Patchin and Hinduja - Digital Self Harm - JAH - 2017

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Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (2017) 761e766

Original article

Digital Self-Harm Among Adolescents

Justin W. Patchin, Ph.D. a, *, and Sameer Hinduja, Ph.D. b
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Florida Atlantic University, Jupiter, Florida

Article history: Received February 24, 2017; Accepted June 15, 2017
Keywords: Cyberbullying; Self-cyberbullying; Digital self-harm; Self-harm; Suicide; Depressive symptoms

Purpose: Despite increased media and scholarly attention to digital forms of aggression directed
toward adolescents by their peers (e.g., cyberbullying), very little research has explored digital
This study empirically ex-
aggression directed toward oneself. “Digital self-harm” is the anonymous online posting, sending, plores digital self-harm be-
or otherwise sharing of hurtful content about oneself. The current study examined the extent of haviors among middle and
digital self-harm among adolescents. high school aged youth with
Methods: Survey data were obtained in 2016 from a nationally representative sample of 5,593 a large nationally represen-
American middle and high school students (12e17 years old). Logistic regression analysis was used tative sample. Several sig-
to identify correlates of participation in digital self-harm. Qualitative responses were also reviewed nificant covariates were
to better understand motivations for digital self-harm. identified, including expe-
Results: About 6% of students have anonymously posted something online about themselves that rience with bullying,
was mean. Males were significantly more likely to report participation (7.1% compared to 5.3%). depression, and adolescent
Several statistically significant correlates of involvement in digital self-harm were identified, problem behaviors.
including sexual orientation, experience with school bullying and cyberbullying, drug use,
participation in various forms of adolescent deviance, and depressive symptoms.
Conclusions: Digital self-harm is a new problem that demands additional scholarly attention. A
deeper inquiry as to the motivations behind this behavior, and how it correlates to offline self-
harm and suicidal ideation, can help direct mental health professionals toward informed pre-
vention approaches.
Ó 2017 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. All rights reserved.

Over the last decade, teens have embraced and exploited and come into their own [1e3]. During this transformative sea-
social media and the online world to engage in self-expression son of life, many youth are using communications technology in
and self-construction, explore the boundaries of their identity, predominantly positive and productive ways to meet certain
psychological, emotional, social, and relational needs [4].
Author Biographies: Justin W. Patchin is a Professor of Criminal Justice at the Others, however, are meeting those needs in maladaptive ways
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He received his Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from that trouble the professionals and families who care for them.
Michigan State University. Since 2002, he has been exploring the intersection of
One newly identified online behavior of concernedigital
teens and technology, with particular focus on cyberbullying, social networking,
and sexting. Sameer Hinduja is a Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at self-harm occurs when an individual creates an online account
Florida Atlantic University. He received his Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from and uses it to anonymously send hurtful messages or threats
Michigan State University. His research seeks to understand the causes and to oneself. These behaviors first entered the public spotlight in
consequences of various forms of online victimization and to identify best 2013 when it was learned that 14-year-old Hannah Smith, from
practices in prevention and response.
* Address correspondence to: Justin W. Patchin, Ph.D., University of
Leicestershire, England, had anonymously sent hurtful messages
Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 105 Garfield Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004. to herself on the social media platform in the weeks
E-mail address: [email protected] (J.W. Patchin). leading up to her suicide [5].

1054-139X/Ó 2017 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. All rights reserved.
762 J.W. Patchin and S. Hinduja / Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (2017) 761e766

Much attention in clinical, school, and community settings depression did not differentiate between those who engaged in
has been given to traditional forms of self-injury among teens digital self-harm, drug and alcohol use did [12]. Englander [12]
(e.g., cutting and burning) [6], not only because of the damage found that both males and females engaged in digital self-harm
that is physically done and the internal turmoil it betrays, but mostly to gain the attention of peers. Interestingly, girls did it
also because self-harm has been linked to suicide [7e11]. The to prove they could handle it, encourage others to worry, or get
online variant of self-harmdalso known as self-cyberbullying, attention from adults, while boys did it because they were mad at
cyber self-harm, or self-trollingdhas only recently been identi- someone and wanted to start a fight [12].
fied and has therefore not yet been adequately examined despite It has also been suggested that digital self-harm might relate
preliminary evidence that a nontrivial amount of youth have to empathy seeking, serve as a way to demonstrate a measure of
engaged in the behavior [12,13]. We use the term “digital toughness and strength, help clarify whether certain negative
self-harm,” which we define as the “anonymous online posting, perceptions of them are universally shared by others, and make
sending, or otherwise sharing of hurtful content about oneself.” their pain more visible and, consequently, more real [19]. That is,
This conceptualization encompasses self-harm as it occurs pain may be not only something they feel, but something they
through SMS, email, social media, gaming consoles, web forums, perform in order to elicit a desired response from others [19]. The
virtual environments, and any other online platform yet to be ubiquity of social media and the way in which youth present and
conceived. represent themselves in order to obtain attention, validation, and
In the text that follows, we briefly summarize the extant feedback from an audience may enhance the likelihood they
literature on adolescent self-harm with particular focus on choose online spaces as the preferred venue through which they
prevalence rates and motivations. This serves as the backdrop for can affect and reach others.
the current work, which utilizes a nationally representative The current study seeks to expand upon these early obser-
sample of U.S. youth to determine the extent to which those aged vations by systematically examining digital self-harm among
12e17 years are engaging in digital self-harm. Apart from parsing adolescents. We inquire both about participation in digital
out how certain demographic variables differentiate participant self-harm and motivations for such behavior. In addition, we
behaviors, we examine the relationship to several salient cova- examine if certain correlates identified in offline self-harm
riates such as bullying and cyberbullying victimization, drug use, research also apply to digital forms of self-harm. We discuss
participation in traditional forms of deviance, and depressive their relevance before detailing how research on digital self-
symptoms. After discussing the findings, we provide suggestions harm might further develop to better inform our understand-
for future work to help society better understand and address ing and response.
this emerging behavior.
The nature and extent of adolescent self-harm
Research among general samples of adolescents across the
world suggests that approximately 13%e18% engage in self- Data for the current work came from a survey administered to
injurious behaviors during their lifetime and that this behavior a nationally representative sample of English-speaking 12- to
has been on the rise over the last two decades [14,15]. To be sure, 17-year-old middle and high school students residing in the U.S.
prevalence rates have varied based on what behaviors are A survey was distributed digitally between August and October
considered. Typical conceptualizations include cutting, scratch- 2016 that examined perceptions of, and experiences with,
ing, biting, or hitting (oneself); abusing pills; eating disorders; bullying, cyberbullying, and related teen behaviors. Parental
and/or reckless or bone breaking behaviors [16]. consent and child assent were obtained for all participants, and
An adolescent’s decision to self-harm may not be as much a the survey took 23 minutes to complete on average. Three
call for help as a demonstration of felt pain and distress. Indeed, separate research firms were contracted with to distribute the
an analysis of studies examining self-reported reasons for instrument through four different sample sources via email.
physical self-harmdincluding those featuring adolescent Although this data collection practice is not well entrenched in
samplesdfound a widespread theme of affect regulation. Spe- the history of survey research, such a cost-effective and
cifically, top reasons endorsed were the desire to stop bad feel- comparatively efficient approach has been utilized in recent
ings (such as emptiness, abandonment, guilt, or desperation), to years by other researchers [20]. Furthermore, it seems especially
release tension and stress, or because the respondent was un- appropriate for exploratory inquiries into relatively new phe-
happy or depressed [17]. Other explanations include self-hatred nomena among youthful populations.
and self-punishment and to a lesser extent antidisassociation With regard to the sampling design, nested age, sex, and re-
(the desire to feel something other than numbness), gion quotas were used to ensure a diverse sample of respondents
interpersonal-influence (to get others to act differently or to care that was representative of students across U.S. After the data
more), sensation seeking (to feel excitement or stimulation), to were cleaned, the final sample size totaled to 5,593 adolescents.
prevent suicidal behavior or attempts, or to exert control and The final response rate for this survey was approximately 15%.
ownership over one’s body [18]. Admittedly, this is lower than other methods of data collection
Social media researcher boyd [13] first wrote about digital and not ideal [21,22] but still satisfactory for a preliminary in-
self-harm in a blog post in 2010 and speculated that it may reflect quiry to an understudied problem. It is worth mentioning that
a cry for help, a desire to look cool, or an effort to trigger com- findings from the current study on other measures (e.g., cyber-
pliments as others defend against the harassment. A year later, bullying) were comparable to previous research we have con-
Englander [12] explored the phenomena among a sample of 617 ducted using different methodologies [23]. We are therefore
college students and found that 9% had done so in high school more confident in the results obtained. Nevertheless, the rela-
(13% of boys and 8% of girls). This study also found that while tively low response rate, and limitations to the methodology
J.W. Patchin and S. Hinduja / Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (2017) 761e766 763

overall (e.g., email recruitment to participate), should be kept in were coded as 1: “In the past year, did you feel so sad or hopeless
mind when interpreting the results [24,25]. The project meth- almost every day for two weeks or more in a row that you
odology was approved by the Institutional Review Board of stopped doing some of your usual activities?” Those who
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (PATCHINJ51502016). responded no were coded as 0. Various indicators and manifes-
tations of depression have been consistently associated with
Measures self-harm, particularly among youthful populations [33]. Offline
self-harm was a dichotomous single-item variable where stu-
Digital Self-Harm. Two items were used to assess youth dents who responded yes to the following question were coded
involvement in digital self-harm: (1) “In my lifetime, I have as 1: “In the past year, have you ever hurt yourself on purpose in
anonymously posted something online about myself that was any way (for example, by taking an overdose of pills or by cutting
mean” and (2) “In my lifetime, I have anonymously cyberbullied yourself).” Those who responded no were coded as 0. No
myself online.” The response set for these questions was “never,” previous research has explored the link between traditional
“once,” “a few times,” and “many times,” where “never” ¼ 0 and self-harm and digital self-harm, but we hypothesize that they are
“many times” ¼ 4. Responses were dichotomized with no related [7e11].
involvement coded as 0, while any involvement was coded as 1. Used drugs was a dichotomous variable where students who
Respondents were also asked to describe why they engaged in said they had used (1) marijuana or (2) other illegal drugs in the
the behavior(s) via a single open-ended question. previous 30 days were coded as 1, while those who had not were
coded as 0 (Cronbach’s a ¼ .54). Some research has found that
Covariates. As an exploratory study, we first examined de- alcohol and drug use are associated with self-harm among girls
mographic variables such as age, sex, and race. Age was included [34], while other studies have found it a correlate among both
as a continuous variable representing the respondent’s age in sexes [33]. Deviance was a dichotomous variable where students
years (range 12e17; mean ¼ 14.5). Generally, previous research who said they had (1) stolen money or things worth $100 or less,
has found that self-harm is inversely related to age and occurs (2) stolen money or things worth more than $100, or (3) attacked
(along with suicidal ideation) disproportionately among youth someone with the idea of seriously hurting them (all in the past
and young adult populations [26]. Sex was a dichotomous item 30 days) were coded as 1, while those who had not participated
where 1 ¼ male and 0 ¼ female. The sample was evenly divided in any of these activities were coded as 0 (Cronbach’s a ¼ .73).
across sex (49.9% female and 49.7% male). Recent research in- Delinquency and aggression have been linked to self-harm
dicates that traditional self-harm becomes more prevalent among populations of Korean [35] and Finnish youth [36]
among boys during the later teen years, while girls participate based on parent evaluations of their child’s behavioral problems.
more frequently than boys earlier in adolescence [27]. To note,
Englander [12] found that boys were more likely to engage in Analysis
digital self-harm. Race was a categorical variable where
respondents indicated if they were white/Caucasian, black/ We first present the prevalence rates of digital self-harm,
African-American, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian/Native using both operationalizations of the behavior (“I have anony-
American, multiracial, or another race. These groups were mously posted something online about myself that was mean”
collapsed into the following four categories: 1 ¼ white, and “I have anonymously cyberbullied myself”). We utilized
2 ¼ African-American, 3 ¼ Hispanic, and 4 ¼ other. Sixty-six t-tests to determine if there were any statistically significant
percent of the sample identified as white, 12% African- differences across sex, race, and age with respect to respondent
American, 11.9% Hispanic, and 10% identified as multiracial or involvement in digital self-harm. We then computed a series of
some other race. Research on race and ethnicity largely shows binary logistic regression models, testing the unique influence of
that self-harming occurs among people from all backgrounds, each of the covariates of interest while controlling for age, sex,
although there may be regional variations to consider [28]. and race. Quantitative statistical analyses were performed using
Next, we explored a series of other variables that could be SPSS 18, and p < .05 was considered statistically significant (two-
related to digital self-harm. Sexual orientation is a dichotomous tailed). Finally, responses to the open-ended questions were
variable where students who identified as heterosexual were reviewed by both authors to identify recurring themes or general
coded as 0 and those who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, patterns of motivations for participation in digital self-harm. We
questioning, or other were coded as 1. Previous research has did not develop categories ahead of time but instead relied on
found that sexual minority youth are more likely to engage in the data to construct themes during our review [37].
traditional self-harm [29].
Victim of school bullying and victim of cyberbullying were Results
collected as categorical variables with a response set of never (0),
once (1), a few times (2), and many times (3). Both were As shown in Table 1, 6.2% of students in our sample reported
dichotomized into single-item variables where students who that they had “anonymously posted something online about
reported that they had been bullied at school (or online) at some myself that was mean.” Among those who had, about half (51.3%)
point in the 30 days preceding the survey (1 or higher) were said they did it just once, about one-third (35.5%) said they did it
coded as 1, while those who were not were coded as 0. School a few times, while 13.2% said they had done it many times.
bullying victimization has been moderately to strongly linked Similarly, 5.3% said they had “anonymously cyberbullied myself.”
with self-harming behaviors in both cross-sectional and longi- Again focusing on those who had, 44.4% had done it once, 37.2%
tudinal studies involving adolescents, and the limited research had done it a few times, and 18.4% had done it many times. When
on cyberbullying victimization indicates a similar trend [30e32]. looking at demographic factors related to digital self-harm, boys
Depressive symptoms was a dichotomous single-item variable were significantly more likely to report participating in the
where students who responded yes to the following question behavior (in line with the findings by Englander [12] involving
764 J.W. Patchin and S. Hinduja / Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (2017) 761e766

Table 1 time was a time full of hate for myself;” attention seeking (13),
Experience with digital self-harm “So people could see that people bully me too and that I could
Sample I have anonymously I have anonymously be mean to other people because ‘people’ were mean to
size (%) posted something cyberbullied me;” depressive symptoms (15), “I did it mainly out of depression
online about myself myself (%)
and a time that I was feeling suicidal; ” and, to be funny (24), “I do
that was mean (%)
not like hurting others, but it’s easy to make fun of myself. I was
Total 5,593 6.2 5.3
bored and did it to maybe make others laugh as a joke.” Others
Male 2,777 (49.7) 7.1a 6.3a;**
Female 2,792 (49.9) 5.3 4.2
were simply doing to see if anyone would react (20), “A couple
Whiteb 3,691 (66.0) 6.4 5.4 times to see how people I know would react so I would know if
African-American 637 (12.0) 5.8 4.8 they were talking about me behind my back.”
Hispanic 667 (11.9) 4.8 4.1
Other 561 (10.0) 7.3 6.0
12 850 (15.2) 6.1 4.4 Discussion
13 1,011 (18.1) 6.9 5.9
14b 917 (16.4) 5.7 5.0 Digital self-harm first gained public attention with the suicide
15 1,018 (18.2) 7.4 7.2 of 14-year-old Hannah Smith in 2013. In November 2016, a
16 946 (16.9) 5.6 4.2
15-year-old girl from Texas took her own life after apparently
17 851 (15.2) 5.5 4.6
posting anonymous comments toward herself saying she was
p < .01, t-test. “ugly” and “should kill herself.” [38]. Despite these heartbreaking
represents reference group.
examples, very little academic attention has been directed
toward this problem. The current work is the first comprehensive
college students), while neither race nor age was significantly empirical investigation of this behavior among middle and
related to digital self-harm. high school students. According to our data, about one in twenty
Table 2 presents results of the binary logistic regression an- 12- to 17-year-olds have participated in the behavior. In addition,
alyses. Even though the table lists all of the measures together, students who reported being depressed or participating in off-
each covariate of interest was entered separately in the models, line self-harm were significantly more likely to be involved in
while controlling for age, race, and sex. Just over 7% of our sample digital self-harm. Research has shown that self-harm and
identified as nonheterosexual and those who did were three depression are linked to increased risk for suicide and so, like
times more likely to post something online that was mean about physical self-harm and depression, it is possible that digital self-
themselves than heterosexual students and 2.75 times more harm behaviors might precede suicide attempts [7e9]. More
likely to say they cyberbullied themselves. Nearly 40% of students research is necessary to better understand the temporal ordering
had been bullied at school, and 16.5% had been bullied online. of these behaviors and experiences. For example, does depres-
Both groups were significantly more likely to have participated in sion lead to self-harm (online or offline) which then leads to
digital self-harm than those who were not bullied. Specifically, suicidal thoughts or attempts? Alternatively, do suicidal
victims of cyberbullying were nearly 12 times as likely to have thoughts manifest themselves as various forms of self-harm that
cyberbullied themselves compared to those who were not vic- can surface offline and/or online?
tims. Similarly, those who reported using drugs or participating The findings also illustrate a connection between digital self-
in deviance, had depressive symptoms, or had previously harm and experience with bullying. Those who were bullied
engaged in self-harm behaviors offline were all significantly (either at school or online) were significantly more likely to
more likely to have engaged in digital self-harm. report that they had engaged in digital self-harm. This was
To better understand the nature and motivations for this evidenced in the open-ended responses as well. A 16-year-old
behavior, we included an open-ended question where we simply white female wrote: “After this happened at school, and online,
asked respondents to tell us why they had engaged in digital self- I became very depressed. I didn’t like myself very much. I felt like
harm. Among the 347 students who reported that they had I deserved to be treated that way, so I thought I would get in on
posted something mean about themselves anonymously online, the ‘fun’.” Research has shown that some who have self-harmed
160 provided comments about why they did it (see Table 3). Most have experienced interpersonal conflict or relationship break-
comments centered around certain themes: self-hate (32), “That down [6,16]. As such, it is logical that relational conflict, drama,

Table 2
Logistic regression examining predictors of digital self-harm

% I have anonymously posted something online about myself that was mean I have anonymously cyberbullied myself

B (S.E.) Exp(B) 95% CI B (S.E.) Exp(B) 95% CI

Nonheterosexual 7.2 1.09 (.16) 3.00*** 2.19e4.04 1.01 (.21) 2.75*** 1.82e4.15
Victim of school bullying 38.6 1.34 (.13) 3.82*** 2.99e4.89 1.71 (.16) 5.53*** 4.01e7.64
Victim of cyberbullying 16.5 2.02 (.12) 7.51*** 5.99e9.41 2.48 (.15) 11.88*** 8.87e15.92
Deviance 6.3 2.21 (.19) 9.14*** 6.35e13.16 2.57 (.20) 13.07*** 8.85e19.31
Used drugs 9.0 1.60 (.19) 4.95*** 3.43e7.16 1.84 (.21) 6.28*** 4.20e9.39
Depressive symptoms 15.4 1.58 (.16) 4.86*** 3.57e6.62 1.64 (.18) 5.17*** 3.63e7.36
Offline self-harm 7.2 .87 (.08) 2.38*** 2.03e2.79 .98 (.09) 2.67*** 2.26e3.16

***p < .001.

All analyses include individual indicator while controlling for age, sex, and race.
CI ¼ confidence interval; SE ¼ standard error of the mean.
J.W. Patchin and S. Hinduja / Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (2017) 761e766 765

Table 3 one point in time. As a result, we are unable to ensure proper

Motivations for digital self-harm temporal ordering of key variables and therefore do not know
Motivation Number Example whether experience with bullying at school caused students to
Self-hate 32 “Self-hate is a strong thing.” “Because I engage in digital self-harm or if these behaviors occurred
already felt bad and just wanted myself concurrently. In fact, it is possible that many of the experiences
to feel worse.” examined in this study co-occurdthat is, that digital self-harm is
To be funny 24 “I don’t like hurting others, but it’s easy to
another manifestation of depression [39]. Finally, some have
make fun of myself. I was bored and did
it to maybe make others laugh as a
argued that data stemming from individuals’ recollection about
joke.” the past are inherently unreliable because of the tendency
Looking for reaction 20 “I did it to see what others were saying for them to misrepresent or distort facts from a previous time
and to see how others saw me.” “I period [40].
wanted to see if someone was really
my friend.”
Depressive symptoms 15 “Because I was very sad and upset and
nobody would listen or talk to me so I Considerations for future research
posted how I really felt about myself
One notable concern that bears mention has to do with the
Attention seeking 13 “Because I feel sad and needed attention
from others.” perceived prevalence and acceptability of digital self-harm
Other 61 “At the time, I had very low self-esteem among youth. Research on traditional self-harm has identified
and didn’t rely on myself for happiness, a clustering and contagion effect among young people and that
I expected others to make me happy. knowledge of self-harming among one’s immediate peer group is
This resulted in my own belief that
a noteworthy risk factor for similar engagement [41,42]. More-
everyone hated me, which was of
course completely false.” over, messages on social media sites like Facebook, YouTube,
Tumblr, Instagram, and Twitter which condone or even
encourage this behavior might contribute todor exacerbated
the problem [43,44], even though the Terms of Service of most
and strifedmanifested in school based or online bullyingd sites specifically ban representations of self-harm. If a critical
might trigger self-harming behaviors because of the dysphoria it mass of adolescents comes to believe that self-cyberbullying is a
produces. normative and justifiable behavior, or if disclosure or help
It was also evident from the qualitative data that many who seeking is discouraged in certain online channels of communi-
had participated in digital self-harm were looking for a response. cation, it stands to reason that others may be more inclined to
Of the 160 responses to the question of why the youth engaged in participate.
digital self-harm, nearly half (73) included some reference to It is also unclear whether those who self-harmed online did
others. For example, a 14-year-old white male from Wisconsin so because they were genuinely but maladaptively coping with
said that he “wanted other people’s pity” and “wanted to be serious pain or stressors in their lives or if they intentionally lied
validated that someone did actually care about me.” Some to provide themselves some sort of misguided pleasure in
thought it would be a way to get help, like a 14-year-old male deceiving others. Over the last 20 years, the latter explanation
from Virginia: “Everyone is going to have moments in their lives has been explored by journalists [45,46] and researchers [47,48]
hating themselves, sometimes it helps posting about it online. who have examined how some individuals have “virtual facti-
People try to help you out and make you feel better. The internet tious disorder” and gravitate online to fake pain and suffering in
might be a terrible place, but there [are] tons of people around various Internet-based support groups (now termed Munchau-
the world who [are] willing to help you.” As such, these incidents sen by Internet or “MBI”). Future inquiries should flesh out dif-
are often outwardly visible and therefore subject to our obser- ferences in participants’ motivations and rationalizations in
vation and intervention. Parents, youth-serving professionals, order to determine whether medicine, cognitive behavior ther-
and teens themselves should be trained to identifydand apy, or other psychiatric approaches are best suited to help these
empowered to intervenedin all instances of online abuse, irre- self-harmers. It has also been suggested that MBI be formally
spective of who is responsible. A first step would be to acknowledged as a disorder in a revised version of the Diagnostic
acknowledge the hurtful content and offer support to the target. and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) to help identify and minimize its
Later, an investigation can be performed to determine whether growth [47]. Perhaps, subsequent research will strengthen the
the cyberbullying was self-inflicted (and, if so, the motivations case for such a call.
for such behavior). Given that “human beings are highly responsive to cultural
Even though the current study was able to shed some addi- and social norms, and this aspect of the prevention of suicide and
tional light on the understudied problem of digital self-harm, it is self-harm has been neglected” [6], educators, coaches, mentors,
not without limitations. We sought to obtain a nationally celebrities, athletes, and other adults who have a platform and
representative sample of middle and high school students across voice into the lives of youth should continue to speak out against
the U.S. but can never be certain of the generalizability of the any form of self-injurious behavior. This has been done with the
sample of youth who ultimately completed surveys. Even though help of new technology and social media by various organiza-
the demographic characteristics of the sample closely match to tions (such as To Write Love On Her Arms [], which
those of the U.S. as a whole, there could be uncontrolled for caters to millennials and the It Gets Better project [itgetsbetter.
differences between those who ultimately agreed to complete com], which focuses on LGBT youth). We believe these efforts
our survey and those who did not. Moreover, the low response should be redoubled by other far-reaching entities, especially
rate (about 15%) suggests that the findings should be interpreted given the powerful and unparalleled influence that digital con-
with caution. Another limitation is that the data were collected at tent and communications have on this population.
766 J.W. Patchin and S. Hinduja / Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (2017) 761e766

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