Agents and Assassins: Modern-Day Action With The 4C System: Character Creation

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Agents And Assassins: By Andrew Domino
Modern-Day Action With The 4C System
Costumed superheroes with larger than life powers Value 30, two traits at Rank Value 20, and the
can be a lot of fun, but so can heroes a little lower remainder at 10. The character also has four skills
on the power scale. Agents and Assassins provides (see below).
rules for role playing secret agent characters (like
James Bond and Jack Bauer), pulp-era heroes (like You can save Trait Points to spend as Power
Indiana Jones and H.P. Lovecraft’s investigators), Points (see below), but you cannot change Power
characters with a handful of minor super powers Points into Trait Points. Any Trait Points not spent
(like Luke Skywalker and Buffy the Vampire Slayer) when creating the character are lost.
and vigilantes who get most or all of their abilities
from training, not supernatural powers (like the Lifestyle and Repute
Phantom and the Punisher).
These Secondary Traits are purchased like Primary
This rules set uses the free 4C System RPG rules Traits (see above). Lifestyle represents both a
with the following changes. Either the Basic or character’s wealth and the character’s public
Advanced 4C rules can be used in play. authority: his or her political influence and social
position. Repute represents both a character’s
Character Creation fame and the character’s
personal appeal: his or her
Character Origin is physical appearance and
optional. All modifiers to a force of personality – for
character’s Traits and example, a character could
Powers do count against be friendly but mild-
the points used to create mannered, somewhat
the character (see below). charming or overwhelmingly
Other types of origins can
be added to the rules, like Damage and Fortune
training by a martial arts
master or birth into a These are calculated as
wealthy family. Characters listed in the 4C System
could even be from rules. Your character does
different “species,” like elf, not spend Trait Points to determine these numbers.
robot or vampire.

Point Buy Option Each skill costs 5 Trait Points. Choose them from
the list below. Each advanced skill (if using that
Instead of rolling dice to determine your character’s option) costs 10 Trait Points, and each contact (if
Trait Rank Values and Powers, each player will using that option) costs 5 Trait Points. You can
instead be given two sets of points to work with. purchase each skill once, except Drive and
Knowledge, which are purchased once per topic.
Primary Traits, Lifestyle and Repute
Acrobatics: Use this skill to test your balance, to
You begin with 150 “Trait Points” to split among escape someone trying to grab you or to slip out
these nine abilities, spending 1 Trait Point per point of restraints.
of Rank Value, to a maximum of 50. Each ability Athletics: Use this skill to climb, swim and jump.
must have one of the available Rank Values (1, 3, Bluff: Use this skill to con a security guard, tell lies
6, 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50) – you can’t spend 15 Trait or sweet-talk a stranger into helping you out.
Points for a Rank Value of 15. Computers: Use this skill to create computer
programs, “hack” into Internet systems and find
The average Agents and Assassins character has computerized data.
one trait (including Lifestyle or Repute) at Rank
Diplomacy: Use this skill to negotiate a deal, In addition to this, Power Points are used to buy
bargain with a store clerk or calm down an Rank Values for powers, spending 1 Power Point
angry crowd. per point of Rank Value, to a maximum of 50. Each
Disguise: Use this skill to convincingly change your power must have one of the available Rank Values
appearance, voice and mannerisms. (1, 3, 6, 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50) – you can’t spend 15
Drive: Select a type of vehicle, like cars, Power Points for a Rank Value of 15. Powers can
motorcycles or fighter jets. You are trained at improve a Trait’s Rank Value above 50.
piloting vehicles of that type at their peak, to
perform high-speed stunts. If you pay for the base cost of a power but don’t
Endurance: Use this skill to stay awake long hours, spend any Power Points for a related Rank Value,
resist pain or survive harsh conditions. the power has a Rank Value of 0 (zero). Several
Intimidate: Use this skill to threaten, tease and powers give a character a bonus or ability without
disturb your enemies, so they’ll do what you requiring a Rank Value.
Knowledge: Select a topic like biology or video Mundane Powers
games. You are aware of the history,
fundamentals and current situation of that topic. These powers are the ones most likely to be used
Martial Arts: This represents training in formal by Agents and Assassins characters. They
fighting techniques, like judo, tae kwon do and represent action movie characteristics and semi-
boxing. realistic gear and abilities. Each character is
Occultism: You have knowledge of magic and the assumed to begin (for free) with any equipment he
supernatural, both threats and helpful aspects. or she would use on a daily basis, like identification,
Perception: Use this skill to notice clues, spot traps a computer, a phone, a car, etc. The character also
and threats, and locate hidden objects. has standard-issue weapons, if appropriate, also
Repair: Use this skill to invent gadgets and fix for free. For example, characters who work for a
machines. government agency are given a basic handgun,
Research: Use this skill to learn more about a topic and a vampire killer can carry a wooden stake,
using books and computers. small cross and vial of holy water.
Ride: Use this skill to care for and direct animals or
non-sentient creatures (horses, dinosaurs, etc.). Unique combat equipment (weapons with special
Sleight Of Hand: Use this skill to disable traps, abilities, body armor, etc.) and vehicles with special
open locks, undo knots and perform other small features are purchased as powers.
Stealth: Use this skill to move quietly and hide Each Mundane Power has a base cost of 10 Power
effectively. Points.
Streetwise: Use this skill in a city to get
information, scout out the best deals and find Astoundingly Wealthy Improved Skills
your way across town. Body Armor (see note) Nine Lives
Survival: Use this skill in the wilderness to find Celebrity One-Of-A-Kind Weapon*
food and shelter, and follow tracks. Combat Awareness (see note) Sidekick* (see note)
Fast Attack Trait Boost
Headquarters* Trait Increase (see note)
Healing (see note) Vehicle
Supernatural Powers
You begin with 70 “Power Points” to buy powers
(plus any Trait Points that were saved to use as These powers defy the laws of physics, and are
additional Power Points). Any Power Points not usually only seen in higher-powered superhero
spent when creating the character are lost. games. Agents and Assassins characters can buy
and use most of those powers, though they should
Each power has a base cost needed to possess the be rare, appearing as a super-science gadget (like
power. Each power can only be purchased once, the Flight power in the form of a jet pack) or as a
except for powers marked with an asterisk (*). mystical talent (like the Elemental Control power in
These powers can be purchased multiple times, the form of a magic ritual).
one for each separate version of the power. The
base cost must be paid for each individual version Each Supernatural Power has a base cost of 30
of the power. Power Points.
Absorption Nullification bigger scale than most modern-day characters can
Alter Ego Paralyzing Touch handle. A character can purchase supernatural
Animal Command* Phasing powers and describe them as magical abilities to
Burrowing Physical Metamorphosis* simulate a wizard, psychic or similar character.
Chameleon Plant Control
Claws* Protected Sense*
Contaminant Resistance Reflection Sidekick
Detection* Regeneration A sidekick can be one individual character, or a
Dimension Jump Shapeshift small group (up to five) heroes. If you choose the
Elasticity Superleap “small group” option, create a sidekick character as
Elemental/Energy Control* Supersense* normal, then divide the character’s Rank Values in
Elemental/Energy Generation* Superspeed half (round up). Each member of the group has
Extra Body Parts* Telekinesis those same Trait and Power Rank Values.
Flight Telepathy
Force Field* Teleportation Trait Increase
Growth/Shrinking* Wall-Crawling
Unlike the standard 4C System rules, purchasing
Invisibility Water Native
Mind Control this power a second time for two Primary Traits
adds another +15 to the Rank Value of each Trait
Body Armor instead of increasing the Rank Value to +20. A
Armor is less effective in an Agents and Assassins Primary Trait Rank Value can only be increased
game, where a character’s skill at finding cover, twice using this power. This power cannot be
staying out of gun fights and dodging bullets is purchased for the Lifestyle and Repute Traits.
essential. This power is used as listed in the 4C
System rules, except that it only reduces damage
equal to half the power’s Rank Value (round up,
minimum 1 point) if it is used to defend against
guns or energy attacks. It uses the power’s full
Rank Value against hand-to-hand attacks, unless
they are made with energy weapons.

Combat Awareness
This power is useful only in battle. Replace its rules
text in the 4C System rules with the following:
When making a roll on the Master Table in combat,
add half the power’s Rank Value (round up,
minimum 1 point) to the Rank Value of the Trait
used for that roll, before consulting the Master
Table. This power only applies to attacks and
defenses (melee, ranged, dodging, etc.), not to
combat results (concuss, pound, etc.).

This is a new power. It is exactly the same as the
Regeneration power, except it can be used on the
character or anyone else the character is able to
physically touch. It also requires a successful roll of
d% on the Master Table using the Rank Value of
this power or the character’s Intellect, whichever is
greater. If the result is black the healing attempt Weapon
fails. If the result is red or better, the target recovers This power is not available to any character in
a number of Damage points equal to the Rank Agents and Assassins. A character begins with
Value of this power. A healing attempt can only be typical weapons, if any, for his or her profession.
made on a character once per combat encounter. This does not cost any Power Points. Combat
equipment with special abilities, like swords
Magic powered by mystical energy or pistols using a
This power is not available to any character in unique type of ammuntion, is purchased as the
Agents and Assassins. Superhero magic is on a One-Of-A-Kind Weapon power.
“Famous” Characters Firearms
To recreate “famous” characters from fiction, simply Ranged combat is more deadly in Agents and
give them appropriate Rank Values and powers. Assassins. Change the damage effects of firearms
Add up the points those abilities would cost to as follows. They may use standard arrows and
determine the character’s overall “point value.” It bullets, or bolts of laser energy, depending on the
may be more or less than the suggested Trait Point game setting. Each does the same amount of
and Power Point amounts. damage.

For Agents and Assassins characters, the Weapon Damage

suggested overall point value is 220 points (150 Bow 20
Trait Points plus 70 Power Points). Crossbow 20
Pistol 25
Rifle 30
Shotgun 35
Machine Gun 50
Agents and Assassins (and the standard 4C
System rules) works smoothly if you are using
25mm (1 inch) figurines and a map board or table Standard Superheroes
top battle ground for your game.
You can create a traditional 4C System character
1 sector of movement equals 3 squares, 3 hexes or using the Agents and Assassins rules. A standard
3 inches. It costs 1 square of movement to move superhero character begins with 480 Trait Points
into an adjacent square, even diagonally. It costs 2 and 120 Power Points. The character can have trait
squares of movement to move into a square with and power Rank Values up to and including 100.
rough terrain.
There is no difference between mundane and
The number of sectors a character can move per supernatural powers for standard superheroes.
turn is determined by the character’s Coordination Every power has a base cost of 10 Power Points.
Rank Value, but uses the chart below instead, to Alternately, powers that are “off-limits” to most
better reflect speed on a map board. The rules for characters, like characteristics of a certain species,
other kinds of movement, like climbing and can have a base cost of 30 Power Points, while
superspeed, are the same as the standard 4C most powers have the 10 Power Point base cost.
System rules.
For standard superhero characters, the suggested
Rank Value Sectors Moved in One Turn overall point value is 600 points (480 Trait Points
1-5 1 plus 120 Power Points).
6-49 2
50+ 3 Powers

The Magic power can be selected for standard

superhero characters. It has a base cost of 50
Power Points.

The Weapon power is unavailable to standard

superhero characters.

Other powers can also be added to the rules, like

control over cosmic energy and time travel.
Characters may be able to have Rank Values
above 100, even to 1000 or more.
A Call To Action:
An Agents And Assassins Game Setting
In A Call To Action, player characters are agents of move. P.A.R. agents stop threats, kill when they
P.A.R. (Private Action Response), a special have to, and give hope to the hopeless, then move
operations organization devoted to solving the on. They are fast, smart and very effective.
world’s problems while keeping a low profile.
They’ve got plenty of allies and enemies in the Parker Randall deflects attention from P.A.R. by
secret agent world, but P.A.R. stands out all the living a high-profile life as an explorer and
same. philanthropist. Inside the organization, there are
three main divisions. Agent teams are made from
P.A.R. also stands for Parker Anderson Randall, members of each division, put together as needed
the creator of the organization – and also the for the mission. Teams that work together
founder and public face of Pizza Place, one of the especially well are used by P.A.R. again and again.
world’s biggest fast-food chains. Wall Street knows
Pizza Place earns $2.3 billion dollars a year; what it Investigation Division
doesn’t know is that Randall diverts more than a The Investigation Division assembles missions for
quarter of that money into his “other” business. the agency. It includes former police detectives,
Millions of people enjoy Pizza Place pizza, cheese computer experts, researchers in unusual fields like
bread and pasta meals every day, unaware that the occult and northern African culture, and even
they’re helping to fund one of the world’s top covert librarians. Investigation monitors daily news reports
operations groups. from around the world, searching for “hot spots”
where people need help. They have detailed files
Unlike many secret agencies, P.A.R. is on some of the world’s worst human monsters, and
independent of any government. Its headquarters is are especially good at leaking classified information
in Washington, D.C. (underneath the Pizza Place to the media when it would destroy an enemy of
main offices), but it has no loyalty to the United P.A.R. Investigation takes special pride in its
States. Agents can and do act against the wishes computer network, super high-tech machines that
of the White House when it’s in the interest of have infiltrated most governments in the western
P.A.R. What does P.A.R. want? Nothing less than world.
world peace.
The Investigation Division is headed by Michael
Agent Teams Fitzgerald, who took a long list of contacts and
Parker Randall and his elite team of mission useful informants with him when he retired from
directors send out small agent teams, usually with 3 the U.S. Secret Service. Fitzgerald takes his role
to 6 members, around the world to stop madmen very seriously, since Investigation is responsible for
bent on revenge, warlords tearing countries apart in every mission. He wants the division’s agents to be
a quest for money and power, and corporate able to answer any and every question an agent
bosses seeking every last dollar, no matter who is team in the field has. He’s so dedicated to his
hurt along the way. It operates quietly, to keep mission that he’s not much fun to be around:
enemies from knowing too much about the Fitzgerald never touches alcohol, in case he’s
operation, and to stay away from political suddenly called for duty.
interference. Agents are often able to maintain
private lives outside of P.A.R., though they know Action Division
they have to respond if they’re called into action by The Action Division takes the missions that
the agency. Investigation creates and makes them happen.
Action Division agents are former professional
P.A.R. works hard to stay independent, so it can athletes, weapons masters, stunt drivers and
step in when politics keeps the U.S., United actors. There’s a friendly rivalry between Action
Nations, European Union and others from taking and Investigation: while a member of Investigation
action. It doesn’t have to plan for funding a new Division can identify which bad guys need to be
government after its agents take out a vicious taken out of commission, an Action Division
dictator. It doesn’t have to worry about what the member of an agent team is the one who’s trained
international community will think before every to do the killing. Often after a particularly
spectactular confrontation or convincing flame out of thin air, still others can switch between
performance, the members of an agent team will human and animal forms, and there are dozens of
debate who should get more credit for the other abilities. Most Atlas Program agents develop
accomplishment. one or two superhuman abilities.

Justin Kiel is Parker Randall’s son-in-law. He’s still P.A.R. typically sends one or two Atlas Program
head of Action Division, even though Randall’s members along with each agent group. Since the
daughter and Kiel’s wife Madison vanished several agency works to stay out of sight, it encourages
years ago, sent by Kiel on a P.A.R. mission in those with superhuman abilities to use them only
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. No one knows what when necessary – which seems to be most of the
happened to her, though rumor has it Kiel knows time, in the secret agent business.
more than he’s telling. Agents who work closely
with the top tier of Action Division say he’s become The Atlas Program is headed by Dr. Martin
a haunted man. He’s always making sure a mission Wheeler, who has the power to negate
is fully completed, whether that means a silent superhuman abilities. That’s useful in his line of
assassination, a smooth blackmail job or a massive work, to keep Atlas Program agents from spiraling
explosion. Justin Kiel won’t send an agent team to out of control. He’s a little absent-minded, focused
do anything he won’t do himself. on developing new superhuman abilities and
putting them to good use.
Support Division
The Support Division is less flashy, but just as
essential. It provides the equipment, the technical
staff, and the resources for agent teams.
Investigation Division can’t use its super-computers
if they’re not operating, and Action Division agents
rely on the gadgets and weapons created and A Call To Action Adventure Seeds
perfected by Support. Thanks to the varied needs 1. Parker Randall isn’t the only multi-billionaire with
of P.A.R., the Support Division includes computer a secret. Anders Luthersson, a Swedish
network administrators, doctors, accountants, auto inventor who made his fortune in software, is
mechanics and even blacksmiths among its also behind a wave of computer viruses.
members. They’re blamed on teenage hackers, but the
PCs discover Luthersson is striking at specific
Allison Branch runs Support Division. She’s been business rivals from his headquarters in
the first head of the division to last more than four Stockholm, in a move to corner the computer
years. Most people burn out quickly while trying to market and cripple his opponents for good.
keep up with constantly changing technology and
the headaches of a budget limited by consumers of 2. Call it the “anti-Atlas Program”: a terrorist
deep-dish pizza. Branch loves her job, but organization has recruited a team of super-
sometimes she wishes she was able to get into the agents of its own that’s just as powerful as a
field with an agent team like other Support Division P.A.R. team. They seem to know where the
members do, just so she could see her computer PCs are going before they get there. Is there a
lock bypass systems and innovative explosives at double agent in P.A.R.? Where did the terrorists
work. find willing superhuman soldiers?

The “Atlas Program” 3. Sometimes P.A.R. agents are sent on missions

P.A.R. is also on the cutting edge of science, with that don’t involve saving the entire world at
almost as many biologists and geneticists as spies once. The PCs are assigned to capture David
and assassins on staff. For several years, the Black, a known drug smuggler. He’s scheduled
agency has been developing what it calls the “Atlas to arrive at a major airport this afternoon.
Program”: genetic manipulation, chemical injections Between airport security and Black’s own
and rigorous training to encourage more-than- bodyguards, there’s no way of knowing how
human traits in volunteer P.A.R. agents. Every much resistance the agents will face. They’ll
Atlas Program candidate is altered, then trained for have to work from the shadows, to keep
at least a year, as his or her abilities emerge and innocent travelers safe.
develop. And every candidate’s abilities are
different: some can fly, others can create blasts of
Jennifer Ruiz

“These people need help. I’ll take point. We’ll get the job done.”

Point Value: 220

Movement: 2 sectors

Melee: 20
Coordination: 30
Brawn: 10
Fortitude: 10
Intellect: 10
Awareness: 20
Willpower: 10

Damage: 70
Fortune: 40
Lifestyle: 10
Repute: 10

Skills: Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Martial Arts, Stealth

Equipment and Vehicles:

Standard P.A.R. equipment (cell phone, laptop computer, first aid kit, night vision goggles, flashlight, casual
clothing, formal clothing, small amount of cash for minor expenses, 9mm handgun (damage 25) with extra
Hunting knife (damage Brawn +5)
Lock picks

Fast Attack: 30 (3 attacks per turn)
Nine Lives: 20 (40 Fortune points to spend during game session)

Born and raised in Taos, New Mexico, Jennifer Ruiz was part of U.S. Olympic gymnastics team twice. She
graduated top of her class at the University of New Mexico, and was introduced to P.A.R. by her martial arts
instructor the day after graduation. Since then, Ruiz has improved her already impressive athletic abilities,
becoming a talented martial artist.

She’s also discovered leadership skills she never knew she had. “Scorpion” loves leading a team into action.
She’s willing to listen to the other agents on her team, and is also willing to take responsibility for any actions
she takes in the field. She is especially excited when she’s assigned to missions in Central or South America;
she wants to learn more about her heritage.
Magic Man
Tim Harrison-Baker

“If I can fool the Pope, I can fix you.”

Point Value: 220

Movement: 2 sectors

Melee: 10
Coordination: 10
Brawn: 10
Fortitude: 10
Intellect: 40
Awareness: 20
Willpower: 10

Damage: 40
Fortune: 70
Lifestyle: 70
Repute: 30

Skills: Knowledge (Medicine), Sleight Of Hand

Equipment and Vehicles:

Standard P.A.R. equipment (cell phone, laptop computer, first aid kit, night vision goggles, flashlight, casual
clothing, formal clothing, small amount of cash for minor expenses, 9mm handgun (damage 25) with extra
Travel medical kit with 5 doses poison/venom antidote, liquid skin patches and other medical gear

Astoundingly Wealthy: 0
Headquarters: 10 (the penthouse floor of a Washington, D.C., apartment building)
Healing: 30

Tim Harrison-Baker paid his way through medical school in Washington as a stage magician, performing
increasingly complicated tricks that won him audiences with world leaders. He shunned the spotlight, turning
down offers for TV specials and magazine interviews. That choice was what led P.A.R.’s executives to offer
Harrison-Baker a position as a field agent.

He made a fortune as a surgeon at private hospitals, and still steps in on complicated cases at several of them.
He prefers to stay at home, to build up his skills and visit with friends, but he understands why he’s sent out on
missions with P.A.R. teams. “Magic Man” is one of the best doctors on the P.A.R. payroll.
Jagrati “Jane” Mehta

“I’ll get it, just give me a few minutes.”

Point Value: 220

Movement: 2 sectors

Melee: 10
Coordination: 20
Brawn: 10
Fortitude: 10
Intellect: 60
Awareness: 40
Willpower: 20

Damage: 50
Fortune: 60
Lifestyle: 10
Repute: 10

Skills: Computers (Advanced, Row Step +3), Knowledge (Electronics), Knowledge (Weapons), Repair,

Equipment and Vehicles:

Standard P.A.R. equipment (cell phone, laptop computer, first aid kit, night vision goggles, flashlight, casual
clothing, formal clothing, small amount of cash for minor expenses, 9mm handgun (damage 25) with extra

Body Armor: 30 (reduces 15 damage)
Improved Skills: 0
Trait Increase: 0 (purchased twice for Intellect and Awareness)

Jane Mehta is daughter of a former U.S. Ambassador to India. She fell in love with computers as a child, and
has been working with them ever since. She’s worked on alternative energy for several years, developing
computer programs to develop solar, wind and bio-fuel sources of energy.

At P.A.R., “Network” is a gadget girl. She tries to work her alternative energy research into high-tech vehicles,
surveillance gear and other equipment used by the agency. She contributed to the group that got solar panels
on the top of nearly every Pizza Place building in the U.S. “Network” prefers to think, not to fight, but she has
no problem inventing a weapon for P.A.R.
Stephen Warner

“Relax, I’ll do all the work. Sometimes I wonder why I even need a team.”

Point Value: 220 (2 points not spent)

Movement: 2 sectors

Melee: 20
Coordination: 10
Brawn: 10
Fortitude: 10
Intellect: 10
Awareness: 20
Willpower: 10

Damage: 50
Fortune: 40
Lifestyle: 10
Repute: 30

Skills: Bluff (advanced), Disguise

Equipment and Vehicles:

Standard P.A.R. equipment (cell phone, laptop computer, first aid kit, night vision goggles, flashlight, casual
clothing, formal clothing, small amount of cash for minor expenses, 9mm handgun (damage 25) with extra
Makeup Kit
Taser (damage 25)

Body Armor: 3 (reduces 2 damage)
Nine Lives: 30 (60 Fortune points to spend during game session)
Trait Boost: 10 (Repute Trait)

Stephen Warner has never had trouble getting what he wanted. He attended the University of California not to
study acting, but because of its reputation as a top “party school.” Warner knows people from every walk of life,
from drug dealers to the CEOs of several top movie studios. His acting career has been limited to bit parts in
movies and long-running TV shows, and he’s found his skills are more appreciated at P.A.R.

Warner earned his code name of “Smooth” on his very first mission, when he tricked a Polish general into
giving up the location of a test tube of deadly bacteria by convincing the general he was a long-lost relative.
Everything seems to fall in place very easily for him, a fact that makes some of his less outgoing allies a little
resentful. His arrogant attitude doesn’t help, either. But they know he’ll come through when they need him,
even if they do have to put up with his bragging the entire time.
General Kendall
Robert Kendall

“All right, team, listen up.”

Point Value: 220

Movement: 2 sectors

Melee: 20
Coordination: 10
Brawn: 20
Fortitude: 10
Intellect: 10
Awareness: 10
Willpower: 30

Damage: 70
Fortune: 60
Lifestyle: 10
Repute: 10

Skills: Computers, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (Interrogation)

Equipment and Vehicles:

Standard P.A.R. equipment (cell phone, laptop computer, first aid kit, night vision goggles, flashlight, casual
clothing, formal clothing, small amount of cash for minor expenses, 9mm handgun (damage 25) with extra
Assault rifle (damage 30)

Headquarters: 30 (horse ranch)
Telepathy: 0 (uses Willpower Rank Value 30)

After a long and distinguished career in the U.S. Army, Gen. Robert Kendall retired to his horse farm to breed
what he hoped would be Triple Crown champion animals. On a visit to Scotland to inspect a prize-winning
stallion, Kendall was rear-ended in a six-car pileup. His rented vehicle slammed into the back of a truck
carrying a variety of chemicals. Kendall was splashed by a strange green fluid and passed out. When he came
to several days later, he discovered his world had changed. He was quickly recruited by P.A.R., where he
blends his military training with his new ability.

General Kendall can read minds. He knows when people are lying and is especially good at getting information
out of people who don’t want to give it up. He usually doesn’t take to the field with any particular team of P.A.R.
agents, but stays in contact mentally throughout a mission. Using his power too much at one time can be
exhausting, so Kendall prefers to speak though normal channels when he can. He’s a skilled officer and a
valuable asset to P.A.R.
Geoffrey Secombe

“The first hit is good, but wait until you feel the aftershock!”

Point Value: 220

Movement: 2 sectors

Melee: 20
Coordination: 10
Brawn: 20
Fortitude: 30
Intellect: 10
Awareness: 10
Willpower: 10

Damage: 80
Fortune: 30
Lifestyle: 10
Repute: 10

Skills: Athletics, Drive (Cars), Knowledge (Finances), Perception

Equipment and Vehicles:

Standard P.A.R. equipment (cell phone, laptop computer, first aid kit, night vision goggles, flashlight, casual
clothing, formal clothing, small amount of cash for minor expenses, 9mm handgun (damage 25) with extra

Elemental Control (Earth): 40

Geoff Secombe was one of the first volunteers for the Atlas Program. Working as an accountant for P.A.R., he
saw weapons, fancy dinners and plane tickets around the world in agent expense reports every day. Already in
good shape, Secombe wanted to play a bigger role in the agency and get a little of that excitement for himself.
He loves living the high life, and complains loudly when a mission sends him to a jungle village or a desert

In every P.A.R. operation, there’s a time for stealth and a time for a show of force. “Aftershock” specializes in
force. His favorite move in combat is to crouch down, press his hands on the ground, and grin at his enemies.
He can pour kinetic energy into rock and soil to cause small earthquakes and shatter stone walls. He’s also
able to lift and move heavy rocks that others cannot pick up. Aftershock has to be touching earth with his
hands to use his power, though it does work even if he’s only able to touch one fingertip to a stone.
Code Name: Secret / Public Identity:

Player: Point Value: Movement: sectors

Primary Trait Rank Value Advanced Skills


Expertise in melee (hand-to-hand) combat


Physical proficiency; used to shoot, dodge, balance, etc. 


Physical power; used to lift, punch, etc.

FORTITUDE Equipment and Vehicles

Physical stamina and robustness; used to stay awake, resist poison, etc.


Intelligence; used to invent gadgets, solve problems, etc.


Intuition; used to spot tracks, follow a hunch, resist fast-talk, etc.


Mental strength; used to resist the occult, stay focused, etc.

Secondary Traits Rank Value DAMAGE FORTUNE


Measure of wealth and public authority

Maximum Maximum
Measure of fame and personal appeal

Power: Power: Power: Power:

Rank Value: Rank Value: Rank Value: Rank Value:

Notes: Notes: Notes: Notes:

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