Techniques and Antenna Radar Sys Anti Jam An D Methods For Adaptive Stem Polarization Optim ND Anti Clutter Applicati Single Mization For Ions
Techniques and Antenna Radar Sys Anti Jam An D Methods For Adaptive Stem Polarization Optim ND Anti Clutter Applicati Single Mization For Ions
Techniques and Antenna Radar Sys Anti Jam An D Methods For Adaptive Stem Polarization Optim ND Anti Clutter Applicati Single Mization For Ions
Abstract — Antenna polarization refers to tthe electric field polarized waves, it could introducce approximately 20dB or
orientation of a radio wave with respect to the eearth’s surface. It more loss into your receiver system m because the antenna is not
is advantageous for a radar system to be able too alter its antenna oriented in the same direction as the t wave you are trying to
polarization due to the varying nature of taarget geometries, receive (i.e. the antenna sees very litttle of the wave) [1]. This is
clutter, and unwanted jamming. This novel aapproach offers a the guiding principle behind this no ovel system, which controls
system in which antenna polarization is adap pted to match an changes in an antenna’s polarizattion to find the minimum
optimal state determined from the changingg electromagnetic impact from polarized clutter or polarized jamming. Essentially
environment. the radar antenna and receiver are used to detect the
polarization of the clutter or jamm ming, and then the radar’s
Keywords—Antenna; Polarization; Adaptive; Radar; Clutter;
Jamming; Anti Jam; Radar Cross Section
antenna polarization is rotated or alltered in response. With the
resulting antenna polarization misalligned to the polarization of
I. INTRODUCTION the unwanted energy, the effectts of clutter or jamming
interference is reduced or eliminatedd.
Radars are used in commercial and militarry applications to
remotely sense objects using electromagneticc energy. Radars II. ADAPTIVE POLARIZATION
transmit energy and sense its return after the ennergy is reflected
by objects within the radar antenna’s field of vview to determine This unique system which reducees the impact of clutter or
the object’s location, speed, size, and other ddescriptive traits. jamming is shown as a block diagram in Fig. 1. The radar
The radar senses the desired return (reflectedd electromagnetic system consists of the typical pieces
p of a generic radar
energy) from the objects the radar is intendingg to detect as well transceiver: the antenna, transmitter//receiver, and the rest of the
as undesired returns from clutter (returns from land, sea, generic radar system which providees signal processing. Details
buildings, and other unwanted objects) and jaammers (systems of the radar system are not discusseed in this paper as this radar
which intentionally or unintentionally radiiate energy that system could take many forms wiith various front ends and
degrades the radar’s performance). There are many processing processing capabilities. The generic radar system has three new
techniques and coding schemes which exist to combat jamming blocks.
and clutter. However, to the knowledge of the authors, there are
no current techniques which can adaptively coombat clutter and
jammers by optimizing antenna polarization inn real time.
Polarization refers to the electric field orienntation of a radio
wave with respect to the earth’s surface. P Polarization types
include vertical, horizontal, slant 45, right hand circular, left
hand circular, and elliptical. For example, a veertically polarized
radio wave has an electric field that oscillatess along a vertical
line (relative to the surface of the earth) oveer time. Antenna
polarization is characterized by the polarizatioon of the wave it
emits. Slant 45 polarizations refer to polarizzations which are
oriented on a 45 degree slant relative to thee earth’s surface
between vertical and horizontal. Circularr and elliptical
polarizations have an electric field vector whhich rotates over
time (the electric field vector traces out an ellippse or circle over Figure 1. Block Diagram of Polarization
n Optimization for Anti-Jam and
Anti-Clutter Radar
Antennas most efficiently receive the samee polarization that The first block of the new system is the Jam/Clutter Detection
they transmit. A vertically oriented antenna ttransmits vertical block. This block consists of any annalog or digital method that
polarization and most efficiently receives verttical polarization. determines that jamming or clutter is
i present in the return. The
If a vertically polarized antenna is used to recceive horizontally jam/clutter detection could take on many
m approaches. Jamming
J/S (dB)
(4π ) R
3 4
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
J ⎛ 4πPtx _ jam G jam R 4 ⎞ polarization mismatch angle (deg)
(dB ) = 10 log10 ⎜ ⎟ (7)
⎜ L P G σR 2 ⎟
S ⎝ AP tx ant j ⎠ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
J/S (dB) vs. polarization mismatch angle, 20dB co/x-pol antennas
J/S (dB)
This new system takes advantage of the term in (5). The 0
radar system can alter its polarization to purposefully find the
polarization mismatch angle between the radar and jammer 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
antennas (or clutter) that minimizes the power received from polarization mismatch angle (deg)
the clutter or jammer (J) by maximizing the polarization ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mismatch loss ( ). Fig. 6 shows values of J and S for various 40
J/S (dB) vs. polarization mismatch angle, 15dB co/x-pol antennas
J/S (dB)
received power from the desired object which for this example 0
remains relatively constant. The dashed line shows the received -20
power from the jammer which is greatly reduced for certain -40
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
angles (θ). The plot in Fig. 6 results from an example scenario polarization mismatch angle (deg)
where the values in (1) and (3) are = 10Watts, =
10dBi, λ = 0.15m, R = 10nmi, varies with θ according to
(3), = 1,000Watts, = 40dBi, σ = 16dBsm, and = Figure 7. Jammer to Signal (J/S) Ratio versus Polarization Mismatch Angles
100nmi. for Interaction of Co and Cross Polarized Antennas