Goals For Psii

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March 1, 2018

Goals for PSII

Social Studies Critical Inquiry Unit
 Engage the students in multiple ways
 Give me your Thoughts” Chalkboard questions
 Critical Inquiry Display Board: Sticky notes
 Value Line
 Class debate (**Discussion Etiquette**)
 Bring in a guest speaker to demonstrate the relevancy of our inquiry, as well as to
introduce a perspective (first hand)
 Use current events (NAFTA, Earl’s boycott, A&W boycott)
 Incorporate media
 smartboard --- need to learn how to use
 videos
 news articles
 student-led research**
 Teach the relevancy and importance of consumerism within the context of our critical
inquiry on Alberta Beef

Teaching + Instruction Goals

 Use quick + effective brain breaks regularly (before students check out)
 Use language that is age appropriate/ that Grade Nines can understand
 Communicate effectively with the students
 There is a lot going on in my unit, so I want to help my students understand
the connections and follow along easily

School Goals (and Expectations)

 Help with supervision
 Get involved/ help with a co-curricular or club
 Get to know other staff members
 Greet students at the door most days at start of class
 -this starts the day off with a good attitude, and then I can check if they are putting
their phone in the door pouches

March 1, 2018

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