Doninpark Building by LOVE Architecture and Urbanism (AT)

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Doninpark Building by LOVE architecture and urbanism (AT)

Posted by Walter Phillips on 01.09.2015 - Tagged as: LOVE Architecture and Urbanism, residential

Doninpark Building by LOVE architecture and urbanism, image: Jasmin Schuller

LOVE architecture and urbanism’s Doninpark project is an eight-story residential, office and retail
building, located in the 22nd district in Vienna, a location characterized by “enormous leaps in scale”.
Doninpark Building by LOVE architecture and urbanism, image: Jasmin Schuller
Says LOVE, “In terms of urban planning, this location is characterized by enormous leaps in scale: to the
east lies a dense, urban area with extensive infrastructure, while the area to the west has a more suburban
feel, with numerous single-family and multi-family dwellings and sports fields.”

Doninpark Building by LOVE architecture and urbanism, image: Jasmin Schuller

“For this reason, the leap in scale also became the central design idea. The window openings and alcoves,
which seem to be almost randomly placed, create a façade that is ‘scaleless’, just like the surrounding
area. This makes it almost impossible for the viewer to capture the true dimensions of the building at first
sight and effectively masks the true size and expanse of the building.”

Doninpark Building by LOVE architecture and urbanism, image: Jasmin Schuller

“However, the size and expanse were essentially imposed, since the building exactly meets the
requirements of Vienna’s master urban plan. One could thus say that the city of Vienna designed the
building, and the building thus displays a kind of radical pragmatism (i.e. one does exactly what one is
allowed to do).”
Doninpark Building by LOVE architecture and urbanism, image: Jasmin Schuller
“The ground floor of the building houses a shopping zone that faces the subway stop, while the first and
second floors feature office space and a gym. The third floor upwards is residential quarters. The
apartments are oriented towards the east or west and can be accessed via a central aisle. Each residential
unit is equipped with a balcony, loggia or alcove. The loggias are on the east side, thereby creating a
distance to the street space.”

Beginning of planning phase: January 2010
Start of construction: 2011
Completion: 2013
GFA: 15,000 m²

to the LOVE architecture and urbanism website

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