Complaint Summons
Complaint Summons
Complaint Summons
3/23/2018 03:28:31 PM
Dakota County, MN
State of Minnesota District Court
County of Dakota 1st Judicial District
Prosecutor File No. CA-2018-00269
Court File No. 19HA-CR-18-739
State of Minnesota, COMPLAINT
Plaintiff, Summons
LIM BOUNHAU DOB: 08/29/1961
5200 Lincoln Dr #339
Edina, MN 55436
The Complainant submits this complaint to the Court and states that there is probable cause to believe
Defendant committed the following offense(s):
Charge: Threats of Violence (Intent to Terrorize)
Minnesota Statute: 609.713.1
Maximum Sentence: 0-5 Years and/or $3,000.00 - $10,000.00
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 01/29/2018
Control #(ICR#): 18000564
Charge Description: On or about January 29, 2018, in the County of Dakota, Minnesota, LIM BOUNHAU,
did threaten, directly or indirectly, to commit any crime of violence with purpose to terrorize another or to
cause evacuation of a building, place of assembly, vehicle or facility of public transportation or otherwise
to cause serious public inconvenience, or in a reckless disregard of the risk of causing such terror or
Charge: Assault in the 5th Degree (Fear of Bodily Harm or Death)
Minnesota Statute: 609.224.1(1)
Maximum Sentence: 0-90 Days and/or $300.00 - $1,000.00
Offense Level: Misdemeanor
Offense Date (on or about): 01/29/2018
Control #(ICR#): 18000564
Charge Description: On or about January 29, 2018, in the County of Dakota, Minnesota, LIM BOUNHAU,
did commit an act with intent to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm or death.
19HA-CR-18-739 Filed in First Judicial District Court
Dakota County, MN
On January 29, 2018, law enforcement was dispatched to a Starbucks located in the city of Apple
Valley, Dakota County, Minnesota on report of a suspect threatening people. Upon arrival, contact was
made with a store employee, B.J. She stated that a customer, later identified as LIM BOUNHAU (DOB:
8/29/1961), was looking at explicit pictures of women and customers had begun to complain. B.J. and
another employee asked BOUNHAU to put the pictures away, noting they were of younger women who
appeared to be wearing only underwear. BOUNHAU became upset and began to yell. He was asked to
leave. BOUNHAU then lunged at B.J. in a threatening manner. At that time, two customers, N.P. and T.G.,
stepped in to assist.
N.P. stated that he observed the confrontation and he and T.G. approached and told BOUNHAU it
was time to leave. BOUNHAU began to pack up, but grabbed a scissors off the table with his right hand
and held them in a threatening manner towards N.P. BOUNHAU stated “you don’t want a knife in your
stomach” and took a couple of steps forward. N.P. backed away because he was fearful that BOUNHAU
would hurt him. As BOUNHAU left, N.P.’s girlfriend followed to take a photo of him.
Outside, BOUNHAU became confrontational again and mentioned something about a gun.
BOUNHAU grabbed something from the car door, but it was out of sight.
A statement was also obtained from T.G. who stated that he and N.P. intervened and BOUNHAU
kept screaming in the store. As he was packing up, T.G. described that BOUNHAU grabbed a scissors
and it appeared as if he was going to harm someone with them. He was worried so he took a few steps
back. T.G. followed with N.P.’s girlfriend outside and heard BOUNHAU state something about a gun and
observed BOUNHAU grab something from the vehicle. BOUNHAU then got into the vehicle and left.
A photo had been taken of the suspect and was compared to BOUNHAU as he is the registered
owner of the vehicle. The photos appear to be a match.
19HA-CR-18-739 Filed in First Judicial District Court
Dakota County, MN
Complainant requests that Defendant, subject to bail or conditions of release, be:
(1) arrested or that other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendant's appearance in court; or
(2) detained, if already in custody, pending further proceedings; and that said Defendant otherwise
be dealt with according to law.
Complainant declares under penalty of perjury that everything stated in this document is true and
correct. Minn. Stat. § 358.116; Minn. R. Crim. P. 2.01, subds. 1, 2.
Being authorized to prosecute the offenses charged, I approve this complaint.
19HA-CR-18-739 Filed in First Judicial District Court
Dakota County, MN
From the above sworn facts, and any supporting affidavits or supplemental sworn testimony, I, the Issuing Officer, have
determined that probable cause exists to support, subject to bail or conditions of release where applicable, Defendant’s arrest
or other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendant’s appearance in court, or Defendant’s detention, if already in custody,
pending further proceedings. Defendant is therefore charged with the above-stated offense(s).
THEREFORE YOU, THE DEFENDANT, ARE SUMMONED to appear on April 16, 2018 at 9:00 AM before the
above-named court at 1560 W Highway 55 Dakota County Judicial Center, Hastings, MN 55033 to answer this
IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR in response to this SUMMONS, a WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST shall be issued.
To the Sheriff of the above-named county; or other person authorized to execute this warrant: I order, in the name of the State
of Minnesota, that the Defendant be apprehended and arrested without delay and brought promptly before the court (if in
session), and if not, before a Judge or Judicial Officer of such court without unnecessary delay, and in any event not later than
36 hours after the arrest or as soon as such Judge or Judicial Officer is available to be dealt with according to law.
Since the Defendant is already in custody, I order, subject to bail or conditions of release, that the Defendant continue to be
detained pending further proceedings.
Bail: $
Conditions of Release:
This complaint, duly subscribed and sworn to or signed under penalty of perjury, is issued by the undersigned Judicial Officer
as of the following date: March 15, 2018.
Sworn testimony has been given before the Judicial Officer by the following witnesses:
State of Minnesota
I hereby Certify and Return that I have served a copy of this
vs. Summons upon the Defendant herein named.
Signature of Authorized Service Agent:
Lim Bounhau
19HA-CR-18-739 Filed in First Judicial District Court
DEFENDANT FACT SHEET 3/23/2018 03:28:31 PM
Dakota County, MN
Name: Lim Bounhau
DOB: 08/29/1961
Address: 5200 Lincoln Dr #339
Edina, MN 55436
Alias Names/DOB:
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 161lbs.
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Gender: MALE
Race: Unknown
Fingerprints Required per Statute: Yes
Fingerprint match to Criminal History Record: No
Driver's License #: S529170144216 (MN)
Alcohol Concentration:
19HA-CR-18-739 Filed in First Judicial District Court
STATUTE AND OFFENSE GRID 3/23/2018 03:28:31 PM
Dakota County, MN