PCX - Report
PCX - Report
PCX - Report
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New research has been reported on the nighttime usage of a photovoltaic (PV)
solar farm (when it is normally dormant) where a PV solar farm is utilized as a
STATCOM FACTS controller, for performing voltage stablize, thereby improving
the system performance and increasing grid connectivity of neighboring wind
farms. New voltage control has also been proposed on a PV solar farm to act as a
STATCOM for improving the power transmission capacity.
This type of utilizing a Photo Voltaic solar farm as a STATCOM is called “PV-
STATCOM.” It utilizes the entire solar farm including inverter capacity in the night
and the remainder inverter capacity after real power generation during the day,
both of which remain unused in conventional solar farm operation.
MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THESIS Present work according their goals can be divided
into two general partitions- theoretical and practical. Theoretical part is aimed to
bring researches in relevant to present problem of nonlinear load and its by-
product (distortion harmonics). Some of these papers describe in common words
the effects of distortion harmonics on power system equipment and loads.
Others explore and determine real characteristics of harmonic loads and their
behavior during the increasing grid power transmission limits during night and
day. Moreover, there are various approaches to simulate the harmonic effect on
power system and enhance the power quality. Practical goal of this thesis is to
create the network model of control of pv solar farm as statcom (pv-statcom) for
increasing grid power transmission limits during night and day that encloses
harmonic dependence in the network.
Liu, and Y. Z. Sun, “transfer capability enhancement using FACTS devices,” Power
Syst., vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 305–312, Feb. 2003 In this paper [3] from the viewpoint of
operational planning, this paper focuses on the evaluation of the impact of
FACTS control on available transfer capability (ATC) enhancement.
This paper proposes [5] an important new resource for the international utility
market over the past two decades, static reactive power compensators have
evolved into a mature technology and become an integral part of modern
electrical power systems. Coordination of static compensators with
other controllable FACTS devices promises not only tremendously enhanced
power system controllability, but also the extension of power transfer capability
of existing transmission corridors to near their thermal capacities, thus delaying
or even curtailing the need to invest in new transmission facilities. V. R. A. Walling
and K. Clark, “Grid support functions implemented in utility-scale PV systems,” in
Proc. IEEE Power Energy Soc, Transm. Distrib. Conf.
Expo., 2010, pp. 1–5. In this paper [8] the main aim of project is a novel concept
of utilizing a photovoltaic (PV) solar farm inverter as STATCOM, called PV-
STATCOM, for improving stable power transfer limits of the interconnected
transmission system.
During daytime, the inverter capacity left after real power production is used to
accomplish the aforementioned objective. Power transfer increases are also
demonstrated in the same power system for: 1) two solar farms operating as
PVSTATCOMs and 2) a solar farm as PV-STATCOM and an inverter-based wind
farm with similar STATCOM controls. VI. A. Beekmann, J. Marques, E. Quitmann,
and S.
Perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm is used for maximizing the generated
power based on maximum power point tracker (MPPT) implementation. The
dynamic behavior of the proposed model is examined under different operating
conditions. Real-time measured parameters are used as inputs for the developed
system. The proposed model and its control strategy offer a proper tool for smart
grid performance optimization. 2.2
The voltage and stability boundaries are moved by means of different FACTS
devices. It can be seen that with increased line length, the availability of FACTS
devices is even more important. The implications of FACTS have been achieved
through payment, compensation, or management changes. Fast Ethernet devices
such as voltage regulators or inductors.
shows basic equipment divided into common devices and FACTS devices./ For
realistic facts, the taxonomy for "dynamic" and "static" needs some explanation.
The word "dynamic" is used to express quick control of the electronic provided
FACTS. This is a major factor in the difference between simple devices. The term
"static" means that the device does not have a switchable component, such as a
mechanical switch to perform dynamic control.
Thus, most FACTS devices are static and dynamic. / The left column of Figure 1.2
contains simple tools made up of convertible components such as magnetization,
or magnetic fields, along with the converter. FACTS also have these elements, but
use additional transducers or transducers to change the item to small steps or
change the samples in the AC cycle.
In the right column of FACTS the voltage thyristor or transducers are used. These
valves are known for many years. They are less costly due to their low sensitivity
once per transducers' cycles or the thyristor's use in the valve. The right column
of the FACTS has the more advanced Voltage Source Transition technology
available, mostly on the littoral bipolar transistor (IGBT) or the separate IGCT
switch thyristors. Freely powered power converters and loops are freely
adjustable due to IGCT or IGCT pulse width correction.
High Frequency allows you to gain lower harmonics in the output signal and even
compensate for network interruptions. The slump was due to an increase in the
exchange rate, the loss also increased. Therefore, to pay the compensation, it is
necessary to construct special transducers. 3.2 Configuring FACTS Devices: 3.2.1
Shunt Tool: The most used FACTS devices are SVC or the Voltage Source
Converter version called STATCOM.
These shunt tools act as energy responsive repairs. Major applications for
subdivision and industrial networking are: • Reduces unwanted power streams
and thus reduces the network. • Maintain a contractual energy exchange with
renewed energy.
The industry, as well as the local and business user groups, requires the quality of
electricity. Light lamps are not accepted or interrupted by industrial processes
due to insufficient energy quality. Rail systems or subways with variations of
enormous load require SVC or STATCOMs. 3.2.2 SVC: Electricity charges generate
and absorb energy.
Since the transmission power has changed considerably from one hour to one
hour, the balance of energy in the network has changed. The result can be an
unacceptable change in the extent of stress or even depression of stress,
eventually a stressful fall. The fast-compliant vector calculator (SVC) can provide
the responsive energy required to control dynamic voltage variations under
different system conditions, thus improving the transmission and distribution
stability of the power system. Applications of the SVC systems in
transmission systems: A.
To increase capacity for active energy transfer and transit stability limits B.
Reduce the turmoil of energy C. To achieve the effect of voltage In
addition, SVCs are also used 1. in transmission systems A Reduce Temporary
Tension B. To reduce consistency, stability C. To reduce energy fluctuations in
connected electrical systems 2. In the drawing system A For the balance of
burdens B. To improve the power factor C.
The SVC installation consists of several building blocks. The most important is my
thyristor. Gathering packages from parallel thyristors to provide management.
High Voltage Reaction and High Voltage Devices are the energy elements used
with vitriol. The high connection of this device to the transmission voltage is
achieved by an energy converter. / 3.2.3
SVC Using TCR and FC: In this scheme two or more banks (fixed) banks are linked
to the TCR (thyristor managing reactor) through a phase shift. The reactor rating
was chosen higher than the amount of calcium in quantities, such as providing
the delay of the reactor that is absorbed by the system. By changing the angle of
initialization of the thyristor that regulates the reactor from 90 ° to 180 °, this
once-acting power can be varied throughout the range of maximum delay of the
leading Vars, which can be absorbed by the system of compensation. / / 3.2.5
TV types FCC / TCR SVC: The main disadvantage of this configuration is the main
ammonia that will be generated due to the large portion of the reactor under
normal sinusoidal operation conditions when SVC absorbs zero MVAr. These
harmonics are filtered as follows. Three harmonicators were canceled by the TCR
arrangement and the second wind of the transformer step into the delta-
Banking Reactivity using Serial Reactors is defined to filter 5, 7, and other high-
precursors. The additional losses are high due to the current of the reactor and
the tank. / Fig 3.2 Comparison of TSC-TCR losses, TCR-FC compensation and
capacitor sync These SVCs cannot load too heavily in a short time, since the
reactor normally has a type of core air. In applications that require overloading,
TCR should be designed for short load load or breakage of a reactor beyond the
thyristor used. 3.2.6
SVC using TCR and TSC: This settlement can overcome two major shortfalls of
repayments, reduce operating losses and better performance in case of
significant system interference. In view of the small rate of each bank of the
capacitor, the rating of the reactor bank would be 1 / n times the maximum
energy of SVC, so that the harmonic elevator generated by the reactor. In these
cases, harmonics need to be reduced further, a small number of FCs that are
defined as filters can be connected to the TCR.
/ 3.2.7 SVC of TSC combined and TCR When major disruptions occur in the
electrical system due to the possible refusal of storage, the high voltage
transmission due to the interference between the system and the banks of the
capacitor SVC or the cable. SVC LC circle in FC Compensator.
In the TSC-TCR project, due to the flexibility of changing the speed of connection
of the container without significant power disruption, variations can be avoided
and thus changes in the system can also be avoided. The SVC's capital cost is
higher than expected due to the increasing number of console switches and the
increasing control of the console. 3.3
STATCOM: In 1999, the first SVC with a voltage converter called the STATIC
COMpensator began to work. STATCOM is similar to a capacitor sync but an
electronic device, it has no momentum and is better than sync capacitors in a
variety of ways such as better dynamics, lower investment costs, and lower
operating costs and lower maintenance. STATCOM is built with closed thyristors
such as GTO or now IGCT or IGBTs.
The static line between the current limit has a specific point that sets the voltage
test. The advantage of STATCOM is that the power supply is independent of the
actual voltage at the point of the connection. This can be seen in the diagram
where the maximum current is independent of voltages versus SVC.
This means that even in unpredictable situations, STATCOM maintains its full
potential. In the energy sector, distributing power source converter devices for
network connections is a common practice today. The next step in developing
STATCOM is the combination of power supply on the DC.
The efficiency of energy quality and the balanced operation of the grid can be
greatly enhanced by the combination of active energy and reaction. / 3.3.1
Structure of STATCOM and Voltage / Current Properties STATCOMs are based on
voltage topology converter (VSC) and use IGBT (Gate-Turn-Off-Thyristor) or
Isolated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT). STATCOM is a very fast electronic device
with the same density.
This is achieved by a GTO / diode ignition in a way that keeps the difference
between the SSSS and the TSSW. Ideally, it is possible to create devices based on
immediate energy flow without a power supply (eg without a permanent switch).
In fact, STATCOM requires electricity to contain the harmonic energy and the
energy system imbalance when real energy is not zero.
The maximum energy storage required for STATCOM is less than the comparative
SVC Compensator TCR / TSC. 3.3.3 Stable Static Structures Various management
techniques can be used to control STATCOM shootings. Basic changes of GTO /
Diode once per cycle can be used. This approach will reduce the loss of change
but generally it will use the complexity of the change.
This method can be expanded to produce 24 pulses and 48 STATCOM pulse, thus
eliminating even more harmonic. Another approach that can cause the
cancellation of the harmonic is a multi-level configuration that allows for varying
more than one element, and thus more than one change in the arms of each
bridge. The resulting output voltage of a staircase depends on the number of
First of all, it increases the depreciation when the main electrical system is
connected. Second, it can overcome the issue of SSR, a phenomenon related to
the connection between the generator and the offset system. The speed-shifting
capability of TCSC provides mechanisms to control the flow of power to the lines,
allowing greater storage to existing network cables and allowing rapid
adjustment of the flow of power to the line in response to various contingencies.
TCSC can also adjust the state of stabilization of power within its classification
limits. In terms of basic technology, TCSC is similar to conventional serial console.
This all-powerful power tool, including the valve, has been used to control the
behavior of the bank. Similarly, control and protection are on Earth's potential,
along with other helper systems. Images show the basic arrangement of TCSC
and its flow.
The angle of burning and the temperature limitations of thyristors determines the
boundaries of the working diagram. 3.4.1 Benefits • Management of the decision
to pay compensation • Smooth control of the power flow in the network •
Increase the capability of protecting banks • Basic reduction of SSR (components
of local compounds).
This allows for a high level of compensation in the network where interaction
with the vibrator, master motor, or other control system or metric system makes
anxiety. • Unusual electric power variations (0.5-2 Hz) that often arise between
sections of a large power supply network. These variations are due to the effect
of mutually energetic change and are often shown to be poor when the total
energy transmission along the boundary is high compared to transmission power.
/ 3.4.2 Shunt and Serial Devices Dynamic Power Controller, The new power
management device is Dynamic Power Control (DFC).
DFC is a hybrid device between Phase Shift Transformer (PST) and Switch Series
Compensation. A flow diagram, the function line of the Dynamic Flow controller,
is shown in Figure 1.19. Controller CHAPTER-4 INVERTER 4.1 INVERTER Ethernet
is an electronic device that converts DC (DC) to AC (AC).
The converted AC may have the voltage and frequency required by using the
appropriate switching mechanism and controlling the circuit. Roasting in solid
state is unchanged and used part of a wide range of applications, small switching
power supply to large computer software, with most direct, high-voltage
electrical outlets. Reverse is usually used to replace current supplies directly from
the current source, such as a solar panel or battery.
There are two types of drives. The result of modifying the inverter output the sine
wave is similar to the square wave, except that the yield reaches zero voltage for
a while before the positive or negative changes. It is a low cost and simple (~ $
0.10USD / watt) and is compatible with most electronic devices, except for
sensitive or specialized devices, such as some laser printers.
Inverter Net sinusoidal wave generates nearly perfect power, sinusoidal output
(<3% total harmonic distortion), which is equally important as the energy supply
grid. This way it is compatible with all electronic devices. This is the type used in
network conversion. Its design is complicated and costing 5 or 10 times per unit
(~ 0.50 to $ 1.00 per watt). [1] ELECTRONICS is a high-power electronics
The rapid change moves back and forth to allow the current to return to the
digital source after the other two paths through the end of the primer and then.
The current direction changes in the primary pipe of the AC generator in the
second circuit. / Up: Conventional Inverter Circuit, shown with automatic
switching and self-converting auto-switches provided with both transistors and
the separation of avtotransforma cables instead of mechanical changes.
/ Square wave form with main component of sinusoidal wave, harmonic third
harmonic and 5 harmonic The electromagnetic version of the alternator includes
stationary and pull-out communication. Spring keeps mobile communication
against one of fixed and electromagnetic relationships pulling mobile
communication to constant contact. Electromagnetic currents are disrupted by
the switching behavior, so the switch continues to move forward and backward.
OUTPUT WAVEFORMS Changes in the above normal inverter are described when
it is attached to the output transformer of a square waveform due to its simplicity
and nature, as opposed to the conventional waveform of the AC power wave.
Using Fourier analysis, the wave period is represented as the sum of the unlimited
series of sine waves.
The sine wave with the same frequency as the original wave is called the basic
component. Other sinusoidal waves, called harmonics, are included in a series of
frequencies that are the common multiple of the basic frequencies. The quality of
the output format of the infrared can be expressed using Fourier analysis data to
calculate the total harmonic variation (THD).
The total harmonic velocity is the square root of the sum of the squares of the
harmonic voltage divided by the main voltage. / The quality of the sign signal
forms required by the test depends on the nature of the load involved. Some of
the loads need almost perfect sinusoidal power to work properly. Other burdens
can work well with corrugated stress.
The leading girl VSI: Powerful bridge VSI half-octopus, wherein two large
capacitors are needed to provide a neutral point N, so each consensus to
maintain a constant voltage = Ammonium 2 today injected is a low risk inverter,
requiring a set of large capacitors (C and C). It is clear that both S and S devices
can not be opened at the same time because a short circuit will occur through
the HV voltage coax of the vi.
There are two situations of change (states 1 and 2) and one are not defined
(status 3) as shown. To avoid a short circuit in a Washington airport and an
undefined condition of the output of this power supply voltage, the module
technique should ensure that at any time or above or below the significant
change on the reverse is on. / Displays a good waveform profile that relates to
the half-bridge link shown in the picture.
14.2. The state of S & S switch is determined by the synthesis technique, in which
case PWM is based on the operator. VSI springs: Powerful VSI physics with
full bridge. The drive is similar to a half-bridge, but the second leg provides a
neutral point to the load. As expected, both switched S1. And S1 (or S2 and S2)
can not be opened simultaneously, because a short circuit will occur through the
DC voltage source of the vi.
There are four defined and one is not defined. Unsteady conditions should be
avoided so that the voltage of the electricity can always be determined. To avoid
a short circuit in a Washington DC bus and an unpredictable condition of voltage
engineering, the AC output must ensure that both the upper and lower keys of
each leg are opened at any time.
It can be seen that the electronic output voltage can take the value to the micro
value of the DC link that is twice as high as the topology of the half-bridge VSI.
Various technical techniques have been developed that can be applied to VSI
Bridge. These include PWM (bipolar and unipolar) techniques. / Current
Source Input (CSI): The main purpose of these power transformers is to create
current AC DC.
As a result of the SOS, the intensity, the frequency and the stages must be
manageable. Due to the fact that current current ioa currents, iob and IOC (Fig
14.23) have higher dots = dt, must be connected with any capacity filter in the
terminal in the program with inductive storage (ASDs). In this way, almost the
charge of sinusoidal bulbs has been developed, which indicates the accuracy of
the use of these physics in medium-voltage industrial devices that require a high
voltage tensile. / It must be closed at all times. The DC link is the current source
type and can not be opened.
Therefore, there should be at least one major change and a change of the base
(at any time.) Note that both of the limitations can be summarized by specifying
that at some time, only one switch, one switch, and one lower. There are 9 states
of validity in CSI 3 stages. Generates current AC current.
In this case, the current loop connection via Switch S1 and S4 switch S3 and S6 or
S5 and S2 switches. The remaining state produces zero instead of the current
stream. To create a set of computer-based transducers, one must move from one
state to another. Linear currents, as a result, are currently separate values, both 0
and 2. The state-of-the-art selection for the generated waves is done by a
synthetic technique that guarantees only the use of a valid state. 4.4 Practice 4.4.1
Using the Source of Electricity Inverters convert electricity from sources such as
solar panel batteries or fuel cells into electricity. Electricity can be voltage
required. In particular, it can work with electronic devices that are designed for
network operation or corrections to produce DC at desired voltages.
Network adapters can transmit power to the distribution network because they
generate the electric current of the waveform and the same frequency as the
distribution system. They can also be automatically disabled in the event of a
blackout. Microbial conversion transforms DC from solar panels into energy. They
are the default webmasters. 4.4.2 Power supply does not disappear An
inexpensive Power Supply (UPS) uses AC batteries and AC power when no power
supply is available.
When the main power supply is found, the DC power supply regulator is
charging. heat in heat Reverses the low frequency coefficients frequencies
to high frequencies for use in the heat. To do so AC power is pre-adjusted to
provide DC power. And then transform DC power into a high frequency power
Controlled power supply rope. In most cases, variable frequency drives include
adapters, so DC power for the drive can be provided by the main electrical
supply. Because Inverter is the main component, the Frequency Drive is called the
normal current or theoretical current. Vehicle propulsion Adjustable
bicycle drives are used to drive propeller motors in electric and diesel trains, as
well as some batteries for electric cars and electric cars such as Toyota Prius and
Fisker Karma. Improved infrared technology was developed specifically for
electric vehicle applications [2].
In a vehicle with a brake, the engine also has a motor power (now acting as a
generator) and stored in the battery. Air conditioning Air conditioners with
Internet Tag use variable frequencies to control the speed of the engine and thus
For solar cells, thin electronic panels create a positive electromagnetic field on
the one hand and negatively. When light energy touches solar cells, electrons are
emitted from the atom in electronics. When the wires are connected positively
and negatively, the electricity is generated. PV cells can be rounded or rounded in
There is a loss of energy due to changes in current that lead to cell thaw. At
higher temperatures, solar cells offer less efficiency, so the installer intends to
provide a good atmosphere behind the solar panel. Generally, there are a total of
36 or 72 cells total by PV modules. This module has a front, transparent, PV, and
back cover.
Front pages are usually made of iron and glass. Material. The efficiency of
photovoltaic modules is less than PV cells. This is because the part of the
radiation is mirrored. PHOTO-VOLTAIC ARRAY The photographic
environment is a linkage of the photovoltaic module [35], in which several
photovoltaic cells are parallel or series.
The photovoltaic system comes from a compact, rooftop or built-in system with a
capacity of one to four liters per kilowatt-hour to a large megawatt target plant. ROOF-TOP AND BUILDING INTEGRATED SYSTEMS Photovoltaic surface
area of ??the house. Photovoltaic devices are also often equipped with
equipment: they are integrated into or connected to the soil.
On the other hand, the X-ray matrix can be isolated from the building and
connected to the power supply line to the building. (BIPVs) are heavily included
in the roof or walls of new homes and industrial buildings, which are the main
sources or additional sources of electricity [25] [36]. Sometimes a roof tile with a
combination of photovoltaic cells is also used. / Fig- 5.3 Roof and integrated
system 5.2
WIND POWER Wind power is the use of air through the wind turbine to generate
electricity. The air is accompanied by separate air turbines connected to the
electrical grid. The net environmental effects are less likely than renewable energy
sources. Air on the ground is an affordable, competitive or competitive source of
electricity / Fig- 5.4 Wind Power 5.2.1
OFF-SHORE WIND POWER Wind power in the Gulf and wind power in the Gulf is
the use of wind farms constructed in the bodies of water, usually in the sea of ??
the continent, to collect wind power to generate electricity. According to BTM
Consult, additional capacity of more than 16 GW will be installed before the end
of 2014, while the UK and Germany will be the two leading markets.
Offshore wind power refers to the construction of wind farms in natural waters to
generate electricity. These installations can use frequent and energy-efficient
airplanes in these locations and have less impact on landscapes than planes.
However, construction and maintenance costs are high. [41] [42] Siemens and
Vestas are the suppliers of wind turbines for offshore wind power.
Palm Power Corp collapsed and E.ON was the leading Gulf operator [43]. As of
October 2010, 3.16 GW wind power was operating, especially in Northern Europe.
By 2020, offshore wind power capacity is expected to have a total of 75 GWs
worldwide, with significant contributions from China and the United States. 5.2.2
SMALL-SCALE WIND POWER Micro wind power is the name given to the wind
power system with an output of up to 50 km / h.
Separation means otherwise, depending on the diesel engine, it can use air
turbines instead. Even though they made a small amount of energy compared to
the overall use of the building, they helped to strengthen the green "building" of
the building in a way that "did not show off your high-tech boiler", as some
projects were directly supported by the State Power Research and Development
Authority in New York.
While this wind farm may cover a large area of ??land, many land uses, such as
the agricultural sector, are compatible with it, since just a small area of ??
infrastructure infrastructure, and is not available for use. The size of the
environmental impact may or may not depend on the circumstances. Prevention
and mitigation of wildlife deaths and the prevention of ice pollution relates to the
deployment and operation of wind turbines.
The wind turbine produces some noise. According to the IPCC evaluation, the
global warming potential of the energy source in the life cycle of the wind turbine
costs between 12 and 11 (gCO2eq / Kwh) depends on whether the turbine is
evaluated on the outside or on the ground.
Compared to other sources of low-carbon sources, the wind has little potential
for warming per unit of electricity. At 300 meters (980 feet), this can be about 45
dB stronger than the fridge. At 1.5 km (1 mile) they were suppressed. There are
reports of bird and bladder death in air turbines, such as around other artificial
There are reports of adverse health effects of noise from people living near
deadly air. Research carried out by experts generally does not support these
claims. The aesthetic view of the wind turbine and the resulting change in the
landscape is significant. Conflict occurs especially in landscapes with beautiful
landscapes and protected by heritage. 5.2.4
WIND FARM A group of wind farms is a nuclear power plant in the same place
used for electricity production. Generally, between each turbine in a fully
developed 7D motor (7x diameter of the wind turbine rotor) is placed. [36] At a
terminal, this average electric current is increased in voltage, with changes for
connection to high voltage electrical transmission.
A large breeze farm may have hundreds of wind turbines spread over the
extended area, but the soil between tusks can be used for agricultural or other
purposes. For example, Gansu Wind Farm, the largest air farm in the world, has
5.3 FUZZY LOGIC SYSTEM IS [34] is one of the four main areas developed in the
last decade and is popular with its ability to deal with complex issues in difficult
The tools of fraud (logical logic, artificial nerve networks, genes, and methods of
optimization algorithms) are used to improve the quality of electricity efficiently
from the 80s of the last century and provide good results. Incorrect logic is one of
the artificial options created by Zadeh. A vague computer does not require the
correct matrix matrix of the system.
proposed a small series of active hybrid hybrids with an ambiguous logic. Fuzzy
controllers are defined as follows: Seven frameset for each merger and output.
Membership triangle Features for simplicity. Ambiguity Consequences using
Mining Operator "Minutes". Describe. 5.3.1 ALGORITHM control For FLC, the main
control action is determined by the language rules. These rules are defined by the
Because numeric variables are converted to the FC language variable, the system
matrix model is not required. / Fig- 5.6. Logic controller Pictures FLC consists of
three parts: ambiguity, interference, and chills. FC is defined as me. Seven sets of
fuzz for each input and output. II. Membership triangle Features for simplicity. III.
Flutter always uses the Global Speech. IV. Impacts on Methane Mining Operator.
Loss of forest using a height method. 5.3.2 FUZZZYFICATION The function of
membership is given to the language variable using the seven subgroup
subgroups (negative major), NM (negative negative), ZE (zero), PS (small positive),
Prime Minister PB (large positive). The split of the fuzzy subsets and the K (K)
form of adapter varies to the respective system.
The value of input error and error correction is corrected by the input scaling
factor. In this system, the scaling scale is designed so the input values ??are
between -1 and +1. The triangular member function specifies that for each input
E (K) there is only a subset of subgroups.
An input error for FLC is provided TABLE 4: Draft Rules Change in Error Error NB
Z NS NM NM NB NB PB Z NS NM NB NB NB NB ?? (??) = ?? ??h(??) - ?? ??h(??-
1) ?? ??h ?? - ?? ??h(??-1) (5.1) ???? (??) = ?? (??) - ?? ??-1 (5.2) / Fig-
5.7.Membership functions 5.3.3
The result of "Blur logic", "Height", is used to change the control result. In
addition, the result of the FLC controls switch to the drive. UPQC is required to
maintain active energy, voltage reactions at line voltage and processor
containers. To control these parameters, they are captured and compared to the
reference values.
In order to achieve this feature, Fuzzy Control is a membership: error, bug fix and
exit. FC created rules from ??=- ???+ 1-? *?? (5.3) When a person is a self-
determining factor that can take over the entire operation. E is a system error C is
a bug and u is a command variable. The error value E indicates that a system is
not in a balanced state.
If the system is not balanced, the controller must magnify its control variables,
balance the system as quickly as possible. On the other hand, small error E
indicates that this system is almost balanced. CHAPTER-6 SOFTWARE
IMPLIMENTATION 6.1 INTRODUCTION This chapter presents the simulation of
non-linear load and Hybrid series active filter.
The performances of the Hybrid series active filter are simulated using MATLAB
software. Simulink and SimPower Systems block sets are used for increasing grid
power transmission limits during night and day. Here MATLAB R2009a is used for
the implementation of proposed system. 6.2
Sampling time 40µs fpwm PWM frequency 5kHz PIG Proportional(Kp) and
integration gain(Ki) 0.5 and 0.35 6.2.1 DESIGN OF POWER CIRCUIT OF THE
HYBRID SERIES ACTIVE FILTER Design of an active part circuit includes three main
parameters: 1. Selection of filter inductor, ???? 2. Selection of dc side
capacitor, ??????, and 3. Selection of reference value of dc side capacitor
voltage, ?????? 6.2.2
SIMULINK MODEL Fig. 6.1 shows the MATLAB Simulink model of System
Architecture with non-linear load. / Fig- 6.1 Simulink model of System
Architecture. 6.3 ROLE OF DC SIDE CAPACITOR The DC side capacitor has two
main purposes; 1. It maintains a DC side voltage with a small ripple in steady
state, and 2. It acts as an energy storage element to supply the real power
difference between load and source during the transient period. 6.4
DC SIDE VOLTAGE CONTROL The control of the DC voltage of the APF is of great
importance because of its main effect on the stability of the compensation
system and the harmonic compensation efficiency. The DC voltage must be kept
within certain limits to ensure the control of energy transfer between the supply
and the APF. 6.5 PROPOSED CONTROL SCHEME Controller used in the outer loop
was to enhance the effectiveness of the controller when regulating the dc bus.
Thus, a more accurate and faster transient response was achieved without
compromising the Compensation behavior of the system. A more precise
compensation of current harmonics, the voltage harmonics should also be
considered. The complete simulation model of control scheme of hybrid series
active filter is shown in fig. 6.2 / Fig- 6.2
The supply is purely sinusoidal with phase to neutral RMS voltage is 120volt and
frequency 50Hz. 7.1.1 NON-LINEAR LOAD Simulation results are given here for
non-linear load. Fig.7.1 shows the graphical representation of increasing grid
power transmission limits during night and day and Fig. 7.2
shows the FFT analysis of increasing grid power transmission limits during night
and day. /Fig- 7.1 simulation result of bus 3 / Fig- 7.2 shows the FFT analysis of
bus bar 3 It may be noted that, before filter connection, the source voltage
waveform is non-sinusoidal because of which its THD is as 1.06% and its
fundamental value is 2.492e+004. /Fig- 7.3 represents the power factor
waveform. / Fig- 7.4
shows the FFT analysis of improvement result of bus bar 3. After filter connection
the load voltage has a THD is 0.90% and its fundamental value is 2.51e+004. The
fundamental value remains approximately the same when the filter is connected
which prove that the filter injects only the harmonic voltage and the grid injects
the fundamental component of the load voltage. Fuzzy helps in reducing total
harmonic distortion and maintain it to acceptable level.
Fuzzy helps in increasing grid power transmission limits during night and day /
Fig- 7.5 Series compensator to improve the bus bar performance. For successful
performance of reference voltage. The reference voltage using instantaneous
reactive power factor is presented in this paper. HSeAF helps in reducing total
harmonic distortion and maintain it to acceptable level. The simulation results
using MATLAB/Simulink verifies that.
Novel Fuzzy Voltage Controller can effectively and efficiently be used to control
hybrid series active power filters. Novel fuzzy voltage bcontroller used in the
outer loop was to enhance the effectiveness of the controller when regulating the
dc bus. Thus, a more accurate and faster transient response was achieved without
compromising the Compensation behavior of the system.
SYSTEM STUDIES Transient stability studies are carried out using PSCAD/ EMTDC
simulation software, for both the study systems during night and day, by
applying a three-line-to-ground (3LG) fault at bus 1 for five cycles. The damping
ratio is used to express the rate of decay of the amplitude of oscillation [20]. For
an oscillatory mode having an eigenvalue of, the damping ratio is defined as /
Where / is the time constant. TABLE 5.1
Power Flows And Voltages For Study System I For Solar Dg With Conventional
Reactive Power Control And Proposed Damping Control Both During Nighttime
And Daytime ( 1.05 P.U.) / Therefore, for a 5% damping ratio of the rotor mode
having an oscillation frequency of 0.95 Hz, as considered in this study, the post
fault clearance settling time of the oscillations to come within 5% (typically within
3 times the time constant) of its steady-state value [1], [20] is almost 10 s. The
peak overshoot of PCC voltage should also be limited within 1.1 p.u. of nominal
The maximum stable generator power limit for the system is determined through
transient stability studies for different modes of operation of the solar DG in
study system 1, and those of the solar DG and the solar/winds DGs in study
system 2. 7.2.1 Case Study 1: Power Transfer Limits in Study System 1 Power
transmission limits are now determined for the following four cases.
The stable power transmission limits obtained from transient stability studies and
the corresponding load-flow results are presented in Table 5.1 where represents
the inductive power drawn and represents the capacitive power injected into the
network. Solar DG Operation during Night with Conventional Reactive Power
Controllers: The maximum stable power output from the generator is 731 MW
when the solar DG is simply sitting idle during night and is disconnected from the
This power-flow level is chosen to be the base value against which the
improvements in power flow with different proposed controllers are compared
and illustrated later in Table 5.3. The real power from generator and that entering
the infinite bus for this fault study are shown in Fig. 7.6(a) The sending-end
voltage at the generator is shown in Fig. 7.6(b) which shows a voltage overshoot
of 1.1 p.u.
Solar DG Operation During the Night With Damping Controllers: The quantities
and are illustrated in Fig. 7.7(a). The damping controller utilizes the full rating of
the DG inverter at night to provide controlled reactive power and effectively
damps the generator rotor-mode oscillations. The voltages at generator bus and
at the PCC // Fig. 7.6. (a) Maximum nighttime power transfer (731 MW) from the
generator when solar DG remains idle.
A very small amount of negative power flow from the solar farm is observed
during nighttime. This reflects the losses in the inverter IGBT switches as well as
transformer and filter resistances caused / / Fig. 5.7 (a) Maximum nighttime
power transfer (850 MW) from the generator with solar DG using the damping
controller. (b) Voltages at the generator terminal and DG PCC.
The active power exchanged by the solar inverter both during the charge and
discharge cycles in trying to maintain a constant voltage across the dc-link
capacitor, thereby enabling the inverter to operate as a STATCOM. Solar
DG Operation during the Day with a Conventional Reactive Power Controller: The
conventional control of a PV solar DG does not seem to alter the stable
transmission limit in any appreciable manner.
Solar DG Operatio n During the Day With a Damping Controller: The quantities
Pg,, Pinf, Psolar and Qsolar are shown for the cases without the damping
controller and with the damping controller in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. The
available inverter capacity after real power generation of 91 MW is 41.5 MVAr,
which is used for damping oscillations during the day.
The power transfer capacity increase in the daytime is expected to be lower than
the nighttime, since only a part of the total inverter capacity is available for
damping control during the day. However, it is noticed from Table I that the
maximum power transfer during night time (850 MW) is actually less than the
maximum power transfer value during the daytime (861 MW). This is because of
an additional constraint that while increasing the power transfer, the overshoot in
PCC voltage should not exceed 1.1 p.u.
If the power transfer is allowed limit of 5% of voltage overshoot, the maximum
nighttime power transfer is observed to be 964 MW whereas the maximum
daytime power transfer is expectedly seen to be lower at 940 MW (plots not
shown). / Fig. 5.8. Maximum daytime power transfer (719 MW) from the
generator with solar DG generating 91-MW real power. / Fig. 5.9.
Maximum daytime power transfer (861 MW) from the generator with solar DG
generating 91-MW real power and using the damping controller. 7.2.2 PCC
Voltage Control with the Novel Damping Control: Transient stability results for a
new control strategy involving PCC voltage control, together with damping
control, are shown in Table 5.2 for the following four cases.
Solar DG Operation during the Night with a Voltage Controller: The increase in
the power transfer limit depends upon the choice of reference values for PCC
voltage. In the best scenario when is regulated to 1.01 p.u., the maximum power
output from the generator increases to 833 MW, compared to 731 MW when the
solar DG operates with conventional reactive power control. DG
Operation during the Day with the Voltage Controller: The power transfer
increases for both low (19 MW) and high (91 MW) power output from the solar
farm are seen to be highly sensitive to the PCC bus voltage set point.
It is also noted that with lower availability of reactive power capacity after real
power production, the ability to change the bus voltage is limited, which leads to
a lower increase in power transmission capacity. / / Fig. 5.10. (a) Maximum
nighttime power transfer (899 MW) from the generator while the solar DG uses a
damping controller with voltage control and (b) voltages at the generator
terminal and solar DG PCC (1.01 p.u.). DG Operation during the Night
with Both Voltage and Damping Controllers: The generator and infinite bus
power are depicted in Fig. 5.10(a), and corresponding voltages are shown in Fig.
Although, the rotor-mode oscillations settle faster, the power transfer cannot be
improved beyond 899 MW due to high overshoot in voltages. Solar DG
Operation during the Day With voltage and Damping Controllers: A further
increase in power transfer is observed when both voltage control and damping
control are employed, compared to case 2) when only the voltage controller is
For Study System 1, the net increase in power transfer capability as achieved with
different PV-STATCOM controls in comparison with that obtained from
conventional reactive power control of the solar DG, is summarized in Table 5.3.
The maximum increase in the power transfer limit during nighttime is achieved
with a combination of voltage control and damping control, whereas the same
during daytime is accomplished with damping control alone.
This is because real power generation increases the PCC voltage which can be
potentially helpful in increasing the power transfer capacity. Since damping
control is found to be more effective during the daytime, the same is explored
further for the following studies. 7.3 Case Study 2: Power Transfer Limits in Study
System II In this study, the proposed damping control strategy is compared with
the conventional reactive power control strategy for Study System II shown in Fig.
5.6(b). A three-phase-to-ground fault of 5 cycles is applied to the generator bus
at 8 s.
The power transfer limits obtained through transient stability studies for different
cases are illustrated in Table 5.4. The following eight cases are studied: 7.3.1
Night time: Case1 – None of the DGs Generate Real Power: The maximum power
transfer limit is 731 MW as in Table 5.1. 7.3.2 Only Wind DG Generates Real
Power. Both DGs Operate With Conventional Reactive Power Control: The power
transfer limit decreases slightly with increasing wind power output. 7.3.3
None of the DGs Generate Real Power But Both DGs Operate With Damping
Control : The different variables, generator power , infinite bus power , real power
of wind DG , reactive power of the wind DG , real power of the solar DG , and the
reactive power of the solar DG / Fig. 5.11. Maximum nighttime power transfer
from the generator with both DGs using the damping controller but with no real
power generation. Are illustrated in Fig. 5.11.
Even though the entire ratings (100 MVar) of the wind DG and solar DG inverters
are not com pletely utilized for damping control, the power transfer limit
increases significantly to 960 MW. 7.3.4 Only Wind DG Generates Real Power but
Both DGs Operate on Damping Control: There is only a marginal improvement in
the power limit with decreasing power output from the wind DG. 7.3.5 Both DGs
Generate Real Power: The power transfer limit from the generator decreases as
the power output from both DGs increase. 7.3.6
Only Solar DG Generates Power: The power transfer limit from the generator
decreases as the power output from the solar DG increases. However, no
substantial changes in power limits are observed compared to the case when
both DGs generate power (Case 5). 7.3.7 Both DGs Generate Real Power and
Operate on Damping Control: This case is illustrated by different variables, and in
Fig. 5.12.
The power limit does not change much with increasing power output from both
DGs. 7.3.8 Only Solar DG Generates Real Power but Both DGs Operate on
Damping Control: The power limit does not appear to change much with
increasing power output from the solar DG.
For Study System 2, the net increases in power transfer limits accomplished with
the proposed novel damping control for different real power outputs from both
DGs compared to those attained with the conventional operation of both DGs,
are depicted in Table V. The proposed damping control on the two DGs (of rating
100 MW each) in the night increases the power transfer limits substantially by
about 220 MW.
This is expected since in the night, the entire inverter MVA rating of both DGs is
available for damping control. The improvement is slightly less when wind DG
produces high power. This is also expected as the reactive power availability
decreases with the wind DG power output. During daytime, the proposed
damping control / Fig. 5.12. Maximum daytime power transfer from the
generator while both DGs generate 95 MW, each using a damping controller.
TABLE 5.5 Increase in Power Transfer Limits for Study System Ii with Different Dg
Power Outputs / On both DGs also increases the power transfer limits
substantially. A greater increase is seen during high-power generation by any DG,
since high power output improves the PCC voltage profile which assists in
increasing the power transfer capacity. CHAPTER-8 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE
CONCLUSION PV solar farms remain absolutely unutilized during the night and
are only partially utilized during the day. This objectives presents the concepts of
a novel use of a Photo Voltaic solar farm inverter as a PV-STATCOM, which can
potentially lead to complete utilization of the PV solar farm (grid) inverter asset
for both during day and night.
Two sets of novel PVSTATCOM technologies are presented: one based on the
unused? capacity of the solar inverter, and the other based on used? capacity of
the solar inverter. This new era of Photo Voltaic solar farms can improve the
stability performance of power systems overall improve the DG. In addition, they
can potentially bring new sources of revenue for PV solar farms by providing
these benefits, in addition to those earned from the sale of real power. The
advanced material of SiC and GaN based power converter shows enhanced future
performance in PV inverter technology.
FUTURE SCOPE In future, to give a reliable power supplies to users those having
nonlinear loads as well as higher exigency, there should be concrete action for
smoothly integration of electrical power to grids. The idea behind this
implementation is improving the PCC voltage as well as regulates HSeAF that is
nothing but power quality of the system is improved by the use of wide ranges of
harmonic current.
Ultimate attention should be directed to hardware and software that are used for
of metering and monitoring the power system as well as to system planning for
future enhancement. Future infrastructure of energy systems as the main research
issue of smart grids implements, the development of distributed generation. In
our future work, we will consider a supervisory control system of the DGs.
DGs with communication in order to control the participation from each PV
inverter automatically according to the identified priority (MICROGRID).
Microgrid is a solution to future smart grids using integrating (DG’s) distributed
renewable generators and storage systems to efficiently serve the local demand.
Provide an accurate effectiveness analysis of the harmonics compensation by
using PV inverters throughout the day/season/year (MPPT).
The use of a statistical home model of a residential system. / Fig- 8.1 Statistical
home model of a residential system. In future, a detailed analysis can be carried
out for a 3 phase four wire filter in order to compensate the harmonics present in
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