Chart - Phoolan Devi
Chart - Phoolan Devi
Chart - Phoolan Devi
Basic Details
Sex Female
Date of Birth 10 : 8 : 1963
Time of Birth 12 : 0 : 0
Day of Birth Saturday
Ishtkaal 015-44-22
Place of Birth Jalaun
Time Zone 5.5
Latitude 26 : 9 : N
Longitude 79 : 20 : E
Local Time Correction 00.12.40
War Time Correction 00.00.00
LMT at Birth 11:47:20
GMT at Birth 6:30:0
Tithi Sashti
Hindu Week Day Saturday
Paksha Krishna, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 1
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Name Phoolan Devi Julian Day 2438252 Asc Lord VEN Bal. Dasa Mer 3 Y 8 M 29 D
Sex Female Ayan Type Lahiri Asc Libra Karan Gar
Date 10.8.1963 Ayan 023-20-54 Yoga Sula Star Lord MER
Day Saturday Place Jalaun Tithi Sashti Star - Pada Revati-4
Time of Birth 12.0.0 Longitude 79.20.E Sunset 18.53.54 Rasi Lord JUP
SID 08.59.24 Latitude 26.9.N Sunrise 05.42.15 Rasi Pisces
Ma 12 10
8 6 1 Su 9 Ve
Ke 9 5 Ur Me Ju
Pl 11
Ma 2 8 Ke
Ve 5
Sa 10 4 Su
1 3 Sa 7
4 6
Ur Pl Me
11 3 Ra
12 2 Planetary Positions
Planets Sign Latitude Nakshatra Pada
Ju Mo ASC Libra 16-28-35 Swati 3
Sun Cancer 23-35-00 Ashlesha 3
Moon Pisces 27-03-44 Revati 4
Mars Virgo 15-18-34 Hasta 2
Vimshottari Dasha Merc Leo 17-15-22 Purvaphalgini 2
MER -17 Years KET -7 Years VEN -20 Years
10/ 8/63 - 9/ 5/67 9/ 5/67 - 9/ 5/74 9/ 5/74 - 9/ 5/94 Jupt [R] Pisces 26-09-24 Revati 3
MER 00/00/00 KET 6/10/67 VEN 9/ 9/77 Venu Cancer 18-09-35 Ashlesha 1
KET 00/00/00 VEN 6/12/68 SUN 9/ 9/78 Satn [R] Capricorn 26-37-23 Dhanishta 1
VEN 00/00/00 SUN 12/ 4/69 MON 9/ 5/80 Rahu [R] Gemini 25-37-13 Punarvasu 2
SUN 00/00/00 MON 12/11/69 MAR 9/ 7/81 Ketu [R] Sagittarius 25-37-13 Purvashadha 4
MON 00/00/00 MAR 9/ 4/70 RAH 9/ 7/84 Uran Leo 11-04-43 Magha 4
MAR 00/00/00 RAH 27/ 4/71 JUP 9/ 3/87 Nept Libra 19-35-59 Swati 4
RAH 00/00/00 JUP 3/ 4/72 SAT 9/ 5/90
Plut Leo 17-40-24 Purvaphalgini 2
JUP 30/ 8/64 SAT 12/ 5/73 MER 9/ 3/93
SAT 9/ 5/67 MER 9/ 5/74 KET 9/ 5/94 Ashtakvarga Table
Sign No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SUN -6 Years MON -10 Years MAR -7 Years Sun 4 4 3 6 5 3 4 2 5 7 2 3
9/ 5/94 - 9/ 5/00 9/ 5/00 - 9/ 5/10 9/ 5/10 - 9/ 5/17 Moon 2 6 4 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 4 6
SUN 27/ 8/94 MON 9/ 3/01 MAR 6/10/10 Mars 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 6 4 2 2
MON 27/ 2/95 MAR 9/10/01 RAH 24/10/11 Merc 4 5 4 5 6 3 7 4 4 5 3 4
MAR 3/ 7/95 RAH 9/ 4/03 JUP 30/ 9/12
Jupt 7 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 2 6
RAH 27/ 5/96 JUP 9/ 8/04 SAT 9/11/13
JUP 15/ 3/97 SAT 9/ 3/06 MER 6/11/14 Venu 4 6 4 4 4 2 6 6 3 5 5 3
SAT 27/ 2/98 MER 9/ 8/07 KET 3/ 4/15 Satn 2 5 4 5 5 0 2 2 2 6 3 3
MER 3/ 1/99 KET 9/ 3/08 VEN 3/ 6/16 Total 26 34 27 29 31 20 31 24 30 37 21 27
KET 9/ 5/99 VEN 9/11/09 SUN 9/10/16
Chalit Table
VEN 9/ 5/00 SUN 9/ 5/10 MON 9/ 5/17
Bhav Sign Bhav Begin Sign Mid Bhav
1 Libra 01.54.12 Libra 16.28.34
RAH -18 Years JUP -16 Years SAT -19 Years 2 Scorpion 01.54.12 Scorpion 17.19.49
9/ 5/17 - 9/ 5/35 9/ 5/35 - 9/ 5/51 9/ 5/51 - 9/ 5/70 3 Sagittarius 02.45.26 Sagittarius 18.11.03
RAH 21/ 1/20 JUP 27/ 6/37 SAT 12/ 5/54 4 Capricorn 03.36.41 Capricorn 19.02.18
JUP 15/ 6/22 SAT 9/ 1/40 MER 21/ 1/57 5 Aquarius 03.36.41 Aquarius 18.11.03
SAT 21/ 4/25 MER 15/ 4/42 KET 2/ 3/58 6 Pisces 02.45.26 Pisces 17.19.49
MER 9/11/27 KET 21/ 3/43 VEN 30/ 4/61 7 Aries 01.54.12 Aries 16.28.34
KET 27/11/28 VEN 21/11/45 SUN 12/ 4/62 8 Taurus 01.54.12 Taurus 17.19.49
VEN 27/11/31 SUN 9/ 9/46 MON 12/11/63 9 Gemini 02.45.26 Gemini 18.11.03
SUN 21/10/32 MON 9/ 1/48 MAR 21/12/64 10 Cancer 03.36.41 Cancer 19.02.18
MON 21/ 4/34 MAR 15/12/48 RAH 27/10/67 11 Leo 03.36.41 Leo 18.11.03
MAR 9/ 5/35 RAH 9/ 5/51 JUP 9/ 5/70 12 Virgo 02.45.26 Virgo 17.19.49, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 2
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|| Your Ascendant ||
What is Ascendent?
The ascendant house is considered very important in Vedic astrology. During the birth of a person, the sign
which rises in the sky is called the persons ascendant. And, the sign which comes in this house is called the
ascendant sign. The ascendant helps in calculating minutest event in a person's life through astrology. Whereas,
the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly predictions are made on the basis of moon sign and sun sign., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 3
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|| Life Predictions ||
You are a very practical person and equally capable. You are very tidy by nature, you love order and are
methodical. It is even possible that these qualities are too highly developed in you, and it may be that while
attending to minute details, you lose some of the larger opportunities of life.You are sensitive and generous.
Were you to hear of a case of want or somebody in dire distress, it is unthinkable that you would pass by and
not hold out a helping hand.You are a hesitant person. Though you have the qualities for making your way in
the world and it is within your powers to climb high up the ladder of success, the necessary qualities to carry
you through and while you are wondering some more pushing but less well-equipped person steps into your
place. Therefore do not think much of your mythical limitations. Take it for granted that you will succeed and
you will.You are calculative and realistic. You always want to achieve something. There is some deep desire
burning in your heart to achieve something. This makes you restless at times. However, you will always have
proud on your achievements.
Life Style
You are motivated to work hard to earn money because you feel that beautiful surroundings are essential to gain
the high regard of others. This is not true. Pursue these directions only if you find true happiness in them., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 4
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|| Life Predictions ||
Because you are sensitive to any happenings in your career life, you prefer to have jobs which require little
hassle and pressure. Aiming your vocational directions with this in mind will result in a career of performance.
You are not fitted for any calling that is decidedly strenuous, nor do you care for too much responsibility. You
do not mind work, in fact work agrees with you, but it must not involve a load of responsibility. While you are
prepared to turn your hand to almost anything, it is very noticeable that you have a decided flair for all that is
cultured and clean. In addition, you may have noticed that an occupation which brings you in contact with
bright lights and a certain amount of gaiety suits you far better than one that relegates you to loneliness and
quiet. As a matter of fact, your own quiet nature cannot tolerate quiet surroundings and it yearns for brightness
and anything cheery.
There is nothing to cause worry, regarding matters of health. While you cannot claim a perfect constitution,
there is no great flaw in it. But, you must take care. The lungs are usually the weakest spot, but the nerves may
give trouble, too. You may suffer from headache and migraine. Live, as far as possible, a natural life, get out in
the fresh air whenever you can, and be temperate in your food and drink., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 5
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|| Life Predictions ||
You are exceptionally good with your hands. As a man, you can make things for the home and take a delight in
mending the toys of your children. As a woman, your are expert needle worker, painter, cook etc. and prefer to
make the children's clothes rather than buy them.
Love Matters
Generally, you are very careful in taking a partner. The horror of making a possible mistake seems to be
magnified in your eyes and you are very cautious. As a consequence, you marry later than usual. But, once you
make a choice, you become charming and devoted spouse.
In matters of money, you will be lucky during the early years of your life, but due to your own extravagance
and lack of provision for the future, there will be grave danger of your finding yourself in an impoverished
condition long before the end of your days. You cannot be too prudent in the matter of finance. You will not be
really fitted for money grubbling in any of its forms. You belong more to the mental, intellectual plane and will
care little about wealth if you can only have enough for your immediate wants. You belong to the hopeful class
of individuals who are rather inclined to live in dreams., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 6
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In the birth chart, Mangal is placed in Twelfth house from Lagna, while in the Moon chart Mangal is placed in
Seventh house.
It is considered that if a manglik person marries to another manglik person then the manglik dosha gets
cancelled and has no effect.
Note: We strongly recommend you to consult an astrologer before performing these remedies by your own., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 7
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|| Sadesati Report ||
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
1 Sade Sati Aquarius January 28, April 08, Rising
1964 1966
2 Sade Sati Pisces April 09, November Peak
1966 02, 1966
3 Sade Sati Aquarius November December 19, Rising
03, 1966 1966
4 Sade Sati Pisces December 20, June 16, 1968 Peak
5 Sade Sati Aries June 17, 1968 September Setting
27, 1968
6 Sade Sati Pisces September March 07, Peak
28, 1968 1969
7 Sade Sati Aries March 08, April 27, Setting
1969 1971
8 Small Panoti Gemini June 11, 1973 July 23, 1975
9 Small Panoti Libra October 06, December 20,
1982 1984
10 Small Panoti Libra June 01, 1985 September
16, 1985
11 Sade Sati Aquarius March 06, October 15, Rising
1993 1993
12 Sade Sati Aquarius November June 01, 1995 Rising
10, 1993
13 Sade Sati Pisces June 02, 1995 August 09, Peak
14 Sade Sati Aquarius August 10, February 16, Rising
1995 1996
15 Sade Sati Pisces February 17, April 17, Peak
1996 1998
16 Sade Sati Aries April 18, June 06, 2000 Setting
17 Small Panoti Gemini July 23, 2002 January 08,
2003, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 8
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|| Sadesati Report ||
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
18 Small Panoti Gemini April 08, September
2003 05, 2004
19 Small Panoti Gemini January 14, May 25, 2005
20 Small Panoti Libra November May 15, 2012
15, 2011
21 Small Panoti Libra August 04, November
2012 02, 2014
22 Sade Sati Aquarius April 29, July 12, 2022 Rising
23 Sade Sati Aquarius January 18, March 29, Rising
2023 2025
24 Sade Sati Pisces March 30, June 02, 2027 Peak
25 Sade Sati Aries June 03, 2027 October 19, Setting
26 Sade Sati Pisces October 20, February 23, Peak
2027 2028
27 Sade Sati Aries February 24, August 07, Setting
2028 2029
28 Sade Sati Aries October 06, April 16, Setting
2029 2030
29 Small Panoti Gemini May 31, 2032 July 12, 2034
30 Small Panoti Libra January 28, February 05,
2041 2041
31 Small Panoti Libra September December 11,
26, 2041 2043
32 Small Panoti Libra June 23, 2044 August 29,
33 Sade Sati Aquarius February 25, May 14, 2054 Rising
2052, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 9
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|| Sadesati Report ||
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
34 Sade Sati Pisces May 15, 2054 September Peak
01, 2054
35 Sade Sati Aquarius September February 05, Rising
02, 2054 2055
36 Sade Sati Pisces February 06, April 06, Peak
2055 2057
37 Sade Sati Aries April 07, May 27, 2059 Setting
38 Small Panoti Gemini July 11, 2061 February 13,
39 Small Panoti Gemini March 07, August 23,
2062 2063
40 Small Panoti Gemini February 06, May 09, 2064
41 Small Panoti Libra November February 05,
05, 2070 2073
42 Small Panoti Libra March 31, October 23,
2073 2073
43 Sade Sati Aquarius April 12, August 02, Rising
2081 2081, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 10
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|| Sadesati Report ||
Note: Above predictions are of general nature and are based on general belief that Sade Sati is harmful. Truly
speaking, we found that it is not always the case and we recommend reading this article on Sade Sati. Any
conclusion based on Sade Sati alone is not correct and has good chances of failing. Certain factors like current
running dasa and nature of Saturn also needs to be analyzed before we can conclude whether Sade Sati period
will be malefic or benefic. You are advised not to take above forecasts seriously and in case of any doubt,
consult a good astrologer., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 11
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|| Kalsarpa Dosh ||
Kalsarpa Dosh/Yog
As per the current definition, when all planets are situated in middle of Rahu and Ketu in birth-chart or
horoscope, the astrologers call it Kalsarp Dosh. In present days, discussions about this dosh are vogue among
Jyotishi or Hindu Astrologers of India. Many of troubles in one's life are mostly because of Kalsarp Dosh.
Without analyzing other areas of astrology, most astrologers, in fact, accept kalsarp dosh is main root of
problems. But the reality is this that if all planets are well posited in horoscope, kalsarp dosh will not be
harmful, and can be supportive to beneficial results endowed by good positions of planets. Kalsarp dosh is
inauspicious when positions of planets are unfavorable in one's horoscope. Therefore, it is not wise to fear
hearing just about 'Kalsarp Dosh'. It is in fact always better to reach on remedies only after consulting jyotishi
for deep analysis on negative influences of Kalsarp dosh. Interestingly, influence of kalsarp dosh is different in
different people. Because influence of kalsarp dosh is based on points-which sign is posited in which house, and
what other planets occupied that house, what are their influences and so on.
Lagna Chart:
8 6
Ke 9 Ne 5 Ur Me
Sa 10 4 Su
11 3 Ra
12 2
Ju Mo, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 12
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
Janam (Birth) Varsha (Year)
Female Sex Female
10/8/1963 Date of Birth 10/8/2016
12:0:0 Time of Birth 2:5:50
Saturday Day of Birth Tuesday
Jalaun Place of Birth Jalaun
26 Latitude 26
79 Longitude 79
00.12.40 Local Time Correction 00.12.40
00.00.00 War Time Correction 00.00.00
11.47.19 LMT at Birth 01.53.09
05.42.15 Sunrise 05.42.56
18.53.54 Sunset 18.53.03
Libra Lagna Gemini
VEN Lagna Lord MER
Pisces Rasi Libra
JUP Rasi Lord VEN
Revati Nakshatra Swati
MER Nakshatra Lord RAH
Sula Yoga Sukla
Gar Karan Vanij
Leo Sun Sign (Western) Leo
023-20-54 Ayanamsa 024-05-18
Lahiri Ayanamsa Name Lahiri
Ra Su
4 2
Ve Ju Me 5 1 Ur
6 12
Mo 7 Pl 11 Ke Ne
8 10
Sa Ma, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 13
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
Muntha:10 Bhav
You will enjoy all the prosperity and comfort. This is best position for Muntha where there is fulfillment of
desires and you lead a contented life. Your fame and reputation will be on an increase. You will get promotion
or improvement in status. You will be favored by ministers and government. You will help relatives and
society., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 14
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
February 17, 2017 - March 08, 2017 Dasha Sun
Sun is in Bhav Number 2
A patchy domestic life may require more attention and care. It will be difficult to cope with family matters and
tension. There will be disputes with the family members. There is possibility of death in the family. There may
be heavy financial losses and loss of property. Money matters should be taken care of. Throaat, Mouth and eye
diseases may cause trouble., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 15
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|| Vimshottari Mahadasha Phal (Dasha Predictions) ||
Mercury Mahadasha Phal (Birth - May 9, 1967)
Mercury is in Leo in your 11th house
Increase of income position and bank balances will improve. This is a good time to start new ventures. This
transit indicates new friendships and relationships and gain through them. Previous work, as well as newly
starting works will bring good and desired results, your cherished desires will be fulfilled. You may get into
new trade or get new contracts. Help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions can be
expected. Over all prosperity is also indicated in this period. You need to pay special attention to the
relationship with your life-partner and some caution is required there., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 16
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|| Yogini Dasha ||
Ul 6 Years Si 7 Years Sn 8 Years Ma 1 Years
From 5/11/59 From 6/12/64 From 6/12/71 From 6/12/79
To 6/12/64 To 6/12/71 To 6/12/79 To 6/12/80
Ul 5/11/59 Si 14/ 3/66 Sn 13/ 8/73 Ma 9/11/79
Si 4/ 1/61 Sn 4/10/67 Ma 2/11/73 Pi 29/11/79
Sn 4/ 5/62 Ma 14/12/67 Pi 12/ 4/74 Dh 29/12/79
Ma 4/ 7/62 Pi 4/ 5/68 Dh 12/12/74 Br 8/ 2/80
Pi 4/11/62 Dh 4/12/68 Br 1/11/75 Ba 28/ 3/80
Dh 4/ 5/63 Br 14/ 9/69 Ba 11/12/76 Ul 28/ 5/80
Br 4/ 1/64 Ba 3/ 9/70 Ul 10/ 4/78 Si 7/ 8/80
Ba 6/12/64 Ul 6/12/71 Si 6/12/79 Sn 6/12/80, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 18
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|| Yogini Dasha ||
Pi 2 Years Dh 3 Years Br 4 Years Ba 5 Years
From 6/12/16 From 6/12/18 From 6/12/21 From 6/12/25
To 6/12/18 To 6/12/21 To 6/12/25 To 6/12/30
Pi 1/12/16 Dh 21/ 1/19 Br 30/ 3/22 Ba 28/ 6/26
Dh 1/ 2/17 Br 21/ 5/19 Ba 20/10/22 Ul 28/ 4/27
Br 21/ 4/17 Ba 21/10/19 Ul 20/ 6/23 Si 17/ 4/28
Ba 31/ 7/17 Ul 21/ 4/20 Si 30/ 3/24 Sn 27/ 5/29
Ul 1/12/17 Si 20/11/20 Sn 19/ 2/25 Ma 17/ 7/29
Si 21/ 4/18 Sn 20/ 7/21 Ma 29/ 3/25 Pi 27/10/29
Sn 1/10/18 Ma 20/ 8/21 Pi 18/ 6/25 Dh 27/ 3/30
Ma 6/12/18 Pi 6/12/21 Dh 6/12/25 Br 6/12/30, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 19
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|| Char Dasha ||
Char Maha Dasha
LIB 09 Year 10/ 8/63 10/ 8/72 CAP 12 Year 10/ 8/85 10/ 8/97
SCO 10 Year 10/ 8/72 10/ 8/82 AQU 08 Year 10/ 8/97 10/ 8/05
SAG 03 Year 10/ 8/82 10/ 8/85 PIS 12 Year 10/ 8/05 10/ 8/17
ARI 05 Year 10/ 8/17 10/ 8/22 CAN 04 Year 10/ 8/26 10/ 8/30
TAU 02 Year 10/ 8/22 10/ 8/24 LEO 01 Year 10/ 8/30 10/ 8/31
GEM 02 Year 10/ 8/24 10/ 8/26 VIR 01 Year 10/ 8/31 10/ 8/32
Char Antardasha, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 20
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|| Char Dasha ||, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 21
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Sun in your 10th house:
If benefic
(1) Benefits and favours from government, good health and financially stronger.
(2) The native will get a government job and comforts of vehicles and servants.
(3) The native will always be suspicious about others.
If malefic
(1) If Saturn is in the 4th house, the native's father will die in his childhood.
(2) If the Sun is in the 10th house and moon is in the 5th house the native will have a very short life.
(3) If the 4th house is without any planet, the native will be deprived of government favours and benefits.
Remedial Measures
(1) Never wear blue or black clothes.
(2) Throwing a copper coin in a river or canal for 43 days will be highly beneficial.
(3) Abstain from liquor and meat., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 25
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Moon in your 6th house:
This house is affected by the Mercury and Ketu. The Moon in this house will be affected by the planets placed
in the 2nd, 8th, 12th and 4th houses. The native will receive education with obstacles and will have to struggle a
lot for reaping the benefits of his educational achievements.
If the Moon is placed in the 6th, 2nd, 4th, 8th and 12th houses it is auspicious. The native would enliven a
dying person by putting a few drops of water in his mouth.
But if the Moon is malefic in the 6th house and Mercury is placed in the 2nd or 12th house, the native will
have suicidal tendencies. Similarly, if the Moon is malefic and the Sun is placed in the 12th house, then the
native or his wife or both will have severe eye defects and troubles.
(1) Serve milk to your father with your own hands.
(2) Never take milk during night. But intake of milk during day time and use of even curd and cheese during
night is permissible.
(3) Do not offer milk as donation. It can be given only at religious places of worship.
(4) Digging of wells for public will destroy the issues, but digging of wells in a hospital or within the premises
of cremation ground will not be harmful.
(1) Take honey the first thing in the morning.
(2) Eating sweets and offering sweets to another person will increase the wealth of the native., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 26
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Mercury in your 11th house:
Mercury in this house gives bad results, because of enemity to Jupiter. At the age of 34 the native undertakes
works of extreme foolishness. here Mercury causes loss of wealth, loss of mental peace and loss of reputation.
Even hard work is not awarded. however the children of native will be well educated and get married in very
rich and noble families.
(1) Wear copper coin in neck in a white thread or silver chain.
(2) Do not keep a widowed sister or father's sister in your house.
(3) Avoid green colour and emerald.
(4) Do not accept any Tabeez from a sadhu or faqir.
(1) Offer things connected with Jupiter in a temple.
(2) Feed the cocks.
(3) Offer clothes to the priest., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 27
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Venus in your 10th house:
Venus in this house makes native greedy, suspicious and interested in handicraft. The native would act under
the control and guidance of his spouse. as long as the spouse is with the native all sorts of troubles will remain
warded off. If in a motor car no accident will take place or even if it takes place the native cannot be harmed in
any manner. The business and things associated with Saturn will prove advantageous.
(1) Washing private parts with curd.
(2) Western wall of the house should be of mud.
(3) Abstinence from wine and non vegetarian food.
(4) At the time of illness, the native should donate a black cow.
When Saturn is malefic in this house drinking wine, killing of snakes and laying the foundation of the house
at night will give very bad results. Drinking milk in the night will also give bad results.
(1) Offering milk to snake and offering milk or rice to crow or buffalo.
(2) Pouring milk in the well.
(3) Pouring rum in running water., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 28
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Rahu in your 9th house:
9th house is influenced by Jupiter. If the native has good relation with ones brothers and sisters it is fruitful; else
it would adversely affect the native. If the native is not religious minded then his progeny would be useless for
him. Professions influenced by Saturn would be profitable.
If Jupiter is in 5th or 11th house then it is useless. If Rahu is inauspicious in 9th house then chances of
begetting a son are less, specially if native files court cases against one's blood relation. Rahu is in 9th and 1st
house is empty then health could be adversely affected and one gets insulted and mental problems, specially
from olders.
(1) Use Tilak of saffron daily.
(2) Wear gold.
(3) Always keep a dog (it saves ones progeny).
(4) Have good relations with your in-laws.
If Ketu in 3rd house is malefic then native loses money in litigation. He gets separated from his wife/sisters-
in-law. If such a native lives in a house with its main gate facing south, he will have serious problems regarding
children. Such a native cannot say no to any thing and so will always have worries. He will have troubles from
his brothers and will have to travel uselessly.
(1) Use saffron as tilak.
(2) Wear gold.
(3) Offer jaggery, rice in flowing water., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 29
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|| Lal Kitab Calculation ||
Name Phoolan Devi Sunrise 05.42.15 Dasa Balance MER 3 Y 8 M 29 D
Sex Female Longitude 79.20.E Tithi Sashti Sunset 18.53.54
Date 10.8.1963 Latitude 26.9.N Yoga Sula Karan Gar
Day Saturday Place Jalaun Lagna Libra Lagna Lord VEN
Time of Birth 12.0.0 Ayan 023-20-54 Rashi Pisces Rasi Lord JUP
SID 08.59.24 Ayan Type Lahiri Naskshatra Revati-4 Naskshatra Lord MER
Lagna Chart
Planetary Degree And Their Positions
Planets Sign Positions Soya Kismat Benefic / Ma
Jaganewala Malefic 2 12
Sun Capricorn ---- No No Malefic Ke 3 11 Ur Me
Moon Virgo ---- No No Malefic Pl
Mars Pisces ---- No No Benefic Ve
Mercury Aquarius ---- Yes No Malefic Sa 4 10 Su
Jupiter Virgo ---- No No Malefic 7
Venus Capricorn ---- No No Benefic
Saturn-Ret Cancer ---- No Yes Malefic 5 9 Ra
Rahu-Ret Sagittarius ---- No No Malefic 6 8
Ketu-Ret Gemini ---- No No Malefic Ju Mo
Ven 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mer 2 Year Sat 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year
From 10/08/1987 From 10/08/1990 From 10/08/1996 From 10/08/1998 From 10/08/2004 From 10/08/2010
To 10/08/1990 To 10/08/1996 To 10/08/1998 To 10/08/2004 To 10/08/2010 To 10/08/2013
Mars 10/08/1988 Mars 10/08/1992 Moon 10/04/1997 Rahu 10/08/2000 Mars 10/08/2006 Sat 10/08/2011
Sun 10/08/1989 Sat 10/08/1994 Mars 10/12/1997 Mer 10/08/2002 Ketu 10/08/2008 Rahu 10/08/2012
Moon 10/08/1990 Ven 10/08/1996 Jup 10/08/1998 Sat 10/08/2004 Rahu 10/08/2010 Ketu 10/08/2013
Jup 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year Ven 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mer 2 Year
From 10/08/2013 From 10/08/2019 From 10/08/2021 From 10/08/2022 From 10/08/2025 From 10/08/2031
To 10/08/2019 To 10/08/2021 To 10/08/2022 To 10/08/2025 To 10/08/2031 To 10/08/2033
Ketu 10/08/2015 Sun 10/04/2020 Jup 10/12/2021 Mars 10/08/2023 Mars 10/08/2027 Moon 10/04/2032
Jup 10/08/2017 Moon 10/12/2020 Sun 10/04/2022 Sun 10/08/2024 Sat 10/08/2029 Mars 10/12/2032
Sun 10/08/2019 Mars 10/08/2021 Moon 10/08/2022 Moon 10/08/2025 Ven 10/08/2031 Jup 10/08/2033
Sat 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year Jup 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year
From 10/08/2033 From 10/08/2039 From 10/08/2045 From 10/08/2048 From 10/08/2054 From 10/08/2056
To 10/08/2039 To 10/08/2045 To 10/08/2048 To 10/08/2054 To 10/08/2056 To 10/08/2057
Rahu 10/08/2035 Mars 10/08/2041 Sat 10/08/2046 Ketu 10/08/2050 Sun 10/04/2055 Jup 10/12/2056
Mer 10/08/2037 Ketu 10/08/2043 Rahu 10/08/2047 Jup 10/08/2052 Moon 10/12/2055 Sun 10/04/2057
Sat 10/08/2039 Rahu 10/08/2045 Ketu 10/08/2048 Sun 10/08/2054 Mars 10/08/2056 Moon 10/08/2057, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 30
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Sun Consideration
Your Sun is in Cancer sign which is a Friendly sign for Sun. Sun is lord of 11th house and situated in 10th
house. Sun aspects 4th house and aspected by Jupiter,Saturn.
The Sun posited in tenth house gives favorable results. As a result, it makes you intelligent, well informed, and
famous. You will be a wealthy person, full of confidence. You are a person who achieves success in the work
area. You have good abilities of leadership. Hence, you will guide people.
You will get posted on a higher position. You may get honored by Government or may get a chance to join
Government. You are generous and a fortunate person. You will be famous due to your well behaved nature and
will be loved by all because of your generosity. Your father will have a long and you will have harmonious
relations with him.
The Sun present here may make bring negativity around. If you would allow the negative thoughts to come in
your mind, then your mother may have to face some sufferings. The more you become famous, your close ones
would start going away from you. You will get all luxuries of life from the age of 22 years to 70 years.
Moon Consideration
Your Moon is in Pisces sign which is a Neutral sign for Moon. Moon is lord of 10th house and situated in 6th
house. Moon aspects 12th house and aspected by Mars,Saturn.
The Moon posited here may not give you good results, mostly. This position of Moon may create situations that
you may have to change your job, oftenly. You may have to put efforts to maintain good relations with your
mother and subordinates. You may also suffer from problems related to eyes and stomach. Your childhood may
be surrounded by some dissatisfaction.
Though you may not be able to take right decisions in some matters, but you will be able to identify your
enemies, easily. This present position of Moon may bring you some problems in health, but current position of
Moon will increase your age. You may feel disturbed because of the debts. There are possibilities that you may
have to pay off some debts, twice.
Due to Moon's present position, you may have to face insult sometimes, on some specific issues. But at the
same time, this position of Moon will give favorable results for your children. They may achieve big success in
their life. Moon's position will also yield favorable results for your father and he may also get appointed at some
higher position., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 31
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Mars Consideration
Your Mars is in Virgo sign which is a Enemy sign for Mars. Mars is lord of 7th, 2nd, house and situated in 12th
house. Mars aspects 3rd, 6th, 7th house and aspected by Moon,Jupiter.
The Mars present here gives you opposite results, mostly. But, makes you expert in art of weapons. The Mars
present here is not considered good for married life. Also, the position of Mars makes you violent, by nature.
Due to over expenses you may become a debtor. Mars may also cause problem of reddishness in eyes or other
eye related problems.
You may find less interest toward religious tasks. Though you are a part of religious tasks but you may not
understand the importance of religion. You may also have some danger of theft, hence it is advised to keep your
things safe and secure. It would be good to keep violent thoughts away from your, if they are about your life
partner. There may be chances that you may have to get the surgery done, for your elder son.
The present position of Mars is indicating that your younger siblings may get posted at higher authorities and
higher posts. But, they may have some ups and downs in their financial condition. Your parents may have
problems related to stomach. Sometimes spending extra money may create financial problems for you. You are
a person who respects sage and teachers.
Mercury Consideration
Your Mercury is in Leo sign which is a Friendly sign for Mercury. Mercury is lord of 9th, 12th, house and
situated in 11th house. Mercury aspects 5th house and aspected by Ketu.
The Mercury posited in eleventh house is considered to give favorable results. You are a person with strong
character. You will have attractive eyes. You will remain healthy. You are an ethical, honest and a soft-spoken
person. You will be famous due to your qualities. You will have more number of female friends.
You are a person who has knowledge of different arts and is always eager to know new things. You have faith
in Vedas. You will be fortunate and happy. You may have many people to work for and they will obey your
orders. The Mercury posited in eleventh house gave you a long life. You will have pleasure of best of vehicles.
You will always remain delightful.
You can gain wealth through architecture, writing or business. Especially, you will accumulate lots of wealth at
the age of 45 years. You may have more number of girl children. You will defeat your enemies, instead you will
gain wealth through them. The Mercury posited here may lessen your diet. Also, you should avoid getting
frustrated, mentally., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 32
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Jupiter Consideration
Your Jupiter is in Pisces sign which is a Own sign for Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of 3rd, 6th, house and situated in
6th house. Jupiter aspects 10th, 12th, 2nd house and aspected by Mars,Saturn.
The Jupiter posited in fourth house makes you good looking, strong and an intelligent person. You are a kind
hearted and a brilliant person. Your rhetoric nature is appreciable. You are an ambitious and a good natured
person. You are glorious and acts as a head of the family. You will be a good entrepreneur and businessman.
Everyone will respect you. You will have pleasure of having of various vehicles.
You will respect Brahmins and teachers. You will importance in serving your teachers. You will have a big
home, full of all luxuries. You will get a paid up home from royal people or Government. You will have
discussion of knowledgeable matters. You will get happiness and affection from your mother. You will serve
your parents, lovingly. But, you will have to try hard to get ancestral property.
If you have a business, it may have a slow growth. You may get money from Government. You will get costly
dresses and garlands. Your old age will be more happier. You will have sufficient property. You may have
cattle or other animals and you will gain wealth from them. You will be appreciated by all.
Venus Consideration
Your Venus is in Cancer sign which is a Enemy sign for Venus. Venus is lord of 8th, 1st, house and situated in
10th house. Venus aspects 4th house and aspected by Jupiter,Saturn.
The Venus posited in tenth house makes you physically toned and you have an attractive personality. You have
a quiet and friendly nature. You try to avoid disputes, mostly. It would be good to behave in an ethical manner.
You have a religious and faithful nature. You have interest in religious work. You have firm faith in making
You will have knowledge of different scriptures. You will be a glorious person and people will respect and
honor you. You are a good speaker. You will be a wealthy person. You will have a good collection of gold-
silver, gemstones etc. You will have relations with people from royal background or Government. You may
either be a Government employee or may get a higher post.
You will get success in your goals. You will be liked by people of opposite gender. You should get married in
high and well reputed family. You may get good fortune and wealth after marriage. You will get profit and
respect due to your life partner. You will have interest in singing, playing music, literature writing or painting.
You will lead a happy life and will get a chance to travel to different countries., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 33
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Saturn Consideration
Your Saturn is in Capricorn sign which is a Own sign for Saturn. Saturn is lord of 4th, 5th, house and situated
in 4th house. Saturn aspects 6th, 10th, 1st house and aspected by Sun,Venus.
The Saturn posited here makes you quiet and patient. You will be serious, full of patience and non greedy
person. You stay away from any addiction, favors justice and respects guests. You believe in doing charities.
You are a person with good qualities. You will have lots of money. You will have different types of vehicles.
You may also get property that belongs to someone else.
You may become successful by staying in foreign lands. The 16th, 22nd,24th, 27th and 36th year of your age
will be fortunate for you. During these years, you will get job, will get married and be blessed with children.
However, this position of Saturn, sometimes gives problems till the age of 36 years. After this, till the age of 56
year, you get happiness.
You may gain profits through your enemies. The malefic effects of Saturn will take away physical happiness
from you. You may involve in a company of bad people. You may mental tensions and issues. Your mother
may also face some sufferings. This position of Saturn creates the condition of two marriages or problems in
married life. Also, this position may get you disowned you from father's property.
Rahu Consideration
Your Rahu is in Gemini sign which is a - sign for Rahu. Rahu is lord of house and situated in 9th house. Rahu
aspects 1st, 3rd, 5th house and aspected by Ketu.
The Rahu posited here, makes you hard working and you will have firm faith in God. You are kind hearted,
affectionate toward family and a person with good qualities. You like to go for pilgrimage and is a saint like and
generous person. You are a polite and good natured person, also. You like to travel, a lot You will be an
intelligent person and due to your qualities you will be praised by all. You will be well known and a respectable
You will amaze people due to your intelligence. You have firm faith in deities, pilgrimages. You are a virtuous
person who donates money. If someone has done favors for you, you will always remember them. You will like
to follow the path shown by your elders and because of it you will become glorious.
You do not like leaving your work, incomplete. You believe in change, progress, self empowerment and helping
others. The Rahu posited here, due to its bad effects, provokes you to involve in bad acts and decreases your
faith in religious things. Hence, you need to safeguard yourself and try to maintain good relations with brothers
and family., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 34
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Ketu Consideration
Your Ketu is in Sagittarius sign which is a - sign for Ketu. Ketu is lord of house and situated in 3rd house. Ketu
aspects 7th, 9th, 11th house and aspected by Mars,Rahu.
The Ketu posited in third house gives mixed results. It makes you strong and gives you patience. You believe in
charity and likes the company of generous and charitable people. You will be wealthy and glorious, also. You
will get happiness from females and will get to have some delicious food, too.
You are a person who would defeat his/her enemies, hence your enemies will be afraid of you. The Ketu posited
in the present house may give you malefic effects. Due to this you may feel surrounded by some useless
worries. Also, you may feel anxious due to some unknown fear. You may face some mental tensions, at times
or may get surrounded by some worries. You may also believe in existence of paranormal things. You may also
save people from such things and punish the evil spirits.
You may have social fear, due to some reason. Your friends may also get influenced by you. But, there are
some chances that you may have some harm from friends. There may be some pain in your arms. If you remain
engaged in any unnecessary arguments, you may feel disturbed. However, this condition will save you from
your enemies., E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 35
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Lagna Chart Hora Wealth
Ur Ma Sa
Ve MoJu
Ma Su
8 6 5 Pl 3
Ke 9 Ne 5 Ur Me 6 Me 2
Pl Ke Ra Ne
7 4
Sa 10 4 Su 7 1
1 10
11 3 Ra 8 12
12 2 9 11
Ju Mo
Su Ma Ma
12 10 2 12
1 Ra 9 Ur Me 3 Su 11 Pl Me
Ne Pl Ne
11 1
2 8 Mo 4 10 Ve
5 Ve 7
3 Ke 7 5 Sa 9 Mo Ju
4 6 6 8
Sa Ke Ur
Ne Mo
11 9 12 10
Ju Mo 12 Sa 8 Ra Me 1 Su 9 Ve
Pl Ju
10 11
1 7 Ur Ma 2 8 Ke
4 5
Ke Ve 2 6 3 Sa 7
3 5 4 6
MaSu Ur Pl Me, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 36
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Dashamamsha - Profession Dwadashmamsha - Parents
Ne Ra Ne Ma
1 11 2 12
Sa 2 10 Pl Me 3 Su 11 Ve Me
Ra Pl
12 1
3 9 4 10 Mo
6 7
Ju 4 Ve 8 Ur 5 Ke 9 Ur
5 7 6 8
Ke Mo Ma Su Sa
9 11
12 6 Ne 2 8 Me
3 5
Su 1 Sa 5 Ma Ma 3 7
2 4 4 6
Pl Me Ur Su Sa
Pl Mo
7 5 10 8
Ne 8 Me 4 Ma 11 Ju 7 Su
6 9
9 3 Ke 12 6 Ra
12 3
Su 10 Ju 2 1 Sa 5 Ma
11 1Ke 2 4
Sa Mo Ra Ve Pl Me
Ur, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 37
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Trimshamsha - Misfortune Khavedamsha - Auspicious Results
Ju Ke
Su Mo Ra
10 8 11 9
11 Me 7 Ke Ra Pl Me 12 8
Pl Ur
Ve Ve
9 10
Ma 12 6 1 7 Mo
3 4
1 Ne 5 Su 2 6 Sa
2 4 3 5
Ur Ma Ne Ju
5 Ma 9 Ur 7 11
6 8 8 10
Ne Me Ne, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 38
Phoolan Devi
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|| KP System / Nakshatra Nadi ||
Name Phoolan Devi Sunrise 05.42.15 Dasa Balance MER 3 Y 8 M 29 D
Sex Female Longitude 79.20.E Tithi Sashti Sunset 18.53.54
Date 10.8.1963 Latitude 26.9.N Yoga Sula Karan Gar
Day Saturday Place Jalaun Lagna Libra Lagna Lord VEN
Time of Birth 12.0.0 Ayan 023-15-31 Rashi Pisces Rasi Lord JUP
SID 08.59.24 Ayan Type KP Naskshatra Revati-4 Naskshatra Lord MER
Ruling Planet
Planet Rasi Lord Nak Lord Sub Lord
Day Lord SAT
8 6 Cuspal Positions
Ke(9) 9 5 Cusp Degree RASH NAK SUB SS
Ne(7) Ma(6)
1 196-33-57 VEN RAH VEN JUP
2 225-44-27 MAR SAT JUP KET
3 256-41-34 JUP VEN MON JUP
4 289-07-41 SAT MON MER JUP
5 321-22-42 SAT JUP JUP MON
Sa(10) 10 4 Su(4) Pl(5)
6 350-52-45 JUP MER VEN SAT
1 7 016-33-57 MAR VEN MON JUP
8 045-44-27 VEN MON SAT SAT
9 076-41-34 MER RAH VEN SAT
10 109-07-41 MON MER KET SAT
11 3 Ve(4) Ra(3) 11 141-22-42 SUN VEN JUP MON
12 170-52-45 MER MON VEN SUN
12 2
Planetary Positions
Ju(12) Planet Degree RASH NAK SUB SS
Sun 113-40-23 MON MER MAR SAT
Moon 357-09-06 JUP MER JUP VEN
Mars 165-23-56 MER MON JUP MAR
MER -17 Years KET -7 Years VEN -20 Years Mercury 137-20-44 SUN VEN MAR MAR
10/ 8/63 - 9/ 5/67 9/ 5/67 - 9/ 5/74 9/ 5/74 - 9/ 5/94
Jupiter 356-14-47 JUP MER JUP JUP
MER 00/00/00 KET 6/10/67 VEN 9/ 9/77
Venus 108-14-57 MON MER MER JUP
KET 00/00/00 VEN 6/12/68 SUN 9/ 9/78
Saturn 296-42-45 SAT MAR JUP MER
VEN 00/00/00 SUN 12/ 4/69 MON 9/ 5/80
Rahu 085-42-35 MER JUP MER SAT
SUN 00/00/00 MON 12/11/69 MAR 9/ 7/81
Ketu 265-42-35 JUP VEN MER SAT
MON 00/00/00 MAR 9/ 4/70 RAH 9/ 7/84
Uranus 131-10-05 SUN KET SAT JUP
MAR 00/00/00 RAH 27/ 4/71 JUP 9/ 3/87
Neptune 199-41-22 VEN RAH MAR MER
RAH 00/00/00 JUP 3/ 4/72 SAT 9/ 5/90
Pluto 137-45-47 SUN VEN MAR MER
JUP 30/ 8/64 SAT 12/ 5/73 MER 9/ 3/93
SAT 9/ 5/67 MER 9/ 5/74 KET 9/ 5/94 Significators of Houses
House Planet
SUN -6 Years MON -10 Years MAR -7 Years 1 ME VE KE
9/ 5/94 - 9/ 5/00 9/ 5/00 - 9/ 5/10 9/ 5/10 - 9/ 5/17 2 MA SA
SUN 27/ 8/94 MON 9/ 3/01 MAR 6/10/10 3 JU RA KE
MON 27/ 2/95 MAR 9/10/01 RAH 24/10/11 4 SA
MAR 3/ 7/95 RAH 9/ 4/03 JUP 30/ 9/12 5 SA
RAH 27/ 5/96 JUP 9/ 8/04 SAT 9/11/13 6 MO MA JU RA
JUP 15/ 3/97 SAT 9/ 3/06 MER 6/11/14 7 MA SA
SAT 27/ 2/98 MER 9/ 8/07 KET 3/ 4/15 8 ME VE KE
MER 3/ 1/99 KET 9/ 3/08 VEN 3/ 6/16 9 SU MO ME JU VE RA KE
KET 9/ 5/99 VEN 9/11/09 SUN 9/10/16 10 SU MO MA ME JU VE
VEN 9/ 5/00 SUN 9/ 5/10 MON 9/ 5/17
RAH -18 Years JUP -16 Years SAT -19 Years Planet Signification
9/ 5/17 - 9/ 5/35 9/ 5/35 - 9/ 5/51 9/ 5/51 - 9/ 5/70
RAH 21/ 1/20 JUP 27/ 6/37 SAT 12/ 5/54 Planet House
Sun 9 10 11 12
JUP 15/ 6/22 SAT 9/ 1/40 MER 21/ 1/57
Moon 6 9 10 12
SAT 21/ 4/25 MER 15/ 4/42 KET 2/ 3/58
Mars 2 6 7 10 11
MER 9/11/27 KET 21/ 3/43 VEN 30/ 4/61 Mercury 1 8 9 10 12
KET 27/11/28 VEN 21/11/45 SUN 12/ 4/62 Jupiter 3 6 9 10 12
VEN 27/11/31 SUN 9/ 9/46 MON 12/11/63 Venus 1 8 9 10 12
SUN 21/10/32 MON 9/ 1/48 MAR 21/12/64 Saturn 2 4 5 7 11
MON 21/ 4/34 MAR 15/12/48 RAH 27/10/67 Rahu 3 6 9
MAR 9/ 5/35 RAH 9/ 5/51 JUP 9/ 5/70 Ketu 1 3 8 9, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 39
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Dasa Balance: MER 3 Y 8 M 29 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 10/ 8/63 - To 30/ 8/64 From 30/ 8/64 - To 9/ 5/67 From 9/ 5/67 - To 6/10/67 From 6/10/67 - To 6/12/68 From 6/12/68 - To 12/ 4/69
JUP 00/00/00 SAT 3/ 2/65 KET 18/ 5/67 VEN 16/12/67 SUN 12/12/68
SAT 00/00/00 MER 21/ 6/65 VEN 12/ 6/67 SUN 7/ 1/68 MON 23/12/68
MER 00/00/00 KET 17/ 8/65 SUN 19/ 6/67 MON 12/ 2/68 MAR 30/12/68
KET 00/00/00 VEN 29/ 1/66 MON 2/ 7/67 MAR 6/ 3/68 RAH 19/ 1/69
VEN 21/11/63 SUN 17/ 3/66 MAR 10/ 7/67 RAH 9/ 5/68 JUP 6/ 2/69
SUN 2/ 1/64 MON 8/ 6/66 RAH 2/ 8/67 JUP 5/ 7/68 SAT 26/ 2/69
MON 10/ 3/64 MAR 4/ 8/66 JUP 22/ 8/67 SAT 12/ 9/68 MER 14/ 3/69
MAR 28/ 4/64 RAH 30/12/66 SAT 15/ 9/67 MER 11/11/68 KET 21/ 3/69
RAH 30/ 8/64 JUP 9/ 5/67 MER 6/10/67 KET 6/12/68 VEN 12/ 4/69
From 12/ 4/69 - To 12/11/69 From 12/11/69 - To 9/ 4/70 From 9/ 4/70 - To 27/ 4/71 From 27/ 4/71 - To 3/ 4/72 From 3/ 4/72 - To 12/ 5/73
MON 29/ 4/69 MAR 21/11/69 RAH 6/ 6/70 JUP 12/ 6/71 SAT 6/ 6/72
MAR 12/ 5/69 RAH 13/12/69 JUP 26/ 7/70 SAT 5/ 8/71 MER 3/ 8/72
RAH 13/ 6/69 JUP 2/ 1/70 SAT 26/ 9/70 MER 23/ 9/71 KET 26/ 8/72
JUP 11/ 7/69 SAT 25/ 1/70 MER 19/11/70 KET 12/10/71 VEN 2/11/72
SAT 14/ 8/69 MER 16/ 2/70 KET 12/12/70 VEN 8/12/71 SUN 22/11/72
MER 14/ 9/69 KET 25/ 2/70 VEN 15/ 2/71 SUN 25/12/71 MON 26/12/72
KET 26/ 9/69 VEN 19/ 3/70 SUN 3/ 3/71 MON 23/ 1/72 MAR 19/ 1/73
VEN 1/11/69 SUN 27/ 3/70 MON 5/ 4/71 MAR 13/ 2/72 RAH 19/ 3/73
SUN 12/11/69 MON 9/ 4/70 MAR 27/ 4/71 RAH 3/ 4/72 JUP 12/ 5/73
From 12/ 5/73 - To 9/ 5/74 From 9/ 5/74 - To 9/ 9/77 From 9/ 9/77 - To 9/ 9/78 From 9/ 9/78 - To 9/ 5/80 From 9/ 5/80 - To 9/ 7/81
MER 3/ 7/73 VEN 29/11/74 SUN 27/ 9/77 MON 29/10/78 MAR 3/ 6/80
KET 23/ 7/73 SUN 29/ 1/75 MON 27/10/77 MAR 4/12/78 RAH 6/ 8/80
VEN 23/ 9/73 MON 9/ 5/75 MAR 18/11/77 RAH 4/ 3/79 JUP 2/10/80
SUN 11/10/73 MAR 19/ 7/75 RAH 12/ 1/78 JUP 24/ 5/79 SAT 9/12/80
MON 10/11/73 RAH 19/ 1/76 JUP 2/ 3/78 SAT 29/ 8/79 MER 8/ 2/81
MAR 1/12/73 JUP 29/ 6/76 SAT 27/ 4/78 MER 24/11/79 KET 3/ 3/81
RAH 25/ 1/74 SAT 9/ 1/77 MER 18/ 6/78 KET 29/12/79 VEN 13/ 5/81
JUP 12/ 3/74 MER 29/ 6/77 KET 9/ 7/78 VEN 9/ 4/80 SUN 4/ 6/81
SAT 9/ 5/74 KET 9/ 9/77 VEN 9/ 9/78 SUN 9/ 5/80 MON 9/ 7/81, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 40
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Dasa Balance: MER 3 Y 8 M 29 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 9/ 7/81 - To 9/ 7/84 From 9/ 7/84 - To 9/ 3/87 From 9/ 3/87 - To 9/ 5/90 From 9/ 5/90 - To 9/ 3/93 From 9/ 3/93 - To 9/ 5/94
RAH 21/12/81 JUP 17/11/84 SAT 9/ 9/87 MER 3/10/90 KET 3/ 4/93
JUP 15/ 5/82 SAT 19/ 4/85 MER 21/ 2/88 KET 3/12/90 VEN 13/ 6/93
SAT 6/11/82 MER 5/ 9/85 KET 27/ 4/88 VEN 23/ 5/91 SUN 4/ 7/93
MER 9/ 4/83 KET 1/11/85 VEN 7/11/88 SUN 14/ 7/91 MON 9/ 8/93
KET 12/ 6/83 VEN 11/ 4/86 SUN 4/ 1/89 MON 9/10/91 MAR 4/ 9/93
VEN 12/12/83 SUN 29/ 5/86 MON 9/ 4/89 MAR 8/12/91 RAH 7/11/93
SUN 6/ 2/84 MON 19/ 8/86 MAR 16/ 6/89 RAH 11/ 5/92 JUP 3/ 1/94
MON 6/ 5/84 MAR 15/10/86 RAH 7/12/89 JUP 27/ 9/92 SAT 9/ 3/94
MAR 9/ 7/84 RAH 9/ 3/87 JUP 9/ 5/90 SAT 9/ 3/93 MER 9/ 5/94
From 9/ 5/94 - To 27/ 8/94 From 27/ 8/94 - To 27/ 2/95 From 27/ 2/95 - To 3/ 7/95 From 3/ 7/95 - To 27/ 5/96 From 27/ 5/96 - To 15/ 3/97
SUN 14/ 5/94 MON 12/ 9/94 MAR 4/ 3/95 RAH 22/ 8/95 JUP 5/ 7/96
MON 23/ 5/94 MAR 22/ 9/94 RAH 23/ 3/95 JUP 5/10/95 SAT 21/ 8/96
MAR 30/ 5/94 RAH 19/10/94 JUP 10/ 4/95 SAT 26/11/95 MER 2/10/96
RAH 16/ 6/94 JUP 13/11/94 SAT 30/ 4/95 MER 12/ 1/96 KET 19/10/96
JUP 30/ 6/94 SAT 12/12/94 MER 18/ 5/95 KET 1/ 2/96 VEN 7/12/96
SAT 17/ 7/94 MER 7/ 1/95 KET 25/ 5/95 VEN 25/ 3/96 SUN 21/12/96
MER 3/ 8/94 KET 18/ 1/95 VEN 16/ 6/95 SUN 11/ 4/96 MON 15/ 1/97
KET 9/ 8/94 VEN 18/ 2/95 SUN 22/ 6/95 MON 8/ 5/96 MAR 2/ 2/97
VEN 27/ 8/94 SUN 27/ 2/95 MON 3/ 7/95 MAR 27/ 5/96 RAH 15/ 3/97
From 15/ 3/97 - To 27/ 2/98 From 27/ 2/98 - To 3/ 1/99 From 3/ 1/99 - To 9/ 5/99 From 9/ 5/99 - To 9/ 5/00 From 9/ 5/00 - To 9/ 3/01
SAT 9/ 5/97 MER 10/ 4/98 KET 10/ 1/99 VEN 9/ 7/99 MON 4/ 6/00
MER 28/ 6/97 KET 28/ 4/98 VEN 1/ 2/99 SUN 27/ 7/99 MAR 21/ 6/00
KET 18/ 7/97 VEN 19/ 6/98 SUN 8/ 2/99 MON 27/ 8/99 RAH 6/ 8/00
VEN 15/ 9/97 SUN 4/ 7/98 MON 18/ 2/99 MAR 18/ 9/99 JUP 16/ 9/00
SUN 2/10/97 MON 30/ 7/98 MAR 25/ 2/99 RAH 12/11/99 SAT 4/11/00
MON 30/10/97 MAR 18/ 8/98 RAH 14/ 3/99 JUP 30/12/99 MER 16/12/00
MAR 20/11/97 RAH 4/10/98 JUP 1/ 4/99 SAT 27/ 2/00 KET 4/ 1/01
RAH 11/ 1/98 JUP 15/11/98 SAT 21/ 4/99 MER 18/ 4/00 VEN 24/ 2/01
JUP 27/ 2/98 SAT 3/ 1/99 MER 9/ 5/99 KET 9/ 5/00 SUN 9/ 3/01, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 41
Phoolan Devi Get free chart (kundli) at
Dasa Balance: MER 3 Y 8 M 29 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 9/ 5/00 - To 9/ 3/01 From 9/ 3/01 - To 9/10/01 From 9/10/01 - To 9/ 4/03 From 9/ 4/03 - To 9/ 8/04 From 9/ 8/04 - To 9/ 3/06
MON 4/ 6/00 MAR 21/ 3/01 RAH 30/12/01 JUP 13/ 6/03 SAT 9/11/04
MAR 21/ 6/00 RAH 23/ 4/01 JUP 12/ 3/02 SAT 29/ 8/03 MER 30/ 1/05
RAH 6/ 8/00 JUP 21/ 5/01 SAT 7/ 6/02 MER 7/11/03 KET 3/ 3/05
JUP 16/ 9/00 SAT 24/ 6/01 MER 24/ 8/02 KET 5/12/03 VEN 8/ 6/05
SAT 4/11/00 MER 24/ 7/01 KET 25/ 9/02 VEN 25/ 2/04 SUN 7/ 7/05
MER 16/12/00 KET 6/ 8/01 VEN 25/12/02 SUN 19/ 3/04 MON 24/ 8/05
KET 4/ 1/01 VEN 11/ 9/01 SUN 22/ 1/03 MON 29/ 4/04 MAR 27/ 9/05
VEN 24/ 2/01 SUN 21/ 9/01 MON 7/ 3/03 MAR 27/ 5/04 RAH 23/12/05
SUN 9/ 3/01 MON 9/10/01 MAR 9/ 4/03 RAH 9/ 8/04 JUP 9/ 3/06
From 9/ 3/06 - To 9/ 8/07 From 9/ 8/07 - To 9/ 3/08 From 9/ 3/08 - To 9/11/09 From 9/11/09 - To 9/ 5/10 From 9/ 5/10 - To 6/10/10
MER 21/ 5/06 KET 21/ 8/07 VEN 19/ 6/08 SUN 18/11/09 MAR 18/ 5/10
KET 21/ 6/06 VEN 26/ 9/07 SUN 19/ 7/08 MON 3/12/09 RAH 10/ 6/10
VEN 16/ 9/06 SUN 7/10/07 MON 9/ 9/08 MAR 13/12/09 JUP 29/ 6/10
SUN 11/10/06 MON 24/10/07 MAR 14/10/08 RAH 10/ 1/10 SAT 22/ 7/10
MON 24/11/06 MAR 6/11/07 RAH 14/ 1/09 JUP 4/ 2/10 MER 13/ 8/10
MAR 24/12/06 RAH 8/12/07 JUP 4/ 4/09 SAT 3/ 3/10 KET 22/ 8/10
RAH 10/ 3/07 JUP 6/ 1/08 SAT 9/ 7/09 MER 28/ 3/10 VEN 16/ 9/10
JUP 18/ 5/07 SAT 9/ 2/08 MER 4/10/09 KET 9/ 4/10 SUN 24/ 9/10
SAT 9/ 8/07 MER 9/ 3/08 KET 9/11/09 VEN 9/ 5/10 MON 6/10/10
From 6/10/10 - To 24/10/11 From 24/10/11 - To 30/ 9/12 From 30/ 9/12 - To 9/11/13 From 9/11/13 - To 6/11/14 From 6/11/14 - To 3/ 4/15
RAH 3/12/10 JUP 9/12/11 SAT 3/12/12 MER 30/12/13 KET 15/11/14
JUP 23/ 1/11 SAT 2/ 2/12 MER 30/ 1/13 KET 20/ 1/14 VEN 9/12/14
SAT 23/ 3/11 MER 20/ 3/12 KET 23/ 2/13 VEN 20/ 3/14 SUN 16/12/14
MER 16/ 5/11 KET 9/ 4/12 VEN 29/ 4/13 SUN 8/ 4/14 MON 29/12/14
KET 9/ 6/11 VEN 5/ 6/12 SUN 19/ 5/13 MON 7/ 5/14 MAR 7/ 1/15
VEN 12/ 8/11 SUN 22/ 6/12 MON 23/ 6/13 MAR 28/ 5/14 RAH 29/ 1/15
SUN 30/ 8/11 MON 20/ 7/12 MAR 16/ 7/13 RAH 22/ 7/14 JUP 19/ 2/15
MON 2/10/11 MAR 10/ 8/12 RAH 16/ 9/13 JUP 9/ 9/14 SAT 12/ 3/15
MAR 24/10/11 RAH 30/ 9/12 JUP 9/11/13 SAT 6/11/14 MER 3/ 4/15, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 42
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Dasa Balance: MER 3 Y 8 M 29 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 3/ 6/16 - To 9/10/16 From 9/10/16 - To 9/ 5/17 From 9/ 5/17 - To 21/ 1/20 From 21/ 1/20 - To 15/ 6/22 From 15/ 6/22 - To 21/ 4/25
SUN 9/ 6/16 MON 26/10/16 RAH 5/10/17 JUP 16/ 5/20 SAT 27/11/22
MON 20/ 6/16 MAR 9/11/16 JUP 14/ 2/18 SAT 3/10/20 MER 23/ 4/23
MAR 27/ 6/16 RAH 10/12/16 SAT 18/ 7/18 MER 5/ 2/21 KET 23/ 6/23
RAH 16/ 7/16 JUP 8/ 1/17 MER 6/12/18 KET 26/ 3/21 VEN 14/12/23
JUP 3/ 8/16 SAT 11/ 2/17 KET 3/ 2/19 VEN 20/ 8/21 SUN 5/ 2/24
SAT 23/ 8/16 MER 11/ 3/17 VEN 15/ 7/19 SUN 3/10/21 MON 30/ 4/24
MER 11/ 9/16 KET 23/ 3/17 SUN 3/ 9/19 MON 15/12/21 MAR 30/ 6/24
KET 18/ 9/16 VEN 28/ 4/17 MON 24/11/19 MAR 5/ 2/22 RAH 4/12/24
VEN 9/10/16 SUN 9/ 5/17 MAR 21/ 1/20 RAH 15/ 6/22 JUP 21/ 4/25
From 21/ 4/25 - To 9/11/27 From 9/11/27 - To 27/11/28 From 27/11/28 - To 27/11/31 From 27/11/31 - To 21/10/32 From 21/10/32 - To 21/ 4/34
MER 1/ 9/25 KET 1/12/27 VEN 27/ 5/29 SUN 13/12/31 MON 6/12/32
KET 25/10/25 VEN 4/ 2/28 SUN 21/ 7/29 MON 10/ 1/32 MAR 7/ 1/33
VEN 28/ 3/26 SUN 23/ 2/28 MON 21/10/29 MAR 29/ 1/32 RAH 28/ 3/33
SUN 13/ 5/26 MON 24/ 3/28 MAR 24/12/29 RAH 18/ 3/32 JUP 10/ 6/33
MON 30/ 7/26 MAR 16/ 4/28 RAH 6/ 6/30 JUP 1/ 5/32 SAT 6/ 9/33
MAR 24/ 9/26 RAH 13/ 6/28 JUP 30/10/30 SAT 22/ 6/32 MER 22/11/33
RAH 11/ 2/27 JUP 4/ 8/28 SAT 21/ 4/31 MER 8/ 8/32 KET 24/12/33
JUP 14/ 6/27 SAT 3/10/28 MER 24/ 9/31 KET 27/ 8/32 VEN 24/ 3/34
SAT 9/11/27 MER 27/11/28 KET 27/11/31 VEN 21/10/32 SUN 21/ 4/34
From 21/ 4/34 - To 9/ 5/35 From 9/ 5/35 - To 27/ 6/37 From 27/ 6/37 - To 9/ 1/40 From 9/ 1/40 - To 15/ 4/42 From 15/ 4/42 - To 21/ 3/43
MAR 13/ 5/34 JUP 21/ 8/35 SAT 21/11/37 MER 5/ 5/40 KET 5/ 5/42
RAH 10/ 7/34 SAT 23/12/35 MER 1/ 4/38 KET 22/ 6/40 VEN 1/ 7/42
JUP 30/ 8/34 MER 12/ 4/36 KET 24/ 5/38 VEN 8/11/40 SUN 17/ 7/42
SAT 30/10/34 KET 27/ 5/36 VEN 26/10/38 SUN 19/12/40 MON 15/ 8/42
MER 24/12/34 VEN 5/10/36 SUN 11/12/38 MON 27/ 2/41 MAR 5/ 9/42
KET 16/ 1/35 SUN 13/11/36 MON 27/ 2/39 MAR 15/ 4/41 RAH 25/10/42
VEN 19/ 3/35 MON 17/ 1/37 MAR 21/ 4/39 RAH 17/ 8/41 JUP 10/12/42
SUN 7/ 4/35 MAR 2/ 3/37 RAH 7/ 9/39 JUP 6/12/41 SAT 3/ 2/43
MON 9/ 5/35 RAH 27/ 6/37 JUP 9/ 1/40 SAT 15/ 4/42 MER 21/ 3/43, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 43
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|| Friendship Table ||
Permanent Friendship
SUN --- Friend Friend Neutral Friend Enemy Enemy
MOON Friend --- Neutral Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral
MARS Friend Friend --- Enemy Friend Neutral Neutral
MERC Friend Enemy Neutral --- Neutral Friend Neutral
JUPT Friend Friend Friend Enemy --- Enemy Neutral
VENU Enemy Enemy Neutral Friend Neutral --- Friend
SATN Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Neutral Friend ---
Temporal Friendship
SUN --- Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Enemy Enemy
MOON Enemy --- Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend
MARS Friend Enemy --- Friend Enemy Friend Enemy
MERC Friend Enemy Friend --- Enemy Friend Enemy
JUPT Enemy Enemy Enemy Enemy --- Enemy Friend
VENU Enemy Enemy Friend Friend Enemy --- Enemy
SATN Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy ---
Five-fold Friendship
SUN --- Neutral Intimat Friend Neutral Bitter Bitter
MOON Neutral --- Enemy Neutral Enemy Enemy Friend
MARS Intimat Neutral --- Neutral Neutral Friend Enemy
MERC Intimat Bitter Friend --- Enemy Intimat Enemy
JUPT Neutral Neutral Neutral Bitter --- Bitter Friend
VENU Bitter Bitter Friend Intimat Enemy --- Neutral
SATN Bitter Neutral Bitter Neutral Friend Neutral ---, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 44
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ShadBala Table
BhavBala Table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bhavadhipati Bala 423.22 243.09 443.8 408.89 408.89 443.8 243.09 423.22 433.15 300.12 591.64 433.15
Bhavdig Bala 60 10 10 60 20 40 30 40 20 0 50 50
Bhavdrishti Bala 73.22 70.75 66.94 3.72 57.42 26.95 -5.11 11.5 40.56 30.85 27.89 44.54
Total Bhav Bala 556.44 323.84 520.74 472.61 486.31 510.75 267.98 474.72 493.71 330.98 669.53 527.69
Total Bhav In Rupas 9.27 5.4 8.68 7.88 8.11 8.51 4.47 7.91 8.23 5.52 11.16 8.79
Relative Rank 2 11 4 9 7 5 12 8 6 10 1 3, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 45
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|| Ashtakvarga Table ||
Rashi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SUN 4 4 3 6 5 3 4 2 5 7 2 3
MOON 2 6 4 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 4 6
MARS 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 6 4 2 2
MERC 4 5 4 5 6 3 7 4 4 5 3 4
JUPI 7 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 2 6
VENU 4 6 4 4 4 2 6 6 3 5 5 3
SATU 2 5 4 5 5 0 2 2 2 6 3 3
Total 26 34 27 29 31 20 31 24 30 37 21 27
Ashtakvarga Chart:
24 20
8 6
30 9 5 31
37 10 4 29
21 11 3 27
12 2
27 34, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:12 AM, Page No. 46
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|| Prastharashtakvarga Tables ||
Sun Moon
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 8 Su 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 6
Mo 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 Mo 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 6
Ma 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 8 Ma 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 7
Me 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 7 Me 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 8
Ju 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 Ju 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 7
Ve 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 Ve 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 7
Sa 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 8 Sa 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4
As 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 6 As 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4
Total 4 4 3 6 5 3 4 2 5 7 2 3 Total 2 6 4 2 3 4 4 4 5 5 4 6
Mars Mercury
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 Su 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 5
Mo 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 Mo 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 6
Ma 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 7 Ma 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 8
Me 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 4 Me 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 8
Ju 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 4 Ju 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 4
Ve 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 4 Ve 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 8
Sa 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 7 Sa 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 8
As 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 5 As 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 7
Total 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 2 6 4 2 2 Total 4 5 4 5 6 3 7 4 4 5 3 4
Jupiter Venus
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 9 Su 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3
Mo 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 5 Mo 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 9
Ma 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 7 Ma 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 6
Me 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 8 Me 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 5
Ju 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 8 Ju 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 5
Ve 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 6 Ve 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 9
Sa 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4 Sa 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 7
As 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 9 As 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8
Total 7 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 5 2 6 Total 4 6 4 4 4 2 6 6 3 5 5 3
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
We wants to make it clear that we put our best efforts in providing this report but any prediction
Su 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 7
that you receive from us is not to be considered as a substitute for advice, program, or treatment
Mo 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 that you would normally receive from a licensed professional such as a lawyer, doctor,
Ma 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 6 psychiatrist, or financial adviser. Although we try our best to give you accurate calculations, we
do not rule out the possibility of errors. The report are provided as-is and we provides no
Me 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 6
guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any
Ju 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 4
interpretation made or use by the recipient of the information and data mentioned above. If you
Ve 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 are not comfortable with this information, please do not use it. In case any disputes the court of
As 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 6
Total 2 5 4 5 5 0 2 2 2 6 3 3, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 10/16/2016 8:19:13
8:19:12 AM, Page No. 47