Analysis and Classification of Milk Qualityusingelectronicsensoryorgans-Mba-2017
Analysis and Classification of Milk Qualityusingelectronicsensoryorgans-Mba-2017
Analysis and Classification of Milk Qualityusingelectronicsensoryorgans-Mba-2017
A Project Report
Funded by Karnataka State Council for
Science and Technology (KSCST)
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree
Under the guidance of
Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE,
SaIT, Bengaluru-560097.
This is to certify that the Project entitled “ANALYSIS AND CLASSIFICATION OF MILK
QUALITY USING ELECTRONIC SENSORY ORGANS” has been successfully carried out
1ST13EC008, 1ST13EC020, 1ST13EC024 AND 1ST13EC064 respectively in partial
fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING
TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY during the academic year 2016-2017.
________________________ _____________________________
Signature of the guide Signature of the Project Coordinator
Prof.Rajashekhar.B.S, Prof.K.Ezhilarasan, Dept. of ECE,, Dept. of ECE,
SaIT, Bengaluru. SaIT, Bengaluru
________________________ _____________________________
Signature of the HOD Signature of the Principal
External Examiner
1) ___________________________ ______________________
Name Signature
2) ___________________________ ______________________
Name Signature
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.S.PALYA, Via Jalahalli East, Bengaluru - 560 097
Violating any of the above conditions, we will accept the action taken by the
Department College/VTU in this regard.
Place: Bangalore.
The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of the people who made it possible, whose constant guidance
and encouragement crowned the efforts with success.
We would like to proudly thank management of Sambhram Institute of Technology for providing
such a healthy environment for the successful completion of Project Work.
We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. H.G. Chandrakanth, Principal, SaIT for his
encouragement that motivated us for the successful completion of Project Work.
It gives immense pleasure to thank Dr. C.V. Ravi Shankar, Head of Department, ECE, SaIT,
for his constant support and encouragement.
In addition, we would like to express our deepest sense of gratitude to our Project guide
Prof. Rajaskekhar B S. Assistant Professor Department of ECE, SaIT, for his constant support
and guidance throughout the Project Work.
Finally, we would hereby acknowledge and thank our parents and friends who has been a
source of inspiration and instrument in the successful completion of the project work.
The milk is the dietary fluid secreted by the mammary gland of mammals. The high
quality milk should have better density and is free from the adulterants. Milk is most
commercially sold commodity both by local vendor’s as well super markets. However in local
areas to increase the yield certain adulterants are added which may affect the nutritional quality
of milk. Milk adulteration is a social problem. It exists both in the backward and advanced
countries. Consumption of adulterated milk causes serious health problems and a great concern
to the food industry. The Country milk producers and consumers facing problem to find the
quality of milk, accept the fair of price and consumption. So it is necessary to ensure the quality
of milk by measuring type and amount of adulterants that are added to the milk. This is
performed by using combined electronic sensory instrumental system such as electronic nose (e-
nose), electronic tongue (e-tongue) and PH electrodes.
Complex data sets from the e-nose, e-tongue and pH electrode signals are combined with
multivariate statics represents rapid and efficient tools for classification, discrimination,
recognition and identification of adulterants as well as the concentration of different compound
leads to analyze and ensure the quality of milk.
This project is implemented using PIC18F4520 microcontroller. All the sensors are
combined to form compact and flexible system which analyze and classify the quality of milk
into different grades and finally output displayed on LCD screen. Problem faced in small diaries
and by the individuals can be prevented by detecting the quality of milk, and also prevent from
causing the hazardous diseases by detecting the adulteration of milk.
Chapter Title Page
no. no.
1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................... 1
2 LITERATURE SURVEY................................................................ 7
2.1 Objectives................................................................................... 13
3.1 Block Diagram....................................................................... 15
3.1.1 Milk Samples................................................................. 15
3.1.2 Sensors Block................................................................ 17
3.1.3 Hex Keypad................................................................... 22
3.1.4 Microcontroller.............................................................. 22
3.1.5 LCD Display................................................................. 23
4.1 Hardware Description............................................................ 25
4.2 Software Description.............................................................. 25
4.2.1 Embedded C.................................................................. 25
4.2.2 MPLAB X IDE.............................................................. 26
4.2.3 Proteus Design Suite..................................................... 28
4.2.4 PICKIT 2....................................................................... 29
5.1 Flowchart................................................................................. 31
5.2 Experimental Procedure.......................................................... 33
6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION....................................................... 36
6.1 Sample 1- Fresh Milk............................................................. 36
6.2 Sample 2- Milk + Water + Sugar........................................... 37
6.3 Sample 3- Milk + Water + Salt.............................................. 38
6.4 Sample 4- Milk + Water + Soap............................................ 40
6.5 Sample 3- Milk + Water + H2O2............................................ 41
6.6 Other Possible Outcomes........................................................ 42
7.1 Advantages............................................................................ 45
7.2 Disadvantages........................................................................ 45
7.3 Applications.......................................................................... 45
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK........................................ 47
REFERENCES................................................................................. 48
Figure Page
no. Title no.
2.1. ISI lactometer.......................................................................................... 12
3.1. Block diagram of analysis and classification of milk quality................. 15
3.2. Fresh milk sample................................................................................... 16
3.3. Adulterated milk sample......................................................................... 16
3.4. pH sensor................................................................................................. 17
3.5. Temperature sensor................................................................................. 19
3.6. Air quality sensor.................................................................................... 20
3.7. Conductivity sensor................................................................................. 21
3.8. 4x4hex keypad......................................................................................... 22
3.9. Pic18f4520 microcontroller..................................................................... 23
3.10. 20x4 LCD display................................................................................... 24
5.1. Initial display of LCD............................................................................. 34
5.2. Device initialization................................................................................ 34
5.3. Milk test types......................................................................................... 34
5.4. List of milk test....................................................................................... 35
5.5. Wrong option display.............................................................................. 35
6.1. Parameter values obtained for sample-1................................................. 36
6.2. Condition/Purity of sample-1.................................................................. 37
6.3. Quality of sample-1................................................................................. 37
6.4. Parameter values obtained for sample-2................................................. 37
6.5. Condition/Purity of sample-2.................................................................. 37
6.6. Quality of sample-2................................................................................. 38
6.7. Grade of sample-2................................................................................... 38
6.8. Adulterants present in sample -2............................................................. 38
6.9. Parameter values obtained for sample-3................................................. 38
6.10. Condition/Purity of sample-3.................................................................. 39
6.1. Quality of sample-3................................................................................. 39
6.12. Grade of sample-3.................................................................................... 39
6.13. Adulterants present in sample -3............................................................. 39
6.14. Parameter values obtained for sample-4.................................................. 40
6.15. Condition/Purity of sample-4................................................................... 40
6.16. Quality of sample-4................................................................................. 40
6.17. Grade of sample-4.................................................................................... 40
6.18. Adulterants present in sample -4............................................................. 41
6.19. Parameter values obtained for sample-5.................................................. 41
6.20. Condition/Purity of sample-5................................................................... 41
6.21. Quality of sample-5................................................................................. 42
6.22. Grade of sample-5.................................................................................... 42
6.23. Adulterants present in sample -5............................................................. 42
6.24. Traces of salt/soap present in sample...................................................... 42
6.25. Traces of soap/sugar present in sample................................................... 43
Table Title Page
no. no.
7.1 Various milk tests with adulterants......................................................... 43
7.2 pH range.................................................................................................. 43
7.3 Odor Range............................................................................................. 44
7.4 Taste range.............................................................................................. 44
CFU Colony forming unit
SW-NIR Short Wavelength Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
MALDI- TOF-MS Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass
FT-IR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
PCA Principal Components Analysis
LDA Linear Discriminant Analysis
ANN Artificial Neural Network
SNF Solid Not Fat
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
PVC Polyvinyl Chloride
SPST Single-Pole Single-Throw switch
PIC Peripheral Interface Controller
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
BNC Bayonet Neill-Concelman
IDE Integrated Development Environment
EDA Electronic Design Automation
PCB Printed Circuit Board
ARM Acron RISC Machine
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver or Transmitter
USB Universal Serial Bus
DOS Disk Operating System
CMD Command
PTG Programmer-to-go
HMI Human Machine Interface
Analysis and Classification of Milk Quality Using Electronic Sensory Organs 2016-2017
Milk is a pale liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. It is the primary
source of nutrition for infant mammals before they are able to digest other types of food. Early-
lactation milk contains colostrums, which carries the mother's antibodies to its young and can
reduce the risk of many diseases. The principal constituents of milk constitutes of carbohydrate,
fat, protein, vitamins and minerals, enzymes etc. The composition of milk varies considerably
with the breed of cow, stage of lactation, feed, season of the year, and many other factors.
However, some relationships between constituents are very stable and can be used to indicate
whether any tampering with the milk composition has occurred.
Milk is an emulsion or colloid of butterfat globules within a water-based fluid that
contains dissolved carbohydrates and protein aggregates with minerals. Because it is produced as
a food source for the young, all of its contents provide benefits for growth. The principal
requirements are energy (lipids, lactose, and protein), biosynthesis of non-essential amino acids
supplied by proteins (essential amino acids and amino groups), essential fatty acids, vitamins and
inorganic elements and water.
The pH of milk ranges from 6.5 to 6.8 and it changes over time. Milk from
other bovines and non-bovine mammals varies in composition, but has a similar pH.
Initially milk fat is secreted in the form of a fat globule surrounded by a membrane. Each
fat globule is composed almost entirely of triacylglycerols and is surrounded by a membrane
consisting of complex lipids such as phospholipids, along with proteins. These act
as emulsifiers which keep the individual globules from coalescing and protect the contents of
these globules from various enzymes in the fluid portion of the milk. Although 97–98% of lipids
are triacylglycrols, small amounts of di- and monoacylglycerols, free cholesterol and cholesterol
esters, free fatty acids, and phospholipids are also present. Unlike protein and carbohydrates, fat
composition in milk varies widely in the composition due to genetic, lactation, and nutritional
factor difference between different species.
Like composition, fat globules vary in size from less than 0.2 to about 15 micrometers in
diameter between different species. Diameter may also vary between animals within a species
and at different times within a milking of a single animal. In unhomogenized cow's milk, the fat
globules have an average diameter of two to four micrometers and with homogenization, average
around 0.4 micrometers. The fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K along with essential fatty acids
such as linoleic and linolenic acid are found within the milk fat portion of the milk.
Normal bovine milk contains 30–35 grams of protein per liter of which about 80% is
arranged in casein micelles. Total proteins in milk represent 3.2% of its composition.
The largest structures in the fluid portion of the milk are casein micelles aggregates of
several thousand protein molecules with superficial resemblance to a surfactant micelle, bonded
with the help of nanometer-scale particles of calcium phosphate. Each casein micelle is roughly
spherical and about a tenth of a micrometer across. There are four different types of casein
proteins such as αs1-, αs2-, β-, and κ-caseins. Collectively, they make up around 76–86% of the
protein in milk, by weight. Most of the casein proteins are bound into the micelles. There are
several competing theories regarding the precise structure of the micelles, but they share one
important feature: the outermost layer consists of strands of one type of protein, k-casein,
reaching out from the body of the micelle into the surrounding fluid. These kappa-casein
molecules all have a negative electrical charge and therefore repel each other, keeping the
micelles separated under normal conditions and in a stable colloidal suspension in the water-
based surrounding fluid.
Milk contains dozens of other types of proteins beside caseins and including enzymes.
These other proteins are more water-soluble than caseins and do not form larger structures.
Because the proteins remain suspended in whey remaining when caseins coagulate into curds,
they are collectively known as whey proteins. Whey proteins make up approximately 20% of the
protein in milk by weight. Lacto globulin is the most common whey protein by a large margin.
Minerals or milk salts are traditional names for a variety of cat-ions and an-ions within
bovine milk. Calcium, phosphate, magnesium, sodium, potassium, citrate, and chlorine are all
included as minerals and they typically occur at concentration of 5–40 mM. The milk salts
strongly interact with casein, most notably calcium phosphate. It is present in excess and often,
much greater excess of solubility of solid calcium phosphate. In addition to calcium, milk is a
good source of many other vitamins. Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, K, E, thiamine, niacin, biotin,
riboflavin, folates, and pantothenic acid are all present in milk.
Milk contains several different carbohydrate including lactose, glucose, galactose, and
other oligosaccharides. The lactose gives milk its sweet taste and contributes approximately 40%
unsweetened, but most is sweetened. In Latin America, for example, condensed milk is often
used in cooking and baking instead of jam.
Evaporated milk results from the partial removal of water from whole or skimmed milk.
Processing includes heat-treating to make the milk bacteriologically safe and stable. Evaporated
milk is generally mixed with other foods, such as in milky tea.
Dry milk or milk powder is obtained from the dehydration of milk and is usually in the
form of powder or granules.
A national survey in India has revealed that almost 70% of the milk sold and consumed
in India is adulterated by contaminants such as detergent and skim milk powder, but impure
water is the highest contaminant. Water is cheap and so the adulterated milk can be sold at a
higher profit. Usually the adulteration will make the product more profitable, while the fraud
goes undetected. Milk adulteration is a very common food fraud and is posing a big social
problem in today’s world.
Good-quality raw milk has to be free of debris and sediments free of off-flavors and
abnormal color and odor, low in bacterial count, free of chemicals (e.g., antibiotics, detergents);
and of normal composition and acidity. The quality of raw milk is the primary factor determining
the quality of milk products. Good-quality milk products can be produced only from good-
quality raw milk.
The hygienic quality of milk is of crucial importance in producing milk and milk
products that are safe and suitable for their intended uses. To achieve this quality, good hygiene
practices should be applied throughout the dairy chain. Among the causes of small-scale dairy
producers’ difficulties in producing hygienic products are informal and unregulated marketing,
handlings and processing of dairy products; lack of financial incentives for quality improvement;
and insufficient knowledge and skills in hygienic practices.
Adulteration in milk has been a cause of concern for both the Government and the Dairy
Industry. The Indian Council of Medical Research has reported that milk adulterants have
hazardous health effects. The detergent in milk can cause food poisoning and other
gastrointestinal complications. Its high alkaline level can also damage body tissue and destroy
proteins. Other synthetic components can cause impairments, heart problems, cancer or even
death. While the immediate effect of drinking milk adulterated with urea, caustic soda and
formalin is gastroenteritis, the long-term effects are far more serious.
Milk is most commonly diluted with water, it not only reduces its nutritional value, but
contaminated water can also cause additional health problems.
The other adulterants used are mainly detergent, foreign fat, starch, sodium hydroxide
(caustic soda), sugar, urea, pond water, salt, malt dextrin, sodium carbonate, formalin, hydrogen
peroxide, and ammonium sulphate.
Apart from the ethical and economical issue, it also creates health hazards. Some of them
are renal and skin disease, eye and heart problem and may also leads to cancer. Since quality of
milk is essential for the survival of living beings on earth. Most of the times, the adulteration is
intentional to make greater profit, but sometimes it may be due to the lack of proper detecting
technology. Sometimes natural milk is adulterated with low value ingredient. Adulteration
reduces the quality of milk also it reduces its nutritional value, and can even make it hazardous.
Adulterants like soap, acid, starch, salt, table sugar and flour. Chemicals like formalin, H2O2 may
be added to milk. So for preventing these, determination of milk adulteration is very important.
For detection of adulterants sophisticated instrument is required. With the advancement
of technology, newer techniques have been invented to detect different kinds of milk adulterants,
but in the same pace the complex methods of milk adulteration and varieties of milk adulterants
have been evolved.
In this project it is going to analyze the quality of milk by detecting adulterants that are
added. This project mainly has four different parameters to be measured such as pH, odor,
temperature and taste by the use of electronic methods of electronic nose (e-nose), electronic
tongue (e-tongue), pH sensor and temperature sensor.
Milk has a pH of around 6.5 to 6.8, which makes it slightly acidic. Milk contains lactic
acid, which is a hydrogen donor or proton donor. When milk is adulterated the pH value
changes, variation in the pH level of the milk may cause the spoilage of the milk. Hence the
quality of milk sample is tested by checking the pH level by using the pH electrode. As the milk
pH changes during spoilage the voltage across the electrode varies, shifting the resonant
frequency of the sensor.
During a cow's milking, the milk comes out at the cow's body temperature 101.5 degrees
Fahrenheit. It's quickly cooled to 36 degrees Fahrenheit. The boiling point of milk is close to
the boiling point of water, which is 100°C or 212°F at sea level, but milk contains additional
molecules in it, so its boiling point is slightly higher. Milk that has been watered down contains
more water and less solutes, so its freezing point is closer to 0 °C. Most milk processors will
conclude that milk has been watered down if the freezing point is anywhere above -0.250 °C.
When the adulterants are added to milk temperature changes and change in temperature can be
detected using liquid temperature sensor.
The lactose gives milk its sweet taste and contributes approximately 40% of whole cow's
milk's calories. Lactose is a disaccharide composite of two simple sugars, glucose and galactose.
When milk is adulterated taste changes which can be detected using electronic tongue. An
electronic tongue is a sensor which measures and compares taste of liquid or solid samples .To
analyze the bacteria growth is an important task since the bacteria can cause diseases and make
the milk unstable. Electronic tongue can be used to identify and recognize specific components
in a solution. In this approach, experiments are conducted using an electronic tongue to virtually
monitor the quality of milk.
Usually cows breathe air with a barny odor and transfer it to the milk. The concentration
of odor will vary from fresh milk to adulterated milk. Dust, dirt and manure can cause an unclean
flavor of milk, in addition to this when adulterants are added taste of the milk changes which can
be detected by electronic nose. Electronic nose is a device intended to detect odors or flavors. It
is used to crudely mimic the human olfaction and determines the aroma profile through the
determination of the total profile food volatile components. It is composed of an array of non-
selective sensors which transforms chemical information into an electrical or optical one such
information then gets to be transformed into digital form suitable for computer processing.
Here different samples of milk are taken, which will include fresh milk that is processed
as per the standards and the samples which are contaminated due to adulteration. In general, the
test will be performed with reference to standard parameter values according to which any
abnormalities found in sample will be determining its quality. Depending on the pH, odor, taste
and temperature values of the adulterated milk, deciding whether the given milk is good for
consumption and also deciding whether the adulteration is acidic or alkaline by number of
experimentations and the finally analyzing the experimented values, it is done by electronic
The measurement of milk quality is important for food safety, as well as in the food
production process of the dairy industry. There are several sophisticated methods such as
chromatography; spectroscopy, lactometer etc. are used to detect milk adulteration. These
conventional methods of analysis of food products include expensive and sophisticated
instruments. Such instrumental assessment techniques are time consuming, tedious, expensive
and require elaborate sample preparation and in practice, expert human panels have to be
employed to judge the qualitative parameters in the food and beverage industry. This method of
assessment has some major drawbacks like fatigue, adverse mental state at times, and individual
variability of human experts.
Electrical Methods for the Detection of Bacteria are some traditional methods of
detection involve bacterial enumeration, in which spoilage is detected when increased
metabolism caused by multiplying bacteria renders a colored solution colorless. The methylene
blue reduction test is such an example; however, known flaws of this test include time-
consuming and redundant procedures, as well as an inability to discriminate between bacterial
types. Lee et al [1]. sought to improve upon the methylene blue reduction method while
maintaining its advantages by supplementing it with an amperometric sensor. An amperometric
sensor composed of a circuit with a potentiostat and a pair of electrodes, measures current
change. Amperometric sensors are small and0 inexpensive and have been tested in a variety of
media to detect changes in bacteria such as 0E. coli. Lee et al. inoculated with milk E. coli and
ENT. Aerogenes are two types of coli forms that indicate the sanitary condition. A third sample
contained milk and methylene blue. Meth0ylene blue is blue until the metabolic activity of
bacteria causes it to lose color. Consequently, the bacterial metabolism of the E. coli caused the
reduction of methylene blue in the three samples and also resulted in a current change. Any
current change of more than 0.05 μA was detected with the amperometric sensor and recorded.
The study tracked detection time and provided an estimate of the approximate number of
microorganisms initially in the sample. Corroborating high accuracy in an inverse linear
relationship between the log of the bacterial concentration against the detection time. The
increase of microbial organisms exponentially related to the time from inoculation to the initial
small change in current. Results were favorable. Advantages to this method include a detection
time 0.5 - 2 hours shorter than that obtained with the methylene blue reduction method and a
very broad detection range of 102 - 104 CFU/mL. Furthermore, whereas the methylene blue
reduction method required constant supervision and sampling at a 30-minute interval, the
amperometric sensor could independently record the data. The latter procedure was relatively
simple and inexpensive; accuracy was also a non -issue. However, this method cannot
discriminate between viable and non-viable cells. Furthermore, type of bacteria detection was
lacking. The amperometric sensor could only detect E. coli and Ent. Aerogenes coliforms when
other bacteria such as B. subtilis, Lactobacillus sp., Saccharomyces sp., and Staph. Aureus were
tested upon; they produced a negligible current change.
Wireless Detection and Monitoring of Milk Spoilage is an application of remote-query
technology to detect milk spoilage is an emerging field of experimentation. The remote-query
magnetoelastic sensor platform is a free standing, ribbon-like magnetoelastic thick-film coupled
with a chemical or biochemical sensing layer such as an enzyme that vibrates at a characteristic
resonance frequency [2]. A; pickup coil is then used to remotely detect the magnetic field
generated PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method, speed becomes an issue. The simple
methylene blue reduction method was ponderous as bacteria detection requires constant
supervision. The two methods presented attempts to improve upon these inefficiencies. Not only
does Lee et al.’s[1] experimentation with the amperometric sensor provide a broad detection
range between 102 - 104 CFU/mL, electrochemical techniques are easier to apply and have
lower costs. Lee’s method solved the problem of speed and, more importantly, provided a user-
friendly procedure.
Infrared Spectroscopy as Spoilage Indicator: Spectroscopy is a nondestructive technique,
where spectral features provide biochemical information regarding the molecular interactions
between, and the composition and structure of, different cells and tissues. This method was first
widely applied in the food industry to detect spoilage in beef, rainbow trout fillets, and other
meat products. However, this method had not been experimented on milk until Al-Qadiri, M.
Lin, Al-Holy et al [3]. To do so, they evaluated visible and short wavelength near-infrared
diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (SW-NIR) as a technique to detect milk spoilage in pasteurized
skim milk. They wanted to see the feasibility of applying visible and SW-NIR spectroscopy to
monitor spoilage of pasteurized skim milk in industrial settings. In doing so, Al-Qadiri et al [3]
first took the total aerobic plate count and pH measurements. They then examined the milk
samples at 22˚C to correct for spectral changes that could result from temperature differences
during spectral collection.
The mean pH measurement for control milk samples was 6.66, and they found no
obvious pH decrease for milk samples stored at 6˚C after 30 hours of storage. In experimental
samples, the visible and SW-NIR diffuse spectroscopy detected the formation of metabolic
byproducts from proteolysis and lipolysis caused by bacterial cell growth, which led to a
reduction in pH. This method was effective, but costly. Further work will be needed to identify
which biochemical changes in spoilage micro-organisms correlate with specific SW-NIR spectral
Nicolaou et al [4]. attempted to take infrared spectroscopy further with matrix-assisted
laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI- TOF-MS). MALDI-TOF-
MS has already been used in protein and peptide identification and quantification; however,
Nicolaou et al [4]. wanted to see if it was useful for microbial spoilage assessment because
techniques for identifying and quantifying spoilage bacteria in pasteurized milk are time-
consuming. Their methodology included incubating milk samples and raw pork meat samples at
15˚C and at room temperature, and then analyzing them with MALDI-TOF-MS at a rate of 4-
minute intervals. MALDI-TOF-MS has many advantages, particularly in terms of sensitivity,
accuracy, and speed. Spectrum can be generated within minutes following sample preparation.
It’s most comparable technology is Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. However,
MS allows more equivocal identification of important proteins while FT-IR spectroscopy does
not, or does so at best only empirically through peak assignments. Furthermore, MALDI-TOF-
MS has minimal sample preparation, which contributes to the rapid speed of data collection.
Typical sample speed is 4 minutes per sample, which is considerably faster than classical
microbiological plating approaches that can take up to 2 days. Drawbacks, however, include the
limited use of infrared spectroscopy in the field. The technology is perceived as a tool for
assessing protein qualitatively rather than for measuring microbial bacterial count quantitatively.
Familiarization of MALDI-TOF-MS can help change perceptions and lead to use of this
technology in the dairy industry. However, the technical difficulty of this method renders it
unsuitable for consumer use.
individual platinum electrodes along with a temperature unit for cyclic cooling to measure the ac
conductance of milk adulterated with synthetic milk.
A constant phase element and evaluated its electrical equivalent circuit using LEVMW
software 176 where the change in the parameters of the electrical equivalent circuit reflects
different kinds of adulteration. To determine the fat content of the milk by measuring electrical
conductivity and capacitive reactance of milk measurement was carried out at 100 kHz to avoid
electrode polarization. The measurement requires careful temperature control.
Mabrook et al [8] has reported detection of water content in milk by frequency
admittance measurements. In this method, two L shaped electrodes with dimension of 15 mm×6
mm with a separation of 1 mm are used as sensing element. The conductance decreases
approximately linearly with increasing water content.
Mastitis Detection by Electrical Conductivity Method: Mastitis causes increased
conductivity. This is due to increased Sodium and Chloride ions in milk which in turn gives the
change in the conductivity measurement and is a well known method to detect mastitis in milk.
The accuracy of electrical conductivity detection of sub clinical mastitis is better than all other
indirect methods. Moreover the adaptability of this measurement is more in both manual and
automatic cow-side mastitis detection systems.
There has been extensive research in evaluating electronic noses for monitoring the
quality of milk. The two main components of an electronic nose (E-nose) is the sensing system
and the automated pattern recognition system, the common pattern recognition systems are either
principal component Analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA) or Artificial Neural
Network (ANN). E-nose containing ten different metal oxide semiconductor sensors can monitor
the adulteration of milk by water. The detection of Aflatoxin M1 content in milk by E-Nose
system containing 12 metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) sensors and 12 MOSFETs can be
detected. It has been claimed that the E-nose classification was in complete agreement with
Aflatoxin M1 content measured by an ELISA procedure. E-noses can monitor the aging of milk
and can detect milk volatile compounds.
Capone et al [9] have used an E-nose to measure the development of rancidity in UHT
and pasteurized milk during 8 and 3 days with five different SnO2 thin films, prepared using sol–
gel technology. The claim is, the sensors could distinguish between both types of milk as well as
determine the degree of rancidity of milks.
Electronic tongues or taste sensors has become an interesting tool to detect milk
adulteration. It collects information by an array of sensor and can classify the milk providing the
information whether it is consumable or not. Electronic tongues can be of potentiometric or
voltametric. The manufacturing of the sensors of the array using film of Prussian Blue (PB) in
this the sensing mode is voltametric in which current is measured by varying the potential. The
E-tongue has been used have reported an electronic tongue with 36 cross-sensibility sensor to
detect goat milk adulteration with bovine milk, to detect hydrogen peroxide and fat content of the
milk. The system constitutes of solid state potentiometric sensors (polymeric mixtures are
applied on solid conducting silver-epoxy supports) along with the linear discriminant data
Lactometer is a scientific instrument used to detect water in milk where the change in
specific gravity is measured. Lactometer is a special type of hydrometer used for the
determination of specific gravity of milk and to calculate the total solids and solid not fat (SNF)
in milk. There are different types of lactometers such as zeal lactometer, Quevene type of
lactometer and ISI lactometer shown in figure.2.1.
Sometimes to retain its color a small amount of coloring matter is added. Maltodextrine are used
in dairy foods to add flavor and reduce the cost of the products.
Even though lactometer is generally used to measure the purity of milk, it is not a very
reliable instrument. It has been observed that in the case of skimmed milk the lactometer fails to
give the correct assessment of the purity if the density of the skimmed milk is made equal to that
of the pure milk by adding water in an appropriate proportion.
Gerber centrifuge is used for determination of fat in milk and milk products. This
centrifuge is different from other centrifuge it has provision to hold special glass tubes known as
butyrometers, time adjustment clock, and rotate at fixed speeds. It has many inherent drawbacks,
such as human error, multi step method, handling of corrosive chemicals and different types of
glassware. All these add to the cost and time of milk testing. A quicker reliable and economical
method of milk fat testing has therefore become inevitable and an immediate problem to solve.
In the light of some of problems faced by ‘GERBER’ method of testing, it was felt prudent, to
evolve a systems which should solve these problems.
This project analyzes the quality of milk by amount and types of adulterants that are
added. Adulteration reduces the quality of milk and can even make it hazardous. The presence of
adulterants is determined by the use of electronic devices such as electronic nose (e-nose),
electronic tongue (e-tongue) and pH meter.
The quality of milk sample is tested by checking the pH level by using the pH sensor. As the
milk pH changes during spoilage, the voltage across the electrode varies, shifting the
resonant frequency of the sensor.
Electronic nose is a device intended to detect odors or flavors. It is composed of an array of
nonselective sensors which transforms chemical information into an electrical or optical one;
such information then gets to be transformed into digital form suitable for computer
An electronic tongue is a sensor which measures and compares taste of liquid or solid
samples, and it can also be used to identify and recognize specific components in a solution.
In this approach, experiments are conducted using an electronic tongue (conductivity) to
virtually monitor the quality of milk.
Temperature sensor is used to measure the temperature of the milk, if the temperature is
above or below certain limit it results in bacterial formation and is not fit for consumption.
Deciding whether the given milk is good for consumption and also deciding whether the
adulterated sample is acidic or alkaline by number of experimentations and the finally analyzing
the experimented values. It is done by electronic methods with the use of standard pH sensor,
electronic nose, electronic tongue and temperature sensor the quality of the milk can be analyzed.
Ph sensor
Liquid temperature
sensor (DS18B20) Microcontroller
Taste measurement
Above shown block diagram includes mainly 5 blocks and they are,
Milk sample block
Sensors block
Microcontroller block
Hex keypad block
LCD block
a) Fresh milk
Initially the fresh milk of about 80ml is taken in glass as sample which has the pH ranges
from 6.5-6.8, temperature ranges from 30-35deg C, and also will have good odor. All the sensors
in the senor block are dipped in the fresh milk sample and the corresponding test is performed.
Fresh milk is as shown in Figure 3.2.
a) pH sensor
pH = -log[H+]
It is approximately the negative of the base 10 logarithm of the molar concentration,
measured in units of moles per liter, of hydrogen ions. More precisely it is the negative of the
logarithm to base 10 of the activity of the hydrogen ion. The pH scale is usually said to run from
1 to 14. Solutions with a pH less than 7 are acidic and solutions with a pH greater than 7
are basic. Pure water is neutral, at pH 7, being neither an acid nor a base.
Every liquid has its own pH value according to temperature and other dependent
parameters. So the milk has pH of range 6.5-6.7, above and below this range is totally considered
as abnormalities in its quality. Here pH is monitored using the pH sensor. pH sensor is as shown
in Figure 3.4.
pH electrodes are glass electrodes. Typical model is made of glass tube ended with small
glass bubble. Inside of the electrode is usually filled with buffered solution of chlorides in which
silver wire covered with silver chloride is immersed. pH of internal solution varies - for example
it can be 1.0 (0.1M HCl) or 7.0 (different buffers used by different producers).Active part of the
electrode is the glass bubble. While tube has strong and thick walls, bubble is made to be as thin
as possible. Surface of the glass is protonated by both internal and external solution till
equilibrium is achieved. Both sides of the glass are charged by the adsorbed protons, this charge
is responsible for potential difference.
This potential in turn is described by the Nernst equation and is directly proportional to
the pH difference between solutions on both sides of the glass. The majority of pH electrodes
available commercially are combination electrodes that have both glass H+ ion sensitive
electrode and additional reference electrode conveniently placed in one housing. Construction of
combination electrode is in large part defined by the processes that must take place when
measuring pH it is needed to measure difference of potentials between sides of glass in the glass
electrode. To do so a closed circuit is required. Circuit is closed through the solutions - internal
and external - and the pH meter.
However, for correct and stable results of measurements reference electrode must be
isolated from the solution so that they will not cross contaminate -and it is not an easy task to
connect and isolate two solutions at the same time. Connection is made through a small hole in
the electrode body. This hole is blocked by porous membrane, or ceramic wick. Internal solution
flows very slowly through the junction, thus such electrodes are called flowing electrodes. To
slow down the leaking, in gel electrodes internal solution is gelled.
b) Temperature sensor.
A temperature is an objective comparative measurement of hot or cold. It is
measured by a thermometer. Several scales and units exist for measuring temperature, the most
common being Celsius (denoted °C; formerly called centigrade), Fahrenheit (denoted °F), and,
especially in science, Kelvin (denoted K).
Milk has its own temperature criteria which should be maintained during storage, even
if the milk is mixed with water or with any toxic materials the temperature of the milk will not be
in the normal range. Generally milk will be safe at the temperature range of 35-40degF above or
below which the formation of bacteria occurs and thus not fit for consumption.
Variation in the temperature of the milk sample is measured using temperature sensor
(ds18b20), which is a pre-wired and waterproofed version of the DS18B20 sensor.
While the sensor is good up to 125°C the cable is jacketed in PVC so we suggest keeping it
under 100°C. Because they are digital, there is no signal degradation even over long distances.
These 1-wire digital temperature sensors are fairly precise (±0.5°C over much of the range) and
can give up to 12 bits of precision from the onboard digital-to-analog converter. They work great
with any microcontroller using a single digital pin, and you can even connect multiple ones to
the same pin, each one has a unique 64-bit ID burned in at the factory to differentiate them
usable with 3.0-5.0V systems. Temperature sensor is as shown in Figure 3.5.
The core functionality of the DS18B20 is its direct-to-digital temperature sensor. The
resolution of the temperature sensor is user-configurable to 9, 10, 11, or 12 bits, corresponding to
increments of 0.5°C, 0.25°C, 0.125°C, and 0.0625°C, respectively. The default resolution at
power-up is 12-bit. The DS18B20 powers-up in a low-power idle state; to initiate a temperature
measurement and A-to-D conversion, the master must issue a Convert T [44h] command.
Following the conversion, the resulting thermal data is stored in the 2-byte temperature register
in the scratchpad memory and the DS18B20 returns to its idle state. If the DS18B20 is powered
by an external supply, the master can issue “read time slots” after the Convert T command and
the DS18B20 will respond by transmitting 0 while the temperature conversion is in progress and
1 when the conversion is done. If the DS18B20 is powered with parasite power, this notification
technique cannot be used since the bus must be pulled high by a strong pull-up during the entire
temperature conversion.
The concentration of odor will vary from fresh milk to toxic milk. When the toxicity in
milk is high it tends to release toxic gases which come out as bad odor from the milk when milk
is preserved for a very long time or due to external contamination. So it is necessary to detect the
gases releasing out from sample which are nothing but bad odor in general. That can be done by
the air quality sensor (MQ135) .The MQ series of gas sensors utilizes a small heater inside with
an electro chemical sensor these sensors are sensitive to a range of gasses are used at room
temperature. Air quality sensor is as shown in Figure 3.6.
Sensitive material of MQ135 gas sensor is SnO2, which with lower conductivity in clean
air. When the target combustible gas exist, the sensor’s conductivity is higher along with the gas
concentration rising. Please use simple electro circuit, Convert change of conductivity to
correspond output signal of gas concentration. MQ135 gas sensor has high sensitivity to
Ammonia, Sulfide and Benzene steam, also sensitive to smoke and other harmful gases. It is with
low cost and suitable for different application. Character Configuration of MQ135 are given by,
Good sensitivity to Harmful gases in wide range.
High sensitivity to Ammonia, Sulfide and Benzene.
Long life and low cost.
Simple drive circuit.
d) Conductivity sensor
Taste is something which is dependent on the pH and conductivity of particular substance
as the adulterants added to the milk will have different conductivity. Conductivity of solution
depends on the concentration of all the ions present. Greater the concentration greater will be the
conductivity. Since pH is a measure of H+ ions, for an acidic solution PH will be lower [higher
H+ ions], hence greater will be the conductivity. Similarly higher the pH lower will be the
conductivity for basic solution.
Initially take a fresh milk sample which will have the normal pH and conductivity
values. The taste depends on chemical substances involved in milk and those chemical
substances will have its own pH and conductivity values. So any toxic material or milk preserved
for very long time will literally have additional chemical substances in it, which are not
consumable and those toxic contamination formed are developed by addition of toxic materials
externally or by long preservation process will develop different taste or bad taste, change in the
taste can be measured using conductivity sensor.
The conductance measurement between two electrodes is a well known technique to
detect adulteration. Most of the times the electrical equivalent model of the electrodes immersed
in the sample are evaluated to identify the adulterated milk.
The conductivity of a liquid is a measure of charged particles called ions that are free to
move around. The conductivity itself is carried by the ions and the more ions are in the solution
the higher is its conductivity. A liquid solution consisting of compounds that completely break
apart into ions have a high conductivity. Conductivity sensor is as shown in Figure 3.7.
There are many methods depending on how you connect your keypad with the controller,
but the basic logic is same. The columns are made as input and rows are made as output, this
whole procedure of reading the keyboard is called scanning.
PIC microcontrollers are a family of specialized microcontroller chips produced by
Microchip Technology in Chandler, Arizona. The acronym PIC stands for "peripheral interface
controller", although that term is rarely used nowadays. A microcontroller is a compact
microcomputer designed to govern the operation of embedded systems in motor vehicles, robots,
office machines, medical devices, mobile radios, vending machines, home appliances, and
various other devices. A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory, and peripherals.
Every PIC microcontroller architecture consists of some registers and stack where
registers function as Random Access Memory (RAM) and stack saves the return addresses. The
main features of PIC microcontrollers are RAM, flash memory, Timers/Counters, EEPROM, I/O
Ports, USART, CCP (Capture/Compare/PWM module), SSP, Comparator, ADC (analog to
digital converter), PSP (parallel slave port), LCD and ICSP (in circuit serial programming) The
8-bit PIC microcontroller is classified into four types on the basis of internal architecture such as
Base Line PIC, Mid Range PIC, Enhanced Mid Range PIC and PIC18. Microcontroller is as
shown in Figure 3.9.
When designing software for a smaller embedded system with the 8051, it is very
common place to develop the entire product using assembly code. With many projects, this is a
feasible approach since the amount of code that must be generated is typically less than 8
kilobytes and is relatively simple in nature. If a hardware engineer is tasked with designing both
the hardware and the software, he or she will frequently be tempted to write the software in
assembly language. The trouble with projects done with assembly code can is that they can be
difficult to read and maintain, especially if they are not well commented. Additionally, the
amount of code reusable from a typical assembly language project is usually very low. Use of a
higher-level language like C can directly address these issues. A program written in C is easier to
read than an assembly program.
MPLAB X IDE supports "One-Click"
One click make, Program, Debug /Execute operation. Unlike other IDEs where we build,
have to connect to the hardware tool, program the target and then start your debug session. Under
MPLAB X it is all compiled into one action button. Run, Program, or Debug Run starts Make
which will check for changes and build any relevant updates, connect to the tool program the
images and either start a debug session or start an execution of the programmed image.
Supports Multiple Versions of the same compiler
Many versions of a compiler installed to work with. Each is identified by its own version.
For any project, it can select the specific version of choice. This enables to use more than one
instance of a compiler within the IDE at the same time.
Support for multiple Debug Tools of the same type.
MPLAB X IDE now allows having multiple debug tools connected to the computer at the
same time. One can select which ever tool is desire for a specific project or configuration within
a project (example: Programmer and Simulator in their own configurations). It
provides the ability to debug more than one target at the same time using just one installation of
mplab x IDE.
Supports hyperlinks for fast navigation to declarations and includes.
Using the CTRL key and mouse over a function, variable, macro, or include statement
allows to view its declaration. Clicking on the hyperlink will take right to the source of
declaration. Alternatively, can right click on it and choose Navigate → Go to Declaration from
the context menu to jump to its declaration.
Supports Live Code Templates
Within the IDE there are many existing code templates that can be accessed using a
couple of letters then tab (or specified key). One can create their own templates, (even live
templates) such that when someone enters values into the template area, other areas of code are
also populated.
Within MPLAB X IDE a user can configure their own Code Format Style
Either an individual or a company can set up a code format standard to be used within the
editor. Just select the file to format the code in and menu Source Format to reapply the template
to source code.
Provides a Tasks Window which is a great way to keep track of those loose ends in your
The Tasks operation, automatically scans the code and lists commented lines containing
words such as "TODO" or "FIXME", (the words can be customized under options). Tasks
provide a convenient way to keep track of important items feel need addressing.
Shows Macro Expansions
Macros are incredible useful but sometimes they can have unexpected values if they are
conditionally defined. This window allows to see what the compiler will consume after the
preprocessor is done. With the expansion view it can be seen exactly what value they expand to.
Also, blocks of code not to be compiled are omitted in the view. Also, in the editor window,
MPLAB X shows all the #ifdef/#endif blocks. It uses the comment color (grey by default) to
show sections that will not be included.
Now supports Configurable Memory views
One can change any memory view to look at any type of memory. Formats for those
views are also selectable from the dropdowns. This allows a quick view change without going
thru the menus.
The Proteus Design Suite is an Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tool including
schematic capture, simulation and PCB Layout modules. It is developed in Yorkshire, England
by Lab center Electronics Ltd with offices in North America and several overseas sales channels.
The software runs on the Windows operating system and is available in English, French, Spanish
and Chinese languages.
prototyping in areas such as motor control, temperature control and user interface design. It also
finds use in the general hobbyist community and, since no hardware is required, is convenient to
use as training or teaching tool Support is available for co-simulation of:
Microchip Technologies PIC10, PIC12, PIC16, PIC18, PIC24, dsPIC33 Microcontrollers.
Atmel AVR (and Arduino), 8051 and ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers
NXP 8051, ARM7, ARM Cortex-M0 and ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers.
Texas Instruments MSP430, PICCOLO DSP and ARM Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers.
Parallax Basic Stamp, Free scale HC11, 8086 Microcontrollers.
4.2.4 PICKIT 2
PICkit is a family of programmers for PIC microcontrollers made by Microchip
Technology. They are used to program and debug microcontrollers, as well as program
EEPROM. Some models also feature logic analyzer and serial communications (UART) tool.
The PICkit 2 was introduced in May 2005 which replaced the PICkit 1. The most notable
difference between the two is that the PICkit 2 has a separate programmer/debugger unit which
plugs into the board carrying the chip to be programmed, whereas the PICkit 1 was a single unit.
This makes it possible to use the programmer with a custom circuit board via an In Circuit Serial
Programming (ICSP) header. This feature is not intended for so-called "production"
programming, however.
The PICkit 2 uses an internal PIC18F2550 with Full Speed USB. The latest PICkit 2
firmware allows the user to program and debug most of the 8 and 16 bit PICmicro and dsPIC
members of the Microchip product line.
The PICkit 2 is open to the public, including its hardware schematic, firmware source
code (in C language) and application programs (in C# language). End users and third parties can
easily modify both the hardware and software for enhanced features. E.g. Linux version of
PICkit 2 application software, DOS style CMD support, etc.
The PICkit 2 has a programmer-to-go (PTG) feature, which can download the hex file
and programming instructions into on-board memory (128 KB IC EEPROM or 256 KB I2C
EEPROM), so that no PC is required at the end application. The Microchip version of PICkit 2
has a standard 128. 256 KB memory can be achieved by modifying the hardware or from third
party. Additionally, a 500 kHz three-channel logic analyzer and a UART tool are built into the
PICkit 2. These features are missing from the PICkit 3.
Since release of V2.61, PICkit 2 PC software now supports a maximum 4 megabytes of
memory for the programmer-to-go feature. This modification makes the PICkit 2 support eight
times as much memory as the PICkit 3. This enhancement has been contributed by Au Group
Electronics and the PICkit 2 firmware is also reported to be submitted to Microchip PICkit 2
team in the middle of March 2009. This enhancement may be integrated into future firmware
releases, too.
Test ph
a Store result
Test odor
Store result
Test taste
Store result
Test temperature
d Store result
A grade
Milk Milk is normal
Taste: edible
Odor: good 3
Else if
B grade
Traces of
Milk sugar found
Taste: average
Odor: good 3
C grade Else if
Milk Traces of salt
Else if
D grade Traces of soap
Milk found
E grade Else if
Milk Traces of
H2O2 found
3 Stop
Power is turned ON after placing all the sensors in the glass. The main power supply voltage
is 220V/50Hz, the adaptor steps down it to 12V/1A, which will be connected to regulators. One
of the regulators again steps down the voltage from 12V to 5V which is supplied to conductivity
sensor, another regulator steps down the voltage from 12V to 9V which is supplied to BNC
board of pH sensor.
As the power is supplied to the kit LCD will turn ON and it displays as “milk quality
analysis”. As shown in Figure 5.1
The values obtained from various sensors in the model is analyzed, calibrated, configured
and classified into different grades. These grades determine the quality of the milk based on the
various parameters. The system indicates the presence of adulterants such as sugar, soap, salt, and
H2O2 in the milk. The operation of the system is controlled by hex keypad. The final result is
displayed on the LCD screen.
Once the system is set up by placing all the sensors in the glass, following tests are
performed for each of the milk samples:
1. Fresh Milk Test
In this test it determines the freshness of the milk and indicates whether the
sample has to undergo further two tests.
2. Grade Test
Depending on the experimental values obtained the samples are analyzed and
classified into five grades. It also specifies the quality, taste, and odor of the sample.
3. Adulteration Test
This test determines the type of adulterants added to the milk sample i.e. whether
the milk consist of sugar, salt, soap, or H2O2.
Based on the parameter values obtained the pH is abnormal, odor and taste are average or
bad. Indicates that further two test has to perform, as shown in Figure 6.10.
As shown in the figure 6.10 pH was abnormal hence the quality of the sample-3 is low
and indicates further two test that is grade and adulterant test in Figure 6.11
Based on the parameter values obtained the pH is abnormal, odor and taste are average or
bad. Indicates that further two test has to perform, as shown in Figure 6.15.
As shown in the Figure 6.15 the pH was abnormal hence the quality of the sample-4 is
low and further two test are grade and adulterant test as shown in Figure 6.16
3. Adulteration Test
When adulteration test is performed, the presence of soap in sample-4 is detected and
displays as traces of soap as shown in Figure 6.18
Based on the parameter values obtained the pH is abnormal, odor and taste are average or
bad. Indicates that further two test has to perform, as shown in Figure 6.20
If the pH of the sample is in between that of a sugar and soap the device indicates the traces
of sugar/soap as shown in Figure 6.25
The below Table 7.1 illustrates the results obtained from various milk tests with adulterants.
Table7.1.Various milk tests with adulterants.
SAMPLES pH Odor Taste Temp(0c) Quality Grade Traces
0-6.90 Acidic
6.91-6.99 Acidic
7 Normal
7.01-7.10 Basic
7.10-14 Basic
121-180 Bad
250-300 Edible
>300 Average
0-250 Non-Edible
In smaller industries available space will be limited, so this digital device for the
estimation of the constituents of milk can be used.
The common sugar present in milk is lactose, table sugar like sucrose is added to the milk
to increase the carbohydrate content and thus the density can be increased. So the milk
can be adulterated with water which cannot be detected using lactometer. In such case
this device can be used to detect the presence and type of adulterants.
Similarly the soap or salt added with the water in exact proportions the lactometer test
fails, even in such situations this model can be used.
Ease of handling.
Low initial investment and maintenance cost.
Since price is minimum it can be easily produced to be used by any small diaries in rural
Output will be obtained within less response time.
The power supply unit consumes less power.
It is not universal that is, it can be used only for the detection of milk quality.
Calibration is required for at least every 50 tests.
Depends on requirements of accuracy cost of the sensors will be varied.
The project proposed is beneficial to the society by giving measure to reduce the
adulteration practice in milk.
This device is used in small diaries for the quality analysis of milk.
It provides quality assurance for farmers and consumers.
It can also be used by the normal people, where an individual should know about the
quality of milk that he consumes in his daily life.
It can be used by Milk Traders for Computerized Milk Analysis.
[1]. Y. G. Lee, H. Y. Wu, C. L. Hsu, C. J. Liang, H. D. Yuan.“A Rapid And Selective Method
For Monitoring The Growth Of Coliforms In Milk Using The Combination Of Amperometric
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[3]. H. M. Al-Qadiri, M. Lin, M. A. Al-Holy, A. G. Cavinato and B. A. Rasco, “Monitoring
Quality Loss Of Pasteurized Skim Milk Using Visible And Short Wavelength Near-Infrared
Spectroscopy And Multivariate Analysis,” Journal of Dairy science, Vol. 91, no. 3, 2008, pp.
950- 958.
[4]. N. Nicolaou, Y. Xu and R. Goodacre, “Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy And
Multivariate Analysis For The Detection And Quantification Of Different Milk Species,”
Journal Of Dairy Science, Vol. 93, NO. 12, 2010, pp. 5651-5660.
[5]. U. B. Trivedi, D. Lakshminarayana, I. L. Kothari, N. G. Patel, H. N. Kapse, K. K. Makhija,
P. B. Patel, AND C. J. Panchal, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 140, 260 (2009).
[6]. F. Conzuelo, M. Gamella, S. Campuzano, M. A. Ruiz, A. J. Reviejo, and J. M. Pingarron,
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry 58, 7141 (2010).
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[10]. S. Bhadra, D. J. Thomson and G. E. Bridges, “A Wireless Passive pH Sensor for Real-
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[11]. Tong Boon Tang and Muhammad Syafiq Zulkafli, “Electronic Tongue for Fresh Milk
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[12]. Smita A. Nagtode, Dr. N.K. Choudhari, “Identification of Impurity level in Liquids Using
Electronic Sensor Based System”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical,
Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering. Vol. 3, Issue 6, June 2015
Contact debouncing.
Easy to interface.
Interfaces to any microcontroller or microprocessor.
Data valid output signal for interrupt activation.
Vending machines.
Public phones.
Parameter Value
Operating force 60 +/- 20cN
Key lifetime 1x109 million operations
2|P ag e An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company
4x4 MATRIX KEYPAD Order Code RDL/4X4KP/13/001/V1.0
Pin Details
Pin Name Details
1-4 R0-R3 rows
5-8 C0-C3 columns
3|P ag e An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company
4x4 MATRIX KEYPAD Order Code RDL/4X4KP/13/001/V1.0
4|P ag e An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company
4x4 MATRIX KEYPAD Order Code RDL/4X4KP/13/001/V1.0
Sample Application
5|P ag e An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company
4x4 MATRIX KEYPAD Order Code RDL/4X4KP/13/001/V1.0
(c) {
MCU: AT89S52 }
sbit en=P3^7; {
6|P ag e An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company
4x4 MATRIX KEYPAD Order Code RDL/4X4KP/13/001/V1.0
{ en=1;
D7=1; en=0;
rs=0; }
rw=1; //***************************
7|P ag e An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company
4x4 MATRIX KEYPAD Order Code RDL/4X4KP/13/001/V1.0
colloc1=KeyPort; }
if(colloc1==0x0E) rowloc=2;
{ }
} rowloc=3;
else if(colloc1==0x0D) }
{ return(keypad[rowloc][colloc]);
colloc=1; }while(1);
} }
else if(colloc1==0x0B){ }
} {
} for(i=0;i<time;i++);
rowloc1 = KeyPort; }
if(rowloc1 == 0xE0)
8|P ag e An ISO 9001-2008 Certified Company
4x4 MATRIX KEYPAD Order Code RDL/4X4KP/13/001/V1.0
Board Dimensions
MQ135 Semiconductor Sensor for Air Quality Control
Sensitive material of MQ135 gas sensor is SnO2, which with lower conductivity in clean air. When the
target combustible gas exist, The sensor’s conductivity is more higher along with the gas concentration
rising. Please use simple electrocircuit, Convert change of conductivity to correspond output signal of
gas concentration.
MQ135 gas sensor has high sensitity to Ammonia, Sulfide and Benze steam, also sensitive to smoke
and other harmful gases. It is with low cost and suitable for different application.
Character Configuration
* Good sensitivity to Harmful gases in wide range
* High sensitivity to Ammonia, Sulfide and Benze
* Long life and low cost
* Simple drive circuit
* Domestic air pollution detector
* Industrial air pollution detector
* Portable air pollution detector
Fig.1 shows the typical sensitivity characteristics of Fig.2 shows the typical temperature and humidity
the MQ135, ordinate means resistance ratio of the sensor characteristics. Ordinate means resistance ratio
(Rs/Ro), abscissa is concentration of gases. Rs means of the sensor (Rs/Ro), Rs means resistance of sensor
resistance in different gases, Ro means resistance of in 100ppm Ammonia under different tem. and humidity.
sensor in 100ppm Ammonia. All test are under standard Ro means resistance of the sensor in environment of
test conditions. 100ppm Ammonia, 20℃/65%RH
Structure and configuration of MQ135 gas sensor is shown as Fig. 3, sensor composed by micro AL2O3 ceramic tube, Tin
Dioxide (SnO2) sensitive layer, measuring electrode and heater are fixed into a crust made by plastic and stainless steel
net. The heater provides necessary work conditions for work of sensitive components. The enveloped MQ-4 have 6 pin, 4
of them are used to fetch signals, and other 2 are used for providing heating current.
1 Following conditions must be prohibited
1.1 Exposed to organic silicon steam
Organic silicon steam cause sensors invalid, sensors must be avoid exposing to silicon bond,
fixature, silicon latex, putty or plastic contain silicon environment
1.2 High Corrosive gas
If the sensors exposed to high concentration corrosive gas (such as H2Sz, SOX,Cl2,HCl etc), it will
not only result in corrosion of sensors structure, also it cause sincere sensitivity attenuation.
1.3 Alkali, Alkali metals salt, halogen pollution
The sensors performance will be changed badly if sensors be sprayed polluted by alkali metals salt
especially brine, or be exposed to halogen such as fluorin.
1.4 Touch water
Sensitivity of the sensors will be reduced when spattered or dipped in water.
1.5 Freezing
Do avoid icing on sensor’surface, otherwise sensor would lose sensitivity.
1.6 Applied voltage higher
Applied voltage on sensor should not be higher than stipulated value, otherwise it cause down-line or
heater damaged, and bring on sensors’ sensitivity characteristic changed badly.
1.7 Voltage on wrong pins
For 6 pins sensor, if apply voltage on 1、3 pins or 4、6 pins, it
will make lead broken, and without signal when apply on 2、4 pins
2.5 Vibration
Continual vibration will result in sensors down-lead response then repture. In transportation or
assembling line, pneumatic screwdriver/ultrasonic welding machine can lead this vibration.
2.6 Concussion
If sensors meet strong concussion, it may lead its lead wire disconnected.
2.7 Usage
For sensor, handmade welding is optimal way. If use wave crest welding should meet the following
2.7.1 Soldering flux: Rosin soldering flux contains least chlorine
2.7.2 Speed: 1-2 Meter/ Minute
2.7.3 Warm-up temperature:100±20℃
2.7.4 Welding temperature:250±10℃
2.7.5 1 time pass wave crest welding machine
If disobey the above using terms, sensors sensitivity will be reduced.
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science & Engineering
ICETSE – 205, May 11th & 12th, 2017
Coorg Institute of Technology, Ponnampet, S. Kodagu, Karnataka, India
Abstract- The milk is the nutritional fluid secreted by the mammary gland of mammals. India is the
world's largest milk producers, and is one of the most important exporters of milk. The high quality milk
should have better density and is free from the adulterants. It is necessary to ensure the quality of milk by
determining the presence of adulterants mixed in the milk. This is performed by using combined
electronic sensory instrumental system, which has been implemented in this project. This project mainly
aims at design and development of milk analysis and classification digital system. The analysis and
classification is performed based on the parameters such as pH, odor, temperature and taste. The device
is embedded in single unit which is small and compact. Embedded technology is now in its prime and the
knowledge available is mind-blowing. This project aims at providing services to small diaries and also
provides the output with less response time.
Milk is the nutritional food for living mammals, which is good for health. It is an
emulsion or colloid of butterfat globules within a water based fluid that contains dissolved carbohydrates and
protein aggregates with minerals. The quality of milk is essential for the survival of living beings on earth. In
this project it is to analyze the quality of milk by adulterants that are added in the fresh milk. Adulteration
reduces the quality of milk and can even make it hazardous. Adulterants like soap, salt, table sugar and H2O2
may be added to milk. These are determined by the use of electronic methods. The country’s dairy industry
faces several hurdles in ensuring product quality and safety. The aim of this project is to develop new
instrumentation methods and sensor systems for milk quality analysis to enable inspection and traceability of
produce. The developed system is very much useful for the easy analysis of the milk sample and determines
whether the given sample is adulterated or not. The project is interfaced with the microcontroller which
processes and classifies the data/milk sample which is finally displayed on LCD screen. This is an interestingly
new project in the field of electronics. It helps to analyze the milk samples for milk pH, conductivity,
temperature and odor in small diaries.
Now a day, it is essential to detect the impurity in milk. The addition of adulterants may reduce the
quality of milk and can even make it hazardous. Freshness of the milk depends on pH; lower pH value indicates
an acidification process such as bacterial spoilage [1]. As the milk pH changes the voltage across the electrode
varies, shifting the resonant frequency of sensor [2]. But, the pH is not suitable as a sole indicator of milk
freshness [3]. In most cases, the diaries use a device called lactometer to detect the quality of milk based on the
amount of water added to it. Even though lacto meter is generally used to measure the purity of milk it is not
reliable instrument, it fails to give the correct assessment of purity if the density of skimmed milk is made equal
to that of pure milk adding water in an appropriate proposition. The concept of electronic tongues is more
recent, and much less research has been undertaken on the development of liquid sensors and classification
algorithms. By combining sensor systems e.g. electronic noses and tongues classification is more appropriate
This project is mainly directed towards monitoring the quality of milk. The monitoring system mainly
has four different modules. Using these modules the quality of milk is determined on the standard survey basis.
The Modules are listed as follows: (a) pH (b) Temperature (c) Odor (d) Taste
Here, consider different samples of milk which includes fresh milk which is processed as per the
standards and milk which is contaminated by toxicity, which also includes milk which is preserved for long
hours. Now the samples are accordingly monitored one after the other. In general, the test will be performed
with reference to standard parameter values according to which any abnormalities found in the samples will be
determining its quality. As specified earlier about the four modules involved, the working method of those is as
(a) pH: Every liquid has its own pH value according to temperature and other dependent parameters.
So the standard fresh milk has pH of range 6.5-6.7, above and below this range is totally considered as
abnormalities in its quality. Here it monitors the pH and provides a visual alert via LCD, which displays the pH
level and indicates whether the tested milk is normal or abnormal, in simple words good quality or bad quality.
(b) Temperature: Milk has its own temperature criteria which should be maintained during storage,
even if the milk is mixed with water or with any toxic materials the temperature of the milk will not be in the
normal range. Generally milk will be safe at the standard temperature range above or below which the formation
of bacteria occurs and thus not fit for consumption. The survey will be carried out on safe temperature zone
according to which the LCD will display the quality of milk.
(c) Odor: The concentration of odor will vary from fresh milk to toxic milk. When the toxicity in milk is
high it tends to release toxic gases which come out as bad odor from the milk when milk is preserved for a very
long time or due to external contamination. So we detect the gases releasing out from sample which are nothing
but bad odor in general. After any such detection of gases the quality o milk will be displayed on LCD.
(d) Taste: Taste is something which is dependent on the pH of particular substance. Initially take a fresh
milk sample which will have the normal pH value. Taste depends on chemical substances involved in milk and
those chemical substances will have its own pH value, but in overall including all the chemical substances
which forms a fresh milk which will have its pH range 6.5-6.7. So any toxic material or milk preserved for very
long time will literally have additional chemical substances in it, which are not consumable and those toxic
contamination formed are developed by addition of toxic materials externally or by long preservation process
will develop different taste or bad taste, so this will be indicated on LCD that how far it is consumable.
The Fig.1 represents the block diagram of the system; it consists of following parameters to be
measured such as temperature, odor, taste, pH. The milk sample is used as source; liquid temperature sensor
(DS18B20) is
used to measure temperature. Air quality sensor is used to sense the odor and pH sensor is used for pH
measurements. Microcontroller pic18f4520 is used as embedded processor. Output of the embedded processor is
analyzed and classified into corresponding classes and is finally displayed on LCD screen.
· When the milk is adulterated with the sugar and water in exact proportions the lactometer test fails, such
case this project can be used.
· Similarly the soap or salt added with the water in exact proportions the lactometer test fails, even in such
situations this model can be used.
· Ease of handling.
· Output will be obtained within less response time.
· Low maintenance cost.
· It is not universal that is, it can be used only for the detection of milk quality.
· As the cost of sensor increase the output accuracy will also increases.
The concepts discussed in this paper were successfully implemented and developed into a working
model. The fig.2 shows the final working model of the project. The values obtained from various sensors in the
model is analyzed, calibrated, configured and classified into different grades. These grades determine the quality
of the milk based on the various parameters. The system indicates the presence of adulterants such as sugar,
soap, salt, and H2O2 in the milk. The operation of the system is controlled by hex keypad. The final result is
displayed on the LCD screen.
Based on the pH range for each sample, it is classified as good, normal, abnormal, average and bad; it also
indicates whether the sample is acidic, basic and slight basic. The odor is classified as good, average, and bad.
Taste is classified as edible and non-edible. The traces of adulterant present in the milk are displayed during the
Adulterant test. Considering all the obtained experimental values and their classification, the milk is classified as
grade A, B, C, D and E.
This project is implemented using the PIC IC PIC18f4520. All the sensors are combined to form
compact and flexible system which analyze and classify the quality of the milk samples into grades.
In future, this project can be implemented in small milk diaries. As the cost of the sensors increases the
accuracy of the product increases, which overcome the drawback of the project.
The authors immensely thank Prof. Rajashekhar.B.S, Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Sambhram Institute of Technology, Bengaluru for his full support to carry out this project.
[1]. Meredith Pesta, Patrick Williams, Nick Zampa, Eileen Garry, Grace Ouattara, “The Effects of Raw Milk Storage Conditions On
Freezing Point, pH, and Impedance”, IFT 2007.
[2]. S. Bhadra, D. J. Thomson and G. E. Bridges, “A Wireless Passive pH Sensor for Real-Time In Vivo Milk Quality Monitoring”, 2012
[3]. Tong Boon Tang and Muhammad Syafiq Zulkafli, “Electronic Tongue for Fresh Milk Assessment”, 2013 IEEE International
Conference On Circuits And Systems.
[4]. Smita A. Nagtode, Dr. N.K. Choudhari, “Identification of Impurity level in Liquids Using Electronic Sensor Based System”,
International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation And Control Engineering. Vol. 3, Issue 6, June
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