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Religioso, Ariana Nicole

Talplacido, Dan
Cortez, Alexander Louis
A Summary of the Study:
“Correlation between Engineering Stress-Strain and True Stress-Strain Curve by Azimi, et. Al.”

Since mechanical properties play a significant role in evaluation of fundamental properties of engineering
materials together with the drastic development of new materials, as well as the quality control for application,
design, and construction is absolutely cannot be neglected---the study is then focused and comprised of the
investigation of engineering and true Stress-Strain relationships. The most commonly accepted and secured
method in evaluating a metal’s mechanical properties as it conforms with an ASTM E8-04, is called the tension
test, or also known as “acceptance test” --a basic material science test in which a specimen is subjected to a
controlled tension until it fails. The said testing does conform in guaranteeing that the material possesses enough
and accurate amount of strength and rigidity that may withstand the load/s that is meant to be applied within any
engineering structure, construction, and such.
Three standard tensile specimens with known different dimensions (gauge length, thickness, width and
cross sectional area that is perpendicular to the load direction and failure) – all made out of a low carbon steel
were subjected with tension, specifically, through an application of a longitudinal or uniaxial tensile loading at a
specific extension rate, wherein the main purpose was to evaluate certain values and properties, for instance, their
ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, percentage of elongation, area reduction, fracture strain, and Young’s
modulus, in which are used to define the stress-strain curve. As for other parameters such as toughness, resilience,
Poisson’s ratio was also analyzed for the said testing technique.
During the testing process, the researchers recorded all the widths of each sample specimen. The most
generally used equipment for the testing would be the so-called Universal Testing Machine driven by mechanical
screw or hydraulic systems. The equipment used is a simple screw-driven machine with two screws for applying
the load along with a hydraulic testing machine incorporating the pressure of oil in a piston to supply the load. A
series of loads, strain, or testing machine strokes are provided by the machine through the use of a combination
of actuator rod and piston. The machine used for the testing is the “old type” of machine, for the machines used
at the present time are connected to a computer and works automatically and show all the data needed in the
sample specimen. The researchers used another equipment for this test, which is called the Extensometer. It was
used to measure the changes in length of the sample specimens used and its stress strain values or measurements.
The last device used in the testing is called the caliper, which was used for measuring the width of the specimens.
The dimensions of the specimens are tabulated for the determination of the engineering stress and
engineering strain curves. At that point, the location of the gauge length was marked along the parallel length of
each specimen for subsequent necking observations and strain measurements. After marking, the sample
specimens were placed in the Universal Testing Machine. That was the time as well that the extensometer was
installed. After a succession of testing and loading, the needed data were calculated to determine the
characteristics of each sample specimen. After the application of an external tension loading, the specimens
showed elastic and plastic elongations, as well as their deformations. When the specimens experienced an elastic
deformation, it initially resulted to a linear relationship of load and extension. The calculation for the engineering
stress and engineering strain were done by the use of their formulas for the purpose of identifying and yielding a
As the elastic deformation was going through a progress, the engineering stress-strain relationship showed
how it followed the Hook's Law, generally explained that the strain (deformation) of an elastic object or material
is proportional to the stress applied to it. As per the slope of the curve demonstrated the Young's modulus (also
known as the elastic modulus), a measure of the stiffness of a solid material and it is a mechanical property of
linear elastic solid materials. It defines the relationship between stress (force per unit area) and strain (proportional
deformation) in a material, as its significance was in determination of the specimens’ deflection in engineering
applications. Yielding occurred at the beginning of plastic deformation as the tensile loading continues and
exceeded the elastic limit. A yield strength or yield point is the material property defined as the stress at which a
material begins to deform plastically. When the yield point is passed, some fraction of the deformation
permanented and was non-reversible. Beyond yielding, an increase in the stress for permanent deformation of the
specimen occurred through continuous loading. At this time, the specimens were either strain hardened or work
hardened. In line with that, plastic deformation was found to not be in uniform after necking, thus, a decrease in
the stress occurred consequently until fracture.
According to the results of the stress-strain curves used in the study, the specimens behave having a
definite spring constant as defined by Hooke’s Law. As long as loading of the metal is done within the elastic
region, the strains are totally recoverable and the specimen will return to its original dimensions as the load is
relaxed to zero. Once the load value exceeds the corresponding yield point, gross plastic deformation, like what
we have said in the past paragraph, which is permanent and irreversible, will occur to the specimen even the load
is returned to zero afterwards. According to the results of the test and the graphs, it can be said that the low-carbon
specimens have a definite yield point.
Consequently, the significance of true stress and true strain were undertaken. As stress is simply an applied
force all over a cross-sectional measure, an approximation is made on the strain component, for instance, choosing
what cross-sectional area, whether the original one or the current one, as well as if the changes in terms of length
should be compared with the original one of the specimen---all which lies against stress types and measurements.
Fixed reference quantities, accurate ones, such as original cross-sectional area and length (while loads are applied)
are used to distinguish engineering stress and strain. However, for some circumstances, such as the tensile test, a
substantial change in the cross-sectional area and the length of the specimen is expected. In such phenomena, the
engineering stress seems to be an inaccurate measure. Hence, alternative stress and strain measurement methods
are available to overcome this issue, known as true stress and true strain. The true stress is the applied load divided
by the actual cross-sectional area (the changing area with respect to time) of the specimen at that load while true
strain is the rate of instantaneous increase in the instantaneous gauge length. It also says that it is noteworthy to
mention that the true stress and strain are basically indistinguishable from the engineering stress and strain at
small deformations. But still, we should know that the true stress could be much larger than the engineering stress
once the strain increases and the consequently, the cross sectional of the specimen decreases.
Hence, upon performing the tensile testing in three low-carbon specimens, it was concluded that the
thickness of the specimens had no effect or that the properties of steel materials were independent of their
thickness as the yielding and failure of the three specimens occur all at the same stress and strain values. The
maximum engineering stress values appeared to be 15% lower than that of the maximum true stress values while
the maximum engineering strain failure values are 1.5% higher than the maximum true strain failure values.

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