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The Institute for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits

2215 Sanders Road Northbrook IL 60062-6135 Number 2.6.26


DC Current Induced Thermal Cycling Test

Date Revision

11/99 Proposal

Originating Committee: Test Methods Subcommittee (7-11)

Test Methods Manual

1.0 Scope This test measures changes in

resistance of plated-through hole barrels and 4.3 Sn60Pb40 or Sn63Pb37 Solder
internal layer connections as holes are subjected
to thermal cycling. Thermal cycling is produced 4.4 Solder Flux
by the application of a current through a specific
coupon configuration. 4.5 Soldering Iron

In this technique, the test coupon is resistance 4.6 Multimeter - optional

heated by passing DC current through the internal
layer connection to the barrel for 3 minutes to bring 4.7 Thermal Imaging equipment - optional
the temperature of the copper to a designated
temperature (slightly above the Tg of the laminate in 5.0 Procedure
the sample.) Switching the current on and off,
creates thermal cycles between room temperature 5.1 Sample preparation
and the designated temperature within the sample.
This thermal cycling induces cyclic fatigue strain in 5.1.1 Solder two 4 pin male connectors in the 0.040
the plated-through hole barrels and internal layer inch holes at left and right edges of side 1. A solder
interconnects and accelerates any infant mortality or fillet must be apparent on both sides of the coupon.
latent defects.
5.1.2 Allow coupons to come to room temperature
The number of cycles achieved permits a (approximately 10 minutes), prior to installation onto
quantitative assessment of the performance of the IST system.
entire interconnect.
5.2 IST Procedure
Detailed information regarding the test is found in the
NOTES 6.0 section. 5.2.1 Position coupons at each test head by
attaching male to female connectors.
2.0 Applicable Documents
5.2.2 Provide system software with specific test
2.1 IPC-TM-650, Method 2.1.1, Microsectioning conditions. The available ranges and typical
conditions are as follows:
2.2 IPC-TM-650, Method,Microsectioning -
Semi or Automatic Technique
Conditions IST Range Typical
3.0 Test Specimens Daisy chain test coupon per
No. of samples 1-6 6
Figure 1. See Note 6.2.1.
Test Temp 50°C to 250°C 150°C
(122°F to 422°F) (302°F)
4.0 Apparatus or Material
Max. Res. Chng 1-100% 10%
Max No. Cycles 1-1000 250 (1 day)
4.1 Interconnect Stress Test System (IST) See Note
Data Coll. Freq. 1-100 cycles 10 cycles
6.1 Cooling Ratio 0.5-2X heat time 0.66
Table Selection system/custom system
4.2 Two (2) Four pin, 2.54mm (0.1 inch) pitch male
connectors (MOLEX 2241-4042 or equivalent)
Material in the Test Methods Manual was voluntarily established by Technical Committees of the IPC. This material is
advisory only and its use or adaptation is entirely voluntary. IPC disclaims all liability of any kind as to the use, application, or
adaptation of this material. Users are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims or liabilities for
patent infringement. Equipment referenced is for the convenience of the user and does not imply endorsement by the IPC.
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2.6.26 Interconnect Stress Technology (IST) 11/99



The following paragraphs detail the sequence for a

5.2.3 Enter a data file name and begin the pre-cycle single coupon, however this sequence is done at all
test sequence. When the pre-cycle sequence is test heads simultaneously. The ambient resistance,
complete, the IST system begins the thermal cycling target temperature resistance, rejection resistance
of the coupons. Enter a file name and begin test. and current is calculated for each coupon and
The IST system continuously monitors the coupons displayed on the PC monitor.
and records the relative changes in resistance of CAUTION: Handling the coupons will raise the
both the barrel and the internal layer connections. temperature of the coupon and may affect the
Data is compiled for each coupon’s performance ambient resistance calculation during the precycling
throughout IST stress testing. The system software sequence. If the ambient temperature of the
provides a download file to graph the coupon’s coupons is in question, cool the coupons with the
performance. Data is compiled to create graphs of fans on the IST equipment for 1 - 2 minutes.
each coupon’s performance throughout IST stress
testing. Ambient Resistance The auto ranging
multimeter measures the ambient resistance (voltage
drop) of the coupon. This is the circuit that heats the
5.3 Microsection Evaluation - Optional If detailed coupon with DC current.
failure analysis is desired to determine exact location
of separations and/or cracks. A multimeter or a Target Temperature Resistance The
thermal imaging system can aid in identifying the system software calculates and displays the required
failure location. Microsection of failed coupons shall “target” resistance (temperature). The available
be performed in accordance with IPC-TM-650, stress testing range is from 50°C - 250°C (122°F -
Method 2.1.1 or 422°F). The equation used to calculate the target
resistance is as follows:
6.0 Notes
Target Resistance = Rrm (1 + αT[Th - Trm ])
This equipment is available from: where:
PWB Interconnect Solutions Inc. αT = Estimated thermal coefficient of resistance for
PO Box 23022 the interconnect
Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2A 4E2 Rrm = Resistance of coupon at room temp
(819)-684-9849 (approximately 25C)
Th = Specified temperature to be achieved.
Trm = Room Temperature
6.2 IST Coupon. Certain design rules must
be applied to achieve thermal uniformity. Electronic Rejection Resistance The rejection
design files for coupon construction are available resistance is calculated and displayed. This is
from the IPC office. The coupon resistance should adjustable from 1 - 100% increase. If 10% is
measure between 150 milliohms and 1.5 ohms when selected, 10% of the target resistance is calculated
measured at room temperature. Two resistance and added to the original resistance to establish the
values (voltage drops) for each coupon are rejection criteria.
monitored independently, using a four wire
measurement technique. Current The system selects an initial
current based on the ambient resistance of the
The test coupon(s) is incorporated on the panel to coupon and the current table. The current tables are
monitor or qualify design, materials or processes and derived from software libraries on the IST equipment.
provide risk assessment of product and/or reliability During the precycling sequence, the initial current is
assurance. adjusted for each coupon to assure the test
temperature resistance is achieved in 3 minutes + 3
seconds (see paragraph
6.3 Detailed Description of Steps
NOTE: Additional equations/algorithms used by IST
6.3.1 Pre Cycling Test Sequence. that establish the initial current selection for pre-
cycling, relative to the relationship of coupon

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interconnect resistance αT , coupon construction and

stress test temperature to be achieved are 6.3.3 Graphing and Data Analysis
considered proprietary at this time. The IST system continuously monitors the
two independent circuits of each coupon, recording Pre-cycling is initiated by the application of multiple points of each cycle until the coupon
the selected current to the coupon, the computer exceeds one of the rejection criteria. The data is
monitors and records the coupon’s performance compiled to create graphs of each or all coupon’s
throughout this first cycle. If at the end of the 1st performance throughout IST stress testing.
pre-cycle, the coupon achieves the specified Figure 2, 3 and 4 are typical graphs.
resistance level in 3 minutes + 3 seconds, it will be
accepted for subsequent stress testing. If the
resistance level was not achieved in this time frame, RESISTANCE DEGRADATION OF THE P TH INTERCONNECT

the coupon will automatically be pre-cycled again


with a revised or compensated current. The system



will re-test using revised conditions until all coupons

are accepted or rejected for stress testing.

NOTE: The equation/algorithms used by IST to ANNEALING


compensate the DC current is considered proprietary

at this time. STRAIN RELI EF
- 1 0

IST CYCLES Forced air cooling is commenced after each Figure 2

pre-cycle to cool the coupons. (Requires 3.0
minutes) P T H IN T E R CON N E CT
RESISTANCE DEGRADATION IN MILLIOHMS The system automatically records and saves PTH

all information regarding conditions for subsequent
stress testing.

6.3.2 Stress Cycle Test Sequence POST INTERCONNECT

P OS T IN T E R CON N E CT The stress test is initiated by re-applying the - 1 0

same DC current level established for each individual
coupon during the pre-cycle operation. Three Figure 3
minutes of heating is followed by two to three
minutes of cooling. Cooling time is a function of
overall thickness and construction of the coupon. Individual coupons are continually recycled

using their customized heating and cooling conditions

until one of the rejection criteria is achieved or the

maximum number of cycles is completed. The coupon’s resistance “delta” (variance POST INTERCONNECT

from initial calculated resistance) increases PTH INTERCONNECT

(positively) as failure inception occurs. The rate of 0

change in the delta is indicative of the mechanical
change (failure) within the interconnects. Figure 4. When each coupon delta reaches the

maximum resistance rejection criteria, IST stress 6.4 The Test Methods Subcommittee is aware of
testing is stopped. The rejection criteria prevents other test systems that operate on principles similar
thermal runaway (burnout) plus allows for early to those used by IST. The subcommittee encourages
intervention for failure analysis to be completed their submission along with relevant test data. This
effectively. test method will be revised as necessary to include

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these test systems as this information becomes


Figure 1 IST Test coupon

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