Sindrome Nefrotico
Sindrome Nefrotico
Sindrome Nefrotico
doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfy028
nephrotic syndrome
Daniela A. Braun1,*, Jillian K. Warejko1,*, Shazia Ashraf1, Weizhen Tan1, Ankana Daga1, Ronen Schneider1,
Tobias Hermle1, Tilman Jobst-Schwan1, Eugen Widmeier1 Amar J. Majmundar1, Makiko Nakayama1,
David Schapiro1, Jia Rao1, Johanna Magdalena Schmidt1, Charlotte A. Hoogstraten1, Hannah Hugo1,
Sevcan A. Bakkaloglu2, Jameela A. Kari3, Sherif El Desoky3, Ghaleb Daouk1, Shrikant Mane4,
Richard P. Lifton4,5, Shirlee Shril1 and Friedhelm Hildebrandt1
Department of Medicine, Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA, 2Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Gazi
University, Ankara, Turkey, 3Pediatric Nephrology Center of Excellence and Pediatrics Department, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz
University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 4Department of Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA and 5Laboratory of
Human Genetics and Genomics, Rockefeller University, New York, NY, USA
ABSTRACT disease, data from genetic mapping and a mouse model that
Background. Nephrotic syndrome (NS), a chronic kidney dis- recapitulates the NS phenotypes suggest that these genetic var-
ease, is characterized by significant loss of protein in the urine iants may be inherited factors that contribute to the develop-
causing hypoalbuminemia and edema. In general, 15% of ment of NS in pediatric patients.
childhood-onset cases do not respond to steroid therapy and Keywords: genetic variants, inherited diseases, nephrotic syn-
are classified as steroid-resistant NS (SRNS). In 30% of cases drome, treatment response in pediatric nephrotic syndrome,
with SRNS, a causative mutation can be detected in one of 44 whole exome sequencing
monogenic SRNS genes. The gene LAMA5 encodes laminin-a5,
an essential component of the glomerular basement membrane.
Mice with a hypomorphic mutation in the orthologous gene INTRODUCTION
Lama5 develop proteinuria and hematuria. Nephrotic syndrome (NS), a chronic kidney disease, is
Methods. To identify additional monogenic causes of NS, we characterized by proteinuria (>40 mg/m2/h) that causes hypo-
performed whole exome sequencing in 300 families with pedia- albuminemia, edema and hyperlipidemia. While most affected
tric NS. In consanguineous families we applied homozygosity children and young adults show a clinical response to steroid
mapping to identify genomic candidate loci for the underlying therapy, 10–15% of cases exhibit steroid-resistant NS (SRNS;
recessive mutation. defined as persistent proteinuria after 6 weeks of oral steroid
Results. In three families, in whom mutations in known NS treatment) [1, 2]. Patients with steroid-sensitive NS (SSNS) can
genes were excluded, but in whom a recessive, monogenic cause have a single episode of NS, responding promptly to therapy, or
of NS was strongly suspected based on pedigree information, show a complicated clinical course with frequent relapses of NS
we identified homozygous variants of unknown significance after termination of steroid therapy. Some patients who are
(VUS) in the gene LAMA5. While all affected individuals had resistant to steroid therapy may still respond to a more intensi-
nonsyndromic NS with an early onset of disease, their clinical fied drug regimen with different immunosuppressive drugs,
outcome and response to immunosuppressive therapy differed whereas others are completely resistant to therapy [3]. This
notably. observation suggests that in some cases SSNS and SRNS can
Conclusion. We here identify recessive VUS in the gene represent a continuum of the same disease rather than being
LAMA5 in patients with partially treatment-responsive NS. two distinct disease entities. Early response to therapy is a
More data will be needed to determine the impact of these strong predictor of long-term renal outcome [4], and patients
VUS in disease management. However, familial occurrence of with SRNS progress almost inevitably to end-stage renal disease
C The
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on 12 March 2018
(ESRD) [2]. In patients with SRNS, the most Michigan and Boston Children’s Hospital. Patients were enrolled
frequently observed histological diagnosis on renal biopsy is between 1998 and 2016. We performed WES in 335 individuals
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) [5]. Patients display- from 300 families. Patients were recruited in collaborating cen-
ing minimal change nephropathy (MCN) on renal biopsy when ters worldwide and were ethnically diverse. Individuals of con-
first diagnosed tend to have better outcomes [4]. However, fre- sanguineous kindred were preferentially sent for WES.
quently MCN evolves into FSGS over time [5]. Despite inten- Treatment response to immunosuppressive therapy in NS
sive research, no effective treatment for FSGS/SRNS exists and was defined as follows: complete response—remission of protei-
FSGS constitutes the third most frequent cause of ESRD in nuria, with a urine protein:creatinine ratio of <0.2 mg/mg, nor-
childhood and adolescence [6]. malization of albumin; partial response—a decrease in
The discovery of monogenic causes of SRNS has identified proteinuria by 50%; resistance—persistent, fixed proteinuria.
glomerular podocytes as the primary site of damage in this dis- In cases with complete response, the absence of proteinuria
ease, because many genes that, if mutated, cause SRNS are pre- was confirmed in laboratory values of negative proteinuria either
dominantly expressed in this cell type [7, 8]. Mutations in four in a 24-h urine specimen or in the first morning urine specimen.
genes, namely NPHS1, NPHS2, LAMB2 and WT1, are most fre- A total of 258 patients with renal ciliopathies based on
quently observed, and together explain up to 66% of cases with increased echogenicity and/or cysts on renal ultrasound who
an onset of SRNS within the first year of life [9]. Advances in did not have proteinuria were used as a control cohort.
next-generation sequencing have facilitated the identification of Informed consent, sample processing and WES evaluation were
more than 44 genes that cause SRNS if mutated [10, 11]. It was performed as for NS samples.
recently shown in a worldwide study in 1873 families that in
29.5% of cases with an onset of SRNS before age 25 years, a WES
causative single-gene mutation could be identified [12]. This Genomic material deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) for WES
finding was confirmed in two additional studies that demon- was extracted from saliva or blood lymphocytes. Following
strated monogenic disease causation in 26.2% and 32.3% of library preparation and exome capture using the Agilent
patients with SRNS, respectively [13, 14]. SureSelect human exome capture arrays (Life Technologies,
The glomerular filter, which is functionally impaired in NS, Carlsbad, CA, USA), next-generation sequencing was per-
consists of podocytes, fenestrated endothelial cells, mesangial formed on a HighSeq platform (Illumina, San Diego, CA,
cells and the glomerular basement membrane (GBM). One USA). Sequence reads were aligned to the human reference
essential component of the GBM is laminin, which forms genome (National Center for Biotechnology Information build
obligate heterotrimers composed of a, b and c chains [15]. 37/hg19) using CLC Genomics Workbench (version 6.5.2)
Laminins and integrin receptors are important for cross talk (CLC bio, Aarhus, Denmark). Subsequent bioinformatics anal-
between podocytes and the GBM [16]. Laminin-a5, the ysis excluded all variants with a minor allele frequency >1% in
predominant a-chain in the mature GBM [17], is encoded by the Short Genetic Variations database (dbSNP, version 142) or
the gene LAMA5. Knockout of Lama5 in mice causes embryonic in the 1000 Genomes Project database (1094 subjects of various
lethality and severe defects of glomerular development [18]. In ethnicities; May 2011 data release). Noncoding variants outside
contrast, mice with a hypomorphic Lama5 allele in the homozy- canonical splice regions as well as synonymous variants were
gous state demonstrated proteinuria, cystic kidney disease and excluded, and variants were annotated using the Exome
death from progressive renal failure at 3–4 weeks of age [19]. Aggregation Consortium (ExAC) database. Variants that were
Interestingly, Lama5 mutations in mice have a strictly recessive reported more than 10 times in the homozygous state in the
mode of inheritance and heterozygous mice were indistinguish- ExAC database were excluded as likely nonpathogenic poly-
able from wild-type litter mates [18]. Two previous publications morphisms. Remaining variants were ranked based on estab-
suggested an association between heterozygous mutations of lished criteria [10, 11, 22] and were evaluated for likely
LAMA5 and adult-onset FSGS [20, 21]. pathogenicity under consideration of phenotypic as well as ped-
We here performed whole exome sequencing (WES) in 335 igree information.
individuals of 300 families with NS. After excluding likely
disease-causing mutations in known monogenic causes of Homozygosity mapping
SRNS, we used homozygosity mapping in consanguineous
families and identified recessive mutations in the gene LAMA5 Homozygosity mapping was calculated based on WES data.
in three unrelated families with childhood-onset NS that In brief, aligned Binary Alignment Map files were processed
responded to immunosuppressive therapy. using Picard and SAMtools4 as described by other groups [23].
Single-nucleotide variant calling was performed using Genome
Analysis Tool Kit [24]. The resulting variant call format files
MATERIALS AND METHODS were used to generate homozygosity mapping data and visual
outputs using the program HomozygosityMapper [25].
Study participants
Following informed consent, we obtained pedigree informa- Screening for mutations in known monogenic causes of
tion, clinical data and blood samples from individuals with pro- SRNS
teinuria or NS (onset <25 years of age). Study approval was We concatenated the genomic loci of 34 genes that are known
obtained from the institutional review boards of the University of to cause SRNS if mutated (Supplementary data, Table S1).
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FIGURE 1: Homozygosity mapping in families with NS identifies recessive candidate loci. Homozygosity mapping was calculated from WES
data using HomozygosityMapper. A homozygous peak on chromosome 20q13 (arrow head) that includes the LAMA5 locus was present in all
three families. (A, B) Homozygosity mapping for the two affected siblings (-21 and -22) of family A4389. (C, D) The two affected siblings (-21
and -22) of family B150. (E) Homozygosity mapping data of patient B1284-21.
on 12 March 2018
Table 1. Genetic variants of LAMA5 in three families with nephrotic syndrome.
variants in pediatric NS
Family- Nucleotide Amino acid Exon (zygo- PPH2 SIFT Mut Amino acid gnomAD allele EVS allele Gender Ethnic Parental Age of Extrarenal Biopsy Therapy and
indivi- change change protein sity, score Taster conservation frequencies frequenciesa origin consan- onset manifestations (at age) response
B12843 c.8842G>A p.Gly2948Ser 65 1.0 del DC D. melanogaster 0/33/195, 366 Not reported Arabic Yes
-21 Laminin G-like (hom) E: 0/0/85, 398 Male 4 yrs (no) None n.p. SSNS/SDNS with
domain 2 (het, m; het, p) A: 0/0/17, 686 freq. relapses (IS
SA: 0/1/24, 934 with Tac, MMF)
EA: 0/31/12, 864
LAMA5, NM_005560.4.
Allele frequencies in European Americans.
Chemically conserved as arginine or lysine.
Younger brother presented with SSNS at age 4 years, frequent relapses of NS, no DNA sample available.
A, African (allele frequencies, gnomAD); DC, predicted to be disease-causing (SIFT); del, predicted to be deleterious (MutationTaster); E, European (allele frequencies, gnomAD); EA, East Asian (allele frequencies, gnomAD); het, heterozygous;
hom, homozygous; IS, immunosuppressive therapy; m, maternal; mo, months; n/a; not applicable; ND, no data; n.p., no biopsy performed; m, maternal; MMF, mycophenolate mofetil; p, paternal; PPH2 score humvar PolyPhen2 prediction score;
SA, South Asian (allele frequencies, gnomAD); SDNS, steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome; Tac, tacrolimus; tol, tolerated; yrs, years.
LAMA5 (NM_005560.4)
11,088 bp
LAMA5 (NP_005551.3)
3695 aa
Homo sapiens
Mus musculus
Gallus gallus
Xenopus tropicalis
Danio rerio
Ciona intestinalis
C. elegans
D. melanogaster
A4389-21 Mother
Gly Ser
(Hom) (het) (het)
B150-21 B1284-21
(Hom) (Hom)
FIGURE 2: WES identifies recessive variants in the gene LAMA5 in three families with nephrotic syndrome. (A) Exon structure of LAMA5
cDNA (NM_005560.4). The positions of start codons, stop codons and mutated nucleotides are indicated. (B) Domain structure of the
encoded protein laminin-a5. Arrows indicate the positions of the altered amino acid residues in families A4389, B150 and B1284. (C)
Evolutionary conservation among orthologous proteins of laminin-a5. Altered amino acid residues in families A4389, B150 and B1284 are
indicated with arrowheads and a yellow box. (D) Sanger sequencing of the respective regions of LAMA5 in genomic DNA of affected patients,
parental DNA and control samples as indicated. aa, amino acid; bp, base pairs; C. elegans, Caenorhabditis elegans; D. melanogaster, Drosophila
melanogaster; EGF, laminin EGF-like domain; het, heterozygous; Hom, homozygous; LAM G, laminin G-like domain; LAM IV-A, laminin IV
type A; LAM NT, laminin N-terminal domain.
causative single-gene mutation can be identified [12–14]. known monogenic causes of SRNS and better availability of
Having a conclusive, monogenic diagnosis provides affected genetic testing, it becomes increasing important to determine
patients and their families with an unequivocal diagnosis, can standardized criteria that help distinguish polymorphisms from
help guide therapy and predicts a lower risk for disease recur- true pathogenic variants [28]. This is particularly important if
rence after renal transplantation [5]. Therefore, genetic testing functional data for the identified variants are lacking and if eth-
should be implemented as the standard of care in all patients nically matched control populations are unrepresented in avail-
with SRNS [10]. However, considering the growing number of able large datasets [27].
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