Clipperton Oceanic and Radio History

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Clipperton Oceanic, and Clipperton Radio – a Brief History

by P.G. Welkins, 1971.

The log book reads:

“Passed over S.F. Bay Bridge, along Embarcadero, Marina, Presidio,

etc. Just after passing over Golden Gate Bridge encountered low
cumulus clouds on the coast. “On top ” from there on over “snowy
desert. ” Later clear & broken —smooth air. Early morning,
“detoured ” to south to avoid several storm areas. Arrived Honolulu
(Pearl City) after passing over “Diamond Head ” & Waikiki Beach.
Very elaborate “Hawaiian welcome. ”

These brief observations, written by Richard F. Bradley on October

21–22, 1936, hardly hint at the enormity of the occasion. The
aviation manager for the San Francisco office of Standard Oil,
Bradley was one of seven lucky people to acquire a ticket to fly
that day on Pan American Airways’ Hawaii Clipper . Bradley, in
fact, held Ticket No. 1 for that inaugural passenger flight to

Bradley’s flight on the Hawaii Clipper marked the beginning of

transpacific air travel and followed years of planning and
preparation. Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh had scouted a
great circle route to the Orient for Pan Am that followed the
North Pacific rim. But obtaining operating rights in Asia proved
problematic, so Juan Trippe decided to create a route across the
Central Pacific via Hawaii and other U.S. possessions. Pan Am had
to plan and survey the route, establish bases on islands across the
Pacific, and build hotels and other facilities for passengers on
remote Midway Island, uninhabited Wake Island, and the territory
of Guam.

Pan Am also needed a new seaplane large enough and powerful

enough to carry a load big enough and far enough to make the whole
enterprise feasible. The airline worked with the Glen L. Martin
Company of Baltimore to develop such an aircraft. While Pan Am
surveyed the route and built the bases, Martin designed and built
the three largest air transports yet created: the Martin M-130
clippers. The China Clipper gained lasting fame on November 22,
1935, when it left San Francisco Bay to inaugurate regularly
scheduled transpacific air service. For the next year, while
passenger accommodations were being completed, the China
Clipper and its sister ships, the Philippine Clipper and Hawaii
Clipper, carried cargo and mail back and forth across the Pacific.

By October 1936, the route was finally ready for passenger service.
The Martins were huge planes for their time, but even so, the extra
fuel needed for the flight from California to Hawaii, the longest
hop on the transpacific route, limited the number of passengers
they could carry. Richard Bradley shared the spacious cabin with
only six other passengers. Future flights would carry as many as
13, but more often the crew would outnumber the passengers.

For the eastern South Pacific Routes, connecting Hawaii with

Australia, New Zealand, and Tahiti, an en-route Oceanic Center to
pass weather information, and later, traffic, was essential.

Clipperton Oceanic was inaugurated on November 17 th , 1937, working

the Pan American China Clipper as its first contact, and operated
from a small wooden building on the main part of the island.
Antennas were constructed at Lae Beach and by all reports from
early crews, easily readable in most conditions.
Over the next few years communications changed from Morse code
(wireless telegraphy) to voice (radio telephony). RTTY (radio
teletype) also replaced Morse code for station to station working.

Medium wave transmitters were used mainly for meteorological

data and for communicating with aircraft crossing the Pacific. In
1938/9, forty six flying boats crossed the Pacific during the
flying boat season between November and March.

After the Second World War, the rapid development in land planes
made the flying boat uncompetitive. In 1946, flying boats ceased
operations and land planes commenced the routes.

Some, however, continued to operated, even making it to Clipperton

Island itself. Taken from Flight International, March 10th, 1949:

On the date in question the Catalma was moored, unmanned, off

Clipperton Island, when a hurricane approached. The preliminary
squall blew the aircraft towards the island, and while it was
precariously held by one anchor, which caught in a coral reef, W/O.
Hicks rowed 50yd in a dinghy, boarded the aircraft, and dropped
another anchor. When the full force of the hurricane struck two
hours later, and the Catalina was in danger of being blown on to
the reef and destroyed, he started both engines single-handed and
taxied out to open water, where he could hold the aircraft with the
engines. W/O. Hicks then remained at the controls for five hours,
keeping the Catalina into wind, and away from rocks. The wind was
blowing at over 50 m.p.h. with squalls exceeding 100 m.p.h.

In 1952, the original timber hut buildings at Clipperton were

replaced by the a more permanent building to cater for the
expected increase in trans-Pacific aviation.
In 1957, engineers from the Birdlip Radio station in the UK visited
to upgrade the HF system.

The type of antenna connection used on aircraft radios in the 30s

and 40s was, almost universally, a type of "push-post" or spring-
loaded binding post, which also had a ceramic feed through
insulator passing through the radio's case or panel. Screw-on
fittings were not in general use until years later.
Coaxial cable was not used to interconnect most airborne radio
gear until the advent of VHF communications, when designers
settled on making everything work into a fixed impedance,
standardized at 50 ohms. HF gear fell under the same design
philosophy at the same time, and any antenna tuners or loading
networks were consequently designed to match a complex impedance
like an aircraft antenna to that value. This came about after
World War II.

Up until that time, aircraft radios were designed to work into a

wide range of antennas, over a broad impedance range. Use of
coaxial cable would have caused many problems in such a design
environment. High radio frequency voltages developed when
working a transmitter into a high impedance load (several hundred
or several thousand ohms) which might not be completely matched at
the frequency, would cause the cable to heat up or arc over.
Therefore, open-wire leads insulated with ceramic beads were in
general use. The receiver connection might be as simple as a
length of cloth insulated heavy wire between the receiver and the
terminal on the transmit-receive (antenna) relay.

Coaxial cables were, however, used to interconnect components

where shielding of the leads was important, or where high radio
frequency voltages were not involved. One specific instance is the
lead from the sense antenna to the antenna input of a DF receiver,
and Bendix coaxial input with screw-on fittings. A reason to use
shielded cable at the lower frequencies used for DF (200-1500 KHz)
is to keep out electrical noises generated inside the aircraft.

Operations at Clipperton Oceanic ended in 1958, as the HF service

offered by Tahiti Radio was seen as sufficeint, and funding
provided by American, French, and British governments was
stopped. AFTN circuits were disconnected, and the ICAO code NPCX
assigned to Clipperton Flight Information Region was withdrawn
from use. Staff at the Oceanic Facility were reassigned to Birdlip,
in the UK – later to become Shanwick Aeradio.

The last transmission from Clipperton Radio was made on August

28 th , 1958:


After this, the Clipperton FIR was decommissioned, and renamed

XX00 (NO FIR) – essentially creating a Black Hole in the Pacific
with no Radio or Air Traffic Control service.In 1967, the Soviet
Union made strong advances at United Nations level to take
control of the Clipperton FIR, offering to install Primary and
Secondary Surveillance radars on the island. It was unclear what
benefit this would bring the Soviets, but as of writing in December
1971, this has not materialised.

- END -

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