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NO: 373AR2

DATE: April 5, 2005 SUPERSEDES: S.B. 373AR1 dated 2/26/99


Diesel engines have a tendency of producing white exhaust smoke during startup
when ambient temperatures are cold. The white smoke, which is produced by
unburned fuel due to poor combustion, clears as the engine reaches normal
operating temperature. Advancing the injection timing during cold startup
conditions minimizes white smoke generation. One method of accomplishing this is
by using a cold start advance mechanism on the injection pump.

Stanadyne currently uses two types of cold start advance mechanisms on its D
Series pumps - a mechanically actuated type and an electrically actuated type. Both
types are designed to advance the timing a specified number of degrees during cold
startup conditions. They are also designed to be de-activated after the engine
reaches a specific operating temperature to permit normal advance functions. The
mechanical type is manually activated and de-activated, were the electrically
actuated type is activated and de-activated in response to electrical signals received
from a temperature sensor in the engine coolant system.
Mechanical Cold Start Advance
The mechanical cold start advance, pictured in Figures 1 and 2, uses a lever to
rotate a face cam which in turn mechanically moves the advance piston thus moving
the cam ring to advance injection timing. An exploded view of a typical mechanical
cold start advance is shown in Figure 1. Please note that there are two different
piston styles and lever orientations as shown in figures 2a and 2b. The stepped
advance piston and the downwards lever orientation (Figure 2a) are used on Perkins
applications. The advance piston with a pin and the upwards lever orientation are
used on Cummins “A” series (Onan “L” series) applications.

Mechanical Cold Start Advance Mechanisms

Lever Stop Retaining Nut
215-265 lbf.-inches
(24.3-29.9 N•m)
Face Cam

Lever Retaining
35-40 lbf.-inches
Figure 1 (4.0-4.5 N•m)

Stanadyne Corporation
92 Deerfield Road, Windsor, CT 06095, U.S.A. Tel: (860) 525-0821; Fax: (860) 683-4581; www.stanadyne.com
-2- S.B. 373AR2

Advance Piston Mechanical Linkage Advance
with Pin connecting hole Piston

Figure 2a Figure 2b

Solenoid Actuated Cold Start Advance

The Solenoid Actuated Cold Start Advance (CSA) is electrically controlled and,
hydraulically actuated. This feature provides a fixed amount of additional
advance by using a separate cold start advance piston, actuated by transfer
pump pressure, to move the advance piston when the engine coolant and
ambient air temperatures are low .

The CSA solenoid assembly is threaded into the pump housing where it
intersects a passageway that feeds fuel under transfer pump pressure to the
cold advance piston (Reference Figure 3). During normal warm engine
operation the solenoid is de-energized. When the solenoid is de-energized, the
spring loaded plunger is seated, preventing pressurized fuel from reaching the
cold advance piston. During cold engine operation, the solenoid is energized and
the plunger lifts off of the seat allowing fuel under transfer pump pressure to
flow through the check valve and behind the cold advance piston. The fuel
pressure moves the CSA piston inwards providing the desired timing advance.


Cold Advance

Check Valve Ball

and Spring

Transfer Pump
Cold Start Advance
Solenoid Assembly

Figure 3
-3- S.B. 373AR2

Some engines require retarded injection timing when starting but then need
advanced injection timing once the engine is running to prevent white exhaust
smoke. To meet this operating criteria, a CSA valve body with an actuation
delay feature was introduced. The delay is accomplished by an increased spring
preload on the check valve spring which prevents the ball from lifting off its
seat until sufficient engine speed and transfer pump pressure is achieved.

Rectangular Style CSA Solenoid Assembly

Coil Assembly Retaining Piston
(12 or 24 Volts) Ring
End Plug

Valve Body
90-110 lbf.-inches
(10.2-12.4 N•m)
Coil Lock Nut Advance Plug Screws
45-50 lbf.-inches 60-70 lbf.-inches
(5.1-5.6 N•m) (6.8-7.9 N•m)
Figure 4

Two different styles of CSA solenoid assemblies have been used on Stanadyne
pump models - a rectangular style and a cylindrical style. Both mount in the
same fashion and are functionally the same. However, the individual
components of each style are not interchangeable. Figures 4 and 5 show the
serviceable components and assembly torque specifications for each style.

Cylindrical Style CSA Solenoid Assembly

Valve Body Washer

P/N 35276
Coil Assembly
(12 or 24 Volt) Coil Lock Nut
45-50 lbf.-inches
O-Ring (5.1-5.6 N•m)
Valve Body
90-110 lbf.-inches
(10.2-12.4 N•m) Flux Washer

* Coil Housing
* Note: Coil Housing is packaged with the coil Protective Sleeve
assembly and is not available separately
Figure 5
-4- S.B. 373AR2

The cylindrical style CSA assemblies have been superseded to the rectangular
style for both pump production and service. To aid in service replacement,
several service kits containing complete rectangular CSA assemblies have been
created and are identified on the service specification. The individual
components for the cylindrical style will remain available until stocks are
depleted. This is a running change and all stocks of cylindrical style CSA
assemblies and individual components should be depleted prior to changing to a
rectangular style CSA assembly. The service kits are identified in the table
CSA Service Replacement Kits
(Cylindrical style to Rectangular style)
Equivalent Cylindrical
Rectangular Type Components
Service Kit* Coil Coil
Part Number Valve Body Assembly Assembly Valve Body
37054 33191 32944 34268 34194
37055 33307 32944 34268 34195
37056 33307 33240 34269 34195
37057 33191 33283 34270 34194
37058 33307 36572 — 34195
37175 33191 36572 — 34194
* Includes: Valve Body, Coil Assembly, Coil Lock Nut (P/N 32955) , O-ring Seal (P/N 32866)

The valve body, coil assembly, and electrical connector variations for each type
of CSA assembly are identified in the tables below. NOTE: Serviceable
components are not interchangeable between the two styles. Reference the
individual pump specification for the required part numbers.

CSA Coil Assemblies CSA Electrical Connectors

Wire Type
Cylindrical Rectangular Coil Connect Description
Type Type Voltage or Type
34268 32944 12 B Long
34269 33240 12 A Long
34270 33283 24 B Long B
34271 33285 24 A Long
— 36572 12 B Short
— 36573 24 B Short
— 37074 12 C Short
— 37075 24 C Short

CSA Valve Body Assemblies

Actuation Feature Rectangular Type Cylindrical Type
Delay 33191 34194
Non-Delay 33307 34195
-5- S.B. 373AR2

Cold Start Advance Solenoid Assembly Installation

When installing a CSA solenoid assembly, the valve body should be threaded
into the pump housing and tightened to the recommended torque value prior to
mounting the coil assembly. To properly mount the coil assembly observe the
following procedures:
Rectangular Style: (Reference Figure 4)
1 Place the coil assembly onto the valve body with the wire leads facing the
9 o'clock position, as viewed from the transfer pump end. Install the coil
lock nut finger tight.
2 Rotate the coil assembly until it lightly contacts the hydraulic head
assembly and tighten the coil lock nut to the torque value specified.

Cylindrical Style: (Reference Figure 5)

1 Place the valve body washer, flux washer (with the stepped O.D. facing
outwards), and coil assembly (including the coil housing) onto the valve
body. Install the coil lock nut finger tight.
2 Position the protective sleeve on the coil assembly (with the step inwards
and the flat towards the hydraulic head assembly) and slide the sleeve
over the coil assembly until it bottoms against the pump.
3 Rotate the protective sleeve and coil assembly clockwise until the sleeve
stops against the hydraulic head assembly (wire leads will be in the 9
o’clock position as viewed from the transfer pump end). Tighten the coil
lock nut to the torque value specified. Note: Use a screwdriver to hold the
valve body assembly when loosening or tightening the coil lock nut.

During the test following service calibration routine, the CSA solenoid is
energized and de-energized to confirm proper operation. Pump models with
delay type valve bodies may also have check points that required throttle
adjustment to a specific fuel delivery in order to achieve an advance parameter.
Certain of these pump models may also call for the use of an alternative CSA
piston (slightly smaller diameter) in cases where the advance travel is
insufficient at part load (adjusted throttle). Pump models that may require an
alternative CSA advance piston have the alternative piston part numbers listed
on the service specification.

Compact Cold Start Advance

To address clearance issues on certain engine applications, a compact version of
the CSA was introduced. The compact CSA operates in the same way as the
standard CSA. However, the compact cold advance uses a cup shaped cold
advance piston recessed in the pump housing and a low profile advance end
plug. Some compact CSA equipped pump models use pump housing with the
CSA solenoid mounted at an angle to address additional clearance issues.
-6- S.B. 373AR2

Originally, the compact cold advance was designed with a thick sleeved housing
assembly as shown in Figure 6a. For the purpose of standardization, a thin
sleeved compact CSA was introduced after thin sleeved pump housings for
Target featured servo speed light load advance equipped pump models began to
be used exclusively (Ref. S.B. 373). Both the thick and thin sleeve designs are
functionally the same but physically different as shown in Figures 6a and 6b.

Thick Sleeve Design Thin Sleeve Design

Advance Bore Advance Bore Cold Advance Advance

Cold Advance Piston Plug
Sleeve (“Thick”) Sleeve (“Thin”)

P/N 33395
CSA Solenoid*
CSA Solenoid**

O-ring Seal
P/N 32948

* Rectangular style only ** May be either cylindrical or rectangular

Figure 6a Figure 6b

Both designs use steel sleeved advance bores, the same CSA solenoid
assemblies and light load advance components including common advance
pistons. However, the housing assemblies, cold advance pistons, and the
advance end plugs are unique to each design as shown in Figure 7.

Thick Sleeve Design Thin Sleeve Design

Advance Plug
Cold Advance (Install with
Piston recessed holes
facing downwards)
Cold Advance Piston
O-Ring Seal
Advance Bore End Plug Advance Plug Screws (4)
240 – 270 lbf.–inches 60 – 70 lbf.–inches
(27.1 – 30.5 N•m) (6.8 – 7.9 N•m)
Figure 7
-7- S.B. 373AR2

The thin sleeve design is now used on all compact CSA applications. All models
that were originally specified with the thick sleeve design have been superseded
as shown in the tables below.

NOTE: Serviceable components for the thick sleeve design are only available
until current stocks are depleted For service, the conversion from thick sleeve to
thin sleeve should be performed only when housing replacement is required.
When converting from a thick sleeved design to the thin sleeved design, the
power side advance plug, cold advance piston, advance plug screws, and
associated seals will also be required. Reference the individual service
specification for required part numbers and quantities.

John Deere Applications

Original Stanadyne Superseded By Stanadyne John Deere
Model No. (Thick Sleeve) Model No. (Thin Sleeve) Part No.
DB4327-5359 Obsolete RE 501259
DB4327-5360 DB4327-5563 RE 500441
DB4327-5366 DB4327-5562 RE 500442
DB4327-5367 DB4327-5571 RE 500443
DB4327-5368 Obsolete RE 500444
DB4327-5396 DB4327-5572 RE 500382
DB4327-5400* DB4327-5583 RE 502217
DB4327-5406 DB4327-5574 RE 502218
DB4327-5407 DB4327-5576 RE 502238
DB4327-5425 DB4327-5573 RE 500867
DB4327-5476 DB4327-5580 RE 501983
DB4327-5477 DB4327-5581 RE 501986
DB4327-5478 DB4327-5582 RE 501985
DB4327-5484** DB4327-5584 RE 502509
DB4327-5488* DB4327-5583 RE 502217
DB4327-5502** DB4327-5584 RE 502509
* DB4-5400 (RE 501258) was superseded by DB4-5488 (RE 502217).
** DB4-5484 (RE 502182) was superseded by DB4-5502 (RE 502509).

SISU (Valmet) Applications

Original Stanadyne Superseded By Stanadyne
Model No. Model No. SISU Part No.
(Thick Sleeve) (Thin Sleeve)
DB4629-5346 DB4629-5534 836854744
DB4629-5347 DB4629-5535 836854746
DB4629-5363 DB4629-5597 836854758

NOTE: Although the Stanadyne model numbers changed the John Deere and
SISU (Valmet) customer part numbers remain the same.
-8- S.B. 373AR2

Cold Advance Ready Pumps

A number of pump models were released with all the cold start advance
components except for the CSA solenoid assembly. In place of the CSA solenoid
a plug (P/N 33131) was installed. These pumps are referred to as being cold
advance ready. Figure 9 shows the components and torque specifications for the
CSA solenoid plug.

O-Ring Seal
P/N 27268

O-Ring Seal
P/N 32866

CSA Solenoid Plug P/N 33131

Figure 9 90-110 lbf.-inches
(10.2-12.4 N•m)

There are a small number of pump models that were originally built as CSA
ready that have since been changed to include the CSA solenoid. If you should
receive a pump that specifies a solenoid but is not equipped with one, it should
be serviced as is, without the solenoid. However, if a customer requests to have
a solenoid fitted to a pump that specifies a CSA solenoid but did not have one
originally, you may do so but all charges associated are to chargeable to the

Note: As part of a field program to address a white smoke issue, John Deere has
added cold start advance solenoids to pump model DB4-5289 on an as needed
basis (Reference S. B. 528).

Technical Support Group

Product Support Department

Revision Date Changes

2 4/05 Added solenoid service, supersession and operation
information. Added obsoleted thick sleeve model numbers.

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