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Autocad Command List and Explanations Act. 5

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AutoCAD Command List and

Act. 5

AutoCAD Command List

The CENTER dimension command draws a center mark at the center of a selected circle or arc.

To access the Dimcenter command you can:

select Center Mark under the Dimension Menu,


type dce at a Command: prompt,


click on the the Dimcenter button on the Dimensioning toolbar.

--Prompt: Command: Type dimcenter and press Enter.

--Prompt: Select arc or circle: Click on the edge of the desired circle or arc.

The center mark will appear.

COPY Command:

AutoCAD Command List

The COPY command allows you to create duplicates of existing objects and place the copy or
copies at a specified location.

To access the Copy command you can:

type copy, co or cp at a Command: prompt


select Copy under the Modify Menu.

--Prompt: Select objects: Select the item/s you wish to copy.

--Prompt: Select objects: Either select additional items or press Enter to move to the next prompt.

--Prompt: <Basepoint or displacement> Multiple: Use an Osnap or coordinate to locate a position on

the original item being copied or type m to indicate you wish to make multiple copies of an item(s). (The
BASEPOINT selected is the point AutoCAD uses to locate the copy.)

**If Multiple was selected: You will then be asked for a Basepoint in the next prompt.
--Prompt: Second point of displacement: Use an Osnap or coordinate to place the copy of the selected

**If Multiple was selected: You stay in this prompt until you have placed all the copies and press Enter to
exit the command.

EXTRUDE Command:

AutoCAD Command List

The EXTRUDE command allows you to create a solid object from circles, polygons, and objects,
created from or converted to Polylines, that have "closed" paths.

To access the Extrude command you can:

type extrude or ext at a Command: prompt


select Solids, and then Extrude, under the Draw Menu.

—Prompt: Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4

Select objects: Click on the object you wish to extrude and press Enter.

—Prompt: Specify height of extrusion or [Path]: Type in value and press Enter

*NOTE: The height in an extrusion occurs along the Z axis; therefore, you must be aware of the
orientation of the UCS.
You use a positive or negative value depending on the direction you want the extrusion to project.

—Prompt: Specify angle of taper for extrusion <0>: Type in an angle value if you wish to taper the
extrusion or press Enter to select the default value of "0."


Polyline objects (with enclosed path)

GRID Command:

AutoCAD Command List

The GRID command allows you to turn a non-printing Grid ON or OFF and configure the spacing
between the grid points.

To access the Grid command you can:

type grid at a Command: prompt,

click on the GRID button on the Status Line at the bottom of the AutoCAD Screen.

—Prompt: Specify grid spacing (X) or[ ON / OFF / Snap / Aspect] <current value>: Type in a new grid
spacing value or type ON or OFF and press Enter.


AutoCAD Command List

The LINE SCALE (LTSCALE) command allows you to change the scale of the length of dashes in
line symbols.

To activate the Ltscale command you can:

type ltscale or lts at a Command: prompt.

—Prompt: Enter new linetype scale factor<1.0000 or current value listed>: Type in any positive number
and press Enter.

The length of the dashes should change.

Example: If you type .5, the dash lines are halved. If you type 4, the length of the dashes are made four
times longer.


AutoCAD Command List

The PEDIT Command allows you to modify Polylines (Plines) in several ways.

To access the Pedit command you can:

type pedit or pe at a Command: prompt


select Object and then Polyline under the Modify Menu.

—Prompt: Select polyline: Click on the object you wish to modify.

NOTE: If the item you select is not a Polyline (PLINE) a prompt will ask you if you wish to convert it to one.

—Prompt: Enter an option [Close / Join / Width / Edit vertex / Fit / Spline /Decurve / Ltype gen /
Undo]: Select an Option.

Useful Options:

Close— Connects the last segment of a pline to the first.

Open— Removes the closing segment, if the Close option was used previously.

Join— Joins or connects, any pline, lines, or arc that have exact matching endpoints to the selected pline.
Spline— Converts a pline from straight line segments to a Bezier Spline (a set of curves that pass through
the endpoints of each line segment). NOTE: This feature is useful for creating Splines for SHORT BREAK
LINES in a sectional view.

Ltype gen— When OFF, controls the placement of the breaks between dashes in line types like Hidden
Lines so that they break properly at corners.

Undo— Reverses that last Pedit operation.


AutoCAD Command List

The PLINE command allows you to create "grouped" objects that can be extruded, given line width
on the screen, and can contain arc segments.

To access the Pline command you can:

type pline or pl at a Command: prompt


select Polyline under the Draw Menu.

**NOTE: Like a Polygon, a Polyline (PLINE) object is grouped. To change a segment in the Pline grouping
you must Explode it so that it is ungrouped and the elements are standard lines and arcs.

**NOTE: Since it is harder to create objects from Polylines, it is usually easier to create the object out of
standard lines, arcs, and circles and then convert it to Polylines using Pedit's Join option.

—Prompt: Specify start point: To start the pline, click on the screen with the Left mouse button, type in a
coordinate, or use an Osnap.

—Prompt: Current line-width is 0.0000

—Prompt: Specify next point or [Arc / Close / Halfwidth / Lenth / Undo / Width]: select an option or
select the next end of the Pline segment.


Close - Connect the last segment of a pline with the first.

Length - Draws a pline segment at the same angle as and connected to the previous segment using a
length you specify. If the last element was an Arc, the new segment is tangent to the Arc.

Undo - Reverses that last Polyline operation.

Arc - Allows you to create a Pline arc, which can be added to an existing segment, or used to begin a Pline
object. NOTE: When Arc is selected: Prompt changes to: Angle / CEnter / CLose / Direction / Halfwidth
/ Line / Radius / Second pt / Undo / Width / <Endpoint of Arc>:

ARC Options:

Angle - Creates an Arc through a specific number of degrees. A negative value for the angle creates an Arc
that is clockwise in direction.
CEnter - Allows you to specify a center point for the Arc segment.

CLose- Closes the Pline segment by connecting it to the first segment created.

Direction- Allows you to select a starting direction for the arc instead of using the ending direction of the
previous segment as a default.

Line- Switches back to drawing line segments instead of arcs.

Radius - Allows you to specify a radius for the arc.

Second pt - Allows you to create an arc through three points.

REGEN Command:

AutoCAD Command List

The REGEN command allows you to redisplay a drawing from the database.

To access the Regen command you can:

type regen at a Command: prompt and press Enter.

The drawing will be regenerated.

REVOLVE Command:

AutoCAD Command List

The REVOLVE command allows you to create a curved solid from a 2D Polyline object by sweeping
it around an axis. Revolve can be used with an object made from Plines, Polygons, Circles, Ellipses,
and Splines. Objects must have a closed path to be revolved.

To access the Revolve command you can:

type revolve or rev at a Command: prompt


select Solids, and then Revolve, under the Draw Menu.

—Prompt: Current wire frame density: ISOLINES=4

Select objects: Select the object or objects you wish to revolve and press Enter.

—Prompt: Select objects: Either select additional objects as part of the revolve or press Enter to move to
the next prompt.
—Prompt: Specify start point for axis of revolution or define axis by [Object / X (axis)/ Y (axis)]:
Select one end of the axis that the object or objects will be revolved around.

—Prompt: Specify end point of axis: Select the other end of the axis that the object or objects will be
revolved around.

—Prompt: Specify angle of revolution <360>: Type a value for the degrees of revolution and Enter or
press Enter to accept the default of full circle.

SOLDRAW Command:

AutoCAD Command List

The SOLDRAW command is used after the SOLVIEW command to extract 2D images off of a solid

***Before you activate this command, you should use Solview FIRST.***

To access the Soldraw command you can:

type soldraw at a Command: prompt


select Setup, and Draw, under the Solids Menu.

--Prompt: Select viewports to draw...

Select objects: Click on the edge of the viewport(s) you wish to convert to 2D images and press Enter.

The 2D images are projected off of the views.

NOTE: The model is not removed during this command. The 2D images are added to it as separate
drawings. If you double click on the TILE button, located on the Status Line, you will see the model with
the 2D projections touching it.

SOLVIEW Command:

AutoCAD Command List

The SOLVIEW command creates floating viewports and automates the creation of the correct
viewpoint orientations for a TOP, FRONT, and RIGHT SIDE view in the viewports. This command
also creates a series of viewport layers for the Hidden and Dimension lines.

Important NOTE:

***Before you activate this Command you should:

change your UCS to a Front orientation.***

To access the Solview command you can:

type solview at a Command: prompt

select Solids, Setup, and then View, under the Draw Menu.

Adding the FRONT view:

--Prompt: Enter an option [Ucs/Ortho/Auxiliary/

Section]: type U and press Enter.

--Prompt: Enter an option [Named/World/?/Current] <Current>: Press Enter if you have already set your
UCS to Front

--Prompt: Enter view scales <1>: Press Enter or type a value to scale the image in the viewport.

--Prompt: Specify view center: Select the position for the center of the view by clicking on the screen with
the LEFT mouse button (a view of the model appears).

--Prompt:Specify view center: Allows you to reposition the view or accept the position by pressing Enter.

--Prompt: Specify first corner of viewport: Click once and release the LEFT mouse button at one corner
of a rectangle that will surround the image. This is the first corner of a "floating" viewport.

--Prompt: Specify oposite corner of viewport: Drag the mouse and click the LEFT mouse button once to
select the second diagonal corner of the rectanglular "floating" viewport.

--Prompt: Enter view name: Type a name for the view. NOTE: If you have already used the Solview
command and need to redo a view, AutoCAD cannot overwrite the name you gave the view previously. To
get around this, give the view a slightly different name the second time.

SOLDRAW adds a series of Layers to a file. These Layers are used to individually house certain
features such as Hidden, Visible, and Dimension lines FOR EACH SEPARATE VIEWPORT.

If you had to reused the command to replace a view and gave the second view a different name, you
will have a set of layers for each of the named views. You can only use the set for the last name you
used for this view.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The VPORT layer, which is added by this command, houses the floating viewport
edges. In PAPER SPACE the edges surrounding the viewports can be made invisible by clicking on the
LIGHT BULB beside this layer.

Adding Adjacent views:

If you are not in the Solview command, activate it again. There is NO need to change the UCS.

--Prompt: Enter an option [Ucs/Ortho/Auxiliary/

Section/<eXit>]: Type the letter o, for Ortho, and Enter.

--Prompt: Pick side of viewport to project: Click on the edge of the existing floating viewport, on the
side closest to the view you wish to place. The cursor will "snap" to the midpoint on the side of the
viewport you selected. HINT: Click on the TOP edge of the Front viewport for a top view and the RIGHT
SIDE of the Front viewport for a Right Side view. A straight "rubber band" line will appear to be connected to
the existing viewport.

The prompts now repeat the steps you performed for the first viewport, so you can position the view, clip
the viewport' s corners, and give it a name.

NOTE: If you have already used the Solview command and need to redo a view, AutoCAD cannot overwrite
the name you gave the view previously. To get around this, give the view a slightly different name the
second time.

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