Questions On Electromagnetism

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Magnetic Field - Basic Electrical Engineering Q... about:reader?url=

Magnetic Field - Basic Electrical

Engineering Questions and
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Magnetic Field”.

1. What is the magnetic field outside a solenoid?

a) Infinity
b) Half the value of the field inside
c) Double the value of the field inside
d) Zero
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Answer: d
Explanation: There are no magnetic lines of force outside a
solenoid, hence the magnetic field outside a solenoid is

2. Which, among the following qualities, is not affected by

the magnetic field?
a) Moving charge
b) Change in magnetic flux
c) Current flowing in conductor

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d) Stationary charge
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Answer: d
Explanation: A stationary charge is not affected by a
magnetic field because stationary charges do not have any
velocity. Magnetic field cannot occur in a particle having
zero velocity.

3. When a charged particle moves at right angles to the

magnetic field, the variable quantity is?
a) Momentum
b) Speed
c) Energy
d) Moment of inertia
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Answer: a
Explanation: When a charged particle moves perpendicular
to the field, its speed remains the same whereas its velocity
keeps on changing. Momentum is the product of the mass
of the particle and the velocity if the particle, hence since
velocity varies, momentum also varies.

4. If the flow of electric current is parallel to the magnetic

field, the force will be ______
a) Zero
b) Infinity
c) Maximum
d) Half the original value
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Answer: a

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Explanation: Force is a cross product. A cross product

involves the sine of the angle between them. If two
quantities are parallel to each other, the angle between
them is zero. Sin(0) is zero, hence force is zero.

5. The ratio of magnetic force to electric force on a charged

particle getting undeflected in a field is?
a) 1
b) 0
c) 2
d) 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: When a charged particle is undeflected in a
field, the magnitude of the magnetic force and electric force
acting on the particle is the same, hence the ratio is 1.

6. What is the strength of magnetic field known as

a) Flux
b) Density
c) Magnetic strength
d) Magnetic flux density
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Answer: d
Explanation: Strength of magnetic filed is also known as
magnetic flux density. It is the amount of magnetic flux lines
crossing through unit area.

7. Weakest force in nature is?

a) Electric force

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b) Gravitational force
c) Weak force
d) Magnetic force
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gravitational force is the weakest force in
nature as it does not bind anything strongly with its help.

8. How can a magnetic field be produced?

a) Using a permanent magnet
b) Electric current
c) Using a temporary magnet
d) Using a permanent magnet or electric current
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Answer: d
Explanation: An electric filed as well as a permanent
magnet produces a magnetic field whereas a temporary
magnets fails to do so.

9. Can we see magnetic flux lines?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Depends on the strength of the field
d) Only when field strength is very large
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Answer: b
Explanation: No, we cannot see magnetic flux lines as the
“lines of magnetic flux” is purely an imaginary concept to
understand the magnetic field clearly.

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10. Magnetic Field lines move from _______

a) North to south
b) South to north
c) West to east
d) East to west
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Answer: a
Explanation: Magnetic field lines originate at the north pole
and terminate at the south pole of the magnet.

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Basic Electrical Engineering.

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complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

5 of 5 3/19/18, 8:33 AM
Magnetic Field Direction - Basic Electrical Engi... about:reader?url=

Magnetic Field Direction - Basic

Electrical Engineering Questions
and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Direction of
Magnetic Field”.

1. Field lines move from __________

a) North to south
b) South to north
c) West to east
d) East to west
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Answer: a
Explanation: Magnetic field lines originate at the north pole
and terminate at the south pole of the magnet.

2. Magnetic field lines ___________ at the north pole.

a) Emerge
b) Converge
c) Neither emerge nor converge
d) Either emerge or converge

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Answer: a
Explanation: Magnetic field lines emerge at the north pole.
Field lines seem to emerge at the north pole because they
originate at the north pole.

3. Magnetic field lines ___________ at the south pole.

a) Emerge
b) Converge
c) Neither emerge nor converge
d) Either emerge or converge
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Answer: b
Explanation: Magnetic field lines converge at the south
pole. Field lines seem to converge at the south pole
because they end at the south pole.

4. Which of the following is used to determine the direction

of magnetic field in a current carrying conductor?
a) Left hand thumb rule
b) Right hand thumb rule
c) Right hand palm rule
d) Left hand palm rule
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Answer: b
Explanation: The right hand thumb rule determines the
direction of magnetic field in a current carrying conductor.
The rule states that when we align our right thumb in the
direction of the current and curl our fingers around it, the
direction of our fingers is the direction of the magnetic field.

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5. According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the index finger

a) Direction of magnetic field
b) Direction of current
c) Direction of force
d) Direction of force as well as current
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the
index finger denotes the direction of magnetic field, the
thumb denoted the direction of force and the middle finger
denoted the direction of current.

6. According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the middle finger

a) Direction of magnetic field
b) Direction of current
c) Direction of force
d) Direction of force as well as current
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Answer: b
Explanation: According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the
index finger denotes the direction of magnetic field, the
thumb denoted the direction of force and the middle finger
denoted the direction of current.

7. According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the thumb

a) Direction of magnetic field
b) Direction of current

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c) Direction of force
d) Direction of force as well as current
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Answer: c
Explanation: According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the
index finger denotes the direction of magnetic field, the
thumb denoted the direction of force and the middle finger
denoted the direction of current.

8. The relation between the direction of force and the

direction of magnetic field is _________
a) Same direction
b) Opposite direction
c) Perpendicular
d) Unrelated
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Answer: c
Explanation: When a conductor carries a certain value of
current, the force developed in the conductor, the current in
the conductor and the magnetic field in the conductor are
mutually perpendicular to each other.

9. The relation between the direction of current and the

direction of magnetic field is ________
a) Same direction
b) Opposite direction
c) Perpendicular
d) Unrelated
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Answer: c

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Explanation: When a conductor carries a certain value of

current, the force developed in the conductor, the current in
the conductor and the magnetic field in the conductor are
mutually perpendicular to each other.

10. The relation between the direction of current and the

direction of force is _________
a) Same direction
b) Opposite direction
c) Perpendicular
d) Unrelated
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Answer: c
Explanation: When a conductor carries a certain value of
current, the force developed in the conductor, the current in
the conductor and the magnetic field in the conductor are
mutually perpendicular to each other.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

5 of 5 3/19/18, 8:33 AM
Magnetic Flux Characteristics Lines Questions ... about:reader?url=

Magnetic Flux Characteristics

Lines Questions and Answers
by Manish
4 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Characteristics
of Lines of Magnetic Flux”.

1. Magnetic field lines seek the path of __________

a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) Infinite
d) Zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: Magnetic field lines will always seek the path
of least resistance. It does not seek the path of zero
resistance because, in practical scenarios, zero resistance
is not possible.

2. Magnetic field lines form _________ loops from pole to

a) Open

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b) Closed
c) Branched
d) Either closed or branched
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Answer: b
Explanation: Magnetic field lines form closed loops from
pole to pole. There is no discontinuity in the magnetic flux

3. Do magnetic flux lines intersect?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Depends on the situation
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: Magnetic field lines do not cross each other
because if they cross it means the there are two different
directions of magnetic field in that region and that is not

4. Magnetic field lines ___________ at the south pole.

a) Emerge
b) Converge
c) Neither emerge nor converge
d) Either emerge or converge
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Answer: b
Explanation: Magnetic field lines converge at the south
pole. Field lines seem to converge at the south pole

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Magnetic Flux Characteristics Lines Questions ... about:reader?url=

because they end at the south pole.

5. Magnetic field lines ___________ at the north pole.

a) Emerge
b) Converge
c) Neither emerge nor converge
d) Either emerge or converge
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Answer: a
Explanation: Magnetic field lines emerge at the north pole.
Field lines seem to emerge at the north pole because they
originate at the north pole.

6. Field lines move from __________

a) North to south
b) South to north
c) West to east
d) East to west
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Answer: a
Explanation: Magnetic field lines originate at the north pole
and terminate at the south pole of the magnet.

7. Inside the magnet, field lines travel from?

a) North to south
b) South to north
c) West to east
d) East to west
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Answer: b

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Explanation: Magnetic field lines originate at the north pole

and terminate at the south pole of the magnet but inside the
magnet, they seem to move from south to north.

8. Can we see magnetic flux lines?

a) Yes
b) No
c) Depends on the strength of the field
d) Only when field strength is very large
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Answer: b
Explanation: No, we cannot see magnetic flux lines as the
“lines of magnetic flux” is purely an imaginary concept to
understand the magnetic field clearly.

9. Lines of magnetic flux which are parallel and in the same

direction __________ each other.
a) Attract
b) Repel
c) Intersect
d) Cancel
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Answer: b
Explanation: Lines of magnetic flux which are parallel to
each other and in the same direction repel each other
because they tend to act as like poles and like poles repel
each other.

10. More the number of magnetic flux lines, _______ is the

force of the magnet.
a) Greater

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b) Lesser
c) Either greater or lesser
d) Neither greater nor lesser
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Answer: a
Explanation: More the number of magnetic flux lines,
greater is the force of the magnet. This is because the
magnetic flux lines denote the strength of the field of the

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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Basic Electrical Engineering Interview Question... about:reader?url=

Basic Electrical Engineering

Interview Questions and Answers
for Experienced
by Manish
5-6 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Interview Questions

and Answers for Experienced people focuses on “Magnetic
Field Due to an Electric Current”.

1. If the flow of electric current is parallel to the magnetic

field, the force will be ______
a) Zero
b) Infinity
c) Maximum
d) Half the original value
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Answer: a
Explanation: Force is a cross product. A cross product
involves the sine of the angle between them. If two
quantities are parallel to each other, the angle between
them is zero. Sin(0) is zero, hence force is zero.

2. The force existing between two infinite parallel

conductors is inversely proportional to ________

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a) Radius of the conductors

b) Current in one of the conductors
c) The product of the current in the two conductors
d) The distance between the two conductors
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Answer: d
Explanation: When current is flowing in two different
conductors, the force between the two conductors is directly
proportional to the product of the current in the two
conductors and inversely proportional to the distance
between the two conductors.

3. When the distance of operation between the two

conductors increases, what happens to the force between
the two conductors?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains the same
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: When the distance of separation increases,
the force between the two conductors decrease because
force between two conductors is inversely proportional to
the distance of separation between them.

4. Which of the following is used to determine the direction

of magnetic field in a current carrying conductor?
a) Left hand thumb rule
b) Right hand thumb rule

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c) Right hand palm rule

d) Left hand palm rule
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Answer: b
Explanation: The right hand thumb rule determines the
direction of magnetic field in a current carrying conductor.
The rule states that when we align our right thumb in the
direction of the current and curl our fingers around it, the
direction of our fingers is the direction of the magnetic field.

5. According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the index finger

denotes ________
a) Direction of magnetic field
b) Direction of current
c) Direction of force
d) Direction of force as well as current
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Answer: a
Explanation: According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the
index finger denotes the direction of magnetic field, the
thumb denoted the direction of force and the middle finger
denoted the direction of current.

6. According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the middle finger

denotes _________
a) Direction of magnetic field
b) Direction of current
c) Direction of force
d) Direction of force as well as current
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Answer: b
Explanation: According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the
index finger denotes the direction of magnetic field, the
thumb denoted the direction of force and the middle finger
denoted the direction of current.

7. According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the thumb

denotes _________
a) Direction of magnetic field
b) Direction of current
c) Direction of force
d) Direction of force as well as current
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Answer: c
Explanation: According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the
index finger denotes the direction of magnetic field, the
thumb denoted the direction of force and the middle finger
denoted the direction of current.

8. The relation between the direction of force and the

direction of magnetic field in a current carrying conductor
a) Same direction
b) Opposite direction
c) Perpendicular
d) Unrelated
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Answer: c
Explanation: When a conductor carries a certain value of
current, the force developed in the conductor, the current in

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the conductor and the magnetic field in the conductor are

mutually perpendicular to each other.

9. The relation between the direction of current and the

direction of magnetic field in a current carrying conductor
a) Same direction
b) Opposite direction
c) Perpendicular
d) Unrelated
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Answer: c
Explanation: When a conductor carries a certain value of
current, the force developed in the conductor, the current in
the conductor and the magnetic field in the conductor are
mutually perpendicular to each other.

10. The relation between the direction of current and the

direction of force in a current carrying conductor is?
a) Same direction
b) Opposite direction
c) Perpendicular
d) Unrelated
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Answer: c
Explanation: When a conductor carries a certain value of
current, the force developed in the conductor, the current in
the conductor and the magnetic field in the conductor are
mutually perpendicular to each other.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

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Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering for

Interviews, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice
Questions and Answers.

6 of 6 3/19/18, 8:33 AM
Solenoid Magnetic Field - Basic Electrical Engi... about:reader?url=

Solenoid Magnetic Field - Basic

Electrical Engineering Questions
and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Magnetic Field
of a Solenoid”.

1. The magnetic field strength of a solenoid can be

increased by inserting which of the following materials as
the core?
a) Copper
b) Silver
c) Iron
d) Aluminium
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Magnetic field of a solenoid increases
when we insert a iron core because, iron is a ferromagnetic
material and ferromagnetic materials help in increasing the
magnetic property.

2. If a coil is wound around a steel core and electric current

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is passed through the coil, the steel core acts as a?

a) Electromagnet
b) Permanent magnet
c) Neither electromagnet nor permanent magnet
d) Either electromagnet or permanent magnet
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Answer: b
Explanation: When a coin is wound around a steel core, the
steel core behaves as a permanent magnet because it is a
ferromagnetic material and once it becomes magnetic it
does not lose its magnetic property.

3. What is the formula for magnetic field due to a solenoid?

a) µnI
b) µn2
c) µNI
d) µN2I2
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Answer: a
Explanation: The magnetic field due to a solenoid is:
B= µnI, where µ is the permeability, n is the number of turns
per unit length and I is the current in the solenoid.

4. What happens to the magnetic field in the solenoid when

the number of turns increases?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: a
Explanation: The magnetic field of a solenoid is directly
proportional to the number of turns in it. Hence as the
number of turns increases, the magnetic field also

5. What happens to the magnetic field in the solenoid when

the current increases?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: a
Explanation: The magnetic field of a solenoid is directly
proportional to the current in it. Hence as the current
increases, the magnetic field also increases.

6. What happens to the magnetic field in the solenoid when

the length of the solenoid increases?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: The magnetic field of a solenoid is inversely
proportional to the length. Hence as the length increases,
the magnetic field decreases.

7. What is the magnetic field outside a solenoid?

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a) Infinity
b) Half the value of the field inside
c) Double the value of the field inside
d) Zero
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Answer: d
Explanation: There are no magnetic lines of force outside a
solenoid, hence the magnetic field outside a solenoid is

8. The current in a solenoid is 30A, the number of turns per

unit length is 500 turns per metre. Calculate the magnetic
field if the core is air.
a) 18.84T
b) 18.84mT
c) 1.84T
d) 1.84mT
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Answer: b
Explanation: The magnetic field in a solenoid is given by:
Substituting the values in the given values in the equation,

9. The magnetic field of the solenoid is 18.84mT, the

number of turns per unit length is 500 turns per metre.
Calculate the current if the core is air.
a) 300A
b) 30A
c) 3A

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d) 300mA
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Answer: b
Explanation: The magnetic field in a solenoid is given by:
Substituting the values in the given values in the equation,

10. The magnetic field of the solenoid is 18.84mT, the

current is 30A. Calculate the number of turns per unit length
if the core is air.
a) 1500 turns/m
b) 1000 turns/m
c) 500 turns /m
d) 2000 turns/m
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Answer: c
Explanation: The magnetic field in a solenoid is given by:
Substituting the values in the given values in the equation
n=500 turns/m.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

5 of 5 3/19/18, 8:34 AM
Current Carrying Conductor Force Questions a... about:reader?url=

Current Carrying Conductor Force

Questions and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Force on a
Current Carrying Conductor”.

1. What is the expression for force in a current carrying

a) F=Kq1/r2
b) F=Kq2/r2
c) F=Kq1q2/r2
d) F=Kq1q2/r
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Answer: c
Explanation: The force in a current carrying conductor is
directly proportional to the product of the two charges and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between
them. Hence F=Kq1q2/r2, where K is the constant of

2. Force in a conductor is__________ to the product of the


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a) Directly proportional
b) Inversely proportional
c) Not related
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: a
Explanation: The force in a current carrying conductor is
directly proportional to the product of the two charges and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between

3. Force in a conductor is __________ to the square of the

distance between the charges.
a) Directly proportional
b) Inversely proportional
c) Not related
d) Cannot be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: The force in a current carrying conductor is
directly proportional to the product of the two charges and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between

4. Calculate the force between two charges having

magnitude 3nC and 2nC separated by a distance of 2micro
a) 13.5N
b) 13.5kN
c) 1.35N

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d) 1.35kN
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Answer: b
Explanation: From the expression:
F=Kq1q2/r2, the value of K being 9*109, we get F=13.5kN.

5. If the flow of electric current is parallel to the magnetic

field, the force will be?
a) Zero
b) Infinity
c) Maximum
d) Half the original value
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Answer: a
Explanation: Force is a cross product. A cross product
involves the sine of the angle between them. If two
quantities are parallel to each other, the angle between
them is zero. Sin(0) is zero, hence force is zero.

6. The ratio of magnetic force to electric force on a charged

particle getting undeflected in a field is ______
a) 1
b) 0
c) 2
d) 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: When a charged particle is undeflected in a
field, the magnitude of the magnetic force and electric force
acting on the particle is the same, hence the ratio is 1.

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7. Weakest force in nature is __________

a) Electric force
b) Gravitational force
c) Weak force
d) Magnetic force
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gravitational force is the weakest force in
nature as it does not bind anything strongly with its help.

8. According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the thumb

a) Direction of magnetic field
b) Direction of current
c) Direction of force
d) Direction of force as well as current
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Answer: c
Explanation: According to Flemming’s left hand rule, the
index finger denotes the direction of magnetic field, the
thumb denoted the direction of force and the middle finger
denoted the direction of current.

9. The relation between the direction of force and the

direction of magnetic field is __________
a) Same direction
b) Opposite direction
c) Perpendicular
d) Unrelated
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Answer: c
Explanation: When a conductor carries a certain value of
current, the force developed in the conductor, the current in
the conductor and the magnetic field in the conductor are
mutually perpendicular to each other.

10. The relation between the direction of current and the

direction of force is ________
a) Same direction
b) Opposite direction
c) Perpendicular
d) Unrelated
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Answer: c
Explanation: When a conductor carries a certain value of
current, the force developed in the conductor, the current in
the conductor and the magnetic field in the conductor are
mutually perpendicular to each other.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

5 of 5 3/19/18, 8:34 AM
Force Determination - Basic Electrical Engineer... about:reader?url=

Force Determination - Basic

Electrical Engineering Questions
and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Force

1. Which, among the following, is the correct expression for

force in a current carrying conductor?
a) F=Bi
b) F=B2il
c) F=Bil
d) F=Bl2
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Answer: c
Explanation: The correct expression for force in a current
carrying conductor in a magnetic field is F=Bil, where B is
the magnetic field, i is the current in the conductor and l is
the length of the conductor.

2. When the current in the current carrying conductor

increases, what happens to the force in the conductor

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which is at right angles to the magnetic field?

a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains the same
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: a
Explanation: The force at right angles to the magnetic field
of a current carrying conductor increases when the current
increases because it is directly proportional to the force.

3. When the length of the conductor in the current carrying

conductor increases, what happens to the force in the
conductor which is at right angles to the magnetic field?
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains the same
d) Becomes zero
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Answer: a
Explanation: The force at right angles to the magnetic field
of a current carrying conductor increases when the length
of the conductor increases because it is directly proportional
to the force.

4. When the magnetic field intensity in the current carrying

conductor increases, what happens to the force in the
conductor which is at right angles to the magnetic field?
a) Increases
b) Decreases

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c) Remains the same

d) Becomes zero
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Answer: a
Explanation: The force at right angles to the magnetic field
of a current carrying conductor increases when the
magnetic field intensity increases because it is directly
proportional to the force.

5. The unit for force in a current carrying conductor is

a) Newton
b) Tesla
c) Weber/metre
d) Ampere
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Answer: a
Explanation: The unit foe force in a current carrying
conductor is newton because it is a force and the unit of
force is newton.

6. If the flow of electric current is parallel to the magnetic

field, the force will be ________
a) Zero
b) Infinity
c) Maximum
d) Half the original value
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Answer: a
Explanation: Force is a cross product. A cross product

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involves the sine of the angle between them. If two

quantities are parallel to each other, the angle between
them is zero. Sin(0) is zero, hence force is zero.

7. The ratio of magnetic force to electric force on a charged

particle getting undeflected in a field is ___________
a) 1
b) 0
c) 2
d) 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: When a charged particle is undeflected in a
field, the magnitude of the magnetic force and electric force
acting on the particle is the same, hence the ratio is 1.

8. If the intensity of magnetic field is 100T, the length of the

conductor is 3m and the current in the conductor is 10A,
calculate the magnitude of force perpendicular to the
electric field.
a) 300N
b) 30N
c) 30kN
d) 3kN
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Answer: d
Explanation: The formula for calculating the value of the
force which is perpendicular to the electric field is:
Substituting the values from the question, we get F=3kN.

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9. Weakest force in nature is ________

a) Electric force
b) Gravitational force
c) Weak force
d) Magnetic force
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gravitational force is the weakest force in
nature as it does not bind anything strongly with its help.

10. The relation between the direction of force and the

direction of magnetic field is _________
a) Same direction
b) Opposite direction
c) Perpendicular
d) Unrelated
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Answer: c
Explanation: When a conductor carries a certain value of
current, the force developed in the conductor, the current in
the conductor and the magnetic field in the conductor are
mutually perpendicular to each other.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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Electromagnetic Induction - Basic Electrical En... about:reader?url=

Electromagnetic Induction - Basic

Electrical Engineering Questions
and Answers
by Manish
4 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Electromagnetic

1. An E.M.F. can be induced by _________

a) Change in magnetic field
b) Change in the area of cross section
c) Change in angle between magnetic field and area
d) Change in magnetic field, area and angle
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Answer: d
Explanation: It is the dot product of magnetic field vector
and area vector.
emf=BAcos(theta), hence if either of the three, that is,
magnetic field, area or angle changes, thee emf will

2. What happens to the current in a coil while accelerating a

magnet inside it?

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a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) Reverses
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Answer: a
Explanation: A chance in magnetic field induces an emf.
When there is an emf, there has to be a current. Hence,
when the magnet is moved inside a coil, the current in it

3. What is the consequence of motor effect?

a) Current
b) Voltage
c) Electromagnetic induction
d) EMF
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Answer: c
Explanation: Motor effect is when a current carrying
conductor in a magnetic field experiences a force, hence its
consequence is electromagnetic induction.

4. The total number of magnetic field lines passing through

an area is termed as?
a) Voltage
b) EMF
c) Magnetic flux
d) Magnetic flux density
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Answer: b

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Explanation: The number of magnetic flux lines per unit

area is the magnetic flux, because flux is the number of
field lines per unit area.

5. The formula for induced emf is __________

a) emf=B2l
b) emf=Bil
c) emf=Blv
d) emf=B2v
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Answer: c
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv,
where B is the magnetic field, l is the length of the
conductor and v is the velocity with which it is moving in the
magnetic field.

6. If a conductor 0.2m long moves with a velocity of 0.3m/s

in a magnetic field of 5T, calculate the emf induced.
a) 0.3V
b) 0.03V
c) 30V
d) 3V
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv.
Substituting the values of B, l and v from the question, we
get emf=0.3V.

7. Find the length of a conductor which is moving with a

velocity 0.4m/s in a magnetic field of 8T, inducing an emf of

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a) 50m
b) 5m
c) 6.25m
d) 0.5m
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Answer: c
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv.
Substituting the values of B, emf and v from the question,
we get l=6.25m.

8. Find the strength of magnetic field in a conductor 0.5m

long moving with a velocity of 10m/s, inducing an emf of
a) 1T
b) 2T
c) 3T
d) 4T
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Answer: d
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv.
Substituting the values of l, emf and v from the question, we
get B=4T.

9. What does emf stand for?

a) Electronic magnetic force
b) Electromotive force
c) Electromagnetic force
d) Electromated force
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Answer: b

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Explanation: emf stands for electromotive force. It is the

voltage developed by any source of electrical energy.

10. What is emf?

a) Force
b) Voltage
c) Current
d) Flux
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electromotive force is not actually a force. It is
basically a voltage. It is the voltage developed by any
source of electrical energy.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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Induced EMF Direction - Basic Electrical Engine... about:reader?url=

Induced EMF Direction - Basic

Electrical Engineering Questions
and Answers
by Manish
4-5 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Direction of
Induced EMF”.

1. According to Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic

inductance, an emf is induced in a conductor whenever?
a) The conductor is perpendicular to the magnetic field
b) Lies in the magnetic field
c) Cuts magnetic lines of flux
d) Moves parallel to the magnetic field
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Answer: c
Explanation: An emf is induced, according to Faraday’s
laws of electromagnetic inductance, whenever the
conductor in a magnetic field cuts the magnetic lies of flux,
varying the flux per unit area, and hence the magnetic field
which induces an emf.

2. Direction of induced emf is determined by __________

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a) Fleming’s left hand rule

b) Fleming’s right hand rule
c) Faraday’s law
d) Right hand thumb rule
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Answer: b
Explanation: Fleming’s left hand rule stated that if the index
finger points towards magnetic flux, the thumb towards the
motion of the conductor, then the middle finger points
towards the induced emf.

3. “The direction of an induced e.m.f. is always such that it

tends to set up a current opposing the motion or the change
of flux responsible for inducing that e.m.f.”, this is the
statement for?
a) Fleming’s left hand rule
b) Fleming’s right hand rule
c) Faraday’s law
d) Lenz’s law
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Answer: d
Explanation: The above statement is that of Lenz’s law. It is
used to determine the direction of the induced emf.

4. According to Fleming’s right hand rule, the thumb points

a) Current
b) E.M.F.
c) Motion of the conductor
d) Magnetic flux

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View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: Fleming’s left hand rule stated that if the index
finger points towards magnetic flux, the thumb towards the
motion of the conductor, then the middle finger points
towards the induced emf.

5. According to Fleming’s right hand rule, the index finger

points towards?
a) Current
b) E.M.F.
c) Motion of the conductor
d) Magnetic flux
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Answer: d
Explanation: Fleming’s left hand rule stated that if the index
finger points towards magnetic flux, the thumb towards the
motion of the conductor, then the middle finger points
towards the induced emf.

6. According to Fleming’s right hand rule, the middle finger

points towards?
a) Current
b) E.M.F.
c) Motion of the conductor
d) Magnetic flux
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Answer: b
Explanation: Fleming’s left hand rule stated that if the index
finger points towards magnetic flux, the thumb towards the

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motion of the conductor, then the middle finger points

towards the induced emf.

7. The relation between direction of induced emf and

direction of motion of the conductor is?
a) Parallel
b) Equal
c) Not related
d) Perpendicular
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Answer: d
Explanation: According to Fleming’s right hand rule, the
induced emf, the motion of the conductor and the magnetic
flux are mutually perpendicular.

8. The relation between direction of induced emf and

direction of magnetic flux is _______
a) Parallel
b) Equal
c) Not related
d) Perpendicular
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Answer: d
Explanation: According to Fleming’s right hand rule, the
induced emf, the motion of the conductor and the magnetic
flux are mutually perpendicular.

9. The relation between direction of magnetic flux and

direction of motion of the conductor is _______
a) Parallel
b) Equal

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c) Not related
d) Perpendicular
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Answer: d
Explanation: According to Fleming’s right hand rule, the
induced emf, the motion of the conductor and the magnetic
flux are mutually perpendicular.

10. North pole induces __________

a) Clockwise current
b) Anti-clockwise current
c) Zero current
d) Infinite current
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Answer: b
Explanation: A north pole will always induce an anti-
clockwise current whereas a south pole will always induce a
clockwise current due to electromagnetic theory.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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Basic Electrical Engineering Test - Sanfoundry about:reader?url=

Basic Electrical Engineering Test -

by Manish
4 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering test focuses on

“Magnitude of the Generated or Induced EMF”.

1. Which, among the following, is the formula for induced

a) e=d(phi)/dt
b) e=dt/d(phi)
c) e=t*phi
d) e=t2phi
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Answer: a
Explanation: The formula foe induced emf is e=d(phi)/dt
because the induced emf is the flux linkage per unit time.

2. The formula for induced emf is _______

a) emf=B2l
b) emf=Bil
c) emf=Blv
d) emf=B2v
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Answer: c
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv,
where B is the magnetic field, l is the length of the
conductor and v is the velocity with which it is moving in the
magnetic field.

3. If a conductor 0.2m long moves with a velocity of 0.3m/s

in a magnetic field of 5T, calculate the emf induced.
a) 0.3V
b) 0.03V
c) 30V
d) 3V
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv.
Substituting the values of B, l and v from the question, we
get emf=0.3V.

4. Find the length of a conductor which is moving with a

velocity 0.4m/s in a magnetic field of 8T, inducing an emf of
a) 50m
b) 5m
c) 6.25m
d) 0.5m
View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv.
Substituting the values of B, emf and v from the question,
we get l=6.25m.

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5. Find the strength of magnetic field in a conductor 0.5m

long moving with a velocity of 10m/s, inducing an emf of
a) 1T
b) 2T
c) 3T
d) 4T
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Answer: d
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv.
Substituting the values of l, emf and v from the question, we
get B=4T.

6. What is emf?
a) Force
b) Voltage
c) Current
d) Flux
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electromotive force is not actually a force. It is
basically a voltage. It is the voltage developed by any
source of electrical energy.

7. An E.M.F. can be induced by _________

a) Change in magnetic field
b) Change in the area of cross section
c) Change in angle between magnetic field and area
d) Change in magnetic field, area and angle
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Answer: d
Explanation: The dot product of magnetic field vector and
area vector.
emf=BAcos(theta), hence if either of the three, that is,
magnetic field, area or angle changes, thee emf will

8. The emf induced in a coil having N turns is?

a) e=phi/t
b) e=N*phi/t
c) e=N*phi*t
d) e=N2*phi*t
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Answer: b
Explanation: The emf induced in a coil having N turns is,
e=N*phi/t. This is because, the emf in a single coil is the
flux linkage per unit time, that is, phi/t. Hence the flux
induced in N turns is N*phi/t.

9. The total number of magnetic field lines passing through

an area is termed as ________
a) Voltage
b) EMF
c) Magnetic flux
d) Magnetic flux density
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Answer: b
Explanation: The number of magnetic flux lines per unit
area is the magnetic flux, because flux is the number of
field lines per unit area.

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10. What is the consequence of motor effect?

a) Current
b) Voltage
c) Electromagnetic induction
d) EMF
View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: Motor effect is when a current carrying
conductor in a magnetic field experiences a force, hence its
consequence is electromagnetic induction.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering for

tests, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice
Questions and Answers.

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Magnitude of EMF Induced in a Coil Questions ... about:reader?url=

Magnitude of EMF Induced in a

Coil Questions and Answers
by Manish
4 minutes

This set of Basic Electrical Engineering Multiple Choice

Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Magnitude of
EMF Induced in a Coil”.

1. The formula for induced emf is ______

a) emf=B2l
b) emf=Bil
c) emf=Blv
d) emf=B2v
View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv,
where B is the magnetic field, l is the length of the
conductor and v is the velocity with which it is moving in the
magnetic field.

2. Which, among the following, is the formula for induced

a) e=d(phi)/dt
b) e=dt/d(phi)

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c) e=t*phi
d) e=t2phi
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Answer: a
Explanation: The formula foe induced emf is e=d(phi)/dt
because the induced emf is the flux linkage per unit time.

3. Find the length of a conductor which is moving with a

velocity 0.4m/s in a magnetic field of 8T, inducing an emf of
a) 50m
b) 5m
c) 6.25m
d) 0.5m
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Answer: c
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv.
Substituting the values of B, emf and v from the question,
we get l=6.25m.

4. If a conductor 0.2m long moves with a velocity of 0.3m/s

in a magnetic field of 5T, calculate the emf induced.
a) 0.3V
b) 0.03V
c) 30V
d) 3V
View Answer

Answer: a
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv.
Substituting the values of B, l and v from the question, we

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get emf=0.3V.

5. What is emf?
a) Force
b) Voltage
c) Current
d) Flux
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Answer: b
Explanation: Electromotive force is not actually a force. It is
basically a voltage. It is the voltage developed by any
source of electrical energy.

6. Find the strength of magnetic field in a conductor 0.5m

long moving with a velocity of 10m/s, inducing an emf of
a) 1T
b) 2T
c) 3T
d) 4T
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Answer: d
Explanation: The formula for induced emf is: emf=Blv.
Substituting the values of l, emf and v from the question, we
get B=4T.

7. The emf induced in a coil having N turns is?

a) e=phi/t
b) e=N*phi/t
c) e=N*phi*t
d) e=N2*phi*t

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View Answer

Answer: b
Explanation: The emf induced in a coil having N turns is,
e=N*phi/t. This is because, the emf in a single coil is the
flux linkage per unit time, that is, phi/t. Hence the flux
induced in N turns is N*phi/t.

8. An E.M.F. can be induced by _______

a) Change in magnetic field
b) Change in the area of cross section
c) Change in angle between magnetic field and area
d) Change in magnetic field, area and angle
View Answer

Answer: d
Explanation: The dot product of magnetic field vector and
area vector.
emf=BAcos(theta), hence if either of the three, that is,
magnetic field, area or angle changes, thee emf will

9. What is the consequence of motor effect?

a) Current
b) Voltage
c) Electromagnetic induction
d) EMF
View Answer

Answer: c
Explanation: Motor effect is when a current carrying
conductor in a magnetic field experiences a force, hence its
consequence is electromagnetic induction.

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10. The total number of magnetic field lines passing through

an area is termed as _______
a) Voltage
b) EMF
c) Magnetic flux
d) Magnetic flux density
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Answer: b
Explanation: The number of magnetic flux lines per unit
area is the magnetic flux, because flux is the number of
field lines per unit area.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series –

Basic Electrical Engineering.

To practice all areas of Basic Electrical Engineering, here is

complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and

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