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ू ल सच
ू ना पस्ु तिका
पटना स्जला, बिहार
Ground Water Information Booklet
Patna District, Bihar State

केन्द्रीय भमू िजल िोर्ड Central Ground water Board

जल संसाधन िंत्रालय Ministry of Water Resources
(Govt. of India)
(भारि सरकार) Mid-Eastern Region
ू ी क्षेत्र Patna

मसिंिर 2013
September 2013
PREPARED & UPDATED BY - Mr. S.N. Dwivedi, Sc-C & Dr.Fakhre Alam, STA(Hg)



1.1 Location, Area and Administrative Details
1.2 Basin/Sub-Basin and Drainage
1.3 Agriculture and Irrigation Practices
1.4 Studies/Activities carried by CGWB
3.1 Geomorphology
3.2 Soil


4.1 Water Bearing Formations

4.2 Depth to Water Level
4.3 Ground Water Quality
4.4 Ground Water Resources
4.5 Status of ground water development


5.1 Ground Water Development

5.2 Water Conservation and Artificial Recharge:






List of Tables:

Table 1: Details of exploratory wells in Patna district.

Table 2: Analysis of water quality parameters observed in HNS wells, Patna district.

Table 3: Details of groundwater development and stage of ground water development of

Patna district as on 31st March 2009 (in hectare meters).

List of Figures:

Fig. 1 : Administrative map, Patna district.

Fig. 2 : Hydrogeology and location of exploratory wells, Patna district.
Fig. 3 : Location of Hydrograph Network Stations, Patna district.
Fig. 4 : Depth to water level map (Pre-monsoon 2011) , Patna district.
Fig. 5 : Depth to water level map (Post-monsoon 2011) , Patna district.
Fig. 6 : Block-wise representing stage of groundwater development (%),
Patna district

ITEMS Statistics
i) Geographical area (Sq.km) 3172
ii) Administrative Divisions 6
Number of Tehsil/Block 23
Number of Panchyat 344
Villages 1433
1294 (Inhabited)
139 (Uninhabited)
iii) Population (As on 2011 Census):
Rural 3262711
Urban 2510093
Total 5772804
iv) Average Annual Rainfall (mm) 1076
Major physiographic units Quaternary Alluvium
Major Drainages Ganga, Sone, Punpun, Phalgu
3 LAND USE (ha)
a) Forest area: 56 ha
b) Net area sown: 195760
c) Total Cropped area: 227135
4 MAJOR SOIL TYPES Heavy clay (Kewal)
Loam (Domat)
Very Light soil (Balsundri)
Alkaline (Rehara)


(Area in ha, Govt. of Bihar 2008-09)

Dug wells and Tube wells 85000 ha

Canal 24000 ha
Net irrigated area 109000 ha
Gross irrigated area 1,63,000 ha
No. of Dug wells 11
No. of Piezometers 7
10 PREDOMINANT GEOLOGICAL Quaternary to recent alluvium of
FORMATIONS varying grades of sand
 Major Water bearing formations Alluvium
 Pre-monsoon Depth to water level during 3.64 – 10.09 m bgl

 Post-monsoon Depth to water level during 1.40 – 7.12 m bgl
 Long term water level trend in 10 years
(2002-2011) in m/yr
CGWB (As on 31.03.2013)
No. of wells drilled (EW, OW, PZ, SH = Total) 31 EW, 12 OW, and 11PZ
( Total 54)
Depth Range (m) 77 – 353.7 m bgl
Discharge 45 – 535 m3/hr
Storativity (S) 7.7 X 10-2 to
3.22 X 10-6
Transmissivity (m2/day) 3786 - 19540 m2/day
Presence of Chemical constituents more than Arsenic contamination affecting
permissible limit (e.g., EC, F, As, Fe) the shallow aquifer in parts of the
Type of water Potable
(as on 31st March 2009) – in mcm
Annual Replenishable Ground Water Resources 96455 ham
Net Annual Ground Water Draft 52760 ham
Projected Demand for Domestic and Industrial 12859 ham
Uses upto 2025
Stage of Ground Water Development 54.7%
Ground Water Management Training & Rain water (A) Nine Mass Awerness
Harvesting programme &
(B) Eight Training

(Details are given in the text)

Projects funded by CGWB (No. & Amount spent) 1 nos.
Rs. 5,84,000
Projects under technical guidance of CGWB -
No. of OE Blocks Nil
No. of Critical Blocks Nil
No. of Blocks notified Nil
“Ground Water Information Booklet” Patna District, Bihar state

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Administration

Patna district is situated in the South Bihar alluvial plains. The district is bounded
in the north by river Ganga, in the south by Jahanabad and Nalanda districts, in the east
by Lakhisarai district and in the west by Bhojpur district. The district is situated between
North latitudes 25º 13‘ and 25º 45 ‘and East longitudes 84º 43' and 86º 44' falling in
Survey of India toposheet nos. 72C/11, C/12, C/14, C/15, C/16, G/2, G/3, G/6, G/7, G/11,
G/14, G/15 and K/3. The total geographical area of the district is 3172 sq.km.

The district is divided into 6 subdivisions and 23 blocks which are as under

S.No Sub-divisions Blocks

1 Patna Sadar 1) Patna Sadar, 2) Phulwarisharif, 3) Sampatchak
2 Patna City 1) Fatuha, 2) Khusrupur, 3) Daniyanvan
3 Danapur 1) Danapur, 2) Bihta, 3) Maner, 4) Naubatpur
4 Masaurhi 1) Masaurhi, 2) Dhanarua, 3) Punpun
5 Paliganj 1) Bikram, 2) Dulhinbazar, 3) Paliganj
6 Barh 1) Bakhtiarpur, 2) Athamalgola, 3) Belchi, 4) Pandarak,
5) Barh, 6) Mokama, 7) Ghoswari.

1.2 Basin/Sub-basin and Drainage

The district falls in the Ganga Basin and is drained by the mighty Ganga in the
north, by the Sone in the West, and by the Punpun, Phalgu and their tributaries in the
central part of the terrain.

1.3 Agriculture and Irrigation practices

The principal crops grown in the district are Agahani rice, Bhadai Maize, Wheat,
Gram, Sugarcane and Jute. Kharif crops are grown from the end of June to the end of
October and Rabi from the end of October to the end of March. The Summer crops are
grown from April to June, where sufficient irrigation facilities exist. The gross cropped
area is 256694.99 ha. and net area sown is 201103.63 ha. indicating cropping intensity of
127.64 % in the district, which is slightly lower than the State average both Tal and Diara
areas are mostly mono cropped. Total area under net irrigation in the district is 1,09, 000
ha (Govt. of Bihar,) of which groundwater irrigation alone accounts for nearly 80%.

1.4 Studies/ Activities carried out by CGWB

Ground Water monitoring in the district is being carried out by a network of 11

dugwells and 7 piezometers. Hydrogeological surveys have been carried out during the
year 1980-1981 and 1996-1997. A total of 31 exploratory wells have been constructed by
CGWB to access the aquifer potential and decipher the hydrogeological regime of the
area. In addition, in the past four production wells have also been constructed at Danapur,
Kidwaipuri, Kadamkuan and Rajbhawan on the request from the concerned State and
Defence authorities.

2.0 Climate and Rainfall

The climate of the district is somewhat extreme in nature, i.e., quite hot during the
summer and fairly cold during the winter. January is the coldest month. The temperature
starts rising from March and reaches its peak in May. Rain starts sometime in mid June
and lasts till mid September. Maximum rains occur during the monsoon months of July
and August. Sometimes winter rains occur in Jan-February. The normal annual rainfall in
the district is around 1076 mm.

3.0 Geomorphology & Soils

3.1 Geomorhology

The district forms a part of the Ganga basin and is characterized by a monotonously flat
relief with elevation In general, the western part of the district is sloping due north and
north-east, with elevation of the land surface varying from 68 m in the south to 48 m in
the north, and from 67 m in the west to 45 m in the east. A notable geomorphic feature is
the strong natural levee formation or upland all along the southern bank of the Ganga
which acts as a natural barrier thereby causing many of the streams flowing from south to
run parallel to the course of Ganga before finally joining it further east of the district

3.2 Soils

Soils are predominantly sandy loam with clay loam at places with low to medium nutrient
status. It is generally alkaline with pH value ranging from 6.3 to 8.2. Traditionally soils in
an area are classified on the basis of mode of deposition. Soils are divided into three
groups viz. (i) Recent alluvium (ii) Tal and (iii) Older alluvium. The soils of the district
have developed on alluvial deposits transported from relatively younger geological
formations where physical weathering is predominant and the soils developed in them are
generally coarser in texture

4.0 Ground Water Scenario

4.1 Water Bearing Formation

The area is underlain by Quaternary alluvial formation comprising various grades

of clay, silt, sand with occasional and gravel. From the groundwater potential point of
view the entire district falls under good to very good category (Fig. 2). The presence of
kankar (nodules of CaCO3) and fine sand at places render the top clay zone semi-

pervious in nature, where ground water occurs under phreatic condition. The deeper
aquifers are made up of medium to coarse grained sand with occasional gravels.

A total of 31 exploratory wells have been drilled in the district. The available data
reveals that the cumulative thickness of the granular zones together constitute almost 50
to 70 % of the alluvial thickness upto a depth of 250. The deep tube wells tapping these
deeper aquifers can yield upto 300 m3/hr for a drawdown of 6 m. The transmissivity of
the aquifer varies from 3786 m2/day to 19540 m2/day.

4.2 Depth to water level

CGWB has established a network of observation wells under National

Hydrograph Network (HNS) programme to ascertain fluctuation and quality of
groundwater in the district. There are 11 HNS monitoring locations (Fig. 3) which are
being monitored every year regularly during January, May, August and November. In
addition, a total of 7 piezometers are being monitored in Patna Urban area to account for
the behavior of the deeper aquifers which are under intensive development for urban
water supply of Patna.

During pre-monsoon season, the minimum and maximum water levels were
observed as 3.64 and 10.09 m bgl respectively. About 20 % of the wells have the water
level in the range of 2 – 5 m bgl. In majority of the wells (70 %), the water levels remain
in the range of 5 – 10 m bgl. The spatial distribution of water levels during this season
reveals that the south-west and central parts of the district are observed with a depth
range from 2 to 5 m bgl while in the eastern part the depth to water level are > 10 m bgl
(Fig. 4).

The water level measurement during post-monsoon season ranges from 1.40 to as
deep as 7.12 m bgl. There are each 45.45 % of wells observed in depth range of 0 – 2 and
2 – 5 m bgl whereas about 18.18 % of wells observed in 5 – 10 m bgl depth range. Spatial
distribution of water level shows that maximum area is covered with the range of 2 to 5 m
bgl. In the southern, central & eastern part of the area water level is > 10 m bgl (Fig. 5).

4.3 Ground Water Resources

Annually replenishable dynamic ground water resource of the district has been
estimated (GEC-1997, norm) as on 31st March 2009 for all the blocks. The net annually
replenishable ground water resource of the district is 96455 ham. The gross ground water
draft for all uses is 52760 ham. The present stage of ground water development of the
district as on 31st March 2009 is 54.7 %. At present maximum ground water development
is in Sampatchak block (79.6%), while minimum is in Paliganj block (27.1%). Details of
ground water resources of all blocks are shown in Table 1

4.4 Ground Water Quality

The water samples collected from the network of observation wells (dug wells) tapping
water table aquifer and also from deep tube wells tapping confined or leaky confined
aquifer were subjected to chemical analysis in the laboratory of CGWB, MER, Patna.
The quality of ground water in the water table aquifer is acceptable for various uses as
per the quality criteria laid down by ISI, as nowhere it crosses the excessive limit. The
ground water in the confined/semi-confined aquifers is better than that of the water table
aquifer as it is within the ‘permissible’ limit as per the quality criteria. The tube well
water is recommended for drinking and other domestic purposes in the district.

However, Arsenic concentration has been reported from Patna district. Central Ground
Water Board has carried out deep exploratory drilling in Maner, Barh and Gayaspur
villages. The various chemical parameters for locations in the selected wells is given in
Table 4 where EC ranges from 310 to 2200 micro Siemens/cm at 25 ºC. The contour map
of EC distribution in the district is given in Fig. 2.

4.5 Status of Ground Water Development

5.0 Ground Water Management Strategy

5.1 Ground Water Development

The present stage of ground water development of the district as on 31st March 2009
is 54.7 %. At present maximum ground water development is in Sampatchak block
(79.6%), while minimum is in Paliganj block (27.1%). Exploitation of ground water in
the district can be done through both Shallow and Deep tube wells. While the small and
marginal farmers can opt for shallow tube wells, farmers’ co-operative can opt for high
discharge deep tube wells. The deep tube wells tapping the granular zones at depth can
yield upto 300 m3/hr for a drawdown of 6 m. Groundwater based irrigation accounts for
nearly 80% of the total irrigation in the district.

5.2 Water Conservation & Artificial Recharge

A demonstrative artificial recharge structure has been constructed in the campus of

Department of Geology, Patna University, Patna under the Central Sector Scheme.

6.0 Ground Water related issues & problems

The rivers Sone, Punpun and Phalgu in the district are susceptible to floods,
especially in their lower reaches. Arsenic contamination has been reported from the
shallow aquifers in parts of the district from Maner, Danapur, Barh and Bakhtiyarpur

7.0 Awareness & Training Activity

7.1 Mass Awareness programme (MAP) & Training Programmes (TP) by CGWB

A) Mass Awareness programme:-

A total of 9 mass awareness programmes have been successfully organized in the
district to increase awareness of common people about artificial recharge and
conservation of ground water resources. The details are as under.

1. Mass Awareness Camp was organized in the office premises on 10th May 1999
2. Mass Awareness camp organized in Patna city on 18th Dec 1999
3. Mass Awareness Camp at Congress Maidan Kadamkuan, Patna on 20.04.2000.
4. Mass Awareness Camp at Fire Brigade Ground, Near Pachim Darwaja, Patna.
5. Mass Awareness Camp at Golghar, Patna, 30.4.2000
6. Mass Awareness camp at Blue Bird Society, Patna. 29.11.2000 (NGOs from
7. Mass Awareness Camp on 12.3.2005 on Artificial Recharge to Ground Water and
water conservation at Inter College Maner, Patna.
8. Mass Awareness Camp at Sampatchak, on ground water resource of Bihar on
9. Mass Awareness programme in Conference Hall of CGWB, Patna Bihar on

B) Training Programme:

A total of 8 training programmes have been organised in the district. The details are as

1. Training Programme on Rain Water Harvesting at Golghar Campus Patna, on

2. Training programmes were organized on 12th Jan 2005 ‘Artificial Recharge to
Ground water and water conservation’ at Indira Gandhi Planetarium, Patna.
3. Training Programme on 31st March 2006 at Conference Hall of CGWB, Patna,
Bihar. About more than 35 officials from various organizations attended the
function as participants.
4. Training Programme at Danapur Cantonment, for Military officers of Danapur
(Bihar) on 27.3.08
5. A two day training programme on Ground Water issues and artificial recharge
was organized by CGWB, MER at the auditorium of Sri Krishna Science Centre,
Patna on 30th and 31st March 2009
6. Capacity Building for PHED Engineers at Hotel Patliputra on 12 to 16 September
7. Tier- III Training Programme of RGI at Naubatpur on 28-29 December 2012.
8. Tier – II Training Programme of RGI was organised at Conference Hall of
CGWB, Patna from 14th to 18th on “Aquifer Information System and Aquifer
Management Plan”. Participants from various organization attended the function.

8.0 Areas Notified by CGWA/SGWA

Nil. All the blocks of the district are under safe category
9.0 Recommendations

 Sufficient scope still exists for development of groundwater for agricultural

development in the district as the overall stage of development is just 54.7%.
 Exploitation of ground water in the district can be done through both
Shallow and Deep tube wells. While the small and marginal farmers can opt
for shallow tube wells, farmers’ co-operative can opt for high discharge deep
tube wells.
 Arsenic concentration has been reported from parts of Danapur, Maner, Barh
and Bakhtiyarpur blocks. The contamination has been reported from the
shallow aquifers. Deeper aquifers have been found free from contamination
as such community water supply in the contaminated areas should be made
from the deeper aquifers ( > 120 m depth).
 Rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge needs to be taken up for the
deeper aquifers which are under intensive development in Patna Urban area.

Table 1: Details of exploratory wells in Patna district.
Casing Static
S.No. Location/ pipe/ Water Drawdown Trans-
Block Depth Depth level Specific missivity
Drilled const. Discharge Capacity Storativity
mbgl m m bgl m3/hr m m3/hr/m m2/day
1 Patna 250.12 179.5 16.3 209 2.22 92.89 6980
Cogress maidan,
2 Patna 251.7 219 9.5 224 4 56 5892
3 (Jakkanpur) 215.31 194.7 7.7 375.06 6 62.51
Fire brigade
station, Patna
4 city 226.7 213
5 Patna 250.64 215.8 9.26 176.2 2088 61.18 8057
6 Golghar, Patna 277.9 172.6 9.2 193.04 2.04 94.6 14113
Begumpur, Patna
7 city 216.72 191 9 177.14 3.11 56.96 3786
8 Khagaul/Danapur 262.27 125 222.56 3.7 60.15
9 Anisabad, Patna 219.08 172
10 Patna city 160 199.85 3.16 63.24
11 Bikarm 152 2.73 535.2 4.4 19540
12 Chajubarh, Patna 196 164 11.5 194.62 2.7 7894.56
Harding Road,
13 Patna 245.4 205 9.39 194 2.21 7101
14 Chaudharana 190.32 176 9.6 211.43 2.9 75.37 15479
15 Achudwara, Barh 353.3 161
16 Aunta Mokama 238 219 9.63 208.93 2.89 72.29 5924.04
17 Digha 325 185 8 208.93 2.15 83.8 7068 7.70X10-2
Moldlar tola,
18 Mokama 225.85 192 8.96 194.62 2.39 81.09 5684.13
19 Choudi barh 250.66 165 5.61 179.63 2 84 6315.65
20 pandarak 226.2 220 8.48 271.3 4.53 90.13 7006
Fatuha dak
21 bungalow 250.11 166
22 Salimpur 229.4 180
23 Phulwarisharif 230.62 165 8.35 179.63 2.46 73.61 7894.56
24 Pirdamaria 221.3 161 9.8 195 2.22 82.7 12235
25 Alamganj 225 164 11.21 180 2.2 85.08 9882.9 5X10-3
26 Bakhtiyarpur 260.48 135
Barh, PHED
27 Campus 253.4 9.15 194.62 2.49
28 Rarjan 200.14 190.7
29 Maner 300
30 Gayaspur 252.7 194 9.18 194.61 2.69 - 19425 -
31 Barh 237 230 9.19 191.25 4.4 - 9333 1.79x10-2

Table 2: Analysis of water quality parameters observed in HNS wells, Patna district.

District Location E.C. micro pH CO3 HCO3 Cl SO4 NO3 F PO4 Ca Mg TH as Na K

Siemens/cm CaCO3
at 25 degree
mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/
Patna Mokama - 8.8 24.0 268 121 38 228 0.6 24 73 360 120 27.0
Barh 1370 8.2 NIL 390 156 180 Tr 0.4 60 61 400 151 2.0
Bakhtiarpur 1030 7.9 ND 262 78 - - - - 24 36 210 86 5.0
Maner 310 8.2 ND 140 14 - - - - 16 15 100 17 2.6
Bharatpura 1000 8.2 ND 525 21 - - - - 12 17 100 143 2.2
Patna City 2200 7.6 ND 329 366 - - - - 48 63 380 248 12.0
Fatuha 590 7.9 ND 238 28 - - - - 20 17 120 53 1.7
470 8.2 ND 189 36 - - - - 32 12 130 38 3.8
Deokoli - 8.3 ND 165 14 - - - - 24 12 110 26 1.7

Table 3- Assessment of Dynamic Ground Water Resources of the Bihar state
Patna district(as on 31st March 2009)
( in hectare meter)
Gross Existing
for Net Ground
Existing Ground Gross
Domestic Water Stage of
Net Annual Gross water Draft Ground
and Availability Ground Water
Assessment Ground Ground for Water
Sl.No Industrial for future Development
Unit/District water Water Domestic Draft
Requirement irrigation (12/9)*100
Availability Draft for and For all
supply upto development (%)
Irrigation Industrial Uses
next 25 (9-10-13)
Water (10+11)
1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Athmalgola 1284 799 118 917 172 314 71.4
2 Bakhtiapur 5476 1642 453 2095 479 3355 38.3
3 Barh 3171 1286 290 1576 479 1406 49.7
4 Belchi 1911 581 83 663 120 1210 34.7
5 Bihta 5687 3160 359 3519 522 2005 61.9
6 Bikram 4421 2263 237 2500 345 1813 56.5
7 Danapur 3539 1284 614 1898 1143 1112 53.6
8 Daniawan 1943 944 102 1046 148 851 53.8
9 Dhanarua 5974 4152 298 4450 433 1389 74.5
10 Dulhinbazar 3695 1454 176 1630 257 1985 44.1
11 Fathua 3504 2203 272 2475 442 859 70.6
12 Ghoshwari 3904 1230 97 1327 141 2533 34.0
13 Khusrupur 1686 458 197 655 334 894 38.8
14 Maner 4832 1676 491 2167 547 2609 44.9
15 Masuarhi 6791 4946 568 5514 1004 841 81.2
16 Mokama 5206 1281 564 1845 1042 2883 35.4
17 Naubatpur 5560 3100 291 3390 423 2037 61.0
18 Paliganj 7177 1585 363 1948 528 5064 27.1
19 Pandarak 5883 2276 210 2486 306 3301 42.3
20 Patna Sadar 4321 1216 2008 3225 3105 0 74.6
21 Phulwarisarif 4138 2279 588 2867 413 1446 69.3
22 Punpun 4162 2624 198 2822 289 1250 67.8
23 Sampatchak 2191 1615 130 1745 189 387 79.6
Total 96455 44052 8708 52760 12859 39544 54.7

Fig. 1: Administrative map, Patna district.
Fig. 2: Hydrogeology and location of exploratory wells, Patna district.
Fig. 3: Location of Hydrograph Network Stations, Patna district.
Fig. 4: Depth to water level map (Pre-monsoon 2011), Patna district
Fig. 5: Depth to water level map (Post-monsoon 2011), Patna district
Fig. 6: Block-wise representing stage of groundwater development (%), Patna district

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