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Lira Lopez started her own consulting firm, Lira Consulting, SA on May 1, 2017.

The trial balance at

May 31 is as follows.

In addition to those accounts listed on the trial balance, the chart of accounts for Lira Consulting also
contains the following accounts and account numbers: No. 158 Accumulated Depreciation—
Equipment, No. 212 Salaries and Wages Payable, No. 631 Supplies Expense, No. 711 Depreciation
Expense, No. 722 Insurance Expense, and No. 732 Utilities Expense.
Other data:
1. R$500 of supplies have been used during the month.
2. Utilities expense incurred but not paid on May 31, 2017, R$200.
3. The insurance policy is for 2 years.
4. R$1,000 of the balance in the Unearned Service Revenue account remains unearned at the end of
the month.
5. May 31 is a Tuesday, and employees are paid on Fridays. Lira Consulting has two employees,
who are paid R$500 each for a 5-day work week.
6. The equipment has a 5-year life with no residual value. It is being depreciated at R$200 per month
for 60 months.
7. Invoices representing R$1,100 of services performed during the month have not been recorded as
of May 31.

(a) Prepare the adjusting entries for the month of May. Use J4 as the page number for your journal.
(b) Enter the totals from the trial balance as beginning account balances and place a check mark in
the posting reference column. Post the adjusting entries to the ledger accounts.
(c) Prepare an adjusted trial balance at May 31, 2017.


Date Account Titles Ref. Debit Credit
May 31 Supplies Expense...................................................... 631   500
Supplies........................................................ 126   500

31 Utilities Expense....................................................... 736   200

Accounts Payable......................................... 201   200

31 Insurance Expense.................................................... 722   120

Prepaid Insurance
  (R$2,880 ÷ 24 months)............................. 130   120

31 Unearned Service Revenue....................................... 209 1,600

Service Revenue
  ( R$2,600 – R$1,000)............................... 400 1,600

31 Salaries and Wages Expense..................................... 726   400

Salaries and Wages Payable
  [(2/5 X R$500) X   400
  2 employees]............................................. 212

31 Depreciation Expense............................................... 711   200

Accumulated Depreciation—
  Equipment................................................. 158   200

31 Accounts Receivable................................................ 112 1,100

Service Revenue........................................... 400 1,100

Cash No. 101
Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Balance ✓ 7,700

Accounts Receivable No. 112

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Balance ✓  4,000
31 Adjusting J4 1,100  5,100

Supplies No. 126

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Balance ✓  1,500
31 Adjusting J4 500  1,000

Prepaid Insurance No. 130

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Balance ✓  2,880
31 Adjusting J4 120  2,760

Equipment No. 157

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Balance ✓ 12,000

Accumulated Depreciation—Equipment No. 158

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Adjusting J4 200    200
Accounts Payable No. 201
Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Balance ✓ 4,700
31 Adjusting J4   200  4,900

Unearned Service Revenue No. 209

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Balance ✓  2,600
31 Adjusting J4 1,600  1,000

Salaries and Wages Payable No. 212

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Adjusting J4   400   400

Share Capital—Ordinary No. 311

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Balance ✓ 16,000

Service Revenue No. 400

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Balance ✓  8,780
31 Adjusting J4 1,600  10,380
31 Adjusting J4 1,100 11,480

Supplies Expense No. 631

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Adjusting J4 500   500
Depreciation Expense No. 711
Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Adjusting J4 200   200

Insurance Expense No. 722

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Adjusting J4 120   120

Salaries and Wages Expense 726

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Balance ✓  3,000
31 Adjusting J4   400 3,400

Rent Expense No. 729

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Balance ✓ 1,000

Utilities Expense No. 732

Date Explanation Ref. Debit Credit Balance
May 31 Adjusting J4 200   200

Adjusted Trial Balance

May 31, 2017

Debit Credit
Cash.............................................................................................. R$ 7,700
Accounts Receivable....................................................................   5,100
Supplies........................................................................................   1,000  
Prepaid Insurance......................................................................... 2,760
Prepaid Insurance.........................................................................  12,000
Accumulated Depreciation— R$  200
  Equipment................................................................................. 4,900
Accounts Payable......................................................................... 1,000
Unearned Service Revenue...........................................................    400
Salaries and Wages Payable..........................................................  16,000
Share Capital—Ordinary.............................................................. 11,480
Service Revenue...........................................................................      500
Supplies Expense..........................................................................   200
Depreciation Expense...................................................................   120
Insurance Expense........................................................................ 3,400
Salaries and Wages Expense.........................................................   1,000
Rent Expense................................................................................      200
Utilities Expense........................................................................... R$33,980 R$33,980

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