Modern Concepts of Peripheral Nerve Repair
Modern Concepts of Peripheral Nerve Repair
Modern Concepts of Peripheral Nerve Repair
of Peripheral Nerve
Kirsten Haastert-Talini
Hans Assmus
Gregor Antoniadis
Modern Concepts of Peripheral
Nerve Repair
Kirsten Haastert-Talini • Hans Assmus
Gregor Antoniadis
Modern Concepts of
Peripheral Nerve Repair
Kirsten Haastert-Talini Gregor Antoniadis
Hannover Medical School Peripheral Nerve Surgery Unit
Institute of Neuroanatomy and Cell Biology Department of Neurosurgery
Hannover University of Ulm
Germany Günzburg
Hans Assmus Germany
We, the editors of this book, join active membership of the German interdisciplinary
study group named “NervClub” and we recognized that a concise book (comprisal)
on modern concepts of peripheral nerve repair is currently not available for interna-
tional readers. Therefore, we edited this book with a focus on very common and
frequently occurring traumatic peripheral nerve injuries, their diagnostic with
decision-making, and their reconstruction and long-term post-surgery patient care.
This book should provide a compendium for graduated medical doctors interested
in neurosurgery, hand surgery, or traumatology and final-year medical students with
an upcoming interest in peripheral nerve surgery.
The topics have been carefully selected and the authors have treated them in a
compact and illustrative way. The group of authors is comprised of internationally
recognized experts in the field of peripheral nerve injury and repair from both the
clinical and scientific points of view.
Our biggest thanks go to the authors for their enthusiasm to contribute to this
project and to all those who helped us in editing this book.
We would like to thank further Ms. Lena Freund for her professional redrawing
of our figures in Chaps. 1 and 10.
We thank Dr. Sylvana Freyberg, who, as the editor of Springer Heidelberg
Medicine Books Continental Europe & UK, did accept our proposal and supported
us through the project.
We also thank our project coordinator Ms. Rajeswari Balachandran and our proj-
ect manager Ms. Govindan Meena, both from Springer Nature SPi Global, for their
kind assistance.
The Peripheral Nerve: Neuroanatomical
Principles Before and After Injury 1
Gregor Antoniadis
1.1 Anatomy of the Peripheral Nerve 1
1.2 Classification of the Nerve Injuries 4
1.3 Neuroanatomical Situation After Injury: Nerve Degeneration 6
1.4 Nerve Regeneration 8
References 9
Peripheral nerves arise from the spinal cord, and they contain axons from different
types of neurons serving various effector organs or sensory endings.
The cell bodies of motor neurons that innervate skeletal muscle fibres are situ-
ated in the anterior horns of the grey matter of the spinal cord. Enlargements of the
cord in the cervical and lumbar segments mark the major regions supplying the
upper and lower limbs (Fig. 1.1).
The first sensory neurons are situated in the dorsal root ganglia, which are located
in the intervertebral foramina, just proximal to the fusion of the anterior and poste-
rior roots.
The peripheral nerve is composed of motor, sensory and sympathetic nerve
fibres. A nerve fibre is the conducting unit of the nerve and contains the following
elements: a central core, the axon and Schwann cells. Some nerve fibres are sur-
rounded by a myelin component (myelinated nerve fibres), and others are free of
such myelin sheath (unmyelinated nerve fibres) [2, 9, 17, 20].
Fig. 1.1 Schematic diagram of a normal nerve (Illustration by Lena Julie Freund, Aachen,
Fig. 1.2 Morphology of the peripheral nerve (From Kretschmer et al. [9])
The relationship between the fascicles within the peripheral nerve is constantly
changing along a longitudinal course. Sunderland noted that the maximum length of
nerve with a constant pattern was 15 mm [22].
Three types of nerves concerning their fascicular pattern can be distinguished [12, 13]:
Peripheral nerves receive the blood supply from small vessels leading to the
e pineurium (intrinsic), perineurium and endoneurium. The normal nerve is criti-
cally dependent upon the intrinsic blood supply and the perineurial and endoneurial
4 G. Antoniadis
vessels. The intrinsic vessels are similar to other vessels with the exception of hav-
ing endothelial cells that contain tight junctions to aid in diffusion and extrusion of
compounds. The intrinsic blood supply is crucial during regeneration, as the blood-
nerve barrier breaks down uniformly along the nerve within days of injury, allowing
large molecules, such as growth factors and immune cells, to cross and enter the
endoneurial space [16].
The extrinsic blood supply system is composed of segmentally arranged vessels
which vary in size and generally originate from neighbouring large arteries and
veins. As these nutrient vessels reach the epineurium, they ramify within the epineu-
rium and supply the intraneural plexus through ascending and descending branches
[11, 12].
More than 70 years ago, nerve lesions were characterized as compression, contu-
sion, laceration or division lesions. Seddon introduced in 1943 a classification sys-
tem based on nerve fibre and nerve trunk pathology in three categories: neurapraxia,
axonotmesis and neurotmesis [21].
The new classification according to Sunderland is based on histological features
of the nerve trunk in 5° [18, 22] (Figs. 1.3 and 1.4):
Grade II This lesion corresponds to Seddon axonotmesis. The axon is severed, but
the endoneurial sheath of nerve fibre and the basal lamina are preserved. The axons
undergo Wallerian degeneration. The regeneration process lasts some months,
depending on the distance between lesion and target muscle. The regeneration pro-
cess may result nearly in a restitutio ad integrum.
Fig. 1.3 Correlation of
Neurotmesis Axonotmesis Neutotmesis
classifications according to
Seddon and to Sunderland Seddon
1 The Peripheral Nerve: Neuroanatomical Principles Before and After Injury 5
Basal lamina
Fig. 1.4 Classification according to Sunderland (With permission from Terzis and Smith [25])
Grade III The essential features of these injuries are destructions of endoneurial
structures of the nerve fibres. A disintegration of axons and Wallerian degeneration
and loss of the endoneurial tube continuity occur. The perineurium is kept intact.
This situation leads to a certain degree of misdirection of regenerating axons, fol-
lowed by extensive unrecoverable functional deficits.
Grade IV In grade IV injuries, the fasciculi and the perineurium are ruptured,
while the epineurium is still preserved. Compressing forces are even able to block
the outgrowth of regeneration axon sprouts, resulting in a neuroma in continuity.
6 G. Antoniadis
The lesion grades IV and V present a very poor prognosis concerning spontaneous
Grade V In this lesion there is a complete loss of continuity of the nerve trunk and
no chance for a spontaneous recovery. Regenerative attempts produce neuroma for-
mation on the separated nerve stumps.
Axons, Schwann cells, macrophages, fibroblasts and other cell types demonstrate
significant changes in response to nerve injury.
An injury of the neuronal soma, in very proximal lesions, is a very severe nerve
injury without potential for recovery. It occurs in injuries with direct mechanical or
vascular insult to the neuronal soma [8].
In peripheral axonal injuries, neuronal cell death does not occur, in contrast to an
avulsion of the nerve roots, which results in neuronal cell death and loss of the
soma. Therefore, peripheral nerves have a regenerative potential after injury.
Waller described in 1850 an antegrade nerve degeneration (Wallerian degenera-
tion), which is characterized by a loss of cellular integrity and trafficking of intracel-
lular components along the distal nerve end. We know today that a degeneration of
the neuromuscular synapses can precede the process for several hours and that this
is independent from the Wallerian degeneration [5].
1 The Peripheral Nerve: Neuroanatomical Principles Before and After Injury 7
Fig. 1.5 Degeneration and regeneration after nerve injury (With permission from Terzis and
Smith [25]) (1) Normal, healthy neuron with myelinated axon. (2) After transection injury, the
proximal axon has undergone retrograde reaction with somal chromatolysis, nuclear migra-
tion and nuclear enlargement. The distal axon has undergone Wallerian degeneration. (3) The
proximal axon has begun to sprout filopodia from the growth cone to begin axonal regenera-
tion. (4) Upon successfully re-establishing connectivity of one axonal sprout, redundant
sprouts undergo the dying-back process. (5) A terminal bulb is created by damming up axonal
contents if an insurmountable obstruction is encountered. (6) If scar produces an annular con-
striction around a regenerating axon (arrows), the resulting axonal calibre will never return to
normal [26]
8 G. Antoniadis
2. Axonal injury leads to the disruption of action potential conduction and a large
influx of calcium and a depolarizing wave. This initial calcium influx leads to
protein kinase C (PKC) activation within the cell body and the nuclear export of
a regeneration-associated gene repressor [4].
3. Interruption of retrograde transport of trophic factors and negative regulators of
axonal growth from the end organ leads to the upregulation of regeneration-
associated genes [1].
1. Abe N, Cavalli V. Nerve injury signaling. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 2008;18:276–83.
2. Birch R. Surgical disorders of the peripheral nerves. 2nd ed. London: Springer; 2011.
3. Cayal RY. Degeneration and regeneration of the nervous system, vol. 1. London: Oxford
University Press; 1978.
4. Cho Y, Sloutsky R, Naegle KM, Cavalli V. Injury-induced HDAAC5 nuclear export is essential
for axon regeneration. Cell. 2013;155:894–908.
5. Gillingwater TH, Ribschester RR. The relationship of neuromuscular synapse elimination to
synaptic degeneration and pathology: insights from WldS and other mutant mice. J Neurocytol.
6. Jessen KR, Mirsky R. The repair Schwann cell and its function in regenerating nerves.
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7. Kim DH, Midha R, Murovic JA, Spinner RJ. Kline and Hudson’s nerve injuries. Philadelphia:
Saunders Elsevier; 2014.
8. Koliatsos VE, Price WL, Pardo CA, Price DL. Ventral root avulsion: an experimental model of
death of adult motor neurons. J Comp Neurol. 1994;342:35–44.
9. Kretschmner T, Antoniadis G, Assmus H. Nervenchirurgie. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag; 2014.
10 G. Antoniadis
10. Lundborg G, Rydevick B. Effects of stretching the tibial nerve of the rabbit. A preliminary
study of the intraneural circulation and the barrier function of the perineurium. J Bone Joint
Surg Br. 1973;55B:390–401.
11. Lundborg GA. A 25-year perspective of peripheral nerve surgery: evolving neuroscientific
concepts and clinical significance. J Hand Surg Am. 2000;25:391–414.
12. Mackinnon S. Nerve surgery. New York: Thieme Medical; 2016.
13. Millesi H. Chirurgie der peripheren Nerven. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg Verlag; 1992.
14. Millesi H. Reappraisal of nerve repair. Surg Clin North Am. 1981;61:321–40.
15. Millesi H, Rath TH, Reihsner R, Zoch G. Microsurgical neurolysis: its anatomical and physi-
ological basis and its classification. Microsurgery. 1993;14:430–9.
16. Olson Y. Studies on vascular permeability in peripheral nerves. I. Distribution of circulating
fluorescent serum albumin in normal, crushed and sectioned rat sciatic nerve. Acta Neuropathol.
17. Penkert G, Fansa H. Peripheral nerve lesions. Heidelberg/New York: Springer Verlag; 2004.
18. Penkert G, Boehm J, Schelle T. Focal peripheral neuropathy. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag;
19. Perrin FE, Lacroix S, Avilés-Trigueros M, David S. Involvement of monocyte chemoattractant
protein-1, macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha and interleukin-1beta in Wallerian degen-
eration. Brain. 2005;128:854–66.
20. Rea P. Essential clinically applied anatomy of the peripheral nervous system in the limbs.
Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2015.
21. Seddon HJ. Three types of nerve injury. Brain. 1943;66:237–88.
22. Sunderland S. Nerve injuries and their repair. A critical appraisal. Edinburgh/London/
Melbourne/New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1991.
23. Spencer PS, Weinberg HJ, Paine CS. The perineurial window- a new model of focal
demyelination and remyelination. Brain Res. 1975;965:923–9.
24. Terzis JK. Microreconstruction of nerve injuries. Philadelphia: Saunders Company; 1987.
25. Terzis JK, Smith KL. The peripheral nerve – structure function reconstruction. New York:
Raven Press; 1990.
26. Weiss P. The technology of nerve regeneration: a review. Sutureless tubulation and related
methods of nerve repair. J Neurosurg. 1944;1:400–50.
State-of-the-Art Diagnosis of Peripheral
Nerve Trauma: Clinical Examination, 2
Electrodiagnostic, and Imaging
Christian Bischoff, Jennifer Kollmer,
and Wilhelm Schulte-Mattler
2.1 Introduction 11
2.2 History Taking and Physical Examination 12
2.3 Electrodiagnostic Procedures 13
2.4 Imaging 17
2.4.1 High-Resolution Ultrasound 17
2.4.2 MRI 19
R 24
2.1 Introduction
Peripheral nerve trauma is no exception from the rule that appropriate treatment
requires a clear diagnosis. Specific clinical diagnostic tests, such as Hoffmann and
Tinel’s sign, and technologies, such as electrodiagnostic and imaging procedures,
C. Bischoff (*)
Neurologische Gemeinschaftspraxis, Burgstraße 7, D-80331 Munich, Germany
J. Kollmer (*)
Department of Neuroradiology, University of Heidelberg,
Im Neuenheimer Feld 400, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
W. Schulte-Mattler (*)
Department of Neurology, University Hospital Regensburg/Bezirksklinikum Regensburg,
Universitätsstraße 84, D-93053 Regensburg, Germany
were developed to improve diagnostic accuracy [19]. The development has not yet
come to an end. In the recent years, major accomplishments were achieved in
neuroimaging methods of peripheral nerves [22, 29]. The more classical electrodi-
agnostic methods benefitted from a better understanding of the timing of the patho-
logical findings after an injury [11, 17].
In a traumatized patient, careful history taking and physical examination are manda-
tory, as they provide the key information to answer the following questions:
Only in rare cases, all of these questions can sufficiently be answered on history
and clinical examination alone. In the other cases, history and clinical examination
constitute the basis for rational decisions about necessity and timing of additional
diagnostic testing, especially electrodiagnostic and imaging studies, which are of
established high value.
The answers to the questions listed above provide the information to sensibly
make therapeutic decisions (see also Chap. 3).
During follow-up after a nerve trauma, the key question is whether reinnerva-
tion takes place in time or not. This can be assessed clinically, as it is nicely
illustrated by the original descriptions of what nowadays is known as Hoffmann-
Tinel’s sign. Paul Hoffmann and Jules Tinel independently from each other
described the occurrence of tingling by pressure applied to an injured nerve.
Hoffmann shortly later reported that the paresthesia could also be elicited by
percussion of the nerve.
They used their observation to monitor nerve regeneration after its surgical repair
[15, 36]. Nonetheless, in many clinical situations, electrodiagnostic and imaging
studies may be necessary to provide additional relevant information.
Finally, the functional outcome is judged mainly clinically. Again, electrodiag-
nostic and imaging studies may provide necessary informations, which not infre-
quently are relevant for forensic purposes.
2 State-of-the-Art Diagnosis of Peripheral Nerve Trauma 13
The most relevant electrodiagnostic methods to assess peripheral nerve lesions are
needle electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies (NCS) [6, 8, 19].
For an EMG study, a needle electrode is inserted into the target muscle, and its elec-
trical activity at rest and at various degrees of voluntary contraction is recorded
from multiple positions within that muscle. The idea behind EMG is that axonal
damage causes functional and structural changes of the motor units of the inner-
vated muscle, which consequently result in changes of the electrical properties of
the affected motor units.
For an NCS a peripheral nerve is stimulated electrically, and the resulting
action potentials are recorded. The idea behind NCS is that a loss of functional
axons causes a loss of amplitude of the recorded action potentials. Recordings can
be made from the nerve itself (sensory or mixed NCS) or from a muscle inner-
vated by that nerve (motor NCS). The diagnostic yield of a motor NCS is much
higher if the stimulation is done not only at one but at two or more sites along that
nerve and if the action potentials of different stimulation sites are compared with
each other. Tables 2.1 and 2.2 list pathological findings and their diagnostic
The tables indicate that the electrodiagnostic findings and their time course may
provide valuable information about both the site and the type of a suspected nerve
lesion. Table 2.3 is intended to help the reader plan a sensible timing for the diag-
nostic tests and to “decode” their results.
Some time intervals after the trauma are noteworthy [8].
Table 2.1 EMG findings in a weak muscle and their diagnostic meaning
EMG finding Occurrence/cause Timing
Normal Central nervous system Always
lesion (e.g., intracranial
Not a severe nerve lesion Until the occurrence of pathological
spontaneous activity
Pathologic spontaneous Axonotmesis, neurotmesis, Begins 10–14 days after a lesion,
activity myopathy ends after full recovery, may persist
for decades if recovery is incomplete
Polyphasic motor unit Partial axonotmesis, Begins 6 weeks after an incomplete
action potentials myopathy lesion, ends after recovery, some may
(MUAPs) persist
Large MUAPs (may be Partial axonotmesis Begins 6–12 months after an
polyphasic) incomplete lesion, persists after
Increased (>20/s) Neurapraxia, partial Begins immediately after the lesion,
discharge rate of single axonotmesis accompanies weakness
motor units
14 C. Bischoff et al.
Table 2.2 NCS findings in a nerve supplying a weak muscle and their diagnostic meaning
NCS finding Occurrence/cause Timing
Normal compound muscle Central nervous system lesion Always
action potentials (CMAPs) (e.g., intracranial
hemorrhage),not a severe nerve
lesion, myopathy
Normal (CMAPs) Stimulation distal to the lesion Ends 4–7 days after the
only lesion (due to Wallerian
degeneration of axons)
Normal CMAPs upon nerve Neurapraxia (also called Begins with the lesion, ends
stimulation distal to the “conduction block”) with recovery
lesion, low CMAPs upon Axonotmesis Ends 4–7 days after the
proximal stimulationa lesion (due to Wallerian
degeneration of axons)
Innervation anomaly Always
Low CMAPs at all Axonotmesis Begins 4–7 days after the
stimulation sites, lesion (due to Wallerian
low sensory nerve action degeneration of axons), ends
potentials (SNAPs) with full recovery
Mildly reduced nerve Axonotmesis Parallels low CMAPs
conduction velocity (NCV) Pre-existing polyneuropathy No relationship to the nerve
(leg, 30–40 m/s; arm, trauma
40–50 m/s)
Severely reduced NCV (leg, Demyelinating neuropathy, not No relationship to the nerve
<30 m/s; arm, <40 m/s) caused by nerve trauma trauma
Note that this finding is often labeled “conduction block,” although conduction block is only one
of its potential causes
Immediately after a severe lesion an EMG may be valuable: If motor unit action
potentials (MUAPs) are recorded, the lesion is incomplete, and thus neurotmesis is
ruled out. If pathologic spontaneous activity (PSA) is recorded within the first
10 days or if abnormally polyphasic or enlarged MUAPs are found within the first
4 weeks, a pre-existing neuropathy (or, rarely, a myopathy) is documented. It should
also be noted that PSA may persist for years. Thus, the occurrence of PSA not nec-
essarily indicates a recent lesion. The recency of a lesion can be inferred from PSA
only if the PSA was not found in an early recording but does appear later on.
If increased discharge rates of motor units are found at any time, a central ner-
vous system lesion is ruled out.
An NCS may make particular sense within the first 4 days, namely, before
Wallerian degeneration (see Chap. 1) becomes apparent [11]. Only during this time,
the distal part of the lesioned nerve can be stimulated electrically. This results in a
2 State-of-the-Art Diagnosis of Peripheral Nerve Trauma 15
a d
2mV 2mV
5ms 5ms
b e
100ms 100ms
c f
Fig. 2.1 A 74-year-old man experienced plegia of his left foot extensors immediately after sur-
gery on his lumbar spine. As a complication of the surgery was suspected, the patient underwent a
second operation 1 day after the first one, which did not resolve the problem. First electrodiagnos-
tic examination was done 2 days after the first surgery: (a) motor nerve conduction study (NCS)
recordings from his left extensor digitorum brevis muscle, stimulation of the peroneal nerve at the
dorsum of the foot (upper trace), and below and above the fibular head (lower traces). Compound
muscle action potentials (CMAPs) upon distal stimulation are low, indicating a pre-existing lesion,
and CMAPs upon proximal stimulation are absent, which shows that there is an additional lesion
that can be localized at the fibular head (Table 2.3, “immediately”). (b) The electromyogram
(EMG) of the anterior tibial muscle shows pathologic spontaneous activity (PSA), which also
demonstrates a pre-existing lesion. (c) Increased (>20/s) discharge rates of motor units show that
at least 80% of the motor units of the muscle are not functional [31]. These results point to the site
of the actual lesion and show the pre-existing one. The type of the lesion cannot be inferred. A
subsequent electrodiagnostic examination was done 20 days after surgery: (d) NCS as in (a) all
CMAPs are absent, showing that the type of the lesion is axonotmesis (or neurotmesis) (Table 2.3,
“10–20 days”). (e) The electromyogram (EMG) of the anterior tibial muscle shows pathologic
spontaneous activity (PSA), showing that the type of the lesion is axonotmesis that took place at
least 10–14 days before this recording was made. (f) Discharge rates of motor units are normal,
showing a functional recovery of many motor units of this muscle since the recording (c) was
made. These results do not permit to localize the lesion but show that the lesion type is partial
axonotmesis, more pronounced in the extensor digitorum brevis than in the anterior tibial muscle.
It should be noted that the second operation could have been avoided if the first electrodiagnostic
examination had taken place immediately
2 State-of-the-Art Diagnosis of Peripheral Nerve Trauma 17
2.4 Imaging
The contribution of ultrasound was clearly the highest in cases with neurophysi-
ological evidence of complete axonal damage [27]. Figure 2.2 illustrates a typical
clinical situation in which ultrasound imaging clearly demonstrates a peripheral
nerve’s neurotmesis.
Ultrasound can be used to study the development of neuromas, both before and
after nerve surgery. Unfortunately, the information that can be drawn from such
imaging is of limited value so far, as there is no relation between enlargement of
neuroma and nerve function unless the size of the neuroma exceeds a cutoff beyond
which prognosis is negative [9].
Before nerve surgery, ultrasound can be used to detect the location of proximal
and distal nerve stumps. They can be marked on the skin preoperatively to help the
surgeon better tailor the procedure to the damaged nerve’s needs and save time that
otherwise would be needed for the search for the stumps [20].
During nerve surgery, ultrasound imaging can time efficiently and reliably be
used to assess the severity of the underlying nerve injury and the type (intraneural/
perineural) and grade of nerve fibrosis [21].
18 C. Bischoff et al.
Fig. 2.2 A 64-year-old woman got a lipoma removed from her cubital fossa. Immediately after
surgery she experienced plegia of her finger extensors. Four weeks after, there still was plegia of
all muscles innervated by her radial nerve distal to the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle. Upon
EMG examination of the plegic muscles, there was abundant spontaneous activity but no MUAPs.
High-resolution ultrasound imaging (upper, provided by Peter Pöschl, Regensburg) clearly shows
a transected nerve, with (A, B) and (C, D) marking the nerve stumps. This finding is confirmed by
visual inspection during subsequent surgery (lower)
If carried out monthly after nerve surgery, ultrasound examinations could earlier
pick up signs of failed neuroregeneration than electrodiagnostic procedures and
thus ascertain the need of surgical revision (see also Chap. 3) [24].
2 State-of-the-Art Diagnosis of Peripheral Nerve Trauma 19
2.4.2 MRI
high magnetic field strength of 3 Tesla and heavily T2w, fat-saturated sequences
with an in-plane resolution of 0.1–0.4 × 0.1–0.4 mm, and a slice thickness of not
more than 2–3.5 mm [29]. Fat saturation is crucial to reliably differentiate between
bright nerve signal and surrounding fat tissue and can be achieved by either
frequency-selective saturation of the fat signal in T2w fast spin echo (SE) sequences
or with nulling of the fat signal as it is done in short inversion recovery (STIR) or
turbo inversion recovery magnitude (TIRM) sequences [3]. Unenhanced T1w
sequences can be beneficial in regions of difficult anatomical orientation, e.g.,
peripheral nerves emerging from the lumbosacral plexus. Additional application of
a contrast agent and subsequent acquisition of T1w sequences with fat saturation are
needed in cases of mass lesions like nerve or nerve sheath tumors, but also in
remaining or recurring neuropathy after surgical interventions to rule out an over-
production of potentially nerve compromising scar tissue [22].
a b c
Fig. 2.3 MRN: 3D constructive interference in steady state (CISS) sequence in sagittal (a), coro-
nal (b), and transversal (c) reformations. Arrows point to pseudomeningoceles of the C6, C8, and
Th 1 nerve root, representing complete traumatic nerve root avulsions
2 State-of-the-Art Diagnosis of Peripheral Nerve Trauma 21
a b
Fig. 2.5 MRN: axial T2-weighted sequence with spectral fat saturation (a) and axial contrast-
enhanced T1-weighted sequence with spectral fat saturation (b). Note the markedly increased
cross-sectional diameter and intraneural T2w signal (arrows) of the sciatic nerve at mid-thigh level
representing an end-bulb neuroma after traumatic amputation of the right leg at knee level. After
the application of a contrast agent, the end-bulb neuroma shows the typical increased, slightly
inhomogeneous enhancement (arrowheads)
22 C. Bischoff et al.
The most frequent traumatic injuries of the sciatic nerve are iatrogenic and
are either induced by gluteal injection injury or periprocedural in hip replace-
ment surgery. In case of iatrogenic trauma related to hip replacement surgery,
direct imaging identification of the exact lesion site and determination of injury
severity are often challenging, due to metal artifacts that are related to metal
implants in the direct vicinity of the nerve. However, new techniques of artifact
reduction make it still possible to achieve a nerve lesion contrast that is suffi-
cient for precise lesion localization [39]. Besides complex adjustments of
sequence parameters whose description would exceed the purpose of this book,
the following aspects should be kept in mind: spin echo (SE) or turbo spin echo
(TSE) sequences are more beneficial than gradient echo (GRE) sequences, as
the 180° refocusing pulse used in SE sequences corrects for large magnetic field
inhomogeneities and therewith reduces dephasing artifacts. Additionally, STIR
sequences should be used for the necessary fat suppression in T2w sequences,
as they are less dependent on a homogenous magnetic field than spectral fat
saturation techniques [39]. Furthermore, the acquisition of T1w sequences
might be beneficial as they are less vulnerable to susceptibility artifacts while
providing sufficient anatomical resolution for the detection of nerve discontinu-
ity or compromising material [39].
Clinical and electrophysiological measurement at proximal sites of the lower
extremities often lacks to precisely localize the nerve lesion as well as to give an
estimation of the regenerative potential without surgical therapy. MRN has been
proven to be able to directly visualize the exact lesion site with high sensitivity by
evaluating the typical MRN pattern as described before, but can also give a
detailed pathomorphological description of the injury, like overproduction of epi-
or intraneural scar tissue, development of neuroma, or extent of fascicular involve-
ment [30].
a b
Fig. 2.6 MRN: axial T2-weighted sequence with spectral fat saturation (a, b). A lesion of the
common peroneal nerve (a) leads to an increased T2w signal of depending muscles (arrowheads
point to the anterior tibial, extensor longus, and long peroneal muscles) which is the MRN corre-
late of muscle denervation. In contrast to that, the pattern of an L5 radiculopathy (b) shows an
additional denervation signal nerve in the posterior tibial and popliteus muscle (arrows in b;
arrows in a show the normal signal intensity of the same muscles)
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2 State-of-the-Art Diagnosis of Peripheral Nerve Trauma 25
14. Grant GA, Britz GW, Goodkin R, et al. The utility of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluat-
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19. Kimura J. Electrodiagnosis in diseases of nerve and muscle. 4th ed. Oxford: Oxford University
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39. Wolf M, Baumer P, Pedro M, et al. Sciatic nerve injury related to hip replacement surgery:
imaging detection by MR neurography despite susceptibility artifacts. PLoS One. 2014;
Timing and Decision-Making
in Peripheral Nerve Trauma 3
Hans Assmus
3.1 Introduction 27
3.2 The Decision Process 28
3.3 Preoperative Decisions and Therapeutic Options (Indication) 30
3.4 Intraoperative Decisions 33
3.5 Indication in Case of Partial Lesions and Neuroma Formation 35
3.6 Decisions in or Concerning Combined Lesions 35
3.7 Perioperative Techniques: Choice of Anesthesia and Application of Tourniquet 36
3.8 Postoperative Decisions and Revision Surgery 36
3.9 Prevention of Nerve Injuries and Future Aspects 38
References 39
3.1 Introduction
The decision processes during diagnosis and treatment of an injury of the peripheral
nerve are much more complex than, for example, those for injuries of bones or ten-
dons. The nature and cause of the injury, its localization, and its depth/severity
require very distinct decisions with regard to timing and technique for intervention.
Timing of the nerve repair is important.
Basically, a sharply and neatly transected nerve is to be judged different than a
nerve that has been bluntly transected or violently torn. While the first is usually
caused by a cut, the latter two occur during injuries with bony fractures, gunshots,
or electrical and other physical traumata.
H. Assmus
Abtweg 13, D-69198 Schriesheim, Germany
A general outline of the complex decision process for nerve reconstruction surgery
and its timing is illustrated in Fig. 3.1. Depending on whether an open or closed
injury exists, it has to be decided for a primary or secondary reconstruction surgery.
During the decision process, the wound condition, the depth of the injury, and even-
tually also results of an exploratory exposure of the nerve or from imaging or elec-
trophysiological evaluations have to be considered. During primary or early
secondary reconstruction, additional decision has to be taken with regard to the
appropriate reconstruction technique. During a regular postoperative monitoring,
the regeneration process has to be documented, and eventually new diagnostic and
surgical decisions have to be taken. A mean monitoring and treatment period covers
approximately 2 years and more.
The complex challenge of nerve repair and reconstruction, including additional
steps that may become necessary, is exemplarily outlined by the practical case
example below. Subject is a typical and frequent lower arm injury with disconnec-
tion of the ulnar nerve.
3 Timing and Decision-Making in Peripheral Nerve Trauma 29
Sharp? No No Spontaneus
Primary repair Secondary repair
Yes No intact?
End-to-end coaptation, split
repair No
available? Yes
Fig. 3.1 Algorithm of the diagnostic and therapeutic steps and treatment strategies for nerve
Case Example
A younger patient sustained a laceration of the left volar proximal forearm 1
month ago with transection of the ulnar nerve. During primary wound care,
the nerve ends had been loosely approximated.
30 H. Assmus
The nerve surgeon, to whom the patient had been referred for further
anagement, faces the following options depending on the assessment of the
pattern of injury:
Electrodiagnostic MR-
studies Neurography
Path. Alteration
spont. of nerve
activity? signal?
Yes Alteration
No muscle Alteration of
response? nerve signal? of muscle
No Yes
No Axonotmesis Axonotmesis No
neurotmesis neurotmesis
additions of Millesi) are still commonly used (see Chap. 1). Especially in early
stages after nerve lesion, it can be difficult or impossible to differentiate between
neurapraxia, axonotmesis, and neurotmesis just on the basis of clinical symptoms
and physical findings. Therefore, additional electrophysiological investigations are
essential [17]. In early stages after a nerve injury, compound muscle action p otentials
(CMAPs) and motor units (MU) can be examined, which are, however, of only
limited evidence. Recently, nerve sonography showed its superiority over the
electrophysiological assessments [7]. But also nerve sonography has its limitations,
as it is very much restricted to the examination of rather superficial nerves.
Deep-running nerves can be judged, however, with the magnetic resonance neurog-
raphy (MRN) (see Chap. 2). Already today, this modern method substantially affects
diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making processes and in particular also the
planning of the surgical intervention [8]. Ultrasound or standard MRN are unable to
fully discriminate between neurotmesis and axonotmesis, in particular when the
nerve remains in continuity. Diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) represents a recent
development in MR imaging that may revolutionize this aspect of the diagnosis and
monitoring of peripheral nerve trauma [19].
Sunderland Grade III lesions may often regenerate spontaneously (incomplete
regeneration) and then result in better functional recovery than after nerve recon-
struction. Both will result in incomplete regeneration, but the degree may vary
32 H. Assmus
considerably. Especially in this scenario, the decision for the correct procedure is
very important for the further process. On the basis of novel diagnostic techniques,
in particular related to the advances in peripheral nerve imaging, patients may be
more correctly selected to receive prompt surgical intervention when indicated, and
invasive procedures may be more correctly avoided when spontaneous regeneration
is likely. Simon et al. [20] suggest that “further exploration of non-invasive strate-
gies to augment nerve regeneration processes, such as modulation of central and
axonal plasticity through repetitive stimulation and functional retraining paradigms,
may provide further benefit for patients with moderate and severe nerve injury,
including those patients in whom surgical intervention is not needed” [20].
In general, an indication for a surgical procedure results from the following
reasons [4]:
8–24 hrs.
Less than 2–45 Less than
(max. 10
8 hrs. days 6 weeks
Tension Tension
free free
suture? No suture?
Yes Yes
Early Late
Primary Secondary
secondary secondary
coaptation coaptation
coaptation coaptation
Fig. 3.3 Timing and temporal limits of primary and secondary peripheral nerve repair
A maximum time window of 6 weeks is accepted for secondary nerve repair. Such
secondary nerve repair may not always have an inferior prognosis, because a highly
experienced nerve surgeon performing a meticulous and conservative approach may
compensate the disadvantages of the delayed treatment.
The decision to accomplish a reconstruction after more than 6 months must be
discussed with the patient and depends on many factors like the age of the patient,
the kind of nerve injured (motor or sensory), the proximo-distal height of the injury,
concomitant lesions, etc.
The main principle is to perform tension-free and optimal adaptation of the nerve
ends and fascicles. Contused nerve stumps have to be trimmed back to the healthy
epineurium and a visible fascicular structure. During an immediate repair approach,
34 H. Assmus
Donor No
No distal
nerve proximal
available? stump?
Finally, the appropriate donor nerve has to be identified. Most of the time, the sural
nerve is selected, but the cutaneous antebrachial and the saphenous nerve comprise
good alternatives.
Special techniques alternative to autologous nerve grafting and their limitations
are described and discussed in the Chaps. 4 and 7.
Harvesting the donor nerve can be done by different methods: for the sural nerve,
several small incisions will be made along the nerve course, or a nerve stripper will
be used [3], which reduces the operation time significantly and gives the best cos-
metic results. The decision depends on personal preferences of the nerve surgeon.
An additional consideration is needed with regard to the degree of justifiable ten-
sion at the coaptation site. An epineural coaptation with little tension is the method of
choice [21]. This is usually achieved by sufficient mobilization of the nerve as well as
by transposition of the nerve (e.g., transposition of the ulnar nerve into the cubital
fossa) or through slight joint bending. A rough indication for what degree of tension
is barely acceptable at the coaptation site can give the application of 10-0 sutures.
Whether fibrin glue is an alternative or additive to suture is discussed in Chap. 4.
Techniques like end-to-side coaptation and the direct muscular neurotization
(only a treatment at ultima ratio) are not commonly accepted as alternative
approaches for nerve reconstruction (see Chap. 4). The latter techniques may be
considered in reconstruction of extensive proximal lesions or extended brachial
plexus lesions (see Chap. 6).
Due to the fact that traffic accidents represent the most frequent cause of peripheral
nerve injuries, examiners are frequently confronted with combined lesions.
Combined lesions significantly impact the timing of nerve repair, because the pri-
mary attempt is the treatment of bony injuries, e.g., the primary stabilization of one
or more fractures. Treatment of a vascular lesion is additionally prior ranking and
36 H. Assmus
could represent the first brick of the treatment chain in case of life-threatening blood
loss. It has further to be considered that a tendon suture should not be performed
together with a nerve reconstruction because the aftercare of both is different,
immobilization versus mobilization, respectively. A radial nerve palsy resulting
from a fracture of the humerus bone, again, is confronting the nerve surgeon with
the need for decision between early exploration and wait-and-see attitude. What the
best strategy can be is still controversially discussed. Since it is generally accepted
that the radial nerve palsy spontaneously recovers with a rate of more than 70%, the
wait-and-see concept is favored in closed humerus shaft fractures [10].
With the decision taken for a nerve reconstruction, the question for the appropriate
anesthesia arises. General anesthesia is not required for all approaches. Basically,
small nerves travelling superficially can also be treated in local anesthesia. For
larger nerves of the extremities, regional anesthesia may be sufficient in some cases;
mostly general anesthesia is preferred by the surgeon because surgery under regional
anesthesia requests a very high compliance from the patient.
The need of bloodless conditions is controversially discussed as they are obliga-
tory among hand and plastic surgeons, but less common among neurosurgeons. The
reason for this is that the procedure was thought to be linked to complications and
possible damages. Distal to the tourniquet, the nerve line expires within 15–45 min;
however, it very rapidly recovers after opening of the cuff, e.g., within a few min-
utes [14]. The technique can be used without any risks whenever properly performed
(broad, well-padded cuff, a pressure of 50–75 mm Hg below systolic pressure, for a
maximum of 1.5–2 h). In case bloodless conditions are needed for an extended time
period, renewed application of the cuff is possible after transient opening. During
the nerve transplantation procedure, however, the tourniquet is opened. A sterile
cuff should be used whenever it needs to be placed close to the operating field. The
advantage of the bloodless conditions is enabling of a rapid and careful preparation
under very good overview of the operation field. Furthermore, small nerve branches
can more easily be preserved and small vessels punctually coagulated.
The proper timing of nerve repair approaches plays an important role not only at the
beginning of the treatment but also after nerve reconstruction has been performed.
Right after the intervention, it remains uncertain whether it will result in successful
functional recovery or not. The regeneration process is to be traced carefully and by
means of follow-up examinations in 6-week intervals. While protection sensitivity
usually returns spontaneously, tactile discrimination ability returns spontaneously
in only a limited number of cases. To support recovery of the latter, it requires
3 Timing and Decision-Making in Peripheral Nerve Trauma 37
Inact or
Op. exploration
Nerve in
SEP? continuity?
Reinn Pot.? Axon-
CNAP? sprouting?
Yes No Yes
No Yes
Despite the fact that current treatment strategies demonstrate some success, further
efforts need to be done with the goal, to simultaneously potentiate axonal regenera-
tion, increase neuronal survival, modulate central reorganization, and inhibit or
reduce target organ atrophy [22].
1. Antoniadis G, Kretschmer T, Pedro MT, Konig RW, Heinen CP, Richter HP. Iatrogenic nerve
injuries: prevalence, diagnosis and treatment. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2014;111:273–9.
2. Assmus H. Somatosensory evoked potentials in peripheral nerve lesions. In: Barber C, editor.
Evoked potentials. Lancaster: MTP Press limited; 1980. p. 437–42.
3. Assmus H. Sural nerve removal using a nerve stripper. Neurochirurgia (Stuttg). 1983;26:
4. Birch R. Surgical disorders of the peripheral nerves. 2nd ed. New York: Springer; 2011. p. 231.
5. Brunelli G, Brunelli F. Strategy and timing of peripheral nerve surgery. Neurosurg Rev.
6. Brushart TM. Clinical nerve repair and grafting. In: Brushart TM, editor. Nerve repair.
New York: Oxford University Press; 2011. p. 104–34.
7. Cesmebasi A, Smith J, Spinner RJ. Role of sonography in surgical decision making for iatro-
genic spinal accessory nerve injuries: a paradigm shift. J Ultrasound Med. 2015;34:2305–12.
8. Chhabra A, Belzberg AJ, Rosson GD, Thawait GK, Chalian M, Farahani SJ, Shores JT, Deune
G, Hashemi S, Thawait SK, Subhawong TK, Carrino JA. Impact of high resolution 3 tesla MR
neurography (MRN) on diagnostic thinking and therapeutic patient management. Eur Radiol.
9. Dahlin LB. The role of timing in nerve reconstruction. Int Rev Neurobiol. 2013;109:151–64.
10. Elton SG, Rizzo M. Management of radial nerve injury associated with humeral shaft frac-
tures: an evidence-based approach. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2008;24:569–73.
11. Fowler JR, Lavasani M, Huard J, Goitz RJ. Biologic strategies to improve nerve regeneration
after peripheral nerve repair. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2015;31:243–8.
12. Gordon T, English AW. Strategies to promote peripheral nerve regeneration: electrical stimula-
tion and/or exercise. Eur J Neurosci. 2016;43:336–50.
13. Kretschmer T, Antoniadis G. Traumatische Nervenläsionen. In: Kretschmer T, Antoniadis G,
Assmus H, editors. Nervenchirurgie. Heidelberg: Springer Berlin; 2014. p. 95–182.
14. Lundborg G. Alternatives to autologous nerve grafts. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2004;36:
15. Midha R. Mechanism and pathology of injury. In: Kim D, Midha R, Murovic JA, Spinner RJ,
editors. Kline and Hudson’s nerve injuries. 2nd ed. New York: Elsevier; 2008. p. 23–42.
16. Millesi H. Progress in peripheral nerve reconstruction. World J Surg. 1990;14:733–47.
17. Navarro X, Udina E. Chapter 6: methods and protocols in peripheral nerve regeneration exper-
imental research: part III-electrophysiological evaluation. Int Rev Neurobiol. 2009;87:
18. Rosen B, Lundborg G. Sensory re-education after nerve repair: aspects of timing. Handchir
Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2004;36:8–12.
19. Simon NG, Spinner RJ, Kline DG, Kliot M. Advances in the neurological and neurosurgical
management of peripheral nerve trauma. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2016;87:198–208.
20. Simon NG, Narvid J, Cage T, Banerjee S, Ralph JW, Engstrom JW, Kliot M, Chin C. Visualizing
axon regeneration after peripheral nerve injury with magnetic resonance tractography.
Neurology. 2014;83:1382–4.
21. Spinner RJ. Operative care and techniques. In: Kim D, Midha R, Murovic JA, Spinner RJ, edi-
tors. Kline and Hudson’s nerve injuries. 2nd ed. New York: Elsevier; 2008. p. 87–105.
22. Tos P, Ronchi G, Geuna S, Battiston B. Future perspectives in nerve repair and regeneration.
Int Rev Neurobiol. 2013;109:165–92.
Conventional Strategies
for Nerve Repair 4
Mario G. Siqueira and Roberto S. Martins
4.1 Neurolysis 42
4.1.1 External Neurolysis 42
4.1.2 Internal Neurolysis 42
4.2 End-to-End Neurorrhaphy 43
4.3 End-to-Side Neurorrhaphy 45
4.4 Graft Repair 46
4.5 Direct Muscular Neurotization 47
4.6 Fibrin Glue Versus Suture 48
4.7 Factors Influencing the Results of Surgical Repair 49
References 49
The central objective of nerve repair is to assist regenerating axons to re-establish useful
functional connections with the periphery. Sir Sydney Sunderland
During the last decades, significant changes in the surgical management of nerve
injuries have occurred, based on an improved knowledge of basic nerve biology
and on the advance of surgical technologies like the use of magnification, bipolar
coagulator, microinstruments, and fine suture material and the introduction of elec-
trophysiologic methods for intraoperative assessment of nerve injuries. These
advances led to improved functional results, increasing the number of surgical
explorations and the attempts to repair lesions that previously were considered
In this chapter we describe the common surgical techniques in current use for
nerve repair, external and internal neurolysis, end-to-end suture, and nerve grafting
and two less used techniques, end-to-side suture and muscular neurotization.
4.1 Neurolysis
The external neurolysis consists of freeing the nerve from a constricting or distort-
ing agent by dissection outside the epineurium, usually including the mesoneurium,
an adventitious tissue that contains collateral blood vessels, and sometimes includ-
ing the most external epineurium as well. The inner layers of the nerve remain
intact. Nerve segments are freed circumferentially using a number 15 scalpel or
Metzenbaum scissors. Seldom used as the treatment itself, the external neurolysis
should be performed in all lesioned nerve segments before surgical reconstruction.
It is usually begun by working from normal to abnormal nerve sections beginning
well distal as well as proximal to the lesion site. Thickened or scarred portion of the
external epineurium will then be resected. If carefully done, long lengths of nerves
can be mobilized without serious interference with their blood supply. However,
extensive manipulation may, in rare cases, promote neurological deterioration. A
good deal of argument about the value of external neurolysis for the improvement
of function in a direct fashion still exists. Apparently this technique could be valu-
able when the nerve is intact but tethered or immobilized by scar tissue and the
patient complains of severe neuritic pain. In spite of this limited indication, external
neurolysis is performed as the first step of almost all types of nerve repair. Figure 4.1
demonstrates the situation of a scarred sciatic nerve (Fig. 4.1a) and its appearance
after external neurolysis (Fig. 4.1b).
Internal neurolysis is the exposure of nerve fascicles after epineurotomy and their
separation by interfascicular dissection or by removal of interfascicular scar tissue.
It is an essential part of some procedures [2] as follows: (1) separation of intact from
damaged fascicles in partially damaged nerves, (2) separation of a fascicle during a
4 Conventional Strategies for Nerve Repair 43
a b
Fig. 4.1 Intraoperative view of a gunshot injury to the sciatic nerve. (a) Scar tissue involving the
nerve. (b) After external neurolysis the main trunk of the nerve as well as its peroneal and tibial
divisions can be identified. D distal, M medial, PN peroneal nerve, SN sciatic nerve, TN tibial nerve
nerve transfer, and (3) separation of intact fascicles during removal of a benign
nerve tumor. Another indication for this procedure is given when there is an incom-
plete nerve tissue loss distal to the lesion, but the patient has pain of neuritic nature
which does not respond to conservative management. When performing this tech-
nique, the surgeon should keep in mind that the removal of abundant fibrous tissue
between the fascicles may impair the blood supply to this structure [18] with the
potential risk of some loss of function.
Since Hueter in 1873 [6] described an end-to-end coaptation of nerve ends by plac-
ing sutures in the epineurium, the end-to-end suture became the procedure of choice
for nerve lesions where opposition of stumps can be gained without excessive ten-
sion. Excessive tension across a nerve repair site is known to impair the local blood
circulation, to increase the scarring at the coaptation site, and finally to impair
regeneration. The opposition of the nerve ends is facilitated by mobilization of the
stumps, transposition of the nerve, and, in selected cases, mild flexion of the extrem-
ity. Every nerve repair should be performed with optical magnification (surgical
loupes or microscope) and adequate lighting. The end-to-end neurorrhaphy should
be done only when the nerve gap is small (usually less than 2 cm). A test to evaluate
the possibility of direct suture without prohibitive tension involves passing an epi-
neurial suture of 7-0 nylon. If the suture keep the stumps together without tearing
the epineurium, the end-to-end neurorrhaphy is possible.
There are three types of end-to-end neurorrhaphy: epineurial, perineurial, and
group fascicular. All three procedures always initiate with the preparation of the
nerve ends. Transverse cuts, distant 1 mm from each other, are progressively made
with a sharp instrument (micro scissors or surgical blade) until an area of healthy
appearing fascicles without fibrotic tissue is reached. Following resection of the
devitalized tissue hemostasis is imperative because bleeding could lead to excessive
fibrosis and distortion of the nerve architecture. A small tipped bipolar coagulator or
44 M.G. Siqueira and R.S. Martins
a b
Fig. 4.2 Intraoperative view after resection of a neuroma in continuity of the ulnar nerve at the
elbow. (a) Distance between the two stumps of the nerve after resection of the lesioned tissue and
normal retraction (nerve gap). (b) End-to-end epineurial repair
4 Conventional Strategies for Nerve Repair 45
End-to-side neurorrhaphy was first described by Letievant in 1873 [30], but the idea
was abandoned due to poor results. More than a century later, Viterbo et al. [32]
reintroduced the technique with apparently promising results. The end-to-side neu-
rorrhaphy involves coaptation of the distal stump of a transected nerve to the trunk
of an adjacent healthy donor nerve. It has been proposed as an alternative technique
when the proximal stump of an injured nerve is unavailable or when the nerve gap
is too long to be bridged by a nerve graft. Collateral sprouting is the accepted mech-
anism of nerve regeneration following end-to-side neurorrhaphy, where regenerat-
ing axons originated from the most proximal Ranvier’s node of the donor nerve
grow toward the coaptation site [29, 37]. Whether the receptor nerve should be
coapted to the donor nerve through an epineurotomy or a perineurotomy is still
controversial. Although some experimental papers revealed no difference if a nerve
window at the coaptation site was made or not [32, 33], other investigators claim
that the greater degree of axonal damage to the donor nerve after a perineurotomy
enhances axonal regeneration with better histological results [35, 36]. The clinical
experience with this technique has been published in the form of case reports and
small clinical series, and no randomized clinical trials have been performed in order
to compare end-to-side coaptation to other reconstructive techniques. The clinical
outcomes of end-to-side repair are often disappointing. In a recent published review
of the clinical applications of the technique, Tos et al. [30] demonstrated that a dis-
crepancy between experimental and clinical results still exists, and the authors con-
cluded that at present the end-to-side repair could not substitute standard techniques
in most situations. In the majority of cases, it will provide only limited sensory
recovery [23, 28, 34]. It can be considered a valid therapeutic option only in cases
of failure of other attempts of nerve repair or whenever other approaches are not
feasible, especially when protective sensibility is a reasonable goal.
46 M.G. Siqueira and R.S. Martins
Nerve grafting dates back to Philippeaux and Vulpian in 1817 [9]. In extensive
injuries, especially those due to blunt mechanisms, loss of nerve tissue may produce
lengthy lesions which, when resected, result in a large nerve gap. A nerve gap is
defined as the distance between two ends of a severed nerve and consists not only of
an amount of nerve tissue lost in the injury or debridement but also of the distance
that the nerve has retracted due to its elastic properties [15]. Small nerve gaps
(<2 cm) can be overcome by stretching the nerve stumps to a limited extent to attain
apposition, making possible a primary repair. But when a significant amount of
stretching and mobilization is necessary, the consequent increase in the suture line
tension endangers the extrinsic vascular supply to the nerve leading to connective
tissue proliferation and formation of scar tissue [13]. In this situation of an irreduc-
ible nerve gap, the gold standard management continues to be autologous nerve
grafting. The nerve grafts serve as a guide for the axons of the proximal stump as it
regrows toward the distal stump.
Small-caliber grafts seem to serve better than longer whole nerve grafts [14].
For a nerve graft to survive, it must be revascularized, and when the nerve is too
thick, the central part of the nerve graft will not become revascularized, and the
outcome of the repair will be poor. The sural nerve, by far the most commonly
used donor nerve, is harvested from the ankle until near the knee, and 30–40 cm
of the nerve is usually obtained in adults from each leg for grafting. Other sen-
sory nerves like the medial antebrachial cutaneous or the sensory branch of the
radial nerve are used as well. The grafts should be harvested after the injured
nerves have been exposed, the extent of lesion defined, and the gap between the
prepared nerve stumps measured. Then the number of grafts required is calcu-
lated. To release tension on suture lines, the length of the grafts should be about
15–20% greater than the measured gap because they always present some
shrinkage owing to a relative initial hypovascularization. The nerve grafts are
initially similar to other devascularized tissue implants. The regeneration of the
blood supply must be provided by the nerve stumps and surrounding tissues and
takes some time. In the beginning the graft relies on the imbibition from the sur-
rounding for nutrition. Consequently, long grafts and a poorly vascularized tis-
sue bed could be responsible for ischemic necrosis of the central graft core, with
destruction of Schwann cell tubules and failure of axonal regeneration through
the graft.
The most popular as a graft technique is an interfascicular grouped fascicular
approach described by Millesi in the early 1970s [16, 17]. The principles and surgi-
cal technique of nerve grafting are similar to direct repair. The proximal and distal
ends of the nerve are transversely sectioned until viable fascicles are visualized, and
groups of fascicles are then isolated both proximally and distally. Usually oriented
in a reverse fashion to minimize the diversion of regenerating fibers from the distal
neurorrhaphy, a number of small-caliber nerve grafts are attached between the nerve
ends, connecting corresponding groups of fascicles. The coaptation is maintained
by one or two fine sutures often supplemented by fibrin glue. As much of the
4 Conventional Strategies for Nerve Repair 47
a b
Fig. 4.3 Intraoperative view of a penetrating stab wound to the right supraclavicular region.
(a) An injury of the upper trunk of the brachial plexus was identified. (b) Reconstruction was
performed with nerve grafts. AD anterior division of the upper trunk, C5 fifth spinal nerve, C6 sixth
spinal nerve, D distal, M medial, PD posterior division of the upper trunk, SM sternocleidomastoid
muscle, UT upper trunk, * suprascapular nerve, ** supraclavicular nerves
technique when the normal nerve-muscle interface has been destroyed [1], but
until now there are only a few reports of clinically successful reinnervation in the
literature, and this technique has no stablished role in reconstructive nerve
Epineurial suture repair is generally considered as the gold standard for peripheral
nerve repair, but when nerve trauma is extensive, the suture method can be difficult
and time-consuming. Specific training is necessary for nerve repair by suture which
requires the placement of stitches that persist as foreign bodies producing inflam-
mation and different degrees of scarring. The number of stitches (the less the better
[11]) and the surgical skill certainly play a role in the improvement of outcomes.
Fibrin glue is one of the alternatives to suture [10]. Concentrated fibrinogen and
thrombin are common ingredients in the mostly used fibrin glues, which are differ-
ing in the antifibrinolytic agent contained or the application procedure. Currently,
the use of fibrin sealants as nerve glue still has not been approved and their use on
nerve surgery is considered off-label.
The fibrin sealants simulate the last stages of the clotting cascade forming a sub-
stance resembling a physiologic blood clot that holds the nerve ends together [7].
The artificial “clot” protects the repair from scar tissue and allows healing to occur.
Its structural integrity is preserved for about 3 weeks by the antifibrinolytic compo-
nent of the sealant [5].
The potential advantages of fibrin glue for nerve repair include ease of use,
reduced operative time, less tissue manipulation/trauma with consequent less
inflammation/fibrosis, and maintenance of nerve architecture with better fascicular
alignment [3, 19, 20, 27].
The amount of publications concerning the use of fibrin sealants as nerve glue is
small. A recently published systematic review [25] found 14 animal studies, one
cadaver study, and only one clinical study that fit the study criteria. Although some
of the results were conflicting, most found fibrin glue repair to be efficient (and
sometimes even superior) to suture repair.
The following are some practical remarks: (1) Nerve repair with fibrin glue has
an initial low tensile strength, and its use should be limited to situations without
tension in the coaptation (grafts and nerve transfers) and in cases with difficult
exposures or exceptionally small-caliber nerves; (2) Before the use of the glue, a
meticulous hemostasis should be done, and the nerve surfaces should be dry of
excess fluids to ensure optimal adherence [31]; (3) After nerve repair, the nerve
glue should be left to polymerize and cross-link for several minutes before irriga-
tion; (4)The inevitable small amount of glue that stays between the nerve ends
should not be a concern as fibrin glue is nontoxic and does not block axon regen-
eration [21]; (5) Like in the repair by suture, at the end of the surgery, the upper
extremity should be immobilized for 3 weeks to ensure an ideal environment for
axon regeneration.
4 Conventional Strategies for Nerve Repair 49
Despite the apparent advantages of fibrin glue, its low tensile strength should
always be kept in mind. To overcome this potential disadvantage, two combined
strategies were created: to add fibrin glue to a standard suture repair and to reduce
the number of stitches by using fibrin glue to reinforce the repair. There is no advan-
tage with the first strategy, but the reduced number of stitches may ultimately lead
to better outcomes. In practice the use of a few stitches complemented by the fibrin
glue to enhance the coaptation has been adopted by many nerve surgeons.
Besides the surgical techniques, the results of repair of peripheral nerves are cer-
tainly influenced by some biological aspects:
1. Younger patients recover more completely and in a shorter period of time. This
is probably related to shorter limb length, faster rate of regeneration, and greater
adaptability and compensatory sensory and motor reeducation.
2. The level of the injury. Too proximal injuries require greater metabolic biosyn-
thesis for functional return, and this may exceed the capabilities of the nerve cell
body and result in cell death.
3. The result of the repair of pure motor or pure sensory nerves is usually better. In
mixed-function nerves, the potential for transposition of axons during regenera-
tion with improper end-organ reinnervation exists.
4. The extent of the injury. Lesions in continuity or those with focal neuroma for-
mation or small gaps will present better results than injuries with irreducible
gaps or long length of defect owing to segmental vascular supply, suture line
tension, and biologic considerations in nerve grafting.
5. Associated injury may add further difficulty to nerve regeneration. Polysystemic
trauma, massive deep wounds, sepsis, scar formation, and contraction wound
healing may interfere with the management of the patient.
6. The merits and indications for immediate versus early secondary repair have
been discussed in Chap. 3. However, it is important to emphasize that as the
interval between the time of injury and surgical intervention increases, irrevers-
ible changes occur in the nerve trunk, particularly in the distal segment. In addi-
tion, neurogenic atrophy and fibrosis of denervated muscle segments complicate
the potential for functional recovery. Therefore, early repair is advocated, when-
ever possible.
1. Becker M, Lassner F, Fansa H, Mawrin C, Pallua N. Refinements in nerve to muscle neurotiza-
tion. Muscle Nerve. 2002;26:362–6.
2. Birch R. Surgical disorders of the peripheral nerves. 2nd ed. London: Springer; 2011.
3. Boedts D. A comparative experimental study on nerve repair. Arch Otorhinolaryngol.
50 M.G. Siqueira and R.S. Martins
4. Brunelli G. Direct neurotization of severely damaged muscles. J Hand Surg [Am]. 1982;7:
5. Dunn CJ, Goa KL. Fibrin sealant: a review of its use in surgery and endoscopy. Drugs.
6. Ijkema-Paassen J, Jansen K, Gramsbergen A. Transection of peripheral nerves, bridging strate-
gies and effect evaluation. Biomaterials. 2004;25:1583–92.
7. Isaacs JE, McDaniel CO, Owen JR, Wayne JS. Comparative analysis of biomechanical perfor-
mance of available “nerve glues”. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2008;33:893–9.
8. Lundborg GA. A 25-year perspective of peripheral nerve surgery: evolving neuroscientific
concepts and clinical significance. J Hand Surg [Am]. 2000;25:391–414.
9. Mackinnon S, Dellon AL. Surgery of the peripheral nerve. New York: Thieme Medical; 1988.
10. Martins RS, Siqueira MG, Da Silva CF, Plese JP. Overall assessment of regeneration in periph-
eral nerve lesion repair using fibrin glue, suture, or a combination of the 2 techniques in a rat
model: which is the ideal choice? Surg Neurol. 2005;64:10–6.
11. Martins RS, Teodoro WR, Simplício H, Capellozi VL, Siqueira MG, Yoshinari NH, Pereira JP,
Teixeira MJ. Influence of suture on peripheral nerve regeneration and collagen production at
the site of neurorrhaphy: an experimental study. Neurosurgery. 2011;68:765–72.
12. McNamara MJ, Garrett WE, Seaber AV, Goldner JL. Neurorrhaphy, nerve grafting, and neuro-
tization: a functional comparison of nerve reconstructive techniques. J Hand Surg [Am].
13. Millesi H. Healing of nerves. Clin Plast Surg. 1977;4:459–73.
14. Millesi H. Reappraisal of nerve repair. Surg Clin North Am. 1981;61:321–40.
15. Millesi H. The nerve gap: theory and clinical practice. Hand Clin. 1986;2:651–63.
16. Millesi H, Meissl G, Berger A. The interfascicular nerve-grafting of the median and ulnar
nerves. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1972;54:727–50.
17. Millesi H, Meissl G, Berger A. Further experience with interfascicular grafting of the median,
ulnar, and radial nerves. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1976;58:209–18.
18. Millesi H, Rath TH, Reihsner R, Zoch G. Microsurgical neurolysis: its anatomical and physi-
ological basis and its classification. Microsurgery. 1993;14:430–9.
19. Narakas A. The use of fibrin glue in repair of peripheral nerves. Orthop Clin North Am.
20. Ornelas I, Padilla L, Di Silvio M, Schalch P, Esperante S, Infante PL, Bustamante JC, Avalos P,
Varela D, López M. Fibrin glue: an alternative technique for nerve coaptation – part I. Wave
amplitude, conduction velocity, and plantar-length factors. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2006;22:
21. Palazzi S, Vila-Torres J, Lorenzo JC. Fibrin glue is a sealant and not a nerve barrier. J Reconstr
Microsurg. 1995;11:135–9.
22. Payne SH, Brushart TM. Neurotization of the rat soleus muscle: a quantitative analysis of rein-
nervation. J Hand Surg [Am]. 1997;22:640–3.
23. Pienaar C, Swan MC, De Jager W, Solomons M. Clinical experience with end-to-side nerve
transfer. J Hand Surg Br. 2004;5:438–43.
24. Sakellarides H, Sorbie C, James L. Reinnervation of denervated muscles by nerve transplanta-
tion. Clin Orthop. 1972;83:194–201.
25. Sameen M, Wood TJ, Bain JR. A systematic review on the use of fibrin glue for peripheral
nerve repair. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;127:2381–90.
26. Seddon HJ. Surgical disorders of the peripheral nerve. 2nd ed. Churchill-Livingstone:
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27. Smahel J, Meyer VE, Bachem U. Glueing of peripheral nerves with fibrin: experimental stud-
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Surgical Techniques in the Lesions
of Peripheral Nerves 5
Kartik G. Krishnan
5.1 I ntroduction 53
5.2 T echnology of Illumination and Optics 54
5.2.1 The Operating Microscope 54
5.2.2 The Retractor-Integrated Endoscope 55
5.2.3 The Video Telescope Operating Microscopy (ViTOM) or the Exoscope 56
5.3 Techniques in Nerve Coaptation 59
5.4 Techniques in Intraoperative Diagnostics 62
References 63
5.1 Introduction
Some basic prerequisites for the successful performance of any surgical operation
are the following: (a) profound knowledge [of the structures being manipulated—
anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathophysiology, eventual anomalies, and the
course of abnormalities with passage of time], (b) adequate exposure of the struc-
tures being manipulated [clear illumination, optical magnification, and the variety
of surgical approaches to the target structures], (c) familiarity and dexterity with the
tools of surgery and intraoperative diagnostics, and (d) a sound understanding of the
goals to be achieved, the means to achieve them, the merit the procedure might
bring forth, and implementation of this knowledge to the situation at hand. The
aforementioned concepts do not stand alone as separate entities; they rather inter-
twine in the most appropriate fashion as the surgeon delivers his service to achieve
a particular goal he has in mind.
In the given context, let us consider the example of a peripheral nerve lesion at its
early stage requiring a surgical procedure. One is confronted with specific tasks of (a)
understanding the intrinsic nature of the lesion itself and the functional derangement
it has brought forth; (b) decision-making about the choice of the method of surgical
treatment, viz., release the nerve or reconstruct it with grafts or other means; (c) decid-
ing the choice of technique and surgical approach to the lesion; and (d) implementing
intraoperative diagnostics to deepen the understanding of the lesion.
This chapter will narrate the technical aspects of surgery for peripheral nerve lesions.
Like in any other discipline, the surgical approach to peripheral nerve lesions requires
adequate exposure of the anatomical structures, excellent illumination of the operat-
ing field, and magnification [14, 15]. There are various ways to achieve this.
The modern operating microscope had a widely rotatable head equipped with a cold
light and an optical beam splitter. The microscope head is held by a delicately
balanced holding system, which is either stationary (ceiling mounted) or mobile
(wheel mounted). The modern operating microscope (Fig. 5.1) comes with
Fig. 5.1 The modern operating microscope with the optical beam splitter
5 Surgical Techniques in the Lesions of Peripheral Nerves 55
Suction regulator
Clear vision
de irrigation port
lade bla
rb tor
to rac
rac et
ret wr
d rro
Br Na
c sh
Fig. 5.2 The retractor-integrated Krishnan endoscope in two variations. The narrow one is used
for releasing the median nerve at the carpal tunnel and the tibial nerve at the tarsal tunnel. For all
other purposes, the broader blade is used
56 K.G. Krishnan
The principle is to create a space along the topographical course of the nerve [or
any other structure of surgical interest] by means of soft-tissue retraction and
manipulate the nerve [or the structure of interest]. This technique has found a wide
range of indications and routine application in simple decompression and transposi-
tion of peripheral nerves irrespective of their anatomical location, extensive explo-
ration of nerves for occult pathology, simple nerve suturing, and even harvesting
nerves for grafting. The one main disadvantage of the retractor-integrated endo-
scope is its limitation for use only in non-scarred regions. Furthermore, the use of
the retractor endoscope for the exploration of nerves in patients with a rich layer of
subcutaneous adipose tissue requires extraordinary skills. Clinical trials have shown
the feasibility of application of the retractor endoscope for the exploration of almost
any nerve of the extremities [9, 12]. Figure 5.3 exemplarily depicts the decompres-
sion of the median nerve in carpal tunnel syndrome using the retractor endoscope.
Trials comparing the open nerve release with the endoscopic release have shown
that the long-term results of both methods are just the same; however, the short-term
results of the retractor endoscopic nerve decompression are superior to the open
technique [4].
One issue of endoscopic exploration of peripheral nerves worthy of mention here
is the use of tourniquets on extremities. Application of exsanguinating or non-
exsanguinating tourniquets at the proximal part of the extremity highly facilitates
recognition and visualization of anatomical structures. However, improper applica-
tion of very high pressures for prolonged periods might result in secondary iatro-
genic compression neuropathies and might prove counterproductive. It is to be
borne in mind that there is no single empirical pressure level for upper and lower
extremities. My preferred method is to add 80–110 mm Hg to the present systolic
pressure and pump up the tourniquet to that value. For example, I will apply 180 mm
Hg tourniquet pressure (in a person with a thin arm) when the present systolic pres-
sure is 100 mm Hg. In a person with abundant subcutaneous fat tissue with a sys-
tolic pressure of 100 mm Hg, I will recommend a tourniquet pressure of no more
than 220 mm Hg. Blindly pumping up to 300 mm Hg for arms and 400 mm Hg for
legs should be strongly discouraged. Tourniquets nullify the possibility of any and
all electrophysiological measurements. Thus tourniquets should not be used, when
one contemplates intraoperative monitoring or diagnostics.
5.2.3 T
he Video Telescope Operating Microscopy (ViTOM)
or the Exoscope
a b
c d
Fig. 5.3 The retractor endoscopic decompression of the carpal tunnel. (a–d) The steps of the
surgery until the transverse carpal ligament (tcl) is transected, and the median nerve (m) is deroofed
along its course within the carpal tunnel, atm accessory thenar muscle
Locking screw
90º Exoscope
0º Exoscope
Fig. 5.4 The setting of the exoscope. The mechanical arm is shown to hold the 90° exoscope,
whereas the 0° exoscope is shown as an inset
a 26″ monitor will offer a maximal effective magnification of 16×, whereas a 52″
monitor is capable of offering a 34× magnification. Encouraged by the sleekness of
the system, several groups, including ours, studied the application of the exoscope,
where usually one would use an operating microscope. In this feasibility study, we
successfully performed lumbar spinal discectomies, anterior cervical discectomies
and fusion, evacuation of intracerebral hematomas, removal of schwannomas from
peripheral nerves, and even microvascular anastomoses and microneural sutures
[8]. A possible surgical setup for exoscopic surgery is shown in Fig. 5.5.
The major disadvantage of the exoscope is its mechanical holding arm and the
cumbersome refocusing and variation of magnification. This disadvantage has more
to do with the holding system, rather than the optics and illumination offered by the
exoscope. Various alternative holding arm systems are available, Endocrane,
UniArm, Point Setter, and Versacrane, to name a few. Important features that are yet
to be integrated with the exoscope are fluorescence microscopy and navigation
5 Surgical Techniques in the Lesions of Peripheral Nerves 59
Fig. 5.5 A surgical procedure performed under HD-exoscopic illumination and magnification
match, whereas endoscopes already offer these prospects. In the recent years, aug-
mented reality and image superimposition technology have shown rapid evolution
and are put to use in the automobile industry. The magnifying high-definition exo-
scope, especially when integrated with such powerful tools, is capable of evolving
into yet another advanced gadget for performing surgical operations.
Irrespective of the technology used for achieving illumination, magnification,
and exposure, these appliances should be seen as tools in the armamentarium of the
contemporary surgeon. Routine use of such technology will make the surgeon aptly
recognize the indications for their application whenever and wherever found
Allegedly, the first reported nerve coaptation was performed by the celebrated
Persian physician Avicenna. Before his times peripheral nerves belonged to the cat-
egory of “noli me tangere” or “touch me not,” due to a false conception that touch-
ing severed nerves produced epileptic seizures. Avicenna himself advocated not
touching the nerve, rather bring its severed ends together by adapting the surround-
ing connective tissue [15]. The results of axonal growth depend directly on the
amount of foreign [suture] material implanted to perform the nerve coaptation.
Consequently, meticulous microsurgical techniques were employed, and neurorrha-
phies came to be performed using microminiature suture material (Fig. 5.6). In
order to achieve precision in coaptation of the individual proximal fascicles to their
distal counterparts, the interfascicular nerve suturing technique became popular.
However, this was quickly discarded, owing to the amount of tissue scarring the
interfascicular suture technique had caused within the repaired nerve. The contem-
porary nerve repair technique involves the epineural adaptation of the nerve as a
whole using a few microsutures, having provided the correct orientation of the prox-
imal and distal stumps, and buttressing the suture with the application of fibrin glue
60 K.G. Krishnan
Fig. 5.6 Tension-free and torque-free microminiature suture of the median nerve with grafts. The
inset shows the surgeon’s hand holding a needle driver bearing the suture material
[which is absorbed quickly and replaced by a fine film of autologous fibrous sheath]
(also see Chap. 4). Some experimental works have tested suture-free methods such
as laser welding of nerve ends, which have somehow failed to enter the main stream
of clinical practice [2, 18]. A detailed description of microsurgical techniques and
placement of microminiature suture of nerves are out of the scope of this chapter,
and the reader is referred to Krishnan [10].
One other important issue to prevent [or minimize] intraneural scarring is to
attain a tension-free coaptation of the nerve ends. Consequently, the higher the ten-
sion at the suture line, the poorer is the axonal sprouting and growth across that
suture line. Thus, it is agreed that injury of nerves with tissue deficiency are better
grafted than sutured under tension. Peripheral nerve grafts are taken from superfi-
cial sensory nerves, some of them being sural nerves, saphenous nerves, and medial
and lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerves. It is to be borne in mind that while graft-
ing a “nerve,” the surgeon does not graft axons, rather Schwann cells that serve as a
scaffolding for the sprouting and growing axons from the proximal nerve stump in
order to reach its target structure located distally. There has been a profound and
lasting search for equipotential alternatives to autologous nerve grafts—however so
far in vain. Chapter 7 in this book deals with this issue. Further developments are
awaited along these lines (Chap. 10).
The technical aspects of harvesting nerves for grafting deserve some mention in
this chapter dedicated to surgical technique. The classical approach to harvesting a
nerve is to make the skin incision along the entire course of the graft, carefully dis-
sect and transect the nerve, and prepare it for autologous transplantation. However,
this approach makes the nerve harvest a cumbersome major operation in its own
right. In order to minimize the trauma of nerve harvest, endoscopic techniques were
5 Surgical Techniques in the Lesions of Peripheral Nerves 61
Fig. 5.7 An intraoperative photograph of harvesting the entire sural nerve through a 1 inch skin
incision behind the lateral malleolus using the Assmus nerve stripper
introduced [21]. Albeit being minimally invasive, the endoscopic nerve harvest is
quite time consuming. A much simpler and minimally invasive option was described
by one of the editors of this book (HA): the use of a nerve stripper [1]. This is the
preferred technique of the author of this chapter [11]. The technique is as follows
[referring to the sural nerve—the most harvested nerve for reconstruction]: the sural
nerve is exposed at the level of the lateral malleolus and transected here. With the
use of the Assmus nerve stripper, the entire length of the nerve up to its origin from
the popliteal fossa is dissected and stripped off (Fig. 5.7). The entire procedure takes
approximately 10–20 min depending on the proficiency of the surgeon. One techni-
cal disadvantage of this method is the harvest of only a part of the sural nerve,
especially in the eventuality of the anatomical variation that the nerve bi- or trifur-
cates quite proximally. In this case, a resistance is felt by the surgeon at the point of
bifurcation (usually half way up the dorsal aspect of the calf), and a second skin
incision there might become necessary.
The one main critique the stripping technique has brought forth is the shearing
forces acting on the graft as the nerve is being manipulated. However, it has been
elegantly demonstrated by a microscopic study that the stripped nerves are no more
damaged than those that had been harvested in the open manner [7]. Furthermore,
as already mentioned, as we graft a nerve, we do not transplant the nerve fascicles
or axons; essentially we transplant the Schwann cell scaffolding, which can impos-
sibly be damaged by manipulations no graver than severe homogenization.
62 K.G. Krishnan
There are two kinds of intraoperative diagnostic tools in peripheral nerve lesions,
viz., that of form and that of function. In former times, the fibrotic nerve was pal-
pated so that the surgeon could “feel” its consistency. When found necessary, the
nerve sheath was opened, and the fascicles were explored under the magnification
of the operating microscope. The latter manipulation does run the risk of additional
iatrogenic fibrosis. In modern times, intraoperative ultrasonographic imaging is
able to offer much information about the continuity and condition of the nerve fas-
cicles without having to open the nerve sheath. Neurosonography has become a
standard diagnostic tool for not only judging the grade of fibrosis but also to detect
occult lesions along the course of the explored nerve that otherwise would go unde-
tected. Intraoperative neurosonography is also an important tool to control the
extent of resection in some types of tumors affecting or encompassing peripheral
nerves [6, 19].
A nerve lesion that shows structural integrity does not necessarily mean that the
conduction across the lesion is intact. Intraoperative electrophysiological studies
have come to play a significant role in modern peripheral nerve surgery [3, 16].
Intraoperative electrophysiology can be subdivided into two categories: (a) “moni-
toring” an intact nerve function during a manipulation inside the nerve, e.g., whilst
removing an intraneural tumor, and (b) “diagnosing” the functional integrity of the
lesioned fascicles of a peripheral nerve. For monitoring, somatosensory evoked
potential (SSEP) and motor evoked potential (MEP) tests are the two salient meth-
ods. In addition to this, my preferred technique is to record SSEP from the head
leads and electromyographic potentials (EMG) from the target muscle supplied by
the motor nerve while directly stimulating the nerve fascicles during tumor removal.
Specifically designed stimulation-integrated microdissectors aid in performing the
microsurgical steps of tumor resection and simultaneously stimulate the fascicles.
As opposed to monitoring and preserving the integrity of conducting nerve fascicles
during an intraneural manipulation, the method of choice for intraoperative diagno-
sis is to measure the nerve conduction velocity by means of recording the com-
pound nerve action potential (cNAP) across a nerve lesion. In this method, the nerve
is exposed both proximal and distal to the lesion it lodges; the electrical stimulation
is applied to the nerve proximal to the lesion with a tripolar stimulation electrode in
the shape of a trident hook, and the cNAP is recorded using a bipolar hook electrode
lead placed distal to the nerve lesion (Fig. 5.8). Sometimes it is possible to recog-
nize partial lesions of nerves and replace only those fascicles that do not show con-
duction—effectuating the so-called split repair.
Surgical techniques in peripheral nerve lesions have evolved rapidly with the
availability of technological advancement. The technological breakthrough in many
areas of surgery notwithstanding the basic principles of peripheral nerve surgery
will continue to remain the same. These are as follows: (a) expose the nerve
adequately proximal and distal to the area of lesion; (b) inspect, examine, and study
the lesion meticulously from both the morphological and functional points of view;
(c) constantly endeavor to preserve any available function of the nerve fascicles
5 Surgical Techniques in the Lesions of Peripheral Nerves 63
Fig. 5.8 Intraoperative recording of compound nerve action potential. Inset shows the nerve being
stimulated using a tripolar trident hook electrode proximal to the lesion and the potentials captured
using a bipolar hook electrode. The technologist is seen in the background
while treating a nerve lesion; and lastly (d) treat only those fascicles that are non-
functional with a hope to render them functional.
The means to achieve the abovementioned goals will obviously vary with two
basic qualities of the future nerve surgeon, viz., his open-mindedness to apply new
techniques and his familiarity with evolving technology in every walk of our fasci-
nating times.
1. Assmus H. Sural nerve removal using a nerve stripper. Neurochirurgia (Stuttg). 1983;26:51–2.
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4. Dützmann S, Martin KD, Sobottka S, Marquardt G, Schackert G, Seifert V, Krishnan KG. Open
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6. Koenig RW, Schmidt TE, Heinen CP, Wirtz CR, Kretschmer T, Antoniadis G, Pedro
MT. Intraoperative high-resolution ultrasound: a new technique in the management of periph-
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9. Krishnan KG. Endoscopic decompression of the tarsal tunnel. Tech Foot Ankle Surg.
64 K.G. Krishnan
10. Krishnan KG. Part 4: appendices. In: Krishnan KG, editor. A handbook of flap raising tech-
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11. Krishnan KG. Harvesting of the sural nerve using a stripper. Neurosurgery. 2007;60(1):E208.
12. Krishnan KG, Pinzer T, Schackert G. A novel endoscopic technique in treating single nerve
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release – clinical application. Neurosurgery. 2006;59(1):ONS 89–100.
13. Krishnan KG, Pinzer T, Reber F, Schackert G. The endoscopic exploration of the brachial
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14. Kriss TC, Kriss VM. History of the operating microscope: from magnifying glass to microneu-
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16. Malessy MJ, Pondaag W, van Dijk JG. Electromyography, nerve action potential, and com-
pound motor action potentials in obstetric brachial plexus lesions: validation in the absence of
a “gold standard”. Neurosurgery. 2009;65(4 Suppl):A153–9.
17. Mamelak AN, Danielpour M, Black KL, Hagike M, Berci G. A high-definition exoscope sys-
tem for neurosurgery and other microsurgical disciplines: preliminary report. Surg Innov.
18. Menovsky T, Beek JF. Laser, fibrin glue, or suture repair of peripheral nerves: a comparative
functional, histological, and morphometric study in the rat sciatic nerve. J Neurosurg.
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20. Shirzadi A, Mukherjee D, Drazin DG, et al. Use of the Video Telescope Operating Monitor
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21. Spinks TJ, Adelson PD. Pediatric sural nerve harvest: a fully endoscopic technique.
Neurosurgery. 2009;64(5):360–3; discussion 363–4.
Specific Challenges in Brachial
Plexus Surgery 6
Thomas J. Wilson and Lynda J.-S. Yang
6.1 Introduction 65
6.2 Challenges in the Preoperative Evaluation 66
6.3 Challenges in Intraoperative Decision-Making 71
6.4 Challenges in Postoperative Evaluation 73
Conclusion 75
References 76
6.1 Introduction
Brachial plexus injuries are devastating, resulting in loss of function of the upper
extremity, which carries significant morbidity. In adults, trauma is the most com-
mon etiology of brachial plexus injury. In neonates, the exact pathophysiology of
brachial plexus injuries is unclear but occurs before or during labor and parturition
[1]. Neonatal brachial plexus palsy (NBPP) occurs in approximately 1 in 1000 live
births [5]. A significant proportion of these patients will demonstrate spontaneous
recovery with therapy alone and no operative intervention. However, there remains
a subset of these patients that will not recover without operative intervention.
Until only recently, adult and neonatal brachial plexus palsies were thought of as
nonsurgical pathologies. Little was available in the way of surgical treatment. Early
efforts had poor results which discouraged continuing surgical treatment [32]. World
T.J. Wilson
Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, USA
L.J.-S. Yang, MD, PhD (*)
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
War II ultimately revived the interest in repair of adult brachial plexus injuries, and
during this time, Seddon pursued repair with improved outcomes, sparking a renewed
interest. Neonatal brachial plexus palsy, however, remained a nonsurgical condition
until the work of Gilbert revived interest when he reported improved outcomes and,
in particular, improved safety of operative intervention [27, 29]. As surgery has
increasingly become an option and new innovative techniques have been employed,
a number of challenges have arisen that span the gamut from preoperative evaluation
and decision-making to intraoperative decisions regarding the optimal nerve recon-
struction strategy to be performed to evaluating outcomes in these patients postop-
eratively. In this chapter, we highlight specific challenges facing the peripheral nerve
surgeon in each phase of care and highlight the areas needing further research. While
the majority of these specific challenges pertain to the NBPP population, decisions
regarding whether to perform nerve graft repair or nerve transfer pertain to both the
NBPP population and adult population, and both will be highlighted. As research
continues and new innovative techniques for evaluation and treatment are developed,
these specific challenges are likely to be overcome, but with progress, new chal-
lenges and new questions are likely to be raised.
Preoperatively, the main challenges facing the peripheral nerve surgeon when evalu-
ating a patient with NBPP are (1) determining whether or not to operate and (2) the
optimal timing of operative intervention. This begs the question, what is the optimal
method of evaluation to guide this decision-making? While a significant proportion
of patients with NBPP will recover spontaneously if given time, data also have
shown that earlier operative intervention is associated with improved outcomes fol-
lowing graft repair or nerve transfer [8, 36]. Thus, early dichotomization of patients
into those likely to spontaneously recover and those unlikely to spontaneously
recover has great importance. The most fundamental question to be addressed by all
methods of evaluation that informs the likelihood of recovery is: what is the nature
of the injury? Lesions likely to recover include neurapraxic injuries and axonot-
metic injuries. Those lesions with no hope of spontaneous recovery include nerve
root avulsions (preganglionic) and postganglionic, neurotmetic lesions (ruptures).
The mainstay of evaluation of these patients remains the physical examination.
While documenting a baseline examination shortly after birth is extremely impor-
tant, little is gleaned with regard to prognostication from this initial examination.
The exception may be the presence of Horner’s syndrome in the context of a pan-
plexopathy. The presence of Horner’s syndrome is indicative of a preganglionic,
non-recoverable lesion and an indication for surgery [3]. Aside from this finding,
there are no reliable indicators of non-recoverable lesions. Hence, time must be
allowed to observe for spontaneous recovery. Though the optimal time period is not
universally agreed upon, the most commonly used time period is 3 months. Gilbert
demonstrated that motor outcomes at 5 years of age were poor in those children who
failed to spontaneously recover biceps function by 3 months of age [23, 27, 28].
6 Specific Challenges in Brachial Plexus Surgery 67
Thus, this is the rationale for evaluation at 3 months, with those children not
demonstrating spontaneous recovery of biceps function being unlikely to recover
and thus likely to benefit from operative intervention.
However, further detailed analysis revealed flaws in this system. Michelow and
colleagues demonstrated that if absent biceps function at 3 months is utilized as the
sole criterion for prediction of recovery, the prediction is incorrect in 12% of
patients. When multiple movements were assessed at 3 months and combined into
an overall score, the percentage of incorrect predictions dropped to only 5% [7].
One of the issues with assessment at 3 months of age is that some patients will go
on to develop biceps contraction at 6 months, though the significance of this finding
is uncertain [39, 44]. Waters has shown that patients developing biceps function
after 5 months of age have improved outcomes with operative management com-
pared to nonoperative management [8, 18]. Thus, the significance of delayed recov-
ery of biceps function is unclear. Other tests such as the towel test and cookie test
have been suggested to be helpful in predicting those patients likely to benefit from
surgery [9, 13, 38]. In the towel test, a towel is placed over the infant’s face and the
infant is observed for the ability to remove the towel with the affected arm [9]. In
the cookie test, a small cookie is placed in the infant’s hand and the humerus is held
at the infant’s side. The infant is then observed for the ability to generate enough
elbow flexion to bring the cookie into his/her mouth [13]. This remains a specific
challenge to the peripheral nerve surgeon as there is no consensus as to what method
of evaluation should be used. The ideal evaluation would be highly specific and
sensitive and able to be predictive at a young age.
In adults, one of the mainstays of evaluation of the peripheral nervous system is
the electrodiagnostic study including nerve conduction studies and electromyogra-
phy (EMG), but these studies are fraught with difficulties in neonates. EMG studies
are often difficult to interpret and are often discordant with clinical findings. When
a paralyzed biceps is encountered clinically, one would expect an EMG to show a
loss of motor unit potentials (MUPs) and the presence of denervation activity.
However, frequently, in the setting of a paralyzed biceps in infants, motor unit
potentials are present and denervation activity is absent [36]. A number of reasons
have been suggested for these confusing findings. Malessy and colleagues have sug-
gested five reasons that there may be the presence of motor unit potentials despite
no observed biceps activity: (1) inadequacy of the clinical examination, (2) overes-
timation of the number of motor unit potentials, (3) luxury innervation, (4) central
motor disorders, and (5) abnormal nerve branching [11]. Examining an infant is
limited by the inability of the infant to voluntarily participate in the examination.
For this reason, it may be that Medical Research Council (MRC) grade 1 or 2 move-
ment may be missed. The estimate of the number of motor unit potentials (MUPs)
may be overestimated due to the difference in the size of motor fibers in infants
versus adults. Because fibers are smaller in infants, a significantly larger number of
fibers are recorded for the same EMG needle uptake area compared to adults.
Luxury innervation refers to the idea that muscles have more than one neuromuscu-
lar synapse early in development. During normal development, pruning occurs so
that only one neuromuscular synapse remains. However, there is disagreement
68 T.J. Wilson and L.J.-S. Yang
about when this pruning occurs. If this pruning occurs after birth, it may be that the
presence of a brachial plexus lesion affects this pruning process. It has previously
been shown that in infants with NBPP, intraoperative stimulation of C7 yields elbow
flexion and shoulder abduction, suggesting luxury innervation of the biceps by C7
[10, 40]. This luxury innervation is not pruned due to the lack of competition from
C5 and C6 as a result of the brachial plexus injury. This may result in identifying
MUPs in the biceps from C7 rather than C5 or C6. Many motor pathways depend
on afferent input for normal formation. However, in NBPP, not only is the motor
pathway lost but the afferent sensory pathway is also lost. This may result in abnor-
mal formation of central motor pathways such that even if axonal regeneration
occurs to the biceps, the motor pathways may not form correctly to allow movement
[30, 51]. Finally, abnormal branching of regenerating axons may occur. Because of
abnormal branching and misdirection, axonal regeneration can terminate in other
muscles resulting in co-contraction of various muscles. This co-contraction due to
abnormal branching may result in detection of MUPs despite lack of activation of
the biceps.
With all of the incumbent challenges of EMG and nerve conduction studies in
neonates, we are left to ask whether or not there is any value to obtaining such stud-
ies. There does still appear to be some value to obtaining these studies, and we still
do routinely obtain them. Electrodiagnostic studies can be poor at detecting nerve
root avulsions. We have previously shown that the sensitivity for nerve root avul-
sions is only 27.8%. However, electrodiagnostic studies do appear to be useful in
detecting ruptures. The sensitivity of electrodiagnostic studies for intraoperatively
confirmed ruptures was 92.8%. This pattern is the opposite pattern compared to
computed tomographic (CT) myelography which showed increased sensitivity for
avulsions and lower sensitivity for ruptures. Thus, the two studies complement each
other [24]. Electrodiagnostic studies do potentially provide useful information,
though their interpretation and optimal timing remain challenges in the evaluation
of NBPP.
In addition to the clinical examination and electrodiagnostic studies, a variety of
imaging modalities are available to aid in the evaluation of the patient with
NBPP. However, each modality comes with its own set of challenges, and no
consensus exists for the appropriate set of diagnostic imaging for these patients.
Historically, CT myelography is likely the most commonly employed imaging
modality in these patients. We have shown previously that CT myelography has
only a 58.3% sensitivity for nerve ruptures but a 72.2% sensitivity for avulsions
[24]. While this adds valuable information, CT myelography is certainly not highly
sensitive. Debate also exists as to what criteria should be used to diagnose an avul-
sion. The two most debated criteria are pseudomeningocele alone versus pseudo-
meningocele with absent rootlets. Studies vary in the reported value of each of these
diagnostic criteria. Tse et al. reported a sensitivity of 73% when pseudomeningocele
alone was used versus 68% when pseudomeningocele with absent rootlets was
used. While not highly sensitive, CT myelography is highly specific with reported
specificity of 96% whether pseudomeningocele alone or with absent rootlets was
used [21]. A previous report from Chow and colleagues had shown that utilizing
6 Specific Challenges in Brachial Plexus Surgery 69
pseudomeningocele with absent rootlets for diagnosis improved the specificity from
85% to 98% [12]. One possible explanation for why Tse and colleagues did not find
a similar increase is that their cohort of patients had a high proportion of Narakas
grade 3 and 4 injuries and thus included more injuries to C8 and T1 where avulsions
are more likely to occur. In their study, 18 of 19 pseudomeningoceles identified
contained absent rootlets. If they had had a more mixed population relative to injury
severity and level, they may have observed a similar increase in specificity as Chow
observed [21]. Regardless, the optimal diagnostic criteria remain debated and sen-
sitivity remains a challenge. Additionally, CT myelography brings with it chal-
lenges inherent to the procedure including the invasive nature of the procedure,
instillation of intrathecal contrast and associated risks, and exposure to ionizing
More recently, high-resolution magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and MR
myelography have been used in place of and compared to CT myelography. MR
myelography has been shown to have a similar sensitivity and specificity for nerve
root avulsions compared to CT myelography, 68% and 96%, respectively [21]. In
another study of high-resolution MR imaging, the sensitivity and specificity for
nerve root avulsions were 75% and 82%, respectively [48]. Some of the same issues
are present as with CT myelography, however, including defining the diagnostic
criteria to be used for avulsions and imaging of the more distal nerves for evidence
of rupture. High-resolution MR imaging/MR myelography does offer some advan-
tages, including the noninvasive nature of the study, the lack of intrathecal contrast
administration, and the lack of exposure to ionizing radiation. With a similar sensi-
tivity and specificity compared to CT myelography and the several aforementioned
advantages, we have replaced CT myelography with high-resolution MR imaging in
the evaluation of patients with NBPP.
One challenge of both CT and MR myelography is visualization of the extra-
foraminal nerve roots and trunks in order to evaluate for evidence of rupture.
Ultrasound can help overcome this challenge. Ultrasound is particularly useful in
evaluating the upper and middle trunks and less so the lower trunk. The sensitiv-
ity in identification of neuromas in our study was 84% for both the upper and
middle trunks and 68% for the lower trunk. Ultrasound can also be used to pro-
vide some information about how proximal the injury is based on evaluation of
the serratus anterior and rhomboid muscles. Atrophy in these muscles detected
on ultrasound suggests a proximal injury, making the presence of a viable proxi-
mal stump for nerve grafting less likely and making us favor nerve transfer
instead [25]. Ultrasound has little ability to evaluate the preganglionic segments
of nerve roots, making evaluation for avulsion difficult with this imaging
One of the main challenges in preoperative decision-making is identification of
appropriate candidates for nerve surgery as early as possible. To that end, we
attempted to identify peripartum and neonatal factors that were associated with
persistent NBPP. We identified cephalic presentation, induction or augmentation of
labor, birth weight > 9 lbs., and the presence of Horner’s syndrome as increasing
the likelihood of persistence. Cesarean delivery and Narakas grade 1 and 2 injuries
70 T.J. Wilson and L.J.-S. Yang
University of Michigan
NBPP treatment pathway 0 Months
(New patient)
1 Month
History and physical
Fig. 6.1 Flowchart of the University of Michigan Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy (NBPP) path-
way of presurgery decision-making. US Ultrasound, MRI Magnet Resonance Imaging, MUAP
Motor Unit Action Potential
6 Specific Challenges in Brachial Plexus Surgery 71
consideration is the Doi procedure (double free muscle transfer) [20]. Ray and
colleagues initially described a series of four patients with isolated lower trunk
injuries in whom they performed transfer of the nerve to the brachialis to the anterior
interosseous nerve, with good clinical outcomes [42]. Isolated lower trunk injuries,
however, are relatively uncommon. With concomitant involvement of the upper
brachial plexus, nerve transfer options become more limited. Dodakundi and
colleagues initially reported success of the double free muscle transfer in total
brachial plexus injury [19]. As an adjunctive intervention, wrist arthrodesis has been
shown to improve both finger range of motion and overall hand function in patients
with double free muscle transfer for pan-plexus injury [2]. Recently, Satbhai and
colleagues reported an improvement in overall functional outcome and quality of
life using the double free muscle transfer versus single free muscle transfer or nerve
transfer for patients with pan-plexus injury [46]. However, it is not clear that hand
function was significantly better. In addition, this study pertains to patients with
pan-plexus injury and focuses on the overall function of the limb. In cases of iso-
lated lower trunk injury, it is not clear what strategy, whether nerve graft, nerve
transfer, free muscle transfer, or tendon transfer, yields the best results. Thus, deter-
mining the optimal reconstructive strategy remains challenging.
Postoperatively or, in the case of those neonates who are managed nonoperatively,
throughout the natural history of the condition, we are tasked with evaluating these
children in some way. This is particularly important in order to collect data to
determine if operative intervention is helpful and in order to compare different types
of intervention head to head. To this point, most evaluations have focused on motor
outcomes and grading individual motor movements on scales such as the Medical
Research Council (MRC), Active Movement Scale (AMS), and Louisiana State
University motor grading scales. While a variety of outcome measures have been
used, the five most common in the published literature include range of motion of
the shoulder, range of motion of the elbow, the Mallet scale, MR imaging findings,
and the MRC grading scale [45]. Very few evaluation instruments/metrics are
specifically validated for use in the NBPP population. Validated evaluation instru-
ments/metrics include the Active Movement Scale, Toronto Scale Score, Mallet
Score, Assisting Hand Assessment, and Pediatric Outcomes Data Collection
Instrument [16]. While gross motor function and evaluation of body structure and
function are important, this may not capture the complete picture, as simply grading
motor strength ignores other important factors such as sensation, arm preference,
proprioception, functional use of the extremity, cognitive development, pain, quality
of life, and language development [22]. Thus, it remains a specific challenge to
determine how best to evaluate patients with NBPP. While a number of these
domains of evaluation are specifically to the NBPP population, a similar problem
exists when evaluating adults with brachial plexus injury following intervention.
In this population, it also remains a specific challenge to go beyond purely
74 T.J. Wilson and L.J.-S. Yang
evaluating motor recovery and rather to also evaluate quality of life, functional use
of the affected limb, and pain [22].
One challenge of the postoperative evaluation is determining the optimal dura-
tion of time to follow these patients. From age 5 onward, these patients generally
have stable to improved hand and shoulder function. However, over the same time
course, elbow function tends to slightly deteriorate. This is true whether or not nerve
reconstruction was performed. Children who have poor shoulder external rotation
benefit from shoulder surgery with significant improvement postoperatively [50].
Because of the continued decrease in elbow function and the significant benefit to
shoulder external rotation following surgery for those patients in whom external
rotation limitation is recognized, it is important to follow these patients throughout
childhood and adolescence and into adulthood.
In the general population, approximately 90% of people have a right arm prefer-
ence/dominance. In children with left upper extremity brachial plexus palsy, that
percentage remains roughly the same, 93% in our previous study. However, when
the right upper extremity is the affected limb, only 17% preferred the right limb.
This is a significant deviation away from the population average [54]. This suggests
neural plasticity is at work early in the development of these children. However,
what is not clear is how dominant the unaffected extremity becomes. Is the affected
extremity essentially a useless limb, or is there only a slight preference for the unaf-
fected extremity? More importantly, do surgical interventions improve the func-
tional use of the extremity and reduce the preference for the unaffected extremity?
Finally, do nerve transfers that offer earlier, though some would argue less com-
plete, recovery offer advantages over nerve graft repair due to the fact that recovery
occurs when motor patterns are being established? These are the challenges in eval-
uation that remain to be answered.
It may not simply be weakness that leads to altered limb preference and reduced
functionality. Proprioception plays a large role in the functional use of extremities.
However, to this point, little focus has been given to evaluating proprioception fol-
lowing brachial plexus injury. We have previously assessed elbow position sense in
adolescents with a history of NBPP. We found that position sense is impaired in the
affected limb following NBPP [14]. Similarly, tactile spatial perception is reduced
in the hand of the affected limb following NBPP [15]. It is unclear how much this
affects daily use of the limb and overall limb preference. However, it may be an
important component not assessed by purely focusing on gross motor function.
Further assessments of proprioception and advanced sensory modalities are needed
in future studies to determine their importance in daily activities and which inter-
ventions improve these modalities that contribute to complex functional use.
Delayed or altered use of the affected limb may also affect development in a
more global fashion. Motor impairments in children have previously been reported
to delay language [31]. The nature of the relationship between motor function and
language is unclear. Decreased motor function may impair the ability of the child to
explore the world around them, thus delaying language. We have previously shown
a high rate of language delay in toddlers with a history of NBPP [17]. This finding
has several important implications. First, it suggests that treating children with
6 Specific Challenges in Brachial Plexus Surgery 75
NBPP is more complex than simply focusing on motor rehab. Recognizing the
association of language delay and NBPP means that rehabilitation focused on
language development should be part of the overall rehabilitation program.
Furthermore, it suggests that assessment of language is an important component of
the global assessment of these patients. A further understanding of exactly how
language development and motor deficits, and more specifically NBPP, are linked
may lead to a better understanding of interventions that may address this issue. For
example, if delays in language development result from a decreased ability to
explore the surroundings at a very young age, those interventions that favor early
recovery, i.e., nerve transfers as opposed to nerve graft repair, may favor improved
language development. This remains hypothetical, however, but points to the chal-
lenge of needing more complex evaluations to determine optimal interventions.
With language development being affected, one might hypothesize that behav-
ioral issues may arise in children with a history of NBPP. This hypothesis turns out
to be correct. Children with a history of NBPP show global developmental delays,
difficulty with hand-eye coordination, and a higher incidence of emotional and
behavioral problems. This was closely associated with the severity of initial injury
[6]. One might assume that earlier or more complete recovery may be associated
with a reduction in behavioral problems, but this has never been demonstrated.
Thus, it remains a challenge to evaluate behavioral outcomes and to determine what
factors are associated with reduced behavioral issues, including which interventions
may help reduce these issues.
All of these challenges point to need for more global and comprehensive evalua-
tion of patients with NBPP, both managed operatively and nonoperatively.
Ultimately, what is important to these patients is having the highest quality of life
possible. A number of factors have been identified as affecting the quality of life in
these patients including social impact and peer acceptance, emotional adjustment,
aesthetics and body image, functional limitations, finances, pain, and family dynam-
ics [49]. The diversity of these factors points to the fact that assessment necessarily
involves more than simply assessing motor function. It remains the challenge of the
nerve surgeon taking care of patients with NBPP to develop the optimal assessment
metrics and intervals and to compare interventions head to head using optimized
global metrics, ultimately moving beyond simply the World Health Organization
International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Body Function
and Structure domain and moving into evaluations in the Activity and Participation
domain (
Neonatal brachial plexus palsy is a relatively common pathology. While most
children will recover without surgical intervention, a number of challenges face
the nerve surgeon throughout the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative
care of these patients. Similar dilemmas regarding nerve graft repair versus nerve
transfer face both the nerve surgeon treating NBPP and adult brachial plexus
injury. Surgery for NBPP is in its relative infancy, which is the origin of most of
these challenges. Further data are needed to help overcome these obstacles and
76 T.J. Wilson and L.J.-S. Yang
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Alternative Strategies for Nerve
Reconstruction 7
F. Siemers and K.S. Houschyar
7.1 Introduction 80
7.2 Peripheral Nerve Grafts 81
7.3 Allogeneic Decellularized Nerve Transplantation 83
7.4 Nerve Conduits 85
7.4.1 Biological Nerve Conduits 85
7.4.2 Synthetic Nerve Conduits 86
7.4.3 Technique of Tubulization 88
7.5 Polyesters for Nerve Conduit Fabrication 89
7.5.1 PGA 89
7.5.2 PLA 89
7.5.3 PLLA 90
7.5.4 PLGA 90
7.5.5 PCL 91
7.5.6 Poly(D,L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) 91
7.6 Proteins with Synthetic Biomaterials 91
7.6.1 Nondegradable Nerve Conduits: Silicone, Plastic, and
Polytetrafluoroethylene Tubes 92
7.6.2 Degradable Nerve Conduits 93
7.7 Conclusions and Recommendations 94
References 94
7.1 Introduction
A peripheral nerve injury results whenever a nerve is crushed, compressed, or cut and in
consequence the proper communication between the peripheral and central nervous
system is lost [1]. Peripheral nerves possess the capacity of self-regeneration after trau-
matic injury. The quality of functional regeneration depends on a number of factors
including location of the injury, size, and the age of the individual [2]. The classification
of injury type is useful to understand the likelihood of complete recovery and the prog-
nosis. The longitudinal nature of crushing injuries and different levels of nerve injury
can be seen at various locations along the nerve. This is the most challenging nerve
injury for the surgeon as some fascicles will need to be protected and not “downgraded,”
whereas others will require surgical reconstruction [3] (Table 7.1). Microsurgical recon-
struction is required for reconnecting nerve ends, and if substance loss occurs, the two
stumps must be bridged. Autologous nerve grafts have been the most widely used strat-
egy for bridging nerve gaps; nonetheless, this technique has disadvantages (Table 7.2)
[4]. During the last years, significant developments in materials sciences have
Table 7.2 Advantages and disadvantages of nerve grafts for the repair of peripheral nerve injury
Nerve transplant Advantages Disadvantages
Nerve autograft Provides a suitable environment Limited amount of tissue
for nerve regeneration
No risk of immunological Limited number of grafts
Simple and safe to obtain Donor site morbidity and potential loss
of function
Easy to suture to the injured
Nerve allograft Unlimited source tissue Lack of appropriate animal donor
No donor site trauma for the Uncertain histocompatibility
Ethical and legal concerns
Tissue- Fabricated from polymers or Degradable biomaterials are expensive
engineered biomacromolecules
material Unlimited source materials Antigenicity
Easy to produce Exhibit poor tenacity, making them
difficult to suture to the injured nerve
No donor site trauma
7 Alternative Strategies for Nerve Reconstruction 81
represented lively research in the area of alternative (nonnervous) conduits. There was
an increasing a vailability of a number of new innovative manufacturing procedures and
biomaterials [4]. Translation to the patient of artificial synthetic nerve grafts is still lim-
ited in spite of the large body of preclinical research. Today, the most popular approach
is still biological tubulization with nonnervous autologous tissues, creating a scaffold
that can bridge a nerve gap [4]. In fact, this approach avoids complications due to any
possible graft-versus-host reaction and is less expensive.
Autografts In patients with larger nerve gaps where the injury must be bridged, use
of an autograft remains the most reliable repair technique [3, 5]. Nerve autografts
have been studied extensively, and their superiority over epineurial suturing under
tension has been reported [6]. By using nerve autografts, the surgeons prepare a
structural guidance of the natural material for axonal progression from the proximal
to the distal nerve stumps. Donor sites for autograft nerve tissue are represented by
functionally less important nerves like superficial cutaneous nerve, posterior interos-
seous nerve, sural nerves, or medial and lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerves [6, 7].
The three major types of autografts are trunk grafts, cable grafts, and vascular-
ized nerve grafts [3]. Trunk grafts are mixed motor and sensory grafts. Trunk grafts
have poor functional results due to their instability and large diameters which inhib-
its its ability to properly revascularize the center of the graft. Cable grafts are several
sections of small nerve grafts aligned in parallel to connect fascicular groups.
Vascularized nerve grafts have the advantage that there is no period of ischemia
compared to nonvascularized grafts and the necessity for revascularization is
avoided [3]. Sensory donor nerves are most often used, with the sural nerve being
the most commonly harvested (Fig. 7.1a, b). The choice of autograft is dependent
on several factors, that is, the size of the nerve gap, location of proposed nerve
repair, and associated donor-site morbidity [8]. Use of autografts is currently
restricted to critical nerve gaps of nearly 5 cm length [6].
The main limitations in the use of nerve autografts are considered to be mis-
match of donor nerve size and fascicular inconsistency between the autograft and
the distal/proximal stumps of the recipient nerve. Because a mismatch in axonal
size and alignment further limits the regeneration capacity of the autografts, the
type of nerve autografts chosen, like motor nerves, sensory nerves, or mixed nerves,
is also decisive for a successful outcome [6]. A prolonged surgical time together
with the potential risk of infection and formation of painful neuroma represents
other important drawbacks of nerve autografting [6]. Altogether, the recovery time
for the patient can be prolonged, owing to the need for a second surgery. The limita-
tions of autografts forced researchers to develop alternative manufacturing
approaches for novel nerve conduits for peripheral nerve repair [6].
Allografts Nerve allografts have a history that exceeds that of autografts. In 1885,
Eduard Albert reported the use of a nerve allograft from an amputated limb to bridge a
3 cm median nerve gap arising from resection of a sarcoma [9]. The use of donor-related
82 F. Siemers and K.S. Houschyar
Fig. 7.1 (a, b) Sensory donor nerves are most often used, with the sural nerve being the most
commonly harvested. (a, b) A minimally invasive technique of sural nerve harvesting is begun
through a small incision at the level of the lateral malleolus, thereby identifying the nerve and
inserting the nerve-harvesting device. An additional small incision, if needed, is placed at the junc-
tion of the middle and distal thirds of the lower leg, a landmark at which an anastomosis occurs
between the medial and lateral sural cutaneous nerves
or cadaveric nerve allografts is reserved for devastating or segmental nerve injuries. Like
all tissue allotransplantation, nerve allografts require systemic immunosuppression; the
associated morbidity of immunomodulatory therapy limits the widespread application
of nerve allografting. Several techniques (e.g., irradiation, cold preservation, lyophiliza-
tion) to reduce nerve allograft antigenicity have been published [10].
7 Alternative Strategies for Nerve Reconstruction 83
Since 2007, decellularized nerve grafts are in clinical use. Since 2013, this alterna-
tive is also available in German-speaking countries; however, only a few clinics in
Germany gathered experience in this field (Fig. 7.2).
The allogeneic transplants, which are generated from human donor nerve, com-
bine many advantages due to its macrostructure and the three-dimensional micro-
structure. First clinical observations indicated in broken sensitive nerves good
results to a defect distance of 3 cm. In the ten cases described, the 2-point discrimi-
nation (2PD) was 6 mm or better.
Fig. 7.2 Allogeneic decellularized nerve transplantation. (a) Surgical preparation of the median
nerve. (b) Bridging the nerve gap with a decellularized allogeneic nerve. (c) Suturing the decellu-
larized qallogeneic nerve with the median nerve
84 F. Siemers and K.S. Houschyar
Fig. 7.2 (continued)
The largest prospective study on the use of allogeneic nerve grafts was published
in 2011 by Brooks et al. under the name “RANGER study.” The RANGER study
registry was initiated in 2007 to study the use of processed nerve allografts (AxoGen®
nerve allograft (AxoGen Inc., Alachua, FL)) in contemporary clinical practice [12].
Twelve sites with 25 surgeons contributed data from 132 individual nerve injuries.
Data was analyzed to determine the safety and efficacy of the nerve allograft. Sufficient
data for efficacy analysis were reported in 76 injuries (49 sensory, 18 mixed, and 9
motor nerves). The mean age was 41 ± 17 (18–86) years. The mean graft length was
7 Alternative Strategies for Nerve Reconstruction 85
22 ± 11 (5–50) mm. Subgroup analysis was performed to determine the relationship
to factors known to influence outcomes of nerve repair such as nerve type, gap length,
patient age, time to repair, age of injury, and mechanism of injury. Meaningful recov-
ery was reported in 87% of the repairs reporting quantitative data. No graft-related
adverse experiences were reported, and a 5% revision rate was observed. Processed
nerve allografts performed well and were found to be safe and effective in sensory,
mixed, and motor nerve defects between 5 and 50 mm. The outcomes for safety and
meaningful recovery observed in this study compare favorably to those reported in the
literature for nerve autograft and are higher than those reported for nerve conduits.
Another research team used acellular nerve xenografts and seeded them with
bone marrow stromal cells [14]. When the allograft and the xenograft were com-
pared with electrophysiological studies, it was observed that the xenografts were as
effective as the allografts in regenerating the nerves. Allograft and xenografts have
certain disadvantages such as disease transmission and immunogenicity.
The use of a conduit as a vehicle for moderation and modulation of the cellular and
molecular ambience for nerve regeneration has been widely investigated [15].
A combination of physical, biological, and chemical factors has made the study
of nerve tubes a complex process, rising tremendous interest in the fields of medi-
cine. The ideal tubular material has not yet been established. Several materials,
either of biologic origin or synthetically fabricated, have been applied for these
purposes. The ideal conduit would be made of a low-cost, biologically inert material
that is biocompatible; flexible; thin; transparent; inhibitor of inflammatory pro-
cesses such fibrosis, neuromas, gliomas, swelling, ischemia, and adhesions; and
facilitator of the processes that contribute to regeneration, accumulating factors that
promote nerve growth [15]. Biological conduits such as autologous veins, arteries,
muscle, and heterogeneous collagen tubes denatured skeletal muscle or muscle
basal lamina, veins, and polyglycolic acid (PGA)–collagen tubes [16]. Biomaterials
such as artery, vein, and muscle have been widely used to repair relatively short
nerve defects. These materials can provide support for the nerve in the short term
and degrade to innocuous products after complete nerve regeneration.
86 F. Siemers and K.S. Houschyar
Table 7.3 summarizes the types and the performance of a variety of conduit
In the 1980s, preclinical research by Glasby and colleagues demonstrated that
autografts of skeletal muscle which had been deeply frozen in liquid nitrogen and
subsequently thawed can provide a valuable matrix for the regenerating nerve, when
oriented coaxially with respect to the nerve tissue. In eight patients, this type of
grafts was used to repair injured digital nerves. Assessment from 3 to 11 months
after operation showed recovery to MRC (Medical Research Council) sensory cat-
egory S3+ in all patients [17]. Lundborg reported about different methods of frozen
muscle grafts and other conduits bridging nerve gaps [18].
There are several advantages, however, in using vein conduits for nerve recon-
struction [19]. The tissue composition of veins is similar to that of nerve tissue.
Furthermore, muscle–vein-combined graft conduits have been broadly devised and
effectively employed for repair of segmental nerve injuries [20]. Manoli et al. con-
ducted a retrospective clinical trial in order to compare regeneration results after
digital nerve reconstruction with muscle-in-vein conduits, nerve autografts, or
direct suture [21]. In a total of 46 patients with 53 digital nerve injuries with a seg-
mental nerve injury ranging between 1 and 6 cm, no statistically significant differ-
ences between all three groups could be found. The authors also emphasized that
after harvesting a nerve graft, reduction of sensibility at the donor site occurred in
10 of 14 cases but only in one case after harvesting a muscle-in-vein conduit.
Fig. 7.3 Examples for nerve conduit designs. (a) Acellular nerve repair material and its applica-
tion for the repair of 2 cm ulnar nerve defect in the fourth finger. (b) Acellular nerve repair material
and its application for the repair of 2 cm radial nerve defect in the thumb
88 F. Siemers and K.S. Houschyar
In the meantime, the material choice for nerve conduits shifted toward the use of
more biocompatible synthetic polymers. Biodegradable polyesters, such as polygly-
colic acid (PGA), polylactic acid (PLA), poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL), poly(lactic
acid-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), polyurethanes (PUs), and nonbiodegradable poly-
mers such as methacrylate-based hydrogels, silicone, polystyrene, and polytetra-
fluoroethylene), were used as nerve conduit materials and intensively studied in
preclinical models [6].
Fig. 7.4 Schematic
representation of the
tubulization technique.
(a–c) Nerve stumps are
located with one or two
u-sutures of nylon and c
inserted into the moistened
tube with an overlap of
2–3 mm. (b, d) After
finishing each coaptation,
the lumen has to be rinsed
with normal saline or
electrolyte solution using a
small cannula to remove
any remaining blood clots
7 Alternative Strategies for Nerve Reconstruction 89
Most of current resorbable synthetic polymer membranes on the market are based
on aliphatic polyesters. PGA, PLA, PLLA, PLGA, and PCL are polyesters most
commonly used in the fabrication of nerve conduits.
7.5.1 PGA
The PGA conduit, also known as the GEM Neurotube, has been the most extensively
studied synthetic biodegradable conduit both experimentally and clinically [20]. First
descriptions go back to Mackinnon and Dellon who published in 1990 a report of 15
digital nerve lesions being reconstructed with hollow polyglactin (PGA) conduits
[25]. It is a porous synthetic aliphatic polyester made of polyglycolic acid, which
exhibits a high tensile modulus with very low solubility in organic solvents [26]. In an
earlier study, PGA-based crimped tube device (Neurotube®; Synovis Micro Companies
Alliance, Birmingham, AL, USA) was described for the repair of peripheral nerve
injuries [6]. In a more recent experimental study, bone marrow-derived stem cells
(BMSCs) were combined with PGA tube (PGAt) (Neurotube®) in autografted rat
facial nerves [27]. After cutting of the mandibular branch of the rat facial nerve, surgi-
cal repair consisted of autologous graft in a PGA filled with basement membrane
matrix with undifferentiated bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMSCs) or Schwann-
like cells that had been differentiated from BMSCs. After 6 weeks of surgery, animals
from either cell-containing group had compound muscle action potential amplitudes
significantly higher than the control groups. PGA is also often combined with natural
polymers such as collagen [28]. Weber et al. reported the results of the first random-
ized, prospective, multicenter evaluation comparing autografts and PGA conduits for
the repair of digital nerve gaps [29]. PGA tubes produced good to excellent functional
sensation in 100% of patients with nerve gaps <4 mm, 83% of patients with nerve
gaps 5–7 mm, and 71% of patients with nerve gaps >8 mm.
7.5.2 PLA
PLA (polylactic acid) is one of the most common and important polymers because
of its suitable mechanical properties and biocompatibility [30]. Biocompatible
90 F. Siemers and K.S. Houschyar
PLA can be derived from lactic acid obtained from corn, sugar beet, or wheat. PLA
has been used commercially as membranes, such as Resolut Adapt®, Vicryl®, Epi-
Guide®, and Vivosorb®, and each of these membranes may have its own properties.
PLA was used as a nerve conduit material in a number of studies [31]. In one study,
a multilayer PLA nerve conduit was fabricated by microbraiding to obtain ade-
quate mechanical strength at the injury site [32]. In the experimental applications
on rats, successful regeneration through a 10 mm gap was observed at 8 weeks
after operation. In another study, a PLA nerve conduit was made by immersion
precipitation to bridge a 20 mm long gap in an animal nerve transection model
[33]. The researchers reported that the functional recovery after 18 months was
about 80%, based on electrophysiology and behavior analysis. PLA conduits
grafted with FGF1 (fibroblast growth factor 1) and chitosan–nano-Au (gold) after
plasma activation showed the greatest regeneration capacity and functional recov-
ery when they were tested for their ability to bridge a 15 mm critical gap defect in
a rat sciatic nerve injury model.
7.5.3 PLLA
7.5.4 PLGA
PLGA (poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)) has been the most frequently used biodegrad-
able polymer in tissue engineering for fabricating porous foams for biomedical
applications. PLGA is a co-polyester that has been evaluated extensively as a nerve
guide material due to its ease of fabrication, approval by the FDA, and low inflam-
matory response it created [7]. In an earlier experimental study, PLGA conduits
with longitudinally aligned channels were produced by using a combined thermally
induced phase transition technique and injection molding [36]. Macropores were
organized into bundles of channels up to 20 μm wide in the PLGA matrix, which
then was used as a nerve conduit.
7 Alternative Strategies for Nerve Reconstruction 91
7.5.5 PCL
PCL (poly (ε-caprolactone)), another polyester, has high solubility in organic sol-
vents and low melting temperature (55–60 °C) and glass transition temperatures
(−60 °C) [26]. Oliveira et al. fabricated PCL conduits for regeneration of transected
mouse median nerves and investigated the effect of transplanted MSCs (mesenchy-
mal stem cells) on nerve regeneration by seeding MSCs on the PCL nerve conduits
before grafting [37]. The animals treated with MSCs had a significantly larger num-
ber of regenerated unmyelinated and myelinated nerve fibers and blood vessels
compared to the control group, indicating the possibility of improving regeneration
and function of median nerve after a traumatic lesion.
7.5.6 Poly(D,L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone)
Proteins such as collagen are natural polymers. The blends of natural polymers with
synthetic polymers are considered as hybrid structures. Schmauss et al. analyzed the
nerve regeneration of their patients after reconstruction with collagen nerve conduits
terminated after 12 months [40]. The researchers examined 20 reconstructed nerves
in 16 patients with a mean follow-up of 58.1 months (range, 29.3–93.3 months).
92 F. Siemers and K.S. Houschyar
They found an improved sensibility at current follow-up compared with the 12-month
follow-up in 13 cases. Three cases had the same values, whereas four cases had wors-
ened sensibility. Improvement of sensibility was associated with a significantly
shorter nerve gap length with significantly better results if the gap length was
<10 mm. In another prospective cohort study, the clinical use of artificial nerve con-
duits for digital nerve repair was presented [41]. The researchers presented their
clinical experiences based on a review of the outcome and techniques in the current
literature. Fifteen digital nerve lesions in 14 patients have been overcome by interpo-
sitional grafting of a hollow collagen I conduit. A follow-up of 12 months could be
guaranteed in 12 cases. The mean nerve gap was 12.5 ± 3.7 mm. Four out of 12
patients, assessed 12 months postoperatively, showed excellent sensibility (S4). Five
patients achieved good sensibility, one poor, and two no sensibility. Lohmeyer et al.
presented a prospective two-center cohort study on digital nerve reconstruction with
collagen nerve conduits [42]. The data were put into the context of a comprehensive
review of existing literature. Over a period of 3 years, all consecutive digital nerve
lesions that could not be repaired by tensionless coaptation with a gap length of less
than 26 mm were reconstructed with nerve conduits made from bovine collagen
I. Sensibility was assessed 1 week and 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively by static
and moving 2-point-discrimination (2PD) and monofilament testing. Forty-nine digi-
tal nerve lesions in 40 patients met the inclusion criteria. The mean nerve gap was
12.3 ± 2.3 mm (span 5–25 mm). Forty nerve reconstructions could be included in the
12-month follow-up. Three cases, assessed 12 months postoperatively, showed
excellent sensibility (static 2PD < 6 mm). Seventeen achieved good (2PD 6–10 mm),
5 fair (2PD 11–15 mm), 6 poor (2PD > 15 mm, but protective sensibility), and 9
achieved no sensibility. Monofilament test results were significantly better if gap
length was shorter than 12 mm. Boeckstyns et al. demonstrated in a prospective ran-
domized trial with 43 patients the reparation of the ulnar or the median nerve with a
collagen nerve conduit or with conventional microsurgical techniques [43]. As a
result, use of a collagen conduit produced recovery of motor and sensory functions
that were equivalent to direct suture 24 months after repair when the nerve gap inside
the tube was 6 mm or less.
7.6.1 N
ondegradable Nerve Conduits: Silicone, Plastic,
and Polytetrafluoroethylene Tubes
The silica gel canal was the earliest artificial conduit described in 1982 [44].
Nondegradable nerve conduits generally eliminate the need to harvest autologous
nerves. But nondegradable nerve conduits always cause compression of the regen-
erating nerve that could negatively affect axonal regeneration, and they often cause
inflammation of the surrounding tissues. Furthermore, these types of conduits
require a second surgery for their removal, which could cause more injury to the
patient and pain.
7 Alternative Strategies for Nerve Reconstruction 93
It can be seen that the development of nerve conduits for peripheral nerve repair is
a highly sophisticated and active process. Both conduits and acellular allografts are
useful tools for dealing with short nerve gaps. The convenience of either one should
facilitate adequate nerve debridement and the avoidance of over tensioned repairs.
Though with time and mounting experience the recommended maximum repair
length of conduits seems to be decreasing while that of the acellular allograft seems
to be increasing, the critical gap sizes for either tool are not known. Autograft is still
the gold standard, but in the right situations, either conduits or acellular allograft
can achieve equivalent or at least similar results making them excellent options for
nonessential nerve repairs and something that should be at least considered for more
important nerves. Though autograft donor deficits or complications are typically
minimal or rare, significant problems can occur. The exact roles of both tools in the
nerve repair algorithm continue to be defined.
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Clinical Follow-Up
Gilda Di Masi, Gonzalo Bonilla, and Mariano Socolovsky
8.1 Sensorimotor Evaluations 99
8.2 Pain Evaluation 101
8.3 Global Scales 102
8.4 Post-operative Complications 102
8.4.1 Nerve Damage 102
8.4.2 Vascular Injury 103
8.4.3 Postoperative Bleeding 103
8.4.4 Wound Complications 104
8.4.5 Pain 104
Conclusion 105
References 106
Analysing the results of nerve repair is very important to compare the effectiveness
of different strategies and, thus, develop standardized guidelines for the manage-
ment and treatment of nerve injuries.
This analysis process can be extremely complex, since many different factors
influence functional recovery after peripheral nerve repair. Two of the most impor-
tant variables are the time between the injury and the surgery, and the level of repair.
The deleterious effect of time is widely reflected in the literature [6, 10, 22], no
matter which technique is employed during nerve reconstruction. Within 3 weeks of
denervation, muscle atrophy begins, and over the next 2 years, the muscle is almost
totally replaced by fibrous tissue. If the period to reinnervation of the main effectors
exceeds 24 months, motor recovery will not be achieved due to irreversible muscle
fibrosis. This limitation does not exist for sensory recovery, however, which can be
expected even after delayed and high-level nerve repairs [19].
Patient age is another important factor that we must take into account. The results of
nerve repairs in children are better, because of their higher potential for axonal growing
and the shorter distances between the repair site and target muscle. The latency period
between the lesion and the onset of reinnervation is also less. However, there is no
distinct age threshold after which results suddenly become less favourable.
The mechanism of injury and severity of trauma also influence the outcome.
Nerve injuries caused by traction have a worse prognosis than other injuries like
stab wounds, because they affect large segments of the nerve. Associated bone frac-
tures, vascular injuries and soft tissue defects, all indicators of trauma severity, gen-
erate ischemia, perineural scarring and/or defects in effectors, all of which negatively
influence outcomes.
Certainly, the use of an appropriate surgical technique is essential to recovery. It
is well known that the best results are obtained with end-to-end anastomoses;
however, in most cases, using a nerve graft is necessary.
Graft length is another prognostic factor after the repair of large nerves (median,
ulnar, sciatic, etc.). However, during repair of the brachial plexus, in an analysis
conducted by the current authors, no differences were identified between using
nerve transfers with long grafts (>10 cm) and the reconstruction of primary trunks
with short grafts [24].
The importance of systematic rehabilitation is also well known. However, it is
not easy to quantify adherence to rehabilitation when the results of nerve repair are
analysed. The current authors have developed a scale for this purpose (Table 8.1).
Using this scale to analyse results in a series of patients with brachial plexus injuries
treated with long-graft nerve transfers, the fundamental role played by rehabilita-
tion in determining outcomes was evident [24].
Furthermore, functional outcomes repairing different nerves in comparable cir-
cumstances are not always the same. Numerous studies have been published describ-
ing better results after the repair of the radial nerve than the median or ulnar nerves;
there also is a better prognosis repairing the tibial versus peroneal nerve [11, 14].
To put treatment results in proper perspective, it is important to document these
aforementioned factors. This is especially important for interpreting and evaluating
the results of a specific treatment and, thereby, optimizing treatment strategies.
The degree of sensory and motor recovery is the criterion most commonly used
to evaluate the results of nerve repair. Sensory recovery is not a reliable sign of
regeneration, however, mainly because of its late appearance and difficulties with its
objective evaluation. However, it is important after the repair of particular nerves
like the median, ulnar and tibial nerve, as these provide protective sensation. It is
less important as an outcome following the repair of nerves like the radial, axillary,
musculocutaneous, femoral and fibular nerve.
On the other hand, although motor recovery is also late, it is a reliable sign of
successful regeneration. It takes between 2 and 3 years to achieve maximum motor
recovery, versus 5–7 years for maximum sensory restoration.
In general terms, the follow-up of any patient submitted to a peripheral nerve
reconstructive surgery should be every 2 or 3 months. Clinical evaluation – includ-
ing progression of Tinel’s sign – and serial neurophysiological studies can help
determine early recoveries. The regular endpoint of follow-up is around 3 years for
motor results and around five for sensory recovery. At that time, it is presumed that
the maximum recovery point will be reached. Of course it is not possible to general-
ize these time spans for every patient: depending on the time from trauma to sur-
gery, the distance from the injury site to the target muscles/skin, the type of
reconstruction and so on, the end of follow-up variates from patient to patient.
One important concept to keep in mind when analysing the results of nerve repair
is that of ‘useful recovery’, which entails the functional impact of recovery. The
definition of ‘useful’ is variable and depends on the nerve involved. For example,
useful sensory recovery for the tibial nerve means recovery of superficial pain and
some tactile sensation (≥S2). However, for the median or ulnar nerve, it is also
imperative to recover some two-point discrimination.
Similarly, useful motor recovery (≥M3) after peroneal nerve repair involves plantar
dorsiflexion to 90°, since this is enough for the patient to stop using a foot brace [19].
A variety of scales and questionnaires have been developed and published to
objectify these results. They may be categorized according to the function they eval-
uate: motor, sensory, pain or global.
The scale most commonly used to assess sensorimotor reinnervation is the British
Medical Research Council (BMRC) scale [15] (Tables 8.2 and 8.3). This scale was
promoted and standardized after the Second World War in order to eliminate or
reduce interobserver variability. The motor and sensory components are not inte-
grated, actually operating as two separate scales. The widely used motor scale can
be used to evaluate either bulky muscles or muscle groups or small muscles like the
intrinsic muscles of the hand. On the other hand, the sensory scale has been criti-
cized [20] as being based on subjective parameters.
Tools exist to help us to quantify these results. The goniometer is used to evaluate
active range of motion, and the dynamometer to measure muscle strength. The
tested limb should always be compared with the contralateral limb (if normal).
The grip strength test (using a Jamar dynamometer) is the method most often
used to communicate motor strength results.
Similarly, there are tools to quantify sensory results. The Semmes-Weinstein
monofilament test can be employed to assess cutaneous pressure threshold.
Compared to using a classical tuning fork, this test provides quantitative data that
can be used to monitor nerve regeneration.
The two-point discrimination (2PD) test is a tool for evaluating tactile gno-
sis. Tactile gnosis is the hand’s ability to recognize the characteristics of differ-
ent objects, like their shape and texture. It is an important marker of functional
recovery. One major flaw this test has is that the results can be variable, since
there is no standardization of the technique, and different examiners perform
the test differently. For this reason, it is important to provide a detailed descrip-
tion of the protocol used, especially the pressure applied. It also is not recom-
mended that this test be used as the sole instrument to measure sensory
The shape/texture identification (STI) is a test developed by Rosen and Lundborg
that consist of identifying three forms and three textures, with the index finger in
median nerve injuries and the little finger if the ulnar nerve is affected. In patients
with injury to both nerves, the index finger is assessed.
The Sollerman hand function test consists of 20 activities that replicate the main
handgrips utilized in daily life, such as taking coins from a purse or undoing but-
tons. Each subtest has a score depending on the quality of handgrip and the diffi-
culty the patient has performing the task. This test reflects the integration of sensory
and motor functions.
8 Clinical Follow-Up 101
The numerical rating scale (NRS) for pain and the pain visual analogue scale
(PVAS) are often used to determine pain intensity. Both are easy to apply but have
flaws. First, they treat pain as a linear and continuous phenomenon, which is not so
in most cases. On the other hand, not all patients respond to these scales the same
way, since the experience of pain is very variable.
The McGill Pain Questionnaire [16] is a multidimensional scale that provides
information not only on the intensity of pain but on other characteristics like sensa-
tion quality (e.g. sharp, pins and needles) and the patient’s emotional response to
pain. However, it is too long a questionnaire to readily integrate into daily clinical
The Integrated Pain Score scale [2] (Table 8.4) allows us to record, over time,
the characteristics and intensity of pain. Since it is simple and quick, it allows
The Rosen scale was developed to allow for the documentation and quantification
of functional outcomes after nerve repair at the wrist or distal forearm [21].
It includes three domains: sensory, motor and pain/discomfort. Motor function is
assessed using the MRC scale and grip strength test (with a Jamar dynamometer).
The evaluation of sensory function employs Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments, the
2PD to evaluate tactile gnosis, and the STI test. Pain/discomfort is evaluated using
a scale with four grades (0–3) to categorize hyperesthesia and intolerance to cold.
The disability of arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) outcome questionnaire is an
instrument developed specifically to assess results in the upper limb. It was intro-
duced by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons in collaboration with
other organizations. It is mostly a measure of disability. One of the objectives behind
its development was to facilitate comparisons between different disorders affecting
the upper limb. It is currently available in several different languages, including
English, German, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, French and Dutch. It consists of a
30-item questionnaire addressing the patient’s health status over the preceding week.
Individual items ask about the patient’s difficulty performing various physical activi-
ties due to problems in their shoulder, arm or hand (20 items); the severity of symp-
toms like pain, pain related to activity, tingling, weakness and stiffness (five items);
and the impact these symptoms exert on social activity, work, sleep and self-image
(four items). Each item has five possible answers. The final score ranges from 0 (no
disability) to 100 (severe disability). According to a study by Gummesson et al. [9],
this questionnaire can detect both small and large changes in disability over time
post-operatively in patients with musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb.
The Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ) consists of 37 items that
evaluate disability across six domains: function, activities of daily living, pain, hand
appearance, patient satisfaction and disability at work.
Nerve damage during surgery on peripheral nerves is uncommon. The main cause
of this type of unintentional injury is the surgeon’s unfamiliarity with the regional
anatomy accessed. There is also the possibility of so-called anatomic variants,
which must be taken into account during any procedure, since failure to recognize
such deviations from ‘normal’ can lead to the injury of such structures.
8 Clinical Follow-Up 103
The anatomy of the lower limb has a lower percentage of anatomical variants
than the upper limb. One example of an anatomical variant in the upper limb is the
recurrent branch of the median nerve, which, though always present, can vary in its
location and occasionally be damaged if not recognized.
The nerves most often injured are the median nerve, the ulnar nerve, the digital
nerves and communicating branch between the median and ulnar nerve (Berretini’s
branch or anastomosis). Many nerves are susceptible to damage, like the palmar cuta-
neous branch and the motor branch of the median nerve, the external digital nerve to
the fourth finger and the common digital nerve for the third and fourth finger [8].
Fibrosis of the median nerve, both intra- and perineural, can result from chronic
compression and be secondary to surgery [29]. Fibrosis of this nerve frequently
causes highly annoying dysaesthesias, intense local pain and local skin hypersensi-
tivity. In these cases, neither internal nor external neurolysis is indicated, since it has
not been demonstrated that good results are obtained with these techniques.
8.4.5 Pain
The patient who presents with a traumatic peripheral nerve injury associated with
pain must report certain features for the pain to actually be ascribed to the injury. In
the first place, discomfort should be felt in the distribution of the affected nerve
[26]. Additionally, the area should experience anaesthesia or sensory loss, as it is
rather unlikely for someone to feel pain originating from an injured nerve without
some tactile alterations, regardless of whether the anaesthesia is complete or partial.
In general, pain is described as a burning sensation, as an electric shock or as a very
annoying tingling. Quite often, pain is triggered by stimuli that would otherwise be
non-painful, such as gentle touch (allodynia) [3, 4]. On clinical examination, there
8 Clinical Follow-Up 105
may be autonomic changes in the distribution of the nerve, albeit slight and unlike
those of the reflex sympathetic dystrophy mentioned below. As well, the patient
may have a positive Tinel’s sign, which the examiner can elicit by percussing
directly over the proximal end of the nerve. In doubtful cases, it may be useful to
perform a nerve block with local anaesthetics to confirm the diagnosis [28].
The most important differential diagnoses for neuropathic pain are the com-
plex regional pain syndromes (formerly known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy)
[17, 30]. In these patients, pain initially is acute and dysaesthetic, often felt as a
burning sensation, distributed distally, and associated with exaggerated responses
of the sympathetic nervous system (e.g. sudden flushing and increased sweating
immediately followed by pallor and limb coldness). Sympathetic blockade helps
to confirm the diagnosis and initially provides a certain degree of therapeutic
relief. Long-term control is difficult, however, because the pain tends to be
After it has been determined that the pain is due to an injured nerve, medical
treatment should be administered. One of the most commonly used drugs (and pre-
ferred by the current authors) is gabapentin, starting at a daily dose of 600 mg, usu-
ally plateauing at about 1800 mg, but with a maximum allowable dose of 3600 mg
daily. Amitriptyline, carbamazepine, and ultimately pregabalin are other drugs that
are commonly used to treat neuropathic pain. Other alternatives, like non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs and electrostimulation [13], have proven useful in some
With patients for whom medical treatment is insufficient to alleviate symptoms,
there are two initial surgical options. First, if the nerve is small, superficial and pre-
dominantly sensory, as is the case with the sensory branch of the radial or sural
nerve, it can be directly resected proximal to the injury. With sectioning of the nerve,
the pain disappears at the price of cutaneous anaesthesia in the area supplied by the
peripheral nerve sectioned; almost always, this is well tolerated. This section should
be done, if possible, 15–20 cm proximal to the affected area [1]. On the other hand,
if the nerve cannot be sacrificed, as with the greater sciatic nerve, then neurolysis or
reconstruction with a graft, depending on the severity of the injury, is the treatment
of choice [5]. The right time to perform any of these procedures depends on the
pain’s response to drugs. However, it is generally agreed that a traumatized nerve
that generates pain should be surgically explored if it does not respond to pharma-
cological treatment within a reasonable time frame, not to exceed 45 days [12].
Clinical follow-up in peripheral nerve surgery greatly varies depending on the
time and site of the primary injury, among many other factors that influence the
outcome. Several scales exist, designed to measure the final outcome of a nerve
reconstruction, which is of paramount importance when comparing different
techniques. At present, there is not consensus towards this point, and different
departments use a different way to determine their results. Hopefully, this prob-
lem will be solved in the future if a unique method to evaluate results is
106 G. Di Masi et al.
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Rehabilitation Following Peripheral
Nerve Injury 9
Sarah G. Ewald and Vera Beckmann-Fries
9.1 Introduction 109
9.1.1 Site/Level of Injury 110
9.2 Rehabilitation 110
9.2.1 Evaluation Methods 111
9.2.2 Rehabilitation: Considerations and Methods 113
Conclusion 123
References 124
9.1 Introduction
In general, the more proximal the injury, the greater the impact is on function. A
brachial plexus injury is a severe and devastating injury requiring in most cases
multiple surgeries and a prolonged course of rehabilitation. A more distal injury at
the level of the wrist still impacts function significantly and may have life-changing
implications. For example, an injury resulting in a laceration of the median and
ulnar nerves at the level of the wrist results in loss of sensation and partial loss of
motor function in the hand. Loss of sensation in the hand significantly impacts hand
dexterity and overall hand function and can result in further injury to the hand due
to the lack of protective sensation. In comparison, laceration of the radial nerve at
the level of the wrist results in the lack of sensation on the dorsum of the hand, and
motor function remains intact. As the dorsum of the hand is less directly involved in
tasks that require dexterity, the loss of this sensation, while surely an irritant, has
less impact on overall function. However, laceration of the sensory branch of the
radial nerve can develop as possible source of persistent pain [8].
This chapter will focus on the rehabilitation process for peripheral nerve injuries
that occur distal to the brachial plexus/mid-humerus in the upper extremity.
9.2 Rehabilitation
Biological Factors
- Age
- Extent of Injury (additional structures involved)
- Cognitive Capacity and Function, etc.
Individual Factors
- Personality Environmental Factors
- Motivation - Therapy
- Sense of Coherence - Life Situation
- Goal Orientation - Family and social support, etc.
- Adherence to Therapy, etc.
The therapeutic approach is multimodal and may include treatment to decrease pain
and edema, the use of custom-made or prefabricated splints, instruction in adaptive
methods to improve function in day-to-day life, and facilitation of motor relearning
and sensory reeducation. Nerves recover slowly after laceration and repair, notably
at the rate of 1–3 mm per day after a 2–3-week latency period [6], and a prolonged
course of therapy is usually required. The frequency of therapy may vary consider-
ably depending on the nerve that is injured and the subsequent impact on the
patients’ function and the phase of recovery. The focus of therapy in the initial
phase, defined as the early postoperative phase, is on protecting the injured struc-
tures, reduction of postoperative swelling, pain management, maintaining function
in adjacent noninjured structures, preserving cortical representation, and improving
the level of function in daily activities.
As the patient progresses to the innervation phase, therapy focuses on regaining
motor and sensory function and reintegrating this function into the overall function
of daily living. Pain management or addressing sensory gain of function as hyper-
esthesia may still be a treatment aim. The patient may require splints that balance or
support muscle function in the hand. At each step of the recovery process, it is
important that patients are given tools and instructions that allow them to participate
fully in the process and facilitate their recovery. A well-designed home program is
essential at every step of the rehabilitation process. The program should be reevalu-
ated and adjusted at regular intervals. Effective rehabilitation makes use of the
patients’ resources and abilities during each of the recovery phases. It is beneficial
for a patient to attend therapy at regular intervals to monitor progress and adapt the
home program. For some patients, once the home program is established, it may be
sufficient for therapy visits to take place on a weekly or even monthly basis.
Recovery may be prolonged, and periods of intensive therapy are required when
treatment is initiated and periodically in response to changes or additional surgery.
In this section, we will describe some of the tools and methods used in therapy to
achieve these aims.
114 S.G. Ewald and V. Beckmann-Fries
Table 9.2 Overview of pain management methods used in hand therapy following peripheral
nerve injury
Management used Aim
Positioning the affected body part Prevention of secondary harm through mal
Sensory input Providing positive, comfortable sensations
Thermal modalities Decrease of muscle tone proximal to the injured
side and/or positive comfortable sensations
Transcutaneous electrical nerve Triggers the gate and opiate systems for pain
stimulation (TENS) modulation
Graded motor imagery (which includes Maintain and/or reawaken cortical representation
mirror therapy)
Providing information about injury, pain Improve patient’s ability to cope with and
mechanism, coping strategies self-manage pain
9 Rehabilitation Following Peripheral Nerve Injury 115
Figs. 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5 Image 3 Sensory Roll: Patient discriminates between four different sur-
faces of equal width. Image 4 identifying different types of materials. Image 5 discriminating
among different raised shapes on a sensory block
with identification improves, the difference in the surfaces and objects should
lessen. The objects and surfaces that are part of the sensory reeducation program are
refined continuously to challenge but also at a pace that allows the patient to suc-
ceed in completing the task. Sensory reeducation is challenging and requires intense
concentration on the part of the patient. It is recommended that a patient has a home
program and the training take place several times a day for short periods of time
(5–10 min). Recent innovations in sensory reeducation of the hand include the use
of selective temporary anesthesia at level of the forearm to enhance sensation in the
injured hand [13, 18].
Fig. 9.7 Electrical
stimulation of denervated
muscles (post laceration of
N. ulnaris at wrist level) Splinting
Splints are used to protect a structure, prevent contractures, correct deformities,
enhance movement, and/or facilitate function. As splints to protect a structure can
be easily imagined, we will focus here on splints that enhance movement, facilitate
function, and prevent or correct deformities. Therapists are often challenged to
120 S.G. Ewald and V. Beckmann-Fries
Fig. 9.9 Radial nerve splint with removal dynamic outrigger for finger extension
create a splinting solution that enhances function and is comfortable and acceptable
to the patient.
Fig. 9.11 Thermoplastic
splint for ulnar nerve
prevented. In our experience, patient acceptance of such splints is very good, par-
ticularly when they are permitted some choice as to color and materials and are
fabricated to be as unobtrusive as possible. Example of splints used for ulnar nerve
injuries can be seen in Figs. 9.10 and 9.11.
Fig. 9.15 Tenodesis splint for high-level median and ulnar nerve injuries
When the injury occurs in the distal forearm or at the wrist level, a hand-based
splint that places the thumb in opposition and prevents hyperextension of the MCP
joints can improve function (Figs. 9.16 and 9.17).
Following a peripheral nerve injury, the intensity, quantity, and focus of therapy is
highly variable. The nerve that is injured and the resulting impact upon the patient’s
ability to function play a determining role in the amount and type of therapy that is
needed. “Rehabilitation after any nerve repair is slow and may require extensive
hand therapy input for up to two years” [26]. The recovery process following a
nerve injury can be quite prolonged, and therapeutic treatment must be adjusted
regularly; it is important that patients with nerve injuries are reevaluated and treated
at regular intervals by a skilled therapist. Treatment may include pain manage-
ment, treatment of the resultant scar and edema, protective training, interventions
to enhance function in activities of daily living, splints to enhance function and
minimize contractures, as well as motor and sensory relearning programs. Equally
important is the provision of comprehensive home program that educates the
124 S.G. Ewald and V. Beckmann-Fries
patient and allows him or her to participate in their own recovery process. During
this process, it is imperative that the patient be supported by the health-care team,
and realistic expectations with regard to outcomes are communicated. Although
the patient would surely like to hear that he or she can expect a full recovery, in the
case of median and ulnar nerve injuries, Vordemvenne et al. [25] found on average
that about 70% of hand function could be expected. The health-care team must
communicate not only with the patient but with one another with regard to the
patient’s situation, progress, and further planning.
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Peripheral Nerve Tissue Engineering:
An Outlook on Experimental Concepts 10
Kirsten Haastert-Talini
10.1 T he Leading Thought 127
10.2 The Characteristics of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Through
Bioartificial Nerve Guides 128
10.3 The Concept of Functionalization of Bioartificial Nerve Guides 130
10.4 The Limitations for Translation of Experimental Work into Clinical Application 131
10.4.1 The Perniciousness of Multidisciplinary Approaches 131
10.4.2 The Perils of Preclinical Work 133
10.4.3 The Regulatory Constraints 136
References................................................................................................................................. 136
Illustrations: Lena Julie Freund, MSc Animal Biology and Biomedical Science, Aachen, Germany
10.2 T
he Characteristics of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration
Through Bioartificial Nerve Guides
Proximal nerve end
nerve end
Proximal nerve end
nerve end
Fig. 10.1 The regeneration process occurring when a peripheral nerve gap has been bridged with
a hollow nerve guidance channel can be divided into two main phases (a, b). (a) The molecular and
cellular phase: When the nerve guide is initially filled with plasma exudate, extracellular matrix
molecules and neurotrophic factors accumulate within its lumen (also referred to as the fluid sub-
phase [10]). This is followed by the formation of a loose fibrin bridge between the separated nerve
ends (also referred to as the matrix subphase [10]). The regenerative matrix is then populated by
migrating and proliferating Schwann cells, perineurial cells (mainly fibroblasts), and endothelial
cells (also referred to as the cellular subphase [10]) and, under optimized conditions, by pro-
healing macrophages of the M2a and M2c phenotype [41]. (b) The axonal and myelination phase:
Axonal sprouts travel along the regenerative matrix and the basal laminae provided by the Schwann
cells (also referred to as the axonal subphase [10]). Once axonal sprouts have reached their appro-
priate targets distal to the nerve lesion, they mature and gain in diameter, which induces their
myelination by neighboring Schwann cells (also referred to as the myelination subphase [10])
by the ingrowth of axonal sprouts that follow the migrating Schwann cell front into
the NGC and later by the myelination of those axons that mature and increase in diam-
eter upon making contact to their appropriate target tissue [10]. Once the nerve defect
is healed and the regrown axons have reinnervated their targets, the repair Schwann
cells will undergo another reprogramming and adopt the phenotypes of nonmyelinat-
ing Remak cells or myelinating Schwann cells [29] again.
130 K. Haastert-Talini
10.3 T
he Concept of Functionalization of Bioartificial
Nerve Guides
and the reprogrammed phenotype of repair Schwann cells [29] have disappeared
over time [55]. Pharmacotherapeutic attempts should aim into the incorporation
and timely and spatially balanced liberation of neurotrophic molecules, cyto-
kines, or other substances that could modify the phenotype of Schwann cells
toward a prolonged support of the regeneration program. It has been demon-
strated, for example, that the pharmaceutical substance FTY720P (fingolimod)
promotes the phenotype of the repair Schwann cells in vitro [26], and it needs
future studies to identify if this could be an appropriate pharmacological tool to
be incorporated into drug delivering NGCs.
A highly active research field in the last decades has been the potential use of
cell therapy in peripheral nerve regeneration. Primary autologous Schwann cells
have been representing the first choice of a cellular supplement to tissue-engi-
neered nerve grafts. But although multiple protocols have been developed (e.g., [7,
25, 31, 48]), the harvest of autologous Schwann cells still has almost the same limi-
tation as the harvest of a complete autologous nerve graft. Therefore, the use of
autologous Schwann cells as cellular substitute in a clinical setting is still only an
option for the most devastating cases [34]. This is the reason why in the recent
years, different types of mesenchymal stem cells (derived from bone marrow,
Wharton’s jelly, adipose tissue, or skin) have been explored as potential substitutes
for Schwann cells within tissue-engineered nerve grafts [15, 32, 45, 47]. In this
context, the term “tissue engineering” is not limited to the combination of innova-
tive biomaterials with regeneration-promoting cells, extracellular matrix compo-
nents, or neurotrophic proteins but refers also to the supplementation of these
additives to acellular nerve guides to improve also the performance of those in
long-distance repair [54]. Figure 10.2 summarizes the main concepts for NGC
modification toward the development of an optimized substitute for autologous
nerve grafts.
10.4 T
he Limitations for Translation of Experimental Work
into Clinical Application
At first, material scientists may not always be appropriately introduced by their col-
laboration partners to the specific needs of the biological system they are asked to
develop biomaterials for. This can lead to discrepancies, and although the most
modern fabrication techniques are used, the developed material compositions may
become inappropriate. One example we have experienced in our own group is the
132 K. Haastert-Talini
Proximal nerve end
nerve end
Longitudinal film
Material bound
or Neurotrophic factors
Material bound
or Cytokines
c encapsulated
Material bound
or Pharmaceutical
Fig. 10.2 The remodeling of the peripheral nerve regeneration-supporting properties provided
by an autologous nerve graft includes three main concepts: (a) Providing a three-dimensional
guidance structure within the lumen of hollow nerve guidance channels, e.g., by placing a scaf-
fold providing a channel like porosity or another longitudinal guidance structure. This could be
achieved, for example, by the use of hydrogels, micro- or nanotubules (left), and micro- or
nanofibers (center) or by the introduction of longitudinal films or grooves (right). (b) The inte-
gration of neurotrophic molecules, cytokines, or pharmaceutical substances that are either bound
to the biomaterial or encapsulated for coordinated release should result in the induction of an
optimized and prolonged support of the regeneration process. (c) The incorporation of support
cells aims to provide additional guidance for regrowing axons and to deliver a regeneration-
promoting milieu
10 Peripheral Nerve Tissue Engineering: An Outlook on Experimental Concepts 133
Another obstacle for the translation of all the recent innovations into a promising
new medical product, likely, is the fact that many attempts are not adequately evalu-
ated. Simple biocompatibility studies may convince material scientists in the first
134 K. Haastert-Talini
step, but the novel biomaterials may reveal non-appropriate properties when tested
in a more comprehensive way in challenging preclinical models. The highest poten-
tial for a propagation of a novel nerve guide into a medical product for clinical use
have those approaches that have proven their regeneration-supporting properties in
comprehensive in vitro and in vivo studies. Reports that conclude only from bio-
compatibility studies with glial cell lines, for example, that a biomaterial is very
promising for the fabrication of a NGC, are of minimal value for clinical scientists.
In vitro studies utilizing cell lines can indeed reveal important information, but the
cell lines need to be appropriate for the specific field of neural regeneration
addressed. And for a more substantial indication of the biomaterial properties, those
studies need regularly to be followed by evaluation of the behavior of primary nerve
cells [19]. Also from an ethical point of view, in vitro studies are warranted to
reduce the number of animals devoted to in vivo experiments, but a final compre-
hensive preclinical in vivo evaluation, probably also in different animal models, is
unavoidable [19]. A meaningful result from in vivo studies, again, will only be
obtainable when the different levels of peripheral nerve regeneration that range
from proven regeneration of axons across a substantial distance over evidenced
reinnervation of distal targets (including indicated specificity of this reinnervation)
to, most important, functional recovery [6, 44] are appropriately evaluated. Qualified
preclinical animal models should recapitulate the specific nerve regeneration pro-
cesses, which also take place during peripheral nerve regeneration in human
patients. The rat sciatic nerve transection and reconstruction model is the far most
used in vivo system [1, 18]. Therefore, studies using this model have a higher value
with regard to comparability among each other. The rat sciatic nerve model allows
evaluation of the reconstruction of defect lengths up to 15–20 mm in a large variety
of functional assessments [6, 44]. Although already accepted as a critical defect
length model, the critical defect length in human patients is considerably longer
(> 10 cm), but the rat sciatic nerve model is still the most appropriate and at best
standardized model [1]. The rat median nerve model is considered to be appropriate
for extrapolation toward human upper limb or digital nerve injuries and provides
from an ethical point of view the high advantage of only minimal impairment for the
animal well-being [28]. Rat models have further been developed to additionally
address different health conditions and their impact on peripheral nerve regenera-
tion. Studies performed in the Goto-Kakizaki rat that presents with moderately
increased and clinically relevant blood glucose levels, thus resembling diabetes type
2 conditions [50, 51], deliver information important for an increasing amount of
patients. The mean life expectancy of the laboratory rat additionally allows consid-
eration of delayed nerve reconstruction approaches, a condition that is also highly
relevant for a significant number of patients in which primary nerve reconstruction
cannot be performed due to a seriously affected general health condition [9]. Finally,
after comprehensive preclinical investigation, first inhuman experiences are eventu-
ally achievable by repairing the sural nerve after its harvest as an autologous nerve
graft with the novel nerve guide that is about to be established for clinical use [5].
For the clinical scientists and clinicians interested into the latest developments
and novel medical products that may become available in the nearer future, it is of
outmost importance to know about the predictability of the results published from
10 Peripheral Nerve Tissue Engineering: An Outlook on Experimental Concepts 135
experimental work. Only with this knowledge, the curious reader will be able to
conclude that an experimental approach to develop a novel nerve guide is indeed
promising and deserves the enterprise to be processed toward a clinical product.
In vitro studies demonstrating the biocompatibility with primary peripheral
nerve cells, primary neurons, or organotypic cultures from dorsal root ganglia or
spinal cord preparations and also providing evidence for a stimulated neurite
outgrowth from primary sensory or motor neurons by the tested biomaterial provide
a legitimization for in vivo studies [19]. For this legitimation, it is not obligatory to
demonstrate optimal biomaterial properties by complex peripheral nerve regenera-
tion in vitro models, which evaluate neurite outgrowth from spinal cord slices to
peripheral nerve segments or nerve guide material [17, 56]. The latter in vitro
systems are the most refined and sophisticated ones, but on the opposite, they are
difficult to establish and to propagate.
Preclinical in vivo models should then be chosen in consideration of ethical as
well as assessment concerns [18, 44]. When used as a stand-alone readout, histo-
morphometrical evaluation of axonal regeneration across a certain distance does not
predict the final functional outcome [6]. Such evaluation needs to be combined with
at least one predictive assessment of functional recovery, which can be the histo-
logical proof of target tissue reinnervation by retrograde labeling or the recording of
evoked compound muscle action potentials upon stimulation of the repaired nerve
[6]. Diverse readouts exist to determine the recovery of complex voluntary motor
functions (e.g., video gait analysis in sciatic nerve models or grasping test in median
nerve model) as well as sensory recovery (e.g., von Frey mechanical pain threshold
test) [6, 44]. Such complex evaluations are of course of highest value for the transla-
tion of study results into the propagation of a novel approach toward a medical
product for clinical use.
There is one examination technique, which should receive specific consider-
ation in this context: the calculation of the Sciatic Functional Index (SFI) from
measured distances between the spread toes of the hind paws. The index indicates
complete sciatic nerve dysfunction (no spreading of toes possible anymore) when
calculation of its mathematical formula equates to −100, and it indicates full sci-
atic nerve function when the formula equates to zero [44]. Alternative calculation
of sciatic nerve trunk specific indices, like for the tibial nerve or peroneal nerve
(TFI, PFI), is also performed related to the fact that regenerating axons could be
misdirected from the common sciatic nerve stem into the non-appropriate trunk
[6]. Although results for the calculation of the different functional indices are still
often presented, the assessment of the same has considerable drawbacks when used
to determine the degree of functional motor recovery after nerve gap reconstruc-
tion procedures. While demonstrating enough reliability and values returning to
approximately pre-injury values after nerve crush injuries of different severity
[42], obtainable values after repair of nerve transection, especially with any type of
gap bridging implant, are often not valid to discriminate between treatments as
they do not reach values indicating substantial recovery [44]. This is due to the
already mentioned innervation of alternative motor targets by misdirected regener-
ating axons leading to contractures, joint stiffness, and abnormal paw posture in
general [6, 44]. Therefore, conclusions about the quality of novel NGCs, which are
136 K. Haastert-Talini
Finally, before a novel medical product is made available for clinical use, there are
regulatory aspects that have to be considered and which represent a considerably
high burden especially for cell-supplemented tissue-engineered products that are
not supplemented with the patient’s autologous cells, the so-called advanced ther-
apy medicinal products (regulation on advanced therapies (Regulation (EC)
1394/2007)). Furthermore, regulatory work including toxicity and biocompatibility
tests as well as phase I and II clinical studies are expensive to perform already for
novel nerve implants that are probably cell-free but composed of completely novel
biomaterials. Consideration of the last two points underscores the preceding para-
graphs from this chapter and the need to design experimental studies with high
predictability of a potential clinical value of novel tissue-engineered nerve implants.
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