11 - Chapter 6 PDF

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6.1 A Spin Plan for Maximum Profit
A project was undertaken in a cotton-spinning mill processing the
counts 2fls, 30s, 31s, 40s and 60s. It was desired to determine the quantity to

be spun in each count subject to the availability of resources so as to obtain

maximum profit.
It was not possible to allot all the frames to that count which gave the

maximum profit per frame shift, since capacity of the machinery at back
process, the availability of cotton reserve, and difficulty in marketing the
entire production of a single count might not permit such a step. Knowing
the profit margin available in the various counts considered for production,

the problem was to determine the counts to be spun and the quantity to be
produced in each, so as to obtain the maximum possible profit subject to. of
course, the restriction imposed by the capacity of machinery available to

various departments and cotton reserve on hand for each count.

Further there were certain number of doubling frames in the mills, with
the help of these frames, two single threads of any particular count, could be

twisted together (doubled) and sold in the market. The profit margin for
doubled yarn was again different from that if the yarn was sold as single yarn.
Taking into consideration the margin in doubled yarn and the capacity available

in doubling, it was found necessary to work out how much quantity in each
count should be doubled, so that the resultant profit would be maximum.

There are 85 spinning frames including 27 new Texmaco (N.T.) frams.
From the past performance, it has been found that production N.T. frames
was invariably higher by 10% as compared with the other frames of different

make. For simplifying the problem slightly, it was better to take the machinery
capacity in the spinning department in terms of certain standard units.
Accordingly the 27 N.T. frames had been taken to be equivalent to 30 standard

units, i.e., 27x1.1, thus giving weight age for the increased production of
these frames. The total number of frames available in the mill could, therefore,
be taken as 88 in terms of standard units. A similar procedure could be

adopted to standardise the units in the other sections also.

In the sections Drawing, Fly Frames. Spinning and Doubling, the
capacity was limited and there would be difficulty in feeding material at the
subsequent processes in the coarse counts such as 20s The availability of

machines in these Departments should therefore be taken as a restriction in

finding a solution to the problem for maximising the profit.
For standard units, production figures should be known in each of

these sections to relate the requirements with the availability of machinery.

From the records of the mills, the production figures in each section were
analysed and standards of production of the standard units assumed were

evolved for each count.

Since planning period was one month, the cotton stock for different
counts both on hand and the expected arrival in the course of the month-had

been taken into account. Again for the purpose of relating the figures of
availability and requirements of the raw materials, we need to know the
quantities of materials required at each stage to produce one kg of yarn. For
this purpose, waste figures in each count at various departments were analysed

and the required ratios were estimated.

The cost of yarn consisted of three parts-raw material cost, processing
cost and overhead cost. Since the overall overhead cost for the mill is constant

for each month, the margin between the sale rate and the cost excluding the
overhead was considered for maximisation instead of the direct profit figures.
For the present project the latest sale rates as obtained, from the

management and the average cost figures for the previous month had been
The Linear Programming formulation of the problem was considered
for solution. The problem consisted of determining the quantity to be

manufactured in single yarn and double yarn in each count, in such a way that
the actual requirements as regards the machinery in each department and raw
material did not exceed the availability and at the same time the resultant

profit would be maximum.

The solution to the problem is arrived at by employing simplex

The management of the mill was really impressed by the solution pven. The
solution offered could give additional profit of about Rs. 32,500 per month
over the programme they had inforce. Naturally the management was eager

to implement the results and reallocate the frames to dinerent counts in the
manner suggested by the solution obtained. However, they wanted to modify
the programme so as to take into consideration the additional quantity of
cotton they had purchased in 30s and 40a since the start of working out the

problem. Taking them into account the problem was reformulated and soived.
This modified programme would enable the mill to earn a profit of more than
Rs. 60,000/- per month over the profit under the spinrjng plan followed by

the mill earlier. The management had already taken steps to reschedule the
allotment of frames to the various counts in accordance with the solution.
The solution arrived at cannot hold good for ever. It is to be modified

every time there are changes in selling prices or cost of production in the
various counts. However, due to practical considerations, since it is not
possible to go
on changing the plan every now and then, it is suggested that the plan be

revised once in a month, taking into account, all possible changes that might
have occurred in the factors affecting the solution.

6.2 Allotment of Drums to Winders in Cone-Winding

In a textile mill, production efficiency in the Cone-winding department
was found to be around 60% in the case of 20s count. The winding capacity

in the mill was a limiting factor and the management wanted that the production
efficiency in this department must be stepped up. Observations made on the
workers in the winding department revealed that they were tightly engaged all

the time and operator idleness was not the reason for the lower efficiency
obtained in the section. This gave at; indication that ’he workload might have
to be reviewed with a view to improve the machine efficiency.
It is common experience that when the allottment of drums to winders

is high, the machine efficiency is low and the operator efficiency is high; on
the other hand, when the number of drums allotted to winders is or, the

efficiency may be better but the operator efficiency will be reduced. It is,
therefore, necessary to fix the work assignment at a level which will minimise
the total of the two cost components. The assignment for which the cost is

minimum or the profit is maximum is known as optimum workload.

For any given number of drums allotted to a winder, the machine
efficiency will depend upon:
(1) average number of breaks per 10G cop changes ;

(2) average number of cop changes per cone;

(3) average time taken to attend to end breaks ;
(4) average time taken for a cop change;

(5) drum speed;

(6) average time taken for doffiing;
(7) average yarn content per cop.

Extensive data were collected to obtain the values for the factors listed
as above. Using finite queuing theory the machine utilisations for different
allotments of drums were calculated. From the knowledge of drum speed

and the corresponding theoretical production, the expected production for
various allotments of drums was arrived at. From cost considerations, the
marginal profit per machine shift in winding was worked out with respect to

each allotment of drums. The results are summarised in the following table.

Number Machine Expected Marginal profit per

of utilisation production machine shift (Rs.)

drums per spindle

(in lbs)
18 61.6 8.53 93.34

17 65.0 9.00 99.75

16 68.5 9.48 105.01
15 72.0 9.96 109.09

14 75.4 10.44 113.67

13 78.4 10.85 116.92
12 81.0 !1.21 118.87

11 83.2 11 51 118.81
10 1’.50 11.76 117.46
It is obvious from the above table that the margin of profit per

machine shift is maximum corresponding to an allotment of 12 drums per

operator. This allottment increases the marginal profit per machine shift by
Rs. 19.12 over the existing allocation of 17 drums per operator. Based on

the findings, the management immediately reduced the workload to 12 drums

per operator. Consequently, the machine utilisation increased to over 80%
and the net increase in the marginal profit per annum was found to be Rs.

30,000 for the two machines working on this count.

6.3 Optimum Work Assignment to Siders in Spinning

Proper fixation of workloads to the workers in the various departments

of a textile mill offers good scope for cost reduction. In any spinning mill,
the siders in the spinning section form a major proportion of the total number

of workers employed and determination of the work assignment for this

category of workers is very important from the cost, point of view. Generally,
a group of spindles will be assigned to a sider and be will be require to

attend to end breaks, creol breaks and creel changes occurring within that
Arbitrary fixation of the number of spindles in any such group may

lead to an increase in cost. For, when the number of spindles allotted to a

sider is large, the chance of finding more number of ends un pieced at any
time will be greater and this will result in not only loss of production in

spinning, but also increased waste. Consequently the component of cost

due to loss of production and additional waste may go up. If, however, the
allotment of spindles per sider is small, the number of siders required to

cover all the ring frames in the shed will be more and naturally the labour
wages component of cost will increase. Hence the problem is one of finding

the stage (optimum workload) at which the total cost of labour wages and the
loss due to idle spindle and bonda waste is minimum.
A study was taken up in a spinning mill for arriving at an optimum

workload for the siders in spinning for 60s count. The number of spindles to
be allotted will naturally depend upon the following factors.
(1) end breakage rate in ring frame;

(2) rate of creel breakages;

(3) frequency of roving bobbin changes;
(4) time taken for piecfhg an end break;
(5) time taken for piecing a creel break

(6) time taken for making r. bobbin change;

(7) time taken for patrolling and cleaning the sider.
Extensive data were collected to determine the values for the above

fictors with a reasonable degree of accuracy.

from the consideration of the statistical distribution of the end breakage
and that of creel breakages in general, a model had been developed using

queueing theory, to estimate the proportion of time that a an end remains un

pieced and also the proportion of time that a spindle is rendered idle due to
creel breaks, corresponding to any particular spindle allotment.

From an analysis of cost figures available with the mills, the loss per
shift on account of end remaining un pieced was estimated as 30 paise.
Similarly the cost associated with an idle spindle was worked out as 15 paise

per shift. The total wages paid to a sider including the fringe benefits like P.F.,
E.S.I., leave with wage, etc. accounted to Rs. 13.50 per day.
knowing the the proportion of time that an end remains un pieced and

a spindle is idle for a given allotment of spindles to a sider, the sum of the
siders’ wages and the loss due to bonds waste and idle spindles per frame
per shift was evaluated. The results are presented ir the table.

Number of estimated expected total cost

spindles proportion of proportion of component/
alloted time thai an idle time due frame

end remains to creel break shift (Rs.)

600 0.70% 0.10% 0.90
700 0.92% 0.14% 8.90

800 1.23% 0.18% 8.34

900 1.64% 0.25% 8.14
1000 2,23% 0.34% 8.28

1100 3.14% 0.50% 8.97

1200 3.14% 0.50% 8.97
1300 7.30% 1.26% 13.66

6.4 Determination of Optimal Number of Tape Stitchers in a

Spinning Shed

The mill had an installed capacity of 39,960 spindles (in 94 spinning

frames). A system of snap survey in the spinning shed every shift was in

vogue in the mills. An observer goes round the spinning section noting down
the idle spindles in each frame and the causes for them. Among the causes
for idle spindles were the apron cut, feed cut, tape cut, etc. Efforts were

being made to eliminate the idle spindles due to each of these causes. Having
tackled the other causes, the present study was directed towards investigation
of the problem of tape cut and the optimum number of tape stitchers required

per shift. There were 3 tape stitchers engaged in a shift which was considered
Snap survey results of the past six months revealed that on an

average 40 spindles were idle at any time due to the tape cut. This incidence
of tape cut was considered very high in view of the fact that three tape
stitches were engaged in every shift. It was felt that an elaborate study would

bring out all the relevant factors. The factors studied included the following:
(i) The average number of tape cuts occurring in a shift;
(ii) average time taken by tape stitchers for replacing and stitching the tapes.

The actual occurrence of tape cut was studied for a fortnight in the department.
It has been observed that on an average 48 tapes are cut per shift in spinning

As soon as the tape cut is noticed, the tape stitcher walks to the frame

and then to the exact place of tape cut with the stitching machine. The required
lengths of tapes are cut and kept ready. The stitcher inserts the tape through
the swindles, takes it round the drum, joins the ends, stitches the ends and

fixes the tape on the spindles. The stitcher has to go round the spinning shed
searching for the tape cuts and mending them wherever observed.
The stitching time, varied from 2.5 to 5.5 minutes and the bulk of the stitching

time was centered at 3 minutes.

One important aspect to be considered in determining the optimum number
of stitchers is the interference delay. The occurrence of tape cuts is purely

random. In that case assuming only one tape stitcher is there, when one tape
is being stitched, another tape has to wait for stitching till the tape stitcher
completes his job on the tape he is attending. One tape idle for a minute

results in a loss of 4 spindle minutes. The optimum number of tare stitchers

has to be decided based on the cost due to idleness of spindles and the
wages to the stitchers.

From the actual observation of the number of tape cuts and time of
stitching during- the shift, instead of estimating the interference delay based
on any rigid statistical distribution, the actual distribution has been simulated

with the help of random number tables.

Since the frequency distribution of the servicing time is also known
from the collected data, the stitching time in each case also has been simulated.

The simulated time of occurrence of tape cuts and stitching time were recorded
at different periods of the day.
The interference delay when the number of tape stitchers is varied

from 1 to 3 is shown in the table below:


No. Of tape No. of tape Interference Delay spindle
stitchers cuts per shift minutes minutes

1 48 36 144
2 43 1 4
3 48 0 0

In addition to considering the interference due to employment of 1,2

or 3 tape stitchers, we should also consider the cost associated with each
and arrive at an optimum number of tape stitchers required based on the

minimum total cost.

The cost components associated with the breakage and stitching of s
are as follows:

(i) Cost of idle spindle due to interference delay;

(ii) cost associated with the wage for the stitcher.
It has been estimated that idleness of one spindle per shift will cost Rs

0 25. Daily wage of each tape stitcher has been estimated as Rs. 15 The cost
of idle spindle per day and total cost taking into consideration the wages of
the stitchers and other costs is presented in the table boew:

No. Of. Ape Wage of the Cost of idle Spindle Total

stitchers per tape stitchers Idle spindle Cost (Rs.) cost
day per day (Rs.) minutes per per day

day (Rs.)
3 (1 per shift) 45.00 432 0.25 45.25
6 (2 per shift) 90.00 12 0.01 90.01

9 (3 Per shift 135.00 0 0 135.00

It is seen that the total cost is minimum when one tape stitcher

is employed. By increasing the tape stitchers frorns one to three, loss of Rs.
89.75 per day, i.e., Rs. 31,405,50 will be incurred per annum. Hence one
tape stitcher is considered to be optimum for stitching tapes.

From the present set up, it is seen that even after employing three
tape stitchers, the number of idle spindles due to tape cut per sbifi came to
40 which shows clearly that either the tape stitchers do not properly carry

out their duties or they are not being utilized properly. This maybe due to
the fact that
(i) the tape stitchers are not going round the frames observing the tape cats

and stitching them immediately, and

(ii) the tape stitchers are engaged in other activities. In order to enable the
stitcher to stitch the tapes without delay as soon as tape cut is observed, it is

suggested that an indicator may be fixed on each frame.
The arrow of the indicator should be raised by the siders attending on
that frame. This will enable the stitcher to stitch the tapes as soon as it is cut.

If a stronger thread is used for stitching, it may last longer.

Due to friction, wear is caused and tape gels worn out throughout the
length and breaks. Hence spindles should be properly checked and alignment

of spindles should be adjusted.

All these recommendations were immediately put to practice by the


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