO2 emissions, and black body Remote Monitoring solutions reduce risk to
radiation. operators
Should an incident occur in an unmanned area, the
video images will allow suitable action to be taken
“True Flame” technology without compromising before personnel access the area.
Superior flame detection technology is able to mask
out “friendly fires” without having to desensitize fire Advanced Optical Verification ensures
detection capabilities. continuous operation
The detector’s optical test facility checks the window
for contamination to ensure that the detector’s field
Live Video for quicker response of view is not restricted by any obstruction placed
A live video image is available from each camera immediately in front of the camera.
to provide detailed information to the operator
providing the ability for quicker response times to any
incident. MICROPACK’s unique image based detection
technology employs specially designed software to
process video image and instantaneously interpret
flame characteristics.
visual flame
detec tor
Aircraft Hangars n Undiminished fire response in the
n Will not false alarm to arc welding, presence of hot process, flares and
X-rays or sunlight. fired processes.
n Will not reduce its sensitivity when n Video surveillance capability for
exposed to sunlight when hangar remote pump pads and pilot
doors are opened. buildings.
n Provides remote video signal to
guard station or security center for
increased security surveillance.
For over 20 years, MICROPACK has been actively working with the oil & gas industry,
and today is recognized as experts in hazard detection technologies.
T r u e F l a m e D e t e c t i o n T e c h n o l o g y