Doing Business in Norway
Doing Business in Norway
Doing Business in Norway
Written and produced by Keith Warburton +44 (0)1962 820100
2 Doing Business with Norway
This country profile has been produced Therefore this briefing note is broken into
to give a short overview of some of the short, bite-sized sections on the following
key concepts to bear in mind when doing topics:
business with contacts in Norway. It is
intended to be an aid to business people • Background to business
who have commercial dealings with
• Business Structures
counterparties in the country but should
not be seen as an exhaustive guide to • Management style
this topic or as a substitute for more
substantial research should there be a • Meetings
need. • Teamwork
With this in mind, we have covered • Communication
the areas which are key to a better
understanding of the cultural mindset • Women in business
underpinning business dealings in Norway • Entertaining
and which are, quite often, extremely
different from the approach and thought • Top tips
processes associated with business in
other parts of the world.
+44 (0)1962 820100
Doing Business with Norway 3
+44 (0)1962 820100
4 Doing Business with Norway
In common with the other Scandinavian perform their tasks effectively and with
business cultures, Norway is extremely as little interference as possible. Hand
non-hierarchical in its approach to in hand with this egalitarian approach
business structure. goes an openness of communication and
freedom of information which many more
In accordance with Norway’s famous hierarchical societies would find difficult to
interpersonal code of Jante Law (first accept.
put into words by the famous poet
Aksel Sandemose), people in Norway When working with Norwegians, it is
are expected to be egalitarian in their best to spend your time trying to find the
approach to all aspects of life – you shall person who is responsible for a specific
not think you are special is one of the task rather than working out what the
main tenets of Jante Law. This egalitarian hierarchy is and working from the top
approach obviously lends itself to being down to the fact holder. It might even
comfortable in a more matrix-style be viewed negatively if the fact holder is
organisation. initially ignored and a senior member of
the organisation is approached first.
Thus the emphasis in a Norwegian
operation is placed not on the hierarchy
of people’s relationships but more on
pragmatism and the development of
efficient systems which allow people to
+44 (0)1962 820100
Doing Business with Norway 5
Cultures which promote a more One very positive aspect of this egalitarian
egalitarian approach and strive for flat approach is that information flow within
structures, tend to develop very specific Norwegian organisations is usually very
characteristics with regard to management open and all employees therefore feel
approach. engaged and valued.
+44 (0)1962 820100
6 Doing Business with Norway
Norwegian Meetings
+44 (0)1962 820100
Doing Business with Norway 7
Not many people outside Norway speak Try not to oversell a product or an idea.
Norwegian and, as a result, Norwegians Be objective in your discussions and do
have become extremely proficient foreign not be afraid to point out any weakness
language speakers. in your argument – this level of honesty
will bring you respect and is much more
It is not at all uncommon for your likely to reap rewards than a more self-
Norwegian counterpart to speak three promotional approach.
or four foreign languages and English
language levels are almost universally Silence is golden throughout most of
good. Scandinavia. More is less, so if you don’t
have anything to say, dont speak! Do
Plain speaking is prized and the more not feel the need to fill any silence with
diplomatic approach to communication conversation. Silence is often used as
which can be found in many of the thinking time and the prelude to what will
Asian countries, (as well as the UK), be said next.
can be viewed as evasiveness or even
as dishonesty. If you want to convince Body language is quite minimal but do not
a Norwegian, tell him the facts in a take the lack of any overt signs of interest
straightforward and direct manner. as disinterest. Reserve is a highly prized
Norwegians will tell you they disagree characteristic and it would be foolish
when they do – and they expect the same to interpret lack of emotion as a sign of
courtesy from you. boredom or as lack of attention.
+44 (0)1962 820100
8 Doing Business with Norway
Norwegian Teams
Norway probably boasts one of the most Although Norwegians would probably
gender-equal economies in the world argue that even more work needs to be
and is often mentioned as a model and done to ensure further progress towards
inspiration for other countries. complete gender equality, not many
countries are anywhere near as advanced
Norway was the first country in the world as they are.
to appoint a Gender Equality Ombudsman
back in the 1980s and a great deal of Therefore, foreign business women should
legislation has been passed to ensure face no gender bias whatsoever and can
equal representation and pay for women be assured that they will be judged solely
in both state-run and private business. on their professional competence.
Dress tends towards smart-casual in tend towards smart casual with trousers
Norway. People are expected to be neat, much in evidence – especially in the colder
tidy and well-groomed. months.
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Doing Business with Norway 9
A tradition of business dining has slowly Ten percent should be sufficient and the
developed in Norway over the past ten money can either be left on the table or
to fifteen years, although it is nowhere added to a credit card payment.
near as central to the whole business
relationship process as in many Asian and
southern European countries.
+44 (0)1962 820100
10 Doing Business with Norway
+44 (0)1962 820100
Doing Business with Norway 11
+44 (0)1962 820100
12 Doing Business with Norway
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+44 (0)1962 820100