Cardiovascular Problems Note Sheet

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Cardiovascular Problems Note Sheet

Name: __________________________________________________________

1. Atherosclerosis -

Plaque –

Think of water pipes freezing…Water is not able to get to where it needs to go!

Draw a picture depicting atherosclerosis:

How does atherosclerosis occur?

2. Coronary Artery Disease (Heart Disease)

Greatest ________ of all CV diseases! Leads to _______ _________!

How a heart attack happens:

1. In order to function, ___________________________________________________________________

2. Blood (and O2) are delivered __________________________________________________________

3. When these arteries become clogged, _________________________________________________
Signs of a heart attack:
o Chest ____________________________
o Discomfort in other areas of the ____________________________________
o Shortness of ___________________________________
o Other signs may include __________________________________________________________________________

3. Congestive Heart Failure

- Your heart is a big _____________________ (_____________________ muscle)

- CHF occurs when your muscle becomes __________________, and lacks ______________________
- Blood ________________ and causes heart tissues to swell! This causes
- Heart is not strong enough to pump blood to ____________________________________________.

4. Stroke
- Your brain _________________________________________________________________________!!!

- Stroke occurs when _____________________________________________________________________________

- When O2 does not reach the brain, _____________________________________________________

- Mild strokes may cause_______________________________________________________________________________.

- However, serious strokes cause


Draw a picture below depicting a stroke.

So… How do we avoid all these diseases!?

- Avoid ________________________________!
- Cut back on ______________________________________________!
- Maintain _______________________________________!
- Exercise _________________________________!***
- Manage __________________________!
- Aren’t you glad you have Health and PE!?!?!?!?

How can exercise help the heart?

1. Exercise makes the heart more efficient!

2. Exercise increases stroke volume – the amount of blood your heart
pumps per contraction
3. Exercises decreases resting heart rate – amount of times your heart
beats per minute while resting.
4. Exercise makes your heart’s life easier because it enables your heart to
pump more blood to your body with fewer heartbeats!!!!

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