''Ainu For Beginners'' (Unilang, 2009)
''Ainu For Beginners'' (Unilang, 2009)
''Ainu For Beginners'' (Unilang, 2009)
Kane Kumagai
Translated by Yongdeok Cho (Noir)
Translator’s Notes
This is an English rendition of Kane Kumagai’s Ainu language lessons, based on the lecture texts prepared for the Sapporo TV Radio
Lessons in 2006. While I have not modified any of the example sentences, I had to change and edit various parts of the explan atory
materials in order to make it useful to the English speakers. In terms of the use of the grammatical terms, I have largely followed the
example of Kirsten Refsing’s The Ainu Language: The Morphology and Syntax of the Shizunai Dialect when appropriate.
Lesson 1: Simple Sentences -1
ウパシ ル。
Upas ru.
Snow melts.
アチャポ エク。
Acapo ek
Uncle comes.
Ainu ク is a sound that does not exist in Japanese, it is simply final consonant -k instead of normal Japanese Katakana pronunciation of -
ku. Ainu allows consonant finals while Japanese does not (with the exception of -n) and a set of Katakana extensions have been created to
be used to write Ainu. Although they are now in Unicode, it would require a special font to view the Katakana extension prope rly and
hence I just have used the smaller font size.
Those who are not familiar with the Katakana may just stick to the Roman Ainu. Roman Ainu is fairly phonetic, but note that c (as in
"acapo") is pronounced similar to ch as in English "church". But it will be helpful to learn Katakana as well as although both Roman and
Katakana are used to write Ainu, Katakana is more common.
Japanese loanwords and proper names may remain in Japanese Kanji even in Ainu when it is written in Katakana.
More examples using Ainu Katakana:
チシ Cis To cry
コシネ Kosne To be light
イルシカ Iruska To be angry
アク Ak Younger brother
ホク Hok To buy, purchase
タクネ Takne To be short
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Whale rises
2) Rain falls.
1)フンペ ヤン humpe yan
2)ルヤンペ アシ ruyanpe as
アチャポ Acapo Uncle
ウパシ Upas Snow
エク Ek To come
ル Ru To melt. Road.
ヤン Yan To rise
フンペ Humpe Whale
アシ As To fall
ルヤンペ Ruyanpe Rain
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Today is cold.
2) Snow falls a lot this year.
1) タント メアン tanto mean
2) タント ウパシ ポロ tanto upas poro
アシ As To blow
タネ Tane Now
タント Tanto Today (tan "this" + to "day")
メアン Mean To be cold
レラ Rera Wind
ウパシ Upas Snow
ポロ Poro To be big, much
タンパ Tanpa This year
Lesson 3: Past
ヌマン ルヤンペ アシ。
Numan ruyanpe as.
Yesterday rain fell.
ウクラン カムイフム アシ。
Ukran kamuyhum as.
Last evening thunder stroke.
Continuing from lesson 2, Ainu verbs do not change their forms in the past tense. Instead, Ainu simply adds temporal adverbs s uch as
ukran, numan when it is necessary to specify when in the past the event occurred.
Ainu Katakana ム is not a full syllable like normal Katakana ム (mu), but only as final consonant -m.
イサム Isam Not to exist, to die
コマム Komam Falling leaf
リムセ Rimse Dance, to dance
Depending on the region, words like "numan" may be pronounced as "numan" (accent on the first syllable) but "numan" is more natural
and widespread.
Also in words like ルヤンペ ruyanpe・ウクラン ukran・カムイフム kamuyhum the first syllables are not accented.
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Yesterday the wind was strong.
2) Two days ago snow fell.
1) ヌマン レラ ルイ numan rera ruy
2) ホシカヌマン ウパシ アシ hoskanuman upas as
ヌマン Numan Yesterday
レラ Rera Wind
ルイ Ruy To be strong
ウパシ Upas Snow
ホシカヌマン Hoskanuman Two days ago
(rain, snow) falls, (wind) blows, (something)
アシ As
rings/sounds, (something) is heard.
ウクラン Ukran Last evening, last night.
Thunder. (kamuy "bear, god" + hum
カムイフム Kamuyhum
ルヤンペ Ruyanpe Rain. (apt in some dialects)
Lesson 4: Objects
ヘカチ イタンキ エヤプキリ。
Hekaci itaki eyapkir.
Boy throws a dish.
ウナルペ スマ オテルケ。
Unarpe suma oterke.
Aunt steps on a stone.
Basic Ainu word order is Subject + Object + Verb. Unlike Japanese, Ainu does not use the case particles to mark the subject or the objec t
of the sentence. (But it uses particles for other things.) "The dog bites the man" and "the man bites the dog" differ in the word order in
English, and it is also the case in Ainu.
Notes on Pronunciation
Small プ is pronounced as -p. (Unlike full Katakana プ, pu)
チェプ Cep Fish
チカプ Cikap Bird
シネプ Sinep One
Small リ is pronounced as -ri but much softer than usual Japanese ri. One may drop -i sound as well.
ピリカ Pirka Good, beautiful
チキリ Cikir Foot
キキリ Kikir Worm
Small ル is pronounced as –r as well.
ケル Ker Shoe
エトル Etor Nasal mucus
テルケ Terke Jump
This is largely a spelling convention, and one may see リ, ラ, ロ, レ and ル used interchangeably. Kar "to make" may be either カル or
カラ, ermun "mouse" エルムン or エレムン, and korkoni "butterbur" コルコニ or コロコニ. How one may choose to spell something is
largely the choice of the writer. Roman Ainu remains the same.
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Uncle buys drink.
2) Dog eats bone.
1) アチャポ トノト ホク acapo tonoto hok.
2) シタ ポネ エ sita pone e
トノト Tonoto Alcoholic drink
ホク Hok To buy, purchase
アチャポ Acapo Uncle, middle-aged man
ポネ Pone Bone
シタ Sita Dog
エ E To eat
イタンキ Itanki Dish
ウナルペ Unarpe Aunt, middle-aged woman
エヤプキリ Eyapkir To throw
オテルケ Oterke To step on
スマ Suma Stone
ヘカチ Hekaci Boy
Lesson 5: "My.." - 1
クパケ アルカ。
Ku=pake arka.
My head hurts. (I have a headache.)
クチキリ タンネ。
Ku=cikir Tanne.
My leg is long.
There are two ways of saying possession in Ainu, and we introduce the first one in this lesson. It depends on whether the item is
considered to be inalienable from the possessor (such as body parts) or alienable (most other things). The inalienable posses sions are
expressed by using the pronominal prefixes, first of which is ku. Ku is the first person singular pronominal prefix.
クナヌ Ku=namu My face
クエトゥ Ku=etu My nose
クテケ Ku=teke My hand
クホニ Ku=honi My stomach
アルカ arka, "to hurt" may be pronounced and written as アラカ araka as well. And note that クチキリ ku=cikir is pronounced as one
word, don't break between ku and cikiri. The use of equal sign (=) in Roman Ainu is to make the morphology more easily understood, and
some writers do not use this sign at all.
And pay attention to the accent. The stress falls on the second syllable.
クパケ ku=pake
クテケ ku=teke
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) My leg hurts.
2) My stomach is full.
1) クチキリ アルカ ku=cikir arka
2) クホニ シク ku=honi sik
ク Ku= I, my
アルカ Arka Hurt
チキリ Cikir Leg
ホニ Honi Stomach
シク Sik Full
タンネ Tanne Long
パケ Pake Head
End Of Part One
This is the end of part one. You can continue with part II of this course.
Continue to part II
Ainu for Beginners - Part 2
Lesson 6: "My.." (2)
クコル マキリ エエン。
Ku=kor makiri een.
My knife is sharp.
クコル ウナルペ イルシカ。
Ku=kor unarpe iruska.
My aunt is angry.
Ku= is a first person pronominal prefix attached before the verb –kor, which means "to have, to bear something." The phrase "ku=kor ..."
literally translates as "... that which I have", which translates again as "my..." This is another way of saying possession in Ainu for
alienable possessions. As it is explained in the last lesson, the direct attachment ku= is used to express inalienable possessions such as the
body parts, as in "ku=pake", "my head." "Ku=kor pake" would not be an idiomatic Ainu usage.
Most family members and relatives are considered to be alienable:
クコル エカシ ku=kor ekasi My grandfather
クコル フチ ku=kor huci My grandmother
クコル アチャ ku=kor aca My father
クコル ハポ ku=kor hapo My mother
クコル アチャポ ku=kor acapo My uncle
クコル ウナルペ ku=kor unarpe My aunt
But "my father" and "my mother" can also be said as "ku=aca" and "ku=hapo" as well.
The word エエン een, "sharp" is not pronounced as a "long" E. Two e are pronounced separately, with the accent on the second syllable.
エエン een
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) My horse is big.
2) My father came.
1) クコル ウンマ ポロ Ku=kor umma poro.
2) クコル アチャ エク Ku=kor aca ek.
ウンマ Umma Horse
クコル Ku=kor My
ポロ Poro Big
エク Ek To come
アチャ Aca Father
イルシカ Iruska Angry
ウナルペ Unarpe Aunt
エエン Een Sharp
マキリ Makiri Knife
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) I come today
2) I played yesterday.
1) タント クエク Tanto ku=ek.
2) ヌマン クシノッ Numan ku=sinot.
ク Ku= I
タント Tanto Today
エク Ek To come
シノッ Sinot To play
ヌマン Numan Yesterday
アプカシ Apkas To walk
ポロンノ Poronno A lot, many, much
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) I have a lot of money.
2) I drink a little bit of hot water.
1) イチェン ポロンノ クコル Icen poronno ku=kor.
2) ウセウ ポンノ クク Usew ponno ku=ku.
ク Ku= I
コル Kor To have, hold
イチェン Icen Money
ポロンノ Poronno A lot of, many, much
ウセウ Usew Hot water
ク Ku To drink
ポンノ Ponno A little bit of
エ E To eat
ヌマン Numan Yesterday
ハンバーガー Hambaga Hamburger
ワッカ Wakka Water
Lesson 9: Continuous
ハポ モンライケ カネ アン。
Hapo monrayke kane an.
Mother is working.
アチャ 映画1 ヌカル2 カネ アン。
Aca eiga nukar kane an.
Father is watching a movie.
1. "映画" eiga is a Japanese word, and thus written in Kanji. There are many words from Japanese, and they may still be written in Kanji.
2. ヌカル nukar may be written and pronounced as ヌカラ nukara as well.
In this lesson ~カネ アン ~kane an is used to make a continuous sense of the verb an, to be. It can also be ~コル アン ~kor an or its
shorter form ~コラン ~koran depending on the dialect. The latter forms may be used in Samani (様似) area as well, ~kane an is more
common. This lesson focuses on the Samani dialect. There is no third person singular pronominal affix in Ainu.
The word for "father" differs in different regions. In Samani, アチャ aca is used, and also in Urakawa, Mitsuishi, Shizunai, Hiroo,
Shiranuka, Kushiro, Akan, Bihoro, Wakkanai and many other areas. Same word is used in some areas of Sakhalin, with a slightly
different pronunciation: アーチャ a:ca.
Another word ミチ mici means father as well, but a dead father. But there are regions where two words are used interchangeably. And
aca may mean an "uncle" in many regions as well.
"Mother" is less complex, it is ハポ hapo in most areas of Hokkaido, including Samani.
It is commonly said that Ainu has no voiced consonants, but in fact it has. In Samani, the word for mother hapo is often pronounced as
Voiced/Voiceless do matter in Japanese, as it can change the meaning: kaki (persimmon) and kagi (key) are different words. These are
free variants in Ainu, meaning that it doesn't change the meaning. Ruyanpe (rain) can be ruyanbe, hunpe (whale) can be hunbe, etc. k/g,
t/d, p/b are the common allophones in Ainu.
How one should pronounce a word depends on the individual habit and the region, but the most accepted pronunciation is to pro nounce
them voiceless, and it is advised for the learners to pronounce them voiceless.
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Dog is swimming.
2) Aunt is making dango.
1) シタ マ カネ アン Sita ma kane an.
2) ウナルペ シト カネ アン Unarpe sito kane an.
マ Ma To swim
カネ Kane ~ing, continuous
シタ Sita Dog
アン An To be
ウナルペ Unarpe Aunt
シト Sito Dango (kind of a Japanese delicacy)
カル Kar To make
アチャ Aca Father
映画 Eiga Movie
ヌカル Nukar To look
ハポ Hapo Mother
モンライケ Monrayke To work
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) There is a deer.
2) There are a lot of people.
1) ユク アン Yuk an.
2) アイヌ ポロンノ オカイ Aynu poronno okay.
アン An To be, to exist (sg.)
ユク Yuk Deer
アイヌ Aynu Person
オカイ Okay To be, to exist (pl.)
ポロンノ Poronno A lot, many, much
スマ Suma Stone
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) This is my school.
2) That is a bear.
1) タパンペ クコル カッコ ネ Tapanpe ku=kor kakko ne.
2) トオンペ キムンカムイ ネ Tapanpe kimunkamuy ne.
カッコ Kakko School (From Japanese 学校 Gakkou)
ネ Ne Copula (To be)
タパンペ Tapanpe This
クコル Ku=kor My
キムンカムイ Kimunkamuy Bear
トオンペ Toonpe That
カンガルー Kangaruu Kangaroo
トオンペ Toonpe That
プクサ Pukusa Ramsons
ヤム Yam Cold
コンル Konru Ice
アナク Anak Topic marker
ル Ru Road, path
プリカ Pirka Good
アナクネ Anakne Topic marker
タン Tan This
コタン Kotan Village, town
ソンノ Sonno Very, truly, really
タント Tanto Today
フシコ Husko Old
ユプケ Yupke Rough, tough, strong
リリ Rir Sea wave
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) (There) is kombu on the coast
2) (There) is a big fort on top of the mountain.
1) ピシ タ コンプ ヤン Pis ta kompu yan.
2) ヌプリ カ タ ポロ チャシ アン Nupuri ka ta poro casi an.
ヤン Yan To rise
タ Ta Locative particle
ピシ Pis Shore, coast
コンプ Kompu Kombu (A type of edible sea kelp)
チャシ Casi Fortification, castle
ポロ Poro Big
カ Ka Above
アン An To be (singular)
ヌプリ Nupuri Mountain
アナクネ Anakne Topic marker
オカイ Okay To be (plural)
オコタヌシ Okotanusi Okotanusi (place name)
オシケ Oske In, in the midst of
チェプ Cep Fish
テエタ Teeta Olden times, before
ペッ Pet River, stream
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Yesterday aunt went to Tokachi.
2) I climb to the mountaintop.
1) ヌマン ウナルペ トカプチ エン オマン Numan unarpe Tokapci en oman.
2) ヌプリ カ エン クリキン Nupuri ka en ku=rikin.
エン En Allative particle
オマン Oman To go
ヌマン Numan Yesterday
ウナルペ Unarpe Aunt
トカプチ Tokapci Tokachi (Place name)
ク Ku= I
カ Ka Above
リキン Rikin To climb
ヌプリ Nupuri Mountain
アチャ Aca Father
アフン Ahun To enter, to go into
インド Indo India
オシケ Oske Middle, midst
コル Kor To have, to hold
シカプ Cikap Bird
ペッ Pet River, stream
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) I come from Shizunai.
2) Uncle came outside from the inside of the house.
1) シピチャル ワ クエク Sipicar wa ku=ek.
2) チセ オシケ ワ アチャポ ソイネ Cise oske wa acapo soyne.
ワ Wa Ablative particle
エク Ek To come
シピチャル Sipicar Shizunai (place name)
ク Ku= I
ソイネ Soyne To come outside
オシケ Oske Middle, midst
チセ Cise House
アチャポ Acapo Uncle
コッ Kot Hole, concave
ハッ Hat Mountain grapes
ニサッ Nisat Daybreak
オオワッ Oowat To go back, to return
ポロペッ Poropet Horobetsu (place name)
フッネ Hutne Narrow
マッネシリ Matnesir Mount Yotei (place name)
シンリッ Sinrit Root, ancestor
アペソコッ Apesokot Hearth, fireplace
カ Ka Above, top
To fall, to drop, or to stop falling (rain, snow
トゥイ Tuy
ニ Ni Tree
ヌプルペッ Nupurpet Noboribetsu. (place name)
リンゴ Ringo Apple. (Japanese loanword)
The place name Noboribetsu derives from Ainu Nupurpet, meaning deep-coloured (Nupur) stream (Pet).
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) I am a woman.
2) I am a college student from Muroran.
1) メノコ クネ Menoko ku=ne.
2) モルラン ワ エク 大学生 クネ Moruran wa ek Daigakusei ku=ne.
ネ Ne Copula (to be)
ク Ku= I
メノコ Menoko Woman
エク Ek To come
モルラン Moruran Muroran
大学生 Daigakusei College student (Japanese loanword)
ワ Wa From
ウェンクル Wenkur A poor person
エカシ Ekasi Uncle, a grown-up man
オンネ Onne Old, aged
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Your hair is white.
2) I wash your shoes.
1) エエトピ レタル E=etopi retar.
2) エケリ クフライエ E=keri ku=huraye.
エトピ Etopi Hair
レタル Retar White
エ E= You
フライェ Huraye To clean, wash
ケリ Keri Shoes
ク Ku= I
エトゥ Etu Nose
チセ Cise House
ヌカル Nukar To see
ポロ Poro Big
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Your earrings are beautiful.
2) Yesterday your aunt danced.
1) エコル ニンカリ ピリカ E=kor ninkari pirika.
2) ヌマン エコル ウナルペ リムセ Numan e=kor unarpe rimes.
コル Kor To have, to hold
ニンカリ Ninkari Earrings
ピリカ Pirka Beautiful, good
エ E= You
ウナルペ Unarpe Aunt
リムセ Rimse Dance
ヌマン Numan Yesterday
カメラ Kamera Camera
ソンノ Sonno Very, truly
ハポ Hapo Mother
ポロンノ Poronno A lot, many, much
モンライケ Monrayke Work, to work
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) You see a big mountain.
2) You will arrive in London tomorrow.
1) ポロ ヌプリ エヌカル Poro nupuri e=nukar.
2) ニサッタ ロンドン タ エシレパ Nisatta London ta e=sirepa.
ヌカル Nukar To see
ヌプリ Nupuri Mountain
エ E= You
ポロ Poro Big
ニサッタ Nisatta Tomorrow
ロンドン Rondon London
タ Ta Locative case particle
シレパ Sirepa To arrive
イェ Ye To say, speak, sing
ウポポ Upopo Song
車 Kuruma Car (Japanese loanword)
コル Kor To have, hold
ピリカ Pirka Good, beautiful
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) I play a lot.
2) I am very tired.
1) クアニ ポロンノ クシノッ Kuani poronno ku=sinot.
2) クアニ ソンノ クシンキ Kuani sonno ku=sinki.
シノッ Sinot To play (having fun)
ポロンノ Poronno A lot, many, much
クアニ Kuani I
ク Ku= I
シンキ Sinki To be tired
ソンノ Sonno Very
アプカシ Apkas To walk
オマン Oman To go
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) I am listening to radio.
2) I come from Sapporo.
1) クアニ アナク ラジオ クヌ Kuani anak Radio ku=nu.
2) クアニ アナクネ サッポロ ワ クエク Kuani anakne Satporo wa ku=ek.
ク Ku= I
ラジオ Rajio Radio
アナク Anak Topic marker
ヌ Nu To hear, listen to
クアニ Kuani I
アナクネ Anakne Topic marker
サッポロ Satporo Sapporo
ワ Wa From
エク Ek To come
ウンマ Umma Horse (from Japanese 馬 uma.)
テレビ Terebi Television. (from Japanese)
ヌカル Nukar To look, watch
ポロ Poro Big
オ O To ride
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) You drink beer.
2) You are a boy.
1) エアニ ビール エク Eani Beer e=ku.
2) エアニ アナクネ ヘカチ エネ Eani anakne hekaci e=ne.
ビール Biru Beer. (a Dutch loanword in Japanese)
ク Ku To drink
エ E= You
エアニ Eani You
ネ Ne Copula
アナクネ Anakne Topic marker
ヘカチ Hekaci Boy, young man
アナウンサー Anaunsa Announcer. (from Japanese)
アナク Anak Topic marker
コイキ Koyki To take, catch, annoy, pile.
チェプ Cep Fish
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Wind blows and the wave is rough.
2) Father is angry and the daughter cries.
1) レラ アシ ワリリ ユプケ Rera as wa rir yupke.
2) アチャ イルシカ ワ マッネポ チシ Aca iruska wa matnepo cis.
ワ Wa "And"
リリ Rir Sea wave
アシ As To blow, fall
レラ Rera Wind
ユプケ Yupke Strong, rough
チシ Cis To cry
アチャ Aca Father
マッネポ Matnepo Daughter
イルシカ Iruska To be angry
ウウェカルパ Uwekarpa To gather
エク Ek To come
テイネ Teyne To become wet
ヘカッタル Hekattar Children
ヘリコプター Herikoputa Helicopter (from Japanese)
ル Ru Road, pathway
ルヤンペ Ruyanpe Rain
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Uncle rode the car and went.
2) I walked a lot and became tired.
1) アチャポ 車 オ ワ オマン Acapo Kuruma o wa oman.
2) ポロンノ クアプカシ ワ クシンキ Poronno ku=apkas wa ku=sinki.
ワ Wa "And"
オマン Oman To go
オ O To ride
アチャポ Acapo Uncle
車(クルマ) Kuruma Car (from Japanese)
ク Ku= I
アプカシ Apkas To walk
ポロンノ Poronno A lot, many, much
シンキ Sinki To come
エク Ek To come
コンドル Kondoru Condor
トノト Tonoto Alcoholic drink
ホク Hok To buy
ホプニ Hopuni To fly, to wake up from sleep
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Go to the railway tomorrow.
2) Get up quickly and wash the face.
1) ニサッタ クスル エン オマン Nisatta kusur en oman.
2) エムコタ ホプニ ワ ヤシケ Emkota hopuni wa yaske.
クスル Kusur Railway
オマン Oman To go
エン En "To" Allative case particle.
ニサッタ Nisatta Tomorrow
エムコタ Emkota Quickly, early
ホプニ Hopuni To wake up, rise
ワ Wa "And"
ヤシケ Yaske To wash face
エク Ek To come
ワッカタ Wakkata To ladle water. Wakka (water) + ta (ladle)
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) My father is not having a meal.
2) You are not a man.
1) クコル アチャ ヘンネ イペ Ku=kor aca henne ipe.
2) エアニ アナク オッカイ ヘンネ エネ Eani anak okay henne e=ne.
イペ Ipe To have, eat a meal
ク Ku= I
アチャ Aca Father
ヘンネ Henne Negation
コル Kor To have, hold
エ E= You
ネ Ne Copula
エアニ Eani You
アナク Anak Topic marker
オッカイ Okkay Man, male
シタ Sita Dog
タパンペ Tapanpe This
フチ Huci Grandmother
モコル Mokor To sleep
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Your eyes are small.
2) My legs are slim.
1) エシキヒ ポン E=sikihi pon.
2) クチキリヒ ソンノ アネ Ku=cikirihi sonno ane.
シキヒ Sikihi Eye of…
エ E= You
ポン Pon Small
アネ Ane Slim, narrow
チキリヒ Cikirihi Leg of…
ソンノ Sonno Very, truly
ク Ku= I
アナク Anak Topic marker
ケリヒ Kerihi Shoes of…
ケル Ker Shoes
タパン Tapan This
ナヌフ Nanuhu Face of…
ネ Ne Copula
ピリカ Pirka Beautiful, good
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) The smell of ramsons is strong.
2) My dog is smart. (lit. "to have a good head.")
1) プクサ アナク フラハ ルイ Puksa anak huraha ruy.
2) クコル シタ パケ ピリカ Ku=kor sita pake pirka.
アナク Anak Topic marker
ルイ Ruy Strong
プクサ Pukusa Ramsons
フラハ Huraha Smell of…
ク Ku I
ピリカ Pirka Good, beautiful
パケ Pake Head
シタ Sita Dog
コロ Kor To have, hold
アチャポ Acapo Uncle
エトゥフ Etohu Nose of…
エトピ Etopi Hair of…
フレ Hure Red
ポロ Poro Big
マッネポ Matnepo Daughter
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) There are lots of tasty things.
2) This obon is a thing that my uncle carved.
1) ケラアン ペ ポロンノ オカイ Keraan pe poronno okay.
2) タパン イタ アナク アチャポ ヌイエプ ネ Tapan ita anak acapo nuyep ne.
ポロンノ Poronno A lot, much, many
ケラアン Keraan Tasty
オカイ Okay To be (pl.)
アチャポ Acapo Uncle
タパン Tapan This
ヌイェ Nuye To carve
イタ Ita Obon (Lanton Festival)
アナク Anak Topic marker
イェ Ye To call
エ E= You
ク Ku= I
自転車(ジテンシャ) Zitensha Bicycle
タパン Tapan This
ネ Ne Copula
ピリカ Pirka Good, beautiful, right
プ P Nominalizer
ペ Pe Nominalizer
ホク Hok To buy
アプカシ Apkas To walk
ポロンノ Poronno A lot, many, much
エチ Eci You (pl.)
ヌカル Nukar To see
ク Ku I
ナヌフ Nanuhu Head of…
チェプコイキクル Cepkoykikur Fisher
ネ Ne Copula
ミナ Mina To laugh
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) You sleep well. (pl.)
2) You are elementary school students. (pl.)
1) エチオカイ ピリカノ エチモコル Eciokay pirkano eci=mokor.
2) エチオカイ アナク 小学生 エチネ Eciokay anak Shougakusei eci=ne.
モコル Mokor To sleep
エチ Eci= You (pl.)
ピリカノ Pirkano Well (adv.)
エチオカイ Eciokay You (pl.)
アナク Anak Topic marker
ネ Ne Copula
小学生(ショウガクセイ) Shougakusei Elementary school student
アタイコル Ataykor Expensive
アナクネ Anakne Topic marker
エ E To eat
エン En To, towards
ステーキ Sute-ki Steak
パイェ Paye To go (pl.)
フランス Furansu France
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) We take a little break.
2) We come from Shiranuka.
1) ポンノ シニアン Ponno sini=an.
2) シラリカ ワ アルキアン Sirarika wa arki=an.
アン =an We
シニ Sini To rest, take a break
ポンノ Ponno A little
シラルカ Sirarka Shiranuka (pn.)
アルキ Arki To come
ワ Wa From
イシカル Iskar Ishikari (pn.)
エン En To, towards
ヌマン Numan Yesterday
パイェ Paye To go (pl.)
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) We eat meat.
2) We drink wine a little.
1) カム アンエ Kam an=e.
2) ポンノ ワイン アンク Ponno Wine an=ku.
アン An= We
カム Kam Meat
エ E To eat
ク Ku To drink
ワイン Wain Wine
ポンノ Ponno A little
ケスト Kesto Everyday
Dress (Formal female outfit in Japanese
ドレス Doresu
ヌ Nu To listen to
ミ Mi To wear
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) We have a meal together. (excl.)
2) Tomorrow we go to Osaka. (excl.)
1) ウトゥラノ イペアシ Uturano ipe=as.
2) ニサッタ 大阪 エン パイエアシ Nisatta Osaka en paye=as.
アシ =as We
イペ Ipe To eat, have a meal
ウトゥラノ Uturano Together
パイェ Paye To go (pl.)
大阪(オオサカ) Osaka Osaka (pn.)
ニサッタ Nisatta Tomorrow
エン En To, towards
アプカシ Apkas To walk
アルキ Arki To come (pl.)
ウシケシ Uskes Hakodate (pn.)*
シンキ Sinki To be tired
ポロンノ Poronno A lot, many, much
ワ1 Wa From
ワ2 Wa And
Uskes is the indigenous name for the modern city of Hakodate(函館). Unlike many place names in Hokkaido, "Hakodate" is not derived
from Ainu name. It was also known as Ushorkes or Usorkes as well.
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) We eat fish.
2) We are young youth.
1) チェプ チエ Cep ci=e.
2) ペウレ オッカイポ チネ Pewre okkaypo ci=ne.
エ E To eat
チェプ Cep Fish
シ Ci= We
ペウレ Pewre To be young
ネ Ne Copula
オッカイポ Okkaypo Youth
コル Kor To have, hold
サラリーマン Sarariman "Salaryman", a corporate employee.
パソコン Pasokon Personal computer
ヘンネ Henne Negation (Not)
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) If snow comes, mother rides bus.
2) If father is angry, I apologize.
1) ウパシ アシ ヤクン ハポ バス オ Upas as yakun hapo Bus.
2) アチャ イルシカ ヤクン クヤウナシケ Aca iruska yakun ku=yawnaske.
オ O To ride
ヤクン Yakun Conditional
バス Basu Bus
アシ As To fall
ハポ Hapo Mother
ウパシ Upas Snow
イルシカ Iruska To be angry
アチャ Aca Father
ヤウナシケ Yawnaske To apologize
ク Ku= I
エ E= You
エク Ek To come
オマン Oman To go
ヘンネ Henne Negation
ホシピ Hosipi To come back, go back
ルヤンペ Ruyanpe Rain
ユプケ Yupke To be strong
タント Tanto Today
レラ Rera Wind
ナンコル Nankor Suppositional
ノチウ Nociw Star
ソイネ Soyne To go outside
エ E= You
ヌカル Nukar To look at
ポロンノ Poronno A lot, many, much
ヤクン Yakun Conditional
アシ As To blow, to fall
アン =An We
ウパシ Upas Snow
エン En To, towards
オヤパ Oyapa Next year
カナダ Kanada Canada
ニサッタ Nisatta Tomorrow
パイェ Paye To go (pl.)
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) A big dog bites me.
2) My aunt scolds me.
1) ポロ シタ エンクパパ Poro sita en=kupapa.
2) クコル フチ エンコイキ Ku=kor huci en=hoyki.
シタ Sita Dog
クパパ Kupapa To bite
エン En= Me
ポロ Poro To be big
フチ Huci Aunt
コイルシカ Koiruska To scold
コル Kor To have, hold
ク Ku= I, my
キク Kik To beat
コレ Kore To give
チョコレート Chokoreto Chocolate
ハポ Hapo Mother
ユポ Yupo Brother
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) I eat sherbet, although it is cold.
2) We dance, although we are tired.
1) メアン コルカイ シャーベット クエ Mean korkay Sherbet ku=e.
2) シンキアシ コルカイ リムセアシ Sinki=as korkay rimse=as.
コルカイ Korkay Although
エ E To eat
シャーベット Shabetto Sherbet
ク Ku= I
メアン Mean To be cold
リムセ Rimse To dance
アシ1 =as We
シンキ Sinki Tired
アシ2 As To fall, blow
ウパシ Upas Snow
キムチ Kimuchi Kimchi
ケラアン Keraan To be tasty
シリポプケ Sirpopke To become warm
タパン Tapan This
チャルカル Carkar To be hot, spicy.
There are no exercises for this lesson.
アプカシ Apkas To walk
アン =an We
イペ Ipe To eat, have a meal
ウラカ Uraka Urakawa (pn.)
ノ No Suggestive
パクノ Pakno Up to, even, all the way to
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Let's ride metro.
2) Let's go to Tomakomai and find a cheap room.
1) 地下鉄 アンオ ノ Chikatetsu an=o no.
2) トマコマイ エン パイェアン ワ アタイサク トゥンプ アンエシタン ノ Tomakomai en paye=an wa ataysak tumpu
an=estan no
オ O To ride
アン An= We
ノ No Suggestive
地下鉄(チカテツ) Chikatetsu Metro, subway
トゥンプ Tumpu Room
トマコマイ Tomakomai Tomakomai (pn.)
エン En To, towards
パイェ Paye To go (pl.)
アタイサク Ataysak To be cheap
エシタン Estan To find, search
ワ Wa And
エ E To eat
カル Kar To make
キ Ki To do
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) This melon is cheap but tastes good (and I assure you)
2) As for me, I understand Ainu language a little (so that you know)
1) タパン メロン アタイサク コルカイ ケラアン ナ Tapan Melon ataysak korkay keraan na.
2) クアニ アナク アイヌイタク ポンノ クエラムアン ナ Kuani anak aynuitak ponno ku=eramuan na.
アタイサク Ataysak To be cheap
タパン Tapan This
ナ Na Assurance particle
メロン Meron Melon
コルカイ Korkay Although
ケラアン Keraan To taste good, to be tasty
ク Ku= I
アナク Anak Topic marker
アイヌイタク Ainuitak Ainu language
エラムアン Eramuan To understand
クアニ Kuani I
ポンノ Ponno A little
コル Kor To have, hold
タント Tanto Today
ポロンノ Poronno A little
メアン Mean To be cold
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) Is your aunt's house big?
2) Do you (pl.) work every day? (lit. Do you be while working every day?)
1) エコル ウナルペ チセヘ ポロ ヤ E=kor unarpe cisehe poro ya.
2) ケシト エチモンライケ カネ エチオカイ ヤ Kesto eci=monrayke kane eci=okay ya.
コル Kor To have, hold
ヤ Ya Interrogative particle
ポロ Poro To be big
ウナルペ Unarpe Aunt
エ E= You (sg.)
シセヘ Cisehe Home, house (genitive)
カネ Kane While
ケシト Kesto Everyday
モンライケ Monrayke To work
エチ Eci= You (pl.)
オカイ Okay Copula (pl.)
オクラン Ukuran Last night, yesterday evening
鉛筆(エンピツ) Enpitsu Pencil
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) I want to buy a new watch.
2) Do you want to go to Sakhalin?
1) アシリ 時計 クホク ルスイ Asir Tokei ku=hok rusuy.
2) エチオカイ カラプト エン エチパイエ ルスイ ヤ Eciokay Karapto en eci=paye rusuy ya.
ホク Hok To buy, purchase
アシリ Asir To be new
ク Ku= I
ルスイ Rusuy Desiderative particle
時計(トケイ) Tokei Watch
エン En To, towards
ヤ Ya Interrogative particle
パイェ Paye To go (pl.)
エチ Eci= You (pl.)
カラプト Karapto Karafuto, Sakhalin (pn.)
エチオカイ Eciokay You (pl.)
アシ =as We (exclusive)
アルバイト Arubaito A part-time job, from German "Arbeit"
キ Ki To do
Rumoi (pn.) Rur "ocean", mo "silence", ot
ルルモッペ Rurmotpe "to be", pe "place." "Where the silence of
ocean is"
ク Ku= I
クス Kusu Causal particle
ホシピ Hosipi To return
タネ Tane Now
シンキ Sinki Tired
アシ =As We (intransitive exclusive)
ハワイ Hawai Hawaii
サーフィン Safin Surfing
エン En To, towards
ルスイ Rusuy Desiderative particle
チ Ci= We (transitive exclusive)
Ski. Ski was used by Sakhalin Ainu to move
スキー Suki around in the snow-piled mountains, but it is
unlikely that it was so in Hokkaido.
ソンノ Sonno Very, truly
メアン Mean To be cold
ルプシ Rupus To freeze
ワッカ Wakka Water
There are no exercises for this lesson.
ア A= (Variant of An=)
アワ Awa Where (Not interrogative)
アン An= I
アン =An I
イシカル Iskar Ishikari (pn.)
Plural particle. "People" as an independent
ウタル Utar
エトコ Etoko Hillside (genitive), base form etok.
エモマシヌ Enomasnu To collect, gather
エレ Ere To feed
Contraction of オカイ・アン (unchanged in
オカヤン Okay=an
カネ Kane While
クス Kusu Because, in order to
クン Kun Should, ought to do
コタン Kotan Village
コホラリ Kohorari To live in
タアニンマ Taaninma To hither (Taani + un + wa)
To fly around. Terke by itself means "to
テルケテルケ Terketerke
トアニンマ Toaninma To thither (Toani + un + wa)
ハー Ha- (Opening sound)
パイェカイ Payekay To walk around (pl.)
パウ Paw (Onomatopoeia of a dying fox)
ハエエエエエ Haeeeee (Meaning unknown)
ペ Pe Nominalizer
ポ Po Child
ポウタリ Poutari Children (Genitive). Base form Poutar.
To have many children. Po (children) + ko
ポコインネ Pokoinne
(to him/her) + inne (to be many)
マ Ma And, while. Variant of Wa.
ルラ Rura To carry
レス Resu To raise
ワ Wa And, while.
About Tuytak
Tuytak is a form of Ainu literature. This Tuytak was collected by Hiroshi Nakagawa (Chiba University) in 1985 from Ms. Yumi
Okamoto. We only introduced the beginning lines here.
Tuytak is a tale where the gods tell their stories in the first person narrative. Gods appear as heroes in forms of various animals and birds,
such as bear, rabbit, owl and crane. This form of narrative is generally known as shinyou (神謡) in Japanese. In Ainu, it is known as
Tuytak in Samani and Urakawa, Kamuy Yukar from Shizunai to Western Iburi, Oyna in Tokachi, Kushiro and Asahikawa. (Generally
known as "Yukar" in English.)
The word Tuytak is used in Tokachi, Kushiro and Asahikawa as well but there it means "Olden Tales." "Olden Tales" in Samani and
Urakawa is Isoytatki, and Uwepeker in Iburi.
The refrain (Ainu: sakehe saha) "paw paw haeeeee" is repeated every line, and it is a characteristic of Tuytak. (Some of the lines in the
text were combined to facilitate annotation) The refrain differs in different parts of the story.
The hero of this Tuytak is Pawsekamuy, a fox. This is very similar to the other tale collected by Shigeru Kayano in Biratori, which is
published as 『キツネのチャランケ(Kitsune no Charanke)』 and is a well-known tale.
So far we have learned the basics of Ainu language. This Tuytak may have been a bit too difficult and it is because the language of the
oral literary tradition, Classical Ainu, differs from the Modern Colloquial Ainu.
For example, the first person singular pronominal is アン- an= or -アン =an instead of the familiar ク ku=. "I rest" in Modern Ainu is ク
シニ ku=nisi, but it is シニアン nisi=an in Classical Ainu. Notice that this =an looks same as the Colloquial =an for the first person
plural. The independent pronoun differs as well, Classical pronoun for "I" is アノカイ Anokay instead of Colloquial クアニ kuani.
The plural forms of the nouns (cf. Lesson 10) are used not only for the plural subjects, but singular subject " I" as well in Classical Ainu. "I
go" would be クオマン ku=oman in Colloquial, パイェアン paye=an in Classical.
Example: "I go down to the shore and catch fish"
Modern: クアニ アナク ピシ タ クサン マ チェプ クコイキ。
Modern: Kuani anak pisi ta ku=san ma cep ku=koyki.
Classical: アノカイ アナク ピシ タ サプアン マ チェプ アンコイキ。
Classical: Anokay anak pisi ta sap=an ma cep an=koyki.
Literally: I (topic marker) shore (to) go down-(I) and fish (I)-catch.
アン An To be
ネイ Ney Where
コル Kor To have, hold
エ E= You
アチャ Aca Father
タ Ta Locative particle
ルスイ Rusuy Desiderative particle
エチ Eci= You (pl.)
ニサッタ Nisatta Tomorrow
パイェ Paye To go (pl.)
エノン Enon Whither
The Big Dipper. Made of ci=nukar=kur,
"the one which we behold." The name comes
チヌカルクル Cinukarkur
from its function as a reference point to tell
the directions.
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) What will you wear tomorrow?
2) Do you have some good ideas?
1) ニサッタ ネプ エミ ワ エオマン Nisatta nep e=mi wa e=oman.
2) ネプ カイ ピリカ サンニヨ エチコル ヤ Nep kay pirka sanniyo eci=kor ya.
ミ Mi To wear
What (Interrogative). Hemanta in some
ネプ Nep
エ E= You
ワ Wa And
ニサッタ Nisatta Tomorrow
オマン Oman To go
サンニヨ Sanniyo Thought, Idea
ヤ Ya Interrogative particle
ピリカ Pirka To be good
エチ Eci= You (pl.)
ネプカイ Nep kay Something
ク Ku= I
Candy, snack. From Classical Japanese
クワシ Kuwas Kuwashi. Topenpe or Rurkorpe in some
ケラアン Keraan To be tasty, to taste good
ルスイ Rusuy Desiderative particle.
Exercises: Translate to Ainu
1) I am not even finding work.
2) I suppose my son doesn't run away even if I am angry.
1) モンライケ クエシタン ヤッカイ イサム Monrayke ku=estan yakkay isam.
2) クイルシカ ヤッカイ クポホ ヘンネ キラ ナンコル Ku=iruska yakkay ku=poho henne kira nankor.
モンライケ Monrayke Work, to work
イサム Isam Not to exist
ク Ku= I
エシタン Estan To find, search
キラ Kira To run away
ポホ Poho Son (genitive)
ナンコル Nankor Suppositional particle
イルシカ Iruska To be angry
ヘンネ Henne Negation
アシ As To fall
アシ =as We (exclusive)
アンミプ Anmip Clothing.
ウパシ Upas Snow
エ E= You
クス Kusu Because. Kusu ne "intended/planned to do"
ニサッタ Nisatta Tomorrow
ネ Ne Copula (to be)
ポロンノ Poronno A lot, many, much
ミ Mi To wear
メウン Meun To be cold. Merayke in some dialects.
ヤッカイ Yakkay "Despite, even if." Yakka in some dialects.
There are no exercises for this lesson.
ア A= I. Variant of =an.
アトゥイ Atuy Sea
アトゥイソ Atuyso Open sea. So "wide area"
アヨロロペ Ayororope (Has no meaning)
アワン Awan And
アン An= I
アン =An I
イキ Iki To do
イネ Ine And
イパン Ipan= I. (Appears only in tales)
オカ Oka To be, to exist. Variant of Okay.
カ Ka Above
カネ Kane …ing, while
キ Ki To do
コヤyヌパ Koyaynupa To notice there.
シクプ Sikup To grow up
タ Ta Locative particle
タン Tan This
チオルクシテコ Ciorkusteko In what way
テク Tek And
Spiritually powerful, great. To be of deep
ヌプル Nupur
ネ Ne Copula
Contraction of ネコン イキ. (Change in
ネコニキ Nekoniki
Kana only)
ネコン Nekon In what way
ペ Pe Nominalizer
マ Ma And. Variant of Wa.
Floating and floating. Mom by itself is "to
モムモム Mommom
ワ Wa And
This is a sample of a Yayrap, a heroic epic narrative orally transmitted in Samani area. This Yayrap was performed by Ms. Yumi
Okamoto. It is a difficult task to sing Yayrap, one must practice to sing continuously for a prolonged time. The language itself is quite
difficult as well, as it employs Classical Ainu.
This Yayrap begins with chanting ayororope between the lines, but it has no meaning, it just lets the listeners to know that the narrative
begins. This occurs repeatedly between lines or phrases.
There are no exercises for this lesson.
アイ Ay= Variant of An=
アナク Anak Topic marker
アン An= We
アン =An We
イテッケ Itekke Do not, you ought not
ウタル Utar People
エク Ek To come (sg.)
エトコイキ Etokoyki To prepare for
オンエ Onne Aged, old
Mountain. Nupuri is generally used for a
キム Kim "this, or that mountain" while kim is more
usual when it comes to "to, into mountain."
キラ Kira To run away
クス Kusu Because
シトマ Sitoma To be terrified of
シヌイナク Sinuynak To hide, conceal oneself
ソイェンパ Soyenpa To come outside (pl.) Soyene in singular.
タ Ta Locative particle
トゥミ Tumi War, fight
トゥラ Tura To take along
トパットゥミ Topattumi Invading army or a bandit gang
ナ Na Suggestive particle
ナンコル Nankor Suppositional particle
ネ Ne Copula
ネワ Newa And. This is used in enumerating items.
ノ No "Let us…"
ハヨク Hayok To arm
ヘカッタル Hekattar Children
ヘタク Hetak Quickly
メノコ Menoko Woman
"I heard…" or "it seems like...". Contracted
ヤカイェ Yakaye from Yak aye, and yakaye or hakaye in some
ヤン Yan Imperative particle. "Do!"
ワ Wa And
This is a sample of an Ainu play, Legend of Sand Whale(ホ タフンペ Hotehunpe). It was performed by the students of Samani Ainu class
in the 19th Ainu Culture Festival held in Samani. The original version was performed by Mr. Soukichi Okamoto and published in History
of Samani Village(『様似町史』).
Topattumi is a recurring word in various Ainu tales, and it is a group of people with a malicious intent who attack the village and sack the
treasures. Topa is a group or a mass of people, and tumi means a feud or a war. Iskatumi means the same, from iska meaning "to steal".
There are no exercises for this lesson.
アタイコル Ataykor To be expensive
アタイサク Ataysak To be cheap
アナク Anak Topic marker
アナクネ Anakne Topic marker
Instrumental particle, made of something, to
アリ Ari do something with X etc. Ani in some
アン An To be, to exist.
アン An= We
アン =an We
イペ Ipe To have a meal
イペルスイ Iperusuy To be hungry
イヤイライケレ Irayraykere Thank you!
インキアンペ Inkianpe Which, which one
インエ Inne To be a lot of people, to be crowded
ウシケ Uske Somewhere, a place
ウサ Usa Too, as well
ウタル Utar People
ウトゥラノ Uturano Together
ウパシ Upas Snow
エ E To eat
エ E= You
エシタン Estan To find, search. Hunar in some dialects.
エノン Enon To where
エン En To, towards
オ O To ride
オシケ Oske Inside, in the midst of
オル Or Somewhere, a place
オカイ Okay To be, to exist (pl.)
オタルナイ Otarunay Otaru (pn.) Ota-ru-nay, "sand-road-field."
オピッタ Opitta All, everything
オマン Oman To go
オヤ Oya Other, something else
オヤク Oyak Somewhere else
オルゴール Orugoru Orgel
カル Kar To make
カイ Kay Interrogative particle
クアニ Kuani I
ク Ku= I
クス Kusu Since, because, so
車(クルマ) Kuruma Car, automobile
ケラアン Keraan To be tasty, to taste good
コルカイ Korkay But, although
コンルスイ Konrusuy To want
シリポプケ Sirpopke To be warm
シレパ Sirepa To arrive
Next day (gen.) Base form sinke. Simke in
シンケヘ Sinkehe
some dialects.
寿司(スシ) Sushi Sushi
ソイェンパ Soyenpa To go outside (pl.)
ソンノ Sonno Really, truly
タ Ta Locative particle
タパン Tapan This
タンペ Tanpe This thing
トアンタ Toanta Over there
トケシ Tokes Daytime, lunchtime
ナ Na Suggestive particle
ニサッタ Nisatta Tomorrow
日曜日(ニチヨウビ) Nichiyoubi Sunday
To be envious of. Yaykopuntek, nupetne, or
ヌチャクテク Nucaktek
yayrenka in some dialects.
ネ Ne Copula
ネコン Nekon In what way
ノ No "Let us…"
パイェ Paye To go (pl.)
パイカル Paykar Spring
ピリカ Pirka To be good, beautiful
Glass. Portuguese loanword into Japanese
ピントロ Pintoro
and Ainu.
フミヒ Humihi Sound (gen.) Base form Hum.
ペ Pe Nominalizer. Thing.
ホク Hok To buy
マ Ma Variation of Wa.
みやげ屋(ミヤゲヤ) Miyageya Souvenir shop.
ヤクン Yakun If then, so…
ヤッカイ Yakkay Even though, despite that…
ラーメン Ramen Ramen
ル Ru To melt
ルウェ Ruwe Thing (abstract)
ルスイ Rusuy Desiderative particle
ワ Wa From
ワ Wa And
Be careful with the expression "pintoro ari an=kar pe". Although an= is used here, this does not mean "a thing that we made from glass",
but rather "something that is made of glass". Ruwe as in "ruwe ne" is a "thing", but ruwe ne as a whole as an idiomatic expression is "it
turned out such", "it is such a.." or "it is like.." to emphasize an event.
This concludes the year-long study of Ainu. This lesson might have been a little bit difficult, but it is meant to give you a sense of what
would an Ainu conversation sound like, so we came up with this dialogue with two travelers to Otaru, a town famous for sushi. There are
a few expressions that we didn't learn yet, but most of it is the application of what we have learned so far.